#need me and the bae to have the matching t shirts
ohmightydevviepuu · 2 years
writers month prompts
day eighteen:  bridge (it’s a metaphor)
(follow the complete story, try / cry / why? (just a dream) as it posts daily or on AO3)
“You chose her,” Cora intoned. “And the consequences of that decision.” (2B canon divergence wherein Emma and Killian deal with the consequences.)
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This entire thing is weird.
(His life. This moment.)
(This place, this world, was not supposed to be weird. The Blue Fairy promised.)
(The Blue Fairy was a fucking liar.)
Hook’s already got his cell unlocked and he’s doing laps around the small office by the time Neal gets himself upright.
In his own cell.
As if it matters—he’d been taught to pick locks by the best and he escaped a cursed magic island ruled by a demon and he can pick a lock with his eyes closed.
(Or barely conscious.)
Still, he can’t help but ask: “Been here before?”
“Not in this particular brig,” Hook says, turning suddenly toward one of the two desks and pulling the top drawer open.
“Twenty-eight years and this is the first time you’ve been locked up?” Neal laughs drily. “I find that hard to believe.”
Especially when—“Did you steal those clothes and break out of the hospital?”
Hook is battered, bruises that have already bloomed turning greenish across his face. He’s got a bandage where the hook should be and a brace strapped over what looks like a pair of sweatpants. He’s wearing a t-shirt that doesn’t match and doesn’t fit and over all of it is that, stupid, ridiculous coat, and every couple of seconds it looks like he’s stopping to force himself to breathe.
Like it hurts when he does it.
(He looks like he’s been run over by a truck.)
(Oh. Right.)
“Of course I did,” Hook says.
But then there’s a hook in Neal’s face, long fingers wrapped around the silver metal as if it’s a threat. Or a promise. It clicks into place but before Hook closes the drawer he pulls out a long scrap of black fabric with a weird look. “And who says I came here with the curse?”
“Realm travel is possible here.” Neal tries not to shudder when he says the words. “Is that what you’re telling me?”
(The Blue Fairy Was A Liar.)
“What I’m telling you, lad, is that whatever you think you know about this place and the people here, none of it is likely to be true.” He sighs. “I made my way after the curse was broken. I had hoped to rely on the lady Swan for transportation, but circumstances made that impossible.”
The lady—
“Emma. You mean Emma?”
(He really needs to find her. Talk to her.)
(Meet his kid and get her to understand. To help.)
Hook tucks the fabric into his pocket and gestures. “Bae? The lady awaits. Anchors aweigh.”
But that’s weird too.
“Listen.” Neal clears his throat. “Listen, Hook—I actually go by ‘Neal’ these days. I prefer it. Not lad and not—”
(Even Mike calls him ‘Neal’.)
(No one’s called him—the other thing—since he’d gotten off the island.)
(The name hits harder than it should, hearing it after so many years. Hearing it from this man.)
“Anyway. I’m not a ‘lad’ anymore. And I’m sure as hell not Lost.”
Hook’s smile is a little sad—a little soft—in a way that Neal has told himself for decades was just a figment of his imagination. “No, I don’t suppose you are. You came here quite purposefully, didn’t you?” The eyebrows go up and the look shifts to knowing, a look that makes him feel like he’s still dripping from the too-warm water of the inlet between the Hanging Tree and Skull Rock.
“Well, you’d know all about purpose, wouldn’t you? You’re here for him. You must be.” The deputy had said—“Was it him? You tried to kill him, and the deputy locked you up?”
“No,” Hook says. The smile is gone.
(A figment of his imagination.)
“No, you know better, don’t you. Since I told you about the dagger.” Neal can’t keep the bitterness from his voice. He doesn’t try.
“And you, lad? You’ve never been in the brig before, have you?” Hook’s tone is dangerous. Silky. “You’ve always had someone to take your place, to face the consequences of your actions—”
“Don’t act like you know anything about what my life has been like,” Neal snaps.
“—your friend in a hospital bed. Your girlfriend in prison.”
(Emma’s words, and the way she’d said ‘Lost’.)
(She knew about Neverland.)
“Like you know anything about consequences—” Neal starts, but then Hook shoves him; holds his hook at eye level in the space between them.
“I live with the reminders of my failures every day, lad, and you’d best remember it. ’Twas your father who left me with this one.”
“You killed my mother. You deserved it.”
(The same fight. Every time, the same.)
“For loving her,” Hook says. “And I have spent more years than either of us can count in an attempt to return to him the favor he bestowed upon me.”
“But you can’t,” Neal says.
“I can’t,” Hook agrees. “So let us hope whatever plan you have to enact against your father has a greater chance of success, shall we?”
Hook waves impatiently and points at the door; step by painful step, Neal has no choice but to follow.
It’s weird that she’s waiting for them.
The sitting room in the B&B attached to the diner isn’t anything to brag about. Apparently the curse hadn’t cared about hotel decor any more than it did about architecture. But it isn’t the Jolly Roger and that’s—a relief.
(Maybe more of one than Neal is ready to admit, even to himself.)
(Too many memories. All of them too close to the surface.)
She’s waiting for them, which is weird, and it’s weird that Hook isn’t surprised to see her there; hell, he’s already turning toward her before she says anything.
What she says: “You asshole.”
And honestly Neal’s not sure which of them she’s talking to until she grabs Hook by his lapels and practically drags him across the room. Her hands grasp at his coat and it must be friction or static or something because Hook shudders when they touch.
Emma doesn’t even look at him. All of her energy and attention is on Hook during this fucked-up freak show of reunion, looking at him in a way that makes Neal uncomfortable.
Especially the way it just keeps going on.
And on.
And on.
Then she says, “You really shouldn’t be walking around on that,” like there’s nothing else to say and Hook nods.
(Her voice is so quiet and so gentle it’s like Neal is hearing it for the first time.)
The air eases, tension slowly releasing from a balloon; he can’t read Emma but he feels it. He sees it, in the way they lean toward each other.
Neal says, “Tell me my father isn’t about to walk in here, please.”
Hook shakes his head, cringing as he lowers himself into one of the curse-ordained mismatched chairs.
(He really shouldn’t be walking around on that leg.)
(He maybe shouldn’t be using Emma to balance himself when he does it.)
“I did proper reconnaissance. Our crocodile only ever darkens this doorstep when he comes to collect the rent payments. In cash.”
“Of course,” Neal mutters.
Hook says—to Emma—“I assure you that I had a thorough understanding of the terrain before you sent your father after me—”
“You mean after you snuck out of your hospital room? And left me—” She holds out her wrist and stares at Hook.
“I apologized, love,” he says, but Neal hadn’t heard one.
“You shouldn’t be out where he can see you,” Emma says. “And now there’s two of you I need to hide away.”
“Yeah, about that,” Neal says. “What did he do, exactly?”
“He shot your father’s girlfriend,” Emma says.
“I injured his heart,” Hook mutters, scratching behind his ear.
“Of course he did.” Neal snorts. “That’s why the deputy called it ‘attempted’. Great plan, Hook.” He makes an exaggerated thumbs up.
They’re both looking at him. Emma’s face is all hard angles and disdain, coldness and stiffness and anger with her hand balled into a fist, curling her fingers, her body suddenly tight with tension. “Did you two get into a fight?” she says, waving her un-fisted hand in Neal’s face.
“Uh, no?” Neal says. “I mean, the deputy—”
“Ah,” she says. “Well, I guess he was kind of looking for that whole fatherly ‘grand gesture’.”
“Don’t I know it,” Hook says, and he’s watching Neal, so it’s almost like he doesn’t even know he’s doing it when his hand reaches toward Emma, toward the small of her back.
The way her fist unclenches.
(Weird. Weird.)
“Oh my god,” Emma says. “You actually have no idea, do you? Here I was, ready to hear you out about this whole curse thing, whatever bullshit you have planned, but it’s all just another—” she sniffs. “You don’t know anything. You don’t know who any of these people are, or where they came from, or how they ended up here. The Evil Queen. Snow White. Prince Charming? Do you even care?”
“I’ve seen the movie.” He means it as a joke. “But if Peter Pan is any indication, they didn’t exactly get it right.”
“You’re an asshole. You know that, right? You just sent Mike Darling in here—and fuck you, Neal, you knew the curse had been broken, so you must know that means your father has magic again—”
“August never said—” he says, then stops.
(This isn’t how he wanted to tell her.)
“August,” Emma says flatly. “You believed Pinocchio was telling you the truth.”
“I didn’t know—”
“You’re a liar, Neal Cassidy.”
(He’d wanted to explain.)
(To show her, to make her understand.)
“Okay. Okay. I didn’t know for sure about the magic.”
Her face is murderous.
(He doesn’t need to read her to know that much.)
“But you planned for it,” Hook says. He’s sure and certain and fully alert and Neal knows that voice, just like he’d known the look—that moment when a piece of information—or a confused, sopping wet child—proves its value. “You and Michael Darling. That’s why you’re here. That’s why you’re here now. Out of curiosity, how is he still alive?”
“I planned for it,” Neal admits, looking from Emma to Hook and back again. “I didn’t know for sure but I know my father.”
Hook nods. “And your father always leaves a loophole.”
“Never break in without a way to get back out, right?” Neal says. “He wouldn’t have tried it if he didn’t think he had a way.” He looks at Emma. “Was it True Love? Prince Charming—is he your father?”
“No. No. Stop.” Emma takes two steps forward. “We are not doing family history. Not now. Not ever. Tell me, right now, why you’re here, or I—”
“It’s simple, Swan,” Hook says. “Baelfire—that is, Neal—is here to destroy the magic.”
(And what’s weird about that is the sparks, and the way they seem to explode from Emma’s hands.)
@spartanguard​ @optomisticgirl​ @shireness-says​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @katie-dub​ @thisonesatellite​ @mariakov81​ @kmomof4​ @stahlop​ @tiganasummertree​
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kkusuka · 3 years
Can I request hc’s of Kirishima, Aizawa, Mirio, and Hawks seeing their bae wear female versions of their pro-hero outfits?
Kirishima's is longer because it gives some background information that goes for all the characters!
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Kirishima Eijiro<3
Firstly, being his significant other gives you first access to almost anything he gets- clothing included.
You’ve lost count of the t-shirts and enough sweatpants for an army
Not to mention the plushies and blankets along with the posters and the tons and tons of china you’re received, all with abstract/ literal art of your boyfriend.
You’ve worn every variation of his merch you could think of
And every time he had to take a picture and put it in his “baby looks like me’ album- then railing you into another dimension no matter where you had to be
With Halloween coming up - and your 6th anniversary close approaching- you knew this costume had to blow any other costume you’d ever worn out of the water.
You went through party store after party store- mind you, it was only September so the number of crazy looks you got was at an all-time high
The ides came to you while wearing one of his skin-tight workout shirts and looking through photos of his costumes over the years
It practically slapped you in the face and you were on the phone with a seamstress within five minutes
It was the hardest thing to ever keep from him, especially when he was going in and on about his new gadgets
The look on his face when you walked down the stairs all decked out in an exact replica of his uniform, he was in shock
He just kept examining the costume and promised to send the tailor a fine check because it was an exact replica
He was so consumed in it he didn't realize he was taking it off and before he knew it he was balls deep in your hole
O worries he’ll cum inside to make sure nothing gets ruined-- so considerate
Aizawa Shota<3
Honestly-he didn't pay too much attention to what you were wearing
He takes account of it but never lingers for too long
He’s the epitome of all the matters is personality, but all of that doesn't mean that a few looks don't stay in his mind for years on end
Like a few certain skirts that you happen to wear every time he leaves something home and you have to go to the school to give it to him
The black one that Mineta still never stop talking about- a reflection of his actions present in his grades
Then the pretty blue one you went to the beach in, a coverup the just so happen to cover absolutely nothing
Then his favorite- the white one that shows your pussy off no matter what angle he sitting
Of course now, this black long-sleeved short and gray pants along with a mock capture rope
Whatever this was- he knew exactly what it was- would be something he never forgets
Yeah and all those sly smirks you've been sending him all night will be compensated for the second he’s able to get out of this conversation.
Mirio Togata<3
He’s in total amazement
He really didn’t know you could even make a replica of his uniform, for some reason he thought it was illegal
It was perfect, the red cape fluttering in the wind even though there was no wind at all and that it was entirely skin tight
He’d seen you in little to nothing, hello fucked you any chance he got so he really didn't know why it was getting to him so much.
He's sure it had something to do with the fact you wanted to copy how he looked
And ego boost, maybe, but he’ll just tell people that he appreciates the effort and loves that you even thought about doing something like this
But they don't know about the hours he spent later that night fucking you into the counter- costume still on
He didn't even care about the hours you put into it, all he could think about is how delectable you looked all night
To say he’s obsessed with your outfits is an understatement
He's the kind of guy to want matching outfits for cute dates and taking pictures of all the clothes that he just loves in you
Ironically anything with a big beige coat- bonus for anything with feathers- and anything that was red
Noticing the pattern being shockingly similar to his daily wear, you just decided to get a version of the fit for yourself
The clothing was easy enough, a winter coat some doc martens, and a black sleeveless shirt- it was a replication of the wings you were struggling with
Damn you need to make anything you did perfect, it was frustrating, to say the least
You finally found something that can replicate wings on amazon- be it that it’s supposed to be a bdsm toy- but it worked
Oh it really worked for him
Wings that he can pull on without hurting anything? On you nonetheless? It was perfect.
He just had to take you out on a flight around the city, then of course back to your apartment where he didn't let you out of his sight for more than five seconds.
Those little wings being his favorite toy to make sure that you keep a steady pace while bouncing on his cock.
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shannygoatgruff · 3 years
Only Fan(s) - A Thriller
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Genre: Thriller
Pairing: Modern Ivar/OC
Warning: Language, sex, stalking, obsession, kidnapping, sexual assault
Rating: MA+18
Summary: Sometimes OnlyFans subscribers want a little more than internet pictures. Sometimes they want to be your ONLY fan…
Header by: @flowers-in-your-hayr
Thanks to @xbellaxcarolinax for being my beta.
Disclaimer: This story will deal with some topics that might be a little uncomfortable for some people. As always, I’ll try to tackle the hard stuff as tactfully as possible.
a/n: I know it’s been a minute. I’m always thinking about these stories because I want to finish them, just can’t seem to focus on writing at the moment.  Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Part iv - Date with Destiny
Finding Ivar Lothbrok should have been easy. Between the two of them, he was the stable one. He was the one with the iron-clad schedule that consisted of drinking, smoking, and partying. Torren’s schedule was a bit more... fluid. She tended to go wherever the wind, or whatever car she acquired, would take her. Naturally, Ivar had the occasional meet-and-greet, red carpet, and/or Comic-con engagement that he had to attend, still, he was pretty easy to keep tabs on. All one had to do was look at (stalk) his social media accounts, and his whereabouts were posted for everyone to see.
Knowing where he’d be and finding out where he lived were a different story. Torren had done her due diligence when it came to locating the town in which Little Kattegat was located. It only took about two days and a few Google image searches of the background of a few of the photos and she had it narrowed down to a general area in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
From what she could tell, the closest town to where he lived was pretty small, and there were only a few large estates hidden in the woods. How hard could it be to find? She was willing to drive to every single house and knock on the door to find him if she had to. But it would just be easier if there was loud music and a bunch of cars in the driveway. That way she could tag along inside with the rest of the guests to get to her man. 
Her shirt landed in the pile of dirty clothes in the center of the bed, as she reached around to unhook her bra. “I really need to tell Baby Boo to stop putting all of his business out in these streets,” her brows furrowed as she shook her head, “What if some crazy, psycho bitch started stalking him, or some shit? Then I’d have to kill a bitch.” Torren’s head whipped around and she narrowed her eyes at his picture, still stuck on her wall, “Is that what you want? Huh? You want me to cut a bitch to prove to you how much I love you? I will, Bae! You know I would do anything for you. I’m your Ride or Die...” 
And being his Ride or Die meant that she needed to keep better tabs on him if she was going to protect him from someone crazier than her, God forbid.  She was only able to do so much on this prepaid phone, and going to the library to get online was becoming a pain in the ass. 
She’d considered stealing a laptop or iPad from the library but was still on the fence about the idea. Of course, the alternative meant going to stupid ass libraries and threatening little kids to get off the fucking computers, and that completely sucked ass. 
She always felt rushed when she logged onto her Bae’s Only Fans page from the public library. Without fail one of those little bastard kids would get the library Nazis to kick her off the computer, or bar her from the library altogether for watching porn. 
Ivar’s page wasn’t porn! It was art. It was sexy. It was love...his love for her. Stupid bitches. 
She had encountered far worse things than getting kicked out of the library, but some of these small towns usually only had one or two within their county limits. If she got banned, how was she supposed to check up on Ivar? In the time it took to log in until she got kicked out, she'd be lucky if she could check 2 of his accounts. What if he had some important information on another platform that she hadn’t checked yet? What was she supposed to do then?
Her relationship with Ivar was hanging in the balance, and she'd be damned if some snot-nosed kid or fucking uptight librarian would fuck that up. She needed a computer. But, on the flip side, when she finally got her man back, she wouldn't need one anymore. She could ask him directly what their plans were.
There was a lot to consider and that took time; time that she didn't have right now.
The thick layer of Nair shaving cream she had applied to her already hairless crotch, was just starting to tingle, signaling she had about 5 minutes left before the sweat-inducing, burning sensation would kick in alerting her to wash the cream off. Until then, she had time to consider an outfit for the night.
She knew Ivar well enough to know that he would want her to be sexy for him, but not so much to distract him from work. She could have gone for something slutty, like those skanky bitches he partied with. She could have gone for more demur, but then she would remind him too much of his bitch ex-wife and completely turn him off. The last thing she wanted on their first night back together was for him to be thinking about that bitch. She could have gone for a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but Torren never did simple. 
No, Ivar would want her to be herself. That's what he loved about her. That's what attracted him to her in the first place. She would be sexy without being skanky; she would be demure without being a prude.
Fuck! It was already 7:33 p.m. How in the hell did she miss the beginning of his Live? Now she was running late.
She was supposed to be dressed and ready by the time his Live came on that way she could be out the door as soon as he finished. If she was going to make it to be on his Only Fans live stream tonight, she needed to get to his house before he got too distracted. Now, she’d have to watch his Live, while her cooch burst into flames before she had a chance to take a shower and finish picking out her outfit.
