crnagora · 2 years
Bebica "na aparatima", Miljana i Zola su potrčci ove nedelje
BEBICA 'NA APARATIMA' Brendon poslao Miljanu i Zolu u IZOLACIJU, biće burna nedelja! #Zadruga #Zadruga6 #Rijaliti #Vesti #Srbija #Balkan
U toku je emisija “Izbor potrčka“, koju vodi Milan Milošević. Milan je dao reč Nenadu Aleksiću Ša, kako bi prokomentarisao Miljanu Kulić i Zolu. Ša, šta misliš o odnosu Miljane i zole? – upitao je Milan. Ja sam neko ko je iz sezone iz sezonu tu sa Miljsanom. Koliko god da Zola priča da nikada nije imao emocijhe prema Miljani, ja mislim da i dalje ima nečega među njima. Video sam ih sad ispod…
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Can we get some adorable spoiled!keno mob au headcanons on how each of the pairs celebrate Valentine's day! Hope your feeling better poppet, you truly deserve good things :) - 🍕
Still isn’t Valentine’s day (and is actually farther away than yesterday lmao) but here we go. I’ll split it up by pairing so people can read what they want.
Peterick: Pete is able to convince Patrick they should take a day off because it’s Valentine’s Day, Trick, come on! A day of looovvee, don’t you love me? It’s not the guilt-trip that does Patrick in, but the fact that he knows Pete will pout the rest of the week if he doesn’t. They go out to see a movie, that new Star Wars one, and Pete cuddles against him and holds his hand. Then they have dinner at that one place Patrick’s been wanting to try for ages, and Pete gets an ice cream sundae for dessert. When they get home, Patrick’s surprised to find Pete has decorated their room with rose petals and candles, all too cheesy, but very thoughtful, and Pete looks so excited and proud of his work, tail wagging and eyes bright, so Patrick, of course, takes full advantage of the mood.
Joncer: Spencer says he really just has no time for things like Valentine’s Day, and honestly people should be showing their love for him all the time anyways, so what’s the point? Jon laughs, ruffles his hair and tweaks his ears, but something about him seems kind of disappointed even though Spencer tries to ignore it. He can’t, in the end, and surprises even himself by coming home with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates that he lays in Jon’s lap before kissing him very softly, and almost a little hesitantly as if he were nervous of all things. The smile against his mouth makes it all worth it though, and he tugs Jon back to the bedroom with a smile of his own, and a strange sense of pride in his chest. 
Ryden: Ryan doesn’t dare fool himself into believing that Brendon wouldn’t want to go all out for Valentine’s Day, so he begins working ahead of time so as to not get behind when the actual holiday comes around. His boyfriend wakes to breakfast in bed with heart-shaped waffles and kisses lightly pressed all over his cheeks and then is treated to a spa day with Ryan including couples massages, facials, and a nice, warm bubble bath. He seems more than pleased, tail swishing contentedly as Ryan carefully dries him off, and Ryan thinks (thankfully) that’ll probably be the end of it. But he’s surprised to find a nicely wrapped box sitting on the bed that he knows Spencer must have helped Brendon with, and when he opens it he finds two shiny guns that have he and Brendon’s initials engraved on them. Maybe Valentine’s Day isn’t so bad. 
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mytiddsfelloff · 7 years
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@neko-deep ...in cats.. :) FINISHED! Submit a "💗" to my ask box and I will draw your URL!
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How about Neko!Dallon coming into heat and Daddy!Brendon helping him and Dallon is just so submissive and just yeah 😁
Awww, and he’s so whiny and needy >//////!!!!SMUT WARNING!!!!Little mews and soft moans escaping his red and bitten lips, his cheeks permanently shaded a light pink colour as his hand grips onto Brendon’s wrist while his hand works Dallon slowly, his lip permanently caught between his teeth.“Why didn’t you tell me sooner Baby? I would’ve helped.” Brendon would ask gently, kissing down Dallon’s neck softly to one of his prominent collar bones where he began sucking bright purple marks into the pale skin, earning beautiful, almost musical moans and sighs from Dallon, who’s eyes had fluttered shut.“W-Was too scared to tell you Brenny, thought you would be mad…” He replied softly, his ears flattening against his head sadly as he looked down.“I’d never be mad at you baby, I just don’t want you to be hurting is all.” Brendon replied, speeding his actions up slightly, thumbing at the tip slightly, a long, strung out moan escaping Dallon once again, followed by another sigh as Brendon’s lips attached themselves back to Dallon’s neck. Dallon wouldn’t be able to bring himself to answer, just letting out more quiet sighs, and loud moans that brought a cocky smirk to Brendon’s face. “Feels better now that Brenny’s helping you hm?” He asks, mumbling against Dallon’s heated skin. The boy nodded his head quickly, whimpering quietly,“O-Oh yes, m-much much better!” Brendon chuckled once again, continuing working his hand is a slow, even pace, teasing Dallon until he was hanging on the edge, begging none stop for release.And once Brendon gave the word he’d let go, white splatters covering his pretty tummy and even some reaching up onto his chest, which was rising and falling quickly with each strained breath.
