#need for financial planning in Oregon
You mentioned that sometimes zoos don’t get the funding they need? Is there anything that we, as visitors, can do to help with that? Donations, contacting representatives, things like that? What can we do to help zoos, zookeepers, and the animals they love and care for?
What a nice question!
So on a “we need funding for this new habitat or major renovation” level, the cost is pretty astronomical compared to what the average person can contribute. For example, the Oregon Zoo’s brand new Polar Passage habitat (started 2016, finished 2021) cost $19 million. The Brookfield Zoo is planning to add on a new indoor/outdoor ape habitat to their Tropics Building and that’s estimated at $9 million. Unless you happen to know folk with very deep pockets, personal donations aren’t going to have an impact on that scale - although that doesn’t mean they don’t help the zoo in other ways!
Contacting your representatives and expressing your support for your local facilities is absolutely something you can do that helps. Especially so if the facility is funded by the city or the county, but even if they’re not, it’s really good for reps to know that their constituents value the facility and want to see it supported. You can always write them whenever, but it’s most useful if there’s stuff happening that’s directly related (funding allocation, new rules being proposed, etc).
I’m going to take this opportunity to plug another way you can help zoos, though, that’s a bit different. Your question is really timely because there’s actually an ongoing need for support at the moment (date stamp: 6/11/23). There’s an organization I volunteer with, called Zoological Disaster Response, Rescue, and Recovery (ZDR3) and they do, well, what it says on the tin. When zoological facilities, sanctuaries, and other facilities with exotic animals experience disasters - think getting flattened by a hurricane - ZDR3 coordinates a network of 130+ facilities who can show up and help. This is everything from sending food and needed supplies that are limited because of supply lines, deploying staff to physically assist an impacted facility with recovery, and even helping evacuate animals and house them until it’s safe for them to return. And it’s really important that it’s other zoos doing this work: if you’ve got to go chainsaw fallen trees out of an alligator habitat, you need people who know how to work safely around alligators! It’s a type of response work that other major disaster organizations don’t really do, because they don’t have the expertise with the animals or the needs of the industry.
ZDR3 can always use support, but, right now, they’re in the middle of a response in Guam where financial support is more necessary than normal. Guam got hit by the Super Typhoon Mawar on May 25th, and it absolutely ravaged the zoo there. It’s a small facility, with mostly geriatric, disabled, and unreleasable animals living there. A USDA representative asked ZDR3 if they’d be able to assist. The director flew out to assess the site and help as much as she could, but the thing is, because Guam is an island, they can’t ask teams from other facilities to deploy there the way the can with facilities in the continental United States. Instead the zoo is having to purchase all the supplies they need for recovery - and could really use assistance. There’s an Amazon wishlist set up with the tools and supplies they need, as well as a DonorBox link for direct donations (which go directly to the zoo, not ZDR3). If you want a tangible way to contribute to the immediate welfare of zoo animals and function of a facility, this a fantastic way to do it.
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rhythmic-idealist · 1 year
The shorter (better) version of this post that contains every detail ever— Some of you know my partner @crimeronan.
(This is the part where I gush about my partner. You can skip down a few paragraphs if you wanna.)
If you do know—or know of—Kitkat, you might know them as a resource, or as a writer, or as that person who has been known to sit down and write six paragraphs of advice to the scared young person in their inbox.
Watching their blog I see people trading autoimmune stories, younger queer and polyamorous people asking questions about what it's like to be in your mid twenties and settled into those things, and people who found stories who resonated in ways stories don't always succeed at.
Or maybe not! That’s my platonic partner of four years. Happy to introduce u.
(This is the part you can skip forward to.)
If you ARE aware of Kitkat, you might know a little about their running 2+ year health mystery, and about the recent updates that it is FINALLY starting to be solved. Kitkat has been too sick to work consistently for a very long time, has lost multiple freelance writing clients to ChatGPT, and has been doing physical gig delivery work to try to make up the gap—while remaining too sick to work a majority of the time.
This post exists because their car broke down.
To say the money situation is already tight would be, though I’m sorry to put it like this, understated. Basically: because of this auto repair bill, they’re not going to be able to make rent.
A little info about what we're doing moving forward: I'm gonna be moving in next month, finding a job that will train me instead of the original plan of finishing trade school first (I'm happy about this turn of events for many reasons! Just explaining where I fit in the whole financial constellation). And at that point, I'm gonna be helping with bills, since Kitkat's entire focus right now should be on getting well again. I expect we as a group will probably be okay once I’m in Oregon and more established/able to help out with the household income.
The problem is just that things aren’t there yet, and this isn't money we're going to be able to make back later. Kitkat has been too sick to work consistently for much too long, and that's just untenable without looking for community support right now.
Kitkat has limited mobility and is going to need to get to upcoming appointments, and speaking honestly, also just really needs access to a car to make things like groceries feasible. She’s not the only one in the apartment with limited mobility or chronic pain.
The bill has come out to $717.80.
As of now, rent money has been used to pay it—the car has been repaired now, but that money was for rent and daily expenses. There is already financial assistance in play, particularly Medicaid. As it stands, because of this bill, they're not going to make rent.
To account for GoFundMe's fees of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, the goal has been set to $750.
If you’re in any way able to give, the link is here: https://gofund.me/c0f9d7fe
Otherwise, a share goes a really long way.
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Thank you a ton for reading this far. Please know: this post is an appeal to those among us who have disposable income and are looking to donate some of it. Take care.
Thank you.
Date posted: July 27th, 2023 Updated: August 10th, 2023 because I noticed donations are still trickling in wah??????? 🥹😭
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upthewitchypunx · 10 months
You all seemed very confused about my last post, trust me, I'm just as confused about the casting a spell that binds someone's sexuality, but I guess that's where we are.
Look, I try to be a compassionate person, but sometimes when you reconnect with someone who was close to you over 20 years ago and invite them to live in your home it doesn't always go well.
