#negan secretly admiring from afar
antlergrave · 4 months
rick doodles :]
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fan-fantasies · 5 years
Took You Long Enough
A/N: Guess who no longer has a job because of this virus going around? This gal! I’ve been doing some online freelance work as well but people are nabbing that up right and left so I’m a broke bitch hoping to distract herself by writing fanfiction. -Heather
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, angst
Pairing: Negan x Reader
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A/N: this is based off of the latest episode of TWD so don’t read if you don’t want some vague spoilers. I’ve changed it a bit. 
Part Two
You ran behind Aaron, watching in every direction for signs of life, whether it’s one of your people, a whisperer, or a walker. Hilltop was in flames behind you and the group was split up once again. You hated when you were fragmented, not knowing how anyone was doing. You had only just moved to Hilltop from Alexandria a month before. You needed a change of scenery to distract you from your heartbreak. 
You had struck up a secret romance with the infamous Negan. At first, you were in charge of bringing him food and bathing supplies in his cell. He charmed you with almost no effort. It wasn’t until he was allowed out of his cell that things began to progress. You’d often find him in the garden or sitting by himself with a book. 
At first, you admired from afar. You weren’t sure if he’d still want to talk to you outside of his cell. It only took him a day or two to notice you watching. He caught you red handed, staring at him from the laundry lines. He gave you his signature smirk as he strutted over you. 
“Like what you see, sugar?” He asked. You looked down at your feet and stuttered. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Negan. I was just admiring the tomatoes,” you lied. 
“My tomatoes, huh?” He chuckled. “Why don’t you come keep me company while I garden? Get an up close and personal look at the... tomatoes.” 
“Really?” You asked, surprised. He nodded and took your hand, guiding you back to the garden. 
At first, you’d just watch as he worked in the dirt and weeds. After a while he was showing you what to pull and how to get the plants to grow better. You learned a lot about him in a short amount of time and your feelings for him grew faster than the plants did. 
Eventually you were sneaking him out of his cell at night to join you for walks in the moonlight. He’d joke about how cheesy it was but you knew that he secretly loved it, and maybe he even loved you. It wasn’t long before your relationship became sexual and you didn’t think you’d be able to be with any man after Negan. He used your body in ways you didn’t think possible and you could see why he was so cocky. 
So it came as a surprise to you when you were left alone one night, waiting at your usual meeting spot. You had left Negan’s cell unlocked after bringing him his dinner so he could just come and meet you. You waited for an hour and finally decided to go get him, maybe he had fallen asleep. When you arrived at his cell you found it empty. Your heart fell into the pit of your stomach and your blood ran cold. 
You ran around the town looking for him but found him nowhere. You alerted some others that he had escaped and they formed a search party. Eventually everyone gave up and assumed that he had joined Alpha. 
You were devastated but you couldn’t show it. Eventually the thought of the betrayal was too much for you so you took off to Hilltop. 
That was a month ago now and you had bigger things to worry about. You and Aaron came up to a rundown shack and you heard walkers closing in on you. What you weren’t prepared for, however, was seeing Negan run out from behind the shack with a whisperer mask on his face. He froze when he saw the two of you. Aaron was ready to attack but had to decide whether the walkers were more of an imminent threat. 
Negan’s eyes never left yours, not until Aaron finally spoke. 
“Negan, don’t run!” He yelled. 
“It’s not what you think,” he spoke. You knew it was directed at you but Aaron was none the wiser. 
“Negan!” Aaron yelled one more time before the walkers closed in around Negan, passing him and heading straight for you. You and Aaron had to take them out as you watched Negan run off. You were left more broken than before. 
You eventually killed the walkers and found Carol’s splintered group. You all made your way to the rendezvous point but stopped to make camp for the night. When everyone was sleeping, you noticed Carol wandering off. She was supposed to have first watch so you decided to follow her. 
You hid behind a tree and watched as she stood in the moonlight. You heard footsteps headed toward you and your heart began to race. You just about fainted when you saw Negan step up to Carol with a bloody bag in his hand. 
“Took you long enough,” Carol scoffed. 
“Hey, at least I got it done,” he snapped. 
“But at what cost?” Carol sighed. 
