#neon sketchbook tour
neon-danger · 1 year
Ah yes, my favorite band
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You’ve probably heard of their hit single, Dear Mario Conundrum
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hdtt555 · 3 months
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My boyfriend offered to finish my sketchbook. Just everything-everything that I drew there.
I abandoned it a year ago...
it was a hard week, I was sweating a lot because of these reversals! I hope you enjoy it (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
The format of publishing sketchbook spreads is very experimental for me, please support me!
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meat-brick · 5 months
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This is one of my absolute favorite pieces I’ve ever made and I’m either going to be scanning it or digitizing it for prints.
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wildcherrylime-art · 6 months
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some UT/DR pages from my sketchbook
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twl-cyan · 2 years
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Day 197
In this picture,Intensive Carrot snapped her fingers and Rina was surprised in joy.
Intensive Carrot拍了手指,璃奈就開心到驚訝起來。
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leafened · 2 years
i love putting sketchbook tours on while i draw but i hate the matte gouache color block oriented people and nature reduced to energetic shapes neon underpainting big eye girl portraits over articulated hands and feet calarts portfolio succulent plant white minimalist studio youtube girlie industrial complex
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enb-art · 3 years
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We also sometimes live through situations we thought would be impossible.
But, all things equal, both tardigrades and us just want a nice place to live, plenty of yummy food,
and whenever possible, to not be exposed to the vacuum of space.
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agblend13 · 4 years
Mini sketchbook flip through 🍒 the 'theme' for this mini book is that anything goes as long as it's a finished composition. It occupies a realm in between the time it takes to do a full concept in the big sketchbook vs committing to a mini painting that's put in the shop. Mostly they're paintings in a combination of acrylics and paint pens, with some collage and mixed media works. This sketchbook has a lot of pages and I look forward to the time when it's filled, flipping through is the best bit.
🌹 this month's Patreon video is a full tour on my current big sketchbook-in-progress, link in bio if you're interested in seeing it + 12 additional exclusive vids ✨
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lequartierjaune · 4 years
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dissociative loitering 
watercolour & gouache
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gothicmilkbottle · 4 years
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neon-danger · 1 year
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writersblog20 · 3 years
Never alone
Tom Hiddleston x reader
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Not my picture. Credits to the maker! Summary: the last two weeks has been very hard for you. You’re feeling depressed but just don’t know why. But luckily Tom’s there for you to help you go through it.
Warnings: depression, anxiety, panic attack but big fluff ( obviously)
Words: 2K
Never alone
 You strolled through the rainy streets of London to your shared house with your boyfriend Tom, who was currently filming for the Loki series season 2. He’s been away for a while now and even though you missed him like hell, you were doing okay, you were fine, and all of a sudden you were not. You couldn’t pinpoint why or what it exactly was. The only thing was sure, is that you felt like shit. Tom could read you like an open book. Even though you tried to act okay because you didn’t want to worry him while he was filming, he knew. He knew you weren’t feeling like yourself.
Tonight you would videocall with Tom but all you wanted to do was cry and curl  up in bed to just forget the world. You texted Tom, in the afternoon, that you were really tired and just go straight to bed, when you got home, but that it wasn’t something for him to worry about. He had read your text but didn’t respond, which made you actually more depressed and doubtful about everything including your relationship.
You came home and put on all the lights and petted Bobby, who never left your side since the moment you felt like shit. You knew you had to eat something but you just couldn’t stomach it. so instead you put some soft music on and got ready for a hot bath. You tried to relax but you were way to anxious to actually get some rest, so you got out not even after 15 minutes. You tried everything but panic, depression and anxiety took over and it felt like it was the worst day yet. Maybe you should call Tom and tell him about it, you thought to yourself.
You pressed the call button and waited for Tom to answer, but that never happened. You frowned and tears filled your eyes. It was not like he was filming right now because you two would call at this moment. Maybe he just doesn’t want to talk to you, you thought in your mind.
You started to pace around the room, not even hearing the music anymore. Your breath became rapid and you knew it was a panic attack. You sank down with your back against the heather. Your kneels pulled up against your chest , while you tried to hug yourself. And that was the moment when everything just became too much. You started to sob and cry like your life depended on it. Bobby took a seat in your lap and rested his head on your shoulder to give you somehow more comfort. You softly wrapped your arms around the dog and nuzzled your nose into his soft fur.
