#do you not understand that you sound just like our parents did when we couldn’t get off tumblr
emergencybitch · 2 years
You know for a website that went through the sixpence shit, you’d think y’all would be a little less judgemental about how much you think tiktok is “brain rotting” people compared to other sites.
Like this one.
If you think all social media doesn’t encourage the bad shit on tiktok, you’re blind as fuck. Just because we’re in a blog format does NOT mean we’re removed from the toxicity. Tiktok isn’t actually all that special of a social media site. It has its uniqueness, but it’s problems and toxicity are universal for the rest of the fucking internet.
Just because this is mostly anonymous, doesn’t not mean we’re not all on a social media site right now. Let’s clear that up. We like to joke that this is an anti-social media site but this is still a social media site by basic function and definition.
Y’all this is fucking Tumblr for christs sake. I know y’all were using Tumblr like a lifeline when you were fucking 14 years old and it was at its height. Making it the cornerstone of your social media presence and being very annoying about it too. Just like these teenagers are. Have we all not forgotten how poisonous Tumblr got back in the old days??? The reasons why so many people left the site before the porn ban???? Come down to earth and touch grass. Find the nuance.
We’re all the same. Social media is all the same. The internet itself is all the same.
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misstycloud · 3 months
Yandere merman x reader x best friend
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Imagine a darling finding out she’s half-mermaid.
She lives in a small fishing village way out in he country. It’s the kind of town no one ever leaves. You’re born, grow up, and die there. Whole generations of families have lived there since long before.
Her parents are normal folks; father’s sailor and mother’s a stay-at-home wife. But since darlings family is so much like others’, she doesn’t understand why she’s so different. Her mother often jokes about how her first word was ‘sea’ and how she’d find her standing in her crib, staring out the window at the waves crashing into the cliffs.
Darling has been in a constant battle with herself her whole life. Since as long as she can remember she’s had a gripping fascination with the ocean. She can’t help it! Every night when everyone else laid sound-asleep in their beds, did she lie awake and fantasize about sneaking out and disappearing under the dark waves. No matter how hard she tried shutting these thoughts away, they always came back to haunt her.
While her mother thought is was cute and not a problem, it couldn’t be anything more. Her mother didn’t understand- as sweeet as she was. It probably stemmed from her being too busy with darlings younger siblings and doing chores, that she didn’t think of how the village spoke of her daughter. They call her strange and speak of what a waste of beauty on someone like her; she’s no good and you can’t marry her. Her mother didn’t know about how the rest of the kids teased darling. They pulled her her and pushed he on the ground. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence for her to find her school books wet with sea water, since she ‘likes it so much’. The teachers didn’t care either.
The only solace darling can find is in her best friend. He always defended her agaisnt her bullies- which was practically everyone- and stayed by her side, even when he could become affected too. Darling feels he’s too good to her. The times she felt so alone, he was there to comfort her when her confidence was at its lowest. He held her when she cried and patted her back, whispering into her ear about how sweet and beautiful she is.
Then, by chance one day, she meets a merman. She is surprised- merfolk only exists in stories after all! The merman is so inhumanly beautiful. With long hair cascading down his back and a long fish tail. His tail looked very strong, he was no doubt an excellent swimmer. At first she is scared of him, she runs away-ignoring his shouts for her to come back- and keeps to herself in her room. Her family is worried and wonders if something is wrong, but she tells them it’s nothing and that she’s just a little tired. In her room, darling thinks about the merman. How is it possible for him to exist? Was she hallucinating and perhaps he wasn’t real? Are there other mythological creatures out there? After overcoming her initial fear and hesitance, she decides to go back to the beach.
The merman was still there. She dares ask how he can talk and he responds with, “My people don’t speak the way you do, but I have taught myself the language of humans. That’s how I am communicating with you.”
She asks him more questions, all of which he answers truthfully. Or, well, she hoped he wasn’t trying to deceive her. Darling even gained the courage of asking whether the stories of merfolk feastin on human flesh is true, and when the merman confirms it’s indeed true, she backs up. When he notices her alarmed state, he hurriedly add that he would never eat her.