If there was one thing Torren was, it was punctual. It was bad enough that she was about 40 minutes outside of his town, but it could take her up to 2 or more hours to find his house. She only hoped that he didn’t plan on starting any real freaky shit on his Only Fans page until around midnight, cause it looked like she wouldn’t be getting there before then, anyway.  
With the smile still plastered on her face, Torren turned on the hot water for a shower, forgetting that the water didn’t get hot. She didn't mind, much, especially since the cold water gave her a break from the heat in her room. 
Phone in hand, she watched him, as she planted herself on the dirty bathtub floor, cross-legged, and started to get herself ready. Starting with her toes, she shaved each one, just below the knuckle, followed by her fingers, arms, pits, and each leg, from groin to ankle, three times. When the burning from her nether regions was so intense that she couldn’t tell her tears from the shower water dripping on her face, she quickly washed off the cream. 
All she could do was hope that she hadn’t broken the skin this time. The last time she had let that damn Nair stay on, just past burning, the skin broke and she bled. She was not having a bloody hoo-ha tonight. 
With that taken care of, she gently used the razor to remove any other pubes closer to the inside that needed to be removed. Then shaved her backside. When she had more time, she was going to get the internal hairs bleached, but she needed to find out what Ivar preferred. 
Shaving ate up so much of her time that she only had a few seconds to rub some body-wash that she had stolen from a drug store over her body and hoped it got rid of the smell of the summer heat. Her hair? Fuck it...she’d wash it another day, for now, this cold water would have to be enough. She’d spritz some perfume and hair spray in it and it would smell fine. 
Torren finished her shower, and walked out of the bathroom dripping wet, only using a towel to wrap around her hair. She was glad it was so hot in her room that her hair would air-dry quickly. She finger-combed her damp tresses to complete that ‘just got out of bed, but it's styled’ appearance. She knew how much he loved when her hair looked like that. It would remind him of freshly fucked hair. 
She spent extra time applying her makeup, even using an extra dark, thick application of eyeliner. She usually went for more subtle warm colors. They matched her tan skin tone better. But, tonight, she had bold, dark makeup, complete with varying shades of purple and blue eye shadows, and dark purple lipstick.
Torren was glad that she decided to match Ivar’s clothes this evening. The swim trunks and smoking jacket he wore would compliment her beautifully. She wanted everyone to know that they dressed alike, the way real couples do. If he was going for less is more, so would she.
She settled on black leather chaps that tied up on the sides, and tight blue boy shorts that left the bottom half of her ass cheeks exposed. The blue shorts brought out the blue swirls in his trunks; she knew he'd appreciate that touch. Her top was a blue bandanna that she wore as a halter with a short black leather jacket with tassels on the sleeves. 
They screamed “couple” in her eyes.
Completely satisfied with how she looked, Torren locked the door to her motel room and started down the hall. She deliberately stopped by the window and peered through the partially opened blinds of the people staying next door to her. She knocked on the window to get the attention of the young couple inside. Judging from their appearance, they were too strung out to know who she was, or that it was her music that they constantly banged on the wall about. She didn’t care. She still flipped them off before making her way to the stairs. 
Reaching her hand through the busted window of the blue Ford Taurus to unlock the door from the inside. Torren slid into the driver's seat and leaned over to find the two cords that she had pulled out from under the steering column when she stole the car. Flicking the cords together, she listened as the engine reluctantly turned over.
She put the car in reverse, looked in the rear-view mirror at her makeup, then pulled out of the spot. As she turned onto the road leading to the highway, she listened to the knocks, bumps, and hisses that her car made. There wasn't time to do much about it now; not when she was on her way to get her man. But, she made a mental note to do something about it later in the week. The only thing she could do was turn the music up louder to drown out the car noise.
Truthfully, she should have stolen a better car than the piece of shit Taurus that she found in the parking lot of the Quickie Mart while driving through Tulsa, Oklahoma. There were plenty of better cars there to choose from but no one would have wanted to take this one. It was so sad looking that she took pity on it. She had been doing the owner of this crap car a favor, by taking it off of their hands. 
The car was truly fucked. The oil light stayed on, and it drank gas like her mother drank liquor. The car had protested every inch of the ride across the three states that she traveled through in one day. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before that piece of shit breathed its last breath.
She needed to get gas again, but fuck that car. She had already refueled four times since she stole it. Gas wasn't cheap and she wasn't putting another dime in that gas guzzler. Speaking of money, she made a mental note to steal another credit card. It would only be a matter of time before the owner of the one that was tucked snugly between her left breast and strapless bra, would eventually realize that it had been lifted from the table in the diner, and canceled.
Laptop, butt bleaching, car, credit card, and more eyeliner from Walgreen's…her To-Do list was growing. She really needed to take some time off and take care of the necessities. Not tonight, though. She had other things to do. She couldn't do anything else, right now, but get to her man. Besides, once Lothbrok was by her side, he would help her remember all the things she needed to do.
As she came off of the highway exit smoke started billowing out from the engine. It backed up through the exhaust system, and came through the vents, inside the cabin. It was ironic – the air-conditioning vents in the car didn't work, but they seemed to work well enough to clog the inside of the car up with thick white smoke. She drove a few more miles before the smoke was so thick that she could no longer see. As she pulled the car over to the graveled shoulder of the road, the car knocked and shook, before it finally cut off.
Just her fucking luck.
She reached under the dash to flick the cords against each other again, trying to force the ignition to catch again, but it wouldn't. The engine had nothing left to give her. "Fuck Murphy and fuck his fucking law," she said calmly as she pulled the hood release.
She opened the car door, taking care to place both black, platform boots on the ground before lifting her backside from the seat. Placing her sunglasses on her eyes, she walked with one foot in front of the other to the front of the Taurus and placed her hand on the hood. It was hot, but not so hot that she couldn't feel under the front of the lever.
As she lifted the heavy metal hood and placed the rod in the slot to hold it in place, Torren let the smoke from the engine engulf her. It was quite a head rush breathing in the thick engine smoke through her nose, and exhaling it from her mouth. She patiently waited for the smoke to thin out before she bent, at the waist, over the engine. She didn't know what she was looking for, but she knew that someone would see her looking over the engine and stop to help her.
Now, if only someone would actually come down this dark stretch of road, she could be back on her way to Ivar.
It didn't take long before a pair of headlights rounded the bend of the road, just off to her right. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she accentuated the leather, chaps against her hips, and lifted her ass higher in the air, to catch the driver's attention. She couldn't help but smirk when she heard the tires of a large vehicle turn onto the graveled pavement in front of where she broke down. She didn't turn to face the car or the driver. She didn't care who they were or what they looked like. She had an appointment to keep and this pit stop was fucking up her timetable.
"You need some help?" A deep voice asked as its owner approached her.
Torren took a moment to peer around the hood, noticing that there were no other cars around. "Broke down," she answered, continuing to bear her weight from one hip to the other. She placed her hands on the metal frame of the car, arched her back, and looked at the man over her shoulder. "You know something about cars?"
"Yeah," he replied, moving around to her side, looking at her, and not the smoky engine.
She gave him half a smile, as she noticed him notice her. "You a mechanic or something?" She asked standing up. She rubbed her hands together to remove some of the visible engine soot while considering the guy in front of her. He was about 6 feet tall with a moderate build. He was dressed in blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and Timberland boots. He didn't look like he was more than 25 years old. Judging from the way he was looking at her and from the ring on his left hand, he wasn't too worried about her car, or his wife, for that matter.
"Nah, not a mechanic, but I work on my own car... in my spare time." He smiled when she did. She was gorgeous, in that slutty kind of way. She wouldn't be dressed like that and leaning over the hood of a car if she wasn't looking to have some fun. "Lemme take a look at it."
Did he work on his car? Hopefully, that meant that his ran better than hers did.
Torren moved over to the side and let him take the position under the hood. "I'll be right back," he explained before walking over to the bed of his F150.
Grabbing a flashlight from the trunk, he took a second to admire the view of her, from behind. If he could get her car moving again, she would hopefully follow him to this cheap motel he knew that was just up the highway.
He leaned in close, taking a whiff of her hair, "You overheated…want to check the coolant level."
She had heard him say something else but she had stopped listening; she was too busy watching the street. "You want me to try to start it?" she asked, removing her sunglasses before making her way to the driver's door. She wasn't sure if he answered or not. She had no intention of driving the Taurus again, even if he could get it started. She just needed to get something out of the car.
She slid into the seat and reached down on the floor. She found the hard metal object on the floor of the passenger's side and gripped it tightly. As she walked back around to the front of the car, she heard him talking, presumably about the car, or maybe he was asking her out. Who the fuck knows? She was on a tight schedule and all of his chatting was holding her up. She stood by the side of the hood, looking at the angle he was leaning over the hood. Quickly, she lifted her arm, and with one powerful blow, she struck him in the head with the crowbar that she used to procure her now-defunct car.
Torren stood over his body, looking at him intensely. God, it felt good. The rush of knowing that one minute this dude was towering over her, and the next he was on the ground. She had dropped his ass. She was the one with the power.
 "Thanks," she said, digging her hand in his pocket to retrieve his cash, credit card, and the keys to his truck. She wiped the blood on the crowbar on his shirt before walking to her new mode of transportation.
Torren sat in the truck's driver's seat and turned on the engine. She had managed to cross two things off of her To-Do list without even planning to.
Thank God the truck had air conditioning. All this heat and humidity was bound to make her hair frizzy. She cranked the AC up as high as it would go and sat still for a moment enjoying the cool air. After a minute, she adjusted the seat and tilted the rearview mirror to look at herself. She was starting to sweat and her eyeliner was starting to run just a bit at the corners of her eyes. She dabbed at the black liner to even out the lines, and then pushed the mirror back to where she could see. Giving the area another once-over, she made sure that no one else had seen her interaction with that guy on the ground, before pulling out from the gravel and onto the paved street.
"Ugh!" Torren yelled. Chester Bradley, the printed name on the credit card, had shitty taste in music. She pushed the stereo button on the steering wheel to do a scan of the radio. Anything was better than country music. Once she found some trap music on the XM radio, she turned up the volume and pulled back onto the highway.
Part iii/
Tags: @ideagarden-blog1  @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @a-mess-of-fandoms @didiintheblog @conaionaru @peachyboneless @flowers-in-your-hayr @heavenly1927 @zuxiezendler @waiting4inspiration @saldelys @revolution-starter​
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morimallow · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet (Suna Rintarou)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Not the best but at least? He's very very gentle with his actions because he knows you're still sensitive. If he's feeling a little more affectionate, you might receive an open-mouthed kiss or two. He always plants a kiss on your forehead after sex— it's like putting a cherry on top or adding finishing touches because he considers you beautiful and all.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Although he uses his whole upper body to manipulate blockers in volleyball, he loves his hips. That moment of satisfaction when he hears you moan the time he slams back into you. HE LOVES YOUR BACK. The way it forms a beautiful dip during dog style, the way it reminds him you're so fucking sexy. His hands are always on your back and/or behind your thighs. Ugh.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Creampie. Creampie. Creampie. Creampie. Creampie. Doesn't stop until your hole is filled and covered with his cum. Likes the sound of your skin slapping, sound way more lewd because of his sticky cum. When he's kinda rough, he likes to coat his fingers with his cum and make you lick it clean because he's nasty like that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not just a secret of his but with the twins. The twins caught Suna humping on a volleyball in the storage room. That was one time when you stopped by the gym to check on him. You wore your knee-high socks that was hidden until that day because you ran out of clean socks. He had to make a deal with the twins because they'll never stop teasing him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Ugh, he knows his ways, his angles, his measurements, HE KNOWS THE ENTIRE MATHEMATICS. HE KNOWS YOUR ANATOMY. Let's all agree he has an average-sized dick but.. man, does he know how to put it to good use. I don't know his ways but he manages to his your spot every fucking time and you're just busy screaming his name and telling him you feel so good.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
What was it again..? The one when you ride his pretty cock with your back facing him. Back to letter B, he loves this position because a.) he can see your full back and b.) he can take control over your movements with the snap of his hips.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He pours his emotions into having sex with you if you are his lover. His thoughts are just: I should make them feel loved, I'm gonna give them my best performance. Post-orgasm goofiness! Likes to tease you too. Like, “Baby, what was that sound you made when I fucked you so good? Did you purr for me, pretty baby?”
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He only has thin strands of light brownish pubes so he doesn't shave often! If you prefer no pubes then he'd shave because you give the best blowjobs. You kinda like the way his pubes lightly tickle the area around your hole though..
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Sucker for open-mouthed kisses to show his affection. He kisses you from your nape to your tailbone, doesn't matter if you're the one moving or him. INTERTWINING. HANDS. FINGERS. LEGS. He wants to hold you close. Remember, yeah? The reverse position? He'd hug you from behind, start pounding into you as he places his kisses. jfkekfjsjd im so weak for him
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jacks off when he's horny and you're not within his reach or not in the mood. He'd slowly trace the popping veins of his dick as he sets his image of you in his head. Then, he'd massage his balls, creeping up his cock until he plays with his tip. Would totally muffle his low moans.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Y'all.. squirting and laces. Loves the idea that he can make you squirt and make a mess above or under him. And laces.. it just looks perfect on your skin, makes it more delectable and prettier.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Good ol'classic bed (prefers the one in your childhood bedroom), the doorway, and your bigass-not-tainted window. Don't ask me, this is just my fantasy.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You squirting and queefing, your moans, the way you squeeze his cock good.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Spitting (don't fight me on this one), wax play, anything that might harm your skin but he's fine with hickeys and slap marks, hmmmmm.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
HE LOVES LICKING YOUR FOLDS LIEK— the fact that you can get off just with his mouth makes him ugh. The way your thighs contract as he grazes his teeth around your pussy. Hmm, he's most sensitive at the base. He'd either fuck your face the moment you suck his dick whole or let you have it your way, he'd still cum inside your mouth anyway. 11/10, best in oral.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
THE DUALITY OF THIS MAN MAKES ME WANNA GO FERAL. JGKEKJFJWND. He's usually fast and rough with a sprinkle of degradation but there are also moments he wants to take his time. He wants to appreciate every inch of your body, making sure he gives enough attention to each. He'd have a twitching cock dribbling with pre-cum but his whole focus is to make you feel good and loved, to make you reach your orgasm. This man can be so sweet at times. Sighs.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Y'all.. this is a big yes for him. Not frequent though! Just when he feels like railing you inside the dressing room or in a certain bar VIP lounge.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Always down as long as he's also interested! He was the one who initiated the ride-my-face, hoho. A little peek of curiosity of your kinks is enough for him to help you confirm that kink. RISKS? WHAT ARE THOSE? He'd command you to not wear underwear because he plans to fuck you in your reserved private restaurant booth.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Three to five rounds. I won't elaborate further, your honor. I rest my case.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
HE BUYS TOYS FOR YOU. He bought the Sailor Moon set of dildos, not knowing what the fuck is Sailor Moon. He just thought it's pretty. He imagined it using on you because you wanted to have a threesome without having a third party and damn, did he make that possible and mind-blowing. Also, kind of a wide range of vibrators to pleasure his favorite baby while going for a morning run.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
BIGGEST TEASE. EDGING. EDGING. EDGING. UNTIL YOU BEG HIM TO JUST PLEASE LET YOU CUM AND CREAM ON HIS COCK. He'd rail you until you scream that you're cumming and he's out of your hole then teases your entrance with his cum from the last round.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Low.. sexual.. hot.. groans.. gets u pregnant... im out.. have u heard his voice.. fucking.. hot..
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Often puts his hand inside his pants or yours or inside your shirt and just plays with your nipples while he sends a text to Osamu or whoever.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
The body of a swimmer.. yes. He's not too ripped. He got the right amount of muscles and fats and muscles, muscles, muscles. Lean torso, omg. And his dick.. pretty cock of his. Perfect length, perfect shade. HE'S SO BEEFY.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He! Rarely! Initiates! Having! Sex! Oh, but he often initiates make-out sessions but it's always up to you if you want to fuck or not. He can take care of himself, yes, but thinks it's better to take care of each other's needs, uwu. He's always down to having sex though. *eyes*
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep during or after your post-sex conversation after he has cleaned you up. Salty bae so tired making you both feel pleasure. Ugh, he's good.
Here is Suna's Fluff Alphabet!
M. List
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ilovebeing-weird · 3 years
We work so well
Jason, her soulmate, he was cute. Totally different from her, but yet Marinette loved him. He moved to Paris to start anew. A bee. A FUCKING BEE. Weird, she knows. 
You like New York City in the daytime
I like New York City in the nighttime
You say you like sleeping with the air off
I don't, I need it on. 
He liked Paris in the morning, damn morning people, he liked when all the bakeries were open and he could just go and buy anything to eat. Marinette liked Paris at night, the lights illuminated the city. She liked the view of the Eiffel tower from her window. All covered in lights. That was the moment it actually looked like the city of lights. She loved taking strolls at night. 
Jason always clogged his nose if the air conditioner was on, but Marinette couldn't bear the heat. 
You like the light coming through the windows
I sleep late, so I just keep 'em all closed
You ignore the music on the radio
I don't, I sing along
Jason was an early riser, woke up with the first ray of sun. He liked soaking the sunlight. Marinette, she liked sleeping in. Don't wake her up till 1 in the evening. If you did, you'll get a few bruises for sure. Hey, she sleeps at 4 in the morning, don't blame her for wanting to sleep in. 
Jason never paid any attention to the songs playing in the background from the radio. He just ignored them and kept doing his work. Marinette wouldn't ever just let the songs play by and not sing with them. She would sometimes even drag Jason in her sing along party, he would just chuckle at her child like antics. But he loved it, Marinette knew that. 
I don't ask for you to change, baby, no, no, no
And you don't ask for me to change
Tell me how we're not alike
But we work so well and we don't even know why
Funny how the stars crossed right
You can call it fire and ice
'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why
But we work so well and we don't even know why
We don't even know why, no, no
We don't even know why, no, no, no
No, no, no, no
We like it in the daytime
We like it in the end of time
No, no, no, no
We like it in the daytime
We like it in the end of time
Even though they were complete opposites, they worked well together. Marinette was scared that it wouldn't work because of their differences, but it did. Looks like they were soulmates for a reason. They were opposite like fire and ice, but they completed each other. 
Cold outside and you're just in a T-shirt
I have cold blood even in a sweater
You start your night sippin' by the Kilo
Jason never felt that cold, effects of the Lazarus and all. Even if it was snowing, Jason would just stay in a t-shirt. Marinette felt cold really easily, even though she wore a lot of layers. Well, at least she got to snuggle with her personal heater. That man basically radiated heat. And he was way taller and bigger than her, so he just curled around her and warmed her up. 
