#neteyam Imagines
theobsessedbrunet · 1 year
Every morning
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Pairings: Neteyam x Y/n, Fluff
 Every morning you would walk past their little home and wave at the family in it. You would smile sweetly at every one of them, wave your hand and continue to go on your day. It was a mere act of kindness to the new family that worked so hard to adjust to a new way of living.
 Of course you didn't mind starting your day with a bit of eye candy. The oldest child of the family was something new to you. He was interesting and exotic. He was something new to you. You couldn't get enought of those alert yellow eyes that caused a chill to run down your spine every time he laid them on you. It was addicting.
 Neteyam loved seeing you walk past their little home every morning. It was his favorite part of the day since he didn't get to see you much because of his learning to adapt to the new clan and culture. You would strut past their home and he would eat you right up with his gaze. The first time he saw you, he thought it was Eywa herself.
Once again the sun was slowly rising behind the horizon. You arrived at the familiar home and smiled at the family in it. Neteyam perked right up when he heard your footsteps. He returned your smile and watched you as you continued your way. This time Neteyam walked to the entrance of their home, leaned with one hand to the structure. A sigh escaped out of him as he watched your attractive frame slip farther away from him.
 Lo'ak pushed his brother's shoulder, smirking teasingly. "You really got a crush on this Metkayina? She's like better, stronger and probably a better fighter than you!"
 Neteyam leaned back and placed his hand on his brother's neck as he leaned closer to him. "Exactly! What a woman!"
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normspellsman · 1 year
She Is Mine
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part one | part two
pairing: neteyam x fem!omatikaya!reader
genre: violence, bit of angst + fluff, & comfort
word count: 2.7k+
warning(s): death threats, mentions of death + injuries + blood, reader thinking she’s going to die + accepts it, neteyam going apeshit on an avatar soldier, reader being stabbed, mentions of brutal killings / violence, reader crying, & a bit of dark!neteyam
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @optimisticblazetrash @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @liyahsocorro @amortencjja @universal-s1ut @goodiesinthecloset21 @chshshhshshshshshshshs @minkyungseokie
word bank: mawey — calm; calm down, eywa / the great mother — goddess deity that the na’vi believe in, ikran — winged creature used for flying + hunting, yawne — beloved, & yawntutsyip — darling; little darling
note: literally wrote this within two to three hours so it might not be that great, so bare with me. hope you guys liked it & let me know if i should do something similar to this with lo’ak <3
It was stupid really.
When you think back on it, it was definitely stupid to agree to tag along with Lo’ak and the rest to wherever the hell they were planning on going. But you could not say no to Tuk when she asked you to come with them. She was your weakness and used it to her advantage.
You’d been silently weaving a new armband for your boyfriend, Neteyam, when his youngest sister had approached you, hands interlocked behind her back and the all too familiar ‘innocent’ look plastered on her face. You knew that whatever she was thinking of saying or asking you would end up in you ultimately agreeing to it, most likely getting you in trouble with your lover.
“Join me and Kiri to the mountains with Lo’ak. Pretty please?” She had asked, pouting and widening her amber eyes up at you as she gently swayed from side to side.
You gave in immediately.
It was sad how fast the youngest Sully got you to cave in so quickly. You had restraint with the others, even Neteyam, but had none whatsoever when it came to Tuktirey. You had such a soft spot for her and Tuk took advantage of it every time.
Should’ve never said yes, you grumble to yourself inside your head, head shaking to yourself as you struggled against the restraints the RDA soldiers had put you in upon catching you all when you attempted to leave the scene you weren’t supposed to be at.
Jake instilled it into you guys so many times to never get close to the abandoned shack. You needed asked why. It was something that Jake wasn’t going to argue about and made it very clear after his youngest son tried to pry the answer out of him the first time he mentioned it. Should’ve listened to Jake.
Everything went by so fast, you had barely had time to process what was going on before you were shackled in handcuffs and essentially held prisoner by RDA Avatars.
“Who is she?” A deep voice asked, pulling you out of your seething thoughts.
Quaritch had a good estimate on who was who in the little rag tag group he caught. The five fingered teens one-hundred-percent belonged to Jake Sully while the human boy was a result of the Corporals past. So, that left you and Tuk. He would give it a fifty-fifty chance that the both of you were also Jake’s kids. Man, he and the Missus sure was busy, he thinks to himself, smirking at the thought.
By the only Na’vi boys reaction, Quaritch could tell that you were something else to the kid. A girlfriend perhaps?, he thinks, best friend?.
Lo’ak knew he was fucked the minute Tuk managed to convince you to join in on their little ‘adventure’. Neteyam continuously told him to look out for you whenever he left to go hunt or do whatever their parents told him to do, threatening bodily harm and death if he didn’t obey. He had a bad feeling about the whole thing but regardless of it, still continued on with his plan. Neteyam was so going to kill him.
“Our sister,” Lo’ak muttered, the soldier behind him still had a tight grip on his queue, tightening it before he answered.
Everyone on the scene could tell that Lo’ak was lying. It was evident. The boy's ears were pinned back, mostly in pain, and his tail fell limp beside him as it gently curled in on itself.
Bingo, Quaritch thought to himself, more leverage.
“Hmm, I think you’re lying, boy,” the Corporal starts, inching closer to Lo’ak, “And do you know what I do to liars?” he asked.
You gulped at the man’s words. You could only assume his following answer would entail torture or death. You all were totally fucked either way.
Lo’ak refused to answer the man’s question, making Quaritch smirk even more.
“I punish them,” he answered, a sick and disturbing glint in his eyes as he stared down Jake Sully’s second son.
Anxiety spiked in all of our systems, making you struggle further in the soldier's grasp.
“Don’t hurt him,” you and Kiri pleaded, the soldiers behind you yanking back on your braided queue, making you cry out in pain.
Quaritch tsked at your response, turning towards you as he stalked towards your figure. “I’m not going to hurt him, sweetheart. Just you,” he finalized, pulling out a knife that was sheathed in its carrier on his hip.
You and everyone else began to protest at his words.
“(Y/N)! No!” Lo’ak cried out, trying to inch closer towards you to protect you but was pulled back by a soldier, hissing out in pain and frustration.
Tuk began to cry as she saw the knife inch towards your face before it dipped down to your neck.
“You fucking asshole!” Spider yelled out, struggling in the grips of the two Avatar soldiers holding him, surprisingly making them struggle to keep him in their grasps in return.
Kiri could only close her eyes in response, not wanting to see you get hurt in front of her.
You stopped at the contact the cold knife made with your warm skin, the temperature of it making you lightly flinch back at it. Your heartbeat rose increasingly within the confines of your chest, hammering against the bone. Holy shit, you thought, this is how I’m going to die.
As you looked around and saw your friends' reactions, you accepted your fate. You accepted that you were going to be murdered in front of them. You could only hope that your death would help the Sullys and Spider escape from the soldiers and Quaritch safely and unharmed. You also hoped that it was going to be a quick death. You didn’t want them to see you suffer.
It’s okay, be calm. Don’t fight back, it’ll only make it worse. Mawey. Eywa, please ensure the safe return of the Sully’s and Spider. And make sure that Neteyam finds only happiness after this, you prayed.
Quaritch had taken your queue from the soldiers grasp behind you, granting you momentary relief from the tight hold only to be replaced with an even harsher grip. You hissed out at the returning pain.
“Now, listen here boy,” he starts, pointing the clean knife at Lo’ak, making him look at him, “I want ‘ya to contact your Father and tell him that if he isn’t here after the sun sets, girly over here,” he gestures to you with the knife in hand, “Is going to be gutted and strung up on the tree line as a little surprise for your Daddy. Am I clear?”.
His words makes Tuk cry even harder, making the soldier behind her give up on her hold on the girls queue and instead hold her up by her arms.
Lo’ak reluctantly nodded at his words, swallowing down the gathering spit in his mouth. His eyes jumped from Spider to Quaritch to you, then to Kiri and Tuk. He was dreading the moment his parents and Neteyam arrived, knowing that regardless of how much they cooperate, Quaritch is going to do whatever he wants to even if that includes staying true to his words of harming you.
The three were close to nearing the old abandoned shack when Lo’ak called in again, the line going static for a second before he spoke up.
“Quaritch is giving you until after sunset to arrive,” he shakingly starts, anxiety clearly evident in his tone as he speaks, “Or…or he’ll gut (Y/N) and string her up as a welcome gift for you.”.
Neteyam nearly crashes into a tree when he hears his brother's words.
Quaritch was threatening the life of you, his mate, in hopes of riling up Jake. Well, it was working, except it was Neteyam who was riled up and not his Father.
All the boy could see was red as the three of them silently continued their flight towards your destination after Jake told Lo’ak that they were on their way and that the message was clearly received.
Rage boiled up inside of Neteyam’s body, causing him to slightly shake from the emotion atop his ikran. He was going to kill every single one of the soldiers there once he arrived. He’d do anything to get you back. Anything.
Everything ached.
From your queue, to your scalp, to your neck, and to the fresh new wound Quaritch left after he decided Lo’ak was taking too long to relay his message to his Father. He had sliced your thigh and stabbed the wound in response, jamming it into the flesh/plush of your thigh. You cried out to the brutal attack, growling out in pain as a handful of tears fell down your cheeks. Quaritch only smirked at your reaction, throwing you down onto the ground as the rest of the soldiers followed suit in discarding their prisoners, herding them into a circle.
Kiri helped you up, allowing you to lean into her. She quickly assessed your wound and deemed that you were going to be fine, as long as no one pulled the knife out from your leg.
Lo’ak held your head in the palms of his hands as he looked for any other slices Quaritch managed to make before stabbing you. He didn’t find any and sighed out in relief from that.
Spider had gathered Tuk in his arms and tried to silence her crying before any of the soldiers got inspiration from Quaritch and decided to punish the child for crying.
“Fucking son of a bitch,” you whispered between grinded teeth after the attack, trying your best to not yank out the foreign object in your thigh. You began to think that maybe you will end up dying out here after all, amongst the beautiful greenery of Pandora. Albeit it not being the way you wanted to go out, it still wouldn’t be the most gruesomest death you imagined happening. You just wished that you were able to kiss Neteyam goodbye one last time.
Furious wouldn’t even begin to describe the type of emotion he was feeling at the moment. There probably was no word equivalent to the emotion he currently felt.
Neteyam had ended up disobeying his Fathers orders of him staying with the ikrans, saying that he was ‘too emotionally invested’ and that his anger was too risky for what he was about to face. He thought it was utter bullshit that he wasn’t allowed to aid his parents in rescuing his siblings and his lover from Quaritch. If anything, it gave him more of a reason to focus and get everyone out of there safely.
He had managed to take down two Avatar soldiers in his search for you. He decided that they weren’t worthy of wasting his arrows on, slicing and stabbing them until their throats were practically open wide in exposure or had any time to process the pain. He’d been quick and brutal in his attacks. The more bodies he left behind, the more closer he was to having you in his arms.
His Mother had already released her arrow by the time he arrived on the scene, causing the other soldiers to shoot out into the trees and pull you all up in response. He was forced to hid behind a tree, eyes desperately searching for your familiar figure amongst the Avatar bodies and his siblings.
Neteyam’s eyes finally found your body, still in a soldiers grasp as they tried to pull you away towards where the others were gathering.
His gaze narrowed at the soldiers tight grip on you, robotically notching an arrow and drawing his bowstring back, almost immediately letting it go just as quick as his initial drawing of the arrow.
The arrow lodged itself in between the eyes of the soldier, it’s body slumping backwards as it’s grip loosened on your body, allowing you to follow its descent to the ground.
You groaned out in pain when your body made contact with the forest floor. You were too tired to move out of the way once you realized the soldier that had you in its arms had died, accepting your fall to the floor as gracefully as you could. The knife was still in your thigh, shooting electric hot pain up your leg upon being disturbed from the short fall.
You felt another pair of hands grab you and roughly pull you upwards, you screaming and kicking in retaliation. But just as quickly as their arms grabbed you, they let you go, a loud grunt and hiss following as their body was thrown to the side.
Neteyam had quickly made his way to you once he spotted another Avatar pull you up. He had unsheathed his knife and jumped on the soldier, causing the two of them to roll around on the floor before Neteyam brutally and repeatedly drove his weapon into the Avatar’s body, not stopping until he was certain that he caused enough damage to the fake Na’vi.
Stay away from her, he thought after every stab he inflicted, it’s not her time.
You had looked up when Neteyam delivered the final blow, slitting the insignificant soldier's throat.
You had never seen your mate this angry. Sure there were times where he lashed out at you after an argument or got so angry he hissed and growled at his brother for his ridiculous antics. But never, never have you ever seen him so vengeful. You didn’t even know if vengeful was the right word to describe how Neteyam looked like at the moment. But nothing else came to mind.
“Yawne,” you whispered out, desperate to catch your boyfriend's attention, wanting to get out of the line of fire as quickly as possible.
The teen whipped his head towards you, eyes dilated to the point where they looked like slits in his pupils. His chest was heaving up and down heavily, lungs taking big gulps of air as he did so. A few braids fell in front of his face, masking some of it as he looked at you.
His whole expression softened once he laid eyes on you. He could tell that you wanted to get as far away from the scene as you quickly could, that sad and traumatic look in your eyes at you pleaded with him.
Neteyam quickly shook out of his stupor and gathered you in his arms, being weary of the knife in your leg that he just noticed. Another thing that made him want to kill Quaritch himself.
“It’s okay, I got you yawntutsyip,” he whispered back, dodging all of the flying bullets and arrows he could as he weaved into the heavy forest foliage. His grip on you never faltered as he jumped over logs and ducked under stray branches to get you to safety. His whole body was on autopilot as he ran around, solely focused on getting you out of there alive.
Once Neteyam had decided he was far out enough to not be chased or caught by any more Avatar soldiers, he gently laid you down onto the soft grass, eyes quickly assessing your figure for any other injuries he should be aware about. He let out a sigh of relief when he came to the conclusion that you had no other wounds that needed tending to, softly bringing you into his arms for a warm embrace.
You immediately broke down into the hug, burrowing your face into the crook of Neteyam’s neck and wrapping your arms around his back to bring him in closer. Your sobs were a telltale sign of how distraught you were from the events that just occurred, brain still racing to process it all.
Neteyam softly shushed you as he put one hand on the back of your head and the other on the lower portion of your back, softly rubbing the skin in attempts to comfort you.
“You’re safe now, my love,” he whispered, kissing your hair, “I got you. You’re safe.”.
You relaxed into your lovers arms as he comforted you, feeling safe in his hold.
Neteyam had never gotten that blood thirsty before and that frightened him a little. If he acted like this when you were in trouble, can you imagine how’d he act if you actually died as a result of tonight’s events? He didn’t know the answer to that. All he knew was that you’re his and he’d do anything to ensure that it is not your time yet.
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 6 months
Courtship Misunderstanding.
Main Masterlist
Avatar Masterlist
Neteyam x Fem! Metkayina! Reader.
Warnings: Talks about mating, implied sexual themes.
Summary: Neteyam finds out that he's still unaware of some of the customs of your people.
W/C: 2.5k+
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Neteyam slowly rises from the water to the shore of the village of Awa’atlu, water pouring out of his hair as he drags the giant eel from the cord he’d brought along and tied around the base of its jaw. Stepping out of the water properly and turning to his left, he rests the end of the long cord in his hand over his shoulder, feeling satisfied at the sound of the heavy drag of the massive weight of the eel leaving a deep wet path on the sand.
It’d taken him days of exploring every inch of the waters, starting with the reefs and opening to the deeper ocean but he’d finally found a catch that was worthy of being gifted to you; an eel larger than him and almost as wide as his torso that quite frankly had him struggling, though he tried not to show. Neteyam watches how the sand suddenly turns dark, having him looking up and seeing that eclipse had started with nighttime falling upon them, urging him to walk faster.
Once he reaches the docks, he crouches down and squeezes his arms under the eel and between the sand, lifting it with a small grunt and placing it on the elastic sheet that creates paths to the marui. Placing his hands next to the eel firmly, he hoists himself up and lands on his knees on the path with a light bounce, taking the eel back in his arms and standing back on his feet, carrying it much like a newborn to further impress you with his strength..
His legs start walking the path to your family’s marui, careful that the eel doesn’t somehow leap out of his arms with the light bounce of his feet. As he walks to his destination, he crosses paths with a few metkayina walking by him, all turning around and eyeing him and his catch as they walk away, having him feeling somewhat giddy; the same feeling you elicit on him whenever you so much as look at him, and when you smile upon noticing him already looking at you…
He feels as if though his heart could just about explode. You make him feel just as innocently happy as when he was a child, back before the sky people returned, back before his father laid more weight on his shoulders, before he had bigger responsibilities, all of which his brother noticed which led to him being called ‘whipped’. He had no idea what it meant, but if this is what being ‘whipped’ felt like, he didn’t want it to stop.
Finally, he reaches your family’s pod and peeks in, standing at the corner of the entrance and seeing you sitting on your calves in front of the firepit at the center, using the light to weave a choker with thin vines and watching as you meticulously add a small white pearl into it, following an intricate pattern which will no doubt match the white freckles that beautifully adorn your body, the ones he can’t wait to trace patterns on.
“Neteyam!” You greet with a smile, having looked over and caught him staring at you. Your voice snaps him out of his trance and has him returning the same smile as you stand to approach him, having set down your choker. “Wow, your parents must be proud.” You compliment, eyeing the eel. “No, this… this is for you.” He smiles softly. “Me? Are you trying to feed my whole family?” You ask jokingly to which his tail nearly thrashes around excitedly.
“Yes.” He sheepishly answers. He knew you’d understand that he’s courting you, gifting you a hunt large enough to feed your entire family to prove he can provide for you and more once you have a few little ones running around. “Thank you so much.” You thank in a soft tone before being interrupted. “Neteyam.” The sound of your father’s voice speaks his name, having them looking at each other followed by your father hand gesturing that he sees him with Neteyam bowing his head.
“I see you.” He says, suddenly very nervous on your father reacting to his eldest daughter being courted. “What is this?” Your father waves his hand to the eel, wondering what he was doing with it in his pod when his family’s marui was on the other side of the village. “Neteyam caught this for us.” You answer with a warm feeling in your chest while said hunter’s ears lightly flick back in confusion. Just the presence alone of a na’vi outside of the family with a large catch should let him know you were being courted.
Maybe your father just didn’t want to accept the courting, was his catch not impressive enough? Surely he could understand that anything bigger wouldn’t have been able to be delivered, it was hard enough to carry the one in his arms. “Very well then.” Your father nods and takes the eel in his own arms with more ease than Neteyam, the small insecurity blossoming in his stomach subsiding the strain in his biceps despite being understandably younger.
While the eel is set near the fire, ready to be cut and cooked, the sound of your mother’s voice speaking your name enters your ears. “Mother.” You greet and approach her and Aonung, receiving a half hug from her due to your baby brother being carried in her other arm. “Neteyam brought us something.” You continue to boast with a smile, briefly pointing at the eel by the fire before taking the baby in your own arms.
Ronal looks at the eel with slightly wide eyes, the impressed expression filling Neteyam with a sense of pride and mostly relief, though unbeknownst to him, her surprise was due to never having seen one of the reef eels so big, given that they’re usually no larger than a na’vi’s forearm. Your mother gestures that he sees him as a thanks to which he responds while your older brother looks away in annoyance, refusing to return the gesture.
Your mother gives a small pinch to his arm with a more than fear-inducing look on her eyes, forcing him to return the gesture. “Aonung, go bring your sister.” Your father’s voice says to which he follows after letting out an exasperated sigh, picking up his pace once he realizes Tsireya’s swimming with Lo’ak. “Come, eat with us.” Your mother invites Neteyam to the pod while your father cuts the eel as the younger male lets out a quiet relieved sigh at his offering being accepted.
You take his hand in yours and lead him in with a smile, pulling him down to sit next to you as he lets out a nervous breath through his smile, the flustered expression not going unnoticed by your parents who share a knowing look with each other, staying quiet to the matter. The rest of the night goes smoothly, your parents cooking the eel as they make small conversation about the village, your baby brother napping in your arms as you talk with your sister and occasionally share a few words and smiles with Neteyam…
The only one who looked unhappy was Aonung with the seemingly permanent annoyed look he bared on his face, though you suspected he was never happy and didn’t give him much importance in the time being. Though while the night felt soothing to you, Neteyam felt as if though he’d already had four heart attacks. The entire dinner he’d been anxiously waiting for the conversation to be had with your parents, about whether or not they approved of him.
He waited as patiently as he could for your parents to start the conversation on the matter, for them to voice their concerns if they had any, if they bestowed their blessing on the two of you becoming mates, make sure that you’d be taken care of properly, anything, but it never came. So as the end of the meal neared, he assumed that your parents simply trusted him enough that they felt as though nothing needed to be said on the matter.
“Ah.” You open your mouth in a way to encourage the baby in your lap to follow suit and open his own mouth, placing a small piece of meat in and smiling as he chews. Neteyam eyes you feeding your brother, a soft smile on his face at the sight of how you treat babies, unable to stop himself from thinking about how you would treat your own baby. Thoughts of him coming to your shared marui only to see his beautiful mate carrying his baby, your baby in your arms floods his mind, a warm feeling settling in his chest.
While you bring another piece of meat to your brother’s mouth, you remain sat unaware of how Neteyam’s, without much thought, tail slowly slides to the side behind you and reaches for your own, gently wrapping around it as best as he could. A gasp almost instantly leaves your mouth, accidentally dropping the meat in surprise with your eyes widening. The sound of the baby on your lap letting out a huff followed by crying snaps you out of your shock with your eyes opening even wider.
“Oh, I’m so sorry tìyawn.” You apologize as you pick up the meat from your lap, readjusting his back to your stomach and trying to feed it to him again only for him to sloppily grab it and throw it away, your parents now having their full attention on you yet unable to find the cause of the disturbance. “Come, give him to me.” Your mother indicates, stopping your actions of lightly bouncing the baby on your leg while patting his back.
You hand him over to your mother and watch how she almost instantly gets him to stop crying while you push the slight insecurity away by remembering how she’s already had another three kids to practice with, of course she would’ve mastered it already. The sudden absence of the tail that was previously wrapped around yours has you thinking back to the recent incident while Neteyam’s stuck feeling somewhat embarrassed of the mess, not having meant to surprise you so much.
You think back to how his tail wrapped around yours and feel yourself getting flustered, not knowing what to think of the action. Metkayina didn’t wrap their tails with each other, in fact, you didn’t wrap them around anything, your tails not being thin enough to offer the flexibility to do so, but for some reason, despite not being familiar with said action and not knowing what it meant, it felt… intimate.
Your father clears his throat and breaks you out of your overanalyzing thoughts, making you look at him. “It’s gotten quite late, it would be best to leave.” He suggests to which Neteyam’s ear perk up to attention. “Yes.” He quickly agrees and stands, and while the action makes you think that he feels as though he overstayed his welcome, in reality, he’s quite eager for what’s to follow. “Sleep well.” You say to him.
His face contorts in confusion as he takes in the sight of your innocent eyes looking at him, remaining sat. “Is something wrong?” Your sister questions before you can, all eyes suddenly on him and his confused expression as he wonders what’s happening. Why weren’t you standing to leave with him? Why did your parents seem oblivious to what was happening? Why did everybody seem oblivious to it?
You should all know what follows next, having finished the meal from the catch that he’d brought for you, the only thing that was left to do was for you to leave with him to somewhere more private so you could mate with each other. Had you changed your mind after accepting his catch? Had he somehow overstepped when he wrapped his tail around yours? “Neteyam? What’s wrong?” You ask with genuine concern, confusing him even more.
“… Nothing- I…” He pauses. What was he supposed to say? Where would he even start? “Rest well.” He returns your words before leaving, you and your family sharing a look that lets each other know that no one understood what happened either. The walk to his family’s marui feels like a blur, hundreds of thoughts and questions unanswered in his head which feels as if though it's just about ready to start spinning in confusion.
“Neteyam, what is wrong?” He hears the concerning voice of his mother ask, realizing that he hasn't just reached his family's marui, but is now pacing in their pod, all eyes on him once again. “’I… I do not know.” He manages to get the words out of his mouth, his legs still pacing him around. “How can you not know?” Lo’ak asks while his pacing brother starts breathing faster. “Boy.” Jake almost shouts, finally managing to get him to stop pacing and look at his family.
“What’s going on?” He adds. “I… I show up to Y/N’s marui, I gift her a huge eel- bigger than me, she accepts it, I have dinner with her family… and they don’t say anything!” He explains with frustration, taking his family by surprise, seeing the usually calm and collected eldest starting to lose it. “It took me three days to find the right catch, and- and when I get up to leave, she doesn’t come with me and acts like she doesn’t know what’s happening.” He rushes the words out, breathing heavily by the time they’re out.
“Neteyam…” Neytiri speaks his name yet stares at the ground as if pondering about something, wondering where she should start to explain to her son what happened. “Sit.” She ushers him closer with a soft voice. After hesitating for a few seconds, he steps closer and kneels in front of her, watching as her mouth opens and closes a few times as if searching for the right words before answering the question he’s so desperately been searching an answer to.