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asterdeer · 5 years
when brendon urie sang “no one wants you when you have no heart and im sitting pretty in my brand new scars” and neko chase sang “im ashamed that im barely human and ashamed that i don’t have a heart you can break”
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ghefiralma · 5 years
gublu band (re: where my heart belongs)
aku nggak pernah suka sama smpku. pertama, jelas karena aku nggak masuk di sekolah yang aku pingin dan akhirnya terjun ke smpku sekarang (sebenernya, aku udah hampir lulus, kurang dari seminggu bahkan!). alasan yang lain adalah karena mataku suka risih kalau liat sesuatu yang nggak rapi (kecuali kamarku, aku oke aja soal itu dan merasa kamarku superindah) dan aku anaknya jijikan banget. smpku ini punya gedung yang bentukannya ajaib dan lantainya suka nggak lurus, mataku jelas nggak bisa banget dealing sama itu juga kamar mandinya, yah... tebak sendiri, deh. anak anaknya lumayan seru walaupun kadang aku nggak habis pikir sama golongan anak yang neko neko dan temen sekelasku beneran yang terbaik (semoga kalian baca ini, aku tau aku selalu ngeselin dan jadi peran antagonis buat kalian, tapi sebenernya aku sering nyesel udah suka marah marah. aku sayang kalian banget). so actually, masalah utamanya cuma aku yang nggak suka sama bangunannya and i still can deal with the rest of the problems.
kaya lagunya taylor swift dan brendon urie yang baru baru ini release (nggak juga sebenernya), aku merasa terpanggil banget di bagian i never live well enough alone, kenapa aku merasa connected? ya karena itu emang aku banget, makanya aku bersyukur banget waktu tau temen sekelasku nggak banyak berubah jadi aku nggak perlu banyak berbaur lagi dan bisa minta tolong ke mereka seenak jidat kaya biasanya (aku minta maaf juga buat ini ya temen temenku sayang:(). jelas aku selalu nulis gita --anak yang jaman kelas 7 gendut dan semakin hari semakin kurus, pake kacamata, cantik kalo kerudungannya bener, bahan nomer satu bullyan-- kalo ditanya siapa temen sekelas favoritku. gita itu selalu baik, punya senyum yang paling bagus karena selalu keliatan tulus, suka ngereceh nggak jelas kalo jamkos, guru terbaik semasa smp karena dia ngajarin aku buat nggak maluan lagi, buat didikan “ayo gila gilaan, kan barengan” juga “ketawa aja yang keras walaupun ketawamu kaya hantu”  dan masih banyak lagi yang nggak bisa disebutkan satu satu dan ini yang paling penting: aku bener bener sayang dia. dia sering jadi bahan omelanku dan dia selalu mau nerima itu walaupun aku tau dia mangkel banget, maaf ya gita. 
masih di posisi yang sama kaya gita, yang mana itu posisi nomer satu, ada shoda, si pendek yang nggak punya malu, suka joget joget korea, temen karaokeanku, sering gelut gara gara eyel eyelan angkat telpon dari mas mas gojek (aku selalu kalah), juga buat ijin pinjem keyboard sekolah (yang ini udah jelas dia yang maju, kalahan), yang punya rambut sebagus iklan sampo, yang selalu jadi tempat pelampiasan baperku dan tau semua masalahku, no, she knows everything, not only my problems. kami pisah kelas waktu kelas 9 dan aku sempet mikir we dont get along well anymore tapi ternyata salah besar. kami itu saudari sejiwa (lebay banget tapi emang gitu) and no one can stop us! that is why i love her so bad. maaf ya shodaku sayang, aku tau aku nyeremin kalo lagi mens dan hampir satu tahun kamu ngerasain itu tiap bulan karena kita duduk bareng terus:(
aku nggak tau sejak kapan riefky itu dihitung sebagai penunjang kehidupan smp karena kami pernah perang dingin berjuta juta tahun dan tiba tiba baikan dan jadi temen main, yang jelas riefky ini penting banget. asik diajak julit dan selalu ngingetin buat baca istighfar setelahnya, hehe. sayang riefky!
