#neshiki week 2021
altorav · 2 years
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Neshiki Week 2021
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bird1nthehand · 2 years
neshiki week - day 2: smile and frown
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Neku smile~
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jheyjette · 2 years
*rolls up to neshiki week a day after it ends with a vocaloid parody video*
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn4V2oiJIQk&feature=youtu.be
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pewycert · 3 years
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NeShiki Week Day 3: Hachiko (but it’s late oops) 
some downtime during week 1. was gonna put Shiki’s hat either on the ground or on Mr Mew but i got tired of working on this
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lanavecorona · 3 years
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Reuploading cuz i hope it actually shows up in the tags this time??? Anyway some art for neshiki week; combined “crossover” and “battle couple” prompts ♥
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amyplumeria · 3 years
Day 4 - Reaper AU
One day I'll add some colors... One day
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💙Happy NeShiki Week everyone!💚
We will start reblogging everyone's entries!
Also, no need to feel pressured since the crew will continue to review submissions even after the week is over if needed. So if you feel like you can't submit on time, no worries! Take your time, we strongly believe in better late than never, so rest assured 👌
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cindiquilsnivy · 3 years
I made a video for Neshiki week not exactly following any of the prompts here it is! 
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maski1 · 3 years
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NeShiki Week Day 3: “Cherry blossom”
In Japanese, Shiki’s name contains the kanji “four” and “season”. And “Season’s greetings” is written on the pin called “St. Ver’s Uppercut” and it produces a blade with cherry petals.
Related to this hypothesis but the first idea was “Neku thinking about Shiki while he’s still in the UG and being comforted somehow”.
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dragonseattofu · 3 years
Faithful Companion (TWEWY fanfic)
“Every morning I tell myself, today’ll be the day,” she said to the statue, tracing the engravings as it’s base, “but I’m always wrong.”
All the sounds of Shibuya stilled as an unfamiliar deep voice rang in her ears.
“Not today.”
(Written for Day 3 of Neshiki Week: Hachiko; link to Ao3 in content source)
“Scuse me for a sec, yo,” Beat growled, running in the direction of his sister and what looked to be a stranger.
“Oo-okay, don’t start any trouble,” Shiki yelled futilely. She prayed the boy would catch on to the black and blonde blur heading for him before it was too late.
Alone once again, Shiki sighed and tightened her grip on Mr. Mew. For everyone meandering in the Scramble, it looked like any other ordinary day.
But for Shiki, it wasn’t. No one knew that Shibuya was almost on the brink of destruction. And that there were people that almost died trying to save it.
Sometimes Shiki wondered what it would be like to be so blissfully unaware of what is happening in the other planes of existence. But then, she would have never known what it would be like to have friends like Beat and Rhyme. She would never have realized what it would be like to truly value oneself. She would never have met Neku.
She twirled the ring on her finger absentmindedly, turning to face her old faithful companion for so many years.
“Any minute now … right?”
He didn’t answer, as usual, but just his presence was comforting.
Even though a lot of things have changed since her time in the reapers game three years ago, the one constant in her life was Hachiko.
The ever present statue was there for her when she met Neku for the first time in the UG. He was there for her a week later after returning to the RG, when she was anxious to meet Beat, Rhyme and Neku for the first time unmasked with her true appearance. He was there for her when she finally got the chance to make amends with Eri.
He was there for her when Neku disappeared again.
Hachiko was the first place she came to when it happened, when Beat stormed through her house, tears rolling down his face, panic in his eyes, struggling to get the words out of his choked-up throat.
”Phones…Phones is…”
“Beat, what’s going on. What’s wrong with Neku?
“H-he’s gone.”
“...What? Gone? Gone where?”
“Pixie Chick … that damn reaper chick, s-she shot him.”
“A reaper … shot Neku…?”
Beat’s pained expression was all the confirmation she needed for the situation to sink in
Frantically Shiki looked around her room, searching for something, anything to help her make sense of what was happening. Her world felt like it was crumbling again, and there was only one person that could help it from collapsing completely.
“JOSH!” she screamed into the open air, jerking Beat up from his stumped over position.
“JOSH, I know you can hear me,” she demanded. Shiki knew how powerful the composer was, and normally wouldn’t speak to him in such a harsh manner, but terror was starting to settle in to her muscles. If what Beat had said was true, she didn’t have the luxury of cordiality.
“Josh, what is going on!?” she pleaded.
“I don’t know.” Light particles began to shimmer into existence before her, gathering and morphing into a white silhouette. The image shattered like a mirror, revealing the composer of Shibuya.
“Where’s Neku?” Shiki asked impatiently.
“Like I said, I don’t know.”
“Wadda mean ya don’t know, Priss-kid?! Where’s Phones?”
“If I knew Daisukenojo,” he said shortly, “I would tell you, but alas, I do not know my dear partner’s whereabouts at the moment. I did not foresee this happening.”
“Is Neku,” Shiki stuttered, “is he d-dead?”
It was unnerving for Shiki when Joshua stared directly into her eyes, the gears in his head turning in a way she could not understand. She wasn’t sure if the fair-skinned boy was feigning ignorance, or if he was being genuine.
