kassiopeiakitten · 6 years
(soft asks) 11, 13, and 14
11. Poppy - Favorite pastel color?
I’d say any type of pastel purple. Could lean towards pinker, towards bluer, I love it~
13. Sunkissed - Autumn or spring?
Spring because it’s when it starts to get warmer and enters the perfect mix of warm and cold, that’s also when all the plants start waking up too!
14. Buttery - Favorite snack?
I don’t really eat many snacks hmm.. But I guess some fruit if we have the kinds we never get to buy like strawberries or any other little berry? They usually cost a little more than we’d like to spend but they make a lovely treat when we do get them~
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localrobosexual · 6 years
I’m like,, , , lowkey considering shipping Soundwave and Shockwave. And like. Making that A Thing. But I’m not sure about it yet. I know wavewave is a pretty popular ship as far as TFs is concerned, and while I admit it’s pretty cute (esp within G1 omg), do I wanna bring that over to my ocs?? I’m really unsure, and very torn about it. I’ve never done this before, I’ve never paired any of my ocs together in the past, and I don’t know how I feel just yet about suddenly realizing I have this kind of power omg omg omg
The main driving force for this idea came from an amv I wanna make to this one part in Aishite Aishite Aishite (That Part y’know the one everyone uses for amvs like that gshgdndns). It’d be about an experimental AU in their shared story where at one point Shockwave would develop feelings for Soundwave, but they’d be unrequited, and the amv would kinda play that whole thing out. But the more I thought about the whole concept, the more ideas I’d get. I have another REALLY GOOD amv I wanna make to Aurora Borealis, another to Decoy World, and another to Hours, and yet another map-inspired one to this one part in Attention, a couple animation memes, and I even have a really nice anGSTY SAD AU I made up with a pal on discord at one in the morning (we call it the Crystal Death AU and it has to do with disquette-prone diseases, and it was all inspired by crystal gore artwork we were sharing at the time. If u wanna hear about that lemme know I’d be more than happy to explain bc I’m super into the idea?? I still haven’t drawn anything for it yet but I very much want to sometime HA)
like on one hand I keep finding myself coming up with all these cool amvs and story ideas centered around them being together, or having more significance because of that, but at the same time I’m hesitant about really pursuing it. So I’m not sure. Maybe once I make that Aishite amv and get some more feedback on the concept I’ll be able to make a decision, but for now, it’s not canon.
There’s a lot of concepts and ideas I have and are currently developing that have to do with their lore that I haven’t really talked about anywhere actually?? Mostly because 1.) there’s three more characters that are in it that I don’t have yet bc they’re all a part of closed species so like. I’m technically Not Allowed to have them but I still have whole developed ideas for how I wanna use them for when I do eventually get them, and 2.) I’m still working on fleshing it all out! Like I said I have some concepts I’m putting together and like bits and pieces of polished stuff but nothing really solid or definite. Not yet. I may eventually try to draw some of them out just to get them out there, because I really do like it a lot, I love these ocs a lot, and I’m loving getting to develop this little story for them?? I’ve never really done this before but it’s so fun?? but for now it’s all just in my head.
so yeah. Idk my dudes, but I’m very, very tempted.
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nebulariclover · 6 years
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weird-squish-cube · 6 years
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Hey @nebulouscryptid, you seemed a bit down lately, I don't know if you celebrate Christmas, but I hope this will cheer you up a bi regardless!
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nilziio-blog · 6 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thanks @valiantfartpanda! I love these things. :D
I don’t have 15 mutuals, but: @horrorgay, @pyro-linx, @vulpixelates, @nebulouscryptid, @ratchet-says-i-needed-that, @jewishbensolo, @apoloniaa, @harkinin, @omegastation, @hanar-spectre, and @alex-w0ke.
Are you named after someone?
Nope! I named myself, and while I do connect the name with Jason Todd and Jason Voorhees it wasn’t to honor or emulate them or anything.
When was the last time you cried?
Beatrice’s backstory in season 4 of Bojack Horseman.
Do you have kids?
Sidney! Search ‘Sidney the cat’ if you want to see her.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Uh, their clothes? I’m short so my gaze tends to be level with people’s torsos.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. Sometimes together, sometimes not.
Any special talents?
I can write? I’m also a pretty good liar, though I haven’t had to anywhere near as much since I cut contact with my mother.
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Writing, video games, anime. I want to get into gardening and cooking after we move.
Do you have any pets?
Again, Sidney, the most vocal beast alive.
How tall are you?
About 5′5′’.
What sports do you play/have played?
Favorite subject at school?
When I was younger, science, and then it changed to history in high school.
Dream job?
