#neurodivergent kids flock to tiktok for the same reasons we flocked to tumblr
emergencybitch · 2 years
You know for a website that went through the sixpence shit, you’d think y’all would be a little less judgemental about how much you think tiktok is “brain rotting” people compared to other sites.
Like this one.
If you think all social media doesn’t encourage the bad shit on tiktok, you’re blind as fuck. Just because we’re in a blog format does NOT mean we’re removed from the toxicity. Tiktok isn’t actually all that special of a social media site. It has its uniqueness, but it’s problems and toxicity are universal for the rest of the fucking internet.
Just because this is mostly anonymous, doesn’t not mean we’re not all on a social media site right now. Let’s clear that up. We like to joke that this is an anti-social media site but this is still a social media site by basic function and definition.
Y’all this is fucking Tumblr for christs sake. I know y’all were using Tumblr like a lifeline when you were fucking 14 years old and it was at its height. Making it the cornerstone of your social media presence and being very annoying about it too. Just like these teenagers are. Have we all not forgotten how poisonous Tumblr got back in the old days??? The reasons why so many people left the site before the porn ban???? Come down to earth and touch grass. Find the nuance.
We’re all the same. Social media is all the same. The internet itself is all the same.
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