#romantic anxceitmus
candied-peach · 2 years
ao3: “into the wells of silence” rating: T warnings: anxceitmus, ableism, internalized ableism, medical neglect, crying genre: hurt/comfort description: Virgil’s not having a good day. His boyfriends intervene.
"I told you, I'm fine," Virgil snaps, one last time, as he exits the car, transferring into his new wheelchair awkwardly. His foot catches the foot plate and he nearly tumbles into the grass. The spot he hit throbs with pain. Great.
"Scare bear, you can tell us you're fine all you want, but we all know that's not true," Remus says, surprisingly serious. Janus nods in solemn agreement. Tears threaten to spill down Virgil's face, but he refuses to let them fall. Not while they're still outside.
"Inside," Janus murmurs in understanding. Virgil manages it up the ramp okay, but his arms burn and he feels utterly exhausted as Janus fumbles with the keys to open the door. It's not fair. It's been ten years. Ten years of being fobbed off. Ten years of having his issues blamed on anything and everything else. His mental health is a fun one. Ten years and it takes a hospital visit to open Pandora's vault and realize that oh hey! Maybe he hasn't been lying this whole time! Maybe- shockingly- it isn't anxiety!  Maybe- just maybe- the answer isn't go take a walk in the fucking sunshine!
Even before Virgil makes it over the threshold, tears blur his vision.
"Hey, Virge, can I push you the rest of the way?" Remus asks, waiting for a shaky affirmative before he does, helping Virgil into the house and to the bedroom. Their bed is big enough for all three of them, and Janus and Remus both stand by, just in case, as Virgil makes it onto the bed, collapsing amidst the pillows as tears soak his hair.
"I just-" Virgil's voice is wobbly. "I knew that something was wrong. But now- now I actually know what it is, and it's- it's awful. It's scary and it's awful and I don't- I'm not sure I want to know anymore." Fresh tears scald his cheeks as Janus and Remus gently wrap him up in their arms.
"It's better to know because now you have a treatment plan, but now you have a whole new round of challenges to deal with," Janus whispers. "And it's not fair, darling. I'm so sorry."
"Yeah," Virgil shakily agrees. "Like- like I'm glad I know what it is now, because now- now I can get some kind of help, but I- it's been ten years, Janus! Ten fucking years-" His voice wavers even more, becoming lost in his own sobs.
"I know, storm cloud, I know," Janus murmurs. Remus bear hugs him, just the way he likes, with just enough pressure to soothe him, but not enough to hurt. It's weird for Remus to be so quiet. Then again, Virgil's kind of relieved. He adores Remus the way he is, but he also knows that Remus's typical boisterousness would probably be a little too much right now, when it's so easy to overwhelm him. Remus is good at picking up on that.
"We're behind you in every way, babe," Remus says. "And if you need me to stuff a doctor's nipples down his nose, just say the word, and I'll look up his address." That surprises a watery giggle from Virgil, who should have been expecting it.
"Thank you," he says. "I know- I know it's a lot."
"It is," Janus admits. "But I can't imagine how much it is for you, sweetheart. We love you."
"We do!" Remus chimes in. Janus continues.
"We want you to be happy," Janus says, tucking a strand of purple-dyed hair behind Virgil's ear. "I want you to be taken care of, happy, and loved. And now that you know what's going on, we can work on that a little better."
"And Picani's there for the rest!" Remus exclaims. "So don't worry, scare bear. You're stuck with us!" Virgil smiles ruefully, one of the little worries in the back of his mind put to rest (at least for the time being).
"Thank you," Virgil says again. "I love you both so much."
"And we love you," Janus murmurs. He hesitates a moment, then continues. "I know that- they said there'd be a lot of grief. Let yourself mourn, okay? We'll be right there with you. I'll hold you when you cry, we can watch shitty horror movies together-"
"We can stalk your shitty former doctors-" Remus adds. Janus rolls his eyes fondly.
"No stalking," he says. "No illegal things."
"Fiiiine," Remus says, putting on an affected sulking expression, then winking at Virgil and making him laugh again.
"If you want us at your doctor's appointments, we'll come. If you don't want us there, that's fine, too," Janus continues.
"I do," Virgil blurts out. "Please," he adds. Janus's face softens.
"Always, storm cloud," he says. "You always have me."
"And me," Remus says. "Jokes about cannibalizing your ex doctors aside-"
"Wait, when did cannibalism get brought up?" Janus asks. Remus cheerfully ignores him.
"I love ya," Remus says. "And I'm here for ya. Always, Virge."
Virgil smiles, the tears in his eyes there for a whole new reason now.
"I love you," he says. "Stay with me? While I nap?"
"Of course," Janus promises. Remus nods, stretching out ostentatiously and adding a flamboyant yawn. Virgil smiles sleepily.