It’s then he hits her with the most shocking reveal of her life. Apparently, he senses mer- blood in her vains.
“….n-no, that can’t be. You must be sensing wrong- I’m human..!”
He sighs. “Merfolk are very intuitive. We always recognise our own kind.”
He reveals that he suspect her of being half- merfolk since the scent of mer is strong on her. Darling thinks it’s laughable, both her parents are perfectly human. It can’t be. Like, she’d notice if one of her parents was a mythological creature with a fish tail as a lower half.
The merman tells her of old stories among his people, of mers who reproduced with humans- whether its be willingly or the human had kidnapped them. The children would always be different. On the surface they appeared like any other human, but on the inside there would constantly be a longing to return to their orgins- the ocean. Darling is conflicted. On one hand she can’t believe what she’s hearing, however, the description of the half- bloods fit her too well.
That night she confronts her father while he’s getting off work. He breaks instantly. She is shocked to discover that her father had an affair with a mermaid whilst being married to her mother. He had discovered her while fishing in an unpopular area and took her with him. He sobs that he couldn’t help it, the mermaid was so enchanting he couldn’t control himself. When the mermaid fell pregnant, he was so scared of what his wife would say when she found out, but when the child came out human, he was puzzled but relieved at the same time. He brought the baby home and played it off as finding it abondoned by the docks.
Darling can’t believe it. Her father was practically a monster. She recalled the tales of kidnapped merfolk held against their will, by the merman. She couldn’t imagine what her birth mother must’ve gone through. Her father begs her not to tell her mother because it would destroy the happy family they’d built.
In the end, she chooses to keep the secret for the time being. The right thing was to tell her mother, but it was also true that it would ruin everything and she didn’t want her younger siblings to grow up in a broken family. The only thing she wanted was for her father to leave her alone and never speak to her unless absolutely necessary. He agreed.
She begins spending all her time by the beach, in the company of the merman. She wondered what his name was, and to her bewilderment, he shrugged and said he didn’t have one. So she decides to give him one herself, Aqualor. It seemed merfolk-y enough. Luckily, the merman didn’t object and smiled instead, accepting the name.
Her best friend is worried though. He can never seem to even catch a glimpse of the love of his life anymore. Where was she? Now that they’d both grown into adults, it became harder to see each other; he had to work to support himself(and her, in the future). He felt horrible about it, but in all honesty he was a little glad the rest of the village didn’t take to her. If they did, surely she would have been taken away from him. Even if she didn’t know it, she was incredibly beautiful. It was impossible for him not to be a little biased, but she truly was the most wonderful thing he’d laid his eyes on. He could only imagine how it’d be if people actually treated her like she looked.
While her best friend felt the separation anxiety, darling count be happier. Finally she had someone who understood her fully. There was someone to relate to when she explained the urge to dive deep beneath the waves and disappear, and how pleasant water felt on her skin. Aqualor understood everything perfectly.
Her best memory was of her first swim with Aqualor. She’d been somewhat sacred in he beginning. Despite her desperate longing for the ocean, she’d never been in it much. It was quite ironic. He’d been so patient with her, never pushing or getting annoyed. He waited until she was more comfortable venturing out in the openness. Now they swam together every day, laughing and playing. Of course, Aqualor was the superior swim more out of the two of them, but darling likes to think she isn’t so shabby herself.
This is how she thought the rest of her life would be like; she and Aqualor enjoying each others company from morning to evening, while she returns home to the village every night. She didn’t have a job- no one would hire her anyway- so why not have fun with your friend? It wouldn’t be the best life, but it’d be peaceful and easy.
However, the ‘easy’ disappeared when Aqualor asked if she’d like to join him in the sea permanently.
“What? What do you mean?” She tilted her head in confusion.
The merman flipped his tail in the shallow water- his upper body was on the sand while the rest of him remained in the water. “Would you not like to come with me? We already spend so much time together, so it would hardly be any different.”
“Yeah, but I can’t just leave. I have to stay with my family.” She glanced back up and could see the tiniest snippet of houses, the village.