I don't like talking about other people's stories, especially online, but this has affected our life and our home and brought chaos into our space. So, this is my story.
This old friend seems to have it together, paid rent early and had a job lined up before they got here. It seemed they were having a bit of trouble adjusting. After a few months it was clear they were going through a mental health thing for the 3rd time in 2 months and making wild accusations and doing hurtful things like smoking cigarettes and massive amounts of weed when they know they have a lung problem and abandoning cats with no food or water or not paying all their rent or giving 30 days notice before they leave town, you just have to cut ties.
This was the last straw. The one before was 2 weeks ago when I was accused of thinking they wanted to use magic to steal my partner and that somehow because I knew stuff they didn't I was making them feel bad about it and that they think I think they just want to steal all my ideas.
I was compassionate. I stayed calm. I said I was confused, asked if she was okay. A few days later she came down crying to apologize, said she wasn't okay. We talked. I told her about the Oregon Health Plan and how she could get some help. She seemed grateful and she did and had an appointment lined up.
Then last week we left for Astoria for a night and she was there at 4 pm to bring a package in but by 1pm the next day when we got home most of her things were gone except furniture that wouldn't fit in her car. We didn't really notice the things gone at first and thought maybe she had gone on a little trip because the cats were still here so we fed them and got them water, then messaged her after a few days. She claims she had a medical issue and called an ambulance. Then her family came here and towed her home. The time line doesn't make sense. Her family is a 12 hour drive away. How long was she in the hospital? How long did it take to pack her car? Why did she leave the cats? Why didn't she tell us on her own about the medical emergency?
I'm a pretty forgiving person, especially if the person is honest and isn't trying to take advantage of me. It often bites me in the ass, but at least I know I can sleep at night and treat people to my own ethical standard until I hit a point.
Last night we got more confusing messages declaring we actually wanted her cats all along and the whole binding her sexuality thing. We decided that it wasn't worth putting effort into this relationship, she's with her family now, we aren't getting blood from a stone, and that we had done as much as we could, calmly said we were confused and hurt and will find new homes for the cats, and blocked her.
I don't usually air someone's personal issues online, but this is someone you will never know, they probably won't see this, I don't really care if they do, and this is my blog and this is an incredibly frustrating, emotionally laborious, and financially unexpected experience we are going through right now and I just need to vent.
I've already contacted a cat rescue about the cute nice cat and the hissing mean cat that won't come out of the closet. Now I need to get rid of a brand new IKEA bed frame, a couch, a big clothing rack, 2 poorly constructed book shelves, a TV, a bunch of clothes and shoes, a record player that doesn't work, a giant stack of new age books, and a bunch of other random shit.
Oh, and cleanse the house of that nonsense before finding a new housemate, which a friend of a friend is interested in.
All of this while we are working to make the shop on the first floor browsable.
Please do not make disparaging comments about someone who is seriously going through something. I don't need to hear it. It won't be helpful or have a point. I'm not mad, just annoyed and wishing people had better communication.
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mariacallous · 7 days
A federal judge has cleared the way for betting on election results in the US for the first time in the modern era, overturning a prohibition imposed on gambling companies by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, a financial regulator.
In November, the CFTC was sued in the District of Columbia by New York-based Kalshi, which operates a predictions market that allows users to bet on the outcome of various events, from the volume of recorded bird flu cases to the number of cars produced by Tesla. Kalshi filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn a CFTC decision preventing it from offering bets on whether the Democratic or Republican party would control the two chambers of Congress.
On September 6, Judge Jia Cobb ruled in favor of Kalshi, overturning the CFTC prohibition. At a hearing on Thursday, the judge denied a motion for delay meant to buy the CFTC time to appeal, which means betting may now begin.
The debate over whether betting on the elections should be allowed in the US runs back decades. At the moment, the practice is illegal under the laws of numerous US states, like Texas and Nevada, but not everywhere.
The CFTC has so far refused to grant gambling platforms a license to offer odds on election results, amounting to a de facto ban. In May, the agency proposed new rules that would make election betting explicitly illegal, classifying it as a type of gaming—a practice over which it has some jurisdiction. The proposal garnered support among some Democrat senators—among them Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Jeffrey Merkley of Oregon—who in August cosigned an open letter endorsing the CFTC’s plan.
Organizations that lobby against the legalization of election betting claim the practice would encourage meddling by malign actors. “The trust and confidence of American people in our election system is at a very low point. The last thing we need is for people to be incentivized to interfere with the election process,” says Dennis Kelleher, president and CEO of nonprofit Better Markets. “There can be no doubt, when there are hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, people are going to be incentivized to engage in conduct that interferes with the elections.”
The CFTC did not respond to questions from WIRED, but in a previous statement, its chairman, Rostin Behnam, laid out the justification for the ban it had proposed. “Contracts involving political events ultimately commoditize and degrade the integrity of the uniquely American experience of participating in the democratic electoral process,” he said.
But in its lawsuit, Kalshi argued that election-related event contracts—the type of betting instrument in question—are a valuable tool for businesses hoping to hedge against a political outcome that might be unfavorable to them. The company also argued that data produced by this type of betting activity can be used as a valuable alternative to traditional polling. “You get more truth out of these markets,” claims Tarek Mansour, cofounder of Kalshi. “They do a better job at aggregating the prevailing wisdom.”
Election betting is a widespread practice elsewhere in the world, including the UK. Though politicians have been investigated for allegedly using non-public information to inform bets, WIRED was not able to find examples of election interference related to betting activity.
In the written ruling, Judge Cobb sided with Kalshi on the belief that the CFTC had “exceeded its statutory authority” in using its jurisdiction over gaming to stand in the way of election betting. “Kalshi’s contracts do not involve unlawful activity or gaming. They involve elections, which are neither,” the judge wrote.
