#negan x younger reader
aj-kody · 2 months
Younger reader x Negan
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godsandmonsters505 · 1 year
Roll Like Thunder | Negan Smith
dbf!Negan Smith (The Walking Dead) x younger fem!reader
(AU where the apocalypse never happened)
Summary: Negan is your dad's best friend and the two of you settle some tension while on your family vacation.
Warnings (18+): age gap (reader is college age, maybe 20-ish, and Negan's age is not specified but I'm feeling early 50s), smut (fem receiving oral, unprotected p in v), possibility of getting caught, edging
Notes: this actually kinda turned out sweet in a way I think, which is surprising because that's not often an outcome when I write for Negan lmao. not proofread yet because I just wanted to get it out to you all asap, but will edit if needed when I get the chance. hope you enjoy!! (also the intro is kinda long oops)
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Grabbing your glass of wine you take another much needed swig, cringing at your dad and uncle. They always find some way to turn every conversation into a political argument while the rest of your family eat their meals and exchange knowing glances
Family holidays were always like this. The one time a year when everyone was together: your parents, aunt, uncle and cousins. Only this year, there was a new addition.
Negan had grown up being a close friends with both your father and uncle and they are still best friends to this day. He recently went through a messy divorce and this is his first Christmas without his wife in a long time. Your dad never was good with showing kindness or friendship, but your uncle had convinced him it would be a good idea to invite him to his cabin for your annual Christmas getaway.
And that's how you got here.
You'd always had a little bit of a crush on Negan, for as long as you could remember. Though you never saw much of him as a kid. It wasn't until you got older - old enough to be able to drink in front of your parents - that you got to spend more time with him. Drinking was a big part of their social life, so once you could join in, you got to know him better. You got on well with your parents so you'd have barbeques with them and their friends, join in with conversations in the kitchen when they'd have people over, go out to dinner. But then you went off to college and started spending less and less time with them. So now it's Christmas time, you're happy to be able to spend time with your family. And Negan, more than you'd care to admit.
"Okay fellas," your mom chimes in. "Enough of that."
Negan makes eye contact with you from across the other side of the table and you smirk at each other. You're both all too familiar with watching this from an outside perspective.
"The food's delicious, Negan," she adds, turning to Negan, who had cooked this meal for you all. Sort of as a thank you for letting him tag along. For the first few days in the cabin he felt a little out of place, like he was intruding on your family's time together. But eventually he began to find himself settling. You were lucky to have a very fun, non-judgmental family so everyone was happy to have him there.
You nodded in agreement with your mother's statement. "I'd have more if there was any left." You motion to your empty plate.
"I'm glad it's got your approval, ladies," he grins.
The meal comes to an end and alcohol starts flowing. Your cousins are all younger than you so they head off to their bedrooms to do whatever it is kids their age do.
"I'd better get these dishes cleaned," Negan declares, standing up from his seat.
"No," you say, protesting. "You cooked. I'll clean."
"It's fine, you don't have to," he says kindly.
"I want to," you smile. "Really I'm happy to."
"We'll do them together?" He suggests, coming to a compromise and you nod in agreement.
"You raised a stubborn one," he mumbles teasingly to your dad, patting his shoulder as he walks past him.
"She gets that from me," your mom chirps as the two of you pick the plates up from the table and carry them into the kitchen.
Putting the plates on the kitchen top, you head to the fridge and look inside.
"Beer?" you ask, peeking around the door to look at Negan's response. Though you already have two cans in your hand, knowing he won't turn down the offer.
He nods. "Can't do anything without a drink in hand in this family, huh?"
You close the fridge door and pass him his beer, cracking open his own.
"You should be more than aware of that," you tease. "I've heard what you and my dad used to get up to."
"I'm sure you've not even heard the most of it," he teases back.
You laugh softly under your breath at his response.
"I'll wash, you dry?" You suggest as the sink begins to fill with soapy water.
The two of you get the dishes done relatively quickly as Negan tells you a story from his college days. You have to keep yourself composed and remember who he is. Remember that these stories he's telling of him at your age took place before you were even born. A decade before, at least. But, every so often, as you pass him the plates to dry, your fingers touch his and such a small motion has you weak. You can't look him directly in the eyes as he stands so close to you. That signature grin of his spread across his face.
The two of your finish and you take a large swig of your beer, but it's no surprise that the flush of alcohol doesn't help your body heat. You can only hope and pray that your cheeks aren't beetroot red right now.
"I'm sure you've got plenty of stories, though, right?" He asks. "Being in college and all. And with your dad's genes...God."
A playful smile spreads on your face. "Sure. I'm absolutely not telling you though. My dad would have a heart attack."
"Ahh," he smiles back. "So this whole 'good girl' thing is just an act, then?"
Holy shit. Good girl? He has no clue what he is doing to you calling you things like that.
"I can be good when it suits me." You say, almost flirtatiously, and immediately kick yourself. Why the hell would you say something like that to him?
Your off-the-cuff reply has him grinning. He swipes his tongue over his teeth as he contemplates your words and you almost drop to your knees.
"Let's go see what political debate has become the talking point now," you say, changing the topic to hide your complete embarrassment. You leave the kitchen and head to the living room, Negan following.
Somehow, in the time it took you to wash the dishes, your mom and aunt have gone through a bottle and a half of wine, and they're sat on the floor with your dad and uncle playing some sort of drinking game.
You sit down on the couch and Negan sits next to you. Why? Why could he not just sit away from you? Give you some space to compose yourself? But the action is completely innocent. There is just less than a foot between the two of you, yet it still feels like he is on top of you. Like you're breathing the same air.
"What was I just saying?" Negan says, nudging your arm with his elbow. "Alcohol."
You shake your head in playful disagreement with your relatives' actions.
"Hey, mom," you say and her head whips around, as laughter escapes her lips. "Think you've had enough for tonight?"
"Oh, you're so boring," she waves her hand at you dismissively.
The four of them continue for about half an hour as you and Negan observe and laugh. The game finally comes to an end when your aunt and uncle discreetly head off to their bedroom for a reason you don't even want to think about. Your parents follow shortly after, your dad having to carry your drunk mom up the stairs.
You come back from the kitchen where you were getting another lager for you and Negan. As you do so, you look for the TV controller and find a blanket that was lying around. You sit down again next to Negan and look down at your phone to check the time.
"God, it's not even 10 o'clock yet." You laugh.
"Amateurs," he says sarcastically.
You pass him his beer which he thanks you for, then get under you blanket.
"Want some?" You ask, holding out some excess blanket towards him.
"Sure," he accepts, getting comfortable himself.
The whole situation you're in is completely innocent, but it dawns on you that you're currently alone with Negan, tucked under the same blanket. Given that fact, you make a conscious effort not to touch him at all and try to remain composed.
"Put a movie on?" You ask him, passing the TV remote to him.
He takes it from your hand, brushing his fingertips across yours.
You watch him carefully as he selects a film to put on, making sure not to get caught admiring him. He just looks so good. The salt and pepper sprinkled throughout his hair and beard. The tattoos that cover his arms. The way his white t-shirt hugs his body just right. You're brought out of your thoughts when he speaks.
"You seen Batman Returns?" He asks, looking down at you.
"Of course," you smile. "It's a classic."
"Feel like watching it again?"
You nod. You'll watch whatever he wants. Do whatever he wants.
"Absolutely," you answer. "I didn't peg you as a Batman kind of guy, to be honest."
"Like you say, it's a classic," he says. "Plus there's always Michelle Pfeiffer."
You laugh at him. "I feel you."
You polish off another beer as you watch the film. You try your best to pay attention, to keep your eyes open, but you grow increasingly tired. It must have only been fifteen minutes into the film when you finally drift off, reality slipping away.
When you wake up again, it takes a while to fully gain consciousness, You feel something under you head, under your arm, but you don't pay much attention to it.
You feel warm. Comfortable. You don't want to wake up, you could stay here forever. The smell of men's shampoo and cologne comforts you, a soft material under the touch of your hand.
All of a sudden reality dawns on you. You realise that your head is leaning on a shoulder. That your hand is draped across a torso. You shoot up, sitting upright and see Negan smiling at you softly through slightly hooded eyes.
"Oh God," you say, feeling incredibly humiliated. "I'm sorry." But he just chuckles.
You look over to the television and see a black screen.
"Did the movie finish?" You ask groggily and he nods. Fuck. You slept for the entire duration of the film and who knows how much of that time you spent laying on Negan's shoulder.
What you're only just realising now, though, is how close you're still sat to him. How even though you're sat up, Negan's shoulder is casually draped across the back of the sofa, dangerously close to your shoulder blades.
"Why didn't you just wake me up?" You ask, feeling flushed.
"You looked peaceful." He answers, honestly. "Didn't want to disrupt you."
"I'm sorry," you apologize again. "You should've woken me up."
"I didn't mind, sweetheart." He insists. "Honestly."
The pet name drives you utterly insane. As if this whole thing wasn't already enough. Your body feels so hot. What with the blanket, his body heat, your arousal.
"I will say though, you do talk quite a bit in your sleep," he smiles coyly and dread shoots through your entire body.
"Wh-what-" you can't even get a full sentence out. "What did I-"
A flash of a dream comes back to you in that moment. Oh God. Oh God, no. You can't remember the details, but you remember the feeling. Negan on top of you. His body weight on you. The ecstasy you felt. His hands on your body. His name slipping from your lips.
You had a sex dream about Negan while you were laying on his Goddamn shoulder. You're lost for words, but Negan is enjoying watching this play out. He bites his lip, trying to suppress his smug grin as he watches you realise the possibilities of what you might have said.
His arm slowly slips off the back of the sofa and creeps around to touch you, the movement making you flinch a little. What is he doing?
He takes his other hand and places two fingers just under your chin, forcing you to look up at him. The two of you make eye contact and you can't even contemplate what is happening - still a little groggy from your nap - before his lips are coming down gently on yours.
You kiss him back almost immediately. It's a surprising delicate and intimate kiss, and you daringly bring your hand up to his neck to pull him in deeper, but he pulls back.
You worry that he is having second thoughts, but the look in his eyes says the complete opposite. He just wants to get a good look at you before he tears you apart. You feel vulnerable under his hungry eyes but you love how it makes you feel.
The two of you take a moment to catch your breath before your lips join again, this time the kiss rougher. More passionate. His arms wrap around your back to pull your body snug to his and you intwine your fingers into his hair, tugging ever so slightly. His large hands snake further down and grab your hips, pulling you onto his lap. As you get comfortable you shift along his length and gasp, feeling that he is already hard.
"You were practically fucking dry humping me in your sleep," he chuckles. "You can't blame me."
"So that's why you didn't want to wake me up, then?" You're barely able to mumble, teasing him.
"Hmm, maybe." You can feel him smile into the kiss and it makes you want him more. Everything about him is so endearing. He just radiates this warmth, this aura, and it's radiating.
Even now, however, you're nervous to move things along. You know what you want but this is still so surreal, and it would be an understatement to say you feel a little intimidated in this moment. You have enough sexual experience, but this is Negan. This is different. So you're glad when he takes control and begins to lift up your top, pulling it over your head to expose your bra.
His mouth makes contact with the flesh of your chest, sucking and nipping while he reaches around to unhook your bra. He feels his cock twitch when he sees your bare breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth immediately as his warm hands roam and caress your back, travelling over your smooth skin.
As you start to subconsciously grind into his bulge, Negan continues to explore your breasts. You're looking for any kind of relief and you begin to find some as he presses up into you, but both of your pants are restricting you.
You feel yourself crumbling further and further as Negan's hands come around to aid him with his attention to your breasts, squeezing and practically groaning as he does so. The noise changes something inside you, and makes you realise that you need him stripped of his clothes right this second.
You grasp the bottom of his shirt and he briefly pulls away from you to allow you to move it, but the second you're done, his lips are back on your skin, leaving marks on your collarbone and neck. Next, you move onto the buckle of his belt but he swats your hand away.
Pulling back from the kiss, you look to him with wide eyes full of confusion. That look alone is nearly enough to cause him to fold and fuck you right then and there. But he has other plans.
"Be patient for me, honey," he says sweetly, and as badly as you want him, you trust him.
He pulls your body flush to his, so that your breasts are pressed entirely against the heat of his chest. Then he grips your lower back and stands up, holding you tightly.
"We can't do this here," he says, carrying you towards the stairs. You grind up against him playfully as he does so and he stops momentarily half way up the stairs, clearly affected by the action. In retaliation he gently swats your ass and you giggle at his response.
"Shh," he hushes, but he can't hide the grin that spreads across his face as you bury your face in his shoulder to muffle the sound.
Being as quiet as possible, he takes you into his bedroom which - awkwardly - is across the hall from your parents' room.
He puts you down on the bed, barely allowing himself to be away from you for a second, climbing on top of you hastily. He goes back to kissing you, the taste of him intoxicating. The way he kisses are gentle yet so hot and passionate at the same time, becoming increasingly sloppy as they shift from your lips to your jaw, neck, chest, abdomen, until you're a writhing mess beneath him.
Once he has kissed so far that he reaches the waist line of your trousers, he unbuttons them and pulls them all the way down. He throws them onto the floor, leaving you just in your lace black panties. He nudges your legs open and moves his kisses to your thigh. He's slowly breaking you and you're not sure how much more you can take. Painstakingly slow, he trails his tongue up your inner thigh until he reaches the edge of your panties.
Eventually he slips your panties off and you tremble as you feel the cool air of his room against your hot, aching core. He places his hands on your inner thighs to push them open further, mouth watering at the sight of you. The delicate touch of his fingers send shivers up your spine and you're in desperate need of more.
"Please, Negan," you say, barely a croak.
"Shh, let me take care of you," he soothes, his voice low and gravelly as he tries his best to stay quiet. "Wanted to taste this sweet pussy for so long."
As if to affirm his words, he lowers his head and licks a stripe straight through your folds, groaning as he feels how wet you are.
He then moves his mouth to make contact with your clit, your hips raising at the action. He starts off by sucking gently, leaving you aching for more as you reach down to grab his hair, not knowing what else to do. He chuckles as you do so and sends vibrations straight through your core. Unable to control yourself, a moan escapes you lips and he squeezes your thighs warningly, wordlessly telling you to be quiet.
He takes his time to precisely pull you apart, but then his motions begins to get harsher, faster. You feel that rising feeling in the pit of your stomach begin to spread after waiting for what feels like so long. He alternates between kissing, sucking, licking, nipping until you're desperate for more. Sensing this, he teases one finger at your entrance.
"Please," you whimper, legs trembling. He answers your pleading by pushing his single digit inside you in one long push, as deep as he can go, and keeping it there momentarily. As he continues to eat you out, he begins moving his finger, fucking you gently. When he adds a second finger you have to clasp your hand over your own mouth to stop yourself from calling out his name. Your legs wrap around his head, wanting to pull him closer to you in any way possible.
Closing your eyes, you feel that white hot feeling flooding through your veins, but right as you're about to reach your peak, he pulls his fingers out and his mouth away from you.
You let out a guttural sound, one of desperation which causes Negan to laugh under his breath.
"Negan, God, please," you whine, putting both your hands on his head and pushing him back down.
"So bossy," he mumbles with a smile on his face, but he obliges.
He doesn't use his fingers on you again, but it makes no difference. You're already pent up enough as it is that it won't take a lot to make you reach your peak. Plus, you don't doubt that Negan's skillful mouth is more than enough for you.
He circles his tongue around your clit, going back to sucking while using his free fingers to absentmindedly trace little patterns into your thighs. The only noises are your heavy pants and the wetness of his mouth against you, and it fills the otherwise deadly silent bedroom.
He's starting to become more familiar with your body and your reactions and he can tell you're getting close again. To which he stops and pulls away yet again.
"Negan," you almost cry. Tears prick in the corners of your eyes as you throb for him. "Please, I need to-"
"I got you baby," he assures you, stroking the flesh of your thighs comfortingly.
You can't bare it. You almost despise him for doing this to you, but you can't. It's all so surreal: having this man between your thighs. So often you have fantasized of it and though it's so wrong, it's now happening.
Before you can beg again, his lips make contact with you. This time he's a man on a mission. His tongue flicks against your clit as two of his fingers slip back inside you. You're so wet that it's an easy motion, but you still feel the tight, delicious stretch. He allows you to get used to it, building you up until he adds a third finger and you have to use all your power not to yell out his name. You try your hardest not to hurt Negan by squeezing your thighs too much or pulling his hair too hard, but he loves it. He loves driving you crazy, seeing you unwind for him. The noises you make. The taste of you.
Relentlessly, he penetrates you with his fingers, pushing and curling his fingers deep inside you, hitting a spot that eventually brings you your release. One last push, one last flick of his tongue and you're falling over the edge. You squeeze your eyes shut and you can't help the animalistic sound that leaves you as white flashes behind your eyelids. He continues eating you out through your orgasm and it hits you that you think you're doing something you never have before.
Once you manage to come around again, you let your legs relax and look down to Negan who looks up at you. He smiles smugly, your wetness remaining in his beard and it causes you to go weak in the knees.
"Did I just-?" Squirt, you want to say. But somehow it doesn't seem like the nicest word to describe what just happened between of the two.
He nods with a glimmer in his eyes as he makes his way up the bed, his body above yours.
"I've never-" you croak. "I've never done that before."
"You just needed a man, that's all," he gloats and you roll your eyes. "It was hot as fuck, for what it's worth."
He leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips. You can taste yourself on him.
You're still shaking a little, but you manage to pull back a little to look him in his eyes.
"Are we really doing this?" You ask, bordering on timid.
"Do you want to?" He counters.
"Yes," you say, quickly, not wanting him to think you're having doubts. Because there is absolutely no doubt in your mind that you want the man above him. Hell, you need him. But somehow you find yourself feeling a little insecure and needing reassurance. "Do you?"
"Darling," he laughs. "Not to be crude, but you just came all over my face. I want this more than you know."
You nod and smile, feeling more confident. "I'm sorry, I just-"
He interrupts your babbling with a long kiss to your lips, silencing you.
"You need to worry less," he says, bringing his hand to stroke your cheek sweetly.
"Make me." You propose flirtingly, smiling up at him.
"That I can do." His lips crash down on yours and his tongue intertwines with yours.
Reaching down to his pants you fumble with his zip, which he helps your shaky hands undo. He shifts both his pants and boxers down off his ankles, and though you can't see his length fully from this angle, you can feel its hardness press against your lower stomach and he feels big.
"You ready, baby?" He raises his brow at you as he grips his member and teases it through your folds.
"Yes, please Negan," you pant, even after having the best orgasm of your life, you still need more. "Need you inside me."
He groans as he slips inside of you and the way you practically beg for him drives him crazy.
"So fucking tight, holy shit," he mumbles into your ear, his head dropping down to bite and suck on the crook of your neck. "Oh, baby, fuck."
Hearing him say such obscene things affects you in an indescribable way. His voice has always been massively attractive to you, but now...you're done for. The deep rumble, smooth like honey, even lower in an attempt to remain quiet to your family in the surrounding bedrooms. It's like dark magic. It has you hooked. He could say the right thing to you with that voice and you'd cum right there and then.
His movements are slow, savoring the sensation of you around him. He wants to take his time with you. He never wants it to be over.
Instinctively, you wrap your legs around his back and lift your hips up wanting more from you. He maintains his pace, but does start pushing deeper inside you like you wanted.
"I've wanted you for so long," you say, not even in control of your words anymore. It's like he's fucking them right out of you. He moans into your neck at your admission and starts thrusting a little faster, as if in response to your statement.
"Do you know-" he stops speaking for a moment to breathe and compose himself, clearly enjoying this as much as you, "how often I get myself off thinking about you?" He punctuates his point with a particularly hard thrust and that - in combination with the idea of him masturbating to the thought of you - causes you to cry out. You thought he would shush you, but he seems too far gone at this point.
"A fucking pretty little thing like you," he says, his hands groping at your tits, his touch rougher than before, "it'd be hard not to."
"Oh god," you whimper. "Harder, please."
His movements get harsher gradually, following your command and getting you closer and closer every second.
He lifts his head up and the way he looks at you makes your insides collapse. To be the sole object of his attention. How he looks at you like you're all that ever mattered.
"I'm so close, Negan," you tell him.
"Taking me so fucking well, darling," he praises, reaching one hand down to lazily play with your clit. That's all it takes and he can feel it coming as you begin to squeeze around him. He takes your lips in a long, sensual kiss as you climax, trying to muffle your moans as he fucks you through your orgasm. Your hands are wrapped around his back, squeezing into his shoulders as you try your hardest to be quiet. Pure pleasure surges through your veins as he presses his entire body weight into you: suffocating in the most beautiful way possible.
Gradually, Negan's movements come to a halt and he stops moving inside you briefly, letting go of you come down from your high.
"You're gonna be the fucking death of me," he declares and before you can reply, he suddenly starts moving inside you again, faster than the last time, placing a quick peck on the tip of your nose as he does so.
He soon reaches a pace much faster than before and you're rendered speechless.
Your attention is grabbed, however, by the open and shut of a door somewhere. You gasp and your eyes widen at the sound. The possibilities of who it could be and if they'd heard you start to race through your mind but your thoughts are cut off when Negan clasps a hand firmly over your mouth to keep you quiet. He presses you further into the mattress as he fucks you even harder than before, enjoying tormenting you.
You listen closely to the footsteps. They're quite loud - that of a man - probably your dad or uncle. The pitter patter grows closer and your heard races, both from the fear of getting caught and from the sensation of Negan deep inside you. Hitting places you're sure no other man ever has or ever could. You relax a little as you hear the footsteps pass Negan's bedroom and head into the shared bathroom, the door closing afterwards.
Negan takes his hand off your mouth and you gasp for air.
"Oh my god, please don't stop," you beg as he sets a pace and sticks with it, snaking his slender fingers back down to your clit and circling it gently.
"I don't plan on," he chimes. "You're taking me so well."
You've never felt anything like this. Your entire body is numb and slick with sweat. All you can do is grab onto his hair and try your best to lift your hips to meet his thrusts.
To help you out, he grabs your body and switches positions slightly. He lifts himself up then clutches your thighs, lifting them onto his shoulders. Then his hands grip onto your hips and he has access to you in a way that allows him to go much deeper. You know you can't take much more. You're close to crying just from how much you want to scream his name.
Your eyes keep fluttering shut but you force them opening, wanting to keep them on the man doing this to you. His tousled hair, his flexed biceps, his tattooed chest.
"Harder, please," you whisper. "I'm nearly there."
Thrusting harder, he also adds his fingers back to your clit, rubbing harshly. It's almost painful on your sensitive nerves but it feels unreal and it's enough to build you up to near-ecstasy.
Your mouth hangs open but you refrain from making any noise. In one unexpected motion, he lands a slap to your clit and it sends your orgasm rushing.
"Good girl, that's it," he guides you through as your body starts to spasm.
He continually pounds into you and turns his head to the side to place soft kisses to your inner thigh, contrasting the way he now ruthlessly moves inside of you.
You contract around him as you cum and you can tell he is trying his hardest to hold on as he visibly hesitates, not knowing where to release.
"Cum inside me, Negan," you give permission. "Want it so bad."
Those words were all he needed as he spills inside you, the warm liquid filling you.
Gradually, his movements slow down as he fucks you through the both of your orgasms, fucking his cum deeper inside you, and then pulls out and collapses next to you.
You rest your head on his shoulder and to your surprise, he pulls you closer to him, placing a kiss to your forehead.
"Holy shit," you giggle, the whole situation setting in.
Negan's about to speak but his sentence stops forming when the bathroom door opens and closes again. You'd completely forgot about that.
The two of you exchange a glance as you wait for the footsteps to disappear down the hallway. Once they're gone, you relax back into his embrace.
Absentmindedly, you place your hand on Negan's warm chest, tracing the ink of his tattoos. Its surprisingly comforting having him this close, to be held by him. You're entranced by the smell of his cologne and the way his chest heaves up and down, catching his breath. He smiles as he watches you, equally as entranced by you. He can't quite believe that the daydreams he thought were exactly that - daydreams - have come to life.
"We'll have to do this again," he grins coyly, "some place where you can scream my name as loud as you need to." His hands run over your body, cupping your breasts as if to appreciate as much of you as possible.
"I'd like that," you smile back, snuggling into his arms. You know you can't stay here all night, but you'll appreciate it for as long as possible.
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lanadelnegan · 9 months
My Girl
S7!Negan x Reader
Requested from anon: hey! loving the blog and every story you post! i was wondering if you’d do a story of a reader’s first time being with S7 Negan who is an asshole at first but then goes soft because he accidentally made her cry??
OOOH I'm gonna have some FUN with this one. And thank you so much <3.
Summary: Rick's oldest daughter, y/n, loses her virginity to Negan.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, virgin first time, vaginal sex, daddy-kink, age-gap (reader is 18, negan is 40), Rick walks in on Negan eating you out.. (twice), degrading language, mushy romantic Negan, Negan fucks you in nothing but his leather jacket
A/N: This is my favorite fic I have written by far and I hope you love it as much as I do cuz I am obsessed.
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"Carl, take your sisters upstairs and don't come down until I say it's safe." I lift Judith out of her high chair and follow Carl up the stairs.
Our dad has always treated us like Carl's the older one, even though he's two years younger than me, but I don't mind. If anything, it takes some of the pressure off of being big sis all the time.
I hear Negan's voice booming in the distance as my dad opens the door to head back outside. This has become part of our weekly routine at this point. Negan and his men went from monthly visits to weekly visits over the past couple months, but I don't mind that either.
The more I get to see him, the merrier.
I move the bedroom curtains slightly, peeking through my window until my eyes find Negan standing in the street in front of our house. I'm able to make out what they're saying if I listen closely enough.
"Rickyyy, I missed ya. Where's that sweet daughter of yours hiding? .....The older one of course." I can't stop the grin that appears on my face when he asks about me.
"This isn't about her. Get what you need, and leave." My dad stands firmly planted with his hands on his hips and my eyes roll at his attitude. Maybe if my dad would just be civil with Negan all of this could stop. I revert my gaze back to Negan.
"Now, Prick, you know I can't leave without seeing my girl."
His girl... The butterflies in my stomach flutter at the sound of that.
"Why are you so obsessed with him?" Carl asks rudely from across the room while holding Judith and bouncing her so she doesn't cry.
I quickly glare at Carl before turning my gaze back towards the window. When I look back down, Negan is looking up at me, a knowing smirk playing at his lips. I can't look away, and he lets his gaze linger a little too long as well, prompting my dad to look at my window. I quickly drop the curtain and back away.
"Take Judith to her room and put her down for her nap." I instruct Carl. He stares at me suspiciously. "Go! What did I just say?" I snap impatiently. He shakes his head but ultimately leaves.
"You're always so weird when he comes around." He says under his breath. I close my door behind them and go back to the window, peeking again, but this time everyone's gone. I rush to go see what's going on, but as soon as I swing my door open and run out, I crash into a tall, solid figure. My eyes widen as I look up at the man in the leather jacket.
