princekirijo · 1 year
thinking about your post on gushing over persona designs and also a reply youve left on one of my posts before... >:3c would you wanna talk about your thoughts on 3rd tier p5 personas because id love to hear em
OK so like disclaimer: I have yet to get to the third semester in Royal myself (I am playing through the game at a snail's pace 😭) so this is more like my thoughts based on a) just the designs in general, b) the designs in the context of the characters and c) what context I do have of the third semester (I know most of it but obvs it will be different once I actually play it). Oh and of course these are all my personal opinions so that's just something to keep in my mind!
For a more general overview of the personas, I actually think the design principle behind these personas slaps so hard. The way that each of them are in a sense, the real, true version of the original character of the initial designs is actually amazing and such a perfect final form for the thieves (considering their whole thing is ripping off their masks they wear in society blah blah blah). And also each of them try to incorporate a part of the character into the persona design (I'll explain that a bit in a minute) is really really cool. However, as with anything there are designs that nail these ideas and then there are some that for me miss it. Overall though, I think they are a solid set of personas and in general I would say I like them as a collective (not as much as the initial and they slightly lose out to the second tier designs but not by much).
Now for a more detailed persona by persona breakdown:
Raoul: Oh boy. Raoul. OK this is tricky for me. As like a design I think he slaps so hard. He looks sleek, cool and I love his head and wing design, I think they continue on from Arsene's monster gentleman look well and bring a more modern vibe to the persona (which a lot of these personas seem to do). And I think its a fitting design for Joker (purely from an aesthetic point of view, I find it hard to comment on it from the point of "does this fit Joker's personality" because that's really down to player interpretation). But hoo boy. There's two major issues with him for me.
Obvious one is that he's a DLC Persona. Instant loss for me. It adds no sentimental factor to him as a Persona (i.e. no awakening scene), all you do is just pay however much it is for him and then bam you have a cool Persona. That was a huge missed opportunity on Atlus' part. However, this brings me into my second issue, is that even if he did have an awakening scene there is no way it would ever top Satanael. Like Satanael is such an underrated persona for me, its a shame he's underutilized in the games too, because like wow that awakening scene. Is there any bigger fuck you to a god then summoning the devil through the power of friendship and humanity's hope to shoot him in the face. Unparalleled. But back to Raoul I just don't think he tops Satanael and he's stuck in DLC which lessens his impact/importance for me even though he's probably one of my favorites design wise.
Diego: I actually really really like him. I don't know why but I appreciate the swagger this Persona has. I think what Diego does best is really capture Morgana as a character. He's cocky, confident, considers himself as a bit of a ladies man (Diego looks like a playboy sorry) and successfully brings a modern twist to Zorro (and you know fits the whole this is Zorro unmasked because well it is literally Zorro unmasked). I can see why the design wouldn't appeal to some people because admittedly it is a bit boring but all in all I think its a solid look.
William: Yeah William slaps. He's a great design. I really enjoy how he's a more punk (might not be the right word but that's the best I can think of rn), cool, sleek version of Captain Kidd. I think he really fits Ryuji in the sense that it actually looks like something Ryuji would wear lol. It fits as well with the whole "Ryuji embracing his role as the delinquent" and again as is with a lot of these designs, brings a modern twist to it. This doesn't really mean much but I really like the sleek boat that he rides on. It just looks cool and honestly that's how I feel about William. He just looks really cool and very Ryuji.
Celestine: My Ann bias might come through here but oh boy do I adore this design. I think out of all of them, this is the one that executes the third tier design principles the best. First: it's a really cool upgrade for Carmen, and it really looks like it was made for Ann. Like the confidence the swagger and yes there is the whole sexy dominatrix thing going on with her but to me it feels like this is much better executed. The men at the end of her pigtails is to be quite honest a really neat design and a nice continuation of the elements we see in the previous personas. Which brings me to my next point: this is one of the two best examples of another aspect of the third tier personas: the fact that they are shown to be a fusion of sorts between the previous two personas. I don't think the ones I've mentioned so far execute this as well as Celestine and one other I'll get to later do. The combination of the Hecate color palette and Carmen's features plus the elements of Ann herself (Celestine is very fashion model to me) is done so well that I actually think it's probably the best designed of all of them.
