awesomedanixia · 4 years
I´m having those toughts again
I´ve allways been batling with depression, OCD and anxiety, now, I foud out that my depression seems to trigger my psichosis.
And my psychiatrist says I have to deal with these things for life.
It´s fine, If I take the pills im just like anyother human being.
The problem is ... sometimes ... like today I feel like I shouldnt have been born. Is like I dont do anything worth it.
and I feel like, I shouldnt have been born. Latelly either people are telling me I dont do enough. And sometimes I screw things up.
I wish I was being helped with all my stuff...
but... psychyatrists cost money and so do psicologists. I dont want to end up homelless.
I´m sorry I just needed to vent.
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Do you ever wonder if one day you're going to stop screwing up your life? Make the right choice instead of the wrong one and have a fairytale ending? Well, don't get comfortable, sweetheart. There's a lot of plot twists coming your way.
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kave-bean · 6 years
I need to smoke a fatty and talk about all my problems
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I just want peace and peace of mind. Your children get grown but it seems it takes some time for them to mature and handle things in the correct way.
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meltwithheatherl · 3 years
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All. The. Time!!! #bigmouth #needtovent https://www.instagram.com/p/CMx602XAWDq/?igshid=1hib6zlc22m8g
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parentingroundabout · 3 years
Do You Need a Primal Scream?
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thebigover-blog · 7 years
Sorry guys.. Having such a rough day already. I feel like a huge failure. Not knowing what’s going to happen constantly is making me so sick. I haven’t had phone service in nearly a month because we can’t afford it. (obviously this is not my top priority but still sucks) I can barely afford food for my daughter because I’m not making enough, like I hope her formula will last at least until I get paid but who knows. Busting my ass all for nothing it feels like. I don’t want be a disappointment anymore.. I wish how hard we’ve been fighting for everything made a difference. Just hoping we make it ‘til Friday. 💔
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givemeginntonic · 7 years
Pray for Manchester
I have felt physically and mentally sick all day. My heart pours out to the innocent lives lost/affected and their families right now. I am so thankful that my family were not involved. 22 young lives were lost in the most sadistic and tragic way. I just can’t take in how wrong this is. My thoughts are with you all. X
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yaunjie · 5 years
Where my friends tho??? Lmao niggas ghosted me
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turndownteddie · 7 years
Fighting to improve your life as it just gets pissed down the drain is hard, how many jobs do i have to lose to feel like i belong, I keep trying to be something, but a deep part of me will know that i will never feel like i belong, I try, i really do, but after failing everything you ever do, It really does effect you. A smile means nothing
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abridesthoughts · 7 years
Who’s Wedding Is It Anyway?
Today I am done.
I am officially done with caring about what people say about me and my husband to be. The complaints and nit picks over every little detail. 
1.People complain about where we’re having our wedding. Marrying a pastor’s son, it is automatically assumed you will be marrying in his parent’s church because it’s “free” or it’s the church he grew up in. Yet they never stop to consider that as you are a pastor’s granddaughter, maybe you’d like it in your own church for nostalgic reasons? Or maybe, just maybe, you prefer to break tradition and go for a more private setting/situation? (We chose the latter after realizing the former would create an apocalyptic scenario so severe the entire universe would explode.) *insert explosion noises here* People truly walked up and stated “Why choose somewhere that you have to pay for when you can have it here free?” 
 just maybe,
 just like with your wedding, we can choose exactly what we want/it’s our wedding/you chose what you wanted for yours just leave us alone and stop asking why we didn’t choose a certain venue.
2. People Complain about where we register. A wedding registry, is a list compiled by the brides and grooms of things they will need/want in their new life together, (or even as in recent years, honeymoon to do’s,or even charities you can donate to instead of gifting them.) that loved ones and guests can bring to wedding showers,the actual wedding,etc. What is awesome now-a-days is that the list often is open up to two years after your wedding, giving a chance for family and friends to revert back for birthdays and Christmas/whatever the heck other holiday you get gifts on! What could possibly be wrong about this? You can literally choose to either get a gift on their list, or give money/gift cards to put towards it. I can’t speak for all couples, but I know when we compiled our list, we made sure that there was a massive amount for every budget out there to get. From a little 8 year old cousin purchasing me a 99c measuring spoon, to a family member that wanted to purchase a comforter set, to a college student in our bridal party that could only afford a set of wash cloths. And guess what? If someone truly is down on hard times and can’t afford it,we don’t want anything from you. We love you and want you to celebrate with us. That is all that matters, having those that love and support us at our most special day.
Which brings me to my most conflicting,frustrating, aggravation of ALL.
