#need to hop on the beachy train !!!
ktsumu · 5 months
kit this theme is so lovely !!! i love the color and gif is very calming — will be stopping by just to stare :3
SUAAA thank you so much 🥹 and sometimes i'm staring too LOL the gif hypnotized me when i saw it, i love a good running water nature gif
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homeformyheart · 4 years
scathing - colt kaneko x mc (rod)
author’s note: first ride or die one-shot featuring colt kaneko! i picked him in my second playthrough and GEEZ the route changes near the end caught me off-guard but did NOT disappoint 😂. includes tiny callout to red carpet diaries. also, i know nothing about cars.
copyright: all characters owned by pixelberry studios. series/pairing: ride or die – colt kaneko x mc (ellie wheeler) rating/warnings: 14+; swearing based on/prompt: title inspired by lyrics from “mad woman” by taylor swift word count: 3.8k summary: ellie drops in to surprise colt only to find that he is out with another woman.
ellie whacked colt with a large pillow with one hand while doing her best to punch his chest and stomach with the other to keep him from grabbing her, knowing she physically wouldn’t be able to do much to hurt him. colt tried to dodge as best as he could while looking for an opening that would let him stop ellie’s attacks without hurting her. he had to not only do this while half blinded by a giant pillow but while protecting his body – he had never seen ellie this mad before and did not want to find out if she was mad enough to knee him in the groin.
“you cheating motherfucker! how dare you, asshole!” ellie screamed, her face shifting between displays of rage and tears.
colt didn’t know which was worse. “god, ellie, stop! will you let me explain?!”
3 hours earlier
ellie weaved in and out of traffic seamlessly, her eyes trained on the inconspicuous white sedan two cars ahead. she had dropped in at the body shop to surprise colt a day early. she was able to convince her dad to let her leave her grandparents’ house early considering they had already spent the christmas holiday with them. she pulled up to the body shop and was told that colt had left for a job by himself, which ellie immediately knew was suspicious. colt was reckless, but he wasn’t stupid. he knew he should never work a job alone, which likely meant he thought this was one he could do in his sleep.
something didn’t sit right. ellie found out where colt was headed and got back in her car. she quickly got on the highway, heading toward the address of the downtown hotel colt was supposedly heading to, when she noticed the white sedan ahead of her. even though it was a completely standard white sedan, of which there were hundreds, if not thousands, in l.a., ellie knew it was colt’s. it was the car they had prepped for the upcoming koenigsegg job. this was even further proof that colt thought this job was brainless – he would never risk taking out their getaway car more than once.
ellie watched as the sedan pulled into the underground parking lot and she quickly found a spot on the street not far from the entrance to the hotel. it was definitely a high-end hotel and she would need to dress in something other than a tank top and sneakers if she was going to blend in. she quickly changed in the backseat into a glittery bodycon dress and flats, running her hands through her braid to loosen the curls to give it that “beachy” look. she swiped on pink lip gloss as a final touch and made her way inside the hotel.
she scanned the room and identified the parking garage elevators and ducked behind a pillar that gave her a good vantage point. she listened for the ding! that signaled the elevator doors opening and peeked carefully to see if it was colt. he was dressed in his crisp navy blue suit, with a white dress shirt but no tie. lucky for her, he didn’t seem to notice her as he walked across the room to the hotel bar. ellie darted over from the pillar to the other side of the doorway, relying on her peripheral vision to see where colt went. he was facing away from her, standing at the bar next to a tall, gorgeous redhead wearing a backless dark green halter dress that definitely showed off her assets.
ellie felt a little silly for spying on her boyfriend, especially when it was definitely clear he was working a job. this woman was not unlike others they had to deal with in the past but she was definitely the prettiest. she considered heading back to the shop when she noticed that they had switched positions – colt was sitting on a barstool with the woman between his legs. his hands were on her waist and she was gripping the collar of his shirt as they kissed passionately.
she felt her heart shatter and tears were quick to prick the back of her eyes as she ran as fast as she could out of the hotel. even through the tears, she pulled her car out of the street seamlessly and raced back to the shop. she let herself cry in the car, the sobs wracking her body. shoulders shaking, she grabbed her tank top from before and used it to blow her nose and dry her face. she was not going to let colt kaneko get away with this.
ellie told the rest of the crew to take off because she was going to need to talk to colt alone before she went upstairs and sat on the bed to wait.
colt sensed something was different when he got back to the body shop. he had been excited to see ellie’s car out front but noticed the backseat still had all her stuff. if she was back, she definitely would’ve brought her duffel bags up to his room. it was quiet in the shop, which was unusual, because he was expecting his crew to work at least a couple more hours. it wasn’t like them to take off without talking to him first.
“ellie! i didn’t know you were coming back early. i missed you, baby,” colt grinned, walking over to ellie to give her a kiss.
she stood up and grabbed one of his pillows. “oh, really? did you miss me while you were sucking face with that redhead? or are there other women i should know about?”
colt rolled his eyes. “don’t be so dramatic. it was for a job, it meant nothing. you know what it takes to get a job done.”
ellie felt her blood boil and started whacking him with the pillow. “no job is ever worth you cheating on me, asshole.”
colt’s eyes narrowed as if he was trying to calculate the likelihood that this was going to escalate. unfortunately, what he didn’t realize was that he was too late and his dismissive attitude already hit ellie’s escalate button.
“ellie, i know it looks bad but it was a job. i promise that’s all it was. i was playing a part and we got what we needed,” colt tried to appeal to ellie’s logical side.
“how stupid do you think i am? i saw you with my own eyes, colt. and even if i didn’t, you reek of chanel perfume, which only old women wear, and you have lipstick all over your face and your shirt.”
colt was starting to lose his patience but clenched his fists as a reminder to avoid saying anything that would nuclearize the conversation. “sweetheart, come on, we’re in this together. you know i only have eyes for you.”
“don’t you ‘sweetheart’ me. everything out of your mouth has been a lie,” ellie snapped. “tell me – was she good in bed? was it worth however much you got from the job?”
now this was getting ridiculous. “ellie, you know i would never sleep with anyone else. i would never cheat on you.”
“i clearly don’t know anything because you did cheat on me, asshole,” her voice dropped but retained the dangerously angry tone that kept colt from coming closer.  “you know perfectly well how i feel about jobs that require you to hook up with someone else. clearly the only thing that matters to you is the job, even at the expense of our relationship.”
“el, come on –”
ellie shook her head and cut him off, “no, you’re not talking your way out of this. we’re done.” she bolted from the room and down the stairs toward the front door.
colt knew if he didn’t catch her before she got in her car, he’d never catch up to her. she was by far the fastest driver on the crew and if she left l.a., he might not be able to find her. he sprinted after her, jumping off the stairs recklessly and barely catching himself before he hit the wall, saving himself from a nasty concussion. he pushed himself up quickly and let the adrenaline propel him out the door just in time to see ellie slide into the driver’s seat.
the car squealed away from the garage and quickly out of sight and colt had no clue where she was headed. dammit, he cursed inwardly as he quickly grabbed his helmet and hopped on his bike to chase after her.
* * * * * ellie had managed to lose colt after half an hour, which she counted as a massive win given that he had the advantage with his bike in l.a. traffic. but she knew how to navigate every nook and cranny of l.a. having spent the better part of the last couple of years charting courses and back-up escape paths. she pulled into the underground parking lot near her destination, pulled on a blonde wig, fixed up her makeup, and changed into heels.
she stepped out of the car and took the parking elevator to the ground floor, walking as fast as she could in three-inch heels outside to flag down a cab. she gave the driver instructions and sat back, giving her appearance a once-over and spritzing a light perfume on her wrists and neck. she pulled up the discreet app on her phone, the one they used to message with their buyers and targets in a way that was untraceable, and texted her contact. he wanted to put a job before her? two could play this game.
when she arrived at the very expensive club, she gave her alias to the bouncer and was escorted quickly to the vip room, where her contact was waiting.  aaron montmartre, the spoiled nephew of famed hollywood producer viktor montmartre, who was known for his extensive collection of expensive cars, spending sprees on viktor’s black card, and his weakness for young, attractive women. he was supposed to receive the newest koenigsegg model before it was even available to the public. and ellie was going to find out exactly when and where the drop would be.
* * * * * colt pulled up around the corner of the vip hot spot that was a known celebrity hangout. he knew ellie and knew she was pissed enough to want to teach him a lesson. he couldn’t help but be impressed with how seamlessly she drove through l.a. to get him off her tail and how she succeeded briefly. he prided himself on being able to handle any route with his bike and the fact that she was still able to lose him was beyond sexy. there was no one else that could compare to her.
although he didn’t know exactly what she was doing, he did know that he needed to be really careful not to give himself away too early. he shoved his hands in his pockets and walked casually up to the bouncer, giving him a curt nod. the bouncer gave him a long, scrutinizing look before letting him in. it took colt a few seconds to let his eyes adjust to the dark, hazy atmosphere of the pulsing nightclub.
he walked toward the bar – it would give him the most unassuming vantage point to observe the club and he could do with a drink – only to notice a blonde wig and curve-hugging dress that looked all too familiar. he approached the bar slowly, making sure there were enough people between them that he wouldn’t get noticed; even though her back was to him, all she would need to do was turn to the right and she’d spot him in her peripheral.
colt ordered a glass of whiskey neat so that he’d have something to keep him occupied as he watched ellie flirt openly with their target. colt knew what ellie was likely up to and he was both angry that she would jeopardize the job by potentially tipping their hand early and furious that she would openly flirt with another man. most people didn’t understand the difference, but a furious colt was a jealous colt; the concept of jealousy was something he kept out of his vocabulary.
ellie knew. she knew the moment colt walked into the room. after three years, five months, seventeen days, and twelve successful jobs together, she had learned a thing or two about him. she knew that he would eventually get back on her tail and actually, she was counting on it. it was what she was good at. reading people. learning him. studying the ins and outs of the road and the job. memorizing the ins and outs of him.
and one of the things ellie knew was that colt was a jealous man, although he would rather shoot himself in the foot than admit it out loud to anyone. but if he could use his raw magnetism to get a job done, then she could use her innocent appearance to disarm a target and gain intel. she had already spent the better half of the last 30 minutes pretending to be a tipsy flirt and encouraging aaron toward drunkenness, knowing he’d be more likely to spill details that way.
what she expected but still wasn’t prepared for was how handsy and charming aaron could be. she actually found herself enjoying their flirty banter and perhaps realized that she was a little tipsier than she should be. ellie turned to lean against the bar so she could subtly inch closer to aaron, placing a hand carefully on his bicep as though to steady herself. she immediately felt colt’s eyes staring at the back of her head and had to make a conscious effort not to shiver. she barely registered aaron placing his hand on her hip and leaning in far too close to ask her if she wanted to leave with him.
“i just got the newest koenigsegg model delivered to me. we could take it for a test drive,” he murmured in her ear.
it took every ounce of willpower ellie had not to tense at the situation. her mind was reeling with this new tidbit of information that would put a wrench in their plans; they had assumed the drop would happen in the next few days.
she knew what she had to do but she also knew colt would be pissed, even more than he already was. ellie pulled back slightly and smiled. “i would love that,” she said invitingly.
that was all it took. before ellie could say anything else, she felt colt’s presence appear behind her, his hand hovering by her right hip.
“if you know what’s good for you, you’ll back off,” colt said through gritted teeth. ellie could feel the tension radiating off him as he sidled up next to her. “we’re together.”
aaron stood up slowly, taking out a wad of bills from his pocket and leaving a generous tip on the bar counter without breaking eye contact with colt. ellie instinctively took a step back away from colt only to have the wooden bar press into her back.
“who the fuck are you?” aaron said, casually inching closer to ellie so his shoulder was angled in front of her.
colt’s hand clenched into a fist. “someone you don’t want to mess with. now back off.”
“i don’t think we should be speaking for the pretty lady. leah, you know this creep?”
ellie blinked, slightly startled before remembering that her alias was leah. she slowly turned to give colt a pointed glare, raising an eyebrow and hoping he’d get the hint.
she turned back to aaron and gave him her best impression of an innocent smile. “no, i don’t think i’ve seen him before in my life.”
aaron turned back to colt. “you heard the lady. now i think you better leave before i have security escort you out.”
colt unclenched and clenched his fist a few times as though he was stretching it. ellie knew where this was headed and inwardly sighed; she could countdown from five at this rate.
right on cue, colt’s fist flew at aaron’s face, hitting him square in the jaw and sending him backward into the bar seat he was occupying previously. to his credit and ellie’s surprise, aaron seemed unfazed, picking himself back up and massaging his jaw briefly.
“why don’t we take this outside and settle this like men?” aaron said, challenging colt with his glare.
ellie’s brow furrowed. normally, colt getting into a bar fight with someone who had been flirting with her wouldn’t faze her, but they did need to figure out how to lift aaron’s car without him suspecting them or getting caught. she wasn’t sure how beating the guy up would help with that. and now she was stuck pretending she didn’t know who colt was.
“fine. after you,” colt seethed, stepping to the side so ellie and aaron could move away from the bar. aaron was a good head taller than him and ellie didn’t think this would be that easy of a fight given how quickly aaron had bounced back before.
aaron reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small black fob. “why don’t you go hang out in the car, leah? this shouldn’t take long. it’s in one of the reserved parking spots in the garage, closest to the elevator,” he said, grabbing her hand to place the fob in her palm and closing her fingers over it.
ellie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as she looked at him. “oh-okay,” she said, turning away from aaron. she gave colt a pointed side-eye as she passed him.
well, that was a freebie, she thought to herself as she made her way down to the car. it was exactly where aaron said it would be. ellie slid into the driver’s seat and ran her hands over the steering wheel, relishing the feel of the cool leather underneath her fingers. she grabbed her sunglasses and put them on as she drove out of the garage, quickly dialing toby on speakerphone.
“toby, i need you to ready the drop site off exit 54. i’ll explain later. if colt calls, tell him to meet me at our spot,” ellie said quickly, as she navigated the local roads to the drop site, taking extra care to avoid intersections and neighborhoods with traffic cameras.
once she arrived at the drop site, she checked with toby that the car stayed off the radar before emptying the glovebox, wiping down her prints, and shoving her wig into her purse. being methodical was ellie’s forte, even with the adrenaline running through her body, she knew she did everything right.
the dryve back to her car was uneventful, which did little to ease ellie’s nerves. she wasn’t worried about the job in actuality, but about colt. she knew he could hold his own in a fight, but she also knew how stubborn he could be. and despite still being angry with him, she was admittedly worried for his safety.
ellie felt like she was holding her breath the entire drive over to the cliffside. it wasn’t until she saw the familiar motorcycle parked near the railing that she felt a sigh of relief escape her body. she parked and stepped out, her gaze falling on the back of colt’s head.
she walked slowly over to him with anxiety in her stomach at the thought of how bruised he might be. it wasn’t until she saw that he was mostly unscathed, other than a purple bruise forming on his cheekbone and his knuckles, that her shoulders finally sagged, the tension she held all evening releasing at once.
“colt… thank god, you’re okay,” she said softly as she looked up at him, raising her hand hesitantly toward his bruised cheek.
instead, she closed her hand into a fist and punched him in the shoulder.
“ow— ellie, i just got out of a fight, seriously?!” colt yelped, angling his shoulder away from her.
ellie stepped forward every time he stepped back so she could punch him again and again. “you asshole. don’t you dare do that again, i was seriously worried about you! and you almost cost us the job!”
“i’m sorry, ow— will you let me, augh!” colt said, finally managing to grab her wrist and hold it in place while grabbing her hip with his other hand and pulling her close.
she made a half-assed attempt at struggling, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to break away. ellie did her best to glare at him, but as she looked into his eyes, she felt her anger cracking. her eyes softened and she found herself subconsciously leaning in. in a split second, colt’s lips were on hers, hot and desperate.
ellie almost forgot why she was mad at him to begin with as he gently bit her lower lip, eliciting a contented sigh that gave his tongue entrance. he pulled her hips as close as possible to his and ellie wrapped her arms around his neck. she gave back just as desperately, fighting him for dominance as she traced her tongue around his bottom lip, sucking on it gently.
colt let out a ragged breath and finally pulled back. “i’m sorry, el,” he said quietly, punctuating her name with a tender kiss. “i’m sorry,” he said again, giving her another kiss.
“if you ever cheat on me again—” ellie threatened quietly before colt silenced her with another gentle kiss.
“believe me, i won’t do that again. i did not like seeing another man put his hands on you, even if it was for a job,” colt said sheepishly, avoiding her gaze.
ellie grinned. “at least we got the job done,” she said.
colt smirked at her. “good, so i didn’t take a beating for nothing. now i don’t know about you, but i could go for a swim.”
“pretty sure you’re not supposed to go in the ocean with open wounds,” ellie warned as she watched colt strip down to his underwear.
“i hear the salt water is great for cuts,” colt grinned cheekily. “you gonna join me, sweetheart?”
ellie rolled her eyes and smiled. “okay, but don’t say i didn’t warn you,” she said, taking off her dress and shoes.
“hey,” colt said with a sudden seriousness just as she was preparing to jump. she turned to look at him and he pulled her closer.
“thanks for having my back,” he murmured, leaning in to give her a deep kiss that took her breath away.
“i’m still your driver, aren’t i?” ellie said affectionately.
colt smirked and gave a nod in response. he held out his hand for her to grab and they turned to look at the glittering horizon before they jumped, together.
* * * * * mentions: @choicesficwriterscreations; @lovehugsandcandy; @kat-tia801 choices permatag: @withbeautyandrage; @agentnolastname; @freckles-spangledvampire
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mygeekcorner · 3 years
Me, Magnus, and skateboarding legend Tony Hawk. All numbers seem fun! :3
stab, shoot, or drown stab Magnus it feels more intimate, shoot Tony, and I guess that leaves drowning you
fistfight, get drunk with, share a flat with Fistgith Tony because I'm curious if he would beat me in 1 or 5 seconds, I always enjoy drinking with you, and I like living with Magnus
fly a kite with, take roller skating, go on a picnic with You, because you're the tallest and I think that would help our kite, I like to think that ony would be awesome on roller skates too so I'd have him teach me, Magnus makes good salads and I make good cakes - perfect for a picnic
write a book with, read a book to, hit with a book I'd sit next to you when you write a book, that totally counts right? I'd read a book to any of you but hmm let's go with Tony and then I guess that leaves hitting Magnus with a book
go on a six-hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six-hour plane flight, sit across from on a six-hour train journey For survival purposes I would not go on a road trip with you because you don't have a license and I shouldn't have mine lmao but I guess I could spend six hours in a car with Tony and see how his driving is, plane flight with you because you're a good pillow, and then train with Magnus because he likes trains
go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with I'd go clothes shopping with Tony because I bet he knows where to find the comfiest shit, Ikea with Magnus even if it always ends up being way more epensive than predicted, and grocery shopping with you because I can make you carry everything
go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with I'd bring Magnus to a wedding because I cry at them and I need someone who's used to that shit, Tony at a party would be lit, and I really enjoyed museum hopping with you this summer
share a car with, share a bank account with, share a cake with I have nothing to base this on but I am guessing Tony has the biggest bank account so I'd like to share that one please, if I share a cake with Magnus it would be more fairly shared because I eat way more than you so that feels better, and I guess that means that we're sharing a car now
watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favorite movie with I don't think either of you enjoy soaps so I'm watching that with Tony hoping he'll be just as enthralled as me, I could pick either of you for both the others though so let's go with you to the play and Magnus for the movie
go geocaching with, go beachcombing with, go on a walking tour with I think Magnus would have the most fun geocaching so he gets to do that and I'll try not to whine as I come along, I don't know what beachcombing is but it sounds beachy and Tony seems used to living somewhere warm, guess we're going for a walk babe
take dance lessons with, take an art class with, learn a new language with Well I tried learning a new language with Magnus but he gave up after a week so that's not happening lmao I think Tony would be the better dance partner so let's take him to that class, that leaves Magnus in art class and then you and I can learn a new language
play a sport with, play a card game with, play a board game with Tony because he is fit, play cards with you because I get mad at you when playing board games, board game with Magnus because we get mad at each other when playing cards xD
have as your wedding planner, have as your parole officer, have as the Fake Date you bring to a family event I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the married man will probably be the best at the wedding stuff so let's go with Tony there, now are we talking fake date as two friends just bumbling about or are we talking fake date as the fanfic trope where we'll gaze into each others eyes and pine just a little too much? Also I'm already with Magnus, would picking him as my fake date mean that we are no longer together? Am I overthinking this? Yes. Uuuh I trust Magnus to take care of me so let's have him as my parole officer and then you and I can do the friend version of dating and watch peoples faces
get stuck in an elevator for 10 hours with, get trapped in a cave for 10 hours with, get stranded on a boat for 10 hours with (no way to call for help or fix the engine, no paddles) hmm I want to think Tony is the best cave option so let's put him there, is the lift as small and cramped as the one in our building or can people actually fit sitting on the floor? Let's say it's a bit larger than ours. I'd put Magnus in the lift and you on the boat I guess?
