#find the nuance
qiinamii · 1 year
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we'll do fine.
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maidenofcrows · 6 months
Too many jokes about Kaz becoming Wylan’s father figure. Not enough jokes about Wylan and Jesper adopting Kaz. Not in a child-parent way, but more of a feral cat way.
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emergencybitch · 2 years
You know for a website that went through the sixpence shit, you’d think y’all would be a little less judgemental about how much you think tiktok is “brain rotting” people compared to other sites.
Like this one.
If you think all social media doesn’t encourage the bad shit on tiktok, you’re blind as fuck. Just because we’re in a blog format does NOT mean we’re removed from the toxicity. Tiktok isn’t actually all that special of a social media site. It has its uniqueness, but it’s problems and toxicity are universal for the rest of the fucking internet.
Just because this is mostly anonymous, doesn’t not mean we’re not all on a social media site right now. Let’s clear that up. We like to joke that this is an anti-social media site but this is still a social media site by basic function and definition.
Y’all this is fucking Tumblr for christs sake. I know y’all were using Tumblr like a lifeline when you were fucking 14 years old and it was at its height. Making it the cornerstone of your social media presence and being very annoying about it too. Just like these teenagers are. Have we all not forgotten how poisonous Tumblr got back in the old days??? The reasons why so many people left the site before the porn ban???? Come down to earth and touch grass. Find the nuance.
We’re all the same. Social media is all the same. The internet itself is all the same.
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inthedreamatorium1 · 3 months
After Edmund died, Violet leaned on Anthony to run the estate, Benedict to look after the children, and Colin for herself.
We know how being thrust into the role of Viscount so young and so tragically impacted Anthony. His kept his siblings, with the exception of Benedict, at arm’s length. It’s not to say he didn’t love them! But he had this barrier up which wouldn’t allow him to think of himself as anything but their guardian and protector. Kate gave him the strength to knock it down and he was able to foster a brotherly relationship with them.
We’ve seen how close Benedict is with all of his siblings. When Anthony suddenly became the head of the family, Benedict took his role as “big brother” very seriously. He even acted in that way with Anthony! I’ve adored watching how he is with his siblings and how his relationship with each of them is so different, and I’m sure they’ll only evolve as he finds his own path.
Colin is, without a doubt, a mama’s boy. He doesn’t escape his mother’s clutches at a ball, even though the older boys do. He makes sure she’s taken care of, is sensitive to her feelings, and provides her gifts. He takes his mother’s words to heart because she is very in-tune with his emotions. I wouldn’t be surprised if Violet ends up living with him and Pen in her old age.
I just love my ABC brothers and their mama so much.
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titfairy · 2 months
Orm being all of us calling out Lada’s clownery 😭
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princesskuragina · 3 months
Speaking of polyamory. I need to do a follower demographic survey
For these purposes "poly relationship" means any non-monogamous relationship structure
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burr-ell · 2 months
The narrative is one thing, but I think it's really weird for fans to think Ludinus "has a point" about the gods in general causing the destruction of the Calamity when we know better. We objectively know better. It wasn't Sarenrae mutilating Vespin Chloras into a mindless puppet. It wasn't Melora sending Zerxus manipulative dreams and visions. It wasn't the Raven Queen destroying Exandria's protections against extraplanar threats. It wasn't Kord sending fiends into two inhabited cities to slaughter people indiscriminately. It wasn't Bahamut trying to release two emperor titans to destroy the planet. It wasn't Pelor killing and resurrecting Zerxus multiple times just for kicks, calling living breathing mortals "worthless paper dolls" and "a bad first draft".
It wasn't they who were responsible for the cloud of ash covering Exandria, or even most of the casualties. We know it was "not only in the first year, but in the first moments of Calamity" as Rau'shan and Ka'mort were destroyed—to prevent unleashing them on the world and everything being lost—that a large amount of that two-thirds of living beings were killed. We know that the "eruption of ash and fire, molten stone" from the destruction of Toramunda caused by the release of energy from the Astral Leywright sent up a cloud that covered Exandria for about a hundred years—up to the point where Downfall takes place, in fact. We know who then saw that destruction, done in the name of saving the world from the worst of his carefully plotted scheme, and then decided to shatter Exandria's teeth.
It's interesting how fixated some folks have gotten on the idea of "history being written by the winners", that maybe we don't really know the truth of what happened. It's not only ironic to then give infinite benefit of the doubt to the perspective of someone we know is a liar, it effectively wishes away how much of the history we've seen play out for ourselves. Under this...let's charitably call it understanding, the gods that we objectively know caused the Calamity's destruction are never the gods being referred to as oppressors and tyrants (even when they've explicitly identified themselves as oppressors and tyrants!).
For Bell's Hells, and the people of Exandria, much of this information has in fact been lost to time, and I don't look askance at them for not knowing what happened. I do, however, look askance at the real-life people who do know what happened, who can reasonably piece together the information we've been given, and are still so desperate for Ludinus to "have a point" that they're hiding behind tautologies and clichés so they can demonize the gods regardless. Because "what if the good guys were bad" is subversive, you see. When the black-and-white mindset is true but just casts the heroes as the villains, well, that's nuance, right?