“I had to get close to her. She needed to trust me. I tried to get her to spare the town but she twisted what I said into her own sick plan.” He said. He sounded genuinely upset about what had happened. They continued to discuss the details and everything began to fall together. You didn’t know what was going to happen moving forward. Would people accept Negan back with open arms or would Carol be pushed out of the group for what she did? 
“How did you get her to trust you exactly? Beta won’t let anyone close to her.” Carol asked. 
“I had to offer her something Beta couldn’t, if you know what I mean.” Negan winked and Carol grimaced. 
“Ew,” she said. You felt like you were going to be sick. If he could fuck Alpha then he could fuck anyone for any reason. You knew he had more to offer than sex but that’s what he went with anyone because it’s meaningless for him. You were an idiot for thinking that you were something more. 
Your mind was reeling with too many thoughts and you needed some space to think. You tried to sneak away but stepped on a stick in the process, alerting Carol and Negan to your presence. 
“It’s just me,” you announced. You stepped toward the pair and Negan’s face fell. 
“What are you doing out here?” Carol asked. 
“I saw you sneaking away and thought it’d be best to follow you,” you told her. 
“This was necessary. There was no other way to take Alpha down,” she said. 
“Is that what you’re going to tell everyone? You have a tough road ahead of you trying to explain yourself, both of you.” You began to turn away but Carol grabbed your arm.
“Where are you going?” She asked. 
“I’m going ahead to the rendezvous point. I’ll wait there for everyone.” You yanked your arm away from her and turned again. You ignored her and Negan’s protests about going alone in the dark. You were adamant about getting away from them but your efforts were halted when Negan picked your up and threw you over his shoulder. 
“Negan, what the fuck?” You snapped. “Put me down.” 
“No. We need to talk and you aren’t going anywhere alone.” He ignored the pounding of your fists against his back. 
“Well I’m not going anywhere with you.” 
“Stop being so dramatic,” he sighed. He finally set you down when you reached a small stream. “Sit.” He pointed to a large rock. 
“I’m fine standing, thank you.” He threw his hands up in defeat and sat on the rock instead. “I want you to understand that what I did had to happen and I did it for you.” 
“How the fuck was all of this for my benefit?” 
“You’re safer now that Alpha is gone,” he said. 
“Yeah, after burning down an entire community, Negan! Was that safer for me?” You yelled and got closer to him. 
“I didn’t know you were there! I thought you’d still be in Alexandria!” 
“But you were okay with killing everyone else at Hilltop though? You’re fucked up, Negan!” 
“I know. I know that I’m a monster but I was a monster with a purpose. And that purpose was, and always will be, to keep you safe.” He reached out for you but you backed away. 
“Don’t you dare touch me! You’ll never touch me again after touching her!” His face dropped and you knew he had no excuse. “I’m not your responsibility. From here on out, don’t worry about me. Don’t speak to me. Don’t look at me. Don’t even think about me.” Your voice shook as you spoke but it had to be said. 
“You don’t mean that, sugar.” Negan got off the rock and stood in front of you. “You know that we had something. I had to protect that. And I’ll admit, I had to do some things that I’m not proud of, but I think that I’m in love with you, goddammit. And I’d do it all over again to know that you’re alive and well. She meant nothing to me. I did what I had to do.” 
“You’re full of shit. You ran off without telling me so much as goodbye and did god only knows what out there with those freaks. Obviously whatever we had meant nothing, if it had you wouldn’t have been able to leave so easily. Now it’s my turn to leave.” You turned to leave but he enclosed you in his arms. 
“You love me and we both know it,” he growled in your ear. 
“When has someone loving you ever mattered before?” You asked. You knew it was a low blow but you knew it would work. His arms fell to his side and silence filled the air. “That’s what I thought.” 
“Sugar, please,” he whispered. You ignored him and walked back in the direction of the rendezvous point. Negan didn’t bother to follow you and part of you was wishing that he did. You didn’t know what was going to happen going forward, but you knew things could never go back to the way that they were. 
Permanent for all: @lokilvrr @m-a-t-91 @blueeyedbesson
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Misfits Digimon AU!
No one asked.
I did this with the Creatures and the Derp Crew way way back so why not? I had images for those, so I might do some here but not now.