I don't, I know you know
Jason did have some bad habits though, he liked to drink, saying that it helped to deal with his trauma, Marinette understood that. After everything he has been through. Jason told her all of that during their second meeting, the best part was that he was trying to get rid of that habit. Once in a while was okay, she liked to drink sometimes too. But too much can harm him; she didn't like the idea of him getting hurt. Physically or mentally. 
I don't ask for you to change, baby, no, no, no
And you don't ask for me to change
Tell me how we're not alike
But we work so well and we don't even know why
Funny how the stars crossed right
'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why
You can call it fire and ice
But we work so well and we don't even know why
We don't even know why, no, no (no, no, no)
We don't even know why, no, no, no
Somehow, we end up on the same side
And you wouldn't think that we'd be alright
Even our eyes are different colors, but we see fine
Somehow, we end up on the same side (up on the same side)
And you wouldn't think that we'd be alright
(Think that we'd be alright)
Even our eyes are different colors, but we see fine
Looking in his different but beautiful eyes, she knew that he was the man that she wanted to spend her whole life with. His eyes comforted her. His eyes were a weird color, a mixture of green and blue, but they looked beautiful on him, matching his weird but adorable white hair tuft.
(Oh) Tell me how we're not alike
But we work so well and we don't even know why
('Cause we work so well and we don't even know why, why)
Funny how the stars crossed right
'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why
(But we don't even know why)
You can call it fire and ice
But we work so well and we don't even know why
('Cause we work so well and we don't even know why, why)
We don't even know why, no, no
We don't even know why, no, no, no
No, no, no, no
We like it in the daytime (Oh)
We like it in the end of time (We don't even know why)
No, no, no, no
We like it in the daytime
We like it in the nighttime
It must be some magic that helped her to meet that angel of a person. Even though he pretended that he was really tough he was a big softie on the inside. He was handsome inside out. He was…..just everything Marinette wanted. A big literature nerd even though he would deny it to everyone till the day he died. It felt nice that he only showed this side of himself to her. Only she could his soft side, only she could cuddle him like that, only she could kiss him, she was the only one that he says "I love you" to. 
He was the only one she wanted to marry.
She'll do it, she'll do it. Yes, no more hiding it now. Marinette took out the ring she's been hiding for weeks now and went to Jason.
"Babe." Marinette poked Jason's side
"Hm, what happened Pix?" Jason looked down from where he was washing the dishes.
"Let's go for a walk." Jason chuckled at his girlfriend's impulsiveness. Oh, how much he loved her, she was just made for him. His soulmate, his girlfriend, and hopefully wife soon.
"Sure, let me just complete this first." 
"Okay! But do it soon." 
Walking through Paris, Marinette and Jason reached the Eiffel Tower. 
"Jason, I love you." Jason snapped his attention at her. 
"I love you too bae." That's all Marinette needed to continue
"There's no one I would want to spend my life with. You're the best boyfriend in the world. You're just perfect. I love you so much, so…." She got down on one knee "Will you marry me?" 
Jason nodded his head 'yes' rapidly. "Yes! Yes! YES!" Jason picked her up and kissed her. "Damn, Pix, I don't know that I would have the courage to propose to you." 
"One more thing, put me down first though." Carefully Jason put her down
Marinette smirked mischievously, "Ya like Jazz?" 
Jason looked at her for a few moments and groaned, "why did you have to ruin the moment?" 
"Hey! I made the moment. And don't forget you said this to me on our first meeting." Marinette rolled her sleeves up to show her soulmark, 'Ya like Jazz?' inscripted in yellow on her forearm.
"How can I forget? You never let me. I know it was a mistake, but I panicked okay? You're way too beautiful." Any reply Marinette would have given got lost as Jason looked lovingly at her. Marinette just kissed him again. 
"Yeah, yeah, we get it you're in love, no need to show the whole Paris." Alix said coming towards them with Chloé.
The couple blushed deeply. 
"So, what's new?" Chloé asked 
"I proposed." Marinette mumbled
"You did what?" The other girls asked with shock
"I proposed to Jason." Marinette said a little louder this time.
"Without telling us?" 
"Listen, jazz guy. Hurt her and you're dead." Alix looked threatingly at him. 
"Okay. Well, there's another piece of news." Jason took a deep breath before dropping the bomb. "Bruce found me." 
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Introducing the girlfriends: the looks.
Hello puppets! In this post I’d like to show how I imagine the OC Girlfriends in terms of face and looks, mostly in terms of fashion.
I won’t state how many times my self esteem abandoned the conversation as I made this post, so let me do a disclaimer before I make y’all suffer with me (sorry). These pictures come from my Pinterest board called “Simply incredible people”, which contains mostly photos of people that have very unique facial traits and that I use for reference. Now, ALL OF THESE ARE MODELS. They were photographed BECAUSE after hours of makeup and hair and clothes chosen perfectly for them, a set made up specifically to enhance their good looks, a fair bit of photoshop and unfairly good genetics they were put in the position of being beautified. Don’t think that these gorgeous folks are The Thing: I picked them because of specific reasons explained under each picture, and in my opinion all the guys are pretty far from dating perfect young women with perfectly symmetrical features and flawless complexion and... all of that. However, yes, in my mind they date regular, “unbeautified” versions of these women. If your self esteem can’t handle disgustingly beautiful models, then please, don’t open the “read more”. Also, you’re absolutely free to keep imagining your ideal girls and not check out this post, no hard feelings ✌️😘
However, if — like me — you are incredibly attracted to girls with pretty unique facial features, then do open. If you’ like girls, I’m sorry, you might have one (or more) new crush(es) after this post.
Now, all of the girls have Asian traits — because according to my plots and headcanons, (which you can find in my masterlist) the guys have always met their s/o while in Seoul/Korea and also because I’ve always imagined the girls Asian. However, I’m not saying that they like these specific types or looks, or that they’ll end up with a person with traditionally Asian traits: I am simply assuming in statistic terms. Also, since I write memberxFem!reader, they’re obviously all girls.
I only know two of the people inserted here (that is Vixen and Kitten). I might have accidentally inserted someone famous, however that was not my intention. Also, the girls have been chosen exclusively for facial features: there is no shipping going on between real people here.
After this lengthy introduction, let me move on to the real deal.
In case you need my masterlist, here it is! (Remember to vote for next prompt!!! Link in bio 🥰)
Vixen - (Namjoon)
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— The face —
Baby face: yes
Doll lips: yes
Very intense, borderline scary, November-baby glance: yes.
This is Vixen, with her baby cheeks, her sharp, refined looks and a doll-like face that mixes innocence and seduction. Top that with deep red lipstick and artsy jewellery. Her eyes show ten thousand different feelings and her face is suitable for acting, being extremely expressive: every little sensation and emotion can be found in a quirk of the mouth or an arching of the eyebrow, a little curl of the nose or a pursing of her lips.
— The Look —
Total black winter look, basic and classy, thigh-high boots for her long legs, simple, plain bags and purses, and finally a long coat to keep her warm over her dresses usually characterised by a high neck and a generous slice of leg. But don’t let that fool you: her favourite looks are oversized sweaters stolen from Namjoon’s wardrobe — that obviously fit like dresses on her —, fluffy woolen tights or stockings and comfy shoes when they go on breakfast dates, but also thick jumpers, large jeans and comfy sneakers when they go for walks and bike trips.
Angel (Seokjin)
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— The Face —
Traditional Korean Beauty: yes
Big eyes: yes
Soft pink lips: yes
Angel is the definition of Korean Beauty, looking young and innocent. She could easily have the face of an idol, with the purest of charms. And her cute bangs... yes.
— The Look —
Even though her job requires a total black look, which often means pretty flats, black trousers and a turtleneck, in her free time she likes wearing preppy looks, with lots of plaid prints and cute dresses that match Korean standards, with not-too-revealing necklines and a skirt that hits just above the knee. Match it all with cute, warm coats and small bags.
Kitten (Yoongi)
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— The Face —
Intimidating look: yes
Angular jaw: yes
Plush lips: yes
Kitten has angular, almost aggressive facial features, characterised mostly by the rectangular shape of her face and her jaw, and quite jutting cheekbones. She has a rough, tough beauty which can be difficult to understand but absolutely charming to observe.
— The Look —
Another one with total black, but unlike Vixen, who likes coloured clothes once winter ends, Kitten keeps the black look all year round, inserting tiny splashes of colours with accessories and jackets. Expect a lot of turtlenecks and blazers for her work attire, but also fancy shirts for more elegant occasions, mostly silk blouses that offer a generous view of her bosom.
Giggles (Hoseok)
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— The Face —
Strawberry blonde: yes
Freckles: yes
Too cute: yes
I’ve always imagined Giggles with a mop of messy reddish-blonde hair, may it be natural or dyed. I know the combo is pretty rare; still, she’s a fictional character so... a girl can dream.
— The Look —
A vintage mess of prints. She messes around with flowers and stripes and plaids and colours. You could most definitely spot her in a crowd. Even when she’s working (remember she’s a vet), she has very colourful scrubs and bright coloured clogs/nurse shoes. Overall too cute and tiny for her good, her being so small makes it easy for her to shop in the children department and find even more coloured, fancy prints.
Princess (Jimin)
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— The Face —
Overall cute: yes
Gaze to command a photo shoot: yes
Borderline scary both in terms of beauty and power: yes
This small girl has the power to supervise everything, you can read it on her face (remember she works for a fashion magazine and organises photoshoots). Sheer calculating, organising force. And with a gaze like that, ready to make you wither and die were you to deny her, you see specifically why I chose her.
— The Look —
Smart attire, comfortable flats or slippers to dash from a place to another. Comfy, fashionable, practical. She’s always on a rush from an appointment to the other and she uses bags big enough to hold a skirt and a pair of heels in case she needs more elegant attire for a last-minute evening appointment in fashionable clubs and restaurants. She’s more than happy to play Barbie for Jimin, letting him choose how to dress her.
Lace (Taehyung)
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— The Face —
Louder big dick energy than your ex: yes
A neck to die for: yes
Eclectic charm: yes
Honestly, I think Lace is too particular — strange even — to find someone who could possibly embody her. What made me pick this specific woman was her very incisive choice in clothing and accessories, but I’ll update her sooner or later, I think. As me and my friend said: you don’t find Lace, is Lace that finds you. (Also, if anyone has a Lace to suggest, please send links 💖)
— The Look —
Black tight dresses, all the time. Tight pencil skirts and anything that screams Fifties housewife; lots of robes, unusual cuts and premium fabrics — she is a designer and lingerie maker, after all. She doesn’t follow trends, she makes them. She is literally one of those people who looks good even with the most hideous, unfashionable things on. However, the moment she wears a silk slip dress, her power intensifies by a few thousand times — do not expect Taehyung not to get weak in the knees. In the house she’s absolutely comfortable wearing a robe with nothing underneath — and sometimes she doesn’t even tie it close. Taehyung is perfectly okay with that.
Candy (Jungkook)
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— The Face —
Biggest smile: yes
Cutest lil nose: yes
Very squishable: yes
The small happy bean is a very gentle bean too. She is a graphic designer and a cartoon artist and it shows in her whole being, even in her facial features. I imagine her hair not too long, soft and wavy — though the most valuable asset to Jk is their scent. And look at those sweater(shirt) paws!!! Adorable.
— The Look —
First rule of Candy and Jk’s relationship is “my flannel shall be thy flannel”. Their wedding rings will probably be flannel shirts. Candy likes to pull them off with oversized sweats or coloured jeans. She also wears oversized sweaters — probably stolen from Jk’s wardrobe — together with leggins and mid-calf socks, especially since her workplace is not too strict with dresscode. She likes oversized and layered fits, using light cotton shirts and tank tops in the summer and fleece/flannel shirt and warm woolen turtlenecks in winter. Comfort always comes first. Expect her to use biker shorts and giant T-shirts and bulky shoes in the summer on her spare time.
An extra — since I’m sooooo gay for these two
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Sora Choi and Yoon Young Bae are the two models that I immediately spotted respectively for Kitten and Vixen and the fact that they posed together made me super soft (I literally fell in love with both of them). Oh also!!! Yoon has posted on her insta the sweetest picture of her with a snow bear and it was like... a sign, but also so endearing and I’M SMITTEN, HEAD TO TOE IN LOVE WITH THIS SMALL CUTE LIL POTATO. She’s a cutie and Sora has the prettiest smile I swear to God I’d give the world for these two. *bisexuality upgrades*
Did you imagine them differently? Are there any of the girls that match or challenge your ideas? Leave your impressions in the comments!!! 😚☺️
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seostudios · 4 years
on your knees doll: jungwoo
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"C’mon on your knees doll, we just started."
pairing: kim jungwoo x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, attempted crack
word count: 2k
warnings: unprotected sex (always wear a condom!), thigh riding, oral (giving), hair pulling, pet names, creampie, swearing, explicit language
taglist: @tastyykpop @aestheticfarquad @bakugou-is-my-bae @sancheezz-it @bbyggukies @beinglovedbyme @asahivillage @chqyoung @labelleetoilex3 @subtaetae @laziilia @mayaczennie @seowoos @tzuqui @jenotation @sharamanne @ncexst @commentgirl @luvyeo @nanassungie @runningonkpop @straysrachaa @miniaturealienllamahumanoid @lovehendery @chicksung​ @sqturnstqrs​ @neobluemings​ @hyenekuroo @kpoporacle​
a/n:  yall....this wasn’t as filthy as i intended but i hope u guys get off to this :3
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It was Thursday evening and you had just arrived back home to your shared apartment with your boyfriend, Jungwoo. He had the week off due to a leak at his workplace, his boss decided to give his entire institute a week off rather than resort to online work since it was too much work to do in such little time. Nevertheless, Jungwoo wanted to be ahead of his work catching up on some filing and organizing his drawers in your in-home office, it wasn't necessary since Jungwoo was one of the most outstanding employees at his 9-5 job. You decided to let him do whatever pleased him since you still had work and everyday tasks outside of work since you were quite a social person within your tiny group of friends.
Hanging your purse on the coat rack and taking off your heels, sliding them beside the coat rack. You wore a knee-length black pencil skirt which hugged your body just perfectly always topping it with a button-up white dress shirt and your hair in a slick low bun, managing to look irresistible in normal work attire, although you were nice eye candy for your M.I.A boyfriend- you were suffering in these clothes quickly moving into your shared bedroom to change into pajamas after a short shower.
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Finally making your way back out of the bedroom you rock a matching pair of satin pajamas which Jungwoo picked out for you, and you remember exactly why, they were sexy and comfortable not to mention easy access to some not so kid-friendly areas. Your hair was in a high messy bun, small strands you purposely pulled to the front to get the cute messy bun look and succeeding, moving into the kitchen you grab the kettle to pour some hot water in to make yourself and Jungwoo some tea.
Looking across the kitchen counter to your device you see a message from Jungwoo 'Are you home darling?' smiling at his concern you message him back 'Been home babe. I'm making us tea, why don't you come out of your cave you hermit.' clicking send you almost immediately hear the doorknob to his office turn and a disheveled boy walking out. His hair was pointing out in multiple directions not to mention his awfully adorable tired face walking towards you who was just finishing up making the tea. He comes towards you not muttering even a word before pulling you into his embrace, pulling away his shoulders sag and he groans, "I'm so busy god I hate work." He says sighing in defeat, "I'm supposed to be saying that, you have the week off sir." You tell him poking his chest emphasizing the 'you'.
"So? I'm behind on a couple of projects and Taeil's gonna kick my ass if he doesn't see those by the end of the month." Sipping your tea you listen to his little ranting session which kind of made no sense. 'by the end of the month' It's September 3rd how big is this project? "Is it a big project?" You ask confused tilting your head, he shakes his head no continuing "It's just an event Johnny and I need to make flyers for," You chuckle at him complaining over such little things. "Alright go work you big baby," You tell Jungwoo turning him around with his teacup pushing him lightly towards his office.
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Reading the time on your phone screen you quietly gasp, it was 11:56 and he still wasn't in bed. He needs sleep and you are an Interior Designer so helping him with his little flyers isn't gonna be too much of a task.
You pull the thick bed sheets over your body and waddle out the bedroom door to Jungwoo's office door, will he get mad at me? you thought hesitating to turn the doorknob. Ignoring your thoughts you twist it walking into the boy whose eyes were typing away at the computer in front of him.  
With the door creek breaking the silence in the dimly lit room Jungwoo looks up to your tiny figure at the frame. Already knowing your concern, he begins, "I know, I know I should be in bed." You walk around his desk, Jungwoo's eyes glued to your canvas, more so your little getup for the night, moving his hands from the keyboard he places them behind his head still watching as you slid yourself onto his lap, straddling onto the boy. Your legs trapping him on either side of his thighs, hands creeping their way to the base of his neck. "Come to bed." are the first words you breath after entering and the only words you breath before digging yourself into the crook of his neck yawning tiredly. He gives into your tight grasp holding you back for a moment before he continued typing away. 
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You open your eyes, feeling a little groggy from the power nap you just invested in on Jungwoo's lap. Your eyelids are heavy, thoughts are hazy but you still hear that god damn typing, it was probably 2 in the morning knowing Jungwoo had the tendency to overwork himself not realizing the time. Lifting your head up from his neck you stretch, arching your back, arms casually going up. You caress Jungwoo's chest lightly before placing them on his nape, "You still up," you pout watching his gaze on you soften, though he finds your adorable he's focused on finishing his work "I'm busy." He told you hands reaching to casually graze your inner thigh, such simple actions woke you up in a whole new way. "Please," you beg, bouncing slightly on his lap like the brat you were, quietly hissing at your movements he moves his hands which were massaging your inner thighs to your hips gripping them securely making sure you don't pull another trick like that, his eyes were different now. Soft dark chocolate orbs staring into you, "Y/n," he began, "I'm. Busy." Strictly telling you - possibly warning you - not to play any games.
You quit knowing not to get him mad but the feeling in the pit of your core still aches to get him all riled up. Imagining him bending you over on this office table, ramming his cock into your tight hole, going up to pull your messy bun which would just be falling apart, telling you what a dirty slut you were to be pulling this on him. The thoughts clouded over you a new sinister smirk dancing along your lips. Head going back to his neck; him assuming you were going to get more sleep, relaxes his grip on you just to tighten it back when he feels your wet lips placing open-mouthed, sloppy kissing on his neck. Hearing Jungwoo's soft grunts and feeling his hands going to roughly grab your ass.