Gorokichi: Oh Gorokichi. I have seen two opinions on this persona: people either love him or they hate him. I am very much in the later camp. I really hate this design NOT because of the actual design itself but more so the design in context. Look on its own I love how flamboyant it is. The pink fur coat, the ridiculous heels, that Groose looking hair style it's honestly really fun and different. It looks like something out of Zoolander. This all being said, in context... no. Look Yusuke is a flamboyant character. He's an artist he's passionate we know this. But this persona is far too gaudy for him. Gorokichi looks extremely materialistic and honestly way too tacky for Yusuke. Idk I'm sure other Yusuke fans feel differently but for me I just think it's probably the most out of character of all the personas in terms of how the designs relate to the character. There's something about it that just doesn't sit right with me 🤷‍♂️ I will say though I think it does an OK job at being a fusion of Susanoo (who is by FAR the better design btw) and Goemon. Again all of that is just my personal opinion but I think this is probably the weakest of the third tier personas.
Agnes: OK after writing like essays for the others I'll be honest I don't have much to say about Agnes. Like it looks cool af it's a batmobile ass looking motorbike and I think it fits Makoto I just... don't have much else to say. I don't really understand the color scheme for this one I'll be honest considering that up until now Makoto's personas have primarily been blue so this black and gold combo kinda comes outta nowhere, but it's fine. It's just missing something for me.
Al Azif: Star Destroyer. OK but in all seriousness I like the design. Again not much to say, the sleek technology + hacker vibes obviously fit Futaba very well and all in all I like it. Like Agnes it's just kinda there for me. I will say though it does feel like a Pokemon evolution more than a fusion between the previous two. Like the Salamence line (creature -> ball -> powerful creature). Does this mean anything.
Lucy: OK I promise I'm not running out of steam or anything but again, Lucy is kinda just there for me. I've honestly been sitting here looking at it like "it looks cool. It looks like an upgraded Miladay. It's cool. Why a spy I don't know but its cool". And that about sums it up to be honest. I get that the figure she is based off of was a spy but like why a spy for Haru. Was this just a case of them going "well it looks kinda like a modern business woman and looks like a spy which is what Lucy is based on so a spy it is". Is that what's happening here.
Hereward: And here he is the main man himself. By FAR my favorite third tier Persona. Sorry Celestine I love you but have you seen this man. This Persona design hits the nail on the head. Is it a good representation of how Akechi has changed as a character? Yes absolutely (dark hero vibes). Is it a good combination of the previous two Personas? Without a shadow of a doubt knocks it outta the park. Does it fit with the initial Persona unmasked theme? Yes yes it does. I also wanna mention that I like the idea that Akechi awoke to Loki and Robin Hood at the same time (full credit for that idea goes to whoever drew that phenomenal artwork I am so sorry I can't remember their url) and Hereward being a really good combination of both of them leans into that idea nicely (that's more a coincidence tbh cause I don't think it's explicitly stated which one came first). Also this quote from the wiki really sums up how good I think Hereward's design is:
"In a similar vein to how Robin Hood's design was largely inspired by comic book hero Superman, Hereward's design may have been inspired by Batman, hence the black armor and the bat wing-like protrusions on the back of his head. This may be an allusion to Akechi's role in the third semester, symbolizing his transformation from a seemingly-altruistic hero to a feared warrior seeking to see through his own personal justice. It also can be seen as a visual combination of Robin Hood and Loki, incorporating the bow and weapon of the former and the dark aesthetics of the latter."
