#neji hyuuga x hinata hyuuga
alyssaallyrion · 2 years
Title: standing still in kaleidoscope
Rating: T
Ship: Neji/Hinata
Notes: Originally written for Hyuga Clan week, but life & covid got in the way, so editing took forever
ao3 link
*** Neji is four years old when he meets Hinata for the first time. She’s a tiny, delicate thing, hiding her face shyly in the sleeve of her father’s yukata.
“Meet your cousin Hinata, Neji,” his father says, “She’s your uncle Hiashi’s daughter.”
Hinata, still clutching her father’s sleeve, slowly lifts her head. Bright pink blush dusts her cheeks when their eyes finally meet, and Neji’s breath hitches in his throat.
“She’s so cute, father,” he murmurs, an unbidden warmth rising in his face.
“Don’t be shy,” Hiashi says, lightly nudging Hinata ahead, “You need to greet your cousin.”
Her steps are soft, almost unsure when she walks forward, but her back is straighter than the angle of a kunai as she bows to him.
“Good evening, Neji-onii-sama. I am happy to meet you,” she says.
She looks up at him and smiles bashfully, and, suddenly, Neji’s heart is racing, and it is as if the world spins around him. And though he doesn’t understand the feeling blooming in his chest, he cannot stop himself from smiling back at her.
“I am happy to meet you too, Hinata-san.”
*** Even at a young age, Neji knows he is special. His father proudly notes that Neji has the purest Byakugan in centuries and orders him to train tirelessly to make it even stronger. Clan techniques come easy to Neji – so much so that even his instructor, an old, dour man who had trained two generations of the Hyuga heirs and who, thus, was nigh impossible to impress, cannot stop praising him.
“He could be a shinobi within the year,” the instructor tells Hizashi after one of their training sessions, “If the Academy has kept to the old ways.”
Hizashi looks at Neji then and nods as a rare – and for that, all the more precious – smile spreads across his lips. Pride swells in Neji’s chest as he tries – and fails – to hide his own pleased smile. He lives to make his father proud.
*** One morning, he sees Hinata on the terrace overlooking the training yard, perched against a tall wooden pillar supporting the roof. Never the one to slack off during practice, Neji puts his all into the fight that day – and then some. His instructor is openly delighted, commending his quick mastery of the Vaccum Palm, and Neji knows he should be proud. Yet, somehow his instructor’s praise seems almost unimportant as soon as Hinata approaches him.
“That was amazing, Neji-onii-sama,” she says, smiling bashfully, “You are so strong.”
Her eyes are wide and full of wonder, and she’s looking at him as though he’s truly something special, and Neji’s heart flutters as pride swells in his chest, spreading through his body. His hands ache from exertion, and his knuckles may well bruise in the morning – but all that matters is that she’s smiling at him, soft and light.
“I…I could teach you if you want,” Neji offers hastily, realizing he’s been staring too long.
“Thank you, Neji-onii-sama,” Hinata replies,” But I have only started my Gentle fist training, so I am hardly a capable student.”  
“I see,” Neji says.
“But if you’ll allow it, I would love to come to see you train,” Hinata adds, blushing ever so slightly as she smiles at him, “Because I’ve never seen anything quite like it!”
It is then that Neji learns he cannot bring himself to refuse her.
*** True to her word, Hinata comes to watch him train every day – until one crisp winter morning, Neji notices her usual perch on the terrace is empty. He is distracted, stealing glances at the terrace at every opportunity, but to no avail - she never comes.
After training, Neji hardly has the patience to wait for his instructor to finish his critique. As soon as the old man is done, Neji rushes into the house and tracks down Hinata’s nursemaid.
“Hinata-san is receiving her seal today,” the woman explains to Neji, “She will have to rest a few days but do not worry, Neji-sama, you will see her before the week’s end.”
Neji freezes, color draining from his face. Hinata was a member of the branch family, yet, somehow, it never consciously occurred to Neji that one day she too would receive the Caged Bird seal. He had only seen the seal in action once, and the memory still churned his stomach. The thought of Hinata – his sweet, delicate Hinata – getting hurt like that makes Neji sick.
He cannot wait days to see her – he needs to know she is alright. Once the night falls, Neji slips out of his chambers and steals through the dimly lit halls of the compound to Hinata’s room. Outside her door, Neji glances around cautiously before stepping inside.
Hinata’s lying on her bed, seemingly asleep. Neji notices wrappings on her forehead, and when white moonlight streaming into the room through the uncurtained window touches her face, his heart clenches with worry. Her face is bloodless, paler than the pure white of her bandages – paler than the morning frost – and no person so ever be so.
He takes a soft step towards her and then another, and, suddenly, Hinata stirs in bed. Before Neji has a chance to think, she opens her eyes.
“Neji-onii-sama,” she murmurs, confused, her voice a little faint, “Is this a dream?”
“I’ve come to check on you,” Neji explains, shifting from foot to foot, unsure if he should approach her, “Your nursemaid had told me about the ceremony. Are you hurt?”
“I...I don’t remember,” Hinata frowns lightly, “I think I have fainted.” She looks at Neji and smiles softly at him, “But I am better now. Thank you for checking on me, Neji-onii-sama.”
“Thank goodness,” Neji responds, watching her carefully, “I was worried for you.”
Wrapped in her lavender coverlet, pale and exhausted, Hinata looks so small, so precious, and so vulnerable, and, at that moment, there is nothing Neji wants more than to protect her.
“I’m sorry I missed your training earlier,” Hinata says, pulling her coverlet closer about her, “Had I known earlier that I would receive the seal today, I would have warned you. But I promise I will be there in the morning.”
“You should rest,” Neji protests, “That can wait until you recover.”
“But I want to see you,” Hinata pouts, looking at him through her eyelashes, and, yet again, Neji finds himself unable to refuse her.
*** She’s back at her usual spot on the terrace every morning, and everything slowly falls back into place. If the mark on her forehead causes her any discomfort, Hinata never shows it, and Neji’s equal parts are relieved and worried, hoping that she isn’t hiding her pain to avoid worrying him.
They’ve taken to drinking tea on the terrace after his training sessions, and Neji finds himself looking forward to it every day.
“Here, Neji-onii-sama,” Hinata says, offering him a cup.
As he accepts the tea, his fingers brush against her ever so slightly, and his heart flutters as warmth rises in his cheeks.
“Thank you,” Neji says, quickly bringing the cup to his mouth in an attempt to hide his unbidden blush.
With a nod, Hinata picks up her cup from the tray. Neji watches as she holds it with both hands, staring blankly at the smooth surface of the tea, not taking a single sip. She’s still for a long moment, and Neji knows her well enough to tell that something’s bothering Hinata.
“My father had spoken to me earlier today about the role of the main and branch families,” she says, finally looking at Neji, “And I wanted to apologize.”
“Apologize?” Neji frowns, confused, “You have nothing to apologize for.”
“He told me it’s the main family’s duty to lead and the branch family’s duty to protect. But how can I protect you, Neji-onii-sama?” Hinata continues, tears welling in her eyes, as she clenches her cup till her fingertips turn white, “You are so strong, and I am so weak. So I must apologize for being so useless!”
And then she’s bowing to him, her forehead pressed against the smooth boards of the terrace floor. Anger bristles in Neji’s chest, bright and sharp, and he almost tosses away his cup. Reaching forward, he firmly grips Hinata’s shoulders and lifts her in one swift motion.
“Never say that,” he says, his voice trembling with rage. Scared by his anger, Hinata tries to recoil, but his fingers dig tight into her upper arms.
“You are not useless,” he continues, his eyes finding Hinata’s, “And if you are weak now, I will train with you to make you stronger.”
“But Neji-onii-sama...” Hinata protests meekly, but Neji cuts her off.
“If you do as I say, one day you will be strong enough to protect anyone – even me,” Neji says forcefully, “Until that day, however, I will be the one protecting you.”
Hinata blinks at him slowly, wide-eyed and confused. “But what about the tradition? You can’t be protecting me...”
“All the more reason for you to get stronger faster,” Neji replies.
Hinata’s silent for a long moment as she looks at Neji. Then, slowly, a timid smile blooms on her lips. “Alright,” she says, “I’ll do my best to not disappoint you, onii-sama.”
*** They bury Hinata’s father on a cold winter morning.
Neji watches, helpless, as, standing by Hiashi’s open grave, Hinata clutches her nursemaid’s hand, endless tears streaming down her cheeks. Neji wants to console her, but his chest is tight with guilt – he had heard the hushed whispers floating around the compound.
As they lower Hiashi’s body into the grave, Hinata wipes her tears with his kimono sleeve. She leans forward, picks up a handful of frozen dirt, and tosses it on the coffin. She’s still, almost frozen in place as her father’s grave is filled with soil, but once the undertakers are finished, she runs.
And Neji cannot leave her alone, not like this – so he follows. He finds her in the small garden by the river – her favorite place in the compound - sitting on the ground by a large, barren oak tree, her knees pulled close to her chest, her face hidden in her hands. Her whole body shudders from her quiet sobs, and Neji’s heart breaks at the sight.
“Hinata,” Neji calls out softly as he slowly approaches her.
When she doesn’t respond, Neji walks up and crouches down in front of her.
“First mother died, and now father’s dead too...” Hinata stutters, her voice trembling with tears, “And I am all alone. What will I do?”
“You are not alone,” Neji says ardently.
Hinata doesn’t respond, only pulls her knees in closer when another heart-shattering sob wrecks her body, and Neji cannot bear it. Reaching over, he pulls gently yet firmly at Hinata’s hands, moving them away from her face, forcing her to look at him. Her wide, scared eyes are full of tears, her face is red from cold and rubbing, and Neji wants nothing more than to pull her close, to comfort her, but he doesn’t dare.
Instead, he repeats, “You are not alone – you have me.” Hinata blinks at him, confused, and Neji adds, “And I will never leave your side.”
For what feels like an eternity, Hinata looks him in the face without saying a word, as if searching for some answer only she knows, and Neji’s heart races in his chest – he desperately wants her to believe him.
“Promise?” she murmurs faintly.
“I swear,” Neji replies ardently, lightly squeezing her small, soft hands in his.
“I trust you, onii-sama,” Hinata nods, and Neji’s heart is in his throat. Having Hinata’s trust is a delicate and precious gift, and Neji would gladly give up his life to preserve it.
*** Neji and Hinata grow inseparable. They train together almost every morning and often drink tea on the terrace afterward. Neji enjoys meditating and always invites Hinata along, finding her quiet presence calming. In turn, Hinata frequently brings him to a little garden she cares for, and Neji tries his best to help out where he can.
On a starry spring evening, when they are sitting on a terrace together, drinking tea, Neji confides in Hinata that his father had hardly spoken a dozen words to him since the funeral.
“Hizashi-sama is grieving deeply,” Hinata comforts Neji, lightly putting her hand on top of his, “You should give it time.”
Neji stifles a sigh and nods. For weeks he’s been feeling that something had shifted imperceptibly in the way his father looked at him after his uncle’s death, but Neji cannot put the feeling into words. Sometimes, he wondered if it was just his imagination - after all, his father had always been rather withdrawn. Shaking his head, Neji chases away the thoughts.
“I suppose so,” Neji says before rising to his feet. Once standing, he reaches down to Hinata, grasps her forearm, and heaves her up, “We should get back to training.”
*** Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, and, yet, the invisible rift between Neji and his father never disappears. Ever obstinate and proud, Neji resolves that if he cannot win his father’s love back, he will at least have his respect by becoming the strongest member of the Hyuga clan. The thought leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, but Neji refuses to dwell upon it, instead throwing himself into training with renewed ardor.
The academy exams feel like a child’s play compared to his grueling training regiment.
“I’ve spoken to the academy teachers, and while they all recognize that you are more than ready to become a shinobi, the Hokage had strictly forbidden anyone under the age of ten from graduating,” his instructor sighs when the results of entrance exams are released, “Fast-tracked graduations saved the village during the third war, but, it seems they are too good for it now.”
Listening to his instructor’s grumble, Neji only shrugs – if he must attend the academy, he will do just that.
Later that evening, Neji finds Hinata on the terrace, waiting for him with a small tray carrying a teapot and two cups by her side. When Hinata sees him, she smiles bright and unabashed.  
“Neji-onii-sama, congratulations!” she exclaims.
The way she looks at him makes Neji’s chest swell with pride as warmth rises in his cheeks, yet he doesn’t want to show it.
“Thank you,” he replies, approaching Hinata, “But the exam was very easy.”
“Everything is easy for you, onii-sama,” Hinata laughs, offering him a cup of tea, “Could it be any other way? After all, you are the strongest, most amazing person I know!”
Neji almost chokes on his tea as unbidden blush spills across his face. He had gotten used to being praised by others over the years, of course – yet, somehow, any time Hinata complimented him, it felt special.
“I have something for you,” Hinata continues, handing over a small parcel wrapped in soft fabric. When Neji opens it, he sees two shiny new kunai.
“I went to the weapons shop earlier, and when I saw them, I thought of you...” Hinata stutters, pink blush dusting her cheeks, “I know that our clan techniques make weapons unnecessary, but I heard they can be useful at the academy. I hope you like them, onii-sama.”
“I do,” Neji assures Hinata, and her blush deepens, “Thank you, Hinata-san. I’ll always keep them with me.”
*** No one is surprised when Neji graduates at the top of his class. Once a genin, he ends up on Maito Gai’s team. While the eccentricity of his sensei – and one of his teammates – often grates on Neji’s nerves, he’s secretly delighted as his sensei is one of the most well-regarded shinobi in the village.
The rift between Neji and his father grows wider every year, but Neji forbids himself from dwelling upon it, laser-focused on his goal to become the strongest Hyuga.
Hinata graduates from the academy the year after Neji, also with top marks. While training with him had undoubtedly made her strong, Neji thinks she doesn’t have the disposition for shinobi life. Still, as a branch house member, she has little choice in the matter.
To her credit, Hinata takes her circumstances in stride.
“Of course, I want to be a shinobi,” she tells Neji when he asks her once, “You are going to be a shinobi one day, Neji-onii-sama, and you are the most special person I know – of course, I want to be just like you.”
The memory of that conversation brings a blush to Neji’s face even years later. He’s never been easily flustered, yet something about Hinata always sent his heart racing and brought color to his face. Neji assures himself that it’s only because she’s important to him as a member of his family and tries his best to avoid dwelling upon it.
She’s my cousin – it’s only natural to feel protective over her, Neji thinks, attempting to justify his decision to confront Inuzuka and Aburame upon learning that they were assigned to Hinata’s team. After all, how else could he ensure they know to behave around her?
“What do you mean behave?” Kiba bristles instantly at Neji’s words, “Who do you think we are, some kind of monsters that would hurt Hinata for fun?”
“You should forgive him, Kiba,” Shino says, placing his hand firmly on Kiba’s shoulder, then turning to Neji. Dark glasses hide his eyes, making his expression unreadable, “Why? Because I don’t think he’s meant to offend us. He’s only here because he loves Hinata and cares for her well-being.”
The words catch Neji off-guard, knocking the air out of his lungs as a kaleidoscope of memories rushes through his mind. Could it be that he...?
No, of course not. What a folly... He only loves her like family – no more, no less. 
“Just treat her with kindness,” Neji says, looking first at Shino, then at Kiba, “And we will not have a problem.”
Neji tries his best to put the conversation out of his mind, to forget what Shino said. After all, what can he possibly understand? The boy knows all there’s to know about bugs – and nothing about people. And yet, for months, any time Neji looks upon Hinata, Shino’s words haunt him.