When I was a kid: marine biologist. Now: something that will give me a living wage without taking over my life.
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energon-goodies · 6 years
aaaaaa I got tagged by @this-took-too-much-effort !!! Thank yoooouuu! I like being tagged in stuff!! :D
I think I did one similar to this, but I'll do it again!
Rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people you’d like to know better.
Name: Autumn
Nickname: Lukan, which i prefer
Zodiac Sign: Aries!
Height: 5'3
Languages spoken: only English
Nationality: American, unfortunately :T
Favorite fruit: Dark cherries!!
Favorite season: sweater season :0
Favorite scent: petrichor and peachy stuff!
Favorite color: I mostly like things that are iridescent or multicolor, but if I have to choose, green!
Favorite animal: i like big cats and i cannot lie lol. Snow leopards are my favorite, but dogs are a close second!
Favorite fictional character: ooof, I've got a lot, but I'll give ya a few. Hound, Skids, Springer, Nathan Drake (Uncharted), Tali (Mass Effect), anddd... let's throw Connor Kenway in here!! (Assassin's Creed)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea! But iced-tea, because I don't like hot drinks.
Number of blankets you sleep with: well, I only need 2, but I have exactly six on my bed right now
When was your blog created: oh man, I don't know if I have the patience to dig thru my archive but.. I'm 22 now, and I've had this since I was 12 or 13? Only really been active for the last two-ish years
Favorite subject: I'm not in school or college anymore, but it was definitely World History :0
Currently watching: I think this means tv shows?? I... don't watch tv, at all. I'm kinda lame. :T But!! I'm gonna watch Transformers Cyberverse when I can!
Favorite band: my taste in music is pretty diverse, but a few bands I always seem to come back to are Linkin Park and Breaking Benjamin. Really starting to like Lana Del Rey tho
Instruments played: I tried to teach myself piano a long time ago, but I don't play anything now
Favorite book: hmmm, I don't really read either, but I really enjoyed "Across the Universe" by Beth Rivers, and her two sequels, and the Darth Bane trilogy.
I'm gonna tag some people, but no pressure!! You don't have to do it! If I didn't tag you, and you want to do it, go for it and say I tagged you! c:
Tagging: @cassierole09 @bear-cublife @ratchet-says-i-needed-that @fridge-mold @qarrusvakarian @binarygun @tylregors @nebulouscryptid
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zenxenophilia · 6 years
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I heard you were upset, so here’s some pictures of the cats I used to have.
Thank you so much!  I love them!  :D
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wingwaver · 7 years
I was tagged by @bebe-switzy-ryu-the-sea-drag0n and @schrodingers-tailgate (Thanks for the tags!)
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Name: I hate my birth name so I go by Lias or Liss now
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′5
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Background for your desktop/phone: I don’t have a computer or laptop but my phone bg is TFP Starscream and Knock Out as moths (though I’m probably gonna change it to TFA Megatron soon) and my lockscreen is 4 different Starscreams(IDW,TFP, G1,and TFA)
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: Considering I didn’t know I liked girls too when I was little and then homeschooled most of my life no
Where do you see yourself in ten years: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In a new house hopefully? Maybe have a steady job? Definitely have more ear piercings.
Coolest Halloween costume: Harley Quinn (I didn’t really get to go out tho)
Favorite 90s show: Hmmmm I really liked Rugrats when I was a kid and if I catch it on now I always watch it.
Who was your last kiss: Like,on the lips? No one. If kissing someone on the cheek counts then I kissed a boy named A.J. when I was like 6 or 7. If getting a kiss counts then it was Tony(family friend, he’s very affectionate with everyone) back in January.
Have you ever been stood up: Nope
Have you ever been to Las Vegas: No but I really want to.
Favorite pair of shoes: I really like my new light pink boots mom got me for Christmas. They’re soft and warm ❤
Favorite fruit: Strawberries 🍓🍓🍓
Favorite books: I don’t do a lot of reading but I loved Hannibal Rising. Any book that has short horror stories in it is good too (Like the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series) or anything to do with Cryptids and Urban Legends.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: This was hard because my life is series of stupid events but probably the time I picked a gel pill off the floor and bit into it to figure out if it was in fact a gel pill or not…I was 16 at the time…
I tag: @robobones @neoncondvit @teamhawkeye @nebulouscryptid @lilysflowershop @shellsgrave @clvsterfvcks @heart-shaped-frog @im-a-lady-of-rage @impossiblybeautifulllama
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sanguine-shadow · 6 years
some space stuff
ok so @nebulouscryptid didn’t even respond but I wanted an excuse to write about some stuff since they mentioned that they wanted to know some space-y things like planets and galaxies. Okay!!! Who’s excited??