Partner: Falcomon Digivolution line: Puwamon-Pinamon-Falcomon-Peckmon-Crowmon-Ravemon-Ravemon Burst Mode Crest/Digi-Egg: Reliability
Matt met his perfect partner when a large black egg came out of his computer one late night. He had been editing the podcast, half asleep, and only really realized something was going on when the screen froze and turned whiter than an angel’s wings. The egg formed and appeared on his lap with a small device. He hadn’t been high or drunk, and was almost positive he was dreaming. It wasn’t until all the other guys, and some others online, had eggs, too. He made a joke about turning it into breakfast. “Think we can turn it into breakfast? How do you like your eggs, guys?” “I am not food!” A tiny voice had stated loudly. Angry little eyes on a brown tuft of fur glared up at Matt, then softened with joy. “I’m Puwamon, your partner!”
As Puwamon grew to Pinamon and then Falcomon, Matt learned to care for and love the creature. It wasn’t until Falcomon turned into Peckmon to save Matt that he realized just how much he cared for the ninja bird. Their bond only strengthened as they grew together.
Partner: Gatomon Digivolution line: SnowBotamon-Nyaromon-Salamon-Gatomon-Angewomon-Ophanimon/Mastemon (w/ BlackGatomon) Crest/Digi-Egg: Light
Jay’s partner transcended the regular Rookie stage, going to full Champion. Jay and Mason were the only two to have permanent Champion-level partners. They’re also the only two with partners that DNA digivolve to Mega level together. Jay fell in love with SnowBotamon from the start, especially knowing his best friend had the same Digimon. She only got cuter as she grew, eventually branching off from her sister and becoming a white angel. She and Jay sing together all the time. Like Jay and Mason, Gatomon and BlackGatomon tend to encourage each others’ antics.
Partner: BlackGatomon Digivolution line: SnowBotamon-Nyaromon-Salamon-BlackGatomon-LadyDevimon-Minervamon/Mastemon (w/ Gatomon) Crest/Digi-Egg: Hope
It’s no surprise that Jay’s partner and crest match perfectly, and they match him, but Mason didn’t think his matched at all. He had a black cat that turned into a lady demon, and his crest was Hope. How had he managed that? He wasn’t ever hopeful of shit. Okay, he was, secretly. The little black and purple creature was hopeful, too, but never showed it. They complimented each other perfectly, as they did with Jay and Gatomon. BlackGatomon was the brains to Mason’s brawn, helping him keep a level head and not run head first, stupidly, into danger, like he so often wanted to.
Partner: Lalamon Digivolution line: Nyokimon-Budmon-Lalamon-Sunflowmon-Lilamon-Rosemon-Rosemon Burst Mode Crest/Digi-Egg: Love “Fuck yeah! I get a sexy woman as my partner!” That’s the first thing Toby said as he faced almost certain death in a big fight. Lilamon rivaled LadyDevimon and Angewomon, but Rosemon’s appearance was Toby’s proudest moment. “I’m a proud mother.” He had commented after the fight was over. He and Lalamon are always out shopping together. He often gets her matching accessories. The two are always looking after the others, too.
Partner: Renamon Digivolution line: Relemon-Viximon-Renamon-Kyubimon-Taomon-Sakuyamon-Kuzuhamon Crest/Digi-Egg: Courage
Cam’s perfect partner was a fox, but one that was even taller than him. A small furball grew into a towering beast that he loved more than anything. He enjoyed when she moved to all fours in her Champrion form. He was taller than her again, but her ultimate form and mega form towered over him again. Her “extra-mile” evolution, Kuzuhamon, scared him at first. Had he been too prideful in her and made her dark digivolve? She had become almost scary with her dark color scheme, but she assured him that she could only achieve this form with his help. It was the best form she could turn into, and very few of her kind did.
