astriiformes · 1 year
For anyone looking for a bit of good news -- yesterday the Minnesota Senate passed both a bill outlawing conversion therapy statewide and the trans refuge state bill that further reinforces our governor's executive order from several weeks ago. Both had already passed in the House, which means at this point all they need is the governor's signature.
The Minnesota House also passed a bill limiting the release of reproductive health care information, essentially stating the state will not cooperate with efforts by other states to prosecute people for receiving reproductive health care here in Minnesota. It will likely follow the others and get passed in the Senate soon.
I know this is particularly good news for Minnesotans, but I'm also heartened by the fact that two of the bills are very focused on making our state a sanctuary for individuals looking to find care here, particularly given the state of things in the states bordering us. I hope it's encouraging to some of you as well. This fight is ongoing and there are absolutely still victories happening, including ones I truly hope will spill over our borders and help others in need.
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every song is trans if you try hard enough
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thinking about the 'hate terfs'/'love trans people' distinction.
like... i don't get mad about the people who loudly denounce terfs. i like to see that, in fact. is it a little performative? well, sure, sometimes. you should also be uplifting trans voices and all that. but i think it's one of those things where it's like... there are different steps in the journey of trans acceptance and different parts of the struggle for trans rights. if someone is yelling at terfs, i will trust them over someone who stays silent. i will work with someone who stays silent over someone who is loudly transphobic. i will argue with someone who is loudly transphobic before i argue with someone who is VIOLENTLY transphobic. it's a spectrum. but the thing is... if all you do is yell at terfs and you don't uplift trans people, you have to understand that you will not be the first person i go to for certain kinds of safety or discussion.
it's a piece of the puzzle, but it isn't the whole picture. hating terfs has its place, and i'm right there with you, but there are also deeper, kinder ways to protect and help the trans community.
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formerlyashkatom · 4 months
there was a take on my dash earlier that was basically 'wdym men aren't allowed to talk about their feelings, all men do is talk about their feelings, have you ever heard A Podcast, what loneliness epidemic shut the fuck up about it'
and yes, being a woman in Society is worse and more limiting in any number of ways, but as a trans man I gotta say I didn't understand just how bad and lonely it is for men until I transitioned.
it was really eye-opening seeing the way people reacted to me changing. friends I had previously exchanged emotional support with became more closed off. strangers became more indifferent or cautious. this is beyond the transphobic response of losing family and friends because I was trans - this was because even the people who were supportive of my transition had a set response for how to treat men in their head, and were acting according to that. and as someone who transitioned late and got to go through Sexism Hell, I can't fault that avoidance and arm's length distance.
still, at the same time, transitioning has been the loneliest thing I've ever done, and it feels taboo to say that in no small part because of 'lol who cares about men' narratives. it's been to the point where I've questioned whether I should have transitioned at all, now that I've smacked face-first into this wall. I can't imagine what it would have been like to grow up with it. I probably would have made a podcast as well just to talk to somebody without feeling like I was inflicting my presence on the unwilling.
I dunno. the further I get into transition, the more :S I feel about 'men need to shut up' narratives, but maybe that's just male privilege coming into play. maybe this is a post that should have stayed unposted because it's just a man whining about his feelings! but I've been having ~trans feels~ about this for a while now so it gets to go on my blog.
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miionio · 2 months
Wish I could go back in time and tell my 12 year old trans-in-denial-self a lot of things.
That it was okay to feel different.
That nothing was wrong with him.
That his mom couldn't care less if he was her only daughter or third son.
That nobody important to him would find him strange or odd.
That he shouldn't waste another 12 years being miserable instead of being happy, when life is already too short.
That he is still worthy of love and people will still want to be his partner even if he is a transman.
That the next apartment he would move into has mold in the shower and it will fuck with his lungs for two years.
Dear god stop eating hazelnuts because you are going to become allergic. Stop eating them. Also stop bloody eating tomatoes because they make you sick too you little brat.
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mitamicah · 5 months
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This Ken *me* is trans :3
A silly idea I got a while ago x'D
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devotion90 · 2 years
Hello, dear friends! My name is Katherine.
Im transwoman and I go with she/her pronounce. I really appreciate your attention. I always would like to have a new friends. My hobbies are sketch drawing, playing videogames, Japan, collecting nerdy stuff (im a nerd), and collecting music. Out here i really d'like to post everything in my mind. Im talkative person, so dont be shy to say "hi" to me in my inbox :3
If you like anything i write, please put your heart on post, it will support and comfort me a lot:
My comics blog:
My IT blog:
Follow me if you like anything above.
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I'm like if a guy was a woman. Its like in those genderswap animes where a boy wakes up in a girl's body except if he had always had a girls body and was just constantly confused+surprised. And then he just lived like that for a few years.