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fan-wicktion · 5 years
Sparrow (3)
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warnings: bad language
a/n: This one is mostly just to stoke the fire that will be P4, sorry if it’s a little slower! I also can’t explain how happy I am to hear people are enjoying Sparrow so far omfg thank you
What’s with the fucking windows?
John stands alone in your apartment, fuming. Although enraged, he was not used to feeling… ignored? She kicked me in the fucking balls when I teased her…I thought for sure that would break her down.
Hands on his hips, he surveyed your apartment with slight intrigue. “Sparrow” huh, he thought, remembering the alias he had uncovered. Let’s see what we can find. He strode to your fridge and swung open the door. It was empty. Weird. He roved the living room, noticing the hidden weapons and a lot of fluffy blankets. Cautiously, he stepped into your bedroom, glancing around. It wasn’t highly personalized, but it was cozy. He caught a whiff of a sultry perfume as he made his way to your dresser. He glanced up at the mirror above it, but right where he should have seen his own eyes there was a little pink sticky note. Hello.
Was this for me? How would she know I’d… He peeled it off and examined the back, searching for more information. Nothing. He began opening drawers, curious. T-shirts, pants, sweaters, underwear…he inhaled sharply. Sitting atop a neat stack of lacy intimates was another note: Oh Mr. Wick. I thought you were more of a gentleman. He slammed the drawer shut, cheeks flushing slightly pink. So the notes were for him. Why is she doing this? His eyes roamed over to your bed, taking in the small mattress. Atop a thick quilt, another little pink square. He strode over, snatching the note into his large hands. You wish, it read.
Oh fucking hell. He crumpled it in his hand and resumed searching the apartment, trying not to think about your implication. First she takes my contract, then she runs away after stabbing me and taunts me with suggestive notes? What’s her problem?! And there was that comment. “Harder daddy…” He clenches his jaw, trying not to remember that look on your face. He finds nearly nothing in your bathroom, and then something begins to make sense. She must not plan on coming back here for a while…
He takes one last look around as he leaves, trying to imagine where you’d go. He would figure it out. He had a few choice words for you. Back on the street, he notices he’s still holding your note. You wish. John looks at it for a second, then quickly shoves it in his jacket pocket and strides off, slightly confused, very intrigued, and still quite angry.
You hadn’t planned on things going the way they did. You thought you’d be an infuriating little minx, immune to his tricks. Maybe you’d get a few good hits in before he finished you off. That went well, you think, groaning inwardly. At least I’m alive. You had anticipated the possibility of having to flee at least, and had taken precautions for that. You knew if you got out of there intact he would remain in your apartment, so you removed anything too telling and left him a couple surprises. You sighed, thinking over the handful of hours that had passed since your window-dive.
You needed a break, or a head start at least. You had fled down the nearest subway tunnel and hopped a train to the airport. Now you were somewhere over the pacific, headed to the Philippines. While you had been on the subway, your phone had buzzed, indicating a new target was live, and you decided in that instant where to fly to. You hadn’t wanted to risk leaving a search trail online while planning your escape, so you figured you’d find a flight once you were at the airport. You had packed light, so you wanted somewhere warm and beachy anyway, then the opportunity for an assassination fell in your lap. Yeah… you think to yourself, definitely leaving the country on a job and NOT to escape John Wick’s wrath. I am a badass assassin and he should fear ME! Yeah, that’s right. Who does he think he is with that stupid stoic face, greasy hair, nice beard…strong hands…sexy mouth… You cover your face with your hands, pinching the bridge of your nose to fight the growing migraine. STOP IT RIGHT THERE.
You use the rest of your flight to brush up on your target. Vitaly Koslov. He was a Russian oil boss who would stop at nothing to fill his tankards with non-renewable fossil fuels. His escapades across the middle east had earned him a bad reputation, but American politicians had put up with it until he set his sights on the States. Of course. Evil is fine until it affects you, isn’t it. You roll your eyes. You’re glad someone had finally had enough of this human stain to call a hit on him, and you’re grateful for the distraction.
You use the money from your last mission, The Fuck Up as you called it in your head, to pay for a pretty nice hotel not far from the beach. You spend a couple days doing recon in Manila, discovering Koslov has been frequenting a seedy brothel just outside the city. You make friends with the women working there and they prove to be trustworthy and willing to help. Apparently Koslov had sent one of their girls to the hospital the week prior, and so no one protested when you disclosed your agenda. You arranged a date and went back to the hotel to prepare.
John had not been idle for the past few days. He had finished a few more contracts and toppled at least one major crime syndicate in the process, and in his spare time he did his best to ignore the nagging feeling in the back of his mind. He couldn’t stop thinking of you. He tried to sleep it off, but you appeared in his dreams, too. A flash of your eyes, the feeling of your small frame beneath him, you stealing another job, your snide comments echoing around his subconscious. It was unbearable.
After a few hours of fitful tossing and turning one night, John decided to do a bit more research on you. It seemed he couldn’t escape you anyway, so he might as well get to work on deciphering where you might have gone.
He walked to his bookshelf and pulled down a leather-bound volume. It looked ancient, but hadn’t a whisper of dust across the cover. It was the Directory. Working for a secretive assassin agency that still relied on typewriter technology meant that every year they sent out a phonebook of sorts to the trusted members. Nowhere in it could you find a number or an address, though. The book was not meant to disclose information that could give anyone an advantage over anyone else—every assassin knew they might be put up against one another at some point—but it did hold secrets. Secrets of the community: registered kills, criminal records, registered stays at the Continental, if they had ever been caught… Some people (like John Wick) had pages dedicated to their antics, others only had a sentence or two.
You were one of those couple-sentence people. John quickly skimmed your bio: Alias: Sparrow. No known origins. Joined [5 years ago]. It went on to list your height, weight, and a brief physical description before delving into your history of kills. John raised his eyebrows as he browsed the list. These are all really high profile kills…Why haven’t I heard of her before? He closed the Directory and placed it back on the shelf. It seems like she goes after the scummiest contracts. Does she have some sort of personal agenda? It was not unheard of for hitmen to be picky about their jobs, but most were just in it for the money. They didn’t have preferences. Maybe she’ll pop up around the next big contract, he thought, running his hands through is hair and climbing back into bed. Now if I could just stop fucking DREAMING about her…
Tag list: @chicksamwitch​ @mikaneonox​
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calorieworkouts · 4 years
The 4 buzziest workouts you need to try across the country in 2018
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The day-to-day spinach-banana shake. The regular yoga course. The exact same black tights. If you're drinking your head in acknowledgment, it's official: You need to change up your routine.
When it involves health and fitness, any kind of instructor will certainly tell you that differing your exercises is crucial-- which is strong recommendations not simply for targeting every part of your body, however likewise for maintaining your daily jam as fresh as your Netflix line up.
Here's where to obtain an endorphin fee, from dance to boxing to high-vibe pursuits.
In that spirit, we're dropping the best countdown of the top places in 4 cities throughout the UNITED STATE to obtain an endorphin charge, from dance to boxing to high-vibe pursuits.
The uniform? Athleta's brand-new Up For Anything Tights-- which, as the name states, are made to shake anywhere you enter 2018. Made from high-performance SculptekTM Light fabric (blending a lightweight feeling with light compression for next-level form and also assistance), they're the functional must-haves that will certainly bend, spin, and stretch through every journey-- from your exercise to your coffee day to, well, anywhere.
Scroll down for four buzzy areas you require to examine out in Chicago, New York City City, Los Angeles, as well as San Francisco this year-- done in your extremely fly tights.
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The aerial studio: Air Aerial Fitness If you ever watched Pink carry out real-time, and also believed 'I require to try that,' this Chicago studio (which has actually increased completely to The golden state as well as Alaska) is it. Think: Core-targeting Pilates, yoga exercise, as well as ballet actions all done in gravity-defying aerial hammocks.
The cycling studio: Studio Three  Technically, this fitness mecca is greater than just a cycling studio. The first floor attributes HIIT courses, and the light-filled top floor is for yoga exercise. Yet it's the second tale that's dedicated to all points rotate-- total with stadium seating and also Peloton bikes-- that draws the crowds.
The HIIT studio: Shred 415 This local physical fitness powerhouse has actually ended up being such a hit that there's now a station in practically every neighborhood. The sweat sessions here alternative in between operating on a treadmill to strength training with weights in four 15-minute periods. (Prepare to sweat.)
The climbing studio: First Ascent Climbing fitness centers are turning up all over the nation, and also First Climb is remaining on top of the fad with three places in Chicago. Scaling the huge, vivid wall surfaces actually examine both your stamina and your mind, because you map out your course as you go.
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Los Angeles
The yoga studio: Roam This new Silver Lake workshop is the brainchild of two in-demand LA trainers (who train the similarity Adam Levine and Salma Hayek). Hint: It's incredibly buzzy. However inside, you'll score vinyasa flow classes for all degrees and also restorative power healing sessions, which means there's something for everyone.
The dance-inspired studio: LEKFit If you follow Busy Philipps on Insta, then you've seen her file her many sweaty sessions at this high-energy spot. The dance-inspired technique features periods of low-impact moves, cardio, as well as muscle-sculpting techniques on mats and also trampolines. Bouncing for the win.
The boxing studio: BoxUnion Boxing obtains a California cool remodeling at this Santa Monica workshop, which provides a bright, beachy vibe unlike the hardcore decoration at a lot of boxing studios. In each sesh, anticipate a mix of cardio conditioning, air boxing, and also heavy bag job.
The meditation studio: The Den Taking treatment of your mind is equally as important as any sweaty exercise. To advise on your own, hit up this uber popular area for sound bathrooms, exclusive meditation sessions, and conscious reflection 101.
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New York City
The yoga studio: Sky Ting Yoga  NYC's elegant midtown crowd flocks to this light as well as airy studio (which flaunts locations in Tribeca and Chinatown) for raised courses with a side of cheek (many thanks to the huge stuffed giraffe and also flamingo). Inside, you'll obtain a mix of numerous traditional yoga methods-- but depend on: This is where the amazing girls go.
The cycling studio: Swerve Mindful, feel-good spin classes are terrific inspiration, yet in some cases you simply wish to obtain competitive. That's the ambiance in the energised classes at Swerve's Flatiron and also Midtown locations, where you split right into 3 groups that complete in active races readied to a soundtrack that would certainly make Diplo jealous.
The boxing studio: Rumble Boxing isn't shedding any kind of heavy steam, and this hotspot (with two NYC outposts, as well as one more established to open on the Upper East Side in early 2018) is proof. The courses (hi, nightclub lighting!) keeps things interesting by having you change in between rounds of punching on a bag and also strength-training circuits with weights.
The rowing studio: Current The candle-lit classes at this elegant Tribeca rowing workshop likewise incorporate cardio as well as core-strengthening moves, so you're obtaining a full-body workout every single time you resolve in for a sesh. Plus, the motivational instructors in some way understand just the ideal things to state to maintain you incredibly encouraged.
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San Francisco
The Pilates studio: Burn Burn has ended up being the local authority on Pilates 2.0, with intimate courses that relocate between Pilates springtimes as well as resistance bands as well as busy cardio with exercising weights. The exercise crossbreed has created a cult adhering to, which discusses why you'll discover 5 areas around the city.
The yoga studio: Moxie  Power yoga is nitty-gritty at this SF mini-empire. The circulation skips the spiritual aspects of yoga and rather focuses strictly on fitness by presenting modifications to traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa postures and also including in some Pilates and also resistance stretching.
The strength-training studio: Lifted The intimate (we're chatting 7 trainees, max) 90-minute sessions at this studio focus on a combination of resistance training and reflection. Each session begins with breathing workouts, before reducing into significant weight-lifting and finishing with a 20-minute assisted reflection. (Talk about a mind-body connection.)
The hip-hop dance studio: Uforia Studios It's all regarding the rhythm at these Palo Alto and Nob Hillside outposts, where heart-pounding soundtracks are the standard. Music-driven biking and cardio are on the food selection, however it's the pop as well as hip-hop 'find out the video choreography' dancing sessions that have the greatest following. Just tag Beyoncé.
In partnership with Athleta
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Coastal Views and Killer Brews: Six of the Best Beachy Beercation Destinations
Those eager to spend time gazing into the surf with a cooler full of beers have plenty of options in the summer months. The best beach beercation destinations aren’t limited to the east and west coasts of America, either; there are little beach towns with craft beer scenes all over the interior of the country, too.
So whether you’re headed north, south, east, west, or somewhere in the middle, there’s a beachy beer scene for you. Here are six of our favorites.
Rehoboth Beach, DE
Credit: RevBeer.com
Rehoboth Beach is home to a vibrant LBGTQ+ scene, picturesque boardwalk, and longtime independent beer advocate Dogfish Head. The OG brewpub, Dogfish Brewings & Eats, on Rehoboth’s main drag, has a killer draft list that includes cellared offerings as well as craft cocktails. Throughout the summer there’s music — and this reporter once spied co-owner Sam Caligione inconspicuously busting a move, 75-Minute IPA in hand. Head out to the production facility a short drive away in Milton for rarities and draft-only stylings, not to mention one of the more entertaining brewery tours in the country.
Or, take a day to visit Dewey Beer Company in nearby Dewey Beach, where the main draw is crushable fruited sours that go down a little too smoothly in the sun. Stop in Revelation Craft Brewing to try Mother in Law IPA, brewed with Cascade hops grown by, you guessed it, the brewmaster’s mother in law.
Head back to the shore for a dozen oysters and a small but world-class beer list at Henlopen City Oyster House. For a deep draft list, hit up Rehoboth Beach Ale House, but make sure to save room for Thrashers fries later in the evening. They’ll surely absorb some of the booze.
Traverse City, MI
Credit: MonkeyFistBrewingCo.com
Traverse City, Mich., offers spectacular views of Lake Michigan and family-friendly activities like fishing and hiking. It’s also home to an underrated beer scene. Visit the 7 Monks Taproom for a great selection of Belgian beers and a Michigan-heavy tap list that includes current favorites like Old Nation and Wax Wings as well as classic Wolverine State beers from Bell’s and Short’s.
Tuck into wood-fired pizzas in a restored train depot at the Filling Station; it recently collaborated with Pipeworks for a double IPA called Train vs Unicorn. At Right Brain Brewery, enjoy GABF medal winner Mangalitsa Pig Porter (it’s made with real pig’s heads). If experimental beers aren’t your thing, Right Brain has a number of other styles, from hop-forward to cream ales to malty to Belgians.
Closest to the water, check out Monkey Fist Brewing Company for lighter options like Watermelon Rebellion and GW’s Little White Lie Belgian witbier, and then head up to Sunset Beach and watch the boats come in.
New England Seacoast
Credit: TributaryBrewingCompany.com
Start at North Beach in North Hampton, N.H., to get away from the tourist crowds, then head north along Route 1A, one of the prettier drives in the state. Pop into The Beach Plum for a hefty lobster roll (it’s BYOB).
From Portsmouth, N.H., to Portland, Me., there are a number of world-class breweries. And if you’re heading to Cape Cod, we’ve got you covered.
Working north from Portsmouth, check out the city’s namesake brewery before heading to Tributary Brewery in Kittery, Me., home of Mott the Lesser (formerly Kate the Great), the legendary Russian imperial stout by Tod Mott. Go to Barreled Souls Brewing Company in Saco for superlative local, high-gravity, barrel-aged pastry stouts. If you’re still hungry and want a slight detour, The Clam Shack in Kennebunk is the best lobster roll on the planet, plus they have Allagash White on tap; and Mast Landing Brewing Company in Westbrook for trendy, hop-forward styles (don’t sleep on the peanut butter milk stout, though).
And, of course, no trip to the beer Mecca of Portland, Me., is complete without brewery trips to Allagash Brewing Company and Oxbow Brewing. Stop for a nightcap at Novare Res, the world-famous beer bar.
Duluth, MN
Credit: BlackListBeer.com
Thoughts of Minnesota likely include images of snow, hockey, and Prince, but the shores of Lake Superior also have a robust beer scene. Stop by Bent Paddle Brewing for Black, a black lager, and its cousin, Cold Press Black, made with locally roasted coffee. You won’t find any singular style dominating the taps at the wonderfully diverse Blacklist Artisan Ales, Hoops Brewing, and Canal Park Brewing, making them great places to try a variety of local specialties like Belgian strong ales at Blacklist, a Wood Smoked Wheat at Hoops, and old-school West Coast IPA at Canal Park.
Saddle up to the extensive tap list at 7 West Taphouse and grab a few beers to go for a stroll down the Lake Walk. Or, you can set down by the Fountain of the Wind and take in the enormity of the lake.
Bonus points for heading over to the Wisconsin side of Lake to Superior and visiting Earth Rider Brewery. Its North Tower, an English Oatmeal Stout, may be the best beer on the lake.
Eastern Long Island, NY
Credit: GreenportHarborBrewing.com
Once upon a time, Eastern Long Island drinking culture was limited to overpriced bars or Gatsby-esque private parties. While you can certainly still find plenty of places offering $15 Tito’s-and-sodas and mandatory valet parking, there are now lots of other, more democratic scenes for discerning drinkers.
On the North Fork, enjoy a Beehave Summer Ale and chill outside playing Jenga at Greenport Harbor Brewing. Grab your cooler and kayak and head out to Emerson Park for a peaceful afternoon on the wide sandy beaches on Hog Neck Bay.
If you’re heading out to Montauk, the easternmost stretch on the island, stop in to the Montauk Brewing Company tasting room for perfect post-surf-lesson session beers. Or fill your cooler with Montauk Summer Ale or a Blue Point Brewing Shore Thing (brewed with pilsner malt and sea salt) to go out striper fishing.
“The beer scene on the East End has evolved over the past few years,” said Montauk co-founder Vaughan Cutillo. “More and more local bars and restaurants are looking to carry a variety of local beers, and we are thrilled to be a part of that movement.”
San Diego, CA
Credit: FallBrewingCompany.com
San Diego is the ultimate beach-beer scene. Brewers here helped launch what is now a countrywide craft beer resurgence, and, well, have you seen those pristine beaches? Typically, San Diego beer pilgrims are directed to Miramar for AleSmith and Societe, North Park for Modern Times and Fall Brewing, and places closest to the Pacific. All are absolutely worth your time.