"Hey, doll. Miss me?"
"Uh - I - where's my dad?" I stutter nervously, peaking around him.
"Busy getting supplies for me. He'll be busy for the next hour, so I thought I'd come keep you company."
Negan's been visiting Alexandria for months now, and each time he comes, our talks get longer and flirtier. Well, he flirts with me and I pretend to be annoyed, mostly so others don't think I like him. If they only knew how much I think about his beard between my legs.
There's something about him that intrigues me.. fascinates me even. I'm ashamed to admit I've even touched myself a couple times - okay, a lot of times - to the thought of him.
When I don't respond, he backs us into my bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
He slides his shoes and jacket off, sitting on my bed and leaning back with his feet propped up. I blush at the sight of him in my bed and restrain myself from ripping my clothes off here and now. A chill runs through my body, making me noticeably shake but I try to play it off. He probably things I'm scared, when in reality I just want him.
"Relax, I'd never hurt you darlin'. Unless you want me to." He winks as he leans back against the headboard getting more comfortable.
"I know." And I do... for some reason, I know he wouldn't hurt me.
He bites his bottom lip playfully and raises his eyebrows while patting the bed next to him.
I nervously walk over and sit down before leaning back, mimicking his position. My bed is a twin, so it doesn't allow much room to ourselves. My shoulder is pressed against his and the simple act has my body on fire already. I glance over and let my eyes roam up his white t-shirt to his handsome face. He watches me with amusement while his leg presses against mine teasingly.
"Sweetheart, I've been around the block long enough to know when a girl wants my dick. And I can practically hear that pussy fucking purring every time I come near you." He grins at me like he knows all my secrets.
My face burns with embarrassment at his words.
"I bet I could make you blush even harder than that, doll." His grin stretches wider but I stay silent, letting him do the talking.
"Of course.. I wouldn't do anything you're not comfortable wi-"
Before he can finish, I press my lips to his hard and climb on top of him. His mouth parts, letting my tongue in and his subtle moan makes my pussy flutter. He tastes like whiskey and smells like leather and I feel high off the taste of him as we kiss passionately. I grind my hips desperately into him and feel his bulge grow underneath me.
"Negan... I need you."
"I know baby." He breathes out.
My hands fumble with his belt and pants until I get them undone. He watches me as I pull out his cock and my pussy is already sore from just looking at it. No way it's gonna fit.
"How do you want it, baby? You gonna be a big girl and ride daddy?" His hands squeeze my ass underneath my dress and he practically growls when he realizes I'm not wearing panties.
"It's like you knew I was coming. Such a bad little girl." His fingers tease my opening and I'm embarrassed that I'm already pathetically soaked for him.
"All for me?" He slides a finger through my slit and brings it up to his mouth for a taste. "So fucking sweet."
I slide myself against his cock that's now slippery with my wetness and wonder how I'm gonna fit that thing inside me.
The big dick energy definitely checks out.
I hover above him naively, thinking I can actually take him. The tip just barely pushes through my opening and I moan at the sudden pressure. His hands grip my ass, guiding me down over him.
"Come on baby, that's it." He praises me as I keep sliding down. I stop when I can't take anymore, realizing I have at least four more inches to go.
"Oh, I know my little slut can take more than that."
I shake my head. "Negan, I don't think I -"
"You can, and you will, doll. I didn't come all the way here for you to only take half of my dick."
Tears fill my eyes as I try to sit all the way on him, wanting to make him proud. I make it another inch before the pain is too much. Not only with how deep he is, but he's so wide I think he may actually be ripping me apart.
"Deeper, y/n." He demands.
When I try again and fail, I quickly climb off of him frustrated. "I can't Negan, I'm trying!" He sits up in the bed, his feet on the floor now.
"Bend over."
"Do not make me ask again." His jaw clenches as he stares at me seriously.
I lay myself over him, my ass facing upwards on his lap.
"You're going to take all of me, baby. If my wives at home can take me, I expect nothing less from you."
He doesn't even give me a warning before bringing his hand down painfully on my ass making me yelp. He chuckles darkly before smacking me again. He rubs the sensitive spot before teasing both of my holes.. One with his thumb and the other with his middle finger.
"What would daddy say if he could see you right now? Bent over my fucking lap and dripping for me like a little whore..." He pushes his thumb and finger deep inside each of my openings and I bite my lip hard at the pain.
I know he's trying to be all dominant right now.. I'm not oblivious to how rough sex works, but my eyes still sting with tears at his crude words. I shouldn't have built my hopes up that Negan could actually care and be gentle with me.
I sniffle as the tears fall, trying to wipe the snot dripping from my nose.
He quickly pulls me up and his eyes are filled with concern.
"Baby? Hey, look at me." He cups my face gently as I sit on the bed next to him.
"I - I liked you." I choke out. "I was the only one here who actually cared about you and saw you as a person.. and you.. you just see me as a stupid object you can shove your dick in.... You just ruined my first experience with a man. I hope you're happy." I sob while looks like someone just punched him in the gut.
"Fuck, sweetheart." He presses his forehead to mine, looking down with regret. "I didn't know you were all mushy about me and shit.. Truth is?" He tilts my chin to look at him. "I was being so harsh with you cause I didn't want to admit my own feelings. I didn't think you'd ever want an asshole like me, so I didn't want to go catching feelings for someone who didn't want me back. But baby? I can't get you outta my fucking head... Why do you think I started visiting every week?"
My teary eyes look up at him and he looks genuine. I want to trust him so badly, but my heart and head are saying two different things.
"Fuck, y/n. I know you don't believe me. Let me prove it to you. What can I do? Just say the fucking word."
"Stop taking our stuff... Leave our people alone..."
He chuckles lightly, shaking his head like he can't believe what he's about to agree to. "Does that include you?"
I try to hide my grin as I wipe my tears with the back of my hand. "....No."
"Then it's a deal, baby."
"That's it? Just like that?" I look at him confused.
He shrugs. "Guess you've got me wrapped around your finger already, darlin...And now that I know you've never been with a man, I'm taking my fucking time with you." He lays me down on the bed while kissing and climbing over me.
"What about my dad? He'll be back soon."
"Simon's keeping watch, doll."
His lips travel to my neck. "....What about your other wives? You're just gonna fuck me and go back to them?"
He laughs against my neck. "Sweetheart.. I kicked every one of them to the curb the day I layed eyes on you."
My mouth drops open but he cuts me off by pulling my dress down over my chest and taking a nipple into his mouth. I moan and arch myself into him. After a few moments of sucking each one, he slides down further, lifting my dress to my waist and settling his head between my legs. I watch him in awe as he takes his time, kissing my inner thighs.
"Has anyone ever eaten you, baby?"
I shake my head no as I lean up on my elbows to watch him.
"Good." He spreads my pussy lips apart with his fingers and I blush at him staring at it. "Such a pretty pussy. Fuck." He says before locking eyes with me and pressing a kiss to my clit gently. I moan from the contact and arch myself into him, silently begging for more.
He dips his tongue in me and curls it up, gathering my juices. His eyes roll to the back of his head and he groans and licks all the way up to my clit before sucking on it softly. My mouth drops open and my hips try to jerk away, being overwhelmed by sensitivity.
He smiles against me. "Not going anywhere until you cum all over my face, doll." He wraps his arms up around my thighs, pressing my stomach down with his hands.
My breathing matches the speed of his licking and sucking and I feel the pressure building up inside me.
"Fuck, Negan!" My eyes are clenched shut but snap open when my door suddenly flies open.
"Shit! Dad!" I reach to throw my blanket over me, but defeatedly realize it's on the floor. My eyes widen in horror at my father standing in the doorway, looking like he just saw a ghost. A ghost that's eating his daughter's pussy. I'm unable to close my legs because Negan is still holding me down with his hands.
"God fucking dammit, Rick. We were just ge-"
"Negan!" I cut him off, my cheeks turning bright red with embarrassment.
He kisses my pussy one more time and my eyes widen, not believing he just did that in front of my father. He finally leans up, wiping the corner of his mouth with his thumb and smirking at my dad like he's proud of himself.
I quickly get up and fix my dress.
"Dad, look, I -" I look up, stopping at the sight of Carl pointing a gun directly at Negan's head.
Negan tucks himself back into his jeans, buckling his belt and ignoring Carl.
"Carl.." I slowly step in front of Negan. "Put the gun down."
"You - you wanted this? Him?" My dad asks horrified. "He's done horrible things, y/n."
"And you haven't?!" I yell at my dad. "I watched you rip a man's neck open with your goddamn teeth. If he's a monster.. then so are you."
Negan steps beside me and laces his fingers through mine before kissing the side of my head.
"I love him, dad." I look up at Negan and elbow him roughly when I see a teasing smirk on his face.
"And you think he loves you? You can't be that stupid." My dad says, putting emphasis on the last word.
Negan chuckles and finally cuts in. "First of all, Dick, do not call my woman stupid. Secondly.." His faces grows serious. "We won't be taking anymore of your things. No more visits. Other than me paying this one a visit of course." Negan winks and puts his his arm around me protectively. "That is.. until she moves in with me." Our eyes all widen at the same time.
"You want me to live with you?" I turn to Negan.
"I mean, you did just confess your love for me, doll. Soo, yeah, that's the plan." He kisses my forehead.
"Y/n, we'll talk about this later. Negan, you need to leave. Now." My dad demands, his jaw ticking with anger.
Negan glares at my dad for a moment before turning to me, lifting my chin to kiss him slowly and passionately. Before he lets go, he whispers in my ear. "Meet me right outside the walls when it gets dark. I am nowhere near done with you, baby."
My heart flutters at the thought of us sneaking out together.
Negan walks towards the door before leaning close to my dad's ear. "I get to be her first, Rick. How fucking sweet is that." I struggle to make out his words but don't miss the chuckle at the end. He pats Carl's shoulder on his way out. "See ya 'round, bro."
"Love you, sweetheart!" He calls out to me as my dad and brother follow behind him, making sure he leaves.
I shut my door and smile giddily, running to the window and peeking out. Negan is already looking up at the window when I look at him. He smirks and winks at me before heading off to the gates.
A few hours later:
The sun just went down and my palms are starting to sweat as I pace back and forth on the outskirts of the gates. A million thoughts race through my head.
What if he doesn't come..
What if it's a trap..
What if he lied about everything he said..
Oh my god.. He's gonna kidnap and torture me..
Shut up. He wouldn't do that.
This is a bad idea. What am I doing.
Just as I turn to run back inside the walls, I see him appear from the shadows, wearing his signature leather jacket with a black t-shirt underneath.
"Were you about to ditch me, y/n?" He asks playfully as he pulls my wrist towards him and crashes his lips into mine. When the kiss deepens, he bends a little, pulling me up by the back of my thighs and wrapping my legs around his waist. We make out like horny teenagers while my fingers run through his slick black hair.
"You ready to officially be mine, doll?"
I nod without hesitation. "Yes. I'm already yours, Negan. I don't care what anyone thinks about us."
He kisses me again, setting me back down on the ground. "Lead the way, baby." He nods towards the side gates.
"You want to go back to my house? What if someone sees you?!"
"Kinda hope they do.. I like the thought of everyone knowing who you belong to." He smirks and it makes me knees weak.
"Okay.. come on." I pull his hand as I guide him back to my house. We sneak through the back sliding doors as carefully as possible before tiptoeing up the stairs.
He lightly smacks my ass as we're going up and I turn to shush him, tripping over my own feet in the process. He catches me before I make a loud thud on the stairs and his body is leaned over mine as we try not to laugh.
My body shakes as I laugh silently and bring my hand over my mouth quickly to stop any sound that comes out. His eyebrows raise at me with warning as if I better not make a noise.
"Okay, okay. Shushhh." I whisper before beginning our climb up the stairs again. My dad's room is at the end of the hall and mine is adjacent next to his. We try not to let the floors creak as we get closer to my room. We slip inside and I ease the door shut gently. When it finally clicks shut. I let go of a deep breath and look up at Negan. As soon as our eyes lock, we laugh like idiots, but quiet idiots.
He walks towards me. "Goddamn it, I fucking love you." He says as he lifts me back into his arms kissing me.
"You know.. earlier outside.." I breathe out between our kisses. "I thought.. that maybe you were gonna kidnap and torture me."
He smiles against my mouth as our lips lazily fight each other. "...What if I am?"
I stop kissing him to look at him. When I do, his look turns serious and it scares me for a moment. "I fully plan on making you mine and torturing you with this dick forever, doll."
I grin and roll my eyes as he continues holding me in his arms. "I guess there are worse ways to get tortured."
"Wait until I'm all the way inside you." His eyebrows raise teasingly.
I press my forehead to his and bring my hands to cup his face, kissing him again. I can't take my lips off of him. "Well what are you waiting for?"
That's all he needs to hear before he's walking me towards the bed and laying me down gently. He stands back up, removing his jacket and shirt.
I watch him closely, admiring the flex of his biceps when he moves. "Put the jacket back on. No shirt."
He laughs until he sees that I'm serious.
"Yes ma'am." He says with his little country accent. It's not always noticeable, but when it is.. it's so fucking adorable.
Once he's back in the jacket and bare chested, he stops for a moment before removing his pants. "Can I take these off, at least?"
"No, I want to."
He grin stretches as he walks towards the bed, keeping his hands by his sides. "All yours, baby."
I sit up in the bed in front of him and undo his button and zipper. I shuffle his pants down just a little before pulling his hardening cock out of his boxers. It turns to a steel rod in my hand and I don't care that I'm full on staring at it, assessing each vein and how it turns an ombre shade of pink towards the tip.
"I hope you like what you see, baby. Cause it's the only dick you're gonna be seeing for the rest of your life."
"I'm perfectly happy with that." I look up at him before kissing the tip of him, just like he did to my clit earlier. He watches me proudly, letting his fingers run through my hair lovingly.
I lick my lips before struggling to fit my mouth around him. He chuckles down at me.
“If you can’t fit me in that cunt, what makes you think you can take it down your throat, baby?”
I grin around him and I slide my mouth deeper and deeper. Surprisingly I don’t gag and I think it surprises him too.
Guess I don’t have a gag reflex. That’s good to know.
“Holyyy shit, doll. Look. At. You.” His voice is so deep it vibrates to my pussy. The tip hits the very back on my throat and even further until my eyes water.
I try to jerk my head back, but Negan pushes my head down on him again, my nose pressed into his pubic hair. He waits a few seconds until I feel like I’m going to pass out from lack of oxygen before pulling my head back. I gasp for air and he pulls me all the way off of him while kicking his pants and boxers off.
"Trying to make me blow my load before we even get to the good part, darlin'? He climbs over me in the bed, kissing me softly.
My hands slip underneath his jacket and rub his back, scratching at it gently.
"I am gonna make you feel So fucking good." He says before kissing my neck. "You want me to be gentle with you baby?" His voice right in my ear makes me shiver.
I nod and he hovers his face above mine so we’re staring into each other eyes.
“You ready, baby?” He whispers and I nod again.
He leans up on his knees between me and lines himself up with my entrance before pushing the tip through. “Tell me if you need me to stop.”
He slowly slides in me further and further as he holds my legs open.
“Goddamn this pussy is so fucking Tight.” He pulls back a little before pushing in deeper and my mouth gapes open slightly.
He chuckles and stares down at me through heavy eyelids. "I'm not even halfway yet, sweetheart. You want more?"
I nod desperately as my eyes fill with tears at the overwhelming sensation of him so deep inside me.
"Take it then, doll. Grind on me and make yourself feel good." He stops moving completely while still on his knees between my legs.
My cheeks blush at his request and he smirks down at me, sliding his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, refusing to move or touch me.
I lean up on my elbows while he's still inside me and push my body further into him, taking every inch I possibly can. I grind myself against him until I find just the right spot for the tip of his cock to press into and drop my head back at how good it feels, not caring about the desperate sounds I let out.
"Oh my god, Negan.. fuck." My face reddens at the intense pleasure as I continue using his cock to pleasure myself.
"Fuck, baby. Now THIS? Is a Fucking sight.. Watching you get off on my cock like a desperate little whore."
"Touch me, Negan. Please."
"Please what?"
"Please Negan."
He removes his hands from his jacket to lean over me, holding himself above me with one hand on the bed while bringing the other to lightly grip my throat.
His dark hazel eyes dart back and forth between mine as he squeezes his fingers gently around my neck. My face reddens even more at the sudden loss of air.
"Try again, doll."
"Please... daddy." I choke out and he quickly releases my throat.
"Good girl." He kisses my lips softly before thrusting his hips hard, completely filling me until his balls are flush against me.
I scream out and his hand immediately covers my mouth while his head dips to the side of mine and his deep voice fills my ear once again.
"Sshhh, baby. I know. I know." He pulls out almost completely before sliding in again, this time softer but just as deep.
My eyes fill with tears at the pain but I don't want him to stop. My fingers grip the bottom of his jacket as he continues fucking me hard and at a steady pace. The headboard begins to lightly bump the wall above me and my eyes widen with panic.
"Negan, the bed. My dad's room is right on the other side."
He chuckles lightly in my ear but doesn't speak. Instead, he pounds into me even harder and faster with his head is buried into my neck.
"Negan!" I whisper yell at him but it feels too good to make him stop. The closer my orgasm gets, the less I care about my dad hearing us.
After a few more thrusts, he slows down and suddenly flips us over with his dick still inside me until I'm laying over him.
"Negan, my dad's gonna come in here! We have to be quie-"
Before I finish, he lifts his knees up and rams his cock into me hard. It feels even deeper from this angle and hits a spot that makes me see stars.
"Come here, baby." He maneuvers me until my arms are wrapped around him and my head is nestled into his neck. He smells like musky cologne and sweat and I can't help but lick him. Our mouths are next to each others ears, breathing and moaning heavily as he begins to thrust up into me faster than ever. The headboard slams into the wall with force but I don't even care.
This feeling is unlike anything I've ever felt or knew was possible, so the last thing I'm gonna do is tell him to stop.
"Negan.." I cry out. "Faster."
He obeys and wraps his arms around me tighter, fucking me at an animalistic pace. I cum so hard and fast I don't even have time to announce it. My pussy clenches and I feel myself suddenly leak around him, soaking his dick and probably even the bed below us.
"Goddamn. That's my good fucking girl... You gonna let daddy cum in this pussy, baby?"
"Yes! Please." I whine.
He growls in my ear and holds himself deep and still inside me as his dick pulses over and over.
I try to slide off of him when he's finished, but he holds me tight, not letting me leave.
"Negan, you need to leave before my dad-"
"He's not here, sweetheart."
"What?!" I snap my eyes to his.
"Relax, baby. He's fine. But I did warn him that if he didn't want to hear his baby girl screaming "daddy" all night.. then he should take your siblings and go stay the night with Daryl." He grins up at me and my brows come together with confusion.
"Wait you.. you told him about our plan?"
"Of course baby. Had to be respectful and ask for your old man's blessing."
"And.. and he gave it to you?!"
Negan laughs and reaches up to tuck my hair behind my ear. "Absolutely not. But respectfully, I told him he didn't have a choice."
The next morning:
My vagina is screaming at me for allowing it to be destroyed last night. I can't count on one hand how many times Negan made me cum. I open my eyes to the sun shining through my window and immediately notice Negan is gone. I shoot up and look around, seeing that his clothes are also gone.
What if he just.. got what he wanted and left..
I throw the covers off of me and get up, grabbing my sundress of the floor and throwing it on before making my way through the house.
"Carl?!.... Dad?!" I yell as I descend quickly down the stairs. I stop at the bottom to find Negan stirring a pot of something on the stove.
"There she is! Mornin' sunshine." I walk over to Negan to see what he's cooking and he holds a spoon up to my mouth, letting me taste the deliciousness. This man can fuck and cook... what a god.
"Was wonderin when you were gonna wake the hell up. It's already lunch time, baby." He presses his lips to mine and I notice his freshly shaven face. I've never seen him like his and he looks so incredibly handsome.
He lifts me up and sets me on the kitchen counter while standing between my legs.
"Mmm, promise me you'll wear little sundresses with no panties underneath for the rest of our lives, doll." He says as he kisses me sweetly. I giggle and wrap my arms around him, kissing his neck.
"You hungry baby?" He asks and I nod sleepily.
"Me too." He slowly gets down on his knees in front of me, draping my legs over his shoulders.
He softly licks me with his tongue, moaning from the taste before burying his face further into me until I feel his tongue push past my hole. His shaven face feels soft and much more gentle than his beard.
My fingers run through his black hair, tugging on it gently as my head falls back.
"Mmm, daddy." I moan and my eyes snap open, hearing movement at the front door. I quickly jerk Negan up while pulling my dress down and sliding off the counter, seeing my dad, Carl, and Daryl standing in the doorway. Carl quickly covers Judith's eyes while he holds her and Negan sighs annoyedly at the sight of them.
"God..DAMN it, Rick. Again? You gotta learn to fucking knock."
"It's my house." My dad's expression is unreadable as he stands there, eyeing Negan. "You said one night. You can be on your way now."
"Well now don't be fucking rude, Prick. Have a seat." He grins widely at my dad before gesturing to the table. "I made spaghetti."
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The End.
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1427 · 3 months
would you? (pt. 2)
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Negan x Reader
Summary: Your mom died when you were 15, your Aunt Lucille was given custody even though she was battling cancer. When the world gets upended and Lucille dies, Negan is all you have, but he isn’t cut out to be a parent. When he becomes the leader of the Saviors and takes residence in the Sanctuary he’s almost a stranger. No one wants anything to do with you because you’re Negan’s “daughter”. So when you confront Negan about needing company, he obliges. You don’t realize that the feelings you’re developing are inappropriate, but Negan does.
Setting: Height of the Saviors era Sanctuary, Negan’s bedroom. 
Warnings: SMUT, age-gap (reader is 18, Negan is early/mid 40’s), virgin!reader, manipulation, guardian!negan (technically it’s Uncle!Negan and it IS mentioned explicitly), oral (f receiving), unprotected piv, creampie, stocking!kink, innocence/corruption!kink, reader is described several times as a doll/toy, read at your own risk ok
Word count: 3.3k
A/n: uhm, my heart was racing the entire time I was writing this please read at your own risk fr
// Part 1 //
18+ mdni
I was just bending over to grab my pencil, coach. 
For a while, you don’t bring up what happened that night. Going to lunch like everything’s normal. Negan is even more disturbed by this than he was by your innocent flirting. You don’t bring it up, but you’re different. Reminding him of some of his former students. The girls with obvious crushes - ones they were trying to hide but actively weren’t. They’d do things that could easily be explained away. 
Sorry, I only packed these shorts today. I didn’t realize they were against dress code. 
It was easy to not look then, to hardly be affected by silly teenage girls who had no idea what they were doing. He could go to the teachers lounge and flirt with the TA’s if he was really looking for someone younger. But younger isn’t necessarily what Negan liked. ‘Innocent’ wasn’t something he thought he could get into. But with you? He had all control, every single aspect of your life was in his hands - and he knows he fucked up. He knows he fucked you up… but he’d gone and fucked himself up too. Finding himself wanting to teach you everything. So caught up in the knowledge of how bad you want him makes him feel like a king - moreso than any amount of wives. You only wanted him. You only knew him.
Oblivious to Negan’s dirty secret and because he’d threatened to stop seeing you if you continued this flirting behavior you stick with subtle stuff. Wearing even lower cut shirts, mini-skirts and stockings. And sure, the stockings had holes in them. But Negan liked that even more than if they hadn’t. It let him imagine you weren’t this pristine untouched thing. He wasn’t sure which was worse; fantasizing about you as this perfect little doll that’s never been held by anyone, that doesn’t know anything about a man’s body or as this thing he’d corrupted. Giving you romance novels? What an amateur mistake on a colossal scale. 
When you started wearing skirts he could smell you. Your wet cunt, sweet and unmistakable, every single time you walked into his bedroom for lunch. He tries to ignore it, tells the kitchen to make more pungent food, wears cologne, but it doesn’t matter - he could pick your scent out of a line-up of the undead, having had weeks to memorize it. 
Negan’s cologne only makes you more wet for him. You can barely make it through lunch anymore. Trying your best to keep up with the conversation that you’re almost positive he’s phoning in as well, but it’s not easy when all you can think about is him stuffing you full on the bed that sits a dozen feet away. You’re desperate to make a move and terrified that any move you make will disrupt everything. 
You scour your books for some kind of clue on what to do next, how to make it impossible for him to say no - but there’s no obvious answer. With no experience to tell you that Negan was losing his goddamn mind waiting for you to make a move or proposition so that he could oblige it. 
He gets sick of waiting. Sick of drinking down his disgust with himself. It only makes the fantasies more vivid. Almost tangible and right there. All he really had to do? Touch you. And he knows it. 
He’d stopped getting you gifts and novels after that night, but today? Today he had something real fuckin’ special. 
You’re sitting across from him eating… only desserts? Weird choice, but still delicious. “What’s the occasion?” You ask, taking a bite of the strawberry shortcake set out in front of you. 
“Do I need a special occasion to treat my favorite girl?” He says it so casually, but he’s never said anything like that to you before. 
“Okay,” you breathe out a chuckle, “who are you and what have you done with my uncle?” 
“Woah now, ‘Uncle’?” The title made him visibly uncomfortable, but not because he didn’t like it. He was too far gone with you, and now anything that made it more taboo just spurred his hunger further. 
You breathe in deeply, as if you’d just confessed to something. Simply put, you had. He knows how bad you want it. He can smell it on you, and you didn’t care he was your family. Not even just your almost supposed ‘guardian’, no. You saw him as your uncle and you still wanted it. Bad. “Yeah, you are my uncle, aren’t you?” 
“That makes you my niece.” He says it like it’s news. Not understanding that he’s trying to gauge your reaction. 
For some reason, it makes your heart pound. Your ears get hot, and that same smile you’d tried to will away that night he’d forced a confession out of you (in the form of a moan at his touch) blossoms on your face. Pink cheeked and starry eyed, “It does,” you nod, you really don’t know any better, “Anyway, what’s all this about?” 
Negan scrambles for an answer that isn’t the one he can’t say out loud, “Missed your birthday, wanted to… make it up to you.” His voice is low, droning, and it makes you shift in your seat, crossing your legs. Negan notices and smirks at your body giving you away. You’re so easy. 
“Oh… thanks.” You take another bite of the shortcake before moving your fork to his plate to take a bite of chocolate cake. He lets you, he’s been letting you get away with so much more disrespect than he’d ever allow from anyone else. Telling himself that no teenager shouldn’t be getting away with little stuff like that, but really it’s because he likes it. He wishes you would take more control, and just ask him already. He’d wished for weeks that you would press yourself up against him like you had before he’d made you aware of your own feelings for him. And he hates that he told you that you weren’t allowed. That it was wrong. Because it is, but he doesn’t care anymore. 
He’s sick of waiting for you to understand how to make a move, “I got you a little something too.”
It’s almost unbelievable that he’d gotten this for you. One of the saviors had tried to smuggle it to keep for himself, and once Negan saw it… he couldn’t think of something better for you. “Now close your eyes,” he purrs. 
