#neon's crew
a-eo-iu · 8 months
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Somi, Somi, Somini
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thatonepikminperson · 1 month
Russ, Fluorescent/Neon Wraith (Mixed Wraith AU)
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The Neon Wraiths somehow beat all the odds in life and are still standing. The Neon Wraiths can also be called the Fluorescent Wraiths as they are just the same thing. These Wraiths have the same body shape as the Plasm Wraith. Though the size of these Wraiths is more akin to when the Plasm Wraith is about to die, that’s how small they are. Instead of having little nubs, they have panels full of electricity. These panels range in colors, though the most common three are yellow, red, and green. They also have dark blue wires that connect from each of these panels, eventually reaching the end of their feet.
Neon Wraiths have the special ability to conduct electricity whenever they want. The electricity is several times more powerful than most other creatures and sources of electricity on the planet, to the point where one shock can cause parts of suits such as Life Support, the SOS signal, Comms, and any device that protects from electricity, fire, or poison to malfunction and stop working. It can also cause heart attacks and just straight up kill you in one shock if it so desires.
These Wraiths are not affected by Lumiknolls.
(More art below, and also the story on how in the world THIS happened to our boi, Russ)
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Russ is the sixth member to be turned into a Wraith, and it wasn't fun for him at all. So, the three members go out, you know, the normal, and Russ eventually finds a cave. One that looks quite similar to the one Aero was in, but this time, it's on the surface. He also sees a small Wraith, which he hopes knows where anyone else on the crew is. So, he follows it, and turns out that this cave is deeper than he first thought. Once Russ notices how deep in the cave he is, he calls for help. The Wraith, which turns out to be a Neon/Fluorescent Wraith (it's the same thing, but can go by either name) notices what he's doing and electrocutes him.
Normally, it wouldn't be a problem, Anti-electrifer and all, but Russ's invention actually fails, malfunctions, and breaks the moment the Wraith electrocutes him. Russ panics, trying to get away from it, but it's useless. He's trapped, and from what he's seeing behind this one Wraith, there are plenty more to take him on. Collin and Nova get there just in time to watch around three Neon Wraiths electrocute the poor scientist to death, while one watches on the sidelines. Once they get done with that, a way bigger Neon Wraith (Their leader) comes over, and the two officers finally get to see what's been happening to their crew! They're not dying off, no, they're becoming Wraiths.
So after realizing that there’s no way to save Russ, Collin and Nova just nope the hell out of there, and a few seconds after that, Russ wakes up, with no memories of his past life. He joins the Packet of Batteries (A large group of Neon Wraiths) and becomes the new Leader when it comes to expeditions. (Also, those light blue lines are supposed to be wires, as they are on every Neon Wraith, however, due to Russ being human before, they also act as his veins. Which means, every time he uses any of his electricity powers, he does, in fact, feel every bit of it!)
Russ personality wise is super different. He's now a frick-ton more protective of his family, aka the other Neon Wraith. He's far more aggressive and confrontational, and isn't afraid to use his powers against ANYONE who dares to try and case him or his family harm. He loves them with all his heart, (or core really) and he's willing to hurt himself in order to protect them. Once Russ remembers everything, he feels... rather conflicted. On one hand, he feels bad for what he did to the Corps, but on the other, he still loves the Neon Wraiths, and feels like he would still do anything for them. He does slowly get over this though.
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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Combining "What if Anduin embraced shadow and Shadowreaper became canon in WoW" and "What if Anduin ran away to become a pirate under the name Jerek".
