#Shaena Targaryen
coldraindropsss · 3 months
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ayowotsdis · 10 months
Nothing much, just thinking about how the Brackens felt, when Betha Blackwood, A BLACKWOOD. Let me repeat, a blackwood of raventree hall. Became Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms. Just thinking...
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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This idea was inspired by @floatyflowers blog.
You are the precious Princess of House Targaryen. You are the first and only child of Daemon Targaryen and Rhae Royce. Both are perfect parents for you. You have silver-colored curly hair that reaches down to your back, smooth pale skin, expressive eyes, one gray and the other violet, and a full, curved body. You are very close with your cousin, Crown Prince Rhaegel, your best friend. You see him as the best cousin and friend. However, he sees you as a lover. He believes the two of you were made for each other. King Viserys and Queen Aemma love you very much. They see you as the girl they never had. Rhaegel is very determined to keep other men away from you. The pure feelings he has had for you since his adolescence are replaced by obsessive and dark feelings after a while. You two like to go on rides with your dragons together. Rhaegel's male dragon Syrax and your female dragon Saphira are like a married couple. He learns that Otto is making plans to marry his daughter (Alicent) to him. Alicent is just a friend to him. Otto decides to take action before starting his plan. He explains to his family that he wants to marry you. The King and Queen welcome this request. He talks to Daemon and Rhae about it. All that remains is to hear your opinion. Before you leave your room to go to dinner with your family, Rhaegel is visiting. Honestly, you're mad at him for doing such a thing without telling you. Rhaegel tells you everything. Honestly, you know the King's hand is cunning enough to do such a thing. Rhaegel gets on her knees in front of you. Because you care so much for your cousin, you give him a hug and comfort him. You say you will agree to marry because you can't stand her being so miserable. After all, you think that marrying your cousin would be a better choice than marrying a man you've never met. Your wedding is taking place soon. The wedding is very ostentatious and organized with no expense spared. Otto is not at all happy with this decision. Rhaegel is determined to get rid of him soon. After getting married, Rhaegel begins to show her tendencies. He won't let you leave the palace and ride your dragon when he's not with you. She says she did everything for you when you confronted her about it. Rhaegel is trying hard to get you pregnant. He doesn't listen to you even if you say it's too early for the child at first. Rhaegel takes care of you every single pregnancy. It gives him great pleasure to see you puffing up with his baby. Rhaegel would never raise a hand or insult you. His weapon is manipulation. Your marriage is blessed with seven healthy children. Rhaegel is a good father to your children. Rhaegel is crowned King after King Viserys abdicates earlier. He never hesitates to kill others for you. When it comes to you, Rhaegel is passionate about assassination, threats, blackmail, torture and killing. It pampers you and your children to the fullest. He is a very devoted husband to you. You can ask anything from him. But never ask to break up with him. The eggs that Syrax and Saphire have together are laid in their cribs when your children are born. Not only does Aemond's egg hatch. Your husband helps your son Aemond bond with Vermithor. Being stuck with your husband Rhaegel isn't all that bad in a way. It allows you to correspond with your mother and relatives and let them visit you.
Rhaegel and Princess (cousin) childrens ;
Daeron / Shaena (twins)
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alienoryva · 22 days
A targaryen name that only used by one person in the family ;
Aenar (Father of Daenys the dreamer)
Daenys (Daughter of Aenar the exile)
Maegon (Son of Aegon & Elaena/grandson of Daenys the dreamer & Gaemon the glorious)
Aelix (Son of Aerys/great-grandason of Daenys the dreamer)
Daemion (Youngest son of Aerys/great-grandson of Daenys the dreamer/father of lord Aerion/grandfather of the Conqueror siblings)
Aenys i (only child of Aegon the Conqueror & Rhaenys)
Aerea (Daughter of Aegon the uncrowned & Rhaena Targaryen/twins sister of septa-princess Rhaella Targaryen)
Maegelle (Sixth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Vaegon (Seventh child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Viserra (Tenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Valerion (Twelfth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Gael (Youngest/thirteenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Rhaenyra i (Daughter of Viserys i & Aemma Arryn)
Helaena (Daughter of Viserys i & Alicent Hightower)
Baela (Daughter of Daemon & Laena Velaryon/Twins sister of Rhaena)
Jaehaera (Daughter of Aegon ii & Helaena/Twins of Jaehaerys)
Daena (Eldest Daughter of Aegon iii & Daenaera Velaryon)
Naerys (Daughter of Viserys ii & Larra Rogarre)
Rhaegel (Third son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Maekar i (Youngest son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Aelor (Son of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Aelora (Eldest Daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn/Twins of Aelor)
Daenora (Youngest child/daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Valarr (Eldest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Matarys (Youngest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Rhae (Youngest daughter/child of Maekar i & Dyanna dayne)
Rhaelle (Youngest daughter/child of Aegon v & Betha Blackwood/grandmother of Robert i,stannis,renly Baratheon)
Rhaegar (Eldest son/child of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
Shaena (Second child/Eldest Daughter of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
NOTE: I didn't add the Targaryen name which only uses additional alphabet but the spelling is same (Saera & Shaera / Aemon & Aemond)
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lilith-kruger · 1 year
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PRINCESS SAERA TARGARYEN:Saera was still alive, somewhere in volantis (he had abandoned years before, burdened with bad reputation and money), but she was dead to jaehaerys, and the letters sent to her by sanne sometimes secretly were all unanswered.
