#neo kraut
mysticalblizzardcolor · 7 months
Listen/purchase: Bamboo Shows Tapes 002 by Bamboo Shows
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dankalbumart · 5 months
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Helium by Pram Too Pure 1994 Post-Rock / Experimental Rock / Ethereal / Experimental / Alternative Rock / Dream Pop / Neo-Psychedelia / Krautrock / Psychedelic Pop / Indietronica
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So I've been reading up on a very Fun™ sounding RPG as of late.
Twilight 2000 4th Edition
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Basically, it's game about roleplaying as the scattered military survivors of a limited NATO-Soviet nuclear war in an alternate 1998. It's set in the year 2000, primarily in either Poland or Sweden, though much of Europe and other places are fucked. The US, for example, may or may not be experiencing a three-way civil war between the forces loyal to the rump civilian government, military forces loyal to the JCOS that formed a parallel government due to the death of the entire original line of succession during or in the year after the nuclear exchanges, and a massive neo-Nazi militia group. The first two forces at least hate the neo-Nazis enough to work together against them on occasion.
The most well-off places in Europe are France and Switzerland, where life continues pretty much the same as before, even if northern France was abandoned after a Soviet nuclear strike heavily damaged Paris (though it doesn't seem to have been destroyed entirely, as it's referenced as having been abandoned later, which wouldn't be possible if it had been destroyed) and the Normandy region (which was being used as a bridgehead for NATO forces into Europe to fight the Soviets) and France is now under military rule... but Southern France is still pretty as ever, even if it's full of refugees! And in the old sci-fi companion RPG to the previous editions, by the next century, France ends up as the major world superpower precisely because it took so little damage. Vive la France!
It's a Very Cheerful™ system in which Everything Is Just Fine™.
Oh, and it's basically a license for the GM to fill the game with weird prototypes that never got adopted or failed IRL. In the older editions, one of the effects of the alt-history of the setting was that the Germans adopted the G11 as standard issue.
You are now trying to imagine a post-apocalyptic German soldier trying to do field maintenance on this beautiful piece of Kraut Clockwork Space Magic™.
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It's become a meme in the game apparently that even if your group got its hands on a bunch of G11s, you'd never have ammo for them- there's literally at least one reference table that mentions a cache of 4.7mm caseless as a "treasure trove" iirc.
Also in the older editions, literally the most valuable team member wasn't anyone who could shoot a gun, but the min-maxed Support Services guy with max ranks Repair and similar skills.
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The airfield that held APOTHECARY’s bunker continued to rattle as the HCA’s aircraft continue to strafe the base. any and all aircraft that hadn’t been shot down had been destroyed on the ground. The pilots ceased their runs and proceeded to circle the bunker surface like vultures over potential prey. Nathan became surprised as several HCA copters hovered above them
“No way, we’re getting come actual, tangible back up for once from the krauts?” Nathan said, giving the others the go ahead to advance. Joseph’s scars flared up for a moment, he felt an almost euphoric sense of cruelty wash over him as he dowsed APOTHECARY. A cruel smile cracked across his face as he and his comrades charged. He then shook himself out of it, remembering that he was here for JUSTICE, not revenge. As the VWS arrived to engage the ALA’s American soldiers, its American mercenary auxiliaries, and the shattered remains of Prospera’s MUERTA BLANCO faction, panic had begun to spread. The VWS met a small platoon of QM commandos, who both then approached a mediocre barricade guarded by more MUERTE BLANCO commandos, all looking horrified and exhausted. “Hold your ground.” Nathan said in a casual manner. “Stay here, we got this covered.” The neo nazis hands trembled as they shot at the quintet with worn handguns and civilian rifles. Their bullets bounced of laleh and her vest as the rest made their way from cover to cover. The neo nazi’s commander, a white american man, pointed his finger at the vws.
“CHAAAARGE!” he bellowed, blowing into a whistle. The MUERTE BLANCO operatives didn’t budge, only moving to turn towards their commanding officer in complete disbelief. One of them was so shocked that he dropped his weapon. The commanding officer snarled at his platoon’s insubordination. “I KNOW DAMN WELL EACH ONE OF YOU UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH, GET OUT THERE AND STOP THOSE COALITION CIRCUS FREAKS!” It seems that weeks of poor rations and rest, having to survive in the unforgiving Prosperan jungles, and incompetent leadership leading to unnecessary casualties had begun to take its toll. “DON’T MAKE ME TELL YOU AGAIN!” yelled the commanding officer.
“You won’t have to.” Whispered an especially haggard looking MUERTE BLANCO operative. He drew his weapon and shot the commanding officer in the chest. He crumpled to the ground. Veronica poked her head out of cover, her yellow eyes slowly becoming offwhite. The sitation had devolved into a bizarre stand off as one of the MUERTE BLANCO soldiers dropped his tarnished assault rifle. He turned slowly to the rest of his own soldiers. “If you stupid assholes want to die in this hellhole, be my guest.” He ran off into the the cracked walls where the jungle lay. After murmurs and whispers, the remaining MUERTE BLANCO soldiers also fled from their post. Nathan snapped his comrades out of their disbelief.
“Let’s go everyone, we got a bastard to apprehend.”
“My god…it certainly appears that the ALA could be falling apart faster than anticipated.” Fritz whispered. A small distance away, ARACHNEA, observed veronica and began to feel pangs of guilt and failure. She couldn’t contain her disbelief that the bumbling group of greenhorns that she was sent to monitor had become an increasing thorn in the ALA’s side. The hideous, screeching bat thing that she almost blew to kingdom come was now tearing through her troops. She observed several other locations outside the bunker via her command posts. The tv screens showed imagery that could’ve been mistaken for a horror film, if it weren’t live feeds of their soldiers getting slaughtered. American mercenaries getting torn to shreds by the erasure unit, ALA soldiers and a small contingent of europra’s fury soldiers getting blown apart by E-12. In her final recon sweeps, she witnessed more of ALA operatives fleeing from their positions and into the jungle around them. Several of their jets were destroyed by HCA private air-force fighter jets.
“DON’T JUST STAND THERE, KEEP SETTING UP DEFENSES!” she bellowed at the combat engineers, who were already running low on material and on the verge of collapse. She flicked on her personal radio to communicate with ALPHA KOMMANDO’s commanding officer. “WE’RE LOSING MEN FAST, I NEED REINFORCEMENTS.” The radio crackled as a calm voice rang out.
“UNFORTUNATELY, WE CANNOT AFFORD TO PROVIDE REINFORCEMENTS AT THIS TIME, YOU ARE TO HOLD OUT AS APOTHECARY IS EVACUATED FROM THE BUNKER.” No sooner had he said that, APOTHECARY was dragged out of his barely disguised prison to the last dinky jet that was being guarded diligently by several poltergeist commandos. Another crackle went out as SGT. Gustavo interjected once again from his own bunker.
“THEY’RE COMING CLOSER, I NEED EVACUATION IMME-” the radio went dead silent as a loud bang went off on the background.
“I NEED FIRE SUPPORT NOW!” She yelled into her intercom. There was no answer except a panicked report from another American ALA operative.
“THERE’S THESE TWO GIANT BITCHES TEARING US APART, WE CAN’T HOLD ON FOR L-” he started before an especially loud shotgun blast silenced him. She knew that E-12 had been seen deployed in the area, but she could never dream that the bunker’s rear barricade would fall so quickly. She tried flicking through multiple channels before connecting with someone.
“WE’RE TRYING TO GET SOME MORE ARMOR TO THE BUNKER, BUT WE’VE BEEN AMBUSHED BY THOSE MARXISTS AND THEIR FREAKS.” He announced as a round of gunfire seemed to almost graze him. “Wait what the HELL is that?!” The operative continued as a helicopter above him had gotten struck by some sort of anti-aircraft round that was shaped like an arrow. He screamed as a large crash finally silenced him as well. She was soon met with her lieutenant.
“Ma’am” He started “ your effective obstacle and defense placements have killed 10 CSTF soldiers, and 12 QM soldiers.” He winced as his shoulder was recently shot, poorly treated with a cloth rag rather than a bandage. “We also have reported your mines knocked out a tank from the Prosperan army.” He winced again. “I’m afraid I do have some bad news, our combat engineers have run out of mines and plastic explosives.” He continued as he gripped his shoulder “the scarred owl has also been scene on the battlefield, and the CNGS and its proxy forces are breaking through our defenses.” From far away, Ted and Sergei were keeping tabs on the ALA troop movement, killing ALA snipers, and tracking down any ALPHA KOMMANDO members.
“Nathan, it looks like they’re pulling out without informing their other soldiers.” Sergei announced. “I figure they’re just using their remaining useful idiots as bait to flee for their lives.” Ted looked at the chaos through his scope as high ranking ALA field commanders were boarding apcs’ with their abomination soldiers and experienced ALA soldiers. They rapidly fled the area without notifying their mercenaries or MUERTE BLANCO operatives. Some of them began to realize that their superiors were leaving them to die, causing some of them to jump on the fleeing armor, banging and screaming out of fear or anger. Some officers ordered their personal guards to kill any mercenaries and their own infantry who came too close.
“They’re pieces of shit for joining the ALA, but I almost feel bad they’re bein’ used as human roadblocks.” Sighed ted, noticing a flock of tropical birds in the distance. He was momentarily distracted by their beautiful plumage amidst the fire, blood, and carnage. Meanwhile, Joseph and Veronica were instructed to get into a sniping position. Joseph spotted a large abandoned tower being guarded by several abominations, whom were left to hold the line as their superiors fled into the jungle. Veronica’s eyes turned yellow in delight for an easy kill, but Joseph stopped and hushed her. Offended, she placed her hands on her hips as he crept towards them. He grabbed a small batch of rocks and spotted an technical truck far away. Taking careful aim, he threw several of the small rocks at the vehicle, which loudly bounced off its hood. The abominations opened fire at the truck, making Joseph’s eyes bulge in horror, who was merely expecting them to investigate the sound. The truck exploded as the abominations rushed off to the burning scrap.
“FIND THE CORPSES.” Said an heavy abomination officer. “TEAR THEM APART AND SHOOT THE REMAINS.” The rest of the abominations began firing into the truck some more. “GOD KNOWS THAT OUR HUMAN OFFICERS WONT, AND THEN SOMEHOW BLAME US…AGAIN…” the officer continued to grumble. “THIS IS THE EIGHTH GODDAMN TIME WE’VE HAD TO STOP AN AMBUSH WHILE UNDERSTAFFED.”