*** Neji is fourteen when he becomes a chunin – and only a day older when he finds out he’s been promoted to jonin. His father is openly delighted and offers Neji a rare, content smile when he announces that Neji should have a seat on the clan council from that day forward.
“It is a great honor to be offered a seat on the council at such a young age,” one of his father’s companions says.
Neji bows and offers words of gratitude, but his heart remains cold – though he had seemingly earned his father’s respect, the distance between them remained as vast as ever.
Later that night, Gai-sensei takes his team to dinner to celebrate Neji’s promotion, and Neji invites Hinata along. They run late, and by the time Neji and Hinata arrive at Yakiniku Q, Neji’s teammates are already there. Lee and Tenten took the left side of the booth, leaving the right one to Neji and Hinata while Gai-sensei sat at the head of the table.
“Finally, the man of the hour is here,” Gai-sensei smiles brightly as Neji and Hinata approach the group.
The booths at Yakiniku Q are notoriously small, and when Neji and Hinata settle in, her left side ends up pressed tightly against his right. Hinata feels soft and warm against him, and, sitting so close, Neji can smell the faint lavender of her shampoo, and his heart races.
“I’m so sorry, Neji-onii-sama,” Hinata murmurs, blushing lightly, “But there is nowhere to move. If you prefer, I could get a chair...”
“No, it’s alright,” Neji replies, trying to sound even toned as his heart flutters in his chest.
The evening passes in a flurry of laughter, lively conversation, and congratulatory toasts.
“I am so proud of you,” Neji, Gai-sensei says, raising his drink. He’s deep in his cups, and youthful tears stream freely down his cheeks, “Only my eternal rival had become a jonin at a younger age. I know you will go on to accomplish great things.”
“Thank you, Gai-sensei,” Neji replies, utterly distracted by the soft press of Hinata’s thigh against his leg.
After dinner, Neji and Hinata walk back to the compound. The summer evening is delightfully warm, with a soft flowery scent filling the air, and they decide to take a longer route home across the Naka river. On a small wooden bridge not too far from the compound, Hinata asks Neji to stop.
“It’s such a beautiful sunset today, onii-sama,” she says, smiling lightly at Neji, “It would be a shame to miss it.”
Neji nods, smiling back at her – he still could never bring himself to refuse Hinata. She leans against the bridge railing, resting her chin on her palm, and Neji follows suit. Hinata looks wistfully at the setting sun, but Neji cannot stop looking at her. She looks so beautiful in the soft glow of the dying light that his breath catches in his throat, and his mouth feels dry.
“You know,” Hinata says, still looking at the sun and smiling softly, “I always knew you were destined for great things. You really are something special, Neji-onii-sama.”
Warmth rises in his face, spilling bright blush across his cheeks, and Neji’s grateful that she’s so taken by the sunset.
“There is something I want you to have,” Hinata continues, turning to him. With one swift motion, she unclasps the small silver pendant she’s wearing and offers it to Neji, “This was my mother’s, and I have been told that she had given it to me for protection. Now I want it to guard you.”
Neji looks at the pendant in her outstretched palm and reaches forward, gently closing Hinata’s hand with his fingers.
“I cannot accept,” he says, looking her in the eyes, “It is your keepsake from your mother.”
“It was hers, but it is mine to give now,” Hinata protests, then adds, in a soft pleading tone, “Please, onii-sama. My heart will not rest unless I know it’s with you, keeping you safe on all those dangerous missions.”
Hinata glances at him through her eyelashes, and Neji feels his resolve crumble – he’s very strong, but still only a man.
“Very well,” he says, “If that is your wish.”
Hinata smiles her rich little rosebud smile, and Neji cannot help but smile back. He lets go of her hand, and Hinata reaches forward, placing the pendant around Neji’s neck. The soft brush of Hinata’s skin against his sends shivers down Neji’s spine, and when he looks at her, his heart is in his throat. As she fumbles with the clasp, her face is only inches away from his. His gaze drops to her lips – if he leans just a little he could...
No, he cannot even think about it.
“There, Neji-onii-sama,” Hinata murmurs, moving her hands away, “All done. Now I will know you’ll always come back.”
To Neji’s surprise, she doesn’t step back – instead, she remains still, looking him straight in the face. She’s so close that he can smell the strawberry juice she drank at dinner on her breath, and Neji finds this closeness utterly intoxicating. His heartbeat thunders in his ears as he leans forward ever so slightly to see if she will pull away, but she doesn’t.
“Neji-onii-sama...” she murmurs softly, looking at him through her eyelashes as bright blush dusts her cheeks.
He doesn’t respond, only leans in closer. Her warm breath ghosts his lips, making his head spin.
“Neji-sama, Hinata-san,” Natsu’s voice catches him off guard, “There you two are. We’ve been looking for you everywhere at the compound. Now hurry, before your father becomes cross with me.”
Hinata’s cheeks are deep crimson when she takes a step back, and she isn’t looking at him, and Neji wonders if he had, perhaps, misunderstood and overstepped his bounds. But, as they walk back to the compound side by side, the back of Hinata’s hand brushes ever so slightly against his, and Neji cannot stop smiling.
*** At fifteen, Hinata has blossomed into a true beauty – and Neji isn’t the only one who noticed. Neji sees how Kou stares at Hinata when she isn’t looking and how he goes out of his way to seek out her company. She is too sweet, too friendly to refuse him, and oftentimes Kou ends up accompanying Hinata around the compound as she does her errands. Seeing Kou near Hinata fills Neji’s heart with sharp, burning jealousy and leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. Neji knows he has no right to feel the way he does – and yet he cannot still his heart.
One day after a mission, Neji comes to visit Hinata in her garden, only to see Kou there, sitting on a small bench under the oak tree. Hinata, who is watering sunflowers, notices Neji first.
“Neji-onii-sama,” she smiles bright and airy, “You are back!”
Kou’s face drops for a moment before he regains his composure. “Welcome back, Neji-sama,” he greets Neji, and there’s the slightest hint of tension in his voice.
It must be Neji’s lucky day, however, because as soon as he steps through the garden’s gates, Natsu appears right behind him to fetch Kou to help train the younger kids.
“He’s quite persistent, isn’t he?” Neji remarks once Kou and Natsu leave.
“Kou-san is just very friendly and has been kind enough to keep me company,” Hinata says, setting down the watering can and wiping off her forehead with the back of her hand, “Although – and please don’t tell him that because it would be quite mean – I still haven’t found a way to tell him politely that sometimes I like to garden without observers. Like today, for example.”
“If you’d like, I can come see you later,” Neji offers, his heart twinging. Ever since he left on his mission five days ago, he’d dreamed of seeing Hinata again, but if she wanted some alone time, he would never try and impose his company.
“Huh? Why would...” Hinata frowns, walking up to Neji. Her eyes widen as realization slowly dawns upon her face, “Ah, Neji-onii-sama, I didn’t mean it that way!”
“It’s alright,” Neji says, “I understand.”
“But you don’t,” Hinata says, stopping right before him. Neji raises an eyebrow, confused, watching as she bites her lower lip as if hesitating before looking up and meeting his eyes. “You see, Neji-onii-sama,” she says, shifting from foot to foot, “The truth is, I treasure our time together with all my heart, and I would never ask you.”
There is ardor behind her words, and Neji’s heart races as warmth spills through his veins when she looks at him with open, earnest eyes.
“Good,” he says as evenly as he can muster, fighting the blush rising in his cheeks, “Because I’m not planning to leave – not until I’ve helped you with all those flowers, at least.”
“Thank you, onii-sama,” Hinata smiles, radiant and sweet, and Neji knows he’s made the right decision.
*** It dawns fair and clear on the day Neji’s peace is torn asunder. After an early morning meeting, his father announces Hinata’s betrothal to Kou, with the wedding date set for her seventeenth birthday.
Kou is openly delighted, accepting congratulations with a pleased smile, and Neji feels sick. He wants to leave the council chamber to find Hinata and talk to her – he knows she’d never agree to this union. He cannot go, however, not before offering customary congratulations to Kou, and Neji grits his teeth and steels his heart.
“Congratulations,” Neji says, the word bitter and burning on his tongue.
“Thank you, Neji-sama,” Kou replies, “Your support of our union means a lot.”
His smug expression is almost more than Neji can bear. Anger, bright and bristling, rises in Neji’s chest, threatening to spill out of his mouth through cruel words he will, no doubt, regret. Instead, he turns around and walks out of the meeting chamber without saying another word. He’s halfway down the hall when, suddenly, he hears his father’s voice behind him.
“Neji, there’s something we need to speak about.”
*** “I’ve seen the way you look at her,” his father says, closing his study door behind them.
It’s been years since Neji had last seen his father’s office, yet, surprisingly, the room appears the same as he remembers, as though time didn’t exist here. His gaze travels, unbidden, to the small shelf above the fireplace, and he sees it – the picture of him and Hinata and their fathers, all smiling brightly, taken on Hinata’s fourth birthday. Just a few weeks before Hinata’s father died.
“I’m not sure I follow, father,” Neji replies, even-toned.
His father looks at Neji bemused, “Do you consider me a fool or a blind man?”
Neji says nothing. Hizashi walks over to his desk and takes a seat, gesturing for Neji to sit down across from him. Neji stifles a sigh – he can tell that the conversation will be long. Still, he does as he is told.
“No matter your answer,” his father says once Neji’s seated, “I’ve brought you here with one purpose – to tell you that you need to put this folly out of your mind. Hinata may be of the branch house, but she’s still my brother’s daughter, and I will not permit you to toy with her.”
“Toy with her?” Neji echoes, dumbfounded.
“Call it what you will,” Hizashi says, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “But the intention is the same. The elders will never approve of this union, and you will only ruin her for marriage.”
White-hot anger blooms in Neji’s chest, clawing at his throat. Ruin her for marriage?
“You are mistaken about the nature of our relationship, father,” Neji’s voice almost trembles with anger as he speaks.
“Am I? I was young once, too, you know,” Hizashi interrupts, staring Neji straight in the face, “Kou marrying Hinata would be better for everyone – and I forbid you from even thinking of interfering in this betrothal.”
Bitter smile tugs at Neji’s lips, “And the elders say Kou is free to marry Hinata, even though he is of the main family?”
“But he is not the heir!” Hizashi replies forcefully, anger spilling across his features, “The rules are different for you. You are the future leader – and you must do your duty.”
“And what does duty to the clan demand in these circumstances?” Neji’s voice drips with poison as he holds his father’s gaze.
“To let this marriage go through,” Hizashi says calmer, having regained some of his composure, “To accept your own, suitable match from the main family that I will choose for you when the time comes.”
“And if I have no desire for such a match?” Neji bristles instantly, feeling nauseous from his father’s mere suggestion.
Hizashi sighs and presses his fingers against his temples before looking back at Neji. “I do not see what you stand to gain by being so obstinate. Before the year’s end, Hinata will be Kou’s wife. Do you intend to spend the rest of your days grieving some childish fantasy?”
“And Hinata,” Neji interrupts, ignoring his father’s question, “Did you bother to ask if she wants this marriage?”
“Hinata has been informed and will do her duty,” his father says intently, “As will you.”
Blood pounds in Neji’s ears, and his throat feels dry when he looks Hizashi in the face. Anger, hot and bright, spills into his veins, burning him from the inside. How easy it must be to talk of duty for a man who has never cared for anyone, not even his own son. No, he will not listen to his father anymore.
Before Neji can get up from his seat, Hizashi speaks again.
“Do not think I have no compassion for your circumstances,” Hizashi says slowly.
“If you do, father, you must forgive me, for I haven’t noticed,” Neji replies bitterly.
Suddenly, a soft, chagrinned smile appears on Hizashi’s face. “You still have so much to understand,” he shakes his head before looking Neji in the eye again, “Do you really think you were the first heir to the main family to fall in love with a branch family member?”
The revelation stuns Neji.
“And what happened then?” he asks flatly.
“What always happens in our family,” his father replies, looking away. He’s silent for a long moment before turning back to Neji, “Everyone did their duty.”
But Neji is done with duty. Without saying another word to Hizashi, he gets up from his seat and storms out of the study to find Hinata.
*** He finds Hinata in the garden, tending to a flowerbed of white lilies. Her hands are buried in dirt as she prunes and pulls the weeds surrounding the flowers. Her face is exhausted and pale, but the red splotches on her cheeks betray that she’d been crying, and Neji’s heart clenches.
“Hinata-san,” Neji calls out softly, walking through the garden gates. She freezes as though startled by his voice and quickly raises to her feet.
“Neji-onii-sama,” she says, turning to him, “I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you approach.”
“It’s alright,” Neji replies, “There’s nothing to apologize for.”
He stands in front of Hinata and looks her in the face, searching desperately for the right words but doesn’t find them.
“You don’t want to marry Kou, do you?” he says instead, as blunt as ever.
Hinata doesn’t meet his gaze, not at first, but when she finally looks at him, Neji’s heart sinks. Her expression is still, her gaze – resigned, and nothing in her face betrays any emotion.
“My feelings have no bearing on my marriage,” she says, even-toned and quiet, “And thus hardly matter.”
“They matter to me,” Neji protests ardently, stepping forward and taking Hinata’s hands into his.
Hinata’s eyes widen in surprise and the slightest tinge of pink blooms upon her cheeks.
“Thank you, onii-sama,” she says softly, but her voice quivers, “I’ve always been grateful for how much you care about me and my happiness. But, I’m afraid, in this case, there is nothing to be done.”
Hinata’s words claw at his very soul, and Neji’s heart is in his throat.
“So then,” Neji murmurs, his voice hoarse, “You intend to go through with this marriage?”
“It is my duty to obey the orders of the main family,” Hinata says lightly, “If Hizashi-sama and the elders have determined that this union will benefit the clan, who am I to question their will?”
Neji’s heart sinks as a cold, heavy feeling spills through his veins. Noticing the shift in his demeanor, Hinata gently squeezes his hand.
“I truly wish it wasn’t so,” she says, smiling softly and sadly.
She looks so lost, so delicate, and so vulnerable, and Neji’s heart shatters at the sight. He cups her hand with both of his, sweeping his thumb across her palm. Her nails are broken and dirty from the yard work, and her hand seems very small and soft against his. There is so much Neji wishes he could tell her – if only he had the right words.
And, instead of everything that cannot be said between them, Neji leans in and kisses her fingers, hoping and praying that she will understand – it is an act of despair.
*** It’s been two moon’s turns since Neji last spent the night in the compound. The knowledge of Hinata’s upcoming wedding is enough to endure already without having to witness the preparations, and Neji accepts any dangerous mission that would keep him away from the village.
“You should take care of yourself,” Tenten scolds him when Neji almost runs out of chakra from using Byakugan too many hours in a row, “Have you considered what would happen if you get burned out and lose focus during a mission?”
Tenten’s right, of course, as she usually is about these things – a week later, on a mission to the Land of Iron, Neji gets careless. Next thing he knows, a kunai’s driven up to the hilt between his third and fourth ribs. Despite his teammate’s efforts to keep pressure on the wound, blood seeps through their fingers, and slowly, Neji’s consciousness dims. As he slips into oblivion, Neji’s haunted only by Hinata’s face.
*** When Neji comes to his sense, he’s in his room at the Hyuga compound. Hinata’s sitting by his bedside, her worried eyes trained upon Neji’s face. She looks pale, and deep shadow pool under her eyes, betraying that she hasn’t slept in days.  
“Neji-onii-sama,” she murmurs, sighing with relief, “Thank goodness you are finally awake. I was so worried.”
“How...how did I get here?” Neji asks, sitting up on the bed.