You were crying so much that you didn’t notice the door opening. Normally Bobby would get up and great the person who would walk through the door, which was in this case Tom. But he stayed with you curling up more against you. Tom’s heart sank when he saw you like this. He knew something was off because you were distant. “Love?” Tom asked softly not wanting to startle you, but he got no response so he walked up to you carefully and crouched down to you, softly touching your knees.
You got startled and looked up to the person who touched you with red puffy eyes. “Tom?” you asked as another pool of tears formed in your eyes. He smiled sympathetically at you. “I got it from here buddy, good job.” He told Bobby and he got out of your lap only to sit right next to you which made Tom smile a little at the little protector. Once Bobby was off of you, you quickly wrapped your arms around Tom as if your life depended on it. He held you tightly while you took a place in his lap on the ground clinging onto him. Tom rocked you softly back and forth while his hand went over your hair. “I’m here now darling, I got you. Your safe now. I got you” He repeated.
He sat with you as long as necessarily and whispered comforting words in your ear while giving kisses on the top of your head. Once you calmed down a bit Tom asked “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours my love?” your glazy eyes met his and you purely saw love in his pool blue comforting eyes. “I don’t even know. One day I was fine and the next I was not and I just don’t know.” he nodded “Why didn’t you tell me, love. You know I’ll always be there for you. You can tell me everything, you know that right?” you nodded and looked down with tears slipping out again. He placed his finger underneath your chin so you would look at him. His finger got a piece of hear out of the way while his palms found your cheeks. His thumb softly brushing away the tears.
“Because I don’t even know why I’m feeling so down and I didn’t want you to worry about it because I don’t know why I’m feeling this.” he nodded and shushed you when he noticed you got worked up again. “I tried relaxing and stuff but it doesn’t work.” You said softly. He nodded again and was thinking of a way to make you feel a little better even if it was just for a minute.
“why don’t we go to town and go sightseeing? You can take your camera and afterwards we get some snacks. How does that sound? I think it’s nice to get out of the house for a minute.” he looked at you hopefully and with a soft smile. You nodded. “You can even photograph me if you’d like” he chuckled a little. Tom loved to take pictures with you but sometimes felt uncomfortable with getting photographed even though he had done it a thousand times.
You got a little smile on your face and softly giggled, which made him smile. He softly kissed your nose, still cupping your cheeks, and after that his lips found yours. It was softly and full of love but it got more passionate from your side. You pressed your body closer to his and he his grip was tight around you. You went with your hand through his hair while you felt his tongue slip in. after a while you pulled back. “I’ve missed you so much.” You said while you rested your head on his shoulder and held him tightly. “I’ve missed you too darling, so much.” He gave you a kiss in your neck.
“Now let’s get your stuff and let’s take a walk.” You nodded and he helped you get up.  “Wait, but what are you doing home? I thought you came back in two weeks.” He smiled at you and softly rubbed your cheek. “I know something was up and I wanted to check on you. I have to get back in 3 days but we’re still on schedule. So I’ll still be back in two weeks.” You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding in. You kissed him on his lips. No words were needed how grateful you were and Tom knew.
You got your camera and purse and walked hand in hand with Tom towards the Big Ben. He the umbrella above the both of you. You started to feel better. Not only because you were out but mostly because Tom was with you. You took photo’s here and there and of course of Tom but only when he didn’t notice. You really did a sightseeing tour with Tom in the late rainy evening, and it felt like you could finally breath again. You knew the feeling wasn’t completely gone but it was a start and it was nice to get out like this.
After two hours of strolling you found a little restaurant like you would find from the 80’s. It really was a retro restaurant. Mostly pink and other pastel colors that glazed the restaurant. “Let’s get something to eat” Tom said and you nodded. You walked inside and you immediately knew this was going to be your favorite place to eat at.
You sat down in a booth and looked at the menu card. There were those big milkshakes that you would see in movies with the cherry on top. While you scanned the menu with a smile on your face, Tom looked up from the menu. Smiling at how beautiful you are. The neon light illuminating your face and that perfect smile that he fell in love with and every time when he saw it. You ordered a milkshake and pancakes, while Tom got fries with a burger.  