“Holy shit.” Whispered veronica as she and joseph crept into the unguarded building. Joseph gave her a quiet thumbs up, letting her know he it was clear to enter.
“Now we don’t have to waste time getting into a firefight while this… ARACHNEA lady slows down or kills our allies.” At the top of the building, veronica unzipped her pack and assembled the large anti material rifle. Joseph looked like he was going to vomit at the sight. “Pretty sure a regular rifle could do the damn job just fine.”
“Before you complain, our orders were to make sure any and all ALPHA KOMMANDO operatives are dead, PERIOD.” She assembled the barrel quickly. “You can’t get much deader than an anti armor-round through the skull!” she hummed as joseph observed ARACHNEA. “Also, the ammo in this thing is pretty expensive to make, so don’t miss.” Joseph’s scars flared as saw the glare of a sniper rifle from opposite his position. The enemy sniper was erratic, constantly changing position, and firing at pretty much anything moving in their direction. The ALA also weren’t playing anymore, and wanted him dead. Though the sniper didn’t detect his position, Joseph observed that he had his face covered by a balacava. His gaze then zeroed in on veronica, who had an extra sniper scope that fell off her person, alongside a makeup mirror. The scope was dirty and unusable, but still reflected light. He noticed the empty room, and a metal pole broken off a bathroom wall.
“I got an idea.” He said as she tilted her head in confusion. “You got any extra helmets in your pack?”
“Well yeah…” veronica said, fumbling with the pack. “I brought some extras and I didn’t wanna fumble with cleaning.” The two sat beside each other as he loaded the rifle, the plan formulating in his head as gripped the scope.
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“I don’t know where he is yet, and sticking our heads out to get sniped isn’t an option. He took the helmet from her and motioned jamming the metal bar into it. Veronica tilted her head to the side again, until she suddenly understood his idea. She nodded her head vigorously.
“How marvelously devious!” she cheered, giddily taking out a piece of rope. Meanwhile, ARACHNEA’s command pose was in chaos, the communication experts desperately tried to unjam their equipment. They panicked as they ran, trying not to trip over the giant cables and wires.
“Call me nuts, but it feels like high command underestimated what a pain the scarred one can be…” said the ALA lieutenant as he brought up his field glasses, searching the woodland for the glare of a sniper’s scope. “Who would’ve thought that an inferior, non-white species of subhuman would be so much trouble to deal with…” ARACHNEA saw APOTHECARY being rushed to the jet via her own binoculars as she tried to process the situation. He suddenly saw the glint of light shining off a glass lense. “THERE!” he screamed at his sniper on the roof. “GUN THAT FOOLISH UNTERMENSCH DOWN!” the abomination sniper almost stumbled as he took aim and fire into the glaring lens in a decrepit building. It shattered upon conact, causing the sniper to cheer at seemingly killing Joseph. His joy turned to unbridled terror and confusion as he looked back into his scope and noticed that there wasn’t a body, but a sniper scope tied to a helmeted stick, jammed into the rotted wood of the windowsill. Before he realized he was duped, his head was partially blown off by a sudden bullet.
“How BRILLIANT and CUNNING!” Veronica said, praising Joseph’s idea to bait the other sniper. She clapped her hands like a young girl. Joseph could sense ARACHNEA’s presence within the building and took aim, noticing that she appeared to be completely stationary.
“My god, I don’t nearly have enough men or material to stop them…” ARACHNEA whispered as her radio began to crackle, her second in command in hysterics as his sniper was slain.
“THIS IS HIGH COMMAND, THE RESIDENTIAL AREA IS LOST, YOU ARE TO ACT AS A ROADBLOCK FOR APOTHECARY AND OTHER WNM6 OPEARTIVES TO ESCAPE.” ARACHNEA fought through nausea and disbelief to muster up a rather unkind choice of words for her superiors.
“WAS I JUST SOME SACRIFICIAL LAMB TO YOU?!” she screamed into her radio.
“WE SIMPLY NO LONGER HAVE THE RESOURCES TO WAGE WAR IN PROPSERA PROPER, AND THE CNGS HAS INSIDIOUSLY PULLED THE STRINGS AND UNITED OUR SEPARATE ENEMIES TO FIGHT AGAINST US.” ARACHNEA became choked with disbelief as she swore she saw a person stir within the shadows of the residential building. “YOU SHOULD BE HONORED THAT YOUR DEATH SHALL ASSIST IN THE COMING OF THE ARYAN PARADISE.” High command finished before ceasing contact with her. The second in command laid his head against the building one last time as he saw the scope glare, a wound on his shoulder mounting.
“He took out out best sniper…did they just…assume he wasn’t a threat because he’s a racial untermensch…? A loud BANG erupted from a giant rifle. An anti-material round ripped through ARACHEA’s skull, reducing it to a crimson paste splattered on the wall, her cranium reduced to a large blossom of crimson before her body fell in the ground. Her limbs contorted and twisted as her nervous system ceased to function, and her body finally fell limp. The building was filled with screams of the ALA soldiers. Within his sniper nest, joseph took shallow breaths. Veronica smiled with delight behind her helmet.. Joseph’s hands trembled as he held the great rifle in his hands.
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“IS THE ALPHA KOMMANDO OPERATIVE LIQUIDATED?” asked MacMillan. Joseph breathed a deep sigh of relief as he continued to fight the joyous glee of life being extinguished.
“Affirmative.” He whispered, quietly returning the giant rifle to veronica.
“Quite the shot!” she declared, noticing Joseph’s grim expression. Her tone quickly changed “You have to remember they’re monsters now.” She emphasized in a much softer voice.
“Maybe.” He said, loading his carbine and gently giving the rifle back to her. “That doesn’t stop me from the overkill putting a bad taste in my mouth.” Joseph’s scars flared as he sensed several footsteps running up the hall. “THE BEASTS ASCEND!” he screamed ominously.” He began firing through the walls, with veronica following suit until the footsteps stopped. Josephs scars flared again as he used his a burst of his sudden human agility to jump from the window. Gunfire tore through the opening he slid further into the building. Veronica vaulted behind an iron bookcase as more gunfire rocked the inside of their snipers nest. Joseph popped out as the abomination reloaded, and pointed at a certain part of the floor. “RIGHT THERE!” he screamed.Veronica nodded as she sprayed return fire where joseph pointed. A loud scream and gurgled cough echoed, followed by a loud thud. Silence followed, only the distant gunshots in the ensuing raid opposite of their position could be heard. Veronica stood near the spot, and looked towards her comrade. Her finger was now back on the trigger, despite the sudden silence. He nodded, prompting her to unleash a torrent of fire again. One of the abomination’s bullet managed to graze Joseph’s vest amdist the chaos. A second scream wasn’t even heard. Joseph pointed again to the other abominations he could sense through the building, prompting the giant bat like woman to open burst fire again. He sighed as he gave her a thumbs up. “Bastards heard us, and even tried to play dead.” He whispered. He looked out the window with his scope, sensing APOTHECARY, he stared him down as he attempted to run towards an escape jet. “CAPTAIN, HE’S MAKING A BREAK FOR THE JET NEAR THE RED HANGAR!” the two dashed downstairs, but not before Joseph halted. He prepped his bayonet. “No more surprise.” He told her before stabbing the dead abomination through the skull. Veronica saw and opened fire on the bodies.
Within the abandoned building, Nathan instructed Fritz to apprehend the fleeing APOTHECARY. Fritz saluted diligently and barreled out of the building. Laleh dove infront of her captain as two poltergeist abominations burst through the ceiling. Nathan was able to kill one with his handgun, however, the second commando threw a flashbang at the two, leaving Nathan to flee to cover, and laleh to take the brunt of the impact. Her head flew back as bullets impacted her helmet, and the abomination stabbed her in the chest. Her eyes bulged and foam spewed from her mouth. Her gloves ripped as her claws unsheathed. However, she took a deep breath, accepted that her anger was a part of her, and grabbed the abomination by his neck before throwing him through the building. Nathan popped out of cover.
“Jesus christ.” He remarked. “Are you ok?”
“A lot better the last time this happened.” She replied breathing deeply and regaining her control. “Counseling helped me a lot, now let’s go help fritz.”
“Great fucking idea, laleh.” He replied with a smile. He took cover in the door way and used his handgun to shoot the downed poltergeist commando. His face grew hot with rage as thoughts of N.1685 crept through his head. He quickly regained his own composure afterwards, Laleh fearfully noting her captain’s self hatred. As the two flagged down an erasure unit vehicle, Fritz closed the gap, making temporarily slowing down and avoided debris and the corpses of ALA operatives he took out with burst fire. He noticed WRAITH in the distance riding an armored vehicle with another E-12 member in an odd shaped mask. He adjusted his internal radio within his helmet.
“This is CASTRATI!” said the armored bat like man as he made sure to slow down when crossing area full of debris. “I’ll be assisting you to apprehend the target soon.” The soldier he reported to, WRAITH, answered back.
“Not really keen on getting assistance from a monarchist, but OK.”
“Listen, I know our factions have indeed have some quarrels, but we need to band together for the sake of justice against the fascists.”
“That’s nice.” Answered WRAITH. “I want revenge.” Fritz could hear the buzz of an engine in the background. “Just stay away from that jet unless you feel like getting caught up in the fireball.” Gunshots rang out as the small abomination guard shot at several E-12 soldiers who began to advance on APOTHECARY. He was wracked with horror as the last of the remaining ALA soldiers near him were being routed by the combined forces. Any and all substantive ALA forces near him were either dead, fled into the jungle, or deserted.
“EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!” screamed an Australian ala operative. “THIS WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY’S A DEATH TRAP!” He threw his gun to the ground and fled the scene as APOTHECARY’s remaining bodyguard futilely tried to hold their position.
“LOOK OUT!” APOTHECARY screamed as he saw WRAITH burst out of the jungle on an armored car being driven by another E-12 member. Using her enhanced reflexes and superhuman balance, she slapped a large parcel of plastic explosives on the jet as she and her driver sped off into the jungle. APOTHECARY dived for cover as the jet burst into flames, metal and flames swept over the abominations. APOTHECARY cowered in terror as the ringing in his ears died down. Suddenly, he spotted fritz bounding after him. Instead of terror, it was a sudden wave of relief that washed over him. The coalition would have no choice to take him alive if he surrendered. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the armored car WRAITH was riding shotgun in. The car ran over foliage and metal signs as her driver took out a submachine and gunned down his abomination guards. WRAITH didn’t even wait for her driver to stop to chase down the neo nazi. Her long fingers twitched as she drew a combat knife from her vest. Other E-12 operatives arrived to provide her cover.
