#negative cw
tokintormin · 21 hours
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read trigger warnings before reading. tw internalized xenophobia, generational trauma
Please understand that this is the character's flaw, not an actual hate speech on any enthnical group.
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dawnscales · 3 months
starring at the news as the eu election results slowly trickle in and ?????? to all the people telling Jews that Jews are safe in Europe (or to go back there) fuck you. Parties that were founded and taught by actual Nazis are winning.
This is not safe for Jews, for queer people, for muslims, for anyone really. This is gross and you all are gross. Also if you didn't go vote because you were disappointed in how the left dealt with things: fuck you this is on you too.
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naradreamscape · 27 days
What is it with being a Jewish person with any sympathy to Palestinian civilians that makes Jewish zionists immediately start frothing at the mouth. Like. how deeply rotted with hatred do you have to be to have kneejerk reactions of "OH SO YOU SYMPATHIZE WITH TERRORISTS? SHOULD WE ALL JUST DIE THEN?" at the sight of basic sympathy for an injured child. I haven't seen this much reactionary reaching and infighting since Steven Universe was still airing
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sweetpeauserboxes · 1 year
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[id: a light pink userbox with a pastel pink border and pastel pink text that reads “this user is having a silent meltdown; please and thank you.” on the left is an image of a pink heart. /end id]
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musemelodies · 4 days
hey folks, sorry it's been pretty slow on here. work has been really hectic and it's only gonna increase with the holiday months. still searching for a new job and trying to stay positive in the meantime. i did the morning shift yesterday and i'm closing tonight and then i gotta be back in tomorrow morning and it's...a lot.
a few years ago, i was thinking about going back to school for library science but the only one around here that offers it is ridiculously expensive and i got rejected anyway and then the pandemic happened and welp, here we are. i don't wanna cue the violin music or anything but i've just been feeling so stuck and in low battery mode a lot of the time. so much of my life consists of working and being exhausted and dreading going back to work.
i know it could always be worse, i could be homeless again or living with my terrible mom but it just feels like there's no balance. i would love to just walk out tomorrow (this place is embarrassingly anti-union and the current ceo is a third generation nepobaby and i have to deal with that micromanaging coworker way too often) but i don't really have a backup plan. also anxiety and the whole needing money to live thing.
anyway, i know i'm preaching to the choir and again, it could be a lot worse but it's really been wearing me down lately. as a wise philosopher once said: when the working day is done, oh girls, they wanna have fun...
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ansburg · 1 year
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Excuse me?
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goldshadows · 2 months
kinda pissed that canons get away with not having a single piece of information of their muses anywhere on their blog but ocs have to have complete backstories and ancestors figured out and how dare you not know where they were april 21st 2009
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wri0thesley · 2 months
cw dental phobia
having the horrible back jaw/molar pain again and there’s just nothing i can do bc there are no nhs dentists accepting patients, i can’t afford to see a private dentist and it’s apparently not bad enough to see an emergency dentist and even if i could afford one visit to a private dentist no doubt i would be unable to even go through with the first check-up and the dental phobia people won’t help until i’ve failed to have treatment three times (so i’d have to pay the private dentist three fees to proceed to not even be able to get in the chair!!!). totally understanding why people try and do at home dentistry lmao
my teeth are so bad and absolutely my worst insecurity but i am basically just waiting for them to rot out of my skull and hoping that the decay doesn’t spread to my brain !!!
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merrilark · 3 months
Checked into the presidential debate just for a few minutes bc I thought I should probably at least hear some of it, and oh, I wish I hadn't.
I'm going to vote for Biden regardless because obviously he's the lesser of the two evils. But yikes on a bike, y'all. I cannot believe these are our only options.
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dawnscales · 2 months
honestly at what fucking point do the nightmares stop. I know this is dumb and self absorbed but ever since October 7th I just have so many nightmares.
it's not even always super violent ones. More often than not it's just arguing with people. Or being yelled at. Sometimes the people are complete strangers and sometimes they are friends. And I just try to beg and try to justify that Jews be left alone and are allowed to exist.
I focus heavily on work right now but after that I am so tired I can't really do much else?? Even reading feels like too much because I feel overwhelmed and tired.
Anyway I assume other Jews are not fairing any better so hey if you have any advice feel free to reblog / leave a comment, I'm sure there are others who would really appreciate that
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chipsncookies · 9 months
Negative, personal cw)
Happy new year 🎊
I already started ny eve with the lowest moment anyone could possibly have, so it could only go up from here!!
