simplybysookie · 2 years
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🍼 /for the laughs
Nori was stressed. What the fuck was she supposed to do about some two-Bit little toddling with its blunt, grubby claws and wide-eyed, juvenile stare???? She could feel her mana pulsing in her head, making the scales around her eyes darker with concentration,,. "Pet." She said calmly,, giving him a gentle tug of his leash as her squint took in the worn-yellow-green stripes of the mini-mon's garment,,. Well, less stripes than just the sweater cut in two.... Fuck damn it was a baby. Shit. Asgore's left horn crack,,,. "Be a doll, Pet, I'll dump 'em somewhere... else, okay?" It was less of a request than an order,,,. Know better than to even think defiance,, she thought in blinks of stone-slate, Soul barely fingers over cold dewy dandelions in grass sun white and early,,, chalk dust falling to the ground from the black-board,,,.
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gameswillbeplayed · 2 years
(continuing from here)
It was kind of a joke, really. It’s not Matt’s fault Near doesn’t understand threats as jokes - it’s probably one of the reasons he and Mello don’t get along. Still. It was a joke. And Near just had to go all out. Matt huffs, crosses his arms.
“I’d like to see you do better,” he snides back, although it’s not really that good a comeback - Near’s abilities lie elsewhere, everyone knows that. “No wonder no-one likes you, can’t even take a joke,” he continues, rolling his eyes. A little bit better.
“Just as well you’re acing the tests for now or you’d have nothing left, huh.” And Matt feels immediately better after the last remark. He throws a smug grin at Near. Take that. Dickhead.
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warofchanges · 11 months
“Who throws a Halloween party in the middle of nowhere?”
"It will be us, or most likely me throwing a party over your dead body if you keep nagging that way." Light gritted his teeth so harshly to produce a screaking sound between each syllable. Hands firm on the steering wheel, he was accusing the long hours of driving in the middle of goddamn nowhere and somehow the instinct to slam on the gas was getting stronger and stronger.
Near wouldn't like it, oh, oh, he would not.
The alluring temptation was so close to becoming a reality if only Light didn't have to hit the brakes abruptly. "What the hell?!" He almost yelled at the shadow crossing the street so quickly that it was hard to guess the outline. "Did you see that? What was it?"
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93312639 · 2 years
Near slides over the L mask he had previously shown interest in having. "Here; take it. You're like a spoiled child who throws a tantrum until he gets his way."
Now this is no fun. This is why Near pales in comparison to L in virtually every single way.
Still, it has been lonely.
For now, he shall ignore the ad hominem attacks. Light takes the mask and holds it up to his face, gazing through it at Near. "Although the construction is adequate, I must ask why L looks...like that. What sort of reference photos were you working off of?"
He is not asking for the pictures. He is not.
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cosmicxxxlight · 9 days
Forever my favorite head canon for my Lucifer muse i had on here is that he's in control of the sun he rises it every morning he was created from it. So sometimes he just gets lazy and decides " nah i don't really feel like it." so the world is just in darkness and he ends up killing a lot of life but how much depends on for how long he decides to just be lazyyyyyyy or is feeling sad so just does not rise the sun at all bc feeling sad. @storywrought @nearriver
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modelpluswarsaw · 3 years
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Evans Nikopoulos for DANTE Men’s SS21 Collection 
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lifesliced · 2 years
❝ they’ll come here after me — rester and lidner. ❞ gevanni clears his throat. ❝ i can go to japan, ❞ he offers. ❝ that’s the source of this new kira ... this cheap kira ... as you insist on calling him. just like before. the task force is still there. ❞
they aren’t the task force anymore, having since assimilated back into the police, but their comradery still stands. gevanni could observe, approach if needed, or apprehend the suspect entirely. stefan gevanni has learned from the mistakes of stephen. beads of sweat begin to form at his temples, collecting beneath the trimmed ends of his thick, black hair. he waits for near’s L’s order. // * @nearriver​
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massivecore13 · 2 years
He waited and waited for hours, maybe days, crawled under Near’s bed and no signal from the albin boy to notice his presence. Not even a flinch when he began howling and the terrific thought of a wolf infesting the neighbourhood resonated through the corridors of the Wammy’s House.
“You’re insufferably boring.“ B snapped at some point, sneaking out and pouting in the direction of the younger male. “Don’t you know fear? Nightmares? Terrors? Aliens?“
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0vendetta · 3 years
❝ I know we’re not exactly friends right now but you’re all I’ve got. ❞
Those words are heavy. Hearing them feels like a gut punch, and Mello's mouth tastes sour all of a sudden. God, what is this. Her composure is unchanged, but who knows how long that'll last. “If I’m all you’ve got…” she scoffs, shaking her head. “You’re in even shittier shape than I thought. How'd you end up like this in the first place?”
[enemies to friends to lovers] || accepting
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juliusmoonking · 4 years
[ text ]: I’m not responding to this because I have died. I’m dead. Dead people don’t answer texts.
[text]: .... Sometimes all you rank is dots. Guess I'll just burn these toys I made.