Anyways, TrEs-2B is known to the darkest planet that has been found in the universe due to absorbing almost 100% of the light that hits it, it only reflects about 1% of light back, so it’s super super dark. The actual planet itself is classified as a hot jupiter, as it’s really close to the star it orbits and it’s size.
Well, now that I’ve said that, I wanted to say something ‘bout the moons orbiting around other planets:
Europa is one of my favourite, cause it looks so pretty. It orbits Jupiter, being a galilean moon, and being the 6th largest in our solar system, which is pretty neat. There’s this neat little hypothesis that there’s water inside the planet, since it has the smoothest surface for a solid object in the solar system, but it practically has this ice sheet covering over the surface.
It’s funny, because Callisto also orbits Jupiter, but it’s an opposite to Europa. Callisto’s surface is the oldest and most cratered in our solar system, being littered with craters across the entire surface, whereas Europa has the smoothest surface. Callisto is the third largest moon in our solar system.
Iapetus, which is possibly my favoured moon, is unique in the aspect that one side of it is black, and the other is white. That’s literally why I think it’s interesting, lmao. It orbits Saturn, eleventh largest in solar system, all that jazz. It’s also tidally locked, which means that it always faces the same direction to Saturn, but luckily for us, that means the bright-side faces us! … And it feels like it’s trying to stay away from Saturn, since it’s the third largest satellite around it, but has the farthest orbit. We have no idea why, lmao?
Back to planets!
Wasp-12b is going to the be the strangest one I talk about. It’s so close to the star it orbits that it takes less than a day to travel around it, and also being at 2250 celsius. Imagine aging that fast… What’s pretty scary though, it because that it’s so close to it’s star, that it turns it into an egg shape, and will Wasp-12b will, not even joking, be “eaten” by it’s parent star. Not fun.
HD-188753 is a planet, and it orbits a star, which orbits a star, which orbits another star… AKA, it revolves around three different stars. Kepler 16b is far more talked about, since it’s also classified as a Tatooine planet, like the Star Wars planet. Since there’s two suns, you got two shadows! It’s pretty awesome. Unfortunately for the other Tatooine planets, they don’t get much of a spotlight…
PSR  J1719-1438b (what a long name!) is a planet made out of diamonds. Yes. Diamonds. You’ve probably heard of this one, but it’s made of out diamonds cause of it’s atmospheric structure or something like that. I’m not a Minecraft player! I have no need for all these diamonds.
Kepler 10-b is the first rocky planet we found outside our solar system, which is awesome for humans. Only bad thing? We believe that it’s surface is covered with oceans of lava, and it’s normal temperature is 1,400 celsius. Not awesome.
You probably won’t believe this, but CoRoT rains rocks and magma. Imagine having that land on you. It’s another tidally locked planet, which means one side is really hot, and on that side, it rains magma! On the “cooler” side, it still rains magma, but it cools down as it falls, turning into giant rocks. Ouch.
Sheesh, that was a bit! Sorry that this is so sudden.
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nebulariclover · 6 years
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kikassendegemin · 7 years
@nebulouscryptid I kept sending you anons but they didnt show how much I appreciate you. Originally i beleived this blog was useless and that anything I posted that wasnt a reblog was useless, but even just the small asks you would send in made me believe different, and I wanted to thank you. The same goes on my art blog, it was empty until you started getting me some notes.You're super important in this world, please dont change
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
DNI and About
Don't interact if
You're racist
You're transphobic or nbphobic
You're a transmed/truscum
You're an exclusionist
You're a TERF or SWERF
You're a MAP or MAP supporter
You ship incestuous or pedophilic ships
You're a Trump supporter
Call me Lavernius. I'm a black (biracial), transmasc agender guy who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and am demipan and polyamorous. My main blog is @nebulouscryptid
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nilziio-blog · 6 years
Song Meme
I was tagged by @nighttimeloser to share the 10 songs I’m currently obsessed with.
1. Virgin -Manchester Orchestra
2. In the End (Cinematic Cover) -Linkin Park ft. Jung Youth & Fleurie
3. Cheap Thrills -Sia
4. Soul Food -Big K.R.I.T. ft. Raphael Saadiq
5. Lose Your Soul -Dead Man’s Bones
6. Hallelujah -Panic! at the Disco
7. DNA -Kendrick Lamar
8. No Scrubs -Unlike Pluto ft. Joanna Jones
9. Dead Hearts -Stars
10. Never Say Die -Raleigh Ritchie
And I’ll tag @nebulouscryptid, @valiantfartpanda, @apoloniaa, @vulpixelates, and @poefinn.
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nebulariclover · 6 years
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nebulariclover · 6 years
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