PRINCESS SHAENA TARGARYEN :His majesty, who wished to accompany him, left at disembarkation from the king to the queen (pregnant with the baby that would turn out to be princess shaena, born lifeless), but she took her eight-year-old son rhaegar, prince of rocadragon, and more than half of the court. For almost the whole of the following year the seven kingdoms were ruled from lannisport and casterly rock, where the monarch had settled his royals, along with his hand.
QUEEN SHAERA TARGARYEN :Then came the turn of prince jaehaerys, now prince of rocadragon. Although during his years with the plain people king aegon had distanced himself from the valyrian custom of incestuous marriages, the Prince Jaehaerys had more traditional tendencies, as from a very early age he was in love with his sister shaera and dreamed of bringing her to the old targaryen fashion. Upon hearing of their wishes King Aegon and Queen Betha they did their best to separate them, but for some reason it seemed that the distance only kindled the mutual passion of the prince and the princess.
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icefrye19 · 1 year
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                Dragonstone 283 AD
     " Greatness and Madness are on two opposite side of a coin, every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin and everyone holds their breath and wait to see what side that coun would flip on "
But if this time it would landed on Greatness
As Shaena Targaryen lay in bed sweaty and exhausted, her handmaidens Luna and Brielle  stood by her holding each of her hands.
This was the last place Shaena had expected to find herself at, she expected Brandon her husband, her wolf, her lover, and best friend to be by her side.
But her husband  and Lord Rickon her father in law  was long gone from this wretched world around them at the hands of her mad father.
Rhaegar her stupid foolish of a twin brother and naive foolish sister-in-law Lyanna had ran away with each other claiming they loved each other and wanted to be with one another.
Or what her brother letter had said, her poor sister in law Ella niece and nephew was abandoned at the capital with her father.
Her mother who was heavily pregnant giving birth in the next room besides her  her little brother Viserys was on dragon stone with them.
Her brother-in-law was away at war with Robert the usurper who wanted her brother's head and wanted her head as well claiming she was a Dragon Whore who deserved to bleed for her brother's crimes.
Now here she laid giving birth to her and Brandon's only child, Masters and Midwives surrounded all around her.
The dragon princess let out another piercing scream as another wave of contraction hit her and began to drop down onto the bed weakly.
" My lady you must push " The master encouraged her.
" I can't don't this without Brandon I need him    Shaena sobbed out.
" My lady you are one of the strongest people I  have ever meet you can do this " Luna  said.
" She's right my lady you are a dragon and dragons don't give up " Briellle said.
Shaena rose from the bed again weakly and started to push again screeching out in pain.
" One more push my lady and your child shall be here," The master said.
Shaena pushed with all of her might screaming out loudly in pain, a loud wail filled the room.
" It's a girl my lady " The master smiled holding the young dragon wolf cub in his arm.
" Give her to me please " Shaena  instructed, The master carefully passed the young dragon wolf cub in her arms.
Shaena  began to sob out lightly as she stared down at her daughter, on top of her head laid silver streaks, as she began to coo down at her daughter.
The young dragon cub opened her eyes and gray slight blue eyes  stared back at Shaena
Shaena find it strange at how her daughter had a touch of blue to her eyes she noticed a magical touch to them.
She then remember the prophecy that Rhaegar would go on and on about, the promised princess of ice and fire a princes born of fire and ice that would be the savior of the realm, magic would run through her veins she would be the Queen of winter, ice, fire, wolves
and dragons
Shaena didn't really believe in prophecies as her twin brother did but now she was starting to, Brandon had always say that their child would be special maybe this was would he meant.
" She's beautiful " Shaena smiled, " A True  Targaryen and A Stark " Beielle comments looking down at the young dragon wolf princess in Shaena arms.
" Have you thought on a name yet my princess  ? The master asked.