You slam your eyes shut and put out your hands eager to receive another gift. Feeling a hard plastic case being slipped into your fingers, “Now open them.” 
It was a… you had no idea. Looking up at him in confusion you’re met with a look of complete and total satisfaction from Negan. Smiling wide at your reaction. “What is it?” You whisper, smiling back. 
“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll show you.” And he winks. He fucking winks. You’re a mess. You’re putty. You have no idea what this little pink egg shaped thing is, enclosed in the plastic balanced in your hands, but you know it’s something… different. He can tell you still have no clue what it is, what it’s for, but he sits and waits for your thanks. 
You can feel it, your legs tremble as you’re about to stand up but you stop yourself. You’re not supposed to flirt with him. And he told you that that’s what hugging him is. At least when you do it. You look to him, chewing on your lip, you want to feel him pressed against you so bad it’s making your knee bounce in anxious anticipation. You think about the fact that if you were hugging him you’d be able to smell his cologne even stronger, maybe you could even get away with kissing him on the cheek. After all, you could just blame it on the gift again. 
He’s just sitting there, leaned back in his chair, staring toward the window. It would be so easy to just… you get up and crash down into his lap. Draping your arms around him, pulling your face into the crook of his neck like you always do. This time is different, like everything else has been different since that night. You can’t will yourself to move. Your breath caught in your throat as your gaze travels upward. All you can see is his neck, his chin still pointed away like he’s trying to hold himself together. You feel a guilt creeping into your periphery but it’s drowned out by the heat between your legs. Without even realizing you’re doing it, you plant your lips on his neck. 
He’s quick to react, his hand coming to grip your thigh just as instinctually as you had kissed him. Negan is sick of waiting, he was not built for this. “Do you want me to show you how to use your gift?” 
You’re melting, all your senses dizzy with his hand so firmly on your leg. Feeling his calloused palm through the tears in your stockings, your skin prickles. He puts his one arm underneath your legs and the other under your arms and picks you up, placing you gently back down in his chair. The suspense courses through you, tightening and moving to your limbs. The personification and embodiment of an exclamation point, you’re trembling as he stalks around the room. Taking the still unopened gift off of the table, you hear the click of the knife from behind you as he paces. He’s cutting into it as he leans down and breathes in your ear, “If you want me to stop, you tell me to stop, okay?” 
You nod in response, trying to swallow the knot in your throat.  He keeps talking, walking around to face you again as he gets the small mysterious device free from its packaging. “I fucked up with you,” you can tell he’s going to start monologuing like he always does, building up the anticipation you already can’t take. Your hands pulling at the hem of your skirt because you don’t know what else to do with them. “I want you to know that I know I’ve made mistakes. I’ve really really fucked up your pretty little head.” As he speaks he moves back around behind you. Cheeks flushing at the compliment. He’d called you pretty. 
“But don’t worry, kid,” his voice in your ear feels like his stubble beneath your lips that you’ve imagined so many times, “I’m gonna fix you right up.”
His hand glides down your chest from above you and your body dramatically arches into his touch. Shivering as he moves his way down to one leg, pulling on your stocking to maneuver the limb onto the arm-rest. He does the same with the other, as if you’re some doll he’s positioning. You’re putty, not a single ounce of resistance inside of you. He moves his hand to lift up your skirt, letting it fall to your stomach. Unable to look at yourself in such a provocative position you close your eyes. 
“Holy shit, girl.” Negan’s smile devours him as he takes it all in. You’re not wearing underwear underneath your stockings, something he was absolutely not expecting. Your pretty pussy all smashed up against the mesh, your juices seeping through. In the light it almost sparkles. He’s never seen a damn thing like it. He hadn’t even done anything yet, and you were a shaking mess in his chair. Waiting so patiently for him to fix you. 
He had planned on putting the little vibrator against the fabric of your panties and stockings, and while he still could… he can’t stop himself from putting his warm hand between your legs instead. He doesn’t want to stop himself, he wasn’t built for that. Fuck the piece of shit vibrator and fuck all of his stupid fucking plans to take this slow. No, he knows what you really need. Him. 
His big hand comes to rest on top of your mound, pressing his fingers flat against the wet fabric of your stockings hard. The pressure.. the warmth.. your hands immediately shoot up from your sides grabbing his forearm as you gasp at the feeling. Pulling yourself even more flush against him, any piece of him you can get. 
You’re shaking, Negan can’t think straight. All plans out the window, that smell, he needs to taste you. He rubs his whole hand, all four warm fingers, against the sopping fabric in circles for only a few seconds before bringing his hand up to his nose and taking a deep breath in of your scent. (He won’t lick you from his fingers, that’s somehow beneath him.)
You whimper under his touch and whine when he pulls away, but you don’t move other than to put your arms flat against the armrests of the chair. He was going to fix you, right? So you submit, not really even understanding how to react to any of this. 
His dick is so hard against the fabric of his pants that it hurts. He tries to readjust, but it only makes him groan. Your neck cranes at the noise, but before you can get a look he’s in front of you, pulling up on the mesh directly above your heat, taking the knife he’d still been holding and cutting into it. The sound of the stockings tearing only makes Negan’s dick harder, revealing your glistening cunt like unwrapping a fucking present. Just for him, all for him. He did this… all of it. 
He rips the fabric more before pulling your hips closer to the edge of the chair and kneeling down on one knee. His face buries against you with a haste you weren’t expecting, your body shooting up at the feeling. So sharp and too much, you squirm against his tongue but he keeps you still. Growling into your cunt, “I said I’m going to take care of you, doll, so you have to let me.  Stop. Moving. Just…” his tone softens, and he kisses you sweetly on your hood, “relax.” 
Negan dives back in more gently this time, taking in the taste of you slowly. Drinking from you, he’s never tasted anything so sweet. So pristine. His tongue swathing in large laps against your lips, you’re trying your best to relax but your orgasm builds faster than you can tolerate. It felt like fucking magic, filling you with stars that buzzed all the colors of the rainbow. He flicks his tongue between your folds, directly onto that spot and your orgasm shoots through you like a bullet. From your core to the top of your head, no orgasm you’d ever had had felt like that. It left you wanting, it wasn’t enough. Your walls pulsate, gushing thick white perfect ecstasy into Negan’s mouth. He snickers against you, his nose resting gently on your still quivering clit. 
He doesn’t want to wait - picking you up like you weigh absolutely nothing, bringing you and your dizzy head to lay gently on his satin sheets. Bliss; and yet, you yearned. 
Your whole body shouting, the personification and embodiment of a fucking exclamation point. His belt clacks against your sensitive folds as he races to get himself inside.
And then, all of a sudden and just like that - you’re whole. His lips smashing into yours in a desperate need to claim every part of you. 
When he’d imagined it in his head you were naked, all skin and blush and like sweet honey coating his senses. It was all different, but he didn’t mind you like this. Clothing soaked with sweat and your own sweet nectar; he felt like he was in high school and he’s taking your virginity underneath the bleachers. All limbs and throbbing need and no time, no breath to waste.
 He kisses you deep and rough until you can’t breathe and you pull away, still adjusting to his size which you imagine is large from the discomfort inside of you, snaring itself into your vision like white flashes of electricity.
His first few labored thrusts hurt like you imagined it would, though it’s not like anything you’ve felt before. The burn of your walls stretching over him makes your breath hitch sharply in your throat, “That’s a good girl,” he purrs in your ear as he pulls out and slams into you harder. Tears sting your eyes as you nod into his shoulder, silently willing him to keep going. Don’t stop. He couldn’t stop even if you’d asked him too, your pussy is too wet, too hungry and swallowing him whole. He knows what you need, he can tell, even if you couldn’t. You need this. 
Negan is seeing fucking stars, your hole stretching so perfectly around him like it never needed anything more, “Fu-uck,” he’s not going to last 5 minutes. He leans back, taking your hips and pulling them off of the bed to stay attached to his while he fucks you like that. Your shoulders still down against the bed, you’d never read about a position like this and it hurts but you like it. Your eyes traveling down his body as he buries himself slowly into you. All the way to the hilt, and that’s when you see it.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, causing him to look down and see what was going on but he had already pulled back. 
“Hm?” His tone is amused. 
“Do it again,” you whine. He smirks a brilliant flash of white teeth, before his face completely falters at the sight when he presses himself all the way into you again. Both of your eyes wide as the outline of his cock protrudes from your belly. 
“Jesus,” his voice is loud, it seems to vibrate your brain against your skull. He draws himself out of you and shoves back in - more unceremoniously than previous. He’d been trying his best to not hurt you, to take it as slow as he could manage; but seeing his hard length poke out of your body was too divine, way too fucking hot for him to not lose any semblance of control he’d had. 
Negan drowns you out, your loud screams, your hands clawing at his forearms, as he rails into you. Eyes fixed on your stomach as he watches; he doesn’t even realize you’re cumming until your hips shake violently in his grip. Your walls clench so tight his cock is pushed out. Negan clicks his tongue, as if you’d done something wrong. Moving himself in position back on top of you, his elbows coming to rest above your shoulders, his whole being swallowing you up. Your arms and legs wrap around him to try and still your shaking body as he ruts up and into you like a wild animal, his breathing jagged, his movements much less languid. Rough and desperate and all consuming. 
Using your body like a toy to get himself off, he’s hardly paying attention anymore. Grunting curses that you’re trying to memorize through a hazy veil of satisfaction.
He’s. Falling. Apart.  
And it’s wet and hot and so deep inside you that you can feel it in your fucking throat. You scream, loud, as he empties himself inside you.
Quickly, too quickly, he pulls himself out. He wants to watch his seed spill out and onto the gray sheets. You’d said you fucking sucked at painting, but Negan thinks this is the most beautiful piece of art he’s ever fucking seen. His cum dripping out of your freshly and newly used pussy in soft glistening strings to pool underneath of you, the white in stark contrast to the dark fabric is something real fuckin’ special. 
He’s smiling, kneeling above you with his hands on your stockinged knees as he watches between your legs. You’re in another world, on another planet and lost in your senses. It was everything you’d dreamed it’d be. Heaven. 
Negan had every intention on this being a one time thing. After all, hysteria was curable - but as he lays back on the bed to catch his breath he’s already caught dreaming about you in every position, any way he can place you. His perfect little toy, all just for him. Only his. 
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darylvr · 7 days
₊⊹ carl x reader
7x1 spoilers, tara is readers sister figure, 0.7k words, not proofread oops!, implied afab reader
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3 questions that had led you to the semi-stable life you had now. carl had found you on a run with his father. you'd looked harmless enough despite walker blood layered on your clothes.
"dad, stop. i got it, it's fine." the younger one says making his way over to you. his father watched cautiously, hand hovering by his waist.
you're confused at his interaction and reach for your knife to defend yourself. that was until he spoke again. only this time, to you.
"it's okay, 'm not gonna hurt you. i want to help." you could only furrow your eyebrows. why would he want to help you?
you say your first words since their arrival, "do you have a shelter?" he slightly smiles and you resume, "it’s fine if you don’t tell me, i know we don’t know eachother but—"
"how many walkers have you killed?"
once again, you were confused. you glanced over his shoulder to the man who’d appeared to be his father. you nervously twirled your fingers,
"i’ve lost count."
"how many people have you killed?"
wow, he really gave you no time to think between each question. "one."
"they were going to kill me. i had to so it wouldn’t be me down the line."
he’d ended up taking your weapons, which only consisted of a 9mm and a pocket knife you’d taken from a dead one. you were happy to give them up if it meant shelter.
you’d finally arrived to the gates and you could see a woman opening them.
"there’s food ‘n runnin’ water here." rick said.
you could only smile and thank him profusely. you really hoped this would be where you settled forever.
that was when you met carl. getting to know him was a different story.
it’s been a few days since you were welcomed to alexandria. tara had been kind enough to be a big sister to you, and you saw carl often. even if it was from a distance.
you’d found yourself sitting on one of the porches, watching everything around you. your eyes found carl, making his way over to you with two glasses.
"thirsty?" he hands you one of the cups and sits down next to you.
you smile, and thank him before taking a sip.
"so what do you think?"
you hold up a finger and swallow the lemonade you had in your mouth, "oh it's good, a little sweet—" he starts laughing, leaving you embarrassed and a bit confused.
"i meant alexandria, silly. what do you think of the place?" oh that made a lot more sense.
"i like it, i feel safe and at home here. reminds me of what everything used to be." he nods at your words.
"y'know, you never told me what happened to your eye?" he turns to look at you and explains how he’d gotten shot. "i'm sorry."
he purses his lips together, "it’s not the first time, but that’s just the world we live in now."
two weeks from that day, you guys were officially a couple.
you’d heard about negan and what'd happened to glenn and abraham. truth be told, you were horrified. of course you'd seen people die, killed walkers, and other horrific things, but negan struck fear in you, more than those could.
your head rested on carls chest as he stroked your head.
he hums in response.
"i think this's the only time i've been worried since i've been here."
he exhales before responding. " 'm not gonna let anything happen to you. i'll kill negan myself, i swear." the two of you fell asleep like that.
when you woke up, carl was no where to be found, and neither was rick. you thought nothing of it, and went about your business. you stayed with olivia, helping her watch judith. that was, until you heard the front door open and negan asking for rick.
your heart dropped. why was he here? you were currently upstairs with judith, so that's where your focus lays. you wanted to be concerned for carl, but if negan was going to kill him, he would've already done it, right?
"it’s just a water heater—"
"are you serious kid? come on."
what you'd been anticipating had finally happened, the door swung open and you saw carl and negan.
"well, shit." he points his over to carl, then back to you and judith. there was a grin forming on his face, but carl quickly denies his suspicions. "she’s my sister."
he continued smiling and took judith from your lap. you look over to him and he could only give you an apologetic look that let you know it was okay.
the rest of that day was a complete blur for you. you'd watched spencer and olivia die right in front of you. you spent most of your time in you room since that happened, with tara checking in on you.
"carl‘a worried about you." she says while falling back onto your bed. you scoff, "and how would you know that?"
"it's pretty obvious when he purposely walks by the house 5 times in one day instead of being productive." this earns a laugh from both of you, and you realize, she's right.
"he's going to do something about it, i've seen the look in his eyes." tara knew someone was going to take him out, and if it wasn't her, it was going to be one of the grimes'. she wanted to kill negan just as much as the next person.
"i know, and i'll be right there with him." she lightly nudges your shoulder, "tell him that, you haven't spoken to him in two days."
you'd began making your way over to his house, and you were met with michonne at the door. she gave you a knowing look and a smile, "he's upstairs," she said.
you leaned against the doorway, "hi." he tears his gaze away from his comic to look at you. "you decided to stop avoiding me?" his voice was lighthearted, but you still felt guilty.
"sorry that i've been avoiding you. i guess i'm just scared of everything, of losing you." he motions for you to come sit next to him on the bed.
"you're not going to lose me. and i know you're scared, but we have to face it together." he continues, "what ever happens, i'm going to be right beside you."
you sit next to him, which gave you a sense of comfort. "do you really think we can beat him?"
"i know we can beat him. we have hilltop on our side." he smiles.
"do you remember when we met?" you're not sure what brought about your question. maybe you just wanted something other than negan to talk about. "yeah. thought you were badass, despite the situation."
you roll your eyes and scoff, "i was scared out my mind! do you know how intimidating it is-"
"but i knew you'd fit in here."
you were glad that carl was the one that had found you. the two of you were practically inseparable, and taking down the saviors would just be another thing the two of you did together.
"me too." you leaned over so your head fell on his shoulder. you couldn’t ask for a better place to live, nor a better boyfriend.
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
One Time Thing
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Summary: With every meal, a member of Alexandria that Negan finds himself affectionate for comes down to visit him. On this day, Negan lets Y/N know how he feels about her leading to a sexy moment between the two of them.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC, third person), etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47527771
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, smut, oral (male and female receiving), etc. 
Notes: I made a challenge for myself to write a short one-shot to go along with a smut prompt sentence. I was given "*this is a one time thing* negan x reader but the one who falls in love first is daddy Negan" ... I hope the person that requested this enjoys it! And if you liked this in any way, please let me know! Y/N means your name or whatever name you want to add. Do I have to keep saying this or is it pretty well known at this point? Oh well, either way. Enjoy!
Laughter echoed throughout the small, mundane cell that Negan had been locked up in for God knows how long at this point. Pulling his eyes away from the book that he was reading, Negan looked to the window that they had given him to see that sun was pouring in. It was hot. Uncomfortably hot for him at least. It felt like he was being baked inside of his cell, but out there? Kids were playing soccer together having fun. From where Negan was seated at the corner of his cell, he felt a sense of loneliness fill his body when he tipped his head to the side.
The sounds outside reminded him of when he was younger. When him and Lucille lived in their small little home. Every summer the kids would get together and play sports in the middle of the street with one another. Closing his eyes, he still vaguely remembered what it was like back then, but the memory was somewhat of a blur and he hated that.
Huffing, Negan set his book down beside him and pulled apart the buttons of the blue long sleeve that they had him in. Tossing it on top of the small cot, he got more relaxed and slid his feet further out onto the floor. Stretching out his long legs, Negan looked to the door of his cell. Usually he would be having someone coming down to give him his lunch right about now. Most of the time he didn’t care much for visits, but Negan especially looked forward to his meals. Those were the times of the day when someone who had really caught his attention would visit him. Most people at Alexandria snubbed their nose at him. Mocked him or just plain out ignored him. But Y/N, she never did that. In fact, she always initiated a conversation with him. Listened to him. She empathized with him when everyone else just saw a monster.
See the thing is, Negan without meaning to had developed feelings for this woman. With her kindness and her gentle touch, Negan found himself in awe of her. She was beautiful, sweet, charming…everything that was far too good for him, but he couldn’t help having feelings for her. Of course he never told her because he knew that if he did, nothing would come from it. No one would want to be with him. Not when the whole town would shame her if they found out. Getting lost in his thoughts, Negan let out a long sigh. At this point in his life Negan knew he was too far gone for someone else to love.
This morning when it was breakfast time, someone else had showed up with his food which was extremely disappointing. Especially since she was the thing that made his morning for him. Getting information from the Alexandrian that came in this morning was hard, but he was promised that she would be back for lunch. Truthfully? It worried him when she didn’t show up because she had been the one doing it consistently over the last few months. So just knowing that she was okay? That’s all that mattered to him. The only problem was, with her not showing up on time for lunch it just made him worry more.
Forcing himself to start reading again, he knew that if he let his mind linger, he would just start feeling bad for himself again. It was painful enough being locked up here inside of Alexandria. The last thing he needed was his own mind beating the shit out of itself.
“There she is,” Negan’s voice rumbled when the sound of someone’s footsteps pulled him away from the book following the sound of a door closing. Excitement flooded his veins when Y/N finally made it into the room that held his cell. When their eyes connected, Negan set the book down beside him and offered her up a big, cheesy toothy smile that made her smirk. “I didn’t think you were coming. I was worried about you.”
“You? Worried about me?” she spoke up, her eyebrow arching in curiosity when she made her way toward his cell. “Why would you worry about a gal like me?”
“Why wouldn’t I worry about a gal like you?” Negan replied noticing the way that her cheeks flushed over with his comment back. Unlike the others, Y/N would actually unlock his cell and take the time to come in to talk to him during his meal which was something he really liked. Loneliness had eaten away at Negan for so long that Y/N had helped heal some of that for him. “You’re the best part of my day.”
Getting into his cell, Y/N brought Negan’s serving tray in with her and closed the door behind her. Holding out the tray, she waited for Negan to accept it before carefully lowering down in beside him so they could sit together, “I’m one of the most boring people here Negan.”
“Not for me you aren’t,” Negan hushed her, his thick eyebrow arching in amusement when she got comfortable in beside him. Noticing that she was wearing a V-neck shirt, it made a wolfish smile press in over his handsome features and he snorted. “Did you wear that for me?”
“I wore it because it’s balls hot outside Negan,” she swatted at his shoulder, getting more comfortable with her back pressed against the wall. “I’m sweating like a pig. I’m sure that’s very appealing to you.”
“You have no idea,” Negan rumbled grabbing the sandwich from his plate and groaning outwardly. “Sandwiches. My favorite.”
“Beggars can’t be choosers,” she nudged him playfully with her elbow hearing him snort before taking a big bite of the egg sandwich that she had brought him. “At least I try to give you variety with your sandwiches.”
“True,” Negan agreed with a mouthful holding his sandwich out for her to take a bite. With a huff, she took a bite making him smile before taking a few more big bites on his own. “You know you like sharing lunch with me.”
“Sometimes I think you make me eat your lunch so you know that I’m not poisoning you,” she watched him finish off the sandwich. Placing her hand over his knee, she caressed over it tenderly making Negan swallow down hard. “I’m just glad you’re eating now. You scared the hell out of me when you weren’t eating.”
“You’re what made me start eating,” Negan whispered poking at one of the sides she had brought him with his meal. It made her turn her head toward him and he cleared his throat. “When you cried about me starving myself to death…I never wanted to see you cry again.”
“I looked that bad, huh?” she hesitated hearing Negan snort before rolling his eyes. “I didn’t mean to cry. I just didn’t want the person I was taking care of to die under my watch.”
“Oh, so you didn’t just care about me or anything?” Negan teased her, setting the tray out in front of them after he finished his lunch. Pouring some of the water she had brought for him out into his hands, Negan splashed some of it onto his face and grumbled. “It’s fucking hot. Between being baked and not being able to come, I think y’all are trying to kill me here.”
“What?” she blurt out, an amused laughter falling from her lungs when he bobbed his head about. “You’re not able to come?”
“Not at all,” Negan alerted her with a frown making her roll her eyes. “Do you know how hard it is to wake up every day with an erection and not be able to do anything about it? I don’t know if it’s because of the environment or what…”
“You’re full of shit,” she chuckled seeing Negan shake his head.
“I wish I was. You can ask the father, more times than I care to admit he has come down here seeing me try to beat one out, but I can’t…” Negan snickered making her cover her eyes and drop her head back against the wall while they both laughed. “I know I’ve had to make him uncomfortable.”
“You’re unbelievable,” she smacked at the center of Negan’s chest making a deep rumble of laughter fall from his throat. “So that’s why I see him going into the church praying so hard? You just burned that image into his soul for life.”
“I think of it as a gift, but it is what it is,” Negan shrugged noticing the way that she looked him over and his nose wrinkled. “What?”
“Sometimes I think you bullshit me to show off,” she explained sliding in closer to Negan making him turn his upper half toward her. Shaking his head, Negan’s dimples sank in and he let out a tsking sound. “See, now…you’re making me jealous that Gabriel has seen you naked.”
“Jealous?” Negan repeated her words with a smirk. “If you want to see my cock Y/N, all you have to do is ask. I’m kind of head over heels for you if you haven’t noticed. So all you have to do is say jump and I’d ask how high.”
“Bullshit,” she breathed out again making Negan’s expression turn very serious. With his eyes gazing over her lips, it made her heart skip a beat and she felt hot at the way he was looking at her. “You’re just charming and flirty.”
“I am those things, but I don’t lie to you,” Negan assured her pressing in closer to her so that their faces were close enough to one another. The warmth of his breath lingered over her lips making a shuddering sound escape her. “I’ve never lied to you. And I never will.”
Faintly his lips skimmed over hers, just barely touching them. It was bold of him to try this because he knew that he might upset her and she would never come back, but he had to let her know how he felt about her. When she didn’t push him away, he brought their lips together and he claimed her mouth in a kiss that was delicate. Taking his time, he allowed her to get used to the sensation of him kissing her before he deepened the kiss. Curling his finger in underneath her chin, he managed to get her to tip her head back. The movement had her lips parting allowing him to brush his tongue over hers in a tempting, teasing flick. With the sound that followed, he felt a fire flooding his veins when he tried to deepen the kiss. Wincing, he felt her hand placing firmly over the center of his chest and he frowned. “Sorry.”
“Place your hands on the floor,” she instructed him making his hazel eyes narrow, his jaw flexing when he didn’t get why she was telling him to do it. “Flat on the ground.”
“I don’t understand,” Negan panted, his heart hammering inside of his chest when she ordered him to put his hands at his side. Licking at his lips, Negan could see that her eyes were dilated with lust so he didn’t think he did anything wrong. “Y/N?”
“Hands flat out on the ground beside you,” she ordered and instead of fighting her, Negan did what she told him to do. There was a slow, uneasy motion in the way he did it, but when his palms flattened out over the ground, she moved in closer to him. Swallowing down, Negan watched her hands reaching out toward his pants to start undoing his belt making a sharp breath escape his lips. “Good boy. We’ll see if we can make you come.”
There were so many things he wanted to say. So many wise crack remarks, but with her fingers swiftly pulling apart the belt in his pants, he found his heart hammering in his chest. It had his body shaking. His lips were parted, the sound of his heavy breaths filling the air around them. With ease she unhooked his belt, tugging it out before reaching for the button in his pants to yank it apart.
“You don’t have to do this,” Negan groaned when she jerked at the material of his pants. Arching his hips up toward her in order for her to be able to do what she wanted when she pulled down the zipper. Licking at his lips, Negan saw that there was determination in her eyes when she pushed the material apart and reached inside to snake her hand between the slit of his boxer briefs in search of his semi-erect form. Pulling Negan’s cock out into her hand had him moaning out. “Y/N.”
“Don’t move,” she demanded when her fingers wrapped around the shaft of his cock, starting to pump his flesh in her grasp. Negan’s head tipped back against the hard wall making her smile. It was taking everything inside of Negan for him not to respond to what she was doing right now. Sliding in closer to Negan, she leaned in to press wet kisses over the side of his neck and heard him growl when she did it. “This is a one time thing. You understand that, right?”
Nodding once, Negan moaned out when she bit at the side of his neck. Licking his lips, Negan wanted to bounce his hips up toward her caress, but he knew that she was specific in telling him what she wanted him to do. Sheathing him in her grasp she took her time to pay attention to Negan’s reaction to every touch. Peppering her kisses up over his jawline, her lips met Negan’s feeling his tense against the kiss making her laugh.
“Relax,” she encouraged making his body loosen up when he eagerly kissed her with everything he had inside of him. In no time she had managed to get him solid within her grasps. Pulling from the kiss, she stared down at Negan’s erection finding her mouth watering at the way he ached in her grasp. The veins were prominent going up the shaft and she took the chance to trace over them making Negan’s hips arch up toward her touch. “You have a nice cock.”
“I know,” Negan noted making her roll her eyes. Stroking her thumb across the ridge of the swollen tip, she couldn’t help but enjoy having her way with Negan like this. “If you think it’s nice like that, you should see how nice it is inside of you.”
“Bold,” she slid in closer to him, leaning in to kiss over his bottom lip. A deep, raspy moan escaped his parted lips when her fingers curled around his girth again working her touch over his distended flesh. “When did you have a bath last?”