My 2024 goals: find more reason to live
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sweetpeauserboxes · 1 year
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[id: a light pink userbox with a pastel pink border and pastel pink text that reads “this user will never be someone's first choice.” on the left is an image of a pink heart. /end id]
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conduitandconjurer · 1 month
hey, what are your thoughts on s4?
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Irredeemable. I won't accept the message that there are people in the world whose mere existence is capable of causing inevitable and complete destruction, ans that the ONLY fix is to erase the course of evens wherein they were ever created. I know this is more implicit than explicit, but you don't have to squint too much, and to me, that's enough to dump it in the trash. Every life has value and it's never too late.
And you shouldn't have to accept this shit, either. <3 Don't let it hurt forever. At 41 I've finally realized I have COMPLETE control over what thoughts, beliefs, and yes, imaginary worlds, I allow to exist on MY time, in MY mental space. I hope if you're as grossed out by S4 as I am, you can reach that balm of total freedom soon, too.
If there are fans this vibed with, I'm glad for you and no judgment! But as far as I'm concerned the show ended with S3.
I'm glad about 3 things:
Klaus got to be angry.
Klaus is confirmed to be great in a nurturing/maternal-adjacent role.
Klaus is capable of saving himself and being sober for years, and becoming sober AGAIN when he falls off the wagon.
The rest is trash.
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grislyintentions · 4 months
[Between the water pipe at home bursting, having to come to terms that i am probably going to see my grandfather for the last time on Saturday, and the loss of a close friend all at once, i am not having a razzle dazzle time.
So if you're talking to me and i seem distant/flat etc, please know it is nothing personal. I'm just struggling with not isolating myself and depressed about shit.]
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realmyths · 19 days
So....I'm facing an issue and I'm not sure what to do about it. As I said in my last post, following back is rather slow on this blog. And I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that I have threads in my drafts currently for some people who haven't followed back. So I'd feel weird doing those drafts. That said, I'd also feel weird sending them an ask letting them know I moved. So...what do you all think I should do? I've posted on the old blog about this one, and it's even my pinned post. I don't want anyone to feel forced to follow back, of course. But I feel like most people don't realize I've moved blogs. Or maybe I just want to give them the benefit of the doubt because I really want to write with them.
I've adjusted my rules and if they've been consistently online yet haven't followed back in a month, I'll unfollow. Of course, I worry this seems a bit harsh, but I can no longer stare at people's blogs longingly wishing they'd follow back. Of course, people can change their minds and follow me if they want to at a later date, and then I'll follow back. I just can't do the waiting for months and months to (maybe) get a follow back, maybe not.
Anyway, I'm wondering if it would be considered rude or somehow bad to send a (kind) ask to some of the people who haven't followed back, just to let them know I've moved blogs. I don't want to freak people out or anything. It would just be like something along the lines of 'hey I've moved. I would appreciate if you would follow me here but if not that's okay too. Just wanted to let you know, that I will unfollow those who haven't followed me back but have been online consistently after giving them a month to follow back. I wish you all the best <3' Something like that. That said, I don't know if that would actually do anything, or if I should just wait and then unfollow as I say in my rules if they don't follow back. <3
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naradreamscape · 6 months
Like...I cannot stress enough, there are people in the west who legitimately believe that if they fill up a recreation of Israel with all the Jewish people in the world, it'll trigger the End Times and/or make Jesus come back. Really, really powerful and really, really stupid people believe fervently in this
The end goal in these atrocities is the US and UK colonizing a portion of the MENA region for cheaper exports and industrial production. The domestic antisemitism is a feature, because then they can advertise settlements to us, thus driving us out of the West's responsibility and into stolen homes in exchange for mandatory military service - the Palestinian people are taking the full brunt of this, as the US and UK assume one more Arabic nation can easily be forgotten by the rest of the world
I want everyone to know that the key to stopping the entity is to, indeed, keep talking about Palestine. Forget the "Jews vs. Arabs" narrative people have leaned on for so long: it's Western governments vs. a sovereign nation being overrun as a western colony. Jewish people being involved at all is a distraction by design. The CIA was aware of the land's political clashes as early as 1947. I as a Jewish person am telling all who can hear that it is okay to criticize Israel. Please openly criticize Israel. It is not being built for me, it is being built for western capitalist reasons, and what's happening to Palestine should scare every single one of us. Talk about and learn about Palestine. I refuse to let an entire beautiful culture be erased not just because I am a human being, but because it's all being done for reasons so stupid and wasteful
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