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fangbangerghoul · 8 months
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(Update!) Currently there are 5 chapters out for Ghoul Files! Some of the stories are entwined together while others are a standalone story. Chapter 1 Frigid Love Chapter 2 The Invitation Chapter 3 Museum Heist pt 1 TW: Stuck in a box Chapter 4 Rosalia pt 1 Chapter 5 is now out, and it is a continuation from chapter 1! You may have saw a snippet of it this past week. TW: Skull crushing Violence
        Awkward Meeting pt 1
   The ship had flown into orbit of Volii Alpha and Ghoul was still awaiting the all clear to land in Neon. The ship’s ID markings were not legal ones but as long as Jazz pulled through on her end the planet’s security system wouldn't be none the wiser to it. Ghoul’s fingers impatiently tapped on the side of the captain’s chair and she was trying everything in her might to think of anything other than the reoccurring name that repeated in the back of her mind. Masako Imada. The one person she always hoped to avoid the attention of whenever she revisited Neon City. Her wanted bounty was technically paid for thanks to the once wonderful Constellation members but Ghoul was not quick to forget the her ‘mother’s’ true nature.
            “You’re cleared for landing.” A voice came through on the comms allowing Ghoul to finally initiate the landing sequence. She was starting to regret her lack of thought when it came to her wardrobe this morning. The green sweater and cargo pants fit her well and comfortably. Those were important considering she acknowledged how often she found herself in impromptu combat but she knew very well that if it was raining she would soon be soaked to the bone. The ship used it’s autopiloting features to land itself into the designated landing pad the security team had sent to her ship. It was convenient as fuck and it made Ghoul’s life that much easier, which she enjoyed. Just like she enjoyed the face Delgado gave her right before she got into her ship to leave. Stern on the exterior but his eyes spoke a different language that only she could decipher.
            Ghoul got up from the chair in the cockpit and untied her hair to fix it for the moment. It was very disheveled and it was hard to decide how she wanted it. The final decision ended with half of her hair and bangs tied out of her face while she let the rest of the green curls rest on the back of her neck. She was well aware she still looked like she had just gotten out of bed but appearances were the least of her worries. This had to go well, for Del’s sake. He was stressed enough as it was and having a face the whole Settled System’s could recognize in a heartbeat had to be frustrating. There was a part of her that was worried how recognizable she still was on this planet but she pushed the thought to the side thinking perhaps it had been long enough. Her knives were in the captain's locker and she equipped the blades throughout places on her body. They were of various sizes for their appropriate places and each had etchings of different symbols that mattered to her. It was one of the few gifts she ever accepted from Del and it was one of the first gifts that represented their unspoken union. 
            At the entrance of the ship she hopped onto the ladder then exited from the main hull and her boots clanked loudly against the metal. It was the only sound she heard till the landing bay hatch opened to dark gray skies and suddenly there were overwhelming sounds of crashing waves in the distance, thunder, and ships that flew in and out of the space port of Neon City. She was hesitant at first but after a deep breath Ghoul let herself exit the ship fully. The wind and rain caused a bit of a distraction at first but she quickly adjusted herself and ignored the pelts she felt on her from the raindrops falling so viciously.
            The walk towards the entrance of the city was still just as bright and as inviting as it always was with the flare and the bright colorful fluorescents. It made Ghoul frown without thought and she watched as lightning struck itself into the top of the tower where the city harnessed it’s power to run its joke of a vacation spot. The bridge was narrow and the guards ahead looked as if they were waiting for her specifically.It brought up past memories she chose to bury into the back of her mind as she held her fake ID up for them to scan.
“Cierra? Welcome to Neon City.” The one guard said the name on her ID suspiciously and Ghoul gave them a pleasant grin as if she was just so delighted to be here. The elevator doors opened awaiting her presence and as she stepped into the metal box she had to shake herself off a bit from how drenched the rain had made her already. She felt the water drain down her skin and clothes and drip onto the metal floor beneath her and she made an effort not to hug herself for warmth. The dripping of water and the quietness of the elevator soon ended as the metal box dinged on her arrival to the Neon Core grounds and the doors opened to reveal the bustling city ahead of her. Ghoul walked out into the city and immediately tried to become aware of all of her surroundings and possible people who had eyes on her. She never put it past a neon rat to not collect information on newcomers to point out potential subjects for the gangs that waged for territory of the city.  She also wasn’t too excited that the potential business partner was possibly a leader in one of these existing gangs, she knew how they operated and she was expecting to have to stay on her toes until she was back on her ship with the expected cargo.