“The backup team managed to get you just in time,” Hinata explains, “Tenten said had the medic-nin been just a few minutes late, then...”
Hinata’s voice trails off as she glances to the side and bites her lip. Her small hands are clutched tightly in her lap, and Neji’s heart clenches.
“There is no need to worry over that,” he murmurs softly, leaning in, gently putting his hand atop Hinata’s forearm, “I’m here now.”
Hinata nods, a small, timid smile blooming on her lips. “I knew you’d come back,” she whispers, “You’ve never broken your promise.”
Neji’s hand slides down her forearm, resting atop Hinata’s folded hands. She looks at him with wide, wondering eyes and doesn’t pull away. They are so close, closer than they have been in months, and unbidden warmth spills through Neji’s veins as his heart races.
Looking at Hinata, he wonders how he’d ever stayed away from her so long when everything in him was so desperate, so eager to be by her side. He knows she’d been promised to another, yet he cannot help himself as longing twists in his chest, urging him to lean in.
“Hinata...” he breathes out hoarsely, her name a plea on his lips – a warning.
Hinata’s still watching Neji, mesmerized, through her eyelashes as he shifts closer. His flutters in his chest, and his head spins when Hinata’s soft breath ghosts his lips. He’s about to close the distance between them when, suddenly, Hinata blinks, and something shifts in her expression. The next thing Neji knows, she’s pulling away, a bright crimson flush burning on her cheeks.
“I...I’m sorry, Neji-onii-sama,” she stutters, not meeting his gaze, “You must be exhausted. I should let you rest.”
Neji’s heart drops as a cold feeling rises in his throat, threatening to suffocate him. What was he thinking? Hinata was promised to another, and even if she weren’t... Even if she weren’t, who is to say she ever shared Neji’s feelings.
A bitter feeling uncoils in Neji’s chest. Had he been deluding himself, thinking that one day she may come to see him the way he saw her?
“It’s alright,” Neji says, even-toned, his own words scratching at his very soul, “I will rest now. Thank you for checking on me, Hinata-san.”
Hinata nods but doesn’t meet his gaze. She shifts on the chair as if to get up, yet, to Neji’s surprise, remains seated. Time stretches around them as Hinata remains still, almost frozen in place. Perplexed, Neji notices that she’s clenching her fists, her knuckles white from her grip, her short nails leaving half-moon imprints on her palms.
“Hinata-san, is everything alright?” Neji asks. Though his heart aches, he cannot help but worry for her.
“You know, Neji-onii-sama,” Hinata says, still looking down at her hands, “When they brought you here, injured and unconscious, I made a promise to myself. I promised that when you wake up, I will tell you the truth.”
“The truth?” Neji echoes.
Hinata raises her head and looks Neji in the face. Her eyes are full of bright, unwavering resolve, and, suddenly, Neji’s breath catches in his throat.
“Yes,” she nods, “I promised myself to tell you that you were right. That, even though Kou is a good and kind man, I do not wish to marry him.”
Neji’s eyes widen in surprise as he looks at Hinata. Though he had been certain she didn’t want to marry Kou, he never expected her to openly admit it.
“But that’s not the whole truth,” Hinata continues as a soft, sad smile blooms on her lips, “And I wanted to keep it to myself because I am promised to another, because you are the heir to the main family, and I do not wish to complicate your life. But when they brought you here...I realized I could no longer keep this secret in my heart. I hope you can forgive me for being so selfish.”
“What are you saying?” Neji asks, his voice barely a whisper as his heart thunders in his ears.
“That I love you, Neji-sama.”
Neji doesn’t remember leaning in – only the moment his lips found Hinata’s, and when he kisses her, he loses time. She’s delightfully, intoxicatingly soft and warm against him, making Neji’s head spin and his heart flutter. Hinata sighs softly against his lips when he pulls her close, and, suddenly, the very axis of Neji’s world has shifted imperceptibly.
When they pull apart, bright blush burns on Hinata’s cheeks, and Neji cannot hide a content smile, despite the heat rising in his own face.
“Neji-sama,” she stutters, “I...”
“I love you too,” he interrupts Hinata, “Ever since I first saw you.”
She looks at him with wide, incredulous eyes, and Neji never thought she could turn ever more flushed. Smiling softly, he takes her hands in his, brushing the back of her left hand gently with his thumb. For a long moment, they are quiet, reveling in their closeness.
With a soft sigh, Hinata finally pulls away.
“We cannot do this again,” she says, with a small, sad smile, “Even though I love you, I am still promised to another.”
Neji chuckles - as if he’d let anyone else have her now that he knew he was the one who had her heart.
“You will not marry Kou – you have my word on that,” Neji says, lifting Hinata’s chin with his hand, making her meet his gaze, “I will speak with father as soon as he returns to the village and the wedding will be off.”
Hinata nods, content, and Neji pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her. As she rests her head on his chest, Hinata murmurs, “I trust you, Neji-sama.”
*** On the day his father returns to the village, war comes to Konoha. In the war, they see many things – more than any person should ever have to see. For three days, they are wrapped in the chill of the grave, followed by the screams of the dying and the whispers of the dead.
*** The war is bitter beyond imagining – living in the aftermath is harder.
Hizashi Hyuga laid down his life for his homeland in the Fourth War, and at eighteen years old, Neji finds himself the youngest head of the Hyuga clan, with all the power – and responsibilities that come with it.
“I will talk to Kou and inform him that the betrothal has been broken,” Neji tells Hinata.
“Let me be the one to speak to him,” she protests, and, yet again, Neji cannot refuse her.
He never learns what Hinata had told Kou. Only, an hour later, there’s a knock on his study door, and Kou’s bowing low, asking for Neji to break off his betrothal to Hinata. As the new head of the Hyuga, Neji’s all too pleased to grant this first request.
*** The following months are spent settling clan disputes, restoring the compound from the damages caused by war, and scouring ancient scrolls for ways to remove the Caged Bird seal. His decision to meld main and branch families had been highly contentious with the council, but Neji has never been the one to back down. He’d seen enough in his short life to know that the old system brought more grief than use.
Hinata’s by his side every step of the way, supporting him with wise, measured counsel and, on occasion, tempering his proud nature, and for that, Neji is grateful.
When, after weeks of searching, he finally discovers the jutsu to end the Caged Bird seal, Neji insists that Hinata be the first one to have her seal removed.
“Are you scared?” Neji asks softly, settling down in front of Hinata on the cool wooden floor of his study.
“No,” Hinata shakes her head and smiles lightly, “I trust you.”
Neji nods and leans forward, gently lifting Hinata’s bangs with one hand to reveal the mark on her forehead. Taking a deep breath, he concentrates, making a sign with his free hand. Between a heartbeat and the next, nothing happens – then, slowly, the mark starts to pale.
Hinata lets out a sharp, shaky breath through her teeth and almost loses balance, but Neji steadies her. When he looks at Hinata’s forehead again, the mark is gone.
“Are you hurt?” he asks, his heart clenching with worry as he holds Hinata.
“A little dizzy, but otherwise alright,” she says, trembling slightly, “Is it gone?”
“It is,” Neji confirms, and a bright smile blooms upon her face.
“Thank you,” she murmurs.
*** It is on a crisp spring morning that Neji asks Hinata to be his wife. They’ve trained together since dawn, and, as Neji looks at Hinata, sweat-slicked and flushed, drinking tea sitting next to him on the terrace and telling him excitedly about the new flowers she’s planting in the garden, the words slip his lips, unbidden.
Hinata stills, then tilts her head to the side, looking at him with curious eyes.
“I thought you’d already promised to be by my side forever,” she smiles coyly, looking at Neji through her eyelashes.
“I have,” Neji readily agrees, shifting closer, “But you haven’t.”
Neji knows she loves him, and yet, his heart is in his throat as he awaits her answer.
“Well, then we must fix this dreadful oversight,” Hinata chuckles, and Neji pulls her in and kisses her.
*** Neji thinks it is a kind of karmic justice when Kiba and Shino corner him a month before the wedding as he’s leaving the Hokage’s tower – just like he did to them all those years ago.
“Treat Hinata with respect,” Kiba frowns and crosses his arms in front of his chest in an attempt to look intimidating, and Akamaru barks in agreement.
“Treat her with kindness, and we will not have a problem,” Shino adds, echoing Neji’s own words.
As Neji looks at Hinata’s teammates, he cannot help but smile. It warms his heart to know that Hinata always had friends outside the family to rely on and that they care deeply about her well-being. He recognizes now how sorely he misjudged them all those years ago.
“You have my word,” he promises.
*** On their wedding, Hinata is a tiny, delicate thing – utterly breathtaking, clad in her white and silver kimono. Neji can hardly keep his eyes off her long enough to accept congratulations with the grace and poise befitting the head of the Hyuga clan.
Their wedding is a grandiose affair – the elders have insisted that the head of the clan simply cannot get married in a small ceremony at the temple. Still, seeing all their friends eat, drink and make merry brings a smile to Neji’s lips, and he cannot begrudge the elders their decision. The wounds left by the war are still fresh in everyone’s hearts, but it’s good to see that their friends can still enjoy the simpler pleasures of life.
Smiling, Neji reaches for Hinata’s hand and pulls it to his lips, brushing featherlight kisses against her knuckles. Hinata glances at him coyly through her eyelashes and smiles her rich little rosebud smile, sending Neji’s heart racing.
“Do you think they will notice if we sneak away?” Neji murmurs into her ear, enjoying the bright pink blush the question brings to her face.
“I think we can take our chances.”
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leewritestoomuch · 2 months
hi could i rq. general konoha 11 + sand siblings nsfw hcs ! (aged up/boruto ver obv) <3
Also: nobody understands Uchihas better than I do and I don’t even like most of em. /j Why are they all practically evil in fics? I’m going crazy. Most of them are clearly softies when it comes to love. Am I right or am I right???
And sorry, you can tell who I have more ideas for and who I was drawing a blank on.
Oh and sorry yall for the gap in my writing. This one took a while. I’ve been working on it for a bit. And part of it got lost and deleted, so I rewrote it. A long with a couple other stories got deleted and I lost some motivation for a moment lol
Konoha 13 + Sand Siblings HCs
Naruto Uzumaki
He’s energetic, and that 100% applies to in bed too.
Likely inexperienced, but eager. And a little nervous.
Talked big game beforehand, but even if you didn’t know before, you definitely know it was all talk now.
That being said, he’s a quick learner, even if he complains about being confused at first.
I think he’d have like little to no knowledge though, being such a loner for a while, in all. Hope you have patience.
That being said, he is a bit of a pervert with what he does know.
Overall though, he’d set a fast pace, but the sex would still be intimate and soft.
Praise. Praise. Praise. Giving and receiving.
Sasuke Uchiha
No experience, but he knows the ins and outs.
He wasn’t too concerned with sex or anything of that matter before, but when he returned to Konoha, he realized he had feelings for you. So he starts to think about it.
He’s not a pervert like Kakashi or Naruto, and he’d never lose his cool over sexy jutsu, BUTTT he’s secretly horny as hell. Like low sex drive usually, but just being around you makes it sky rocket to abnormal levels.
He’s very private about sex though, so usually only happens in your bedroom or… cough cough in a quiet forest with nobody around cough cough (if you know, you know)
He’s got a breeding kink. Next question.
Uses a mix of degradation and praises.
Lots of demanding, but also lots of giving soooo…
I truly believe Sasuke would be a softer partner than people make him out to be. Like did yall watch Boruto or not?? He’s got awkward and sweet energy. He’s TRYING. He’s emotionally stunted yall.
More dominant and likes to be in control, but will fall apart in your arms anyways. Usually more of a soft dom than anything.
One of the most likely to be fairly kinky though. I think he’d slowly discover he’s into things as they occur or cross his mind.
Sakura Haruno
She knows a lot about the human body.
Might have experience, might not. I could see it either way.
I think your first time with her would happen after like a romantic dinner together. And it would be romantic and slow.
But… that depends on you, because she’ll mostly go with what you want. It makes her happy.
She’s okay with being degraded or praised, but she really only likes to praise you.
Low sex drive.
She likes any position she can see your face.
She’s a switch, depends on her partner’s preference.
Sai Yamanaka
(Obviously not married here but just to have a last name to add)
He read a book about what to do.
Probably does something incredibly stupid at first, but that being said, he’s not an idiot, so not too bad.
You’d probably have to correct him a little bit. Also, tell him to forget the book and just go with the feeling and follow your lead.
You’d be in the lead at first. Probably go down on him first thing.
He’s not small. (I mean did you hear the way he talked to Naruto? He’s probably got something to work with if he’s talking so confidently LMFAO)
So you’d probably have to use your hand for the base while your mouth sucks on about half or so of his cock.
His hand tangles in your hair/rests on top, not pulling, but resting there.
He throws his head back, letting out soft sighs and small moans that escape his lips. He’s not trying to be quiet, but he’s not loud either.
Although, he might have read girls don’t like when guys make noise. Who knows. Then you might have to tell him that’s not true.
At first, sex is just discovering things with him. You’re both exploring how everything feels.
But, after a few times, he starts taking the lead and initiating.
He has a low sex drive though, so he won’t initiate too often.
It’s also hard to get him to realize what you’re asking for if you drop hints. He saw your underwear when you bent over… okay. He might even comment on how you should be more careful since he knows you don’t like to expose yourself so much.
You just deadpan and tell him it was supposed to turn him on.
“Oh.” And now he’s unbuckling his pants and asking you to come sit on his lap. :)
Shikamaru Nara
Low sex drive, usually at least, because now he’s consumed by the desire to be rode by you. Like he dreams about it.
He calls you troublesome to himself when he wakes up hard in the morning occasionally.
He lowkey loves to just lay between your legs or have you sit on his face so he can eat you out (pussy or ass, don’t matter)
Lazy morning sex. He loves it.
He’s dominant, but he can be rather lazy most the time. That being said, he will fuck you how you want him to if you ask.
Degrading but he’s not super mean about it at all. More like soft grunts with degrading terms, but the rest of it comes out more like soft sighs and groans of pleasure and praise.
Choji Akimichi
The sweetest. He takes his time with you every time.
Body worship. More so giving than receiving, but he’ll be a blushing mess if you give back the same energy.
Praise. Lots of it.
He’d be the type to kiss down your body, from your lips to your neck to your chest all the way down til he gets between your legs.
He can’t bring himself to be rough or harsh with you in anyway. No degradation, rough sex, or anything.
Likes to be able to see your face during sex.
He’d like to try food play.
Ino Yamanaka
Pillow princess unless asked to do otherwise.
She loves to be praised and worshipped, but also likes things rougher.
She’s a bit of a brat about things. Constantly going against what you say for fun.
She does it on purpose so you’ll go rougher on her, she likes it.
She also likes when things are slow and romantic though.
And she’d love it if you planned like a candlelit dinner and put a trail of rose petals on like Valentine’s Day, or even just cuz.
Shino Aburame
He’s in charge. He’s on top. Whatever. He doesn’t like to not have control.
He also just wants to please you, and often he’s not too worried about himself.
Might get a little self conscious if you skip over touching him or giving him head more than once. Like if it’s been a few times now and you haven’t bothered… did he do something?
He doesn’t need it, but he just… you know how he is.
He doesn’t make much noise.
But I do believe that right before he cums, he whimpers. He can’t help it, and don’t bring it up afterwards. He’ll be so embarrassed and not want to do it for a while because he’s scared he’ll do it again.
If he gets like that, just tell him you loved it. Then go down on him and tell him you wanna make him do it again.
He’s good with his hands, I just know it.
He can go rough and be stern and demanding, but other than that, he’s rather vanilla.