kami berempat suka main bareng, kalo jamkos kerjaannya ghibah atau liatin gita cerita yang semuanya selalu lucu. dan karena kami itu pasukan hilang arah, julit mulai berubah jadi deep talk tentang ujian praktek mau ngapain dan seperti nama nggak resmi dari kwartet kami, hilang arah, jelas kami beneran nggak tau mau ngapain. sebagai pencetus ide ngaco nomer satu, aku ngajak mereka ngeband aja dan dengan sok taunya kami nyambung nyambungin lagu, berharap jadi seindah indonesia yang katanya sambung menyambung menjadi satu tapi jadinya seberantakan kamarku. tapi ternyata jadi mind blown banget, bukan lagunya (sebenernya jadi enak tapi karena kami semua cupu, kalo kami yang main ya tetep biasa aja) tapi gimana aku tau kalo sekolah punya pegawai yang receh banget!
namanya pak rahmadi. pendek, nggak ganteng, baik, receh, suka maskeran karena takut hidungnya kemakan badai, bawanya motor beat, dari ceritanya dapat diambil kesimpulan kalo suka berbuat ugal juga suka godain mbak mbak, dan dinobatkan sebagai guru terbaik setelah gita. ada lagi yang ajaib: sodorin aja alat musik apa aja ke pak rahmadi, pasti kedengerannya enak. aku suka pak rahmadi karena bisa beresin lagu yang awalnya seberantakan kamarku jadi enak dan disemangatin sebelum maju ujian praktek, suka karena tiap latihan punya bahan ngereceh, suka karena mau diriwuki tiap hari buat balesin chatku di wa, suka karena selalu baik walaupun sering dituduh sebagai oknum antagonis, suka karena gara gara pak rahmadi tanya nama bandku, riefky, gita, shoda apa jadi akhirnya kami bisa sayang sama nama band kami yang beneran jelek banget, gublu. terimakasih banyak, pak rahmadi!
aku yang awalnya nggak pernah suka sama smpku, akhirnya bisa selalu semangat sekolah karena tau bakalan ketemu mereka lagi. ketemu cerita lucunya gita, ketemu shoda buat nyanyi bareng, ketemu riefky buat julit dan ketemu pak rahmadi buat ngetawain recehannya. aku yang selalu mikir Tuhan itu jahat karena nggak direstui buat masuk smp yang aku pingin akhirnya bisa sadar kalo kalimat Tuhan punya rencana lain yang lebih indah itu bener yaitu ketemu sama gublu band dan juga pak rahmadi. bahkan pertemuan itu seharusnya dideskripsikan sama kata superior lain yang jauh di atas indah, seperti indah level poseidon, mungkin? mereka semua itu spesial dan saking spesialnya, aku sampai nggak bisa menguraikan bagaimana mereka dengan baik di paragraf paragraf sebelumnya. intinya, aku sayang mereka semua!
so, it is obvious now, i will never live well without my one and only Gublu Band and the number one fan of it, Pak Rahmadi. i love y’all to the Jupiter and back x100000000000000000000000000000. hope y’all living a very wondrous life!
xoxo, ghea yang agung
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iamapoopmuffin · 7 years
So I tend to nickname anime characters. It might be because I can’t remember their name or I’m too lazy to say their name or a lot of the time just for the hell of it and this is my list of every nickname I have ever given to an anime character. Some of these are outdated and not used any more, some characters have multiple names and I still use all of them, some are ones I started using today, couldn’t stop using and though ‘well hell, now that has to go on the list because it’s stuck’. Some are combination nicknames (for multiple characters as a group) and some are nicknames used for multiple characters separately to each other. I am happy to explain the origins of any nicknames anyone is curious about. Enjoy the stupidity that awaits you below the cut!
Also @pilotpig​ here you go! A gift of dumb nicknames!