“This morning,” Negan responded finding it hard to keep his palms flat on the ground. At this point she had a steady, firm pace that she was jerking him off and his body felt like it was on fire. It had been so long since someone had touched him like this. “Why?”
“Because I want to make sure that what I’m putting in my mouth is clean,” she answered against his lips, unhurriedly lowering herself down making a sharp exhale fall from his throat. Outstretching her tongue, she dragged it over the tip collecting the taste of him with a hum. Lazily taking her time to circle her tongue around the ridges of the tip of his swollen cock had him moaning out. “You have to be quiet.”
“Yes ma’am,” he obeyed her when she lifted her eyes up to give him a firm glare with her hand stroking over his tip. Already he was exceedingly sensitive with her touch so it felt fucking amazing having her doing that. Biting into his bottom lip, he gave her a nod of approval making her smirk. Dropping her head back down, she placed wet kisses over the tip with her tongue dragging out over the flesh in unhurried flicks. It took everything inside of him not to make a noise. Considering she was the first person to touch him in years, he thought he was doing a pretty good fucking job. “Fuck, Y/N.”
“Mmmm…” she hummed taking just the tip between her parted lips making his hips flex, pushing them up a bit toward the wet warmth.
She was teasing him with the drags of her tongue around his tip, down over the length of his shaft and back again. Shaking on his unsteady hands, Negan felt a fire burning through his veins and he couldn’t avoid the faint raspy moan that escaped him when her mouth finally took him in. Bobbing her head down and pulling back lazily while dragging her tongue along his erection had him tensing up beneath her. Keeping his eyes on her movements, Negan wondered if he had fallen asleep and this was something that his mind had conjured up. Having her stroking his shaft in circular motions with her palm with his cock in her mouth was something he could have only dreamt of before. Yet here she was doing what she could to get him to come.
“Please, can I touch you?” Negan begged knowing that she had ordered him to keep his hands on the ground. With a wet sound, Y/N pulled her lips from his glistening length. A line of saliva trailed from her lips to the tip of his cock and it made him moan. Licking her lips, her eyes surveyed him over and she could see the desperation in his big hazel eyes. “Please.”
“Just one,” she allowed with a nod of her head wrapping her other hand around his shaft to pump his girthy length in her grasp. Raising his right hand, Negan stroked his fingers through her hair before his thumb caressed in over her jawline. With her eyes connected on Negan’s, she leaned down enough to take the bulbous head back between her wet lips making him moan out. Every movement over his body, she had her eyes locked on him to see what it did to him making him realize she was a whole lot naughtier than she acted.
“God,” Negan fell forward when she took him as far back into her throat as she could. Palming in over her shoulders, he caressed over her body noticing that she deep throated him a few more times. Panting, Negan looked up toward the window to make sure that no one was noticing the two of them. Right now would have been one of those times where he wished that window didn’t exist. Sinking his fingers into her hair, Negan gave it a gentle tug getting her to pull away from his aching manhood with a smile. “I’m not coming. I think you’re going to have to try harder.”
“Oh?” she marveled her eyebrow arching in curiosity. “Well, if I try harder. You’re going to have to make me come too. I can’t put in the work and not be paid back Negan.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan pulled her up to him stealing a kiss from her full, wet lips. Suckling at her bottom lip, Negan palmed in over her sides making her purr against his lips. “Get on your knees.”
“Now you’re giving orders?” she quipped, smiling against his lips when he nodded his head. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”
“You can control the ending,” Negan insisted with a rumble, his handsome smile tugging at his lips. “You’ll be thankful. I promise you.”
“I better be,” she retorted getting up to her knees making Negan’s eyes gaze over her. Snickering, he got on his knees and reached out for his pillow. Putting it on the hard ground before his cot, Negan grabbed a hold of her and made her face the cot. Bending her over the cot had her breathing heavily as he made sure that her knees were resting on the pillow. Grabbing the back of her pants, Negan tugged on the material getting it down over her bottom and to her thighs along with her panties. “Negan?”
“Shh…” Negan hushed her palming up over the small of her back pushing the material of her shirt up. Teasing his rough fingertips down her spine had her arching her back up while she braced herself on his cot. “You are so fucking gorgeous.”
Tipping forward he pressed faint kisses over the center of her back while his hands found their way to her hips. Caressing over the flesh with small squeezes had her cooing and it made him wonder what things were like for her outside these walls. Was she with someone out in Alexandria? Was this her first time in a long time too? Grunting, Negan forced her to put her head further down against the cot and pulled her ass up further. Leaning back on his knees, Negan caressed at her full bottom testing the flesh in his grasp.
“You have such a pretty ass baby,” Negan proclaimed lowering down to nip at her flesh making her gasp, but it was followed by an amused sound. Pushing her cheeks apart, Negan moaned at the sight of her before him. “Now that is a beautiful sight.”
Mewling out, her eyes slammed shut when Negan buried his head between her thighs, his tongue lapping at the length of her wet heat. Grasping the sheet that was over his cot and curling it up in her fingers, she was doing everything she could to stay quiet. It was a strange feeling with Negan’s short beard rubbing up against her flesh while he pleasured her, but she liked it. Between the strong flicks of his tongue and the sucking at her flesh, he had her purring and panting with every touch. What made everything even more sensual for her was the way that Negan was moaning against her pussy while he ate her out.
“Negan,” she cried out his name knowing that she would damn herself if someone outside heard her, but she couldn’t keep herself quiet. With how hard her heart was pounding inside of her chest, she didn’t know if she could keep this up. Slurping, wet sounds filled that small cell while Negan had his way with her. He was wild with reckless abandon as he pleasured her like it was the first meal he had in years. Gasping, she felt him pulling away from her to squeeze over her bottom giving it a small spank followed by another squeeze. It had her wiggling her hips back wanting his mouth back over her. A deep rumble of a chuckle followed, but he gave her what she wanted. Dragging his tongue from top down, repeating the motion of his tongue flicking over the length of her sex. “Please…please…”
“Please what?” Negan slurred against her body, sucking at her sensitive flesh feeling her buck back against him.
“Fuck me,” she begged of him feeling everything inside of her aching. Excitement fell from Negan’s throat with him pressing one final wet kiss over her core. Getting up on his knees, he moved in behind her and firmly brought her hips where he wanted them. Looking back over her shoulder at Negan, she watched him reaching for the gray shirt that he was wearing to pull it from his body. Pushing his pants down to the bottom of his waist, Negan curled his long fingers around the base of his cock and teased a line with the tip of his cock between her wet folds. It made her bounce her hips back and a wicked smile flooded his features. “For fuck’s sake, please…”
“Please what?” Negan snorted, tracing his cock up and down several times over her. It was torture and he wasn’t giving her what she truly wanted. Tapping his hard cock against her bottom felt heavy with the smack it gave against her flesh.
“Fuck me now or I will never come back down here to see you again,” she warned with a hiss making Negan frown, his expressive eyebrows adding to his pout.
“Well that’s mean,” he huffed leading the swollen tip of his cock to her entrance. Pushing forward, he slid into her with ease with how wet he had already gotten her making both of them moan in unison. Dropping her head into the sheets, she tried to silence her moan with the way he filled her with his thick length. Pulling back his hips and then pushing forward had her bouncing forward with him filling her to the brim. Each thrust he made got more confident and harder with his hands leading her hips back against him. The smacking sound of their flesh filled the tiny cell while Negan pounded into her. Watching the way his cock filled her made him happier than ever seeing that her arousal was coating his cock. “Fuck…”
Surrounded by the tight walls of her body, Negan found himself lost in the moment while bucking up against her bottom. Her gasps were repetitive with his movements from being stretched by his girthy cock. Digging his fingers into her flesh, Negan wondered if it would be enough to leave marks because he was so desperate to feel all of this.
“Your cock is so big,” she whined biting down on her bottom lip, gazing back over her shoulder at Negan who seemed proud to hear that comment. “Goddamn Negan.”
“You’re not going to want this just to be a one time thing,” Negan rumbled sliding his palms up her sides. Adjusting his body, he leaned over her, hooking his fingers with hers keeping them closer together while he slowed down his tempo. Rolling his hips, Negan took his time making her breathless with every move he made. Kissing over the side of her neck and over her jawline, Negan could tell the change in position had affected her greatly because her cries were more desperate. “Not with how good this feels.”
“Please,” she pleaded with him, squeezing her fingers around his harder trying to bounce back into his movements. “I’m begging you.”
“You’re gonna come?” Negan growled making her nod and desperately kiss him looking to have that connection with him. With his cock rubbing up against her g-spot with every roll of his hips, there was just enough pressure that it was driving her wild with desire. Abandoning inhibitions, all they both focused on was the pure blissful pleasure that they were feeling. Sucking at her bottom lip, Negan hissed and brushed his tongue out at the wet flesh making her whimper. “Come on baby…”
Squeezing her eyes shut, she arched her hips further up toward his loving the sounds it made with his cock plunging into her tight canal with every thrust he made inside of her. Once her thighs started to shake, it seemed like Negan caught onto it with him starting to thrust faster. Letting go of one of her hands, he curled his fingers firmly around her mouth to keep her silent when she cried out into his hand. What sounded like a squeal vibrated against his flesh when Negan was forced to pull his hips back when a hot liquid rush flooded from her and down her thighs. A wet sound filled the air along with the awe that came from Negan when he just had her hit an orgasm that had her a shaking, trembling mess on his cot. Before she could even register what he had just done to her, he was back inside of her pumping away after she came, but everything was so sensitive that she was mewling out. Everything felt like it was spinning and she desperately reached back to try to grab a hold of his hips to get him to move faster. Eagerness flooded her wanting to have that friction again. It was an addictive feeling and she wanted more of it.
Desperately clinging to his other hand had him chuckling in his amusement, “You just made me come. Hard.”
“You don’t say,” Negan mocked, nibbling at her earlobe. “You’re not used to squirting, are you?”
“Get up,” she pulled her hips away from him, surprising him when his cock slid from her warmth. Shakily standing up on her legs, she felt like they were Jell-O. Barely being able to stand on them, she knew if she didn’t get him where she wanted, she would undoubtedly fall. Pointing toward the cot had Negan immediately getting up to scramble to the cot. Sitting at the center of it, Negan braced his back against the wall while she worked her pants completely off along with her shoes. With a smirk, she saw that Negan’s pants were bunched up at his ankles. This was a sight in itself. Negan naked, stroking his engorged cock while he stared up at her. It was a sight to be seen. One she would likely never forget. Crawling in over Negan, she hooked her left arm around his shoulders and reached with her right to lead his throbbing cock back to her entrance. Once she lowered down over his length, it had Negan growling out, his brow line creasing. “Goddamn.”
“Oh, it feels so good, doesn’t it?” Negan grumbled, his eyes desperate to take in her reaction to him getting her to squirt. “I’m jealous. I haven’t had an orgasm yet.”
“You’re going to. I never fail,” she smacked lightly at the side of Negan’s face making him chuckle when she braced herself over his knee with her right hand. Supporting her over him, Negan’s arms wrapped around her while she started to bounce her body over his manhood. Everything tingled and ached, but fuck she wasn’t going to give up until Negan came. “Fuck.”
“You love that big cock, don’t you?” Negan mused his eyebrows bouncing up when he leaned in to kiss her with all the passion that he could build up. “You’re welcome to come down here anytime you’re looking to have an orgasm. My mouth and cock are yours and very willing. Now that I know you’re a squirter, I’m more determined than ever.”
“I bet,” she started quickening her movements over him making the small cot squeak with the movements they were making. “We might break your cot.”
“I don’t care,” Negan panted, his head dropping to watch his cock slipping in and out of her wet core. “I’ll live if it breaks. Just don’t stop…”
Sharp breaths fell from both of them. They were both left aching for more while their movements got harder and rougher. Burying his head against the side of her neck, Negan grasped her hips tightly holding them in place when he started to smack his slender hips up underneath her plunging his lengthy cock inside of her repeatedly. Digging her nails into the center of his chest, she braced onto him with everything that she had knowing that he was trying to make her come again.
“Negan, fucking…” she wailed pulling her hips up and away from him once he managed to get another one out of her. Smacking at his abdomen had him laughing while she tried to brace herself over his body. An immense pressure filled her head, her eyes fuzzing over forcing her to close them to break that feeling of passing out. Being quiet after experiencing what she just had twice was so incredibly hard. “You’re going to fucking kill me.”
“From what?” Negan chuckled, kissing up over the side of her neck while she tremored over him. Negan’s cock twitched with anticipation, eager for a release itself with how dark red the tip looked. “Coming too much?”
“Dehydration,” she responded making Negan burst out in laughter, curling his arm around her waist to bring her back to him. Laying down, he gave her full range to do what she wanted when she braced her hands over his chest again. Taking things easy, she knew that she was so damn sensitive already. Dropping her head back, she could hear the wind from outside and wondered if someone had heard them in here. Even if they did, she didn’t care. This was the best experience she had gotten in years and she was going to get as much out of it as she could. With a wince, Negan lifted his head watching her ride him and the vein at the side of his neck started to bulge with his abdomen sinking in. “There we go…”
“Almost,” Negan’s fingers squeezed over her bottom helping to aid her movements over his pulsating length. Roaring out, Negan felt his climax rippling throughout him with his cum spurting out from the tip. With every downward thrust, Negan watched his arousal with hers covering his aching cock until he pumped her full of his release making her fall over onto his chest. The cot made a hell of a sound that made them both lift their heads half expecting it to break, but when it didn’t it made Negan drop his head back and laugh out. “That was…”
“Incredible,” she finished for him, stroking her fingers through the wet hair covering his chest. “I’m going to be feeling that for days.”
“You don’t want seconds for dinner?” Negan looked down at her, his hazel eyes hooking with hers making her smile. “Trust me, I have a whole lot more cum to give and fill you with. After years of nothing, these suckers are ready to give back…”
“You are so immature,” she watched Negan reach down to drag his fingers over his testicles. A groan fell from his throat when she hit him at the center of his chest. “I’m sorry about your pillow…and your bed.”
“Don’t apologize for that,” Negan placed a kiss over her forehead, his chest rising and falling rapidly while he tried to calm down. “I’m actually fucking proud of that. So never apologize. I wear the dampness with honor. Not only are you the first to make me come in a long time, but you’re also the woman I find myself having feelings for.”
“You…” she lifted her head up to see the nervousness in his eyes. “You what?”
“I love you,” Negan was quiet in the way that he delivered it, unsure of how she would respond. “And not just because I made you squirt and you made me come. Because I love you. You’re the one thing that I look forward to every day. And I’m sorry if that ruins this whole thing for you because I really fucking love you, but with the way shit is these days you never fucking know if something is going to happen so you should really get that…”
“Negan,” she covered his lips after he started to ramble off in a worried panic. Smirking, she shook her head and smiled. Lowering her head down, she rest it in over his chest to get comfortable.
At this point he didn’t know if she felt the same way, but with her cuddling into him, he didn’t take that as a bad sign. Nor was he going to turn her down. Wrapping her up in his arms, Negan knew that at any time someone could come down here and see them together, but he didn’t care. This was fucking perfect and he was going to cherish it for as long as he could.
Tags: @slutlanna976​​​ @fuckthis-and-fuckthat​​​ @jennydehavilland​​​ @de-gabyconamor​​​ @ibelongtonegan​​​ @smallsadjellyfish​​​ @labyrinthofheartagrams​​​  @msjamesmarch​​​ @thebeautysurrounds​​​ @hotfornegan​​​ @redmercysugar​​​ @caprithebunny​​​ @tuttifuckinfruitty​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​ @a-girl-interupted​​​ @akumune​​​ @stoneyggirl2​​​​ @xsarcasticwriterx​​​​  @insertneganhere​​​​ @haleygreen23​​​​ @xhannahbananax03​​​​ @sanctuaryforthelost​​​​ @burningredaffair​​​​ @killaweiser​​​​ @dead-of-niight​​​​  @ayumi-wolf​​​​ @hollyismentallyillhelp​​​​ @nt-multi-fandom​​​ @tone-stark​​​​ @strawberryslutera​
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carlsdarling · 7 months
Carl x Older! Reader headcanons Part III
More headcanons. A lot of requests for this so I decided to do that now... Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
Glenn showed you some pictures of Carl that he took with a Polaroid camera during the time in the prison. Carl was 13 or 14 years old back then, and you were enchanted by the pictures. "You were so cute," you purred against Carl's neck in bed at night. "I was never cute! I was already an adult back then and could handle a gun," Carl protested angrily. "Yes, you were really cute," you giggled. "Especially that picture of you sitting on the stairs with Beth. I bet you had a crush on her." The fact that Carl blushed proved that you'd hit the nerve. "Glenn shouldn't have shown you those pictures," Carl growled.
When the two of you are alone, Carl likes to call you his little cougar.
Carl makes a point of always appearing strong and being the one to care for you, but he's very emotionally vulnerable. On more than one occasion, you have had to comfort him because someone has made a silly remark about his eye. It hurts you when Carl is sad.
A few times you have played nasty tricks on people who have insulted Carl afterwards - making a mess in their houses or mixing mice faeces into their cereal boxes. It makes you unspeakably furious when someone is rude to Carl. There's now a fragile peace with Negan, but whenever he shows up in Alexandria, you can't help but insult him because Carl told you how Negan made him cry when he was younger.
For Carl's 19th birthday, you organized a surprise party at your house, and he was so happy. Michonne helped you get everything ready. At first she was very reserved towards you because she didn't appreciate the age gap, but now she and Rick have realized that you and Carl have serious feelings for each other.
Carl recently moved in with you and you think it's wonderful to be living with him now. It just feels right now that you've been together for six months.
You keep condoms in every room because you never know when you're going to get it on. You have a very high condom requirement. If possible, Carl always brings some with him when he goes on a supply tour. Some people have already noticed this and are constantly teasing him about it. Daryl in particular can't help it. "Carl, honestly, how many of these thingies do you need every day?"
You fucked in every room of the house - even in the kitchen, where you sat on the edge of the table and Carl positioned himself in front of you to penetrate you. He held your hips in a firm grip and thrust into you passionately, spurred on by the fact that you were moaning loudly and begging him. "Carl, harder! Even harder! Go faster!" you whimpered, digging your fingernails into his slender, smooth back. "You're so wanting," Carl gasped as he increased his pace and finally spilled his seed into you with a scream, his heart beating wildly. After that event, you had to grin every time someone came to visit, sat down at the table and you served coffee.
Carl doesn't like to get up early, and when he has the morning shift for guard duty, it's hard work for you to get him out of bed on time. Now you can place Michonne's gleeful laughter when she said when Carl moved in: "Have fun, Y/N, when Carl has to get up early. You'd best take the bed covers off him." But Carl clings to the covers and grumbles sleepily at you.
When Carl has had a difficult day, he is very quiet in the evening, very clingy and very cuddly.
You are so happy to have Carl. There are lots of girls his age in Alexandria who would love to be with him, but he chose you.
Tags: @tessasweet @taylormarieee @loveforcarl @knochentrocken0808 @xxcarlswifexx
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fangirldreams101 · 8 months
Coming Home pt. 5
DBF! Daryl, Rick, Shane & Negan x Reader
TW: Severe age-gap, older men
Chapter Index
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Rick cursed, going to shield you from Shane's sight with his body.
"What the fuck do you think yer doin?" he seethed at Shane's cocky smile.
Rick's rage skyrocketed as he noticed Shane's eyes glance at your body underneath before he shrugs, "You should be thankin' me. Her good ol' dad was gonna be the one to come in and check on ya'll. Givin how ya were lookin at her earlier, I kinda figured it'd be sumn like this."
"Thank you," Rick grit his teeth, "Now leave."
"Nah, I dun think so. What would good ol' dad say knowin' his friend was aboutta fuck his little girl? Dun think he'd be too happy about it, but that's jus me," Shane drawled, picking at his nails.
"Shane," your timid voice called out, still in shock over what just happened, "please don't tell him."
Shane's cocky demeanor softens at the sound of your voice, and he sighs, "Gorgeous, I wouldn't do that to ya. 'N Rick, stop standin' over her like a rabid dog and let her dress herself."
Rick practically growled at Shane's words, kind of proving his point. You gently tapped the man above you on the arm, a quiet signal that it was okay. Rick sighed, tucking himself back into his pants and helping you put your clothes back on while trying to protect you from Shane's unwavering gaze. It was no use however, Shane's dark gaze drunk in every ounce of exposed skin he could. You heard him take a sharp inhale of breath at the brief glimpse he got of your wet pussy. Rick also heard it, whipping around and glaring the younger man down.
Shane cleared his throat and motioned for you to grab the drinks. Rick snatched a few off the counter, the blue balls clearly bothering him, and you did as well, taking a few into your grip. You guys began to head out of the room with Shane the last one to leave, grabbing the remaining bottles and giving a small chuckle.
As you guys approached everyone else, your dad exclaimed, "The hell took you guys so long?"
You felt Rick freeze and Shane took a step forward about to speak up, when your voice sounded out, "I accidentally dropped 2 of the beers and they shattered on the ground. Rick was helping me clean up cause the glass got everywhere."
"Aw, you didn' get hurt, did you," your dad ask, concerned as Rick and Shane looked at you in astonishment, marveling at your quickly thought out lie.
"Nope," you said cheerfully, "everything is all good now. They were very...helpful!"
You all kept the façade up as you went to your seats and settled down. You tried to ignore the dampness between your legs and Daryl's curious gaze. Daryl's eyes kept switching between you, Rick, and Shane, but when Shane gives him a smirk, he scowls and goes back to eating. You all easily reenter the current conversations at the table and time goes by until the incident with Rick feels like a weird fever dream. Even though Rick caught you a bit off guard, you were super pleased to know that at least one of the men you were interested in was willing to get with you. You hoped that once the party was over, you'd be able to have a talk with him and maybe make it a reoccurring situation.
Dinner did eventually begin to die down, with the folks with children the first to head out. Next were the couples, tipsy and giggling amongst themselves, probably going home to have some fun. Everyone helped clean up after themselves before heading out, and eventually the remaining group went outside to the porch to rest. Your Dad was having a conversation with Morgan and the local priest, Gabriel. You decided that this would be the perfect time to go talk to Rick but as you went to find him among the remaining people, Daryl sought out your attention.
"Hey," his gruff voice called out, "gotta momen'?"
You sighed, "What's up, Daryl?"
"Ya migh' be able ta pull the wool over ya daddy's eyes, but don'cha lie ta me," he leaned in, "Wha were ya doin' w' Rick?"
Your face flushed and you harshly whispered, "None of your damn business."
"'m jus tryna look out for ya. I care about cha," he mumbled, his eyes searching your own.
You maintain eye contact, getting lost in his desperate gaze before huffing, "You had your chance."
Rage flared in Daryl, "The sunnabitch touch ya?"
His head whipped around, searching for the sheriff. You grab his arm roughly and bring his attention back to you.
"What I may or may not be doing with him is again, none of your business. Don't you dare start anything," you hissed.
Daryl blinked at you. Internally he was fuming, but seeing your angry gaze directed at him was enough to reel him back in. He nodded and you took that as your chance to leave. The porch surrounded the house so you went to go look for Rick at the sides but as you did, you bumped into another person you were trying to avoid,
Shane chuckled as he grabbed onto your arms, "Whoa there, gorgeous, where ya runnin' off to?"
"Shane please, let me be. It's embarrassing enough that you saw me... that way," you mumbled.
Shane leaned into your side, whispering into your ear, "Was it? Cuz I found you to be mighty damn cute."
He presses a fast and hard kiss to the side of your head, "If you ever want a real man to treat you good, I will never say no to someone as lovely as you, gorgeous.”
You stammer a little as Shane saunters off into the night, throwing a grin and wave.
Rick comes up behind you, "We need to talk."
You beam up at him and he feels a pang of guilt knock through him. You follow him and you both find a quiet nook.
"So I-," you both began, and you let out a light laugh, not noticing the grimace Rick had.
"You first," you smile but Rick shakes his head, indicating that you start.
"I, uh, really enjoyed what happened," you said bashfully, "and I was hoping we wouldn't let this be a one time thing?"
Your hopeful tone and shining eyes made Rick feel like the worst person in the world, and maybe he was.
He shakes his head sternly, "This can never happen again, (Y/N)."
You gaped at him, "W-what?“
”Yer dad is my friend, you could be my daughter's age. What I did was vile. I'm so sorry for doin' that to ya, w' what's been happenin' w' my ex-wife and the kids, it jus' took a toll, but it dun excuse my behavior. I should've never-"
"Enough," you sighed, "we did it. You didn't take advantage of me, I wanted it."
"I can't believe this is happening again," you murmured, running your hands through your hair.
Rick's brow furrowed, "Wha' was tha'?"
"Nothing. Forget it. Okay. That's fine. Have a good night, Sheriff."
You walked away, reentering the house and going straight to your room. After both Daryl AND Rick now rejecting you, you think you needed a break from older men.
Taglist: @eternalrose81
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nicofics · 7 months
Negan x Ricks eldest daughter reader
I smell angst (with a Happy Ending), enemies to lovers, secret relationship, etc.
𝙞 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪
𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: the enemy’s fallen for you, can you fall for him too?
notes: thank you for the twd request!! sorry it took so long too!! i wrote this post ts, i thought it’d suit the plot more
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being ricks daughter wasn’t easy. following his rules, having the high expectations to be as good as a leader he is, and having to stay away from negan. at the start these standards were easy to follow, you and your younger brother carl, and then the newly added judith; could easily follow them. until the end of the saviour war.
your father had been dead awhile now. you knew that he was gone, but some people clung onto the fact they hadn’t found a body. one day, you were given negans food instead of michonne. you tried handing it back but, they wouldn’t take it off of you. you rolled your eyes. you didn’t want to have to see negan. you didn’t want to be reminded of what he had done.
when you had gotten to his cell, you opened the door, and walked in, plate of food in hand. “well hello the- oh. i havent seen you in awhile” negan spoke, he looked different now. he had a beard, he looked older, but you did too. “and you wont for another while” you spoke, handing him the food and sitting in the chair provided, aware of his boycott.
“it’s nice to see a new face, doll” he said, it almost made you recoil. “don’t talk to me. just eat.” you crossed your legs angrily. trying to look at anything that wasn’t him. he noticed that as he ate, though he didn’t say much. he had a feeling you’d be back again.
you had been feeding negan for a few days now. you guessed michonne got sick of listening to him complain and wanted to spend more time with judith and rj. right now you didn’t mind, you felt absolutely horrible about it but, negan was nice to be around. you found yourself waiting for his meal times, sometimes you’d even bring your own food, so you two can eat together. you hated yourself for warming up to that man.
“well hello again, doll” he spoke, a smile plastered on his face, he was glad he could actually talk to someone, someone who seemed to not mind talking to him; unlike michonne. “hey negan” you sat down on the chair, taking out your own lunch and beginning to eat.
“hey uh- (reader)? why do you like coming here? with me? after all i’ve done to you” you froze at the question, you tried to avoid answering; “pshh- eat your lunch negan” he persisted. “answer me, why?” you sighed, giving in. “i know what you’ve done. and i’ll never forgive you for that or forget it; but, being with you here, makes me feel… good?” you didn’t really know what you were saying. though negan seemed to understand. a smirk landed right on his face.