"Good," he says, and lets his eyes fall shut.
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Another AU Idea
Remus is the Gomez to Janus' Morticia.
And Virgil is their Wednesday.
Anyway, I'm thinking about an Addams Family AU-
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thegoldenduckie · 5 months
I dare you to rank all sanders sides ships on a scale of 1-10. At least, as many as you can think up of.
OOO SOUNDS FUN ANON! Ill try to get as many ships as i can (but not that one, you know which one)
Rankings under cut
btw i used fanlore.org to look for all the ships, so idk if each of the ship names are right
Loceit: 8/10 Really good, love it, love the content of it
Dukeceit/Demus: 7/10 Its really good! Lovee their dynamic, its a shame we dont see these guys interact in the show much :(
Roceit: 7/10 Love roceit, so many angst and fluffy opportunities, honestly love the angst
Thomceit: 5/10 Honestly im not enthusiastic about sides x Thomas ships, but they can be pretty sweet! This ones really good, i see the appeal
Anxceit: 9/10 AHGG THEM! Sooo good! As platonic, romantic, familiar, and bitter exes! Love it! So many fun amd angsty posibilites!
Logicality: 7.5/10 Its so adorable!! I loveee logicality fanart and fics! I really loved logicality when i first joined watched the show, so it gets an extra .5 for nostagic sake
Intrulogical: 10/10 like DUDE INTRULOGICAL MAKES ME FERAL! Its so silly and adorable and freaky ahsxhjlsxkjkjhsx
Logince: 9/10 aaa its sooo fun! Their chemistry is SO INCREDIBLE
Lomas: 5/10 Again, not big on thomas and side ships, but this ones pretty cute
Intruality: 6/10 I like it! Its growing on me! Has a lot of adorableness
Royality: 6/10 Love it platonic, indifferent to it as romantic, and its just very sweet and seeing content of it makes me smile
Momas: 5/10
Moxiety: 6/10 again, love it familar and platonic, with a father son relationship! Honestly dont like it romantic
Platonic Creativitwins: 9/10 Yes! The twins! I love them just being chaotic siblings, or even on good terms and having being good brothers to eachother
Intrumas: 4/10
Dukexiety: 7/10 I like it a lot!!
Prinxiety: 8/10 its reeaally adorble, honestly love it lots
Analogince (Lo/Ro/Virge): 7/10 cute!
Romas: 5/10
Thomxiety: 5.5/10 this ones pretty cute
Logicalceit (Jan/Lo/Pat): 8/10 Its content is soo sweet
Intruloceit (Jan/Lo/Rem): 9/10 YEAHH I LOVE IT!! MAKES ME FROTH AT THE MOUTH
Roloceit (Jan/Lo/Ro): 7/10 Seems loevly
Analoceit (Jan/Lo/Virge): 9/10 At first i was indifferent to it, but a certain mutual made me see how amazing this ship is
Intrualceit? (Jan/Pat/Rem): 5/10 i think thats the name
Royalceit (Jan/Pat/Ro): 5.5/10 havent seen much of it, but points for that sick name
Moxiceit? (Jan/Pat/Virge): 7/10 ive seen some cute suff with this, i think thats the name
Anaroceit/Prinxieceit (Jan/Ro/Virge): 8/10 so much potential for a toxic yoai polycule
Intrugicality (Lo/Pat/Rem): 5/10
Morolo/Moralogince (Lo/Pat/Ro): 8/10 SO ADORABLE
Analogicality? (Lo/Pat/Virge): 6/10 i think thats the name
Anaintrulogical? (Lo/Rem/Virge): 6/10 i can see the appeal, i think thats the name
Anaintruality? (Pat/Virge/Rem): 5/10 i think thats the name
Anaroyality? (Virge/Ro/Pat): 5/10 i think thats the name
DLAMP: 7/10
Thanks for the ask anon! Again, all these rankings are just my opinion, please dont fight me
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
anxceitmus is just: what a romantic evening *leash gets pulled’ remus stop 
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every chance to get it right 
Thirty-Seven: Roman. Thirty-Eight: Roman. Thirty-nine: Logan. Forty: Remus. Forty-one: Janus.
Pairing: pre-romantic LAMP, platonic anxceitmus, romantic dukeceit
Word count: 4k~
Warnings: continuing the theme, and also virgil makes some poor taste suicide jokes he immediately regrets
Notes: hi aklsdjakjshdjkah so at the risk of sounding like one of Those Author's Notes i appreciate your patience while i adjusted my many many medications aksjdhakjh
have fun!
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This can be platonic, romantic, sexual, or otherwise.