He’s a big fan of missionary so he can see your face.
And he doesn’t want to do anything unless it’s in your own home or absolute private, like an inn.
Kiba Inuzuka
He loves giving them.
You will have like 20. From your jaw to your thighs, he’s marked. Plenty of them are visible and hard to hide because they’re dark.
He doesn’t exactly take his time. No, those hickeys are from the entire act. He starts leaving them during foreplay, then when he’s pounding into you, he quiets himself down by latching onto your skin.
When he eats you out, he leaves bite marks and hickeys around your thighs.
He calls it “marking his territory” then has to explain himself because no he doesn’t mean you’re a territory, you’re not a place or an object… he just… you’re his partner!
He’s rough.
Likes doggystyle most, but then he gets upset that he can’t see your face and next time he sets up a mirror.
Quickies. He can’t wait. He’ll whine if you tell him NO he can’t fuck you under the blanket, because YES people will notice the movement.
You might want to settle and pull him into a bathroom and let him fuck you over the counter, but he won’t force or beg you to the point of you giving in or anything. He’ll wait if you really mean no.
He’s got a high sex drive
Very likely to be pretty kinky. He’d be willing to tie you up, spank you, degrade you, etc.
He won’t do pet play. Thinks that shit is weird. So don’t think that because he’s a dog user, he’s gonna act dog like or have you act dog like. In fact, he’s more likely to hate it as a dog user.
I think he’d find any roleplay to be useless though. You could convince him if you wanted, but he’ll complain.
Hinata Hyuga
Much more intimate and gentle sex is what she wants
She’s not a pillow princess. She literally fantasizes about pleasing her partner.
Like probably day dreams, gets lost in her own thoughts, then is a blushing mess when she realizes that somebody is talking to her and she’s imagining what your moans would sound like when she’s between your legs, ESPECIALLY if the person talking to her is you.
She likes to do it in private, but she can’t deny that she imagines doing it where you both currently are. Not that she would.
Secretly has a high sex drive
Long refractory period though. She needs breaks between rounds.
Neji Hyuga
Took him a while to get vulnerable enough to take off his clothes if he’s being honest
Also I think Hyuga’s are very reserved and conservative until marriage, but he has such a tough time following that.
He really wants to jump your bones. And it’s almost like the fact he can’t because of his clan’s reserved and traditional nature just makes it WAYYYY more tempting.
You’re literally irresistible to him
Secretly, he’s just a little bit of a pervert. (Like Rock Lee’s Ninja Pals says he is)
I think he would have wet dreams from sexual frustration. Like the longer he holds back from having you under him, the worse it gets. Like a disease with no treatment.
I think your first time with him would be sudden, and it would be his first time ever.
You’d look WAYYYYY to good, and this time he can’t bring himself to ignore the boner he gets. No he’s gotta see if you’ll indulge him.
He may stop and pull away, get his act together if you remind him of his clan’s pride, and how he was so bent on following it before.
Maybe the first time, but by the next time he tries to give in, there is no try. He is cancelling any plans y’all had and tearing the outfit that made your body look so irresistible off.
He doesn’t have a super high sex drive, but he has such a hard time resisting just laying you down when you look so damn good. You are the reason he’s horny.
He loves when you ride him, and he WILL whimper. He tries not to, but Neji can’t be silent with the way you are squeezing him. The way you do it is so perfect, every bounce is drawing a noise out of him until he’s literally just letting out a stream of loud whimpers as he cums.
I think his cum would actually taste good. Next question.
Rock Lee
He feels bad for it when he catches himself, but Oop it’s too late… he’s got a boner
Boners are obvious in that green spandex…
He wouldn’t agree with doing it in public or semi-public though, but if you noticed his behavior or boner and pulled him off into the bathroom, ignoring his “this is indecent!” Protests because when you look at him before diving in to give him head, his eyes are literally pleading and he shuts up, pushing his hips towards your face.
He can’t be quiet so you’ll have stuff something in his mouth or cover it with your hand.
He secretly wants your chest in his face. He’s a chest guy. Boobs, pecks, whatever. He loves everything chest.
But he also loves ass. Small or big. Wants to grab a handful anyways.
Total switch
Because listen, he loves to pin your hips down and force you to accept the pleasure you’re trying to deny yourself.
Loves to pound his hips against yours until you’re a mess, but he also loves to do as you say.
He loves to be broken down until he’s in pieces by your mouth, body, words, whatever.
He whimpers like constantly, especially when he’s submissive. He tries to shut up when he’s dirty talking as he’s in charge, but he lets GO otherwise.
I’m sorry her portion of this will be… lacking. I don’t know enough to say much. I love her, but I’ve never really thought about this at all.
I think she’d be a switch, but prefers to be in charge.
I think she’s depend greatly on you though.
If you don’t want to bottom/sub, that’s good.
Or vise versa.
She likes to take her time when she’s in control.
She’s fairly willing to try new things if you want to.
She enjoys going down on you most of all.
Gaara of the Sand
He’s very private about everything. He believes that his private life and his kazekage life should stay relatively separate. However, it is known that you are his partner. That’s no secret.
He’s not super into PDA, so it’s no surprise that he refuses to do anything risky or public in anyway.
He will not do it in the kazekage’s office. He has too much respect for it, but he also doesn’t want to get caught anyways.
He’s very intimate during. Slow and sensual for sure.
I can see him being into bondage, but like you get tied up, not him. But… depends. And might take some encouragement.
Refuses to hurt or degrade you for any reason. He only does praise. He could not bring himself to call you names or anything. Or to draw blood from you or hit you, etc. he doesn’t see why those things should be brought into the bedroom for “fun.”
He doesn’t think they’re fun.
He knew like nothing about sex before you. I actually think he’d have no idea how to initiate at first so you definitely initiated it.
I think he’d be the type you have to teach what to do a bit, but he gets the hang of it quickly. Then next time, he’s got every spot memorized.
Awkward. Like the first couple times were awkward, but romantic and cute.
Kankuro of the Sand
One word: kinky.
He likes to degrade you with a shit eating grin on his face. His degradation feels like a compliment most of the time though. Like he calls you a slut and it feels like he’s calling you a prince/princess. It’s confusing.
He’s so good at dirty talk. He’ll have you writhing in your spot, desperate for him and he’s not even touched you yet.
He’s got incredible patience when it comes to you. He takes his time breaking you down into a mess for him.
His face paint would 10 billion percent be smeared across your thighs and chest. Your neck is purple from bites AND his face paint to the point you can’t tell which is which.
Only when you wash off the face paint do you realize he left way too many dark hickeys that’ll probably take at least a week to fade away.
Confront him about this and he’ll just laugh.
Don’t tempt him to leave more, because he will.
He forces you to maintain eye contact when he goes down on you. If you look away for more than like 3 seconds, he give you a little tap as a warning, but twice and he stops.
Orgasm denial for sure. He would be the type to make up an excuse as to why he pulled away. He tells you all sorts of excuses. “You weren’t moaning enough.” “You moved your hips too much. Stay still.” And of course, “you looked away.”
He can make you cum hard almost every single time. You see stars.
The most fun part for him isn’t dicking you down, it’s the breaking you apart and putting you back together again.
Temari of the Sand
Dominant. Dommy mommy for sure.
Even when she decides to “sub” or “bottom,” she’s not doing a good job at it. She’s still telling you what to do, where to move, etc.
She’ll pull your hair, slap you, etc. as long as you are okay with it and want her to.
Loves to boss you around, telling you what she wants. Demanding you to please her.
“Get on your knees”
Head pusher for sure, but you two have a like physical que to let each other know when it’s enough.
All that being said, sometimes she really really just wants sweet, slow sex. Intimate nights filled with nothing but love.
She likes to keep all of this private though. No public or risky stuff.
However, she does like to do it beyond just in bed.
Would be the type to start kissing all over your neck, unbuttoning your shirt while you’re trying to cook breakfast.
You might want to turn the stove off.
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vangails · 1 year
Times when Naruto tried/wanted to impress Hinata:
So remember when Hinata offered Naruto her answers bc she doesn't want him to fail or as she worded it “she doesn't want him to disappear”:
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...and Naruto refused bc he's honorable like that and bc he cares about Hinata and his teammates he doesn't want to drag them if ever he got caught :
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...BUT ALSO because he’s trying to be HONORABLE AND A BIG SHOT towards HINATA :
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Also that time when he does blood oath using Hinata’s blood and vowed to defeat Neji :
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…and when Naruto was down and depressed about his upcoming fight with Neji, like Naruto walking towards the sun, Hinata appeared and made the remarkable Proud Failure Speech (not to mention it was also Naruto’s cheering that boosted Hinata during her fight with Neji ; talk about a great support system) that completely lifts Naruto’s spirit like magic :
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And for me Naruto definitely gives off the “Babe, go watch my game” vibe here lol :
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…and when Naruto & Neji’s fight was over when for the first time Naruto was acknowledged and praised by the Village NARUTO SPECIFICALLY LOOKS FOR HINATA THE GIRL WHO ALWAYS BELIEVES IN HIM. IT SEEMS TO ME THAT NARUTO WAS LOOKING FOR THAT PERSON HE WANTED TO SHOW HIS VICTORY WITH. I thank Kishi for small but deep details like these. Hinata was so deserving to see this moment but too bad Hinata was out cold, would love to see how proud Hinata would look for Naruto and preferably happy and thankful bc Naruto managed to knock some sense into her cousin Neji :
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When Naruto saves Hinata from white Zetsu with his new KCM form. He’s such a show-off in this scene but ofc in a good and fitting way! I also love the fact that he humbles himself and took a moment and acknowledged the times Hina saves him :
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Kiba 🤝 Kishimoto 🤝 NH FANS :
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The most beautiful part is Naruto didn't really need to go overboard and empress Hinata with superficial things because she already acknowledge and admire him for who he is, for his determination, kindness, and will to never give up long ago but that doesn't stop Naruto from still doing so because little did he know...
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tatsumessy · 1 year
pairing: Neji Hyuga x fem reader
prompt: "give me a chance. to prove what i can make you feel."
warnings: forced orgasm, slight choking, cunnilingus, fem receiving, fingering.
theme: Angst - Smut
synopsis: Neji couldn’t understand why you hated him so much, one day he finally has had enough and take matters into his own hands.
word count: 2k
200 follower special 🧸
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You grew up alone in the hidden leaf village being left on the door steps of the third hokage. The only reason he knew you were apart of the hidden L/n clan was based off of a tattoo you had on your ankle.
He and a select few knew what had happened to your clan the horrible massacre that took upon your family leaving you an orphan. The third hokage gladly took you in a raised you as his own daughter but was clear to make sure to not hide who you were and what your past consisted of.
You now at the age of 18 could master all five nature transformations. You went through intense training after the chunin exams and went through hidden training but sometimes the third would have you train with an actual team. And the team he chose was Gai sensei.
That’s when you first met Neji Hyuga, you were both the same age and had the same set of skills. At that time you could only master two of the nature transformations, water release and wind release.
“Third Hokage what a surprise.” Gai said walking into the room, you kept your head down on your paper writing down things to study. “This is Y/n. I would like for you to train her with your team for now.” Gai gladly accepted and brought you to the training grounds where everyone else was waiting.
Lee, Ten and Neji all looked at you with different expressions which made you feel uncomfortable. “Y/n, why don’t you show us what you can do so I can better evaluate you.” Gai spoke moving out the way letting you have the space to show off your technique.
Using you water and wind release together creating ice, Gai and Lee praised your skill while Ten sat their admiring it in silence and Neji scoffed turning away in dissatisfaction.
From that day forward a hatred for the stuck up Neji Hyuga started to form. What made it worse was that it wasn’t hatred at all, you had actually liked him a lot not just for his skill and preservation but for his personality and the person that he holds himself to be. You respected him, but you would never fool yourself to have those type of feelings so the best way to ignore them is by ignoring him.
Currently at the rank Jonin you were sent on many missions along with Neji who became the same rank around the same time you did. This last mission you attended took over a few months to complete and by the time you came back it was evident how much you physically changed.
“Y/N!!!” Sakura and Ten ran over to you greeting you at the entrance of the gate, you gave the both of them a hug and smiled at how much you missed your friends. “Look at you, you are practically glowing.” Ten said grabbing your hand and spinning you around, “Now that you’re here, you can join us on this trip that we were all getting ready to leave for.” Sakura said wrapping her arm around yours while Ten held onto the bag you were carrying.
“I guess. I don’t have any upcoming missions so I guess.” Sakura squealed in excitement, “Neji just came back a few days ago too so that means everyone’s here.” “Wait what?” You said stopping in your tracks. “Yeah. It’s just a trip for us, a few days by a lake a ways out. It’s supposed to be really fun.” Ten said and you immediately shook your head in disagreement.
“I can’t go.” “Why because of Neji? I don’t know what you two have going on, you two have hated each other ever since you joined the team.” Ten said walking forward towards your house with Sakura pulling on your arm. “I hate stuck up people. Simple. Not everyone has lived the life that he has or anyone else.” You say looking down at your ankle at you clan tattoo.
“Well suck it up for a week. Can you do that? We all missed you. It never fails that you tend to take missions that last months.” Sakura complained as you three arrived at your house, you thanked the both of them and went inside to unpack what you didn’t need.
You were the last to arrive at the lake due to just coming back from an extended mission so everyone was expecting you to be late. When you arrived Lee, Naruto, Shikamaru and Choji attacked you with hugs and greetings, Neji stayed sitting down where he was sitting while you greeted everyone but him.
“How was the mission? I’m sure it was easy for you but why did it take so long and why was it extended?” Shikamaru asked, “Yeah? When we heard from the granny that your mission was extended we couldn’t understand why. We all assumed you got injured or something.” Naruto asked adding onto Shikamaru questions.
“I finished the mission a couple of months ago. I did get injured which kept me there for at most a week. After that I wanted to stay, the village itself was beautiful and I learned a lot about myself and my techniques there.” You said pushing a small piece of hair behind your ear. You unconsciously looked over at Neji who was staring at you, furrowing your eyebrows you looked away and started to bite on your fingernail.
Recently anytime you would think about Neji this heated feeling would erupt inside of you and now that he was here infront of you didn’t make it any better. You squeezed your thighs together throwing your attention back into the conversation. Everyone decided they wanted to take a dip in the lake so everyone had left to change into their swim clothes.
Gifted by someone from the village you just came from you wore an all black two piece that really showed off your curves that you gained during the mission. You followed out behind Sakura and your eye’s immediately landed on Neji who had just risen from under the water, his wet hair was slicked back revealing his kekkei genkai.
Your insides were doing that weird thing again and you ended up running back inside the building. Your heart was beating fast and your face was heating up and the slick between your thighs was making your life a living hell. You decided to stay in your room for the rest of the night just hoping to get your hormones and body under control.
Hours passed and once everyone had fallen asleep you made your way outside after putting some clothes on and sat down in a secluded area that had a great view of the sky and lake in one. You were busy admiring the lake when you felt a presence behind you, getting ready to protect yourself from and attack Neji showed himself ready for a counter attack.
You let out a small sigh of relief before standing up and getting ready to leave but Neji grabbed your arm forcefully pushing you back into the tree you were sitting near. “Ow. Hyuga. You’re hurting me.” You said trying to pull your arm away but he wouldn’t listen, in the back of your mind this aggressiveness was turning you on so bad but you weren’t going to show it.
“Tell me. What’s your problem with me?” He asked releasing his grip and crossing his arms over his chest. “Why ask after all these years. You didn’t seem to care then so why now?” You asked ignoring his question.
