#neal barnard md
3rdeyeblaque · 2 years
On January 7th, we venerate Ancestor & Hoodoo Saint, Auntie Zora Neale Hurston on her 133rd birthday (updated 2024). 🎉
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Novelist, Anthropologist, Folklorist, Scholar, Vodou initiate & Historian, Zora Neale Hurston's legacy is forever cemented in Hoodoo Culture (and beyond) as the masterful wordsmith who cast a shining light on black excellence in all everyday forms/spaces, our ATR roots, & the preservation of Black Voices during the prime of the Harlem Renaissance.
Auntie Zora was born in Notasulga, AL and raised on 5 acres of land in Eatonville, FL by her preacher-father and free-spirited mother ; in what would be the first all-Black township in the country. After the shattering loss of her mother, Zora turned up in Baltimore, MD where she presented herself as a 16 year old (10 years her junior) in order to access free public school education resources; thereby finishing school. From then on, Zora lived her life presenting herself as 10 years younger than she actually was. She'd go on to graduate from Barnard College in 1928. 
She published several novellas & articles, including "Mules & Men"; a collection of Hoodoo Folklore. She entered the zenith of her career in the late 30s/40s after publishing her masterworks: "Their Eyes Were Watching God", "Tell My Horse", "Moses, Man of the Mountain", & an anthropological study on Hatian Vodou .After publishing her autobiography, "Dust Tracks on a Road, "Auntie Zora finally received the public recognition & literary respect that was long overdue. Despite her successes, and unprecedented contributions in classic literature & anthropology, Zora never received the financial contributions that her work so deserved. 
Zora Neale Hurston passed away; penniless, alone, & drifting into obscurity. Friends and supporters from near and far raised $600 for her funeral service and burial. She was buried in an unmarked grave, in a segregated section, at the Garden Of Heavenly Peace Cemetery in Fort Pierce, FL. Over a decade later, in 1973 the Great Alice Walker found the unmarked grave and ordered a headstone to be placed on it; engraved with, "Genius Of The South" in Zora's honor. It remains in place today.  “Let no Negro celebrity, no matter what financial condition they might be in at death, lie in inconspicuous forgetfulness. We must assume the responsibility of their graves being known and honored.” - Zora Neale Hurston to W.E.B. Dubois Auntie Zora wanted to be remembered & demanded that the same honor and respect be given unto her peers & others. Never forget the infectious voice that defined & defied, inspired & struck fear in many hearts of her time & after. We pour libations & give 💐 today as we celebrate Auntie Zora for her enigmatic spirit, ancestral wisdom, labor of love for Hoodoo Folklore, & for the seeing the beauty in the dark, sometimes solemn, corners in Black Culture. Let her studies continue to inform our own. Let her spark a fire in us to reconnect to our roots & grow within our lineages.
Offering suggestions: money, music, read/share her work, libations of water, & flowers.
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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theonlyladyt · 15 days
Are Plants Adequate Sources of Protein? | Dr. Neal Barnard, MD, FACC
Hello my lovelies just a quick short video from the plant based pioneer Dr Neil Barnard. He goes on to discuss the content of protein in wholefoods and how a variety of wholefoods are adequate sources of protein ❤️ https://youtube.com/shorts/Bipr4yUcbOM?si=WwfomNM7rfqK_qp3
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ms-hells-bells · 3 years
the clinical trial that dr neal barnard was doing that i talked about has finally come out! a randomised study that although it was a small sample size, of 19 in both the vegan group and control group, the control of variables and confidence interval, and probability of statistical significance is so strong that the results are considered highly reliable. he also did the trial twice and got the same results.
here’s a breakdown of the results of the study:
A new study, published by the North American Menopause Society in the journal Menopause, found a plant-based diet rich in soy reduces moderate-to-severe hot flashes by 84%, from nearly five per day to fewer than one per day. During the 12-week study, nearly 60% of women became totally free of moderate-to-severe hot flashes. Overall hot flashes (including mild ones) decreased by 79%.
The study, called the WAVS trial—the Women’s Study for the Alleviation of Vasomotor Symptoms–shows that diet changes can be much more powerful for treating hot flashes than scientists had thought. Vasomotor symptoms refer to night sweats, hot flashes, and flushes.
The study used no hormone medications or extracts. Instead, the research team tested a combination of a low-fat plant-based diet plus 1/2 cup of ordinary soybeans added to a salad or soup each day.
