#nesta loves the most
zipadeea · 28 days
The amount that Nesta archeron cares about other people and simultaneously hates herself is kind of making me ill
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starrbirrd · 4 months
something something ACOSF AU where the first fae-tradition Nesta learns is cutting her hair and sending it to Rhys as a declaration of war
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flowerflamestars · 5 months
Haunted Holy & Divine snippet
“When you torture people,” Nesta said, flatly. “For whatever it is they’ve done. They throw them in the dark and they throw them to you.” There had never been a choice. Azriel was the bastard son of an Illyrian lord. There was only blood, for him. It would have been swords and battlefields. A lifetime of war. Killing his own, when the disobeyed. Crippling his own, when they dreamt of more. Azriel’s hands would have always had to do the work- for Rhain, for Shahar, for Rhysand. It was no small thing that had made him what he was, but it was no choice either. “I mean you no harm,” Azriel settled on saying, nearly soundless. Colorless, as the deepening shadow, his many many forebears in Night’s unholy work crowding close in cold comfort. It was no physical nearness, but Nesta’s eyes flickered up, following what was not light like a moth. “What is the point in hurting them,” she huffed. “What is the point, when you?” She made a vast slashing gesture toward him, lingering enough Azriel could not reign in the shadows that slipped, trying to coil around her aching wrist in support. “You don’t need a knife to know.” No, he didn’t. And the first century of his work for the throne, Truthteller had been nothing but a friend, a mark of respect: Azriel might carry of sword at times, might have survived training, but he would never carry a blessed blade of his people. So Rhain had made him one. Starsteel did not bend for High Fae hands, but it had melted. Become something better, worse, beneath Azriel’s young, unfettered grip. “I don’t.” Azriel admittedly, softly. “I do not choose what my High Lord asks of me.”
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booasaur · 2 years
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See (2019) - Haniwa and Wren » Kisses
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@kateprincessofbluewhales I’m just constantly thinking about your jilted Nesta
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jmoonjones · 1 year
After struggling to find something in common, Nesta and Rhys discover a shared passion for board games so dominating game night becomes the thing they finally bond over
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please excuse any typos or wobbly lines, the real world rudely got in the way of my fluffy escapist doodling
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shadowqueenjude · 4 months
Crying today cuz I'm a sucker for romance and all of my couples are extremely romantic and half of them never end up together in canon😭😭😭😭😭
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astrababyy · 1 year
i feel an objectively irrational amount of hatred for cassian. the way he treats nesta and would literally outright antagonize her was so gross. i hate that she ended up with him. nesta did not deserve that. she did not deserve to be put down and degraded until she fit the mold he wanted her to fit in. it’s so disgusting that cassian got her in the end, that the inner circle got what they wanted from her. meanwhile, she’s never going to truly move on and be happy. i HATE him. he prioritizes the ic and rhysand’s mate over his own, literally degrades and abuses nesta when she’s at her lowest, fucking LAUGHED when she went tumbling down 10,000 steps, never bothered to try and help her with her powers, never accepted her for who she is, etc. etc. he is such a despicable excuse of a character and a terrible love interest.
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alicentsaegon · 11 months
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I'll never get over the literally thousands of readers that read ACOSF and concluded that yes actually Nesta is in the wrong here ☺️☺️☺️
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hereathemoment · 1 year
When elain accepts the mating bond to Lucien, Nesta will have to sit there every family gathering, watching as her sisters have their perfect romance while she is forced to be in an abusive relationship with Cassian just to be invited
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hiemaldesirae · 6 months
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my favourite characters thus far: the 'villain' (tamlin), the mcs sister, the LIs (dead) sister, and the queen who died like a chapter after her second scene
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zipadeea · 3 months
Archeron sister dynamics are the same as the Curtis brothers in The Outsiders
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fendyr · 9 months
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Gwyn whispered, "I am the rock against which the surf crashes." Nesta straightened at the words, as if they were a prayer and a summons. Gwyn lifted the blade. "Nothing can break me."
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flowerflamestars · 11 months
Rust snippet
“Morrigan wearing the funeral perfume?”
  His face, his half a silently inhaled swallow, answered for him.
  Nesta tipped her head, expression bordering on playful. Sharp. “Every pillow you’ve ever owned smell like death?”
  It was the drink. Exhaustion. The small bastion against seeping, destructive bitterness that apparently lived in the curve of Nesta’s mouth. Azriel planted his elbow on the bar and let himself lean in.
  No lilies. No- Nesta Archeron, close enough to touch, smelled fantastic. A whole warm swarth of expensive composition that had probably been brandished Azriel’s way before: spice, musk, vetiver, amber- something to sink right into.
  “Cassian still talk in his sleep?”
  No change. Not even a waver. Perfectly lined eyes like deep water, a fathom hiding that fucking riptide Azriel was sure existed.
  “I wouldn’t know.”
  If he couldn’t stir up the current.
  “You two, not?”
   “What, sex?” She took a long sip of her drink, lips briefly glistening, berry shining on bloody darkness. “You can say it. Yes. I don’t sleep over. How precisely Rhys hooked in my sister and this became family dinner, I’ll never understand.”
  Heat, flooded Azriel’s body, there and gone. “He’s been telling everyone his girlfriend is coming.”
  Liquid, low- liquid fire unfurling warmer than simple alcohol flush or fervent argument, lingering, a twist that caught in Azriel’s chest, pure fucking trouble- Nesta laughed aloud.
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ae-neon · 1 year
Nesta the type to fall in love with someone she can't have and take it as affirmation she's undeserving of love
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wolfnesta · 1 year
I’m just another fan so whatever but, to me, all these anti Rhysand posts mean that there are too many holes in his character for sjm to decide for the reader that he is ‘ the best’ and that everyone ‘knows’ he’s the ‘best’. And I mean absolutely, 100 percent, SJM is allowed to pick her fave out of her own creation but I do think she would have saved herself a lot of this ‘anti rhys’ stuff if she not taken the liberty to assume her fans would agree with her. I really would be a peace-loving, non-chalant, Rhys fan had she not flat out said Nesta’s takes on Rhys where fun to write although ‘we all know he’s not’ (insert confused question mark meme). now I come to tumblr and I see more and more people pointing out all the holes and inconsistencies in his character that can not be fixed ever because they’re literally just words on a page in which the author herself refused to see the flaws in her favorite character/s that she herself created. So I’m left with this need for closure that will never be answered. A lot of anti Nesta people say ‘how can you like Nesta but hate Rhys’— I can be content with the fact that atleast with Nestas character SJM knew she needed to work on her to the point it was overkill which is why I will always die defending Nesta’s character and detest Rhys’s. Most of my critical takes feel like a direct attack at the author which I feel bad for doing because I do dearly adore some of her characters but then I remember that there is genuinely no responsibility taken on her part on even more huge subjects in her work, like the heavy racist undertones, sexual abuse etc. and then I’m like 🤷🏻‍♀️
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