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Dragon Quest
Roman is missing and Janus enlists Virgil and Remus' help to find him. Together they end up on a quest through the imagination, ultimately leading them to... a cuddle pile??
| Ao3 |
Next Chapter ->
Warnings: none (that I'm aware of, but please lmk if i need to add any)
Pairings: romantic roceit, platonic anxceitmus, prinxiety and creativitwins
Word count: 2519
Notes: Yes, this is the dragon hoard cuddle pile fic we've been waiting for. Unfortunately, that will be happening in the second chapter, which I have not written yet because I'm tired and running low on creative juice. I promise I'll get to it soon though! Keep an eye on this one :D
“Remus!” Janus called as he walked into the common room. Just as he expected, within the next five seconds there was a hole in the ceiling through which Remus was hanging upside down by his tentacles. 
“You called?” Remus asked, “Whassup?”
“Have you seen Roman?”
“Uh… don’t think so! But I’ve been in the imagination with Bessy all day-”
“I’ve definitely seen him in the last three days.” Janus interrupted, “And it’s totally not starting to worry me.”
“Ooh-” Remus said, wincing, “You’ve looked in his room?”
“Obviously not.”
“His imagination?” Remus suggested.
“I searched for four hours, but I couldn’t find him in the kingdom or the forest, or the dungeons, almost got killed by a pack of kobolds.”
“Jeez, you good?” Remus asked.
“I’m not fine, I’m more worried about Roman right now,” Janus said, waving him off, “Any other suggestions?”
“The subconscious?” Remus said, frowning.
“We would’ve felt it if he went there,” Janus shook his head, “And Remy visited yesterday, they would’ve said something.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Remus nodded, “...The light sides?”
Janus frowned, why the hell would Roman go up there? Last Janus checked he was still very much avoiding Patton and Logan. Besides, his room was still here, it’s not like he’d gone back properly. 
“He could just be visiting Virgil?” Remus suggested, probably seeing the look on Janus’ face, he dropped down from the ceiling to stand properly on the floor. 
“Perhaps…” Janus sighed, “Do you think we should summon Virgil and see if he knows anything?”
“Eh?” Remus said, shrugging and wandering off towards the kitchen, “Go ahead, I’ma make a sandwich.”
“Don’t you dare,” Janus said, “You know what happened last time you made a sandwich? I’m not having any more fires.”
“That was Roman!” Remus yelled, “Last time I made a sandwich was with the sentient condiment slime!”
“Which is better how exactly?” Janus said, raising an eyebrow, they stared at each other for a moment before Janus sighed, “If you can promise the mess wont leave the kitchen, you can make a sandwich.”
“Fuck yes!” Remus grinned, “Promise!”
Janus rolled his eyes, “I’m going to search for Virgil.”
“Lemme know if you find Ro!”
“...Janus?” Virgil said through the crack in his door, looking a little perplexed, “The hell are you doing up here?”
“Have you seen Roman?” Janus asked, Virgil’s expression immediately morphed from confusion to panic.
“No?” Virgil said, opening his door properly, “Isn’t he with you guys?”
“Neither Remus or I have seen him for multiple days.” Janus explained, “I am totally not starting to get slightly frantic and I was wondering if he was with you for some reason.”
“I uh- no I haven’t seen him, but- I can help you guys look-if you want?” Virgil said, putting his hands in his pockets, “I mean- maybe?”
Janus shook his head, "Absolutely not, I don't want your help whatsoever, it's not like you've known Roman longer than we have or anything." 
Sighing, Virgil stepped out of his door and closed it behind him, "Where's Remus?" 
"Making a sandwich and hopefully wrecking my entire kitchen, why?" 
"Because he can navigate the imagination better than we can- if you've looked around the mindscape then he's probably in there," Virgil said, leading the way down the hallway. Janus would have suggested sinking out, but he suspected Virgil needed time to mentally prepare to go downstairs. Despite Remus' invitation, Virgil hadn't stepped a foot in the darkside's mindscape since he'd left.
"I've already checked the imagination." Janus said, possibly a little too haughtily. 
Virgil turned to stare at him for a second before sighing, "His imagination is infinite, dumbass, you couldn't have checked it all, and you wouldn't have found him, especially if he didn't want you to, which is why we need Remus." 
Frowning, Janus followed Virgil back downstairs where they found that Remus, luckily, hadn't completely destroyed the kitchen.
"Hi Vee!" Remus called, waving before he shoved half a sandwich in his mouth all at once. Janus winced.
"uh… hey Remus," Virgil said, narrowing his eyes at Remus, "What- is that?" 
"PB&J!" Remus grinned, waving the second half of the sandwich - which was dripping jam and something that looked far too runny to be peanut butter onto the floor, "With pickle juice!" 
That would be it. 
"Disgusting! Anyway," Virgil said, turning back to Janus, "Is there any reason you can think of that he might have gone off to hide?" 