Ed Boy (Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist - You have to say it like Rolf from Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Bleach Mibuchi (Ayasegawa Yumechika, Bleach)
Archie Snape (Mibuchi Reo, Kuroko no Basket)
Satan (Karen Lilica, Fairy Tail)
Shimada-Bro (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Tweedle Douchebag (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Tweedle Nutcase (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Glasses Guy (Fukuroi Masato, Corpse Party, Ryugazaki Rei, Free!)
The Dating Sim Nerds (Combination of Katayama Ryosuke and Ohkawa Tomohiro from Corpse Party)
Miniature Aomomo (Combination of Momomiya Ichigo and Aoyama Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew)
Mura (Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko no Basket)
Numa (Kishinuma Yoshiki, Corpse Party)
Barry the Bae (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Barry the Butterfly (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Corndog (Cornello, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Princess (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Scary Spice (Sawamura Daichi, Haikyuu)
Cinnamon (Motherglare, Fairy Tail)
Bubbles (Levia, Fairy Tail)
Phoenix McGhostrider (Atlas Flame, Fairy Tail)
Spiderweb (Scissor Runner, Fairy Tail)
Abominable Snowman (Unnamed dragon, Fairy Tail)
The Mask (Zirconis, Fairy Tail)
Strawberry Batman (Unnamed dragon, Fairy Tail)
Shig (A variety of roles voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya)
Shino (A variety of roles voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya)
Kiba (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
Best Character (Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Haikyuu, Akimichi Choji, Naruto)
Monologuing Marshmallow (Sugawara Koshi, Haikyuu)
Anxiety Ball (Azumane Asahi, Yachi Hitoka and Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haikyuu)
Lizard Man (Nishinoya Yuu, Haikyuu)
Prehistoric Anxiety Ball (Azumane Asahi, Haikyuu)
Decoration (Shimizu Kiyoko, Haikyuu)
Yacchan (Yata Misaki, K Project, Yachi Hitoka, Haikyuu)
Flaming Red Chihuahua (Yata Misaki, K project)
Baby Wrath (Wrath (2003), Fullmetal Alchemist)
Kamamama (Kamamoto Rikio, K Project)
Yuuri (Kain Fuery, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Sashimi (Fushimi Saruhiko, K Project)
The Great Dork King (Munakata Reisi, K Project)
Creepy Twins (Combination of Minato Hayato and Minato Akito from K Project)
Rock Lee (Hayakawa Mitsuhiro, Kuroko no Basket)
Crazy Stabby-Stab Girl (Kirisaki Tohko, Corpse Party)
Crazy Stabby-Stab Guy (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Slut King (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Crazy Pants Kizami (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Crazy Ass Kizami (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Moto (Kamamoto Rikio, K Project, Yamamoto Mitsuki, Corpse Party, anyone else I might find with a surname ending in ‘moto’)
Nagi (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
The Gays™ (Any combination of Kuroko, Kagami, Takao, Hara, Mibuchi and Nebuya from Kuroko no Basket.)
Atsu (Nakajima Atsushi, Bungo Stray Dogs, Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko no Basket)
The Grinch (Fukui Kensuke, Kuroko no Basket)
Byakudan Bae (Any Byakudan Senior High student from Corpse Party)
Moon-Child (Tsukishima Kei, Haikyuu)
Charizard (Nishinoya Yuu, Haikyuu)
Adorableness (Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haikyuu)
Mako-chan (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
Kagz (Kageyama Tobio, Haikyuu, Kagami Taiga, Kuroko no Basket)
The Bae(s) (Any member of Kirisaki Daiichi, Kuroko no Basket)
Seri's Husband (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
Awashima's Husband (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
Satoshi (A variety of characters voiced by Shimono Hiro)
Butthole Face (Tobi, Naruto...this one was originally by my mother though. She said his mask looked like a butthole.)
