ayhydraws · 11 months
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ri47 · 9 months
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although the KHU places a strong emphasis on the importance of family names, especially when it comes to manufacturer branded weaponry, there exists a notable exception: blackblade
blackblade -- sometimes referred to more obliquely as "stain" in military contexts -- doesn't refer to any specific weapon or family, but rather to weapons whose concepts were appropriated from insurgent forces and adapted to military-grade construction
a common feature of blackblade is replaceable impact surfaces, stemming from their humble beginnings as industrial equipment. while modern blackblade bears little resemblance to its improvised origins, it remains a symbol of civic ingenuity. where necrotech weapons may repair themselves, a blackblade weapon needs only a good storage of spare striking edges to last just as long
while the KHU lacks the more developed fleshcrafting techniques of the Divine Solis, blackblade allows for the mass outfitting of jackals to meet the demands of an ever-changing battlefront.
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questfriendspodcast · 4 months
Which kind of dead would your S1 characters be? My guesses are:
Hop - Skeleton
Elee - Demon
Xoc - Lich
MISHA - Lich
(Not sure about Xoc and MISHA, but since I’d say “Necrotechnology” is the equivalent of “Numenera”, that seemed the most fitting)
EMILY Those feel pretty accurate honestly
HALLIE Hops a skeleton or the sponge one Like there's always the chance he goes out taking one for the team
KYLE My pitches - Elee: Banshee. She dies with a single happy tear surrounded by her children. MISHA: Demon. If Misha dies it's gonna be in a fucking SHOW Xoc: Lich. Death by necrotech feels right Hop: What kind of dead ISN'T Hop? I'm actually gonna go with Wight, which (if I remember correctly) is someone who died unlucky. He could also be a Fury if he died during the Lorraine era, since a Fury died from betrayal
Other characters: Sera: Demon or Lich Lorraine: Headless (getting in over her head is the only way I could imagine her actually dying) Soe: Zombie. I don't know why, but "daughter tragically dying of illness" feels right for Soe. Vespari: Beaky. Don't ask me how he caught the bubonic plague Aegon: Ghost. His unfinished business is literally the plot of the campaign
HALLIE Hop does die a lot in fanfiction
KYLE And you roll for him, so...
EMILY Elee: Banshee. She dies with a single happy tear surrounded by her children*
*before anyone else’s epilogue so probs no grandchildren around
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Class Feature Friday: Augmentation Focus (Evolutionist Evolutionary Focus)
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(Art by Abner Cheah Hao Jie on Artstation)
 With another Starfinder entry on Friday, it’s time to introduce a new class that came out fairly recently, the Evolutionist!
Whether it be by physical mutation, cybernetic augmentation and full mechanical transformation, transforming oneself into an eldritch being, or even embracing undeath, the evolutionist class is all about transcending the limits of one’s own species and becoming something more. If this setting only had humans we would call this transhumanism, but I’m not sure what the alternative would be.
However, in addition to those four possible paths, which have their own multitude of branches to focus on and explore as sure as there are infinite forms out there that someone might want to become, there are also different specializations to the class, which are called Evolutionary Foci, representing how they choose to utilize the transformation they are cultivating in their bodies.
In particular, today we are focusing on the Augmentation focus, which specializes in having a lot of different augmentations (preferably of their niche (subtype of augmentation, such as biotech, cybernetics, magitech, and necrotech)) within their bodies.
I imagine such individuals have a burning need to get their body just right to fit their personal vision of themselves, not only gaining all the abilities they could ever ask for, but also matching their appearance to what they have in their head. Some may end up being living swiss army knives or have their augs be tailored to a specific job or fighting style. Either way, their bodies accept augmentations and changes in a way that leaves doctors and scientists in awe.
 All evolutionists gain a free augmentation they can change as they grow, but those that specialize in augmentation gain a second, albeit slightly weaker one. Additionally, their bodies accept augmentations from their niche even more readily than other practitioners of this path, allowing them to purchase and install them for an increasingly reduced price.
Additionally, they eventually also gain the ability to install up to two extra augmentations into two different systems that already have an augmentation, adding to their arsenal of abilities.