“These are reef na’vi, different na’vi court in other ways.” She explains, the slow widening of his eyes showing the realization dawning on him. “… What?” He asks somewhat in disbelief. “You skxawng.” He hears Kiri insult him, making him shoot his head back at her. “You knew?” He asks, the tone in his voice showing how offended he feels that she didn’t tell him beforehand. “I didn’t know you were courting her!” She defends. “Neteyam is old enough to choose a woman.” Their mother interjects.
“Then what do I do?” He quickly redirects his gaze back at her. “I do not know.” She rushes out as if it were obvious she doesn’t know how metkayina court. “But you told me-” “I have told you everything that I know.” She interrupts her son who quickly looks at his other parent for answers. “Don’t look at me.” He raises his hands in defense, his eldest son continuing to look at his other family members for answers only to no avail, letting him know that if he wants to know how to court you; a metkayina, he’ll have to ask another metkayina.
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tonowarii · 2 years
Hi, I love your page aesthetic it’s so cute! Could I request a Neteyam x reader fic where the reader thinks Jake is cute. And Neteyam gets all jealous and grumpy! Like super cute and fluffy. Thanks!!
aaa thank uu!! and also thank you for bringing this idea in my head 🤠 so short im so sorry
You— What?
neteyam x gn! omaticaya! reader
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"What are you saying?" Neteyam said as you sat across from him.
You sigh dreamily to tease him further, propping your chin on your fist. "I just think that your dad is cute...I mean look at him! And with the way he's looking now-" You smile, seeing Neteyam with a sour face in your peripheral vision as you looked at his dad standing, talking with his friend Norm.
"You- you find my dad 'cute'?" Neteyam said almost in disbelief.
"Yeah, I do." You said. In all honesty, you just found his dad cute, attractive, but nothing more. But once you learned that you fawning over Neteyam's dad gauged these reactions from him, and you being in a teasing mood, decided to spur him further.
"I can't believe you." Neteyam huffs, wanting you to look at him, instead, you were looking at his dad.
As if on cue, Jake turned and spots you looking at him, he sees you with his son and he sends a small smile your way before Norm had his attention again.
"My Eywa he smiled at me!" You squealed, acting like you were about to fall over as you swooned.
Neteyam looks between you and his dad. He pouted. "You know, his son is more good-looking." He said, rolling his eyes.
"Oh! I remember, Lo'ak looks really good in those braids of his." You smirked, finally looking at Neteyam.
Neteyam's mouth formed into an 'o' as he shakes his head once more.
"No, not him, the other one!"
"Hm?" You tilt your head at him. You chuckle, seeing your mate being grumpy and jealous all of a sudden. Neteyam scrunches his nose at you, before he was tugging you towards him, making you stumble on his lap as your arms went and wrapped around him.
"I said, I am more good-looking than any of them. Why choose me?" Neteyam whispered to you as you pulled away from him.
You laugh, grabbing both his hands and pressing kisses to his knuckles. The action made Neteyam's demeanor break as he returned to his old self, eyes looking at your lips before darting at your eyes, warmth spreading his cheeks.
"You big baby, of course they're nothing compared to you, my fine warrior." You say, squeezing his hands.
Your words filling his ears sends his tail perking up, swishing behind him.
"But you're dad is really cute I'm not going to lie-"
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hrtbreakanniversary · 2 years
love me low | neteyam sully
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Baby, I just wanna kiss you Stay until the day is done You don't even know just how much I need you Baby, I just wanna keep you
summary: y/n is in love with her best friend's brother but he's in love with her sister.
pairing: neteyam sully x f!omatikaya reader
word count: 10k
playlist: love me low - ai bendr, yes to heaven - lana del rey, umaasa- calein, xo - beyonce, cloud 9 - beach bunny, i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys, about you - the 1975, here with me - d4vd, can i - alina baraz & galimatias, moment - lildeath
warnings: aged up (neteyam and kiri are 18 whilst lo'ak and y/n are 17), misunderstanding trope!, jealously, protectiveness, talks of marriage, unhealthy family dynamic, assault, y/n is super hard on herself and cares about others more, blood, war, profanity, suggestive
She knew this was a bad idea from the get go. Despite the Olo'eyktan warnings to not wander out after dark for the sake of safety, his own son had come to her as the orange hue of the horizon seeped through the cave's openings to speak of a new area he found in the forest.
Trying to reject the younger Sully never really worked for Lo'ak was always persistent to take his best friend on whatever not so bright idea he had planned in his head.
Additionally, she would do anything to get out of her home. The constant berating from her mother and calling her every second to do something because her sister's precious hands couldn't bear to get rough from using them.
At first, nothing was wrong. Like always, she would follow the male and the human (a term she learned from Kiri because calling him an alien was far too mean), Spider, as he ran and swung through the trees before they stopped at a place she has never seen before. Vines that hung from the tree branches above. A question formed on her tongue but Lo'ak was already climbing up the trunk, his eyes set on a thick branch that stuck out high off the ground.
It was already too late to back out so she followed, having no idea what the male Na'vi was planning to do but she always knew that no matter what, he was going to shove off his skills as if he were performing for a circus. She didn't know what a circus was but she would always hear Olo'eyktan mumbling under his breath of how much of a complete circus it was whenever something didn't go to plan specifically because of his middle child.
At first, it was all fun and games. Despite the suspense, the fun he spent all night talking was about swinging on the extravagant amount of vines. Screams and laughs filled the air as the three took turns going back and forth on the long vine, the momentum allowing them to go from tree to tree.
They were having a lot of fun.
So she couldn't blame Lo'ak for how she ended up with her head being seconds away from becoming a meal for baby palulukans. While the other two tied the vines around their waist, she decided to be different and tie the rope to her ankle instead. Cheers filled the air once again as she spread her arms out to the refreshing wind. She swung back and forth at least three times. In the corner of her eye, she saw the herd coming from afar that prompted her to stiffen her posture. That would lead to her failure as gravity would take it's course, causing her to be hanging upside down.
Trying to untie the vine from her ankle took a lot of upper body strength that she was struggling to pull out at the moment. The two males atop of the tree too were struggling to pull up her up because of the many factors: how the long rope, gravity, and mind her language… fucking weak they are.
A scream, now out of fear, came out when she felt the snap of thanator jump through the air but missed by a couple of feet as she was still a bit off the ground.
Although there was only a handful of these little creatures here at the moment, she knew she was seconds away from the number of them multiplying by the seconds.
"Hey, hey! Help me up!” Y/N kept doing sit ups midair to avoid losing body parts from her heads. She could hear the bickering of the two from above and the vine budging at every attempt they had to try to pull her up. “You two have 10 fingers each. Use them, skxawngs!"
"I'd be nicer to the ones saving your life!" She didn’t know who did said that but that was the least of her worries since the vine did not shorten, it got longer. The snaps of the animals getting closer to her head. The probability of them taking off her head at 90% possibility now.
She heard their shouts of fear but a hum rang through her ears, cloudiness blurring her eyes as the blood rushed to her head.
In the moment of losing her consciousness, the herd had ran off in the other direction for who knows what reason before another blurred figure jumped into her view. They stepped down and stood in front of her, their face merely centimeters away from hers. Features familiar to the one of the fools that was still struggling to pull her back up.
It was when he sighed when she realized who it was. Neteyam.
From both trying to readjust how she looked while also trying to get her foot out of the stupid vine, she looked even more ridiculous when she fell into the field of grass below her from the vine cutting cut from above. Her legs and arms flared out in awkward positions.
Neteyam ran to her side, pushing back the hair that fell in front of her face and kept his hand on her cheek, “Are you okay?” His other hand quick to adjust her loincloth that went out of place.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Her cheeks feeling hot as she melted into his touch before her head flew to the side from him shoving her head.
“Now, what were you thinking?” Always too good to be true. She didn’t fight back when he helped her up from the ground.
Lo’ak and Spider came down from the tree, running over, “Brother, what a surprise to see you out here!” His shoulders folding back to mock Neteyam’s straight posture, “I see we all had the same idea of taking a late night walk.”
“Are you three insane? Are you asking for a death wish?”
All joking subsided, “We had it all handled. We’re just trying to have fun.”
“Have fun? Have fun?” Neteyam scoffed," This is what you call having fun? Somebody almost died." Lo'ak waved him off which only prompted the older male to continue," You both need to grow up. You're almost 18 and you're going to have to start acting like adults."
Lo'ak rolled his eyes," Then ask yourself why you followed us out here. Surely, you didn't think that Y/N was going to have a near death experience so why are you here, bro? What is that saying that the sawtute always say? FOMO? Fun out when more out?"
"It's fear of missing out." Y/N and Spider whispered to not interrupt the brothers' daily quarrel, eyeing one another in amusement.
Neteyam looked away in defeat that made Lo'ak proud," And we did have it handled. You came right when we had it." And although he said it with such confidence, his eyes diverted away because he knew he was wrong and he walked away before anyone could say anything.
"Handled, he says", Spider elbowed Y/N's side," The only thing that would be handled is there would be no horrendous singing on the way back."
She threw herself forward to jump on Spider but a hand grabbed her back, Spider sticking his tongue out at her before he caught up to Lo'ak. Her heart quickened again. Her eyes wandering from her arm to his hand, up his arm, and to his face.
"He's not wrong. How do you think I managed to find you? I followed where it seemed Eywa was covering her ears." Quick to act as if she wasn't staring at him when he looked down at her, Y/N shoved at his chest that moved up and down from laughter with her free hand with a roll of her eyes. Though he didn't budge, instead moving his hand away to wrap his arm around her shoulder.
She knew the way he touched her meant it no other way than platonic. Talks about the girls who also had eyes for him about how he is not affectionate towards others unless they are apart of his direct family. Y/N has been in this family for longer than she hasn't. Growing up with all of them had put her farther than what could be considered the friend zone but into the family zone.
She also knew that what she felt for him was different. There wasn't a time that she could pinpoint where she started to see him in a different light but it felt like she has forever. That she has loved him since forever.
As he talked to Lo'ak and Spider, her eyes had a mind of her own as she looked back up at him. Watching as the night sky illuminated his freckles.
The ride back was short but felt long. Despite Lo’ak not caring about Neteyam’s lectures, all of them dreaded Jake’s scoldings.
Y/N had to admit that he was intimidating but she knew his rough attitude was for ensuring the safety of all of them even if he tends to go a little too hard on Lo'ak. She was used to it all too. Constant lectures of how she should act and getting in trouble for the most smallest of things. At least him yelling at them was from the good of his heart.
At the moment, all she could do was simply enjoy how her arms were wrapped tightly around Neteyam's torso. Just as she was about to lay her head on his back, he angled his body so she could hear him over the wind that blew through them,"So where's my thank you for saving your life?"
Y/N squinted," Has Lo'ak misspoke? Did you have a need to fill your urge to be such a knight in shining amour?"
All the air escaped her lungs when he leaned back, "Only for you.". Arching his head back, the skin of their cheek skimming each other," I like the look on your face when I do."
"Whatever." She pushed his body back into a straight up position to hide her flusteredness. But the warm feeling had faded when she saw the rest of the family awaiting their arrivals at the entrance of High Camp.
Without a word, the four diverted their eyes away to the ground as they stepped off the ikrans. After Neteyam had helped her down, Lo'ak and him stepped in front of her to block her from the death stare their father help onto them. Of course, Spider had made his way to the front and tried to convince Olo'eyktan that it was his idea but he was quickly hushed by Kiri who was quick to pull him away with Tuk from the high tension area.
Using the boy's heights to her advantage, Y/N tiptoed to the side to try to make an escape and delay the consequences of her actions but a deep clear of Jake’s throat made her stop immediately in the steps.
"I expected better from you", Although he didn't state a name, it was clear who it was directed to. "All this time that you have to be training and finding a mate, you're instead messing around and not taking anything seriously."
"Sir." Y/N finally looked up from her feet but felt instant regret when both Olo'eyktan and Tsakarem had put their attention on her. “It was my doing. I wanted Lo’ak to show me what he’s been raving about and Neteyam only followed to make sure we were safe.”
Lo’ak shook his head, “ I actually really wanted to show Y/N and Spider this place I found so it was my idea to go out into the forest.”
Olo’eyktan sighed, “ I don’t care whose fault it is.” He pointed between the two, “ You both need to grow up. Somehow when there’s something on, it’s always you two and I’m tired of having to say the same thing over and over again especially to you.” He pointed at Lo’ak. He opened his mouth as if he had more to say but Neytiri cleared her throat and it only came out as a huff, “Don’t make me find out you’re out there after dark again. I don’t even want to look at you two right anymore, dismissed.”
It wasn't until they heard their footsteps of the couple stray far away did they look up at one another. Despite the nerves that racked their body when getting yelled at, they could help but snicker at each other's inconvenience.
"Come on, guys!" Spider waved from hut they were huddled in. It wasn't until they raced to the group did Y/N feel the sharp pain on her ankle, kneeling over next to Kiri and clasping onto the raw skin. The vine must've dug into her skin when she was struggling but she didn’t want to make too big of a deal out of it. It’d heal over time.
“What did Father go on a rant about this time? And does it even matter? He says the same thing yet Lo’ak is still going to do it.”, Kiri earned a high five from Spider on the side.
"It's so unfair. All they do is yell at me and when they look at you, they go "Y/N, Y/N, you mustn't spend such time with a delinquent.", Lo'ak mocked his father's brooding tone.
"You are a bad influence." Y/N avoided his swing through the air, making a face at him but also because the movement made her lean down against the wound.
A smirk replaced her pained look as Kiri listed out the multiple occasions in which Lo’ak did not listen to their father and how many times he was always caught.
“Y/N, are you okay?”, Tuk asked from behind, leaning up against Y/N’s back. Oh, ever the so observant. Y/N couldn’t help but affectionally rub her head but the little girl paid no attention to the cooing as she hovered over to the hand covering her ankle, lifting up Y/N’s hand, “ Oh my gosh, you’re hurt!” The girl's eyes widened, Y/N holding a finger up to her lips to shush her. Luckily, Lo’ak moved the topic from complaining about the consequences of his own actions to tease Neteyam who was quietly sitting on the window sill behind all the girls.
“Dad's all like " Neteyam, you've got to find your mate."". He teased, hoping over everyone to poke him on the arm, " Little does he know that all the girls in the village have been lining up for him and yet he doesn't care one bit."
Spider stood on the other side of Neteyam, holding his chest," Maybe he isn't into that crowd."
"Either way, we'll help you out, bro. It must be hard to juggle picking a mate while also being the best son."
"Oh shut up the both of you. And Lo'ak, you said it, not me.", He swatted at them with the cloth he had in his hand. " Besides I've already chosen."
"You've already chosen?" Kiri and Tuk gasped.
"When did you choose? How did you choose so quick?" Y/N propped hers on her knees, Tuk's body falling onto her lap.
"I guess I always knew." He shrugged," Just finding the right moment and way to tell her first. I don't want to tell my parents yet in case they make her promised to me against her will."
"Oh ~ so romantic." Lo'ak wiggled his fingers, Neteyam swatting the cloth at him again.
Y/N noticed that even though his annoying little brother was mocking him with a deep voice and making their other siblings laugh, he was staring out into the air and not even defending himself like his mind was elsewhere. She couldn't help the ache that came with the realization. He must really like this girl if he is hoping not to mess up with her.
I wish you would look at me.
As if he could hear her thoughts, he looked in her direction and she locked eyes with his. Her breath hitching as he smiled down at her instead of looking away,"What?" He mouthed.
She tilted her head and mouthed back," Who is it?"
He playfully shrugged, earning a scowl in return. Right as he was about to get up and walk over to her, Lo'ak stood in front of him with Spider. Their hands were clasped together and they looked out into the distance with starry eyes, "Oh how I love you, Neyetam." Spider spoke in a high pitched tone while Lo'ak deepened his already deep voice," Come with me as we venture into each other's bodies-"
"Lo'ak, Tuk is here." Kiri growled under her breath and rolled her eyes when she heard Tuk asking Y/N what does venturing into another person's body means. "Besides, I wouldn't make fun of him so much. He's managed to find his in a short time while who knows how long you'll take when the time comes." Kiri pointed out which Lo'ak matter of factly responded, " I don't have to worry about that. I've got Y/N. Mates for life."
"As if!" Y/N threw a pillow that Tuk handed to her to hit the male square in the face that erupted the whole hut into laugher again.
The laughter faded when a figure appeared at the opening that caused everyone to stop what they were doing.
Y/N followed their eyes and she felt as a needle had poked her balloon that was her mood, deflating it.
"Jeez, you guys are acting as if I'm a monster." Her older sister, Eyota, stood up. Her braids falling behind her back like waves when she brushed it back. Y/N knew the quietness wasn't because that they didn't like Eyota. It was farther than that. Everyone adored Eyota like how they adored Y/N. Though it was different. While they wanted to be her friend, they wanted to be Eyota's other. She knew Lo'ak's sayings were a joke because the boy has talked about how pretty her older sister is to her face and not that she cared for Lo'ak's opinion, he has never called her pretty and instead resorted to comparing her to a fish he caught the other day.
“Hi Yam." Eyota’s words slurred, making Kiri and Y/N side eye one another.
"Did she really nickname him after a vegetable?" Kiri whispered.
"Hello, Eyota." Neteyam leaned back into his previous position, cropping his leg up onto the frame.
"Hey, Eyota." Lo'ak leaned up against a pillar, attempting to cross his leg over the other but it only resulted it in him losing balance.
"What do you need?" Y/N asked, Eyota looking away from the older Sully brother and pointed with her head towards their own hut," Mother's calling for you."
"You're an embarrassment."
Y/N watched as her mother placed scoops of Teylu on Eyota's leaf, chewing on the outside of the salty seed.
"The Olo'eyktan." Her mother seethed," The Toruk Makto."
Reaching over to grab a handful of teylu from the middle of the table, her mother slapped it away.
"In front of the whole village, he addressed you." She grabbed away the leaf in Y/N's hand before she could retract it away," And you still sit here with no shame as you eat away all of your father's earnings."
"My love, it's okay-"
"It's not okay. She thinks she can run around with that demon and drag along the Sully boys into her troubles. Then doesn't even bother to come home after the Olo'eyktan scolds her." Her face scrunched up into one of frustration, disgust dripping from her tongue," It's because you spoil her that she's turned out like this."
The table remained silent, the sound of the crunching and chewing echoing in the air before her mother asked Eyota how she was doing on finding a mate.
She hated how gushy they sounded and how Eyota is praised for the bare minimum. Call it jealously. Call it envy. Y/N didn't care, she simply wanted to be treated with respect for once.
"I've had a lot of suitors but there's one that I'm planning to take a step further with."
"Whose the lucky boy?", Father butted in.
"Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan."
"Ah the Sully boy?" Mother clapped. Father's eyes widening as he spoke with his mouth full," The future Olo'eyktan?
For the first time the whole night, Mother turned to Y/N and spoke in a civil and sweet tone," Would you help your sister? Your friendship with the children will benefit her greatly."
Hate was a strong word, Y/N loved her older sister unconditionally. Y/N would never feel that way for Eyota but it was hard not to resent the older girl when she was never defending her from their mother and was now planning to court someone that Y/N has always loved.
Unable to breathe, Y/N abruptly stood from the table and sat in the corner with her back towards her family.
"Not even excusing herself from dinner and not answering a simple question. What an ignorant child." Each word poking more and more into the facade she was trying to keep up that she didn't care anymore. Opening a book that was found during one of the raids, the crummy pages of words and pictures serving as an escape for her as her mother continued to ask Eyota about what her plans were.
She didn't know when she fell asleep but the book was laid out flat on her lap and the hut was now quiet as everyone else had tucked themselves away for the night.
The ache in the back of her neck reminding her of the position she slept in. Noticing that everything from tonight's dinner was still left out, she mentally noted to herself to clean up after stretching. Careful to not step on anything or anyone, she pushed past the drapes. Once the night air hit against her skin, her body convulsed into stretches, raising her arms above her head.
A rustle made her crotch her arms down into defense mode and turn to where the noise came from.
There Neteyam stood with a bowl of an unknown substance and the same cloth he was holding a few hours ago.
"Teyam, you scared me." She set her arms down and crossed them over each other to warm herself from the cold. "What are you doing out here so late?"
He held up the materials in his hand and looked down at her ankle that she had completely forgotten about. But now that it was mentioned again, she started to feel the pain searing up her leg. "Oh this thing? It'll heal."
"When? After it gets infected? Go ahead and sit down." He jumped down so he was on a lower level, Y/N sitting down on the wooden ledge. Her body betraying her again as her heart began to race from his touch. However, it was replaced when the cold ointment met with the gash. Hand reaching out to squeeze his shoulder as she hissed in pain.
"Drama queen." He nudged," You know it's kind of crazy you came out right as I was coming."
"I have a sense of when idiocy comes around."
"It must go so crazy when you look at yourself."
He caught her ankle when she moved it out to try to kick him. She kicked again in efforts to get out of his grip but gave up after a while, allowing him to finish cleaning and put Mo'at’s medicine on.
A comfortable silence blanketing over them with the exception of some hisses from pain. An unknown amount of time had passed before the cloth was wrapped around her ankle, Neteyam’s thumb running along the closing to ensure that it was secure before he began to massage the area.
“Did you like the book?”
“It was good. A bit hard to get through because there’s a lot more words than there are pictures but I like it a lot more than the other ones you brought back.”
“Wasn’t my favorite ending.”
"Really? I liked it."
"Is that right?" He took the spot besides her, sitting close enough that their thighs touched, her heart beating once again beating harder than it should be, "Care to explain?"
"I mean sure, I wished the couple should've stayed with each other till the end. But it was extremely realistic that they didn't. Sometimes happy endings are meant to be."
"I beg to disagree."
"Oh, is that right?" She mocked his previous tone," Would you care to explain?"
Neteyam scooted closer than they were before, leaning his arm behind her," I believe that even if the world is against two lovers being together, there's always one path that brings them to a happy ending."
Is there a way for them to be together? Even if her parents were going to be against it because her sister had verbally stated her want for him first. Even if she was considered to be family by his and isn't mostly likely not seen as anything more by him? Will she have the happy ending he speaks of if she were to voice her feelings to him?
"Teyam, who are you planning to court?" She held her hand up in defense," If you don't mind me asking."
"I'd like to keep it as a surprise." He nudged her side," In fact I think you'd like her. You'd probably know her the best out of everyone."
"Interesting. Is she cute?"
"So cute."
"Even cuter than me?"
He cupped her cheeks with both of his hands and squished them together, making her lips pucker out," Now who could ever be as cute as you?"
Scrunching her nose in an attempt to shake off the jittery feeling. It didn't help that when she looked at him all she was was flowers and a bright light that illuminated around him. She didn't know it was her pure imagination or Eywa was working to create a show for him.
He then lowered his tone and slid his hands down onto her shoulders, "Now that we're on this subject somewhat. What does your sister think of me?"
And it was as if someone reached in and squeezed her heart. The tightness in her chest overwhelming every sense in her body. Why did it have to be her? Why does it always have to be her?
The signs were so clear in front of her. The special nickname she had for him and how quick she was to choose him. The fact that she knew her sister the best out of everyone and how he would get quiet like Lo'ak would in case he would say something embarrassing that would ruin her perception of him. Neteyam too cared about Eyota's opinion.
When she hoped he was talking about her, he was talking about her.
It’s been a week since that night. Her father had stepped out and interrupted the conversation so she didn't have to go on a spiel of how Eyota liked him as well because that would have honestly taken away all of her digniity. Managing to escape the question, she bid Neteyam a good night without looking back and had a sleepless night.
Neteyam's bullshit interpretation of the book was not about her and him clearly. The two main characters are Eyota and him. For she was only a side character to their love story.
If the question wasn't obvious enough to fix her narrative, when returning back with the buckets of water that her mother had requested, Neteyam stood with Eyota in front of their hut with flowers in his hand. Talks that she's heard when she spends time with other girls in the clan about how flowers tend to be the first part of the courting phase.
Now she wasn’t going a downhill spiral where she was going to let herself fall claws of depression. No, she couldn't sit around and mope about it. If the two wanted each other, she couldn't stop because in the end like Neteyam said, if two lovers are meant to be together, they are mean't to be.
But that didn’t mean it didn’t pain her to have to talk to him, knowing that he does not return the same feelings to her and having to watch him court her sister.
At first, it was as simple as trying to be as touchy as before. Refusing to ride on his ikran together or walking with Kiri and Tuk when she ventured out into the forest. But all failed the day they went out for a swim and Neteyam had beat Lo'ak to offering her hand back onto the solid grand, his arm wrapped around her to spare some of his warmth on the way back home.
For the past two weeks, she’s been walking out of any area he walks in before he approaches her after a specific amount to not make it obvious. Thought it’s been enough times so for it to be. She’s been declining Lo’ak offers to go out into the forest because she knew in the end that Neteyam would be there. She only went when she knew Neteyam would be going with his father on another raid.
It was dumb but she had to do it to protect her heart.
There had been a time when she came close to ending whatever she was doing but when she walked towards the Sully’s hut, Eyota’s hand was running up and down Neyetam’s arm and he wasn’t budging to move it, leaning against the hut as they engaged in conversation. That pinch in her chest reminding her of why she needed to take this time to heal.