There are other spots in San Diego worth trying, too. Head to Pizza Port in Solana Beach for pizza or literally anything from the munchies menu and wash it down with Swami’s, the classic IPA that put this place on the map. For your to-go needs, there’s a Bottlecraft location less than a mile south. Down south and further into the heart of San Diego in La Jolla is Karl Strauss, selling everything from hoppy lagers to IPAs to English ales. Best of all, it’s just a five-minute walk from La Jolla Cove.
Keep heading south and hit up Crushed in Pacific Beach for one of the best tap lists by the beach. Coronado Brewing Tasting Room is just 10 minutes by car (the OG spot in Coronado is a little farther away). And, in Ocean Beach, there’s Mike Hess Brewing and Belching Beaver, among others.
The article Coastal Views and Killer Brews: Six of the Best Beachy Beercation Destinations appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/6-best-beer-beach-destinations-2019/
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mrrolandtfranco · 5 years
19 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America
Family life. It can be wonderful and exhausting in equal measure. That’s why The Great Family Vacation is so important—a time to make memories and celebrate your loved ones away from the pressures of daily life. Whether you’ve got a family of ten or two, here are the best family vacation ideas your kids will love, where boredom is banned and fun is king.
Best Vacation Ideas For Families
With so many great family-friendly destinations in the USA, it’s hard to narrow down to the cream of the crop. While we’ve left out a few of the obvious big-hitters like Orlando, Virginia Beach, San Diego, and Myrtle Beach, we’re featuring equally amazing spots, where the amenities for children are just as great and the welcome just as warm.
An added benefit? These top family vacation spots boast plenty of local rentals from FlipKey. Choose an entire house or apartment where you can all be together (while still having your own space). Swap the hotel mini-bar for a fully stocked kitchen and the communal lobby for a family living area—and maybe even a garden. Imagine an evening barbecue on the outdoor patio, a family movie night in the theater room, or a morning swim in your own private pool.
Ready for a fun-fueled family trip? Pack your sunblock, swimwear, and those all-important traveling snacks. Here are 19 of the best family vacation ideas in America for happy kids and even happier grown-ups.
Anaheim, California
“This home was perfect for young and old. Very close to Disneyland and shopping. The pool was the favorite for relaxing and cooling off. Very friendly owners.” — FlipKey Reviewer
The most obvious pull for children in sunny Anaheim is the mighty Disneyland Park—and who could blame them for begging to come here? Rides for all ages, well-known characters to meet, and all the color and excitement you’d expect from a larger-than-life Disney experience. If you’re looking for something on a smaller scale, book a pass to Adventure City. With rides, shows, and a mini train, it’s especially suited to younger children.
See all FlipKey rentals in Anaheim!
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
“We came to Gettysburg to visit history and were not disappointed. The house just made things very simple for us. Everything we needed was there. Great literature to assist us on our history tour. The house was clean and well kept. It was located very conveniently for touring all of Gettysburg.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Steeped in Civil War history, the picturesque town of Gettysburg makes a pleasant and educational base for families. Tour the Gettysburg Battlefield, the National Military Park, and the Shriver House Museum at your leisure, or hop on a guided bus tour of the town to get the expert lowdown on all the key sights. From historical re-enactments to ghostly tours, there’s so much here to keep the whole family entertained.
See all FlipKey rentals in Gettysburg!
Boston, Massachusetts
“We regularly stay in rented accommodation rather than hotels when we go on holiday, and this is one of the best we’ve experienced. The house is very comfortable, and well furnished and equipped.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Boston has it all—the culture, the fantastic city parks, and a relaxed pace you might not expect in a city of its size. Baseball fanatics, young and not so young, will love Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. You can take a guided tour, watch a game, and soak up some sporting history. Also check out the giant ocean tank at the New England Aquarium and board a Boston Duck Tour to be transported around this beautiful city on land and water.
See all FlipKey rentals in Boston!
Florida Space Coast
The vibe on the Florida Space Coast is, overall, beachy and relaxed, but a vacationer’s experience depends largely on the activity you choose. Of course, they don’t call it the “Space Coast” for nothing. The thrill of watching rockets launch from Cape Canaveral, whether up close or miles away, never gets old. In fact, launches still occur (SpaceX rockets are on the launch calendar for 2017). Kennedy Space Center unpacks space-centric surprises, from the earliest days of space exploration to the exciting Shuttle Launch Experience and behind-the-gates tours.
As for terra firma, beautiful Atlantic beaches await, along with wildlife at the Canaveral National Seashore, a beautiful barrier island National Park. And even if you’re not shipping out for a cruise, you and your family can marvel at large luxurious ships from Grills Seafood Deck, a family-friendly and casual venue.
Over in Cocoa Beach, you can sink your toes into the sand—but if you have teens, be sure to pop in for a ubiquitous (free!) sticker at Ron Jon’s massive surf shop. You may want to pick up a bikini or t-shirt while you’re at it, too.
Satellite Beach is a lesser-known but equally lovely section of the Atlantic coast. If you’re planning on visiting in June or July, you can enjoy sea turtle nesting season. Check in with the Sea Turtle Preservation Society for a guided tour. Once booked, you’ll be led out by expert guides equipped with the knowledge (and turtle-friendly lighting) to find mama turtles as they venture onshore to lay their eggs. Truly amazing!
See all FlipKey rentals on Florida’s Space Coast!
Long Beach, California
“This adorable house was very comfortable and had every amenity needed for a family vacation. Everything was close by, from amazing restaurants to cute shops, and of course the beach. I was impressed at how quickly we were able to get to Disneyland and down the coast to Newport Beach.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Locals refer to Long Beach as one giant playground, so families are certainly welcome here. And there’s one place you really can’t miss. More than 11,000 creatures await you at the Aquarium of the Pacific—you can even touch and feed some of them. Learn about who lives in and around the oceans and the importance of conserving their environment. Long Beach also has lots of family-oriented places to eat and plenty of fun watery activities, including boat tours.
See all FlipKey rentals in Long Beach!
Washington, DC
Washington, DC is a vibrant city with dozens of free attractions and events that make it an ideal destination for a family vacation. Once you’re near the Mall, major landmarks and iconic government buildings are everywhere you look: the Capitol, the White House, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, and many more. Have your kids pull out their coins and dollar bills to see replicas of the very buildings they’re standing in front of. Book a line-skipping VIP tour and check them all off your list.
The internationally-renowned collections of the Smithsonian range from a 65-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton to the original “Star-Spangled Banner” to the space shuttle Discovery. The Einstein Planetarium at the Air and Space Museum offers a constant flow of illuminating, family-friendly entertainment. The airplane buffs in your family will be happy they made the trek to Dulles Airport for the Udvar-Hazy Center, an annex of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It’s so large that the actual planes dangling from its ceiling look like toys.
The riverfront Nationals Park is a wholesome itinerary option for families who like major league baseball. Its neighborhood goes by many names at this point—Navy Yard, Ballpark District and Capitol Riverfront—but is easy to reach from any area of the city.
See all FlipKey rentals in Washington, DC!
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Billed as the Waterpark Capital of the World, Wisconsin Dells is an obvious choice for fun-seeking families. It’s hard to experience all the great attractions and activities here. Take your pick of indoor and outdoor adventures, such as Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park, Noah’s Ark Waterpark, Timber Falls Adventure Park, Circus World, Timbavati Wildlife Park…the list goes on and on.
See all FlipKey rentals in Wisconsin Dells!
Durham, New York
Set in the Northern Catskills, where there’s lots of fresh air and space to run around, Durham makes a top family vacation base. Show your brood the best of the rural life on a tour with Farmer Frank of Hull-O Farms, where you’ll meet all sorts of friendly animals, including bunnies, piglets, and chicks. For something completely different, try the Zoom Flume Water Park, where you can rent a cabana and spend the day crashing into the water via various high-speed slides.
See all FlipKey rentals in Durham!
Winter Haven, Florida
Your child may be on his or her way to being a master builder—or not—but either way, few Florida destinations are as child-friendly as Winter Haven. That’s because of the incredible LEGOLAND. This child-centric haven is practically overflowing with Lego bricks. What’s more, every ride in the elevator is a strobe-infused opportunity to do a happy dance, and every room is themed—from pirates to knights to adventurers.
Steps away are Legoland’s theme park and waterpark. The theme park’s coasters, rides and Lego-centric sites keep the entertainment going nonstop. The waterpark’s lazy rivers, wave pools, slides, and other cooling spots offer a fun respite from the Florida heat.
Parents should note that although the LEGOLAND attractions are decidedly for youngsters, the ease with which you’ll be able to move from one to the next make it appealing for parents looking for recreation that’s a little more self-contained. As a bonus, you can also enjoy a tropical cocktail by the pool while watching your kiddos.
See all Winter Haven rentals from FlipKey!
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy’s a pretty hospitable place. And if you’re visiting with children, there’s no better starting point than the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, the largest of its kind in the world. We challenge anyone to be bored in this place, where kids are encouraged to explore arts and culture through exhibits, workshops, and live performances—there’s even a steam engine. You might also like to see the animals and plant life at Indianapolis Zoo.
See all FlipKey rentals in Indianapolis!
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
This friendly place on the Atlantic Coast has a boardwalk packed with lively eateries. Families tend to favor Funland for its arcade games and vintage rides and Jungle Jim’s Water Park for water slides, go-karting and mini-golf. For a bit of calm before bedtime, you could head slightly north and take a Broadkill River cruise with Caper Water Tours and Taxi, taking in the peaceful views of the shoreline and its birdlife before the sun sets.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rehoboth Beach!
Williamsburg, Virginia
Colonial Williamsburg, the 301-acre, restored 18th-century capital city, is America’s largest interactive history museum. Its interpretive characters transport visiting families back in time, to the sound of beating drums and trilling fifes.
Virginia’s Historic Triangle extends to nearby Jamestown and Yorktown, where innovative exhibits and educational experiences depict America’s first permanent English colony and guide visitors through the battlefield where American independence was won. Merchants Square, an 18th-century-style village, includes more than 40 shops and restaurants ranging from family-style to fine dining.
The family-friendly Williamsburg area is also home to Busch Gardens, an action-packed, European-themed adventure park; Water Country USA, Virginia’s largest water park; and the York and James Rivers, where you can enjoy beautiful scenery and outdoor activities such as fishing, boating and swimming.
See all Williamsburg rentals from FlipKey!
Sandusky, Ohio
Located on the southern edge of Lake Erie is chilled-out Sandusky. This place is home to the Cedar Point amusement park, which draws rollercoaster-crazy visitors each year. It’s mostly for the thrill-seekers, but there are also gentler options available for younger children. Alternatively, you can take jet skis out on the lake or enjoy a stroll with stunning views along the Sandusky Bay Pathway.
See all FlipKey rentals in Sandusky!
Bloomington, Minnesota
Book a comfortable family rental as your base for exploring the child-friendly delights of Bloomington. We recommend starting with Nickelodeon Universe, a fun-packed indoor park in the Mall of America, with everything from the tamest of rides to zip-lining adventures. If your children are on the younger side, this is a great place to spend a day. The Mall of America also provides all the shopping and eating opportunities you could hope for, plus an aquarium and adventure golf.
See all FlipKey rentals in the Bloomington/Minneapolis area!
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Affordable and wholesome Pigeon Forge is adjacent to American’s favorite national park, Great Smoky Mountains. Most known for the Dollywood theme park, Pigeon Forge now also gets rave reviews for its Titanic Museum, an interactive walk through the doomed cruise ship. Teens will like assuming the persona of a historic passenger, only to find out their fate after visiting the eye-popping captain’s bridge.
Nighttime is perfect for The Island in Pigeon Forge, an entertainment hub with lighted water shows. Pleasant evenings also draw families to the area’s multiple mini-golf courses, including one in nearby Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg is also home to a surprisingly wonderful aquarium given its mountain location; penguins typically steal the show at Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies.
Your most difficult task will be choosing which of the dozens of family attractions to try, from a wax museum to a world records hall to dinner theaters, roller coasters and even “Goats on the Roof.” Nature will also be luring you to Smoky Mountain trails and overlooks, so no matter how many days you can spend in Pigeon Forge, they will all be full.
See all Pigeon Forge cabin rentals from FlipKey!
Carolina Beach & Kure Beach, North Carolina
Carolina Beach offers an old-style boardwalk, a laid-back atmosphere and absolutely tons of activities for families to enjoy together. Take advantage of the water sports and seaside amusement rides (and grab some donuts from Britt’s). A few minutes down the coastline is Kure Beach, where you’ll find Ocean Front Park, with its boardwalk, gardens and beach—there’s even a giant pirate ship to play on. Continue down to the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, which has some interactive exhibits and even an albino alligator.
See all FlipKey rentals in Carolina Beach/Kure Beach!
St. Augustine, Florida
St. Augustine’s picturesque and historic center appeals to all sorts of visitors. Many families come here for the St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum, a fabulous swashbuckling resource offering interactive exhibits, treasure hunting, and more. For some outdoor fun, you could see the town on one of Ripley’s Red Trains, hit the play areas at Davenport Park or Project Swing Park, or turn towards the beach for a kids’ surf session.
See all FlipKey rentals in St. Augustine!
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte’s Carowinds, a combination amusement park and waterpark, is a big hit with families. Weekdays offer shorter lines than weekends, and themed events are scheduled near year’s end. Young park-goers will discover mini-rides just for them, while teens will be thrilled with the likes of Intimidator and Fury 325. The park offers free water at multiple stations, but parents consistently recommend purchasing cups with free refills for the day. Count on $20 for parking, and budget extra for food, or consider at least one combo ticket, which includes food throughout the day.
Does your family thrive on challenges? Multiple escape rooms now pepper Charlotte, and near the intersection of the city’s two interstates, you’ll find Escape Kings. This family-friendly attraction lets those over 10 years of age test their collective wits by escaping from Aztec Ruins and Kings Quest rooms. The puzzle clues are for all ages, and escape is neither too hard for kids nor too easy for adults.
DefyGravity trampoline park is an appealing setting for energy-filled kids. Depending on their age, they can bounce their way through the KidJump, Ninja Obstacle Course, extreme dodgeball, foam pits, and even a trapeze.
Teens who like golf will love hanging out at Topgolf. Fun music adds to the excitement of golfing with a variety of provided clubs on a three-level driving range. Servers keep the food and drinks coming, while you rack up the points and have a few laughs. Charlotte—a major metroplex—has no shortage of other family-friendly restaurants at all price points.
See all Charlotte rentals from FlipKey!
Williams, Arizona
“We wanted to spend time at the Grand Canyon so I looked for a place that could accommodate all 9 of us (this included some children). Rather than rent numerous hotel rooms I decided it might be fun to all stay together in a house. The description of this house made it sound interesting and close to town so we chose it. Best decision ever!” — FlipKey Reviewer
Williams has all sorts of activities to make your vacation a memorable one. Watch a thrilling rodeo show, drive through graceful pine forests to spy on cute bear cubs and other fauna at Bearizona Wildlife Park, or take to the railroad and spend a day on the Grand Canyon Railway Adventure Package.
See all FlipKey rentals in Williams!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 19 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from The FlipKey Blog http://bit.ly/2UTLC0V
0 notes
marymperezga · 5 years
19 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America
Family life. It can be wonderful and exhausting in equal measure. That’s why The Great Family Vacation is so important—a time to make memories and celebrate your loved ones away from the pressures of daily life. Whether you’ve got a family of ten or two, here are the best family vacation ideas your kids will love, where boredom is banned and fun is king.
Best Vacation Ideas For Families
With so many great family-friendly destinations in the USA, it’s hard to narrow down to the cream of the crop. While we’ve left out a few of the obvious big-hitters like Orlando, Virginia Beach, San Diego, and Myrtle Beach, we’re featuring equally amazing spots, where the amenities for children are just as great and the welcome just as warm.
An added benefit? These top family vacation spots boast plenty of local rentals from FlipKey. Choose an entire house or apartment where you can all be together (while still having your own space). Swap the hotel mini-bar for a fully stocked kitchen and the communal lobby for a family living area—and maybe even a garden. Imagine an evening barbecue on the outdoor patio, a family movie night in the theater room, or a morning swim in your own private pool.
Ready for a fun-fueled family trip? Pack your sunblock, swimwear, and those all-important traveling snacks. Here are 19 of the best family vacation ideas in America for happy kids and even happier grown-ups.
Anaheim, California
“This home was perfect for young and old. Very close to Disneyland and shopping. The pool was the favorite for relaxing and cooling off. Very friendly owners.” — FlipKey Reviewer
The most obvious pull for children in sunny Anaheim is the mighty Disneyland Park—and who could blame them for begging to come here? Rides for all ages, well-known characters to meet, and all the color and excitement you’d expect from a larger-than-life Disney experience. If you’re looking for something on a smaller scale, book a pass to Adventure City. With rides, shows, and a mini train, it’s especially suited to younger children.
See all FlipKey rentals in Anaheim!
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
“We came to Gettysburg to visit history and were not disappointed. The house just made things very simple for us. Everything we needed was there. Great literature to assist us on our history tour. The house was clean and well kept. It was located very conveniently for touring all of Gettysburg.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Steeped in Civil War history, the picturesque town of Gettysburg makes a pleasant and educational base for families. Tour the Gettysburg Battlefield, the National Military Park, and the Shriver House Museum at your leisure, or hop on a guided bus tour of the town to get the expert lowdown on all the key sights. From historical re-enactments to ghostly tours, there’s so much here to keep the whole family entertained.
See all FlipKey rentals in Gettysburg!
Boston, Massachusetts
“We regularly stay in rented accommodation rather than hotels when we go on holiday, and this is one of the best we’ve experienced. The house is very comfortable, and well furnished and equipped.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Boston has it all—the culture, the fantastic city parks, and a relaxed pace you might not expect in a city of its size. Baseball fanatics, young and not so young, will love Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. You can take a guided tour, watch a game, and soak up some sporting history. Also check out the giant ocean tank at the New England Aquarium and board a Boston Duck Tour to be transported around this beautiful city on land and water.
See all FlipKey rentals in Boston!
Florida Space Coast
The vibe on the Florida Space Coast is, overall, beachy and relaxed, but a vacationer’s experience depends largely on the activity you choose. Of course, they don’t call it the “Space Coast” for nothing. The thrill of watching rockets launch from Cape Canaveral, whether up close or miles away, never gets old. In fact, launches still occur (SpaceX rockets are on the launch calendar for 2017). Kennedy Space Center unpacks space-centric surprises, from the earliest days of space exploration to the exciting Shuttle Launch Experience and behind-the-gates tours.
As for terra firma, beautiful Atlantic beaches await, along with wildlife at the Canaveral National Seashore, a beautiful barrier island National Park. And even if you’re not shipping out for a cruise, you and your family can marvel at large luxurious ships from Grills Seafood Deck, a family-friendly and casual venue.
Over in Cocoa Beach, you can sink your toes into the sand—but if you have teens, be sure to pop in for a ubiquitous (free!) sticker at Ron Jon’s massive surf shop. You may want to pick up a bikini or t-shirt while you’re at it, too.
Satellite Beach is a lesser-known but equally lovely section of the Atlantic coast. If you’re planning on visiting in June or July, you can enjoy sea turtle nesting season. Check in with the Sea Turtle Preservation Society for a guided tour. Once booked, you’ll be led out by expert guides equipped with the knowledge (and turtle-friendly lighting) to find mama turtles as they venture onshore to lay their eggs. Truly amazing!
See all FlipKey rentals on Florida’s Space Coast!
Long Beach, California
“This adorable house was very comfortable and had every amenity needed for a family vacation. Everything was close by, from amazing restaurants to cute shops, and of course the beach. I was impressed at how quickly we were able to get to Disneyland and down the coast to Newport Beach.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Locals refer to Long Beach as one giant playground, so families are certainly welcome here. And there’s one place you really can’t miss. More than 11,000 creatures await you at the Aquarium of the Pacific—you can even touch and feed some of them. Learn about who lives in and around the oceans and the importance of conserving their environment. Long Beach also has lots of family-oriented places to eat and plenty of fun watery activities, including boat tours.