“This is a game changer for women aged 45 and over, most of whom we now know can get prompt relief from the most severe and troubling menopause symptoms without drugs,” says lead researcher Neal Barnard, MD, president of the Physicians Committee and adjunct professor at the George Washington University School of Medicine.
As many as 80% of postmenopausal women suffer from hot flashes. Heat wells up from the chest, causing flushing, sweating, and chills. At night, hot flashes interfere with sleep. Estrogen-based medications were once routinely used to treat hot flashes but have been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer and other serious problems. Isoflavone extracts from soybeans work only modestly, leaving women and their doctors with few effective options.
Study Details
Postmenopausal women reporting two or more hot flashes per day were randomly assigned to either an intervention group—consisting of a low-fat, vegan diet, including half a cup of cooked soybeans daily—or to a control group that made no diet changes for 12 weeks. Frequency and severity of hot flashes were recorded using a mobile application, and vasomotor, psychosocial, physical, and sexual symptoms were assessed using the Menopause Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (MENQOL).
Each participant was given a digital self-calibrating scale to track body weight day by day, a mobile app to track hot flashes in real time, and an Instant Pot to prepare soybeans at home. Each week, the group got together with the research team via Zoom.
“Previous studies have shown that soy could be beneficial, so we decided to put a diet change to the test,” says study author Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, director of clinical research for the Physicians Committee. “We believe that the combination is what is important. By the end of the study, the majority of women on a plant-based diet rich in soy reported that they no longer experienced moderate-to-extreme hot flashes at all and that they experienced significant improvements in their quality of life.”
Key Findings
Total hot flashes decreased by 79% and moderate-to-severe hot flashes decreased by 84% in the intervention group. At the study’s conclusion, 59% of intervention-group participants reported becoming free of moderate and severe hot flashes. There was no change in this variable in the control group.
In previous randomized trials, soy products have been shown to modestly reduce the frequency of hot flashes. The researchers theorize that the effect may be a result of soy products containing isoflavones, which can be metabolized by gut bacteria into equol—a nonsteroidal compound that has been shown in some studies to reduce the incidence and severity of hot flashes. Previous studies have also shown that those following vegetarian or vegan diets produce higher levels of equol. The new study showed a more robust response, using the combination of a plant-based diet plus soy.
Many study participants also reported improvements in sexual symptoms, mood, and overall energy.
“This was basically a lifesaver for me,” said one study participant. “I’ve got my quality of life back.” Another said, “I am sleeping better, and my hot flashes diminished tremendously.” Several participants also noticed significant weight loss and better digestion. “Before you jump to any kind of medication, I would try this route, because it’s easy,” a study participant said. “Anybody can do it.”
The study was based on the new approach to menopausal symptoms described by Dr. Barnard in his book Your Body in Balance. After the book was released in 2020, a reader contacted Dr. Barnard to let him know that his method eliminated her hot flashes within five days. Rather than using isoflavone extracts or soy foods such as soy milk or tofu, she used whole soybeans.
tldr: being vegan reduces menopause symptoms. a high soy diet reduces menopause symptoms. a soy rich vegan diet has the most significant effect, with 84% of women with moderate to severe flushes either significantly decreasing or disappearing altogether, and with a slim majority (59%) of the participants losing all menopause symptoms all together.  
this makes me so happy that we’re finally at least getting a few treatments for female health issues that don’t rely on significant hormonal drugs!!!
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Plant-based diets are more effective for losing weight than Mediterranean diets, study finds
Research shows that a low-fat plant-based diet is a better tool for weight loss than the Mediterranean diet.
A  study recently published in the Journal of the American College of  Nutrition concluded that a low-fat, plant-based diet provides better weight loss results than a standard Mediterranean diet. Approximately  12,000 doctors from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine  (PCRM) conducted a randomized crossover trial. The study included  overweight participants without a history of diabetes who ate a low-fat plant-based diet, and those who followed the Mediterranean diet (which  emphasizes fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, low-fat dairy, and extra  virgin olive oil, but limit or avoid red meat). There were no changes to  exercise routines or medications in either group during the 16-week  study. Diets were not calorie restricted or modified. Following the  four-week "washout" period, participants then switched to the opposite  group for an additional 16 weeks.