“really? well, doll, i feel the same way” he blessed you with one of his chuckles. oh shit. you were in-love with him. and he was in-love with you. right now however, you didn’t care much for the repercussions. “so.. be with me” you nodded, “yeah.. id like that.. but! nobody can know. what if maggie or daryl found out? they’d hate me!” you sighed, negan shook his head “an alright rule with me if i can be with you, ms. grimes” you laughed. you enjoyed being with negan, even after all he’d done
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thewritersaddictions · 10 months
Bases: Negan Smith- Chapter 1 Her
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Pairing: Negan Smith x Fem!Reader
Pov: Negan
Warnings: boundaries push, touching, cocky comments, the walking dead, zombies, trigger warnings, almost dying, special treatment, the wives, jealousy, being saved; Simon mentioned a little bit, maybe Dwight too, and Negans wives. masturbation,
Summary: Negan meets you when you come to the sanctuary doors. Wary of you at first he takes to watching you, and boy does he get interested quickly.
A/n- @ firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 3.2k
The Walking Dead Master List // The Wanderers Master List // Series Master List
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Y/n tries to catch her breath, but she just can’t seem to. Everything around her is swaying with her every step. She feels the sun pour through the sky, and it just ends up beating her up as she walks in the middle of the road. Trees line each side, giving no shade for her overheating body. She walks until she hears the indicators of the walkers; the sound grows louder the more she wanders due North. She worries for a moment until she sees a tall building that probably used to be a factory before the world went to shit. Then the sound of cars, the sounds of people. 
People! She doesn’t care if she doesn’t have enough energy to get to the gates; she’ll push through the hoarse voice from no water for at least the past few nights and days. She’ll push until someone picks her up from the searing hot cement underneath her. She manages to make it to the gate; her face is flush, and she ends up waving down what looks like a post guard. “Do you know where you are, Miss?” It’s a guy no older or younger than she is before Y/n can answer though she’s collapsing to the ground. She’s worn herself out before just making it. 
There’s a knock at the door, which means some shit is happening that Simon or some other fucknut doesn’t know how to handle. The knock on the door is different, rushed, almost a worried knock. “Come in.” I don’t look up until the person starts to talk; like always, it’s Simon. “Boss, um, we’ve got a problem.” My brow arches as I stare at Simon with a deathly glare. “A problem?” It’s not really a question, and Simon knows it. He just nods, and we walk in steadfast with each other. Lucille sits over my left shoulder. People quickly advert their stare as we step outside in the blaring heat of the Georgia sun. 
There’s a small, growing crowd around something rather intriguing. “Move outta the way, dingbats,” Simon shouts rather loudly in my ear as I look into the center of the growing crowd. “What’s this?” I ask one of the guards. His gun is slung around his back, the nose of the sniper pointing towards the ground. “I’m not sure, Duke over there said this girl waved and then collapsed outside the gates.” More intrigue. “Let me see.” The crowd moves, giving me a perfect view of the ‘girl’ lying on the hot ground. “You,” I say, pointing with the bat's end cap. The guy, ‘Duke’ visible, swallows, “She um… she was running towards the gate, and tried to wave at me, but before she could answer any of my questions, she just knocked out, hit the ground pretty hard too, Sir.” The guy says. I move Lucille making room for me to bend to my knees and get a more impersonal look at the ‘girl’ layin’ on the ground. 
Her skin is red and peeling in some places on her face and shoulders. Her hair is out of her face. Her face looks almost hollow like she hadn’t had water in days, maybe weeks. But she’s wearing what looks like an excellent proper pair of boots and jeans, and the first thing I think of next is, “Did ja check for bites?” I ask the whole crowd, and the Duke guy answers again. “Already checked her out, nothing, no bites or anything, Sir.” He says; I motion for Simon to come over, “Why was this so fuckin’ important, huh Simon?” he glides a hand through his messy hair. “Cause I figured you want to say what happened to the girl.” Simon never really gave a shit, didn’t take orders to well, and somehow always managed to not fuck up but still fuck up my shit. 
“Yeah, dumbass take her to the damn doc. What the hell you waiting on me to say that for.” I mutter to myself as I watch the two post guards pick her body up stiffly. Causing the both of them to alost tumble over. I roll my eyes at the action. “Simon.” I shove the bats handle into his hand. “You tow lacklys, get back to work i’ve got her.” The inner monologue tells me that I know it will always be me who has to take care of the dark shit, the bad shit, and the good shit. Nobody else. Simon close behind me, as the women lay limp in my arms. 
She had yet to open her eyes as the cool air inside the sanctuary hit her cheeks, her arms, and any other exposed skin. She didn’t even rustle as I walked her limp body through the doorway. “Dr. Carson, you can stop whatever the fuck you’re doin’ now. Help this women here.” I set her down on the cot, her head falling back along with her hair into the shitty pillow provided in this makeshift ER. “What… What happened?” Dr. Carson wasn’t the village idiot by any means, but it would nice if for once I didn’t have to tell the damn idiot what happened and he could just go do his fucking job. “Carson, just do your fuckin’ job or I swear to the god that probably fucked off already I will make your postion available again.” He shook his head, and got to work. Simon handed Lucille back to me, as I took a seat in those uncomfortable waiting chairs. 
“Looks like she has some burns some serious” Carson said looking over at me. An arch brow, and he was on the way to solving the whole damn thing, “Nothing a little bit of antibotic cream can’t fix. She’s also very dehydrated, so I’ll need to get her pumped with some fuilds before she can… before she’s well enough to talk with you Sir.” Carson mumbled out, I nodded my head and started to turn out of the room. “You said she needs fluids.” Carson nods his head, as he goes to get bandages wraps for her burns. “Bring her to my room, we should show our new guest the best care, right Carson?” He nodded with angst. 
“Are you sure… Sir, do you think that’s the best course of action. We don’t even know where this fuckin’ lady is from” Simon as his ratty, trash talkin’ fucking mouth never shut the hell up sometimes. I turned quickly catching his normal leaned back attitude off guard. “I think you would know me by now Simon. It’s a game, it’s always a fuckin’ game.” Simon stood still for a moment, and then nodded. 
An hour later there was a knock on my bedroom door. “It’s Dr. Carson with the Jane Doe.” He said through the door. I rolled my eyes, the clink of the gin bottle hitting the glass table rang my ears as I got up opening the door. This time two much larger guard held the Jane Doe on a cot. Less prone for her fall and get even more hurt. “You said you wanted her here sir?” Carson asked as if the first time I said wasn’t good enough for him. I look over at the Jane Doe. Her shoulder all the way down to her arms are covered in the white bandages. Her face isn’t though which is nice. “Come on in then.” I open the door wide enough for the large men to walk her in and place her on the couch adjacent of the bed. “I’ll get some fluids going in her and then I can come back in a few…” I cut him off, “No need doc, I’ve got it from that point. Don’t need someone in and out of my fuckin’ room every couple of hours.” He nods his head vigorously. I know what I’m doing, and there’s more I wanna know about this mystery Jane Doe. 
“Well hello there sweetheart.” The women in front of me is opening her eyes. It took nearly two days to get to this point. For nearly two days I have extra patrol out making sure that nobody followed this young women here. No need to be gettin’ ambushed right now. Her eyes go wide and when she opens her mouth to talk nothing comes out. Her nails scrap at her throat. “You need something to drink?” I’m quick to get up and gather a glass of water for her. Her hands are clammy when they graze past mine to collect the cold cup of water. The needle in her arms ache I can tell just from the look on her face. “We’ll take that out later, but for now why don’t you not rush your recovery.” I said as soft as I can. She looks like someone just told her that the world was starting all over again. 
She clears her throat, and for the first time I hear her voice. It’s angelic is a soft, fairy sort of way. “Where am I?” She ask looking around the room. “A settlement, the Sanctuary.” She looks over at me, beautiful eyes shining back at me. For the first time it’s odd to around a women who isn’t appalled by me, or faking it all together. She pure, and innocent in so many moldable ways. “I promise that i’ll be out of your hair before you even know that I was here.” She promises me, I humm. Then look over at her fluid drip, and the bandages on her body. “I was thinkin’ that you could stay here for a while. At least get yourself settled before you go back out in that hot Georgia sun. 
“So Miss Jane Doe, do you got a name?” I ask her as my words sink into her head. She clears her throat again taking another large gulp of water to coat her throat. “My name is um…Y/n.” She says with a little smile. “And you wer travelin’ alone out there?” I ask her, “Yeah.” She says nodding, she looks far of into the distance staring up at one of the ceiling tiles. As if she’s remembering someone she’s lost. I clear my own throat bringing her attention back to me. “I’ve ask that the doc, keep you here in my room. I wouldn’t suggest that you go out right now. Dr. Carson and I agree that you’re a little too fragile for that eveiormnet right now.” I said coaxing her into a choice she had no say in. She nodded, “My pack?” She asks, “I almost forgot.” I reach behind the coch she’s laying on. “Thanks.” She says with a small smile, and once more our hands graze each others. 
Hours later after a rather a surface level introduction with Y/n about where she came from, why she didn’t have anything other then a knife, and what the Sanctuary was about. There’s a soft knock on the door. It causes Y/n to shiver with anxiety. “It’s alright sweetheart, don’t worry about anyone trying to get ya.” “Can I come in, Negan?” I know that damn voice, Frankie. I boil over with anger and before I can get to the damn door Frankie is opening it. A sliky black dress drapped over her frame. I catch Y/n out of the corner of my eye; staring and watching the interaction between the two us. “Negan, I haven’t seen you in a few days…” Frankie stops short in her sentence. Scwoling at Y/n, as if she understands what the hell is going on either of them. “Frankie, go. I have a guest.” I say strongly grabbing her bicep and pushing her out of the room. 
The slam of door makes Y/n shriek, and when i turn to look at her she’s got her head cocked. “Who was that?” She asks timidly. “A… um… it’s just Frankie.” I finally manage to mumble out. “When was the last time you had a good bed to lay down in?” I ask in deperate need to change the subject. I don’t know just yet how to explain the wives to her, but then again when have I ever felt the need to explain myself to anyone. I push the feeling away, bury it in my stomach. Deep down. She shifts swinging her legs to the edge of the couch. She’s got pretty long legs even from the thick jean material that hid them. “I’d say at least since the first or second month of this shit.” I huff a laugh out, “Well how about this sweetheart. I’m gonna take this IV out, and patch you all up so you can get a good nights rest.” “But what about…” I shake my head. “I’ll take the couch, it’s been a while since I’ve booted to the couch anyways.” I jokingly say. 
Carson had left a few supplies here for me whenever Y/n was going to wke up so I could remove the IV, and bandage her up. As I do her skin is soft as least not where she’s been wrapped up with bandages. “So what was wrong with me?” She asks as she stares at my working hands. “You got a hell of a sunburn all up and down your shoulder and arms. Some antibiotic cream should fix ya up real quick.” I tell her, “And plus you were super fuckin’ dehydrated, what the hell were you doing running a fuckin’ marathon?” She giggles at my question as I tape down the gauze to make sure the blood doesn’t leak into anything. 
“Do you have extra clothes in that pack of yours?” I ask Y/n, she looks down and dig around. A minutes passes, and another, “Look mary poppins I don’t think there’s anything else the damn bag.” I might be getting a little frastrated, “So I’d take that as a no.” She nods her head. I whip myself around. Shifting through draws and a small closet of my clothes. “For tonight you can borrow somethin’ of mine. Sweats, and a long t-shirt so your bandages don’t come off during the night, Sweethearts.” I say passing her the clothes. Y/n stares down at them, and she get a little shy, well a lot shy. Bitting and pulling on her bottom lip. “Bathroom is over here sweetheart.” I watch as she walks towards the bathroom, and then the door shuts. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I ask myself. Dragging my hands down my face. There’s a shuffle from behind the bathroom door. “All good in there?” I ask, willing my voice not to break. I feel like a high school kid all over again with a stupid high school crush. “Um…” her voice sounds so tiny behind the door. “I don’t think this is gonna work.” She says shyly through the door. I stand to open the door, but she does before I can manage it. My long sleeve is loose on her frame, and the sweats don’t even take on her hips, but I guess that’s alright since the long sleeve is so big on her it acts as a dress. “That’s all good doll, how about I help ya get to bed.” I say reaching out my hand for her to grab. 
Yet again her hands are baby soft, like she’s never been outside a day in her life. No broken calluass, or rough patches. With our hand interlocked I walk her to the side of the bed. Moving the sheets back so she can easily get under the covers. She isn’t graceful about the plop down the bed. “A water bed!?” She asks, I actually laugh, “I wish sweetheart!” As Y/n shifts her legs to get under the covers and onto my side of the bed. I get a flash of her pink worn panties. 
I have to swallow down the groan of sexual frautration, maybe I should have taken Frankies offer. Pushed her outside the door, and fucked her stupid mouth shut. I shake my head, and I watch as Y/n starts to get snuggled into the cool fabric. I don’t grab the other pillow fromthe bed, I just make my way towards the couch. Cleaning up the medial mess I made earlier. I lean back into the coch, closing my eyes and all I can see is the pink panites. The coarse hair that prickled to come through the fabtic.
My cock stirs to life in my tights blue jeans. I can’t see Y/n’s face due to the dim lights in the room, but her snores are a good alert that’s she fast asleep. I close my eyes again and the flash of her nipples through the old shirt of mine makes me swallow down a moan. A hard on from a girl I know nothing about, a fuckin high school kid. All I can think of is the pink pussy that lays behind the pink panties, the tits that would bounces as I fucked her raw. I unzip my jeans, and pop my hard cock from my boxers. 
The tip is leaking pre-cum that I end up just using as lube. Pumping myself slowly at first until my eyes fall shut and all I can imagine is the sounds that Y/n would make when I fucked her up agaisnt the headboard. Or how good her pussy probably tasted. My cock is coated with my pre-cum, and so is my hand. The sounds are delicious, the sound of the squelching as the soft pad of my thumb over over the head of my cock and I end up just a pile of fuck, shits, and graons as I come all over my chest. 
“Fuck.” My breath is ragged, I haven’t come that since I was much younger and a whole lot ballsier. I throw my shirt off my shoulder and wipe down my tummy, and chest. Discarding the ruined shirt to a pile of other thrown clothes.
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Completed on: 08/10/23
Posted on: 08/12/23
Bases Tags- @clararangel @lanad3lrey-l0v3r @jdmsgorl @scarlett-widows-89 @idk1idk2idk @kaits-diary @whatsssss @daryldixonluvr @oceanablue @chelseypprimrose @freedomfighterlex @sageworld @ayeizzshayla @123avengersandmarvel @charlie19690 @sweetvixensstuff @lanceisrandom @redscreendarkwin @finalgirlmp3 @fullwattpadmusictree @harmonib @rainyzonkmakerlover @ge0rgzs @julimariett @amazingmaeve @kpoplover4life @definitelynotyagmur @rivernell @vanilla88 @alteredgalaxy @thatonefroggirl @kyleepsposts @max-505 @nhayoshii
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lanadelnegan · 8 months
public sex with negan, younger reader. he eats her out on a bench table in alexandria while 'nobody's' watching ..
Keep Me Warm
S10/11!Negan x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, age-gap (reader is 18, negan is mid 50's), oral (female receiving), p in v, public sex, slight daddy kink, breeding, no plot just smut
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"Thought I'd find you here." You approach Negan before sitting beside him on the bench. The coolness of the wood against your exposed skin makes you shiver, drawing Negan's attention to your bare legs in your silky black nightgown.
"Kinda cold out for a dress, don't ya think?" He smirks at you, leaving you speechless at the way his hazel eyes glow in the moonlight. "...Not that I'm fuckin' complaining." He continues before shedding his thick jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders.
You snuggle into his jacket, getting a whiff of his manly scent. This is the closest you've ever been to him, although you've frequently imagined him touching every inch of your body.
"Probably, but figured you wouldn't mind keeping me warm." You tease, slipping your hands into the warmth of his jacket.
"Not at all. In fact, I could think of a few ways to warm you up."
You're not surprised by his words, considering the two of you have spent the past month with your eyes glued to each other and exchanging flirty remarks every time you pass each other.
"Name one, besides your jacket." You encourage him to continue.
"I could just fuckin' show you, doll." He looks to you and your cheeks redden, either from his boldness, or the frigid cold- one of the two.
"Okay." You whisper softly, meeting his playful gaze.
As soon as you give him the green light, his lips press to yours as his hand reaches up, caressing the side of your neck. You moan into his mouth and deepen the kiss by parting your lips and letting him in. The feeling of his tongue against yours makes your insides tingle as he kisses you hard but soft at the same time.
You knew he'd be a good kisser with the way he carries himself, but you had no idea it would be this good.
Chills spread through your body and down your legs as you grip at his t-shirt, pulling him closer to you. His hand drops to your thigh, rubbing the goosebumps on your soft skin.
He chuckles darkly, sliding his hand upwards on your leg and stopping right at the edge of your dress. His other arm rests on the bench behind you as his body faces yours and he whispers in your ear.
"Spread for me, sweetheart."
The sound of his deep voice radiates to your core as you spread your legs open slightly, allowing him access.
"I think it's working, baby.. I can feel the heat coming from you already." He says with arrogance.
"Negan.. please.. touch me." You beg, placing your hand on top of his and urging it to your center.
His hand cups your pussy as he groans softly in your ear at the realization that you're not wearing panties.
"You are such a bad girl." He laughs seductively, dipping his middle finger through your folds. "I'm old enough to be your damn father, you know that? Hell, maybe even grandfather. I should not think of you the way I do, but.. the hell am I supposed to do when you eye fuck me all day then come see me wearing this slutty little dress and no goddamn panties?"
You can't help but whimper at his filthy words until a porch light flicking on nearby distracts you.
"Negan... Someone could see us." You breathe heavily as his finger swirls circles slowly around your swollen clit.
"Let's give them a goddamn show then." He removes his hand, bringing his finger to your mouth until you open and suck your juices off your finger. "Has anyone ever eaten your pussy, baby?"
You shake your head no with his finger still in your mouth.
"Good." He says, getting down on his knees in the ground in front of you. Before you can stop him, he lifts your legs over his shoulders and pulls you closer towards the edge of the bench until his mouth is hovering right above your exposed, dripping cunt.
"Look at this, sweetheart. I've barely fuckin' touched you and you are goddamn leaking for me already."
You bite your lower lip as you look down at him, bucking your hips a little as you try to get closer to his face. He chuckles at your desperate movements, holding you down firmly to the bench.
"Negan, hurry." You look around nervously, noticing two people walking out of their house in the distance.
"Let me enjoy this, doll. Gonna take my fuckin' time with you and if people wanna watch.. that's on them." He says before finally dipping his head between your legs and immediately pushing his tongue through your hole.
You look down at him, making an o-shape with your mouth as your hand drifts to his peppery hair, gripping it gently.
You feel his talented tongue flick inside of you over and over before he retracts it, gliding his tongue up your slit until reaching your clit and sucking gently. Your legs instinctively wrap around his head, pulling him closer as your head falls back with pleasure.
"Ahh, Negan." You moan out, lifting your hips slightly off the bench at the intense sensation.
"Feel good baby? You like that?" He says after coming up for air, watching your expression as he slides his middle finger into you and curving it perfectly into your g-spot continuously.
Just as your orgasm builds inside you, a couple appears from the side of a house, casually walking along the sidewalk going in the opposite direction.
Negan notices you looking at them as you cover your hand with your mouth, attempting to stay quiet and not draw their attention. He glances back at them before looking to you with a mischievous grin spread across his face.
"Don't look at them baby. Look at me." His finger curves at a faster pace as his head drops between your legs once again. As soon as his tongue makes contact with your clit, you feel the overwhelming sensation rush over you.
"Negan.. Negan I'm gonna.." You whisper, as tears fill the corners of your eyes.
"That's it, cum for daddy. That's my good. fuckin'. girl." His voice grows deeper with each word as he removes his finger, replacing it with his tongue as you cry out. He spreads your legs apart as wide as possible before catching every drop of you in his mouth and groaning with satisfaction.
The couple looks behind them at the two of you before awkwardly looking away and quickening their steps when they realize what's happening.
"You taste so goddamn good, sweetheart." Negan stands, adjusting the manhood that's straining beneath his black jeans. "You warm yet?" He smirks, wiping your juices off his beard with his thumb as he takes his seat next to you.
He grips your jaw with his fingers, tilting your head to meet his as he kisses you, letting you taste yourself on his lips.
"Negan.." You breathe into his mouth.
"Yeah baby?" He says, still kissing you.
"Need more of you.."
Negan chuckles, breaking away from the kiss as he looks around. You both notice it's grown darker around you as most of the houses have completely turned their lights out.
You don't give him time to answer before you're climbing in his lap as your dress naturally bunches around your waist.
"Please, Negan. I need you inside me.. now." You beg, unbuttoning his pants.
"I'm not stoppin' you darlin'. Whatever I got.. it's yours."
He digs his fingers into your hips as you pull his hardening cock out of his pants, jerking it only a couple of times before it stands completely erect against his stomach. You look down at it, biting your lip at the intimidating size.
"You sure you're ready for me, baby?" He asks, smirking up at you.
You answer him by settling your knees comfortably on either side of him and lining his dick up to your already soaked entrance.
"You sure you're ready for me?" You ask him, before sliding your tight cunt down on him completely, making his head fall back and a deep moan to escape his throat. Your fingers intertwine in the back of his hair as you look down at him and watch his face as you pleasure him.
You've always had a crush on Negan, but seeing him this way and hearing the desperate, filthy sounds coming from his mouth brings it to a level you never thought possible.
You grind on him pathetically, selfishly focusing on making yourself cum again as you direct your g-spot perfectly into the tip of him over and over.
Your orgasm hits you like a semi truck as you lean back suddenly and cry out his name, unable to control yourself due to the immense pleasure. Negan's arms wrap around your back, keeping you from falling as you ride out your orgasm and he looks down between the two of you, watching your liquids drip down his long, thick cock.
"Ah, fuck, baby. Look. at. that. Making such a mess on daddy."
You regain your composure, leaning back up and maneuvering yourself on your feet on either side of the bench so you can easily bounce on him.
He helps guide you with his hands firmly planted on your ass cheeks as you grip his shoulders and begin to bounce up and down on him.
"Fuck. Just like that, baby. Just like that." He praises you, bringing one of his hands up to your hair and tugging on it until your head falls back. "So fucking proud of you for taking my cock so deep." He grunts out, and you know he's close from his erratic breathing and sweaty forehead.
"Will you cum in me, Negan? Please?" You ask innocently.
"Fuck, doll." He says out of breath. "Don't fuckin' tempt me."
"But I want it, daddy. Please.. want you to fill me up so I can sleep with it dripping out of me tonight and think of you." You say even more innocently than before, wanting him to give in.
He looks up at you with a serious expression on his face as you continue to ride him. "Damn, baby." He grunts as you bounce faster and more deliberate, desperate for him to spill inside of you. "How the hell am I supposed to say no to that?"
You lean down to kiss him hard as he suddenly holds your hips firmly in place against him. His head drops back further, pulling him away from the kiss as he lets out a long, hoarse groan, following it with short grunts with each rope of cum that pulses out of him.
You make out for minutes until his dick finally softens and you lift yourself off of him, shielding yourself from the cold as you snuggle into his jacket that's still wrapped around you.
"You think anyone saw us?" You ask as he tucks himself back into his jeans.
"Fuckin' hope so."
tag list: @loganlostitall @chaospossum @negansbabydoll66 @redqueenphoenix @n3g5nx @crustyweirdo @youngpersonaathletebear @sadgirlzluvdilfs @ilovebill-and-gustav @neganscumbucket @manipulatorpoem @im-a-goddamn-cat @raininhell @mahogany-cherry-wine @daryldixmedown @munsonslovergirl @sanctuaryforthelost @thelauraborealis @carlgrimesbbg @c3linesworld @blueheisenbergtragedy @startwinklekitty @darlingmadelinee @oceandeepthirst @jschlattsqtip @lavenderchai @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @neganswoman @n7crophiliac @cats-writing @alldevilsarehere90 @natykacenka @queermilfs @stasiaangelsinner @lupa-03 @sadgirlzluvdilfs @pamago-bb @javier-penas-wifexx420 @motelprincess444 @thatonefroggirl @myhappyplaceofstuff @darlingmadelinee ily babies.
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novamariestark · 6 months
Negan comforts reader with pretty bad daddy issues from past abuse when she gets overwhelmed with memories from her younger life
Prompt list 2 #42 ?
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I Got You Darlin'
Warnings: mentions of physical, emotional and almost s**ual abuse (if these upset you don't read), panic attack, death (short not descriptive), age gap
Word count: 2334
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Negan x reader
How did you end up there?
A deal. That’s how. A selfless sacrifice that was supposed to be your death. But no. Negan decided to keep you at the sanctuary instead.
You hated the man. You had watched him smash the hell out of your friend’s skull and just laugh it off. He went for another but there was no way you were going to let him die.
Glenn. The one who’s been your friend for as long as you remember. Even before the apocalypse. He knew about your “situation” and he did everything in his power to get you away from it. Offering you a place to crash when it got really bad, cleaning your cuts and even giving you his hard-earned money so you could eat.
The man was your savior. Your big brother.
So when he was sat at the other end of Negan’s bat, you didn’t even hesitate.
“No, pick me,”
Now what you thought would happen, didn’t. You expected the same fate as Abraham but no.
At first, you saw him as just another dangerous obstacle in this apocalyptic world. But the more you spent around him, the more you found yourself drawn to him. His charisma, his confidence, and his dark sense of humor were alluring, and you couldn't deny it. As your “friendship” or whatever it was developed into something more, Negan made it clear that he was attracted to you. But you were torn. You had developed a strong bond with Rick, the leader of your group, and he had become like a father to you. You couldn't betray his trust by getting involved with Negan, especially since he was the enemy.
But it wasn't just about loyalty to Rick. You knew that being with Negan would mean becoming one of his 'wives', forced to live in his twisted harem at the Sanctuary. You didn't want to be just another nameless face in his collection, used for his pleasure and discarded when he grew tired of you.
Little did you know that Negan would trade all of them for you. If you gave him a chance, it would be you and only you. Of course you didn’t believe him. Why would he trade much prettier women for you?
It had been a few weeks since you had arrived at The Sanctuary. To say that it was brutal here would be an understatement. Negan ruled with an iron fist, punishing anyone who dared to defy him. But strangely enough, he wasn't the worst thing about being here.
You had escaped your abusive father when you were 16 and thought you had left that part of your life behind, well you thought you had left your entire life behind. But then one day, after a few weeks at The Sanctuary, you heard a voice you hoped never to hear ever again. It was your father's voice, sneering and taunting. The exact soundtrack of your childhood.
