viv-writes-badly · 4 years
Is everything okay?
Relationship: Anxceit
Au: None
Warnings: themes of depression, shouting, arguments, crying, slight ment. of suicide (In the name of a song), ableism (the phrase 'are you deaf?') [if there are any I have missed please let me know and I will add it as soon as possible]
Summary: Virgil has been avoiding everyone since Janus was accepted, Janus is determined to find out why
Notes: written for @nearbutnothere using the prompt 'is everything okay?' I hope you enjoy it! It ended up being a decently long fic, so I really hope it's what you wanted! [requests are open, feel free to send a prompt or an idea you'd like me to write and I'll try my best]
It was obvious Virgil was avoiding Janus. Since the snake had been accepted he’d made himself scarce within the mindscape, only really leaving his room for food or when Thomas called. Even Roman had been around the scaled side more than Virgil had. His retreat back to his room was starting to take its impact on the light sides too. Patton was clearly missing the side he saw as a son, Logan was getting more and more desperate for someone to listen to him and Roman was spending more and more time fixating over projects in the imagination. Janus was tired of it, this extreme reaction was dramatic even for his tastes and he was starting to get frustrated with the impact it was having on the others. And so, when ‘better off dead’ by sleeping with sirens began to blast from the anxious side’s room for the twentieth time that week, Janus decided enough was enough. He walked up to the door and knocked and ignored the grumble of ‘go away’ in favour of letting himself in. Virgil was in his bed, curled up under a mountain of blankets, various packets of food and water bottles spilling out of the small bin next to the bed. His hair was a mess and the eyeshadow under his eyes only got darker upon seeing the other in his room. “I said go away, are you deaf? Get out!” he hissed out, moving to turn to face the wall. Janus’s composure melted. He hadn’t expected to see the other in such a state, the usually organised room messy and the owner of the room looking just as badly off. All the fight he was prepared for drained out of his body. “Look, I know we didn’t exactly part on good terms-,” that earned him a snort “but it really didn’t warrant you to lock yourself away for weeks on end.” Janus realised his poor choice of wording when the mass of blankets tightened. “Look Virgil, I know you’ve made it clear that you despise me, but I know this is more than that. Is everything okay, love?” Virgil whipped the blankets away, launching himself out of bed with a hiss. Without the blankets Janus could see the clothes that Virgil had appeared in four days ago to get a box of granola bars and disappear again. “Don’t you fucking dare call me that anymore-” he snarled as the snake stumbled back slightly. He quickly recovered though, “You didn’t answer the question. Tell the truth, is everything okay?” Virgil could feel the slight pull of Janus’s power, coaxing him into telling the truth but not quite forcing him. “No! Of-fucking course I’m not okay Janus! Look at my room, look at me! This isn’t just an act and you fucking know it!” “Dear you know you can talk to m-” “NO! No I fucking don’t, you made that abundantly clear. Do you know what the worst part about all of this is? You were right. Is that what you wanted to hear? You were right!” Virgil was crying now, eyeshadow making the tears painfully obvious, and Janus wanted nothing more than to reach out and wipe them away. “What? What do you mean?” the snake questioned, taking a small step closer. “Don’t act like you don’t know! You said ‘No one will ever love you for who you really are’” his voice cracked mid-mockery and Janus was viciously reminded of the argument that had shattered them apart. “Virgil, I was angry!” Janus pleaded with the other, “I didn’t mean what I said! I was lying!” “You weren’t! You were right and now you’ve proved it! It’s so clear now! I spent years and years trying to get accepted! I changed everything about myself before they even considered it and now you’ve waltzed in and they’ve accepted you, even with your fucking animal traits on display!” His knees buckled and he was sobbing, arms wrapped around himself. “Oh little spider, I’m so sorry” Janus knelt to be level with the other, discarding his gloves as he reached out to gently wipe some of the tears from the other's face. “I didn’t mean any of what I said that day.” There was a pause of silence where Virgil risked a glance at the other, whose eyes had started to glisten with tears and had a sad smile on their face. His eyes closed quickly, clenching his eyes shut like he was.