Partner: Kotemon Digivolution line: MetalKoromon-Kapurimon-Kotemon-Gladimon-Knightmon-Crusadermon Crest/Digi-Egg: Friendship
As the only member of the group to not have a partner with an “extra-step” in their evolution line, he was lucky enough to get a borderline God as his partner. Despite his pink coloring, Crusadermon identifies as a male that gives no fucks. “I am pink because it’s a cool color.” He always says when Toby asks and when Mason makes fun of him. He shuts shit down like Negan would, proving to Swagger that he is his perfect partner, through and through. It was cool to have a tiny little guy with a mask hiding his face and a stick to fight with. It was cooler to have a little fat knight, and even cooler still to have a bigger knight. Yet, Crusadermon took the cake in all his pink glory. It was like his childhood fantasy coming true.
Partner: FanBeemon Digivolution line: Pupumon-Puroromon-FanBeemon-Waspmon-CannonBeemon-TigerVespamon-Grademon Crest/Digi-Egg: Sincerity
Obviously, Bianca was gifted with a Bee Digimon as her perfect partner. FanBeemon was adorable, but definitely bigger than the average human bee. She and Bee quickly became best friends and did everything together. FanBeemon formed a crush on Kotemon, sometimes getting into trouble just so he could save her. She enjoyed becoming Grademon just to prove she was better than he was, though.
Partner: Palmon Digivolution line: Nyokimon-Tanemon-Palmon-Togemon-Lillymon-BanchoLillymon-Rafflesimon Crest/Digi-Egg: Knowledge
Palmon and Lalamon were as good of friends as their human partners were. Palmon, however, had quickly formed a crush on Falcomon. Unlike her other friend, FanBeemon, she didn’t try and get into dumb situations to be saved. She admired from afar, but proved her own strength, too. She once saved Falcomon and Matt, but they, too, had once saved them. Palmon would never forget the moment Crowmon had swooped in and saved her, as Matt leaped off of his back to catch a falling Brodie. Lillymon and Lilamon were close in design, but BanchoLillymon was “epic,” according to Toby. She was a gothic beauty that became even more gorgeous when she took the extra step to becoming Rafflesimon. Much like her other female counterparts, all the boy Digimon swooned over her. Except the one she wanted most.
Partner: Vorvomon Digivolution line: Mokumon-DemiMeramon-Vorvomon-Lavorvomon-Lavogaritamon-Volcanicdramon-AncientVolcanomon Crest/Digi-Egg: Vanity
What’s better than a goddess for a partner? A dragon that is made of lava and smoke. Vorvomon is adorable and fierce, and a little vain. He often steals John’s rings because they are “shiny” and he likes them. The two also have contests to see who can blow more smoke. John’s vape tricks amaze the small dragon, but in his final form of Volcanidramon, he out smokes anyone. He’s proud of this fact, too.
Partner: Gomamon Digivolution line: Pichimon-Bukamon-Gomamon-Ikkakumon-Zudomon-Vikemon-Plesiomon Crest/Digi-Egg: Desire
What’s more Canadian than a seal? One that turns into both a Viking beast and a mythological Cryptid dinosaur. Jaren refers to Gomamon as “Bappo” from time to time, for no other reason than to piss the little guy off. Gomamon hates the nickname, but he loves his partner too much to truly be mad. He’ll never admit it, but after a while, he gets used to it. The two are a perfect pair, and match John and Vorvomon. Vorvomon is a fire monster, while Gomamon loves the water. They’re perfect best friends.
Partner: Patamon Digivolution line: Poyomon-Tokomon-Patamon-Angemon-MagnaAngemon-Seraphimon-ShadowSeraphimon Crest/Digiegg: Kindness
Okay, so you’d think the kind of Raccoons would get a Raccoon as a partner. Sadly, none exist, so he is stuck with an orange hamster with wings. Patamon turns into an angel, and by his “extra step,” is dark and beautiful. Ezra jokes he made him this way with his dark humor, but the idea of the angel of kindness and hope forming into a shadowy fallen angel terrified him at first. It made up for not being a Raccoon and for being a literal religious being. Ezra wouldn’t admit it, but Angemon had better hair than he did.
Partner: Bearmon Digivolution line: Punimon-Tsunomon-Bearmon-Grizzlymon-Pandamon-BanchoLeomon-Callismon Crest/Digi-Egg: Guts
Nelson was surprised to get a partner at all. But Bearmon, with his cute little snapback, was perfect. He couldn’t be happier to have him. How the little bear turned into a grizzly, then a panda, than a goddamn lion in a suit, and then to a bigger grizzly bear with guns for hands, he didn’t know, nor care. He loved his little buddy more than anything.