“Who’s this pretty little thing? No one told us the King of the Crimson Fleet was going to bring party favors.” There was a rough scratchy voice to the left of Ghoul and she noticed a man with a bit of weight in muscle over her haunched closer to her. He was a little taller than her, dressed in average Neon city attire and he seemed to be losing some of his hair on the back of his head. She saw his eyes take her in like a drink but also slightly look past her and that was when instinct told her to look right as well. Sure enough, another man was with him and not much better looking with straggly greasy hair and average attire. The only positive was his body type which was thin and lanky enough to be malleable if needed to be.
“The only pretty little thing is going to be your cock on the side of the street if you dont step the fuck back.” Ghoul growled as she parted her feet slightly trying to subtly reposition the weight of her body. Her soaked clothes added a bit to her usual weight distribution but it was nothing she couldn't adjust to as she had to move.
“Ha! Do you hear the mouth on her? Boss is going to love her, Morti.” The man with the thin greasy hair said with amusement as they both stopped about three paces from her. The natural first thought was to run forward but Ghoul had a feeling they probably had a particular pathway they were going to lure her in if they both appeared like this to her. Neither of them looked very brilliant but the fact that they were waiting for her arrival, or the arrival for Delgado from this elevator meant they had time in advance to plan out some sort of game plan. Ghoul spit at the stringy man’s feet.
“I was trying to play nice when I arrived to Neon today but it seems the universe had other plans.” Ghoul sighed with disappointment and both the men took another step forward. She grabbed the blade that was closest to her right hand on the belt of her pants and immediately took a large leap forward to attack the one designated as Morti. He just barely stepped back in time and before she could try to kick him off his feet the one that was now behind her tried to grab her arms. There were dark chuckles that came from the both of them as if they thought they had the upper hand. Ghoul was quick to use her legs to push herself hard enough off the ground, that the one who held her lost his balance, and her legs were able to wrap themselves onto the man in front of her. As Ghoul felt herself fall backwards she used her legs to bring down the man Morti with her and he fell directly onto her, and into the blade she purposely held from her chest.
“Fra-a-nk” Morti said with a gargle as the blood rushed into the back of his throat and start to fill into his lungs. He had congested coughs and the one Ghoul assumed was Frank scooted back from her swiftly, as the light in his friend’s eyes started to fade. Ghoul wasted no time to stand up and yank her blade out of the deadman’s throat before using her boot to drive her message deeper into the man that was left alive. Morti’s skull made a wet crushing noise underneath her boot as the drive in the heel of her boot crushed his skull. Ghoul’s yellow eye’s were now directed on Frank who was still on his ass in the middle of the street. It was curious that no one was paying any mind to their little fight but Ghoul assumed whoever ‘boss’ was also had some of their credits paying off the Rangers in Neon.
“Delgado, King of the Crimson Fleet sent me and I am someone he decided was valuable enough to send in his stead.” Ghoul’s face was scrunching up with anger and she could feel the adrenaline beating through her heart, her veins, and echoing within her skull. The feral side of her was on the brink of making a visit and she was trying her best to keep it reigned in. It was obvious enough now that these men were sent to either assassinate or escort Delgado to the meeting location but now with one dead and the next one about to be she didn’t feel like wasting time to find out.
“Fuck! Boss didn’t mention that Delgado had a replacement. We didn't know,we swear!” Frank looked pathetic now compared to the bravity he was displaying only moments ago. He quickly jolted up and started running in the opposite direction without warning. Ghoul was annoyed with his cowardice and she wasn’t sure if it was because she was on her home planet or because of the adrenaline she needed to go after him. Without a second thought Ghoul chased the man through the crowd and tried to trail him as fast as she could. She saw he turned down one of the darker alley’s that led to the Underbelly of the city. She followed him and even though he was out of reach, she was able to throw one of her smaller knives forcefully at him and with impeccable aim. The knife landed in the back of his right shoulder and even though he toppled over before Ghoul could catch up to him he was already on his tall and lanky legs again. She growled under her breath and looked for any field advantages and there was nothing but people and narrow pathways. Suddenly the elevator that went directly to the Underbelly opened and a wave of people got out in front of her blocking her view of the direction the stupid man went. All of her  anger exploded from her and she punched the nearest concrete wall in an impulsive decision. She quickly regretted it. Her hand felt pulses of pain jolt up her wrist and her elbow from the impact against the concrete.