I’m inwardly screaming as I type this. No situation wedding wise has given us as much grief as our guest list.
From the beginning we did expect issues. Coming from two separate churches,being adopted myself by my stepfather and having a massive side of the family from that alone, not counting friends outside of our churches that we have collected through years of school,college, bible school, jobs, neighbors,etc. 
BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Because when you’re dealing with a wedding, it;s never just your list. Or you future spouses. The wedding list, your special day, is not really yours. It is your parents, your grandparents, your siblings,you name it! Everyone has their own belief on who should be invited to your special day. God help you if you defy their list or remove people due to budget costs/cuts. To quote in an out of context way, a true madman/genius 
“Pay $$$$$ so not one person can complain about the food. Cut down on the people, in order to pay for said food and everyone looses their minds.”
Never mind that most of the people complaining about the guest list aren’t chipping in a dime towards costs like the food,venue, or general per person. Nevermind that they won’t have to deal with the true revelation of “wow so if I do X amount of favors for X amount of people I am spending = $$$.” They only care that you did not invite who they felt was to be justly included. 
I’m sorry. I’m sorry if you were that friend of the family that we had to cut from the list. I’m sorry if you’re the co-worker that didn’t get the invitation and overheard two others whispering about it and was hurt. I’m sorry if you feel somehow wronged on an emotional/social/spiritual level that you did not make our list. I can not again speak for every bride and groom. But I do know this bride and groom poured their heart and soul into this list. We took hours to compile and scratch off names. Their were tears and sighs and pleads for days over who to keep and who to not. It is NEVER an easy decision as a human being to think of someone’s face and hear that negative devil say “oh so you think they don’t deserve to enjoy your happiness as much as this person.”  There were a few we would have loved to invite bu just couldn’t, and in this paragraph I apologize to you.
However: To those of you who have slandered my fiance’s and I’s name, to those who are offended and never speak to us, to those who have spoken doubts over our marriage, to those that we don’t know but feel entitled because they know our family yet have never spoken more than a sentence to Joshua and I the last year and a half or longer; Yet expect an invitation:
I will not apologize for doing it. I will not apologize for cutting lists down so that we can have the day we feel we want to have. To take off people that have never supported us or secretly want to come just out of curiosity or obscure etiquette/obligation/ family member’s feeling of obligation. We do not feel bad for not having an open invite where every person and their brother can judge our day based upon my dress, the food, the favors, the DJ,etc. This is a sacred moment of our two hearts binding as one, and if you only see it as “just another wedding for another couple you sort of know” I don’t want you there. Neither does he. The odds are already stacked against every marriage. And we plan to go in swinging our fists against every trial life throws at us. Part of that will include having the most beautiful, sacred day with our loved ones, to celebrate our love, and I will not have the negativity of you or the negativity of those who feel they own parts of our guest list in my mind that day.
Who’s wedding is it anyway?
Ours. And we will do with it as we please.
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nikki240 · 7 years
I don’t usually use Tumblr like a diary or make personal entries, but I do really need to vent here. 
I just had a pretty heated argument with my dad... and I love him very much and am so glad I have him, really. But, sometimes he’s just so... I don’t even know where to start! Apparently, according to him, people can desagree on anything and still be good people. And, honestly I’m not okay with that! I mean: I won’t say you’re a bad person if you say that pistachio ice cream is gross, but I will, however, say you’re a bad person if you’re a priest who does conversion therapies, and I don’t care if you’re religion says that it’s ok. You can believe whatever you want without having to deny the dignity of the existence of entire communities. And I got pretty pissed and I’ve been told it’s not ok, and I don’t know how to argue. I can be pissed and still argue. Why would I keep my calm when we’re talking about things that I consider hideous and that upset me? I can be upset. I deserve the right to be upset. We’re talking about my life and the life of other milions of people. I will be upset and angry. I’ll be as damn angry as I want. And I feel so disappointed in him, I just wish he’d understand. On another note: it feels pretty good, to vent here, I never done it (mostly because I’m worried I’d get something wrong in english, but whatever)
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aalxyahgarcxa · 5 years
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I guess im here to Vent. Im a 20 something, probably more likely nearing the 30 something mark of my lifetime. I have a relationship, whom i adore and live with my mother, who is the most important entity in my whole entire life. I have very little commitments (apart from my adoring partner and mother) and seem to have ‘patience of a saint’, quoted by others and never myself.. This is my blog to tell you guys what i go through from day to day mentally and how i keep my cool (because I have to for the sake of others)... here goes nothing. 
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I did a thing. Slowly figuring this place out lol.
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lil-red-xiii · 5 years
I can feel the heartbreak before it even happens. I'm just hoping it won't.
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