" Yes I have her name will be Elaena Stark Magicborn Of House Targaryen and Stark, Second Of Her Name, Princess Of Dragonstone and one day Queen Of The North" Shaena started
" That's a beautiful name my lady " Brielle smiled.
As Shaena held her bundle of joy in her arm she couldn't help but feel scared, she knew Robert wanted all Targaryen dead for taking away his precious Lyanna who had ran away willingly with her brother.
But she knew Robert wouldn't listen to reason and could be bloodthirst when he wanted to be.
Shaena could only hope Ned would protect and loved Elaena as his own.
A few days after the young dragon princess had passed away a few months after the birth of her daughter along with Queen Rhaella who had passed away as well giving birth to daughter she named Daenerys.
The last remaining of Rhaegar's kings guard took the targaryen siblings across the sea placing them in hiding.
Ned had traveled to Dragonstone with his men along with his nephew Jahnaerys Targaryen Rhaeagr and Lyanna's son the heir to the iron throne who had disguised as his bastard son Jon Snow
He had climbed the steps of Dragonstone and found his good sister in law Shaena in bed dying holding a little bundle in her arms which was his niece.
His eldest brother had left a child behind as well as his sister, Shaena had begged him to protect her and Brandon's daughter which he agreed to immediately.
The dragon princess died on her ancestral home and passed away peacefully and was laid to rest in Winterfell next to her husband Brandon.
Now as Ned Stark stood in the crypts holding his nieces and nephew in each of  his arm, he stared up at the statues of his brother and sister in law Shaena that laid down in the ground beside one another.
Ned had a statue of Shaena built next to his brother much to Catelyn protest, Catelyn loathe Shaena very much claiming she had stole Brandon from her.
Brandon was to be wed to Catelyn Tully first but King Aerys had demanded their father to wed Brandon to Shaena claiming Ice and Fire must come together as one.
Hoster Tully was enraged at hearing the news claiming his daughter was a far better choice than a silver haired dragon whore.
At Brandon and Shaena wedding, Catelyn had confronted the princess asking why she steal Brandon from her.
Shaena simple ignored her and walk away the next day Catelyn had tried to  apologized for her actions but Shaena didn't want to hear it.
Right next to Brandon statue  stood Lyanna his sister statue, As Ned began to look down at his niece and nephew the two last hidden Targaryen in Westeros, rest of the Targaryen children, Rhaenys and Aegon along with Elia Martell slaughtered like dogs at the hand of The Moutain under the orders of Tywin Lannister.
As Ned stare at his brother and sister's statute, " I will protect her Brandon I promise no harm will come to her " 
As he set his eyes on his sister statue he signed he couldn't help but wonder why his sister would do something so stupid run away with a married man and have a child with him 
Although Rhaegar had divorced Elia and married Lyanna in favor, Lyanna claimed she couldn't marry a brute like Robert.
During that time, Catelyn had given birth to a boy names Robb after returning home to her Ned had shared her bed again and later she gave birth to girl who didn't survive to spare her from hear break of losing a child Ned had swapped the babies and placed his niece in the girl's place.
He had instructed Old Nan to put special coloring in his niece's hair to hide her Targaryen features turning from silver to a light brown color. 
Now she went but the name of Lyarra Stark eldest daughter of Catelyn Stark and Eddard Stark, twin to Robb Stark.
I will protect you little cubs no harm shall come to you " Ned whispered pressing a kiss to his niece and nephew foreheads.
                      Author Note
First Chapter Of The Ice Dragon Queen I am so excited to upload more upcoming chapters.
In this story Jon Snow is a Targaryen still and is the heir to the iron throne.
I will have flashbacks of Shaena and Brandon
Votes and Comments are most appreciated, updates may be slow depending if I am free I still have school to do
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lady-phasma · 1 year
Philosopher Prince
Chapter 4 coming soon
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Shaena Targaryen (oc) and Aemond Targaryen
Chapters One, Two, and Three up now. Masterlist.
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mariedemedicis · 2 years
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Ladies of House Targaryen:
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namelessskies · 7 months
Shaena Targaryen
Shaena!Athanasia brainrot 🥹🥹🥹 an experimental plot I want to explore.
So instead of being stillborn, Princess Shaena survives, but her condition is far too frail for Aerys II to even consider her as Rhaegar's bride - heirs and all. Her marriage is even more delayed because Rhaella doesn't want to marry her off because of her health, and Aerys' options are far too limited - since his priority is someone with Valyrian blood - Viserys is too young for Shaena, and Aerys is not comfortable giving another Targaryen royalty to the Martell's.