“Fuck.” She said to herself as she panted. She took the opportunity to lean on the wall with her back as she inspected the pulsating hand. Her knuckles were bloody and they looked red and puffy but nothing seemed broken on the outside. She took the moment to breathe thinking what her next move should be. It would be impossible to try to send a message that would get to Del in time to inform him of the first meeting she encountered. She rolled her shoulders to remove some of the tension she felt from the soak clothes and the anger she felt because that stupid fucker got away. Ghoul watched the many faces that ignored her as they walked by and she smelt a familiar lingering scent that directed the rest of senses. That was when she realized she was near one of the underground aurora dens and her desire for the drug resurfaced. She shook her head pushing any thoughts of revisiting the Astral Lounge out of the way so she could focus on the task at hand. She vaguely remembered the time and location of the meeting and decided to follow through with the original mission before she made any more decisions based on personal interest.
This story is part of a collection of AU Ghoul stories. Please feel free to check out the other chapters on Ao3 as well if you would like to show support or reblog here on tumblr!
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atonalginger · 4 months
Snippet Sunday
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Oh hey, it's Sunday and I've got another snippet from the upcoming Rise of Libertatia series!
I'm going to generally tag The Coemancer Crew and anyone else who sees this reminder and thinks "oh hey, I got something I want to share!" No pressure at all, just know you are invited.
Rafa’s fussing intensified, grunts and whines turning into full on wailing. Delgado glanced at the antique clock ticking on top of the bookshelf and realized it was time for a feeding. Bella groaned and started to sit up but he stopped her, “I’ll handle him, you take it easy while Jay gets you packed.”
She studied his face, fear peeking through on what was to come, “you sure?”
“Absolutely,” he leaned in and gave her a tender kiss, “make your call, pack for the trip, let us handle everything else.”
She nodded reluctantly and let go of him. He stood up and made his way into the kitchen to prepare a bottle for the little boy. He tried not to think about Bayu and the approaching mess of taking him out while the bottle warmer did its job. Tried to not think about the stress Bella and the kids were going to go through jumping out to Jemison so soon. About the anxiety of being separated from them again. Bella being down two sets of hands with the kids and worried about both of them at the same time. Each bad thought he tried to mentally bat away like he did back in the Fleet before he met her. Except these bad thoughts moved like rubber balls, bouncing back with more force each time.
The timer chirped at him and he pulled the bottle, checking the temperature by shaking a drop onto the back of his hand before he walked back into the front room and over to Rokov, who was busy bouncing and cooing at their little boy. Delgado leaned in and nuzzled the top of Rafa’s head, whispering soothing words.
“You going to take him into the office?” Rokov asked.
“Yup, I can drop the blinds and lower the lights in there,” Del carefully accepted his crying son, “we can talk plans once the Aria lifts off.”
“Da,” Rokov gently rubbed Rafa’s head, “be a good boy and eat for Papa.”
Rafa’s wails intensified, as if answering both his fathers. Delgado slipped down the hall, tapping the controls for the windows with the bottom of the bottle while he slid the door shut with his foot. Little Rafa’s cries rattled his soul; they were more intense than his usual hunger cries. Do you know? He wondered as he sat down on the small couch in the corner of his office, do you realize what’s happening?
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monstergraffiti · 3 months
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man, they really had product placement in all the 90s cartoons, huh.
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instantartific · 1 year
Seriously though, what would have happened if B2J never rebelled and tried to take down NSR?
Everything either would have stayed the same or gradually grown worse. On an individual standpoint, some people may learn to better themselves without that intervention, but others may just spiral downwards.
Nova's never satisfied, and without ever being proven wrong, he could end up completely unravelling himself, so to speak.
SAYU Crew may get even more consumed with Sayu's fame than they already are and neglect their schooling and just being kids in general.