Janus shared a look with Remus, who shrugged. Janus sighed, "Not that I noticed… Did anything happen at the last meeting?" 
“Other than Roman having grown horns out of nowhere? Not really,” Virgil said, before his eyes widened, “Wait- that’s probably it, isn’t it?”
“Whatever do you mean, Virgil?” Janus asked, confused.
“Remember how when I got mine I basically took over part of Remus’ forest?” Virgil said, crossing his arms.
“Some of the webs are still there!” Remus said, grinning, “I made some funky spiders to fill them!”
“Right, and Remus went off and hid in a la- ohh…” Janus said, realising what Virgil was implying.
“So, if we can figure out where Roman’s beastie would be likely to hide, we could probably find Roman there too,” Virgil said with an exasperated sigh, “Seriously you didn’t figure this out yourself, Jan?”
“I feel as though I’m being unnecessarily mocked because I was worried about my boyfriend’s disappearance,” Janus said, crossing his arms with an annoyed huff. Virgil sighed and waved him off.
“‘Kay well if Ro’s a dragon then he’s probably in a cave somewhere,” Remus said, before gasping, “Oh! He has this big mountain range where all the dragons in his imagination live, he’s probably gone there!”
Virgil shuddered, “Are the other dragons likely to try and eat us?”
“I guess we’ll find out!” Remus said, grinning.
“I suppose we don’t want set off as soon as possible, then?” Janus said, raising an eyebrow, “Virgil, will you be coming?”
“Sure why not,” Virgil said with a sigh, “I’ve got nothing better to do.”
“Hooray!” Remus cheered, chucking the rest of his sandwich onto the side and running off. 
Virgil didn’t know what to expect when the three of them walked through the big red and gold doors to the imagination, but it certainly wasn’t to have his outfit changed, his hoodie was replaced with a long hooded cloak featuring the same patchy style. He’d gained what seemed to be arm guards that ended in fingerless gloves as well as a loose grey tunic and tight black trousers. He was also a little surprised to note that he had multiple weapons concealed on his person as well as a bow slung over his shoulder. Virgil didn’t have a single clue about archery, but whatever, at least he wasn’t Janus.
“You look like a victorian woman!” Remus said between snorting laughter whilst Janus crossed his arms over an elegant-looking black and gold bodice with a white off-the-shoulder shirt with long white gloves replacing his yellow ones. Not only that, but he also sported a loose cape jacket and a bell skirt that stopped just above his ankles, where Virgil could just about make out what looked like riding boots under the mass of ruffles. Janus sighed.
“Looks like we’re on a quest,” Janus said, sounding like he couldn’t be less excited about the fact.
“Yay!” Remus cheered, medieval knight’s armour clanking as he raised his Morningstar to the sky. 
“Wonderful,” Virgil deadpanned, “Will one of you explain what the hell this is?”
“This hasn’t happened to you before?” Janus asked, seeming mostly tired.
“...no?? Usually my clothes don’t randomly change into something else when I go into the imagination?” Virgil said, throwing his hands into the air. 
Janus sighed and shook his head, whilst Remus leant on his Morningstar and shook his head at Virgil.
“It’s basically like, y’know when Roman does daydream mode?” Remus said, Virgil nodded, “It’s like that but even more… daydreamy, and in the imagination, we call it quest mode.”
“More or less, we have been assigned roles, and while it totally matters if we don’t go along with whatever storyline we are presented with going forward, there will be a storyline that will likely lead us to Roman.” Janus explained, crossing his arms over the corset. Virgil couldn’t help but notice how much jewellery Janus was wearing compared to the rest of them, a gold bar necklace, a silver chain that housed what looked like a ruby pendant, and earrings, bracelets and rings. Virgil was only wearing a black choker with a small silver moon pendant and Remus was wearing no jewellery at all. 
“So we’re heading for the mountains but looking out for whatever this storyline is on the way?” Virgil asked.
“Basically, yes.” Janus nodded, “I have no idea how easy it’ll be to climb a mountain in this dress, though.”
“We’ll figure that out when we come to it.” Virgil sighed, “Remus?”
“Mmh?” Remus said, turning from where he was attempting to shove one of the whimsical forest mushrooms into his mouth.
“Don’t eat that,” Virgil sighed, “Do you know which way we gotta go?”
“Oh yeah,” Remus nodded, spitting out the mushroom and standing up, “North.”
“...Which way is north?” Virgil asked, crossing his arms. Remus rolled his eyes and pointed down the path that seemed to lead them through the woods, which were much more fairy-like than Virgil remembered. If this was some fantasy quest like Remus had described, Virgil wouldn’t even be surprised if they were in some kind of fairyland. 
“We totally shouldn’t stick together,” Janus spoke up the moment Remus went to leave the path.