Slowly he replied, “... it seems so.”
The pin holding Shiki together fell to the ground, and so did she. Beat lunged to steady her down, falling with her as he too felt the heavy weight of this revelation.
“This can’t be happening. Not after everything we’ve been through,” Shiki mumbled.
“Priss-kid, can’t Phones just play ‘nother game and win or somethin’?”
Before Joshua could reply. Shiki responded, “he can’t, after the third week, he was banned from playing the game again.”
Without missing a beat, “Do somethin’, yo. Ain’t you the Composer? The guy who can do anythin’?”
Rolling his eyes, Joshua sighed, “I am, and unlike you, I’m trying to save him,” he said, tapping away on his orange phone.
“Save him? So he’s alive?”
“Not exactly. That reaper was working outside of my protocols. When she shot him, I tried to send Neku to the UG. But like you said before, he’s banned from entering the UG in Shibuya.”
“So where did you send him? Is he okay?”
“I … tried to send him to the UG of a city that was destroyed. But I’m not sure if it worked because it’s outside my jurisdiction”
“When will you know if it worked?”
“Well I would have found out already if someone didn’t ungraciously demand my presence. Now, if you’ll excuse me, some arrangements still need to be discussed with some unsavory beings.”
And without warning, a blinding light surrounded Joshua forcing Shiki to look away, and when she was finally able to open her eyes, the composer was gone.
Frustrated that the platinum blonde teen wasn’t very forgoing in information, Beat rose to his feet. If Priss-kid wasn’t going to tell them where Phones was, then he was going to turn Shibuya upside down to find him himself. He wasn’t the type of guy to sit around and do nothing when a brother’s in trouble.
For once, Shiki agreed with Beat’s rash behavior. She didn’t know where Neku was, or if he was okay, but if Josh had done something to try and save Neku, that’s all the hope she needed to keep going. Beat took off on his skateboard to Cat Street near Miyashita Park in hopes that Mr. H might be more helpful. She pulled on her messenger bag and ran to the place where she was supposed to meet Neku for their shopping da- hangout tomorrow. Even though she wasn’t sure why, something told her that going to see the bronze akita would help her get through whatever nightmare she found herself in.
As the summer heat gave way to cooler breezes, and the first frost led into dancing pink petals, Shiki’s little ritual of seeking solace from her silent companion continued. It was fitting that Hachiko was a symbol of loyalty; a dog waiting for the return of his master, a girl waiting for the return of her best friend.
All the while, life carried on, and so did she. He would be back, she reassured herself, and she couldn’t wait to show him how much she had grown. She sometimes wondered if he would recognize her now that she’s older. She subconsciously hugged Mr. Mew for moral support.
“He should be able to spot me thanks to this little guy.
“Every morning I tell myself, today’ll be the day,” she said to the statue, tracing the engravings as it’s base, “but I’m always wrong.”
All the sounds of Shibuya stilled as an unfamiliar deep voice rang in her ears.
“Not today.”
Shiki gasped, and turned around pausing to take him all in. With a smidge of guilt, the first thing she noticed was his clothes. He’s always looked good in purple, she thinks. And she wondered if he picked that particular jacket on purpose since she had designed it with him in mind, but knowing him, he probably didn’t even know it was her brand. Fashion was never his strong point.
Lastly, her eyes fell onto his wrists. It was pure coincidence that they had matching yellow wristbands in the reapers game. In fact she thinks it was the only item other than Mr. Mew that was hers when she took on Eri’s appearance. After the game had ended, she had taken the yellow garment off, and didn’t think much of it until two years ago, when she was cleaning her room, and noticed that it was no longer where she had kept it.
Now she realized where it went, and wondered if the fairy reaper had anything to do with more of her things going missing.
The legendary savior of Shibuya flashes her a shy smile, “Right?”
Water started to well in her eyes and she felt herself tremble from emotion.
“Neku,” Shiki said, realizing how long she waited to finally say his name again.
“Hey, sorry it took me so long,” he said apologetically, looking down at his feet.
Shiki didn’t try to wipe her eyes, letting the tears fall down the sides of her framed face. She couldn’t even begin to care how she must look right now, she’s just so overwhelmed to finally see him.
“It’s okay, waiting wasn’t so bad.
“All that matters is that you’re here now.”
“Thanks,” Neku replied. He wonders what he did to deserve someone so kind and forgiving like her in his life.
“I’m so happy you’re back,” Shiki said, smiling through the tears.
“Me too.”
Was it possible to miss someone so much that the simple act of hearing that person’s voice resonants like a melody in his mind and he’s saddened when it stops because she takes a simple breath between sentences?
Or that he’s reeling from the fact that not only did she not forget about him, but that she waited for him everyday for three years, never giving up hope that he might come back.
Or that even though they are both older, she still remained the same Shiki he held onto for all those years; she was beautiful on the inside and out.
Now that he’s finally seen her for the first time in three years, he’s not sure what to do next. A part of him embarrassingly wants to … hug her. His face warmed at the thought.