The CFTC says it will make an emergency application to the US Court of Appeals for a temporary hold on election betting while it appeals the district court ruling. But at least for now, the way is clear for Kalshi to begin offering bets on congressional races in states that do not impose a blanket ban. The ruling also raises questions about the CFTC’s ability to carry forward its plans for a formal ban.
The timing of the ruling will allow Kalshi to enter the market ahead of the November elections, which it expects to attract large numbers of speculators. “Elections are big, there’s no question. Americans really care,” says Mansour. “It’s a big market, and we want to get into it.”
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lazulisong · 1 year
urgh say a couple prayers and tell my damn twin to get their ass in gear -- im looking at 4250 as my out of pocket and that doesn't include post op expenses ٩( ᐛ )و
(it's surprisingly validating that an american insurance outfit looked at my case and agreed it was medically and/or psychologically necessary enough to cover top surgery lmao)
anyway i should not have looked that up when i was still recovering from the adrenaline but everything about this is coming together so i'm choosing to believe that the universe is moving towards this! the lawd will provide if i work hard and believe.
options that i'm looking at (since the ONE TIME i was like "why am i bringing my big TN with the top surgery insert with me, it's heavy and i want to read on my ipad" i get The Message)
setting up a payment plan with the hospital, which would involve paying a deposit and then paying monthly
seeing if i qualify for financial aid from the hospital system
juli says there might be a place that will give me a grant
overtime. so much overtime. but not enough to make myself sick.
part time work from home if i can find one or troll wework
original stories on kofi (probably pay what you want)
crowdfunding but i don't want to bet on it
fortunately oregon put a paid leave program into effect so i have options after i burn through my sick leave. i did some napkin math and i think, between my out of pocket and post surgery supplies, im looking at 5000$, but 6000$ would be a lot more comfy.
post op expenses look to include
"a really big comfy robe" - @dadvans
scar care stuff
high protein shelf stable drinks
mastectomy pillow and ice packs
food delivery and/or rideshare as needed
suitable tops (for extremely obvious reasons called "i could have probably called it a reduction and gotten it covered for back pain" i don't own any buttoned tops)
(i wish i could lie to myself about this but i am going to eating. a lot. of door dash. and riding the bus with new scars doesn't sound uh like something the group chat is going to let me get away with.)
circee flatly informed me that she Was coming for the surgery and she Was going to take care of me, so that's a load off my mind.
mom can't come up so i might see about going down south after the Drains are out? google says three weeks off work so that could be doable. (mom is kind of big mad she can't take personal charge of the Drains but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this story from Yale Environment 360:
Can metals that naturally occur in seawater be mined, and can they be mined sustainably? A company in Oakland, California, says yes. And not only is it extracting magnesium from ocean water — and from waste brine generated by industry — it is doing it in a carbon-neutral way. Magrathea Metals has produced small amounts of magnesium in pilot projects, and with financial support from the U.S. Defense Department, it is building a larger-scale facility to produce hundreds of tons of the metal over two to four years. By 2028, it says it plans to be operating a facility that will annually produce more than 10,000 tons.
Magnesium is far lighter and stronger than steel, and it’s critical to the aircraft, automobile, steel, and defense industries, which is why the government has bankrolled the venture. Right now, China produces about 85 percent of the world’s magnesium in a dirty, carbon-intensive process. Finding a way to produce magnesium domestically using renewable energy, then, is not only an economic and environmental issue, it’s a strategic one. “With a flick of a finger, China could shut down steelmaking in the U.S. by ending the export of magnesium,” said Alex Grant, Magrathea’s CEO and an expert in the field of decarbonizing the production of metals.
“China uses a lot of coal and a lot of labor,” Grant continued. “We don’t use any coal and [use] a much lower quantity of labor.” The method is low cost in part because the company can use wind and solar energy during off-peak hours, when it is cheapest. As a result, Grant estimates their metal will cost about half that of traditional producers working with ore.
Magrathea — named after a planet in the hit novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — buys waste brines, often from desalination plants, and allows the water to evaporate, leaving behind magnesium chloride salts. Next, it passes an electrical current through the salts to separate them from the molten magnesium, which is then cast into ingots or machine components.
While humans have long coaxed minerals and chemicals from seawater — sea salt has been extracted from ocean water for millennia — researchers around the world are now broadening their scope as the demand for lithium, cobalt, and other metals used in battery technology has ramped up. Companies are scrambling to find new deposits in unlikely places, both to avoid orebody mining and to reduce pollution. The next frontier for critical minerals and chemicals appears to be salty water, or brine.
Brines come from a number of sources: much new research focuses on the potential for extracting metals from briny wastes generated by industry, including coal-fired power plants that discharge waste into tailings ponds; wastewater pumped out of oil and gas wells — called produced water; wastewater from hard-rock mining; and desalination plants.
Large-scale brine mining could have negative environmental impacts — some waste will need to be disposed of, for example. But because no large-scale operations currently exist, potential impacts are unknown. Still, the process is expected to have numerous positive effects, chief among them that it will produce valuable metals without the massive land disturbance and creation of acid-mine drainage and other pollution associated with hard-rock mining.
According to the Brine Miners, a research center at Oregon State University, there are roughly 18,000 desalination plants, globally, taking in 23 trillion gallons of ocean water a year and either forcing it through semipermeable membranes — in a process called reverse osmosis — or using other methods to separate water molecules from impurities. Every day, the plants produce more than 37 billion gallons of brine — enough to fill 50,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. That solution contains large amounts of copper, zinc, magnesium, and other valuable metals.