“You don’t say,” Virgil said, taking a knife from a holder on his arm guard and flipping it mindlessly from hand to hand, “And don’t go off the path, Roman’s told me enough about fae lore to know that, at least.”
They had been walking for maybe an hour - Virgil was finding it difficult to tell the time - before the trees around them began to thin. Once the three of them were free of the forest completely Remus excitedly pointed out the mountains they were headed towards in the distance. God that looked… far. 
“You think we should’ve packed like… food or something?” Virgil asked, frowning. He wasn’t tired yet, not from just an hour’s walk through what was really a fairly peaceful forest, but the hilly fields and river valleys didn’t look like they’d be much fun to traverse. 
“It totally wouldn’t have been wise.” Janus said, taking a few deep breaths, “How on earth did Victorian women wear this every day? This dress totally isn’t incredibly heavy.”
“Jan just doesn’t like dressing like a girl,” Remus said, “Sexist.”
“I’m not sexist, you dunce,” Janus huffed, “I definitely have qualms about ‘dressing like a girl’ These clothes are just… incredibly practical for the amount of walking we have ahead of us.”
“Awee poor Janny, stuck in a big poofy dress,” Remus taunted, “This armour’s all hot and sticky but you don’t see me complaining!”
“Yes, because ‘hot and sticky’ totally isn’t something that you’ve mentioned you enjoy being multiple times in the past,” Janus huffed. 
“Guys shut up,” Virgil said, raising a hand, “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?” Remus asked, Virgil glared.
“If you shut up you might- woah!” Virgil yelped, jumping back as something swept down from the sky and snatched Janus - who didn’t even get the chance to so much as yelp - up far too quickly for him too see more than a red, white and gold blur. Once he’d realised what had happened, though, Virgil shaded his eyes, squinting up into the sky to try and get a look at the kidnapper. He could make out what looked like dragon wings, though they were much smaller than any of the other dragons he’d seen in Roman’s imagination before…
“Was that fucking Roman?” Remus yelled, gesturing wildly at the sky. 
“I don’t- that was- that happened too quickly for me to tell!” Virgil cried in confusion. 
“Welp we’re fucked, there goes the brain cell,” Remus said, putting his head in his hands in what Virgil was pretty sure was mock sorrow.
“Wait hold up- Roman has wings?? ” Virgil said, "Also excuse you! I have a braincell!"
“Uh, yeah Virgil, he’s a dragon, haven’t we gone over this?” Remus asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“You never told me he has wings!” Virgil cried, throwing his hands up into the air before sitting down on a large outcropping rock, “What the hell are we supposed to do now.”
“Uh, duh, we go follow them?” Remus said, gesturing his hand in that direction.
“It’ll take us hours to walk!” Virgil yelled, head in hands, “What if that wasn’t even Roman that took him! What if it was that- I don’t know- that Dragon Witch character he created ages ago and Janus is actually in trouble?”
“Woah dude, ok first of all no-ones gonna get hurt here, this is Ro’s imagination, so it’s not even fun like mine, Jan has object impermanence plot armour bullshit like Logan does too,” Remus said, picking his nails, “So even if that wasn’t Roman, Jan’ll be fine, and if it was or not we should still go after them because of the storyline Janus mentioned earlier, remember?”
Virgil shook his hands out, “Yeah, yeah, you’re right, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s gonna take us forever to get there.”
“Hey look,” Remus said in a mocking tone as two horses trotted out of the forest, “Horses that I totally didn’t just summon because I can do that too!”
Virgil eyed the horses suspiciously, “They’re not gonna like, attack me or- i don’t know turn into the demogorgon or something, are they?” He asked as Remus swung himself onto the back of the armoured black and white seemingly innocent shire horse. 
“Find out!” Remus cackled, “Now c'mon or you’ll be left behind!”
He thought that he’d rather potentially be attacked by a demon horse than be left totally alone in the imagination, so he - begrudgingly - climbed onto the back of the Andalusian and grabbed onto the saddle, suddenly realising that he had never ridden a horse in his life. Luckily the mare didn’t seem much bothered by his nervousness as she leaned down to graze the grass at her feet. 
“Remus?” Virgil said, awkwardly grabbing the reins. 
“Yeah, Virgin?” Remus called, having already started his own horse forward, “Are ya coming?”
“I uh- I don’t know how to ride a horse-” Virgil said, Remus rolled his eyes.
“Dumbass, it’s imaginary,” Remus said, “You can do whatever the fuck you want, you don’t gotta do it right .”
“Oh,” Virgil mumbled.
“Left-brained sides, I’ll never understand you dorks,” Remus mumbled as he urged his horse to continue walking. Virgil did the same - surprised to find that it actually worked - and together they set off to follow the speck in the distant sky that was Janus and probably-Roman.
Virgil really hoped that Janus, at least, was having a good time, wherever he was right now.