She did occasionally make her rounds around the Sully's hut but not as often as she used to, finding things to occupy her time.
She was able to avoid interacting with Neteyam easily that didn't garner much questions from anybody except for maybe Lo'ak who was used to the girl dropping everything to be able to spend time with them.
Neytiri had offered to her to come over to learn how to make this dish that Y/N had previously stated a loving for. As the two sat crouched over several cut up ingredients, Neteyam had walked in to grab a cover for Tuk which was an excuse to come in and invite Y/N to chat outside. Unintentionally, Y/N made eye contact with him. His hand coming up to wave at her but Y/N turned away and asked Neytiri what kind of plant she held. A frown formed on the boy, bundling up the cover in his hands. He stood for a good second to see if Y/N would look back up but he walked out in defeat when she didn't.
Unknowingly to them both, Neytiri had saw it all and looked over at Jake, widening her eyes as if she was questioning the interaction but he could only shrug.
The morning after, Y/N decided it was time for her to learn how to make baskets as the ones her family has were starting to wear out from use. Though it sucked when her fingers were quite cooperating, "No, 'evenge, you must go under and then over." Mo'at grabbed the straw basket out of her hands and fixed the uneven pattern that Y/N had created.
"Sorry, Mo'at." She beamed at the older woman who only humphed. Propping herself onto her knees to watch her do correctly, she hadn't noticed the two other beings surrounding them.
It wasn't until the air in Spider's mask exposed the two did Y/N looked over in annoyance," Can I help you?"
"Want to go hunting?"
"I'm busy."
"Please." Lo'ak clasped his hands together.
"No." Mo'at handed the basket back to her with the correct pattern and tightened one.
"Pretty please."
“Kiri is going." Spider included but it didn't help much since Y/N shook her head again.
"Well that's one too many for you to bother now."
She successfully folded in a one and proudly held it up for Mo’at to look at who only shook her head and fixed it again.
“Why don’t you want to go?”
“I’m too lazy.”
Lo’ak groaned and began to go on a whole rant about how even if he says that he’s tired, he still has to go. He shut up after Mo’at sent him a stare. It didn’t stop his pleas for her to go, Spider joining in. Though they sounded like whiney babies, it was all white noise to her as she tried again to weave the same pattern but instead failed.
Mo’at grumbled and snatched the basket away from her, “ Go. You are not helping and these two are hurting my ears.” She shooed them away with a wave of her hands and didn’t stop until they were out of sight.
“Cmon, Y/N.” Both of their arms wrapped around her shoulder with Spider falting off her a bit because of his shorter height, Lo’ak joked,“You’d never be a lady if you tried.”.
Just as he said that, she saw Neteyam and Eyota together besides an ikran, the comment striking harder than she usually let it. Huffing out a deep breath, she crossed her arms together with a frown as they made their way to their own ikrans.
The large group gathered around their instructor. Much to some people’s annoyance, specifically the ones with the same last name as the teacher, their instructor today is Jake.
The group gets divided into two with one in the ground and the other in the sky to cover as much area as they can. It's done with a team leader picking out who they want in their groups but with Jake, he tended to put his family with him and several others in his group and then the remaining in the other. He knew he could trust the others to do their job but with all of his family sans Tuk participating, he'd rather keep a close eye.
"As last time, we'll be-"
Y/N rose her hand, bowing to apologize for suddenly interrupting," May I be excused from the sky team today and stay on the ground today? I'm not feeling all that well.". The reality was that she rode with Neteyam last time and she was feeling sick at the thought of being in such close proximity to him. She couldn't be feeling those butterflies when he was going to be betrothed to her sister.
Kiri was surprised, nudging her on the side. "There's no way you're leaving me with those losers."
"That's fine, Y/N. Make sure to stay close to the group in case something goes wrong."
With a close lipped smile, she stepped back and Jake continued to state his plan, most of the group's attention and ears on him except Lo'ak and Spider that were groaning and whining to Y/N on switching teams which ended with Kiri telling them to shut up and leave her alone even though she mumbled under her breath that it'd be no fun with only boys. Y/N giggled out a "sorry" that didn't at all sound sincere, missing Neteyam's hard stare on her.
“Has Y/N been acting strange at all to you?”, Spider asked.
“Yeah, kind of.” Lo’ak twirled a stick in his hand, “Like she stills spends time with us but she also doesn’t. I don’t know… she’s been kind of distant.”
Kiri scoffed out a laugh, “Maybe she found out she can do better than hang out with you all day.”
“You know the "you" includes you as well, right?”
“Did you forget that Y/N and I are girls which means we have a different connection which means … we talk amongst ourselves… especially about you all."
While the two boys pestered Kiri about what kind of gossip the girls do, Neteyam took front and moved large branches and leaves out of the way for an easier walkway. Though on the outside, it seemed that he could care less about the topic at hand and was simply alert on his surroundings. His mind was else where like it's been for the the past month, no, for the past two years.
His thought were interrupted when he heard a familiar giggle come from below. Rushing to the source, he leaned over the ledge and saw Y/N. Not alone though but with another boy, Zakum, that he always found a bother because of immature he is and now he was 10 times annoying when Neyetam saw how his hands were placed on her waist and the other on her arm as to position her to aim the arrow towards the stream.
The others had joined him and watched as the arrow was wasted into the water, missing the fish. Y/N pouted back at Zakum, Zakum patting her head affectionally before they both returned back into the prior position to try again.
“Isn’t Y/N a perfect shot?” Spider frowned.
Neteyam nodded. He knew because he was the one who taught her. He was the one who had his arms around her to get a perfect stance and the one who taught her the secrets of having perfect aim.
“See what I mean? There's something wrong because if she can easily get her target, why did she miss?” As if lightbulb had switched on above his head, “Oooh.”
They then all collectively placed it together with Lo’ak and Kiri ooo’d teasingly in spite of their friend knowing how to flirt but stopped when they looked towards Neteyam, his face stoic and his jaw clenched.
The voice of their father caught their attentions through the throat microphone that they were getting off track, the regrouping for the flyers occurring a while ago.
“Let’s go.” Neteyam threw himself up from the ground and refused to look at anyone, roughly pushing away anything in his way.
After a successful hunt, all the members of the clan gathered around to celebrate the winnings of the day. The meat of the strumbeest and fish grilling over the fire, families happily with one another as they fed each other. Some engaging in some indecent behaviors that involved kava and its disastrous effects.
Y/N held onto Tuk's hands as the little girl guided her around the dance line. Now instead of following the traditional dance, Tuk was making her own moves and moving her feet in a different way that made Y/N trip over her own feet when she attempted to follow her.
Tuk groaned out of frustration," Y/N, you've got to get yourself together before you fall on me."
"Come on, Tuk Tuk, slow down then! You're a much better dancer than I am."
She stuck her tongue out," I know that." She proudly grinned. She dragged Y/N around the fire to follow the others in the dance line. Even though Tuk did take the dancing quite seriously, the child would never miss out on the chance to be lifted up in the air. Y/N twirling her around in the air before the both of them got dizzy.
Stumbling to an empty spot, they both fell back onto the soft cushion of the ground. Tuk rolled over to lay on her side, her head laying on Y/N's arm.
"Y/N, I'm glad that Neteyam chose-"
A small shadow that stood over them, Tuk quickly sitting up and regaining her composure. Y/N lifted her head to find a little boy holding his hand out for Tuk to take. The blue of Tuk's ears fading into a light blue. Tuk's hand reached out for the boys but quickly retracted it when she realized that Y/N was besides her. Her eyes looking over for permission.
"Go ahead. I'm all worn out."
Tuk didn't think twice before running off with the boy.
Damn, even Tuk was having a better love life than her. She scoffed to herself. Maybe she can wallow in her self pity now. As she was in the process of laying back down, something caught her off guard that made her sit right back into position.
Eyota's legs over another person, her lips close to his ears to whisper unspeakable things. And that other person was someone that surely was not Neteyam.
Fury burned within her. She didn't think twice about her actions and if anyone was going to stare at her, the trail to her older sister almost leaving behind smoke if she had faster than she did. "What the hell are you doing?"
Eyota widened her eyes and immediately stood up, the male besides her obviously intoxicated by the way he missed her arm when he reached out to pull her back down.
"What is that language? Is that what you learn when you-"
"Shut up." Eyota and Y/N both equally stunned but Y/N continued on," Why are you being touchy with another boy? Aren't you close to having a secure mate? Like Neteyam."
"Ughh." Eyota's scowl returned, "I never confirmed that I wanted him. The whole point of finding a mate is to explore and why would I stay put with one?"
"You told Mother that Neteyam was the one you wanted to take a step further with. Isn't it working out, why are you-"
"Y/N, can I not interested in another people too? Sure, he's cute and a good warrior but I'm young, let me have fun. And when have you ever been so interested in my life? Is it because yours is so disappointing?"
Y/N brushed away the last comments, "Neteyam is my friend, you shouldn't treat him like he's some kind of toy." Y/N felt her body shaking from such anger.
"Ach! Then you can have your friend! All he does is talk about you anyways. It's insufferable."
He talked about her? Y/N's face softening at the thought, unaware that Eyota was staring at her little sister weirdly, stepping back to sit back to sit with the drunk Na'Vi.
A hum ringing through her ears as if time stopped, eyes trailing around the crowds before her eyes landed on him. His gear still on from today but paint decorated his face. He talked amongst his friends, his hands motioning a ikran flying through the air. As if he could feel her stare on him, he momently looked up and then back up, interlocking his eyes with hers. The sound of her heartbeat thumped in her ears when he didn't break it.
"Y/N!" Zakum appeared from thin air, his arms wrapping around her. A tug to pull her in the direction of everyone else. "Dance."
"No, I'm okay." Looking back in the direction Neyetam previously stood, he was no longer there.
"Cmon! It's tradition. It is the way. Dance!"
"Zakum, I am quite busy." Trying to squeeze her body out of his grip but he only kept a tighter hold.
"For a quick second, I promise and then you can go on as you please."
"Go with the boy, Y/N!" Eyota claimed, tossing her head back to take another large gulp of kava.
Seeing as there was no way out of this, she stopped struggling and let him lead her to the large crowd, his hands on her hips so tightly that she could move in the other direction if she wanted to. As everyone stood in a line, Zakum faced her and mirrored the others in line.
Typically Y/N is able to keep up but her mind wandered else where, unable to concentrate. The sound of everyone's voices and the hot air of the fire being all too much for her at the moment. All she wanted to do at the moment was talk to Neteyam about what Eyota said last.
Zakum's hot breath radiated down her neck, his skin clammy against hers. His hands running from where their hands were linked to his hips. Lower and lower he went until-
"Don't touch me like that." She pushed him away, a face full of disgust clear on her face. A stunned look on Zakum's face as he tumbled back. Taking this as an opportunity to walk and finding a breath of fresh air in an empty space away from everyone, she felt herself being pulled back around to him by her arm. Both of his hands now holding a tight grip on her.
"Where's the Y/N from earlier today? The one who was practically begging me to touch her."
The Y/N earlier only acted in that way to prove Lo'ak and Spider wrong that indeed she could be seen as a woman even though it was down in a way that didn't make her feel comfortable whatsoever. When she heard the group that hide behind the bushes rushing away, she moved out of Zakum's touch immediately. Apparently Zakum didn't get a hint that she wasn't interested when she was extremely annoyed by his flirtatious ways before and after the act.
"Get off of me."
"Come on, you wanted me earlier. Change of heart?"
A pain felt in her wrists when his grip on her grew tighter and tighter each time she budged. He used his tall height as a advantage to push her back until she felt the stabs of scratchy bark of the tree.
"You think you have better options? I'm the best you have. I can prove it to you right here. Nobody's around."
Disgust ran through her veins and clung to her skin, bile rising up her throat. Frustration causing tears to brim at the corners of her eyes. Though, she didn't stop her fight against him. Spreading her firsts to push with her palms at his chest. "Leave me alone, you perv."
"Stop fighting." He gritted through his teeth, pushing both of her arms against her chest. The pressure making it hard for her to move and breathe.
Y/N shut her eyes tight. Wishing constantly in her head that he'd magically go away and hoping that a good idea would appear into her head.
His sweaty palms being replaced by a familiar warm embrace, the beaded bracelet pressing against her skin confirming exactly who it was. Her vision blurry at first when her eyes fluttered open, leaning into Kiri's arm.
She saw silhouettes of the two men in front of her, one pushing back the other.
"Neteyam, leave him. Let's get Y/N home."
Though he didn’t listen. Everything happened so quick but in the moment, it felt as if it was in slo-mo.
The way Neteyam threw his arm back to land a punch square in the middle of Zakum's face, the blood trickling down from his nose. Zakum threw himself toward’s Neteyam’s torso to push him on the floor but Neteyam held his place, placing another hit to his face. Zakum returned the hit with one to Neteyam's side that fell weak against Neyetam's move to knee Zakum's stomach. The blow making him fall to the ground, Neteyam hovering over him. How he kept going back in, his knuckles landing each time on the other boy's face.
The two were split up suddenly by a taller male. "Stand down.", Jake's strong voice ringing through the air, his body sandwiched between the two to hold his son back from the other. Neither of them had even seen him approach the commotion, Lo'ak clearly out of breath from trying to get his father in time before the fight escalated any further.
Neteyam didn't care though. A spine chilling look in his eyes. An emotion none of them had seen before. Sure, she's seen him annoyed and upset but this was rage. A look clear and evident that he wasn't done with Zakum.
"Can't even fight his own fights without Daddy stepping in." Zakum spat, Neteyam stepped forward with his fist up but Jake blocked him.
"You best shut your mouth before you find yourself in more trouble than you already are." Jake glared at Zakum before turning back to the others in the area. "Kiri, take your brother..." His eyes softening at the sight of the blue skin of Y/N's wrist turning a light purple. As if he was starting to get a clear understanding of what had occurred not more than five or so minutes ago," and Y/N to get their injuries checked."
Not wasting a second to avoid Jake's scolding of another member of the clan, they were quick to walk away from the scene. The last thing Y/N had saw when she looked back was Zakum's parents standing, their forehead creased from their frowns and the sound of yelling being loud for them to hear from where they were.
No words were exchanged. She knew purely from the way her mother was refusing to look at her that she had messed up tonight.
Her father helping her apply the medicine Mo'at had given to her before she was pulled away by her family to their own hut. She did want to stay with them to assure that everything was okay especially since she was the one that was at fault and caused this commotion to happen.
"Did he..." Her father's eyes watering, his body completely shutting down and refusing to even finish the sentence. Y/N placed her hands over his and shook her head. Cries racked through his body as he with his forehead pressed down to her hands.
Towards the side of the room, her sister was sound asleep underneath a blanket, the smell of the liquor she drank radiating off of her. Their mother hovered over her, a hand reaching out to smooth out the older daughter's hair.
Oddly, Y/N didn't feel the green envy that she typically felt when she saw her mother caring more for her sister. Despite what had happened to her, her mother still repelled any sense of worry to her and only cared for the simply drunk sibling. So it wasn't worth feeling.
Maybe it didn't matter what she did. It didn't matter how much she cared for her family. It didn't matter that she sacrificed her heart for her sister in hopes that her mother would be proud of accomplishing such a task. Nothing worked.
Maybe if she realized this long before, she wouldn't have gone through this effort to distance herself from Neteyam and potentially ruined the friendship they had.
The chance to talk to him seemed to pass her every time. After having breakfast with her family and taking care of the aftermath of what the kava had done to her sister who woke up with a shooting headache and had projected vomited everywhere, she was stopped by Zakum who was accompanied by his father to apologize for how he acted last night.
Quick to forgive with her mind only focusing on what Eyota had told her last night about how all Neteyam had done was talk about her. She had made to their hut but she was a few minutes off as both Lo'ak and Neteyam had gone with the war party. She used that time to apologize for the events that occurred last night but Neytiri was quick to tell the girl that it wasn't her fault while Kiri reproached her for even considering that she was.
It wasn't until later that that day when night had fallen did the opening of her family's hut swished open, the youngest Sully standing in the opening. All four pairs of eyes startled and all watched as Tuk ran over to Y/N to pull at her arm, her chest heaving up and down from what seem like she had ran here.
"Tuk Tuk, what's wrong?"
"You have to come." Urgency dripping off from her tongue," It's important." She didn't look at anyone else in the room except for Y/N, her small hands barely wrapped around the circumference of her arm. Tears streaming down her face, using all of her weight to try to pull Y/N up.
"Tuk, wait. What's wrong? You have to calm down and explain to me what is going on."
"The sky people attacked." Her words jumbled as snot and tears ran down into her mouth. "I don't know what's wrong with Neteyam. Norm took him and I didn't even see him. He was bleeding so much, Y/N."
Not only Y/N but everyone in that hut stood and ran with the child to where people were returning back. It wasn't an exaggeration to say this was the worst they have seen so far. Usually people would return with as much as a scratch but the skin of several people that were being lifted past her were almost close to falling off. Bubbles littered several other people's skin, Mo'at handing off medicine to others to be able to care for as much of the injured as she can. Several people huddled together as cries were heard among the chaos hinting that there were losses this time or they had gone missing.
Her eyes surfed the crowd to find Lo'ak and his father stood towards the opening. From their posture and the veins that popped out from Jake's throat, he was yelling at Lo'ak. That she would question later but she could get a sense that Lo'ak may have been partly to blame for what had happened today.
A breath of relief to see them both standing, she was quick on her feet and followed Tuk to them. Colliding her body to Lo'ak's, not caring if he wasn't finished getting berated. Lo'ak's returning the embrace as he wrapped his arms around her torso quickly. Hearing him whispering reassurances that he was okay, she remembered that one person was missing and circumstances Tuk had told her.
"Lo'ak, how's Neteyam?" An obvious strain in her voice as she thought of the worst.
Lo'ak's heavy sigh and the look in Jake's eyes making her heart drop to her stomach, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as tears immediately came streaming out.
"Y/N!", Kiri called for her just as her knees were about to give out from underneath her. Neytiri trailing behind as they ran over to Y/N. "He's refusing help." Neytiri spoke through dry heaves. "Norm was able to take the bullet out but he's not letting anyone touch him to clean his wounds or look at any other. There's still a lot of blood."
"He's asking for Y/N." Kiri pointed. "He keeps saying he wants her and chanting her name like she's going to appear."
So he is alive. Resisting the urge to hit Lo'ak in the stomach for scaring her but she figured he knew as much as she did about what was going on.
She quickly wiped her ears as Neytiri walked over to her and placed a hand onto her shoulder. Plead in her eyes,"Y/N, sweetie. I don't know what's going on between the two of you but I beg you to forgive him or forgive yourself."
Y/N immediately agreed, finding no strength to say no to Neytiri who bowed her head as a thank you. The two guided her the box that was full of pods for avatars, all the metals in the room shining in her eyes. Kiri handed her a mask to help her get better control of her breathing from the toxins from the air inside. Her feet feeling cold against the floors and her body full of nerves as she inched towards the closed door at the end of the hall.
Silently she entered the room with medicine that Kiri claimed would sting less compared to what Mo'at was giving everyone else, the boy hunched over with his body facing the wall. She could tell he knew he was in the room by the way his ears perked up at the sound of the door opening. A white bandage was wrapped around his upper torso but the rest of his body still full of open wounds. 
She walked around and stood in front of him, eyeing the large blood spot where the bullet had entered. Cautiously she brought her hand up and placed it carefully on the gauze. Feeling his stare on the side of her face, she refused to look up in fear of how her calm facade would drop and instead moved her hand down to the much gnarly scratches that littered the open skin. 
With still no words spoken between them, she set aside the bowl and instead grabbed a discarded towel that she believed was being used to clean his cuts before he became troublesome and everyone had given up.
Right as she was placed the towel onto a bloody wound, Neteyam hissed in pain. She tried to go slower and dab it instead of rubbing but he continued to groan. verbally letting out grunts of "ows.". 
Deciding there was no way to ease the pain, she continued to clean off the blood less carefully and pressed down on one that was still leaking out. 
His hand shot up to grab at her arm, making her finally look up at him to see that he was crying. 
"Wow, I didn't know you were such a baby."
He obviously didn't find that funny as he blinked away the water that gathered at the linings of his eyes, his eyes rolling when he wiped them away with the back of his hand.
"You try getting blown up and shot at and not cry." 
"I'd rather not." 
Usually they'd laugh but the tension that filled the room stunted their chance to, only resorting back to the static silence. Y/N looked back down at the seeping wound and began to dab at it again.
"You know you're all I could think about."
She stopped. Only for a moment before she continued to clean the cut as if she didn't hear him. Not because she wanted to avoid confrontation but she refused to believe what he said was real.
"When I felt the bullet go through me, all I could think about was you. Wondering what the hell I did to make you to so upset that you couldn't even have talked to me. And I got so scared because I thought I was going to die out there without finding out what I did wrong and how you refuse to even look at me in the eye" He grabbed at her arm again but this time by her wrist and pulled it away from she was doing, her attention as well. Goosebumps running up her arm when he inched her closer to him, peering down at her even though he was seated," Especially when you have always told me to be honest about my feelings so why is that when I am, you're upset with me? Remember thinking, is what I did so bad? If I had known you would've acted this, I wouldn't have done so."
"That’s not the point, Teyam. You say that now but you would’ve resented and I couldn’t bear have you be upset with me.” Y/N pushed his arms away from her, cautious to not be too rough. "Teyam, I just needed time to get over it."
"All you had to do with me was be honest with me. Because I wouldn't have cared. I could never risk not having you in my life."
He wouldn't have cared. It felt as if everything had shifted two steps back when they were moving one step forward.
"Then what’s the point?” She threw the towel to the side. The fury ran strong through her veins, not expecting him to be this cold about how she felt for her. “ You’re such a fucking asshole.”
"Excuse me?"
"You wouldn't have cared? Well guess what, Neteyam, people have feelings and while you couldn't care, I'd still have to sit there with my feelings for you and watch you be all lovey dovey with my own sister. And I know my worth and I'm not going to sit there and act like I’m happy for you two and watch you try to make her yours."
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion," Wait what? Your sister? What does Eyota have to do with this?"
"Gosh if I had known how bad you are with girls, I would've have gone for Lo'ak. But of course I'm one of the many fools that has to be in love with you" She scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. "First of all, skxawng, if you like Eyota, why would you talk about me so much? That's why she's moved on from you so fast. "
A offended look on his face appeared on his face,"I'm bad with girls? I'm far from being bad with girls. If anything, I've tried every- Wait... you're in love with me?" A smirk replacing the grimace on his face.
"Yeah. Not that'd you care or anything." She huffed," I swear, Neteyam, get that look off your face before I smack you because you're really hurting my feelings."
"Oh I'm hurting your feelings? Y/N, I've been waiting for a response from you for what seems like forever. I was wondering when you would flat out reject me."
Now it was her turn to be confused," But I saw you giving her flowers. And you asked that night before what she thought of you."
"I was giving her flowers for you. Fucks sake, they even were your favorite ones. Your mother was there as well. And I asked her what she thought of me because I was going to be courting her sister so I had to make that she saw me in a good light. And before you get confused, you. I wanted her approval so that I could pursue you."
Though the picture was perfectly drawn for her and the tie of the knot becoming unraveling and untangled, she couldn't believe it. Not when her whole life, Eyota was always first choice. She couldn't accept this reality because it simply couldn't be true, " No." She shook her head. "No, there's no way you could be choosing me. Because everyone likes Eyota more. I'm the friend and you're confused but we all know that-"
"I do not want Eyota."
"You say that because she decided she didn't want you. Because you messed up your chance with her.”
A soft pair of lips cut off her rambling, Neteyam's arm wrapping around her to place his hand on the small of her back to push her closer. His other hands brushing against her cheek. Their bodies pressed against one another like two puzzles pieces fitted together.
It took needing a breath out of their masks to break them apart, her lips parted in shock.
“What does that tell you?”
“Nobody ever sees me-"
They buzzed when he leaned back in and pressed a swift peck on her lips, using his thumb to press down on the middle of her bottom lip.
“Do you get it now?”
“Maybe just one more.”
Neteyam exhaled out a laugh, standing up and picking up Y/N by the waist with no struggle. Except a grunt of pain when she hit his shoulder and warned him of his injury. He sat her down onto the edge on the bed and leaned down again to connect their lips together for a quick second, "Oel ngati kameie, Y/N. Always and only you."
She could feel her cheeks getting hot, getting embarrassed when she knew that her face had to be all purple. Everything was so overwhelming, her mind forcing her to look at other parts of the room. What deemed as impossible of happening was happening.
He brought her back when a thumb softly pushed her chin back down, forcing her to make direct eye contact with him. His eyes so full of love and a plea that hoped that she returned his feeling and it was in that moment that she knew he was being sincere. That what he was saying was true to his heart.
"Oel ngati kameie, Neteyam."
⋆*̣̥☆·͙̥‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥˟͙˟͙‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥‧·͙̥̣☆*̣̥ ⋆
a/n: omg thank you so much for reading this. i kind of struggled to finish bc idk i dont like how i've been writing cuz repetivity and also writers block. but my love for neteyam pulled thru hehehe. hope you liked it and plzzz give me criticism bc i shall learn from it!