"The Mediterranean diet  is often considered one of the best ways to lose weight, but when  tested, it failed miserably," study author Neal Barnard, MD, president  of PCRM, said. The Mediterranean diet did not result in weight loss in a  randomized, controlled trial. Dairy products, oils, and fatty fish  appear to be the problem. Conversely, a plant-based diet causes weight loss that is consistent and significant."
Slimming down with plants
A  vegan diet resulted in an average weight loss of 13 pounds, while the  Mediterranean diet had no significant change in weight. Plant-based  diets caused participants to lose an average of 7.5 pounds of fat mass  and reduce their visceral fat by roughly 315 cm3. Moreover, plant-based  diets reduced total cholesterol levels by 18.7 mg/dL and LDL cholesterol  levels by 15.3 mg/dL. Participants on both diets experienced decreased  blood pressure.
The Mediterranean diet and vegan  diet have both been shown to lower body weight and cardiometabolic risk  factors in previous studies, Hana Kahleova, MD, Ph.D., director of  clinical research for PCRM, said in a press release. "We tested the two diets side by side and found that, when it came to both weight loss and  health markers, the plant based diet was superior."
Researchers believe that a plant-based diet leads to weight loss because it lowers calorie intake, increases fiber intake, reduces fat intake, and reduces saturated fat intake. Kahleova said choosing a plant-based diet can help you achieve your resolution of achieving weight loss or achieving good health in 2021.
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hawaiiayla · 4 years
FREE PDF BOOKS || Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health || PREMIUM ACCESS
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Title : Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
Author : Neal D. Barnard
Support in : Android, Mac, Windows, IOS, PC
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Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
 About Books
This nationally bestselling book explains the shocking new science of how hormones are wreaking havoc on the body, and the delicious solution that improves health, reduces pain, and even helps to shed weight. Hidden in everyday foods are the causes of a surprising range of health problems: infertility, menstrual cramps, weight gain, hair loss, breast and prostate cancer, hot flashes, and much more. All of these conditions have one thing in common: they are fueled by hormones that are hiding in foods or are influenced by the foods we eat. Your Body in Balance provides step-by-step guidance for understanding what's at the root of your suffering-and what you can do to feel better fast. Few people realize that a simple food prescription can help you tackle all these and more by gently restoring your hormone balance, with benefits rivaling medications. Neal Barnard, MD, a leading authority on nutrition and health, offers insight into how dietary changes can alleviate years of stress,
 To Get This Books , Read / Download Please Click Button in Below *
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Title : Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
Author : Neal D. Barnard
Support in : Android, Mac, Windows, IOS, PC
Screen Reader : Support
Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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Title : Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
Author : Neal D. Barnard
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Screen Reader : Support
Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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Title : Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
Author : Neal D. Barnard
Support in : Android, Mac, Windows, IOS, PC
Screen Reader : Support
Format Covers : Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
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vegsource · 6 years
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Neal Barnard MD - incredible speaker. This is from 2005. Link in InstaBio or go here: https://youtu.be/-4MT9j_5IY4 https://www.instagram.com/p/BshPeRhnU_t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1htd70djalrr8
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nourishcookingco · 2 years
Plant-Based Diet May Ease Menopause Symptoms
80% of postmenopausal women suffer from hot flashes. Heat moves up from the chest, creating chills, sweating & flushing. At night, the latter causes insomnia. But there's some very promising news!
A recent study which examined the link between menopause relief & diet, showed that a plant-based diet rich in soy, decreases moderate-to-severe hot flashes by a whopping 84%, down from close to five hot flushes per day to under one [1]
Optimistic News Changing to a plant-based diet could potentially bring hope to millions of women dragging their way through the extremely unwelcome effects of menopause. The results of the three-month study, known as the WAVS trial (Women's Study for the Alleviation of Vasomotor Symptoms), were featured in the well-known medical journal, Menopause.
They showed that almost 60% of women became totally free of moderate-to-severe hot flushes. Moreover, generally speaking, hot flashes (of all intensities), decreased by a massive 79%.
In addition, participants reported ameliorated energy levels, sleep, sexual symptoms & mood [1]. All aspects that are essential for optimum living and wellness!