He walked away. You instantly found that suspicious. And you were right. Later that night, you were abruptly woken up from your deep slumber by the sound of your bedroom door being flung open. Before you could even comprehend what was happening, a large, burly man grabbed your arms and dragged you out of bed.
“Hey, what's going on?” you yelled, trying to fight against his hold. “Shut up and come with me,” the man grunted, dragging you out of your room and down the hallway. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as fear and confusion set in. Where was he taking you? What had you done wrong?
You made your way through the dark, winding corridors of the Sanctuary until you reached a heavy metal door. The man shoved you inside and you stumbled, falling to the ground. As you lifted your head, you realized you were in a jail cell. Panic and disbelief flooded through you.
But as you sat on the cold floor, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was very wrong. Why would Negan want you locked up? Was it because you turned down his offer? An offer that you would have otherwise accepted had he not murdered one of your friends in front of you and maybe if he didn’t have a different woman for every day of the week. Before you could dwell on your thoughts any further, the door to your cell creaked open, and in walked none other than your father. He sauntered over to where you were sitting and leaned against the metal bars.
“Let's see why Negan likes you so much,” he snarled, unbuckling his belt. Panic rose in your chest as you realized what he was about to do. You pleaded and begged for him to stop, but he just laughed and continued to unbuckle his belt.
He roughly pulled you towards him, his breath hot and reeking of alcohol. You could feel his hands running over your body, tearing at your clothes. You screamed and struggled, but your small frame was no match for his brute strength. “Stop fighting. It'll only make it worse,” he growled, a sadistic smile spreading across his face. He pulled off his belt, holding it in one hand as he grabbed you with the other. But before he could touch you again, the door burst open and Negan himself stormed in, Lucille in hand. “What the hell is going on here?!” he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. Your father froze, his eyes widening in fear. He dropped the belt and took a step back. “I was just, uh, teaching my kid a lesson,” he stammered, trying to regain control of the situation. Negan's eyes flickered to your tear-stained ones, and you could see the fury in them. “Is that so?” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Let me teach you a lesson, then.”
And with one swift swing, your father was dead. You dropped to the floor, numb with shock, as Negan dropped the bat and turned to face you.
“Let's get you cleaned up, sweetheart,” he said, gently helping you to your feet. But your legs gave way and you burst out in tears.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. You didn't resist, instead clutching onto him for dear life as you let out all your pent-up emotions. “He's gone now. It's okay,” Negan said, his voice surprisingly soft and comforting. He stroked your hair, trying to console you as best as he could. In that moment, Negan wasn't the notorious leader of the Saviors - he was just a man, offering comfort to someone who needed it.
But as your tears finally began to subside, you felt a sudden surge of emotions rushing through you. Without a second thought, you leaned in to kiss him, believing that this was what he wanted from you. But to your surprise, he pulled away, leaving you feeling confused and rejected. “Not when you're in this state, sweetheart,” he said, his voice now back to its usual rough tone.
Without another word, he led you back to your room, picking Lucille up along the way. Before long, you found yourself sitting on the edge of you bed. Negan disappears for a moment and comes back with a damp cloth. He ran the cloth gently over your scraped knees and dirt-caked hands, the cool water soothing against your skin.
“Come on, get back to bed, Darlin',”
You climbed into the sheets. You expected to hear the door open and shut again but when you didn’t you cast a confused glance around the room to find Negan taking a seat beside you.
“Aren’t you going to bed?” you asked, unsure of what his intentions were.
“I’m staying right here, making sure no one else harms you,” Negan replied, his intense gaze fixed on you, he leans forward, “And tomorrow, you will tell me who else was in on this, ‘cause I know he didn’t do it alone,”
As the night went on, you drifted off to sleep knowing that you were safe under Negan's watchful eye. And you went on to have the best sleep you’ve had in almost a decade.
The next morning, you woke up to find Negan still by your side, his head resting on his hand as he slept. You couldn't help but smile at the sight.
You turned over to watch him more closely, taking in all of his features. Negan was a tough and sometimes cruel man, but he had a softer side that he revealed only to you. His face had a few scars, but they only added to his rugged charm. His black hair was tousled from sleep and his stubble was growing in. You reached out to trace a finger along the lines of his jaw, admiring the way the sunlight hit his face. Negan stirred slightly, his hazel eyes opening to meet yours.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he said, his voice husky from sleep. He forward to move the hair out of your eyes, “How you feelin’?”
“You’re stayed here all night?”
“I told you I would,” he replied, his fingers tracing the curve of your jawline.
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach at his touch. You had never been one for romantic gestures, but there was something about Negan that made you feel safe. Something you had never felt, before or after the apocalypse. And you craved it. You craved him.
“Thank you, Negan,” you said, turning to kiss his palm.
“Now, who was it?” Negan asked, his blue eyes burning into yours. “Who helped your father last night, Darlin'? Who else touched you?”
“N-no one else,” you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. “Don't lie to me, sweetheart. I'll know if you're lying.” Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as the memories of your father's abuse flooded back to you 'It was... a man,' you finally admitted, your voice shaking. Negan's expression hardened. “Who was he?” You hesitated, knowing that your answer could have consequences, “I don't know his name. He was just some guy who my father probably tricked into taking me there,” you explained, feeling the weight of guilt and shame on your shoulders. Negan's jaw tightened, and he let out a low growl. “I'll make him pay,” he said, his voice filled with rage.
You shook your head, “No, if he had no idea that you didn’t make that order he shouldn’t be punished for it,”
“He touched you!” he growled, picking up Lucille and heading towards the door.
But you grabbed his arm, “No, please. It's over now. I'm safe here with you,” you said, looking up at him through your lashes, giving him the prettiest doe eyes, he’d ever seen. Negan's features softened as he looked down at you. “Don't you worry, sweetheart. No one will ever hurt you again,” he promised, placing a gentle hand on your cheek.
Without warning, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It was like a firework had gone off in your chest, his touch igniting a passion within you that you had never known before. His lips were soft yet forceful, demanding and yet gentle. It was a kiss like you had never experienced before, and you couldn't help but melt into it, your hands instinctively reaching up to wrap around his neck as you deepened the kiss.
“Lay with me?” Your quiet voice asked, as you held out your hand towards Negan. He looked at you with surprise, not expecting such a request from you. But without hesitation, he took your hand and led you to your bed. “Of course, Darlin',” he said, a hint of gentleness in his rough voice. It had been so long since Negan had been in bed with a woman, but not for the usual reasons. He had spent so much time using women for his own pleasure, but with you, it was different. He wanted to protect you, to make sure you were safe. He wanted to love you.
As you lay down next to him in bed, Negan wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, strong and steady, and it brought a sense of comfort to you. You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his embrace.
You fell asleep again and when you woke up, he was gone. Not surprising. He is the leader after all. Your hand moves to your lips, tracing the smile that forms as you remember the feeling of Negan’s lips. But that smile quickly fades as your mind batters you with the events that led up to it.
You fall back on the edge of your bed, a darkness seeming to swallow the room. Your mind begins to play tricks on you as shadows flicker on the walls, triggering a panic that’s no longer in your control.
Your breaths quicken, chest tightening as if an invisible weight is pressing down on you. The night before, a haunting echo, flashes vividly past your eyes. It opens the floodgates, and everything your father ever did to you came crashing through.
You clutch your chest, nails biting into skin, desperate for any kind of release from the weight on your chest. But the rush of emotions, the echoes of fear, they're relentless.
At some point, you had slipped off the edge of your bed. Now you were curled up into a ball on the floor, your knees clutched to your chest as you try to block out the memories.
The memories were so loud, you didn’t hear him come in, so you jumped when a figure sat beside you. He pulled you into his arms. You resisted at first, your body stiff and rigid, but he whispered soothing words and held you tight until you finally relaxed into his embrace. “I got you, Darlin',” he murmured against your hair, pressing kisses to your temple.
[A/N] Part 2? With smut??
Sorry this took so long. I started rewatching where Negan comes into the series and I got a little sidetracked [Too busy 😍😍 to be paying attention to what was going on 😂😭] I also rewrote this about 7 or 8 times.
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little-diable · 4 months
Reunion – dbf!Negan / Joel Miller series (Part 1/?)
Y'all voted for this series, so here we go. I promise there will be lots of smut, but please show some love to this chapter which has almost no smut in it just yet. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader is Joel's older daughter, she got separated from her family the first night of the outbreak. Joel's best friend, Negan, had always been close with (y/n), but what happens when she meets Negan again after all these years? Will the crush she had on him as a teenager manage to push her closer to him? Will she cross paths with her dad again, even though he had left her behind?
Warnings: 18+, smut, masturbation (f), eventual TWD violence, heavy age gap, reader is legal ofc, dbf x fem!reader
Pairing: Negan x fem!reader (2.8k words)
this amazing header is by @deathofpeaceofmind
Run Little Dove Masterlist
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“Well, would you look at that. You alright there, sweetheart?” Her eyes fluttered open slowly, blinking a few times to adjust to the brightness before her eyes found Negan's pupils. A soft chuckle left the young woman as she sat up, knees pressed to her chest, lips pulled into a smile. 
“Where’s dad?” Negan’s gaze momentarily left (y/n)’s features, his lower lip pulled between his teeth as he looked back towards the house. (Y/n) gave herself a few seconds to study her dad’s best friend, the man whom she and Sarah have known from both their first days on this very earth, the one who had joined their every vacation, the one who slept on their sofa whenever his wife forced him out of his home, the one who’d always look after them should their dad be busy. The one (y/n) had been crushing on since she had been sixteen – perhaps even a bit younger.
“He should be out in a few. I think he took another call.” With a sigh leaving (y/n), she plopped back down on the sunbed, stretching out her limbs. “Why don’t you join me? Knowing my dad, it’ll take quite a while till he finishes the call, and Sarah’s not back yet.” 
A hum rumbled through Negan, tugging his shirt over his head to sit down next to (y/n) on the empty sunbed. It took all her strength not to look at him, teeth buried in her lip to try and stop her eyes from wandering. No words were spoken between the two, enjoying the heat of the warm August sun, listening to the playlist her dad had put on. Even though she’d never admit it out loud with Negan around, not wanting to feed his big ego, (y/n) enjoyed these calm moments with him, allowing herself to relax without any worries clouding her mind.
“I saw that you’ll join my gym class this year.” Her eyes found Negan’s, slowly nodding her head as her brain began to focus on his words. Even though she had known that she’d eventually have to join his class, she had tried to avoid it for as long as possible, knowing that she’d struggle to concentrate with him around. “I won’t give you any special treatment, even though its your last year, I hope you know that, sweetheart.”
“You say that now, but we both know you have a sweet spot for me, old man.” 
She was running, feet carrying her through the forest as she kept on looking back. The sound of the roaring trucks echoed through the air, ringing in her ears as she tried to up her speed. Her heart was pounding, not used to running this fast for longer than a few seconds, palms and forehead sweaty. Heavy breaths spluttered from her lips, begging for a miracle, anything that would help her make it out of the forest before those who were chasing her could get their hands on her.
Panic flushed through her veins, guiding (y/n) as she tried to not stumble over her feet, over the branches littering the forest ground. Her glassy eyes were focused ahead, tears running down her cheeks as she spotted a clearing, hopeful about stumbling upon a field or a high meadow she could hide in. But before (y/n) could move any closer she was cut off by two trucks coming at her from both sides, forcing her to an abrupt halt.
She tumbled to the ground, her body collapsing with her hands stretched out to catch herself. Fear filled her system, forcing some more tears to well up in her eyes as a man with a moustache stepped out of one of the trucks, smirking at her. The man moved closer, forcing (y/n) to stay on the cold ground as the other men directed their guns at her.  
“Aw, why all that running, little dove?” He grasped her arm, forcing (y/n) to her feet, not paying her protests any mind. She stomped her feet onto the ground, trying to stop the man from pulling her towards the truck, but all he did was tighten his grip on her, breath clashing against her ear, “You shouldn’t have stolen from us, maybe then I would have let you go.”
Her body was tossed into one of the trucks, head colliding with the metal flooring, forcing another gasp to leave her. (Y/n)‘s tears kept dripping, rolling down her cheeks like a river cascading along rocks, forcing its trail to stick to her skin. She tried to listen to the sounds echoing through the air, hoping to find anything she could use to figure out where they were taking her, but she couldn’t pick up on anything, too tired to stop herself from giving into the darkness coming upon her.
“Good morning, birthday girl. Sweet twenty-one.” Negan’s raspy voice shook through her, making her jump. With her hand pressed to her heart, (y/n) turned towards Negan, watching the smirk widen on his lips. “What? Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Of course I am!” She walked closer, almost throwing herself into his open arms. Just the scent of his cologne left her knees trembling, forcing her teeth into her lower lip before a sinful sound could flush through her. “Just didn’t know that you were already around.” 
“Your dad called last night, he and Tommy worked longer than expected, so he asked me to stay over.” A hum left (y/n), slowly letting go of Negan with a smile glued to her lips. She felt his eyes on her frame, watching her prepare them some coffee, eyes drawn back to him as she heard him moving closer.
Negan leaned against the kitchen cabinet, arms crossed in front of his chest, stretching the fabric of his black shirt over his biceps.  (Y/n) had to force her eyes off his frame, not daring to give into the longings she felt. And yet she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d push her away should she try to touch him, now that she was finally twenty-one. 
“Morning, happy birthday, (y/n)!” Sarah’s voice ripped (y/n) out of her thoughts, slowly shaking her head before her sister wrapped her arms around her waist, cuddling herself closer to (y/n)'s frame. “Is dad already awake?”
“He isn’t, but how about we two make some breakfast, while (y/n) gets ready and then you can wake the old man?” Negan’s piercing eyes met (y/n)’s, shooting her a quick smile before he helped Sarah reach for the package mix, turning from the birthday girl who disappeared back towards her room, needy for a shower that could wash away her sinful longings. 
Within minutes she found herself in the shower, silently groaning at the feeling of the warm water cascading down her back. With her eyes fluttering close she imagined Negan pressed against her body, strong arms wrapped around her waist to keep her close, fingers finding their way to her pulsing bundle. 
“Fuck.” The curse rolled off her tongue as she let her fingers wander, circling her clit with quick movements, needy for her relief. Her body was burning, set ablaze by the thought of Negan touching her where she needed him the most. Fuck, he’d surely know how to touch her, would soothe the ache deep inside her. 
Her teeth left marks on her lower lips, fingers adding more speed to their movements. She’d cum way too soon, riled up by Negan’s presence, hoping that she’d be able to keep her distance for the next hours, not wanting her dad to pick up on the glances she was throwing his best friend’s way. 
Soft moans left (y/n), legs trembling as the intense sensation crawled closer, eyes squeezed shut to imagine the way Negan would take care of her. She could almost hear the soft words he’d speak, how he’d praise her, how he’d worship her body just the way she needed him to. 
And with one last curse leaving her, (y/n) came to the thought of her dad’s best friend. 
“And we’ve got another present for you, boss.” She woke with a gasp, eyes shooting open, taking in her surroundings. It took (y/n) a moment to realise that she was still in the back of the truck, forcing a groan out of her as her body focused on the pain she was plagued by. Slowly she tried to sit up, struggling to do so as she watched a shadow approach. 
“Good morning, sweetheart.” The man with the moustache spoke to her as he opened the door, hand grasping her arm once again to pull her out of the truck. Her body clashed to the ground, groaning once again. She kept her eyes closed, not willing to take in her new surroundings just yet, clinging to the darkness that offered a false sense of safety.
“Who is that?” A gruff voice broke the silence, a voice that left her heart skipping a few beats. It couldn’t be - no, it couldn’t be. And yet the voice sounded too familiar, making her body relax before her mind could catch up with it.
“She stole from us on our run, took us a while to catch up with her, she’s a feisty one.” Laughter echoed through the air, but all (y/n) could focus on were her racing thoughts, trying to pierce the pieces together. Slowly she rose her head, eyes focusing on the pair of boots that moved closer. Slowly she shifted her weight, cowering in front of the person that was now towering over her. (Y/n) didn’t want to look up, eyes squeezed shut, scared to cling onto the small thread of hope that would be snapped once she met a pair of unfamiliar eyes instead of his.
“Don’t be scared, doll. Look at me.” She felt something being pushed against her chin, tilting her face up. Her eyes shot open, focusing on the all-too-familiar face. A sob clawed through her, body trembling as she watched him crouch down, wide eyes wandering over her face.
Even though (y/n) was sure that he had recognised her, Negan didn’t give in, staring at her for a few more seconds before he rose back to his feet. With his eyes flickering back to Simon he cleared his throat, lips pulled into a smirk they seemed to buy, though (y/n) could tell that it was a fake smirk, not the one she had fallen in love with as a teenager. 
“Lock her up till I decide what we will do with her. She’s off limits, we can’t trust her so I better not catch any of you fuckers touching her.” Another sob clawed through (y/n), hands trying to reach for Negan, wondering why he was acting like this. The man staring down at her had nothing on the man she had once known, and yet something about him hadn’t changed at all. 
She felt two hands grasping her from behind, forcing her to her feet with an angry huff leaving the man. No further word was spoken as (y/n) was dragged away, unable to wipe off the tears that kept on falling. Her eyes didn’t stray from his, staring at the man whose expression was cold, unrecognisable even. 
“It’s a shame we can’t have you, little dove, but don’t worry, eventually he’ll give you to us, but not before he got his own taste.” 
“Get in the truck! Right now!” (Y/n) watched her dad scream the words, panicked eyes set on Sarah’s frame. A scream echoed through the evening as she watched their elderly neighbour slowly rise from the ground, racing towards her dad, Tommy, and Sarah. Only seconds later did (y/n) realise that she had been the one who had screamed. She couldn’t keep on watching, had to turn her head – a mistake she’d come to regret minutes later. 
Before she could even begin to understand what her body was doing, (y/n) ripped the car door open, feet carrying her across the street towards Rosie’s house. The young woman was trying to climb out of her window, begging for help as she got stuck halfway, a moment of distraction that seemed to pull (y/n)’s mind away from her family. Only as the sound of a car swiftly driving off began to echo through the darkness did she dare to snap her head back towards the street. 
She stood frozen, hands pressed to her side as she watched the truck drive off. Had they not noticed her sudden disappearance? Had they not noticed the way she had taken off to save another friend of theirs? 
“(Y/n)!” Rosie’s call ripped her out of her trance, teary eyes snapping towards the woman who still seemed to struggle. Without giving it another thought, she raced up towards Rosie, helping her down onto the ground. Even though she could tell that the woman was speaking to her, she couldn’t concentrate on the words, still shaken up by what had just happened.
It wouldn’t take them long before they’d notice her disappearance, a minute, or two maybe? They’d turn back around for her. They’d turn back around for her. They’d turn back around for her. 
The sound of steps echoing through the hallway forced her tired eyes open, her body growing tense as (y/n) watched a shadow approach. Her eyes met his, instantly drawn to the man she had once clung to, the man who had once protected her with all his might, the man she had once sworn to trust. 
For a few seconds, they were engulfed by a thick silence, eyes not daring to break contact as Negan stepped into her cell, crouching down in front of her. Slowly he reached his gloved hand out, cupping (y/n)’s cheek before she could move away. Her sob clawed through her all too violently, a sound that forced a frown to tug on Negan’s features, pulling her into his chest. 
“Did they hurt you? Any wounds I need to look at?” No words managed to leave (y/n), caught in her throat by the strength her sobs had on her vocal cords. Negan kept holding onto her, allowing his still somewhat familiar scent to clash against her. 
“Atta girl, deep breaths.” His voice wrapped itself around her, keeping her close like a blanket tossed over her shoulders, protecting her from the cold nibbling on her fingers. Negan kept cupping her cheek, thumb wiping away the tears that kept on falling, hating to see her like this, hurt, confused, and exhausted. “I didn’t think I’d ever get to see you again, doll. Where’s your dad, where’s Sarah?”
(Y/n) could only shake her head, choking on another sob as she thought back to the night her family had left her behind. She had tried to take shelter, not daring to wander off in hopes that her dad would come back to pick her up. But as the minutes had turned into hours, the young woman had slowly but surely been forced to realise that she was on her own. 
“I’m sorry, baby. Fuck, I’m so sorry..” Negan sat down next to her, once again pulling her back into his chest. Their moments together felt like a déjà-vu, so familiar, and yet so different to all these years ago. “What happened? Why are you without them?”
“We,” she inhaled a shaky breath, not daring to speak of the day that haunted her whenever she closed her eyes. Her voice was raspy, ringing in Negan’s ears like a song he hadn’t heard in years. “We got separated right in the beginning. Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
“I didn’t want to risk anything, once enough people know that we have some history together, you become an easy target. I can’t risk losing you a second time.” A hum left (y/n), she was too tired, too confused to argue, only hoping that she’d somehow make it out of this mess. 
“Lucille? Is she here?” It was just a whisper, a whisper breaking Negan out of his racing thoughts. Now it was his turn to shake his head, tightening his grip on her body, trying to pull her even closer as if he was scared that he was stuck in a nightmare as if he was scared that she’d be ripped from his grasp any moment now. 
“It’s just the two of us now, doll. But you’re safe here, I promise.” 
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twigg96 · 1 month
Merle X Reader HC/Fic
Sooo... I might have a thing for the Dixon boys lol.... Here are some HCs for Merle. Next in this series will be either Negan or Rick <3
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Merle didn't do relationships... he normally did flings. Hot, steamy, one night stands that meant nothing to either partner. That took no emotional effort at all on his part.
Merle didn't normally do emotions. Emotions were messy. Emotions got him hurt. His emotional bandwidth was taken up by family. Or what was left of it anyway...
But then he met you... when his normal coping mechanisms of harsh comedy and pulling away didn't work on you and you only drew closer to the crass man only wishing to know him further... Merle started to become intrigued with you and these new feelings bubbling up in him. Although he wouldn't dare label the emotions as anything more than curiosity. You would say you and Merle had become thick as thieves.
He brought you home to meet his brother. Something he often did with some of his long term flings but something was special about you. Something different. He hadn't fucked you... as a matter of fact he didn't really want to or feel a need to... he just wanted to keep you close. Watch you hang out with Daryl in their little trailer and watch a shitty movie with an arm around your shoulder... if you let him. It was a weird feeling that pissed him off slightly. He knew your body was fucking smoking hot. He knew he should be simply banging you silly in his room, listening to this movie in the background, before moving on with his life. Not dwelling on whatever the fuck this new feeling was. But as you laughed at the movie, handing the popcorn to Daryl and leaning into his own side more, sharing a joke Merle knew would soon become an inside joke between the two of you, treating the younger Dixon as an equal instead of a pest or a nuisance who didn't belong in his own home like so many of his partners had before... it peaked his interest to peer deeper into those unknown emotions he was experiencing.
Taking you out to go hunting was just one way Merle showed his... interest in you. It was his way of showing off his skills in the sport as well as teaching you vital skills he learned in his life. Skills he hoped you'd never have to use. Skills he could never know would end up saving not only your life but the lives of many in the future. Merle saved for weeks at his shitty dead end job (dealing wasn't always what it was cracked up to be) to pay for all three of your hunting licenses (just cause he lived life in the fast lane didn't mean he always felt the need to skirt the law... didn't help he used a fake ID to get the damned things though) and everything you'd need to go in the coming weeks. If there was anything he could pride himself in it was semi-legally bringing food to the table.
Inviting you over the night before he let you take his own bed and to the amazement of Daryl he took the couch. Merle had claimed it was so that when he got up to get ready he wouldn't wake you, but in the morning when he woke up at the ungodly hour before the sun rose to find you already awake, completely dressed and brewing coffee, Merle was damned tempted to call off the hunt to spend the day at home hunting you. But Daryl coming out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and a tired far away look in his eye reminded him he had a duty to get meat for harsh winter ahead.
However Merle never had the patience to hunt normally... So he brought along entertainment and some accelerators that made the hunt go by faster and in his favor. Leading you through the woods the two of you walked silently saying a quick good luck to Daryl as he took off on his own. Merle knew his brother always did do better on his own and would probably out hunt you both, his proclivity to hunt from the break of dawn until the sunset baffled Merle. Settling you down in a small grove of oak trees Merle wrapped an arm around your waist pointing in the direction the deer would appear if he scouted right. The sun slowly rose into the sky turning it a deep red before it ascended into the sky. The cool fall morning never warmed above chilling and the eldest Dixon knew the deer were bedding down to keep warm. Pulling you to your feet Merle walked with you. He had bought cherry bombs from one of the dealers he associated himself with for a case such as this. Using a slingshot and a lit cigarette he shot them into the thick brush when he got bored. Laughing as they exploded spraying twigs and dirt into the air. He'd deal with the aftermath of Daryl's anger later when they got home... but for now he let the beaming smile on your face drive him. Handing the slingshot to you, he pointed to a different spot in the brush, lighting the bomb with the end of his cigarette. Thunk... BOOM. You both laughed as more dirt flew and several deer jumped from the brush. They each darted in several directions and before Merle could pull his gun up to take a good shot; a gun beside him went off. It was the first deer you ever bagged.
As time went on Merle started bringing you with him nearly everywhere. To the grocery store. To the gas station. But mostly to the bar. You didn't seem to drink that much. If you did drink it was only a few before you limited yourself. Merle never had that kind of restraint. He over indulged. He always did. He was loud, crass, and could be mean as a rattle snake when he drank. More so than normal. It seemed to only be exasperated when he was under the influence. But you never seemed to notice or care. Still connected to his hip all through the night. Laughing at his shitty jokes. Correcting his over crass behavior when he got too rowdy. Keeping him from getting himself killed by sneakily limiting his drinks through the night. Or simply diluting them with water or seltzer.
You truly were his angel.
When some guy with a death wish decided he wanted to try and force his way between you two. “Damn, girl. You got a nice ass.” The jackass growled shoving himself between you and the eldest Dixon. If you hadn’t given Merle a talk before you both left the house he might have killed the guy already. But you promised him you’d do your best to handle it and would flag him if you needed. So with all the strength Merle had in his his drunken body. He walked over to join his brother glaring holes into the back of the asshole’s skull who swayed drunkenly trying to whoo you off your feet. “Surprised you haven’t laid ‘im out yet.” Daryl drawled following Merle’s gaze, glaring daggers at the jackass. “Seen ya lay guys out fer less before.” He hummed taking a sip of the beer he’d been nursing through most of the night. Watching as you shook you head politely at the man’s advances, turning to the bar and drinking down your liquor uncomfortably Merle simply hummed. “Said I’d stay back this time. But if he lays a hand on her it’s fair game, little brother.” Merle growled shooting Daryl a look that spoke volumes. Merle watched as you moved your body further away from the man as he stepped a little closer keeping your arms tucked tight around your middle to keep from accidentally bumping into him. Merle watched as you shook your head again standing slowly and shaking your hand. But that’s when the asshole turned into enemy number one. The dick bag had the fucking gull. The sheer audacity to grab you by the wrist, shoving you into the bar, caging you there with his body. He stood over you stumbling only slightly as you shoved against him with all your strength. Merle didn’t have to say a word when Daryl sat his beer down, knowing exactly what was coming next following him willing across the country bar. Merle grabbed the bastard by the ear, dragging him out into the alley between the bar and the abandoned building beside it. Together he and Daryl made the fucker regret the day he was born.