If you really love augmentations, either for the utility that cannot be disarmed or the combat potential, this focus may be what you’re looking for with this class. I would personally recommend boosting your pool of resolve points with the Extra Resolve feat and other methods, since a lot of augmentations that grant activated abilities instead of just passive buffs let you use resolve to activate them additional times per day. Whether you want to build them with combat in mind or a variety of mobility and utility options, however, is up to you. Also keep in mind what sort of augmentations appear in each list.
 Like I said earlier, this focus seems to be for those who are either becoming evolutionists for practical reasons, or more likely, are doing it to become their perfect self. Whether your transgender, genderqueer, or otherwise have body dysphoria, I think a lot of us can relate to that. Even if you haven’t experienced things like that, it’s worth considering what your character thinks their “perfect form” would be, even if you don’t take this specific focus. After all, whether they are trying to become a perfect fusion of flesh and machine (or replacing the flesh entirely), an undead paragon, a perfect organism, or an eldritch hybrid of mortal and some other cosmic being such as an outsider or even some magical beast like a dragon, there is a lot to consider in the path to perfection.
  Ilgashi has always feared death, and no amount of religion or philosophy could assauage the korasha lashunta. So, they turned to the path to undeath, and have been meticulously hand-picking their every vital organ ever since then in preparation for eternity. If you’re going to exist functionally forever, you might as well like the vessel you’re in, right?
 Eager to be able to live off sunlight, but not being able to accept plant DNA on account of allergic rejection, an evolutionist hires the party to make a trip to a jungle world populated by tashtari “laser wolves” for a genetic sample, incorporating their solar panel-like scales into their body.
 The red snow of Karakosh, actually iron-laced volcanic ash, is an eerie and beautiful sight, but one all to common to the hermit living on the undeveloped world. Descriptions of the individual by prospectors suggest that he might be the person of interest the party is searching for, a scientist who became more machine than flesh while pursuing dubious research for a corporation that is now under investigation.
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mechanicalriddle · 5 months
midnight, pain, and skin for siithi!
from this ask meme
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
GIRLS WHO ARE DEFINED BY PAIN lol. There are a lot of contenders for her. I do think “having half your skin melted off by industrial effluent” is probably up there, acutely. Admittedly she exalted not long after that and probably didn’t feel much of it afterwards. (Lunar oxbodies aka the things that give you more health are, notably, the strongest among the Exalted, even in comparison to Solars)
As someone who has been known to get beat up recreationally I think there are definitely worse feelings in her book. But also since she doesn’t have the ‘pain tolerance’ merit i think she’s still at least a little bit of a princess about it. Maybe that’s all… part of the appeal.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
Her sleep schedule is weirdly normal, very early-to-bed-early-to-rise. Unfortunately necromancy is sort of a preferably nocturnal activity and being hooked up to the Neverborn can make you kind of sleep-avoidant (thats when they get in, to your brain). So I think what happens most often is she gets some kind of perturbing vision around 3 am and then stays awake & skulks off to her laboratory to study, or get some stuff done, and takes her mind off of it for the most part.
She has led sort of a stupid life and has many regrets for a normal person. Small potatoes for the Exalted. Once you’re a couple war crimes in now THATS how you wind up going days without a wink. I’m sure she’ll get there once she gets her Necrotech war machines up and running.
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Fascinating question, lots of angles. As far as her beastman form goes she quite likes that, it’s a gift from Luna so you're not allowed to not like it. It is large, slimy, bizarre and kind of gross which are all points in its favor. It also makes a great… Mask, at least among her fellows in the Deliberative, almost like an alternate persona. There’s some baggage associated with making her human face her public facing-side so she simply chooses to… Not do that.
Which is not to say she doesn’t -like- her human form. She spends most of her time in it and likes it quite a lot; it also reflects her “ideal self” because when you go Lunar your body pretty much changes to match your idealized self-image. It’s just weird to have people look at you and think “wow, humanity perfected right here” when you spent most of your life being the guy who sucks. Maybe she’ll get used to it one day.