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airkewld · 1 year
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September 7th 2023 | Cores for Heroes Submission | M. Ford | 1963 Beetle
I served in the USMC from 05-09. I went through boot camp at MCRD San Diego and School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton CA. I was sent to 7th Marines in 29 palms the end of January and February 14th we left for Iraq. I had to learn everything on the go, baptism by fire. My 1st tour was in a town called Husaybah Iraq, on the boarder of Syria, and the Euphrates river. Was a wild west kind of town. My 2nd tour was in a small town called Kubaysah, just outside of Hit Iraq. My journey took me to Baghdad to testify against two bad guys we caught throwing grenades at our patrols. The best part of that trip was swimming in Sadam Hussain's pool, and i have the picture to prove it! My 3rd and last tour was in Karma and NE Fallujah, sadly having to leave my post early I was sent home due to my Dad's untimely passing. Upon arrival back in the States I also lost my great grandmother within two days of being home, grateful I was able to tell her goodbye, wish I could have had that closure with my Dad. My Dad and Uncle Dave brought me up with a love of cars and Racing. My first car was a 69 bug that I drove while in HS and sold it before I joined the USMC. I regret selling it to this day and no pictures remain of it. My favorite past-time was cruising in my 69 bug all over the Columbia River Gorge corridor and county back roads. After moving from Oregon to Texas I decided it was time to build something. So I found a 1963 that I am currently restoring from the ground up. The theme for this bug will be USMC, going to call it the "Teuful Hunden" bug or as most people know it "Devil Dog". It will be painted red, with gold doors and rims, the Marine Corps colors. This build is really helping me find parts of me I left over seas. It's going to be a long build being a disabled veteran and on a budget. I have been ordering all the new body panels first. Was going to order a pro beam with disk brakes and a Freeway flyer with disk brakes from Air kewld but having a chance to win them is really awesome of you guys. Thanks for the opportunity and your time. M. Ford USMC
M. Ford is entered into our Cores for Heroes Program here - https://www.airkewld.com/Cores-for-Heroes-Program-s/2532.htm
To date, we have 12 submissions to win and we have raised $445 dollars of our $10,000 goal.
In our honest opinion, the US Armed Force members, are so under-appreciated. The PRO's are finally in a place to put a plan together that helps everyone that participates, but more importantly, those who served or serving.
Details will slightly change as we get more context, but here's the idea.
I want to give back to those who have fought for our freedoms, regardless of our political beliefs. I didn't fight for my country but my father did and he is fighting PTSD, mental disorders, agent orange, etc., etc. I get to build products for the greatest clients in the world because of it. So, how do I make something happen?
The PRO's need cores. The AirkewldArmy has cores. Within the AirkewldArmy community, reside members of the US Armed Forces that want/need/could use a boost in their life, whether it is financially or upgrades to their favorite VW.
To give some context on our Core Program, the PRO's need certain parts to make our PRObuilt Line of Classic Volkswagen Drive-Train Components. In the past, the PRO's would print out a prepaid shipping label and rebate an order if our client/s sent that core in and it checked out. Payment would be reimbursed to the client, store credit or trade for something else, would take place. With a unique but small twist, a BIG change can make a humongous difference.
If our current or past clients, the AirkewldArmy, sent their cores in, based on a value proposition, the PRO's would give them the opportunity to win two ways. The first, for every $10 in core value, would be one entry on a quarterly drawing to win Airkewld Swag, like work shirts, tee's, hats, stickers and air fresheners, $100 gift cards to Airkewld.com or even a $500 Visa/Airkewld gift card. The second, for every $10 in core value, once the PRO's accrue $10,000 in cores, the PRO's select a Hero, to receive a Complete Airkewld Drive-Train Package or $10,000.00 (Our CEO would fly to them and personally hand them the check), delivered to their door, FREE of charge. Heroes would enter by telling their story, both about their military experience and passion for their Classic Volkswagen.
Airkewld receives usable cores. The AirkewldArmy wins FREE Stuff. Together, the PRO's and the AirkewldArmy show appreciation to someone who deserves better, our Military Heroes.
Who's ready to make a difference today?
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reasoningdaily · 6 months
‘We’re hemorrhaging money’: US health clinics try to stay open after unprecedented cyberattack
For more than two weeks, a cyberattack has disrupted business at health care providers across the United States, forcing small clinics to scramble to stay in business and exposing the fragility of the billing system that underpins American health care.
“We’re hemorrhaging money,” said Catherine Reinheimer, practice manager at the Foot and Ankle Specialty Center in the suburbs of Philadelphia. “This will probably be the last week that we can keep everybody on full-time without having to do something,” she told CNN. The center is considering taking out a loan to keep the lights on.
The cyberattack disrupted the computer networks of Change Healthcare, which serves thousands of hospitals, insurers and pharmacies nationwide. It prevented some insurance payments on prescription drugs from processing, leaving many care providers footing the bill up front and hoping to get reimbursed.
Change Healthcare, part of UnitedHealth, is one of handful of companies that make up the central nervous system of the US health care market. Its services allow doctors to look up patients’ insurance, pharmacies to process prescriptions, and health clinics to submit claims so they can get paid.
Health care groups have pleaded with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to offer medical practices a financial lifeline. The department on Tuesday said it was taking extraordinary steps to help get claims processed, but some care providers say it’s not nearly enough.
Mel Davies, chief financial officer of Oregon Oncology Specialists, told CNN she is worried that the private clinic that treats 16,000 cancer patients annually could be forced to close if she doesn’t get financial relief soon.
Cash flow has dropped by 50% in the two weeks since the cyberattack, she said. “The magnitude of this is off the charts for us.”
On Thursday night, half a month since the saga began, Change Healthcare announced plans to have its electronic payment platform back online by March 15 and its network for submitting claims restored the following week.
But the financial wreckage caused by the cyberattack will take a lot longer to clean up, health providers and analysts say.
“The prospect of a month or more without a restored Change Healthcare claims system emphasizes the critical need for economic assistance to physicians, including advancing funds to financially stressed medical practices,” Jesse Ehrenfeld, president of the American Medical Association, said in a statement Friday.
Reinheimer, who works at the foot treatment center, said Change Healthcare’s plan to bringing systems back online was a “light at the end of the tunnel … However, it doesn’t solve the immediate issue, which is lack of money today, tomorrow and next week.”