“At first I didn’t care but then it annoyed me that everytime your eyes laid on mine you would either roll them or get up and leave the room. You had no shame and showing everyone that you hated me.” He spoke pressing his fingers on the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He looked back at you seeing as you had your arms crossed and wasn’t looking at him.
“So all you feel for me is hatred?” He asked seeing if that would get you to answer him, “Yes. I don’t like arrogance fools like you, now if you’ll excuse me.” You were about to walk away but he stepped infront of you again blocking your path.
“Fine then.” He let out an exhausted sigh spewing some curses under his breath before looking back up at you. "Give me a chance. To prove what i can make you feel." Before you could answer his hand gripped the back of your neck pulling your face closer to his.
His lips forcefully pressed against yours pulling you into a heated make out session where he took full control. His tongue attacked yours taking over your whole mouth almost making your legs feel weak just from the things his tongue was accomplishing. His other hand made its way down to the bottom of your dress lifting it up to your abdomen giving him full access to your already dripping cunt.
His hand rubbed the wet patch formed around your core and pulled away from the kiss smirking down at you. “Already this wet for me? I haven’t even done anything.” He devoured your lips once again as his three fingers started rubbing your clit through your panties forcing a lewd moan out of your mouth and into his.
He smirked into the kiss pulling away and using his thumb to pull on your bottom lip, he seemed entranced by the expression you were making as his fingers pressed gently on your clit. A moan slipped out again and Neji could feel his member twitching in his pants. He only meant to mess with you a little bit to make you loosen up around him but he took the situation too far and he doesn’t believe he can back down now.
As his fingers rubbed along the inside of your fold gathering the slick wetness that formed, his member grew harder and harder each passing second he had you under him. Your ips started to grind against his hand pulling a shock reaction from him. He watched you pleasure yourself using his hand with no shame, your moans stayed at a low sound as you back arches against the tree.
Pulling your panties down to your ankles he bent down getting on his forcing one of your thighs onto his shoulder. “Neji…stop what are you doing?” You asked covering your reddened face, he ignored your question and used his tongue to lick a long stripe on your core. You flinched from the new sensation as his mouth dove in to lick and suck on your clit, to make it even worse his index finger rubbed light circles around your entrance teasing you to a horrible extent.
“Ahh…fuck Neji stop teasing me please.” You said begging him to apply more pressure to the area you wanted it most, without warning he stuck two fingers in immediately reaching your sensitive spongy spot almost making you cum right there. He continued to pump his fingers in and out of you curling them every now and then watching how his fingers would make your body react.
He pulled his mouth away from your now sensitive bud and stood up with his fingers still pumping in and out of you. His free hand grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him and just like you his lewd expression made you want to take him right there. His mouth attached to yours once again and this time his kiss was much more gentle as his mouth pressed kisses along your jawline down to your neck.
You but your lip trying to suppress your moans as the knot in the pit of your stomach was becoming agonizingly tight and the moment his fingers curled again it snapped without warning and you came all over his hand. He removed his himself from you and his free hand ran through his hair.
He was trying to figure out why he did what he did, you looked at him embarrassed for yourself seeing as you let your guard down and he took advantage of that moment. “I-I’m going to go.” He spoke with a hint of blush on his cheek, you looked dazed slipping your panties back on and making your way back to your room.
After that night you and Neji always got awkward around each other. Not in a weird way but for you it was you wanted to do more than just harmless kissing and touching.
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nejihinata · 8 months
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We are glad to announce the prompts list for NejiHina Week 2023!
Commissioned art by @/nat_sca on Instagram.
Thanks specially to @oivsyo for the permission given to use the clothing design.
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princess-sof-time · 11 months
Hello A-chan! Hope i'm not bothering you with this request, I just been feeling kinda sad lately soooo I wanted to make this request! But don't worry, take your time 💖
Could you write for Meliodas, King, Luka Couffaine, Adrien Agreste, Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuga, Neji Hyuga, Shinji Ikari, Clark Kent and Fuko Ibuki (im so sorry for requesting so much characters 😣) with a S/O that had lose their best friends some months ago (they died for sickness) and S/O acts calm and cheerful, saying to everyone that they are fine and had move on already but in really is pretty depressed since their lost but, like doesn't want to bother anyone with their sadness, but one day S/O can't take it anymore and break into tears to them confessing how sad they are and how much they miss their best friend
Sorry if im asking for much, im just a little sad and anxious :c
Ek hoop dit gaan beter met jou Moonie-chan en dat jy hou van wat ek geskryf het en dat hierdie teks jou beter laat voel. Moenie bekommerd wees nie, hoe meer karakters ek skryf, hoe meer pret het ek.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• S/O, their voice trembling with grief, finally musters the courage to open up about the immense pain they've been silently carrying since the loss of their best friends. Tears stream down their face as they confess the depth of their sorrow to Meliodas. Despite their attempts to maintain a calm and cheerful facade, S/O reveals that they have been battling a profound sense of emptiness and depression, struggling to find solace in the wake of their friends' passing.
• In a heart-wrenching confession, S/O pours their heart out to Meliodas, expressing just how much they long for his presence. They speak of the deep bond they shared, the infectious laughter, and the unbreakable connection that was once their source of joy and support. S/O recounts the memories they cherished, the countless adventures they embarked on together, and the unwavering support Meliodas provided during even the darkest of times. The absence of their best friend has left a void in their life that cannot be filled, and the weight of their grief has become nearly unbearable.
• Meliodas, known for his unwavering compassion, becomes a pillar of support for S/O in this moment of vulnerability. He listens attentively, his own heart heavy with empathy and understanding for the depth of their pain. With a gentle touch, he wipes away their tears, letting them know that it's okay to let go and share their pain without fear of judgment. Meliodas holds S/O close, providing a safe space for them to mourn and find solace in their shared embrace.
• As they share their deepest emotions, Meliodas offers words of comfort, reminding S/O that grief is a natural and necessary part of the healing process. He reassures them that their feelings are valid and that it's okay to grieve for as long as they need. Meliodas expresses his own sadness and acknowledges the magnitude of the loss they have endured together. He shares his memories of their departed friends, honoring their lives and the impact they had on both S/O and himself.
• Together, S/O and Meliodas navigate the turbulent sea of grief, supporting each other through the highs and lows. Meliodas becomes a source of strength, encouraging S/O to lean on him whenever they feel overwhelmed by their emotions. He listens attentively to their stories, cherishing the memories they share and finding solace in their deep connection. Meliodas reminds S/O that their departed friends will always live on in their hearts and that they will find ways to honor their memory and keep their spirits alive.
• In the days that follow, Meliodas remains a steadfast companion for S/O, providing a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear whenever needed. He encourages them to express their grief openly, knowing that healing comes from allowing themselves to feel the pain and finding healthy ways to cope. Meliodas offers his love and support unconditionally, understanding that the road to recovery may be long and challenging.
• Together, S/O and Meliodas embark on a journey of healing, cherishing the memories of their lost friends and finding solace in their shared love. They create a safe space where S/O can freely express their sadness, knowing that Meliodas will always be there to lend a comforting presence and remind them that they are not alone in their grief. As they navigate this difficult path together, they grow even closer, forging a bond that can withstand the trials of loss and find strength in their shared resilience.
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• S/O, their heart heavy with grief, finally finds the strength to confess to King the depths of their sorrow following the loss of their beloved best friends. With tears streaming down their face, they reveal that despite the calm and cheerful facade they've been displaying to the world, internally, they are drowning in a sea of sorrow and depression. S/O opens their heart to King, expressing the immense sadness they feel and their desperate longing for the presence of their departed friends.
• With a trembling voice, S/O pours out their emotions, sharing the void that has been left in their life by the absence of their best friends. They recount the treasured moments they shared with King, the unwavering support, and the profound bond they formed. S/O reveals how much they miss the sound of laughter, the comfort of their friends' presence, and the sense of security that King provided in their lives.
• King, with his deep empathy and understanding, listens intently to S/O's heartfelt confession. He embraces them gently, holding them in his arms as a safe haven for their pain. King reassures S/O that it's okay to feel sadness and that their pain is valid. He acknowledges the depth of their loss, understanding that their departed friends held an irreplaceable place in their hearts.
• As S/O continues to express their grief, King listens with unwavering attention. He acknowledges their longing and the void that their friends' absence has created. King understands the significance of the memories shared and the bonds formed with their departed friends. He recognizes the profound impact that these friends had on S/O's life and the depth of their sorrow in their absence.
• With a gentle touch, King wipes away S/O's tears, offering comfort in his embrace. He assures them that they are not alone in their grief and that he is there to support them through this difficult journey. King encourages S/O to lean on him for solace, emphasizing the importance of their relationship built on trust, understanding, and unwavering support.
• In the days that follow, King continues to provide a steadfast presence for S/O, allowing them the space to grieve and heal. He patiently listens as S/O shares memories of their departed friends, cherishing the times they spent together and honoring their legacy. King understands that the process of healing takes time and that grief has its own timeline, unique to each individual.
• Together, S/O and King mourn the loss of their best friends, finding solace in each other's arms. They create a sanctuary of love and understanding, where S/O can freely express their grief and find comfort in King's unwavering support. King encourages S/O to remember their departed friends, to keep their memories alive, and to honor their legacy through their own actions and pursuits.
• As time passes, King remains a steady pillar of strength for S/O, providing them with a safe space to navigate their grief. He offers a listening ear, a compassionate heart, and a shoulder to lean on during moments of overwhelming sadness. King reassures S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart, and their memory will forever be cherished.
• In their shared journey of healing, S/O and King discover the power of resilience and the strength that can be found within a loving and supportive relationship. They embrace the bittersweet nature of grief, honoring the past while also finding hope for the future. Together, they navigate the intricate landscape of loss, finding solace and comfort in each other's presence.
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• As S/O's tears stream down their face, their stoic facade crumbles in front of Luka. They confess the heavy sorrow they have been concealing since the loss of their best friends a few months ago. Despite projecting an image of calmness and happiness to the outside world, S/O reveals the truth about the profound depression that has taken hold of their heart and mind.
• In an emotionally charged confession, S/O bares their soul to Luka, sharing the depths of their longing for their departed friends. They speak of the emptiness that has engulfed their life, missing the harmonious melodies they once created together, the passion they ignited in each other's souls, and the genuine connection that felt unbreakable. S/O admits that their attempts to move forward have been futile, as the pain of their loss continues to linger, refusing to fade away.
• Luka, their beloved partner, listens intently, his own eyes welling up with empathy and understanding. He holds S/O tenderly, his touch offering comfort and reassurance. With a gentle hand, he wipes away their tears, silently conveying his unwavering support. Luka assures S/O that their pain is valid and that it's okay to feel the weight of their grief. He creates a safe space where S/O can freely express their emotions, offering them solace in their vulnerability.
• In the depth of their connection, Luka becomes a pillar of strength for S/O. He encourages them to let their emotions flow freely, to release the pain they have been carrying in their hearts. Luka understands that healing begins with acknowledging and embracing the depths of one's sorrow. He stands by S/O's side, offering unwavering love and support as they navigate the intricate journey of grief together.
• As S/O continues to pour out their emotions, Luka remains present, absorbing their words and feelings with utmost care. He reassures S/O that their love is a sanctuary where they can find solace and understanding. Luka listens attentively, validating their emotions and reminding them that they don't have to face their grief alone.
• Together, S/O and Luka navigate the vast ocean of sorrow, finding strength in their shared love. Luka's presence becomes a beacon of light amidst the darkness, offering S/O a refuge where they can be vulnerable and find comfort. He reminds them that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart and that their memories will be cherished forever.
• In the days and nights that follow, Luka continues to be a steadfast source of support for S/O. He holds them close during moments of sadness, providing a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. Luka encourages S/O to remember the beautiful moments they shared with their friends, celebrating their lives and the impact they had on S/O's journey. He offers his own love and presence as a guiding light, helping S/O navigate the waves of grief and find solace in their shared love.
• As time passes, S/O and Luka learn to embrace the ebb and flow of their grief. Together, they honor the memories of their departed friends, finding strength in the enduring love they share. Luka serves as a constant reminder that healing is a process, and it's okay to take the time needed to mend a wounded heart. With Luka by their side, S/O discovers that they can find moments of joy even amidst their sorrow, and that their love will endure, even in the face of loss.
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• With a heavy heart, S/O musters the courage to confide in Adrien, revealing the overwhelming sadness they've been carrying since losing their best friends. S/O opens up about the deep depression that has been plaguing them, despite their outward calm and cheerful demeanor. They share the pain and longing they feel for their departed friends, finally releasing the pent-up emotions they have been holding back.
• As S/O's tears flow freely, they express the immense void that has been left in their life by the absence of their best friends. They recount the treasured moments they shared with Adrien, the secrets they entrusted to each other, and the unwavering support he provided. S/O reveals the profound sadness they feel, missing Adrien's comforting presence and the joyful connection they once shared.
• Adrien, listening intently to S/O's heartfelt confession, feels his heart ache in response to their pain. He holds them gently, providing a safe space for their tears and sorrow. Adrien's empathy radiates as he reassures S/O that their emotions are valid and that he is there to support them through their healing process. He understands the weight of their grief and the magnitude of their loss.
• With a soft voice, Adrien reminds S/O that they are not alone in their journey through grief. He acknowledges the depth of their sorrow and encourages them to express their emotions freely. Adrien recognizes that healing takes time and that it's essential for S/O to have someone by their side who understands and cares deeply for them.
• As S/O continues to share their pain, Adrien remains present, offering comfort and understanding. He listens attentively, absorbing every word and feeling the weight of their grief in his own heart. Adrien acknowledges the void that their departed friends have left and recognizes the significance of their presence in S/O's life.
• With tender gestures, Adrien wipes away S/O's tears, letting them know that their vulnerability is cherished and respected. He holds them tighter, providing a shoulder to lean on and a voice of encouragement. Adrien reassures S/O that he is committed to supporting them through the healing process, emphasizing that their pain doesn't have to be carried alone.
• In the days that follow, Adrien remains a steadfast source of support for S/O. He checks in on them regularly, offering comforting words and small acts of kindness. Adrien creates moments of solace, whether it's through sharing a warm cup of tea or engaging in activities that bring joy and distraction.
• As S/O navigates the complex landscape of grief, Adrien encourages them to honor the memory of their departed friends. He suggests creating a safe space where they can celebrate their lives and reminisce about the beautiful moments they shared. Adrien understands that healing is not about forgetting but rather finding a way to carry the love and memories of their friends forward.
• Together, S/O and Adrien find solace in their shared love and understanding. Adrien becomes a pillar of strength, offering unwavering support and compassion as S/O traverses the waves of grief. He reassures S/O that their pain is valid and encourages them to lean on him for comfort and guidance.
• In their shared journey, S/O and Adrien discover the power of vulnerability and the strength that can be found in a loving and supportive relationship. They embrace the bittersweet nature of grief, knowing that healing takes time but that they have each other to lean on. With Adrien's unwavering presence, S/O finds comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their sorrow and that they can begin to heal and rebuild their life, one step at a time.
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• With tears streaming down S/O's face, they finally find the courage to confide in Naruto about the profound sadness they've been concealing since the loss of their best friends. S/O reveals the deep depression that has been consuming them, hidden behind a calm and cheerful facade. They express their longing for their departed friends, finally unleashing the immense pain they have been carrying.
• Naruto, sensing the weight of S/O's grief, listens attentively with a compassionate heart. He wraps his arms around them, offering a warm and comforting embrace. Naruto understands the overwhelming emotions that come with losing loved ones and he is determined to provide the support S/O needs during this difficult time.