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neganandblake · 7 years
The Strip Club - A Negan & Blake AU
Blake works as an exotic dancer in a high end strip club where Negan has just got a job on the nightclub’s security team.
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It was a Friday night, Blake's busiest night in the club, and her most loathsome.
On the weeknights the place was barely ever a third full, and even that was usually just a few lone men sitting in dark corners, watching, getting what they needed out of watching Blake and the other girls dance and writhe around a pole.
But the weekends were when the bachelor parties usually rolled in, and the club was filled to the rafters with drunk men who thought it was ok to try and put their hands on you, because their friends were goading them on.
And tonight was certainly no exception,for this was the third time this past hour that Blake had expertly avoided the grabby hands of a drunk blonde guy who looked like he had walked straight off of the beach, with his shirt open and eyes unable to properly focus on her.
“Hey baby,” she heard him yell, his words slurred. “You wanna come back to mine after this. I could take those clothes off you a lot faster than you obviously can.”
His friends all burst into peals of laughter at this.
But Blake gritted her teeth together as she swung around the pole, forcing out a fixed and glamorous smile.
She wanted to reply and tell him where to shove his fucking offer, but knew that shouting back at him over the music wasn't going to help anyone.
She was a professional. One of the more favoured girls in the club amongst the clients for her demeanour and the way she conducted herself.
She was smart and beautiful, and her closet full of Louboutins only served as a reminder that she was better than these men, despite how much they looked down on her and judged her for what she did for a job.
She pressed her spine flat to the pole, before leaning back and spinning around it, removing her loose gold sequined, and very see-through, vest as she did so, leaving her now in just a light gold sequined bra and panties.
The crowd of men whooped and cheered for her and again she flashed them the most dazzling smile, sending them wild once more.
But as she twirled, she felt a sudden hand reach out and grab at her ass hard, squeezing her firm cheek tightly, as a sudden loud jeer went up amongst the men.
She yelped a little, her eyes widening as the jolt caught her by surprise.
She staggered backwards on her four-inch gold stilettos…stepping back, expecting to feel the stage behind her….but it wasn't there….
Her stomach lurched suddenly, as she lost her footing…..
….feeling herself falling suddenly backwards off the stage.
The blonde braced herself, wincing and waiting for the crash or chairs and bodies.
But a different kind of impact caught her before she could scream or cry out. And Blake felt two strong arms grab her quickly before she could hit the floor and the sound of a growled ‘oof’ escape from a pair of bearded lps.
There was a brief moment where it was as though everything went quiet, as the blonde woman slowly turned to look up into the face of her rescuer.
There he was. Tall and lean, his face littered with an untidy salt and pepper scruff.
She had seen him before only a few hours ago in passing, being shown around. The newest member of the nightclub's security team. Damn. She didn’t even know his name.
“You ok, darlin’?” he said frowning down at her, his face full of utter concern.
Blake breathed hard, unable right now to take her eyes off his. “Y-Yeah I’m fine…” she murmured back in reply as she dropped her gently to the floor.
She felt his warm fingers slide slowly from her skin, his dark gaze staring her own once more.
But his look wasn't like the ones she received from other men in this place. Instead it was one of genuine care for her.
And that was the moment that Blake felt herself fall totally and utterly in love with him, before he had even said more than four words to her.
He gave a nod, giving her forearm one last reassuring squeeze, before turning suddenly around.
And before anyone could do a thing to stop him, he had spun around and thrown a punch right across the face of the blonde, asshole, ass-grabber.
“You think you can put your damn hands on her, huh?” he yelled in a gruff voice, bending down and grasping the blonde drunk by his open shirt collar and dragging him from the club. “You goddamn prick.”
Leaving Blake gazing after him in awe.
Utterly smitten.
Sorry, just thought I’d try a trope thats an oldy but a goody. Hope that was ok??
I think it’s the first prompt I’ve done where Blake has fallen for Negan, before he’s fallen for her. But I kinda secretly love the idea of Negan admiring her all night and having a sweet spot for her from afar, but Blake thinking he won’t want her because of what she does for a living. Squeal!
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