thisloveforyourmom · 9 years
Tagged by maltymcfry!!
1. Write your name in songs! A- Autumn Leaves by Ed Sheeran N- New Rochelle by Bob Mintzer D- Do My Thing by Estelle ft. Janelle Monae I- I Would Be So Pleased by Deedee Magno E- Electric Angel by Rin/Len Kagamine(THE ONLY VOCALOID SONG I WILL UNABASHEDLY ADMIT I LOVE)
2. Why did you choose your url? Idk man I was thinking of ‘vintage’ and ‘mint condition’ and they’re opposites so I combined them and got ‘mintagecondition’
3. Middle name? Candace!
4. If you could be a fictional character, who would you be? Ok but I already am one and it’s Pearl from Steven Universe
5. Favorite colors? Anything except neon yellow and gray-green
6. Favorite song? I-
7. Top 4 fandoms?  Steven Universe, Haikyuu!! and like. I don’t know all of them
8. Why do you enjoy tumblr? Because I like the ppl on it and fandom stuff hhh
I tag snazzysnapis, psuburbs, nerdgirl-98, l-silvermoon, and mrnubs!!
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moonturtle6 · 9 years
I followed you for quality Gravity falls fanart, cool, chill personality, and evaporated milk.
Haha thank you! 
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describeyourotp · 9 years
my OTP is a town protecter and proclaimer with a baritone voice, and a squeeky voiced, pretty haired scientist.
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breelandwalker · 9 years
Thank you for your answer. I've been scared that if i keep learning about witchcraft I will sooner or later be attacked, but your answer was very reassuring.
Glad to help. :)
Learning about witchcraft isn’t going to hurt you, I promise.
If you get worried, there are lots of protection spells you can do to keep spiritual nasties out of your home and away from your person.
Check my website for more information!
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moonlexi · 9 years
garnetpearl for your ship thing!
yes thank u i love pearlnet :)
Who would be the big spoon/little spoon?
garnet is def the big spoon and pearl is the little spoon
Who would wake up first?
garnetDo they have nicknames for each other?
probably not... that might be a little too human for themHow do they apologize after an argument?
they hug it outWhat would they be like as parents?
theyre already pretty much parents of steven lolWho is more romantic?
its a tie they are both hopelessly romanticWhat sort of gifts do they get for each other?
they take each other on cute dates as a giftWho gets jealous easiest?
definitely pearl... garnet doesnt seem to be the jealous type but pearl in canon isWho gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas?
pearlWho is the most adventurous?
garnetWho is the most protective?
pearlWhat would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?
no idea bc they are ageless aliens whoopsWho uses all the hot water?
garnetWho would accidentally set the kitchen on fire whilst cooking? 
pearl bc she can’t cookWho initiates sexy times the most?
probably pearlWho is more dominant?
theyre about the sameWhat would they do if the other one was hurt?
they would go and comfort them... maybe hug some
if they were physically hurt then i think they would go and help bandage up the wounds that they gotWho gives nose/forehead kisses?
garnet is big on the kissingWhat their biggest fight was/will be about:
pearl not moving on from rose
BONUS #1: Song to sum them up?
lol i cant think of one :PBONUS #2: A head canon?
they are both huge cuddle monsters and love to snuggle with each other
BOTTOM LINE: Do I ship it?
hell yeah i do
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If by “canon” you mean “we’re actually dating”, no.
Moon and I are as canon as any ship, though. pfft 
I’m going through the pics that friends have drawn of me and rotating my icon accordingly. right now the pic is of me and moonturtle6 that she drew for me a while back to celebrate when I had gotten to 300 followers. 
that’s all
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feminisedlad · 9 years
who is the last person you kissed? cheek or mouth or otherwise?
gale, before they got on their plane.
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moonturtle6 · 9 years
i hope you are having a good day.
I am now! Woot Woot! HAHAHAH Eternal suffering!
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breelandwalker · 9 years
is it true that if i become a witch, i will probably be attacked by demons or bad spirits?
The possibility exists, but it’s a pretty remote one, unless you actively go looking for trouble. It’s about on the same level as being struck by lightning out of the clear blue sky while wearing roller skates.
Does it happen? Sure.
Does it happen regularly, or even often? No.
Does it happen to everyone who becomes a witch, simply because they ARE a witch. FUCK no.
If you want to be a witch, you can be a witch without working with demons or spirits. There are plenty of practitioners who never come near either one during their workings.
And if you do happen to run into something you don’t like, there are ways of telling it to shove off.
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i came for the hetalia, i stayed, also for the Hetalia. especially the passion about denmark
good I’m glad someone appreciates all these feelings I have about Denmark
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sxhuns · 9 years
I have a mole just under my bellybutton and one right between my eyebrows. It feels i have a third eye. yas.
this doesnt have anything to do with moles but once i had a friend who was playing with a stick and then the stick slipped from her fingers and hit me in between my eyebrows so i had a mark there for a weeks 
i will only answer the ones i have on my ask box now, sorry!
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the-videodame · 9 years
hhh i dont like this ship but i’ll try my best!
Who cried when they brought their child home for the first time: Most likely Francis, but I can see Arthur shedding a few tears.
Who would wake up in the middle of the night to check on the kid(s): Both, but Arthur probably more.
Who changes the kid(s) diapers: They take turns.
Who makes the bottles: Francis, he wants the temperature to be right, the right amount of formula, ect.
Who stays up late at night to rock the kid(s) to sleep and sing them lullabys: Francis, but Arthur reads them stories when they’re older.
Who is guilty of spoiling the kid(s): FRANCIS
Who would give the kid(s) cookies in the middle of the night: Francis lmfao
Who always takes the kid(s) side: Francis most of the time, but Arthur tends to get soft
Who would wake up early to make breakfast for the kid(s) before school: Arthur’s up early, but the kids have learned to make their own food for obvious reasons...
Who gets the kid(s) ready for school in the morning: Arthur, cause Francis wants his beauty sleep
Who takes the kid(s) to school: Arthur again 
Who goes to parent teacher conferences: They go together
Who will be the first to suggest to have ‘the talk’ with the kid(s): Arthur suggests it, Francis gives it
Who would choose their child(s) prom outfit: Francis would with (presumably) Matthew and Arthur would with (presumably) Alfred
Who would cry when the kid(s) go off to college: BOTH THEY ARE BOTH BIG BABIES 
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kurosmind · 9 years
"the hens have taken over the eastern barricades "
“le galline hanno preso la barricata est” (wtf? ahahah)
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moonturtle6 · 9 years
i immmidiatley thought of a Kappa! mostly because they are turtle-like, and because even tho they are supposedley evil-ish, the first encounter i had with that type of monster was a cute drawing by an artist i really like. They are polite and curious.
The results I found for the Kappa have varied from ‘Aww’ to ‘What the holy living f*ck!’
But thank you all the same!
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blancherries-art · 9 years
i love your art!
AHH i’m so glad you do!
Thank you so much ❤❤❤
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zu-art · 9 years
Girl, i cant even visit ur blog so often, because if i did, i'd have to reblog the entire gallery! Ur art is amazing! keep up the hard work
Awwww that’s so sweet! Thank you
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