See all FlipKey rentals in Long Beach!
Washington, DC
Washington, DC is a vibrant city with dozens of free attractions and events that make it an ideal destination for a family vacation. Once you’re near the Mall, major landmarks and iconic government buildings are everywhere you look: the Capitol, the White House, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, and many more. Have your kids pull out their coins and dollar bills to see replicas of the very buildings they’re standing in front of. Book a line-skipping VIP tour and check them all off your list.
The internationally-renowned collections of the Smithsonian range from a 65-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton to the original “Star-Spangled Banner” to the space shuttle Discovery. The Einstein Planetarium at the Air and Space Museum offers a constant flow of illuminating, family-friendly entertainment. The airplane buffs in your family will be happy they made the trek to Dulles Airport for the Udvar-Hazy Center, an annex of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It’s so large that the actual planes dangling from its ceiling look like toys.
The riverfront Nationals Park is a wholesome itinerary option for families who like major league baseball. Its neighborhood goes by many names at this point—Navy Yard, Ballpark District and Capitol Riverfront—but is easy to reach from any area of the city.
See all FlipKey rentals in Washington, DC!
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Billed as the Waterpark Capital of the World, Wisconsin Dells is an obvious choice for fun-seeking families. It’s hard to experience all the great attractions and activities here. Take your pick of indoor and outdoor adventures, such as Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park, Noah’s Ark Waterpark, Timber Falls Adventure Park, Circus World, Timbavati Wildlife Park…the list goes on and on.
See all FlipKey rentals in Wisconsin Dells!
Durham, New York
Set in the Northern Catskills, where there’s lots of fresh air and space to run around, Durham makes a top family vacation base. Show your brood the best of the rural life on a tour with Farmer Frank of Hull-O Farms, where you’ll meet all sorts of friendly animals, including bunnies, piglets, and chicks. For something completely different, try the Zoom Flume Water Park, where you can rent a cabana and spend the day crashing into the water via various high-speed slides.
See all FlipKey rentals in Durham!
Winter Haven, Florida
Your child may be on his or her way to being a master builder—or not—but either way, few Florida destinations are as child-friendly as Winter Haven. That’s because of the incredible LEGOLAND. This child-centric haven is practically overflowing with Lego bricks. What’s more, every ride in the elevator is a strobe-infused opportunity to do a happy dance, and every room is themed—from pirates to knights to adventurers.
Steps away are Legoland’s theme park and waterpark. The theme park’s coasters, rides and Lego-centric sites keep the entertainment going nonstop. The waterpark’s lazy rivers, wave pools, slides, and other cooling spots offer a fun respite from the Florida heat.
Parents should note that although the LEGOLAND attractions are decidedly for youngsters, the ease with which you’ll be able to move from one to the next make it appealing for parents looking for recreation that’s a little more self-contained. As a bonus, you can also enjoy a tropical cocktail by the pool while watching your kiddos.
See all Winter Haven rentals from FlipKey!
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy’s a pretty hospitable place. And if you’re visiting with children, there’s no better starting point than the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, the largest of its kind in the world. We challenge anyone to be bored in this place, where kids are encouraged to explore arts and culture through exhibits, workshops, and live performances—there’s even a steam engine. You might also like to see the animals and plant life at Indianapolis Zoo.
See all FlipKey rentals in Indianapolis!
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
This friendly place on the Atlantic Coast has a boardwalk packed with lively eateries. Families tend to favor Funland for its arcade games and vintage rides and Jungle Jim’s Water Park for water slides, go-karting and mini-golf. For a bit of calm before bedtime, you could head slightly north and take a Broadkill River cruise with Caper Water Tours and Taxi, taking in the peaceful views of the shoreline and its birdlife before the sun sets.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rehoboth Beach!
Williamsburg, Virginia
Colonial Williamsburg, the 301-acre, restored 18th-century capital city, is America’s largest interactive history museum. Its interpretive characters transport visiting families back in time, to the sound of beating drums and trilling fifes.
Virginia’s Historic Triangle extends to nearby Jamestown and Yorktown, where innovative exhibits and educational experiences depict America’s first permanent English colony and guide visitors through the battlefield where American independence was won. Merchants Square, an 18th-century-style village, includes more than 40 shops and restaurants ranging from family-style to fine dining.
The family-friendly Williamsburg area is also home to Busch Gardens, an action-packed, European-themed adventure park; Water Country USA, Virginia’s largest water park; and the York and James Rivers, where you can enjoy beautiful scenery and outdoor activities such as fishing, boating and swimming.
See all Williamsburg rentals from FlipKey!
Sandusky, Ohio
Located on the southern edge of Lake Erie is chilled-out Sandusky. This place is home to the Cedar Point amusement park, which draws rollercoaster-crazy visitors each year. It’s mostly for the thrill-seekers, but there are also gentler options available for younger children. Alternatively, you can take jet skis out on the lake or enjoy a stroll with stunning views along the Sandusky Bay Pathway.
See all FlipKey rentals in Sandusky!
Bloomington, Minnesota
Book a comfortable family rental as your base for exploring the child-friendly delights of Bloomington. We recommend starting with Nickelodeon Universe, a fun-packed indoor park in the Mall of America, with everything from the tamest of rides to zip-lining adventures. If your children are on the younger side, this is a great place to spend a day. The Mall of America also provides all the shopping and eating opportunities you could hope for, plus an aquarium and adventure golf.
See all FlipKey rentals in the Bloomington/Minneapolis area!
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Affordable and wholesome Pigeon Forge is adjacent to American’s favorite national park, Great Smoky Mountains. Most known for the Dollywood theme park, Pigeon Forge now also gets rave reviews for its Titanic Museum, an interactive walk through the doomed cruise ship. Teens will like assuming the persona of a historic passenger, only to find out their fate after visiting the eye-popping captain’s bridge.
Nighttime is perfect for The Island in Pigeon Forge, an entertainment hub with lighted water shows. Pleasant evenings also draw families to the area’s multiple mini-golf courses, including one in nearby Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg is also home to a surprisingly wonderful aquarium given its mountain location; penguins typically steal the show at Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies.
Your most difficult task will be choosing which of the dozens of family attractions to try, from a wax museum to a world records hall to dinner theaters, roller coasters and even “Goats on the Roof.” Nature will also be luring you to Smoky Mountain trails and overlooks, so no matter how many days you can spend in Pigeon Forge, they will all be full.
See all Pigeon Forge cabin rentals from FlipKey!
Carolina Beach & Kure Beach, North Carolina
Carolina Beach offers an old-style boardwalk, a laid-back atmosphere and absolutely tons of activities for families to enjoy together. Take advantage of the water sports and seaside amusement rides (and grab some donuts from Britt’s). A few minutes down the coastline is Kure Beach, where you’ll find Ocean Front Park, with its boardwalk, gardens and beach—there’s even a giant pirate ship to play on. Continue down to the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, which has some interactive exhibits and even an albino alligator.
See all FlipKey rentals in Carolina Beach/Kure Beach!
St. Augustine, Florida
St. Augustine’s picturesque and historic center appeals to all sorts of visitors. Many families come here for the St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum, a fabulous swashbuckling resource offering interactive exhibits, treasure hunting, and more. For some outdoor fun, you could see the town on one of Ripley’s Red Trains, hit the play areas at Davenport Park or Project Swing Park, or turn towards the beach for a kids’ surf session.
See all FlipKey rentals in St. Augustine!
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte’s Carowinds, a combination amusement park and waterpark, is a big hit with families. Weekdays offer shorter lines than weekends, and themed events are scheduled near year’s end. Young park-goers will discover mini-rides just for them, while teens will be thrilled with the likes of Intimidator and Fury 325. The park offers free water at multiple stations, but parents consistently recommend purchasing cups with free refills for the day. Count on $20 for parking, and budget extra for food, or consider at least one combo ticket, which includes food throughout the day.
Does your family thrive on challenges? Multiple escape rooms now pepper Charlotte, and near the intersection of the city’s two interstates, you’ll find Escape Kings. This family-friendly attraction lets those over 10 years of age test their collective wits by escaping from Aztec Ruins and Kings Quest rooms. The puzzle clues are for all ages, and escape is neither too hard for kids nor too easy for adults.
DefyGravity trampoline park is an appealing setting for energy-filled kids. Depending on their age, they can bounce their way through the KidJump, Ninja Obstacle Course, extreme dodgeball, foam pits, and even a trapeze.
Teens who like golf will love hanging out at Topgolf. Fun music adds to the excitement of golfing with a variety of provided clubs on a three-level driving range. Servers keep the food and drinks coming, while you rack up the points and have a few laughs. Charlotte—a major metroplex—has no shortage of other family-friendly restaurants at all price points.
See all Charlotte rentals from FlipKey!
Williams, Arizona
“We wanted to spend time at the Grand Canyon so I looked for a place that could accommodate all 9 of us (this included some children). Rather than rent numerous hotel rooms I decided it might be fun to all stay together in a house. The description of this house made it sound interesting and close to town so we chose it. Best decision ever!” — FlipKey Reviewer
Williams has all sorts of activities to make your vacation a memorable one. Watch a thrilling rodeo show, drive through graceful pine forests to spy on cute bear cubs and other fauna at Bearizona Wildlife Park, or take to the railroad and spend a day on the Grand Canyon Railway Adventure Package.
See all FlipKey rentals in Williams!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 19 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/15/19-best-kid-friendly-family-vacations-in-america/
0 notes
janetchavezcom · 5 years
19 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America
Family life. It can be wonderful and exhausting in equal measure. That’s why The Great Family Vacation is so important—a time to make memories and celebrate your loved ones away from the pressures of daily life. Whether you’ve got a family of ten or two, here are the best family vacation ideas your kids will love, where boredom is banned and fun is king.
Best Vacation Ideas For Families
With so many great family-friendly destinations in the USA, it’s hard to narrow down to the cream of the crop. While we’ve left out a few of the obvious big-hitters like Orlando, Virginia Beach, San Diego, and Myrtle Beach, we’re featuring equally amazing spots, where the amenities for children are just as great and the welcome just as warm.
An added benefit? These top family vacation spots boast plenty of local rentals from FlipKey. Choose an entire house or apartment where you can all be together (while still having your own space). Swap the hotel mini-bar for a fully stocked kitchen and the communal lobby for a family living area—and maybe even a garden. Imagine an evening barbecue on the outdoor patio, a family movie night in the theater room, or a morning swim in your own private pool.
Ready for a fun-fueled family trip? Pack your sunblock, swimwear, and those all-important traveling snacks. Here are 19 of the best family vacation ideas in America for happy kids and even happier grown-ups.
Anaheim, California
“This home was perfect for young and old. Very close to Disneyland and shopping. The pool was the favorite for relaxing and cooling off. Very friendly owners.” — FlipKey Reviewer
The most obvious pull for children in sunny Anaheim is the mighty Disneyland Park—and who could blame them for begging to come here? Rides for all ages, well-known characters to meet, and all the color and excitement you’d expect from a larger-than-life Disney experience. If you’re looking for something on a smaller scale, book a pass to Adventure City. With rides, shows, and a mini train, it’s especially suited to younger children.
See all FlipKey rentals in Anaheim!
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
“We came to Gettysburg to visit history and were not disappointed. The house just made things very simple for us. Everything we needed was there. Great literature to assist us on our history tour. The house was clean and well kept. It was located very conveniently for touring all of Gettysburg.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Steeped in Civil War history, the picturesque town of Gettysburg makes a pleasant and educational base for families. Tour the Gettysburg Battlefield, the National Military Park, and the Shriver House Museum at your leisure, or hop on a guided bus tour of the town to get the expert lowdown on all the key sights. From historical re-enactments to ghostly tours, there’s so much here to keep the whole family entertained.
See all FlipKey rentals in Gettysburg!
Boston, Massachusetts
“We regularly stay in rented accommodation rather than hotels when we go on holiday, and this is one of the best we’ve experienced. The house is very comfortable, and well furnished and equipped.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Boston has it all—the culture, the fantastic city parks, and a relaxed pace you might not expect in a city of its size. Baseball fanatics, young and not so young, will love Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. You can take a guided tour, watch a game, and soak up some sporting history. Also check out the giant ocean tank at the New England Aquarium and board a Boston Duck Tour to be transported around this beautiful city on land and water.
See all FlipKey rentals in Boston!
Florida Space Coast
The vibe on the Florida Space Coast is, overall, beachy and relaxed, but a vacationer’s experience depends largely on the activity you choose. Of course, they don’t call it the “Space Coast” for nothing. The thrill of watching rockets launch from Cape Canaveral, whether up close or miles away, never gets old. In fact, launches still occur (SpaceX rockets are on the launch calendar for 2017). Kennedy Space Center unpacks space-centric surprises, from the earliest days of space exploration to the exciting Shuttle Launch Experience and behind-the-gates tours.
As for terra firma, beautiful Atlantic beaches await, along with wildlife at the Canaveral National Seashore, a beautiful barrier island National Park. And even if you’re not shipping out for a cruise, you and your family can marvel at large luxurious ships from Grills Seafood Deck, a family-friendly and casual venue.
Over in Cocoa Beach, you can sink your toes into the sand—but if you have teens, be sure to pop in for a ubiquitous (free!) sticker at Ron Jon’s massive surf shop. You may want to pick up a bikini or t-shirt while you’re at it, too.
Satellite Beach is a lesser-known but equally lovely section of the Atlantic coast. If you’re planning on visiting in June or July, you can enjoy sea turtle nesting season. Check in with the Sea Turtle Preservation Society for a guided tour. Once booked, you’ll be led out by expert guides equipped with the knowledge (and turtle-friendly lighting) to find mama turtles as they venture onshore to lay their eggs. Truly amazing!
See all FlipKey rentals on Florida’s Space Coast!
Long Beach, California
“This adorable house was very comfortable and had every amenity needed for a family vacation. Everything was close by, from amazing restaurants to cute shops, and of course the beach. I was impressed at how quickly we were able to get to Disneyland and down the coast to Newport Beach.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Locals refer to Long Beach as one giant playground, so families are certainly welcome here. And there’s one place you really can’t miss. More than 11,000 creatures await you at the Aquarium of the Pacific—you can even touch and feed some of them. Learn about who lives in and around the oceans and the importance of conserving their environment. Long Beach also has lots of family-oriented places to eat and plenty of fun watery activities, including boat tours.
See all FlipKey rentals in Long Beach!
Washington, DC
Washington, DC is a vibrant city with dozens of free attractions and events that make it an ideal destination for a family vacation. Once you’re near the Mall, major landmarks and iconic government buildings are everywhere you look: the Capitol, the White House, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, and many more. Have your kids pull out their coins and dollar bills to see replicas of the very buildings they’re standing in front of. Book a line-skipping VIP tour and check them all off your list.
The internationally-renowned collections of the Smithsonian range from a 65-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton to the original “Star-Spangled Banner” to the space shuttle Discovery. The Einstein Planetarium at the Air and Space Museum offers a constant flow of illuminating, family-friendly entertainment. The airplane buffs in your family will be happy they made the trek to Dulles Airport for the Udvar-Hazy Center, an annex of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It’s so large that the actual planes dangling from its ceiling look like toys.
The riverfront Nationals Park is a wholesome itinerary option for families who like major league baseball. Its neighborhood goes by many names at this point—Navy Yard, Ballpark District and Capitol Riverfront—but is easy to reach from any area of the city.
See all FlipKey rentals in Washington, DC!
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Billed as the Waterpark Capital of the World, Wisconsin Dells is an obvious choice for fun-seeking families. It’s hard to experience all the great attractions and activities here. Take your pick of indoor and outdoor adventures, such as Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park, Noah’s Ark Waterpark, Timber Falls Adventure Park, Circus World, Timbavati Wildlife Park…the list goes on and on.
See all FlipKey rentals in Wisconsin Dells!
Durham, New York
Set in the Northern Catskills, where there’s lots of fresh air and space to run around, Durham makes a top family vacation base. Show your brood the best of the rural life on a tour with Farmer Frank of Hull-O Farms, where you’ll meet all sorts of friendly animals, including bunnies, piglets, and chicks. For something completely different, try the Zoom Flume Water Park, where you can rent a cabana and spend the day crashing into the water via various high-speed slides.
See all FlipKey rentals in Durham!
Winter Haven, Florida
Your child may be on his or her way to being a master builder—or not—but either way, few Florida destinations are as child-friendly as Winter Haven. That’s because of the incredible LEGOLAND. This child-centric haven is practically overflowing with Lego bricks. What’s more, every ride in the elevator is a strobe-infused opportunity to do a happy dance, and every room is themed—from pirates to knights to adventurers.
Steps away are Legoland’s theme park and waterpark. The theme park’s coasters, rides and Lego-centric sites keep the entertainment going nonstop. The waterpark’s lazy rivers, wave pools, slides, and other cooling spots offer a fun respite from the Florida heat.
Parents should note that although the LEGOLAND attractions are decidedly for youngsters, the ease with which you’ll be able to move from one to the next make it appealing for parents looking for recreation that’s a little more self-contained. As a bonus, you can also enjoy a tropical cocktail by the pool while watching your kiddos.
See all Winter Haven rentals from FlipKey!
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy’s a pretty hospitable place. And if you’re visiting with children, there’s no better starting point than the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, the largest of its kind in the world. We challenge anyone to be bored in this place, where kids are encouraged to explore arts and culture through exhibits, workshops, and live performances—there’s even a steam engine. You might also like to see the animals and plant life at Indianapolis Zoo.
See all FlipKey rentals in Indianapolis!
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
This friendly place on the Atlantic Coast has a boardwalk packed with lively eateries. Families tend to favor Funland for its arcade games and vintage rides and Jungle Jim’s Water Park for water slides, go-karting and mini-golf. For a bit of calm before bedtime, you could head slightly north and take a Broadkill River cruise with Caper Water Tours and Taxi, taking in the peaceful views of the shoreline and its birdlife before the sun sets.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rehoboth Beach!
Williamsburg, Virginia
Colonial Williamsburg, the 301-acre, restored 18th-century capital city, is America’s largest interactive history museum. Its interpretive characters transport visiting families back in time, to the sound of beating drums and trilling fifes.
Virginia’s Historic Triangle extends to nearby Jamestown and Yorktown, where innovative exhibits and educational experiences depict America’s first permanent English colony and guide visitors through the battlefield where American independence was won. Merchants Square, an 18th-century-style village, includes more than 40 shops and restaurants ranging from family-style to fine dining.
The family-friendly Williamsburg area is also home to Busch Gardens, an action-packed, European-themed adventure park; Water Country USA, Virginia’s largest water park; and the York and James Rivers, where you can enjoy beautiful scenery and outdoor activities such as fishing, boating and swimming.
See all Williamsburg rentals from FlipKey!
Sandusky, Ohio
Located on the southern edge of Lake Erie is chilled-out Sandusky. This place is home to the Cedar Point amusement park, which draws rollercoaster-crazy visitors each year. It’s mostly for the thrill-seekers, but there are also gentler options available for younger children. Alternatively, you can take jet skis out on the lake or enjoy a stroll with stunning views along the Sandusky Bay Pathway.
See all FlipKey rentals in Sandusky!
Bloomington, Minnesota
Book a comfortable family rental as your base for exploring the child-friendly delights of Bloomington. We recommend starting with Nickelodeon Universe, a fun-packed indoor park in the Mall of America, with everything from the tamest of rides to zip-lining adventures. If your children are on the younger side, this is a great place to spend a day. The Mall of America also provides all the shopping and eating opportunities you could hope for, plus an aquarium and adventure golf.