He settled for closing the gap between them, and gently thumbing the droplets of water on her face away. His hand lingered on her cheek, suddenly so touch starved, he wanted to relish in her warmth just a little longer.
“It’s so good to be home.”
Shiki moved away from him for a brief moment, startling him that he must have done something wrong, but she surprised him by burying her face in his chest, arms weaving around him and holding on as tightly as she could.
“Welcome home, Neku,” she mumbled in between the folds of fabric. He didn’t mind how strongly she was squeezing him, even though it was slightly uncomfortable having Mr. Mew pressed into his back. Neku found himself returning the gesture eagerly. He didn’t want to take moments like these for granted anymore, and wished that he could just hold onto her for a little longer.
Eventually they pulled away, and Neku rested his head on Shiki’s. Sound resumed, and the orange haired teen is reminded that their private moment was in a not so private place. His friends are probably wondering what is taking him so long. He can already hear the teasing Beat has in store for him.
“Beat’s probably waiting for us,” Neku said reluctantly.
“Rhyme too. I just came back to Shibuya, and I haven’t had the chance to catch up with her yet.”
“I also have some friends I want you to meet. One of them is your biggest fan, and she’d probably go crazy if she met you.”
She smiled, glad to hear that Neku’s made some friends during his time away.
“I can’t wait to meet them.”
He takes her hand, interlacing their fingers. Neku’s not leaving anything to chance anymore. He’s not going to take time for granted. Sure, he’s blushing at the bold motion, but unless Shiki pulls away, he’s going to do what should have been done years ago. To his pleasure, her hand stays firmly in his, fitting together like keys in a lock.
He leads her down the street, seeing Beat’s blonde hair and red headphones a short distance away.
A couple steps away from Hachiko, Neku feels the cool metal around her finger in his hand.
“You still have this on. I thought this was Eri’s?” he remarks, remembering the ring on her finger when Shiki had Eri’s appearance from his first time in the game.
“It’s a matching set actually. Sort of like friendship rings. We both wear them on our left pinkys, and we pinky promised to always be friends,” she recounted, “kind of silly, right?”
For someone who didn’t know Shiki well, the side comment would have probably been brushed off. But for Neku, red flags started to wave. Those self-deprecating thoughts needed to be nipped in the bud immediately.
Neku brought them to a stop, “I don’t think it’s silly at all. It’s a symbol of your friendship with Eri, and it’s important enough to you that you’re still wearing it for so many years. I think that’s pretty amazing.”
There had to be a limit to how warm the face can get, right? From holding his hand to his encouraging words was just too much in one day! Her reaction must have been impressive enough, because he smiled at her, and remarked, “In fact, It’s actually giving me an idea.”
“What idea?”
“You’ll see,” he teased, before resuming their walk, hands still linked together.
After meeting up with the Bito siblings, the boys led the girls to where the Wicked Twisters had gathered in the Scramble. And as greetings and promises to meet again soon were exchanged, the bronze statue silently watched their connections grow into a network of lasting friendships.
This was my second attempt at writing a reunion story. I wrote my first one before I finished NEO, and I wanted to try and write a more canonical version of their reunion, that goes a little slower then the first one did. I'm also trying to tie this one into something else I'm working on, so stay tuned for that.
(This was written for Day 3 of Neshiki Week 2021, with the theme of Hachiko.) My next installments for the remainder of Neshiki week will be delayed by a couple days since this one took me two days to write, but I do plan on having something for every day of the week. (I've never been this ambitious, hopefully I'm not lying to your faces right now >.>)
Till next time friends! - Tofu
Disclaimer: Certain parts of dialogue were taken directly from the game, which I do not claim ownership of; they belong to the NEO The World Ends With You writers.
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altorav · 3 years
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"I'm Neku Sakuraba," he said, offerring his hand to her with a smile. "Just call me Neku."
'...I call this whack.' She thought.
NeShiki Week Day 2: Role Reversal
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bird1nthehand · 2 years
neshiki week - day 1: entry fee
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"I can't even hold her!"
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real-life-pine-tree · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You (Video Games), Cardfight!! Vanguard Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Misaki Shiki & Sakuraba Neku Characters: Misaki Shiki, Sakuraba Neku, Bito "Beat" Daisukenojo, Bito "Rhyme" Raimu Additional Tags: Cardfight!! Vanguard G: GIRS Crisis, Platonic Female/Male Relationships, Neshiki Week 2021 Series: Part 6 of Neshiki Week 2021 Summary:
You already know about the world where Tin Pin Slammer is dominant in everyday life, but what about the world where card games are the norm?
Neshiki Week Day 6: Battle Couple/Hobby-sharing
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uncertainluna · 2 years
Chapter 3 of "Wishes and Curses" is now up! This one has a good amount of drama and some surprises I wasn't anticipating.
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amyplumeria · 3 years
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Day 5 - Crossover
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We've come to the end of Neshiki Week! Thanks to everyone who's participated with all their amazing entries so far!
If you still want to post to the tag, please do so, we will continue to keep an eye out throughout the month. A few of us plan to do this too~
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