The day the world fell into chaos Merle hadn't believed it at first. What a sick joke. Human beings returning from the dead. Human beings eating each other. The world falling apart. You had come over early in the morning before work. Cuddling up to Merle he somehow convinced you to stay home, call off. Even if he didn't believe the shit himself. He just had a... feeling. Now he was glad he had it. Daryl had been up on the mountain hunting. Watching as camera men risked life and limb to get closer to the action you both speculated it was only in the cities... and it was... at first. Then you heard the gunshots next door. And Merle's military training went into overdrive. Grabbing dusty duffle bag after dusty duffle bag of supplies he had stashed around the house Merle tied them tight to his bike.
It took three days for you and Merle to find Daryl out in the woods. Luckily for you both the geeks had just as much of a hard time. There were no biters out in the middle of no where. And if Merle had thought that an emergency would have lasted more than a week for three people, he would have packed more water. But he didn't and with the biters carrying some sort of disease. Merle didn't want to risk catching it in the water.
The three of you raided houses and small groups for a time. Daryl hated it. That much was evident. You hated it more. You had grown silent. distant. Though Merle couldn't tell if it was because of hunger or regret that had you pulling away. But he tried not to think about it. He just tried to focus on the survival of all of you.
When you all made it to the Quarry, Merle had origianlly wanted to raid it like the others and dip. But the kids... You and Daryl wouldn't let him. And so there he sat, a week later. Wittling a damned fishing rod for some broad he didn't know so she and her sister could go try and fish... Useless. Meanwhile you were being hounded by the big headed prick Shane. Every time he turned around he was nosing around you. If it were any time before three weeks ago he would have laid Shane out flat and thought nothing about it... But now... he had to act right... or Shane would kick them out... not that he would give a shit... but You were right. Even if he hated it. There was a safety in numbers.
Unfortunately... Merle could never keep his anger in check nor his mouth shut for long. The combination always seemed to get him in trouble. With the law - he was arrested more times than he could count and with more prison time than he probably deserved but let go because a fantastic lawyer. With ex-partners- he always said shit he would regret- it cost him a relationship with one of his maybe kids... he really should have looked into that before the end of the world... But now he was handcuffed to a roof. no hope to see you again ever again. All because his big mouth and bigger ego.
Finding the graves at the Quarry was the hardest thing he ever had to go through beyond war. Digging them up with one hand in the wet muddy ground coming down off of all his drugs to be certain none of them held you or Daryl... was his coming to religion moment.
The entire time he worked for the Governor Merle searched for you and Daryl. If Daryl had you he knew you were safe. Not that he doubted you. Merle trusted that you were out there somewhere now throwing cherry bombs into the woods to scare the deer into coming out for Daryl.
Walking in the woods one night on patrol Merle counted the stars. The moon. He never really looked at them before. You had tried once to show him the constellations. Where they all where at different times. Stars were your thing. Not his. He pretended to be interested. But you could tell he wasn't interested. He wished he could give you the time now.
Months into his service to Woodbury he was out doing the Governor's bidding. There had been a disturbance at the line apparently. He was deployed to deal with it. He hated his job but... it made the time pass. Better than in a jail cell he supposed... Searching under cars and in broken grocery store windows he disposed of a few walkers before watching a shadow scurry across the dusty glass of a hardware store window. "If yer looking to get a weapon yer out a luck... but if ya need a tool-" He froze. You stood in the glass staring back at him fear washed over your face before you ran to hide behind some shelves. Had you not seen him? Not recognized his voice?! Or maybe he was hallucinating again... it seemed to be a theme recently. He was seeing your face everywhere. Even in the paintings that Phillip had hanging in the halls. Walking into the store Merle growled rounding the aisles looking for you. This was ridiculous why- Oh... it was just a teen... Letting her slip past him he sighed pretending not to see them at all just willing to tell the teams that they were seeing shit again.
The trek to the prison felt like walking into death row. From one prison into another Merle thought walking beside Daryl. He didn't dare ask about you. Though the question burned in his mind so brightly that he nearly screamed it several times. It wasn't the time... wasn't the place. Not after the things Daryl had seen. Not after the changes he'd made. He wasn't the same Daryl that Merle left behind. More mature. Decisive. It was good to see in a way. It brough Pride to his chest in way that made him want to smile. It also brought tears in a painful way that made him want to scream and cry out for the time he lost. When the gates opened and only hostility came... you never did Merle looked desperately to Daryl who only could look to the ground. "Went out lookin' for ya." Merle shook his head turning towards the gate. "Merle." Daryl yelled. "I... I'll take ya too 'em." Daryl sighed looking very much like the boy Merle remembered. Leading Merle to a group of graves only marked with crosses not in a dissimilar way that the group at the Quarry used Daryl stopped. Feeling bile rise to the top of his throat at the sick feeling of Deja vu Merle shook his head. "Went out lookin' for ya every day... one day... didn't come back so I went lookin'..." Daryl sniffed gesturing to a cross with your name. "Found 'em turned and wandering back by Woodbury... not sure what happened... but we have our ideas."
Merle lived day by day and in a daze from then on. He lived for Daryl. Had to keep him safe. Like he always did. but it was different. Without you there to light up his life he was just existing waiting for what he couldn't put a name to it. So when the governor wanted to meet. A trade. Merle knew what he had to do. You died near Woodbury. The Governor knew... now... he would pay... he would know not to fuck with Rick... He'd stay the fuck away from Daryl and he'd regret ever letting you die on his land.
Impulsive. Merle had always been impulsive. and it always got him in trouble... but this time as his vison faded to black and a light shined in his eyes he was sure was the sun... he heard your voice... and he smiled.
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imliketheiceifreeze · 1 month
Negan x reader short fic
minors DNI
-flirting/sexual tension
-older man younger woman (reader is college age around 22)
-basically unedited but i hope you enjoy!
You sipped on your fruity cocktail thoughtlessly as you soaked in the suns rays in the heat of summer. Lounging out in your parents garden was the only way to pass the time on your return from college, you'd found, but it didn't bother you so much, it gave you a chance to unwind after a tough semester. Nevertheless, the lack of stimulation had left you itching to cause some trouble...speaking of which, the deep rumble of laughter caught your attention. You snapped your head like a whip towards the source of that foreign noise, being pleasantly surprised by the sight in front of you. Negan, your neighbor and family friend was strolling across the grass, sun beaming down on his bronzed skin, and what a sight he was to behold. It took all your strength to keep your jaw locked, the surprise in your eyes being hidden from his gaze by the cherry red sunglasses adorning your face.
"Hey! sweetheart, what 'ya doing out here?"
He chuckled bemused, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair as he moved closer, kicking out a chair in front of you, whisky in hand as always and a cool swagger in all his movements that said to you he knew how women perceived him, and thoroughly enjoyed it. You just barely tilted your glasses past to peer over the brim, as if you could barely recognize him.
"Negan," you greeted him casually, maintaining eye contact as you took another sip of your cocktail.
"what? another year of college and your too cool for me now?"
its hard to suppress a smirk as he sees through your facade immediately.
"Maybe," you shoot him a feline grin as you lay back in on the sun lounger, smoothing your hands over your bare abdomen, a nervous act of concealment, fully aware of the lack of coverage your bikini provided.
"Hmm, I can see that dollface," he tuts taking a sip of his own drink and you pretend you don't see him flit his gaze over your exposed skin, hoping it contains lust rather than judgement. You allow your head to fall to the side, meeting his eye again and pulling up your sunglasses to see him properly, his own hazel irises snapping up to yours.
"What are you doing here Negan?" You question, a little bluntly but still curious.
"Came here just to be graced with your presence," he winks at you, making your cheeks rose, eyes darting quickly to the ground as you sip your drink hurriedly. "I'm joking, no need to look so fucking concerned baby," he chokes a laugh, making you squirm was always one of his favorite games, toying with you because he knew he'd always get a reaction, it pissed you off.
"Yeah whatever," you roll your eyes as you speak. "what are you drinking?" you change the subject, leaning forward to look pointedly at his glass. He takes a sip slowly, savoring the flavor with eyes fluttering shut before letting out a dramatic 'ah'
"whisky." The baritone of his voice is brought out with the word, making goosebumps appear on your skin.
"Can i try?" you purr, as enticingly as you can, because as much as he loved to toy with you, you enjoyed how tightly you had him wound around your little finger. A look of surprise and then a grin breaks out across his features. Wordlessly, he hands you the short glass, your fingers brushing his as they wrap around the cool material.
"You wont like it," he cautions, watching intently as you bring the glass to your lips. your face contorts as soon as you taste it, now regretting the large sip you took. Your eyes open wide with regret, locking onto his remorsefully.
"Oh Jesus Christ, don't drink it all" he says almost concerned but still barely able to get the words out between his laughter. You swallow quickly, downing your own drink to chase the burn.
"I didn't think it'd be so strong," you retort, tears in your eyes both from laughter and pain
"what have they been teaching you in college?" he chuckles as you hand him back the glass. he brings it to his own mouth, taking a sip that you cant help but notice, with a gulp, has his lips brushing over the red lipstick mark you had left.
"Oh" you breathe out, maybe a little to affected, as it causes his eyes to cut to yours immediately, eyebrows raised in confusion. "um, you have..." your fingers tap your lips subconsciously as your eyes flicker between his lips and the glass.
"Hm?" he hums as his eyes follow yours, dragging over his hand towards the now smudged stain. "Left your mark on me huh?" he grins, swiping at the red on his lips with his thumb and licking off the residue as if it wasn't the hottest thing you'd seen in your life, having the gall to even add "this strawberry flavored or that just you?" But your careless nature didn't bother to think of the consequences of replying.
"wouldn't you like to find out."
"don't be a tease sweetheart." his reply floors you a little, and how dare he call you a tease when he acts like that, fuck him and his stupid fucking grin, you'd show him a tease. rolling your eyes (again), you sit up, moving your hair to one side you fiddle with the top string of your bikini, moving slow as molasses when you pull on the string, letting the material fall down carelessly as you work on the lower strings too, not bothering to look into his eyes until you're fully exposed to him. You shoot him a dramatic glare but the look on his face causes a sly smirk to tug at the corners of your mouth. As soon as you're uncovered, you've laid down gently on your stomach as nonchalantly as though you haven't just flashed your tits to your 57 year old neighbor.
he lets out a low whistle, hand rubbing at his chin, and scratching over his beard before he replies. He gets up slowly, walking over to you in a way that makes your heart jump to your throat, eyes trained on you as he squats down, leaning his face so close to your own you can feel his warm breath fanning over the left side of your cheek. was he really gonna kiss you right now? in your parents house? wouldn't someone see? though you knew, with regret, you'd never stop him, no matter how far he took it, you'd risk it to feel his calloused hands over your skin.
Leaning in close, with an unreadable expression he whispers four little words "you bad fucking girl." It sends white heat through you, your eyes fluttering shut at the graveled tone, his lips brushing up against your ear, making you wonder if they'd feel just as soft over the rest of your body. Unfortunately you were too caught up in the feeling to realize he had stood up, and was walking away from you and back to the house. How fucking confusing. still he looks divine just walking in the summer sun and...you don't remember him bringing anything with him apart from his whisky glass so what is that in his hand.
he'd taken your bikini top, dangling it from his fingers as it draped over the back of his shoulder like a prize. You could just imagine his smug grin. but if you said it didn't make you press your thighs a little closer together you'd be lying.
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walker-bait-1973 · 9 months
8 Years Part One
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Photo Edit by Me
A Daryl Dixon/ Sybil Tremont Fanfiction (Daryl x OC)
Background information: It’s assumed the reader knows the world of TWD. This Fanfic takes place after Alexandria, Hilltop, Oceanside, and the Kingdom are established and at the height of success. Carl is dead. The communities are bound by a doctrine created by Michonne. Rick is presumed dead. Daryl and Michonne never lost hope and searched for several years for Rick without luck. Daryl had a short relationship with Leah. The Saviors disbanded with Negan in a jail cell in Alexandria. The Whisperers have been defeated, and Lydia is a valued member of the Hilltop homestead.
Daryl x OC (Female)
Warnings: Violence, Alcohol, Slow Burn, Fluff, Smut
Part Two
Master List
Chapter 1: Caramel
The summer of 1990 was a record-breaker for heat. The sun shone brighter than ever by early June. While people around Atlanta were finding ways to keep cool, Merle Dixon along with his younger brother Daryl, and their motorcycle gang pulled into the local 7-11 to get some ice-cold brews. They were headed to Pine Lake for a party. Merle and two of his buddies went inside for drinks.
“Hey Merle, get some snacks too!” Daryl yelled after him. Merle shot him the middle finger, laughed, and went inside. Daryl lit up a cigarette. As he listened to the group talking and laughing, a small group of young ladies walked past them. Daryl’s attention averted to have a gander at these five women. One, in particular, stood out to him. She was a curvaceous woman, with an ample chest, wide hips, and thick thighs. Her long ebony curls bounced in a neat ponytail as she walked in flip-flops with painted red toenails. She was wearing a pair of cut-off blue jean shorts that hugged her apple-shaped bottom. Her skin was a delicious shade of caramel, tanned from the hot sun no doubt. Her red halter top complimented the shade well. As she passed him he said, “Hot day.”
She nodded curtly, eyeing the pale-skinned man in the grey tank top as her friends giggled and they went into the store. She stopped for a moment to look over her shoulder at him, “You better watch yourself, you’re gonna get burned.”
He smiled slyly and playfully smacked Terry in the chest as the automatic door swung shut, “damn!”
“She’s outta your league, Daryl.” Terry chuckled as Daryl rubbed his dirty blonde goatee. He was already plotting what to do next.
“Naw… she ain’t.” He took a breath before heading into the convenience store himself. Terry looked at Buck and sniggered.
Inside, Daryl could hear Merle’s loud voice back by the beer cooler laughing with Sam and Joe. He casually walked down one aisle with low shelves, spying on the girls over by the Slurpee machine comparing flavors. He paused by the snacks and perused the various chips, raising his eyes often to watch the girls as they laughed and poured themselves the thick icy beverage. He glanced back praying his brother wouldn’t come up while he made his move. He walked to the girls and said, “Hey, ‘s y’ flavor?”
“Caramel” sucked slowly on her straw before saying, “Cherry.” A pair of large green eyes framed with long lashes lifted to look at him. He felt his insides turn to mush, as a boyish grin crossed his face.
He followed her outside and as she started walking away with her friends he called out, “’s yer name?”
Looking over her rounded shoulder, “Sybil.”
From that moment on, he was hooked.
Chapter 2: The Receipt
Daryl rolled over, restless in his bed. He heard footsteps thudding on the basement ceiling. Judith and RJ must be over for breakfast. He sat up, Dog instantly licking his face.
“Down, boy…” he grunted. Dog jumped to the floor and waited patiently by the back door for his morning walk. Daryl shirked into some clothes, donned his boots, and opened the door. Dog ran out into the dew-covered grass behind the house to do his duties. Daryl whistled,  beckoning for Dog to join him as he walked down the road toward the Alexandria main gate.
Rosita and Aaron were up on the platform, keeping watch for possible trouble.
“Good Morning, Daryl!” Aaron called out. Daryl waved quietly and moved along, toward the community center where many of the residents chose to eat together. He walked in, nabbed a fresh loaf of bread, and returned to Carol’s house.
“Good morning Uncle Daryl!” Judith exclaimed running to him as soon as he closed the door.
“Mornin’ Jude,” he answered as she hugged him around the waist. He put his arms around her shoulders and hugged her in return. RJ joined them and gave Daryl a high five.
“Come on, Judith… RJ… let’s get you fed before classes.”
“Y’ heard Aunt Carol… c’mon and get to the table.” Daryl grabbed a knife and started cutting up the bread for toast. Carol served the kids fresh scrambled eggs, apple slices, and orange juice. They munched on the yummy food while Carol poured Daryl his first cup of coffee. He leaned against the counter sipping it, his mind wandering.
He went weeks before he saw Sybil again. This time, she was at a grocery store as a cashier. What luck Daryl had! He spotted her immediately as he carried the armloads of food to the register. He decided to go through her line, affording him a great opportunity to talk to her again.
“Have a nice day,” she was saying as she handed the receipt over to the customer in front of him.
He scratched the back of his neck as she started cashing him out, “find everything you were looking for?” She lifted her eyes, a smile on her face, dimples adorning her cheeks.
“No? Is there something I can help you with?”
“Sure. Y’all could give me y’ number.”
She chuckled, “You’re mighty confident.”
“’ Member me?”
“Not sure that I do,” she replied, toying with him. There was no way Sybil could forget those deep-set blue eyes and that handsome face.
“I can make it so y’ never f’get me again.” He leaned on the conveyor belt, stopping it.
“Oh yeah?”
There was a line forming behind him.
“You’re right I’ll never forget you if you get me fired,” she feigned being cross.
“Give me y’ number an’ I’ll pay m’ total.”
“I don’t even know your name,” she said, “that will be twenty-eighty-seven.”
He pulled out thirty bucks. When she returned his change, she handed him his receipt.
“Daryl. M’ name’s Daryl.”
She smirked, “have a nice day, Daryl.”
He grabbed his bag, frowning. As he put his change in his pocket, he realized she’d written a phone number on the back of the receipt.
She winked at him and started on her next customer’s order.
“… Daryl?”
Daryl looked up from his mug at Carol, “Huh?”
“I asked what your plans were for today. Where were you just now?”
He shook his head, “Nowhere. ‘M thinkin’ of takin’ a ride t’ Hilltop.”
“Yeah? If so, could you take a few things for me? I made Maggie some curtains for Hershel’s room in the Barrington House, and there are some parts that Eugene needs for the radio.”
He shrugged, “Yeah, get t’ stuff t’gether n’ I’ll take it w’ me.”
He took a plate of eggs and set it on the floor for Dog.  Dog chowed down while Daryl munched on a piece of toast.
“Alright, go get washed up and Uncle Daryl will walk you to school on his way out.”
“Okay,” Judith looked at her younger brother, “get your stuff.”
Once Daryl delivered the kids to class, he and Dog ambled to the gate where Carol was waiting for him. He shouldered his pack and strapped the box of things to take down on his motorcycle. Carol squeezed his shoulder, “You have a safe trip, okay? Tell everyone I say hello. Oh, and I nearly forgot. Judith wrote Hershel a letter.” She slipped it into his hand. Daryl smiled.
“I’ll make sure he gets it.”
Chapter 3: Lending A Hand
Daryl sped into Hilltop, Dog in tow, and parked close to the barn. He got several waves from various community members and was warmly greeted by Maggie. She wrapped her arms around him for a big hug, “Been a long time, stranger,” she remarked, squeezed his shoulder, and knelt to pet Dog.
“Too long,” Daryl confessed, nodding in acknowledgment toward Jesus and Tara.
“Damn right it’s been too long,” Tara piped up, “tell us, what’s everyone been up to?”
“Y’ know,” he shrugged, “same old. Ain’t much t’ tell.” He patted his jacket pocket, “Got somethin’ f’ Hershel though.” He pulled out the envelope and handed it to Maggie.
“A letter from Judith?” She ran her fingers over the front of the makeshift envelope.
“Mhm. Seems they’re becomin’ pretty good pen pals,” He smiled.
“They are. It won’t be long, they’ll be on the radio talkin’. I think Hershel has a lil’ crush,” Maggie’s toothy grin spread.
Daryl grunted, “I got stuff f’ Eugene too.”
“He’s up in the attic monkeying with things, I’ll run it up to him,” Jesus said knowing full well how Eugene liked to talk people’s ears off, and Daryl was more of a quiet man.
“Thanks f’ that,” Daryl remarked looking around, “Where’s Connie?”
“She’s at Oceanside with Kelly and Luke. I know you’re disappointed,” Maggie teased.
“I’ll catch her soon ‘nough.” He shrugged, “’m here now. What can I do t’ help out?”
“We have a few cabins to build. Wanna help with that?”
“Sure,” he nodded, walking with Maggie to the area of expansion past the orchards. He was greeted by Alden, one of the blacksmiths, who was delivering a box of nails.
“Daryl, good to have you here,” Alden smiled, handing him a hammer.
“Jus’ tell me where t’ go.”
He pointed to one of the cabins already in progress. Daryl joined in immediately. As he worked with the others, it wasn’t long before he was sawing logs, roofing, and throwing himself into the job at hand. Daryl didn’t mind hard work. When the frame of the cabin was finished, he felt a sense of accomplishment and moved onto the exterior walls.
When he paused to take a cigarette break, he spotted Lydia making her way over to him. She had a wide smile on her face, her long black hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. Elijah was holding her hand, the same goofy smile on his face. Daryl smirked. Young’uns.
“We brought you some water. You’ve been working hard,” Lydia handed him a canteen.
“Thanks,” he said, swishing the cold liquid in his mouth. Felt cool and refreshing on this warm Spring day.
“We were going to head to Alexandria for a visit, but now seeing as you’re here, we won’t leave until you do. If you don’t mind.”
“Naw could use the company,” he answered, patting her shoulder.
“Great! I miss everyone. And I wanted to see Negan.”
Frowning, “What y’ need t’ see him for? He ain’t no good, Lydia.”
“I know his past, and I know how you feel about him-”
“You don’t know all ‘bout that sumbitch.” Daryl never talked with anyone in his family about what transpired when he was held prisoner at Negan’s compound, Sanctuary. Tortured, starved, stripped down for humiliation…
“I suppose I don’t. But he stuck up for me when those kids attacked me. If it weren’t for him, I might not be here. I don’t need you to understand it, but I won’t sneak around to talk to him.”
Daryl had to give her credit for being so upfront about her connection with Negan. It was true that he helped her one night when three members of Alexandria ganged up on her. It was also true that one ended up dead at Negan’s hand. It was an accident, but with Negan’s history, it nearly got him lynched.
“I don’t understand it, an’ I don’t like it. But I ain’t gonna stop ya.”
That’s one thing Lydia admired about Daryl – he didn’t treat her like a little girl. He talked to her as if she was an adult, and she respected that. Too many people tried to treat her like a child. She was seventeen, and beyond her years in many ways.
Daryl tossed her back the canteen, “Back t’ work. Y’ know, y’all could help out. Get done a lot faster.”
“I can swing a hammer,” Elijah smirked, “I’m gonna help out.”
“I’ve got some other things to do, but then I’ll be back over.” Lydia kissed Elijah before leaving. Elijah blushed and cleared his throat.
“C’mon,” Daryl spoke up, “ ‘s getcha that hammer.”
Chapter 4: First Date
(One Week Later) Daryl drove up to the house where Sybil lived. Already outside, she’d been waiting for him. She laughed when he turned off his motorcycle.
“I just knew you were going to show up on that thing.”
Daryl looked down at the bike, “’s my ride.”
She nodded, “Oh yeah… it’s your ride alright. I’ve never been on one before.”
“Well, y’all will have the time o’ yer life then.” He smiled. She walked over in a pair of tight-fitted jeans, her hips swaying practically mesmerizing him.
“Interesting way to start a first date,” She commented, sliding on behind him. Her hands went to his waist, clutching tight as he kicked the motor on and took off down the street.
“Shouldn’t we have helmets?” She called into the wind. Daryl swung the bike onto the main road.
“Naw… yer fine.”
She laughed, “As I said before, you’re mighty confident.”
Daryl enjoyed the feeling of her behind him, her hands tightening their grip. He lowered his left hand and pulled one of her arms around him tighter.
“You’re bold,” she remarked, but slid her other arm around, locking her hands in front of his stomach.
“So are ya.”
They drove along Pine Lake, one of the first places he could think of to take her. When they got off the bike she said, “You’ve got me alone, in the woods. Should I be afraid?”
“I didn’t keep y’ alive on that bike only t’ kill ya in the woods,” He smirked. She laughed. It was music to his ears; so light and genuine.
“Been t’ Pine Lake ‘fore?”
“Oh yes. This is the main hang-out spot. You?”
“Come here a bit.”
They walked a trail along the east side of the lake, quiet at first.
“So that gang you’re with…” she finally cut the silence as she studied the trees, “been with them long?”
Daryl shrugged, “yeah. They’re kinda family. My big brother Merle started hangin’ out w’ some guys an’ it went from there.”
“How many of you are there?”
“Just one,” he teased.
“Ha ha,” she rolled her eyes.
“’ Bout twenty or so. Why?”
She shrugged, “Just curious.”
She pulled a leaf off a branch and twirled it between her fingers.
“Y’ thinkin’ ‘m gonna be trouble?”
“I don’t know… are you?”
“Maybe,” he stopped walking and pointed, “look,” he whispered, “a doe.”
She squinted, “Where?”
He extended his arm with his fingertip pointing, “Between them two birch trees. See her?”
After a few moments, Sybil smiled brightly, “I do. She’s beautiful. You have a keen eye.”
Daryl shrugged, “maybe.”
“Do you spend a lot of time in the woods?”
“Quite a bit. How ‘bout ya?”
“I love nature, but no… I haven’t been camping since I was a kid.”
“Yer missin’ out.”
“I suppose I am.”
“C’mon, I wanna show y’ somethin’.”
They continued casually down the trail until he veered off it, onto an unbeaten path.
“Okay, now I know you’re going to kill me,” she teased.
“C’mon,” he rolled his eyes. They came to some tall rocks, “Up f’ a lil’ climbin’?”
Hands on hips she looked up at the rocks, “Should I have worn hiking boots?”
“Naw… them shoes are fine.”
She looked down at her vans and was thankful she’d chosen them.
“Alright. Let’s go. Show me the way.”
“It ain’t gonna be as hard as it looks. Found an easy way to get up there.” He motioned for her to follow. He went around the right-hand side of the stone goliaths.
“See here,” he pointed in front of him and upward, “almost like someone made a trail in them rocks.”
“They look like they have stepping stones cut into them.”
He started up the incline, turning around every so often to make sure she was still behind him. She was eagerly bringing up the rear, keeping close.
“’s is the hard part,” he said, reaching for her hand, “lemme help y’ up the rest o’ the way.”
She took his hand and he pulled just enough to get her over the final ledge. She took a breath and looked down behind her whistling, “We are up high.”
He nodded, “Higher than it looks from down there.”
She noticed a singed area and a pile of wood.
“You come here often?”
He nodded, “’s m’ place t’ getaway. C’mere… an’ look.”
She joined him on the opposite side of the rocks and looked out. What a sight to behold. She could see the large lake in its entirety from this vantage point, and the multitude of trees on the other side. The sun was bright in the sky. She felt as if she could reach out and touch it. The rays warmed her face. She turned to look at Daryl. His blue eyes were studying her, gauging her reaction. The humongous smile on her face was enough for him. He was convinced that she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
Daryl rolled to his side and stared into the darkness inside the hay mound sighing. He didn’t sleep much, to begin with. And even less since the world fell. Thinking of her made it near impossible. He sat up while Dog rustled through the hay to rest his head in Daryl’s lap. He brusquely pet the dog's head. Dog whined. He’d been with Daryl so long that he could read his emotions.