They came back with the food and it was absolutely lovely. You shared the milkshake with Tom. He got one straw and you the other, giggling at how romantic and cheesy at actually was but you loved every minute of it. After you both finished Tom took you to your favorite snack store. You know the one where there’s only candy and snacks including a lot of stuff from other countries. You got everything you wanted and strolled back home with Tom.
“Thank you Tom, this really helped and I’m so happy you’re here. I love you.” he squeezed your hand and smiled. “I’m happy I’m here with you too. I love you too so much, that I can’t even put it in words.” You turned around and faced Tom, wrapping your arms around the tall and handsome man, resting your cheek on his chest and inhaling the smell of fresh rain. You felt calm for the first time in a long, long time. He held you tightly and kissed the top of your head. “I’ll always be here no matter what. You’ll never be alone.” He whispered.  You got out of the hug and took his hand again, walking back home.
Tom opened the door and you got inside, placing all the stuff in the kitchen. You shivered a little. “Let’s go change into something more comfy.” Tom said and placed his hand on your back, guiding you towards the bedroom. You got into some sweatpants and a sweater of Tom, who handed it to you with a smile.
You both plopped down on the couch and watched a comedy movie. Your legs over his while he softly massaged them. You got out your sketchbook and started doodling while watching the film. After a while you just wanted to cuddle so you did. Tom laid down so you could get comfy. Your back rested against his chest and he held you tightly while his head rested on the top of your head. You felt safe and comforted.
After a while you got into bed. He started reading a book of poems to you while you rested your head on his chest feeling the rumble of his soft comforting voice. When it was time to get some sleep you just stared at each other for a while. No words were needed you could see everything in each other’s eyes. you crawled towards him and just held him tightly, listening to his heartbeat, the rain that ticked loudly at the window and his soft breathing. It was all so calming. He kissed the top of your head multiple times and massaged your head. You were almost asleep, slowly drifting off, you heard Tom whisper. “I love you so much. I’ll never let you go darling.” You were too tired to respond so you just squeezed your arms which were tightly wrapped around him. you felt one long resting kiss on your head as you felt into a comforting peaceful sleep.  
He waited for you to fall into a peaceful sleep before closed his own eyes with a smile on his face knowing that you were in his arms. Maybe not okay but it’s okay to not be okay. But he will make sure that you’ll never be alone when you’re not okay. It’s a promise that he will never break.
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meat-brick · 5 months
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Hey man *magically turns you into a neon art cat boy and the runs full force into a brick wall*
And thanks to @onesingularpotato for the reference image *mwah*
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dontcareajot · 7 years
Sleepless Nights
(That rubberbang thing I mentioned. Contains sleepy boys on the verge of something new. May or may not have written this a year ago at an ungodly hour. Enjoy?)
It’s a wet, dreary night. The moon is just barely peaking out from behind the clouds and the streets are blanketed by a thin, misty fog. Dan isn’t even sure what city they’re in. At this point they’re all blending together, one hotel room blurring into another. This hotel room happens to be particularly shitty but scratchy sheets and the potential for bed bugs aren’t the reason for Dan’s insomnia. He’s not sure he can pinpoint a reason, actually. By all rights he should be too exhausted to hold his eyes open, but he finds the live shows are draining in a different way. He enjoys them, has always enjoyed them, but right now he feels stretched thin. Tired, but unable to sleep. The world has taken on an almost dream-like quality that could have something to do with the fact that it’s nearing two in the morning and he hasn’t slept in roughly two days.
Dan isn’t sure how long he’s been sitting on the curb outside, long legs folded at an uncomfortable angle, when Ross joins him. Ross looks as bleary-eyed as Dan feels and he yawns as he takes a seat beside him. There are pencil smudges on the side of his hand and Dan doesn’t have to wonder whether or not his insomnia has been acting up as well. Ross brought a sketchbook with him on tour- a single sketchbook and his favorite pencil. “Sometimes I draw when I can’t sleep,” he’d explained. “Sometimes it helps.”
Evidently it didn’t help much tonight. Ross’ smile is slow and sleepy, but his eyes are starting to brighten. They look dark under the moonlight, the blue there but dampened. “Couldn’t sleep,” he says, voice kept uncharacteristically low. Dan isn’t sure if he’s asking or telling but he nods anyway. Then Ross confides, “I like it better when we share rooms.”
“Yeah,” Dan agrees, then clears his throat. “I know what you mean.” Having someone in the room with him is always comforting when he’s in a strange city and in a strange headspace.