Ella: um. Yeah I gotta be honest on this one, I don't feel... qualified? enough to give my thoughts on her because I feel like I haven't fully grasped Sumire as a character. I think the whole Cinderella persona thing she has gong on is great and it fits what I understand of her story but as for Ella's design. Why a wedding dress. Like why. It looks appealing but like??? I don't know tbh 💀💀
And yeah that about sums up all my thoughts. I will say that like I feel my thoughts will change once I get the full story of the third semester because already I feel like a lot of these designs are missing (or I'm missing the context) some connection to the actual story of the third semester. Like these personas are supposed to represent the sort of wrapping up of the thieves character arcs and I feel like that aspect is, while the idea of the personas being based off of their original personas leans into this, ultimately underused. I don't know maybe my thoughts will change once I play it properly. Uh hope you had fun reading this because I've been typing for like an hour no joke 💀😭
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tricksheart · 11 months
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I added this to my bio for Akira ( link in my pinned post ) but here is a little visual for my dash people that can't access my page because of various reasons.
Credit for the blank template goes to @nebulaleaf, in which I got permission to fill out. I will take it down if they wish me to do so. I only own parts that I filled out as in my own version of the protagonist. Thank you for understanding.
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footofananimal · 1 year
I am not extremely vocal about my ships, I don't blame you on this one LMAO and while I do ship Tatsujun since I've only played the game thru watching Anza play it, I don't have a strong enough opinion of my own.
mAN this is so lack luster but here's my thoughts on Pegoryu instead
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saimota-week · 8 months
Saimota Week 2024 is happening!
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Hi Danganronpa community! Saimota Week is coming back this year under two hosts: @chatot and @toxicpineapple! It will be running from March 17 until March 23, 2024!
See below for this year's graphic made by the talented @nebulaleaf! The prompts will be transcribed below.
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Day One - March 17: Eclipse / Orbit
Day Two - March 18: Pride / Jealousy
Day Three - March 19: Motivation / Regret
Day Four - March 20: Sunrise / Sunset
Day Five - March 21: Floating / Grounded
Day Six - March 22: Simulation / Reality
Day Seven - March 23: Free Space!
When posting your piece, please tag this blog so we can see your wonderful entries! Each one will be boosted to this blog. Please also use the tags [ #saimotaweek2024 ] and [ #saimotaweek ] just in case any fall through!
For information regarding rules and guidelines, see below the cut! If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask to this blog, or you may message @chatot or @toxicpineapple otherwise!
Rules and Guidelines
NSFW creations will not be allowed for this event, meaning this event is SFW only.
"Problematic" content is stricly forbidden for this event. This includes incest, age gap, and shota/loli.
AI generated content and stolen works are not allowed. You may reference or use another person's artwork or fanfic for an entry IF you have PERMISSION and CREDIT.
Please be respectful to other participants! Anyone who harasses another participant or leaves hurtful comments will be banned from this event.
Polyamorous ship content that includes others with Shuichi and Kaito is allowed! For example, content featuring romantic training trio or Shuichi/Kaito/Kaede will be boosted. However, Shuichi and Kaito must still directly date each other within these pieces.
Cis genderbends are not allowed. However, any and all trans headcanons (including trans genderbends) are allowed and welcomed!
You are allowed to use the prompts as loosely as you please for your pieces.
Feel free to make your pieces outside of canon! AUs, crossovers, and canon divergence are allowed.
All entries must focus on the romantic relationship between Shuichi and Kaito. However, content featuring them in a queerplatonic relationship is allowed and will be boosted.
Late submissions will be accepted indefinitely! They will be boosted, but please make sure to tag this blog so we see them!
As Saimota Week 2024 approaches closer, we will be posting countdowns as reminders. We can't wait to see your pieces!
Thanks for reading! :D
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elkomie · 4 months
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made some mix-match edits of these badges cleaned up by @nebulaleaf ♥
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vashwood-week · 7 months
Vashwood Week 2024 will be running from May 26th-June 1st!
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Day 1 / May 26th: Childhood / Partners In Crime / Werewolf AU Day 2 / May 27th: Protection / Trust / Bodyguard AU Day 3 / May 28th: Saviour / Martyr / Reincarnation AU Day 4 / May 29th: Blood / Flowers / Role Swap AU Day 5 / May 30th: Traitor / Mercy / Angel AU Day 6 / May 31st: Forgiveness / Guilt / Timeloop AU Day 7 / June 1st: T4T / Free Space
(Huge thanks to @nebulaleaf for the phenomenal graphic!)