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bearrepublicnetwork · 5 years
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Moving forward. #gonetothemattresses #notseeinganyone #evenfurtherthanthat #wishingyouwell #nearbutnothere #unconventionalspaces #unconventional #buildstuff #makethings #buildingafort https://www.instagram.com/p/BwZ-ObepAZ3/?igshid=m5s1qpncomne
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Chaos Rising (Pt.2)
Virgil wasnt entirely sure how long he'd been out, only that when he woke up it was almost scorching hot, and he still felt exhausted.
"Where- what did-" Virgil sat up to concentrate and see how much he could remember, which was, unfortunately, very little.
"Oh good, you woke up, I was beginning to think we'd have a body to dispose of," Virgil froze as a voice reached his ears, a very familiar voice.
"You." Virgil snarled, jumping out of the bed and storming over towards Janus.
"Where did you take me. What are you planning? Huh? Gonna steal my organs and sell them to your little demon friends? Is that it? Trying to make me think I'm safe so you can kill me in my sleep?" Virgil said, searching the room for an escape as he spoke, while still keeping an eye trained on Janus.
"If I were going to kill you I wouldve done it hours ago while you were unconscious, I'm actually trying to accomplish the direct opposite thank you very much." Janus said, half annoyed. Virgil glared at him for a few seconds before attempting to pry open a window, only to be dragged away from it in the next second.
"Have you ever actually tried to escape something before. You dont go for a window when the person trying to keep you inside is standing right behind you." Janus said, rolling his eyes.
"So you admit you kidnapped me," Virgil responded.
"Tell me, would you rather have your entire body turned inside out as all your vital organs and your skeleton are removed and replaced with a demon," Virgil flinched "or spend two weeks in a bedroom until you can rejoin the mini-society of protected humans being developed until the invasion is under control," Janus finished.
Virgil stood there for a moment, pouting slightly "The second one," he mumbled.
"That's what I thought, and theres plenty in here for you to do, video games, board games, wifi, flat screen, I highly doubt you'll get bored, even if it's only this room," Janus said.
"Jannnnyyyy- is he up yet? Hes not as pretty when hes unconcious," Virgil froze and raised an eyebrow while he tried to work out the second voice.
"Hes awake, and very pissy." Janus said, smirking, Virgil glared at him.
Remus popped up over his shoulder, resting his head on it and grinning broadly.
"Oh he does look angry doesnt he? Still doesnt get why we're keeping him here huh?" Remus said with a laugh.
"Oh I understand alright. But that doesnt mean I have to enjoy it." Virgil growled.
"Oooohhh! I'm shaking in my boots!" Remus said, feigning a terrified expression.
"Why even bother sticking around if all you're going to do is patronize me." Virgil snarled, scrunching his nose up in the process.
"Alright alright, we'll leave you be, theres a mini-fridge and a microwave if you get hungry," Janus said, pointing before walking out the door with Remus.
"Great! So I'm some glorified demon pet now! Fun!" Virgil complained, collapsing back onto the bed with a groan.
He rolled over and stared around for a while before choosing to mess with the television at the front of the room.
"Virgil? Are you hungry at all? We have dinner if you need it," Janus' voice sounded from behind the door.
"Screw off." Virgil said, hoping he was louder than his stomach.
"Fair enough, but I will warn you that the snacks arent always as filling as they look, they're from the Gluttony circle," said Janus.
Virgil waited for a while before he heard Janus' footsteps move away from the door, he then opened it to see a plate set out for him. He rolled his eyes and picked it up before shutting the door again and going to eat it.
Maybe he was just hungry, but it had to be one of the best things he'd ever tasted in his life, and all to soon, the plate was clean, but he felt completely full.
He opened the door slightly to slip the plate back onto the floor, hoping silently that maybe one of his captors would step on it.