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littlepinksapphire · 9 months
“Shadowheart is so racist!” Idk man, her racism is pretty mild considering she was raised and brainwashed by an evil cult. And she gets over it. She learns. Also, she just specifically hates Lae’zel.
When I played as a Githyanki she was suspicious of me for a day or two. Then she told me that though she was skeptical of me at first, I’m actually pretty cool and she’s glad to be traveling with me. This is all well before she settled her differences with Lae’zel. And of course she doesn’t like Lae’zel at first. Lae’zel is a mirror of blind faith shining back at her in the form of an alien being she was specifically taught to fear.
Meanwhile Astarion is out here mouthing off about the Gur and gnomes and never seems to learn better by the end of the game. But I don’t see people bring that up the same way they bring up Shadowheart.
It really doesn’t surprise me that a women who’s whole life (at least what she can remember of it) has been driven by fear so she could easily do Shar’s bidding would turn out racist. Of course Shar would want to dehumanize the very people she sent Shadowheart to steal from. Caring about their lives would compromise the mission.
Some of you treat video game characters the way you would treat real people and it’s kinda weird. Hardline first impressions, blocking and avoiding people the moment they do anything problematic, etc. This is your opportunity to safely learn about and empathize with people you might not normally and I think its a shame if your instinct is to go “Lae’zel was mean so I killed her” or “Astarion’s an evil little shit, so I turned him in.”
Shadowheart is a wonderful example of what blind faith in a religious organization can do to a person, and that includes her racism. Which, again, she grows out of from interacting with people (including gith) outside of her cult. That’s how it works in the real world too, you guys.
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I’m glad the whole “straight women (which means any afab person even those not straight or women) are sexualising the gay men by realising they exist and making content about gay men at all ever and they’re dirty and sick for wanting to write anything that isn't Woman enough and this is also why dark media should never exist because Women will want to do the fuck on it because they’re all lustful beasts (shows a fandom of like 100 fics to Prove this is a major issue)” is getting lambasted. Not only is it blatant misogyny, it’s so anti media literacy it’s crazy a dude who made his whole career over pretending to be media literate claimed it. Like, it’s so fucking stupid. A hundred people writing fic about a real life killer is fucked but it means nowt for a group of billions of people, especially since we don’t know if they were all women. And when you get into fictional stuff it’s even sillier like a minority of people having no media literacy and thinking abuse is hot or whatever doesn’t mean shit when it comes to Women As A Whole or like, what sort of media you should produce or how. Some people- not women, people- are always going to be idiots and it’s anti art to expect authors to cater to people who don’t want to engage with their depictions of sensitive topics,
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alicenpai · 1 year
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screw it rise up if breaking bad better call saul is your favourite anime ever grab the stickers here if ya like!! in my shop until oct 17🧪⚗⚖
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blood-starved-beast · 6 months
Big fan of how Farcille as a ship is undercut by Marcille's issues with aging/death and her own elven biases and Falin's issues with undercutting her own autonomy to mask and the challenges faced by trying to break away from that mindset. Especially how these two facets of these characters ultimately serve as a blockage for the development of a legitimate romantic relationship. It's an interesting development in a ship that by-and-by is pretty vanilla all things considered (dark magic aside). The fact that Ryoko Kui portays that level of complexity in this relationship not only highlights her mastery of character development and worldbuilding but also is a great example of how something "vanilla" can be made complex or interesting if done in a way that is interesting.
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inkskinned · 7 months
before you know about women, you hear that you do not need to love the man, just that you need to love him through his manhood. which is to say you have seen the future painted in lamb's blood over your eyes - how your mother shoots you a look about your father's inability to cook right. how your aunt holds her wineglass and says i'm gonna kill em. men, right! how your best friend bickers with her boyfriend, how she says i can't help it. i come back to him.
you learn: men are gonna cheat. men aren't going to listen when you're talking, because you're nagging. men think emotions are stupid. they think your life is vapid and your hobbies are embarrassing. men will slam things, but that's because men are allowed to be angry. if you get loud, you're hysterical. if a man gets loud - well, men are animals, men are dogs, men can't control their hands or their eyes or their bodies. they're going to make a snide comment about you in the locker room, about your body, about how you're so fucking annoying. you're going to give him kids, and he will give you the money for the kids, and you're going to be running the house 24/7 - but he gets to relax after a long day, because his job is stressful. the man is on stage, and is a comedian, and says "women!"
and you are supposed to love that. you are supposed to love men through how horrible they are to you - because that's what women do. that's what good women do. wife material. your father even told you once - it'll make sense when you're older. it was like staring down a very lonely tunnel.
it feels like something's caught in your throat, but it's all you know, so. it's okay that you see sex as a necessary tool, a sort of okay-enough ritual to keep him happy, even though he doesn't seem to care about happiness as-applied-to you. it is relationship upkeep. it is kissing him and smiling even though he didn't brush his teeth. it is getting on your knees and looking up and holding back a sigh because he barely holds you as you panic through the night. it's not like the sex is bad and you do like feeling wanted. and besides! he's a man! like... they're another species. you'll never be able to actually communicate, right. he isn't listening.