“Don’t look, PHANTOM, I don’t want you to see this.”
“BEIRA SAYS HE MUST BE TAKEN ALIVE AND PUT INTO CNGS CUSTODY!” PHANTOM called out, leaping from the car’s driver seat.
“True.” WRAITH barked as she leapt towards her target, “BUT AT LEAST I CAN CUT SOMETHING OFF.” APOTHECARY tore off his various ammo pouches, knives, and hand guns.
“I AM ENACTING CNGS TERMS OF SURRENDER 575-Y, I REQUEST PROTECTIVE CUSTODY.” Fritz flipped APOTHECARY onto his back, and began to zip tie him. WRAITH stopped on her tracks, the heels of her boots dug into the immaculate,paved road.
“You’re just going to let that MONSTER into the CNGS’s neo-liberal prison system INTACT?” WRAITH hissed as she brought out her customized assault rifle. Fritz put his boot into APOTHECARY’s back, and stood tall and stalwart as wraith walked up to him face to face, for he would refuse to let himself be policed by a Marxist. Despite being almost two feet shorter than him, WRAITH refused to back down. “You have no idea what his abomination program did to ME.” She hissed again as PHANTOM was driven back in order to calm her.
“Hey…I think you need to stand down” Said PHANTOM trying to defuse the situation. WRAITH pointed to PHANTOM. “NO IDEA what it did to THEM.” She continued as APOTHECARY began shaking and praying for god’s protection over the increasingly volatile situation.
“I have no niceties towards this man, and I am simply complying with my CNGS allies.” Fritz spat back.
“That MAN is a MONSTER.” WRAITH retorted as she shot a single bullet 2 inches from APOTHECARY’s head. “HOW MANY OTHER TRAFFICKING VICTIMS AND POWS DID YOU DISSECT FOR YOUR LITTLE TOY SOLDIER PROGRAM?!!” She screamed as PHANTOM had to physically restrain her.
“BOTH OF YOU STAND DOWN!” yelled nathan from a microphone, the two whipped around to see Nathan in a CSTF light armored vehicle with the rest of his comrades, and stopping mere 3 feet in front of APOTHECARY. Laleh thundered out, her helmet cracked and her vest had three bullet holes in it. Fritz drug APOTHECARY to his feet, and tore off his hood, revealing a pasty older middle-aged Englishman with a full head of grey hair, face wet with sweat and tears. Nathan took APOTHECARY into his grip, Veronica pushed her way past the two men and placed herself squarely in front front of fritz, her arm outstretched to shield him from WRAITH.
“Don’t bother talking sense into that woman.” Veronica got into WRAITH’s face. “Threaten my brother again, socialist witch, and see what happens.” She hissed. WRAITH was then overcome by a large shadow, only to be met with Laleh’s gaze, her eyes furrowed into anger within her helmet.
“I’ve been informed that you were also a survivor of this terrible man’s experiments.” Her gaze then turned into sorrow. “I’m so, terribly sorry that you suffered such monstrous things, but I can’t let you bypass diplomacy.” APOTHECARY heard quiet footsteps approach him, he didn’t even need to bother to turn around to know who it was. Not even the agonizing tightness of the zip-tie that fritz used to bound his hands could distract him from the impending terror of facing his consequences. Joseph’s gaze met with his. “PLEASE, DON’T KILL ME!” apothecary screamed. The scarred young man’s mind ran a mile a minute, dark intrusive thoughts flooded his mind.
“The bayonet.” He whispered to himself as his eyes darted to the bloodied weapon he used to ensure the abominations that attacked him and veronica would stay dead. “Cut out his eyes, then his throat.” The young man’s thoughts filled with thoughts of sadistic glee. That was until he looked slowly towards laleh, whose big yellow eyes could be seen through her glass visor. Her brow was furrowed with concern rather than shock. He thought back about all the times they spent together, how she emphasized the importance of kindness in a cruel world, even if it seems useless. He backed off, causing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief. Laleh’s gaze became less intense.
“Thank god…” APOTHECARY spat out.
“I’m not going to kill you.” Said joseph. “You’re going to live so you can pay for every terrible thing you’ve done to me, to other people…” he pointed to WRAITH and PHANTOM. “And what you did to THOSE two.” The two paused, almost shocked that CNGS operative were concerned for their wellbeing.
“We got him alive, MacMillan.” Reported nathan.
“Then the mission is over, drag his ass away from the airstrip and regroup with ACKERMAN near the clearing.” Nathan nodded as Fritz dragged off APOTHECARY like he was a heavy sack of garbage his captain’s position. Before Joseph lead his comrades to Ackerman for their pickup, he looked back at WRAITH and PHANTOM, who regrouped with more QM soldiers to continue the battle.
“What about them?” he asked. “We’re supposed to help our allies, right?”
“Our mission was to capture apothecary.” Nathan responded. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”He took one last sad, forlorn look at PHANTOM, knowing that they were upset by his presence. The VWS left the scene as the pair of super soldiers took a look at each other.
“She’s an odd woman.” PHANTOM remarked as they got back into the armored car. “Despite slathering herself in conservative and monarchist propaganda and symbols, she at least respects our identity.
“Fantastic.” Answered WRAITH as she entered the shotgun seat, ready to aid the QM soldiers. “Let’s give her a medal for doing the bare minimum and getting our pronouns right.” The two charged back into the fray to aid their comrades. Far away, the VWS-1 exited the vehicle and met with Ackerman. The clearing was eerily calm as explosions rocked the airstrip in the distance. Sergei and ted kept watch for any ALA reinforcements or stragglers. As the VWS-1 waited for Ackerman, APOTHECARY spoke up.
“Before I am imprisoned, I enact the CNGS addendum 3820 to explain myself. Nathan sneered before giving fritz the OK. The war criminal yelped as fritz twisted his arm and neck, and forced him to look face to face with joseph. APOTHECARY then attempted to plead for his life, finally scraping up enough gumption to once again face the young man whose life he destroyed. Joseph’s fist trembled in rage as APOTHECARY fought to take his eyes off his still bloodied bayonet. “I was put in charge of the abomination program, my superiors told me it was I that would singlehandedly save the concept of the Aryan paradise.” Joseph stood unmoved. “In my arrogance, I began to make mistakes.” He was yanked back from joseph when he attempted to move closer. “It was an accident, I had left the newer staff in charge of an experiment and I didn’t properly relay procedures… the chemical NEEDED for the serum is VOLATILE and DEADLY if not properly mixed and exposed to high temperatures!” APOTHECARY began to hyperventilate. “I didn’t MEAN to reap unnecessary casualties against young white men who had their whole lives ahead of them!” Joseph stood unmoved. “Racial untermensch that you are, you didn’t deserve to go through that transformation process or be torn from your family!” Joseph gently stroked his helmet where his scars would be normally visible. He slowly brought down his hand in a clenched motion, overcome with anger.
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“I think you’re only saying that because I was your ticket out of the doghouse, if someone could snatch up RM 4, you could fix your mistake and go back to treating people like guinea pigs.” APOTHECARY’s jaw dropped. “You wanted me AND Logan, to turn us into your mindless weapons when you ran out of willing volunteers, then use our blood and skin to make more mass produced Renaissance men.” APOTHECARY tried to speak out again. “One bootleg Renaissance man just wasn’t enough for your freaks to fight the war that your sorry asses are losing.”
“Oh Christ , you knew what the Nfelhiem lab was conducting…”
“Yep” Said nathan. “Finally got Andrew to tell him part the real story after proper paperwork.” Nathan cleared his throat. “George smith, you are under arrest for multiple crimes against humanity, GROSS VIOLATION of COALITION HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION AMENDMENT NUMBER 455, unauthorized and criminal use of CNGS synthetic materials…” APOTHECARY began shaking again, tears falling from his face. Norman’s voice came over Nathan’s headpiece.
“I give you permission for vocal acknowledgment of the program.”
“And finally, continued, unauthorized production and use of the RENAISSANCE MAN EXTRA-IMPLENTARY SERUM.”
Ackerman arrived with a cadre of erasure unit soldiers and two mini-harris aircraft. APOTHCARY was ziptied once again and handed off to the erasure unit for further interrogation. He turned towards joseph, though his eyes were masked by the mechanical lenses in his helmet, he could feel his burning, hateful gaze. “IT’S NOT LIKE I KIDNAPPED THEM!” HE screamed, his face becoming slightly red with a mix of anger and sorrow. “I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE!” “THE ABOMINATION PROGRAM WAS TO HELP HERALD THE COMING OF THE ARYAN PARADISE!” he screamed as he was was escorted to an erasure unit VTOL jet. “THEY WERE TO ASSIST THE ALA AGAINST THEIR RIGHTEOUS WAR AGAINST THE VAST RESOURCES AND MANPOWER LIBERAL DEEP STATE, WE HAD NO CHOICE!” Several erasure unit soldiers struggled to place him the backseat. “THE MODERN WORLD IS A CESSPIT OF POLLUTION AND ECONOMIC DEAD-ENDS!” “I COULDN’T SIT BY AND LEAVE MY CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDREN TO SUFFER A LIFETIME OF HARDSHIP!” “TO LET THE PLANET BE DROWNED IN POLLUTION AND SEWAGE!
“Tell it to the judge.” Said nathan flatly. Before he was manhandled into the jet and had the door shut on him APOTHECARY went on one final tirade.
“Please believe me, I surrendered because I can’t ignore the blood on my hands…” Apothecary stopped struggling and allowed the door to be shut as he was secured to his seat. As the door closed and the erasure unit piled in, he turned towards the indifferent pilot. “Just take me from this nightmare.” He begged as the aircraft finally closed. Joseph’s stomach turned trying to process everything. Was he supposed to feel sickened that APOTHECARY used his family as an excuse to hurt and kill the innocent? How was he supposed to come to terms that this disgusting man had family members that he cared about? Joseph stumbled trying to comprehend it all.
“He might be in custody, but they’re all still gone.” He said to himself, remembering the final days before George smith killed them and his chance at a normal life. Veronica’s curt voice snapped him back from reality.