This routine carried on for several days before Virgil saw the man in the black cape face to face again.
"What do you want now." Virgil snarled.
"Its been fourteen days, I'm here to show you around so you dont get lost," Janus said calmly.
"Go away." Virgil growled, burying his face in a nearby pillow.
"You cant possibly want to stay in here forever can you?" Janus said.
"I'm an introvert, I'd rather die in my room than talk to people," Virgil replied.
"Well to bad, you're coming with us!" Remus cackled, dragging Virgil out of the bed by his leg. Virgil hissed and turned to pry Remus off of him, only to find himself hoisted into the air.
"Hey!" Virgil snarled, latching onto Remus against his will as the ground got further away.
"Aaaaaaawwww, hes scared," Remus said with a snicker.
"I can and will bite you. And now that I'm right up next to your neck I dont think you want that." Virgil snarled.
"Its like raising hellhounds all over again," Remus said, giving a fake sniffle and snickering.
"Yes only this one cant spit fire," Janus replied.
"But he sure sheds doesnt he?" Remus said, gesturing to Virgil's bed, which did in fact have some strands of lilac hair throughout it.
"Oh screw you!" Virgil said angrily.
"Well as cute as you are I dont think we're close enough for that," Remus said, smirking, Virgil growled at him again.
"Alright Remus,let's introduce him to the others," Janus said, rolling his eyes yet again.
A few moments later he was standing in a town square by an ornate fountain, with several people conversing around him, some human, some demons.
"This is my brother Roman, his boyfriend Remy, and their other boyfriend Emile," Remus said, pointing to a group of boys, two demons, and one human.
"Its really nice here, I promise," said Emile, grinning. Virgil merely shrugged.
"Oh my gosh you must be the newbie! I'm Patton- I created this whole safe haven!" Virgil braced himself as a rather short demon rushed at him with all the force of a rabid bear.
"Do you like it here? Are the rooms alright? The twon looks normal enough doesnt it? I've never interacted with this many humans before!" Patton said excitedly, another human came up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Patty darling I'm quite sure everything is fine," said the man.
"I know Lolo I'm just worried is all- i want them all to like it!" Patton replied.
"Its uh- fine-" Virgil said, practically begging for an escape route.
"Well uh- heres your house keys! And your new address! And dont worry about your other house, you'll be back soon enough!" Patton said, dropping a few things in Virgil's hands.
Virgil merely shrugged and walked to where the sudden trail of glowing purple sparks beckoned him. Virgil was used to weird occurrences, but a demon city was something he hadnt quite prepared for.
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viv-writes-badly · 4 years
Hii I just wanted to say I really love your fics that I've read so far and if you don't mind could you do the "is everything okay?" prompt maybe for anxceit ? No pressure if you don't want to (and doesn't have to be romantic I love platonic pairings too) but yeah I just think it would be cute
Hi! Ohmygoodness thank you!!
That would be such a cute fic, and I’d definitely love to write it!!! Unfortunately my writers block it kinda bad atm so it might take a while and be quite short but I will certainly try my best!
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bearrepublicnetwork · 5 years
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Ran out of kale the other day so I dosed us pretty good. #locationundisclosed #gonetothemattresses #notseeinganyone #wishingyouwell #nearbutnothere #evenfurtherthanthat #evensmallerthanthat #kaleisyourfriend #alliwantistogohome #imissmywife #visasandprescriptions #gottagetbacktomywife #homeiswheresheis https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTl6t9pfZy/?igshid=1onbdfgs1tv84
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bearrepublicnetwork · 5 years
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Yep! #facebookfelon #nearbutnothere #evensmallerthanthat #evenfurtherthanthat #gonetothemattresses #imaround #youllneverfindme #workingnotliving #undisclosedlocation #notseeinganyone #wishingyouwell #bewell https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNwQSwJBJR/?igshid=gsvhh6boayim
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