It can be argued that Yinu and Mama's relationship surely wouldn't get any better without having that forced moment to bond.
Neon... it's arguable as to how stable he is in general, but he may have stayed the same regardless of B2J happening. That, or would have been completely consumed in serving Tatiana and his literal blind loyalty to NSR.
Eve has a similar case with Nova; she's never satisfied. The big difference, though, is that she allows it to be an internal battle rather than an external cause. She lashes out at other people to try and satiate herself. Someone may have eventually come to replace Zuke so the cycle could start over, though that's heavily debatable.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
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“Neon J Life Stages”
Yeah... I’m gonna try to do a life stage piece for all the NSR characters. This is fun :3
[Please use He/Him pronouns for Neon even when talking about his younger self]
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spotaus · 6 months
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Hi. So. My roommate got me a bday gift that came in today and it started the urge to doodle N with Killer!Sans. (N is like, 5'8", Killer is just short AF)
More Context below the Cut
SO MY ROOMMATE. MY BESTIE. MY BELOVED. (@/neonsix67) got me a gift. She doesn't know most utmv things (recognizes a few guys, only into it years ago because of that one MafiaFell comic, etc.) Decides to order me a Utmv merch item. She gets me this:
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(Dakimura of Killer ^)
Because she enjoys torturing me and also is the best. And this is amazing on its own, but he's also only tall enough to reach my chest when I unfurl the pillow case and I just thought "I need to draw him being short" and imploded.
Anywhoooo I don't think this is a self-ship exactly. More just I'd like to be on very good terms with this guy. I think we'd bond over knife-collections frfr 😌😌😌 BUT I enjoyed drawing him and have been losing my mind over the dakimura all afternoon lol---
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bluejay-makes · 2 years
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The crew 👁👁 old boob meme
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maulfucker · 1 year
The problem with making myself a star wars oc is that I love designing aliens but I hate creating anything for premade settings
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a-eo-iu · 1 year
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[creates a new guy instead of drawing the guys I already have]
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zeena and alien poster/wallpaper
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curryshesus · 4 months
jeon jungkook fics that own my mind, body, heart, and soul
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in other words, this is a collection of my favorite jk fics on tumblr! if you enjoyed any of these fics as much as i did, pls remember to support the authors by interacting with their post. part 2 | other bts members
➺ bitchin - by @kinktae
summary: the 80s were a time of choices. which perm was right for you? what color neon would you wear next? none of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with jeon jungkook.
➺ idealizations concerning real life relations - by @venusiangguk
summary: jungkook loves to be loved, but he doesn’t love in return.
➺ hotter than hell - by @chateautae
summary: jungkook, lucifer and king of hell, has been cast out of the crimson underworld for a reason he’s unsure of. embarking on his journey for the answer should’ve been easy, if it weren’t for you, the human that nurses his wounded body in her home, and accidentally witnesses the truth of his identity. kickstarting a hellish adventure with the devil himself, you discover lucifer is the most infuriating company ever; and jungkook finds out that maybe his answer to returning home lies within his annoying human confidant.
➺ jump then fall (into you) - by @writtenwhalien
summary: bringing Jungkook along as your date to your ex’s lavish cruise wedding seemed like a perfect idea at first — all of your family and close friends together, nothing can go wrong�� then Jungkook’s ex shows up and all of a sudden you’re in a years long relationship with him. You don’t mind though, really, how hard can sharing a cabin and pretending to be deeply in love with your best friend really be?
➺ too late to dream - by @kookslastbutton
summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
➺ the forgotten spaces- by @oddinary4bts
summary: you've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
➺ when the end comes - by @oddinary4bts
summary: Seven years after you've started dating Jungkook, long distance creates a wedge in your relationship. When the only solution seems to be breaking up, you go your separate ways even though love still lives in the two of you. Will you find a way back together, or has the end come for you and Jeon Jungkook? **sequel to the forgotten spaces
➺ falling - by @starshapedkookie
summary: soulmate (noun): a person who is bound to another through the strongest level of emotional and physical connection. one is given a name on the body upon 18 years of age and any transgressions against the laws of soul-bonding will not occur without harm.