The chaos caused by the cyberattack is prompting a reckoning for senior US cybersecurity officials about the vulnerabilities in hugely important companies that underpin the health care system.
The Change Healthcare hack “is an evolution beyond” other ransomware attacks on individual hospitals “that shows the entire system is a house of cards,” a senior US cybersecurity official told CNN.
Health care executives have been sounding the alarm for several days that the cyberattack is causing severe financial strain on the sector.
The Medical Group Management Association, which represents 15,000 medical practices, has warned of the “devastating” financial fallout from the hack and of “significant cash flow problems” facing doctors. The ransomware attack has “had a severe ongoing impact on cancer practices and their patients,” the nonprofit Community Oncology Alliance said this week.
A week ago, Change Healthcare announced plans for a temporary loan program to get money flowing to health care providers affected by the outage.
But Richard Pollack, head of the American Hospital Association representing thousands of hospitals nationwide, slammed the proposal as “not even a Band-Aid on the payment problems.”
The cyberattack could end up costing Change Healthcare billions of dollars in lost revenue and clients, said Carter Groome, chief executive of cybersecurity firm First Health Advisory.
“This is a huge, huge moneymaker being essentially the middleman or the intermediary between the insurance companies,” Groome told CNN.
Change Healthcare has blamed the hack on a multinational ransomware gang called ALPHV or BlackCat that the Justice Department says has been responsible for ransomware attacks on victims around the world.
A hacker affiliated with ALPHV this week claimed that the company had paid a $22 million ransom to try to recover data stolen in the hack. Tyler Mason, a spokesperson for Change Healthcare, declined to comment when asked if the company had paid off the hackers.
Private experts who track cryptocurrency payments said the hacking group had received a $22 million payment, but it was unclear who made the payment. “A cryptocurrency account associated with ALPHV received a $22 million payment [on March 1],” Ari Redbord, global head of policy at blockchain-tracing firm TRM Labs, told CNN.
For Joshua Corman, a cybersecurity expert who has focused on the health sector for years, the Change Healthcare cyberattack is clear evidence that the US health sector is not as resilient as it needs to be in a crisis.
Acquisitions that have merged multibillion-dollar healthcare companies have accentuated the problem so that “a single point of failure can have outsized, cascading reach and consequences,” said Corman, who helped lead a federal taskforce to protect coronavirus research from hacking.
If federal officials “don’t identify the systemically important entities proactively, our adversaries will continue to do it for us … while we burn,” he told CNN.
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byronichero-ine · 1 year
6 months and beyond
for the next 6 months, I will be dedicating myself to all things needed for my growth. I want to see how much life can change. I’m putting myself on a healthy routine, allowing some spontaneity to spice life up, but ensure that I stick to habits and work on projects that do well for me.
the habits and routines I plan to be consistent with for the next 6 months are broken down into several categories.
- leg and arms 3x/week at the gym
- core and yoga 2x/week at home
- monthly hiking trips and swimming in the summer
- getting 7-8 hours of sleep per day 
- snowboard 1-2x/month in the winter months 
- eating whole foods, minimizing dairy, refined carbs/sugars and processed foods (80/20 rule) 
- 10 minutes of prayer and meditation everyday
- weekly learning & gratitude reflections via podcasting (in french)
- 1 hour a day of phone screen time (screen time for editing on my laptop is not included)
- daily review of my language learning (via anki cards/duolingo) 
- reading before bed instead of using my phone
- weekly content creation on my preferred platforms regarding trips, lifestyle, spirituality, culture, languages, arts and self improvement
-  improving my editing skills and creating a niche aesthetic for my content
future-forward plans (6 months and beyond) 
- living with my grandparents in california for the fall, using it as time to focus; away from my family/friends here at home 
- south east asia yoga/meditation retreat (next year)
- buddhist tattoo on my back while in SEA (next year)
- become conversationally fluent in spanish (within the year)
- live in spain, france or italy for 2-3 months (within 2 years)
- 7 day backpacking trip in patagonia/south america (within 2 years)
- establish a successful solopreneur, remote career (within 5 years)
with all this in mind, I know my life can change drastically in 6 month increments. I’ve already let 7 months pass by this year, and although it has included immense richness, lots of learning and emotional and spiritual acuity, I could sharpen myself a bit and especially develop my career practices. 
other than that, having hit all my major travel plans this year (vegas, philippines, japan, montreal and oregon), leisure for me has been ever-present. it’s time for me to slow down and dive deep into what I need to build my life and create inner peace and fulfillment through my focus and vision. I’m so excited to delve deep into these practices and habits and see what what I can build. I hope I can look back at this post and be proud. I’m sure i will. 
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bcgroup268 · 2 years
Is There a Great Construction Consultant for Commercial Real Estate and Multifamily Development?
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Real estate construction consultants have become increasingly important in the current economy, particularly in the development of commercial real estate and multifamily housing. As the real estate market continues to flourish, there is increased competition among developers to secure projects and complete them on time and on budget. It is therefore increasingly important for developers to partner with experienced construction consultants that can help them navigate the ever-changing landscape of building regulations, zoning standards, and other legal requirements. 
BC Group Inc. is a full-service construction consulting firm that specializes in providing comprehensive advice on commercial real estate development and multifamily housing projects throughout the western United States focusing on Oregon and Washington. With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, BC Group has established itself as one of the leading multifamily development advisors. The company provides comprehensive advice on how to maximize value from each project through efficient planning, budgeting, execution, and delivery stages. 
At BC Group their team consists of highly trained experts who are familiar with all aspects of developing successful projects in any market. Their team includes architectural designers, construction specialists, financial advisors, attorneys, engineers, surveyors, draftspeople, and project managers – all working together to ensure that each project meets or exceeds clients’ expectations while staying within budget constraints. By leveraging their expertise in design-build delivery systems along with effective cost estimating tools such as electronic document management systems (EDMS), BC Group’s team can minimize risk exposure while maximizing quality assurance during every stage of development. 