Hinz (Hinata Shoyo, Haikyuu)
Imayoshi (Ichimaru Gin, Bleach)
Lieutenant Jiggletits (Awashima Seri, K Project)
Brock (Tsuchida Satoshi, Kuroko no Basket)
Dei-chan (Deidara, Naruto)
Saso-chan (Sasori, Naruto, some other characters voiced by Sakurai Takahiro or Aoyama Yutaka until I learn their actual names or come up with a new nickname)
Pretty Boy (Unnamed character, Bungo Stray Dogs)
Kazu-chan (Hara Kazuya, Takao Kazunari, Kuroko no Basket, Yanagihori Yoshikazu, Corpse Party, anyone else with 'Kazu' in their first name tbh)
Nahoebag (Saenoki Naho, Corpse Party)
Shikaboo (Nara Shikamaru, Naruto)
Temari Balls (Temari, Naruto)
Captain of the Utter Bastards (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
The Rainbow of Basketball (Another  name for the Generation of Miracles, Kuroko no Basket)
Trash King (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
Drama Nerd (Morishige Sakutaro, Corpse Party)
Bitchin’ Mermaid (Aquarius, Fairy Tail)
Mountain Dew (Dewa Masaomi, K Project)
Shark Boy (Matsuoka Rin, Free!)
Lava Girl (Matsuoka Gou, Free!, given by my friend in response to me referring to Rin as Shark Boy.)
Kuzu (Kakuzu, Naruto)
Smokey McSunglasses (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
The Naked Cat Lady (Neko, K Project)
Angsty McBitchface (Yamazaki Sousuke, Free!)
Yams (Yamazaki Sousuke, Free!)
Kakz (Kakuzu, Naruto)
Hidz (Hidan, Naruto)
Detective Hanamiya (Matsuda Touta, Death Note)
Sass Cake (Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto)
Plankton (Uchiha Shin, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
Tobito (Tobi, Naruto)
Weasel (Uchiha Itachi, Naruto)
Team Dewey (A combination of any members of Kirisaki Daiichi, Kuroko no Basket)
Fuse Dyke (Fuse Daiki, K Project, ‘Fuse’ pronounced like fuse box)
Walking BDSM (Musashi, Nanbaka)
Hand Face (Shigaraki Tomura, Boku no Hero Academia)
Potato Girl (Sasha Blouse, Attack on Titan)
Orochimama (Kubota Shigemi, Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, nickname created by suitcasesoffeathers)
Kakihara (A variety of roles played by Kakihara Tetsuya)
The Camp-Ass Bitch Brigade (A combination of Honey, Trois and Mitsuba Kiji, Nanbaka)
Mama Kiji (Mitsuba Kiji, Nanbaka)
Lurch (Youriki Daisen, Nanbaka)
Peppa Pig (Hachiman, Nanbaka)
Slagon Drayer (Any dragon slayer, Fairy Tail)
Saberbabies (Sabertooth as a whole, Fairy Tail. On rare occasions, may refer to single member as one Saberbaby)
The Kisaragi 3 (The combination of Kishinuma Yoshiki, Mochida Satoshi and Morishige Sakutaro, Corpse Party)
Prince of Dorks (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Loke 4 Ears (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Ass Boy (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Peter Pan (Karatachi Yagura, Naruto)
Lemon Bomb Guy (Kajii Motojiro, Bungo Stray Dogs)
(Team) Rescue Imps (Carla and Pantherlily, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Strip Club (Loke and Gray Fullbuster, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Always A Duo Anyway (Natsu Dragneel and Happy, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Hilarious Height Difference (Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Get Your Drunk Ass Out Of My House (Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail)
Drunk Ass (Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Should’a Seen It Coming (Freed Justine and Bickslow, Fairy Tail)
The Thunder Dork Tribe (The Raijinshuu as a whole, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Mystogan Fans (Doranbolt and Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
(Team) People Ship It (Evergreen and Elfman Strauss, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Edolas Abridged (Lisanna Strauss and Juvia Lockser, Fairy Tail)
Brendon Urie (Urie Kuki, Tokyo Ghoul)
The Nice Guy™ (Yamazaki Hiroshi, Kuroko no Basket)
Wakamatsu (Muscular, Boku no Hero Academia)
Dead Fish Eyes (Furuhashi Kojiro, Kuroko no Basket)
Gucci Boy Taguchi (Taguchi Shougo, Corpse Party)
Taguchi-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Yumasaki Walker, Durarara!!)
Kusanagi-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Heiwajima Shizuo, Durarara!!)
Aubergine (Kiryuu Isana, Free!)
Katz (Katayama Ryosuke, Corpse Party)
Best Boy Fukuroi (Fukuroi Masato, Corpse Party)
Haruki Murakami (Unnamed character, Bungo Stray Dogs)
Captain Inappropriate (Unnamed character, K Project)
Yuri Plisetsky-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Albert Wahlander, Free!)