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mcverse · 1 year
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☆ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝: 𝐘𝐞𝐬/𝐍𝐨
☆ 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 2)
☆ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐚 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦, 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦, 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
☆ 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐫: 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐲 & 𝐛𝐮𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐝𝐤 𝐰𝐡𝐲
☆ ​𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
𝐏𝐥𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝: 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝟏𝟖+
𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 & 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝
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✮ Neteyam who, thanks to your presence, unintentionally becomes more intrigued by the human body as he grows older.
✮ Neteyam who once held the view that most humans looked strange and potentially harbored ill intentions, found an exception in you—the human girl who grew up alongside Spider, appearing soft and fragile, as if just one wrong move could break you.
✮ Neteyam who first noticed the height difference, knew from day one that you would never reach his level—forever remaining small and shuffling to keep up with him and his family. This distinction becomes even more pronounced now as he matures into an adult.
✮ Neteyam who finds your size undeniably cute, especially when you look up at him with those innocent eyes (even if it might just be the angle), admits that it stirs something within him. You barely reach his stomach.
✮ Neteyam who occasionally needs to excuse himself when his thoughts shift from gently admiring you to envisioning your petite frame beneath him, barely holding on with a tear-stained, aroused expression as you struggle to take him.
“You’re too big, Nete.. It won’t fit!”
✮ Neteyam who, as time passed, began to pay closer attention to your figure. He watched as you matured into a woman, similar to those in his village, but with more defined curves that drew his gaze. He found himself often tracing them with his eyes, wondering how it would feel if his hands were the ones caressing your body.
✮ Neteyam who eagerly anticipates glimpses of your bare skin, conceals his curiosity skillfully while discreetly stealing glances at you while you gather materials for Norm. You're typically dressed in a halter top or tank top, often dirtied and sweaty due to your struggle with adapting to the humidity of Pandora.
✮ Neteyam whose attention is drawn to the shimmering sweat, closely observes as it leisurely trickles down, almost tantalizingly, towards the center of your chest, where it disappears into your shirt. He's developed a habit of absentmindedly licking his lips in your presence, only to abruptly realize his actions and the thoughts crossing his mind.
✮ Neteyam who finds it challenging to concentrate when your hair is pinned up during a brief meeting. He's drawn to the way your neck is exposed, watching it flex as you move, which tempts him. Although your skin is a different tone than his own, it's undeniably beautiful and seems easier to mark and claim later.
✮ Neteyam whose mind literally stopped working when he saw you in Na’vi clothing for the first time. Everyone knew that you had been avoiding it due to insecurities. However, when Kiri presented you with them as a gift, you didn’t want to waste the opportunity, and Neteyam felt truly blessed by Ewya.
✮ Neteyam who momentarily forgets to breathe as he notices the petite clothing struggling to conceal the distinctions between you and the Na’vi, the top barely skimming your nipples, and any slight movement risks exposure. As fate would have it, you do move, accidentally revealing yourself, causing Neteyam to swallow hard as he takes in the sight of your already erect and (color) nipples.
✮ Neteyam who nearly folds on the spot when you accidentally drop something, causing you to obliviously bend down to retrieve it, offering him an enticing view of your ass and wide hips. The sight draws a deep growl from his chest, one he hastily masks with a cough, as a sudden surge of primal emotion takes hold.
✮ Neteyam who’s admittedly creeped out by himself for how he inhales your scent each time you pass by, his head turning almost compulsively to prolong the exposure. It’s so mesmerizing that it almost feels like an addictive drug, one he seeks out frequently or it might like he’s crashing without it.
✮ Neteyam whose guilt and shame gnaw at him as he finds himself unable to resist the temptation to steal small items of yours imbued with your scent. Simply catching a whiff of you as you walk by is no longer enough. These are inconspicuous possessions, ones you wouldn't notice or suspect had gone missing: a sock, a hair tie, a bandana.
✮ Neteyam who often ends up in your vicinity, finds himself divided, with one part eager to be part of the moment and the other craving the opportunity to interact with you.
✮ Neteyam whose ears could unfailingly pick out your voice in the midst of a sea of Na'vi, always honing in on you. Your voice consistently had a way of keeping him attentive, and he came to genuinely appreciate it, particularly when you laughed, complimented him, or spoke his name.
✮ Neteyam who spends many late nights leaving the hut to alleviate his frustration because the thought of you calling his name repeatedly becomes too overwhelming for him to stay quiet if he were to release himself inside.
✮ Neteyam whose addiction to you runs so deep that when you sustain an injury resulting in the drawing of blood, he doesn't react in the usual manner. Instead, he enters a trance-like state, gently cradling your small wrist in his large hand, and proceeds to lick the wound. His eyes close in pleasure as he savors the unique blend of your salty skin and the taste of copper. Even your taste is addicting.
✮ Neteyam who feels a chill run through his veins as he observes the other Na'vi taking note of the changes in your body. He lingers close to you, assuming a protective stance as if you were already his, silently conveying to the others that he's determined to make it so and that they should keep their distance.
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​ 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝐈𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞, 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠! ☕️
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inmyfxith · 2 years
Blessed Union
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Pairing: Neteyam x human!reader
Summary: Neteyam and you are in a serious relationship, but Neytiri and Jake believe your inability to procreate makes it impossible. Eywa sees your love and blesses you with a spiritual pregnancy.
A/N: Neteyam and you are around 20.
Warnings: None
Words: 3k3
-> Requested
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Pandora was a remarkable place, not only because of its breathtaking biodiversity, but also because of the beings that inhabited this distant moon from your birthplace. In just a few short years, your human existence had completely changed. You had gone from a human lost in a wonderland to the potential future partner of the leader of a recognized clan.
Sitting on top of a hill, you watched the sunrise. The sky was painted with shades of pink and orange, and the clouds seemed to glow with the rising sun. A feeling of peace suddenly washed over you as you enjoyed the beauty of the landscape. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, letting the cool morning air fill your lungs and the first rays of the sun warm your skin.
When your eyes opened again, the sun was already above the horizon, casting its scorching glow over the forest. You sat there for a while, simply enjoying the solitude and peacefulness. It was a moment of pure beauty and serenity. A shadow passed through the sky so quickly that it took you a few minutes to realize that it was Neteyam's ikran floating in the air to join you.
“You look so handsome up there,” you called out to him as he gracefully landed next to you. Neteyam's smile was nothing short of infectious as he came to sit next to you.
“Thank you, my love,” he said, leaning in to plant a kiss on the top of your head, your face being inaccessible due to your exopack. You felt your cheeks flush and a warmth spread through your body. Moments like these always reminded you of how lucky you were to have Neteyam in your life. He was not only physically attractive, but also kind and loving, and your love was special.
As tradition dictated in his clan, upon the death of his father, Neteyam would become the new Olo'ektan, the leader of his clan, and you knew he was working hard to live up to his father's greatness.
“My love,” he began, “we’ve been together for long and I can’t imagine going through this journey without you by my side.” Neteyam took your tiny hand into his. “You have been a constant source of strength and support for me, and I know that you would be an amazing tsahik.”
Your heart filled with pride and joy as you listened to his words. Your hands found their way to his cheeks and your thumbs caressed his soft, blue skin. “I promise to do my best to live up to your efforts. I am proud of you, Neteyam, and so honored to be able to stand by your side,” you said. The young man leaned in to place another kiss on the top of your head, his eyes shining with love and determination.
Together, you remained there for a moment, enjoying the moment, knowing that your love was strong enough to weather any storm.
As a human, it had taken you some time to adapt to Neteyam's clan. Due to the actions of your kin, many Na'vi had been hostile to your presence in the High Camp, and you often had to endure disguised criticism or whispered conversations in a language you were not yet fully familiar with. Over time, tensions had eased somewhat, it was still too early to talk about trust, but the Omaticaya were now more affable towards you. Bringing fruits and other herbs collected on the way to the laboratory to the family of your beloved, your run was however stopped when you heard voices rise from the hut of the current Olo'ektan, Jake Sully, Neteyam's father. According to what you could perceive, Jake was in the company of his wife, Neytiri. Not wanting to disturb them, you simply waited near the hut, becoming an involuntary witness to their conversation.
“We must do something, Jake,” Neytiri began, her voice full of concern, “It seems clear that Neteyam's mate is not able to bear children. As the future Olo'ektan, it is his duty to produce offspring for the clan. With her around, our future is in danger.”
“I understand your concern, talking to them will probably not be a viable solution. They seem to love each other deeply, and it would be unfair to end their love in the name of tradition. Maybe we could find a way to...convince him to let go of this relationship and choose a mate who can fulfill his duties as a leader,” Jake replied. His mate sighed, pacing around the hut.
“I know you're right, but what other options do we have? I don't like the thought of causing Neteyam pain, but you're right. The needs of the tribe must come first. We'll have to find a way to gently persuade him to see reason."
Understanding the terms of the conversation taking place under the tent, your heart tightened. The basket filled with fruit that you held in your hands hit the ground, spilling its contents on the ground of the camp. Without a word, you ran out of the Omaticaya's cave, tears rolling down your cheeks as you delved into the forest. You couldn't bear the thought of losing Neteyam and everything you had built together. Your foot hit a root, causing you to fall to your knees. Holding your head in your hands, you hadn't realized that the Tree of Voices was now rising in front of you.
Minutes passed without you being able to stop crying. A hand rested on your shoulder, and without even looking up, you knew that Neteyam had arrived.
"Y/N, what's wrong?”
“I-I heard your parents talking,” you choked out, your voice shaking with emotion. “You need a mate who can have children, and I can’t do that. I-I just don’t want to lose you.”
Neteyam knelt down beside you, taking your small body in his arms and offering you all the comfort you needed. “I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head. “I don't care about having children. I just want to be with you. You're the only one that matters to me.” You sniffled and looked up at him, your eyes filled with gratitude.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him before burying your face in his chest again. He held you tightly, as if to prove to you that no one could ever stand between him and the woman he loved. As you gradually regained your senses, sitting on Neteyam's lap with your face against his chest, you quietly meditated, trying to erase from your mind what you had heard.
“Y/N, open your eyes,” Neteyam whispered to you again. When you did, dozens of woodsprites were floating in the air, surrounding Neteyam and you. Admiring the spectacle that the goddess Eywa was offering you, you extended your hand, palm up, and a woodsprite landed on it.
“It seems I'm not the only one who has chosen you.” Neteyam smiled slightly, happy to see that the pure and sacred spirits were on your side.
The next few days passed without much trouble. You continued to meet Neteyam at the top of your hill every morning, as a little ritual before starting the day. As a natural reaction to what you had heard, your behavior towards Neteyam's parents became colder, more distant. You were still polite and relatively friendly, but nothing more.
However, as time passed, a singular tiredness began to consume you slowly. No matter how much sleep you gave yourself, you felt continually down. This situation worried your mother, who, despite being a doctor, had no expertise in human medicine. She kept a close eye on you, putting her hand on your forehead to monitor your temperature, but your condition seemed to be getting worse by the day.
Your fatigue was soon followed by weight loss, your cheeks gradually hollowing out, your bones becoming more visible without any clear explanation for your sudden condition. Neteyam was not fooled either, he was also worried to see you in this state and had repeatedly offered to speak to his grandmother, Mo'at, who knew the flowers and herbs of Pandora better than anyone else and whose knowledge was equal to that of the greatest Olo'ektan of the Tawkami clan. But you always refused, not wanting to give Jake and Neytiri another argument to chase you away.
One morning, as the sun was about to emerge from the horizon, you tried to climb to the top of your hill to meet Neteyam who was about to land on his ikran. But as you climbed the steep path, your legs began to feel heavy and your already diminished energy flew away like a feather in the wind. You tried to keep going, determined to reach the top, to see Neteyam, but, exhausted, you ended up stumbling down the path in the opposite direction. Just as you were about to pass out, a voice called out to you softly. Neteyam had run to you after seeing you from the sky, his facial expression reflecting the immense concern he felt.
You were thin and fragile, your skin pale and clammy. Neteyam led you back to his camp, to his grandmother's hut, hoping it wasn't too late to help you.
As he approached the hut, he saw Jake Sully standing outside, a worried look on his face. "What happened?" Jake asked as Neteyam approached.
"I found her on the hill," Neteyam replied, his voice heavy with concern. "She's sick and in pain. I think she broke something."
Mo'at sat quietly by your side, her eyes closed in concentration as she prayed to Eywa for the health and safety of her patient. She had prepared a number of herbal concoctions to help strengthen your body and boost your immune system, and she carefully administered them one by one.
Neteyam stood nervously by your side, watching as Mo'at worked. He had tried to speak to his father about your condition, but Jake had been too consumed with the preparations for the ceremony to pay much attention. Neteyam was worried about you, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right.
As the day passed and the sun began to set, Mo'at placed a gentle hand on your belly. She frowned, feeling something unsettling beneath her fingertips. She turned to Neteyam with a grave expression.
"Neteyam," she said, her voice heavy with concern. "Your mate is with child."
Neteyam's eyes widened in shock. "A child?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
Mo'at nodded gravely. "It is early yet, and it is small. But it is there, and it is growing."
Neteyam's mind raced as he tried to process this information. He had always known that you were not as strong as the Na'vi, and he had worried about your ability to survive. But a child? He had never even considered the possibility.
As he stood there, trying to come to terms with this revelation, Mo'at placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Do not worry," she said softly. "Eywa will guide us and protect your mate and your child. We will do everything we can to ensure their safety and well-being."
Neteyam nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over him at Mo'at's words. How could his mate be with child? They had never made love, and he couldn't fathom any other possibility.
As he sat lost in thought, his mind raced with possibilities. He immediately went back to the night under the Tree of Voices, when the woodsprites had surrounded them. Could that have had something to do with your sudden pregnancy?
Because of the complex and unprecedented nature of the child's conception, Mo'at insisted on keeping you under observation in her hut. At the time, when she told you that a child was growing in your belly, you didn't believe her, thinking that your mind was playing tricks on you. However, as the days passed and your belly grew, the news became more and more real.
Your mother was not happy about this news and when she came to exchange your exopack with another one, she was shocked by your situation. She entered under the hut, her face distorted by anger. "What does this mean? My daughter is pregnant and you're standing there watching calmly," she shouted at Neteyam who was standing beside you.
Neteyam raised her hands in a gesture of peace. "I understand that you are upset, but try to understand that it was not intentional. We never...I am just as confused as you are about how this happened."
Your mother's expression softened as she turned to you. "Are you sure you're pregnant?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. You nodded, tears streaming down your face.
"I don't know how it happened either, but I'm sure I'm carrying a child."
Mo'at, who was quietly preparing herbal concoctions in a corner of the hut, spoke up. "It is possible that the child was conceived under the tree of voices. The woodsprites are known to bless couples who pray to Eywa under its branches."
Your mother let out a sigh of frustration. "This is all so confusing. I just want what's best for my daughter."
Neteyam stepped forward and put a hand on her shoulder. "I also want what's best for her. I will do everything in my power to keep her and the child safe and happy."
Your mother looked at Neteyam with a mixture of anger and gratitude. "I hope you mean that," she said before turning to leave the hut. Neteyam watched her leave before turning back to you and taking your hand in his.
This pregnancy was rapid, in just three months your belly had swollen so much that you could hardly move without the help of another person. Thanks to Mo'at's care, your fatigue had decreased and your physical condition had clearly improved so much that she allowed you to escape her surveillance for an evening.
With Neteyam, you had not gone very far for fear of not being able to return. You had simply settled in the heights of the camp, together, far from prying eyes. Your heavily pregnant belly sticking out in front of her, Neteyam was sitting beside you, his hand gently resting on the roundness of your belly as he spoke softly to the baby growing within you.
"You are my little miracle, my son," he whispered, his eyes filled with love and wonder. "I will do everything in my power to protect you and your mother. You are both the most precious things in the world to me."
You smiled up at Neteyam, your hand covering his as you both felt your baby's movements. “I can’t believe how much he has grown,” he said, his voice filled with wonder. “I can feel him kicking and moving inside you. It’s like he’s already a part of us.”
“I can’t wait to meet him,” you answered softly. “I know he’s going to be strong and brave, just like his father.”
Neteyam leaned down and kissed your forehead, his eyes full of love. “I promise to always be there for him, to protect him and guide him. He will always be my greatest treasure.”
Your heart swelled with love, and tears welled in your eyes, as you listened to Neteyam’s words. You knew without a doubt that he would be a devoted and loving father to your child.
As the moments ticked by, Neteyam and you lay together in peaceful silence, your love for each other and your unborn child filling the air around you.
Neteyam paced outside of Mo'at's hut, his heart racing with anxiety. He couldn't bear to hear the sound of your screams echoing through the air. Every time you cried out in pain, his heart seemed to stop. Jake, who had been standing beside him, placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "It's going to be alright, son. Your grandmother knows what she's doing."
But Neteyam couldn't shake the feeling of dread that seemed to be settling in his chest. He couldn't imagine life without you, and the thought of losing you during childbirth was almost too much to bear. Finally, the screams stopped, and Neteyam froze. For a moment, he couldn't move, couldn't speak. He was certain that his worst fears had come true.
But then Mo'at appeared in the doorway, a wide smile on her face. "You have a son, Neteyam. A strong, healthy son."
Neteyam walked into Mo'at's hut, his heart racing with excitement and nerves. As he approached the bed, he saw you, covered in sweat and tears, holding a tiny bundle in your arms. He rushed to your side, taking your hand in his own.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice shaking with emotion.
You nodded, tears streaming down your face as you smiled up at him. "We have a son," you whispered.
Neteyam's heart swelled with love and pride as he looked down at the small, blue-skinned baby nestled in your arms. He had a head full of jet-black hair, and big, bright eyes that seemed to take in everything around him. His tiny fingers were wrapped around your thumb, holding on tight.
Neteyam reached out a hand, gently brushing his son's fingers open so he could stroke his soft skin. "He's beautiful," he whispered, tears welling up in his own eyes.
You smiled at him, your own tears of joy and exhaustion mixing together. "He looks just like his father. He's our little miracle,” you said softly.
Neteyam leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, then to the top of his son's head. He knew that from that moment on, everything in his life would revolve around these two people, and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his days loving and protecting them.
Neteyam stood behind his son, his strong arms wrapped around the small child as he gently guided his hands on the bow. A sense of pride and nostalgia was swelling in his chest. He remembered the day his own father had first taught him how to hold a bow, the weight of it in his hands feeling like a rite of passage. The five year old looked up at his father with wide, curious eyes, taking in every movement and instruction with eagerness.
"That's it, my little hunter," Neteyam said with a soft smile. "Just like that. Now, let's see if you can hit the target."
The little boy nodded determinedly and focused on the distant target, taking a deep breath before releasing the arrow. It flew straight and true, hitting the center of the target with a satisfying thud.
Neteyam beamed with pride as he lifted his son off the ground, swinging him around in a joyful embrace. "Well done, son! You have the makings of a great hunter."
As they practiced together, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the clearing. Neteyam couldn't help but sneak glances at you, who were watching them with a soft smile on your face. He knew that you were just as proud of your son as he was, and it warmed his heart.
As they wrapped up their lesson for the day, Neteyam lifted his son into his arms, giving him a warm embrace.
"I'm so proud of you, my little warrior," he whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his son's forehead.
The little boy giggled and snuggled closer, and Neteyam knew that this was exactly where he was meant to be - with his family, surrounded by love and joy.
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neteyampoundcake · 2 years
Protective Neteyam Headcannons
Neteyam x Human! Reader
summary: protective fluffy bf headcannons about Neteyam!
authors note: protective neteyam>> lmk if y’all want a part 2. also i’m sorry my fonts are so inconsistent i’m indecisive
first, he always checks up on you mentally. he understands that you feel left out being one of the few humans in Pandora so he asks how you are doing every night
”How are you feeling sweetheart? Is everything okay up there?” pointing to your head. norm told him about anxiety/other mental health issues within humans so he wants you to know he’s always there for you mentally
brings you cooked meats and fruits all the time for you to store in the lab just in case you get to caught up in your work and forget to eat
“I brought you some fresh fruits my yawntusyìp. i understand how important your work is but please make sure to eat them when you get the chance” as he kisses you on the forehead and leaves you to your work(i want a neteyam in my life so bad)
deals with anyone who gives you trouble in pandora AND THE LAB TOO. neteyam does not play about you and if he feels like someone is disrespecting you he’s going to speak up about it
“what do you mean another navi told you to never come back here? you belong to me baby meaning you being in pandora should not be an issue. you cause no trouble at all. if anything, you’ve been so helpful finding different plants to heal us when we become injured. i’ll go have a quick talk with them” he pecks your lips and finds the navi who was talking about you
always has a hand on you. he just loving touching you in a loving way and wants you to feel safe at all times with him, especially outside of the lab. keeping a protective hand on your lower back is his go to
HOLDING YOU ON HIS CHEST WHEN YOU SLEEP. neteyam feels like you’re most protected resting on his chest no matter where you too are. he tightly wraps his arms around you and occasionally kisses your head while you sleep in his arms. he knows how much you value your sleep so best believe he’s glaring at anyone who disturbs your sleep
you guys are in his pod when loak walks in yelling “bro you won’t believe what hap-“ “shhhh. y/n is sleeping why are you so loud???
”mmh teyam?” you stir slightly awake but Neteyam coos “its okay princess. go back to sleep it’s still early” rubbing his hand up and down your back and he glares at loak. he takes this as his queue to leave IMMEDIATELY
part 2??
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thecapybara526 · 2 years
“The way I feel about you, is the how you feel about her.”
Avatar : the way of water
Pairing: Neteyam x Reader
One shot: Y/n has been in love with Neteyam her whole life. He was her mighty warrior. You’re both 19 and expected to pick a mate. Despite being right in front of him, Neteyam’s eyes have always been drawn to a different girl in the village.this is based of a song I heard today “her” by Sophia Scott. Please listen while you read.I’ll let you know when to start playing it.
Themes: sad, angst, unrequited love, jealously
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You and Neteyam were flying your Ikrans, it was almost eclipse and you wanted to go on one last ride for the day.
“Come on Nete! We’re almost there!” You yell glancing over your shoulder.
There he was your mighty warrior flying right behind you.
“Slow down! Y/n! You’re going to crash” he laughed at you, with your adventurous spirit he didn’t understand why you were so close to him. Lo’ak would probably be a better fit to satisfy your need for adrenaline.
What Neteyam didn’t know is when you were close to him your adrenaline felt as if you had dived off a mountain. You had loved him all your life. You first met when you were kids.
You were climbing a tree and claimed it as yours. One day Lo’ak, Kiri and Spider had stumbled across the same tree. You were high up playing by yourself.
“Hey! That’s our tree get down!” Lo’ak yelled
Your head snapped down to the two Na’vi and a human? You had seen humans before but never this close. Your mother didn’t like you around them. You slowly started to make your way but not all the way just enough to talk without yelling.
“This is my tree! You go away!” You furrowed your brows, you knew he was Lo’ak the youngest son of the Olo’eyktan. But that didn’t mean you were going to give up your tree.
“Please? We really like this tree. We found it yesterday.” Kiri spoke not wanting to fight.
“Kiri! Shh! This has always been our tree.” Lo’ak whispered. You narrowed your eyes, you didn’t like liars.
“Well this has been my tree for 1 week now. So it is mine.” You stuck your tongue out. You sat down on a low branch. Swinging your legs, your tail flicking side to side, a little nervous.
Quickly Lo’ak jumped up and grabbed you by your tail. Making you fall backward off the tree, and you fell to the ground hard. You winced.
“Lo’ak!” you heard an unfamiliar voice, it wasn't one of the adults which was good.
You didn't turn to even look at the voice and you tackled Lo’ak. You both rolled around but you ended up on top pinning him down, you were older so just a little bit bigger than him.
“That was mean!” your eyes brimmed with tears. Lo’ak eyes widened, he didn't want to make you cry. He felt bad. Before he could say anything you were being picked up gently. You tried to turn but the strong arms around you kept you still.
“What is going on here?” your ears flattened back, a boy was holding you. You have never been held by a boy. A blush coated your cheeks.
“Lo’ak wanted this tree and she didn't want to move” Kiri was annoyed, she knew Neteyam was going to give them a speech. He was only 8 yet had the moral compass of a saint.
The strong arms put you down and turned you around to face them. It was the first time your heart ever stopped for Neteyam and it wasn't the last. He was beautiful.
“Are you okay? I'm Neteyam. Sorry about my brother.” He smiles at you and your knees went weak.
“Woah. Do you need to see Tsahik?” he helped you stand up again.
“N-no, I'm okay. Thank you.” you couldn't look into his eyes. He nodded and let you go. At that moment, you wanted to collapse so he would hold you again.
“Lo’ak, if you apologize I won’t tell mother and father.” He put his hands on his hips, while he addressed his brother with a serious tone. Kiri and Spider chuckled, Neteyam always so serious.
Your eyes widened. At that moment you fell in love for the first time. This Neteyam, he stood up for you, held you, and was very beautiful. Your 8-year-old heart decided that one day. He would be your mate.
“I’m sorry.” Lo’ak looked at you, “we can share the tree?” He offered as a peace offering.
A grin broke out on your face.
“Yes! Let's play. You too.” you reached for Neteyam’s hand and lead him to the tree. You weren't letting him go.