"Get up."
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Here you were standing between Jungwoo's legs waiting for his next words. "I want you," he paused to look over behind you, to his laptop making sure to close it and slide it to the side. He sits back down on his seat, pushing it back, spreading his legs, "I want you to beg," looking down at his erect member just begging to be released from his bottoms. "Beg like the slut you are, beg for my cock and maybe you can get a taste." You walk over and straddle your self on top of his thigh, the thin satin material of your bottoms doing a poor job of covering you up exposing your core to him slightly from your leg hole. Hands reaching up and under his thin t-shirt you caress his toned stomach, "I need your cock, please. I'm so wet all from you and for you," You grind on his thighs causing you to moan at the contact of your clothed clit on his thigh, Jungwoo watches intently. His hands make their way to the waistband of your shorts tugging them signalling you to take them off. You quickly shift off him and slide them down to your ankles sliding them somewhere away from you two, "No panties?"He questions looking at you, staring into his dark eyes, "I want to ride you thigh Jungwoo," you request. Patting his clothed thigh, he watches you straddle, grabbing your hips he forces your movements, already at a fast pace. "Jung-Fuck," You quietly moan using his broad shoulders to keep balance. His grip loosened as you continued the same pace while his thumb went to stimulate your clit, abusing it. Soon enough you reached your high having him help you ride through it, now panting you still sit on his thigh, "C’mon on your knees doll, we just started." He commanded, watching your eyes widen shining slightly."What?"he says hand snaking its way around your throat, "Weren't you just begging for my cock like a whore? Get on your knees and show me you deserve it."He was so fucking hot. His hand made its was way from your throat to the crumbling messy bun gripping your hair pushing you off his thigh to on your knees in front of him. His fingers traced the wet spot on his thigh, "So messy," he told you kissing his teeth before lifting off his seat a little to remove his bottoms which caused his (big) length to pop out onto his stomach, hard and oozing of precum. Begging to be sucked.
Taking his cock into your hands, you rub your thumb over his red tip spreading his pre-cum all over, before latching your mouth onto it sucking it teasingly. "Use that pretty mouth properly before I make you," Jungwoo threatened. Sinking your mouth onto his member you bring a hand to fondle with his balls, receiving a growl from the boy who's was staring into your eyes, not breaking the eye contact you held while you sucked him dry. Removing your mouth, you rub his length, spitting on it you kiss his inner thigh a couple of times then lick a stripe up his cock before taking it in once again. "I'm gonna- Fuck I'm gonna fucking cum," He tells you twitching in your mouth as if you weren't aware. He pulls your head up turns you around, "I'm not gonna cum in your mouth," he tells you. "I'm gonna cum in that pretty little hole," Pulling the hem of your shirt he watches you strip of your only remaining clothing before bending you over on the desk. His hand made its way to slip his tee off, throwing it god knows where. Grazing his hand up your arched back going to grip your ass, "Always bothering me when I work cause' your such a cockslut."Roughly slipping into your hole you moan aloud"Yes! I'm your cockslut Jung-" His hand moves to grip your hair pulling your head up making you whine not being able to finish your sentence, thrusting in and out you hear him mutter multiple curse words and the skin slapping bringing you closer to your high.
"I'm cumming! Jungwoo! Argh- Shit!"You moan which makes Jungwoo bend over and bring his hand over to your clit, abusing it bringing you, even more, closer than you were to your orgasm."Me too," he breaths biting your earlobe, listening to your whines as you came. 
You feel Jungwoo twitch in you a couple times before he coated your walls with  his juices, pulling out for a moment watching his liquid drip from your pussy, down your thighs. You get up to move but he pushes you back down, “If you think cumming twice is it for you tonight, you’re in for it tonight doll.” He tells you gripping the nape of your neck.
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By, the time Jungwoo was finished using you as a cum dump the sun was already starting to rise. "We took our sweet time didn't we?" You said redoing your messy bun and changing into a pair of shorts and Jungwoo's t-shirt, "We really did," he laughed but paused to think in between before popping a question, "Don't you have work?" He asked looking at you with evident concern. You nod but let him know you could just not go in today and the two of you could spend some quality time together, "Yes I'd love that." He told you hugging you tightly "Now let's go to bed, you big baby." He whines at the nickname but follows behind you to bed.
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whats-her-quirk · 4 years
Headcanons for an s/o that always carries around a water bottle
a/n: does this count as crack!fic? This is legit the dumbest idea but I couldn’t stop thinking about it so here you go, I guess.
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izuku midoriya
* Thinks it’s the cutest thing that you’re always clutching your water bottle no matter where you go
* He loves that you care about staying hydrated!!
* When your water bottle is sitting on your desk or your room, he’ll pick it up to look at the stickers you put on it and see if there are any new ones
* Buys you more stickers when he notices an empty spot that should be filled
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katsuki bakugo
* “That thing attached to the end of your arm, hah?”
* Teases you about it at first because you really do bring your water bottle everywhere. Class, group hangouts, meals at restaurants, the movies.
* Offers to buy you a second one so you don’t have to always carry the same one “like a total nerd,” but you politely decline.
* But then you notice him searching for water bottles online.
* And a few days later he has the same water bottle as you in a different color.
* “Damn, woman, am I not allowed to be thirsty!?”
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tenya iida
* Loves this very practical habit of yours!!!
* Staying healthy and hydrated while also helping the planet by using less plastic, so responsible!
* when he notices yours is the kind with times of day marked down the side, he takes it upon himself to let you know when you’re behind on your water consumption.
* It’s futile trying to explain to him that you’re not as worried about the goals as you are about just having water when you want or need it.
* So you end up buying him his own so that he can track his own water intake instead of yours.
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hitoshi shinso
* The two of you actually met on Instagram when he randomly found your post on the discover page.
* You had that VSCO girl kind of style that he liked, but you weren’t annoying about it!
* You just cherry-picked the best style components: the t shirts, the scrunchies, and of course, the hydroflask
* After he slides into your DMs and the two of you meet in person for the first time, he thinks it’s cute that you brought your water bottle with you to the coffeeshop.
* Oh yes, he’s going to be seeing a lot more of you and your water bottle in the future.
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denki kaminari
* “Hey babe, where’d ya get your water bottle?”
* Unlike Bakugo, he wants to get matching bottles with you on purpose.
* Takes pics of the two of you with your matching bottles to post online with captions like, “me and bae staying hydrated 2k20”
* Gets you matching carrying straps too so you can be all decked out and it’ll be easier to hook your water bottle to your backpack.
* It’s the dumbest little thing but it makes him so happy.
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eijiro kirishima
* Refills your water bottle for you throughout the day, especially when you’re at the gym together
* Likes that yours is a sporty camelback, it goes well with your tough style and personality
* Even when you’re not thirsty, makes sure your water bottle is always full
* Offers to carry it for you
* And definitely sneaks sips from it whenever he gets thirsty. You know this because the straw is covered in shark tooth bite marks.
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shoto todoroki
* never really mentions your water bottle, but you know he notices that you always have it on you.
* Washes it out for you almost every night. You’ve never asked, he just does this.
* Makes ice to put in it in the morning.
* And will hold it in his icy hand late in the day when all the ice is melted to make it cold again.
* It’s the little things to show he cares.
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hanta sero
*Sero’s always picking up your water bottle, dangling it absent-mindedly by the strap on one finger
*Just straight up drinks out of it sometimes, but you don’t mind because he always refills it
*Stops with you between classes at the water fountain or at the mall because he knows he’s half the reason the bottle is always empty
*Rests his chin on top of the screw cap when it’s sitting in front of him, looks adorable
*Writes your name on the bottom of it in sharpie in his prettiest handwriting so no one can steal his your water bottle
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nakunakunomi · 4 years
Congrats on 300 followers Hzael! You deserve it! Can I ask for 42 (I'm going to save you from the terrible date you're having) with Aizawa? Thank you! OwO
Hi love! Here’s some knight in shining armor Shota to save you from the other douchebags on donkeys! Hope you enjoy! 
Come save me - Shota Aizawa x Reader 
Cliche with bae event Prompt #42: come save me from the terrible date I’m having  Character: Shota Aizawa - Word count: 1.7k 
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Hunger. Regret. Embarrassment. More regret. Anger. Frustration. A whirlpool of emotions was going through you as you kept your expression as neutral as possible, aggressively cutting the piece of steak in front of you and eating a bit to try and distract you from the man sitting in front of you, talking while he barely made eye contact. You weren’t exactly sure what he was talking about at the moment, but you couldn’t care less. You wanted out of here. Now. How did you even get in this situation?
After dating around some in your circle of friends to no avail, you had finally turned to online dating. You made loads of profiles, installed all the apps, did the matching, the swiping, you name it. Out of the hundreds of possible candidates, you immediately deleted anyone that wasn’t looking for anything serious. You were no teenager anymore, you had a job and a home and you were ready to settle down completely.
Your biggest help in this adventure had been your coworkers and best friends, Hizashi and Shota. The three of you had gone to school together and now all three of you were teaching at U.A. Any guy you’d ever date had to go past these two, and honestly, you didn’t mind. Their protectiveness was endearing and they were pretty good judges of character.
They had been helping you weed out matches, even secretly (but not so secretly) tagged along on dates to make sure it wasn’t some creep. Even though you’d be perfectly fine fending off a creep by yourself, you were a capable hero after all, you really liked them looking out for you.
Now for this date, it had been a little different. You had gotten this match from one of the more expensive sites. The kind where so-called experts matched people based on their personalities and profiles. It took you a whole long time filling in a question list for them, but when you got your match, you were not disappointed. Dating apps and such made you a little more shallow, looks were the first thing you saw on those, but hell, you were pleasantly surprised. Your ultimate match was extremely good-looking. But almost insanely so. Shota grabbed your phone, said ‘probably a douche’, and gave it back. Hizashi only laughed at the remark and let you first read up on his profile.
Your match did a normal office job but had an intelligence-based quirk that allowed him to understand everyone regardless of the language they spoke, which he used in his line of work. He was two years older than you, stable income, own house. He did some volunteering in his free time and most of your hobbies seemed to line up or were compatible at least. It was almost too good to be true, which was exactly what Hizashi said.
“Well, who pays so much money for such a personal dating service and then goes around and lies on their profile? That’d be stupid.” You were zooming in on the pictures he shared, desperately trying to find traces of photoshop, but to no avail. Right as you were about to say something, he sent you the first message. You replied enthusiastically, and a nice conversation was born.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly, and your match had proposed to go have dinner somewhere. It was a pretty fancy restaurant he proposed, but you accepted, it was a nice change to maybe dress up and have an actual fancy date. You were keeping realistic scenario’s in your head but you couldn’t help but wonder if this guy was maybe the one you had been waiting for all along.
The date came along and you were actually in a sour mood before you even got there. Mostly because Shota had been increasingly mean about the guy the more you gushed about him. At some point, you had made a remark about jealousy, and that had caused quite a discussion until Hizashi broke it up and told you to get ready, and he’d be off for a guy’s night with Shota. It had been a while after all, and that way you wouldn’t even have to worry about either of them spying on you during your date.
How you were regretting that now. You wished they had spied on you because this date was a disaster. He had been over twenty minutes late, didn’t tell you the name of the reservation so you were waiting outside in the cold until he finally showed up. He looked great, just like in his pictures, but way less well-kempt than he had been looking on his pictures. You had dressed up in your best dress, had gone to the hairdresser to get your hair on point, applied a subtle amount of makeup to look your best, and appropriate for the date and the location. He was wearing some jeans, a T-shirt that had some spots on it that you didn’t even want to know about.
You smiled anyway, greeting him by holding out your hand, not too keen on hugging a total stranger, but he had gone straight in for a kiss on the cheek, and you noticed how he didn’t smell nice either. It really busted your mood, even more, were you only worth so little effort that he showed up like that? But you kept his hobbies, and all the nice things he had said in chat in mind, and went into the restaurant, putting all your hope in the person he was in your chat messages, which had been a terrible idea.
The food was expensive and way too little, and this man had not stopped talking about himself. The volunteering was a one-time gig, ‘always pleases the ladies’ he had smugly added to the story, and many other things on his profile weren’t exactly lies, but were mostly polished up truths to make him look better. He had gone as far as interrupting you multiple times even after he himself had asked you a question, degraded female heroes and generally any woman who worked because ‘you gotta let men do the job’. He expected his partner to drop their job for him, so he could be the sole provider. He was looking for a housewife, but the way he described it, was more a live-in-maid he could have some intimacy with as well, just whenever he pleased. It made you sick to your stomach and you wanted to leave, but that was not so easy in such a fancy restaurant without possibly causing a commotion.
You briefly excused yourself from the table, and he gave you a pissed-off look because you had clearly interrupted whatever very important thing he was saying. You made a beeline for the bathroom, contemplating for a second to just walk out but again, you had some kind of reputation to uphold. Once in the bathroom, you immediately dialed Shota’s number. He picked up within seconds.
“Let me guess. He’s a douche.” He wasn’t even trying to hide the smug tone in his voice. “He’s terrible… please come save me?” “I don’t know if I can. I mean… I cannot possibly interrupt your date with this perfect, wonderful, beautf-” “Shota I swear to god, get your ass over here. I need you right now.” It was silent for a few seconds, and then you heard a low chuckle before he spoke up again. “One rescue mission coming up.”
He had not put in the slightest effort to hide his annoyance, but you knew he’d show up. You refrained from splashing cold water in your face because you didn’t want to mess up your makeup and headed back into the dining room. He made some remark on how long you took and you focussed back on your plate, inwardly praying Shota wouldn’t take too much time in getting there.
Luckily for you, it was only about fifteen minutes later that you heard some commotion and before you could even look up what had made some other customers make surprised gasps Shouta was standing at your table. In full Eraserhead gear. Not that that differed so much from his usual clothes, but still, very recognizable. You frowned. “Wha-?” “No time for questions. It’s an emergency, got your costume in the car.” You nodded and stood up, apologizing to your date, who was too speechless and too busy comprehending what was going on to come up with a retort.
Shota looked him up and down once as you were making your way to the exit, sending the man one more apologetic look and wave. “You look like you can handle the bill. Hero duties call sir. Good night”
You got in the car, and not five minutes later Shota got in too and started to drive. You weren’t really sure what to say or what to do. “Where’s…” “Hizashi? Got drunk and got home. I just dropped him off when you called.” “Oh…” You were feeling strangely uncomfortable, but you were not really sure why exactly, probably because the argument from earlier was not really resolved yet. “Shota, I’m sorry about-” “Don’t mention it. I could’ve reacted more maturely”
You nodded, looking ahead again. No use for deep discussions when Shota had a road to focus on. You looked around and were surprised to not be going back in the direction of your house. “Where are we going?” “A decent place” “What do you mean?” “Well, it’d be sad if you dressed up all beautiful like that for no reason. I know a place.” You blushed a little and looked at him, his eyes focussed on the road as he said that almost matter-of-a-factly. “Like… like a date?” you almost didn’t dare as k. “Like a date.”
You were speechless. In all your dating adventures you had never even considered the option that the perfect match was around you already all along. “If you’re up for that, if not, I can just drop you off at home?” “No no…”, you smiled, “I’d like that. No surprises with you.” “No stupid profile needed.” He smiled a little from behind the steering wheel and you felt the corners of your mouth curl up too. “No stupid profiles needed indeed.”
You knew what you were going to do when you got home: delete all that bullshit from your laptop and phone. Cause this time, it could really be the one.
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naysaltysalmon · 5 years
I’m back!
Upon my return from China, I noticed there were a lot of things weighing me down... that I can just throw the fuck out.
I could expound upon all of these in great detail, but it really would be pointless. And I wouldn’t be able to cover it all anyway. So instead I’ve decided to make a post of every icon I’ve used for my online persona over the years.
The reason for this is... at the end of the program I attended, we had an entire week of silent meditation. We weren’t allowed to talk or communicate with anyone in any way, including gestures, eye contact, or physical touch. So, during this time I had the realization that the stories I’ve been interested in have been my main source of comfort over the years. No person, place, or thing has felt more permanent to me than this.
However, permanence is an illusion, as the Buddhists say (I stayed in a Buddhist monastery in China, in case you’re wondering). My interests have changed over the years -- from the first fandoms I got obsessed with, to my interests now. I may still adore the series that I enjoyed as a child, but definitely not in the same way.
Coming home, I realized... I no longer want to attach my identity to one character or series. That’s why I’ve decided to make this post. I want to reflect on all the egos of my past, on what they have meant to me, so that I can let them go. I’ve been clinging to a folder of them for too long.
To anyone who’s been here since the very start of my blog, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is an acknowledgement of my transformation from then until now.
And so:
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Breadward Elric. My first Internet icon, which I had for 2 and a half years from May 2011 -- 2013. My blog was originally entirely FMAB content, created in January of 2012, and while this format didn’t last the entire time that I had this icon, Breadward saw me through the majority of my early anime and video game obsessions. He jump-started my personality on the Internet as a fanfic author, a blogger, and an artist. I will never forget him... ;~;
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Comrade Führer Tamama. I had this icon for 8 months in early 2013 -- early 2014. What can I say? Tamama’s passionate personality resonated with me, especially when he was finally able to be in control (in the episode this particular screenshot is from). Gotta get those cola oceans pronto!
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Yokoso waga tainai e [Welcome to my Womb ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]. I had a phase during the summer of 2014, okay. But I still love this maniacal snake’s crusty ass, fite me. I admire KagePro immensely for the popularity and development it gave characters in song format. Of course, favorite of those characters was Kuroha, a snake whose only desire was to keep granting wishes so that he could survive. Add a touch of murderous intent and you have the complete package -- I won’t deny he appealed(appeals) to my wild side -- okay moving on.
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KeroTama hugge 👀. I had this icon for about 4-6 months in 2014 before the Hunter x Hunter phase hit. God, I shipped them so hard *facepalms* It was funny though, it’s like KagePro hit me like a hurricane during this summer and then I went right back to being KeroTama trash. Amazing.
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Softly Smiling Pika. I kept this icon for at least 9-10 months at the end of 2014 -- early 2015, until I found Owari no Seraph. Kurapika was definitely my bae at the start of my HxH phase -- and in many ways he still is. The current arc gives me this sense of nostalgia of being a 15-year-old again, deeply in love but too in denial to see it. Watching him as a young adult, I see how far I’ve come, how I could have ended up... since I believed myself to be most closely alike with Kurapika at the time. And now I know that’s not the case... I remember debating between many other Kurapika icons and finally choosing this one because I dearly wanted to believe I too could find my happiness in the friends around me, even if it seemed all was hopeless behind the scenes.