“Don’t let the prick get inside your head. She spoke coldly. “I’ve had to capture my share of ALA women’s brigade, I hear that same old sob story on how they had to join the neo nazi terrorist cult.” “It was the ONLY way to save themselves from the “scary trans people and refugees infecting their countries” she sneered. “Or protect them from black men who look at them funny.” Nathan motioned him and the rest of his squad to leave. Ackerman quietly avoided Laleh, remembering all too well of their last confrontation at the beginning of July. Before being escorted into he jet, Joseph looked into the battlefield with his own binoculars. Within the smoldering remains of the residential area, the only ALA soldiers remaining were the American branch and its mercenary auxiliaries, who either died at their post or fled into the surrounding jungle. Before takeoff, Nathan fiddled with the radio signal and happened to pick up Sgt. Gustavo’s feed. Veronica would usually invade his personal space and ask dozens of questions about who he was talking to, but she was too distracted by the Prosperan assault helicopters making one final missile sweep before the CSTF mobile cavalry began touching down and deploying soldiers to secure the airstrip. QM and its soldiers vanished into the jungle at a brisk pace. The giant batlike woman swiftly turned to Nathan as a screaming voice erupted from his ear-piece.
“WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!” Gustavo screamed over what appeared to be a flurry of panic and evacuating soldiers. “ I’LL MAKE SURE YOU’LL ALL BURN IN HELL WITH THOSE MARXISTS!” No sooner did he announce that, another loud explosion rocked the facility. After several seconds, heavy footsteps echoed closer and closer towards Gustavo. “Oh Jesus.” He breathed. Veronica’s ear twitched as she listened to the incident unfold. “STAY BACK, I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” Gustavo screamed, uselessly shooting whatever was terrifying him, the sounds of bullets ricocheting off metal were inter-spliced with radio interference. The low guttural voice of Charlotte rattled the radio.
“Once I get you back to base, I can finally get some peace and quiet for the first time in months.” Gustavo screamed as his radio cut out.
“Sounds like the VWS senior corps is just about done with their mission.” He said, putting his head behind his hands, and adjusting his seat to lean back. “Andy’s really pulling out all the stops for Prospera.” Joseph winced as he saw ARACHNEA’s lifeless body being loaded unto a sarcophogus like container with several other corpses of several abominations. The surviving ALA soldiers who did surrender were loaded into A special CNGS POW holding gunship as they took off. It appeared the CSTF and Erasure unit members were busy setting up communications, talking with their commanders. Two of them knocked an surrendered abomination soldier into the dirt after striking him in the back with the back-end of their assault rifles. The two roared with laughter before high-fiving each other. Joseph looked down as their aircraft ascended, and looked down at his feet, feelings of disgust and pity miring within him.
“Y’know, I hope we get a better looking medal for our accomplishments today.” Commented veronica, taking off her helmet. Her face was covered in sweat and several small cuts.
“Indeed, we’ve executed our objective with most of flying colors.” Chimed in Fritz, removing his horned mask-helmet as well. He smiled cheerily as joseph met his gaze. “Congratulations, we’ve apprehended that monstrous cur and had him groveling for your forgiveness.” Joseph seemed to be staring off into space, prompting veronica to speak up.
“You look so miserable, I would’ve though you’d be happy you helped tracked down the guy who killed your friends with his incompetence.” No sooner did she say that, she observed the sorry state that everyone else was in. The rest of her team were suffering from cuts to even bullet wounds. Joseph turned towards her.
“I know throwing him to rot in a cell wouldn’t bring my friends back, but…”. He tried to get the words out, but he began to feel his throat form a lump. Laleh reached out to comfort him, only to be beat out by Fritz.
“It’s true our mission isn’t over yet, but with APOTHECARY arrested, at least he will not harm anyone anymore. Joseph turned towards Fritz, whose usually intimidating gaze had softened. “Rome wasn’t build in a day, it was built one brick at a time.” While he was still upset, Joseph felt a little more forgiving of himself. The VWS flew away from the chaos of the airstrip, now swarmed by CNGS soldiers alongside the prosperan military. Nathan’s ear-piece crackled as they ascended higher.
“This is Sargent Nguyen, demanding to speak to Captain Nathaniel of VWS-1, over”
“Bian, it’s been too LONG since we had a nice heart-to heart!” called Nathan cheerfully from the passenger’s section. “What do I owe the pleasure of this call, over?” Sgt.Nguyen, nonplussed by Nathan’s attempt to flirt, continued her order.
“We have successfully taken Sgt.Gustavo into custody, as well as several high ranking ALA members. OPERATION:VENGEANCE was a success, over.”
“Hopefully he didn’t give you any trouble, over?”
“En route to capturing gustavo, we got blinded sighted by ALPHA KOMMANDO’s air force units, bastards almost took out the engine.” Before signing off, Cpt.Nguyen regaled a warning. “It seems like they’re rallying their special forces with a more competent chain of command and excising more aggressive tactics, your second in command getting shot down is evident of that, over. The rest of the VWS became as solemn as joseph. “Be alert and be cautious, they’re not screwing around anymore from here on out, over.”
“How’s the old gang doing, over?” Nathan inquired, trying and failing to lighten the mood. Sgt.Nguyen’s audio feed began to cut off.
“We can chitchat later once we’re out of hostile airspace, over and out.” Her feed cut out, leaving everyone with a cold, empty feeling. Half an hour later, the CNGS aircraft landed inside the Harris so a round of cheer and applause from the aircrew. Veronica sighed in relief as her personal guard had the RISENFLEDERMAUS back in their grasp. They even had already removed and began to repair the downed engine. APOTHECARY silently complied with being put into several more handcuffs and sent off to a holding pin. His demeanor was opposed to Gustavo, now disheveled and sweaty from being in a bunker, fought every step of the way. Joseph noticed Charlotte carrying what appeared to be a giant glass coffin. AKROPOLIS bathed in the applause of her own successful mission. The coffin her comrade carried didn’t contain an abomination, but rather a preserved, lifelike corpse with his hands folded in front of him. Without the giant scars on his neck, one could assume he was merely sleeping.
“GIVE HIM BACK!” Gustavo screamed as the CNGS military police restrained him. “GIVE ME BACK MY FATHER YOU FAT FREAK!!” the giant woman merely snorted as she continued to follow the other erasure unit soldiers and their sarcophagi to transfer their macabre cargo. “I’LL KILL YOU FOR MANHANDLING HIM!” He screamed at the lumbering woman. To his horror, she stopped, and turned towards him. Charlotte’s almost human visage was broken as she snarled, revealing large, animalistic teeth.
“I’ll manhandle YOU next if you don’t shut your mouth” She hissed, prompting him to finally be quiet. Joseph noticed a sign on the glass coffin, a small black serial code that read “IN LOVING MEMORY WNM6 ADMIRAL FERNANDO MIGUELA RODRIGUEZ.” He was then suddenly grabbed and directed into decontamination with the rest of his comrades. The hours seem to wiz by after suddenly becoming accepted by the Harris staff that treated him and the other VWS members as lepers, and given a very brief awards ceremony where they received another CNGS medal, which was basically the same medal but slightly bigger.
“Um…sir?” joseph asked Andrew with a respectful salute. “What the hell is WNM6, is that a thing I’ll have to wait to learn the Truth about?” Andrew stood there for several seconds, saying nothing.
“We will be informing you soon once the proper NDA is drafted and printed.” He cleared his throat as the Erasure unit on board cleared a small path for him. “CONGRATULATIONS ON A JOB WELL DONE, VALIANT WARRIOR SQUADRON DASH ONE. He said in a loud, monotonous tone, as if he was trying to sound enthused. “OPERATION: VENGEANCE, THE COUNTER-TERROR OPERATION ON THE BEHALF OF THE PROSPERAN GOVERNMENT IS NOW COMPLETE.” Loud applause rippled through the Harris. “THE EX-DICTATOR AND THE PERPETRATOR OF THE NORTHERN IRAN BIOWEAPONS DISASTER WILL NEVER AGAIN HARM THE INNOCENT, YOU’LL RECEIVE FURTHER ORDERS ON CLEANUP OPERATIONS ON PROSPERA SOON, UNTIL THEN, YOU MAY ENJOY YOUR DOWNTIME UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Things only seemed to calm down after joseph was allowed to return to his barracks with Laleh.
“It feels odd to finally get some respect after so long.” Laleh said, touching her shiny new medal.
“I never really cared if the other staff members didn’t accept me, but it feels nice to be treated like a person for once.” Said joseph. This whole thing is such a blur, did you know that it’s almost august?
“No!” said laleh, shocked and flustered. “I completely lost track of the time!”
Suddenly, Joseph’s scars flared as he saw a person bound down the hall. It was his old friend and lover Logan, still slightly weak from his torture at the hands of the ALA, but nonetheless still full of life and hope. He almost tackled Joseph to the ground as he embraced him.
“You got him!” Logan cheered as he hugged his companion. “You fucking got ‘im buddy!” While he was still empty about the rest of the ALA to fight against, the warmth and accolades of his lover convinced joseph he still accomplished something. The fight wasn’t over, but he was filled with a renewed sense of purpose, and ready to move from his past trauma, and try to do good in his position in life. Logan had returned to the med bay to continue his recovery, however Laleh was able to take the night off as a second shift Medical expert would watch over him. The two got caught up with each other, and proceeded to have an enjoyable day off, with Laleh more chatty than usual. She went on and on to him about a new medical technique to treat bullet wounds in the public lounge, something she would have never done before. Occasionally, the two would get visited by other CNGS soldiers and staff, praising their accomplishment of capturing APOTHECARY. Some of the staff were people who visibly avoided them in public almost a month ago. Everything seemed to finally ease up for the VWS, that is until the two were walking to their dorm to retire for the night. Fritz was in the HCA private room, seeming to talk to someone in german. The voice was deep, and commanding. The two didn’t need to speak german to understand patronizing language. “DO NOT DISTURB” blazed in blood red letters in a monitor next to the room, so Joseph and Laleh simply kept moving. Soon, the two bumped into veronica, but her eyes almost pale yellow, her face almost just as pale.
“Hey, are you alright?” Laleh asked compassionately. Veronica, seeming to be in a world all her own, whipped around.
“WHAT?!” she blurted out “HAha, I’m just fine, I think I’m just a bit wired from today’s mission!” She said disingenuously.
“There’s something wrong with Nathan, isn’t there?” Joseph asked. She quickly became defensive.
“You DON’T know what he’s going through, so STOP trying to play therapist with me!” Laleh tried to gently comfort veronica.
“If you two are having problems, you don’t have to keep it inside.” Veronica tore Laleh’s hand from her arm.
“It doesn’t concern you at all, so butt out.” She hissed, as she entered the room with her brother. Within a secret, noise proof room, the two conversed.