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Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @reptilianrapscallion420 @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess (if anyone wants to be added let me know1)
I'm also going to tag @doteddestroyer because you seemed to have a vested interest in this fic in particular. hehe
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Hi mangooo!
It's been a bit since I last read, but I just caught up with everything and wow....
I wanted to ask a few things lol
1. Would you be able to add me to the @ list? Or is that for specific people only?
2. Is LAMP canon? Or is it still just prinxiety, logically, and anxceitmus/demos?
Also please tell me my poor babies will make up and communicate ;-; they're all so bad at it kfbdkdbs
I hope you have a great day/night mango ^v^!
Welcome back, love! I thought i hadnt seen you around in a while haha
1. There isnt really a tag list unfortunately, i can never get it to function on a large scale. The ppl @ ed at the top of every update description are just those whp have an ask screenshotted at the top!
2. Romantic LAMP and queerplatonic Demus are the emdgames here! How they get there is mostly up to you guys, but that is where its going to be before the end.
"When will they make up and communicate" — Well, its up to yall to trigger those conversations! By virtue of the medium we're working wih, they wont talk unless you send an ask abt it and make them ;)
All six of them have some room to grow in communication skills, some more than others. It will take time and effort!
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starlocked01 · 1 year
If you still wanted requests how about "I didn't know where else to go." with Anxceitmus? Up to you if its platonic or romantic, I'm happy either way
So, I know this has been sitting in my box forever..
I started writing this! And then I couldn't figure out how to finish it, so it got donated to the @tsspromptmonth fic swap! So that should be posted later this month. Very sorry about the delay and not technically writing it all 😅
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t4t-apexeclipse · 2 years
I FORGOT POLYCULES EXISTED <- is IN a polycule /lh
okay so!! polycule ship opinions:
i just woke up so forgive me if words fail me jsjdjdjf
intruloceit: i love the aesthetic :3 and honestly id prefer it if it was just logan dating remus and janus and not remus and janus dating each other (not a big fan of dukeceit)
moloceit: i have similar thoughts on this one tbh. good aesthetic, don’t like logicality so just the moceit and loceit part. they’d be great :D
anxceitmus: lowkey i prefer them being familial rather than romantic (sometimes i like romantic dukexiety but that’s like. not common lmao). i just feel like janus is virgils dad, which is part of why i don’t like anxceit i think
moralogince: such a good aesthetic even if i don’t like logicality jsjdjdjf i like the idea of them being in a relationship pre aa, and then after virgils name reveal he joins the relationship, even if i fucking despise moxiety ksjdjjcjc idk it’s cute!!!
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Virgil- We got this, right?
Janus- Yeah. Definitely.
Remus- They're gonna be sorry they ever tried to mess with the Dark sides.
Source: She-ra
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Remus: *kisses Virgil in the heat of the moment after Thomas says he’s helpful*
Virgil: *completely dumbfounded*
Remus: Whoops. Bad touch day?
Virgil: Janus, I’m stealing your man.
Janus: More like my man is stealing you. Welcome to the relationship.
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Dukeceit Moments (DarkSides Family AU)
Just random things about Remus & Janus in my au. I haven't made anything about this au for a bit, so I decided to do a lil thing. Enjoy these lil f*ckers.
Trigger/Content Warning: chronic migraines(?), mention of nausea, mention of pain meds/pills, mention of intrusive thoughts
Janus and Remus do occasional date nights, but it's usually at home cause Janus doesn't like to deal with the general public any more than he needs to
Remus has no shame, or at least very little shame, and this leads to them not giving a f*ck (aka: they're chaotic, obviously)
Remus' ideas for date nights are always very weird and creative
Like one time they went to a wreck room thingy as a date after Janus had a particularly stressful day (high stress case that went on for stupidly long), BUT: Remus made a game out of it
the game was basically whoever smashed the most things but the twist was you had to put a name to the things and the name HAD to be as ridiculous as possible
in the end, Remus declared Janus the winner and Janus had worked out all his frustrated that had built up
and the night continued with them eating takeout at home and making fun of cheap-ass horror movies and flirting with each other as if they weren't already married
both Janus and Remus can flirt, but they can't handle when they're flirted back with
so they'll sometimes have these flirt-offs to see who can fluster who more
and it gets super funny
Virgil once came out of his room to see a very red and flustered Remus hiding in their hands, next to a chuckling Janus, and he was like "nope" and went back upstairs
when they do go out/in public for date nights, they'll make sure to check on Virgil every-so-often and/or leave him at his friend's house or at Roman's house so he isn't left alone n stuff
sometimes at-home date night turns into cuddle-fest family night & Virgil will join them on the couch & they'll all make fun of bad movies or watch something funny/gory and eat popcorn OR will occasionally have boardgame nights but they always play boardgames with some Remus-suggested twist (it makes it all the more fun, anyway)