See all FlipKey rentals in the Bloomington/Minneapolis area!
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Affordable and wholesome Pigeon Forge is adjacent to American’s favorite national park, Great Smoky Mountains. Most known for the Dollywood theme park, Pigeon Forge now also gets rave reviews for its Titanic Museum, an interactive walk through the doomed cruise ship. Teens will like assuming the persona of a historic passenger, only to find out their fate after visiting the eye-popping captain’s bridge.
Nighttime is perfect for The Island in Pigeon Forge, an entertainment hub with lighted water shows. Pleasant evenings also draw families to the area’s multiple mini-golf courses, including one in nearby Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg is also home to a surprisingly wonderful aquarium given its mountain location; penguins typically steal the show at Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies.
Your most difficult task will be choosing which of the dozens of family attractions to try, from a wax museum to a world records hall to dinner theaters, roller coasters and even “Goats on the Roof.” Nature will also be luring you to Smoky Mountain trails and overlooks, so no matter how many days you can spend in Pigeon Forge, they will all be full.
See all Pigeon Forge cabin rentals from FlipKey!
Carolina Beach & Kure Beach, North Carolina
Carolina Beach offers an old-style boardwalk, a laid-back atmosphere and absolutely tons of activities for families to enjoy together. Take advantage of the water sports and seaside amusement rides (and grab some donuts from Britt’s). A few minutes down the coastline is Kure Beach, where you’ll find Ocean Front Park, with its boardwalk, gardens and beach—there’s even a giant pirate ship to play on. Continue down to the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, which has some interactive exhibits and even an albino alligator.
See all FlipKey rentals in Carolina Beach/Kure Beach!
St. Augustine, Florida
St. Augustine’s picturesque and historic center appeals to all sorts of visitors. Many families come here for the St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum, a fabulous swashbuckling resource offering interactive exhibits, treasure hunting, and more. For some outdoor fun, you could see the town on one of Ripley’s Red Trains, hit the play areas at Davenport Park or Project Swing Park, or turn towards the beach for a kids’ surf session.
See all FlipKey rentals in St. Augustine!
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte’s Carowinds, a combination amusement park and waterpark, is a big hit with families. Weekdays offer shorter lines than weekends, and themed events are scheduled near year’s end. Young park-goers will discover mini-rides just for them, while teens will be thrilled with the likes of Intimidator and Fury 325. The park offers free water at multiple stations, but parents consistently recommend purchasing cups with free refills for the day. Count on $20 for parking, and budget extra for food, or consider at least one combo ticket, which includes food throughout the day.
Does your family thrive on challenges? Multiple escape rooms now pepper Charlotte, and near the intersection of the city’s two interstates, you’ll find Escape Kings. This family-friendly attraction lets those over 10 years of age test their collective wits by escaping from Aztec Ruins and Kings Quest rooms. The puzzle clues are for all ages, and escape is neither too hard for kids nor too easy for adults.
DefyGravity trampoline park is an appealing setting for energy-filled kids. Depending on their age, they can bounce their way through the KidJump, Ninja Obstacle Course, extreme dodgeball, foam pits, and even a trapeze.
Teens who like golf will love hanging out at Topgolf. Fun music adds to the excitement of golfing with a variety of provided clubs on a three-level driving range. Servers keep the food and drinks coming, while you rack up the points and have a few laughs. Charlotte—a major metroplex—has no shortage of other family-friendly restaurants at all price points.
See all Charlotte rentals from FlipKey!
Williams, Arizona
“We wanted to spend time at the Grand Canyon so I looked for a place that could accommodate all 9 of us (this included some children). Rather than rent numerous hotel rooms I decided it might be fun to all stay together in a house. The description of this house made it sound interesting and close to town so we chose it. Best decision ever!” — FlipKey Reviewer
Williams has all sorts of activities to make your vacation a memorable one. Watch a thrilling rodeo show, drive through graceful pine forests to spy on cute bear cubs and other fauna at Bearizona Wildlife Park, or take to the railroad and spend a day on the Grand Canyon Railway Adventure Package.
See all FlipKey rentals in Williams!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 19 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/15/19-best-kid-friendly-family-vacations-in-america/
0 notes
kevingbakeruk · 5 years
19 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America
Family life. It can be wonderful and exhausting in equal measure. That’s why The Great Family Vacation is so important—a time to make memories and celebrate your loved ones away from the pressures of daily life. Whether you’ve got a family of ten or two, here are the best family vacation ideas your kids will love, where boredom is banned and fun is king.
Best Vacation Ideas For Families
With so many great family-friendly destinations in the USA, it’s hard to narrow down to the cream of the crop. While we’ve left out a few of the obvious big-hitters like Orlando, Virginia Beach, San Diego, and Myrtle Beach, we’re featuring equally amazing spots, where the amenities for children are just as great and the welcome just as warm.
An added benefit? These top family vacation spots boast plenty of local rentals from FlipKey. Choose an entire house or apartment where you can all be together (while still having your own space). Swap the hotel mini-bar for a fully stocked kitchen and the communal lobby for a family living area—and maybe even a garden. Imagine an evening barbecue on the outdoor patio, a family movie night in the theater room, or a morning swim in your own private pool.
Ready for a fun-fueled family trip? Pack your sunblock, swimwear, and those all-important traveling snacks. Here are 19 of the best family vacation ideas in America for happy kids and even happier grown-ups.
Anaheim, California
“This home was perfect for young and old. Very close to Disneyland and shopping. The pool was the favorite for relaxing and cooling off. Very friendly owners.” — FlipKey Reviewer
The most obvious pull for children in sunny Anaheim is the mighty Disneyland Park—and who could blame them for begging to come here? Rides for all ages, well-known characters to meet, and all the color and excitement you’d expect from a larger-than-life Disney experience. If you’re looking for something on a smaller scale, book a pass to Adventure City. With rides, shows, and a mini train, it’s especially suited to younger children.
See all FlipKey rentals in Anaheim!
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
“We came to Gettysburg to visit history and were not disappointed. The house just made things very simple for us. Everything we needed was there. Great literature to assist us on our history tour. The house was clean and well kept. It was located very conveniently for touring all of Gettysburg.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Steeped in Civil War history, the picturesque town of Gettysburg makes a pleasant and educational base for families. Tour the Gettysburg Battlefield, the National Military Park, and the Shriver House Museum at your leisure, or hop on a guided bus tour of the town to get the expert lowdown on all the key sights. From historical re-enactments to ghostly tours, there’s so much here to keep the whole family entertained.
See all FlipKey rentals in Gettysburg!
Boston, Massachusetts
“We regularly stay in rented accommodation rather than hotels when we go on holiday, and this is one of the best we’ve experienced. The house is very comfortable, and well furnished and equipped.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Boston has it all—the culture, the fantastic city parks, and a relaxed pace you might not expect in a city of its size. Baseball fanatics, young and not so young, will love Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. You can take a guided tour, watch a game, and soak up some sporting history. Also check out the giant ocean tank at the New England Aquarium and board a Boston Duck Tour to be transported around this beautiful city on land and water.
See all FlipKey rentals in Boston!
Florida Space Coast
The vibe on the Florida Space Coast is, overall, beachy and relaxed, but a vacationer’s experience depends largely on the activity you choose. Of course, they don’t call it the “Space Coast” for nothing. The thrill of watching rockets launch from Cape Canaveral, whether up close or miles away, never gets old. In fact, launches still occur (SpaceX rockets are on the launch calendar for 2017). Kennedy Space Center unpacks space-centric surprises, from the earliest days of space exploration to the exciting Shuttle Launch Experience and behind-the-gates tours.
As for terra firma, beautiful Atlantic beaches await, along with wildlife at the Canaveral National Seashore, a beautiful barrier island National Park. And even if you’re not shipping out for a cruise, you and your family can marvel at large luxurious ships from Grills Seafood Deck, a family-friendly and casual venue.
Over in Cocoa Beach, you can sink your toes into the sand—but if you have teens, be sure to pop in for a ubiquitous (free!) sticker at Ron Jon’s massive surf shop. You may want to pick up a bikini or t-shirt while you’re at it, too.
Satellite Beach is a lesser-known but equally lovely section of the Atlantic coast. If you’re planning on visiting in June or July, you can enjoy sea turtle nesting season. Check in with the Sea Turtle Preservation Society for a guided tour. Once booked, you’ll be led out by expert guides equipped with the knowledge (and turtle-friendly lighting) to find mama turtles as they venture onshore to lay their eggs. Truly amazing!
See all FlipKey rentals on Florida’s Space Coast!
Long Beach, California
“This adorable house was very comfortable and had every amenity needed for a family vacation. Everything was close by, from amazing restaurants to cute shops, and of course the beach. I was impressed at how quickly we were able to get to Disneyland and down the coast to Newport Beach.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Locals refer to Long Beach as one giant playground, so families are certainly welcome here. And there’s one place you really can’t miss. More than 11,000 creatures await you at the Aquarium of the Pacific—you can even touch and feed some of them. Learn about who lives in and around the oceans and the importance of conserving their environment. Long Beach also has lots of family-oriented places to eat and plenty of fun watery activities, including boat tours.
See all FlipKey rentals in Long Beach!
Washington, DC
Washington, DC is a vibrant city with dozens of free attractions and events that make it an ideal destination for a family vacation. Once you’re near the Mall, major landmarks and iconic government buildings are everywhere you look: the Capitol, the White House, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, and many more. Have your kids pull out their coins and dollar bills to see replicas of the very buildings they’re standing in front of. Book a line-skipping VIP tour and check them all off your list.
The internationally-renowned collections of the Smithsonian range from a 65-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton to the original “Star-Spangled Banner” to the space shuttle Discovery. The Einstein Planetarium at the Air and Space Museum offers a constant flow of illuminating, family-friendly entertainment. The airplane buffs in your family will be happy they made the trek to Dulles Airport for the Udvar-Hazy Center, an annex of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It’s so large that the actual planes dangling from its ceiling look like toys.
The riverfront Nationals Park is a wholesome itinerary option for families who like major league baseball. Its neighborhood goes by many names at this point—Navy Yard, Ballpark District and Capitol Riverfront—but is easy to reach from any area of the city.
See all FlipKey rentals in Washington, DC!
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Billed as the Waterpark Capital of the World, Wisconsin Dells is an obvious choice for fun-seeking families. It’s hard to experience all the great attractions and activities here. Take your pick of indoor and outdoor adventures, such as Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park, Noah’s Ark Waterpark, Timber Falls Adventure Park, Circus World, Timbavati Wildlife Park…the list goes on and on.
See all FlipKey rentals in Wisconsin Dells!
Durham, New York
Set in the Northern Catskills, where there’s lots of fresh air and space to run around, Durham makes a top family vacation base. Show your brood the best of the rural life on a tour with Farmer Frank of Hull-O Farms, where you’ll meet all sorts of friendly animals, including bunnies, piglets, and chicks. For something completely different, try the Zoom Flume Water Park, where you can rent a cabana and spend the day crashing into the water via various high-speed slides.
See all FlipKey rentals in Durham!
Winter Haven, Florida
Your child may be on his or her way to being a master builder—or not—but either way, few Florida destinations are as child-friendly as Winter Haven. That’s because of the incredible LEGOLAND. This child-centric haven is practically overflowing with Lego bricks. What’s more, every ride in the elevator is a strobe-infused opportunity to do a happy dance, and every room is themed—from pirates to knights to adventurers.
Steps away are Legoland’s theme park and waterpark. The theme park’s coasters, rides and Lego-centric sites keep the entertainment going nonstop. The waterpark’s lazy rivers, wave pools, slides, and other cooling spots offer a fun respite from the Florida heat.
Parents should note that although the LEGOLAND attractions are decidedly for youngsters, the ease with which you’ll be able to move from one to the next make it appealing for parents looking for recreation that’s a little more self-contained. As a bonus, you can also enjoy a tropical cocktail by the pool while watching your kiddos.
See all Winter Haven rentals from FlipKey!
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy’s a pretty hospitable place. And if you’re visiting with children, there’s no better starting point than the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, the largest of its kind in the world. We challenge anyone to be bored in this place, where kids are encouraged to explore arts and culture through exhibits, workshops, and live performances—there’s even a steam engine. You might also like to see the animals and plant life at Indianapolis Zoo.
See all FlipKey rentals in Indianapolis!
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
This friendly place on the Atlantic Coast has a boardwalk packed with lively eateries. Families tend to favor Funland for its arcade games and vintage rides and Jungle Jim’s Water Park for water slides, go-karting and mini-golf. For a bit of calm before bedtime, you could head slightly north and take a Broadkill River cruise with Caper Water Tours and Taxi, taking in the peaceful views of the shoreline and its birdlife before the sun sets.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rehoboth Beach!
Williamsburg, Virginia
Colonial Williamsburg, the 301-acre, restored 18th-century capital city, is America’s largest interactive history museum. Its interpretive characters transport visiting families back in time, to the sound of beating drums and trilling fifes.
Virginia’s Historic Triangle extends to nearby Jamestown and Yorktown, where innovative exhibits and educational experiences depict America’s first permanent English colony and guide visitors through the battlefield where American independence was won. Merchants Square, an 18th-century-style village, includes more than 40 shops and restaurants ranging from family-style to fine dining.
The family-friendly Williamsburg area is also home to Busch Gardens, an action-packed, European-themed adventure park; Water Country USA, Virginia’s largest water park; and the York and James Rivers, where you can enjoy beautiful scenery and outdoor activities such as fishing, boating and swimming.
See all Williamsburg rentals from FlipKey!
Sandusky, Ohio
Located on the southern edge of Lake Erie is chilled-out Sandusky. This place is home to the Cedar Point amusement park, which draws rollercoaster-crazy visitors each year. It’s mostly for the thrill-seekers, but there are also gentler options available for younger children. Alternatively, you can take jet skis out on the lake or enjoy a stroll with stunning views along the Sandusky Bay Pathway.
See all FlipKey rentals in Sandusky!
Bloomington, Minnesota
Book a comfortable family rental as your base for exploring the child-friendly delights of Bloomington. We recommend starting with Nickelodeon Universe, a fun-packed indoor park in the Mall of America, with everything from the tamest of rides to zip-lining adventures. If your children are on the younger side, this is a great place to spend a day. The Mall of America also provides all the shopping and eating opportunities you could hope for, plus an aquarium and adventure golf.
See all FlipKey rentals in the Bloomington/Minneapolis area!
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Affordable and wholesome Pigeon Forge is adjacent to American’s favorite national park, Great Smoky Mountains. Most known for the Dollywood theme park, Pigeon Forge now also gets rave reviews for its Titanic Museum, an interactive walk through the doomed cruise ship. Teens will like assuming the persona of a historic passenger, only to find out their fate after visiting the eye-popping captain’s bridge.
Nighttime is perfect for The Island in Pigeon Forge, an entertainment hub with lighted water shows. Pleasant evenings also draw families to the area’s multiple mini-golf courses, including one in nearby Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg is also home to a surprisingly wonderful aquarium given its mountain location; penguins typically steal the show at Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies.
Your most difficult task will be choosing which of the dozens of family attractions to try, from a wax museum to a world records hall to dinner theaters, roller coasters and even “Goats on the Roof.” Nature will also be luring you to Smoky Mountain trails and overlooks, so no matter how many days you can spend in Pigeon Forge, they will all be full.
See all Pigeon Forge cabin rentals from FlipKey!
Carolina Beach & Kure Beach, North Carolina
Carolina Beach offers an old-style boardwalk, a laid-back atmosphere and absolutely tons of activities for families to enjoy together. Take advantage of the water sports and seaside amusement rides (and grab some donuts from Britt’s). A few minutes down the coastline is Kure Beach, where you’ll find Ocean Front Park, with its boardwalk, gardens and beach—there’s even a giant pirate ship to play on. Continue down to the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, which has some interactive exhibits and even an albino alligator.
See all FlipKey rentals in Carolina Beach/Kure Beach!
St. Augustine, Florida
St. Augustine’s picturesque and historic center appeals to all sorts of visitors. Many families come here for the St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum, a fabulous swashbuckling resource offering interactive exhibits, treasure hunting, and more. For some outdoor fun, you could see the town on one of Ripley’s Red Trains, hit the play areas at Davenport Park or Project Swing Park, or turn towards the beach for a kids’ surf session.
See all FlipKey rentals in St. Augustine!
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte’s Carowinds, a combination amusement park and waterpark, is a big hit with families. Weekdays offer shorter lines than weekends, and themed events are scheduled near year’s end. Young park-goers will discover mini-rides just for them, while teens will be thrilled with the likes of Intimidator and Fury 325. The park offers free water at multiple stations, but parents consistently recommend purchasing cups with free refills for the day. Count on $20 for parking, and budget extra for food, or consider at least one combo ticket, which includes food throughout the day.
Does your family thrive on challenges? Multiple escape rooms now pepper Charlotte, and near the intersection of the city’s two interstates, you’ll find Escape Kings. This family-friendly attraction lets those over 10 years of age test their collective wits by escaping from Aztec Ruins and Kings Quest rooms. The puzzle clues are for all ages, and escape is neither too hard for kids nor too easy for adults.
DefyGravity trampoline park is an appealing setting for energy-filled kids. Depending on their age, they can bounce their way through the KidJump, Ninja Obstacle Course, extreme dodgeball, foam pits, and even a trapeze.
Teens who like golf will love hanging out at Topgolf. Fun music adds to the excitement of golfing with a variety of provided clubs on a three-level driving range. Servers keep the food and drinks coming, while you rack up the points and have a few laughs. Charlotte—a major metroplex—has no shortage of other family-friendly restaurants at all price points.
See all Charlotte rentals from FlipKey!
Williams, Arizona
“We wanted to spend time at the Grand Canyon so I looked for a place that could accommodate all 9 of us (this included some children). Rather than rent numerous hotel rooms I decided it might be fun to all stay together in a house. The description of this house made it sound interesting and close to town so we chose it. Best decision ever!” — FlipKey Reviewer
Williams has all sorts of activities to make your vacation a memorable one. Watch a thrilling rodeo show, drive through graceful pine forests to spy on cute bear cubs and other fauna at Bearizona Wildlife Park, or take to the railroad and spend a day on the Grand Canyon Railway Adventure Package.
See all FlipKey rentals in Williams!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 19 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/04/15/19-best-kid-friendly-family-vacations-in-america/
0 notes
janerchambers88 · 7 years
20 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America
Family life. It can be wonderful and exhausting in equal measure. That’s why The Great Family Vacation is so important—a time to make memories and celebrate your loved ones away from the pressures of daily life. Whether you’ve got a family of ten or two, here are the best family vacation ideas your kids will love, where boredom is banned and fun is king.
Best Vacation Ideas For Families
With so many great family-friendly destinations in the USA, it’s hard to narrow it down to just 20. While we’ve left out a few of the obvious big-hitters like Orlando, Virginia Beach, San Diego, and Myrtle Beach, we’re featuring equally amazing spots, where the amenities for children are just as great and the welcome just as warm. With a little help from the local city experts at Apartment Guide, we’ve also highlighted some of the best kid-friendly attractions you won’t want to miss.
An added benefit? These top family vacation spots boast plenty of local rentals from FlipKey. Choose an entire house or apartment where you can all be together (while still having your own space). Swap the hotel mini-bar for a fully stocked kitchen and the communal lobby for a family living area—and maybe even a garden. Imagine an evening barbecue on the outdoor patio, a family movie night in the theater room, or a morning swim in your own private pool.
Ready for a fun-fueled family trip? Pack your sunblock, swimwear, and those all-important traveling snacks. Here are 20 of the best family vacation ideas in America for happy kids and even happier grown-ups.