Shaena, on the other hand, develops feelings for Jaime Lannister which was mutual - yes, I know he's a Kingsguard, but let's be honest, the Kingsguard doesn't have the best reputation at this point. But Shaena dies somewhere along Robert's Rebellion - could be of the stress or dying in Dragonstone - and her consciousness is fused with Athanasia's fresh out of narrowly escaping execution by virtue of Claude suddenly gaining light.
Shaena!Athanasia decides she hates Claude - Aerys isn't probably the best father, but hey, at least he didn't send his own blood to the guillotine. She makes a friend out of deposed empress Penelope Eckhart - I love angst, don't mind me, years of the Leila - who sought refuge in the Obelian Empire and becomes the head of a mage guild, who has a few interesting choice of words for Claude's excellent parenting.
Interestingly enough, Penelope is also someone Shaena!Athanasia knows in her past life as Penelope Redwyne, one of her ladies-in-waiting.
Down the years, Reborn!Jaime and Shaena!Athanasia meet again and continue their lovestory except Claude is a total killjoy and becomes the hindrance to their happily ever after. Killjoy aside,
Claude also has a lot of reasons why he is opposed to their marriage. Reborn!Jaime is over a decade older than Shaena!Athanasia and considering just how much he had followed her around when he first arrived in Obelia, Claude suspected foul play since Shaena!Athanasia and Reborn!Jaime meet overseas when Shaena!Athanasia is doing her studies in Arlanta. Claude suspected that Reborn!Jaime groomed Shaena!Athanasia whilst she was away from her homeland.
So, Reborn!Jaime and Shaena!Athanasia elope and seeks Penelope's help, who then helps them officiate a legal wedding under the eyes of the gods. They are seized the morning after, but the marriage is already consummated, and a month later, starts showing signs of conception.
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rosaluxembae · 1 year
Cooking up some contrarian theory like Jon Snow is a Secret Targaryen but only because Septa Lemore is his mother and also Shaena Targaryen.
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 years
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Shaena Targaryen in The Snowbound Dragon by @j-morgan-fly
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coldraindropsss · 1 year
Queens Rhaella and Aerys II children who died young.
Stillborn child, Shaena, Daeron, Aegon, Jaehaerys
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j-morgan-fly · 1 year
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Shaena is the second child of King Aerys and Queen Rhaella Targaryen, with one older brother and four younger. As the only daughter of House Targaryen, she was expected to wed her elder brother. But when a saner Aerys is convinced to make amends with Tywin Lannister, Rhaegar is betrothed to Cersei Lannister in 276 AC.
Years later, Rhaegar and Cersei's wedding is fast approaching. The realm is thriving and the Targaryen's are loved but when Rhaegar kidnaps Lyanna, the crown is turned on it's head. As a result Shaena and many other women's fates are changed irrevocably. New betrothals are made, and Shaena is to wed Ned Stark rather than her younger brother Daeron, as planned.
What will become of this snowbound dragon?
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This isn’t Harry Potter related but I did just revive a fic that had been in a comatose state for the last two years!
Abandoned fic coming out of hiatus be like:
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Brief summary:
She leaned forward and picked up the small goblet of wine in front of her, taking a sip from it. “I think about finding him a mistress, you know, but with his whores I think he has that covered. Perhaps if I planned a conquest of Esso maybe he’d find some purpose again. Maybe he needs another war to fight, another cause to champion.”
“I think what he needs is someone to love and someone to love him,” he said.
“Yes, probably," she agreed, "But we both know that person can’t be me. I’m a Targaryen, Lord Jon, and he hates Targaryens. Nothing I do will ever make up for the disaster and death that my father and brother caused the Seven Kingdoms.”
“None of that was in your control,” he said.
“No. I know that. But you see, it hardly matters to him. I’m guilty by association. I could try to fix it for the rest of my life and he’ll still look at me like I was the one to rape and murder his lady love.”
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noratilney · 2 years
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Shaena Targaryen, ASoIaF + a moodboard for every oc (81/?)
tag list: @akabluekat, @arrthurpendragon, @booty-boggins, @bravelittleflower, @bubblegum-barbie, @foxesandmagic, @waterloou, @jvstjewels, @kendelias, @nixdragon, @ocs-supporting-ocs, @starcrossedjedis, @sunlitscrib, @villain-connoisseur
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icefrye19 · 10 months
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Pre-A Song of Ice and Fire | Game Of Thrones : Queen Visenya ‘ Targaryen the eldest sibling of King Aegon the Conqueror and Queen Rhaenys, first dragon rider of Vhagar queen of the skies.
Elaena Stark Targaryen the only child of Brandon Stark and Shaena Targaryen, heir of Winterfell and mother of dragons.
Both fierce as a dragon, cold as steel and warriors.
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