#ned x shaena
j-morgan-fly · 2 years
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Shaena is the second child of King Aerys and Queen Rhaella Targaryen, with one older brother and four younger. As the only daughter of House Targaryen, she was expected to wed her elder brother. But when a saner Aerys is convinced to make amends with Tywin Lannister, Rhaegar is betrothed to Cersei Lannister in 276 AC.
Years later, Rhaegar and Cersei's wedding is fast approaching. The realm is thriving and the Targaryen's are loved but when Rhaegar kidnaps Lyanna, the crown is turned on it's head. As a result Shaena and many other women's fates are changed irrevocably. New betrothals are made, and Shaena is to wed Ned Stark rather than her younger brother Daeron, as planned.
What will become of this snowbound dragon?
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wallofprompts · 5 years
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Another chance to win the fight AU 7
(282 AC. Winterfell.) Since Ned came back from visiting White Harbour, his father had been looking at him in a particular way, but he hadn’t said what was bothering him until the day before.
 “Son, are things between you and the Princess going...hmm... adequately?” Lord Rickard had asked him.
“Ahm... ehm... Aye, I think so, father.” He had answered disconcerted.
If Ned had stopped to think about it, he might’ve remembered that Shaena had been tactfully avoiding him since he had come back. He had missed her during his trip. Several times, Ned had found himself thinking of something that she might have liked or made her smile, so he had assumed she might’ve missed him too, but it didn’t seem to be the case.
Lord Rickard had nodded, mulling his answer, both strolling in silence around the keep.
“It’s just that... it passed a year since you wed...” His father told him. It’s been thirteen moons precisely. “And you’re both so shy, that I thought maybe you were having some troubles at the... marriage bed.”
Ned flushed at his father’s words. Sure, they were both of an introvert and quiet disposition but passed the few first clumsy times, they both have been enjoying their time abed, at least they had before he had gone to White Harbour.
“Sorry if I’m being too blunt for you, Ned, but you’re the heir now.” Lord Rickard continued. “You and the Princess must secure Winterfell for the Starks.”
Ned himself had pondered about why Shaena wasn’t bearing a babe yet but he had presumed it'd happen sooner or later. Now, he wasn’t so sure.
He decided talking to Maester Walys was the sensible thing to do.
What he hadn’t expected was the Maester explaining him, his wife’s avoidance had been under his direct orders.
“I prescribed the Princess at least one moon for her body to heal before you try again, my young lord.” The man must have noticed Ned’s ignorance because he added. “Because of the miscarriage.”
“Mis...miscarriage?” Ned repeated, trying to understand what the man had said.
“Oh... bu-but I thought...” The Maester stammered realizing his mistake. He thought Ned knew because what man wouldn’t know his wife had lost their babe? “Princess Shaena said...she’d inform you.”
“She didn’t,” Ned admitted, more hurt than angry. “When...?”
“It happened after you left for White Harbour.” He explained. “The Princess suspected she might be with child before you left. I saw some signs, but it was too early to tell for sure, unfortunately, a fortnight later she lost it.”
“I...I-, thank you for telling me.” Ned stuttered. He wondered if Shaena was distressed or suffering and he had failed to notice it, but mainly he questioned why she hadn’t told him. He turned away, ready to leave but the Maester stopped him.
“The Princess...” The Maester hesitated for a moment. “She thinks it happened once before, shortly after you were wedded. I explained her that before a woman starts to show, it’s very difficult to know for sure if the seed has taken root.” He expounded, “The one she mentioned was earlier than this and so, I tried to erase the notion of it, but she was adamant.”
“I...I see.” Ned hesitated. The more he knew about it, the worse was the bitter taste on his mouth and the dreading grip on his entrails.
“Do try to not be very displeased with her, it’s what I’m trying to say, Ned.”  Maester Wilys advised him. “It’s a fearsome predicament for a Lady and it’s too early to be concern about it.”
Ned intended to confront Shaena that night, but he cowered and instead expended the night in Brandon’s room. His brother’s things weren’t there anymore, but he felt somehow closer to him there.
Ned felt like a pretender most of the time, living his brother’s life. Winterfell was supposed to be his, all the travels and responsibilities were meant for Brandon, even Shaena.
She was meant to be Brandon’s bride, not Ned’s.
Brandon, who was witty and passionate, who knew how to flirt and talk to women. Not him, who found challenging talking to his own wife.
And yet, the notion of Shaena married to Brandon, of her pale, petite body laying next to his brother, her silver-white threads spreading over him or tangled around his fingers instead of Ned’s, made him feel sick to his stomach.
