#neetest books
neetest · 11 months
Neetest Books - Ukiyo by Sharleena
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Hey there tearful gay nerds! Reset reporting! And today i have finished reading Ukiyo, written by Sharleena on AO3, it is a yoonmin fic and it currently sits on the throne of the bts fic with the most kudos on ao3, with a whopping 50k kudos, 8k comments, 10k bookmarks and A MILLION HITS!!
For now, its time for my thoughts
PLOT - It has a modern fantasy setting, taking place in Seoul, except we have fantasy creatures living amongst humans. Seoul has been completely taken over by mafias and gangs, with the most important ones being the families, and there has been some stuff going on between the families, of almost all of them suffering some form of loss, and yet all of them landing on the same name of the culprit: Kim Gunwoo. Yoongi, head of the Min family, is the one who gets the biggest lead on the search of Gunwoo, that lead being Park Jimin, a succubus s*x worker. The two end up bonding, and thanks to an attack at Libelulla, the br*thel where Jimin works at, he's forced to stay at Yoongi's house until it is safer for him to go back. The story follows their relationship evolving, as well as the families searching for Gunwoo.
POTENTIAL TRIGGERS - Mentions of r*pe, underage s*x and abuse, k*lling and lots of violence (duuuh)
QUOTE FROM IT - "God isn't here. He's not here anymore. So the only entity who can judge us is ourselves. Don't let your own heart judge you for something you had no control over."
⭐️ Stars&Ratings! ⭐️
DETAILS - ★★★★★ 10/10
STORY - ★★★★★ 10/10
VIOLENCE - ★★★★☆ 9/10
CHARACTERS - ★★★★☆ 9/10 (other idols are there, but its well exectuded and the fic feels more alive, only getting 4 stars and 9/10 due to bl*ckpink being there)
SADNESS - ★★★★★★ 100/10
DRAMA - ★★★★★★ 100/10 (this fic has some HOT tea!!!)
★★★★★★ STARS AND A 100/10 RATING!!!!
THIS FIC SHOOK ME TO THE CORE!!!! Everything, down to the last details is PERFECT!!! This fanfic had me getting happy, sad and even angry. I'd go ahead and say it's a must read for armys who love some fanfiction, so if you are an army who loves fanfiction and want to go through a rollercoaster of feelings, READ UKIYO!!!! (i'd paste the url but tumblr dosen't let me >:T)
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neetest · 23 days
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Hi! I'm Reset, Also known as Rafius. I'm a brazilian 14 year old who really enjoys BTS and the internet. Since I don't know how to make intros, here's a list of facts about me.
💜 I draw and write (chances of posting my works? less than 0!)
💜 i go by he/him
💜 im a trans otherkin
💜 diagnosed adhd and autism (damn, pick a struggle!!!!)
In this blog, expect to see BTS and whatever media I'm hyperfixating at the moment. And please don't be shy of dming me if you wanna be friends! (In fact, I need friends. This is a call for help.)
Hi! I'm Reset, Also known as Rafius. I'm a brazilian 14 year old who really enjoys BTS and the internet. Since I don't know how to make intros, here's a list of facts about me.
Oi! Sou o Reset, mas pode me chamar de Rafa ou Rafius. Tenho 14 anos, adoro BTS e a internet. E já que não sei fazer introduções aqui vai uma lista de fatos sobre mim.
💜 Desenho e escrevo (chances de postar algo sobr isso? 0!)
💜 ele/dele
💜 Diagnosticado TDAH e TEA
Nesse blog, se preparem pra ver bastante BTS e seja lá oq estou hiperfocado no momento. E se você quiser ser amigar, pode mandar dm sem medo!! (Isso é um pedido de ajuda. Preciso de amigos.)
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neetest · 10 months
Neetest Books - Heathen by Dabeon
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hey there maniacal nerds! reset reporting! and today i have finished reading heathen, written by daebon on ao3. i managed to find this fanfic while looking for more graphic and violent fics and this one piqued my interest thanks to its tags. its a jikook fic with 5k kudos and i think that if u wanna get started into dark fiction, this could help u get over more sensitive topics and themes while still staying light!
and now, lets get into details~
PLOT - Jimin is a 21 year old trainee who gets scrutinized on daily by his roomate, Taejoon, for being gay and having a compromising video of him having sex with a rapper. Then, two characters enter Jimin's life; Kim Taehyung, his new vocal teacher, a flirtatous bastard who wants Jimin to sign for his rather vulgar company, Serendipity. And Jeon Jungkook: a psychotic mysterious fresh 18 year old who finds himself captivated by Jimin. At the time the main events of the fanfic are happening, a mysterious killer nicknamed as The Busan Butcher has moved to Seoul. Does that has any connection to Jimin? Read to find out!
POTENTIAL TRIGGERS - abuse, bullying, homophobia, usage of the r slur at the VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY end of the fic, and mentions of pedophilia and sexual assaut. and ofc, a shit ton of violence, but the peak of violence its only at the very end. OH AND ALSO BLOOD KINK!!!!!
QUOTE FROM IT - "In a world like thus, there are no victories. Just a blurry line between ligh and dark and all the gray spaces in between are perfect for people like him to take solace in."
⭐️ Stars&Ratings! ⭐️
DETAILS - ★★★★☆ 8/10
STORY - ★★★★★ 10/10 - this fic will entertain u for DAYS, it may be boring on the start but soon enough, ure gonna be reading it 24/7
VIOLENCE - ★★★★☆ 9/10 - there is violence but its mostly small scenes, but in the end it gets REAL violent.
CHARACTERS - ★★★★★★ 100/10 - all characters are EXTREMELY interesting!!! HEAVY ON JUNGKOOK!!!! maybe im biased cuz i love psychotic characters but he's very interesting, and so is taehyung too!!
DRAMA - ★★★★★ 10/10 - this could be a spanish telenova atp
★★★★★ STARS AND A 10/10 RATING!!!!
READING. THIS. WAS. A. RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!! everything was so fun and i always kept craving more and more of this fic!!!! the ending was so shocking and sad but dw, this is happy ending certified!!! if u want to read something slightly darker but still not all archive warnings apply dark, READ HEATHEN!!!!!
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neetest · 11 months
boys when they read ukiyo chapter 21
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