• As S/O pours out their heart, Naruto's own eyes well up with empathy. He absorbs every word, his heart heavy with understanding. Naruto knows the power of friendship and the impact it can have on one's life, making him keenly aware of the void left by the absence of their best friends. He listens intently as S/O speaks of the adventures they shared, the unwavering support Naruto provided, and the profound bond they forged.
• Naruto, holding S/O even tighter, reassures them that their feelings are valid and that it's natural to experience such deep sadness after losing cherished friends. He emphasizes that grief is a process that takes time, and healing doesn't happen overnight. Naruto encourages S/O to let their emotions flow freely, assuring them that he is there to lend a listening ear and a comforting presence.
• In the midst of their shared vulnerability, Naruto shares his own experiences of loss and grief, creating a safe space for S/O to express their pain without judgment. He lets them know that they are not alone in their journey and that he will be there every step of the way, providing unwavering support and understanding.
• Naruto understands the power of laughter and the joy that friendship brings, and he acknowledges the emptiness S/O feels without their best friends. He shares stories of his own bonds and the moments of shared laughter and camaraderie he experienced with his friends. Naruto reminds S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart and that their memories will forever be cherished.
• Together, Naruto and S/O navigate the waves of grief, finding solace in their shared vulnerability and understanding. Naruto encourages S/O to remember the good times and celebrate the lives of their departed friends. He emphasizes that their love and friendship will endure, even in their absence, and that their memories will continue to shape and inspire S/O's life.
• In the days that follow, Naruto remains a constant presence in S/O's life, providing a pillar of strength and support. He checks in on them regularly, offering words of encouragement and engaging in activities that bring joy and distraction. Naruto encourages S/O to find healthy ways to honor their departed friends and to take the time they need to heal.
• As time goes on, S/O and Naruto find solace in their shared journey of grief. They learn to navigate the complexities of loss together, leaning on each other for support and finding moments of healing amidst the pain. Naruto's unwavering presence and understanding serve as a beacon of hope, reminding S/O that they are never alone in their sorrow. With Naruto by their side, S/O begins to find the strength to embrace their grief, honor their departed friends, and slowly rebuild their life, one step at a time.
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• With a heavy heart, S/O stands before Hinata, their voice trembling with sorrow. They finally find the strength to reveal the depths of their grief, confessing that beneath their calm and cheerful demeanor lies an overwhelming sadness since the loss of their best friends. S/O admits to putting on a brave face, afraid of burdening others with their pain.
• As S/O's tears flow, Hinata's heart aches with empathy. She listens attentively, her gentle eyes filled with compassion and understanding. Hinata recognizes the weight of their grief and the toll it has taken on their well-being. Without hesitation, she opens her arms, inviting S/O into a warm and comforting embrace.
• Hinata provides a safe haven for S/O to release their emotions without judgment. She allows them to pour out their soul, to express the profound void left by their departed friends. S/O speaks of the cherished moments they shared with Hinata, highlighting the support and understanding she offered during their darkest times. They reveal the longing they feel for Hinata's gentle presence, her unwavering belief in them, and the comforting reassurance she provided.
• Hinata holds S/O tenderly, her touch conveying solace and unconditional love. She understands the importance of allowing S/O to mourn and grieve, recognizing that their pain is valid and should be honored. With a soothing voice, Hinata encourages S/O to lean on her for support, assuring them that they are not alone in their journey.
• Together, S/O and Hinata navigate the complexities of grief. Hinata becomes a steadfast pillar of strength, offering a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. She encourages S/O to express their sadness and share precious memories of their departed friends. In Hinata's presence, S/O feels a sense of safety and acceptance, knowing that they can be vulnerable without fear of judgment.
• Hinata reminds S/O that it's important to embrace their emotions, to allow themselves to mourn and heal. She shares her own experiences of loss and the ways in which she found solace and strength. Hinata assures S/O that their journey of grief is unique and that it's okay to take their time in processing their emotions.
• As the days pass, Hinata continues to be a source of unwavering support for S/O. She checks in on them regularly, offering words of encouragement and small acts of kindness. Hinata understands that healing takes time and that everyone copes with grief differently. She encourages S/O to find healthy outlets for their emotions, whether it be through journaling, art, or engaging in activities that bring them peace.
• Together, S/O and Hinata honor the memory of their departed friends. They engage in rituals of remembrance, finding solace in shared moments of reflection and gratitude. Hinata reminds S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart, and their memories will continue to shape and guide their journey.
• In their shared vulnerability, S/O and Hinata forge a bond that goes beyond words. They provide strength and comfort to one another, understanding the weight of grief and finding solace in their shared experiences. With Hinata by their side, S/O begins to find the courage to face their grief, to honor their departed friends, and to embark on a path of healing and self-discovery.
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• S/O stands before Neji, their tears flowing freely, as they finally allow the walls they've built to crumble, revealing the depths of their grief. They confess that beneath their calm and cheerful facade lies a profound sadness that has consumed them since the loss of their best friends. S/O admits to the efforts they've made to shield Neji and others from their pain, not wanting to burden them with their sorrow.
• Neji's eyes soften with understanding as he listens to S/O's heartfelt confession. He reaches out and gently wipes away their tears, his touch filled with comfort and empathy. Neji recognizes the weight of their sorrow and the strength it took for them to share their feelings. He pulls S/O into a tight embrace, offering them a safe space to release their grief.
• With a heavy heart, S/O speaks of the void left by their departed friends, expressing how much they miss the unwavering support and wisdom that Neji brought to their life. They recount the treasured moments they shared, the encouragement Neji provided, and the unbreakable bond they forged. S/O reveals the emptiness they feel without Neji's presence, longing for his guidance and the comfort of his reassuring words.
• Neji holds S/O even tighter, his embrace serving as a source of strength and solace. He understands the magnitude of their loss and the impact it has had on their life. Neji assures S/O that it's okay to lean on him for support, that their pain is valid and deserving of acknowledgement. He reminds them that they are not alone in their sorrow and that he is there to walk beside them on their healing journey.
• Together, S/O and Neji navigate the complexities of grief. Neji becomes a steady pillar of support, offering a listening ear and words of comfort. He encourages S/O to honor the memories of their departed friends, to speak their names and cherish the moments they shared. Neji reminds S/O that grieving is a process, and there is no timeline for healing.
• Neji understands that grief can be overwhelming and unpredictable, so he remains patient and compassionate. He checks in on S/O regularly, providing a safe space for them to express their emotions and offering guidance when needed. Neji shares his own experiences of loss, sharing how he found strength in honoring the memories of loved ones.
• As time passes, S/O and Neji continue to support each other through the waves of grief. They engage in rituals of remembrance, such as visiting special places or sharing stories and anecdotes. Neji encourages S/O to seek healthy outlets for their emotions, such as journaling or practicing self-care activities that bring them solace.
• In their shared vulnerability, S/O and Neji find solace and understanding. They create a space where grief is honored and healing is embraced. Neji's unwavering support helps S/O navigate the challenges of grief, offering them a sense of stability and reassurance.
• Together, S/O and Neji discover that healing is not linear but a journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and the support of loved ones. Neji remains a steadfast presence, reminding S/O that their pain is valid and that they are never alone in their sorrow. In their shared strength, S/O begins to find the courage to face their grief, to honor the memories of their departed friends, and to embark on a path of healing and resilience.
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• As S/O's tears flow uncontrollably, they finally let go of the walls they had meticulously built to conceal their grief from Shinji. Their confession is raw and filled with the weight of profound sadness that has haunted them since the loss of their best friends to illness. S/O admits to the struggles they have been silently battling, revealing the immense toll their grief has taken on their emotional well-being.
• Shinji's own eyes well up with tears as he witnesses S/O's vulnerability. His heart aches, knowing all too well the burden of emotional trauma and the toll it can take on a person's spirit. In that moment, he understands the immense courage it took for S/O to share their pain, to allow him a glimpse into the depths of their sorrow.
• S/O's voice trembles as they speak of the void left by their departed friends, expressing how much they long for Shinji's presence in their life. They recall the moments of shared vulnerability, the solace they found in each other's embrace during their darkest hours. S/O reveals the profound emptiness they feel without Shinji's unwavering support, yearning for his comforting presence and understanding.
• Shinji's heart aches with a deep empathy, resonating with the emotional burden S/O carries. He pulls them into a tight embrace, holding them as if shielding them from the weight of their grief. Shinji's voice is soft, filled with genuine compassion, as he reassures S/O that their pain is valid, that their tears are an expression of their deep love and loss.
• He understands the intricacies of navigating emotional trauma, having faced his own demons while piloting the Eva. The weight of his experiences fuels his empathy and drives him to be a pillar of support for S/O. Shinji offers a safe space for S/O to release their pain, allowing them to lean on him for strength, knowing that he will never judge or abandon them.
• Together, S/O and Shinji embark on a journey through the labyrinth of grief, a journey neither of them has to face alone. Shinji listens attentively, his heart open to the raw emotions pouring from S/O. He holds space for their sorrow, allowing them to express their sadness without judgment or expectation.
• In the depths of their shared vulnerability, S/O and Shinji find solace. Shinji's presence becomes a beacon of hope, a reminder that they don't have to bear the weight of their grief in isolation. He offers gentle words of comfort, acknowledging the magnitude of their loss and encouraging S/O to honor the memories of their departed friends.
• As they navigate the complexities of grief together, Shinji's own emotional wounds serve as a source of understanding. He shares his own struggles, the battles he fought within the depths of his own psyche, and the strength he found in embracing his vulnerability. In each other's arms, S/O and Shinji find solace, drawing strength from their shared experiences and the unwavering support they offer one another.
• In the quiet moments of their journey, S/O and Shinji learn to heal, knowing that grief is not a linear path but a series of ebbs and flows. Shinji's presence becomes an anchor, a source of stability amidst the storm of emotions. He reminds S/O that it's okay to mourn, to feel the depths of their sorrow, and that together, they will find a way to navigate the labyrinth of grief and emerge stronger on the other side.
• Their love becomes a balm for their wounded hearts, offering them the courage to face the pain head-on and find solace in each other's arms. In Shinji, S/O discovers a partner who understands the weight of their grief, a companion who offers unwavering support as they both heal from their past traumas.
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• Met trane wat oor S/O se gesig stroom, het hulle uiteindelik hul wag voor Clark laat sak. Hulle bely die geweldige hartseer en depressie wat hul harte aangegryp het sedert die verlies van hul beste vriende. Ten spyte van die uitbeelding van 'n kalm en vrolike beeld na die wêreld, onthul S/O dat hulle innerlik verdrink het in hartseer, nie in staat om die gewig van hul hartseer te ontsnap nie.
• In 'n kwesbare bekentenis spreek S/O uit hoe baie sy haar oorlede vriende mis en die leemte wat hul afwesigheid gelaat het. Hulle dink aan die oomblikke van vreugde en ondersteuning wat hulle met Clark gedeel het, die avonture wat hulle gedeel het en die onwrikbare geloof wat hy in hulle gehad het. S/O onthul die geweldige pyn wat hulle voel, wat smag na Clark se vertroostende teenwoordigheid en die sekuriteit wat hy verskaf het.
• Clark, sy deernisvolle blik gevestig op S/O, omvou hulle in 'n liefdevolle drukkie. Hy hou hulle styf vas, sodat hulle die trane wat hulle te lank teruggehou het, kan los. Clark verseker S/O dat dit goed is om die diepte van hul hartseer te voel en dat hy daar is om hulle elke tree van die pad op hul genesingsreis te ondersteun. Hy herinner hulle daaraan dat hul emosies geldig is en moedig hulle aan om vertroosting by hom te soek.
• Saam navigeer S/O en Clark die kompleksiteite van hartseer, en vind troos in hul gedeelde liefde en begrip. Clark luister aandagtig en bied 'n konstante teenwoordigheid terwyl hulle hul helende reis voortsit. Hy word S/O se onwrikbare ondersteuning, bied hulle sy skouer om op te huil, sy geduld om te luister en sy liefde om hulle te help om deur hierdie moeilike tyd te kom.
• Clark verstaan ​​dat net soos hy nodig het om sy eie traumas en uitdagings die hoof te bied, S/O ook ruimte en deernis nodig het om sy emosies die hoof te bied. Hy probeer nie S/O se pyn regmaak of verminder nie, maar wees eerder daar en help hulle om krag in hulself te vind om te genees. Clark is 'n baken van hoop en ondersteuning vir S/O, wat hulle daaraan herinner dat hulle nie alleen in hul pyn is nie en dat hy daar sal wees vir hulle gedurende hul reis.
• Met verloop van tyd vind S/O en Clark maniere om die nagedagtenis van hul afgestorwe vriende te eer en saam vorentoe te beweeg. Clark moedig hulle aan om bykomende ondersteuning te soek, hetsy deur terapie, ondersteuningsgroepe of ander vorme van emosionele sorg. Hy herinner hulle daaraan dat die genesingsproses uniek is aan elke persoon en dat daar geen vasgestelde tydraamwerk is om oor die verlies te kom nie, maar dat hy elke stap van die pad daar sal wees vir S/O.
• Soos S/O vir Clark oopmaak, ontdek hulle dat die liefde en ondersteuning wat hulle deel van kritieke belang is vir hul genesingsreis. Clark belowe om haar veilige hawe te wees, 'n toevlugsoord waar S/O vertroosting en krag kan vind om elke dag die hoof te bied. Hulle ondersteun mekaar, vind hoop en vernuwe hul geloof in die krag van liefde en menslike veerkragtigheid.
• Met verloop van tyd begin S/O weer oomblikke van verligting en vreugde vind, al is die pyn van verlies steeds aanwesig. Clark vier elke klein oorwinning saam met hulle, en herinner hulle daaraan dat hartseer nie lineêr is nie en dat dit natuurlik is om op- en afdraandes te ervaar. Saam bou hulle 'n onwrikbare fondament van liefde en ondersteuning, oorkom uitdagings en vind lig selfs in die donkerste storms.
• Clark en S/O onthou hul ontslape vriende met liefde en eer hul herinneringe deur gedeelde stories en betekenisvolle rituele. Hulle hou die vlam van vriendskap lewendig, met die wete dat alhoewel die verlies pynlik is, die liefde en konneksie wat hulle gedeel het, nooit uitgedoof sal word nie.
• Deur liefde, begrip en wedersydse ondersteuning vind S/O en Clark krag om die pyn van verlies die hoof te bied en bietjie vir bietjie te begin om hul lewens te herbou. Hulle weet dat daar altyd oomblikke van hartseer en verlange sal wees, maar hulle leer ook om vreugde en dankbaarheid te vind in gedeelde herinneringe en nuwe ervarings wat die lewe bied.
• S/O vind in Clark 'n liefdevolle en deernisvolle maat, iemand wat bereid is om die moeilikhede van die lewe aan sy sy die hoof te bied. Hulle ontdek dat gedeelde kwesbaarheid hul band versterk en hulle bemagtig om die uitdagings wat die lewe ook al mag meebring, die hoof te bied. Verenig deur liefde en die moed om hartseer die hoof te bied, vind hulle hoop en genesing in elke gedeelde oomblik.
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• Met trane wat oor S/O se gesig stroom, kan hulle uiteindelik nie meer die ontsaglike hartseer bevat wat hul harte teister sedert die verlies van hul beste vriende nie. Ten spyte van haar kalm en vrolike voorkoms, openbaar S/O aan Fuko die diepte van haar hartseer en depressie. Hulle spreek die moeilikheid uit om hul pyn te deel, omdat hulle Fuko van haar hartseer wil beskerm.