He barely slept that night, he woke up before the sunrise and walked back to their chambers.
Shaena was curled up under the bed’s furs, sleeping very close to the border as if she might need to run out of the bed at some point.
Ned took off his boots and slipped under the furs. He curled his arm around her middle and pressed his face against the back of her head, his nose burying in her silver tresses, inhaling the warm womanly scent that was unique of Shaena.
She stirred in her sleep. She relished on the new source of warm, sinking back against his body.
“Ned?” She asked, twisting in his arms to face him.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized, pressing his forehead against hers.
“Sorry? For what?” She inquired with worry.
“The babe” He croaked. Shaena’s violet eyes widen suddenly, her body stiffened in Ned’s arms. “Maester Wilys told me.”
His explanation didn’t remove the shock from Shaena’s body, so Ned searched her face. He had only seen such dread on her face once before, the night of their wedding. When their guests had pushed them into the room and closed the doors behind them, leaving them alone for the very first time. He remembered Shaena hugging her petite naked body, shivering and staring at him with absolute terror.
“You are?” She whispered, returning Ned to the present.
“Aye,” He nodded, petting her silver hair. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
“Ar-aren’t you angry?” She searched his face looking for any expression that could give away his feelings.
“I’m-” He had been hurt and disappointed to learn it from the Maester instead of her, but surely it had been worse for her. “I wish you’d have told me, but I’m not angry.”
“Bu-but I lost it,” She whimpered, panic seeping in her voice, “I lost our babe.”
Ned pressed a kiss to her brow and hugged her tightly.
“You didn’t do anything, it happened.” He kissed her hair while her hands grabbed his shirt and she started to cry out. “It wasn’t you, my love.”
They held each other for a long time.
Ned’s own silent tears joined the louder heartbroken ones from Shaena.
“How she did it?” She questioned after she had calmed down.
“My mother,” She tipped her head up to Ned, “I wasn’t born for her first two and I was just two when baby Daeron died, but I hazily remember the one after him. How she was taken away and I wasn’t allowed to see her.” She sniffed and closed her eyes with a grimace. “When baby Aegon died, I remember Rhae trying to hide me from father’s rage, but we could hear his yells and the horrible things he shouted to her.”
Ned cupped the back of her head and tightened his arms around her as if he could shield her from her own memories.
“After baby Jae died,” Shaena kept revealing, though Ned knew a some of it already. “Father replaced all the servants and lowborn in the keep. Years later, I found out every one of them was questioned, some died during it and the ones who didn’t were banished from the city.”
“I heard of it” Ned whispered.
“Most people don’t know, but mother lost another after Viserys,” Shaena confessed. “I remember the horrible things father screamed to her, the things people say at court, ‘something must be wrong with her’, ‘it’s her fault’, ‘she must do something’.”
Her voice broke and she started crying again.
“I never… never thought how horrible it must have been for her, I only cared what her failure meant to me. The yelling and slights father would direct at me and Rhae because of her. I ne-nev-”
“Shush.” Ned quieted her, holding and rocking her body while she wept. Realising now how terrified Shaena must have been to tell him about their babe. “You didn’t know.”
“What if… what if something is wrong with me too, Ned?” She looked up, her eyes reddened and full of tears. “What if I ca-can’t-”
“It’s too early, the Maester said so,” He tried to dismiss her fears, but she shook her head, “It’s in the Gods’ hands....and if we don’t have children, then Benjen will have to.”
“He’ll hate me.” She sobbed, rubbing her eyes with her arm. “He wants to be a knight.”
“He still can,” Ned pushed her silver her away from her face “but then he’ll have to wed.”
“You’ll hate me too.” Her voice broken.
“How could I” He cupped her face to gaze at her eyes, “when I love you?”
Her eyes widened and she sucked in her breath on a sharp gasp.
“You do?” She asked tremulous and hopeful.
He did.
He didn’t realise until now but of course he did, and it wasn’t a recent feeling, it had been there for some time. She pressed a shy kiss against his lips.
“I was so happy when the Maester said I might be with child,” She looked down, away from Ned’s eyes. “I thought ‘Ned would love me for it when he came back, and even if it’s only a tiny bit of how much I love him, I’ll be lucky.’”
He tipped up her face, they stared at each other wishfully until they both smiled, before kissing each other senseless.
Shaena didn’t miscarriage again, but neither did she get with child. Every time her moonblood came she lost a little more hope, the news of Lyanna expecting her first babe and Cersei’s second didn’t help either.
Nevertheless, she knitted the most delicate baby blankets anyone had ever seen in Winterfell as a present for both babes’ namedays.