➺ love alive - by @jamaisjoons
summary: a year after you and jungkook break up, the two of you meet at your brother’s party.
➺ changes in between - by @taegularities
summary: Becoming the roommate of Jeon Jungkook is the biggest change you’ve ever gotten thrown into - but little do you know that the addition of another man will bring even further turbulence into your (love) life.
➺ falling skies - by @fortunexkookie
summary: Jeon Jiyeon was your childhood best friend; her brother, Jungkook, was something else entirely. You used to be friends, but then he had gone from endearingly frustrating dumb boy to card-carrying fuckboy so fast it had given you whiplash.
Despite the teasing and fighting, Jiyeon realized how Jungkook felt about you long before he did - it was a twin thing - and if you were her sun, and he was her moon, then she just wished she could show you how he reflected your light.
➺ sugarplum elegy - by @bymoonchild
summary: You know no bounds nor depth with Jungkook. While your fuck buddy loves sleeping in your bed and doing laundry for you with his favourite fabric softener, you are in love with a mysterious honeyed, velvety voice on Soundcloud. All’s fine, until you find out that the voice that metaphors your heart to a sweet sugarplum melody actually belongs to the boy who has been taking up a special spot in your bed and in your heart, strumming at your heartstrings all this while. Or, Jungkook has one braincell, but it’s heart-shaped.
➺ an abundance of mondays - by @diortae
summary: "why the fuck would it be easy? you’re disgustingly in love with your best friend. of course it’s complicated.” he pauses to roll his eyes, as if he hasn’t just laid out the most secret parts of you here in the middle of the campus dining hall.
➺ five dates - by @kpopfanfictrash
summary: “Ten dates,” he nods, smile tugging at his lips. “Ten dates, to decide if you want this – want me – or want me to go. Ten dates to get to know me. Ten dates,” he says, oddly soft, “to fall in love with me.” Which then becomes five.
➺ here comes the bride, all dressed in pride - by @hansolmates
summary: You and your cousin Doyeon have had beef with each other since the sandbox. When she plucks the last straw, you decide to end your long-simmering fight by claiming that you and her ex—Jeon Jungkook, are now boyfriend and girlfriend
➺ if i told you - by @gukyi
summary: in order to pay for university, jeon jungkook decides to market his most valuable asset to the wealthy socialites of campus: himself. donning a suit and tie, tousled hair, and glasses (to look smarter), he becomes every rich daughter’s dream: the perfect boyfriend to bring to balls, dinners, and business gatherings. all while you watch from the sidelines, only able to dream of having that much money to buy yourself what you really want: him.
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fangbangerghoul · 8 months
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Welcome to Neon City
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atonalginger · 8 months
The Ranger and The Deputy update (Act 3)
Hey Act 3 is now fully up on Ao3 and you can dive into the mess on Neon by clicking Here!
Reminder, RatD is rated Explicit for sex and violence so 18+ MDNI. To start from the beginning you can click here!
a small sneak peek:
Two and a half hours. That was how long they’d been forced to dance for Antonio and his crew. Song after song with Antonio growing grumpier and grumpier as Del and Kitty got better and better as they continued to dance. Antonio’s crew, oblivious of their boss’s growing bad mood, cheered for the couple as they danced the night away. Kitty and Del were both sweating profusely and in dire need of water. But they agreed at the forty-five minute mark that they still could not trust any drink served in the establishment and soldiered on without. She was beginning to wonder if Bayu was actually going to show up. It seemed he hadn’t lied about stopping the Ecliptic ambush: from Antonio’s souring mood and the increasing amount of him glancing at the side entrances it was clear he hadn’t intended for this to go on this long. As Del dabbed sweat from her brow once more, Kitty wondered how much more they could go. Are we just going to dance till one of us drops? “How you holding up, mi alma?” Del asked as he glanced in the direction of the front door. “Where. Is. Benny?” she asked, enunciating each word while leaning close to his shoulder, “We can’t just keep doing this.”
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