• In 'n bewerige stem praat S/O van die leemte wat hul oorlede vriende gelaat het en hoe baie hulle die lewendige energie en aansteeklike vreugde mis wat hulle eens gehad het. Herinneringe aan die oomblikke wat met hul vriende gedeel is, die lag wat deur hul vriendskap weerklink het en die diep konneksie wat hulle opgebou het. S/O erken dat hulle 'n swaar las gedra het, en verlang na Fuko se vertroostende teenwoordigheid en die lig wat sy in hul lewens gebring het.
• Fuko, met trane in haar oë, reik uit na S/O met 'n begripvolle hart. Sy hou saggies hul hand vas en bied vertroosting en ondersteuning. Fuko verseker S/O dat haar pyn geldig is en dat dit heeltemal aanvaarbaar is om op haar staat te maak vir ondersteuning. Sy moedig hulle aan om hul emosies openlik te deel en belowe dat sy daar sal wees om hul hartseer te hoor en te verwelkom.
• Saam navigeer S/O en Fuko die onstuimige pad van hartseer, en vind vertroosting in hul gedeelde verbintenis. Fuko skep 'n veilige, oordeelvrye ruimte vir S/O om haar hartseer uit te druk en die kosbare herinneringe van haar oorlede vriende te herinner. In oomblikke van kwesbaarheid vind hulle krag en vertroosting, wetende dat hulle op mekaar kan staatmaak om die nagedagtenis van hul geliefde vriende te genees en te eer.
• Fuko voel die gewig van S/O se hartseer in haar eie hart. Sy kan met hul pyn vereenselwig en is toegewyd daaraan om die ondersteuning te wees wat hulle so broodnodig het. Fuko is bereid om sonder oordeel te luister, om S/O se hand vas te hou terwyl hulle deur hierdie moeilike tyd gaan. Sy verstaan ​​dat die genesingsproses uniek is aan elke persoon, en haar rol is om 'n vriendelike skouer en 'n begripvolle hart te bied.
• Met empatie en deernis soek Fuko maniere om S/O te help om oomblikke van troos en vreugde te midde van pyn te vind. Sy deel stories en herinneringe van afgestorwe vriende, en skep 'n ruimte vir S/O om hul geheue lewendig te hou. Fuko bied ook klein dade van sorg en vriendelikheid, soos 'n stywe drukkie of warm glimlag, om S/O te herinner dat hulle nie alleen in hul rou reis is nie.
• Fuko weet dat die genesingsproses geleidelik sal wees en dat daar op- en afdraandes sal wees. Sy bly 'n konstante en ondersteunende teenwoordigheid vir S/O, en moedig hulle aan om bykomende ondersteuning te soek wanneer nodig. Sy herinner S/O daaraan dat die genesingsreis nie alleen gereis hoef te word nie en dat hulle vriende en geliefdes het wat bereid is om uit te reik.
• Soos die tyd verbygaan, begin S/O klein oomblikke van verligting en vrede vind. Fuko vier elke oorwinning en troos saam met hulle, en moedig S/O aan om die vordering wat hulle maak, te erken. Sy moedig hulle aan om betekenis en doel in hul helende reis te vind deur aktiwiteite te verken wat vreugde en 'n gevoel van konneksie bring.
• Terwyl S/O en Fuko hul helende reis saam voortsit, ontdek hulle dat gedeelde hartseer omskep kan word in 'n krag van wedersydse ondersteuning. Hulle leer om hoop en vertroosting in mekaar te vind, en vind skoonheid in die herinneringe wat hulle met hul oorlede vriende gedeel het. Fuko staan ​​aan S/O se sy as 'n baken van liefde en begrip, en bevestig haar toewyding om hulle te help om hul hartseer te navigeer en 'n pad na genesing te vind.
• Mettertyd begin S/O ontdek dat die hartseer nie heeltemal verdwyn nie, maar omskep in 'n rustige verlange vol dankbaarheid. Fuko moedig hulle aan om die nagedagtenis van hul afgestorwe vriende te eer deur kreatiewe maniere te vind om hul lewens te vier. Sy help hulle om sin in hul eie lewens te vind en hoop in hul harte te koester.
• S/O en Fuko vind krag en moed in mekaar, wat mekaar inspireer om vorentoe te beweeg en die lig aan die einde van die tonnel te vind. Hulle weet elke persoon se genesingsreis is uniek, maar hulle is vasbeslote om hierdie uitdaging saam die hoof te bied. Met verloop van tyd ontdek hulle dat hartseer nie die einde van die verhaal is nie, maar 'n belangrike deel van hul groei en begrip van liefde en die lewe.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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x-emeraldsky-x · 4 months
What if neji wasstill alive and didn't die in the ninja war? Draw him with boruto and himawari playing and hinata watching happily
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hidansexwife · 3 months
btw i know this blog is dead (depression and i got very sick for like two weeks straight) but since i have search on for this i’ll do the psa here- if you’re a naruto blog with search on and you post about hinata, boruto-era nejiten, or about hinata and neji in a way that isn’t, you know, misogynistic bashing you will want to block nejiwasalwaysright. they’re a troll that’s harassing hinata, at least one boruto-era nejiten, and hyuga clan artists (and also just like randomly leaving critical comments on people’s art for like harmless design choices and shit??) and i’m pretty sure they’re the same person that got banned recently for this behavior. just block and report, don’t argue with them, they just want attention and it’s lame to argue about naruto in 2024 anyway.
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shiningstardan · 8 months
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Just a rendition of my favorite naruto pair done with this picrew
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nejiwasalwaysright · 4 months
hinata fans: hiashi already said that there is no more slavery in Hyuga clan! Stop lying!
Also hinata fans: hiashi is a horrible person,he abuses hinata!
What 🤡 hinata fans are.
So,”hiashi is a horrible person who abuses hinata” but “hiashi said that side and main branch are equal and we can trust him 100%”…
These bitches aren’t even hearing themselves.
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nejihina101 · 8 months
This is the NejiHina Archive
Hello! this project started on September 28th, 2023.
Discclaimer: this is a - m a t u r e - blog, you WILL find content which might be sensitive for some people
I have LOVED the potential of this ship for years. So... this is, I guess, my contribution to the fandom. As the title states, this is an archive, my mission is to collect or backup the information around the intended ship in this fandom. This blog is always under construcction and evolution.
Are you new or curious to this fandom? maybe you are asking yourself "why ship Nejihina?" well, the reasons are varied and you may need to check different post from different creators to understand the perspectives, so you can read the Manifiestos and learn more about the canon behind the ship.
If you love NejiHina as much, this is you getway to enter the wonderful world of posts and creators who feel just as strongy about them. To enjoy the art, click here for:
Fanarts | Fanfics | Fanfic Recommendations | Headcanons | Cosplay
I am also working on a directory for blogs to follow, so if you share or create content and I haven't included you, leave a comment here.
And if you are feeling silly here is some shitposting because why not?
Sometimes different members of the community organize challenges like:
The NejiHina week by @nejihinata [Around December]
The Hyuga Clan week by @oivsyo [Around Summer]
The Kinktober [October]
Someone please organize a spring challenge xD
I have noticed that some post aren't as popular as other, if you want to check something that maybe has gone under your radar here are some underrated post with less than 200 interactions, or maybe you want to know the most popular post.
Are you feeling daring?
Here there's also some spicy content and the kinktober
Regarding other languages
This blog will contain post in english and in spanish as we continue to expand, I can't curate other languages at the moment, but if you submit it with the appropiate categorization I will make sure to include everything.
You do't know how to submit? Here are some guidelines.
Have a wonderful day!
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nejihinata · 2 years
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We are glad to announce the NejiHina Week 2022!
You can submit:
• fanfictions;
• fanarts;
• crafts;
• manips;
• graphics;
• fanvids;
• fanmixes;
• cosplay.
• make sure you’re having a good time;
• if you need to use someone else’s work, only use it with permission of the owner.
Don’t forget to tag us in your work! Use #NejiHinaWeek2022 or tag @nejihinata (here on tumblr)
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kiljoius-writes · 1 year
Uprooted - Chapter 1
Ao3 | FFN
Next Chapter
Chapter 1: Jump Up, Heart Sunk
Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha/Hinata Hyūga
Summary: All Hinata really knows is that she’s not quite fond of Fugaku's son. Her eyes land on Itachi, who is standing between the two men. No, not that son.
The other one. The one who is awkwardly sidled up in the opposing corner of the room. He’s always so aloof, as if he’s too good for everyone else around him. He just wasn’t the type of person she could find it in herself to respect.
Sasuke was no friend.
For the SasuHina discord server challenge: Arranged Marriage AU
Word Count: 4.4k
Rating: T
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Today, Hinata is 20.
It’s not the lavish birthday bash that Hanabi is destined to have, but it’s still quite a nice party.
“’Ey Hinata.” Kiba swings around her front, almost losing his balance. Hinata automatically grabs at him to keep him steady and he flashes her a toothy smile. “Think your cousin over there’d be interested in me?”
Hinata looks over her shoulder to find whom she recognizes as Hikari, a branch member with beautifully long, dark green hair. She looks back at Kiba and lowers her eyes at him disapprovingly. “Is my celebration a good time to pick up on women, Kiba?”
“Ah, c’mon—”
"She is right." Shino approaches him from behind, causing Kiba to instinctively throw his fist backward. Shino's quicker and knows Kiba well enough to catch it in his hand before it lands a hit. When he sees who it is, he lets out a groan of frustration. Shino releases the fist and pushes his glasses back up his nose. "It is what some might call 'inappropriate’.”
Hinata’s always found Kiba and Shino’s interactions to be some of the funniest.
“You guys are boring,” Kiba huffs childishly, folding his arms, “never let a guy have any fun.”
The group naturally settles in a corner of the grand hall they’re partying in. Even though it’s Hinata’s birthday celebration, it’s really just a façade for clan politics to take place. She doesn’t care much, it’s not like she really wants a party anyway. But, as always, father gets what father wants.
“You guys know why I’m single?” Kiba interjects, bringing a glass of sake to his lips to throw down his throat. He shudders and coughs slightly before setting it on the table next to them. “Women are intimidated.”
“Intimidated?” Shino questions quietly, and Hinata knows he’s blinking in disbelief behind those sunglasses. She smiles as she looks back at Kiba.
“Yep, by my power.” He thumbs towards his own chest, then swipes at his nose. “Guess I gotta tone it down a little.”
“Yes, please,” Hinata teases him gently and he glares at her, but she knows it isn’t serious. “No glaring. I don’t want you scaring the pretty ladies away with your power.”
"Ah!" Kiba barks a laugh, patting her roughly on the shoulder. She stumbles a bit but rights herself easily. "And what about you, Hina? You single cause all the men are intimidated by that crackling force in those palms?"
Hinata blushes at the over-the-top compliment, shaking her head. “No, I am single because I want to be.”
“Sure ya do.” He rolls his eyes, and her smile quickly fades to a frown.
“What do you mean by that?” she nearly snaps, but it comes out even and controlled.
“He means nothing by it.” Shino’s tone is warning and Kiba recoils from it. Hinata’s smile returns as she turns to lean against the wall with them.
The three quietly observe the crowd before them. It’s a typical Hyūga event, with Hyūga servants bustling around haughty clan leaders and politicians. She catches a glimpse of her little sister with her ear being talked off by one of those haughty clan leaders or politicians' sons. She feels bad for Hanabi, always expected to entertain whatever noble's son decides deserves to command her attention. But she plays the part quite beautifully, now. Just a few years ago, her byakugan would flash on and off as she internally debated whether to close any chakra points. Now, she's 14 and has fallen into her role well.
Then her eyes bounce to a man who matches her father in height as they speak, Fugaku Uchiha. It’s typical for the Uchiha to be here, the clans visit a few times a year, and an event like this is a perfect opportunity to ‘chat’. Hinata didn't like to concern herself with whatever that meant, it wasn't her place. Besides, she didn't really want to know, anyway. All she really knows is that there is both understanding and animosity between the clans, and that’s enough for her.
She also knows she’s not quite fond of his son. Her eyes land on Itachi, who is standing between the two men. No, not that son. The other one.
The one who is awkwardly sidled up in the opposing corner of the room, drink in hand, other arm folded over his chest, by himself. Hinata squints at him. He's always so aloof as if he's too good for everyone else around him. They'd been around each other plenty, and it was never particularly pleasant. At best, awkward silence filled the space between them. At worst, he was making snide remarks toward her and she would do her best not to let him know how little she thought of him.
He just wasn’t the type of person she could find it in herself to respect. People like Kiba, Shino, Naruto, Chōji, Tenten, Lee. Those were people she could respect. People who were kind without the expectation of anything in return. People who lifted others up, no matter what. People whom she thought of as friends.
Sasuke was no friend.
So, when his eyes cast up and lock with hers, almost immediately, she frowns and turns away. Kiba picks up on it and looks where she had been. She peers up from the corner of her eye to catch Kiba giving a mocking wave towards the Uchiha, then his hand flips around and his middle finger is up. She almost gasps and tells him to ‘put that away right now!’ but just as her eyes find Sasuke again, he’s glaring his mean glare back and his middle finger is up, too.
She almost laughs. Then Sasuke puts down his drink and raises his hands in front of his chest, flopping them around and sticking out his tongue like a dog panting. He’s mocking Kiba and it can go nowhere good.
It takes both Hinata and Shino grabbing both of Kiba’s arms to keep him from stomping up Sasuke. Both of them know Kiba’s no match for him, and to pick a fight at a Hyūga event would be disastrous for all involved.
“Fucking asshole,” Kiba seethes, yanking his arms out of his respective teammates' grasps as his temper cools, slightly.
Hinata breathes a sigh, reaching out to wipe at his jacket. “Control yourself, Kiba. Remember, that power.”
A laugh leaves him and that’s what gets him back to normal. His hand roughs through her hair and she swats at it.
“He’s approaching,” Shino informs them in a whisper, and Hinata whirls around to find that Sasuke is indeed strolling over to them.
It always has to be something, doesn’t it?
“Tell me, Inuzuka,” Sasuke says loftily as he approaches, his stride lazy as he carries his drink in an equally lazy way, “do all the members of the clan smell like dog, or is it just you?”
Hinata lets out a tired breath as Kiba’s face turns red enough to match the markings on his cheeks. “The hell crawled up your ass and died, Uchiha?”
“This sad celebration,” he deadpans and Hinata squints up at him.
“Can we help you, Sasuke?” she asks, hoping to redirect him away from her dear friend who is ready to explode.
Kiba’s resolve is admirable right now, though, she must admit.
"Yeah, I guess you could." He turns his attention to her, and she slowly takes a step back. She's pleased when his footsteps match hers to follow, and she continues luring him away as if he's her prey. He holds out his arm towards her and she looks at it questioningly. He points at a spot in his bicep that she recognizes as where a chakra point lies, and he taps it. "Close this one, then, hopefully, I'll black out and escape this terribly boring party."
Hinata sighs. She expects nothing less of bratty Sasuke. “Very funny, Sasuke. If you are so terribly bored, why don’t you simply…leave?”
Sasuke smirks down at her and she glares at it. “Don’t you think I would have—a long time ago—if I could?” She presses her lips together, unwilling to answer that. “No, the best I can do is entertain myself somehow. Your dog teammate is an easy target, and that’s his fault, not mine.”
Hinata finds that she can’t argue that point with him. Kiba’s always been too hot-headed for his own good. He is an easy target. But she won’t simply stand by and let Sasuke of all people bully him in her own home. So she darts her eyes around for a brief moment before they land on a main family member she knows for a fact is smitten with Sasuke, despite how Hinata has lamented her distaste for the boy. She smiles as she taps her on the shoulder. “Emiko?”