Lyanna had a healthy little girl they named Elia.
Ned had feared Shaena would be distressed, so he was understandingly baffled when she didn’t.
Instead, she took his hand, placed over her lower belly, and beamed at him as happy as he had ever seen her.
By the end of 283, Shaena delivered a baby boy.
“He looks just like you,” She whispered, pale and exhausted after a difficult childbirth.
The babe was bundled on her arms and Ned was sat on the bed to look at his firstborn.
He did have the Stark looks, with a wisp of dark hair and a solemn, long little face. His features were, however, more delicate than any Stark could have ever dreamt of. He looked around with pensive, big eyes that were dark, though neither grey like Ned’s nor violet like Shaena’s.
“I hoped he’d get your eyes,” Ned mentioned.
“He has my brother’s,” She pointed. Ned leant his head to look at their son in a better light, while trying to remember Prince Rhaegar’s eyes. “I know you want to name him after Lord Arryn, what do you think about Jongar?”
“Not Jonaerys?” He japed.
“Jonaerys Stark sounds as ridiculous as those Freys named after Rhae.” Shaena dismissed. “Is Jonhar better?”
“Not Jonys?”
She hit his arm in retaliation, he laughed and kissed her forehead.
“Jonhar Stark it is, then.”
Another change to win the fight 1-6: Ned & Shaena (1),   Lyanna & Oberyn, Rhaegar & Cersei,  Robert & Catelyn,  Jaime & Lynesse, Ashara & Elbert
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 years
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Shaena Targaryen in The Snowbound Dragon by @j-morgan-fly
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eschercaine · 3 years
Dragon's Reign, A Song of Ice and Fire AU pt. 6
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Inspired by @fromtheboundlesssea’s Into the Unknown series and @j-morgan-fly’s fic, The Snow Bound Dragon. Rhaegar lives and Aerys and Rhaella’s other children also lives.
Sorry for any mistakes in grammar. I hope you like it. 😊
Summary: Prince Viserys has fallen in love with Lady Arya Stark but Rhaegar had other plans for his brother. Daeron and his siblings comes to the rescue.
Note: Their love story is similar from Into the Unknown series. What changed is Viserys has siblings who supported him.
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When Viserys first met Lady Arya Stark, he mistook her for Jon or Lord Stark because she looked similar to them, but there’s something about her features that made her appear softer.
She’s beautiful, Viserys thought. But he did not want to admit it.
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She may not possess the same elegance as her sister Sansa, Arya finally acceded to dance when Jeyne Poole and Beth Cassel grabbed her and her sister on the floor to dance.
Earlier, Viserys accidentally overheard Lady Jeyne calling Arya “Underfoot” for her lack of talent in feminine etiquette, but to everyone’s surprise, Lady Arya danced gracefully.
Viserys smiled.
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With her unique personality, Viserys was sure that he was falling in love with Arya. But he is older than her... and a broken man, at that. Viserys repeatedly told himself to do what Rhaegar had asked of him, as it is his duty as a prince. He hoped that Lady Arya will finally meet a man she truly deserves... but not him.
Arya in her usual self, punched Viserys on the shoulder, telling him that her heart belongs to him now, and he should take care of it.
And he vowed that he will.
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Daeron suddenly barged in his room. “What are you planning, Rhaegar?!”
“I’m planning many things, brother. You have to be specific,” Rhaegar nonchalantly replied.
“You may think that I am a fool, but I know that you wanted Viserys to marry Rhaenys to keep them both in the capital.”
“It is for their own good.”
“For their own good?!” Daeron snarled. “When are your schemes is for their sakes? Our sakes? You’re plans always ruins everything!”
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“I am the king! They are my subjects and their duty is to obey me!” Rhaegar shouted.
Daeron slammed both of his hands on the table. “You knew that Viserys loved that Stark girl, and you knew that if he marries her, you will lose one of your pawns. Is that what you think of us, brother? A pawn?”
“You will see that my future plans will bring glory to our family. Viserys should do what he was told.”
“Do you really think that Viserys would just agree to that?” Daeron asked. “He and Rhaenys knew your plans for them and asked me for help. You are no longer her father—you are no longer his brother—you are now merely a stranger to them. You will brought our family into ruin, not glory.”
Daeron angrily stormed out of the room and slammed the door.
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Later that night, Viserys’ siblings, (not including the king) Rhaenys, and Aegon secretly attended Viserys and Arya’s wedding, while Elia stalled Rhaegar.
Shaena notified the Lord and Lady Stark of this, and they both give their consent.