Discussing the results, Neal Barnard, MD, President of the Physicians Committee at George Washington University School of Medicine, stated: "This is a game changer for women aged 45-and more" [1]
What's the Plant-Based Secret? "We believe that the combination [of plant-based foods] is what is important. By the end of the study, the majority of women on a plant-based diet rich in soy, reported that they no longer experienced moderate-to-extreme hot flashes at all and that they experienced significant improvements in their quality of life"
Hana Kahleova, Director of Clinical Research for the Physicians Committee [1]
This particular research project came about because previous studies indicated that soy may be beneficial for helping to cut the number of hot flashes that women experience.
The scientists had a theory that this could be due to the fact that soy contains isoflavones (these are a type of polyphenol which is also found in legumes such as soybeans, chickpeas, fava beans, and peanuts.
The bacteria in the human gut can metabolize these isoflavones into something called, equol. This is a non-steroidal substance which has been scientifically shown to reduce the severity and incidence of hot flushes.
The 3 Step Program to Beat Menopausal Symptoms "Previous studies have shown that those following vegan diets produce higher levels of equol. This new study showed a more robust response, using the combination of a plant-based diet plus soy" [1]
If like millions of other women, you are eager to take positive action against the traumatic symptoms of menopause, then simply follow these easy 3 steps:
Number 1: Go vegan (or adjust your current vegan regime to include whole soybeans). Ensure that you fill your shopping cart with wholegrains, fresh fruits and veggies, whole soybeans (which are also a first-class source of protein), and legumes (lentils, peas, beans, and peanuts).
Avoid all animal products, namely: eggs, all things dairy, fish, poultry and meat.
Also, if you order home-delivery meals, or eat out, be ready to discover the exciting new vegan outlets that are regularly popping up due to rocketing consumer demand. The drive for optimum mental and physical health, anti-aging, a greener planet, and zero cruelty to animals, is becoming the way forward for countless millions, and now, it appears to be a potential answer for beating the grim symptoms of menopause [2].
Visit here for more about Plant-Based Diet May Ease Menopause Symptoms
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onlinebook-us · 2 years
[Read] Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health BY : Neal D. Barnard
Get the best Books, Magazines & Comics in every genre including Action, Adventure, Anime, Manga, Children & Family, Classics, Comedies, Reference, Manuals, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Music, Romance, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Sports and many more.
Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
READ & DOWNLOAD Neal D. Barnard book Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book, AudioBook, Reender Book Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health by Neal D. Barnard full book,full ebook full Download.
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 Read Or Download Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
 Author : Neal D. Barnard
Title : Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
 Get book ====> Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health. Full supports all version of your device, includes PDF, ePub and Kindle version. All books format are mobile-friendly. Read and download online as many books as you like for personal use.
 This nationally bestselling book explains the shocking new science of how hormones are wreaking havoc on the body, and the delicious solution that improves health, reduces pain, and even helps to shed weight. Hidden in everyday foods are the causes of a surprising range of health problems: infertility, menstrual cramps, weight gain, hair loss, breast and prostate cancer, hot flashes, and much more. All of these conditions have one thing in common: they are fueled by hormones that are hiding in foods or are influenced by the foods we eat. Your Body in Balance provides step-by-step guidance for understanding what's at the root of your suffering-and what you can do to feel better fast. Few people realize that a simple food prescription can help you tackle all these and more by gently restoring your hormone balance, with benefits rivaling medications. Neal Barnard, MD, a leading authority on nutrition and health, offers insight into how dietary changes can alleviate years of stress,
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 By click link in above! wish you have good luck and enjoy reading your book.
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indianfitnesscare · 2 years
Vegan Diet can Ease Arthritis Pain: Study
Vegan Diet can Ease Arthritis Pain: Study
says Neal Barnard, MD, lead author of the study and president of the Physicians Committee. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune disease that typically causes joint pain, swelling, and eventually permanent joint damage. At the outset of the Physicians Committee’s study, participants were asked to use a visual analog scale (VAS) to rate the severity of their worst joint pain in the…
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What the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know - Neal Barnard MD - FUL...
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onlinebook-us · 2 years
[Read] Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health BY : Neal D. Barnard
Get the best Books, Magazines & Comics in every genre including Action, Adventure, Anime, Manga, Children & Family, Classics, Comedies, Reference, Manuals, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Music, Romance, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Sports and many more.
Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
READ & DOWNLOAD Neal D. Barnard book Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book, AudioBook, Reender Book Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health by Neal D. Barnard full book,full ebook full Download.