you just don't get it. you don't feel that sense of i'm gonna climb him like a tree. mostly it just feels fucking exhausting. you play the part perfectly. you smile and nod and are "effortlessly" charming. and it's fine! it's alright! you even love him, if you're looking. you could have good life, and a good family, and perfectly happy.
in the late night you google: am i broken. you google i'm not attracted to my husband. you google i get turned on by books but not by him. you google how to get better in bed.
the first time he yells at you, it almost feels like blankness. like - of course this is happening. this is always how it was going to end up. men get angry, and they yell, and you sit there in silence.
you mention it to your friend - just the once - while you're drunk. she shrugs and says it's like that with me too, i just try to forget and move on. men are always gonna hear what they want to. pick your battles and say sorry even though he's in the wrong. you play solitaire online for a month. you go to your therapist appointment and preach about how you're both so in love.
after all, you have a future to want. nobody lied about it - how many instagram posts say marriage is hard. say real love takes work. say we fight like cats and dogs but the best part is that we always make up. how many of your friends say happy anniversary to the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. if you really loved him - loved yourself too - you'd accept that men are just different from you.
the first time she kisses you, it's on a dare at a party. something large and terrifying whips through your body. you wake up sweating from dreams where her mouth is encrusted with pearls and you pick them off one by one with your teeth. fuck. you sit at the computer and your almost-finished game of sim city. you think about your potential perfect life and your potential future family. you google am i gay quiz with your little hands shaking.
you delete each letter slowly. you don't need to love him. you just need to keep going.
#warm up#writeblr#this is also about being ace btw#my identity has slowly shifted over time and maybe if everyone is REAL cool i'll talk bout it#bc it's complicated and nuanced. but this is like#trying to warn u that if you find it “relationship upkeep” to have sex with ur partner#and don't actually enjoy it or seek it for urself. u might just not be attracted to them.#which is fine ! ace ppl can be perfectly happy in any relationship they feel good in!#but also i wasn't as straight as i had expected!#> the first time i saw dick i was like. huh. oh okay that's fine i guess#> the first time i saw pussy i was like. WAIT ACTUALLY HANG ON I GET IT#i just assumed sex wasn't all it was cracked up to be ya know#but also like. btw? this IS NOT saying ''u might be gay not ace''#bc tbh i'm grey ace/demisexual#it's saying u might not be into ur partner. explore urself & ur feelings. turn inward.#TAKE THIS IN THE MANNER IT WAS MEANT> GENTLE AND KIND#AND NOT IN A WEIRD INTERNET WAY PLEASE#bc the truth is that there ARE ppl who are gay who assume that they just ''don't like'' sex#and ace ppl who might need a different partner w/different needs#and i would have REALLY needed to hear ''check in w/urself about if u actually like sex''#WAY EARILIER in my life. but nobody said anything bc they assume if ur having sex. u like it.#not just the actual act of sex. not once ur turned on. do you ACTUALLY like it. or is it a burden?#even if ur gay. check w/urself. maybe ur more ace than u realized. in which case. ADDITIONAL FLAG BB#i love collecting my flags. i'm at like 354 at this point#but also btw this is about how toxic relationships are SO normalized that u can be in one#and have everyone around u being like ''THATS JUST MEN LOL''
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revenantghost · 1 year
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Remember when Vash's only reason to continue fighting and holding on to life was killing Knives
And now that reason is Wolfwood
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offorestsongs · 2 months
i feel like sometimes people in the twst fandom get so caught up in defending their faves (or hating on the ones they don't like) that they forget that the whole game hinges on (almost) everyone being a Charming Asshole TM
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shannonsketches · 2 months
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I grabbed a bunch of caps for that last post so here's a few more in my favorite genre of bejíta
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 27 days
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(and to getting it back without someone else coming along with it)
bear with me. please keep an open mind. however if you don't want aimless details of this scenario feel free to ignore, there's really not much plot just context.
in this one ame botches a manic magic portal ritual and gets decapitated by accident, and his head disappears but his body is still somewhat sentiment? its not particularly intelligent but it still functions (comically). canada takes his body to england (arthur bc this isn't nationverse anymore) to open a proper portal and him and the body then head (haha) into the unknown dimension to retrieve his head.
meanwhile ame (just a head) is found by rus who is a kind of demon entity of that dimension... they have a "humans are lame" plan to find ame another body and make him an entity too, rus claims it's so he has a friend but ame would be more of a servant by magic system rules and would not be able to return home without the other (not that he knows. rus does though). cana plans to turn ame normal. 🤦‍♂️...
bottom line is, cana (and ame, independently from eachother) squealing like a girl because the demon world is scary, the inherent freakiness of whatever they have going on, iykyk iydyd, ame body walking into walls and ame head carried like a lantern by the scarf and talking to rus. i also like the idea of them somehow messing something up and all three ending up back in the human dimension, except ame is still in two pieces and whatever rus touches visually starts to spiral so they have to go back and fix something. a few more episodes should come after this. ill let you know when i settle on an ending. yay!
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