In addition to providing consulting services for both commercial real estate developments and multifamily housing projects nationwide, BC Group’s team is also well versed in public/private partnerships (PPP) agreements for local ordinances or state legislation related to green initiatives or emerging technologies like solar or wind power systems. By leveraging their PPP experience early on in the development process they can help clients find opportunities for incentive funding or tax credits that will help make their projects more economically feasible while still meeting all applicable standards set by regulatory agencies such as HUD or EPA standards. 
BC Group's services extend beyond just advising during the planning stages; they provide full-service support throughout every phase of construction including site selection/development; preconstruction planning; bid tracking and evaluation; contract negotiations; risk assessment and management; field supervision and inspection; cost control and mediation; change order management; dispute resolution assistance; completion inspections and closeout assistance; progress payment tracking/analysis; post construction warranty monitoring/resolution assistance; final punch list review/completion assistance; LEED certification compliance guidance and much more! 
When it comes to finding a reliable consultant for commercial real estate development or multifamily housing needs look no further than BC Group. With decades of collective experience under their belt combined with unique strategies for minimizing risk exposure without compromising quality assurance makes them one of the premier consultancies for any budget conscious developer looking to maximize value from their investment property portfolio. Originally published at - https://bcgroup268.livejournal.com/442.html
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northstarreserve · 1 day
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rhythmic-idealist · 1 year
Hi all. Some of you know my partner @crimeronan - maybe for her original fiction, her fanfiction, or her assorted queer/polyamorous/chronically ill life blogging.
If you do know—or know of—Kitkat, you might know them as a resource, or as a writer, or as that person who has been known to sit down and write six paragraphs of advice to the scared young person in their inbox. Perusing their blog I see people trading autoimmune stories, younger queer and polyamorous people asking questions about what it's like to be in your mid twenties and settled into those things, and people who found stories who resonated in ways stories don't always succeed at.
Or maybe not! That’s my platonic partner of four years. Happy to introduce u.
If you ARE aware of Kitkat, you might know that she recently FINALLY got an initial appointment with a rheumatology clinic. This after a big medical mystery that’s spanned over two years and taken them to the ER more times than anyone can feel good about.
The good news is that things are FINALLY moving forward. Kitkat has posted a lot more about that entire saga, if anyone is interested, but the main thing right now is that there are test results that are usable in a diagnosis, there will be a diagnosis that is usable in treatment, there are follow-up appointments in the very immediate future that will do a lot of good. It's all kind of astounding after the amount of time it took to get here.
The bad news is that their car broke down.
To say the money situation is already tight would be, though I’m sorry to put it like this, understated. Kitkat makes most of her money from freelance writing, and, first of all, is a fucking wizard at it in ways I don’t understand. But she recently lost her biggest consistent clients when— and she was told this outright— those clients switched to ChatGPT.
Perhaps more to the point— they're often too sick to work. They've pivoted to gig economy delivery jobs, but that is an enormous physical demand on ANYONE’s body, let alone when you’re severely sick.
So that’s where the financial situation is at right now.
I do slot into this, so to give you the story on that: I’m moving to Oregon to live with my partners next month, and will be contributing to the household income then (which is why I'm moving so soon). But I was originally planning to finish trade school first and move in January 2024, so everything’s very last-minute, and a little haywire. I now have at least one job interview lined up in town, but I won’t even be in Beaverton until mid-August, and this auto repair bill is due now.
Basically: because of this auto repair bill, they’re not going to be able to make rent. I expect we as a group will probably be okay once I’m in Oregon and more established/able to help out with the household income, but things aren’t there yet, and this isn't money we're going to be able to make back later.
Kitkat's been too sick to work consistently for so much too long, and that's why they need to turn to community support right now.
(I know Tumblr is famously not a "meet every goalpost before deserving help" website, and I think a lot of fundraisers with less explanation than this deserve support. I'm just a very wordy person. Thanks for bearing with me.)
Kitkat has limited mobility and is going to need to get to upcoming appointments, and speaking honestly, also just really needs access to a car to make things like groceries feasible. She’s not the only one in the apartment with limited mobility or chronic pain. Add to that the gig delivery jobs as a main source of income right now, and this is a necessary bill, just one that is sky-high relative to the income trying to tackle it.
So, you know, hello. I've brought a couple of fundraisers onto Tumblr in the past on other people’s behalf. This time I’ve gotta ask on behalf of my own found family.
The bill has come out to $717.80.
As of now, rent money has been used to pay it—the car has been repaired now, but that money was for rent and daily expenses. There is already financial assistance in play, particularly Medicaid. As it stands, because of this bill, they're not going to make rent.
To account for GoFundMe's fees of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, the goal is set to $750.
If you’re in any way able to give, the link is here: https://gofund.me/c0f9d7fe
Otherwise, a share goes a really long way.
Thank you a ton for reading this far. Times are hard all around, so please know: this post is an appeal to those among us who have disposable income and are looking to donate some of it.
Thank you.
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Date posted: July 27th, 2023 Updated: July 28th, 2023
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Open Your Future: Top CNA Training Programs in Portland, Oregon
**Unlock Your ⁢Future:​ Top⁢ CNA Training Programs in Portland, Oregon**
Are you looking to start a rewarding career in​ healthcare as a Certified‌ Nursing Assistant⁣ (CNA) in Portland, Oregon? ‌If so, you’ve come to the right ‌place! Choosing ⁤the ⁢right CNA training program is crucial to your success in this field, as it‍ will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your future role as ​a healthcare professional. In this⁣ article, we’ll explore ‌some‌ of the top CNA training ‌programs in Portland, Oregon, so you can unlock your future ‍and start on the path to a fulfilling⁣ career in healthcare.