Later, they helped Viserys prepare their ship, the Shy Maiden, accompanied by Davos Seaworth and few other men, to leave for Winterfell.
As always, they ruined another of Rhaegar’s plans. But they regret nothing. They simply wished for Viserys to live a happy life.
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Moodboard for:
Daeron and Shaena
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Viserys and Arya
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songcfmuses-a · 2 years
Could you tell me who you ship your GoT muses with???
Hello Anon! 
I’m not sure if this meant like personally, or rp wise, so I’m just gonna go with personally because RP wise I can be swayed
In Order
Bran Stark - Myrcella Baratheon. I’m open to Tommen Baratheon, and Jojen but I don’t really ship them? I respect Bran’s crush on Meera but don’t want them together. 
Oberyn Martell - Ellaria. I’m open to exploring Cersei x Oberyn but only in a world where Elia lives. 
Elia Martell - Arthur Dayne. Open to Rhaegar with the right rper 
Sansa Stark - Margaery Tyrell 
Margaery Tyrell - Sansa Stark. Platonic!Renly Baratheon. 
Rhaenys I Targaryen - Visenya and Aegon.
Lailani - Dale Seaworth 
Jeyne Poole - Theon Greyjoy. Robb Stark 
Daenerys - Arya Stark, Yara/Asha Greyjoy, Daario, Irri, Doreah
Tommen Baratheon - Life and being a child 
Missandei - Greyworm 
Laena Velaryon - Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen 
Shaena Targaryen - I have discussed Stannis and Shaena and Jaime and Shaena, but I’m still not sure if either of those are romantic relationships 
Ashara Dayne - Ned Stark
OCs are all interaction based. so depends 
Aegon Perryn - Leona Flowers, open to Alicent Hightower 
Daenys - Rhaenyra’s cooch 
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j-morgan-fly · 1 year
Update! I am ALIVE!!!
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j-morgan-fly · 1 year
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New chapter out!!!
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j-morgan-fly · 1 year
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New chapter is up! I'm going to be trying to update biweekly on Wednesday or Thursday from now on.
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j-morgan-fly · 1 year
New chapter is out!!!
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j-morgan-fly · 2 years
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The children of Shaena Stark née Targaryen. Spoilers for Snowbound Dragon
Sansa Stark
Branda Stark
Arya Stark
And future son
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j-morgan-fly · 2 years
Who's your Shaena fancast?
It’s changed around a bit. Originally it was Holiday Granger, then Jodie Comer in the Last Duel and currently her face claim is Fanney Jansen.
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j-morgan-fly · 2 years
How many kids do Shaena and Ned end up having? It looks like 2-3 from your amazing drawings 😍
3 girls and much later 1 boy.
Thank you for complimenting my art!!! It’s really appreciated.
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j-morgan-fly · 1 year
The Snowbound Dragon Playlist:
Salt and The Sea: The Lumineers
Saturn: Sleeping at Last
Daughter of the Sea: Eliott Tordo Erhu
King: Florence and The Machine
Queen of Peace: Florence and The Machine
No Light, no light: Florence and The Machine
Labor: Paris Paloma
Left for Dead: Kiki Rockwell
Leave Luanne: 35MM
Dynasty: MIIA
Legendary: Welshly Arms
Far from Home: Sam Tinnesz
Muddy Waters: LP
I saw you asked for one ages ago, but these songs give me the vides for it.
Thank you!!! I’m actually a bit teary! You have no idea that how much you just interacting with me means to me!!!
I can’t wait to listen to these when I’m working on the next chapter!!
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j-morgan-fly · 1 year
Playlist Suggestions
For my followers that read Snowbound Dragon, I am in desperate need of playlist recs to help get through this next chapter that is due to update on Thursday! Even if it's not a playlist but a song that you think fits the vibe of my story, please let me know what it is. You can send it in an ask, a dm or by reblogging this post. I appreciate the help!
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j-morgan-fly · 2 years
i saw the video edit you did and it's wonderful. The music sounds so dynamic and goes well with the fight scenes and all the glances like they know something the audience doesn't, can't wait for an update or more of your fandom content. I gotta say I checked out the work for jonsa and but now I've devoured all your other work.
Keep up the great work! Sending lots of love 💕
I don't know how or why I have failed to respond to this ask but I am sorry!!!! Thank you so much, especially because I feel like my video edits aren't really great. Sending back just as much love and appreciation for your support.
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j-morgan-fly · 2 years
I honestly don't remember if I've ever told you how much I love the Ned x Shaena concept! AND your art and writing is beautiful 😍
🥹 Oh my gosh thank you so much!!! You have made my day, I mean it!!
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