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 Read Or Download Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
 Author : Neal D. Barnard
Title : Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health
 Get book ====> Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health. Full supports all version of your device, includes PDF, ePub and Kindle version. All books format are mobile-friendly. Read and download online as many books as you like for personal use.
 This nationally bestselling book explains the shocking new science of how hormones are wreaking havoc on the body, and the delicious solution that improves health, reduces pain, and even helps to shed weight. Hidden in everyday foods are the causes of a surprising range of health problems: infertility, menstrual cramps, weight gain, hair loss, breast and prostate cancer, hot flashes, and much more. All of these conditions have one thing in common: they are fueled by hormones that are hiding in foods or are influenced by the foods we eat. Your Body in Balance provides step-by-step guidance for understanding what's at the root of your suffering-and what you can do to feel better fast. Few people realize that a simple food prescription can help you tackle all these and more by gently restoring your hormone balance, with benefits rivaling medications. Neal Barnard, MD, a leading authority on nutrition and health, offers insight into how dietary changes can alleviate years of stress,
 #bookish ,#kindleaddict ,#EpubForSale ,#bestbookreads ,#ebookworm ,#readyforit ,#downloadprint
 By click link in above! wish you have good luck and enjoy reading your book.
(Works on PC, Ipad, Android, iOS, Tablet, MAC)
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rj100789 · 3 years
Watch "Neal Barnard, MD | Pantry Staples - Healthy Foods to Stock Up On Now" on YouTube
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indianfitnesscare · 2 years
Vegan Diet can Ease Arthritis Pain: Study
Vegan Diet can Ease Arthritis Pain: Study
says Neal Barnard, MD, lead author of the study and president of the Physicians Committee. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune disease that typically causes joint pain, swelling, and eventually permanent joint damage. At the outset of the Physicians Committee’s study, participants were asked to use a visual analog scale (VAS) to rate the severity of their worst joint pain in the…
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spicybicutiepie · 3 years
Is Soy Dangerous? | Neal Barnard, MD
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posityfuel · 3 years
Plant-based diets are more effective for losing weight than Mediterranean diets, study finds
Research shows that a low-fat plant-based diet is a better tool for weight loss than the Mediterranean diet.
A  study recently published in the Journal of the American College of  Nutrition concluded that a low-fat, plant-based diet provides better weight loss results than a standard Mediterranean diet. Approximately  12,000 doctors from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine  (PCRM) conducted a randomized crossover trial. The study included  overweight participants without a history of diabetes who ate a low-fat plant-based diet, and those who followed the Mediterranean diet (which  emphasizes fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, low-fat dairy, and extra  virgin olive oil, but limit or avoid red meat). There were no changes to  exercise routines or medications in either group during the 16-week  study. Diets were not calorie restricted or modified. Following the  four-week "washout" period, participants then switched to the opposite  group for an additional 16 weeks.
"The Mediterranean diet  is often considered one of the best ways to lose weight, but when  tested, it failed miserably," study author Neal Barnard, MD, president  of PCRM, said. The Mediterranean diet did not result in weight loss in a  randomized, controlled trial. Dairy products, oils, and fatty fish  appear to be the problem. Conversely, a plant-based diet causes weight loss that is consistent and significant."
Slimming down with plants
A  vegan diet resulted in an average weight loss of 13 pounds, while the  Mediterranean diet had no significant change in weight. Plant-based  diets caused participants to lose an average of 7.5 pounds of fat mass  and reduce their visceral fat by roughly 315 cm3. Moreover, plant-based  diets reduced total cholesterol levels by 18.7 mg/dL and LDL cholesterol  levels by 15.3 mg/dL. Participants on both diets experienced decreased  blood pressure.
The Mediterranean diet and vegan  diet have both been shown to lower body weight and cardiometabolic risk  factors in previous studies, Hana Kahleova, MD, Ph.D., director of  clinical research for PCRM, said in a press release. "We tested the two diets side by side and found that, when it came to both weight loss and  health markers, the plant based diet was superior."
Researchers believe that a plant-based diet leads to weight loss because it lowers calorie intake, increases fiber intake, reduces fat intake, and reduces saturated fat intake. Kahleova said choosing a plant-based diet can help you achieve your resolution of achieving weight loss or achieving good health in 2021.
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richardbthomas · 3 years
Watch "Neal Barnard, MD | Pantry Staples - Healthy Foods to Stock Up On Now" on YouTube
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