“S’ alright, boy. ‘ll get through it. Always do.” He got to his feet, stretched, and said, “C’mon. ‘S go f’ a walk.” Daryl and Dog made their rounds, checking the sentinels on the wall, joining them for a bit to watch for walkers or marauders.
“You’re up early,” Cal commented, shaking out his foot that fell asleep.
Daryl shrugged, “Always am. Don’t need much sleep.”
“I don’t know how you do it, Dixon,” Cal continued.
Diane looked over at the two men, “Be thankful Daryl doesn’t sleep much. He’s saved a lot of our asses more than once because of it.”
Cal knew it was true and agreed, “Oh I know he has. It’s just when I manage to have some time to rest, I conk out. Sometimes for half a day.”
People meandered about as the sun rose, and Daryl found himself back to work at the cabins.
“You know, there’s always one of those here for you,” Jesus said, holding up a board to be nailed.
Daryl said, “Hate t’ take a place from someone else. I don’t mind the hay mound or a tent. ‘M easy.”
“So have you completely set down roots in Alexandria?”
Daryl shrugged, “Dunno if I set roots down anywhere.” The truth was the man had huge bouts of wanderlust and couldn’t sit still for too long before needing to be out in the wild again. He went with Aaron sometimes to look for more people to bring back to the communities. He brought messages from one community to the next. He also liked to provide food, go on scavenging runs; anything to keep himself busy.
People that knew him knew he was this way. They noticed a big change when Rick infamously blew up the bridge that was to connect everyone to save his people. 
Daryl disappeared for three years. During his search for Rick, he met a woman by the name of Leah. No one knew about the affair he’d had with her except Carol. Dog had discovered an old house that seemed abandoned one day during their travels. But it wasn’t empty. That’s when he found an ornery woman living there that didn’t want him anywhere around her land. After about a year they began to talk, her more than him, and in a few more months they shared food. After that Daryl realized how lonely he was; one thing led to another and the two became involved. It didn’t last long. Daryl pulled away for several reasons: he wanted to continue looking for Rick, and he couldn’t allow himself to feel what he once felt for Sybil. When he was with Leah, she knew he was far away in his mind: thinking about his brother, and she had no idea what else. He couldn’t open up to her. That took years and trust. Something he knew he could never have with her. She put conditions on him and gave him ultimatums.
“It’s your brother or me.”
“It’s your family or me.” He was not a man who responded well to conditions. He wasn’t about to choose a woman that wanted all or nothing. So he walked away, never looking back.
Chapter 5: The Race
After two weeks of working on cabins, several were finished thanks to the hard labor everyone put in. Daryl wanted to reward them all with some venison, so he decided he’d head out before the light of day to hunt.
Dog stayed in step with Daryl as they silently made their way through the forest. He’d seen deer droppings which decided the direction they would go. Tell-tale signs of a foraging deer were seen everywhere if you were observant enough. Daryl was a master of tracking. He held his breath as soon as he saw the three-point, lifted his crossbow, aimed, and fired. The arrow hit its mark between the front shoulder and the ribcage, piercing the heart. The deer dropped where it stood, feeling no pain. Just the way Daryl liked it. No suffering.
He set to work right away field dressing the internal organs before he heard the groans of Walkers coming from the left.
“Shit,” he muttered, hefting the deer over his shoulders, “c’mon Dog,” he called, quickly making his exit. The organs would keep the few Walkers busy. At least enough for him to get safely away.
He returned at dusk with his prize, congratulated by many, and thanked personally by Maggie.
“Can’t have them people be veg’tarians,” Daryl teased, taking it to hang out back.
“Oh no, too many vegetables will make the people weak,” Maggie teased. Daryl eyed her between his curtains of bangs, a smirk on his face.
“They’ll appreciate it to be sure. We can do a lot with poultry and beef…”
“But there ain’t nothin’ like venison,” he cut in.
She nodded, “Right.”
They heard kids laughing and spotted Hershel and the other kids playing with Dog. Dog of course loved all the attention.
“Seems good to have them bein’ kids, huh?” Maggie asked, sighing. She had to dig deep to remember the days of misspent youth and no fear. Riding horses with her sister Beth, playing in the fields, and nights catching fireflies.
Daryl nodded as he shoved his bloodied hands into a basin of water, “Mhm… they ain’t had it so good, growin’ up too fast ‘cause t’ way t’ world turned out.” He dried his clean hands on a rag and watched the kids for a bit, a small smile on his face.
“Can’t catch me dog,” Marigold yelled out, her laugh echoing through the trees.
(August) ”You’ll never catch me, Daryl!” Sybil yelled, swimming faster out towards the floating dock in the middle of the lake. Daryl however was an experienced swimmer and was soon closing in on her. The thrill of the chase caused Sybil to start laughing and slowed her down in speed. Daryl slowed his pace, waiting for her to gain her wits and start moving faster again. Soon her hands were touching the dock.
“Damn, y’ got away,” he said, holding the edge of the dock with his hands. She splashed him playfully.
“I know you let me win.”
“Did no such thing.”
She giggled, “Okay… deny it all you want.” She caressed his damp cheek, “I’ll still give you your reward,” she moved closer and kissed his wet lips before pulling up onto the dock. Daryl could feel his stomach flip flop and his heart quicken in reaction to her affection. It was their first kiss. His cheeks reddened and he pulled up onto the dock next to her, their feet dangling in the water. He’d been pursuing her avidly for several months. His first thoughts of just wanting to bed the woman passed once he realized there was so much more to her than just a beautiful body. She had spunk, a clever mind, and kept him on his toes. He’d never met anyone like her before. Sybil seemed to enjoy her time with him, and this kiss just solidified what he was hoping for. He knew that other guys were trying to get her attention, he wasn’t blind. But the more she accepted offers of dates from him, the less concerned he became with them.
She laid back on the dock, the sun’s rays kissing her wet skin. Her hair spread out above her head like a dark halo. Her red one-piece showed plenty but left just the right amount covered to let the imagination run wild.
Daryl chewed his lip for a moment, “Sybil…”
“Mhm?” She hummed, shielding her eyes from the bright sky as she looked his way.
“’S a band playin’ at a bar next weekend. A local band… thought maybe y’all would like t’ go.”
“What kind of music?” she asked him curiously.
“Heavy stuff. Ain’t no room for country shit.”
She grinned, “You’ve got yourself a plus one then. I think it would be a lot of fun.” The idea of being squished in close to her was on his mind. He was still a man after all.
“Rememberin’ the good old days?” Maggie asked. Daryl stopped chewing his lip.
“Gonna go find somethin’ t’ do.”
Chapter 6: Scavenging Parts
“Hey, Daryl…” Jesus caught up with the archer after morning chores, “Eugene needs some parts for the solar panel he’s been working on and gave me directions to a place he thinks I can find those parts. Wanna ride with me, help me out?”
Daryl nodded as he finished brushing a horse down, “be ready in a few. Lemme finish up here.”
Jesus drove fast down the road. Daryl stared at the directions, “A bullfrog’s hop t’ the right of a… what t’ hell is this?” He asked, scratching his head.
Jesus laughed, “It’s directions. Eugene wrote them.”
“F’ fuck’s sake. Two leagues past the old maple tree… ‘s a million maple trees out here!” He threw the instructions on the dashboard. Jesus smirked, “Don’t kill me. I wrote those just to tease you.”
“You bastard,” Daryl huffed, but smiled in the end, “figures. Where’s them directions at?”
Jesus pulled a paper out of his front pocket, “Here.”
Daryl read them quickly, “’s more like it.”
When they rolled up to the old rusty warehouse, Jesus cut the engine and looked over the list Eugene had given him. Daryl got out and started scouting for Walkers, and anyone else who happened along the way. He and Jesus cleared out a small group of the dead before breaking the chain lock on the door to head inside. Pigeons flew in the disturbed air kicking up dust and dirt. The men covered their mouths, Daryl quickly pulling his rag from his back pocket. He tied it over the bottom half of his mouth.  Both were silent as the grave as they passed through the large building in search of any trespassers alive, or undead. Once they were certain it was empty, they set out to find each of the things Eugene wanted. It took longer than they expected since neither knew where to start. Searching boxes, and reading labels… they’d found two of the five things before dark.
“Looks like we’ll be staying the night,” Jesus huffed, wiping the dust from his hands onto his pants.
“Mhm,” Daryl lowered his backpack and brought out some salted dried venison, doling out some pieces to Jesus.
“Thanks,” Jesus said as they sat on the cold cement floor.
 As they settled in for the night, Daryl volunteered to keep a watch out.
“T’morrow we hit them boxes upstairs. Can’t see shit now.”
“Agreed. I didn’t think this would be a two-day trip. I’ll just catch a few winks.”
(1 Year Later) “Sybil, get on over here, woman!” Daryl had called out over the heavy strains of guitar on the jukebox to his girl.
Sybil’s green eyes danced with merriment as she set her beer on the bar and made her way over to the young man who beckoned her. She laughed as he snaked his arms around her waist.
His nose brushed against her ear as he said, “Dance w’ me.” As if she was ever interested in dancing with someone else. She slid her palms flat against his chest as they moved to their own beat. It certainly didn’t match the fast drum solo in the Motorhead song. But finding their way to sway their bodies together had never been a problem. They began to sweat there under the hot lights, their friends milling around them. Some were dancing, others playing pool, and still, some just drinking and sharing conversation.
Daryl’s brother Merle was leaning on his old lady, licking salt from her neck as he downed another shot of tequila. He followed up with a lemon wedge from her cleavage as his loyal gang cheered him on.
“ ‘s get outta here,” Daryl said into Sybil’s ear, “ ‘s gonna get crazy t’night.”
“It’s well on its way,” she said, gripping his hand. They made a quick exit and soon were taking off on his bike. The wind whipped through Sybil’s untethered hair. The exhilaration from the cool air and the feel of her cheek against his back were enough to make Daryl giddy. He pulled up to her apartment and as he walked her to the door she stopped, key in her hand.
“We’ve been seeing each other for a while now,” she spoke up, her eyes staring into his, “and you’ve been good to me, Daryl. Come inside. I want you to stay the night.”
His jaw twitched. He’d been excited for this moment, he wouldn’t deny it. But now that it was here, he felt a sense of pride. He’d spent his time getting to know her. There was still so much to learn. And tonight would be another lesson in the ways of Sybil.
There was no small talk as her roommates were already in their respective rooms sleeping. He hadn’t been in the apartment at night unless there was a crowd of sorority sisters having a party. He and Sybil preferred being out of the house and hanging out with his gang often. She closed her room door there in the dark and turned on a dim lamp next to the bed.
She smiled at him, walking close, her hands caressing either side of his face as they began to kiss passionately. His palms rested on the flat of her back, rubbing slowly up and down as their mouths opened to explore like so many times before. It was more intense though, with pure need behind each tongue lashing and twisting together. A small groan lifted from his throat as she stepped back from him. They stared at one another, the soft glow from the light accentuating her features. The shadows delved into her curves and along the line of her legs.
“Help me out of this skirt, will you, Daryl?”
Daryl heard a noise that caught his attention. He went to investigate but seeing that it was a raccoon he shooed it away before walking the interior of the building alone. He placed a cigarette to his dry lips and lit it. Staring out one of the wide warehouse windows, he saw a few Walkers milling about near the truck. He puffed out some smoke and moved on toward the opposite end.
Sybil was more amazing than he could’ve imagined. Her body was perfection to him, and as she lifted on top of him, her hair swung down her back. He tangled his fingers into it before rubbing down around her ass while she ground her hips on top of him. He breathed as if through honey, labored, and sweet. As she rubbed his chest, a little pout curled on her lips as she neared the height of pleasure, calling out to him. He rolled her to her back, taking her breath away as he kept the rhythm up, bringing her to orgasm. He came in sync with her. He looked down at Sybil, the sweat beading on her forehead, their wet bodies sticking together, and he felt something he’d never felt before – fulfilled.
“Kiss me…” she gasped, still feeling the aftershocks of their lovemaking.
“Ain’t gotta ask, Syb…” He lowered his mouth onto hers, sucking her lips slowly, delightfully before withdrawing. He lay back, his chest still heaving as she lay her cheek upon it, listening to his fast heartbeat. He opened his legs, and she nestled her lower half between them, her stomach resting on his groin, not uncomfortable. He rubbed her saturated back, fingers slipping in the sweat, her hair pasted to her shoulders and his chest. Their bodies fit together like an intimate puzzle. Their hands locked together, fingers woven tight, his free hand cradling her. It was at that moment he knew his heart belonged to her.
When the first hint of light came through the windows, Jesus was up. He and Daryl searched the remainder of the building and found the rest of the items for Eugene by midday.
When they got outside, the Walkers from last night were still wandering around the truck, and seeing the two men, started lurching towards them.
“Dammit,” Jesus uttered while Daryl shot the closest in the head and then pulled his knives. Jesus round-housed one right in the skull, its rotted head exploding from the connection. Daryl took out two, a stab to the front of each temple, and Jesus took down the last one.
“ ‘ll drive,” Daryl said once everything was packed into the back of the pickup. Jesus tossed the keys to him. On the drive to Hilltop, Daryl was reliving those moments with Sybil still. Waking up with his legs wrapped around hers, her body still on his. He could almost feel her warmth, smell her perfume. He swerved almost hitting a Walker in the road. Jesus looked over at him, “Are you sure you’re up for driving?”
“Yeah, ‘m fine.” He sped up to get past the gathering herd quickly leaving them in the dust.
Eugene was pleased as he met the men getting out of the pickup.
“Did y’all find everything?” he asked as he pulled back the tarp over the parts. He went over the list and marked each item off, “Well done, you guys. I know these doodads don’t look like much, but when I get ‘em all put together, we’ll have some fine additions to those cabins y’all been working so hard on. Electricity! Creature comforts.”
“Glad we could help,” Jesus said as he and Daryl unloaded.
“Did you meet up with any trouble?” Maggie asked as she picked up a small box from the back.
“Naw,” Daryl responded.
“Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Jesus added.
( 1 Month Later) Carver College
Daryl spotted Sybil and her friends in the throes of students in the cafeteria. She’d been pouring over textbooks for a test coming up in English Lit class. He breathed hot air on the back of her neck, “Hey babe.”
She smiled as she whispered, “Daryl…”
Mandy sniggered, “You two are something else.”
Daryl kissed Sybil lightly and slid into the chair next to her.
“Where have you been?” She asked in a hushed tone. She hadn’t seen him in four days. No explanations, no phone calls, “I was worried about you. I thought something might have happened to you!”
“Naw, no need t’ worry. ‘M here now.” He rubbed her hand slowly.
She picked up her books and excused herself from her circle of friends. Daryl grabbed them to carry for her. Once they were outside she turned to him, “Where have you been?” She asked him again, “You just disappeared.”
“I had t’ go outta town w’ Merle.”
“To do what?” She asked curiously.
He shrugged, “Just some odd errands, ain’t no big deal.”
“Daryl, it’s a big deal when you’re dating someone, and you just disappear. What if something happened to you?”
“Syb… don’t need t’ keep tabs on me. Ain’t nothin’ gonna happen t’ me.”
She frowned, “I’m not keeping tabs. Why are you keeping secrets?”
Chapter 7: Unavailable
The deer was finally ready to process. Many offered to help him, but he kindly rejected those offers. He wanted to work alone and get things off his mind. His memories were flooding in and he couldn’t build the dam fast enough to keep them at bay. It was close to the time of year when he first met Sybil. Even though people referred to parts of the year by the period of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, Daryl knew it was around June. He felt it in his heart, and thoughts of Sybil were at their pinnacle. He sharpened his knife on a whetstone til the blade could slice easily through the meat, and as he removed the hide, he halted suddenly.
(6 Months Later) Sybil looked up from the bed, “Where are you going, hot stuff?”
He zipped his jeans, “gotta go outta town f’ a few days.”
She sat up, slipping on one of his t-shirts, “where? You never say.”
“Nothin’ y’ need t’ worry y’self over, Syb.” He rubbed her shoulders slowly, “Y’ won’t even have time t’ miss me.” He kissed her lips.
“Your brother is a troublemaker. Why do I have the feeling you two get up to no good when you’re gone?”
He shook out his head and started working the hide again, bound to have the hide salted and stretched before dinner. His workworn hands rubbed the salt into the thin layer of skin remaining, and as he was stretching it, he could smell dinner. His stomach rumbled.  He covered the meat with an old tarp and went to join the others.
That night he sat by the campfire longer than most. The dog was sleeping by his foot, basking in the heat from the flames.
(One Year Later)  Daryl knew it was late. It was nearly one. He’d been out fucking around with his gang, causing a ruckus, getting into a fight with another gang, and then Merle suggested they all go out for drinks. Daryl had a few and lost track of time.
“Shit, I gotta go!” He told his brother.
“What? Why?”
“’S Sybil’s birthday. ‘M late.”
“You’re so whipped. Hell, she’ll have another one next year.”
“That ain’t the point!” He said goodbye to his friends and rushed out to his bike. When he got to Sybil’s apartment, he could see the windows were dark. He pulled the present he had messily wrapped out of his saddle bag and went up to the second floor. He knocked on the door, and Theresa answered.
“What are you doing here, Daryl? Don’t you know how to tell time?”
“Jus’ wanna see Syb… don’t need y’all givin’ m’ a hard time. Lemme in.”
“Why don’t you just go and try to make amends tomorrow? You’re on her shit list you know.”
“Who’s at the door?” Sybil called out behind her. Daryl looked over Theresa’s shoulder and saw Sybil tying up her silky robe.
“Syb… ‘s me. I wanna come in.”
“I’ve got this Theresa…”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, you go on back to bed.”
Daryl ducked his head in shame, “Happy Birthday.” He held out the gift. Sybil’s hands were on her hips.
“Kind of late for that. My birthday was yesterday. It’s nearly two. What happened?”
“Got caught up w’ the boys. I lost track o’ time s’ all.”
“Oh, that’s all huh? My birthday didn’t matter much to you then, did it?”
“That ain’t true.”
“Sure it is. If you cared, you’d have been on time. You get with those guys and forget everything.” She pulled him into the room, and looked at him in the light, “And what the hell happened to your chin?”
Daryl instinctively touched his jaw. He must’ve gotten a bruise from the fight.
“You’ve been fighting again?”
“Weren’t much o’ a fight,” he half–laughed, “We got ‘em good.”
She stared at him angrily, “I can’t believe you’re missing the point here.” She wiped tears from her eyes, “I don’t think this is going to work out.”
“What? Y’ breakin’ up w’ me?!”
“Yes, I am.”
“Because m’ late f’ y’ birthday?”
“You just don’t get it. You didn’t show up. You didn’t call. And when you finally do show up you don’t feel one inch of remorse for it all.”
“Said I was sorry, Syb. Don’t be like that.”
“No, you didn’t apologize. You bragged about a fight. I don’t want to be a part of this. I expect more from the man I care about.”
He wiped his eyes, blaming the smoke from the fire, and decided it was time to head back to Alexandria. He’d leave as soon as he finished preparing the meat for Hilltop.
Chapter 8: Camping
Daryl waited a couple weeks for Sybil to cool off after their split.
“You’re better off without her baby brother. Now you ain’t tied down to one woman, you can date any y’all want.”
“Don’t wanna date anyone else. I want Sybil,” he muttered, wiping his greasy hands on a rag. He turned over the engine on his bike, bringing it back to life after its tune-up.
“Well she don’t want nothin’ to do with your sorry ass. She thinks she’s too good for ya! There’s plenty of other bitches that are interested in ya.”
“She ain’t a bitch, Merle. She’s different than them other girls.”
“Ooh, are you in love, pussy?”
“Why am I tellin’ y’ anythin’?” He put his tools away, and said, “Goin’ out f’ a bit.”
“Go on then, run back to that highfalutin’ uptown bitch. She must have some sugar ‘tween her legs to keep ya comin’ back to her.”
He showed up at Save A Lot where Sybil worked. She wasn’t at the cash register, but he found her stocking shelves as he searched the aisles.
“Hey Syb…” he said as he approached. She stopped marking canned goods with the pricing gun and looked in his direction.
“What are you doing here?”
“Came t’ apologize. M’ sorry I was such a dick.”
“Are you? Because I have the feeling that the sort of thing that got you in trouble with me in the first place is going to keep happening.”
“Naw… it ain’t. What can I do t’ make y’ change y’ mind?”
She huffed, “You need to stop fighting. I knew full well you were in a gang when I met you. But I don’t think I realized what that entailed.”
He reached out and touched one of her curls, wrapping it around his finger, “I can stop fightin’.”
“Yeah, right,” She rolled her eyes.
“I can,” he insisted.
“Prove it.”
“I will. Supposed t’ be a lil’ somethin’ on Friday. ‘ll come an’ see y’all instead. Maybe I can help you study…” he leaned his arm against the shelf, keeping close to her, “what d’ ya say?”
“Give me a week to think things over. Stay out of trouble until then. I refuse to have a boyfriend that will probably end up in jail. You’re better than that.”
He screeched to a halt on his bike. Right in the middle of the road. 
“Can’t go back to Alexandria.” He felt a tightness in his chest, “Just can’t. C’mon.” He veered off the road and pushed his bike into some bramble to hide it.
He and Dog made their way deep into the forest around them. He knew the area well. He retreated towards a long winding river that cut through a clearing and set up a little lean-to between two trees and dug out a hole for a campfire. He set up a perimeter and fashioned a spear from a sturdy branch to go fishing. He and Dog ate a fine catch of fish for dinner.
He lay back against a log and stared up through the tree branches as the stars peeked into the holes between the leaves.
Three months later, they were back together. It took him that long to convince Sybil that he was staying out of trouble. He hung with the gang but skipped out when any brouhahas took place. His brother and friends didn’t let him live it down. He took the brunt of their brutal teasing, keeping his focus on what he really wanted, Sybil.
He watched as Sybil tried to figure out the instructions to the tent she’d brought on their first camping trip. It was early Autumn, and the weather was still pretty warm. He snorted, “Don’t need that booklet. Didn’t need no fancy tent neither.”
“I wanted it to be special,” she huffed, “and I can’t make heads or tails of any of this.”
He walked over, grabbed the instructions, and tossed them in the fire.
“Hey!” She laughed, “How do you expect to set up this tent then?”
He set to work, “Syb… pull them ropes your way.” He handed her a spike, “Stick ‘em in the ground…”
He pulled the other side and did the same. He put together the supports inside, assembling the tent in no time. She smiled proudly as she looked at the results.
“I knew you were good for something,” she teased, messing with his short hair.
That night after hot and heavy lovemaking, they went skinny dipping in the river not far from their setup. She shone under the moonlight, her body dancing with the beads of water dripping down her shoulders, over her breasts, and into the water at her waist. Daryl joined her and as they made out she said, “I could stay here forever.”
How he wished he had.
Chapter 9: The Thick of the Woods
Daryl spent weeks wandering the woods. He’d become so silent, he didn’t even need to call Dog, Dog just knew when to come. He’d gone a longer distance with each day, following the river downstream. He’d passed some small makeshift cabins and checked them out. Even spent some nights in one or two of them. He fought Walkers. Trudged through a downpour. Played with Dog in different clearings they happened upon. They lived off fish, rabbits, squirrels, wild yams, and leeks.
(2 Years Later) Sybil and Daryl got an apartment together. They’d been together for well over four years, and things just fell into place. They were happy, content with life. She was in her fourth year of college, she wanted to be a teacher, and Daryl was working for a local garage fixing just about anything with a motor.
“C’mon Syb… y’all get that cute ass in here. ‘ll help y’ study.” Daryl wanted to be as supportive to Sybil as he could. Even when he didn’t understand what he was quizzing her on, he felt proud of his girl for being so smart.
“If I don’t know it by now, I’m never going to know it.”
“C’mon ‘s the hard stuff, Early Childhood Development,” He held up the book, “We’re gonna go over t’ ones highlighted. Y’all got the rest down pat.”
“Okay, okay,” She threw her hands up in the air.
“Listen… ‘s somethin’ y’ really want, right?”
“Yes,” she answered, her eyes locking with his.
“Then y’ gotta put the time in. ‘S been four long years, but ‘s almost over. Don’t give up.” He squeezed her hand gently as he leaned in to kiss her.
“What would I do without you?” She asked, rubbing his scruffy cheek.
“Fail t’ damn test,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. They both laughed, “Right. Question one…”
He smiled at the thought, on how she graduated in the top five of her class. He’d liked to have thought he was part of the reason for that, if she wasn’t so smart to begin with. Still, it was some of his favorite time back then, watching her mind work, the way she’d bite her tongue and look at the ceiling while she thought about her answers, and how she loved to be rewarded with kisses.
One evening, just before dusk he heard a scream. Another voice was yelling, “Over here… this way!”
Heavy footfalls, groaning, and growling. Walkers. He followed the sounds and before crashing through the brush, he surveyed the situation. About ten Walkers were surrounding a couple of women and a man. They were fighting the Walkers pretty well, but there were too many. Daryl aimed his crossbow, clipping one Walker in the head about to bite the man’s shoulder. He fell to the ground. Unsure of what happened, the people continued to fight. He unsheathed his two knives, broke through the brush, and took two out, slicing another at the knees. One of the women brought down a knife into its brain. The other woman shoved a Walker into a tree and split its head with a machete. Three more to go. The man was backing up, looking to see if there were any more, turned around, and got one mere moment from attacking him. Daryl wiped the blades on his filthy pants and looked at the people quickly.
“Thank you,” one of the women breathed, “I don’t know if we could’ve made it without your help. Imagine finding another living soul in the woods.”
Daryl nodded as Dog sniffed around for any other threats. The woman with the cleaver was kneeling, cleaning her blade on one of the Walker’s shirts.
“Yes, thank you.” She stood up and turned to face the man, “we wouldn’t have made it.” She brushed an arm across her grimy face and said, “Do we look as bad as you do?” She smiled at the light joke. Daryl did a double-take. He squinted his eyes and studied the woman closely. She wasn’t anything to look at from first glance being road worn and ragged. But he saw those mystifying green eyes he’d never forget.
“S… Sybil?” His voice broke from being quiet for so long. It sounded foreign to him.
“How do you know my name?” She asked, eyeing the stranger. He was caked in mud, grungy from head to toe, long filthy hair pasted to his dirtied face.
“’S me…” was all he could muster taking a step closer. The woman looked deeply into the man’s eyes.
“Syb… ‘s Daryl…” he patted his chest.
“Daryl?” Her eyes widened. With sharp analysis, she determined that under that mess was the man from her past when everything was right in the world. Her throat closed as she stood stone still. The air was so thick, no one spoke, but everyone was bewildered that Sybil could find someone in the middle of nowhere that knew her.
There was movement behind her and a voice, “Mom? Is it safe to come out?”
For Part Two Click Here
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