You felt Neteyam’s Ikran land next to yours. You sat down on the ledge of the mountain. You always loved high places. He saw down close next to you, thighs brushing together.
“We’re getting too old to sneak off Y/n.” Neteyam chuckled. You immediately frowned. You hated being reminded of your age. 19. You were both over due to pick a mate. Especially him.
He was the future Olo’eyktan, he should’ve picked his mate by now. You of course hadn’t picked because well, you wanted him. It wasn’t fair to mate with anyone else when your heart completely belonged to Neteyam.
“Ah, why the frown.” Neteyam bumped your shoulder. You forced a smile back on your face.
“Ah you know I hate the idea of growing up.” you shook your head.
“I know, I know. I'm sorry.” Neteyam didn't understand why it upset you so much. You were at the best part of your adulthood, both one of the people, warriors, and you could pick a mate. 
“I just don't want us to grow apart.” you ducked your head down, to hide your eyes from him. Sometimes you were scared he would see how you truly felt about him.
“Oh Y/n” he turned and hugged you.
You buried your head in his shoulder, wrapping your arms around him. You loved when he held you. It didn't often happen now that you were older. It was crazy to feel the difference; when you were younger, he was smaller and skinny. Now he was way taller and muscular. In the moments he did hold you, you wished you could stay like this forever.
“You will ways be my best friend.” You placed your forehead on his shoulder. Ouch. You hated it. Hated the idea of just being a friend. But you’d would rather be a best friend than lose him all together. When the time came and he chose a mate, you probably wouldn’t be able to share moments like this anymore.
“Thank you, Neteyam.” He pulled away from you and you missed his warmth.
“Can I ask you something?” He had a serious expression on his face.
You shifted uncomfortably. You tried to make your heart settle. Every time he got serious you wished it was him about to confess his love for you. You knew though. He was never going to.
“Yes, anything Neteyam.” you smiled
“Ah...” he looked away, blushing. You tilted your head at him. “I just figured since, y-you're a girl.”
“Yes. Yes, Neteyam, I am a girl.” you chuckled nervously. What was this about?
“How do you think a girl would want to be asked to be my mate?”
Your heart sunk to the deepest part of pandora’s forest. You swear you could hear the crack appearing on your heart.
“W-what?” your voice was soft. It couldn't be, he wasn't talking about-
“Neriaya.” you slowly looked away from him, “you know how I feel about her, and I think she may feel the same.”
You took a deep breath, tears emerged their way into your eyes and forced them back. You wouldn't cry in front of him. Neriaya. Of course. You knew already. How could you not? You watched everything Neteyam did. You didn't fail to notice his blush when Neriaya spoke to him, how he would stand a little straighter when she passed him, how he would stare.
He had always had his eye on her and you had your eye on him. You hoped that as you got older he would notice you. Maybe you could change his mind and start to fall in love with you instead . Looks like your time had run out.
“Neteyam, any girl would love to be your mate. Whatever you choose to do, she will love.” You stood up. You wouldn’t torture yourself like this. There was no way you were helping him plan this. You couldn’t.
“I was hopping maybe you could help me though?” You dared to look at him, hoping your mask wouldn’t falter. His eyes were hopeful and excited. No. You couldn’t do this.
“I’m not very romantic. Ask Kiri. Let’s go. It’s almost dark.” You jumped on your Ikran, waiting for him to mount his before you took off. You flew fast ahead of him, tears escaping, the wind cleaning them off your cheeks for you.
Neteyam was a bit confused. But he figured you were just worried about getting in trouble, this would’ve been your third strike with your mom. He laughed at the thought.
The next couple weeks, 2 and a half to be exact, not that you were counting. You distanced yourself from Neteyam. Now that he expressed his plans to ask Neriaya to be his mate, it was too painful. You didn't want to hear or even think about it. Being away from him was the only way. Yesterday you caught the two of them talking quietly after dinner. The way he looked at her made you crumble. You walked to your hut, thank Ewya your mom wasn't there. Because you collapsed to the floor and cried. You cried for the 8-year-old girl, who you promised that he would be your mate. You also cried for yourself. The 19-year-old girl who was in love with Neteyam.
Neteyam didn't understand why you had been so distant. He was kind of upset honestly. You were his best friend, he had confessed his intentions with Neriaya. Why weren't you excited for him and helping him? Honestly you avoiding him upset him to his core. He felt off the past week's without you by his side. There was even a moment where you pasted right by him. Without even a glance. He just shook his head. What was wrong?
He knew once he mated with Neriaya, he wasn't going to be able to spend much time with you. The thought of not seeing you every day hurt him, he hated how it made him feel. But he would have Neriaya. His parents always talked about her to him. How pretty she was, a good hunter, and how she could be a good Tsahik. To Neteyam, he knew if chose Neriaya, his parents would be proud and happy. He from then on he pictured Neriaya as his mate.
She was everything his parents said she was. Neteyam could tell Neriaya would be shy when he talked to her. She was nice and easy to talk to, Neteyam wasn’t necessarily eager to mate, he brushed it off when he turned 18 but when he heard his parents talking about the fact that he hadn't chosen a mate. He knew he has no choice but to do it now.
Today, he had finally had enough of your ignoring game. He started looking everywhere for you and he eventually found you with Kiri doing her hair.
“Hello.” Kiri smiled at his greeting her brother. Neteyam watched you carefully as you looked up from Kiri’s hair to him. You had a look on your face he couldn't decipher it, it made he angry. He knew you better than everyone else. What was wrong?
When you looked at him it was a mix of emotions. Happy to see his face, sad to know you were losing him, and jealous that someone else gets the privileget love him.
“Neteyam,” you spoke quickly and went back to the braids. Kiri raised an eyebrow and knew this wasn’t going to end well. Y/n didn’t have to say but Kiri knew you were upset about Neteyam’s plans. Kiri didn’t understand how you didn’t tell Neteyam you loved him or how Neteyam didn’t notice.
“Y/n is doing my hair.” she quickly interject after the 15 seconds of silence.
“Uh y-yeah. Maybe you could do mine after?” his eyes shot to the floor.
Kiro rolled her eyes. Oh hell no. She thought breaks Y/n’s heart and can't even look her in the eye?
“She just started. It will take forever. Maybe ask Neriaya?” Kiri’s eyes were challenging. She wanted to push her brother. What would he do?
You sat there silently, not wanting to comment. Kiri even suggesting Neriaya doing Neteyam’s hair hurt. You used to do his hair.
“I can wait.” He searched your eyes, willing you to look at him and you did. Those orange eyes melting you.
“Yea.” you nodded, you would usually be happier but instead you held your composer. This didn't change anything between the two of.
It took you 30 minutes to do Kiri’s hair. You and Kiri just talked while Neteyam sat with his eyes closed against the wall. When you turned to look at him he was asleep.
“Well, so much for waiting” Kiri laughed before walking out of the hut.
You watched her retreating form and turned back to Neteyam. You knelt down beside him and looked at him. He looks so calm, his chest rising and falling. You brushed away the braid that fell on his face. You chuckled, he really did need his hair done. You sighed and got up.
You felt a hand snap onto your wrist. You jumped and looked down. Neteyam was looking at you through sleepy eyes.
“Ah, I'm sorry. I dozed off but I'm ready.” he's sat up quickly and started to undo the beads.
You knelt down slowly. His back to you.
“Okay, lay back when you're ready.” you twirled your own braid around your finger. (Play song)
You noticed movement and Neteyamms strong back was coming down toward you. His head hit your thighs and his eyes peered up at you. He was so handsome. You licked your lips nervously and started to get to work.
“Y/n..” Neteyam started but stopped. You didn't acknowledge it. Didn't ask for him to repeat himself. You didn't want to talk. You wanted to enjoy the feeling of him being yours. Or pretending he's yours.
Neteyam closed him eyes and took a deep breath. Your fingers felt great, but he couldn't shake the weight on his chest. He hated this tension. Usually when you did his hair it was non stop laughing, you slapping him to stay still. He missed it. He missed you. He opened his mouth again.
“Kiri talked my ear off, I'll let you know when I'm done.” you said quietly not giving him a chance to speak.
He gave you a tight smile and closed his eyes again.
“Done.” you finally spoke after almost an hour. His hair was longer than Kiri’s. He didn't respond. He's asleep again. You shook his shoulder gently.
His eyes fluttered open and a small smile started to form. He looked at you, you looked so pretty.
“Hi.” he then remembered he was in your lap and that you did his hair. He sat up quickly and stood up. You looked up at him with furrowed brows. Okay...
He blushed. Why did he do that? You had braided his hair thousands of times. He never felt nervous. It was probably the tension between the two of you. He was fixing that today.
“Y/n. I want to talk.” he sighed.
“Neteyam-” you huffed ready to shut him down.
“Not here. Come on” he grabbed your hand and led you towards the ikran. You whipped your hand away.
“Neteyam!” you whisper yelled. It was late in the afternoon. Na’vi roaming everywhere getting ready for dinner. What if Neriaya saw them holding hands?
“What? Come on.” Neteyam kept moving. You felt people looking at you, so you followed him. Not wanting to cause a scene.
You landed your ikran next to Neteyam’s, you were fuming. How dare he. How dare you push this conversation on you.
“What is wrong with you?!” you yelled at him as soon as your feet hit the ground marching toward him.
“Me? What's wrong with you!” he yelled back. He was frustrated. This wasn't him.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell.” he immediately felt bad. He never yelled at you.
“I didn't want to talk right now! Why are you doing this? You have other things to worry about right now.” your voice softened at every sentence. No longer mad. Just sad and frustrated. You were tired of hurting.
He walked forward and grabbed your hands. Bending his neck down a little to look you in the eyes, his hair brushing your wrists.
“Y/n right now I need you more than ever. You're my best friend. I need your support right now.”
A confused expression passed along your face that turned into exhaustion, eyebrows bunching together.
“Neteyam. I-I’m sorry but I can't be there for you with this.” you tried to yank your hands away but his grip held you.
He shook his head side to side, mouth dropping open a little.
“Y/n, everything was fine between us. What happened? I feel like you're keeping your distance, like you don't want to be around me. You're my best friend.” His voice dropped low, he swallowed hard getting emotional.
You couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't hear the word best friend again. Your knees buckled. Neteyam caught you, lowering to his knees as well. His eyes widened.
“Neteyam please.” your voice cracked, and your head was low. Shielding your face from him.
“Please don't ask this of me. You cannot ask for this.” the weight of carrying all these feelings was finally catching up to you, it was too much. It was just spilling all out.
He pulled you to his chest when you started crying but you used your arms to create distance. Your hands pushing against his shoulders.
“Y/n talk to me.” you couldn't help him? You couldn't be there for him with his mate?
“I can't do this anymore Nete.” his heart broke hearing his nick name. He missed it.
“I can't help you, or be around you or even go to the ceremony.” tears spilled over your cheeks. He tried to force your head up but you shook him off and continued. He was lost.
“I- I wish that I could've told you how I felt and if only you knew how it breaks my heart, it breaks my heart to know you love Neriaya.” you looked up at him finally. His eyes were cloudy with tears as well. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did this mean you..?
“Y/n are you saying?” his voice was shaky. He felt his entire world flip upside down. “Y/n-”
You cut him off.
“So no. No Neteyam. I cannot be there for you. Because the way that I feel about you. Is how you feel about her.” you wiped tears from your face and stood up.
He stood up with you, his hands still attached to your forearms.
“I -Y/n... This is.. I don't-” He stuttered. He was so thrown off. You? You loved him?
“You don't have to say anything. You are going to be mated to Neriaya. That's okay. I want you to be happy. But I won't do it Neteyam. I won't break what is left of my heart for you.” you were numb. You felt as if you had poured all the emotion you had left out to him.
“Why didn't you ever..why didn't you tell me?” Neteyam couldn't stop staring at you. He always thought you were beautiful but did he see you as his mate? Did he have feelings for you? The same way he felt about Neriaya? Did he even love Neriaya?
Because how he felt in this moment. This is what he would describe heartbreak to be. Your tear-stained face. Puffy eyes. The weight of your words. He was losing you. He was losing his best friend. He was losing you forever.
“Neteyam, you've always looked at Neriaya. Always drawn to her. I knew and I thought being your best friend would be enough but it's not.” your tone was flat. It scared him, some emotion was better than none. He hated this. He hated that he made you feel this way.
“Y/n, please let's talk about this.” he was desperate. He didn't know if he truly had feelings for you but he knew he didn't want to lose you. He wanted you as close as possible at the moment. He didn't want you to walk away. Not from him.
He didn't think. He just pulled you to his arms.
You went from zero emotion to one hundred emotions to then only one. Anger.
“Enough!” you yelled. “Enough! Enough!” you pounded on his chest forcing him to let you go.
“Neteyam enough. No more. There is no saving this. There is no fixing this. There is no us!“
He let you go and you instantly put distance between the two of you stepping back.
“Y/n please. Yes, we can. We can fix this.” He held his arms out as he talked.
“Do you have feelings for me?” your voice was barely above a whisper. But somehow he heard you. He just stared at you.
“Well?” you raised an eyebrow. You really like to torture yourself.
“I-I don't know.” his arms dropped to his sides.
“Neteyam.” you took a step towards him. A small one but enough for you to be able to see those beautiful eyes.
“I see you. I love you. And because of that I can't do the best friend thing with you. Enough. Please” and with that, you turned around and jumped on your ikran. Just like that day a couple of weeks ago. You wiped the tears from your eyes except this time It was a lot more painful.
Neteyam collapsed to his knees. Head in his hands. He had lost you. He started to cry. How was he going to fix this? He knew he needed you. He needed you to survive. But did he have feelings for you?
Sorry! Don’t hate me! I just was so inspired by this song. Should I make a part two? I'm also working on 2 other requests so to the people who requested them, they are in the works don't worry.
PART 2 is finally up!
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normspellsman · 1 year
I Trusted You
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part one | part two
pairing: neteyam x fem!omatikaya!reader
genre: angstish, arguing (lo’ak & neteyam), fluffish, siblings fighting, & comfort
word count: 2.3k+
warning(s): lo’ak + neteyam arguing, neteyam being absolutely livid, cursing, jake having to break up neteyam + lo’ak, mentions of injury + death + blood, lo’ak + neteyam physically fighting, nete blaming lo’ak for you getting hurt, mentions of nearly crying, slight foreshadowing to the events of atwow, & kissing
taglist: @dearstell @aonungsmate @lvlyynim @optimisticblazetrash @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @universal-s1ut @minkyungseokie @arianapjs @wwwellacom @goodiesinthecloset21 @liyahsocorro @amortencjja @chshshhshshshshshshs
word bank: skxawng — idiot; moron, irayo — thanks; thank you, tsmuke — sister, yawntutsyip — darling; little one, tiyawn — love, & nga yawne lu oer — i love you
note: literally spent all day thinking about this fic & just had to write it, hope you enjoy! <3 also, tysm for 1k+ notes on the first part. like that’s totally insane. i love you all mwahhh 💋💋
Neteyam was pissed. Very, very pissed.
He gave his brother one job and he couldn’t even succeed in executing it. Lo’ak was apparently too fucking incompentent to do the one thing he asked of him. Stupid fucking skxawng, he thought to himself, shaking his head in disappointment.
Anxiety riddled Neteyam’s body as he stood outside of the Tsahìk’s tent waiting for his Grandmother to finish patching you up. All he wanted was to have you in his arms and hold you but his Grandmother deemed his clinginess a distraction and promptly kicked him out of the tent so she could work and properly focus without him practically breathing down her neck. He began to pace up and down the side of the tent in anxiety, chewing at his fingernails.
Neteyam knew that putting all the blame on his younger brother wasn’t something he should be doing, but he found himself doing it anyway.
Nothing good ever comes out of Lo’ak’s plans or adventures. Someone within his group always ends up hurt which results in Neteyam having to save his ass more times than he could remember to count. He didn’t mind it much then, you weren’t really in the picture then nor did you ever accompany Lo’ak on his explorations. But once you wiggled your way into the eldest Sully’s life and ultimately stole his heart in the process, you frequented Lo’ak’s trips more and more. If Na’vi could develop grey hairs, Neteyam would have a head full of them. Poor boys heart stopped every time he learned that you joined Lo’ak and company to wherever. He was always stressed about your safety.
“Is she okay?” A voice asked, concern laced within their tone.
Neteyam’s tail swished in agitation at the voice. Lo’ak, he internally seethed.
“No, she’s not. No thanks to you,” he growled out, pacing ceasing.
Lo’ak knew he fucked up. He knew he shouldn’t have let Tuktirey convince you to join them on their excursion. He knew he should’ve done more to protect you from the threats of Quaritch and his knife.
“I didn’t know this was going to happen, Neteyam,” Lo’ak replied, ears pinned back as he watched his brother shoot a deadly glare at him, “I didn’t even ask her to go in the first place. Tuk did.”.
Neteyam scoffed at his brother's answer. How dare he blame Tuk for this. He was the elder brother in the moment, he should’ve acted like it.
“Don’t bring Tuk into this. You know damn well that (Y/N) can’t say no to her. You should’ve stopped her from going either way,” he retorted, finger digging into Lo’ak’s chest as he repeatedly poked it into his skin as he spoke. “You knew the promise you made to me and yet you failed to protect her,” he added.
“You don’t think I know that?” Lo’ak hissed out, pushing Neteyam’s finger away from his chest, “You don’t think I’m beating myself up for it? That I don’t feel bad? I feel awful.”.
“I know that I’m the fucked up failure of the family but that doesn’t mean you can blame me for everything,” he added, tail copying his brothers previous movements in anger, “(Y/N) has a free will of her own and decided to come on her own terms. None of us knew what was going to happen tonight. It is Quaritch and his soldiers fault for what they did. They caused it and we just so happened to be in the crossfire.”.
Neteyam shook his head angrily at Lo’ak, braids harshly swaying at the movement. Everything seemed to have gotten hotter. All Neteyam could feel was hot anger. He was so angry that he saw only red.
“She wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you weren’t at the abandoned shack, Lo’ak. You were there and they took advantage of that, holding all of you hostage for just being there,” he argued back.
Neteyam knew that Quaritch was to blame for all of this but if Lo’ak wasn’t there in the first place, none of this would’ve occurred tonight. He led everyone to the one place they weren’t supposed to go. A place their Father had established was off limits. Lo’ak never thought about others whenever he went to chase a thrill, always paying for the consequences after the fact.
“You don’t think, Lo’ak. You never do! You don’t think of the consequences of your actions,” Neteyam added, hands lifting up by his sides as he gestured towards the boy in front of him.
A part of his statement was true. Lo’ak tended to act before he was able to think. But even then, he felt as if it wasn’t fair for all the blame to be put onto his shoulders. Lo’ak did reckless shit all the time and his actions rarely severely impacted others the way it did tonight. Tonight was out of his control. The ball was no longer in his hands when a soldier took a hold of Tuk, the ball being snatched out from his fingers and into the grips of Quaritch.
A hiss crawled its way out of Lo’ak’s throat, pushing back his brother with enough force to send him stumbling back. He was tired of Neteyam harassing him for something he had no control over.
The elder hissed back, lunging at his brother and tackling him to the ground. Punches and slaps were thrown as the two brothers rolled on the ground. Insults were shouted out into the air at each other causing heads to turn and peak out in curiosity.
“Enough!” A loud voice boomed, grabbing the shoulders of Neteyam and yanking him off of Lo’ak, pushing him backwards and further from his brother. “Get your crap together you two! There is no means for you to fight!” Jake shouted, pulling his other son to his feet.
Both boys' ears were pinned back against their heads and tails fell limp between their legs. Anger had overtaken both of their senses and caused their minds to become overwhelmed with the emotion, taking it out on each other.
“Both of you go to your respective tents, now!” Jake shouted once again, not leaving room for objections.
Neteyam didn’t want to leave you alone in his Grandmother's tent. He wanted to hold you as Mo’at patched you up and slowly began to heal the wounds on your thigh. But he knew that after the fight he just caused, he needed time to cool down and collect his thoughts. Plus, you most likely heard the entire argument and didn’t want to see him after he spat such harsh words towards Lo’ak, who only tried his best to protect you and his loved ones.
Both brothers walked to their tents in silence, heads bowed in shame as others looked at them as they walked by.
Nothing good came out of this night and all Neteyam wanted to do was have you in his arms as he covered every inch of you in gentle kisses to ease his mind.
Kiri had assisted you towards your shared tent with Neteyam. She allowed you to put all your weight on her as she wrapped your arm around her shoulder and walked you to your home. The poor girl was still shaken over what happened hours prior, still trying to process your stabbing and the kidnapping of Spider. She most definitely was going to cry herself to sleep tonight, that’s if she managed to fall asleep.
“You sure you’re alright?” Kiri softly asked, settling the both of you in front of the opening of your home. She removed your arm from her shoulder and held you steady by placing her hands on either side of your arms.
You nodded in response, smiling at her as you did so.
“Irayo, tsmuke,” you replied, placing one of your hands on her forearms, a look of understanding etched onto your face as you two stood there in slight silence.
“Goodnight, (Y/N),” she responded back, placing her forehead on yours before pulling back and making the trek back to her family’s tent.
You slowly and gently shifted towards the covering of the opening of your tent, pulling it back as you made your way inside as slowly as you could so as not to cause anymore pain or aches to settle itself in your fresh wounds.
Neteyam and you had gotten your own tent after the official announcement of your relationship to the clan a few months back. Your parents weren’t too keen on the idea but eventually gave in once the frequent attacks of the sky people occurred, wanting the two of you to spend as much time together in case either of you were to fall victim to the bullets of the humans.
It was nice having your own place. It gave the both of you a lot more freedom as mates as well as allow you to explore your creative side when it came to decorating your home.
“Yawntutsyip?” Neteyam called out, upper half peeking out from behind one of the other rooms your tent held.
The teen's eyes lightened up upon settling on your figure, fully coming out from behind the wall and making his way towards you, bringing you into his embrace gently so as to not hurt you. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, deeply inhaling your scent to calm down his anxiety.
“Are you okay? Was Grandmother gentle? Did she patch you up all right?” He hurriedly asked, eyes trailing to your bandaged thigh, refraining himself from reaching out and touching it.
You softly giggled at his frantic voice, softly kissing his lips to silence him. “I am alright, Teyam,” you responded, brushing your nose up against your lovers as he relaxed in your hold.
Neteyam sighed in slight relief, nuzzling his face into the side of your cheek and then back down to your neck. He pulled you tighter into his arms as he lowly and gently purred at the fact that you were now in his embrace in one piece.
“Mo’at said to take it easy for the next couple of days,” you added, pecking your mates cheek as you gently coaxed him out from your neck.
He only hummed in acknowledgment, gazing into your eyes as he brought one hand up to your jaw, caressing it with the side of his thumb. He’ll make sure that you barely move a finger your entire healing journey, him being the one to wait on hand and foot for you. You’ll be taken care of whenever he’s around.
“I heard what you and Lo’ak were talking about earlier,” you mumbled out, eyes darting to the side briefly before returning to Neteyam’s slightly larger orbs.
He only closed his eyes as a reply to your statement, guilt eating away at his conscience. He felt terrible for fighting with his brother in front of the tent you were in and that you had to hear everything. He didn’t want you to hear the colorful words he spat at Lo’ak in his moment of anger. He didn’t want you to see or hear him like that.
“I don’t blame him, Nete. He tried his best to protect me from…Quaritch,” you continued, rubbing your hands on his shoulders in comfort, “Yes, perhaps he should’ve stopped me from going but I chose to go in the end. None of us knew what was going to happen. There was nothing we could’ve done, that Lo’ak could’ve done in the moment.”.
Neteyam knew that your words were true. Lo’ak was only still a child and was put into a life or death situation. Held hostage by someone who wouldn’t hesitate to kill them if they made the wrong move. He couldn’t imagine the type of stress his brother, especially you, went through. It was something that most likely would affect all of you for days to come.
“I know, I know, my love. It’s just,” he begins, throat constricting as he tried not to cry in front of you, “I was so scared to lose you. My anger got the best of me and the only one I could blame was Lo’ak in the moment. It doesn’t excuse the things I said and did, but I was so overtaken by you nearly dying that all common thinking flew out the window.”.
“I only want to protect you, tiyawn,” he finished, placing a gentle kiss onto your forehead before placing his own against yours.
You understood where Neteyam was coming from. Hell, you’d probably do the same if you were in his shoes. Anger was something that many didn’t have complete control over, succumbing to its power in the end. Neteyam had been a victim of its power this night and deeply regretted it with all his heart. He caused more pain to his brother. More pain than he had gone through within the last few hours.
He knew Lo’ak deeply cared for you. That he was merely just checking in to see if you were okay. But Neteyam had snapped at him and released all his frustrations and anxiety onto him as a result.
“I know, ma Neteyamur,” you replied, gently smiling at him.
You knew that whatever Neteyam did was only ever out of love and that was one of the main things that made you fall for him in the first place. He deeply cared for those he loved and would do anything for them. You just hoped that it wouldn’t be the cause of his downfall.
“Nga yawne lu oer,” Neteyam softly whispered against your lips, not giving you time to repeat the sentiment back as he smashed his lips into yours.
He’d do anything for you. He was yours and you were his. He’d fight fiercely for the connection and love you two shared. It was neither of your time yet. He’d make sure of it.
