#neil gaiman's my fave
i got a kobo libra for my birthday and my brother sent me a gift voucher for the online store but now i have to decide what i want and it’s Stressful
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wehelddarkness · 2 years
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thank you mr gaiman! @neil-gaiman​
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goodomens-girlie · 10 months
are we not gonna talk about the fact that Crowley got so mad at Aziraphale for fraternizing with heaven while Crowley was fraternizing with Shax the entire season… idk
“well Aziraphale collaborated with Jim” yeah because he was Jim, if it was Gabriel that would be different. Crowley collaborated with Beelzebub and Shax.
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voukkake · 9 months
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Has anyone asked Neil about the 1941 Apology Dance yet, or are we just going to not speculate on that one?
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paperclipninja · 1 year
When I tell you that nothing brings me delight in a show quite like a recurring gag, Crowley's duck references are up there as an absolutely fave
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And the general duck-related pondering just gets me
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It's not only the absolute joy that the randomness of it being ducks brings, it's the way it's part of a delayed thought process
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That throughout whatever conversations Crowley's been engaged in, their brain has been mulling and searching for the epiphany that eventually comes and it's completely out of context for whoever Crowley's talking to
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And while not strictly Crowley, gotta admit this was a pretty darn delightful touch:
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EDIT: I've just seen that there was another duck appreciation post that is put together much more nicely here and is the source of some of the fab duck gifs
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Everyone being mad at Az over s2 can very politely SUCK MY BALLS
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victorianenby · 2 years
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The Sandman, #8 - Neil Gaiman (1988-1996)
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buttsoclock · 1 year
Everyone is so mad at Neil Gaiman for the end of Good Omens season 2 (which I think is silly), but I have a much more personal issue to take up with him.
It started with Coraline, and that was bad enough (and by bad I mean specifically for my unique individual psychology--on the whole it's a wonderful story). See, I have two phobias: Spiders and needles. I also just have a thing about eyes.
So a story where this Other Mother wants to sew buttons into the eyes of the main character and then eventually turns into this spidery creature? Really kind of felt like Mr. Gaiman woke up one day and went, "There's one specific bitch out there who will be very upset by this specific combination of factors and I'm here to fuck her shit up."
(Did I still both read the book and watch the whole movie, with a blanket to hide behind even though I was probably 21 at the time? Of course I did, I make wonderful life choices, shhh.)
So yeah, a part of me already felt like Neil Gaiman was out to get me personally after that.
But it got so much worse. And to explain how, I need to explain why I'm arachnophobic. When I was 3, I had this dream that I was...somewhere, I don't remember where, and saw a spider. So I stepped on it and squished it.
Then I saw a couple more spiders, so I stepped on them and squished them.
Then I saw a bunch more. I wanted to get away from them, but there were a ton of them in every direction now. I turned toward the door to get the hell out of there, but saw that spiders were pouring in through the gap under the door.
I looked around then and noticed them coming from EVERYWHERE now--from cracks in the walls, between floorboards, etc. Pretty soon the spiders covered every surface--the floor, ceiling, and walls were visibly rippling from the movement of so many spiders.
And then they started to crawl up my legs and all over my body. I could feel them on my skin and in my clothes. They crawled over my eyes until I couldn't see. When I started to scream, they crawled in my mouth and down my throat. I remember waking up feeling like I was choking on something.
Let me reiterate, I was three years old when I had that dream. It's one of the first three memories I have of my life (it goes, the death of my dad's mom, getting my first dog, and that).
And then I continued to have that dream on a recurring basis, anywhere from once every couple months to sometimes as much as three times a night, for the next TWENTY-FIVE YEARS.
The waking up part was almost worse. Even once I was awake--really awake, enough to fully realize I wasn't dreaming anymore--I always imagined I could still feel something moving in the back of my throat and felt I would choke on it.
I can't tell you how much those dreams messed with me.
The dreams finally stopped in my late 20s. For a long time it made me anxious that they had stopped--like I was due for them to start up again any time now and maybe they'd be worse because of their absence. But I reached my 30s having not had that dream in two or three years.
Then in 2020 I picked up Anansi Boys for the first time, and imagine my fucking delight (and by delight I mean absolute horror) when I read a scene in which the main character's dream ends like this:
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I started having that dream in probably 1993. Anansi Boys was published in 2005. I didn't read it for the first time until 2020, after being free of those dreams for at least three whole years, for the first time since I was barely old enough to form memories. I can't tell you what a trip it was to see that in a book by my favorite author.
It didn't go into a ton of detail about the dream or what the character felt. It didn't have to. As soon as I read it I felt that familiar feeling I used to have when I woke up from those dreams--like I was choking on something small with too many legs.
Let me tell you, I have slammed many a book down onto the table or bed, yelled, cursed, cried at them, but never have I actually thrown a book--except for this one. That felt personal.