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Yuu babe. I had this icon for 4 months in the middle of 2015, I remember. Yuichiro Hyakuya was an underappreciated dorky genius at the time, much like how Gon is in HxH now, except... Now in the series... *deep sighs* *clenches fist* I still love his piercing citrine eyes and the dynamism of this icon/pose though.
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Cuties T^T (MikaYuu edition). Mmm I kept this icon for a while, something like most of 2016, at least 6-8 months, probably more like 9 or 10. Looking back, I still wonder how/why the author was a fucking coward and didn’t make MikaYuu happen. We coulda had it aaallllll...... Anyway, this is when I was writing Ebony & Ivory, my most popular fic to date, so I was reveling in the reputation I gained from that. This icon was me accepting that while I was no longer friends with my best friend from middle school to 11th grade, I would still pursue my own happiness in the perfect relationship that I saw in MikaYuu. *nods* It’s fitting.
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Caught Child². I shared this and the next couple of icons with a friend that I met online, who used the Gon equivalent. I think we shared this one for about 3 months of 2016. This is when I became re-obsessed with Hunter x Hunter and realized how much I had changed between 2014 and 2016. It’s an obsession that’s more or less carried onto now, and redefined my adulthood, as I see my progression as I refer back to HxH for guidance to this day.
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Content Chompy Boye. I love this icon. I kept this icon for a long time, something like 5-6 months in December 2016 -- mid-2017. The colors of the background contrast with Killua’s white hair, pale skin, and dark muscle shirt... I still used this icon on other websites until just a few days ago (when I most recently changed my icon) because I thought it looked the best backdropped against the format of other websites. I love this scene in the series, though; while (human) Palm is chattering on about her worry that Gon and Killua will be able to defeat Knuckle and Shoot in time, Killua continues to eat without a care in the world. It’s a mood I feel at least once a day, whether while eating or getting a back massage -- as if that ever happens -- 11/10.
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Pizza Devil Brat. I like this icon a lot and kept it on a few websites for longer too, but with the way I edited it, the green background becomes a little too headache-inducing if you stare at it too long, so 8/10 -- okay no more out of 10 ratings, this isn’t that kind of post. I believe I kept this icon for about 3-4 months in 2017 and possibly early 2018 as well. From the same scene the previous Kurapika icon came from, this remains one of my favorite scenes in the entire series for its serious undertones over the light happiness that underlies Gon’s, Killua’s, and Kurapika’s (and Leorio’s -- but he’s not in this scene) interactions with each other throughout the series.
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Grumpy Gem Gremlin. I was sharing the last three icons with that friend, including this one, with the Phos equivalent (more or less). I think we only kept it for about a month or month and a half in 2017 or beginning of 2018 before switching to the next one. Cinnabar’s desire for a purpose and closeness to others despite her poisonous nature... is definitely something I can understand and relate to.
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Sad Gem Child. Damn, I think we’re all still waiting for the day Gormie realizes Aechmea’s a creepy sugar daddy and dropkicks his ass into the ocean where the Admirabilis can decompose his cloudy body like he doesn’t deserve. When will Land of the Lustrous return from the war? I’m still waiting, Ichikawa. Anyway I think we kept this icon for about a month or maybe two in 2018, not long at all.
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Gay Childe™. Look, this is one of the gayest scenes in the entire series and it’s right after my favorite episode(s)/scene(s) in the entire series (so far) and it’s not even acknowledged by anyone. Just. Holy Fuck. Anyway I think I kept this icon for about 6-8 months to cap off 2018. And this is where the Big Breakup happened, where my friend decided to choose an icon that deviated from mine, but I kept this icon for a lot longer due to what this scene means to me, placed after/during my favorite episode. ;v;
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And finally, BoMH (Blood on My Hands) Pika. I used this icon for 8 months from the start of 2019 until just a few days ago (approx. 8 months). This icon was originally the cover for a Kurapika fic that I started back in 2015 and ended up discontinuing because it was pretty slow-paced, and thus unpopular, which made it become difficult for me to write. But I got all the way up to 97k words before I quit, simply because of the freedom and joy I felt in creating all the OCs that I fit into Kurapika’s journey as he searched for the Kurta eyes after the Yorknew City Arc. Looking back, I’m proud of the planning and commitment that I succeeded in undertaking with this fic -- it was about halfway done by the time I stopped writing it -- and I feel I want to return to this concept one day. Even if the arcs were pretty formulaic at times and, well, boring, I wanted this icon at the start of 2019 to be a new person separate from my recent past matching icons; a representation of my ability to reconnect with my past, but to no longer be afraid of it; to be proud of it, but still recognizing the not-so-good parts, laying it to rest by no longer avoiding it.
My icon now, as I’m sure you can see... is nothing like those I’ve used thus far. I definitely have no intention of moving away from anime or my past. I simply wish to redefine who I am in relation to them, rather than being defined by them.
...I’ve discovered a lot about myself over the past 2 years since college started, more than I ever thought possible. I discovered a lot while in China, too. And I need my online persona to reflect that in every form, as I’ve done every time there was a change.
Thank you all for being with me on this journey: for following me, for reading my posts, for liking my art, for talking with me and blowing up my notifications on every platform...
I’ll be pursuing the next chapter(s) of Human, TIDU, and other works soon. ^.^
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sevitent · 5 years
@timaeusstestified @timaeusstestified @timaeusstestified
ch 1:
[a/n: wrote this in class so there might be errors gomenasai!! arigatogozaimasu for reading!!]
it was after school on a friday. most of the students had gone home for the day, leaving only the two of them, alone in the courtyard. jun rifled through the pockets of their authentic komaeda jacket (they had obtained it only the day before, besting komaeda in a knife fight and taking it as a trophy), taking out a pink envelope carefully decorated with glittery pink hearts.
“aku-chan-senpai?” they tried again to get the other’s attention, fidgeting nervously. after what seemed like an eternity, akutagawa turned to face them, a scowl scrawled across their face.
“what do you want, peasant?” [a/n: i think jun wants to be called a peasant? might be a fetish idk] he looked down on jun, despite them both being 5’8, and jun hesitantly extended the letter towards akutagawa-
only for it to be ripped to shreds in their hands by rashomon.
ch 2:
“tch. i can’t believe you think i’d ever be interested in you.” akutagawa turns and starts to walk away, leaving jun behind. jun falls to their knees, scrambling to pick up the torn pieces of their letter. they give up bc there’s too many of them and stand up, walking in the opposite direction while crying loudly. their 100% genuine komaeda shirt is getting soaked but they don’t care. the love of their life just rejected them.
they don’t see that akutagawa has stopped in his tracks, feeling immensely guilty. turning, he calls out. "jun-chan, wait."
jun spins, looking up hopefully. cherry blossom petals swirl around akutagawa; he looks ethereal in the fading sunlight. “yes, aku-chan-senpai?”
he shoves his hands into his pockets, blushing heavily. “hey, i feel bad, so like, wanna go on a date with me?” he looks away. “it’s not like i like you or anything though, baka.”
“really? you want to?” jun looks up, hope shining in their eyes. komaeda has succeeded, hope has spread just a bit further today. too bad he’s dead.
the two run towards each other, and they collide in the middle, akutagawa wrapping his arms around jun. there are still cherry blossoms falling. it’s so romantic.
“so where do you want to go?” akutagawa asks.
jun’s stomach growls bc they just ran 420 miles for xc. “can we get food?”
ch 3:
an hour later they’re walking through a park that’s somehow completely empty except for the two of them.  akutagawa has ice cream and jun has bubble tea. they just ate at restaurant or smth idk. their fingers are intertwined and they’re gay.
jun hod insisted on being romantic so they wandered off the path and got lost in the forest, but eventually they manage to find their way back to the official path and not get mauled to death by bears. walking forward a bit, they come to a courtyard which is somehow also empty. anime magic.
they decide to take a seat on the edge of a fountain and fall into an easy silence. it’s super chill and stuff, but jun has a question.
“aku-chan-senpai, what do you like most about me?” jun looks up at him curiously. akutagawa ponders for a second before responding.
“your sunglasses. they’re really neat.”
“:o [a/n: what the fuck jun. how did you say an emoticon. are you okay.] i got them from this really nice man. i had to kill him for them tho.” they sip their bubble tea. “they look really nice though. definitely worth it.”
akutagawa nods in agreement, reaching into his pocket. “jun, now i have a question for you.”
“okay!” jun turns away to set down their tea, but when they turn back, akutagawa is kneeling in front of them, a small box in his hands. they open it to reveal a ring.
ch 4:
“jun, will you-“
suddenly, out of the bushes by the fountain leapt sasuke, having just gotten off from work.
“jun-chan! i can’t believe this!” jun looked into his eyes and saw a mixture of sadness and disbelief as they stepped towards him.
akutagawa stood up, confused. “babe, who’s this?”
“im his boyfriend, fUCKER.” sasuke was rabid. “and who do you think you are?”
akutagawa turned away, pulling jun close. “tch. *im* the one he’s in love with.”
not wanting to enrage sasuke further, jun stepped away from akutagawa. it was a mistake. he immediately looked ready to cry, distress written in every feature of his face. “aku-chan-senpai! don’t cry!” but it was too late. akutagawa had fallen onto his hands and knees, the amount of tears pouring from his eyes rivaling the amount of water in the fountain. jun has to step away so they don’t drown.
“that’s what i thought.” sasuke said smugly. he crossed his arms and strode over to pull jun towards him. “why would jun want to be with you, when he could be with me, a world famous stripper.” he paused “besides. you have rabies and that’s gross.”
jun pulled away with disgust. “you have rabies too, sasuke.”
sasuke screamed in horror. “JUN!!1! i trusted you not to tell anyone!”
jun shrugged. “you were being mean to akutagawa.” they turned away, hiding their face. “i don’t think this is going to work sasuke... we need to break up”
ch 5:
akutagawa, who had finally stopped fucking crying, looked up in joy. “jun-chan!”
sasuke gasps in horror. “this can’t be happening jun…after all we’ve been through” he looks down. “i broke up with naruto for you…we even got matching haircuts..." sasuke stares at the ground sadly, tears welling in his black orbs.
jun's heart aches and they reach out with one hand. "we can still be friends bro..."
sasuke's head jerks up and his eyes are bright red. “i even got you that ninja band!” he pauses, breathing heavily. “i thought you were bae…” he looks away. “turns out you’re just fam…”
jun trembles in a mixture of sadness and fear, but akutagawa grabs their arm, pulling them away and steadying them. “i’ll protect you, jun” he turns to glare at sasuke, rashomon crackling around him and jun. it’s very romantic.
looking up into akutagawa’s eyes (despite them still being the same height), jun is filled with love. [a/n: love is stored…in the ~~rat~~ jun] “senpai….”
“no!! this can’t be happening!!1!1” sasuke is rabid 2, electric boogaloo. he pulls out 69 kunai, drawing his arm back to attack.
before they know what’s happened, akutagawa shoves jun behind them, blocking them from the attack. rashomon blocks all the pointy knives and akutagawa opens his mouth to say something smug when he freezes and puts a hand to his chest. turns out sasuke also had the little ninja star things.
ch 6:
akutagawa falls backwards into jun’s arms. jun’s crying. akutagawa’s crying. “aku-chan-senpai!!! you can’t die! we-” jun chokes on their tears. they’re very sad. “we were going to get married….”
akutagawa gently touches the side of jun’s face. “don’t worry-“ he coughs blood. it stains jun’s 100% authentic komaeda jacket but they don’t care. “jun…” they make eye contact. “jun, i will always love y-“ his head drops. he’s dead can we get an f.
“no! noooo!!!” jun screams, shaking akutagawa. there’s no response. “this can’t be happening, this can’t, this can’t,” they’re muttering to themself.
sasuke laughs. “see! i told you i was the stronger one! look at that, he couldn’t even protect you.” he holds out his arms. “now come here”
jun doesn’t respond. they gently let akutagawa down, reaching under their coat to grab something. reaching up, they untie their ninja band, letting it drop to the ground. with their back to sasuke, they stand up.
“give your boyfriend a hug~” sasuke sounds happy.
turning on their heel, jun reveals what he had taken from akutagawa: a gun. who gave an emo teen a gun tf. “sasuke…” jun’s voice is quiet. they’re probably in shock idk.
sasuke sneers. “you can’t shoot me, coward. you love me too much.” he drops his weapons, t posing [a/n: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16507784 ]. “pull the trigger, i dare you.”
jun’s grip tightens on the gun. “sasuke……….i can’t believe you’ve done this….i used to love you….but now-“
theyre cut off by sasuke. “stop monologuing and pull the trigger. my arms are getting tired, you fuck.”
jun aims, puts their finger on the trigger, closes their eyes, pulls the trigger [a/n: fuck the safety]. there’s a really loud bang. so loud that jun goes deaf.
and everything fades to black.
there’s a loud beeping noise and jun opens their eyes to be greeted with ceiling komaeda. that means theyre in their bedroom, so…
they roll over, checking their phone. it says that it’s 6:01am on friday, april 20.
was it all a dream…?
they get up, performing daily rituals: greeting ceiling komaeda, kissing their mettaton poster, praying at their sasuke shrine, making their daily sacrifice to their guy fieri shrine. they decide to wear their komaeda outfit with their replica mettaton boots and their favorite sunglasses. it just feels right. when they pass their desk, something on it catches their eye: a pink envelope carefully decorated with glittery pink hearts.
“oh god oh fuck.”
[a/n: hope you enjoyed!!!]
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huffleporg · 6 years
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Chapter 4 - Everything in the Kitchen Sink | T | Ao3 from the beginning 
Down in the Beverage District, a work of investigative journalism into the rivalry between two coffee shops leads to four calls to the City Health Inspector's office from J.S., three detentions, two fires, and one broken sugar bowl.
Characters: Isadora Quagmire, Olivia Caliban, Duncan Quagmire, Jacques Snicket, Count Olaf, Kit Snicket, Violet Baudelaire, Lemony Snicket, Beatrice Baudelaire, Quigley Quagmire, Dewey Denouement, Jacquelyn Scieszka, Larry Your-Waiter, Klaus Baudelaire, Fiona, Bertrand Baudelaire
"at”s for those who have expressed interest in the past since the tags on Tumblr have been weird: @badasouefanficideas, @bxxkish-sister, @pretentiouslisp, @veryfierceduchess, @myqueenoliviacaliban, @abbie0007, @catatonicallyeuphonic, @whattheactualfuckuniverse, @citatious, @esme-squalor-is-bae, @catlovermeow11, @alerin-layent, @itsteddylupxn
And without further ado, the chapter:
The jeans weren’t even hers. After a quick assessment of her closet the night before, Isadora had realized that her wardrobe was woefully lacking in clothes that looked like they would suit or even could survive an afternoon working amongst the dirt and grime that was The Firebrand. Duncan had readily supplied her with a pair of his jeans, and Isadora had decided that the oversized Lachrymose Leech tee-shirt she had gotten as a joke last summer could be sacrificed for the sake of Duncan’s project.
Quigley had looked much more excited than Isadora knew she had looked when they had parted ways to head to work. With each step closer to The Firebrand, Isadora could feel her muscles tensen more, bracing for whatever was in store for her and Duncan on their first day of work. She wondered if it was normal to feel such apprehension before going into work on a first day anywhere or whether the anxious quickening of her heart was exclusive to approaching The Firebrand.
At least she had Duncan to enter the dismal cafe with.
“You’re late,” came an accented voice from a darkened corner. There was sound of a chair being scraped across the floor, and then their new boss emerged from the shadows, tucking something into his apron pocket.
“You never told us what time to come,” said Duncan defensively. He glanced over at Isadora as if to confirm, and when she offered him a nod, he continued, “We can’t be late if you didn’t give us a time to be here by.”
Using the same accent that he had the other day, Count Olaf continued, “The Prufrock Prep dismissal bell is at 2:05. The trolley ride takes 35 minutes. It’s five past three. You’re late.”
Confused, Isadora frowned, wondering how and why this man would know exactly what time school let out. “We had to change, like you told us to do,” said Isadora. “That meant that we missed the trolley and had to wait for the next one.”
The man gave the triplets an evaluative glance. “You should have changed faster.” He took a few steps closer to the twins. “I’ve done more complicated costume changes in less than a minute. Five minutes is more than enough time to get out of those uniforms and walk to the trolley stop. It’s less than a five minute walk from the academic building. Don’t miss the 2:15 trolley next time.”
The way he spoke to them, Isadora was tempted to tell him there wouldn’t be a next time and storm out, but she held her tongue.
Ever the journalist, Duncan seemed to have other matters on his mind. “Did you go to Prufrock?” Duncan asked.
Count Olaf blinked. “What?” He seemed to be just as surprised Isadora was by Duncan’s question.
“Just, you seem to know an awful lot about Prufrock. Stuff that only students would know like the time it takes to get to the trolley stop from class,” Duncan explained. “So, it would follow that you went there.”
A grin quirked on Isadora’s face. She couldn’t believe that she hadn’t put it together, but her brother was right.
“I don’t see why my educational past is any of your concern,” sneered Count Olaf.
Duncan shrugged his shoulders. “Only curious.”
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
“And satisfaction brought it back,” Isadora said finishing the adage.
With an exhausted huff, the man fixed the two with a cold stare. “No, last I checked, the cat is dead and buried, but there are still posters the owners put up thinking puss will come home,” he said, his voice low.
As if a cold wind had blown through the shop, Isadora shuddered.
“Now you have wasted enough of my time,” Count Olaf continued. “So let’s begin your training.” And like a switch had been flicked, a genial smile bloomed on the man’s unshaven face. From the glint in his eyes, though, it seemed impossible for the expression to be anything but a mask. “Shall we begin your grand tour?”
The triplets knew that it wasn’t really a question, but still they both nodded.
Count Olaf spread his hands out and gestured around the empty cafe. “This is the shop.” He walked to the counter, the Quagmires following behind him. “It’s where we serve the stuff that is brewed. Coffee. Tea. Various foamy drinks. What you would expect.” He led them behind the counter, onto a mat caked and stained with sawdust and coffee. “Cash register. Not for you to touch.” He gestured to the space below the counter to where several mugs and plates were stored. “Some fine china for those who decide they want to dine in.”
Duncan bent down to pick up one of the greyed and chipped ceramic mugs. As he pulled it away, dust and strands of cobwebs came up.