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midnightsapphire · 2 years
Break My Heart
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Masterlist ~ Hoodie (Part One)
𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤 : Betrayal. An ugly feeling.
It was the only thing (Y/N) could feel after she had sworn her heart had belonged to the dreamwalker. All the promises, the shared touches, every whisper burned in the depths of her mind. She couldn’t shake the last words he had spoken to her, refusing to let him break her a second time.
Feedback is appreciated c:
A/N- a special mention to @aonungsmate who practically witnessed my insanity making this
I will not forget
All the wonderful things you've done
And I have no regrets
Done everything except for one
(Y/N) forced herself out of the link pod when she had known the avatar was safe, away from the prying eyes of the natives and creatures alike as she took heavy breaths to calm herself. Max had rushed to her side, practically clutching her shaking body as she collapsed into his arms.
He had known better than to make any jokes, knowing how hard she had worked, how much she had wanted this for the sake of her and Jake’s relationship. His hand rubbed languidly at her back as her shaking ceased into breathy gasps, wiping her eyes as she pulled herself away from his grip.
“Wait, we have to make sure you’re okay for the next time!” Max called out for (Y/N) as she slipped on her own coat, the warmth no longer hugging her as she glanced at the man from over her shoulder.
(Y/N) thought back, the happiness draped across Jake’s face, the firmness in his stance as he held his mate’s hand, Neytiri’s hands clasped tightly into his as they stood in front of the Tsahik, the entire Omaticaya clan. It was humiliating, how much she yearned for his affections when he practically had a life without her in it this entire time.
“Trust me. There won’t be a next time.”
It's like a test, it's like a game
To see how much I can take
I'm curious to live and learn
“What happened out there? One second she was so excited to get linked in and now she won’t even speak to us.” Max sighed as he saw Jake disconnect from his own, following the dreamwalker as he had wheeled himself through the maze of desks and equipment littered across the lab.
Jake felt his heart weigh down on his chest knowing the sweater she had cherished was back with his own avatar, clutched tightly in his embrace as he ran the entire duration of eclipse to look for her, to catch any sign that he was simply imagining what he had caused, calling out her name like his life depended on it.
Because to him, it meant that and so much more.
He saw her, faintly out of the corner of his eye dashing wildly to her lab, papers clutched to her chest. She had turned into a blur in his eyes, everything fading around him as his hands moved on their own, mouth parting to call her name as she jumped in her own skin. He had sworn his heart cracked further at the tenseness of her muscles, how she avoided even turning around to give him those large doe-eyes that he had grown to love so much.
The papers fell from her grasp as she bumped her hip against one of the tables, cursing under her breath as she reached for them, every paper haphazardly laying across the floor of the lab.
Warmth. It flooded her senses.
Only now it burned at her skin as Jake’s fingertips grazed her own as they reached for the same document strewn in between them. She had seen his wheelchair first, coming into her view before she dared to look into his eyes.
“Clumsy as ever, huh?” Jake whispered lightheartedly, craning his head to meet her eyes, almost begging for her to look at him. It had only been hours since he had accidentally stumbled upon her presence. But to him, it felt like it had been eternities. She wasn’t there to greet him, to chastise him for being so reckless, to give him water and food to ensure he was at his best.
He was more than taken aback when he saw the coldness of her gaze, how frighteningly empty her irises look when met with his own. Of course, he expected nothing less, but he noticed the spark- the light- no longer reflected in her eyes the longer he held their stare. He blinked to himself when she had ripped the papers from his grasp, his fingertips chasing her touch as he grasped her wrist, nearly falling off his wheelchair as she barely glanced at him over her shoulder.
“What did I do? Talk to me, sweetheart.” Jake nearly begged, forehead scrunched as stress lines grew on his face, his hands nearly sweating in fear as she ripped her hand from his grasp, letting him stumble to catch his balance as Max hurried to grab his shoulder. Jake’s chest caved in as his breath labored, glancing at the floor in disbelief as she pulled several chairs and boxes in his way, preventing from following her without at least some resistance.
“Go back to your mate, Sully. You don’t belong here.”
So light me up and let me burn
“The days are starting to blur together. The language is a pain but you know it’s like field-stripping a weapon. Just repetition, repetition. Neytiri calls me skxawng, it means moron-”
The video log was quickly shut off, (Y/N)’s reflection glaring back at her as she ran her hands through her hair in frustration. It was pathetic, how this was the only time she could face Jake without bursting out into tears at the sight of him. Her hands clenched against her chest, breath heaving into heavy pants as she rewinded the video log, closing her eyes as she listened to his husky voice drone on and on about his experiences.
“Don’t think too much, big guy. I can feel the steam coming off your head.” (Y/N)’s laugh rang throughout the log, her form wrapping her arms around Jake’s shoulders as she affectionately rubbed their cheeks together. The sight brought a crooked smile onto (Y/N)’s actual face, her fingertips ghosting over the holographic screen as it paused momentarily on their own smiles.
If she could have frozen that moment, she would have.
“I use this old thing more than you think, sweetheart.” Jake joked, hands reaching up to cradle her hands that were placed firmly on his chest. (Y/N) scoffed, rolling her eyes as her hands ran themselves through what was left of his buzzed hair, pulling away slightly to look at him, the back of her fingertips brushing against his cheek.
“And what do you use it for? Certainly not for the link.”
“For you.” Jake whispered, pulling her onto his lap with a squeal leaving her lips as her arms found purchase on his shoulders, intertwining with themselves to keep her upright. Their laughter rang around the room, hands covering each other’s mouths as they tried to silence themselves, something that clearly didn’t work in their favor as kisses were placed on the palm of each other’s hands, playful bites were exchanged along the tips of their fingers, foreheads pressed together as they evened out their breaths.
“Kiss me.” Jake whispered, eyes gazing into hers as (Y/N) didn’t hesitate, molding their lips together, shifting onto his lap as she pressed their chests together. Jake’s hand aimlessly felt around, his eyes narrowing at the corner of his eyes as messily pulled away from (Y/N), her lips chasing the skin of his jaw down to his neck as he smirked, fingers hitting the button as the log faded to black.
(Y/N) met her own reflection once again, wiping off the tears that fell down her cheeks as her fingers danced along the keyboard, harshly hitting several buttons as her head fell in her hands, her shoulders shaking as loud sobs wracked her body.
File Deleted.
Tell me you've never loved me
Tell me that it wasn't real
Just say you've found somebody else
I wanna know the way it feels
“Ma’Jake, you seem too distracted.” Neytiri whispered, her hand clutching his five fingered hand tightly as he narrowly hid the IPad behind his back, his eyes softening at the woman before him she looked up at him in worry.
“I’m fine, really.” He started, but felt his shoulders droop lower at the (Y/N)’s frozen face on his lockscreen. “Actually-” Jake sighed, resting his head against Neytiri’s shoulder.
“Are we doing the right thing?” He whispered under his breath as Neytiri brushed a few stray braids away from his face, her features softening as she saw the tears building up at the base of his waterline.
“It is for the people, Ma’Jake.” She whispered, placing a kiss on his forehead before standing up from their spot on the ground before rejoining her place among the clan, greeting them respectfully.
Jake’s eyes never left the screen in his hands, almost foreign against his blue fingers as it dwarfed in size compared to his stature now. He aimlessly played another clip, the volume reverberating along the empty forest around him as he replayed the same clip over and over, his own reflection burning daggers at him as it ended once again, reminding him of how much he was a failure.
How much he failed you.
Tell me you've never loved me
Tell me it was just a lie
I wanna feel the pain
“Don’t you want to go back? It’s been days, (Y/N).” Norm pleaded, peeking his head into the room of the woman’s lab, wincing at the scattered papers, the empty trays and bags of food that littered the floor. It was horrible.
“What’s the point?” (Y/N) scoffed, brushing herself off as she peeled the sheets off from her body, fixing the makeshift bed she had made for herself in the corner of the lab as she glared holes into the fabric. Norm only rolled his eyes, pushing his way through and praying to Ewya- or any higher being, really- that she wouldn’t kill him on his way.
“You’re going. Your avatar is probably out there, starving, dehydrated. That is supposed to be your baby.” Norm scolded with a newfound confidence, dragging her out of the cramped room as she hissed at the new sudden glint of lights burned at her eyes. She followed regardless, knowing he was right.
She neglected her duties, her avatar, her own health at the expense of Jake Sully. Even the name brought distaste on her tongue as she neared the link pods. Norm ensured they stayed far away from Jake’s, now residing in the corner as (Y/N) sighed, laying back onto the gel-like bedding of the pod.
“Empty thoughts, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) gasped, sitting up quickly as she looked at her unfamiliar surroundings. She tested her motor skills, rolling her fingers, wrists, ankles, ensuring everything was intact before she had sat up, not yet trusting her wobbly legs. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she looked down at the various folded leaves surrounding her, dipping her fingers in a freshly lain one as she noticed someone had been leaving water for her.
But nobody knew where she had rested herself.
Her eyes glanced over her figure, warmth resting on her lap as she looked down, ripping the hoodie off her own body as she threw it aside, not caring where it had landed. Her skin felt disgusting, searing at the thought of Jake Sully taking care of her body, at least grateful she was hydrated, but not exactly thankful that he was the reason for it.
She shakily stood up, clutching the trunk of the tree nearest to her as she stabilized herself, making sure she was okay to walk before ducking through the several large leaves obscuring her view. Her ears twitched as she listened to the chirps of various animals, inhaling the sweet scent of the air before a twig snapping briefly caught her attention.
(Y/N) reached to her side, bringing out the pocketknife she had tucked into the pocket of her shorts for emergencies as she held it out in front of her, almost screeching when an arrow pierced the bark next to her head.
Her eyes widened as she glanced down the arrow, noting the vibrant feathers as the end as another arrow poked in between her shoulder blades. “Turn around. Demon.” A female voice hissed in her ear as (Y/N) listened, slowly putting her hands behind her head as she turned around, meeting the amber eyes of a female Na’vi she had known too well from Jake’s stories, the very reason she high-tailed and ran from the village.
(Y/N) wanted to feel resentful towards the woman, wanted to feel anger, wanted to scream in her face. But nothing had come out, for (Y/N) couldn’t hate someone who had done nothing wrong except be guilty for the same thing she had been. The woman was in love, and for that she couldn’t fault her.
Neytiri faltered, recognizing the features on the woman, knowing how much Jake tried to hide his human devices, Neytiri was keen enough to catch glimpses of the woman. Though her features were more familiar on a smaller body than the dreamwalker in front of her.
“You are JakeSully’s person.” Neytiri whispered in disbelief, watching the somber look in the woman’s eyes when their eyes crossed. She watched the woman’s face drop, shaking her head as she spoke in broken Na’vi.
“No, not his. His.. you.” (Y/N) whispered, the woman’s ears perking as she tilted her head, slowly lowering the tip of her bow as Neytiri looked at her in confusion.
“He has not told you?”
I wanna see the light
“(Y/N), (Y/N), can you stop for a fucking second, please.” Jake pleaded, wrapping his arms tightly around (Y/N)’s figure, burying his nose into the crook of her neck as he tried to burn her natural scent into his mind, wishing- no, hoping it wouldn’t be the last time he could experience it. His chest pressed tightly against her back, forehead moving to rest against her shoulder as she thrashed in his arms.
“Fucking let me go, Sully.”
“No. Don’t call me that, please. Call me jar-head, a moron, anything else.” Jake whispered into her skin, leaving gentle kisses as (Y/N) finally stopped resisting his touch, faintly feeling the weight of her head lean against his.
“Neytiri nothing, sweetheart. The sky people- our people.. They’ll kill the entire village. I thought.. giving myself to the Na’vi would make them stop- would keep them away for as long as I could knowing I was still here, until I could actually prepare myself and them. I was wrong, baby I was so wrong.” Jake pleaded, his arms tightening around her as he kissed at the skin trailing up her neck, burying his nose into her cheek as he felt the stickiness of tears, no longer knowing if they were hers or his own.
“That was a stupid reason, even you know that Jake. You lied to me. You-You mated with her.”
“For show, (Y/N). How are the RDA supposed to know the difference? I swear to you.” Jake spoke desperately, circling around the woman as he held her hands tightly against his, angling his amber eyes to meet his own as he held their intertwined hands against his chest.
“My heart, it beats for you and only you. I can’t.. I can’t imagine myself being with anyone but you, sweetheart. You’re the air I breathe, the first and last thought in my mind every waking second. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth, I’m sorry I was such a fucking idiot that I didn’t show you- didn’t treat you like i should have.” He whispered, bringing their hands towards his lips as he laid soft kisses along her fingertips.
“But I see you, sweetheart. I love you.” He confessed, his heart hammering in his chest as (Y/N) craned her head to glance up into his pleading eyes.
“I don’t believe you.”
Break my heart
Taglist : @cleverzonkwombatsludge ; @whenercolorfulrainbowlol ; @arminsgfloll ; @ellabellabus07​ ; @jakesullysupporter​ ; @kitkat1690​ ; @fanboyluvr​ ; @an0th3rsss​ ; @sweetllamaparadise​ ; @netherklutz​ ; @bewbz2110​ ; @ohshititsfenharel​ ; @hot15936​ ; @perfectprofessorloverapricot​ ; @bucky12345 ; @ki-h06 ; @perseny​ ; @itssomeonereading ;
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shieldedreams · 2 years
you’re all i see (n.s.)
summary ⇾ there are days where you’re harsh on yourself; these are the days neteyam is the most gentle with you. details ⇾ 3,081 words / neteyam sully x na’vi!reader / 🌸 comfort fluff / established relationship / gn!reader / implications to the reader’s past history of losing their parents notes ⇾ you can view this as a ‘reverse’ to this little thing i wrote for neteyam. thank you for the lovely support on my first avatar fic! ✨ [avatar masterlist]
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one of the secluded areas in the forest remains two; one older, one younger–sparring, training–mimicking a situation of life and death. neytiri on one end, you on the other. baring out your training against her of accumulated hours of perseverance and determination; blood, sweat and tears–the bloody tears–to constantly improve yourself. 
on one of the nearby trees, sits two mischievous lads... and two just as cheeky ladies. they hadn’t been here long, having their own training but they got here just in time to watch one of the rounds.
their sounds of admiration and gasps quietly fill the air, past the sounds of heavy breathing and grunts as you do your best to try to take neytiri down. those golden nuggets of opportunity come sparingly–having trained with her for years–but they do occur once in a while. every flip, every roll of your body on the ground, every hiss that leaves your lips when she’s just within reach but always a step ahead of you–it all accumulates to creating a chance for you to be able to come up on top. 
by some grace of eywa, just as neytiri plants a kick to your chest, harshly driving your back onto the ground, you’re able to extend your leg out to swipe her ankle a second quicker before she’s able to pull it back. the split second of her losing her footing allows you to tackle her to the ground, swiftly retrieving your dagger to pin it to her neck.
in neytiri's eyes, it sparks her pride and joy. in the eyes of others, the glow of admiration is evident. in the eyes of neteyam, however, the worry only starts to grow when he sees your hands trembling.
neytiri’s senses never lie to her especially when it's being tested right in front of her face. she gapes, watching as you drop the dagger to your side with your eyes flickering away from hers. it’s like she knows what’s going on in your mind even if you don’t say it. no words needed. she carefully maneuvers you off her so she’s able to sit up properly, a hand now pillowed to your cheek as you remain kneeling beside her.
“child... you’ve done so well,” she smiles, even if you can’t see it when your eyes flutter shut as you nuzzle into her hand with a bated breath, “your parents would be so proud of you.”
“...if only i knew what i do now back then,” your voice is a mere whisper that gently rattles neytiri’s heartstrings. she makes a sound, one that makes you hush as she gives you a shake to open your eyes. when you do, that’s when a couple of stray tears fall from your eyes that she brushes away with a faint smile. she makes you lean your forehead against hers and you’re shaking.
“you were too young back then. do not hold yourself responsible for things you cannot change,” she sighs, swallowing thickly. “what’s important now is you can protect yourself, something your parents would have definitely wanted–”
“please,” you cut her off, desperately needing to be alone and she knows of it when your body tenses up. you’ve talked about this with her before, with jake, with people you’ve come to surround yourself like the family you’ve never had but it’ll never be the same. it pains neytiri she can’t do anything about it but comfort you like her own, regardless of your relationship with her children. what she does is respect your decision and what you choose to do when these feelings got overwhelming.
“may i be dismissed?” you ask softly, sniffing as you lap your hand over hers to gently pull it away, “i just...” you take a sharp breath and exhale shakily after: "...i think i need some air.”
neytiri nods without a word, accepting your hand up when you stand on your feet. as the two of you find your footing, she remains holding onto your hand, cupping one of yours with both of hers as she plants a kiss; a silent prayer and blessing–you are our family. the moment is short-lived when she glances over your shoulder and instantly regrets it. much to her dismay, you follow her line of sight by looking over your shoulder to see four familiar looking faces that you’d rather not right now.
“y/n!” tuk waves with a huge grin, “you were so cool!” she chuckles to herself, “oh, you too, mom!”
you face forward to allow neytiri see your panicked face, more so when you hear telltales of them climbing down the trees to get to where you are. it’s like she read your mind and gives you a small nudge as she lets go of your hand. go, she whispers, moving to cover you as it kicks into your mind to start moving. you walk, then run. soon, you’re swinging on the trees and padding on branches to get as far as possible until their voices disappear.
“hey! we could’ve gone together!” lo’ak huffs, crossing his arms as they all huddle around their mother. 
“is y/n okay, mother?” kiri asks, fiddling with her fingers as neytiri curls tuk against her side with one arm, the other reaching up to fix kiri’s hair, “yeah, just... wanted to get some time alone, that’s all.”
she smiles at them until she reaches one who would be the most concern. based on his silence and the way his feet itches on the ground, tail fiddling back and forth, neytiri extends an arm out to place a hand on the shoulder of–”neteyam, maybe it’ll be good to let y/n have some–”she can barely finish her sentence when he’s stubbornly brushing past her hold, feet picking up the pace until he’s climbing the trees and pinning a route in his mind to get to where you are.
past the sounds of leaves fluttering and creaks of branches, she lowers her hand to her side in vain, shaking her head.
“don’t worry, mom,” lo’ak’s the first to speak, “he’ll probably bring y/n back in time for dinner.”
kiri scoffs a laugh and gives the boy a good nudge to the head.
“hey! this is abuse!” lo’ak huffs, looking to his mother, “mom! you’re just gonna let kiri do that to me?”
neytiri sighs and only ruffles his head, then ushering all of them to–”come, let us head back.”
as they begin their walk back together, neytiri glances over her shoulder to see how her son is long gone, presumably close to reaching you better than any of them would have to begin with. it puts a smile to her face; the ease she knows well to have someone just know where you will be in your moment of need. no matter how big, or how small. she rests easy with faith knowing her son and you, will be just fine.
when his first idea doesn’t fall through, neteyam switches his course really quick to be able to decipher where you might be. it was always one out of two places. if it wasn’t up high in one specific tree (with secretly marked initials at the bottom of the trunks, masked by the bushes that circles around), then it has to be–”now, what is a pretty thing like you all alone here?”
the sounds of water flowing and quiet breathing greets him. neteyam heaves a deep sigh as he watches you stubbornly hugging your knees to your chest, back against the tree behind you that looms over the small river, eyes refusing to meet his. it’s quiet here, another location that in due time, became yours and neteyam’s to be free; to be vulnerable. another tree marked with the similar looking initials near the root of the bark.
he looks–always has to look at the carving of his initials embedded with yours. only then is he able to take his place next to you. neteyam sits so close to you that he barely leave you any room to move away. begrudgingly, you try to create distance between your body but it only elicits a huff from him. quickly, he puts an arm around your shoulders as he leans in close, pressing his forehead to the side of yours.
it’s a subdued reaction but it comes in waves. first, your shoulders inevitably relax. then, the breath you were holding in releases and he feels the way your body rises to take a deep intake of air and soon, you’re breathing comfortably. it’s as if you could never put up a front around him and he’s delighted. it shows on his face; a smile so wide it puts the moon to shame. irises sparkling that it puts the stars to fade.
ignoring the way he’s looking at you, your eyes continue to stare at the way the water flows in front of you. gently, yet, so carefree with the flowers it takes captive, moving in one direction.
“what do you want?” you mutter under your breath.
“well...” he starts off, “what you want is what i want,”
automatically, you turn your head just a little to meet with his playful gaze. your eyes squint at him, a silent what do you mean? written all over your face. the way your brows knit together in confusion, the small twitch of your lips turning into a frown. it only adds to his happiness as he starts to move with such precision and confidence. it’s as if he knows you’ll allow him to do whatever and it’s exactly that.
for someone so guarded, he’s amused with the way he’s able to put his arms around you, momentarily lifting you up to shift your position forward. it grants him the space behind you as he respectively assumes the position of leaning against the tree trunk behind both of you. then, he spreads his legs out and carefully pull you back to lean against his chest. your body untwists itself, legs stretching out, lapping between neteyam’s and you find yourself resting into him; moulding to the shape of his body.
as your head leans against one of his shoulders, your hands find purchase in his as he cocoons you in. his thumbs brush over the backs of your hands, his calm breathing against your back; your eyelids grow heavy from the comfort that his body brings but so does the weight in your heart when neteyam starts to speak.
“you were amazing out there,” he murmurs, a soft kiss pressed to the side of your head soon after.
he peeks down on you to gauge your reaction and he hates–hates how sad you look despite performing so well. it wasn’t easy going through his mother’s training. him and his siblings out of all people would know. he watches as you open your mouth to speak but you’re silencing yourself before you have the chance to say anything. it’s like there’s a mental debate going on in your mind and he senses it; he hates that as well.
“my love,” he calls for you, the desperation surfacing in between his words, more so in his actions as he squeezes your hands, “talk to me. please.”
he moves his hands from holding yours to hug you tight. both arms draped around your figure, one hand pressed to your hip, the other clutching onto your elbow as he rubs circles to soothe your erratic heart. his eyes remain on you; watching, patiently.
“i feel weak,” you whisper, “i still see them everywhere i go,” your hands are anchored onto neteyam’s forearms and he doesn’t react even when your fingers lightly dig into his skin, “it’s a constant reminder that no matter how good i am now, it’s all useless if i can’t protect those who mattered most.”
neteyam is silent but present. he nudges your head with his and it makes you turn the cheek so you can feel his chin against your forehead. he takes in a deep breath and it beckons you to do the same when you feel his lungs expanding against your back. he doesn’t use words just yet; merely comforting you with his body, his hands, his touch–with his entire being.
his hands continue to gently rub circles wherever he can reach; thumb pads against your hip and elbow, caresses along your arm and along the sides of your body. the idyllic gestures make you feel calm and it injects the kind of warmth into your body like no other.
neteyam only knows it’s time to say something when he sees how your eyes open and meet with his. the hand he has by your elbow lifts up to press against your cheek. his thumb delicately running under the bag lining your eye.
“i can’t imagine what it would be like to go through that all alone,” he sighs, shaking his head, “but now... now you can protect those who matter.” he notices your eyes wavering but you remain looking at him, “fight for those you love now. those that are with you now.”
you find yourself scoffing a laugh and the look of confusion on his face makes it all the more amusing.
“such as yourself, i suppose?” you use a hand to knock the side of his head lightly but he doesn’t react to it, only widening his smile handsomely planted on his face, “hey, i gave you the prompt but you filled in the answer,” he proudly puffs his chest out a bit, making you lean forward as he does, “if it’s me you wish to protect, i’ll be more than willing to accept.”
you try to push him away to no avail, more so when the laughter rubbles from inside your stomach at his antics that seemingly lift up the heavy weight resting on your chest. he only pulls you in tighter, refusing to let you go far. his legs start to case you in, locking you in place as he reflects your smile.
“you’re stupid,” 
“yeah, but i’m your stupid,” he counters.
you roll your eyes, “sounds like something lo’ak would say,”
he deadpans, “can you please not bring up my brother when it’s our alone time?”
it only makes you laugh again and despite you teasing the life out of him, he’d rather you do that if he’s able to see how happiness radiates of your face. it’s addictive; it’s what keeps him going, fuels his determination to perform if it all means he gets to protect the smile on your face.
“if i recall, i wanted to be alone by myself,” you shift in his arms, facing him with your arms crossed in front of your chest. he shows no moves to let you go, only leaning forward to press his forehead on yours. “ah, my love, we are one remember? there is no two between us.”
you uncross your arms to place a hand on his forehead, “did you knock your head or something? you’re being awfully ridiculous today.”
“this is the price i get for being a loving boyfriend?” he scoffs, shaking his head, “you ought to be grateful.”
“i am,” you respond quickly, sitting up to hover your lips just a mere nudge away from sealing the deal. neteyam’s clearly entranced, expecting you to just kiss him already but the way you smile as his defenses are lowered grants you the ability to shoot up from his grasp. “so grateful that i’m going to run away!”
he hisses at you–with no malice, more out of instinct–as he rises to his feet and begins to chase after you. past the initial jumps and climbing up the trees to glide along the branches to full-blown swinging back home, you look over your shoulder to laugh at neteyam who’s not too far behind. his intended sourness is replaced with the sweetness of seeing you so carefree; so light-hearted as you move.
it looks much different than when he saw you running away earlier.
that makes him think that in a way, he does have the ability to make you feel better. just as you do with him. and as cheesy as it sounds, if this is the sight he gets to see, it doesn’t matter where he’s at. as long as you’re the that remains as a constant in his eyes.