“You mean the father who has committed sins, a mother who doesn’t care for your feelings and siblings who forget your existence?” He harshly pointed out. His words stung.
“They’re far from perfect, I know that. But still, I can’t just vanish- I don’t even think I can survive out there!”
He grabbed her hand, his were wet and slightly webbed. It didn’t bother her though.
“Of course you can. Remember your heritage? Besides, I will be there and guide you through it. I will protect you, I will hunt for you. It will just be you and me, happy and content. Doesn’t it sound lovely?”
She went quiet and looked away, unsure.
He continued, “You alway tell me of how the humans treat you. They scorn you and say hateful words about you. That is because you are above them.” He smiled. “You do not belong here- you are mer! You should be with your people.”
“But even if I have mer-blood, I’m still human, look at me.” She stretched out her legs, flexing them and empathising their difference.
“You may have the appearance of a human, you soul, however, it is of a mermaid. You long to be free and to live the life you’ve always meant to live. They can’t keep you here in this…” his voice trailed off to disgust “cage.”
Darling sat and listened to Aqualor’s ramblings. Did he have a point? It’s not like anyone would miss her really. Her friend, yes, but he has so much else to live for. He’s not strange and everyone thinks well of him. He’ll be successful.
“So, what do you say, my coral? Will you join me?”
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Will Graham x teen!reader - our support animals
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Hi I would like a request for Will Graham and teen Reader getting a dog and somehow gets an old boy who was returned 5 times? - Anon💜
Sitting on the steps in front of your school, you glanced down at your watch in order to check the time, wondering if it was worth just going for a walk or not.
You didn’t want to be at school, so you had messaged Will asking if he could come pick you up since you didn’t know who else to call at this point.
Finally you saw his car pulling up outside, and you got up, making your way to the passenger side in order to get in.
“Thanks for getting me…” you mumbled.
“Are you okay?” Will asked.
You gave a small shrug, resting your head on the window as you watched everything just rolling by.
“Not ready to go back?”
“No… I don’t know I just… all those people.. all looking at me.. I don’t know..”
Will glanced at you, turning his attention back to the road.
“They know what happened.” He said.
“I mean who doesn’t at this point? My parents were murdered a nearly a year ago, they weren’t all that great at parents anyways and now im in the care of an FBI agent who isn’t really FBI agent. I missed the rest of the school year last year and news travels fast I guess.”
“You don’t have to be in my care if you don’t want to be. Children’s services already said they can easily find you a home if you want it.”
You whipped your head around to look at him.
You frowned a little.
“I just… I don’t.. they’ll all be happy families…”
“You can’t be around that right now, I understand that.”
You nodded your head, looking back to the road, trying to figure out where you guys were going.
“I’m sorry I made you leave work.”
“It’s fine, I wasn’t doing anything interesting anyway, and I don’t think I could have sat there listening to Jack for much longer.”
This made you smile a little bit, and you look at him.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll find out a minute.”
You turned back to watching the roads go by, and finally Will pulled the car into a parking lot, and you climbed out of the car.
“A rescue?”
“I know you love the dogs, you get sad when they all follow me not you. So, we’re going to get you your own dog, Hannibal believes having a pet may help in your recovery.”
You furrowed your brow and Will opened the door to the rescue, gesturing for you to enter, and you did looking around.
While he went to talk to the people in the reception, you looked around, wondering about to look at posters and photos of the animals they had up for adoption.
You weren’t paying that much attention to anything else that going on, and every so often Will would glance at you to make sure that you were still there.
“(Y/N), please don’t wonder away.”
You turned to look at Will and he held his arm out to you.
You walked over and stood next to him, you turned away from the receptionist, and Will kept a hand on your shoulder.
“Is there anything specific you’re looking for in a pet?” The woman asked.
Will looked down at you and you shook your head.
“Can we just look at them all?”
“If you want to then yes.” He smiled.
He carried on speaking to the woman, and you stretched a little bit, letting out a yawn as you waited.
Finally you were allowed to walk through and have a look at all the dogs.