Thank you to everyone who filled out the interest check! With your input, we have decided to run from May 26th through June 1st, incorporating some of the many wonderful prompt suggestions received via the form.
When the time comes, please tag all entries with [ # Vashwood Week ] and [ # Vashwood Week 2024 ] in order to be promoted. In addition to this, please @ MENTION THIS BLOG in all entries so that I can see and boost your work.
I will be putting a copy of our guidelines below the cut, but you can find those and more written up on our carrd so please check that out if you need a refresher.
If you're not going to stick around for those, thank you for your time! I will be posting about the week in the days leading up to it, so stay tuned for that and happy Vashwooding!
⟡ For the mod's own personal comfort, any works featuring topics of non-consent, incest, and pedophilia will not be promoted.
⟡ NSFW content will be allowed so long as it is tagged appropriately. Pieces without adequate tagging will not be promoted.
⟡ Additionally, NSFW entries should have SFW thumbnails or blurring in order to get promoted by the account.
⟡ At the risk of stating the obvious, NSFW entries created by anyone under the age of 18 will NOT be accepted and will NOT be promoted. Any minor who tries to submit NSFW will be blocked, for their own safety more than anything.
⟡ The focus of this event will be the celebration of Vash and Wolfwood's romantic relationship; as such, entries featuring them in romantic relationships with other members of the cast will not be promoted. Past relationship stuff is fine, but please keep the focus on Vashwood.
⟡ In accordance with the above bullet, the mod also will not be promoting content focusing on the platonic relationship between Vash and Wolfwood. However, queer-platonic content will be allowed and promoted.
⟡ All forms of contribution will be accepted, be that visual art, writing, edits, playlists, cosplay, etc. However, all work submitted MUST be your own. There will be a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism and if it is found that you are passing off anyone's work as your own, you will be blocked by all affiliated accounts and disqualified from participating.
⟡ Works created with the use of AI will not be promoted.
⟡ Late entries will be accepted indefinitely, even after the week has ended, so feel free to use the prompts to their fullest extent even if you aren't able to participate during the week itself!
⟡ This event is meant to be fun! Please do not bully, harass, or disparage any of the other participants. If it is discovered that you are doing so, you will be blocked and disqualified from participating.
⟡ All kinds of queer and trans headcanons will be accepted for this event. All forms of bigotry are absolutely not allowed and if it is discovered that a participant is harassing others on the basis of LGBTQ+ headcanons... well, you know what goes here.
Regarding the last bullet, please keep in mind that the "T4T" prompt does not specify any specific kind of transness, meaning that works featuring transfem, intersex, nonbinary, etc headcanons may be featured or even prevalent in entries. I ask that we make a specific effort to prevent the normalisation of transmisogyny in fandoms and be supportive of all different headcanons.
Thank you again for the support and we look forward to seeing what you create!
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akisyu · 10 months
Quick piece of Akeshu out on a coffee date to celebrate the beginning of December.
Because nothing bad happened in game during this month, not at all
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Thank you Rokuro Saito for creating the original artwork, it successfully changed my brain chemistry and I will be thinking about it forever, and @nebulaleaf for letting me use their Goro!
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definedvines · 1 year
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HEY GUYSSS <:) SURPRISE! pegoryu week is happening soon so get readyyyy
graphic made by @nebulaleaf and art by me! the image is cropped here so make sure to check out the twitter post to see the full thing :>
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amamotaweek · 1 year
amamota week 2023!
hello danganronpa community!! it’s about that time again! amamota week (a week celebrating the ship between kaito momota and rantaro amami) will be running from november 1st through november 7th 2023!
here is our graphic made as always by the amazing @nebulaleaf and the prompts will be transcribed below!