((four familiar people can be seen swinging on trees with each other; spider included, this time. all of them are messing about, lightly pushing each other, challenging one or the other to climb higher! let’s see how high you can go! 
their chatter quiets down when two more familiar people come along.
“y/n!” tuk exclaims as she lock gazes with you, despite hanging upside down with her knees tucked on one of the branches. she swiftly sits up with kiri’s aid, now half-jumping into your arms just as you sit on the branch next to her.
“hey, tuger,” you snort, the nickname she once thought i’m not a tiger! you can’t just mix ‘tuk’ and ‘tiger’ together! but now she grows fond of, almost expecting you to say it whenever she sees you now. you mess with her hair and allow her to clutch onto you, the same time kiri sits on your other side and nudges you by the shoulder, “you doing okay?”
you nod with an appreciative smile. having kiri felt like breathing the same air, sometimes. she empathises how you feel the most and you’re eternally grateful of her presence.
“yeah, just... had one of those moments, y’know?”
she nods, leaning against you with a hum, “mhm.”
the three of you sit quietly together on the branch, now watching the three monkeys challenging each other to swing the highest or who can do the most flips?!
surely not you, little bro.
i’m not that little! spider! back me up!
sorry, lo’ak. i have to side with the big bro on this one.
you all suck!
as you relax in the hold of those who care and love you, your eyes meet with one’s gaze who softens almost instantly upon contact. there’s this spark in neteyam’s eyes, even when his attention is divided to the people he’s currently interacting with, he never fails to show you that the second your eyes meet, he’s devoting all his attention on you.
that’s all the reminder you need that you do have people here that matter. that make you feel loved... that make you feel seen. that’s all you need.))
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
Fondle Me || Neteyam x fem!Omaticaya reader
Summary: Your friendship with Neteyam came with a little benefit of fondling and sharing steamy kisses from time to time. Now, you are ready to take your relationship to another level
Warnings: smut & sweetness ❤🔥
Word count: 3390
Author: Rouge
A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Omaticaya ✤ characters are aged up (Neteyam is 20, reader is 19) ✤ a few things are in Na'vi language ✤ despite being seriously injured during Skirmish at the Three Brothers, Neteyam survives ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic
Divider by wonderful firefly-graphics
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My first kiss is still fresh in my mind. The spring afternoon was steamy, and a deserted hut was muggy, despite the lack of doors that allowed the air to circulate. Sitting on the cot, I pondered who I would like to become in the future. In some cases, I needed time for myself, time I could spend thinking and losing myself in distant thoughts. After peeking inside, Neteyam sat next to me to ensure that I would not be alone. His prowess at finding me everywhere made it impossible for me to stay alone for too long.
As we sat and talked, we discussed everything, including our hunting classes and our teachers. Our friendship began at an early age, since his family was well known in the neighborhood. Neteyam was the first boy who truly became a friend to me. The tease he gave me was not aimed at hurting me, but rather at making me laugh or blush. His jokes suddenly came to a halt, and he looked at me in a completely different way he had never done before. Suddenly he leaned over and kissed me, just like that. It was a gentle, sweet, hesitant kiss at first, but once he was sure there was no resistance within me, his lips brushed more firmly against mine. In a soft, brushing motion, he kissed me again; Neteyam's tongue flickered over his lips and onto mine. After I sighed, he embraced me and we kissed again. Although we were both so young, only fifteen at the time, we were extremely curious about everything, especially corporeality. My mouth parted soon after, and his tongue snaked in and ran along mine. It was the first time I'd kissed anyone, and I felt my body reacting, even though I was slightly afraid. As I ran my hand through his dark hair, I felt a sense of comfort. The kiss deepened as we shifted. His hand reached down and rubbed along my breast, teasing the nipple through my clothing as I felt myself becoming wet. It was no secret to me that Neteyam's hands and mouth were turning me on. When Neteyam drew back and gazed at me intently, he traced my face with his hands before touching my lips with his slender fingers. When he stuck one in, I suckled it, and I realized I had made the right choice when I saw the look on his face: so blissful and primal. In no time at all, the finger was gone from my mouth and Neteyam kissed me once more, this time more hungrily, and I moaned into his mouth. A raised voice from his parents searching for him tore us apart faster than if someone had walked into the hut. As I jumped off my previous position, I cupped my cheeks as if I were cooling them down and wiping them off blush. As our eyes locked, we began a new chapter in our lives. We grabbed each other's hands and walked out of the abandoned hut. As we got outside, he squeezed my hand before releasing it; it was obvious that he wanted to keep a poker face so as not to draw unnecessary attention and questions, and I fully agreed with him. While waving at his mother, he walked away, somehow managing to hide his flushed expression from her. The first kiss I ever had was that one.
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My memory of that moment is still vivid years later. The few moments we shared over the next few years - never extending beyond kissing and cuddling - proved that we were better as friends, regardless of how hot we felt together. Yet the more time passed, the less hesitant Neteyam became in showing his affection towards me; he wanted more, I was certain.
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Neteyam pays me an unannounced visit one day and stands near my cot, watching me, completely silent. 
My focus is on making arrows and I do not notice anything around me, humming a soft song my mother used to sing for me when I was a toddler.
“Y/N,” Neteyam whispers and only his tone breaks my state of thoughtfulness.
Looking up at him over my shoulder, I whimper, "Dear Eywa, you scared the hell out of me. Please don't do that again. What do you want, Net? You were on patrol with your parents, I thought.” As he places both of his hands on my shoulders, gently rubbing me with his long fingers, I stiffen. "I missed you, Y/N," he replies simply, but his voice has a dark quality to it.
I put the arrow down; my eyes are closed and I am enjoying his warmth and firmness of his touch - it is a feeling I have yearned for. I can hear a small shift behind me, and then, suddenly, I feel a hot sensation spill over the crook of my neck - his lips brush gently against my skin, leaving me breathless. “Neteyam,” I whisper, barely moving my lips.
As he bites my ear shell, he asks simply, "Don't you want to try?"
Turning my face toward him, I place one of my hands on his already flushed cheek - all I see in his eyes is an unfulfilled, primal longing. My voice is no more than a whisper as I ask, "Are you certain nobody will bust in here on us?"
"Yeah," he replies, nibbling on my earlobe once again, and I sigh profusely.
While I want to tell him this is not a good idea, the other side is far stronger - I crave him, and this craving cannot be silenced anymore. Oh shit, I think to myself after the contractions in my lower abdomen that are the pure sign of arousal building in. 
It's clear that Neteyam knows exactly what he is doing to me, and his expressions make me confident he will not stop; that cocky grin of his dancing in the corners of his lips.
After resting my forehead against his for a few moments, I nod in approval. My waiting has been long, but I wanted to make sure Neteyam felt the same way about me as I did about him. On the cot, I let him lay me down; my eyes never left his.
A much-longed kiss is a real beatitude when he leans forward and starts making out with me. His hands move to the piece of clothing covering my breasts, and within the blink of an eye, he removes the piece of clothing covering them, leaving my chest bare, exposed to his hungry eyes. After undoing the strings of my loincloth, he throws it aside - now I'm completely naked in front of him and blush covers my cheeks even more. Neteyam watches my hips flexing in tiny circles as pleasure builds. As his palm brushes against my engorged clit, he cups my pussy with his hand, and I moan as my hips jerk. My soaking entrance is rimmed by his finger for a brief moment as he chuckles. I spread my legs for him as he dips his finger inside me, teasing me while my hands knead my breasts slowly. Neteyam's finger slips out soon, and he removes his hand, bringing it to his face so he can lick my juice from it before bringing it down to my mouth. Taking in a mouthful greedily, I enjoy the taste while pleasing him with my tongue and mouth.
As I cup him boldly between his legs, Neteyam's cock throbs under my hands. It feels larger than I remember, but I caress it lovingly and his eyes close as he enjoys the sensations I am bringing. His finger is finally removed from my mouth and he steps back.
I lay down, as Neteyam slowly undoes his loincloth and slips out of it, and I run my fingers along my inner thighs, caressing the outer lips of my pussy, watching him carefully. When I see his semi-hard cock, I lick my lips, and he smiles, knowing what I want.
Neteyam strokes my hair as I sit up and reach out and caress the hot velvet skin as I improve my position on the cot. It twitches and I watch it lengthens. I lick the head of his dick and he gasps. Just as I'd heard other women speak about those matters before, I swipe my tongue along his shaft while cupping one of his balls lightly in my hand. Neteyam gasps heavily.
I can't completely wrap my fingers around Neteyam's thick base as I finally suck the head fully into my mouth. Saliva runs down my chin as I fondle his balls with one hand and rub his dick with the other. I feel his hands on my head as I move my mouth back and forth, my tongue rubbing against the sensitive skin on his shaft. Before dipping down to lick his balls, I pull back and run my mouth and tongue down one side, then back up the other side of his shaft, earning a deep, animalistic grunt from him.
Grasping at my hair, Neteyam pulls me away from his balls and back to his cock.
My hands and tongue ran along his shaft, making him moan again as I sucked him in greedily. I take him in deep and suck him as I slowly pull my mouth back. I slip one of my hands down to play with my pussy, I am able to relieve the burning sensation built there already.
"Not yet," he orders firmly, taking my hand away. As I moan sadly around him in my mouth, he gasps, "Do it again, Y/N."
Neteyam's hips start to fuck at my mouth as I moan and hum for him. As my hand rubs faster and faster along the shaft, his balls begin to tighten up. I pull my mouth back to concentrate on the blood-engorged head of his cock.
He clenches his fingers around my head as he tenses up, grunting.
After the first stream of cum hits my back of the mouth, I choke for a moment, yet I swallow and continue to jack him into my mouth. My tongue pools with warm cum as he releases a few more streams. My cum-coated tongue runs along the highly sensitive head of Neteyam's dick while he moans and shakes, just for me. A few more spurts and he finishes cumming. Before I pull away, I lick his cum from my mouth and scoop up a few drops of it with one of my fingers as I doe-eye him, smiling innocently.
Using his finger, he wipes off the last drop of cum from the corner of my mouth and smears it across my lips. In the same way he kissed me the first time, Neteyam bends down and pulls me to my feet, licking my lips with his tongue.
Suddenly, my pussy twitches as his tongue licks up his own cum and dives into my mouth, slowly dancing with mine.
He gently pushes me back to the cot, murmuring, "Sit down." When I follow his command, he kneels down in front of me.
As his hands sweep down my legs, they are lifted up and thrown over his shoulders. My labia were lightly skimmed by his fingertips as they traced along the inside of my thighs. His breath runs through the sticky wetness of my arousal as he leans forward and breathes in deeply. I feel my hips buck slightly as his breath triggers my senses.
As Neteyam holds my hips still, he says lowly, "Easy. Mmmm, I love your scent, oeyä 'eve."
My senses are set ablaze by his words, so I whimper. I feel and hear him inhale the scent of my arousal, as if savoring it. Neteyam's tongue snakes out to scoop up the moisture gathered on the outer lips of my pussy before I can catch my breath. As he continues to lap, he hits all of my sensitive spots except the one I want him to lick; I moan loudly, closing my eyes. The pulse in my head, heart and clit is pounding as his tongue works its way between my folds and rim along the outer edge of my hot pussy, pushing in. Neteyam's nose barely brushes my clit, and I whimper as his tongue licks up inside me. I writhe on the cot as he giggles and pulls back. "Rutxe," I beg.
I can feel a tremor running through me as Neteyam asks, "Please what?" His voice is rough from arousal. "I want your tongue to fondle my cunt," I moan helplessly, grasping my nipples and pinching them hard.
Again, he chuckles as he presses his face back to my hot pussy, attacking my clit and making me shriek and moan as his teeth gently nibble it before he begins to suck on it, then I feel him inserting two fingers into me, stroking my velvety inner walls. He moves his mouth lower and his thumb strokes the highly sensitive nubbin as his tongue enters me again and again.
My orgasm peaks as Neteyam takes my hot clit into his mouth and sucks on it again, then begins to hum, sending shivers throughout my body - then I start to shudder. While my hips lift off the cot and I cry, I can feel my eyes roll back from the unbearable pleasure. It takes a few minutes for me to recover from that, as he lightly licks and nibbles at my pussy still, his eyes never leave my flushed face. As I finally stop shaking, he kisses his way up my slender body, nestling himself at the apex of my legs. I reach down and take Neteyam's cock in my hand - he's hot and hard again.
It's Neteyam's turn to moan as I rub the head of his cock along my slick clit; my body shivers in response, my lips parted as I watch his blissful expression. He takes my hand away and replaces it with his own when my juices coat the head of his cock. My legs wrap around Neteyam’s waist and help him slide deeper in as he guides his dick deep into me. Upon reaching the end, he lets out a husky grunt.
There has never been anyone who has filled me with as much as he does. The pulse of his body throbs in tangent to mine. My hips flex and Neteyam smiles before pulling out slowly. When his penis slips out, he bites his lower lip a little, then pushes in all the way back in with one powerful move.
As he continues pushing in followed by slowly, agonizingly pulling out, the feeling and sensation within me grow more intense.
My voice is breathy, "Nì'ul, Neteyam!"
A look of concern crosses his face as he looks down at me, stopping.
I doe-eye him while running the tip of my tongue along the bottom of my parted lips as my hair is spilled on the cot, my nipples are dark and hard, and my body is flushed with desire.
Even though he's already aware of the answer, Neteyam asks, "What do you want me to do, little one?"
"Fuck me," I plead, "I want you to fuck me, to possess me, to claim me yours."
With a dark chuckle, Neteyam picks up the pace, soon pounding into me hard; the cot is rocking back and forth with the rhythm of Neteyam's powerful thrusts. Upon hearing my moan, he dips his head down to bite and lick my nipples. Neteyam gasps and takes one of them into his mouth, sucking hard; I cry out and rake my nails along his back, leaving red marks on his sweaty skin. He shudders and moans. In order to grind his hipbone against my clit, Neteyam pushes into me as hard as he can, grunting sharply. As my hips twitch towards his, I pull him down for a hot, tongue-filled kiss. Once again, Neteyam picks up his pace; he rubs my calf with the free hand as he leans into the other one, frowning at the painful throbbing on his cock. “Y/N… Fuck, I-I can’t any longer…” With one arm around his neck, I pull him closer, and the other I wrap around his waist. I whisper, "Cum for me," directly into his ear. "Your seed in me is what I want, yawntutsyìp."
I watch Neteyam's facial expression changes as he begins to come. "Ma Eywa! Sran!" “Neteyam! ” I yell as my fingers work on my clit, rubbing it viciously and bringing the most intense orgasm to me. The first spurt of his cum lands inside my hot, clenching pussy and milks my inner walls. Neteyam pulls out of me quickly and he lands another one on my abdomen. More cum spurts and oozes out as he straightens up and strokes himself rapidly.
Watching me lean over for a soft kiss, he lies on his side. "It was fucking amazing," Neteyam murmurs. As his breath still needs to be calmed, he allows me to rest my head against his chest that rises and falls rapidly.
I lightly trace the edges of the old bullet wound left on his chest with one finger. "I'm glad you're with me, and that you're safe. I thought I had lost you then..."
Neteyam grabs the blanket situated nearby and covers us both. Taking my palm in his hands, he places a kiss on its surface. "Don't think about it anymore, Y/N. Nga yawne lu oer.” In the end, he turns me onto my side and spoons up behind me, and we fall asleep together; his warm breath bathing the back of my neck, sending some shivers down my spine.
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I woke up some time later, alone. Taking a slow look around my hut, I find no sign of Neteyam; the only thing that reminds me of him is the sex scent filling the air. Whenever I think of Neteyam, I either smile or just sigh, feeling the warmth spreading throughout my body.
All of a sudden, my attention is drawn to something neatly wrapped in a piece of cloth lying beside my bed. A slight frown crosses my forehead as I slowly stand, tightening the blanket around my figure and picking the thing up to examine it closely. It is a handmade necklace decorated with lortsyal's wings - it's a fine piece of craftsmanship. My lips part slowly, and I exhale deeply, covering them with my curled hand. Gifting clothing or jewelry to someone means keeping them close to one's heart; it is a widely practiced act. Therefore, Neteyam has the same feelings for me as I do for him, I think to myself as I cradle the necklace close to my chest. I have never received a gift as beautiful as this one. With a smile I look in the darkest corner of my hut. A waytelem I made for myself gleams in the dim light of the eclipse while hanging on the wall. As I think about adding a bead to it, the bead telling the story of my relationship with Neteyam, a smile spreads across my lips. Although we aren't officially mated, I know Neteyam treats me genuinely and seriously. “Ma Eywa, please hear me out,” I whisper to myself, offering my sincerest prayers to our Great Mother. “The depths of my heart are filled with love for him. Please, please allow me to become his other half, Great Mother.” While I pray quietly, at the gleaming stars above, I don't realize curious eyes are watching me the entire time. I come quiet when I hear my cot cracking, and I smile to myself as I recognize the smell as my nose twitches - it's Neteyam's strong scent feeling my nostrils.
Curling my lips in a tiny smile, I turn to him slowly.
A warm smile spreads across his face as he silently invites me to join him, and I am delighted to do so. After wrapping me in his strong arms, he rubs my back and shoulders in long-lasting strokes. “Oeyä narlor ‘eve,” Neteyam whispers, kissing all over my face.
There is only one thing I know at that moment: I never want to part with him. For that, I'm willing to sell my soul.
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oeyä narlor ‘eve - my beautiful girl
oeyä ‘eve - my girl
yawntutsyìp - darling
Ma Eywa - o Eywa
nga yawne lu oer - I love you
nì'ul - more
sran - yes (colloquial)
rutxe - please
lortsyal - shimmyfly
waytelem - songcord
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
My Flower: Neteyam Sully
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 500
description: Small drabble about Neteyam being a sweetheart <3
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Neteyam came back from hunting excited to show you what he found while hunting today. He walked into his tent expecting to find you there only you were there, instead it was just his mother and Tuk who happily greeted him.
"She went off into the forest with Kiri. Once you find them, send Kiri home please." Neytiri said noticing her son's wandering eyes.
"Thank you and I will mother." He said before disappearing off into the forest to find you and Kiri.
He walked a bit before he started hearing the sounds of your and Kiri's giggles as he approached where you two were sat, he hid behind a tree watching as the flowers of Eywa floated around you two making him smile.
"There you two are." He says finally making his presence known and scaring off the flowers.
"Could you have been any louder big brother?" Kiri asked disappointedly.
"Yes and plus mother sent me to find you two. She wants you to head back home." He said to her as she nodded her head at him.
"Thanks for showing me, Kiri!" You said to her as she left.
"You know I was very disappointed when I got back from my hunting trip and my beautiful mate wasn't there?" He asked wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry, I tried to wait for you at home but then Kiri got restless so I came out here with her. But I missed you." You said placing a kiss on his lips.
"I missed you too, I even brought you something." He said pulling away from you and reaching into his bag.
"Ney I told you that you don't have to get me anything..just being with you is enough." You said to him.
"I know you have but I thought about you as soon as I saw them." He said placing a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers in your hands.
"Ney... Thank you....they're beautiful." You said looking at him.
"Flowers....for my flower..." He said placing one in your hair before placing a kiss on your lips.
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curryduck · 2 years
dating neteyam
content: neteyam x human! reader, friends to lovers, gender neutral reader
a/n: this is really long b/c i'm currently going through neteyam brainrot
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you two grew up together on pandora b/c you're the daughter of one of the scientists left on the planet
at first he's pretty hesitant to be around you bc you're a human lol, but he warms up to you
gets to know you when kiri goes to the lab to visit grace
what starts as a tense, but amicable relationship turns into a real friendship as you get older
you're waiting for him when he comes back from his first strumbeest hunt
and he's by your side as you catalogue the different plants of pandora (you're something like a botanist without the degree)
neytiri def does not like that neteyam is so close with a human, but jake doesn't rlly see an issue with it outside of any practical concerns
"neteyam you can't take y/n to climb trees she is literally the same height as tuk."
being besties w/ neteyam means being around tuk all the time (she's neteyam's favorite)
tuk steals you away from neteyam when he's gotten sidetracked by lecturing lo'ak to make jewelry
"lo'ak, dad will skin you alive if you---oh shit, where'd y/n go? Tuk!"
over time you develop feelings for him, but you keep it to yourself
ofc jake notices, but he doesn't say anything ab it except giving you sly smiles whenever you and neteyam are hanging out
neteyam is dense af. doesn't realize he loves you until he sees you with a human boy in the lab
he thinks you and that human boy are a little too close. when you touch the boy's arm, neteyam can feel himself getting annoyed
at first he doesn't know why, but when he hears lo'ak snicker to himself about neteyam being "whipped," he gets it
isn't fully sure that you feel the same, so he doesn't say a word about it
lo'ak is definitely the one to tell you
"yk neteyam thinks you're in love w that mf at the lab? he keeps obsessing ab it and it's getting on my nerves. just tell him already"
as a significant other, neteyam is incredibly protective
he's grown up as the protector in his family who puts everyone else's needs before him
very cautious of taking you places bc he knows pandora isn't rlly made for humans
takes you on ikran rides, but not before he gives you instructions on how to ride one (with him, of course) safely
takes you to different parts of the forest to see the wildlife and plants. loves it when you write everything about them down in your journal (you keep records of the life on pandora)
gives you leaves and rocks he finds pretty bc they remind him of you
watches human movies with you sometimes
likes to try out the different things that they do in those movies to make you feel "more at home"
has definitely ATTEMPTED to do the big ass sign scene from "love, actually"
asks jake to help him with the english spelling
likes to make you jewelry
learns from tuk because she allegedly knows your style
his biggest red flag is that he will drop anything to do something for his family
doesn't matter if it's your birthday. if jake needs him, he will leave you right there lol
it definitely bothers you and has been the root of many arguments but he tries his best to manage both you and his family
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websterss · 1 year
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SUMMARY: You’ve been struggling with Neteyam’s death ever since his funeral. This causes the Sullys to worry about your well being. To ensure that you don’t do anything irrational, the kids follow you to the spirit tree every night, where you spend your time with your lost love.
WARNING(S): angst, mentions of dying, mentions of suicide, attempt drowning, fluff at the end
PAIRING: Neteyam Sully x Omatikaya!fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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Denial was the first stage of grief that one felt when trying to cope with trauma. At some point and time, everyone falls subjective to it. Finding ways to trick the mind to believe something other than the truth. When someone is in a state of denial they begin to suppress their emotions. They grow incapable of coming to terms with what is and what has happened. That’s the current state you resided in. In a cycle of trial and error. Attempting to process a sudden change, but then avoid doing so to neglect the pain you don’t want to endure. Rather, neglect the fact that Neteyam was gone. It’s crazy to think how only hours ago he was rescuing you from the ship. Telling you to run and get to safety, but you were willing to follow his skxawng ass anywhere. You got him back for a few minutes, it was only a few minutes you wished you’d have cherished longer. 
You didn’t want to let go. You didn’t listen to him, didn’t flee, didn’t return home, and didn’t think that you were putting yourself in danger, not when he was still risking his own life. He had the habit, his prolonged responsibility to watch over his siblings, be there to guide them, protect them, but who was protecting him? Who was making sure that he was okay and that he was protected? You bore that pain. Wondering why you let him push you into the water, instead of grabbing his hand to jump with you. His struggling attempts to stay afloat haunt you. A bad nightmare that looms over you when you're trying to sleep and causes you to wake up alarmed. The thought leaves a foul taste in your mouth. It makes you shudder, makes you twitch in discomfort, especially when you recall the blood that dyed the ocean red. His blood coated your cerulean hands. His death wasn’t one you wanted to accept so easily.
Not as you helped pull the leaf you placed him on, out into the water with his family. You were taken back by how calm the water swayed. That in itself was surprising because the ocean always seems to have a mind of its own. You're reminded of the Eywa instantly. How the inner workings of life flow within her. How her network makes it possible for all living things, plants, and animals to connect as one. The way the ocean remains tranquil makes you assume that this is all Eywa’s doing. Could she feel the shift in the atmosphere through the way of the water? The gathering of the Metikayina clan and the Sullys came together as one to mourn the loss of casualties. Was Eywa allowing a moment's worth of peace? Providing security and a safe passage to lay the dead to rest. 
You weren’t sure.  
Your mind continuously wanders. Distracted from the way the water welcomes you all in a gentle embrace. Kind enough to hopefully welcome you back for a night swim with Neteyam. Various nightly escapades forefront, reminding you of you and Netyeam sneaking out to a secret beach you discovered. It was your most favorable time spent together. Venturing around the island, risking the chances of getting into trouble, but it never worried you, nor him. His rebellious side was one you didn’t know you wanted to see more of till he grabbed your hand one night and told you to be quiet, he didn’t want his siblings to wake up. Your eyes fleet, taking in your surroundings. An unsettling earl sets off your senses. Your ears flatten, attention engaged, eyes falling onto his family swimming forward with you. The lost look on your face didn’t fall past Lo’ak watching with worry as you whipped your head around. You were unfamiliar with your surroundings all of a sudden. 