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choose three otps for the meme
we’ll go with our three main ships (because we know-them best!! :)) )
Which one is more fond of scary movies: Ferd in Ferd/Bruno and also probably in Ferd/Shouta,,. -- for the slight thrill and knowing that either he has someone who can “protect” him (Shouta) or can protect someone else (Bruno). Nori would like them just to laugh at their plots and check out their special effects in peonyfern,,. Which one gets the most excited about Halloween: Ferd in Ferd/Shouta and Ferd/Bruno, Nori in peonyfern -- both parties because the dress-up’s the most fun part of it :))) Which one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse: Shouta in Ferd/Shouta, Ferd in Ferd/Bruno, and Nori in peonyfern,,. sorry near,, (((: Which one would literally kill for the other: hmm it’s actually a toss-up for Ferd/Shouta?? We feel that they’re both moralistic but desperate enough to kill for each other when pushed to the edge -- @dadzxwa correct us on that if you’d like!! Nori would absolutely kill for Near, though that might be less or reversed in other ‘verses. Ferd would kill for Bruno because he’s rather resolved when it comes to threats to his partners -- (”Let me do this for you. Let me help you, protect you, bolster you in this way. Love?”). Which one likes to scare or startle the other: probably Shouta in Ferd/Shouta because he’s inherently spookier and Ferd wouldn’t mind it much at all -- Ferd would only do it very sparingly and for like... more of a “surprise!! a Gift!! :DD” in Ferd/Bruno. Nori because... near you’re too cute (according to her) to be spooky. she thinks his jumping would be v funny;;; Which one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked: Ferd in Ferd/Shouta, Bruno in Ferd/Bruno, and Near... we suppose in peonyfern;;;. Which one always puts on a brave face: a toss-up depending on circumstance-!! Ferd would do his best to hold it together if Shouta seemed vulnerable but also is “softer”,, not unlikely to turn to his partner so-- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯;; Nori absolutely but this also rings true with Near so both?? Definitely Ferd in Ferd/Bruno;;. Which one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent: Shouta -- Ferd just can’t quite compete with his honed form and years of experience :)) ; Ferd is more of a threat than Bruno with his cantrips sorry Bruno~,,. Nori, for much of the same, but just from physical prowess alone though her magic or such traits are also quite the hefty-boost;;;.  Which one would be more likely to commit a crime: Nori for peonyfern,;;, (though we feel near would be surprisingly probable for this;;;) Ferd in Ferd/Shouta and also in Ferd/Bruno because Bruno’s generally too soft to Be Gay Do Crimes :))) Which one believes in ghosts: Ferd, for Ferd/Shouta -- not sure but probably Ferd in Ferd/Bruno as-well??? Nori would be harder to convince outside of LSTFell but inside is clearly a believer because... duh ghost monsters???  Which one likes to watch spooky shows on television: neither really though we feel like Shouta would offer. but also he’s too tired and weary to do that. Maybe Ferd would??? Ferd since Bruno is a) underexposed to television and b) not-likely,,,. either really but possibly Nori (she’d try to rope near into it too;;;). Which one would propose the idea of holding a séance: Ferd, for both Shouta and Bruno,, and either-way but probably Near in peonyfern!!! Which one has nightmares more often: Shouta in Ferd/Shouta, Bruno in Ferd/Bruno, and Near in peonyfern -- are our Folks more well-adjusted than their partners??? what a surprise!!! Which one would want to explore a real haunted house: Ferd in both Ferd/Bruno and Ferd/Shouta, and Nori in peonyfern;;;.
@dadzxwa, @multi-musemenagerie, @nearriver
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warofchanges · 2 years
“when was the last time we had a real conversation."
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Light threw back his head against the recliner, for a moment really pondering about an answer. In memories buried under the trophies and glories symbols of his magnificent career, Light remembered a date. Or, most likely, a period of his life no longer important to him.
"Guess it was at Wammy's. Everything starts always there, doesn't it?"
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93312639 · 4 years
"You deserve nothing for Christmas." Pause. "What do you want? I'll consider it depending on what it is."
“Why bother? You’re late. Or are you early? Pah. It doesn't matter.”
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“ ... I want your L mask.”
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cosmicxxxlight · 2 years
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@vigilantdesert,  @askganondorftobadragmire,   @narrativeforged   @dexilishways @linklewinklewoman,  @gonnachasethestars,   @nearriver /
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unwaveringscarlet · 4 years
The Intelligent
-[ @nearriver​​ ] Rp starter-
A daughter of the Mafia. Teacher. Lawyer. Musician. Investor. Priest. Doctor. Swindler. Board of members from multiple corporations. Tycoons. The founder of a religion. Politician. And an Artist. Kurapika had done with them in order to get back the treasure of his clan, the scarlet eyes that considered one of the most gorgeous colors in the world,  which is treated as a rare jewel by many. Over the years, he was tracking the eyes of his brethren yet i wasn’t an easy job. Just like climbing the mountain that gets harder as it get higher, Kurapika just find himself clueless about the existence of the rest eyes. He failed to track more of them, and it worsen his mood.
He sat in the sofa of his offices in a foul mood, when someone entered the room ringing the doorbell. His gaze run to the entering guest trough the tail of the eyes. A weird young man with gray panda-eyes and white shaggy hair, wearing a white pajamas. He sighed, realizing that he didn’t change the sign in the door from ‘open’ to ‘close’ yet. 
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“What do you want? This is the Nostrade’s Bodyguards Office. If you looking for your bedroom, you might not find it here.” he said, judgmental enough to tell the guest about his appearance since it looks like a lost boy who just woke up- or had a severe insomnia.
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