dancing in the kitchen at 3am when neither of them can sleep worth sh*t
they would do the tango if they had the room (they're both flirtatious lil f*cks)
but yus, dukeceit swaying with each other or one dips the other or they do some version of the waltz whole listening to quiet/low volume music so they don't wake their son up
usually it's funky classical music or something like I Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers (that's their song), or maybe something like Farewell Wanderlust by The Amazing Devil
and maybe when they have the energy for it, and make sure they won't wake Virgil up, they'll carefully rearrange the living room so they can do a lil tango
after they're done, they put things back where they were
sometimes when they dance at 3am, and after they finally feel like they can sleep, they'll just pass out together on the couch
and sometimes that's how Virgil finds them in the morning, embracing each other, asleep, on the couch
it brings a small smile to his face
because they love each other so much and it shows
side note: Janus gets chronic migraines and has different triggers that set them off
like if he has to deal with loud noise for too long, or certain smell make his head pound and nausea crawl up his throat
imagine Virgil and/or Remus taking care of him
getting the nausea meds and some water and some pain meds, and they'll dim the lights or turn off the lights cause they know Janus can be very light-sensitive during a particularly bad migraine
sometimes Janus can get a little clingy when he's in pain, so Remus and Virgil will gladly snuggle up with him and help him sleep/rest
Janus makes a point to Virgil that he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to because he knows Virgil isn't very touchy and he worries that he's pressuring him somehow, BUT Virgil is always "I wouldn't do it if it upset me. I just wanna cuddle you, okay?" and Janus calms down a little and just accepts it
and yeah, just them <3
Janus helping Remus through a tough intrusive thoughts moment/episode
like their thoughts are getting kinda loud and they want to smash their head into the wall cause the thoughts won't shut up, like pls shut up I don't wanna do that pls I don't wanna hurt them pls pls
Janus helps them calm down and carefully holds their hands and makes sure they don't start hitting their head on the wall because it's happened before
and he reminds them how they're only thoughts and he knows they'll never act on them and that they're safe, it's okay let them pass through i've got you
Virgil and Janus have a discussion how to best help Remus when it happens cause he found out about Remus' intrusive thoughts and his immediate reaction was basically "that sounds scary, how can I help?"
so yeah, Janus teaches him what he knows and Virgil realizes he also deals with intrusive thoughts on some level but used to think it was just 'dumb anxiety'
and then they three learn from each other/teach each other/help each other figure out how to best help with one another's icky thoughts
Janus is very educated in Psychology and mental health things because he originally was going to be a psychologist but then got into law and switched majors kinda early on
Remus and Virgil will have random times when they'll communicate that they need to just shout out their intrusive thoughts and need someone there to watch over them in case they get too overwhelmed
and so they have a codeword when they need to do that, and it's "Meanie-Brain time"
and sometimes Janus will help out in those times but he can't always cause they can get pretty loud and that may trigger his migraines
More to come sometime down the road. I have a lot of drafts, lmao.
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cyanberry08-3 · 3 years
Day 23 Anxceitmus
After this I’m not gonna be posting anymore days soo have this ig @sanders-spring
Ship: Anxceitmus (up to interpretation)
It was well known that none of the core sides wanted anything to do with the others. Going so far to the point where they were the “dark sides” of Thomas’ personality.
All three of them thought it was dumb but nonetheless they weren’t really able to go speak to the core sides about it.
Patton wanted nothing with Janus and Remus. For some reason, he had a softer spot for Virgil.
Roman wanted nothing from all of them. For a variety of reasons.
And they were too irrational for Logan according to the side himself.
So all they had were just the three of them together. It was just them against the small world of Thomas’ head.
“No matter what, we’ll always have each other, right?” Virgil had asked.
“Of course n-“
“Duh! We’ll always be together like the human centipede!” Remus interrupted Janus.
“That’s such a wonderful analogy Remus,” Janus replied, “But yes, we’ll always be together Virgil.”
“No of course not, why would you ever think that?” Janus lied reassuringly.
“Only Jan-ass would lie to you! Not on purpose and not all the time.”
“If you still have doubts, what if we made a vow?” Janus suggested.
“Ooh! Like wedding vows? When’s our honey moon?”
“No Remus, not like that. He means like a promise.” Virgil corrected him.
“Oh! That’s a little vanilla but okay!” Remus agreed, “But how are we gonna go do that? We’re not gonna sign some boring contract are we?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what we’ll do. But I’m not entirely sure what either.”
“Um,” Virgil interjected, “this sounds so embarrassing, but what if we did… a pinky promise?”
“That sounds like a nice idea actually, let’s not do it.”
“What about you Remus?”
“Sure!” He held up his pinky.