“I’m so perplexed why he insists on acting like this for a man his age.” Fritz scowled.
“Well, you know how older people are, especially our guys.” Replied veronica. “Maybe it’s just a dad thing.” She furrowed her brown “first him, now NATHAN’s acting weird.”
“You would’ve thought becoming prime minister would stop father from being so brash.” Fritz continued. “I think he’s riled up over wanting Schmidt in custody as soon as possible…
“I’ve never seen Fritz or Veronica this upset” Joseph said as the two passed the restrooms. “It’s so odd to not be the one struggling emotionally for once.” Laleh nodded. As the conversation finished, Joseph was confronted by GHOST FANG since his rescue, fully recovered from his ordeal.
“Andrew wants to talk to you, kid.” Said the well built, masked man. He nodded as he left Laleh’s side. Within a dark room,he was greeted by BERSERKER opening a laptop, revealing Andrew Norman in a teleconference call. Joseph spied the current date. JULY 22ND, 2040. Through the stress and horror he had to survive since the fateful day in iran, the young man had simply lost track of time. “Congratulations, Mr.Baker” said Andrew with the regular, unchanging expression. “George smith will be interrogated and undoubtedly be given multiple life sentences.” Andrew took a small sip from a mug. “There is another matter we need to address with you.” Joseph tensed up as GHOST FANG gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Your terms of agreement when joining the VWS was tied to OPERATION:VENGEANCE, to apprehend several important ALA operatives in Prospera and undermine their occupation here.” The light reflected off BERSERKER’s mask, making his presence more foreboding. “With Gustavo and George’s capture, the operation is complete and you are no longer required to be a part of VWS-1.”
“Right…” remembered joseph. “It was to bring that bastard to justice.”
“I want to offer you something.” Said Andrew. “I certainly can’t return you to your parents, there’d be far too many questions and you could easily become a target for ALA spies.” Joseph once again shifted in his seat at the mention of his mom and dad. “However.” He said twisting the cap on his thermos, returning to a coaster on his desk. “If you no longer wish to be in VWS-1, we can find you a different occupation away from active duty, if you wish.” Joseph’s mind began to race and ponder what to do, until he remembered Logan and his father who was seduced by the ALA. He simply couldn’t waste his skills by not bringing the fight to them and assisting his comrades.
“I appreciate that, but the war isn’t over.” He answered. “The ALA needs to be stopped, and I just can’t sit on my ass and twiddle my thumbs as they hurt and kill Innocent people.” Andrew cracked his knuckles.
“Very well.” He said. “You and the rest of your comrades will be assigned a new mission in 3 days time.” A part of Joseph regretted bowing out of the horror and trauma, but he would regret it more to leave his friends and leave them to endure. He decided that when he returned to Laleh, he would let her know everything. A small beeping alarm alerted Andrew. “You are dismissed, Mr. Baker, GHOST FANG will see you out.” Andrew cut out to a private direct message, to be notified by higher up CNGS personnel. “EAST VELEDOVIA IS UNDER THE PROCESS OF JOINING THE CNGS AND ITS PRESIDENT HAS AGREED TO BECOME A PART OF OUR UNION." "OUR APPEASEMENT DUE TO LOSING PROSPERA FINALIZED THE DEAL."
“Finally, it appears the east Veledovians have seen the light, and wish to join our cause.” He said slyly to himself. Before he got a chance to celebrate, he answered a call from a CNGS intelligence operative.
“Negotiations were a success, sir.”
“I hadn’t had a single doubt.” Andrew answered in his usual monotonous tone.
"We'll have both Veledovias united and under the CNGS's influence in no time."
Andrew smiled, his blank eyes seemed to flash with an enthusiasm that he never had in public.
“However, she has also confirmed an alarming amount of Europa’s Fury activity near several crucial government sites near the East and West Veldovian territory.” Andrew’s joy of another country joining the CNGS was immediately extinguished.
“How much time do we have to prepare for a counter-insurgency?” he whispered in a worried tone. Another, larger alarm went off, causing his eyes to widen. A direct message from his VPN protected message system produced another message “CNGS POW CONVOY ATTACKED AND DESTROYED, SUSPECTED ALA SPY ACTIVITY WITHIN CNGS-USA INTELLIGENCE HIGHLY LIKELY CAUSE. “Oh dear, god.” He wheezed.” Meanwhile, Joseph and Laleh were chatting as they made their way to their room.
“You don’t have to do this.” She said nervously wringing her hands. “You’ve already accomplished your goal.”
“I’ve got a new one.” He replied. “It’s my chance to actually make things less terrible in the world.” Laleh’s concerned gaze turned into subdued happiness. “We’re in this together.” In the back of his mind, the young, scarred soldier saw his friends struggling mental states, the gnawing possibility he would never see his parents again, and that any and all normalcy in his life was now effectively dead. The two fell into at least a peaceful slumber as the distant rumbling of thunder echoed in the great HARRIS stealth bomber. This was in contrast to the panic in CNGS intelligence operatives aboard the giant aircraft as they scrambled to an alarm.
“A CNGS DETENTION CONVOY HAS BEEN COMPROMISED, THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” Read a robotic voice as hushed arguments and panic spread as alerts erupted across the server room. Off the eastern coast of CNGS-CHILE was a small island, a giant sign read “THIS AREA IS A CNGS AUTONOMOUS PROPERTY, TRESPASSING WILL BE MET WITH SWIFT AND DIRE REPERCUSSIONS.” The barbed wire fence was destroyed as the corpses of CNGS personnel and CNGS military police littered the area. a giant explosion rocked the highly secured trucks. From the wreckage, N.1685 appeared decked out in new armor. His tentacles had regrown, and now gripped two large combat knives, the size of machetes, as they seemed to snake and dance around him. Following him were a muscular, platinum blonde white man, whose fists were covered in blood, a large man in armor that seemed to walk in awkward, robotic movements, and three effeminate figures in the same armor. Finally, ARTIFEX appeared in a bright orange prison uniform. He dusted himself before allowing N.1685 to lead the charge towards their plane. The other CNGS aircraft were taken over by spies and double agents. Surviving CNGS personnel futilely tried to call for assistance, but the ALA spy ring had sabotaged communications and defenses. Several CSTF stationed soldiers, ones that survived the horrific sabotage fired at N.1685, but it was useless. His new armor absorbed the bullets like they were nothing. One of the soldiers attempted to shoot in from the back of his head, only for his tentacles to immeaditly snake behind him and take the round. N.1685 returned fire, shooting the bloodied and ragged CNGS soldiers to pieces. As the rest attempted to flee, he launched himself at several CSTF soldiers, and lashed out with his combat laden tentacles. A flurry of blood and dismembered limbs coated the ground as the rest imprisoned CNGS staff watched on in horror. ALPHA KOMMANDO boarded the plane, with N.1685 being last to get it in. He singlehandedly drove off entire platoons as their craft went airborne, using his tentacles to fling grenades, causing more property destruction and death. The aicraft was met with several ALPHA KOMMANDO jets, who were finished detroying any and all CNGS aircraft and naval vessels as they ascended into the cloudy skies. ARTIFEX was moved to a fancier part of the large jet plane. N.1685 reported to his ALA superior on his PDA, whose faced was blacked out, the ALA insignia blazed in the upper right corner.
“I have also bathed the prison convoy in the blood of CNGS dogs as you demanded, commander.” N.1685 replied in a deep voice.
“If I may be so bold to ask, my lord, I feel that I and my fellow abomination commandos were forced to carry the grunt-work of this mission.” N.1685 inquired. “Perhaps we could get better sup-”
“I am truly Pygmalion and you are my walking, talking masterpiece.” ARTIFEX said gesturing to N.1685. “You were worth the $800,000 dollars for production fees.” N.1685 grew disgusted how he was treated like someone weapon or luxury. “I was skeptical at the white sovereigns utilizing our spy rings more offensively rather than for intel gathering, but I suppose the results speak for themselves.” He opened a bottle of celebratory champagne and drunk it striaght from the bottle. “No need to worry about me, my masterpiece.” He said, as if he was speaking to a small, frightened child. “The CNGS-Australian military and government, like the CNGS-American military and government, is in no short supply of our sympathizers, spies, and allies.” As ARTIFEX ceased his visual feed, N.1685 became filled with rage. He knew the abomination soldiers in Prospera where left once again to save the weak ALA soldiers or left to die for the sake of their superiors. One of the abominations who led the charge,was an ASSASSIN type abomination. The ASSASSIN, ALPHA KOMMANDO member, METZGERKONIG, noticed N.1685’s frustration. He fumbled in his pocket for a piece of paper with a mysterious symbol and the word “SEVEIRENCE” on it. He quietly dropped at the large man’s feet, which prompted him to pick it up, observe it before stuffing it into the harness where he kept his combat knives. METZGERKONIG took a glance down in his book, before looking up again. His harness creaked as he met eyes with his N.1685. The masked abomination man paused, and nodded slightly to his fellow post-human.
“He’ll make a fine edition to our group…the master race greater than any aryan human alive or dead…” the ASSASSIN said internally as the plane gathered speed. The warning lights bathed the cabin in crimson red. A small light with the ALA’s swastika appeared to malfunction and dim as the light surrounding the abominations only seemed to grow brighter.
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In a secluded area, the superior administration group WNM6 was filled with outrage upon losing several highly expensive investments; , ARACHNEA, and APOTHECARY. The head of WNM6 raised up his hand, silencing everyone.
“Run an internal investigation within high command, prepare ALPHA KOMMANDO for a rescue mission in Prospera…” The other shadowy figures saluted the screen of their leader. “And finally, prepare OPERATION: APOCALYPSE and OPERATION: RAGNAROK, I will NOT let my father’s vision of the Aryan Paradise die to incompetence…” he raised his hand again. “WE SHALL ALSO COMMENCE OPERATION: HARVEST, AS THE VOTES TO CONTINUE THE OPERATION HAVE COME IN, AND WE SHALL TAKE A MORE PROACTIVE STANCE WITH OUR WAR.” The white sovereign members cheered and hollered as this political victory.
“WHAT I’D GIVE TO PERSONALLY SEE THOSE SNIVELING LIBERAL DOGS WATCH THEIR PRECIOUS TOYS AND FACILITIES GO UP IN FLAMES!” cheered another. Another WNM6 member tried to hide his disgust at their bloodthirst.