“People very rarely want to dine in,” said Count Olaf, as if that excused the state. “That’s why we are fully stocked with paper and styrofoam cups.”
Duncan set the mug down on the rough wood counter and brushed the dust off onto his shirt.
“We’ve got the coffee maker, filters, beans, coffee grinder, pots…” He glanced around at the numerous instruments on the shelf against the wall. “Filters, decaf pot that no one ever orders from.” He grabbed the orange handled pot and turned it upside down over the sink. Rather than spill out, the coffee - or rather the sludge - oozed out. Too impatient to wait for the molasses-like mess to dribble into the sink, Count Olaf set the pot down. “We leave anything that’s dirty in the sink.”
Both triplets craned their necks to see into the stained and crowded sink. Mugs with crusts and discolored pots waited amongst the detris of so many cups of coffee and mugs of tea. Isadora wrinkled her nose reflexively.
“I will show you the back now.” Count Olaf strode to the dingy sheet acting as a curtain and pulled it back. Leaning forward, he called out, “Ladies. You’re needed.”
Isadora heard the sound of footsteps, and then two short women emerged from the back. The women both had identical hunches and both wore thick cat eyed glasses. For a triplet, identical twins wearing matching glasses and very similar clothing was hardly remarkable. What made Isadora almost stare at the women - before she realized what she was doing and then pretended to be fascinated with the display of tea boxes and tins - was the white makeup on their face. Isadora had seen pictures of geishas and paintings of women from the 18th century with a similar cosmetic aesthetic, but never before had she seen it on a real person, much less two.
“Twins, meet twins,” Count Olaf said.
The women stuck out their hands at the same time.
“Pleasure to meet you,” said the one on the right as the one on the left nodded.
“We’re actually not--” started Isadora, but as Duncan gave her a gentle nudge with his elbow, she fell silent.
“Not what, dear?” asked the one on the left.
“Not going to shake our hands?” the one on the right said.
“That’s rude,” concluded the left one.
“No, um…” Isadora reached out to shake the closest woman’s hand. “I misspoke. Sorry. It’s very nice to meet you both.” She then shook the next woman’s hand, Duncan quickly following suit and offering his own greeting.
Count Olaf cleared his throat, “Old twins, I’m going to need you to watch the front while I show the new twins around.”
The glances exchanged between the four employees conveyed a distinctly unanimous opinion that absolutely no one needed to watch the cafe.
“Doug and Isabelle-”
“Duncan and Isadora,” Isadora corrected her boss sharply.
The man froze and did a double take. “Seriously? Your parents named you after the dancer?”
“Your parents named you ‘Count,’” retorted Isadora.
Not at all phased, Count Olaf said smoothly, “Nobody questioned Duke Ellington’s parents when they named him Duke. Or Earl Grey’s-”
“I don’t think Earl Grey was his actual name,” interjected Duncan. “And I don’t think he had anything to do with the tea.”
The man stood silently, considering. His pause made Isadora’s stomach begin to twist into a nervous knot, but finally Count Olaf said, “I no interest in or use for history. It’s caused enough trouble already, and I’m not paying you to discuss it. You’re here to clean. Now, let me show you the rest of The Firebrand.” His voice was soft, still in the flat, nasal accent that he had been using the day before. “Any objections.” His voice didn’t rise at the end, as it was not really a question.
“Lead the way,” said Duncan calmly.
Count Olaf lifted up the stained sheet, revealing a very narrow corridor with dark wood panels. A door stood just ajar enough for Isadora to see a cramped bathroom with a yellowed porcelain bowl and the green tank mounted high up on the wall with a chain dangling down. As her brother and her were ushered into the cramped hallway past the smelly “curtain”, she saw that there was another door.
“What’s in there?” asked Isadora.
Wordlessly, Count Olaf turned around and leaned forward to reach for the glass doorknob, and Isadora found herself holding her breath to prevent the stench of stale cigarettes radiating from her boss from overpowering her. The moment was brief, luckily. As Count Olaf drew back, Isadora could see the shadowy outline of a broom, a mop, a few buckets, a sink, and several cleaning products. Without the light in the closet on, she couldn’t be sure, but she was fairly confident that several items had spiderwebs and dust attached to them.
“You’ll find a lot of your supplies there,” Count Olaf said, boredly. He shut the door with a click.
The trio proceeded down the hallway, and with each step, the air seemed to grow hotter and stickier.
“This is the kitchen,” Count Olaf went on as they emerged into a steamy room. “It’s Friday, so the ladies are boiling the bagels they made yesterday and baking them.” He gestured around, though it was hard to see just what he was trying to indicate in the mist. “Once they’re done, you’ll clean the pots and tools, and whatever else those two tell you to clean.”
Isadora took a couple of hesitant steps forward. Squinting, she could make out the shape of an oven with a large vat on top of it. Several trays were on the counter, and even more had been piled up in the sink. Another couple of steps, and Isadora was able to make out the shape of sweaty, anemic bagels waiting to be boiled and baked sitting in trays on the countertop. With disgust, she took in the rest of the counter space in the kitchen that was occupied by at least a week’s worth of dirty mixing bowls, measuring cups, baking sheets, coffee cups, plates, and more, all stacked up so so precariously that Isadora wondered if her breath would send the whole messy pyramid crashing down to the floor. Or else one of the numerous flies that were buzzing around the sink would upset the whole balance.
“That’s a lot of bagels,” said Duncan, only a couple steps behind Isadora. “Do you really sell that many in a day?” The incredulity in Duncan’s voice was painfully obvious, but as they had never seen a customer here, it was impossible to avoid.
Count Olaf let out a sound that was halfway between a snort and scoff. “Of course not. People don’t come to The Firebrand for the bagels. They come for the coffee. No, we make batches of whatever type we’re running low on and then freeze them. Every night we leave a couple to defrost, and then the next morning you’ve got them ready for the four or five people who decide to order one. We do the same with the muffins. A batch of onion bagels can last us almost two weeks.”
Isadora frowned. “They can’t be particularly good.”
“No one comes here for the baked goods,” repeated Count Olaf. He motioned them to follow him further, and the steam began to clear, allowing the triplets to see a grey door. Rust trailed from each nail and facet, and something dark had been splattered across the front. Years of greasy handprints seemed to be smeared across the handle. “This is the refrigerator. You go in it to get to the freezer.”
“Where you keep the bagels and muffins,” said Duncan, as if he was still having trouble accepting the fact that everything baked fresh here wound up frozen.
“Oh, and scones,” remembered Count Olaf. “The twins made some scones a few weeks ago and we still haven’t sold all of them… we’ll have to defrost some for tomorrow.”
Duncan and Isadora exchanged looks of disgust at the thought of eating a weeks old scone.
The tour, unfortunately, continued as Count Olaf showed them a store room further down the hall. It was so packed with fragrant bags of coffee, boxes of tea, and the materials that were needed to make and serve them that the three of them had had to stand nearly shoulder to shoulder. As Count Olaf had gone on about his wares that people actually came for, Isadora had been aching to escape the cramped claustrophobic space. As soon as Count Olaf opened the door to the alleyway from the corridor Isadora wished that she were back in the aromatic cupboard.
Instinctively, Isadora held her nose. “What the-- what is that smell?” she asked, her stomach turning. She didn’t need to look too hard to find the source - a grimy and overflowing dumpster.
“Spoilt milk,” said Count Olaf lightly. “I would recommend holding your breath while you take the trash out, especially as the weather begins to warm up.” He stepped back inside the shop, and the triplets were all too eager to join him and shut the door behind them with a loud bang.
As the three of them went deeper into the back of The Firebrand, Count Olaf kicked along a cracked and stained ant trap, as if it were a stone and he were a young boy walking home from school. He even put his hands in his pockets as he spoke, “When you come in after school, business will be slow, but tomorrow morning when you come in, you will see what it’s really like here.”
With the safety of Count Olaf’s back to the two of them, Isadora and Duncan looked at each other.
‘Tomorrow?’ mouthed Isadora.
‘Sorry,’ said Duncan.
‘You owe me a Saturday morning.’
‘I know.’
Only Isadora didn’t catch what her brother was mouthing. Instead, she had stopped, staring at the wall past her brother. There had been many doors off of the hallway that ran the length of the coffee shop, and all of them bore scars and peeling paint that any old and not well kept building would have. This door, however, seemed to have been attacked. Splinters of unpolished wood stuck out from long, scraped out channels, as if a monster had dragged its claws down the top panel.
Duncan stopped beside her.
Before she could ask Duncan just what he thought had happened, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Isadora jumped and turned around to see Count Olaf glowering down at the two of them, his eyes shining even in the shadows of the hallway. “I think,” he said in a dangerously low voice that was almost like a rumble of thunder, “that it’s time you began your duties as employees.” He began to steer the triplets back towards the front of the coffee shop.
Knowing better than to protest, Isadora walked back the way they had came, dreading just what sort of task was waiting for them.
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jongdaekink · 6 years
Kpop Tag 💕
5 favorite groups
1. Exo
Those are the ones i love a lot for a long time now, but I also super love RelVelvet since their debut(like i don’t miss one, I’m always there waiting for their new songs) and lately nct hit me hard with bbs and yestoday but they are like a hit or miss with the songs for me.
Top 5 on your bias list
Well well well, my only bias is Jongdae and the rest idk what jajaja
2.Jung joon young(he ins’t in kpop but idc jajaja)
Ult bias group and why you like them
EXOoooooooo of course, I have a friggin blog here, so is obvious jajajaja
First of all, I love the music, you can listen Exo all day, with different moods, in different states of life. They have a song for every occation. I luuuuv all the albums. 2: their voices, what can i say is Jongdae there jajaja, but all sing so good, the vocal line doesn’t have match. And of course, they are friggin funny and cute, and hot, and each one shines brighter every day. 💘💘💘💘💘💘
Favorite kpop meme
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But i have so many, this one is just a classic 🤣
Favorite picture of your ult?
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 I love a lot of Jongdae’s photos but I love more the ones of him being himself, and not looking like a idol.
5 Favorite Kpop Music Videos
1.Exo: Call me Baby(but i like all the Exo vids xd)
2.SNSD: I got a Boy (but all night, dancing queen, lion heart)
3.CBX: The One
4.All the versions of Taemin MOVE(but Shinee...Shinee doesn’t have a bad video, i like all too)
5.I need to add BigBang: Bae bae because I reallylove the vid, and is probably my fav song of them.
10 Favorite Kpop Songs
This is imposible jajajaja I need to add all the Exo songs here. I need a separate list for them. I also said a couple with the vids jeje.
But well, this is what i can think rn, atm favs and ones that i listen always:
Exo- transformer
Exo-Touch it
Suju-Scene Stealer
Exo-Fall/lights out
Favorite Kpop Crack Video
All the exo on crack real vids.
Favorite Content Creators in the Fandom?
eeehhhh ohhhhhh i don’t know, any crack post, memes, quotes jeje
What Fandoms would you say you’re active part of?
Only exo.
Take your top 3 biases -fmk
Marry of course my lovely Chenchen
can i throw a coin with the rest??? jajaja
But atm fuck suho and kill joon young, but i don’t want to kill him 😝😝😝
If you could be best friends with any idol who would it be?
Can i be friend with benefits with chenchen? jajajaja
What’s one kpop album you think everyone should listen to?
This is so difficult, but if you're looking for variety in a album go for xoxo, if you have something with more power go for The war, and if you like ballads you NEED Universe. If you want some hot shit go for exact. I can belive i didn't say exodus ㅠ.ㅠ
Are you a soft or hard stan?
Hard af
An idol that makes you go into soft mode?
Jongdae, only Jongdae, he is the one. I'm hard af, but he is just a ball of fluffiness sometimes
An idol that makes you to smash the Empire State Building with one single punch?
Favorite vocalist?
ehhh Jongdae jajajaja
Favorite Rapper?
sorry chanyeol and sehun but i need to go with Taeyong now, i really really like his deep deep voice.
Favorite Dancer
Another difficul question, my heart say Lay, but then I think in Taemin, and Kai of course. So yep, those 3.
Things you have in common with your ult
Loud, with a lot of energy maybe 💃
I also complaing a lot
The most beautiful trait any idol can have?
To be humble <3
Songs that always make you jam along?
There are many, but srsly, lately I dance all day with playdate 🤣
Your worst wrecker?
...sU...h0...maybe, I’m not saying it, the people say it.
Any kpop concerts you been to?
One, i went to see Suju wuuuuuu best thing ever.
Favorite Choero?
Exo-Transformer(idk if it’s my fav but i piss myself everytime i watch it)
If we are talking out of Exo, the kings of choreos are shinee and everybody is a 💎
Favorite Live Performance?
Exo- El dorado omg that is magical. One another lvl of perfection 👐🏻 I see the gates of heaven with this one.
Favorite Debut MV?
Recommend Rookie Group?
I’m too old now for rookies jajaja, but i liked momoland boom boom a looooooot
super funny and catchy, and jooe is friggin hilarious👌🏻
A Kpop song you could listen to everyday for the rest of your life?
is this some kind of torture? I can’t, leave me alone.
I tag @sasshunontheloose @msnanawritesfanfics @kai-tastarophic @dragonkick @im-creepin-in-your-heart-babe 
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years
Where you lead: “Your room looks like a cyclone ran through it.” (Fingers Crossed Wren to Bae, but all the characters in this verse are amazing so any and everything works)
I hope you enjoy this! Some angsty Papafire for you. Takes place when Neal is 13. Trigger warning for mentions of Wren’s childhood…Malcolm’s his dad, we all know how that goes.
Also on AO3
Neal hated how cold his home felt. It wasn’t theactual temperature of the house, rather how things were decorated. There waslots of beige and silver, nothing to play with or even signs that a child livedthere. No, his toys were to remain in his playroom and bedroom. As he gotolder, his toys were for the most part given away and his father turned it intoa study for Neal to use in college. (Because he insisted that he’d be Yalebound and would just be able to live at home.)
13-year-old Neal was at the height of his rebellion. Herefused to cut his hair (or wash it), wore all black and had even begun wearingeyeliner one of his friends gave him. He blasted his Jimmy Eat World and Blink182. Most of all…his room was a complete mess.
Clothes all over the place, his art supplies in everynook and cranny he could stuff them. All of his books had been pulled from theshelf and scattered all over. Normally, a housekeeper would attend to his mess,but he had specifically asked her not to. It was his room and he’d clean it upwhen he was ready.
Neal sat up in his room one Friday afternoon, blastinghis music and sitting on his unmade bed, sketching. The door opened and Wrencame in, making a face at the sight around him.
“Your room looks like a cyclone went through it,” heannounced.
Neal rolled his eyes. “So? It’s my room.”
“It needs to look presentable. It was one thing foryou to ruin the wallpaper with your posters and pushpins.” That had been awhole other screaming match. “And now, Kim tells me that you won’t let herclean it.”
“I’ll clean it when I want to. I don’t want her goingthrough my things.”
“It’s not an option, Neal. This is not how I’m raisingyou. If you have no respect for your appearance or your surroundings, how doyou ever expect anyone to respect you?”
Another eye roll. “Maybe I don’t need the respect of yourstupid friends.”
Wren cocked an eyebrow. “My so-called stupid friendsare how I build connections and how I was able to become so successful. Do yousee me showing up to court with greasy hair and a wrinkled band t-shirt?”
“And what if I don’t want to be a lawyer, Pop?” Nealpushed himself up so he was sitting up straight. His pencils and sketchpad droppedfrom his hands. “What if I don’t want to go to Yale?”
“Every Gold man has gone.”
“Well, I don’t want to go. I don’t want to be somestuffy lawyer who can’t handle a little mess.”
Wren gritted his teeth and stepped forward. “I know Idid not raise you to talk like that to me.”
“What are you gonna do?”
Neal had rebelled in the past, but he had never gonethis far. When he was younger, he would’ve simply given up and caved to whathis father wanted. At this point in his life, he wanted to be the exactopposite of his father. He would do anythingthat he didn’t want him to.
Wren knew this. His mind flashed back to his ownfather. He would’ve gotten the crap beaten out of him after the first snottyword. He had vowed to be better than him, to have more patience. He had doneall of that, so why did his son resent him so much? Why was he so determined tobe everything he wasn’t? His father had been a conman, only gotten all of hissuccess from trickery and dishonesty. Wren had always taught his son to do thingsthe right way, the fair way.
And Neal didn’t want any part of that. Wren couldn’t figureout exactly where he had gone wrong.
“You’re not leaving this room until it’s spotless,” hesaid, firmly. “And you’re not going to leave this house until you wash yourhair.”
“I’m supposed to go out tonight!”
“Well, I guess you’re not then.”
“You can’t tell me how to look! It’s my body!”
“And you’re my son. When you are out there, it’s areflection of me.” With that, he walked out of the room.
Neal stayed locked up in his room for the rest of thenight and tried to leave the following morning, but Wren refused. Neal stuck itout the rest of the weekend, refusing to budge if his father wouldn’t let him.Wren wondered what he was going to do on Monday.
Luckily for him, when Monday morning came around, Nealcame downstairs with his hair washed. He was still wearing his punk clothes,but they were clean. When Wren peeked into his room, the mess was cleaned up.
The distance between the father and son only grew.
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all-about-wannaone · 6 years
5/100 Ways To Say I Love You
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Pairing: Daniel x OC (Yoo Seonha) 
Genre: Fluff, Light Comedy 
Prompt: “I’ll walk you home.” 
Words: 3523
A/N: So I was supposed to start on some form of Medical Student AU featuring Daniel and my very own OCs, but for some strange reason, the plot bunnies are just not coming to me when I really need them to. :( And besides, I still have quite a number of fanfictions that I have yet to complete, and I do intend to complete those first, especially when I have had a clear idea on how I wish to get around those ideas. However, I will probably be writing oneshots like these for the story so you guys could still have something to look forward to. :) Also, I am a mere 8 followers away from a 1000 and I cannot express how grateful I am for all of you. :) I hope all of you would have a great day ahead and happy reading! ^^ 
“Oh my goodness, are you going to wear that on a date with all that makeup on your face? Really?” Yoojung’s eyes widened as she tousled her hair with a towel, “Nobody goes on a date dressed in a campus t-shirt, denim shorts and Superstars. He even told you to ‘dress nicely’.”
“B-but… I like it though? And besides, it’s comfortable.” I responded, only to be greeted with an expression of shock and horror from my social blogger of a roommate.
“Well, I don’t.” She deadpanned back.