**Why Become a⁢ CNA in Portland, Oregon?**
Before we dive into the top CNA training programs in ⁤Portland, let’s first discuss why becoming⁢ a ‌CNA in this city ⁣is a great career choice. Portland ⁣is known for its vibrant healthcare industry, with numerous hospitals, nursing ​homes, and long-term care facilities ⁣in‍ need of​ skilled CNAs. By ‍becoming a CNA in Portland, you’ll have access to a ​wide range of job ⁤opportunities, competitive salaries, and the chance to make a positive ‍impact on the ⁢lives of⁢ patients in your community.
**Benefits‌ of CNA‍ Training Programs in Portland, Oregon:**
– Comprehensive curriculum covering essential CNA skills – Hands-on training in clinical settings – Experienced ⁣instructors with industry expertise – Job placement assistance after graduation – Preparation for state certification exam
**Top CNA Training Programs in Portland, Oregon:**
1. Portland Community College (PCC): – Location: Various campuses in⁢ Portland – ‍Program‌ Length: 6-12 weeks – Curriculum: Includes classroom instruction, skills lab training, and clinical experience – Cost: $1,000-$1,500 (financial aid available) – Contact: (503) 244-6111
2. Mt. Hood Community College: – Location: ⁤Gresham, OR (near Portland) – Program ‌Length: 8 weeks – Curriculum: Covers basic nursing skills, infection control, and communication – Cost: $1,200-$1,500 (scholarships available) ‌ – Contact: (503) 491-6422
3. American Red ‍Cross: -‌ Location: Portland, OR – ⁣Program Length: ​4-8 weeks – Curriculum: Blended learning with online ⁣coursework and in-person training – Cost: ​$1,200-$1,500 (payment plans available) – Contact: (503) 284-1234
**First-Hand Experience:**
“I‍ recently completed my CNA training at Portland⁤ Community College and couldn’t be ⁤happier with my decision. The⁢ instructors were knowledgeable, the hands-on⁤ training was invaluable, and I felt well-prepared⁣ for the state certification ‌exam. Thanks to the job placement assistance provided by the school, I ‌was able to secure a position at a local hospital‍ shortly after graduation. I highly recommend PCC’s CNA training program to anyone looking to start a career ⁤in healthcare.” – Sarah, CNA Graduate
**Unlock Your Future‌ Today:**
choosing the right CNA training program is crucial to your ‌success in the healthcare industry. By enrolling in one of the top CNA training programs in Portland, Oregon, you can⁣ acquire the skills and knowledge ⁤needed to excel ​in this rewarding profession. Whether you ⁢choose Portland⁢ Community College, Mt. ⁤Hood Community College, or the American Red Cross, you’ll be taking the first step towards unlocking your future and embarking on⁣ a ⁢fulfilling ‍career⁤ as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Don’t wait⁣ any longer – ​start your ⁤journey towards a⁢ bright future in⁢ healthcare today!
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spaciousreasoning · 1 month
Following Up
Wednesday morning’s blood sugar was down a little bit more to 233. We had oatmeal for the morning meal once again. Then I spent a little more time doing work for a client. It should pay for my coffee tomorrow.
Nancy spent a few minutes talking with our financial advisers about her Chase Bank account and the monthly fee being charged since we paid off the mortgage. She had planned to cancel the Chase account, but the loan for our new Subaru is through Chase. It was a special low interest rate, so finding another loan might mean an increase in payments. We might need to simply drop a big chunk of change in the Chase account until the car loan is paid off in six or seven years. No telling where we might be at that point in our lives.
Nancy also had an afternoon appointment for massage with the same person who works on her daughter and son-in-law. She really liked the treatment, so I might schedule my own massage with the same therapist.
While waiting for Nancy to get her massage, I paid a visit to the Subaru dealer nearby to ask about the “warnings” that have popped up lately when we start the car. They say it’s time to change the oil and oil filter and get a maintenance check. According to the dealership, we won’t need an oil change until we’ve put 6,000 miles on the car or six months have passed. We’re not quite to 3,000 miles yet, so the mileage will more likely be the deciding factor. Unless the little warnings are trying to tell us something else.
The two agents I had hoped to speak with weren’t available, but I did get pointed to the car wash run by the same car sales family. It was more or less around the corner from the Subaru dealership, but when I arrived there was an enormous line of cars waiting to be washed. I did not wait.
I returned to Valley River Center to wander about until time to pick up Nancy. Like a lot of malls these days, there was not a lot of activity. The food court area was sparsely populated, though at 3 p.m. that might not have been unusual. And walking the rest of the mall I also encountered very few customers.
When Nancy was done, we paid a visit to Trader Joe’s to pick up about a dozen items on our grocery list, then headed home for a nap. Nancy got up before I did, and when I finally wandered back into the kitchen to see what the noise was about, she had already put together a salad and the fettuccine Alfredo was simmering on the stove.
After dinner we finished compiling the recyclables for Thursday’s pickup and put them and the trash on the curb. Then we went for a walk around the neighborhood at about 7 p.m. The temperature had already dropped to 80 degrees by then, but the light breeze made it feel much cooler.
We met a neighbor along the route. She was out mowing her lawn, and Nancy wanted to know what she had done to create such a green landscape. We chatted about that and other features of Oregon life for several minutes before continuing our walk.
It was exactly one year ago when we came to Oregon to visit Nancy’s family. The day we arrived the high temperature was 101 degrees and there was heavy smoke around from all the nearby fires. The heat and smoke dissipated within the first week, and the remainder of our visit was quite enjoyable.
But we did not have any thoughts at that time of moving here. Not until the heat we returned to in Tucson continued well into October did we consider a move. When we did, of course, Oregon was the primary location, mainly due to all the family in the state.
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allcnaprograms · 1 month
Open Your Future: CNA Classes in Portland, Oregon - Enroll Today!