“To think…” said the WNM6 member internally “They were just the south african branch of the ALA, now those MANIACS are on their way to putting a stranglehold on our operations….” Two ALPHA KOMMANDO members, decked out in body armor that resembled medieval knights popped up on a large screen.
“…As you wish, my new fuhrers.” Said the twins in a unified, quiet voice.
To be continued in Mission 8
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year
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Staatsrechtslehrer beim Italiener
et in pizzeria akropolis staatsrechtslehrer
In dem Film Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid , einem neo-noir mystery thriller gibt es einen running gag: Immer dann, wenn der Privatdetektiv Rigby Reardon das Wort cleaning woman hört, gerät er in Rage und erlebt einen Kontrollverlust. Er schlägt dann um sich und würgt alle und alles, die/was er in die Hand bekommt.
Das bringt ihn, vor allem aber die Frau in seiner Nähe, Juliet Forrest (oder: man sieht vor lauter Wald die Aufklärung nicht) immer wieder in Bedrängnisse. Der Fall, an dem er in ihrem Auftrag arbeitet, hat was mit Carl Schmitt und der Unterscheidung zwischen Freund und Feind zu tun, darüber sterben Leute.
Eine Liste mit Namen der "friends of Charlotta (oder Carl Lotter? Anm. FS)" und der "enemies of Charlotta/ Carl Lotter" flattert auf Zetteln durch die Handlung des Films. Es stellt sich heraus, dass irgendwie Deutsche involviert sind.
Im finalen Schlusskampf gegen die Nazis, die mit Hilfe von überreifem Schimmelkäse die Welt erobern wollen, hat Juliet, nachdem Rigby schon gefangen genommen wurde, einen rettenden Einfall: Jetzt ganz Juliet(te) bringt sie mit nun vollendeter Aufklärung Feldmarschall Wilfried von Kluck erst mit Hilfe von sadomasochistischen Phantasien dazu, das Wort Reinemacherfrau zu sagen und dann ins Englische zu übersetzen: Cleaning Woman!
Cleaning Woman? Zack, Rigby Reardon rast wieder und, zack, ist die Welt zwar nicht vom Dreck, aber vom Bösen befreit.
Man muss Carl Reiner auf ewig dankbar sein, dass er diesen Film gemacht und so mal eben nebenbei dem Verhältnis zwischen Deutschland und Hollywood bis in die perfekte Mischung aus Dialektik und Plottwist hinein ein monumentales Denkmal gesetzt hat.
Biographisch wird es noch verrückter: Diesen Film habe ich das erste Mal in einem Programmkino während eines Familientages der Brandis in Osnabrück gesehen, so verrückt, dass das hier nicht's zur Sache tut.
Was viele nicht wissen: Dieser Film war auch eine Komödie und nicht nur eine Komödie; neben dem allseits bekannten Umstand, dass dies ein Neonoirmysterythriller war, war das auch ein Dokumentarfilm, zeigte also was echt ist. Das ist die posttraumatische Belastungsstörung, die Trigger, die Attacken auslösen und die Attacken: alles echt! Das kann ich bezeugen, habe ich nämlich auch. Bei mir lauten die Codewörter aber nicht cleaning woman sondern Staatsrechtslehrer beim Italiener.
Jahre, in denen ich von Staatsrechtslehrern zum Italiener eingeladen wurde, immer dann, wenn die mit einem eben noch unbefangenen, jetzt aber befangenen und dazu noch betretenen Gesicht vor einem auftauchten, weil sie mitteilen sollten, was eh schon grell ins Gesicht geschrieben stand, die haben mich zu dem Rigby Reardon der deutschen Staatsrechtslehre gemacht, die haben mich zusätzlich hitchcockisiert. Kraut und Rüben haben mich vertrieben, hätt' meine Mutter Fleisch gekocht, dann wäre ich noch geblieben: Ungefähr so, nur mit italienischem Essen und deutschen Staatsrechtslehrern statt mit Rüben und Kraut.
Das sagt einiges über Thomas Vesting aus: Will man mich als Waffe einsetzen und lässt man darum in meiner Anwesenheit die Wörtchen 'Staatsrechtslehrer beim Italiener' fallen, dann hilft als Gegenwaffe nur eins: Jemand muss Thomas Vesting evozieren, seinen Namen fallen oder sein Bild erscheinen lassen. Das neutralisiert mich sofort. Alle Rage löst sich dann in luftigem Wohlgefallen auf. Wenn wir zusammentreffen, fällt die Habituskollision aus, es ist kein Teflon weit und breit zu sehen, und keiner unterstellt, er selbst stünde dem Allgemeinen nahe und näher als Andere. Nichts Staatstragendes behauptet sich. Niemand tut was für die Absicht, ministrabel zu sein. Es gibt zu jeder Gegenwaffe eine Gegenwaffe, schon weil Waffenhersteller Waffen nur deswegen herstellen, damit man was gegen Waffen hat. Diese Gegenwaffe ist Vesting selbst. Wenn der dann im Raum ist und sich doch wie ein Staastrechtslehrer beim Italiener verhält (das kann der), dann gerate ich wieder in Rage.
Das ist so ein Wissen, das man entweder nur seinem Therapeuten anvertraut oder aber ins Internet postet, tertium non datur. Diesen Sommer feiert Thomas Vesting was, das feiere ich mit. Den kenne ich, seitdem er mich einmal in München zum Italiener eingeladen hat. Vorher kannte ich ihn nicht. Er war ein junger Professor in Augsburg, über den in Berliner Bars und Kneipen schon das Gerücht kursierte, er würde nach Frankfurt gehen. Kein Witz. Ich war in Wuppertal, dort junger Anwalt und Sekretär von Bazon Brock, verdiente also mein Geld damit, Leute zu vertreten, darüber hinaus mir von Brock was diktieren zu lassen und ihn ab und zu bei action-teachings zu begleiten (Kuchen und Schnaps von Monika gab es oben drauf). Da ist es unwahrscheinlich, das man sich kennen lernt. Und es faltet sich doch, und wir beide lernten uns doch kennen.
Vesting suchte einen Assistenten, schrieb was in der NJW aus, so kam es zu der Einladung. Das war ein sonniger, warmer Herbsttag. Wir saßen an einer hellverputzten Wand auf dem Bürgersteig, es gab was Leichtes zu essen, wir verputzten auch was. 9/ 11 war gerade erst passiert und bestimmte noch einen großen Teil des Gespräches, das im übrigen geführt wurde, wie ein Quartettspiel: wir tauschten Täfelchen über die Tafel aus, keine Karten, aber unser Wissen über Texte. Wie das Teenies machen, so wollten wir uns abchecken und wissen, was und wen der andere warum gut findet, wen und was man so kennt und schätzt. Ich kann mich nicht an alles an diesem Gespräch erinnern, aber schon an viele Details. Entscheidend sind für mich nicht Form und Inhalt dieses Gespräches, sondern die Unbeständigkeit des Zeitraums, den dieses Gespräch bildete. Das ist eine Unbeständigkeit, die nicht auf Leere und nicht auf Negation aufruht, sie speist sich aus der Art und Weise, wie einen dieser Zeitraum begleitet, auch wenn er vorbei ist. Die Unbeständigkeit speist sich aus dem, was in dem Bestand wechselhaft, homogen und heterogen ist. Diese Zeitraum ist sehr nah und sehr entfernt.
Kommt einem vor, als sei das gerade erst gewesen, als hätten wir gerade unsere Rücken an die warme Wand gelehnt und gerade erst Tomatensauce gekleckert, gerade erst Hallo mein Name ist und Auf Wiedersehen, ich melde mich gesagt. Hohe Präsenz, nur die Stiche , die in dieser hohen Präsenz mitlaufen, sagen zugleich etwas über das Bewußtsein der Entfernung. Die Zeit, bald sie fort ist, nachher kommt sie nicht mehr. Das ist ein Präsenz, also eine Präsenz, die durch dasjenige gegangen ist, was Warburg das Distanzschaffen nennt, das ist also eine symbolische Präsenz. Das erreichen Momente, die berührt haben, was unserer Bewegungsverarbeitungsapparat ist und was manche darum anima, andere Seele nennen. Dieser Zeitraum, Vesting und Steinhauer beim Italiener, der hat das bei mir berührt, intensiv, und so irritiert der Zeitraum bis heute. Das Maß der Nähe und das Maß der Entfernung macht mir Schwindel. Kann doch irgendwie nicht sein, so nah und doch so entfernt. 2001, andere Welt, seitdem sind München und alle anderen Städte von 2001 tot und lange leben alle Städte.
Vielleicht wird es jetzt kurz mal ordinär. Die Form des Zeitraums, den dieses Gespräch bildete (nicht nur für sich, sondern auch für alles andere, was Vesting und mich assoziiert), die ist im Rückblick geschrumpelt wie Pimmel in kaltem Wasser. Schräger Vergleich, aber mir fällt sonst nichts ein, was so schrumpelt. Das war doch ein gut ausgefüllter Zeitraum und jetzt, mit dem schwer kalkulierbaren bis unberechenbaren Maß, mit dem sich Nähe und Entfernung dieses Zeitraums einstellen, ist dieser Zeitraum vielleicht nicht unbedingt ausgeblasen, aber die Stiche melden sich schon auch so, als ob da Löcher wären, als wäre da ein Mangel. Das ging ja jetzt doch alles verdammt schnell, verdammt nochmal schnell. Das sind aber keine Löcher, da ist kein Mangel, man hat nichts verpasst. Wir haben Baudrillard im Kino und Christian Waldhoff in Düsseldorf getroffen, 1:1.
Ich habe es tatsächlich geschafft, ihn nach Weimar zu bringen. Er hat es tatsächlich geschafft, mich zum Mitglied der Vereinigung der deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer zu machen.
Das ist die einzige Regierungsorganisation und NGO (steht in diesem Fall für Nicht Gerade Optimal). Sollte Vesting doch einmal katholisch werden (ich gebe mir alle Mühe!) und jemand das Verfahren einer Heiligsprechung initiieren: mindestens das kommt einem Wunder gleich, dass er das geschafft hat. Ich habe es ihm gedankt, indem ich kurz darauf wieder ausgetreten bin. Er glaubt, ich hätte meine Karriere zerstört, als er mich zu einem Vortrag in München eigekaden hatte, ich glaube wiederum, er hat hätte seine Karriere zerstört, als ich ihn zu einem Vortrag in Weimar einlud. Wir beide glauben, dass man immer nur selbst für seine Karriere verantwortlich ist - und diejenigen, die einen ablehenen (das hat zuerst er so perfekt formuliert).