Without even sparing a second glance, she began to pack her small and black leather haversack, before speaking once again, “Open the drawers below my bed. I’m positive you’ll find something you like. You’re going on a date, Seonha-yah, not a sleepover with Netflix.”  
She sounded serious and so I did, opening them only to see an entire collection of clothing that could probably be used at any season at any time. As expected from a blogger who probably had tons of stuff sponsored for her, she had an entire range, ranging from clothes that could be sweet and girly, to those for a tomboy and to bring out a girl’s inner rocker chic.
“Tell me if you can’t match them well, I’ll help you out.” She said, leaning against the ladder of her bed with her arms folded, and I was truly clueless, hence she only shook her head and chuckled at the blank expression that I wore.
She was quick in her choice of clothing, and I was soon handed a white t-shirt and what looked like a pair of dungarees in denim material, except that this had a skirt as its bottom, and with a cute wide chest pocket. Luckily, she knew my tastes well enough to know that I did not like clothes which were too flattering, and I was relieved that she had handed me one with the look of a skater skirt instead.
“Here, try this. I think it’ll suit you.” She paused for a moment as I took her clothes and thought for a bit, before saying in a more confident and blunt tone, “No, anything’s better than your sleepwear now.”
I could only laugh at how straightforward she was, and there was no way one could take offence to her statements. She never bothered to sugarcoat her statements, preferring to be as real and genuine as possible, and that was probably what everyone liked about her. Sure, she was popular and probably had a mini fanclub in each faculty, but if one did not know that, she could be easily mistaken as your typical girl-next-door too (except that she was way more outspoken than the ordinary).
After struggling to find out how her outfit worked for a solid 10 minutes, I had finally stepped out of the bathroom, hands adjusting the hem of my skirt and pulling it down with the fear that it was way too short for me.
“Finally!!” Yoojung looked up, wearing her shoes and tying up the laces of her Rockports, “Stop doing that and be ladylike and confident for once. Here’s some accessories I found; a simple gold plated necklace, gold plated minimalistic and geometric earrings as well as a red leather wrist band to add a pop of colour.”
“T-thanks Yoojung,” I replied, and she smiled similarly to Daniel, a boxy smile with their eyes turning into little crescent moons, “By the way, you look nice.”
“Same to you!” She winked and was all ready to head out the door, before leaving with a sing-song voice, “Be safe, use protection when necessary and don’t keep your boyfriend waiting!”
“Finally,” my boyfriend said in between huffs and puffs, “training’s over and we can finally go have a good meal and enjoy the rest of the night while it’s still young. Thanks for waiting up babe.”
“I-it’s no problem at all. Yoojung’s out anyway so I figured that since we were going out tonight, I might as well wait for you to be done with training so that it’ll be easier for you too.” I replied and he only flashed me his signature boxy smile with eyes that turned into crescent moons and showing me his 2 bunny teeth in the front.
“Anyway, I need to get changed and washed up so would you mind looking after my things for a while while I’m at it?” And I waved him off, nodding, only for him to shoot back a heart with his hands as he ran off in a jiffy to the male’s changing room closest to the rugby field.
Even when we had been together for slightly more than 4 months now, he still managed to get me with his romantic antics through all these small, yet meaningful, gestures. In retrospect, he only needed to smile and I would soon feel my heart palpitating against my chest, unknowingly holding my breath in the process as I remained lovestruck.
The feeling was a little strange when I first felt something for the soon-to-be Korea University’s School of Medicine Valedictorian and Rugby captain. It got me stuck in a state of sleepless nights, a whole load of distractions and simply just questions on why I would feel such a way. When he spoke to other girls, my chest ached a little at their exchange and I could only watch from afar. Indeed, it was probably a given that he was going to be extremely popular among the female population with his intelligent and charismatic demeanour. Me? I guess you could just call me your typical girl-next-door and Busan High’s signature Wallflower.
“Seonha-yah, what’s keeping you up so late? You keep shifting around in your sleep. What’s bothering you?”
“Uh… Nothing much really, just another one of those sleepless nights, I guess…”
“Sure sure, keep saying that and I can promise you that you’ll fall asleep in Mr Park’s class tomorrow. So why not just let it go? You can trust me. I might be a social blogger, but that does not mean I go around being THE gossip girl.”
“Yoojung-ah, do I look stressed, sick or am I close to dying from a heart attack soon? Can you give me a diagnosis? My heart’s beating way too fast for it’s own good and I’m neither in pain, or feel like I’m going to pass out. In fact, it’s as if I have butterflies in my stomach too, with their wings brushing against the walls —“
“That’s love, Seonha. You’re in love.”
“And how would you possibly… know that?”
“Please, nobody comes back so happy after a study session, even if you have learnt plenty of things. And besides, I’ve definitely noticed Daniel and you in the library, at least twice a week, and after that, head off to the convenience store nearby. It gets even better when I see the both of you hanging out in Hongdae and sharing a take-away bingsoo together. Honey, if that ain’t love, only God would know what it was then.”
“Are you stalking me? How would you know all these anyway?”
“Why would I even want to intrude onto someone’s date? And besides, I wasn’t stalking, I’m just incredibly and phenomenally observant. Ask Daniel, he’ll tell you the truth.”
And true enough, Yoojung was probably right when Daniel confessed his feelings another 4 months after that conversation on one fateful night under a sky full of stars. He was extremely sweet when it happened, assuring me that he sought no help from Jisung this time around, and instead went by his own research and some tips from Yoojung. Indeed, it was truly a night to remember with Daniel’s written confession letter, handmade desserts and good music, coupled with the clear weather which allowed for stargazing.
I felt my lips curl up at the thought, until I was snapped back to reality by a familiar voice, which turned out to be Bae Jinyoung; the boy who nearly threw a set of succulents at me and also the one who had the cutest crush on Yoojung, my best friend.
“Uh… Hi, I just wanted to ask… Is Yoojung still on campus?” He asked meekly, and I shook my head, explaining that she was already out and about catching up with a friend in the streets of Dongdaemun.
“O-oh… It’s okay then. I’ll… see you around.”
With a small smile and a sigh, he arranged the things in his monochrome coloured duffle bag and left the stadium without sparing me a second glance. Sadly, I could not help but feel a sense of hopelessness for him. Yoojung was extremely popular among the student body, among both genders alike, and she held a reputation for rejecting love letters and confessions politely back in high school. Daniel said that there was no particular reason why she did so, but he later added that Yoojung was a strong and independent woman. She was capable of anything, and hence probably saw no need to get into a relationship so quickly.
Strange… She was able to decipher all the signs of love though.
“Earth to Seonha?” And I snapped out of my reverie once again, only to be faced with a smiley faced Daniel, dressed in a white tank top, a denim shirt as the to, acid washed jeans and ending it off with a pair of white Converse.
“What were you thinking about anyway? You seemed a little… lost.” He said, curiosity laced in his voice as he shoved all his dirty clothes into his bag.
“No, I was just thinking of the good ol’ days. Nevertheless, great training today. You did well.” I replied and shot him a thumbs-up in the process. With that, he only slung his bag across his shoulders and placed an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close and kissed me softly on the forehead.
“Thanks for coming babe. Come on, let’s go for the date that you rightfully deserve after working so hard for the past few months.”
And with that, we took the bus to Garosu-gil, also known as one of Daniel’s favourite places in the city of Seoul.
Despite the limited amount of time that we had with one another, it was definitely time well spent in the high-end street of Garosu-gil. Indeed, it was still located in the bustling area of Gangnam, but this street was surprisingly peaceful and quiet. Furthermore, with the beautiful fairy lights that dangled from the trees for aesthetic’s sake alone, it was not surprising for this place to have an aura of magic and fantasy.
I was not one to step out very much, and this was especially so for the areas meant for the affluent and privileged, hence, this area was a breath of fresh air as I took in the sights of luxury boutiques, decent looking bars and quaint cafes that seemed to line the street endlessly. As we held hands and made our way down the street to the eating place that Daniel had recommended, he began to tell me of all the places he used to either hang out or study in.
“Dunkin Donuts was my favourite place to study. Not only do they have fantastic donuts, but a great selection of drinks and the ambience is extremely conducive.” He explained, and as we walked down a little more, he continued, “This was Yoojung’s favourite, Coffee Chu. I can safely say that they are the best churros to ever exist in Korea and they also have the best hot chocolate too!”
“Does she get sponsored for those though?” I asked, plainly out of curiosity and I meant no harm or spite.
“Of course! In fact, if you brought her here with us, she’s the walking celebrity around. Even the young baristas at Coffee Chu are willing to give her free coffee for her to write about, and I suppose it’s self-explanatory for one to talk about how the place did after her ONE SNS post.”
I laughed at his tone of light sarcasm, and he could not help but laugh too, before we realised that we had already reached the restaurant that Daniel had recommended. Surprisingly, after taking a quick glance at their menu, many of the things were pretty affordable, with stews costing 10,000 won to 13,000 won. In addition, there was also the hot stone bibimbap which, at most, went up to 18,000 won. In such an area meant for the high society, this place was truly a steal.
“Are you gawking at all the prices?” Daniel asked, eyes not leaving the menu as he flipped it to see what their specials were, “I was like that too when I came here, but thanks to certain insiders, if you know this place well, there’s a high chance you’ll have access too to all these secret hiding places that no one ever talks about.”
“Good evening sir! Welcome to Mr Kim’s Korean Cuisine! Would you like to get seated to a table for 2?” An enthusiastic waiter asked, all ready to escort us into the hanok-inspired restaurant.
“Yes please.” Daniel replied with a small smile and the waiter nodded, “Follow me please. Menus will be ready at the tables so no worries. I assure you that all the dishes we serve are of top notch quality and excellence. All of the ingredients, from the vegetables to the beef, are all made in Korea. I’ll be back when you are ready to order!”
After a scrumptious meal of jjajjangmyeon and Daniel’s warm spicy tofu stew, we headed out again into the cool night. We had no plan in mind, only making sure that we had full use of the limited time we had. Hence, we decided to walk the other direction on the other side of the road to admire the buildings and street lights which illuminated the night.
It was relatively breezy, and it was just comforting to take in a deep breath of the cool air. The moon was nestled comfortably among the stars and its light was probably bright to filter through the leaves of the trees, giving the ground an ethereal glow too. If I had a camera (and  an eye for photography like Yoojung), there was a likely chance that I would have spent the next few moments capturing the perfect shot.
“Aigoo… You have sauce all over your lips. Here, stop moving and let me wipe them off for you.”
And with that, he stopped me in my tracks, using a napkin that he had in his pocket to wipe the corners of my lips gently and threw the tissue paper away, before taking my hand and interlocking our fingers together.
“You know, I would have kissed your lips, but then again, jjajjangmyeon is not exactly date food, is it?”
I only seethed at him the moment he said that, and he responded with a playful grin, and that was also the time when we had finally reached the outsides of the Hangang Park. It was relatively quiet, with the occasional few joggers and cyclists, who passed us every few minutes or so; not too frequently.
However, Daniel’s attention was soon caught up by bright lights just a stone’s throw away. There were warm fairy lights hanging from the trees, like the ones that lined Garosu-gil, as well as little tents which had red and white striped roofs. Furthermore, there was also the faint sound of music and its rhythm; in fact, it was all the current top hits as of now.
At this, Daniel soon broke out into a playful and happy smile, like a child receiving his first ever present for Christmas and wasted no time in dragging me along to see what this carnival had to offer.
After a long and tiring 3 hours spent at the carnival, it was time for us to be heading back to our respective dormitories of Korea University. The night sky was still clear and the stars shined even brighter than before, with the moon still looking as huge as ever.
“Hey… Thanks for the day out tonight.” I said, turning around only to chuckle at Daniel struggling with a huge pink teddy bear that was larger than life. He had won it for me through 3 games of darts, either hitting the board in a bulls-eye or a solid 8-9 points. Perhaps it was because the games master had swooned over the way Daniel carried himself; charismatic and cool, so that was probably the reason why he got the teddy bear so easily.
“Y-yeah, t-thanks for the company too. I hope you enjoyed it. It’s just like the good old days huh? Sometimes, I wished that we had more time with one another; not just in terms of studying but in terms of simply chilling and hanging out like this.”
I nodded in response, because there was no way that I could not agree with his statement. In fact, for a whole list of pragmatic reasons, getting a boyfriend in the second year of university was almost as good as getting a boyfriend in the final year of high school; they were never known to last. Even when Yoojung had found out about our eventual relationship, I could tell that she was worried, but whatever the case, she assured me that Daniel would make it work.
He was inexperienced, sure, but he was someone who viewed love and commitment as the priorities in a relationship. Until now, she was not wrong (and she would not be, especially when she has known him since they were in diapers). Despite his busy schedule with the A-star fast track programme together with his demanding rugby trainings for the upcoming competitions, he never failed to meet me at night just to study in each other’s company. We did not speak much, but that was our way of keeping in touch.
“Is Yoojung home yet?” He asked clearly now, finally strategizing a better way to carry the huge bear.
I whipped out my phone from my pocket to check, only to receive a message from her that she’ll be late.
“Don’t wait up for me! And don’t worry too much, I’m perfectly fine. It’s just that I’ve not seen Youngmin in a while and we just really needed some time to catch up. Hope you’re still safe and I shall not be expecting a baby in 9 months! Love you!”
I could not help but to laugh and shake my head at how blunt she could be, before sending her a quick reply that I was already on my way home and added that there was none of those involved; whatever she was thinking of.
Then a shrill ringtone broke the peaceful silence and I felt my heart jump, turning around just to see Daniel fumble in his pocket for the phone since he got a shock as well.
“Hey Jisung…. Uh… I’m on a date with Seonha now actually…. Yes, yes I get it… I’m on the way back to the dorm and I’ll be there in 10. Relax, I’ve not forgotten… Okay. Okay. Sure, I’ll see you there. Bye.”
“What’s wrong?” I asked, making a turn towards the dormitories.
“Jisung called and I forgot to tell you but I have a Daewon reunion with the guys today. I told him I’ll be there in 10, since I need to send you home and stuff —“
“Nah,” I replied, walking towards him and getting the bear out of his hands, “I can go on my own from here. You’ve done quite a bit for me, so it’s only right for you to get your breaks too.”
“But… It’s dark here though and you can’t go defending yourself with this huge teddy bear in your hands?” And he was clearly baffled by my suggestion of walking home on my own.
“Nah, too dangerous. I’ll walk you home.”
“C’mon,” I said, preventing him from walking any further, “If you keep me company for the whole way, you will be late for your gathering and I know how important it is to you. Run along, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow anyway.” And I ended my statement with a smile, hoping to give him some reassurance that I will be okay.
“A-aren’t you going to be lonely though? I mean, Yoojung’s coming home late so what are you going to do till then?”
“Read some notes I guess?” I joked, “And besides, I have cake in the fridge too, a laptop and my phone. Come on, the possibilities are endless so don’t worry too much and believe what I say; I’ll be okay.”
With that, he embraced me in a tight hug with his robust arms, “Thanks babe. I owe you one.” and proceeded to give me a long and comforting kiss on the forehead.
“Okay so… Send me a message when you’ve reached your dorm room so I know that you are safe. Remember, I’m #2 on your speed dial and if you need anything, just give me a call. Good night and see you tomorrow!”
Request a scenario here! 
Wanna One masterlist 
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alainawriteswwe · 7 years
Pride and Prejudice and Wrestling - Part 7
Characters: Seth Rollins x Reader, The gang from Raw
Summary: When a superstar Hollywood actress (The Reader), interacts with WWE Superstar Seth Rollins at Monday Night Raw, sparks fly. Can Rollins overcome his pride and convince the reader to take a chance on him when she’s still recovering from a nasty scandal caused by her cheating fiancé?
Warnings: Lots of flirting, angsty longing and maybe some bad words
Tags: @caramara3; panda-girl1999
— Chapter 7: Welcome to the WWE
It was the first day of a new school, all over again. That nauseating fear that runs riot inside you as you realize you have to learn a new system, a new way of life with new rules and new people. My first day in the WWE.
Well, I did have some people I knew already. People who were in my corner and looking forward to my arrival. Sadly, none of them were Seth.
Sasha and Bayley were firmly in my corner though and I was looking forward to hanging with them. While the contract I signed stated I could not speak to anyone about my new role as GM until it was announced, Sasha and Bayley heard through the company grapevine that I was coming and that my mystery role in WWE would be more substantial than hanging on “my boyfriend” Seth Rollins’ arm.
They both texted to say ‘hello’ and how glad they were I was coming on board. I even got some nice welcome texts from some other superstars I did not interact with when I was last at Raw, including Alexa Bliss, Cena and Roman Reigns. I didn’t receive a text or any communication from Seth.
It was put forward that I should start out on the road with everyone on the traditional Friday and attend all the house shows to get a feel for life on the road and the shows themselves. The company felt it would be good for me to see how things were set up before I officially appeared on Raw this Monday. I was delighted with the idea. If I could feel at home in those four days, I knew it would help my performance.
I still had no ideas about my character. ‘WWE Me’ as I called it in my head. I had no idea what to bring to the role. Was I a “face” or a “heel”? Was I exuberant about my new role as GM or was I snooty? It would have been great to know so I could prepare. I never wanted to turn up to a job without preparing in advance and it bothered me greatly that I had no clue what to bring to this performance.
What would have also helped tremendously would be to go over this ‘on and off screen’ relationship with Seth and the mechanics of how it would work. But he felt nothing else needed to be said. How could I convince him otherwise?
And now that time to prepare was gone. I was in the back of a Escalade where I had been picked up from the airport and I was now on my way to the venue. In minutes, the first day at a new school was starting and in my head at least, I was in my underwear near the lockers where everyone was going to laugh at me.
I opened up a bottle of Coke from a selection of complimentary soft drinks in the car. I needed courage in the form of caffeine. My hands were kinda shakey and I hated that visible reminder of my nervousness. Remarkably, for someone who is comfortable in front of cameras or on the stage, the first day of a new job always had me in a wreck of tumultuous emotion.
When we got to the venue I saw a small group of press and paparazzi waiting by the gate where performers and staff went in. They were held back by security as the large SUV pulled in to the parking area. I gulped and drew in an unsteady breath. I wasn’t expecting this.
As the car came to a stop, I pasted a smile, although a nervous one, onto my face. My stomach was still in knots but I was going to fake it until I made it.