For a while, it’s quiet between them. Ross rests his head on Dan’s shoulder and doesn’t say anything. He smells like hotel sheets and his own shampoo. They sit still for so long that Dan starts to think maybe Ross fell asleep- but of course he didn’t, and of course Ross can’t sit still forever. He sits up, abruptly, and takes Dan’s arm. “Let’s go for a walk,” he suggests, looking far more alert than when he’d first joined Dan outside.
Dan shrugs his consent. “If we get mugged I’m using you as a human shield,” he warns. Ross lets go of his arm as they stand but doesn’t wander far. Their hands bump as they start to walk. Dan picks a direction at random and Ross doesn’t argue. Dan is pretty sure neither of them has a destination in mind.
“Got your phone?” Dan asks, because he hadn’t thought to bring his outside with him.
Ross pats his pocket. “Yep,” he chirps. His jeans are rumpled, his t-shirt has a small hole in it near the hem, and his hair is a mess. Neither of them are really fit for human consumption, Dan thinks, but at least they’re both wearing pants.
Despite the hour, the city is still alive. Barely, perhaps, but Ross and Dan are far from the only people on the sidewalk. But the others are easy to ignore. As Ross chatters, filling the silence between them, Dan starts to feel as though they’re utterly alone. On their own planet- or, no, in their own dimension. Somewhere apart. It’s a sort of detachment he’s learned to associate with exhaustion or bouts of intense creativity. In this case, the former.
Ross’ presence is grounding, though. Every time he punctuates a statement with a light tap to Dan’s shoulder or a tug of his sleeve, it brings him back. Dan notices, absently, that Ross’ accent is out in full force tonight, barely muffed behind years of stifling it. And he’s warm, despite the weather. Dan notices that, too, when Ross takes his hand and leads him toward an oddities shop, somehow still open. He doesn’t let go. Neither does Dan. Instead, he twines their fingers. If Ross notices, or cares, he doesn’t show it- he’s too busy pointing out a morbidly impressive collection of animal skulls on display, his impish smile running contradictory to the way he says, “Aw, gross, dude.”
Ross’ hand is small compared to Dan’s. It isn’t soft or delicate. Ross has calluses from years and years of holding a pencil. Dan gets distracted staring at their interlocked fingers.
“Dan, look,” Ross urges, lightly squeezing his hand. “Fucking old school torture devices.”
Dan blinks at the selection of metal instruments- torture devices or ancient medical implements, he isn’t sure- and rolls his eyes. “Of course you’re drawn to the pointy objects.”
Ross giggles and doesn’t contradict the point. He’s already distracted by the next thing, dragging Dan with him down the aisle, and then the next thing and the next until they’re stumbling back out of the shop the way they came, having lost five dollars but gained an oddly shaped and colored rock that Ross had decided would make a good souvenir. He holds it up against the moon, smiling, the crinkles by the corners of his eyes the only real tell for his age. Dan figures he won’t miss the five dollars, even if he did give Ross shit for conveniently leaving his wallet back at the hotel.
Ross rolls the rock around in his fingers and then stuffs it deep into his pocket. He sways toward Dan, links their arms, and asks plaintively, “Where to next?”
It must be nearing three by now. They should be going back, should be crawling into bed and at least trying to sleep. Instead, Dan scans the storefronts around them. Most of them are darkened, empty, but a few stand out, their neon open signs acting as beacons. Dan spots one in particular and brightens. “Milkshakes,” he declares.
Ross shows his enthusiasm for this idea by squeaking and dragging Dan towards the all-night diner at the corner. It’s dingy, a little dirty, but well-lit and inviting nonetheless. Dan has the absurd idea that he and Ross might share a milkshake, two straws like in the old movies. But of course they each order their own- though Ross does reach across the table more than once to steal a taste or two of Dan’s, smiling impishly the entire time.
There’s something about the late hour and sleep deprivation that brings out the introspective side of Dan. Typically Ross would be the last person he’d go to to ramble about the deeper meanings of life, the inner workings of the universe, his own meandering and convoluted feelings- but he starts talking and can’t stop and, to his surprise, Ross proves to be the perfect sounding board. He takes Dan’s ideas and runs with him, spitting out his own and taking them through tangents that either make Dan laugh or make him think.