Keine Löcher, kein Mangel: alles wurde immer ausgefüllt. Da kreuzt was und da ist etwas, wie Ino sagt versäumt, und das Stechen kommt durch die Bewegung. Der Zeitraum hat jetzt dichte Falten. Vesting feiert in diesem Sommer was. Im Gebäude der KBW, der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Bibliothek Warburg und damit auf einem Boden, von dem sowohl Vesting als auch ich sagen, der sei nicht neutral, da wird in diesem Sommer nicht nur Vesting gefeiert, der aber auch. Ich sage, das ist kein neutraler Boden, das ist mein Boden, der ist, wie man in Frankfurt sagt, mir. Vesting sagt das aber auch. Das ist ein gut bestrittener und gut umstrittener Boden. Wir feiern in dem Saal, in dem Warburgs Staatstafeln entstanden, in dem Warburg seine Gestelle schob und im Sommer 1929 fotografieren liess! Das hat der Ino super eingetütet!
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
VA - Echo Neuklang (Neo-Kraut-Sounds 1981 – 2023) - self-explanatory new comp from Bureau B
Christoph Dallach, Andreas Dorau and Daniel Jahn present Echo Neuklang, a compilation which explores the question of how Krautrock has influenced generation after generation of musicians since its inception. A contentious genre at the best of times, the music within its spectrum is essentially intangible. The common thread running through it is a compulsion to seek out the new. Beginning in the year 1981 and extending as far as 2023, the music in this collection demonstrates how the idea of what passed for Krautrock in the 1970s has been interpreted or reinterpreted by a diverse array of artists with distinct approaches in the decades which followed, without recourse to any generic conventions.
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clickyourradio · 2 years
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Flange Circus play hauntronica – an unnerving concoction of electronics and the phantasmagorical. They are fascinated (some would say obsessed) with the absurd, the otherworldly, the strange, the supernatural, the spooked and the eerie. The resulting compositions are an edifying journey through soundscapes, field recordings, neo-kraut, drones, industrialism, horror soundtracks, and channelled samples.
Formed in 2012, and hailing from the environs of Manchester, Bury and New Mills, Flange Circus released their first EP, Ekranoplan, in July 2014 (then as a four-piece). The EP revealed the band’s diverse influences and styles, and introduced their now-renowned bizarre song titles, such as the epic glitch-rock of PUBC (Paper Shoes Vibing on Cat’s Piss’) and the ghoulish stomper, Pork Parade (In a Gold Lamé Suit).
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In 2015, the band released their second EP, Overexposed. Named after the crash site of a USAF B-29 Superfortress in the Peak District near Bleaklow, on this release Flange Circus’ desire to chart and explore uncanny and bleak landscapes in sonic form began to materialise – particularly on the chilling and icy Disko Bay that honoured the bay of the same name in Greenland.
It was on their debut album, Abandoned Glow, released October 2017, that the band fully discovered their hauntronica sound. Across the 10 tracks (with titles such as Great Divisions, Homunculus Gardens and Moloch by the Sea) the band conjured everything from horror prog to sinister techno, supernatural cinematic bombast to ghostly drone, all-out fuzzed industrial stompers to unearthly krautrock.
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The album left reviewers delightfully disturbed: “Erected from a labyrinth of grotesque and menacing sounds it exudes an almost constant sense of unease and at its most friendly sounds like some sort of gnarly late-night solo venture into psychedelics … [it’s a] bonkers release” (Echoes and Dust, 2018).
The second album from the band, Rural Eerie, released July 2020, marked an ambitious venture to explore the darker and sinister experiences of the countryside. A themed (don’t say concept) album of soundscapes, field recordings, and spoken word performances from poets and writers was the result.
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embcapstonethesis · 2 years
Escapade Story Outline (Second Draft)
Global adventurer extraordinaire Nave Montana comes into possession of coordinates to the location of 100 million dollars! The only problem is, that the money is being guarded by a rogue militia with sinister intentions. With the help of his assembled team of ex-marines, old friends, and their dog; they set off on a quest that will take them to strange and more sinister territories.
Healing from your past and making your own success. You don’t need to live in anyone’s shadow.
We start with our hero Nave Montana and his crew (Hardaway, Hayes, Fitts, and his dog Paggs) in a van heading towards some mystery destination. On the radio, we hear this:
“As the 2024 presidential election approaches in two days, it serves as a reminder that we must be vigilant towards any form of misinformation. Republican candidate and Medal of Honor recipient David Moldavia held a rally in Dallas and made some extreme accusations about his opponent eating babies.”
“Hardaway shut that shit off,” Nave demanded.
Hayes looks over at him precariously. What else is going on?
Outside in the country, we see the full lineup of the team posing on a hill looking down at a lone saloon.
“Fuck are we doing here?” - Hayes
“Don’t overthink it.” - Nave
They eventually go out and find Nave’s “contact”. Suave Stanley is a member of the Mississippi chapter of a Neo-Nazi-like militia called the Global Krauts. 
They kidnap Stanley and beat the info out of him.
The reason he’s trying to get this money is to get back at his father and pay his men what they are owed and prove to him that Nave is the better man. 
When he cracks it turns out 100 million is actually 3.5 Quadrillion Dollars!!!
This is both good and bad news. Now that it’s a quadrillion, bigger entities will want that money. Even the US government - could lead to big issues.
They find the hideout and have Stanley take them to their vault.
However, there is no vault. He betrays them and the crew gets caught by the Krauts. Hardaway tries to put up a fight but is shot off a cliff. This gives time for Hayes and Paggs to escape to go get help.
Meanwhile, Nave is being beaten and interrogated by the crout Leader Boyd Jubba. 
Boyd finds out that Nave is David Moldavia’s kid. His real name is Evan Moldavia and his whole Nave persona is a myth. He mocks Nave and is delighted by the hilarity of the situation. Boyd realizes that he will be the perfect test subject for their serum. He steps out to leave Nave in his own state of self-pity and defeat. Nave being concussed - starts having an internal battle with a shadow astral form of his father. His father tells him how much of a disappointment and disgrace he is. One of the Krauts barges into Nave’s cell and drags him out of the cell by his chains.
As that is happening, Hardaway meets up with Hayes and Paggs at the compound. 
Nave and Fitts are tied to chairs in a warehouse. Boyd reveals that the Krauts are an organization that hates humans (they themselves are humans). They want to become more. So after watching Rampage with the Rock - Boyd decides to invest trillions of dollars into genetic editing. In order to turn into genetic human-animal hybrids to become the perfect organisms. They have yet to test it - Nave and Fitts are about to be the first.
“That’s stupid.” - Fitts states.
“Yeah, the movie Splice called they want their plot back.”
As they break into the compound all hell breaks loose. Most of the Krauts are taken out by the crew. All except Boyd who takes the serum and transforms into a grotesque beast. A glorious final battle ensues. At the climax of the battle his father says he is a failure and that he will end up being a bunch of losers like his crew. Nave overcomes his inner demon and defeats the monster.
After the battle, Nave is scolded by Fitts about how selfish he is for putting his men in danger. He is interrupted by the television as it is announced that David Moldavia is elected as the 48th of the United States. Fitts looks at Nave and Nave smirks.
“Let’s go make bank.” 
As the piece ends.
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shoegazegeneration · 6 years
cathedral echo - ΨΧ (2018, CASSETTE)
The first release of my new sub label SPACE POP TAPES!
It features 6 space pop tracks from Athens, Greece. 
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zattirizat · 2 years
Kreidler üç senelik aranın ardından yeni albümü Spells and Daubs’u yayınladı
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Berlin'li neo-kraut grubu aynı zamanda zattirizat'ın 2015 senesinde düzenlediği ilk etkinliğinin konuğu Kreidler, yeni albümü Spells and Daubs'u Bureau B etiketi ile yayınladı. 2019 yılında yayınladıkları Flood albümününden sonraki ilk stüdyo albümleri olan albümü aşağıdan dinleyebilir ve bandcamp üzerinden plak ve dijital formatlarda edinebilirsiniz. Kreidler - Spells and Daubs
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sentientroomba · 6 years
Hookworms - Microshift (2018)
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“How long’s forever?” asks frontman Matthew Johnson on the opening cut of ‘Microshift’, “Negative Space”. Truthfully, Hookworms’ third release went through a troubled birth, a very slow moving production cycle that spawned in the wake of personal crisis, be it that of a father’s Alzheimers or a rough romantic break-up. “Negative Space”, in particular, is a rumination on the death of a close friend, where the frantic questions lead to crushing resignation: “I still see you every time I die”. This, in large part, is what separates Hookworms third release from their back catalog, as well as the rest of the pop-sphere in general.
The transition from scuzzy, guitar heavy drone to synth-prone progressive pop is a mixture of bold, laudable, and relatively seamless. It’s an entirely new sonic direction for the band, one that rejects the ultra-lo-fi production of their earlier work for a clean veneer, utilizing the studio not as a necessary evil to transpose raw sound to Mp3, but as a “tool”. And it’s a change that I applaud, if only because it means that I can listen to some of the band’s best drone-inspired cuts (“Opener”, “Boxing Day”) without the abrasive, ear bludgeoning treble tones that plague their first two LPs.
‘Microshift’ is their first real foray into the world of pop, though even that depends on how you define “pop”. Do two-minute ambient pieces of smooth sax like “Reunion” count as pop? Indeed, ‘Microshift’ is more comparable with early New Order than the hip-hop saturated pop sphere that occupies the musical mainstream, a uniqueness that the group employs to their own benefit, along with the contrast between the grief-stricken lyrical content and the up-tempo melodies that color the track listing.
Once more, another asset that separates ‘Microshift’ from its trendy peers is its emotional core (i.e. it actually has one). The penultimate track “Shortcomings” progresses from a driving bass line over funky drums to a personal statement on body anxiety, while “Static Resistance” struggles with facing depression, leading to a rather simple conclusion: “celebrate” and embrace “false hope forever”, however long that may be.
Favorite Tracks: Negative Space, Shortcomings, Static Resistance, Ullswater, Opener, The Soft Season
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zosociologist · 2 years
"Dating (& re-dating) Till Lindemann Would be Like..."
Till x Black!F!Reader - (A/N: I've rewritten this twice and deleted them both, I'm down horrendous for this man pls send help)
Warnings: you know the usual, my little smutty one to two liners because I'm too pussy to write a full fic🙄
P.S.: 💫WwaBRiM💫 but everyone is welcome to read(:
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YOU two🙄
Folks genuinely wondered why you separated anyway
You two clearly had unfinished romantic business😒 y'all have a kid together for fuck sake😩
But we'll get there, we'll get there!