Anaheim, California
“This home was perfect for young and old. Very close to Disneyland and shopping. The pool was the favorite for relaxing and cooling off. Very friendly owners.” — FlipKey Reviewer
The most obvious pull for children in sunny Anaheim is the mighty Disneyland Park—and who could blame them for begging to come here? Rides for all ages, well-known characters to meet, and all the color and excitement you’d expect from a larger-than-life Disney experience. If you’re looking for something on a smaller scale, book a pass to Adventure City. With rides, shows, and a mini train, it’s especially suited to younger children.
See all FlipKey rentals in Anaheim!
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
“We came to Gettysburg to visit history and were not disappointed. The house just made things very simple for us. Everything we needed was there. Great literature to assist us on our history tour. The house was clean and well kept. It was located very conveniently for touring all of Gettysburg.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Steeped in Civil War history, the picturesque town of Gettysburg makes a pleasant and educational base for families. Tour the Gettysburg Battlefield, the National Military Park, and the Shriver House Museum at your leisure, or hop on a guided bus tour of the town to get the expert lowdown on all the key sights. From historical re-enactments to ghostly tours, there’s so much here to keep the whole family entertained.
See all FlipKey rentals in Gettysburg!
Boston, Massachusetts
“We regularly stay in rented accommodation rather than hotels when we go on holiday, and this is one of the best we’ve experienced. The house is very comfortable, and well furnished and equipped.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Boston has it all—the culture, the fantastic city parks, and a relaxed pace you might not expect in a city of its size. Baseball fanatics, young and not so young, will love Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. You can take a guided tour, watch a game, and soak up some sporting history. Also check out the giant ocean tank at the New England Aquarium and board a Boston Duck Tour to be transported around this beautiful city on land and water.
See all FlipKey rentals in Boston!
Florida Space Coast
Thanks to the local experts at Apartment Guide for contributing the below information about Florida’s Space Coast.
The vibe on the Florida Space Coast is, overall, beachy and relaxed, but a vacationer’s experience depends largely on the activity you choose. Of course, they don’t call it the “Space Coast” for nothing. The thrill of watching rockets launch from Cape Canaveral, whether up close or miles away, never gets old. In fact, launches still occur (SpaceX rockets are on the launch calendar for 2017). Kennedy Space Center unpacks space-centric surprises, from the earliest days of space exploration to the exciting Shuttle Launch Experience and behind-the-gates tours.
As for terra firma, beautiful Atlantic beaches await, along with wildlife at the Canaveral National Seashore, a beautiful barrier island National Park. And even if you’re not shipping out for a cruise, you and your family can marvel at large luxurious ships from Grills Seafood Deck, a family-friendly and casual venue.
Over in Cocoa Beach, you can sink your toes into the sand—but if you have teens, be sure to pop in for a ubiquitous (free!) sticker at Ron Jon’s massive surf shop. You may want to pick up a bikini or t-shirt while you’re at it, too.
Satellite Beach is a lesser-known but equally lovely section of the Atlantic coast. If you’re planning on visiting in June or July, you can enjoy sea turtle nesting season. Check in with the Sea Turtle Preservation Society for a guided tour. Once booked, you’ll be led out by expert guides equipped with the knowledge (and turtle-friendly lighting) to find mama turtles as they venture onshore to lay their eggs. Truly amazing!
See all FlipKey rentals on Florida’s Space Coast!
Huntsville, Alabama
The most well-known family attraction in Huntsville is the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, where you’ll find an awe-inspiring collection of rockets (including a rare Saturn V), a space shuttle, and plenty of NASA memorabilia. This is an understandably popular attraction, so it’s a good idea to book your tickets in advance. If your kids are more interested in natural phenomena, they’ll be enchanted by the 1,000s of butterflies, along with turtles and frogs, in the Purdy Butterfly House at Huntsville Botanical Garden.
See all FlipKey rentals in Huntsville!
Long Beach, California
“This adorable house was very comfortable and had every amenity needed for a family vacation. Everything was close by, from amazing restaurants to cute shops, and of course the beach. I was impressed at how quickly we were able to get to Disneyland and down the coast to Newport Beach.” — FlipKey Reviewer
Locals refer to Long Beach as one giant playground, so families are certainly welcome here. And there’s one place you really can’t miss. More than 11,000 creatures await you at the Aquarium of the Pacific—you can even touch and feed some of them. Learn about who lives in and around the oceans and the importance of conserving their environment. Long Beach also has lots of family-oriented places to eat and plenty of fun watery activities, including boat tours.
See all FlipKey rentals in Long Beach!
Washington, DC
Thanks to the local experts at Apartment Guide for contributing the below information about Washington, DC.
Washington, DC is a vibrant city with dozens of free attractions and events that make it an ideal destination for a family vacation. Once you’re near the Mall, major landmarks and iconic government buildings are everywhere you look: the Capitol, the White House, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, and many more. Have your kids pull out their coins and dollar bills to see replicas of the very buildings they’re standing in front of. Book a line-skipping VIP tour and check them all off your list.
The internationally-renowned collections of the Smithsonian range from a 65-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton to the original “Star-Spangled Banner” to the space shuttle Discovery. The Einstein Planetarium at the Air and Space Museum offers a constant flow of illuminating, family-friendly entertainment. The airplane buffs in your family will be happy they made the trek to Dulles Airport for the Udvar-Hazy Center, an annex of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It’s so large that the actual planes dangling from its ceiling look like toys.
The riverfront Nationals Park is a wholesome itinerary option for families who like major league baseball. Its neighborhood goes by many names at this point—Navy Yard, Ballpark District and Capitol Riverfront—but is easy to reach from any area of the city.
See all FlipKey rentals in Washington, DC!
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Billed as the Waterpark Capital of the World, Wisconsin Dells is an obvious choice for fun-seeking families. It’s hard to experience all the great attractions and activities here. Take your pick of indoor and outdoor adventures, such as Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park, Noah’s Ark Waterpark, Timber Falls Adventure Park, Circus World, Timbavati Wildlife Park…the list goes on and on.
See all FlipKey rentals in Wisconsin Dells!
Durham, New York
Set in the Northern Catskills, where there’s lots of fresh air and space to run around, Durham makes a top family vacation base. Show your brood the best of the rural life on a tour with Farmer Frank of Hull-O Farms, where you’ll meet all sorts of friendly animals, including bunnies, piglets, and chicks. For something completely different, try the Zoom Flume Water Park, where you can rent a cabana and spend the day crashing into the water via various high-speed slides.
See all FlipKey rentals in Durham!
Winter Haven, Florida
Thanks to the local experts at Apartment Guide for contributing the below information about Winter Haven.
Your child may be on his or her way to being a master builder—or not—but either way, few Florida destinations are as child-friendly as Winter Haven. That’s because of the incredible LEGOLAND, where single- or multi-day passes are available to purchase. This child-centric haven is practically overflowing with Lego bricks. What’s more, every ride in the elevator is a strobe-infused opportunity to do a happy dance, and every room is themed—from pirates to knights to adventurers.
Steps away are Legoland’s theme park and waterpark. The theme park’s coasters, rides and Lego-centric sites keep the entertainment going nonstop. The waterpark’s lazy rivers, wave pools, slides, and other cooling spots offer a fun respite from the Florida heat.
Parents should note that although the LEGOLAND attractions are decidedly for youngsters, the ease with which you’ll be able to move from one to the next make it appealing for parents looking for recreation that’s a little more self-contained. As a bonus, you can also enjoy a tropical cocktail by the pool while watching your kiddos.
See all Winter Haven rentals from FlipKey!
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy’s a pretty hospitable place. And if you’re visiting with children, there’s no better starting point than the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, the largest of its kind in the world. We challenge anyone to be bored in this place, where kids are encouraged to explore arts and culture through exhibits, workshops, and live performances—there’s even a steam engine. You might also like to see the animals and plant life at Indianapolis Zoo.
See all FlipKey rentals in Indianapolis!
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
This friendly place on the Atlantic Coast has a boardwalk packed with lively eateries. Families tend to favor Funland for its arcade games and vintage rides and Jungle Jim’s Water Park for water slides, go-karting and mini-golf. For a bit of calm before bedtime, you could head slightly north and take a Broadkill River cruise with Caper Water Tours and Taxi, taking in the peaceful views of the shoreline and its birdlife before the sun sets.
See all FlipKey rentals in Rehoboth Beach!
Williamsburg, Virginia
Thanks to the local experts at Apartment Guide for contributing the below information about Williamsburg.
Colonial Williamsburg, the 301-acre, restored 18th-century capital city, is America’s largest interactive history museum. Its interpretive characters transport visiting families back in time, to the sound of beating drums and trilling fifes.
Virginia’s Historic Triangle extends to nearby Jamestown and Yorktown, where innovative exhibits and educational experiences depict America’s first permanent English colony and guide visitors through the battlefield where American independence was won. Merchants Square, an 18th-century-style village, includes more than 40 shops and restaurants ranging from family-style to fine dining.
The family-friendly Williamsburg area is also home to Busch Gardens, an action-packed, European-themed adventure park; Water Country USA, Virginia’s largest water park; and the York and James Rivers, where you can enjoy beautiful scenery and outdoor activities such as fishing, boating and swimming.
See all Williamsburg rentals from FlipKey!
Sandusky, Ohio
Located on the southern edge of Lake Erie is chilled-out Sandusky. This place is home to the Cedar Point amusement park, which draws rollercoaster-crazy visitors each year. It’s mostly for the thrill-seekers, but there are also gentler options available for younger children. Alternatively, you can take jet skis out on the lake or enjoy a stroll with stunning views along the Sandusky Bay Pathway.
See all FlipKey rentals in Sandusky!
Bloomington, Minnesota
Book a comfortable family rental as your base for exploring the child-friendly delights of Bloomington. We recommend starting with Nickelodeon Universe, a fun-packed indoor park in the Mall of America, with everything from the tamest of rides to zip-lining adventures. If your children are on the younger side, this is a great place to spend a day. The Mall of America also provides all the shopping and eating opportunities you could hope for, plus an aquarium and adventure golf.
See all FlipKey rentals in the Bloomington/Minneapolis area!
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Thanks to the local experts at Apartment Guide for contributing the below information about Pigeon Forge.
Affordable and wholesome Pigeon Forge is adjacent to American’s favorite national park, Great Smoky Mountains. Most known for the Dollywood theme park, Pigeon Forge now also gets rave reviews for its Titanic Museum, an interactive walk through the doomed cruise ship. Teens will like assuming the persona of a historic passenger, only to find out their fate after visiting the eye-popping captain’s bridge.
Nighttime is perfect for The Island in Pigeon Forge, an entertainment hub with lighted water shows. Pleasant evenings also draw families to the area’s multiple mini-golf courses, including one in nearby Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg is also home to a surprisingly wonderful aquarium given its mountain location; penguins typically steal the show at Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies.
Your most difficult task will be choosing which of the dozens of family attractions to try, from a wax museum to a world records hall to dinner theaters, roller coasters and even “Goats on the Roof.” Nature will also be luring you to Smoky Mountain trails and overlooks, so no matter how many days you can spend in Pigeon Forge, they will all be full.
See all Pigeon Forge cabin rentals from FlipKey!
Carolina Beach & Kure Beach, North Carolina
Carolina Beach offers an old-style boardwalk, a laid-back atmosphere and absolutely tons of activities for families to enjoy together. Take advantage of the water sports and seaside amusement rides (and grab some donuts from Britt’s). A few minutes down the coastline is Kure Beach, where you’ll find Ocean Front Park, with its boardwalk, gardens and beach—there’s even a giant pirate ship to play on. Continue down to the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, which has some interactive exhibits and even an albino alligator.
See all FlipKey rentals in Carolina Beach/Kure Beach!
St. Augustine, Florida
St. Augustine’s picturesque and historic center appeals to all sorts of visitors. Many families come here for the St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum, a fabulous swashbuckling resource offering interactive exhibits, treasure hunting, and more. For some outdoor fun, you could see the town on one of Ripley’s Red Trains, hit the play areas at Davenport Park or Project Swing Park, or turn towards the beach for a kids’ surf session.
See all FlipKey rentals in St. Augustine!
Charlotte, North Carolina
Thanks to the local experts at Apartment Guide for contributing the below information about Charlotte.
Charlotte’s Carowinds, a combination amusement park and waterpark, is a big hit with families. Weekdays offer shorter lines than weekends, and themed events are scheduled near year’s end. Young park-goers will discover mini-rides just for them, while teens will be thrilled with the likes of Intimidator and Fury 325. The park offers free water at multiple stations, but parents consistently recommend purchasing cups with free refills for the day. Count on $20 for parking, and budget extra for food, or consider at least one combo ticket, which includes food throughout the day.
Does your family thrive on challenges? Multiple escape rooms now pepper Charlotte, and near the intersection of the city’s two interstates, you’ll find Escape Kings. This family-friendly attraction lets those over 10 years of age test their collective wits by escaping from Aztec Ruins and Kings Quest rooms. The puzzle clues are for all ages, and escape is neither too hard for kids nor too easy for adults.
DefyGravity trampoline park is an appealing setting for energy-filled kids. Depending on their age, they can bounce their way through the KidJump, Ninja Obstacle Course, extreme dodgeball, foam pits, and even a trapeze.
Teens who like golf will love hanging out at Topgolf. Fun music adds to the excitement of golfing with a variety of provided clubs on a three-level driving range. Servers keep the food and drinks coming, while you rack up the points and have a few laughs. Charlotte—a major metroplex—has no shortage of other family-friendly restaurants at all price points.
See all Charlotte rentals from FlipKey!
Williams, Arizona
“We wanted to spend time at the Grand Canyon so I looked for a place that could accommodate all 9 of us (this included some children). Rather than rent numerous hotel rooms I decided it might be fun to all stay together in a house. The description of this house made it sound interesting and close to town so we chose it. Best decision ever!” — FlipKey Reviewer
Williams has all sorts of activities to make your vacation a memorable one. Watch a thrilling rodeo show, drive through graceful pine forests to spy on cute bear cubs and other fauna at Bearizona Wildlife Park, or take to the railroad and spend a day on the Grand Canyon Railway Adventure Package.
See all FlipKey rentals in Williams!
This piece received some contributions from A.D. Thompson, Rachel Cooper and Libby McMillan—writers for Apartment Guide and local experts who know their way around the nation’s kid-friendly hot spots.
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 20 Best Kid-Friendly Family Vacations In America appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
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prague-lematic · 7 years
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wow wow wow! This weekend has got to be one of my most favorites. Matt Hollis, Corbin Elliot, Kellie Seitz, Olivia Scrivner and I headed out to the Netherlands for our “gals weekend” as we ended up calling it. Olivia and I had planned just enough in Amsterdam so we’d have some structure and just a little that we’d feel free and go with the flow- the perfect mix for a weekend trip. We left Thursday evening and arrived at the house around 10:30 PM. The airport was about 45 minutes away from the house, so we uber vanned to the house which by the way, was a magical experience. 10/10 recommend the uber vans. So much room! We were all pleasantly surprised and happy when we came upon what would be the house we’d be staying in. Shout out to Olivia for having the coolest family friends of them all, who live in Noordwijk, Netherlands (a city in the west of the Netherlands), just an hour from Amsterdam and right on the beach. It was down this little beach street and was by far the most modern house on it. As we stayed through out the weekend, we noticed more and more bikers down the road stopping to point at it or take pictures. We stayed in the guest house/room, which was above their garage. The family was nice enough to leave us breakfast for every day and chardonnay (bless). We made mimosas and had croissants and found snacks on the second day which was the best. She even left us stroopwafels (YUM YUM YUM). That first evening though, we really just admired the place we got to stay in and peeked around. We had our own kitchenette and bathroom and it was spacious. Felt like a little home. The next day bright and early we took the bus to the train station and trained into Amsterdam… we underestimated how much time it would take to get there so when we arrived in Amsterdam at 10:20 and had Anne Frank house time slot ending at 10:15 you can imagine us sweating, literally running through the city of Amsterdam to be able to get inside. We were lucky enough to get inside after being 20 minutes late. It was absolutely surreal getting to walk around where the Frank family hid for 2 years. You could see her magazine cut outs on her bedroom wall and more. You weren’t allowed to take pictures, so I did buy a few postcards. It was just crazy what this family did to stay alive and how quiet they had to be. You could see family grocery lists and at the end of the visit, you even saw her actual diary. Through out the visit, each room had a quote or two from Anne’s diary. Absolutely crazy. It was amazing to live through this young girls life and perspective at this time, knowing her and her family would be living similar lives to those people if they hadn’t been hiding. The diary makes Anne so normal and so young, but so brave too. She writes about so many big world things and issues at that time. It was truly amazing and sad to be there and be able to see it all and all the history along with it. I think one person at the movie at the end said it best: “Her (Anne’s) would haves are our opportunities.” We must feel so lucky and so fortunate to live how we live today and to be free. We must do everything and see everything we can, because she would have liked to. It just makes you feel lucky and saddened for the history. After the house, we all caught our breath and got brunch on a canal. FIRST OF ALL, the canals are everywhere and chained with bikes along them and so beautiful. I could’ve sat at the canals all day and most people did. Lots of people were sun bathing on the edge of them. Just lovely. We all ate up some big meals and headed back towards the center/Dam Street where the carnival was. There was carnival food and traditional Dutch desserts. Yum. And endless rides. We chose to hop on our river/canal cruise. There was so many that it was almost hard to find ours but low and behold, there it was! the orange canal cruise boat labled “Lovers Canal Cruise.” My crew wouldn’t let me live that one down though I swear it wasn’t called that online. It turned out to be mostly families and just regular tourists so it was great. It was the most glorious day with the sun peeking through the clouds and the water shining and a light breeze off the water. Perfection. We learned about the different buildings and the architecture there. We learned about the tilting buildings along the canals, which were the end results of them being built in mud and more which ended up rotting. It was interesting because not all the buildings lined up because of this, but it was oddly beautiful and different. Amsterdam was already one of my favorite places. The air seemed fresher, though of course marijuana was everywhere but the air was cleaner (didn’t smell any cigarettes! hallelujah!). The people were SO SO kind. The ladies who printed our “boarding passes” for the canal cruise were so warm and honest and wanted to know how we liked Amsterdam. I could’ve sat and talked to them forever. After the canal cruise, we all headed back to the carnival in Dam Square and indulged in the desserts. Olivia got little pancakes, Matt got something dutch and Corbin and I got warm waffles with strawberries and chocolate. YUM. Ugh I can just taste it all now. We walked around for awhile, saw some coffee shops and cafes and then Matt and Corbin went on a carnival ride. After this, we went to a bar and just hung out. We were all pretty tired so around 10 PM we hopped back on the train and did backwards what we had done transportation wise this morning. What a long day! We all passed out when we got back, of course first watching the boys play “Magic.” Some guy they’re obsessed with! None of us had wifi that night so we talked for awhile and just enjoyed each others company before passing out. The next day we slept in a bit and then figured out our biking situation. With the help of the housekeeper (love him, miss him and his sass) he got the bikes from the garage for us. We quickly realized the garage had a car elevator AKA coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Olivia and I were able to fit on the two bikes and the rest of the crew headed to a bike shop and got bikes for the entire day for just 10 euros. We were ready for Lisse to see the flowers. Today was the most scenic day in awhile, probably ever when I look back at my life. It was like a painting everywhere you looked through out the 40 minute bike ride there and back. I couldn’t biked around forever if it wasn’t for how sore my legs were on the way back hahah. First of all, thank you Netherlands for being the most beautiful and having the most amazing bike paths everywhere literally and also for letting the bikers have the right of way. So crazy to me! Not a single car blew by me at any intersection- so sweeeeet. We enjoyed the fields of flowers and the sunshine and the glorious breeze before stopping at the first restaurant we saw right on the edge of Lisse. We all got some grub before heading back. Everyone who rented a bike had to rush back to get it there on time, so Olivia and I took our time getting back, stopping once again at the flower fields and just enjoying the peacefulness of the ride. When we all caught up by the hotels in the center of Noordwijk we decided it was beach time. Naturally, I was the happiest little clam of them all once we arrived there. We’d passed it numerous times, but feeling the sand in between my toes and hearing the crash of the waves and the lapping was unlike anything else. I ugly cried for about 10 minutes before composing myself and dipping my toes in the nippy ocean. Wow, had I missed that. After a long bike ride in the warm sun there is nothing like the cold ocean. I walked into my knees, not caring that my jeans were getting soaked. Olivia coming from Cali was also the happiest on the beach. We both ran around for awhile before heading back to the house. We all headed back to get all dressed up for our beach dinner reservation. We had the nicest dinner of all time- but seriously. We planned it perfectly for sunset and man oh man was the peachey-orange/pink/light purple sunset the most beautiful over the ocean. There were dangly lights outside and couches and swings. I was in love. The staff was super chill and beachy too. I could’ve sat there all evening. We all got drinks and dinner and talked for hours there. It was candle lit as well so, so cute. I miss the beach already!! Sunday was our last day in the Netherlands, so after our scenic day we opted to head back into Amsterdam to do a few more touristy things and grab some souvenirs. When we first arrived, we decided it was time to head to the all famous iamsterdam sign! It was about a 30 minute walk from the central train station. It was strategic planning how to climb the letters and then make sure you all got on before other tourists. It was tricky and busy! I climbed to the top of the A happily, but with a little help from my friends of course. After that, we walked around to find the Fault in Our Stars bench. It had locks on it and people had signed it with quotes from the book/movie and just lovers initials. It was adorable. Kellie and I got the tacky picture of us pretending to be the characters. Gotta love us. Then we headed to this cute Heineken outdoor seating café/restaurant and got the BEST TOASTED SANDWICHES EVER. It was another perfect day and I actually even got a little sunburnt. Felt good though. I need more sun! After that, we stopped for souvenirs and for the carnival. I loaded up on souvenirs, because this was one of my favorite places I’ve been. Bring me back!!!! I hope to bring my family here one day, that would be great. At the carnival, Olivia, Matt and I decided to do the swings. Though, they weren’t just ordinary swings. They went 60 meters high up into the air, looking over all of Amsterdam. They didn’t appear to be going fast, though you’re up there for a good whole 5 minutes which is a long time when you get up there and realize how scary heights actually are. Olivia and I sang some Christmas carols to make it through and often just repeated back and forth “i’m scared” but Matt got a good video of the view while we were up there, so it was worth it hahah. All in all, a cool experience. After that, we sat at a bar where the bartender asked me if I was from New Zeland and then Canada once he heard my accent (weird) and we got yummy strawberry margaritas. So good. Wish we could’ve stayed longer but our flight was calling us. We got there with about 20 minutes to spare and then off we were to Prague. The sunglass squad/gals weekend was incredible. I will remember it fondly. Amsterdam, I love you with my whole heart. Noordwijk, you are just beautiful and made it feel like home. XOXO I will be back!