The girl whirls around to meet Hinata, then her eyes falter to Sasuke, and a deep blush takes over her cheekbones. She bows. “Oh, Hinata! And Sasuke! Hello!”
“How long has it been since you two have been acquainted?” Hinata questions in mock innocence, slowly taking a step back. “Emiko, Sasuke has been interested in finding the perfect sugar cookie recipe. Perhaps you may enlighten him?”
“Oh, really?” Emiko brightens up, stars in her eyes as they settle on Sasuke, who has a deep grimace on his face.
It suits him, she thinks. He rarely looks genuinely happy anyway, she thinks his face is frozen into a grimace often enough that it’s the default look of Sasuke Uchiha.
Another step back and his dark black eyes flash over hers, filled with irritation. “Not exactl—”
Hinata cups her mouth, and whispers to him, "her secret ingredient is cayenne."
This makes his grimace grow and she steps back again, Emiko set down the path Hinata had planned for her, and now she’s returning to her team.
“That—” Kiba points at Sasuke and Emiko, then looks back at Hinata. “That was devious.”
“Diabolical, even,” Shino agrees, tilting his head down at her.
She smiles, proudly. These are not insults from Kiba and Shino. They are compliments.
“Why, thank you.”
Nearly a week after her celebration (read: political meet and greet), Kō finds her while she’s shopping to summon her. She tilts her head curiously at her former caretaker. It had been a while since he's had to come to collect her for one reason or another, and she's actually interested to see what it could be for.
Nothing could prepare her for what she was about to be told when she was led to the Uchiha district.
“E-Excuse me?”
When Hinata lost to her sister in the bid for the heiress of her clan over 10 years ago, she never expected this.
“What she said.”
Hiashi and Fugaku shared a look briefly before looking back at their respective children.
“Do not act so surprised, Sasuke.” Fugaku waves a hand. “This is the way forward for our two clans.”
“But—” Hinata’s lips thin to a harsh line when her father’s eyes shoot into her like an arrow. The elder doesn’t have to say much to quiet his eldest.
But Fugaku isn’t as lucky as Hiashi, it seems. “This is ridiculous.” Sasuke pushes his palms onto the table before him, shoving his chair back. He begins walking away, and it’s Hiashi’s voice that recalls him. Hinata keeps her head forward, watching her father’s icy gaze bore into Sasuke’s back. “What is it, Lord Hyūga?”
“I would not be so eager to attempt refusing this proposal.”
Hinata’s teeth clench.
An arranged marriage.
“And what if I do?” Sasuke dares, and Hinata turns to find him looking over his shoulder, eyes squinted in a scowl at her father.
“It’s not up to you, boy,” Fugaku adds, and Hinata looks back at him. She can see him sucking his cheek in, something she’s noticed Sasuke do before, too.
Her head turns back to Sasuke when she hears him chuckle sarcastically. “What are you gonna do? Oust me from the clan? Go ahead, not like it matters to me anyway.”
Back to Fugaku. “No. I’ll simply have Lady Hokage revoke your title as jōnin.”
“Yeah, right, Tsunade would never—”
“Don’t test me.”
Hinata inhales through her mouth, exhales through her nose. She’s never been comfortable with tension, but she can at least deal with it if it’s between her and another. This tension is a whole new level of uncomfortable.
Now she’s turned back to Sasuke again, and she watches his head hang, fists ball up. Her own fists are curled into the fabric of her pants, too, her entire body feeling as tight as his looks.
“And what about you, Hyūga?” Her eyes find his when he looks back at her, eyebrows low. Her throat feels dry as she attempts some sort of response.
“Seems Hinata has more respect for her family than you do, Sasuke,” Fugaku responds on behalf of her.
Whether that was true or not is debatable. Hinata doesn’t have strong feelings one way or the other towards being ousted by her clan or losing her title of jōnin. No, the one thing her father does hold over her is the caged bird seal. She’s unsure of whether she’s willing to risk receiving it by defying him.
“Typical,” Sasuke mutters curtly, and he’s moving away now, concluding the heated interaction.
Slowly, Hinata turns back to the two men before her, two men who have always intimidated her for different reasons. Both of their eyes set on her simultaneously, and she’s surprised to see Fugaku’s mouth turn into a taut smile. “He’ll come around.”
“If I may…” Hinata ventures a question, trying to sit up as straight as possible and hold her head high. “What brings this on…now?”
Hiashi shoots her a warning look and she wills herself not to recoil from it. Fugaku speaks for them, “a contract signed long ago, around the time your title of the heiress was relinquished to your younger sister. With your 20th birthday passing, it comes into effect.”
Hinata swallows and nods. Her fate had never been her own, anyway.
Hanabi swings her legs as Hinata complains.
She’s been complaining for nearly an hour straight.
Hanabi inhales through the straw of her iced tea until that horrible sucking noise starts bubbling and Hinata stops to glare at her.
“I’m out,” Hanabi sighs, crushing the paper cup between her fingers.
Hinata’s glare deepens. “Have you no sympathy, sister?”
"Kinda hard." Hanabi shrugs, pulling the straw from the cup to put in her mouth, chewing. Hinata instinctively reaches out to pull it from her and Hanabi huffs, annoyed. "Elder sister! Look, it sucks, and I do feel bad. But, arranged marriages are fashionable right now, and lots of clans are doing it. And you know I’m in the same boat, right? Father’s gonna marry me off when I turn 20, too, and I have to be clan leader.”
Hinata softens. She hadn’t quite thought of that in the time she’d been ranting.
“At least he’s hot, right?” Hanabi wiggles an eyebrow and Hinata’s sympathy fizzles out, lips pulling into a purposeful frown. “What! It’s true. You know how many girls would be falling over themselves to be in your position?”
Hinata wants to make a snarky remark, as Kiba might make but restrains herself. "Looks are not enough for me, unfortunately."
Hanabi shrugs, swiping the straw out of Hinata’s hands. Hinata lets out an annoyed grunt and tries to grab it back, and soon they’re in a petty slapping fight over this stupid straw.
“Sisters shouldn’t fight,” a lazy voice drawls near them, a voice she’s becoming far too familiar with once more. Hinata lets go of the straw out of reflex, feeling a little ashamed that Sasuke’s stumbled on her in the middle of a squabble with her sister.
“Heyyyy Uchiha.” Hanabi chomps down on the straw and kicks her feet up on the table outside of the café they were enjoying tea at (enjoying being subjective, of course).
Hinata watches as Sasuke nonchalantly plucks the straw from her mouth, then grabs at her ankles to pull her feet off the table. Hanabi whines. “Don’t you have manners, little Hyūga?”
“Hey!” Hanabi huffs, folding her arms in a pout as Sasuke pulls up the chair between them.
“He’s—” Hinata catches herself. She was about to point out that Sasuke was correct in his assessment that she was being rude but can’t bring herself to say it aloud. At this point, his ego is the last thing she wants to encourage.
“Scram, brat.” Sasuke nudges his head to the side, and Hanabi laughs, loudly.
“Think you can talk to an heiress like that?” Hanabi quirks an eyebrow, daring him.
“Thought you didn’t like that title, Lady Hanabi.” There’s no humor on Sasuke’s face as he says it.
“Don’t be jealous,” Hanabi berates, leans forward, and wags a finger in his face, "'cause you're just the runner-up in your own clan. Runner up in inheritance, runner up in looks, runner up in power—"
“Hanabi!” Even Hinata can’t stand to listen to this any longer, because she sees Sasuke’s eye twitch, and it’s one of the few times she witnesses it. Her sister is one of the few people that can bring a rise out of him, and she doesn’t care to have it happen right here and now.
“Fine, fine.” Hanabi heaves a dramatic sigh as she slams her palms on the table, gathering herself to her feet. She shoots Hinata a look, eyelids low. “I meant what I said though…” She glances at Sasuke, who is looking at her with the faintest hint of curiosity. Then, she glances down at his lap and finishes in a cryptic fashion, “I heard the rumors are true…”
Hinata rolls her eyes as Hanabi begins skipping away, humming and oh so pleased with herself. Sasuke turns his body to her, rests his arm on the table, and looks at her seriously. "What rumors?"
“Oh, you know…” Hinata says, vaguely.
There were no rumors. It was just her sister playing with Sasuke. Hinata decides she’d like to play with him, too. It wasn’t her who started it, anyway.
With an irritated grumble, he shakes his head and it makes her smile. He waves a hand in front of his face. “Anyway, I have a plan.”
“A plan?” Her interest is piqued, now.
“To get us out of this ridiculous arrangement.”
Hinata tips her head up, then turns her full body to face him. She nods at him to continue, hands clasped in her lap, ready to listen.
“We go over the top.”
She blinks. “Over the top how?”
Her heart sinks. “Excuse me?”
“Like now.” He reaches out to set his hand on hers and it’s…uncomfortable. She automatically pulls it away and he rolls his eyes, annoyed. He grasps it again and slots his fingers between hers. Her face goes bright red and her mind goes cloudy. “Everywhere. Here, middle of the village, on missions, in front of our dads. Especially our dads.”
“I—I’m not understanding,” she breathes out, hand tugging from his. His grip tightens.
“Really lay it on thick,” he continues, “make them regret ever trying to pair us up. Basically, embarrass the hell out of both our clans.”
Her hand finally relaxes and she can focus on the way it feels. She’s surprised that his hand is actually warm, not icy like she’d imagined. Not that she’d ever really imagined what Sasuke’s hands would feel like…but it was interesting. Collecting her thoughts, she responds, “how do you figure that will make them call it off?”
“Think about it,” he responds, leaning in closer, “both our families are uptight. Having the children of the leaders acting ‘unbecoming’.” He pulls up his other hand to air-quote. "Neither of our dads wants us to be happy, not really. It’ll sicken them to the point they’ll have no choice but to separate us.”
Hinata ponders this plan.
It’s a ludicrous idea, she thinks, but she has nothing better to offer. It was like he could read her mind when he tells her, “feel free to throw out your own brilliant ideas.”
She huffs, looking away, eyes landing on their interlocked hands. It’s a very strange sensation to have Sasuke’s fingers interlacing with hers. “I have none.”
“Not surprised,” he scoffs, leaning away from her now. “Then you’re in?”
She bites her lip as she looks back up at him. He has a smirk on his lips, and it irks her that Hanabi’s right. He’s objectively hot (not the word Hinata would use) but his ego is far too big for his head and that is not hot (to her, at least). However, she can’t help but agree to this ridiculous plan. She truly had no better ideas, and she supposes it’s worth a shot. “Fine. We’ll try it, I suppose.”
“Good.” He nods approval and his other hand lifts to beckon her with his index finger. “Now kiss me.”
Hinata pales. “Excuse me?!”
“You’re in, right?” He raises an eyebrow, asking as if his command was as normal as telling someone to smile. She nods, reluctantly, and he curls the finger again. “So…kiss me.”
Hinata darts her eyes to the side. There are quite a few people around, many of whom she recognizes, and that makes her shudder. Unfortunately, that’s the point and that’s why he’s telling her to do it now. So, she sucks in a deep breath.
Hinata leans forward to press her lips to Sasuke’s. It’s a close-mouthed kiss, it’s short, and it is not romantic.
But then the hand that was beckoning her finds the back of her head and keeps her there, and a little gasp escapes her for it.
She does her best not to activate her byakugan, the overwhelming desire to close his main chakra point creeping up on her as his lips move against hers.
When she’s finally able to shove that urge back, she chooses to focus on how his lips feel against hers. She’s not the most experienced in kissing outside of a few clumsy moments as teenagers, but even she has to admit Sasuke might actually be…good at it. He’s not too rough in the way she feared boys would be, but he’s not entirely gentle, either. His lips move naturally against hers, and they’re soft, slick, and…strawberry flavored?
Does Sasuke Uchiha use strawberry-flavored lip balm?
The thought is quickly squashed when a panicked voice calls out. “HINATA?!”
Then Sasuke is being torn away from her, and her eyes fly open to find her cousin’s cascading, long brown hair towering over him.
“Neji!” she gasps out, eyes landing on his veiny ones, looking ready to seal each and every one of Sasuke’s chakra points.
“Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing, Uchiha?” Neji snaps, one foot coming to rest on Sasuke’s chest. Hinata whips her head around to see Tenten, mouth covered in shock, and Lee, who is quickly coming up behind Neji in an attempt to subdue the man.
Sasuke smirks smugly up at Neji, propping himself up on his elbows. “Kissing my fiancée. What are you doing, Hyūga?”
Neji stops at that, and Hinata swallows, chest feeling horribly tight.
"Neji…" Lee's voice calls him back, and Neji turns his head to meet his eyes with Hinata’s. The veins around his eyes relax, but he's still glaring.
“Hinata?” Neji’s asking for clarification, and she has no choice but to give it to him. Neji is aware of the marriage, but obviously has no clue about this plan Sasuke has concocted.
She clears her throat, and pulls her shoulders back, projecting confidence. "He’s right, Neji. I was kissing my…fiancé.”
With that Neji removes his foot, but not without shoving it into Sasuke’s chest briefly, causing him to groan and clutch at it. He moves away from Sasuke and turns his body to her. He comes closer and leans over her, in a hushed voice. “Really, Hinata?”
Her lips press into a line as she nods, quickly. He sighs, shaking his head.
“I didn’t think you’d cozy up so quickly,” he whispers, eyes darting to the side to catch Sasuke’s conceited look as he pulls himself to his feet. He returns to her. “Very well. Just…will you be a little less…”
“Horny about it?” Tenten interjects. Hinata recoils, not realizing she had flanked her from the other side. “Don’t give your poor cousin a heart attack.”
“I apologize.” Hinata bows her head, and she knows her face is beet red.
“Come.” Sasuke holds out an indolent hand for her between the two, and Hinata bites her tongue at his commanding attitude. No different than when they were children.
Neji tilts his head at Sasuke, his glare never leaving his expression. “Ask nicely, Uchiha.”
Sasuke clicks his tongue, eyebrow perked at the man. Then he looks back down at Hinata and her heart skips at his words, “come with me, Lady Princess Hinata Hyūga, loveliest, most breath-taking woman in the entire Land of Fire.”
Tenten laughs, loudly. Lee looks at him in confusion. Neji breathes an aggravated sigh.
Hinata’s jaw flexes as Sasuke continues, “please. Is that better?”
Neji doesn’t respond, nor does Hinata, but she takes his hand, regardless.
As he leads her away from Team Gai, she tries to control her breathing.
“Now where is it we’re going?” she asks, quietly, letting their fingers intertwine once more. She’s well aware of the questioning stares they’re receiving from the village folk.
“Dinner with the Uchiha,” he responds nonchalantly, not looking back at her, “time to become acquainted with the family again.”
Hinata’s stomach flips uncomfortably.
It had been a while since she’s seen his entire family together.
Next Chapter ->
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x-emeraldsky-x · 4 months
Requesting cause I know it will make a certain hinata hater mad- Neji and Hinata falling asleep after training and leaning against each other :)
Hinata's heckin sleepy
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I mean no ill intent towards the certain someone referenced. I just wanted to draw a cute scene with my Hyūga cuties
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nejiluvr · 13 days
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team 7
none atm
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© derivative works, characters used from pre-existing works but original plots unless told otherwise. original plots written by @midoriima/nejiluvr, do not copy. anything depicted in my works that are similar (plot, original character/s' name/s, ...) to another's work/s is/are purely coincidental.
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shiningstardan · 8 months
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Happy spookyween!
I used this picrew to create this image with Hinata and Neji being vampires and dressed in their halloween costumes~
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