There’s not really any monsters in there (I guess you could call her tie to the neverborn that, but she’s more just ‘tuned in’ rather than embodying them or whatever) + shes met the smallest weakest most horrible version of herself. That guy’s not so bad
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So for most of this run Drake has this special gun that shoots nanomachines... and it is infused with occult energy so they call it Necrotech... and it is nick named Linda like Linda Blair, who I should point out was NOT the Exorcist but the person who was possessed in the movie so the name doesn’t even fit... anyway, all of this is very 90s.
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jacketgeist · 11 months
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Necrotech Warlock
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vivaldiny · 1 year
Playing Warhammer: Mechanicus as both necron and admech fan (as much as you can be a fan when you know very little about WH) is actually a weird experience because a) I kinda feel for both sides and being cussed at by necron lords feels both annoying and deserved; b) I WANT TO ENCOURAGE NECROTECH STEALING BUT I FEEL SO BAD ABOUT IT BECAUSE POOR NECRONS???; c) some battles are just a constant switch between "oh god these units are so cool I'd let them hit my techpriest anytime" and "STOP HITTING MY TECHPRIESTS AND DIE ALREADY".
Aaand then there was the Ekropis bossfight, half of which was me squealing to my friends about how awesome Varguards are (reading a book where one of the main characters was a varguard definitely didn't help here). Did that disrupt my planning? Probably. Not that it would stop me from squealing if I see them again...
Anyway, just wanted to share it because what the hell does this game do to my brain💀
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necrotech by k c alexander?
Queued! Thanks!
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your-heavily-father · 2 months
Screaming Silence
I was sitting here trying to figure out exactly how I feel about life in order to give y’all a thoughtful post. *sighs loudly* A Pop-Tart Quarter Pounder sums it up nicely. I legitimately feel like I can’t win. Life right now consists of me, sitting mostly on the couch pissed off at DE for making the drop rate of the ‘Damaged Necrotech Engine’ significantly smaller than my exs micro-peen. I…
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deadwelder · 5 years
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Mukuro-tech, necrotech at japonism style (and third one is inspired by SEKIRO, the 2019 best action game...)
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ayhydraws · 1 year
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Harvester Hatchling / 摘み児
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rolaplayor101 · 5 years
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Some art I did for KC Alexander's/@kacealexander 's amazing sci-fi cyberpunk book Necrotech! Highly recommend!
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a-wlw-reads · 5 years
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SINless series by K.C. Alexander
Do the wlw end up together : No
Riko wakes up with months of memory vanished, her hard-worn street reputation gone, and her girlfriend a robotic walking corpse. For those like Riko who’ve gone off the grid in this post-apocalyptic version of Earth, their cred and their squad are all they’ve got. And now that her friends think she sold her girlfriend out and went corporate, she’s got nothing left to rely on but her (mechanic) fists and a whole lot of weaponry. These books are a ride and half; they start going and there isn’t a dull moment from there on out. 
Riko’s got a motto:
“Kill whoever fucks with me. Fuck whoever doesn’t.”
and man, does she stick to it. This series is as vulgar and violent as the best pulp sci-fi novels but comes through with the bisexual representation that none would dare. But for real, this is not the one for the faint of heart, it’s for those who want the book equivalent of a live wire. From the dichotomy of sinners and saints (otherwise known as those who find their entire lives commercialized to make mega-corporations a buck or those who give up any hope of protection to live free) to the subtle nods to the destruction of global warming, Alexander creates a dystopic world that feels like the natural extension of our own. There isn’t a throw-away line in here, just as there isn’t a second to put the book down and take a break (which is a real downside when you’ve got a Thermodynamics midterm coming up). So if y’all need to step away from the world for a bit, this book will drag you down with it and not let you go until you’re reeling.
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unhallowedarts · 7 years
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Necrotech by KC Alexander
I guess moodboards is what I’m doing tonight! 
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kalki-maitreya · 5 years
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"At its core is the idea that any technology...even a vastly and yet fully understood one will be adopted no matter the risk. Since to not have it would lead to the end of civilization...yet in the lack of understanding it..will lead us to the same." #necrotech #kojimaproductions https://www.instagram.com/p/B41FmsenObZ/?igshid=7z1awdrpv27p
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