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thecitysidewalks · 8 years
12 Day Trips From London
12 Day Trips From London
London is one of the most exciting and vibrant metropolitan cities of the world. While spending time in the city is a must-do, if you're lucky enough to have more than a few days in town, you might want to consider taking a day trip (or two) to explore some of the UK's other gems.
The best part of being in Europe is how convenient it is to get from city to city by train. You can easily get a rail pass from companies like Rail Europe and travel to hundreds of destinations within the continent. 
But before you get that ticket, here's some "destination inspiration" for fun and easy day trips from London that you can make during your stay!
 1. York
Train Time from London: Approx. 2hrs
Oh, how I love York. York is such a charming little town just north of London that is absolutely worth a visit. You can spend your day wandering around "The Shambles," learning history while exploring the walled city, or drinking tea and champagne at Betty's (my favorite). You can easily walk the city in an entire day, or take one of the hop-on hop-off tour buses if that's your sorta thing.
Perfect for:  Couples, solo travelers, families, groups of friends, history lovers, and cultural travel
Search train tickets to York
 2. Oxford
Train Time from London: Approx. 1hr
If you're not really in the mood to go very far from London, check out Oxford for the day. You can see the gorgeous, historic university in the heart of town, visit the majestic Blenheim Palace (birthplace of Winston Churchill) just outside the city center, or just wander around the cute city streets. There is lots to explore around Oxford--and even more to hunt down if you're a Harry Potter fan! *Oxford was featured in various scenes of the Harry Potter films, in case you didn't know...
Perfect for:  Couples, solo travelers, families, groups of friends, history lovers, Harry Potter fans, and cultural travel
Search train tickets to Oxford
 3. The Cotswolds
Train Time from London: Approx. 1hr 40min
If you're interested in finding yourself in the middle of a fairy tale world, I would suggest a visit to the Cotswolds. Just outside of Oxford is the idyllic region of the Cotswolds. In my opinion, the best way to explore is by taking The Secret Cottage Tour. You can read more about what that tour entails and how to experience the Cotwolds right here! *Pro tip: As I note in that post, you'll want to take the train from London to Moreton-in-Marsh for the easiest access to the area. There isn't a city named "The Cotswolds."
Perfect for:  Couples, solo travelers, families, groups of friends, history lovers, and cultural travel
Search train tickets to The Cotswolds (such as Moreton-in-Marsh)
 4. Harry Potter Studio Tour
Train Time from London: Approx. 20min
For all you Harry Potter fans out there, you simply cannot make a trip to England without visiting the Warner Bros. Studio Tour just outside of London. Escape into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and see how all of the films were made right on the same sets that they were filmed. I mean...how often do you get to say that you were literally hanging out in Dumbledore's office?! This studio tour is absolutely a must see, especially since it's so closeby!
*Word to the wise: Make sure you get on the direct (express) connection train to Watford Junction from London Euston. I made the mistake once of getting on the local train, which unfortunately stops at every single station on the way (it took 45 minutes instead of 20...ugh), Once you arrive, a Warner Bros. Studio Tour decked out in HP logos will pick you right up from the station. You can't miss it.
Perfect for:  Families, solo travelers, Harry Potter fans, groups of friends, and movie buffs
Search train tickets to Watford Junction
 5. Brighton
Train Time from London: Approx. 1hr
Just an hour outside of London is the cheery, beachy town of Brighton. This city basically has the beach scene that London is missing. The best time to come is in the warmer season as the winter season tends to limit the amount of outdoor activities you can do. Come here to stroll down the pier or walk along the beach, see the colorful downtown area, and maybe stop in a trendy cafe or two. The city is also known for their lively LGBTQ community.
Perfect for:  Couples, solo travelers, LGBTQ travelers, groups of friends, families, and outdoorsy travelers
Search train tickets to Brighton
 6. Bath
Train Time from London: Approx. 1hr 30min
Bath is known for being a quaint, countryside destination that is famous for its well-preserved Roman-era bathhouses, 18th-century Georgian architecture, and honey-colored bath stone that is used throughout the town's architecture. A trip to Bath is like a trip into history. *Pro tip: if you're feeling up for it, you can combine this visit with a trip to Stonehenge, too. It might be a bit tight for some, but just know it can be done!
Perfect for:  Couples, solo travelers, history lovers, groups of friends, and cultural travel
Search train tickets to Bath
 7. Edinburgh
Train Time from London: Approx. 4hr 30min --OR-- Flight Time from London: Approx. 1hr 20min
At the north end of the UK is the ever-popular town of Edinburgh, Scotland. While it might be a bit long for a train ride (clocking in at under 5 hours), you can always hop on a quick flight in the morning and be in the city in less than 2 hours. Visitors can enjoy the medieval influence and architecture of the Old Town, alongside the elegant charm and Georgian influence of the New Town. There is also a lively food and art scene that shouldn't be missed while visiting.
Perfect for:  Couples, families, solo travelers, groups of friends, foodies, history lovers, and cultural travel
Search train tickets to Edinburgh
 8. Cambridge
Train Time from London: Approx. 50min
Talk about a history lover's paradise! Cambridge boasts one of the world's most prestigious, oldest, and prettiest universities right in town. The University of Cambridge was founded in 1209, so it's bound to have some really unique stories right within those old walls. Come here to relax around the town, explore the quaint passageways between the historic buildings, and grab a pint or some food at the local pub.
Perfect for:  Groups of friends, solo travelers, couples, history lovers, cultural travel, and educational travel
Search train tickets to Cambridge
 9. Stonehenge
Train Time from London: Approx. 1hr 30min
I don't think I need to speak for Stonehenge because this miraculous, prehistoric site speaks for itself. It's not too far from London, so history lovers should definitely put this on their list. It is worth saying that Stonehenge will not take up your full day's itinerary, so you can easily combine it with a nearby city like Bath or Salisbury. *Pro tip: When you arrive to the train station in Salisbury, you'll need to take a bus or taxi to get to the actual site. The bus is probably your cheapest option and costs around £14 for the trip only, or £26 for trip and site entry.
Perfect for:  History lovers, couples, solo travelers, cultural travel, and groups of friends
Search train tickets to Salisbury (for easiest way to Stonehenge)
 10. Liverpool
Train Time from London: Approx. 2hr 10min
Music and maritime history are the 2 most popular things to come out of Liverpool, England. Big fans of The Beatles, or just legendary music in general, can add this British hub to their destination list. Stop in at the popular Cavern Club, where the Beatles once played on stage, or spend your time exploring museums or restaurant hopping around town.
Perfect for:  Music lovers, cultural travel, families, couples, solo travelers, and groups of friends
Search train tickets to Liverpool
 11. Rye
Train Time from London: Approx. 1hr 45min
Rye is an incredibly adorable, historic, and quaint city just near the coast in East Sussex. This little medieval town is a hidden gem within England and is a great place for exploring the cobblestone roads, half-timbered houses, and plenty of cozy tea rooms. There is even a street called Mermaid Street... Yes, please!
Perfect for:  Couples, solo travelers, families, history lovers, cultural travel, and groups of friends
Search train tickets to Rye
 12. Windsor
Train Time from London: Approx. 1hr
For travelers looking to get an inside look at royal life outside of London, take a trip to the Queen's favorite weekend home at Windsor Castle. Visitors can take tours of the castle grounds and see things like the State Apartments and the Great Park. If you're into horses or racing, you can check out Ascot Racecourse, which is just a few miles from the castle. For families traveling with small children, Legoland Windsor might also be a good option for the afternoon.
Perfect for:  Families, cultural travel, couples, solo travelers, history lovers, and groups of friends
Search train tickets to Windsor & Eton
 BONUS: Paris
Train Time from London: Approx. 2hr 15min
Alright, so it's not in the UK... But Paris is always a good idea! It definitely is possible to do a day trip from Paris because the train ride is only a little over a 2 hours. Obviously, I'd recommend spending more than just 1 day in Paris; but if it's the only chance you have to see it, then do it.
Search train tickets to Paris
 A Couple Other Destination Ideas:
Bristol - Approx. 1hr 35min from London
Downton Abbey's Highclere Castle (in Newbury) - Approx. 1hr from London
Brussels, Belgium - Approx. 2hr from London
Leeds Castle (in Leeds) - Approx. 2hr 10min from London
Stratford-Upon-Avon - Approx. 2hr from London
  Have you ever taken a day trip from London? --OR-- Do you have any other day trip recommendations that you'd add to this list? Comment below with more tips!
*Disclosure: Some of the links in this post contain affiliate links. It is at no risk to you and does not cost you anything extra. All money made from affiliate links go directly back into maintaining this website and making it better for you.
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vinyloftheyear-blog · 8 years
Vinyl of the Year 2016
It’s finally here! And because I basically had to do one mega-review of every album I listened to in 2016, it’s very long too, culminating in a top-10 album countdown. This post is gonna start with an essay-style discussion of every album that isn’t in my top 10, followed by the countdown (number 1 of course also being the VotY). So, without further introduction, here’s a huge review of the music I listened to in 2016.
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The image above is in order of release date. Unfortunately, 26 isn’t a great number for an even grid, and tumblr might mess with the image quality, so you can see a bigger, better version of the list here.
There are a few things to note about the discussion’s formatting before I actually get into it: 1) The albums aren’t in any particular order, just what made sense to write about next, but 2) the album titles are in bold so you can skip to them easier if you just care about some of them, and 3) they’re all links you can click to listen to the album via YouTube, or Google Play Music if there wasn’t a good YT link.
Here we go.
There were a few albums that came out early in the year that were good, but didn’t blow me away. Daughter’s sophomore LP Not to Disappear was great, bringing with it all the dark ambience I love from their music as expected, there just wasn’t much about it that stood out. A few songs sound in line with the quality that If You Leave has more of (Numbers, Mothers, and Made of Stone off the top of my head), but the rest was just forgettable. I tried to jump on the Animal Collective hype train as well once their album Painting With got released, but as I probably should have expected after disliking Merriweather Post Pavilion for the most part I just didn’t enjoy listening to it much. (That being said, FloriDada is fun and beachy and catchy as hell.) I gave the group’s style one more try with Deakin’s solo record Sleep Cycle, which has its pretty moments—namely the Pink Floyd-esque tune Golden Chords—but now I’m certain that they aren’t my style. The same went for James Blake’s record The Colour In Anything: I see the appeal in Blake’s lovely voice and the simple-yet-moving production, but the album just doesn’t vibe with me.
There were also a couple of rap albums that I appreciated more than I liked. Atrocity Exhibition, for one, was my first taste of Danny Brown on his own, and I thought it was good but not amazing. Amid some real bangers like Really Doe and Ain’t It Funny were songs I wasn’t sure what to make of, and not yet being totally used to Danny’s voice didn’t help much. This was my first listen to Danny Brown on his own, so I can’t really speak much for how much he or his music has evolved from previous albums, but if other music critics are trustworthy then it’s a solid improvement, and I respect that. I also respect A Tribe Called Quest for coming back with their last album as a full group, We Got It From Here… Thank You 4 Your Service, in the wake of Phife Dawg’s unfortunate passing. Their style stays true as ever, the album has tons of modern and classic features, from Busta Rhymes to Kendrick Lamar to Jack White of all people, and the subject matter is tied strongly to the current events of the past year, and for all of that I think it’s a great album—I’m just way too new to Tribe and the time their music was steeped in, so their album wasn’t a personal favorite.
Of course, there were other big 2016 hip-hop releases that I liked more. I’ll talk about most of them a bit later, but one particular album made waves even several weeks prior to its release (when, fittingly, Waves was its working title): How could I not mention Kanye West’s The Life of Pablo? The hip-hop legend dropped this mishmosh of a record to critical acclaim, and I try not to use that term too negatively: West himself said the album is “a living, breathing, changing creative expression,” so I don’t fault him for leaving some breathing room in terms of production. There are some real standalone hits that stand out, of course; Ultralight Beam, No More Parties in LA, and the hilariously self-aware I Love Kanye are all fantastic in their own right. However, there are also many clear areas across the record that sound like they belong on the cutting room floor from one of Kanye’s previous albums—but that’s just what makes this album great. Whereas most notable albums these days are more cohesive, this album knits itself together more like a quilt: Very far from seamless, but that makes the effort and care that went into making it much more visible. Because of that, the album was a tough contender to the number 10 spot on my list.
Another close contender to the top ten this year was Glass Animals’ groovy album How to Be a Human Being. In previous albums they sounded samey to me, each song not deviating too much from the last one, but the band definitely seems to have fixed that with this record. Songs are backed with everything from video game sound effects to dreamy ambient synths to heavily distorted drums, and they’re all mixed really well with the trademark breathy vocals and wide scope of sounds. My favorite example of this on the album by far has got to be The Other Side Of Paradise, with stop-start synths that stick in your skull till sunrise—alliteration aside, I can’t listen to this song and not move to it, and it’s definitely one of my favorite tracks to come out this year. A good few of the tracks on How to Be a Human Being still sound way too similar though, and there’s lots of repetition within songs—for most of the tracks, you’ve heard it all after the first minute or so—but I commend Glass Animals for making their music more dynamic and hope that trend continues.
In the more EDM-influenced pop world, we saw two EP releases from the duo Lemaitre this year, 1749 and Afterglow. Both EPs show a huge improvement in Lemaitre’s mixing and composition talents from their Relativity EP series, but Afterglow was a bit less interesting than 1749 in terms of song diversity and uniqueness. Not Too Late remains my favorite track by this group, and with it Lemaitre really made themselves worth following as more than just nightclub fodder, but Afterglow seems to slip back into that mold a bit—albeit still being wonderfully composed and a delight to listen to, whether dancing in the club or sitting in bed.
On the flip side of the pop releases this year, there were a couple groups that decided to get funkier in 2016, as most pop seems to be doing these days (I blame Daft Punk and Bruno Mars): Namely, I’m thinking of Two Door Cinema Club’s Gameshow and STRFKR’s Being No One, Going Nowhere. These albums are far from bad, but the shift in sound they went with didn’t improve them much, and actually made them slightly worse just by sacrificing some of their uniqueness as a group to pursue the mainstream sound. Both records were interesting blends of funk elements with each group’s signature style, Two Door bringing their quick-guitar-riff driven rock and STRFKR using various catchy synth rhythms. While Gameshow sounds more like a watering-down of Two Door’s punchier sound to make room for a groove, STRFKR’s album is still an improvement from 2013’s Miracle Mile, when the group first started to experiment with adding a groove to their music. Being No One is certainly more seamless and even harkens back to their much earlier work in its tone, even using voice samples like they used to. If Gameshow becomes Two Door Cinema Club’s Miracle Mile, insofar as being a transition to a cleaner, more characteristic funky album later, then I understand its necessity and welcome their fourth record with open ears.
A few new names also appeared on my radar this year, these two with albums that are rock-oriented, and have well-written themes about growing up. Car Seat Headrest and their album Teens of Denial rocketed the small bandcamp group to stardom this past year, with dense, meaningful lyrics about the transition into adulthood and an accessible garage-rock style. I’ll admit that if I listened to this album more it very well may have ended up on the top ten, but unfortunately I didn’t get around to reading more into it. I fell into a similar situation with Mitski’s record Puberty 2, which had to do more with the teenage years themselves, lyrically focusing on the angst and anxiety that riddle them. This album was also a highly acclaimed one with many layers of meaning and depth, and one I also thought was just okay because I hadn’t listened to it more. I certainly won’t make the same mistake the next time either of these artists release an album (or with any album of note in 2017, for that matter).
Looking back, there were a lot of albums released this year that were incredibly relevant to the events of 2016 that were praised for being beautiful artistic expressions of a year that not a lot of people liked. As well as the aforementioned A Tribe Called Quest album, Solange’s A Seat at the Table was one of the most critically acclaimed examples of this, and I can hear why—the messages of black pride come through the pleasant and well-composed R&B songs on the album and the candid spoken intermissions between them, and playing the two off of each other really makes this album a unique take on what it means to be a black woman in today’s society (which is a phrase you may be tired of hearing verbatim by now if you’ve been reading about this album, but there isn’t a much better way to put it). 2016 will also be remembered for its numerous unfortunate celebrity deaths, beginning in earnest with David Bowie just two days after his swan-song of an album, Blackstar. He knew he wasn’t long for this world at the time, and you can hear that throughout the record (you don’t need much more proof of this than “Look up here, I’m in heaven”), and sad though it is, it shows Bowie’s amazing creative potential one last time. Last January I saw someone I don’t know on Twitter sum this up perfectly by saying “Bowie stared death in the face and thought ‘I can use this’”. In that way this album also seems to represent 2016 as the forced transition away from old times, saying goodbye to the classic, groundbreaking, and nostalgic works and their artists—in any medium—that brought us to this point, in favor of looking to the future and making a mark for this generation.