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day one / november 1st: royalty au / loyalty / determination
day two / november 2nd: dawn / acknowledgement / friendship
day three / november 3rd: travel / long-distance / yearning
day four / november 4th: meet cute / blind date / curiosity
day five / november 5th: greeting / farewell / embrace
day six / november 6th: bouquet / promise / dream
day seven / november 7th: first kiss / free space
if you’re participating, please do me a favour and @ mention this blog so i can see and boost your entries. also be sure to tag all entries with [ # amamota week 2023 ] and [ # amamota week ] as i will be checking those tags in case tumblr glitches and doesn’t notify me.
rules and guidelines will be under the cut! if you have any questions feel free to message or send an ask to this blog, or contact me on my main @toxicpineapple if you need any help. cheers and happy amamoting!
1. this will be an entirely sfw event! i won’t police what’s going on on the blog you choose to participate with (so using a blog that contains nsfw is fine) but please do not use my prompts to create nsfw content.
2. all plagiarism will be strictly forbidden for the purposes of this event. heavily referencing art or fanfic and the unauthorised use of anybody’s fanart for a video edit, moodboard, etc will not be prompted for this event. please do not use anyone’s art without both PERMISSION and CREDIT. there is never an acceptable circumstance to do this.
3. please respect all other entries! if i find out about anyone trolling or leaving hate comments they will be banned from participating in the event.
4. “problematic” content such as incest, age gap, shota/lolli is absolutely banned and not supported for this event. ya nasties.
5. poly ship content (featuring kaito and rantaro in a relationship with other characters) will be allowed and encouraged! however do make sure that kaito and rantaro are dating EACH OTHER, not just existing as metamours or something.
6. cis genderbends will not be allowed for this event. however, all trans headcanons including trans genderbends will be allowed and boosted.
7. late entries will be accepted indefinitely! please feel free to use the prompts whenever you can however you can and i will boost your work so long as you tag me. :)
8. you are free to take loose inspiration from the prompts or even not use the prompts at all if it suits you. if you drop a piece and label it for amamota week (and it follows my guidelines) i will boost it. heh.
9. aus and crossovers will be accepted!
10. this ship event is focusing on the ROMANTIC relationship between kaito and rantaro, and as such content featuring them in a friendship will not be promoted. however queerplatonic amamota content will be boosted.
that’s all i’ve got! keep an eye on this blog because i’ll be reblogging the promo and posting countdowns as the dates draw closer. thanks for your attention as always and i’m looking forward to november!
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kaemakiweekarchive · 1 year
kaemaki week 2023 from july 8th through 14th (NOT CLICKBAIT)
slides into home base. three months to the date you know what that means
HELLO DANGANRONPA COMMUNITY! kaemaki week will once again be running in 2023! as always, the event will be running from july 8th through july 14th here on tumblr :)
here is our lovely graphic by @nebulaleaf​​ with the prompts transcribed below!
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day one/july 8: fire / scorn / soothe day two/july 9: flowers / welcome / sunburn day three/july 10: opening up / laughter / romance day four/july 11: ribbon / nail polish / pinky promise  day five/july 12: martyr / mastermind / impulsive day six/july 13: love at first sight / slowburn / wingman day seven/july 14: reincarnation / happy ending / free space
i’ll be placing rules and guidelines under the cut, but as always, please tag all entries with [ # kaemaki week 2023 ] and make sure to @ MENTION THIS BLOG so that i can reblog your entries. if time passes and i still haven’t reblogged your work, feel free to shoot me a message or ask either via this blog or my main, @toxicpineapple​​ :) 
happy kaemaki! looking forward to seeing you guys again in july :3
1. nsfw content will be prohibited for this week. i am not comfortable with you using my prompts to create nsfw so you can do that on your own time. please do not post entries to your nsfw blog, however if you have only one blog where you host nsfw and sfw content you are allowed to post there.
2. problematic content (incest, abuse, loli, etc) will be prohibited!!
3. respect all other entries.
4. plagiarism is 1000% completely against the rules. if you’re creating an edit, that’s totally fine, but please credit any art you use in your work, and do NOT use the art of an artist who prohibits the use of their work in edits. additionally please do not use an artist’s work without explicit permission. please respect the wishes of all artists as you wouldn’t like your own work to be used for things that you don’t want. :)
5. late entries will be accepted indefinitely.