Janus had taken off his glove and held up his pinky as Virgil held his up as well.
The three of them locked their pinkies awkwardly as Virgil began to speak.
“Promise to never leave each other’s sides no matter what?”
“We promise.” Janus and Remus said both at once.
“And if any of us breaks this promise I’ll break whoever-broke-it’s finger!” Remus continued without Janus.
They then unlocked their pinkies. Janus put his gloves back on before speaking.
“I’m sure you’ll have to do it sometime..”
“I’m sure you won’t either.” Virgil smiled. “Now that the sentimental stuff is over, who wants to watch a movie?”
“Me! Let’s watch something raunchy!”
In the end, everything turned out fine.
Totally fine.
But that’s not a story for today.
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Romantic anxceitmus is heavily underrated and needs more fics +fanart, change my mind
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candied-peach · 4 years
ao3: “paint it red” rating: T warnings: autistic remus, autistic logan, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus, anxceitmus genre: fluff description: Virgil paints everyone’s nails. (for anon prompt:  "Imagine your virgil who paints nails fic (I think it was anxceit) but virgil going around painting everyone's nails red to support an autistic side (which is up to you)")
"Remus," Virgil says, half-laughing as he carries his nail polish kit into the kitchen. "You have to sit down if you want me to paint your nails." His boyfriend looks up, red spreading across his cheeks, as he plops obediently into a kitchen chair. Deceit's already pulled up a chair, gloves neatly folded in his lap. His hands are demurely clasped, and Virgil can tell he's nervous about showing the scales dotted across his skin.
"We're gonna paint 'em red, right?" Remus asks, dragging Virgil's attention back to him. "Red like blood splattered on the road after an accident?"
"Yes," Virgil assures him. "No blue, no puzzle pieces, just red and anything else you want to add."
"A knife!" Remus says brightly. Virgil blinks.
"Why a knife?" He asks. Remus grins, his teeth looking pointier than ever.
"Virgil, love, are you sure you want that answer?" Deceit asks. Virgil laughs, his shoulders jerking in a lopsided shrug.
"Does it involve violence against supporters of Autism Speaks?" Virgil asks. Remus nods eagerly. Virgil ponders for a moment. "Eh, sure, I can try to draw a knife on one of your nails," he decides.
"Did someone say nail painting?" Roman's voice drifts into the kitchen, seconds before the rest of him appears.
"I'm painting Remus's and Dee's nails red for autism acceptance," Virgil explains. "You want in?"
"Do I!" Roman exclaims. "I'm sure the others would like it, as well."
"Even Logan?" Virgil asks skeptically. Roman nods.
"Nail polish isn't a bad texture," he says. "And the smell goes away pretty fast. I'll be right back." He clatters up the stairs, leaving the kitchen in relative peace.
"Well, I'll get started with you," Virgil tells Remus. "Let me see your nails, babe." Remus obediently splays both hands on the table. His nails are slightly ragged, but still more than adequate for Virgil's purpose.
"Creme polish or holographic?" He asks, holding up two bottles. Remus chose holographic without hesitation, a decision Virgil thought would be repeated, judging by the appreciative glances Deceit kept flicking his way.
"Try to stay still," he warns Remus. "You can jiggle your legs if you need to, but try to keep your hands still, so I can paint them. Is that okay?"
"Yeah!" Remus says. Virgil can already feel his right leg bouncing but true to his words, his hands remain steady as Virgil begins to apply the first coat. He's finished one hand and is working on the other by the time Roman enters the kitchen again, Patton and Logan in tow. Patton keeps bouncing on his toes, playing with his cardigan.
"Oooh, pretty!" Patton exclaims. "It's all glittery!"
"It's holographic," Virgil says absently. "Do you all want your nails painted red, too? It's for autism acceptance." A chorus of yeses answer him. He smiles as he finishes the last nail, blowing lightly on it.
"Thanks to the mind palace, they're already dry," he says. "So I can draw the knife now."
"Knife?" Patton questions, sounding alarmed. Virgil laughs.
"Chill, Pop Star," he says. "It's just some nail art." He chooses Remus's thumbnail, since it has the greatest surface area, and manages a silver knife, only slightly lopsided. Remus peers down at it and grins, happy flapping his hands in the air.
"I love it!" He squeals. Virgil beams, looking around the slightly crowded kitchen. He also notices that Logan has swapped his usual tie for a red striped one. When Logan notices his gaze upon him, a faint blush climbs up his neck.
"Good," Virgil says. "Now, who's next?"
tag list: @k9cat @paravigilant-virgil @croftergamer @airiervessel @bexxbeauty @yalltookmyurlideas @ambersky0319 @ihateitwhenyourejustvague @did-he-just-hiss-at-me @matthindavick @killjoy-3000 @littlestliu
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