I turned to open the car door when it magically opened on its own. I looked up to see Seth standing there, looking down at me with the biggest face splitting grin I had ever seen. It was sexy and smug and cocky and everything that made him interesting and alluring. He looked amazing in his backwards baseball cap, ubiquitous black t shirt and skinny jeans. Seth reached his hand out to me. “Hey, babe. I missed you,” he said, in a overloud voice.
Immediately some of my nervousness subsided. Here was a friendly face. If I was honest, the only face I really wanted to see. Seth’s face.
Seth with those deep chocolate eyes, the handsome sculpted face and those devilishly kissable lips of his. And he was being nice to me. “Welcome to the WWE,” he announced and waved his hand around to show off the large WWE trucks and activity going on outside the venue.
Of course he pointed to a truck with his face plastered larger than life on it. I wanted to chide him on that but couldn’t. The butterflies running rampant inside me were multiplying rapidly.
“Hey,” I said as I grinned stupidly up at him, my voice uncertain and nervous.
Inwardly, I chided myself for sounding like a dreamy, love struck idiot. Which I guess I was actually.
I got out of the car. Seth brought me in for a warm embrace and whispered in my ear.
“Let’s play it up big for the paparazzi okay. Let’s make them believe we are really in love, man. It’s our first real test.”
With that he squeezed me tight and kissed my cheek.
I was deflated, but I was determined to not show it. This is what you signed up for I reminded myself.
“Okay,” I answered and went into actress mode, smiling brightly with my eyes and not just my mouth to convey my utter happiness at seeing my new lover.
I reached up on tiptoe to slip my hand around the back of his neck and kiss him solidly on the mouth. He accommodated me by bending down a bit. I continued my sensuous assault with a stream of slow kisses along his cheek and the corner of his mouth before setting my attention on that sexy bottom lip that always drove me crazy when he spoke.
I didn’t let up with the kisses. I wanted everyone to believe that I really missed him and to think that the next thing we were going to do was find a quiet place in the arena and get ‘re-acquainted.
The moment my lips touched his though, I knew I was in trouble. There was the same explosion of fireworks that always happened when we came together. That same heat that arrowed its way to the center of my body and radiated out, creating this drugging sensation and delicious tingle throughout every nerve ending inside me. A sensation that only his lips on mine could provide.
There was also that incessant throbbing between my legs that only this man could satisfy as well. Only I was never going to get that relief. Not from him. Not anymore.
I didn’t want to focus on that so I instead focused on the kiss. Usually with our kisses it was a battle for control and yet Seth was being gentle, loving. The kiss was slow and languid when I wanted it to be hot and fiery. Surely he was only being this way for the cameras?
When I finally broke the kiss we were both panting. Seth blinked. He touched his lips with the rough pads of his fingers. Not in disgust, but amazement. Ha girl, you still got it!
I leaned in to whisper in his ear, “Is that good enough for you, Kingslayer?”
Grudgingly, he gave me some respect. “Touché, babe.”
I slapped him on the back. “Well try to keep up, Architect.”
By this time the driver had popped the trunk open and gotten out my suitcase. I went to get it so I could wheel it into the arena.
Seth, still dazed from the kiss, his lips coated with my shade of lipstick, looked puzzled.
“That’s all you brought? One carry-on suitcase.” He looked incredulous. “Yup.” I stared daggers at him. “You made it quite clear I had to haul my own luggage. ‘Everyone pulls their own weight here’ you said, or something like that. That’s what I’m doing. Or did you think it impossible for this princess to not take an entire kingdom’s worth of outfits for what is essentially a four day road trip?”
Seth was silent. He just shook his head and tried to grab my suitcase from me.
I swatted his hand away. “Nope. I’ll take that. I can wheel my own suitcase. I don’t need a man.”
Seth begrudgingly stepped away. Then he cockily nodded his head from side to side a moment in that annoying way he used to do in matches when he was a weasely little heel. “You do need us men for some things.”
I shook my head and replied in a low voice, “Not while we have personal massagers.”
In response I got that horrible hyena laugh. Seth was laughing so hard his backwards baseball cap fell off. “You don’t need a personal massager when I’m around,” he whispered.
“I disagree Seth. As you made blatantly clear back in Connecticut, I am not in your exhaustive list of ‘fuck buddies’.”
His face fell. The cocky smirk wiped away. “True. I did say that.”
Then without another word he picked up my suitcase and we walked past the paparazzi by the gate. As we passed, Seth made sure to slip one arm around my waist.
“For the cameras bae bae,” he whispered with a quick press of his lips against mine.
I rolled my eyes at him in a way that only he could see.
We got into the backstage area and I signed in. After that everything was a whirlwind. Tons of people came out to meet me. Superstars I met before and some I was meeting for the first time.
My hand was sore after shaking so many people’s hands. It was something Seth said I had to do as a sign of respect to some of the more seasoned superstars. I may be a superstar in Hollywood but on Raw I was also still a rookie.
Bayley and Sasha almost tackled me when they saw me. Bayley’s hugs really are all encompassing and also kind of therapeutic. I really did feel her friendship and caring in that tight embrace.
“We’re thrilled you are going to travel with us all. We can totally hang out,” Bayley said in an animated voice, grinning the whole time.
She looked like a overeager puppy. Her adorable side ponytail wagging about her animated face. “They said you aren’t wrestling but if you want me to teach you some moves I would be happy too.”
Bayley was so serious in her offer. I was touched. Before I could respectfully respond though, Seth stepped in between her and Sasha.
“Oh, no no no, let me stop you there girly girl,” Seth said. He shook a finger at Bayley and Sasha. “She’s not getting in the ring. I can’t have her hurt. I need her for, you know, stuff.”
And then the jerk winked at me.
“Boy, stop playing,” Sasha said, as she playfully hit him on the arm.
Before he could speak again, I draped myself on Seth’s arm. Encircling a beefy bicep with my hand and leaning my head against his shoulder in a sickeningly adoring pose.
Only he and I knew I was being sarcastic as I waxed on about my new love. “He’s so caring. So afraid I will get hurt somehow. It’s touching really.”
I leaned up and placed a light peck on his cheek. “He’s sweet when he’s not trying to be a little shit.”
Sasha laughed at that. Seth groaned but he did not disentangle himself from me. Instead he placed the palm of his hand on the small of my back and slowly stroked me. It felt so good and yet it was so odd a gesture. Especially as no one could see what he was doing.
I couldn’t concentrate as Seth’s fingers continued with their light stroking circles. I was heating up again, craving his touch. That would never do when there was no way to get a release. So I focused on the conversation with Bayley and Sasha.
“Well, uh, stuff Seth needs done to him aside, I would love to learn some of the fundamentals of being in a ring.”
Bayley clasped her hands together in pleasure. “Great! Maybe we can all go down to the Performance Center on a free day and mix it up.” She was happy, but her attention was soon elsewhere as she looked over towards some technicians speaking with Cesaro.
I nodded and Bayley then said she needed to do something in regards to her entrance and went off to join that conversation between the engineers and the Swiss Superman. That made me smile.
Seth, presumably, not able to be in my presence one moment longer, excused himself to go over some of tonight’s house show spots.
That left Sasha and I alone. She hugged me again. “You two finally hooked up. I’m so happy for you and Seth both.” She took my suitcase. “Walk with me. I’ll take you to the women’s locker room so you can get situated. I’m dying to see your face when we get there.”
“Just wait. There is a huge surprise there. I just bet it’s from Seth. We have all been speculating.”
We walked down a maze like series of corridors backstage. How was I going to learn my way around these ever changing backstage mazes in the arenas?
“You know, Seth has settled down a lot during the last two years but he’s still maturing. Just remember that when he’s being a jerk like just now. He’s still a good person and he’s crazy about you. We all saw that elevator footage.”
I could feel my cheeks heat at that remark.
“That actually makes me feel better Sasha. I’m wondering if I’m doing the right thing, you know. Coming here. This is really his domain.” I waved to our surroundings. “I don’t want to crowd him.”
Sasha shook her head. “No. Seth will be thrilled. He won’t be lonely on the road. I am sure he is excited to have you around. And if he gets on your nerves you can hang with Bayley and me.”
Even though Sasha didn’t know her words weren’t true, I somehow felt better. I really needed someone to confess to about all this. Someone to open up to about my feelings for Seth. About how he hated me while we pretended to be in love. But I remembered the contract I signed.
“And, I think you’ll realize that you made the right decision when you see the women’s locker room.” Sasha opened up the door for Women’s Locker Room 1 and I gasped.
Everywhere I looked there were flowers. There was a table that held two large traditional flower bouquets, the types Hollywood people send as a congratulations. I was sure they were probably locally sourced and ethically picked. A third arrangement was a giant bouquet made up of various chocolate bars that were my faves. I immediately knew who sent that.
But the real centerpiece were the giant bouquets of black roses. They were everywhere, arranged in numerous glass vases on the long table and even the benches. There had to be hundreds of roses. The scent was amazing and yet it could probably overwhelm if you stayed in this confined space too long.
Seth did this. He had to. Even if it was just for the cameras it was a thoughtful and beautiful thing. My heart wanted this to be more than just kayfabe. I wanted this to be for real. Maybe I had made the right decision to come here after all.
“Read the cards. Who are they from?We’re dying to know.” Sasha almost wanted to jump up and down but she was restrained because she is The Legit Boss after all. We were soon joined by half the women’s roster, with Alexa pushing her tiny frame into the room next to me.
“Has she opened the cards yet?” Alexa frowned at Sasha. “You said you’d tell me when she came. Also, you know I called first dibs on a Kit Kat bar from the candy bouquet. It will mean a million burpees but whatever.” She tossed her white blond hair, pink at the tips over her shoulder.
I decided to open the cards from the other bouquets first. One was from my agent, Michelle. The card was brief. I hope you know what you’re doing. Have fun. Call if you need me.”
The second flower bouquet, full of blooming pale pink peonies (my faves) was from The Rock. We had worked on a bunch of Marvel movies together. The card was sweet. Him wishing me luck and reminding me I could call him, especially if anyone messed with me. He offered to put them in a headlock if I needed or to show them the People’s Elbow.
The third was from Bautista. We worked on a couple of the Bond films recently. He joked I was the sweetest person alive unless catering ran out of chocolate. It was a running joke between us. He also knew I hated super fancy chocolates. Give me a good old school candy bar every time.
I moved to the black roses. There was a note on one of the bouquets in a pale cream card of heavy, expensive paper. The outside of the card had my name in a elegant handwritten script, professionally done.
I opened the envelope with trembling fingers. The internal voice in my head repeating over and over again, let it be Seth. Let it be Seth.
I pulled out the card, which was tucked snugly in its envelope and read it silently.
So glad you joined the WWE. Can’t wait to see you again!
There was no name on the card. There was no name on the card!
Somehow, I knew immediately, internally in my gut that this was not from Seth. Then who was it from? Surely Hunter and Corporate would not do anything so elaborate.
I tried to hide my disappointment and handed the card to Sasha. She read it aloud.
There was a collective groan in the audience of female Superstars. Then as if on cue, Seth turned up, peeking his head in the door.
“You all decent. I heard there was some great sight to see in here and they didn’t mean you girls.”
We all parted and Seth saw the flowers. His mouth was agape. “Wow, who sent these? Who are they for man?”
There was another collective groan as the female Superstars started an exchange of money. Obviously there were a number of bets riding on Seth sending me these gorgeous black roses.
“We all thought you sent them to your girlfriend,” Emma remarked with her delightful Australian accent.
Seth raised a eyebrow and rubbed his hands on his chest. He looked at me as if I had two heads. “Why would I send her roses? I already got her.”
Most of the women groaned and made their way out the locker room.
Nia looked nonplussed. “Told you he wasn’t romantic, Alexa. You pay for breakfast tomorrow.”
Alexa went and swiped a Kit Kat bar from the candy bouquet before asking, “the bigger question is who sent them? Black roses? That has to mean something. It’s too unusual.”
Nia agreed and praised her best friend with a pat on the arm. “Look at you getting all ‘Murder She Wrote’ on us Alexa.”
Alexa looked proud, but her question made me pause a moment and then shiver. I noticed that Seth saw my distress. He took a step closer but he didn’t reach out and touch me. What I would have given for him to slide his arm around my waist as a comfort.
A quick and disturbing thought, entered my mind. I voiced it. “You don’t think its sinister do you? Like a stalker?” It was a open question to everyone.
“Maybe it’s positive,” Sasha piped in. “Like you have a secret admirer.”
Suddenly Alexa’s face lit up. “You know, black roses were once the national symbol of Ireland.” She shrugged her shoulders. “You can take that for what its worth.”
I could feel the anger in Seth without looking at him. I knew what he was thinking. Finn.
“How do you know so much about roses?” I asked Alexa.
“In high school we had a roses fundraiser. Like you send people roses anonymously. Red for passion, white for crushes, yellow for friendship. Anyway, the goths and loser emo kids wanted black roses but the school thought black roses were evil so they got turned down. Anyway, I had to research all the meanings. Most successful fundraiser ever at my high school.”
She touched her hand to her chest with arrogant pride. “I got fifty-two red roses and like, thirty white ones.” She gave a knowing grin. “I was very popular.”
Sasha rolled her eyes. “And yet, no one sent you yellow roses. So I’m guessing people didn’t want to be your friend.”
Alexa frowned and rolled her heavily made up eyes. “I had plenty of friends.”
The Legit Boss ignored the Goddess of WWE. Instead she turned to me. “Well, let’s see what happens. Maybe your mystery admirer will say something and we can learn their identity.”
“Ooh, more betting,” Alexa announced, excited.
Then we all filed out the locker room. I stopped Seth by putting my hand on his forearm. At least he didn’t flinch at my touch.
“Look, I know what you’re thinking Seth but don’t harass Finn. If it even is him who sent the flowers. I mean it could just be a harmless crush.”
He looked at me, eyes scrunched in that way he does when he is angry. “There is nothing harmless about that man.” His voice was stern and full of power. “Stay away from him. How many times do I have to tell you that?” Before I could answer he sulked off.
I soon found my way among the maze of rooms and corridors back stage. There were tons of equipment cases everywhere as the tech people set up for the show. I even watched them set up the ring.
Being in a empty arena watching the Superstars practice their entrances was amazing, especially Finn’s with all the mysterious smoke. I wouldn’t tell Seth that I watched the Irishman command the large empty space with his popped collar and trunks though. I didn’t want any arguments.
Then I had a thought. Would I get entrance music? Would my theme be sultry and sexy or something fun and bubbly. Maybe it would be a companion piece to the driving drumbeat of Seth’s own music. It was a fun idea to explore.
I met a lot more people as the afternoon progressed. I tried to remember everyone’s names. The Director of Women’s Talent, a lovely lady named Janet, introduced me to some of the people I would be working with, writers, makeup artists, etc.
Then I was whisked off to do a photo shoot. I had no idea where Seth was. Probably sitting and tweeting horrible pop/punk song recommendations out to his hordes of fans.
Janet introduced me to the photographer and her team. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. I changed into a simple corporate style sheath dress. Deep red of course, even if it was staid and respectable. I was told the photos would be for the website, announcing my joining Raw as GM.
But since we were here and I had a suitcase full of fun dresses, we also tried some photos with racier outfits. I was told they would also be used for the website, and as I listed in my contract, I had final photo approval of what got posted.
As I was feeling the situation and having fun, I put on a very daring, skin tight, black bandage dress. It also had cutouts on the sides over my hips. It was impossible to have underwear on underneath.
I’m not sure why I packed it. Maybe, if I was honest with myself I had hoped I could wear it for Seth. Make him jealous and realize that he had to have me. But it was just a fantasy in my head and not likely to become a reality.
The dress made me feel very sexy though and a little exposed. But honestly, I was loving every moment of it. Sexy on my terms I can deal with.
Some Superstars poked their head in to see the photoshoot and to say hello. Including Finn. We called a brief break in shooting and I walked over to him to say hello.
I gave Finn a hug as he welcomed me back. I tried to put some space in between us due to the tightness of my dress but he still brought the embrace in closer. His hands landed on my hips and their exposed flesh. It wasn’t unsettling or creepy. He just wasn’t Seth, so it didn’t feel right.
“I am glad to see you,” Finn said with that heart melting brogue. “But I am disappointed to hear you are seein’ Seth romantically. He’s not good enough for you.”
I was straight with Finn. “I think I should determine that. And Seth is a good man. I wish you two could see past your differences.” That was very true.
Finn touched his surgically repaired shoulder. “That can never be, lass. I am afraid Seth is not a man who believes in apologies. Something I hope you never find out.”
“Me too.” I said with a sad smile.
“Look Finn, this is really awkward but did you send me the black roses that were delivered to the locker room today? Alexa said something about black roses being a symbol of Ireland and the card didn’t name who sent them.”
A mischievous look spread across that handsome face of his. “It’s true.”
“Oh.” My face fell. Seth was not going to like this, even if he hated me. It seemed his pride was on the line anytime Finn was concerned.
Finn shook his head. “I think you misunderstand. It’s true that black roses were once a national symbol of Ireland. But alas, I did not send you the roses.”
“Oh,” I said again, feeling a bit silly for my question. I was also a bit unnerved. Who sent those roses then, if it wasn’t Finn? Why did my mystery admirer send them at all?
“But I have to say I am flattered that you thought it could be me.” Finn came a step closer. “In another life, at another time, I would have been honored to call you the woman in my life.” Finn paused a moment giving me a mischievous grin that lit up his gorgeous eyes. “And I would definitely spoil you with roses.”
Unlike Seth who felt he didn’t need to try because he already had me, as he proudly stated to everyone. But I also realized the other reason was because our relationship was fake and Seth didn’t care about me. Still, why couldn’t he be romantic like this, even if he was faking it for the WWE Universe?
The girl in me who loved sappy romantic comedies wanted that from Seth but not from Finn. Still, it was wonderful to feel, well, wanted even if it was by the wrong guy.
Finn stepped even closer, until we were only a brief touch away from each other. He entwined his fingers with mine and brought them up to his mouth and brushed them against his lips. It was so intimate a gesture, I almost jumped.
“Maybe the right time will come for us to pursue something one day. A time when Seth is out of your life.”
I opened my mouth to respond, not sure what to say. This was a bit too far and I knew it.
Also the optics on this looked bad. Finn and I huddled so close together. My fingers being brushed against his full lips. My heart was in my throat. It wasn’t my intention to flirt and I surely did not want to gain a reputation on my first day.
I also didn’t want Seth to look bad, like I was stepping out on him. I would never do that. Not in million years.
And then things went from bad to worse as I looked beyond Finn to see Seth, standing across the room watching us. He looked like he could murder someone.
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