6. polyamorous/open relationships (maki and kaede in relationships with other people as well as each other) will be accepted!!! as much as the kaemaki relationship is the focus of this week, you can go ahead and highlight their other partner(s) as much as you would like!
6.5. please refrain from producing friend content of kaede and maki for this week; the focus is on their romantic relationship. however depictions of them in a qpr will totally be accepted.
7. aus and crossovers will be accepted!
8. you don’t have to use every single prompt, or both prompts, or even either prompt? lol i mean the prompts sure are here for a reason, but if you wanna put out kaemaki content during that week and then tag me, i’ll totally reblog it!!!
9. i will be accepting all manner of trans headcanons, however i will not be boosting cis genderbend content of these two, as a heads up.
10. have fun!!! enjoy yourself!!! don’t take it too serious!! we’re all here to have a good time :D
thank you for your time, and once again i look forward to seeing all works come july! <3
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princekirijo · 2 years
yess its totally okay to rb. thank you for the compliments!!! the visor has like 10 different expressions i drew based on each sophie sprite when she has a helmet on hehe :3 gotta go all out amirite
You are very welcome it's an awesome cosplay!!! AND WAH THAT'S SO COOL! I absolutely adore those visors that have the diff expressions they're so damn cute 🥺
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shslskaterboy · 1 year
Going insane thinking about Ryuji and the portrayal of his insecurity, and how frequently I see the focus being placed on the moodiness or bitterness of it (which is definitely part of it, his beef with Morgana in the Okumura arc definitely stems from that) but how that’s not all of it.
This Post by @nebulaleaf is a prime example (and also what got me thinking) because he says something so so heartbreaking but he says it with a smile, as if it’s not even a question that Akira is the leader, that Akira is above him. He sees himself as a right hand man but never a partner, a lackey who does as he’s told but not someone who brings anything of value to the table, someone who will never be as valuable as Akira because he’s just the dumb grunt who takes hits and hits back in turn. And the saddest part of all that is he claims to not mind at all. Nothing would make him happier than having Akira with him forever, even and especially if Akira is ahead of him, bc that’s where he inherently believes he belongs.
He’s gone his whole life having it driven into his head that he is lesser than everyone, that he’s an outcast who will never amount to anything special, and he can rebel against that to a certain extent, but to me it feels more like acceptance. He’s not gonna succeed anyways, so why try at school? He’s never going to be accepted, so might as well dye his hair blonde and lean into it. His track friends have left him behind, so fuck it, why bother not being aggressive with every new person he meets? His will of rebellion awakens because of Akira, but rebelling by accepting his image means that all those little details are coming with- he still feels lesser, the weight of rejection still bears down on him, and he likely still feels powerless on his own.
Simply put, I adore him in all his complexity. He’s not just the angry vulgar boy we meet on day one, he’s also happy, enthusiastic, stubborn but with a strong sense of justice. He’s got impulse control problems yeah but he has a certain intelligence about him, and when it comes down to it he’s reliable and will take responsibility. You simply cannot boil him down to just one trope the way atlus really tries to sometimes because he’s a survivor, he’s edured the horrors and come out the other side roughed up but whole, and he’s got the depth to show for it
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zephyrfuse · 1 year
i think least popular should gain automatic 24 points (courtesy to @nebulaleaf) and watch everyone try and do reverse psychology before fest to try and pick what would be the least popular team by the time all the votes are in
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aragakizine · 5 months
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Next incoming is the world's number one joker fan, @nebulaleaf, who's in charge of making the badass graphics you've been seeing so far!
[There's only about a week left for the interest check- don't forget to submit your response!] » INTEREST CHECK LINK «
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full-bloom-zine · 10 months
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Introducing our graphics mod, @nebulaleaf!
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butchfalin · 1 year
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new shuake fic posted! as my friend @/nebulaleaf said, read it if you hate fun and love them <3
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