And now, onto the top 10!
10. JANK - Versace Summer
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The best way I’ve found to describe JANK to someone in an X-meets-Y style is that they’ve got the lyrics and tone of an emo garage band, but with the intricate guitar work and immense overall talent of an early Modest Mouse. The more I listen to this album, the more little instrumental details I catch: every little guitar or drum fill, and just how much the tempo and dynamics change within and between songs is so impressive that you’d think that the songs would be about something more complicated than, say, a bicycle named Ralph—but it doesn’t even matter, because JANK pulls you into their mood until you’re singing every word regardless. And even still, a good number of their songs can really hit heavy—like that song about a bicycle named Ralph. Even Gucci Spring, the one out-of-place song on the album, is a chill tune with great composition. I really hope JANK keeps dropping albums—hell, as long as they keep releasing music, I’ll never feel older than sixteen and love it.
Favorite Tracks: Chunks (kool enuff), This is a Song About my Bike “Ralph” and it’s Called “Ralph”, #freesam
9. Noname - Telefone
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Noname first made a name for herself through features on Chance the Rapper’s albums, but this mixtape marks her first solo venture, and it is one hell of an album. Telefone has got to be the calmest and kindest-sounding rap album I’ve ever heard, if only because of the lovely, smooth keyboard backs, but there’s so much more. All the singing is so well-mixed and pretty, and the rap verses aren’t too loud or aggressive; in a way, in lends them even more honesty—which makes the realer, darker songs about Noname’s life in the Chicago hood even more deep-cutting. Even still the album holds its optimism: the laments of the album are surrounded by a resoundingly positive attitude, smiling in the face of any obstacle. On top of that, the lyrics flow well with the music and have universal meaning behind them in just about every song, covering all the ups and downs that connect Noname and her Chi-town community. A hip-hop/R&B album like this is as pleasant as a surprise phone call from a loved one, and I can’t wait to hear another one from Noname.
Favorite Tracks: Diddy Bop, Reality Check, Forever
8. Kendrick Lamar - untitled unmastered.
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“EVEN THE B-SIDES!” cried the Kendrick fans in praise on all the hip-hop messageboards online circa March, and boy were they right. This is an album purely of live-only tracks, scraps, and B-sides from Kendrick’s previous masterpiece To Pimp A Butterfly, and it’s still just as genius and fantastic as anything he’s done before. What continues to blow me away with Kendrick’s work is his sound design: he uses so many different sounds, tones, voices, and effects in every single track he makes, and still puts it all together masterfully. Even within one song, Kendrick throws three different inflections on his own voice and uses each one to manipulate his flow—and that’s about average for this record. Don’t let the fact escape you that these songs were rejected from being published until now; one of the best rap albums to come out this year was picked up and dusted off from the studio floor. That alone should tell you what kind of talent Kendrick has, and why he’s considered one of the greatest rappers of this generation.
Favorite Tracks: untitled 02, untitled 03, untitled 07
7. Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book
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If Noname is the girl keeping her block optimistic with Telefone, Chance is the older brother that takes that to the entire city.  It means a lot to be the second-biggest name in Chicago rap and Chance knows that, counting his blessings very explicitly on this record and letting everyone hear. Even this album has its down moments, mostly more somber tunes about Chance and his friends growing up and changing, but he uses a gospel choir and religious themes to keep the smile on his and any listeners’ faces. There have been some critiques of the mixing on this record, and I won’t deny that it’s a bit out of wack, but it’s nothing that makes the album even remotely unlistenable or dilutes its messages (and sure, All We Got is a bit of a shitshow, but I blame Kanye for that). All of the features are great too, and they run the gamut from gospel artist and choir director Kirk Franklin to Lil fucking Yachty. Overall in Coloring Book, Chance’s optimism and pride for himself and his city are contagious, and it makes me smile every time I listen to this record.
Favorite Tracks: Same Drugs, Angels, How Great
6. Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels 3
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It’s a Christmas fucking miracle! RTJ dropped this album early online for the holiday, and at the last minute it made my top ten. Run the Jewels 2 was damn fantastic, and this awesome dynamic duo of hip-hop just keep getting better. El-P and Killer Mike bring even more trademark establishment-hatred and adrenaline-pumping arrogance with their latest installment, and they really sound like they’ve found their groove with this record. The proof is everywhere, from the production from El that’s more vivid and diverse than anything he’s made before, to the opinions of a pissed-off generation of millenials that fuel their lyrics, even down to the dynamics in their tone of voice. And as if it weren’t enough to improve on their style, RTJ even included a few tracks that are strong shifts in tone: Instead of their usual middle-fingers-up attitude to society, they rap some verses that sound just like shock and disbelief for how events turned out, even getting sentimental with the surprisingly personal Thursday in the Danger Room, which is equal parts banger and mournful tribute that cuts deep. I think that’s a feeling we all shared in 2016, a year where we needed voices like El’s and Mike’s to keep us strong and angry enough to do something about it—and they couldn’t have delivered more perfectly.
Favorite Tracks: Talk to Me, Hey Kids (Bumaye), Thursday in the Danger Room
5. clipping. - Splendor & Misery
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Four words: Experimental space rap opera. Still interested? I didn’t think I was when this album first came around. As mentioned in this album’s Pitchfork review, I was surprised that clipping, now much closer to the spotlight after Daveed Diggs’s famous role as Lafayette/Jefferson in the hip-hop musical Hamilton, would use this opportunity to push something so bold and unique instead of an album full of experimental bangers like their last album CLPPNG was. But the more I listened, the more I thought it was the right move. Diggs and his crew bring their creativity to somewhere no artist has ventured before—an epic tale of a slave mutineer taking over a spaceship and flying it past war-torn planets in search of a new home. And while this album doesn’t have as many standalone hits (as it really shouldn’t), the incredible talent Diggs has for storytelling is brought to new frontiers in character development and worldbuilding (seriously, I get chills when he transitions from African world-shaping mythos to the human idols that moonwalk). From the cold, spacey production to the delightfully abstract storytelling this album brings, Splendor & Misery is my favorite narrative album since The Antlers’ Hospice, and a welcome twist to contemporary rap.
Favorite Tracks: All Black, True Believer, Air ‘Em Out
4. Childish Gambino - “Awaken, My Love!”
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Speaking of twists in rap, how could you go much further than not rapping at all? Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino has gone from internet sketch comedy to writing for TV to acting on TV to doing stand-up comedy to dropping hip-hop albums to making his own (now Golden Globe-winning) TV show, and this album marks yet another sharp turn in his career to releasing an album of pure funk and R&B—and while other critics (and a few of my friends) aren’t so sure about this one, I enjoy every song on it. Across the record Gambino runs the full gamut of classic funk and soul styles, and on each one he distorts his voice differently to fit the song—belting passionate cries in one tune and pitched-up soulful melodies in another. Even California, the most-debated song on this record, lends itself some praise for being a catchy abstraction of Jawaiian reggae. If there’s any way to compare this with his previous records, it’s with production and instrumentation, and both seem vastly improved and expanded upon—really, my only gripe with this album is how poorly it’s mixed in some areas. If Gambino sticks with this funky pursuit for at least another album to iron out its few problems, though, we could see a real masterpiece in the future. Other artists that dabbled in funk this year should take note: sometimes it’s better to dive in headfirst.
Favorite Tracks: Me and Your Mama, Zombies, Redbone
3. Bon Iver - 22, A Million
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Bon Iver has made a name for themselves over the past decade or so with their ambient, snowy-cabin music (including the hit Skinny Love) and features on Kanye West songs, and the three records they released before this one are all beautifully gentle explorations of abstractly-mixed soundscapes—but this record transcends that in favor of something almost completely different. Inspired in part by group founder Justin Vernon’s battles with personal and existential loneliness while recording it, 22, A Million shifts gears suddenly to a dirty, sample-based, electronic sound that is disorienting at first to say the least. It ranges from uncanny-valley distortions of otherwise mellow acoustic songs to broken percussion-heavy tracks, with lyrics full of half-phrases and made-up words—and while the details are incoherent, the way they’re put together results in a strange electronic recreation of Vernon’s signature calm, somber tone. The devil is in the details on this record, so to speak, and just how much there is worth discussing is impressive—like the amazing voice layering in 8 (circle), or the psalm sample in 33 “GOD”, or those chilling few seconds near the end of 29 #Strafford APTS. It’s a very postmodern album, all told, opting for the expression of raw stream-of-consciousness instead of being more explicit, and like many postmodern works, it can be analyzed from so many different angles and parsed to convey so many different ideas. 22, A Million is the kind of album that belongs in an art museum, and I’m so glad a record so unique, deep, and beautiful exists.
Favorite Tracks: 715 - CRΣΣKS, 29 #Strafford APTS, 8 (circle)
2. Anderson .Paak - Malibu
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This album was the first I’d heard of Anderson .Paak like many other people this year, but after listening to this album I feel like I know him like a family member. On this album, Anderson celebrates himself and overcoming his difficult past with contagious honesty and confidence on top of beautifully-produced tracks that range from soulful R&B beats to dance-floor grooves. The wide range of instruments, effects, and beats applied on this record are all mixed seamlessly, and even the samples from old surfing movies between most songs carry the album’s tone beautifully while holding up the songs’ themes. It’d be good enough if it was just pretty, but it’s also by far the most personal and intimate album of 2016. In addition to offering his signature take on more classic R&B, taking after his own inspirations and revamping them for the present, Anderson sings and raps verses about his childhood, family, career, and relationships that are all equal parts candid autobiography and inspiring motivation. In a way, the combination goes so far as to put you into Anderson’s life story and create a potent sort of nostalgia for it: you’re where he was decades ago, letting the music on the record player push you to rise above the not-so-good situation you might have at home. And in that way, Anderson celebrates you, too, and you just can’t stop grinning.
Favorite Tracks: The Waters, The Season | Carry Me, Come Down
1, and the 2016 Vinyl of the Year:
The Avalanches - Wildflower
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I’m not even sure where to begin with this freaking fantastic album. When I first listened to Wildflower, it was being raved about online, so I figured I’d see what the hype was about, in bed, with my laptop speakers. I didn’t want to leave that spot for the next hour as I listened—I even delayed plans I had made just to finish it. In a single word, this album is immersive, and there has been no other record that pulls me into the environment and atmosphere that it creates like Wildflower does. The hundreds, maybe thousands, of 1960’s samples that The Avalanches mixed together brilliantly instill an indirect but pure nostalgia for America in a unique and strange era, with a fantastic demonstration of show-don’t-tell and utilizing tone and instruments more than words—more blatantly, it’s at number one because it does artificial nostalgia better than Malibu and conveying raw feeling better than 22, A Million. Even the several excellent rap features don’t ruin the immersion, despite rap not being a thing back then: it’s almost like being at an alternate Woodstock with a more modern lineup of acts. The sheer amount of detail in the sound design is the key to how captivating Wildflower is: all of the samples that are used as background noise and sound effects take you to a different place and time for practically each song. That also makes this album excellent travel music: regardless of where you’re going or what you’re doing, you feel like you’re on summer break from school, having fun in the sun and enjoying the psychedelic era to its fullest. In several ways the current time parallels that one—a silent majority resulted in a publicly-disfavored president and a young counter-establishment attitude, and civil rights movements and vinyl record sales are making a nationwide resurgence, to name a couple—and whether by design or coincidence this album runs with that perfectly. It’s both here and there, in 2016 and 1966, within and without, a celebration of the moment as much as it can be an escape from it, and there’s just no other music quite like it. For all of these reasons, Wildflower is my Vinyl of the Year for 2016. 
Favorite Tracks: Because I’m Me, Frankie Sinatra, Kaleidoscopic Lovers
A quick post-script
In a little while I’ll update the blog theme from Currents to Wildflower. Looking back, I’m surprised how much hip-hop showed up in the top 10. It wasn’t really until this year that I began to follow it more actively, and it’s quickly become one of my favorite genres--if I can even put the music I like into genres these days, anyway. 
2016 has been a great year for music, but 2017 could easily top it: we’ve got anticipated/potential albums from The xx (who already released theirs), Fleet Foxes, The Shins, Portugal. The Man, The National, Arcade Fire, and many more brand-new artists to discover. I’ll be reviewing albums as I listen to them this year, so future VotY posts won’t be this huge, and you can keep up with VotY more regularly. I hope 2016 was a great year in music for you, too, and that 2017 proves to be even better!
Thanks for reading, and happy listening!
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Coastal Views and Killer Brews: Six of the Best Beachy Beercation Destinations
Those eager to spend time gazing into the surf with a cooler full of beers have plenty of options in the summer months. The best beach beercation destinations aren’t limited to the east and west coasts of America, either; there are little beach towns with craft beer scenes all over the interior of the country, too.
So whether you’re headed north, south, east, west, or somewhere in the middle, there’s a beachy beer scene for you. Here are six of our favorites.
Rehoboth Beach, DE
Credit: RevBeer.com
Rehoboth Beach is home to a vibrant LBGTQ+ scene, picturesque boardwalk, and longtime independent beer advocate Dogfish Head. The OG brewpub, Dogfish Brewings & Eats, on Rehoboth’s main drag, has a killer draft list that includes cellared offerings as well as craft cocktails. Throughout the summer there’s music — and this reporter once spied co-owner Sam Caligione inconspicuously busting a move, 75-Minute IPA in hand. Head out to the production facility a short drive away in Milton for rarities and draft-only stylings, not to mention one of the more entertaining brewery tours in the country.
Or, take a day to visit Dewey Beer Company in nearby Dewey Beach, where the main draw is crushable fruited sours that go down a little too smoothly in the sun. Stop in Revelation Craft Brewing to try Mother in Law IPA, brewed with Cascade hops grown by, you guessed it, the brewmaster’s mother in law.
Head back to the shore for a dozen oysters and a small but world-class beer list at Henlopen City Oyster House. For a deep draft list, hit up Rehoboth Beach Ale House, but make sure to save room for Thrashers fries later in the evening. They’ll surely absorb some of the booze.
Traverse City, MI
Credit: MonkeyFistBrewingCo.com
Traverse City, Mich., offers spectacular views of Lake Michigan and family-friendly activities like fishing and hiking. It’s also home to an underrated beer scene. Visit the 7 Monks Taproom for a great selection of Belgian beers and a Michigan-heavy tap list that includes current favorites like Old Nation and Wax Wings as well as classic Wolverine State beers from Bell’s and Short’s.
Tuck into wood-fired pizzas in a restored train depot at the Filling Station; it recently collaborated with Pipeworks for a double IPA called Train vs Unicorn. At Right Brain Brewery, enjoy GABF medal winner Mangalitsa Pig Porter (it’s made with real pig’s heads). If experimental beers aren’t your thing, Right Brain has a number of other styles, from hop-forward to cream ales to malty to Belgians.
Closest to the water, check out Monkey Fist Brewing Company for lighter options like Watermelon Rebellion and GW’s Little White Lie Belgian witbier, and then head up to Sunset Beach and watch the boats come in.
New England Seacoast
Credit: TributaryBrewingCompany.com
Start at North Beach in North Hampton, N.H., to get away from the tourist crowds, then head north along Route 1A, one of the prettier drives in the state. Pop into The Beach Plum for a hefty lobster roll (it’s BYOB).
From Portsmouth, N.H., to Portland, Me., there are a number of world-class breweries. And if you’re heading to Cape Cod, we’ve got you covered.
Working north from Portsmouth, check out the city’s namesake brewery before heading to Tributary Brewery in Kittery, Me., home of Mott the Lesser (formerly Kate the Great), the legendary Russian imperial stout by Tod Mott. Go to Barreled Souls Brewing Company in Saco for superlative local, high-gravity, barrel-aged pastry stouts. If you’re still hungry and want a slight detour, The Clam Shack in Kennebunk is the best lobster roll on the planet, plus they have Allagash White on tap; and Mast Landing Brewing Company in Westbrook for trendy, hop-forward styles (don’t sleep on the peanut butter milk stout, though).
And, of course, no trip to the beer Mecca of Portland, Me., is complete without brewery trips to Allagash Brewing Company and Oxbow Brewing. Stop for a nightcap at Novare Res, the world-famous beer bar.
Duluth, MN
Credit: BlackListBeer.com
Thoughts of Minnesota likely include images of snow, hockey, and Prince, but the shores of Lake Superior also have a robust beer scene. Stop by Bent Paddle Brewing for Black, a black lager, and its cousin, Cold Press Black, made with locally roasted coffee. You won’t find any singular style dominating the taps at the wonderfully diverse Blacklist Artisan Ales, Hoops Brewing, and Canal Park Brewing, making them great places to try a variety of local specialties like Belgian strong ales at Blacklist, a Wood Smoked Wheat at Hoops, and old-school West Coast IPA at Canal Park.
Saddle up to the extensive tap list at 7 West Taphouse and grab a few beers to go for a stroll down the Lake Walk. Or, you can set down by the Fountain of the Wind and take in the enormity of the lake.
Bonus points for heading over to the Wisconsin side of Lake to Superior and visiting Earth Rider Brewery. Its North Tower, an English Oatmeal Stout, may be the best beer on the lake.
Eastern Long Island, NY
Credit: GreenportHarborBrewing.com
Once upon a time, Eastern Long Island drinking culture was limited to overpriced bars or Gatsby-esque private parties. While you can certainly still find plenty of places offering $15 Tito’s-and-sodas and mandatory valet parking, there are now lots of other, more democratic scenes for discerning drinkers.
On the North Fork, enjoy a Beehave Summer Ale and chill outside playing Jenga at Greenport Harbor Brewing. Grab your cooler and kayak and head out to Emerson Park for a peaceful afternoon on the wide sandy beaches on Hog Neck Bay.
If you’re heading out to Montauk, the easternmost stretch on the island, stop in to the Montauk Brewing Company tasting room for perfect post-surf-lesson session beers. Or fill your cooler with Montauk Summer Ale or a Blue Point Brewing Shore Thing (brewed with pilsner malt and sea salt) to go out striper fishing.
“The beer scene on the East End has evolved over the past few years,” said Montauk co-founder Vaughan Cutillo. “More and more local bars and restaurants are looking to carry a variety of local beers, and we are thrilled to be a part of that movement.”
San Diego, CA
Credit: FallBrewingCompany.com
San Diego is the ultimate beach-beer scene. Brewers here helped launch what is now a countrywide craft beer resurgence, and, well, have you seen those pristine beaches? Typically, San Diego beer pilgrims are directed to Miramar for AleSmith and Societe, North Park for Modern Times and Fall Brewing, and places closest to the Pacific. All are absolutely worth your time.
There are other spots in San Diego worth trying, too. Head to Pizza Port in Solana Beach for pizza or literally anything from the munchies menu and wash it down with Swami’s, the classic IPA that put this place on the map. For your to-go needs, there’s a Bottlecraft location less than a mile south. Down south and further into the heart of San Diego in La Jolla is Karl Strauss, selling everything from hoppy lagers to IPAs to English ales. Best of all, it’s just a five-minute walk from La Jolla Cove.
Keep heading south and hit up Crushed in Pacific Beach for one of the best tap lists by the beach. Coronado Brewing Tasting Room is just 10 minutes by car (the OG spot in Coronado is a little farther away). And, in Ocean Beach, there’s Mike Hess Brewing and Belching Beaver, among others.
The article Coastal Views and Killer Brews: Six of the Best Beachy Beercation Destinations appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/6-best-beer-beach-destinations-2019/
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