Reading a translation of Gender Queer
1) my general review of the book is pretty neutral/mixed
but more importantly 2) The translator translated the spivak neopronouns! so we have like, canon neopronouns (in addition to hen/hens). (e/em/eres: "spør em hva e vil ha i teen eres" - example from the book).
(I'll not speak to much on the review part here, that should have it's own post, but I'll say it definitely requires content/trigger warnings)
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Drunk drivers/killer whales pronouns.
Drunk drivers were buying me a cup of coffee because I was mad at killer whales and drunk drivers wanted to make up. I accept, because while I don't mean to rationalize, drunk drivers can make me such a negative person, but it's all just an act. Just.. it doesn't have to be like this. It doesn't. I hope drunk drivers turn off the engine, get out of the car and start to walk.
I think about killer whales and how there's notes in killer whales' handwriting and drunk drivers can't make it out. It's not a proud race, nor a race at all. We're just trying to get home. I tell killer whales it doesn't have to be like this. Will drunk drivers listen? I hope drunk drivers do.
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Not to be nerdy and queer, but imagine making a conlang with like 10 base genders (gender systems maybe?), where gender affects verbs and adjectives and stuff, also designing it for being easy to make language for your own genders (high variation between spelling of pronouns and adjective modification, unlike French).
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btw if any of you people knows of any songs that use neopronouns do tell me (via reply on this post, reblog, ask, dm, anything).
this is like a policy btw, not a limited time thing. If you ever find songs with neopronouns, please share them with me.
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btw if anyone knows of any good writers who use neopronouns do share, I can only think of aroworlds (Tumblr) and I think butch blues something something
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I should like,, write a story in Norwegian with neopronouns to figure out what pronouns I want!
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Is there a neopronoun API?
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Thank you!!!
I would tell you where I got them, but I don't remember, I just know I was scrolling for ages and found them and was just like "wow!! mine."
Neopronouns are really fun :)
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I just added these pronouns to my profile, I figured I'd make a post too. English, French and Norwegian neopronouns and other pronouns I like going by. I've included examples and rating. I'll probably find more and change my mind at some points, but here's an update.
They wears their headphones constantly. That smile of theirs can make anyone's day. They tries to find themself in the lyrics of every song. Asking about music is a good way to get to know them
He wears his headphones constantly. That smile of his can make anyone's day. He tries to find himself in the lyrics of every song. Asking about music is a good way to get to know him
Xy wears xys headphones constantly. That smile of gala can make anyone's day. Xy tries to find galaxelf in the lyrics of every song. Asking about music is a good way to get to know gala
Lee wears lis headphones constantly. That smile of lems can make anyone's day. Lee tries to find lemself in the lyrics of every song. Asking about music is a good way to get to know lem.
also, mixed pronoun set fav:
Xy wears lis headphones constantly. That smile of theirs can make anyone's day. Xy tries to find himself in the lyrics of every song. Asking about music is a good way to get to know gala.
Mixed example:
Have you met lem? He is a big Los Campesinos! fan. I'm a close friend of xys. They have all the best song reccomendations, really, ask gala for some!
Aks liker galks nye sko. Alle beundrer galk.
Han liker hans nye sko. Alle beundrer ham.
Hen liker hens nye sko. Alle beundrer hen.
Blæ like blæs nye sko. Alle beundrer blæn.
also, mixed pronoun set fav:
Hen liker blæs nye sko. Alle beundrer blæn for glaks stil. Alt hen har klær ham.
mixed example:
Kjenner du aks? Det er hans bøker vi låner. Jeg setter seriøst pris på galk. Hen vil egentlig bare at alle skal lese favorittbøkene glaks. Jeg vil spandere en Dr. Pepper på blæn for å vise at jeg setter pris på ham.
Il parle un petit peu français. Lui?
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reading through discord and just found this message I sent (in one of the language channels):
we have: Kjartan kjører kyllinger skikkelig skrekkelig skamfullt, skjokolade-kjolen kjans (that's a neopronoun made on the spot) skjønte (it's alive ok) Kjartan Skjorteløs. (ok that was just a memey poem)
and while I'm utterly confused as to what I was on about with "skrekkelig" and "skamfullt" cause they don't have a "ch" style sound unlike all the others. Also it's not a [??] correct sentence, also it's weird but whatever. I really enjoy that neo "kjans".
The problem with standard Norwegian pronouns is that they don't have a "kj" sound. Which is why neopronouns are important (besides the basic 1) epic nonbinary, xenogender and/or genderfuckery thing and 2) just neopronoun= cool).
Anyway you all need to start using¹ these pronouns so here's a full set: kjan/kjan/kjans. (based on han/ham, the masc Norwegian pronouns + the name Kjartan (masc name, for me associated with the school book grammar example of the kj sound and thus also chickens, but according to SSB a popular men's name in 1976))
1. I meant as in if you write example sentences or stories, but obviously if you adopt them as your own pronouns that people should use for you that's also super cool
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The want the need to write a story with main characters who use several neopronouns and having other people assign them neopronouns as they get closer as a sorta community bonding thing or something. Kinda like inside jokes, but pronouns. Heck maybe the neopronouns end up being like screaming/crying/throwing up or there's/always/a day/tomorrow
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I was going through my files, looking for something, and stumbled across this one time I used nir as first person pronouns, or more precisely I/me/nir/nirs/myself. (nir/nirs instead of my/mine).
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