The Alien (Albert Wahlander, Free!)
Baseball Haru (Furuya Satoru, Diamond no Ace)
Taima (Unnamed character, Free!)
Cannabis (Unnamed character, Free!)
Camel-Dude (Isurugi Shizuru, Free!)
Creepy Dude (Kinjou Kaede, Free!)
Scarecrow (Kinjou Kaede, Free!)
Bovril (Lovro Brovski, Assassination Classroom)
Scrub (Tatebayashi Motonari, Yowamushi Pedal)
Garfield (Bluenote Stinger, Fairy Tail)
Evil Grinning Motherfucker (Future Rogue, Fairy Tail)
Snakey Motherfucker (Ichimaru Gin, Bleach)
Toneri Byakuganfetish (Otsutsuki Toneri, Naruto)
The Dragonpuff Fairies (Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox and Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
Hacchan (Hachiman, Nanbaka)
Cumgirl (Juliet Sun, Fairy Tail)
Bondagegirl (Heine Lunasea)
Dragon Kiba (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
Dragon Fang (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
My Lesbian Crush (Dimaria, Fairy Tail)
Pigtails (Lindel, The Ancient Magus’ Bride)
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gamesoflevitation · 7 years
aaahhhhHHHHHh neko!Bren getting fucked by Ryan's friends (maybe as a degradtion type thing ??) while Ry watches, and even though Ry knows Brendon is enjoying it, he's getting oddly jealous and possesive, but Brendon is just mewling and he looks so pretty like this, his ears pressed flat against his head and he's looking at Ryan for praise because he's trying to be good for his master's friends, wants to please Ryan.
Yes like Brendon had wanted this and Ryan agreed as long as he could watch, doing anything to spoil his neko boy, and Brendon is clearly loving it, taking one cock after the other so well, and Ryan thinks he looks stupidly hot and pretty all at the same time but he's so jealous because Brendon is /his/ and yet he's getting fucked by all these people and Ryan's pride is just hurt because he holds himself with such high esteem since Brendon belongs to him but Brendon is being good for other people and I think in turn Ryan gets more dominant and starts calling Brendon such a pretty little slut and Brendon whines and since Ryan's getting a reaction out of him he says more to Brendon, praising him but still being degrading, and eventually he steps in and fucks Brendon himself and Brendon enjoys it more than he enjoyed any of the other guys
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Neko Bren in heat?
Brendon’s heats are always really intense and almost painful if someone doesn’t take care of him, but luckily Ryan is around and after the first go around where he found Brendon crying on the bathroom floor, wet and hard and in pain, he knows exactly what to do and even how to see it coming. Brendon always gets fidgety first, he just can’t keep still and wiggles and overall is just really restless. Ryan makes sure to start feeding him more often because during the three or so days when he’s in heat, all they do is sleep and fuck. Then Brendon will start feeling sick with that like achey feeling all over his body and Ryan grabs a bunch of water bottles to get him hydrated and keep him hydrated. Finally Brendon will tend to wake up in the middle of the night with it and roll over to plaster against Ryan, sweaty and panting and needy and typically Ryan’s half asleep so he just pulls Brendon on top of him and has him ride him. Then a few hours later before the Sun rises Brendon will be at it again, and about every three hours they’re fucking. Brendon never does seem to get overstimulated but Ryan can only go so many times so sometimes he’ll just finger Brendon and jerk him off or eat him out just to sate him until Ryan’s ready again
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nefiram-blog · 7 years
please read this post before following
if the name is bordered by X’s, doubles for the kintype may make me dissociate so i’d prefer to not be followed by them if there’s a +, i’m kin with an au vers of the same character
this is formatted for discord bc im laxzy
**core ids** vbnorsr/godkin X bro strider X _+raised johnstri in a kidswap_ _+speciesswap makara_ _ +seamonster _ _ +incubus_ _ +lalondeswap (mom)_ _ +brosprite_ _ +cat???? hes a neko dude_ _ +hal-style robobro splinter_ _ +centaur_ X hal strider X _+hal lalonde (human)_ _ +endangered hal/AR_ _ +vampire!hal_
**main kin** X davesprite X nefiram/demonkin (also counts as demonstuck!dave) X alpha dave / dirk’s bro X + _+violetblooded seadweller; prob not ampora_ kagamine len dirk strider _+dirk crocker_ _+merman_ chihiro fujisaki _ +talentswap shsl prince_ X aph russia / ivan braginski X X Etihw X X dr brendon white X _ +tearzahstuck i guess??_ Unknown noncanon violet-blooded seatroll
if you want my full kin list with my ~100 tertiaries and secondaries on it hmu
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ao3feed-frerard · 7 years
Lights Will Guide You Home
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kW6xwb
by OutOfPlace_AndUnderdressed
Gerard Way is a Neko. He’s been in Neko Slave Trade since he was five years old. He’s eighteen now. Frank Iero was minding his business one day and he found himself in an auction house for Nekos. He was drawn to one in particular, and ended up trying to fix the broken boy he had bought.