Their milkshakes are long gone by the time Dan catches sight of the clock and realizes they should go. But when Dan suggests heading back to the hotel, Ross frowns, hooks his feet behind Dan’s ankles under the table. “Few more minutes?” he begs, despite the darkening circles under his eyes.
Dan sighs, but… Well. It’s not like it’s a chore.
They do eventually wander out of the diner, walking close, knocking into each other a little. They reach Dan’s hotel room at a little after five and, though Dan still isn’t sure if he’ll be able to sleep, he feels tired enough to make a beeline for the bed anyway. He collapses into it still fully dressed, and half-heartedly kicks off his shoes. Ross’ room is somewhere down the hall. He seems in no hurry to get there, instead lingering in Dan’s doorway, a silhouette in the moonlight bleeding in through the curtains.
Dan watches him for a moment. Ross fiddles with the hem of his shirt, opens his mouth and closes it again.
He’d said he likes it when they share rooms. Dan hasn’t forgotten, and he wouldn’t mind someone else to keep the other side of the bed warm. He holds out a hand, beckoning. Ross isn’t hesitant at all about accepting the offer. He grins, uses the heel of his shoe to coax the door closed and then kicks them off in the entryway. He slides his hand into Dan’s and then slides under the covers. Dan figures he should probably cover up, too, but he feels boneless. Too tired to move and definitely too tired to even think about questioning the way Ross scoots closer, until he’s nearly tucked up under Dan’s chin, their hands still folded together atop the comforter. It’s nice, having someone beside him. Having Ross beside him.
Dan tilts just far enough to plant a feather-light kiss on Ross’ forehead. “Love you,” he mumbles, because it’s true. It’s always true, but it feels especially true in the moment.
“You, too,” Ross says around a yawn. He shifts once, twice, and then settles, curled close and warm. Dan drifts off far easier than he expected. He thinks, abstractly, that however sleepy he feels later, during the day, it will have been worth it.
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enb-art · 3 years
Aye yo who turned out the lights
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open for better quality
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darlingloverboy · 6 years
1, 3, 12, 16, 17, 22
hi baby
1. mmm i think ur lap would be softer but if we were like on a bus or park id probably lean on ur shoulder
3. u kno its netflix u kno its watching documentaries and i either lose my shit laughing or crying during them babe, u kno this babe
12. neon i wear rlly bright colors babe n bright colors r SEXY
16. mm i dont have a cologne i use or like, kno the smell of but i have 2 perfumes i use sometimes n they rrrrr FORever SUNSHINE and strawberries & champagne (also my hair smells like coconut i think if that also counts, probably not but thats like, most consistent smell i think)
22. i like people sitting in my lap more babe so what i msaying is if u sat in my lap id melt
ok im gonna do multiple “ideal dates” under the cut but any r hot when im w u babe 
17. ok so im gonna break it done sorta
“stay at home“ a- make dinner together, either a favorite or smth new that we think we’ll like- maybe make dessert like brownies later, opt definitely- we do lots of arts n craft of really silly things or we watch art memes or sketchbook tours or smth- make a pillow fort- we finish the night w like bob ross or smth- overall super artsy/creative night
“stay at home“ b- we order in food, or go like to a fast food place like wendy’s n come home w it- curl up in lots of blankets, lots of pillows, comfort is most important- we watch vines or movies all night- alt we play a lot of video games or maybe we play monopoly n one of us moves out who knows- maybe even a combo who knows
“go out” a- this would be like either all day or day time date- we’d go to museums in the city- we have to take the train babe thats not negotiable- slight alt of this is going down to like the baltimore aquarium but thats like all day
“go out“ b- this could be all day or really any time of day- we go out to get food, doesnt matter when but at some point while out, we’d go to a diner or resturant- we could also go to the movies or bowling- we make it gay n kiss a lot- maybe mini golf to- maybe we do window shopping and end up buying smth- idk smth local but cute
“driving“ not rlly date but kind of a fun idea idk- we make a playlist to listen to while driving the day we go driving or the night before? maybe pre emptively idk babe- probably very spontanous- we drive somewhere, we don’t know, but we drive- we could drive until the playlist runs out or smth n then stop wherever we land- could be hit or miss- maybe we find a farmers market- maybe we play pokemon go or just games while doing it- idk but we’d make it gay
i love u n i just messed w this a lot
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