**Meta Title: Unlock Your Future: CNA Classes in Portland, Oregon⁤ – Enroll Today!**
**Meta Description: Looking to kickstart your healthcare career in Portland, Oregon? Discover the benefits of‌ CNA classes and how​ to enroll today!**
Are you ‌passionate about helping others? Do you have a desire to work in the healthcare industry? If so, becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) may be the perfect career path for you. CNAs play a crucial role in‌ providing direct‌ patient care and support ‌to those in need. If ⁤you’re located in ⁢Portland, Oregon, you’re in luck! There are plenty of opportunities to enroll‍ in CNA classes in the area and unlock your future in the healthcare field. In this‌ article, we’ll explore the benefits⁣ of CNA classes, provide practical tips on how to enroll, and share first-hand experiences from those who⁣ have pursued this rewarding career.
**Benefits of CNA Classes**
Taking CNA ‌classes ‍can offer a multitude​ of benefits, both ⁣personally and ‌professionally. Here are just a few reasons why enrolling in CNA classes in Portland, Oregon could be the‍ right choice for ⁤you:
1. **Job Security:** The demand for CNAs continues ​to⁢ grow, making⁤ it a stable and secure career choice. 2. **Quick Entry into the Workforce:** CNA programs typically last a few weeks to a few months, allowing you to start working in the healthcare⁢ field sooner. 3. ‍**Variety of Work ⁤Settings:** CNAs can work in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and more, providing diverse opportunities for⁤ career growth. 4. **Rewarding Work:** As a CNA, you’ll ‌have the⁣ opportunity to make ⁣a positive impact on ⁣the lives of⁤ patients and their families every day.
**Enrolling in CNA Classes in Portland, Oregon: Practical Tips**
Now that you’re convinced of ‌the benefits of becoming ⁤a CNA, it’s time to take the next⁤ steps to enroll in ⁣classes. Here are ⁤some practical tips to help you⁤ navigate the process:
1. **Research Accredited Programs:**​ Make sure to choose a CNA program that is accredited by the Oregon State Board ​of⁣ Nursing to ensure you receive a quality education. 2. **Check Admission Requirements:** Each program may have specific admission requirements, such as a high‍ school diploma⁢ or GED. ⁣Make sure you meet these criteria before applying. 3. **Financial Aid Options:** Explore financial aid options,⁢ such as scholarships or grants,‌ to help cover the cost of tuition and fees. 4. **Hands-On Experience:** Look for programs that offer⁢ hands-on clinical experience as part of the curriculum to prepare you for real-world ⁣scenarios. 5. **Network with Professionals:** Reach ⁤out to current CNAs or healthcare professionals in the Portland area​ to learn more about their experiences and get advice on pursuing a career in the field.
**Case Study: Sarah’s Journey to Becoming a CNA**
Sarah, a recent ‌high​ school graduate in Portland, always knew she wanted to work in healthcare. After researching different career paths,⁢ she decided to enroll in a CNA program at a local community college. Through hands-on training and classroom instruction, Sarah gained the skills and confidence needed to excel in her role as a CNA. Today, she is proud to be making a difference⁢ in the lives of her patients and plans to continue her ‌education‍ to become a Registered​ Nurse.
If you’re ready to unlock your future in the healthcare field, enrolling in CNA classes in Portland, Oregon⁤ is a great first step. By ⁢taking advantage of the benefits of CNA programs, following practical tips for enrollment, and learning from others’ experiences, you can set yourself up for success in this rewarding career. Whether you’re just starting⁤ your journey or⁣ looking to make a career change, becoming a CNA ‌can open doors to a fulfilling and impactful profession. Don’t wait any longer – enroll in CNA classes ​today and embark on a journey towards a brighter future in healthcare.
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roshmedia · 1 month
Oregon Wildfires
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In recent years, wildfires have become an increasingly severe threat to Oregon's landscapes and communities. The state's dense forests, diverse ecosystems, and changing climate patterns have created conditions ripe for destructive blazes. While wildfires are a natural part of Oregon's ecology, their frequency and intensity have grown alarming.
Oregon's wildfire season typically runs from July through October, with the peak in August and September. However, changing weather patterns have extended this season, with some fires starting as early as May and lasting into November. The state has experienced several catastrophic fire events in the past decade, including the 2020 Labor Day fires that burned over 1 million acres and destroyed thousands of homes.
These wildfires pose significant risks to Oregon's communities, particularly those in the wildland-urban interface where development meets forests and grasslands. When wildfires threaten residential areas, homeowners face potential loss of property, displacement, and the daunting task of rebuilding their lives.
In the aftermath of a wildfire, affected homeowners must navigate the complex process of insurance claims to recover their losses. This is where public adjusters play a crucial role in advocating for homeowners and ensuring they receive fair compensation.
Oregon wildfire Public adjusters are licensed professionals who work on behalf of policyholders, not insurance companies. Their primary goal is to help homeowners maximize their insurance claim settlements. In the context of wildfire damage, public adjusters offer several key benefits:
In Oregon, where wildfire risk is high, many homeowners find the services of public adjusters particularly valuable. The state's Department of Consumer and Business Services regulates public adjusters, requiring them to be licensed and adhere to ethical standards. This oversight helps ensure that homeowners receive reliable assistance during vulnerable times.
It's important to note that public adjusters typically work on a contingency fee basis, taking a percentage of the final settlement. While this means an upfront cost for homeowners, many find that the increased settlement amount more than offsets the fee, resulting in a net benefit.
As Oregon continues to grapple with the growing threat of wildfires, the role of public adjusters in supporting affected homeowners becomes increasingly vital. Their expertise not only helps individuals recover financially but also contributes to the broader community resilience in fire-prone areas.
For homeowners in Oregon's high-risk wildfire zones, being prepared includes creating defensible space and having an evacuation plan, understanding their insurance coverage, and knowing how to access professional help if needed. By leveraging the expertise of public adjusters, Oregonians can better protect their homes and financial well-being in the face of this persistent natural hazard.
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