Weren’t I just at the docks? How did I manage to get this far out?
Your attention falls onto him then. Your freak-out incident, coming to a stop. The breath you inhaled blocked your airway. You hold on tightly, your fingers curl into the leaf. Your eyes drifted onto his motionless body, sparing seconds of what was left of your sanity. His soft features were relaxed. Victim to a deep slumber.
He was only resting, you thought. Just resting.
You tilt your head. A smile dances its way onto your lips. The band holding his hair in one nicely kept ponytail stirs a flutter within your stomach. You can’t help but laugh. Finding his neatly kept hair hilarious, whereas you preferred the vicious swinging braids more than anything. You like to remind Neteyam that his hair seems to have a mind of its own. You're oblivious to the narrowed pinched glares cast at you. You press your fingertips over your mouth in hopes of making yourself stop.
“Why’s his hair pulled back? Neteyam never pulls his hair back.” Another rumble of giggles emits past your lips as you reach forward to free the braids of their confinement. The only thing coursing through your mind is that Neteyam would be grateful. Knowing that his long braids could never be tamed and forced into a ponytail. Your laughter comes to an abrupt stop. A firm grip on your wrist brings you back to reality for just a second– a second of truth, one you didn’t want to submit to.
“No Y/n.” Lo’ak shakes his head. He reached over Neteyam’s body to stop you. His hand was still wrapped around your wrist as he pushed your hand back towards your chest. 
“He likes to wear his hair loose.” You tug at his constricting grasp on your arm. His restless eyes meet your twisted frown. 
“Y/n-” He says your name with a break, almost in a warning-like. Holding himself back from causing a scene, but you already caused one first. “Just leave it.” He pressed your wrist to your chest. Pushing harshly in hopes you’d get the message. Hoping you wouldn’t push. You can only bring yourself to cast your eyes down. The tension in your shoulders disappears and your shoulders slump. The ache in your chest worsened, and the dissatisfaction of seeing his hair brought together by a band continues to bother you.  
“He likes it loose…just let him wear it loose.” Lo’ak glances at you before he turns to face forward again. 
Your mind continuously wandered. Hypnotized from the way your body feels weightless. Like the feather behind Neteyam’s ear. You're fully immersed but the journey to the sea anemone is lost on you. You don’t comprehend what’s happening as you all slowly bring him out of the leaf. Turning his body so his face met the night sky. You don’t hesitate to lay your hand over his bound ones. You lean in, eyes wide, your heart begging for a sign. Pain paints your eyes, a tear falling into the water causing a ripple. 
“You gotta let him go kiddo.” Jake’s strained voice startles you. Your eyes remain on Neteyam. Your body was present but your mind was still back on the ship. Back on the rock where you watched life leave his eyes. “Y/n?”
“Y/n, they have to take him, okay?” Lo’ak voices echo in your ears. His own hands wrap around your own. Slowly prying your grip away from his brother's hands. You don’t react to this. Lo’ak drags you back away from his body. Keeping his arms wrapped around your frozen frame. Neytiri feigns a frown watching you lose yourself there all at once and all together. She turns to meet her husband's gaze and then takes a deep breath along with him. Both dive opposite of each other to help their momentum to lower their son's body into the water. Pushing with their hands and legs. Kiri, Tuk, and Spider, then join, lowering themselves into the water to watch. Lo’ak eyes fix themselves on you. Your eyes stared out into the open water, not meeting his own. 
“Take a deep breath, okay.” Lo’ak executed the action, reminding you how to do so. Your eyes flicker up to him for a moment before intaking a good amount of air. He offered a nod then your bodies sunk past the surface layer. You didn’t know what to expect but watching as Neteyam’s body was slowly lowered, the first yellow tendril making contact with his arms and legs, it made you want to scream, swallow the water that would fill your lungs. Sink down to the bottom with him. The thought grew very tempting. Even as Lo’ak removed his arms around you. So you went along with the idea. Impulse taking over rationality. You opened your mouth, watching air bubbles rumble in front of your face. Your lungs burn as the saltwater makes your body convulse. The surface not being more than an arm's length away, but you were stupid enough to widen the distance. Allow yourself to sink. To drown in your own sorrow
You didn’t watch as his body descended to the bottom of the sea anemone.
As far as you were concerned, his death never happened. The situation left you in a state of hysteria. Even after Lo’ak and Kiri’s failed attempts. You would still not believe them when they told you that Neteyam was gone. That he was dead. You refused to believe such an absurd thing. 
That was the first change they noticed in your state of denial. Not wanting to take the necessary steps to mentally prepare for his death. The second change made Lo’ak and Kiri’s hearts settle with uneasiness. After Neteyam's passing, you were unable to function as effectively as the others. When Lo'ak observed you occasionally, you would stare at the water, oblivious to the world around you, and solely focus on the ripples the water created. You did this so often that you made it a habit to tune out the living and wait on the dead. Counting on Neteyam to resurface, and come help you understand why your whole world suddenly turned upside down. He always had the answers to your questions. Always had the ability to ease your troubles and doubts. 
There was never any cause for concern. The way they would find you sitting alone. There wasn’t anything to worry about. Until you made it a habit of not coming up for air. Lo’ak and Kiri had decided to voice their concerns towards their parents when you hadn’t resurfaced for over a few minutes one night. You were pushing yourself to hold your breath for longer periods. A dangerous habit. One they didn’t want to see the end results of when you eventually didn’t break through the top layer of water. The conversation they had with their father playing like a broken record in the back of their heads. A constant reminder not to let you out of their sights. 
“I want you to follow her, see where she goes, okay.”
“What?” Lo’ak met his father’s eyes with disbelief. “Why us? Dad, you need to tell her something. Ground her. Keep her home. Y/n’s not okay. She won’t listen to Kiri and me, but maybe if you talk to her, she will!” 
“Dad, she keeps wandering off during the night. Dad, I’ve found her gasping for air other times because she’s tried to stay underwater. She needs help!” Kiri pleaded. “You have to help her!”
“If what you two are telling me is true, then you need to keep a close eye on her. Someone in her state cannot be trusted to be left alone right now, okay? Why do you think I’m keeping an eye on your mother?”
“I-I thought you said mom was fine?” Lo’ak furrowed his brows. 
“She’s not.” Jake shook his head. “I’m lucky enough if I can get her to eat something every day, let alone get her out of bed…Look that girl’s not thinking straight. She’s mourning your brother. We all are. And right now, trying to grasp the difference between right and wrong is not something she can do.”
“Not grasping? Neteyam’s dead! What is there not to grasp? He’s gone, Dad, and she doesn’t want to believe that…” Lo’ak voice broke. Turning his head so that his father couldn’t see him cry. Though when he lifted his head to meet his dad’s eyes again, he found him in the exact same state. Jake reached forward and pulled Lo’ak into his chest. Holding him close, providing comfort.
“Y/n can’t mentally grasp anything right, right now Dad. She’s barely taking care of herself as it is.” Kiri’s lips formed into a thin line. “I don’t want to watch her meet the same fate as Neteyam. I can’t go through that again.”
“I know. I know. He’s gone and it’s hard to come to terms with that sometimes. Especially for your mom, and for Y/n. Just– Y/n’s in denial right now which is making it very hard for her to even want to deal with the idea of Neteyam being gone. We know he’s gone, your mother and tuk, they know he’s gone, but Y/n doesn’t, okay? You can’t make someone process a loss if they’re not willing to, and she’s not willing to. I just need you two to make sure she doesn’t give in to her impulsive thoughts, okay? Keep her from doing anything stupid. At least until she’s ready to try and move forward.”
“What do you want us to do until then?” Lo’ak pulled back. Annoyance struck Jake’s features, ready to scold the boy.
“Did you not just– Just make sure her heart’s still beating by the end of each night, yeah? That’s all I ask. Keep her alive.”
“You mean to keep her from killing herself.” Lo’ak scowled. 
“Lo’ak-” Kiri nudged him. 
“Just do me that favor.” Jake closed his eyes, not wanting to dispute with his children. Not having the energy to do so anymore. “Please, that's all I ask. All I ask.”
“Yes sir.” Lo’ak nodded. Bowing his head. 
You slowed your breathing as Neytiri and Jake settled down into a deep slumber.
A broken laugh would leave your lips anytime Lo’ak or Kiri, even Tuk, would try and convince you to eat. Poor Tuk. She couldn’t convince you to play with her anymore either. Her favorite pastime moments were no more. She missed having you braid her hair. It felt like something that was lost now. Neteyam’s death took a toll on trying to be happy. You knew it was something that you could be, but sadly it was something you were not. 
Neteyam was a memory. A dream really. An endless thought that enlightened your spirit. He made things better, but you were no better. The light within you dimmed when he took his last breath. All the oxygen left your body that day too. You were still clawing for air, trying to reach for it, to give oxygen to your lungs. You couldn’t breathe. Not without him.
Tsireya and Aonung were made aware of this as well. Both offered to secretly take care of you each time you dived.
“She’s hurting. We all are. You just need to make sure she doesn’t give in to her impulsive thoughts okay? Y/n grieves him differently...”
Lo’ak replayed his fathers' words as he, Kiri, Tsireya, and Aonung, followed from a discreet distance. You snuck out of the Marui pod and called upon your Ilu. One of several times you’ve done so. It was muscle memory to you by now. The act of going off on your own.
You never went anywhere far. Just to the Cove of the Ancestors. Lo’ak picked up on where you’d go after the third time he and Kiri followed you. You always rode out to the spirit tree. It was your most frequented place after the funeral.
You dismounted your Ilu. Removing your queue before taking a deep breath. The others had arrived just as you dove in head first. Your Ilu swimming off.
Lo’ak had turned onto his back, relaxing on his Ilu. Hands behind his head as he watched the night sky. The others were staring, but this was what it was like waiting for you. It was routine, and Lo’ak wanted to lay down till your return.
“How long till she resurfaces?” Aonung followed Lo’ak and relaxed on his Ilu. Tsireya and Kiri remained seated but Tsireya’s shoulders were slumped. The composure of the chief's daughter faded amongst her friends. On the occasion of your nightly visits to the Cove, it’d mostly be Lo’ak and Kiri attending. Tsireya and Aonung would come along, but it was never frequent for them. Yet tonight the whole gang was here.
“She’s been getting better at breathing. She was down there for almost an hour the day before.” Lo’ak removed his hands and dipped them into the water creating ripples. “I’m betting thirty minutes, maybe less.” His ear twitched as he heard a scoff to his right. Kiri rolled her eyes. 
“The spirit tree allows you to breathe once you make the bond, Lo’ak.” Tsireya reminded him. “Like the Txampaysye (Gill Mantle). Y/n is able to spend a longer time in the water.”
“Skxawng. We are not here to bet on anything. Mind him Tsireya, he doesn’t understand what these visits mean to Y/n.” Kiri sighed as she spoke to Tsireya. “It’s however much time she needs, not how long she takes. Besides, she’s always resurfaced!” Kiri splashed Lo’ak.
Lo’ak’s mood now peeved, he shot her a narrowed glare. “What about last time, huh?”
“We don’t talk about it, Lo’ak!” Kiri’s eyes grew. She shook her head, warning him. If he so much as peeped. “You promised Dad!”
“What happened last time?” Aonung eyes flickered back and forth between the siblings.
“Kiri thinks Y/n was drowning last time.” Lo’ak lifted his chin staring right through her. Waiting to see a falter in her poised composure.
“You do not believe so?” Tsireya’s eyes narrowed, shifting onto Lo’ak in question.
“She couldn’t hold her breath anymore–'' Kiri tries but Lo’ak cuts her off again.
“No, she wanted to drown!” Lo’ak couldn’t hold back any longer. He was tired of sugarcoating that horrid night. Tired of keeping it a secret. “It’s why she won’t talk to her.” He looked at the two siblings and then at Kiri. “She’s mad at you because you saved her. Then you told Dad, and now we come out here and bring her home every night. That's the truth, Kiri!”
“She was hurting that day-“ Kiri closes her eyes.
“Y/n knew what she was doing Kiri.” Lo’ak neared his Ilu closer to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder. “It was not an accident.” Kiri gave in, nodding. Agreeing. Coming to terms with the fact she stopped you from trying to drown yourself. “If she doesn’t come up when the fish swim by, we go down for her. Yes?” He suggested. “Until then we take turns checking up on her.”
“Okay.” Kiri sighed.
“Okay.” Tsireya nodded.
“What do we do until then?” Everyone looked over to Aonung. “Wanna play a game?” They were not amused in the slightest. “What?” Aonung raised his arms.
“You can swim down first to check on her.” Lo’ak declared, pushing Aonung off his own Ilu.
Your eyes reopened after attaching your queue to the tree. You sat at the edge of a grass bed, feet dipped in the water. Neteyam disapproved of you doing so. You had the tendency to swish your feet back and forth, creating bubbles and ripples. Just like you were doing now. You smirked, eyeing a fish that swam away. You tilted your head, catching sight of its gray fin from behind. The poor thing had hidden from you behind a big rock.
“You’re scaring the fish.” A gasp escaped past your lips. You had lost count of how many times hearing his voice still surprised you. You wanted to tear up hearing him speak because it shouldn’t have felt real, but it was. He was. You knew it was because your hand would connect against the side of his face, every time. You could touch him, hear him, and cherish the mere sight of him alone. He was gone physically, but here. Here Neteyam was real. 
The visits grow more difficult as time passes. You are able to stay for longer periods. The tree provides you with the possibility. Though, every time he appears, and you see his face, you fall into the false reality of his presence. Though you have to wake up from this at some point. Arriving to the tree is easy, it is the leaving that pains you. Your light would flicker as you’d go to close your eyes again, and the harsh reality would punch you right in the face, and you’d be met with the luminescent glow of the tree. The pink hue mocking you. You were always on the verge of a breakdown. During your first visit, you were sure you had filled the pond more with how much you cried. Neteyam was scared, thinking you were injured, but you had made the excuse that the Paysyul (Water Lily) he picked out for you was causing your eyes to water. That it was due to allergies, but Na’vi hardly got sick, yet he bought it. He stopped giving them to you afterward. Practically rid the pond of their existence. It made you cry even harder. That’s why your visits never lasted long enough. You could never hold yourself together in front of him.
“The fish are fine.” You smirked, glancing over your shoulder. You were met with a wide tooth grin and fangs. 
He’s real here, you keep telling yourself as he grows near. 
Your mouth opened as your eyes met. He was a vision. Beautiful. Transitioned from his baby face phase into the man you love. You didn’t dare speak in past tense. Your love for him was infinite. You’d love him forever until your dying breath. Your heart grew fonder as you both grew older. Playdates turned into hangouts, turned into meetings at this very pond. He and his father founded it first, the start-up of their father-son pastime, but Neteyam eventually granted you admission, having shared his safe place with you. Showing you where he collected his game, and where he ran off too to let off steam. It was where you two could get away. Be two skxawngs in love. Away from curious on-lookers. Where you weren’t trying to exceed as the next Tsahik and he wasn’t training to follow in his father's footsteps as Olo'eyktan. You were simply Y/n and Neteyam. Two peas in a pod. Fishes in a pond, really. 
Neteyam, not in the slightest bit amused, saw you eyeing the fruit in his hand. He bit into one of them before making his way over to your side. He set his bow down to his side and took his seat. Soaking his feet in the pond too. He chewed on a piece as he offered the other four in his palm. You bit your lip, looking amongst them to grab the ripest one. You took one and bit into it. Your eyes nearly crossed in pleasure due to the sweetness it gave off. The delightful snack almost makes you forget about the boy of the hour. You press your fingertips to your lips as you swallow the bite. You turn your head not expecting his eyes already on you. One look from him was all it took to make your ears dip. You felt a whirlpool in your stomach before you turned away. You cleared your throat and tucked a loose braid behind your ear. “See, they are perfectly happy.” You gestured with your finger to the fish swimming near your feet. 
Neteyam playfully narrowed his eyes at you as he took another bite out of his Yovo. He offered another fruit to you but sucked his teeth when you shook your head no. You weren’t here to eat. He rolled his eyes and let them drop beside him. Coming to his feet again. He collected his bow and an arrow. Eyes scanning the pond, following the movement of the fishes. He dared a glance down at you. His smile grew as you tried shying away again, but your eyes never swayed from him. You could see the shift in his demeanor turn into a cocky one. Always wanting to impress you, even in the afterlife. He gave you a smirk, then focused on his breathing and his stance. It was enough to make you turn into a puddle. A whirlpool of a hurricane in spin mode. Neteyam knew how flustered you got around him, he practically grew another ego from it, but you continued to encourage it even now. 
He exclaimed, raising his hands in the air as the arrow hit its target. You laughed as he jumped into the pool picking up the wriggling fish. The creature twitched in his grasp. You squinted, covering your face, as water droplets hit you. He looked down at it, inspecting its size and width, before yanking the arrow out of it. You grimaced watching it grow still. They were yummy, but that didn’t mean you didn’t still think they were gross. Your nose scrunched as he came closer. 
Fish, you hated them. It’s why you stopped eating them back at the Marui pod. You had enough of them. You were convinced that Eywa had turned one of them yellow during one of your last visits to keep it spontaneous. To keep the peace and to keep away any annoyance you had of them. Yet, Neteyam was the happiest when shooting for fish. You’d watch him shoot that same damn fish over and over again because he loved it, and you. You loved Neteyam. Seeing him at ease with himself passing the time at the pond. It brought you comfort. You wouldn’t trade it for a thing.
Neteyam held the fish up like a trophy. Amazed by the big game he was going to bring home. The proud smile of his father is what he was hoping to see. He looked at the fish like it was the coolest thing in the world. Though upon knowing, he has done much more exciting endeavors. But catching big game trumped undergoing his Iknimaya for sure. You were slightly guilty for his great catch. You would make one fish slightly more significant, larger than the rest during each visit. The bigger the fish, the more his smile grew. It was the only thing you wanted to see.
“Do you see this?” He beamed with delight. “Oh thank you Great Mother for this gift!” 
The only thing.
You hadn’t realized you had been crying until Neteyam voiced his concerns. Until his thumb caressed over the fallen tears on your cheek.
“You okay, syulang (flower)?”
“Mmm?” You sniffled, looking up at him with a half-hearted laugh.
“You’re crying. Are you unwell? Was it the Yovo?” He reached across you, going for the dropped purple fruit next to you. He wanted to see if they were bad, but you stopped him.
“No, no, I’m okay.” 
Neteyam frowned as he reached up again. His thumb wiped another fallen tear. His touch lingered on your skin. “Something is wrong.” He huffed with a smile. He brought both hands up to cup your face.
“Nothing is wrong, ‘teyam.” You denied it.
“Yes, because I got rid of all the Paysyuls (Water Lilies). Your eyes should be dry.” Neteyam looked around the pond and then back to you. “Is it your allergies?”
“No, not that.” You shook your head. You turned his chin to face you. Hands cupping his face gently. You just held him there. So grateful to be able to feel him. See him.
“What is it then?”
“I’m just happy to see you.” Your eyes grew watery again. Neteyam leaned into your touch. “Spend time with you.”
His brows furrowed, a hint of a smile making its way onto his face. He grew amused but felt fond of your confession. Pressing the space between your eyes in a teasing manner.
“I’m happy to see you too.” His shoulders relaxed. You groaned as you shook out your hands. You were really bad at staying composed. You tried but failed to wipe away your tears, Neteyam reached forward again to wipe under one of your eyes. “But no more crying, you’ll scare the fish away.” He tried to remain serious but you saw him falter. His ears twitched. You gasped, hitting his shoulder.
“I will not!” You laughed. “The fish are fine.” He joined in on the laughter, happy to have brought back your smile. 
Lo’ak had sent Tsireya down after a while. He, Aonung, and Kiri watched as the bioluminescent fish swam underneath them. Mostly swirling around Kiri. He met her gaze before he went to inhale a big chunk of air. He released it though when Tsireya resurfaced.
“What happened? Is she okay?” Lo’ak asked. She gave a nod.
“She is fine. She’s coming up.”
They brought their heads out of the water. Waiting as you took your time resurfacing. The faint outline of your body could be seen as you grew closer. Once your head passed above the layer of water, you exhaled softly. You tread the water in silence. The others had formed a circle around you. You were staring off into space. Letting your thoughts cloud your mind. You had almost missed Lo’ak’s question.
“You okay? Did you see him?”
You only nodded. A tear trailing down your cheek and into the water like a dew drop. “He’s okay.” You sniffled. “He remains at the pond.” You let out a broken laugh. The group started to enclose the circle, each slowly resting a hand on you before engulfing you in their embrace. They hold you as you continue to tear up after your latest encounter with Neteyam. “I miss him.”
“We miss him too.” Kiri offered a faint smile. You glanced at her. Smiling faintly as you acknowledged her being here for you, even after you declared you hated her. Her teary eyes met yours in agreement. It was time to disperse and move past the fight you had with her.
“He’s at peace.” You sniffled. “That at least brings me some.”
“That’s good, no?” Lo’ak dipped his head to catch your eyes.
“It is, but it gets harder to visit. I don’t want to stop though.”
“Then don’t.” Lo’ak shrugged. The others nodded in agreement.
“Really?” You peered up through your eyelashes. “But don’t you hate coming with me? Waiting for so long?” You frowned.
“If this is helping you. We’ll be here every night, waiting for you. However long it takes.”
“Maybe not that long– Ow!” Aonung cried out in pain. Tsireya had swatted him over the head. “We’ll wait.” Aonung cleared his throat.
The corner of your lip lifts in amusement. You always assumed you weren’t worth someone going out of their way for you. This proved you wrong.
“Let’s go home yeah?” Lo’ak gestured over his shoulder. You nodded. He got on his Ilu first then offered his hand to you. You climb on the back and hold on for the ride home. Then you all took off. You glanced back at the spirit tree below the water knowing tomorrow would await another night visiting Neteyam. For the first time, you felt like you could breathe. There’d be no hurry to meet him now. He’d still be there welcoming your arrival with corny jokes and removing another found Paysyul (Water Lilies) from the pond. There was no rush to this, not when you were grieving him.
Lo’ak had imagined you being gone the next night. Your time spent at the Cove once more, but he was rather surprised seeing you sat near the Marui pod. Feet in the water. Hands gripping the woven edge. You were just mindlessly being. Existing and letting your thoughts run rampage through your head. He couldn’t help wanting to join you.
He came forward and sat next to you. Letting his feet get soaked. His hands were now gripping the edge too. He broke the deafening silence amongst you eventually. Though nothing was ever really quiet around here. The clicks of the sea life creatures and the motions of the tide entering the reef, provided enough sound. He was oddly curious about something though, so he asked you.
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” You lifted your head. Eyes shifting onto him.
“Try to hold your breath for so long. You know there are Txampaysye (Gill Mantle) for that?” He teased you.
“It’s silly.” You bit your lip.
“Tell me.” He urged you.
“Neteyam and I, we used to compete to see who could hold their breath the longest.” You closed your eyes, imagining yourself coming up for air before him. “He’d always win.” Neteyam’s head would pop up in a shit-eating grin. One you’d splash him for. He was never boastful though. Never one to make you feel like a sore loser. “I just wanted to see if I could finally beat him for once.” You laughed. It was indeed silly, but it was silly to you in a sentimental way. Lo’ak being Lo’ak had decided to break your heartwarming memory.
“He definitely cheated.”
“What?” You gasped. “No, he didn’t.” You shoved him. “Neteyam was very just in his actions.”
“He cheated!” Lo’ak couldn’t contain his laughter. Swatting or holding your wrist to prevent you from pushing him into the water.
“He did not. Don’t say that. He let me win once.”
“He did?” Lo’ak stifles his laughter. His eyes and ears relaxing. He offered you a lopsided grin before growing serious again. Not wanting to dampen your memory of his brother.
“No.” You shook your head, feeling deflated. Lo’ak’s laughter picked right back up. Everything you thought you had ever known was ruined. “No, I think– I think he cheated.” You purse your lips. Staring straight into the water. You slacked your jaw, scoffing. “This is your fault!” You smacked his shoulder.
“My fault? This is Neteyam we are talking about.” Lo’ak continued to laugh. “He wasn’t always so serious Y/n, but he always liked to win.”
“It’s not funny!” You whined.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Lo’ak reached for your hands and gripped them tightly. “But no seriously, stop it, even if it brings back the memories of him. You can drown, and I really don’t want to give you CPR.” You gasped this time, playfully hitting him.
“You skxawng...” You smiled nonetheless. Lo’ak reciprocated. You were the only other person who liked to call him that. He wasn’t going to admit it, but he was missing Neteyam and being called that. The thought plunged deep into his heart, but it left a fond feeling. He had you now to help fill in the space where a gap was. “He loved you very much, Lo’ak. Never forget that.” You pressed your palm to his cheek. He nodded in response. Leaning into your palm. 
“He loved you too.” Lo’ak extended his arm out, bringing you to his side for a hug. You rested your head on his shoulder, watching the waves softly sway. 
“He caught a fish today.” 
“Is that all you two do in there, catch fish?” Lo’ak pulled back with a smirk.
“This big…” You smiled, extending your arms the length it was. “Lit up like the Spirit Tree.”
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