Okay so for starters, you two met way back when in the 90's when Rammstein was a few years old and YOU were an up and coming (and FAST) music journalist.
You were set to cover an article about this "arson-obsessed rag-tag group of robot-like neo-kraut rock-industrialists" (your boss' words not yours) and you found yourself drawn to the occasion
You were tasked with the duty of flying out to Germany for a music festival, where you'd touch base with the whole group, hopefully, and if that didn't work out, whichever one of the band mates you could interview and cover enough informational ground to make a pretty decent article.
Luckily for you, room and board was covered because a good friend of yours whom you attended college with resided in one of the quaint countryside towns, where you'd stay during your trip.
So the day came for the interview to take place in which your friend accompanied you and enjoyed the various attractions and doubled as your translator while you tried to do your job and LOW AND BEHOLD, the entire group was unable to show, except two members. One of their guitarists, Paul, and the frontman, Till.
You found a tented area where festival noise was subdued enough for you to make out your voices in the tape recordings, so that the interview could be carried out like a regular conversation among friends almost.
The interview with Paul went swiftly and your friend acted as a great translator even garnering some moments and laughter from both gentlemen.
The paradigm shift happened when you were starting with a question to ask Till and your friend to translate....when he responds to you directly, saying that "A translation is not needed, respectfully. We can talk."
You don't know WHAT exactly happened to you in that particular moment, but what you DID know is that you suddenly remembered it was the middle of June and 88°F outside.
You started to feel eyes on you as if there weren't any watching before, you felt like a fourth wall was broken.
Paul being done with his part of the interview, excused himself to go check his equipment, and your friend catching on and being your #1 hypeperson left to go "fly-fishing".
So there you were, in a tent, sitting across from this aurally intimidating man, with a coffee table and tape recorder separating you two. It generally didn't mean anything, but it felt? Like? Something?
So you get back on track to start talking about the group, their previous and individual projects, upcoming gigs and digs, things of that nature.
Then you went out on a whim and began asking him about his hobbies, ethical views and pet-pieves, favorite literature, and other things that you had no need for in the article, because honestly you got all the information you needed a while ago...you just enjoyed talking to him.
Deep down Till knew this. He appreciated it, calling you his most amicable interview to date. He found your presence soothing.
You two lost track of time and continued to talk as the sun began to go down and the group was set to go on in an hour and a half. But that didn't really stop either of you.
By this time, the tape recorder was handed to your friend, and you both were accompanied by Till to the Band's tent where every one got settled and ready for their performance slot, and you and Till were still talking through it all, actually right up until the very moment Rammstein had to go on stage and perform.
You got to witness the duality of his personality and mannerisms in real time from the sidelines, and my my, was it bewildering.
A month had passed by too fast and you both thankfully exchanged information to keep in touch. But unfortunately oceans can be a bit of a conflict.
It wasn't until you were at yet another rock festival interviewing a totally different band that you would run into him again, in total disbelief. Mostly due to the fact that the roles were reversed and now he was on your side of the pond.
You two were gunning for the same magazine laying on the bar counter in the diamond vip area, the magazine that had the published conversation between you two somewhere among the pages.
You two kinda just stared at each other for a moment. Just, wordless. No jesters. That is until you both simultaneously pulled each other in for a kiss, which turned hungry very fast. Almost like you forgot you were in a lounge with constant people traffic.
And after all you were still trying to appeal to each other as if you were still giving off first impressions.
That is until you two found an empty bathroom stall and all the professional upkeep went out of the door, pride and all.
There you were, bent over a sink with a hand over your mouth and him warning you, "Du bist nicht gehorsam, sei still oder ich werde aufhören". Long story short: You couldn't keep quiet, but he in fact, did not stop(:
Everything kinda fell in place for you two after that. Schedules were sorted out and you two found time that you probably didn't even have.
Whenever Till traveled to the states and was in your area he'd phone you to let you know he's near.
You'd have the place looking all cozy and homely, your own little safe haven.
Till likes your bed, and NOT just because he's had you on it six ways to Sunday and in several sinful and erotic ways....quite the contrary.
Your bed is sacred to you, in the sense that you wouldn't allow someone you don't trust or feel comfortable with to dwell in it. It's also like your thinking nook, so he lays his head on your lap and twirls his hair as he looks out of the window in deep thought while you read his poems he gave you to look over.
You paint sometimes, and he likes to interpret your pieces. And if he REALLY likes it, he'll write a little think piece to go with it.
You both are kiiiinda angsty due to your respective upbringings but y'all agreed that it somehow influenced a lot of work and artistry that you two have put out in the world, and you're all the better for it. Alternative therapy, you call it.
Never a dull moment between you, and if the moment seems dull to others, it's because they're outsiders looking in and you two are merely enjoying the beauty of each other in 💫silence💫.
When you visit Till in Germany it's like a neverending field trip.
You guys visit his favorite local markets in his town & his frequent bookstores
*y'all even went to a sex dungeon before but that's neither here nor there👀*
You lay out in grassy meadows & skinny dip in lakes & eat fruit clad in underwear sitting in his back patio while the radio plays Tears for Fears throwbacks from the decade prior while you mop the floor with him in UNO, playing with 21 cards each instead of 7 because "fuck the rules, they're meant to be broken and re-written when there's only 2 players" (his words not yours).
You knew everything was set in stone truly when you were introduced to his girls, this was your right of passage and you loved that he felt comfortable enough to share that part of his world with you.
Which is why when it was all said and done, you two realized that the reason you separated for a year or so was because you thought your little support system would eventually come crashing down.
Which definitely wasn't the case.
The fear of honest, vulnerable communication and not wanting to be let down and left to survive flooded the better judgment of the both of you.
You two re-kindled your relationship in the most cinematically poetic way possible....
With you, in his dressing room alone while you interviewed him for a sold-out Rammstein concert.
And that sly silvertongued man, tried to wholesomely co-parent his way into your pants:
"Did Cozette's earache go away yet?" "You left our baby's moisturizer back at my place" "Come with us to the zoo tomorrow"
(it fucking worked, surprise surprise!)
So you two were back on the love train like you never hopped off in the first place.
You two are definitely cute together, BUT your child is even cuter, your friends agree and so do the rest of The Boiz™️, Till is pretty sure he witnessed Flake shed a tear when he was putting your baby's hair into little puffs once.
Wholesome couple all-around, DIABOLICALLY sexual sometimes (bought a shirt that says "Motherf*cker" and will wear it out when hanging with you for laughs)....but STILL WHOLESOME none the less!
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gehoorwurm · 7 years
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immediatesonder · 5 years
Star Trek: The Next Gen Z
a group of 2018 teenage friends!
relationship equivalents: Geordi and Data are still best friends, Riker and Deanna are off and on couple, Beverly and Wesley are besties, Picard and Beverly have really weird sexual tension that’s never really resolved, Tasha and Data are dating
Geordi: flower boi, “ur valid uwu,” aviator shades, positivity posts, indie music, aesthetic blog, reminds his friends to drink water, ukulele, Data doesn’t know shit about fashion but he tells Geordi what color the articles of clothes are so Geordi can be fashionable
Data: orchestra kid, hates eye contact but loves conversation, fornite master, several fandoms, dated cat memes, stim toys, ASMR, web comics, electronic music, hoodies, pinback buttons, digital artist, lowkey a weeb
Beverly: mom friend, always carries band-aids and hand sanitizer, modest, great hugs, will actually fight somebody who hurts her friends, theatre kid, lies that her hair color is real, duster cardigans, teen fiction
Worf: very smart but failing his classes, “kms,” Wiccan, kraut rock, wears the same black hoodie pretty much every day, twitter rants, doc martins, forgets to eat, the kinkiest boy you ever beheld, everybody’s highkey concerned for him
Jean-Luc: very responsible, annoyingly serious, all honors classes, too perfect, polos and henleys, nerd but also lowkey charmer, has had quite a few girlfriends but they’re all genuine and loyal relationships, “I was born in the wrong decade,” pretentiously lies he doesn’t know a thing about memes
Wesley: always worrying about grades, fueled only by Red Bull and his own tears, nobody’s pressuring him but himself, has been known to have a panic attack and study simultaneously, baggy sweaters and worn Converse, lowkey thirsty but too anxious to try and get any, loves tide pods memes on a concerning level
Riker: you don’t know if he’s lying or if he actually gets laid that much, electro swing, neo-rockabilly, leather jackets, drives too damn fast, somehow manages to pass his classes, no impulse control, ranges wildly from won’t text back for weeks to texting every two hours, neglectful/abusive father jokes, sometimes paints his nails black or brown, cigarettes
Deanna: obsessed with self care, baking goddess, makeup tutorials goes to therapy and teaches her friend some of the techniques she learns, diy bath bombs, essential oils, crop tops, highlighter, matte lipstick, Starbucks, highkey basic bitch
Tasha: hella feminist, pop punk, sitcoms, sadly dabs, monster energy, skateboarder, “lmao what even is gender,” terrible at self care, baggy graphic t-shirts, ripped jeans, band-aid knees, boba tea, iced coffee, hot cheetos
feel free to make additions/changes
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zattirizat · 4 years
Die Wilde Jagd, yeni kısa çaları Haut’u yayınladı
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Çok sevdiğimiz Die Wilde Jagd, dört parçalık yeni kısa çaları Haut’u yine favori etiketlerimizden biri olan Bureau B etiketi ile yayınladı. Diğer albümlerinin aksine ambient öğelerinde bulunduğu albümü aşağıdan dinleyebilir ve bandcamp üzerinden edinebilirsiniz. Die Wilde Jagd - Haut
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prettyinnoise · 3 years
Zement – Rohstoff (LP) (09.07.2021)
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Zement – Rohstoff (LP) (09.07.2021)  Drittes Album des Neo-Kraut-Psychedelic-Duos ZEMENT! --- Unter folgenden Link kannst du prettyinnoise.de via Steady unterstützen und aus zwei Dankeschöns wählen: https://prettyinnoise.de/werde-supporter -- Schaue auch gerne mal im Shop auf www.prettyinnoise.de/shop vorbei. Dort findest du allerhand Vinyl, Merch, Bücher und andere pinteressante Dinge. - Hier findest du die TOP 200 PLAYLIST von prettyinnoise.de auf Spotify: www.bit.ly/PiNTop200 Read the full article
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