Words: 246, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Dallon Weekes, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross
Relationships: Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Additional Tags: Neko! Gerard, Title is from the song Fix You by Coldplay
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kW6xwb
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brallonsin · 8 years
Okay so let's imagine brallon + neko!bren. Brendon is always pestering Dallon, wanting his attention at all times no matter what it takes. Like, when Dallon has people over, Brendon is always showing off to make sure he has Dallon's attention, whether it be in a good or bad way. Like, sometimes he'll knock a lap off a stand or get way too up close and personal with the guest.
Omg okay and Dallon would be trying not to rise to it but one day he snaps and pulls B into his lap and whispers in his ear “Stop being a bad boy, baby, bad boys get punished and we don’t want that, now do we?”
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edgysasshley-blog · 8 years
The Red Army OCs
So I watched this video earlier abd I imagine this.
Eva: ey Brendon~
Brendon: Why are you so drunk lately?
Eva: psh *hics* I dont know what you mean~
Brendon: stop.
Eva: hmm...! *grins* nya~!
Brendon: *in love with nekos* o//-//o
Engel: *bursts into bar* STOP HARASSING BRENDON
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usacurrentnews-blog · 6 years
Neko Case, Gov’t Mule, Jerry Garcia Birthday Band and more Denver concerts on sale this week
Neko Case, Gov’t Mule, Jerry Garcia Birthday Band and more Denver concerts on sale this week
Singer songwriter Neko Case performs on stage as part of the Sydney Festival 2010 at City Recital Hall on January 11, 2010 in Sydney, Australia. She will come to Denver. (Brendon Thorne, Getty Images)
Singer and songwriter Neko Caselong ago shed the alt-country and indie labels that defined her early, hipster-aided career. And while she still counts plenty of tastemakers and critics as fans, her…
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mndstz · 8 years
Kolekcija u koju smo se zaljubili (FOTO)
S obzirom na to kakve nam sve "krpe" dizajneri prikazuju na modnim pistama, uvek nas oduševi kada neko napravi nešto što zapravo može da se nosi. Ovog puta, svojom kolekcijom prikazanom u Njujorku nas je oduševio Brendon Maksvel. U njegovoj kolekciji preovlađuju modeli klasičnog kroja - haljine i kombinezoni neutralnih boja. Ono što nas je oduševilo je to što je većina modela što bismo rekli "klasika", a neobična kragna ili neki sličan ukras čine da izgleda šik! I da dodamo, sviđa nam se što ove "krpice" izgledaju seksi, ali pristojno, ne vulgarno. Inače, Brendon Maksvel je omiljeni dizajner ekscentrične Lady Gaga-e, a dizajnirao je odeću i za Umu Turman, Mišel Obamu i Gvinet Paltrou koje nose "smirenije" modele. Pogledajte kolekciju i pišite nam da li vam se dopada: Let's block ads! (Why?)
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could you do neko!ryan but he’s like the dom!top! one because i always see the neko being bottom but it’s kind of a change ? but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to sksksk
Ooh this is interesting, I like it!
Sometimes Brendon likes to tease Ryan and call him things like a cute little kitten or a sweet little baby boy who’s oh-so-soft, and he’ll pet Ryan’s ears and kiss his face so gently, giggling all the while about how adorable Ryan is with his swishing tail and soft ears and the like. Ryan lets it go on, for a while at least, but a man can only take so much and it’s not so long before he’s got Brendon sprawled across the bed, begging and moaning while Ryan asks him to repeat just who in the relationship is soft and cute again? This time Brendon gives the right answer, and is rewarded with a killer orgasm for his efforts. 
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