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graxmedina · 2 years
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Aproveitar que o sinal ficou em vermelho. 🚦 #tbt🔙📸 #ᴛʙᴛ #trans #transmasculine #transmale #transgrender #transblogger #transblog #blogueira #bloguierinha #blogueiro (em Viaduto Santa Tereza) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-oMDSvnHt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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strangenewgirls · 2 years
blew the minds of everyone in my office when one of my co-workers said "she doesn't like dick" and i replied "i don't mind dick as long as it's not a man's dick"
they were too speechless to be maliciously transphobic and i'll call that a win
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astriiformes · 1 month
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There's a lot I could say about what it's like to be trans right now, but this Transgender Day of Visibility, I think I'll leave it at this -- I love being trans, and no one can take that away.
From marching in Pride parades dressed as a trans character and having the next generation of trans and nonbinary kids get excited about it, to the gender euphoria I've had post-top surgery, to holding pieces of our history in the queer archive where I work, I love getting to be a part of something so big and beautiful, even in the face of rising hate. It shouldn't take so much bravery to experience that kind of joy, but it's entirely worth it. I promise. 🏳️‍⚧️
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Not to be nerdy and queer, but imagine making a conlang with like 10 base genders (gender systems maybe?), where gender affects verbs and adjectives and stuff, also designing it for being easy to make language for your own genders (high variation between spelling of pronouns and adjective modification, unlike French).
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hi my pronouns are they/them. I am not female. please refer to me accordingly.
I might have been afab but that does not make me a woman. I might have a vagina and tits and all that shit but that does not make me a woman. I might pass for a woman but that does not fucking make me one.
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right! so. i got a message in my inbox, i've screenshot it just because i'm not sure this person would want to be interacting with me based on their DNI and as we all know DNIs make me anxious as all fuck. IN ANY CASE, the message still brings up an interesting point!
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i ran across another post in the murderbot tag that i lost in my likes somewhere that i think is interesting and related to this. basically what it said was "a lot of people in the text of the series use it/its for murderbot, and murderbot has never corrected them, ergo, murderbot MUST use it/its"
which is a valid take, but it isn't the only one there is. because i don't honestly think i could claim to know what pronouns murderbot prefers just based on the fact that there's been no pushback thus far with it/its (though my memory is definitely dysfunctional, someone correct me if there is actually a preference stated) (also yes i DO know that in fugitive telemetry there's that scene where murderbot marks their feed intro thing as basically gender=N/A, which isn't the question here, because you can use any pronouns for any gender and it all comes down to preference).
the reason i don't think murderbot not telling people to stop using it/its is a definitive answer is because as a trans non-binary person who would exclusively use they/them if i could, there are still a LOT of circumstances where i don't speak up about people using other pronouns for me. i exclusively use the pronouns associated with my agab at work, for instance. and yes, you could argue that people using those pronouns still misgenders me, but if i don't correct those people and they have no reasonable way of knowing that i don't really like those pronouns, then hey, can i really blame them? it's very possible murderbot is in the same boat--we know how much anxiety is packed into that construct, and also how little human conversational aptitude is in that same space, so the pronoun thing could VERY EASILY be a case of "murderbot doesn't care enough to correct the humans about this thing in particular when there's so much other shit to worry about"
aside from that, one thing that i DO know about murderbot is that identity and personhood are big, complex, and interesting themes/issues when it comes to the character arcs and interactions we've seen. we can have so many fascinating discussions about queer characters and how queerness relates to humanity relates to identity, and i think the fact that the murderbot diaries raises a lot of questions in that vein is, frankly, awesome. i have a lot of personal opinions about how murderbot's arcs might go moving forward, and yes, one of them is that [they] will eventually realize that the extra distance from humanity the it/its pronouns gives [them] is unnecessary. of course this won't be the case for every bot (sorry miki, i think i only referred to you with they/them once but maybe i shouldn't have), and of course not everyone who uses it/its is trying to find distance from humanity, but in my personal world i find it very comforting to imagine murderbot using the pronouns i myself use and as of right now, there's nothing particularly explicit in the text saying i shouldn't.
and as an aside... this is getting very long already, but there's also the fandom factor here. people have all kinds of headcanons and all kinds of reasons for supporting/using/talking about them. when i use they/them for murderbot it does not change the actual text of the series. if you find the way i interact with this series and/or interpret the text to be grating, then don't interact with me. it's okay to block me. it's a good thing in many cases to raise these sort of concerns, because yes, there ARE shitty people who misgender others intentionally or out of ignorance. but in this particular case i'm going to say that i'm not necessarily wrong, and even if i WAS it might be more productive to just block me than to continue to interact with me. at the end of the day, murderbot is a fictional character, and it doesn't hurt the construct to use they/them over it/its.
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lilacada · 5 years
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spoonfulofwhoopass · 6 years
pros of testosterone so far: voice deep
cons: butt pimples
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