So I would just like to thank @neil-gaiman for somehow, despite not knowing I exist, creating stories specifically designed to torment me individually. Super cool.
(I still finished the book. I still enjoyed the book. And in a weird way I loved the book that much more for it. I'm gonna be mad about it forever though.)
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Adam Young from Good Omens is just a little guy!
Thank you.
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Adam Young from Good Omens is just a little guy!
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soundsfaebutokay · 2 years
ok fine you win. i still haven’t watched sandman bc i’m saving it to watch with my dad who lives 3000 miles away but i’m officially a dreamling anyway and it’s All Your Fault 😭 they’re just so!!!!!!
My work here is done. 😈
No, but sincerely: I'm really glad! Shipping them is fun. It's just so much fun. The word "devotion" is just running through my head 24/7, like one of those old school DVD logo screensavers. There's no yearning like immortal yearning.
Also I'm so excited for you to watch it. It's a fantastic show. And yes, you'll get the centuries-long slow burn of Dream and Hob, but there are so many other amazing characters. Wait until you meet Death! She's incredible. Lucifer. Rose Walker. Constantine. And oh my god, Desire. My primary reaction after finishing the show was a powerful longing to spend more time with these people. They're so fascinating. I'd watch them all doing nothing more exciting than sitting in a room talking to each other, I'm that invested.
I hope you have a lovely time. And if you end up obsessed, it's not my fault. Blame Neil Gaiman. (He's used to it.) 😘
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jlf23tumble · 15 days
I'm more surprised about twitter's surprise about Dave Grohl's surprise than I am about Dave Grohl's surprise itself, guy's been a cheating dirtbag from way back! He's funny! He laughs and jokes! He's talented! He's also a cheating dirtbag from way back! Those things can and do coexist!
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goodomens-girlie · 11 months
if you’re ever nervous to tell ur crush how u feel
maybe u should be
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yooooooo-hohohoho · 10 months
Trying to be more personal on here
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Dear Neil, on the off chance you see this, I wanted to share a story with you. Four years ago, through the wonders of DNA, I found my only sibling, a half sister I never knew existed. We are remarkably alike in temperament and taste, but had wildly different upbringings and experiences. While discussing our favorite authors one day, she showed me her pile of Neil Gaiman books (none of which I’d ever read) and I exclaimed, ah! He’s the dude that wrote that Good Omens tv series with one of my fave authors, Terry Pratchett (whom she had never read, though she’d picked up a copy of GO years ago with best intentions). WELL, my sister declared, you take these, and loaded me up with instructions to begin softly with Stardust and go from there. I prodded her towards GO and Discworld (especially those featuring Granny Weatherwax). I’m visiting her this week, and happened to choose American Gods as my travel reading. My sister picked me up from the airport with my 9 year old niece, who was also deep in Gaiman land, half way through Coraline (in fact she’s so engrossed that she read it through recess today and got very teased). Now that school’s started again, my sister has time to watch GO 2, and I’ll finally get to scream with her about the finale. I guess I just wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you. It’s funny how fate works, and how threads meant to be woven together always find a way. It’s ineffable, maybe?
It's marvelous.
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paperclipninja · 4 months
I think I'm in a minority and lordt knows I've been very wrong about stuff like this before, but I have zero concern that Good Omens will end with Aziraphale and Crowley being human. None. Not even one iota of worry about it happening.
Because Neil Gaiman is a really good storyteller. And he, as a really good storyteller, knows that would be an unsatisfying ending.
Obviously this is pure speculation on my part, but a really good storyteller doesn't go to the effort of constructing such an intricate story, in which the challenges and desires of having eternal life but not being able to share it with the one being you want to, are so carefully laid out only to have them end up mortal. Because then what? Crowley ends up back in hell anyway and maybe Aziraphale does too? Or they end up back where they started? Nah.
My guess is that it is not going to play out as a rom-com might (I mean, it's not a rom-com), or with anything particularly overt being shown between Aziraphale and Crowley, and any "it may not be the ending you want" is, in my mind, getting way out in front to manage expectations.
By the time season 3 airs we will have been consuming years of fanfic, fanart and fanon and of all people, Neil knows the way that begins to shift the expectations and hopes of a fandom. It's really easy to drift away from canon or forget the kind of show it actually is (and that's totally fine, gimme all the fics and art that take me to where I want my faves to be), but it also means that fandoms can end up "disappointed" that some of the fan thinking and creating didn't come to pass.
So mah point is, any comments from actors or creators about a season not being what we want- that doesn't mean it's going to be rubbish storytelling. It means that some of the things people are hoping for won't happen.
And until we see what actually plays out on our screen, I, for one, am going to keep immersing myself in the brilliant creativity of this fandom and just
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EDIT TO ADD: also need to acknowledge that Terry Pratchett is also an incredible storyteller and these two had it all figured out nearly 20 years ago and one thing's for certain, and that is that neither author, or Neil in seeing through the vision they both had, is going to drop the ball at the last minute
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