There was a lot of barking, and in a strange way it put you at ease, living with Will as your caretaker for nearly a year had made you used to the sounds of barking.
“What about this one?” Will asked.
You walked over to him.
“It says her name is Luna, she’s a husky, she’s two years old, is very friendly, gets along with other dogs, was surrendered because the family couldn’t keep up with the upkeep of a husky.”
You looked at Luna, crouching down to see her better, and she paced back and forth, tail wagging happily.
“She’s really cute.”
“Do you want to keep looking?”
You nodded, letting Will help you stand up.
You carried on slowly wondering, stopping to look at all the dogs you past, Will would read you the information about them and you would keep wondering.
Will had taken particular interest in one of the dogs and you kept looking around at all of them until you reached the end kennel.
You carefully read over the information on the board and you sat down on the floor.
“Hey Enzo…”
The old Labrador lazily wagged his tail as he wondered over, laying down in front of the door, resting his head on his paws.
You turned to look at him and he got up, following after you.
“What is it?” He asked.
“I want Enzo.”
Will knelt down next to you, looking at the old dog.
“Yeah? What’s his story?”
“They’re not sure how old he is, but they do know he’s old. He’s been returned five times, apparently nobody wants to keep cause he’s old. That’s not fair…”
“It’s not.”
Will got up, placing a hand on your head to get your attention.
“Let’s go get one of the staff.”
“Can I stay with Enzo?”
Will glanced around, he didn’t seem so sure about the idea of leaving you alone there, but he saw there was only one entrance and exit.
“Alright, I’ll be just a minute.”
Will made his way to get a member of staff so you could meet the old Labrador and you sat on the floor, Enzo resting against your chest as you hugged him.
Will and the worker both smiled at the scene of you just cuddling this old dog who had been returned so many times.
“We’ll adopt him.” Will said.
You turned around to Will, smiling from ear to ear at him.
“I love him, he’s so sweet.”
“Well you have to love him because he’s yours and we’re not bringing him back.”
“Good.” You said.
Will filled out all the paperwork while you sat in the back of his car with Enzo, just happily petting the dogs head.
You were excited to bring Enzo back to meet all of Will’s dogs, and Enzo was pretty happy to go around with them all, wondering and exploring his new home.
You sat on the floor, waiting for him to come back so you could go back to petting him.
Will was sitting on the couch, stroking one of the other dogs.
“Do you think he knows any tricks?” You asked.
“I’m not sure, you’ll have to try. Go get the dog treats.”
You jumped up, running to the kitchen to get the dog treats and you sat on the couch next to Will, handing them to him.
You didn’t know as much about dogs as Will did, so you decided to let him see if Enzo knew any tricks or anything of the sort.
“Enzo come here boy!” You called.
The old slowly wondered over, stretching a little as he approached.
“Here, just hold this in your hand, let him see it.”
You did want Will said.
“Now, just say his name and whatever it is you’re wanting him to do.”
“Enzo sit.”
The old dog sat down, along with a few others.
“Now, give him the treat, scratch his head and tell him he’s a good dog. Positive actions mean he’ll bond to you more.”
“Good boy Enzo.”
You handed the Labrador his treat, and ruffled the fur behind his ears, grinning from ear to ear.
“We’ll get him settled in before we take him outside, and we’ll rest his recall while we’re here too.”
You turned to look at Will.
“Yes. It’s how well an animal responds when you call their name, call them back to you, especially off leash dogs it’s very important.”
“Oh, if he doesn’t have good recall can we teach him it.”
Will smiled a little.
“Yeah, we can try to.”
“He’s gonna be my dog, you’re not allowed Enzo.”
Will chuckled a little bit at you.
“What if he likes me more?”
“Nope. He’s my dog.”
You sat back on the couch, patting your legs for Enzo, and he lazily climbed up, laying himself next to you with his head resting on your legs.
“Oh (Y/N) come on.”
Will had to stand up to let the dog lay down properly and you grinned from ear to ear at him.
“Do you want dinner yet?” Will asked.
“Uh, not yet. I’m not hungry. Can I help you cook it soon though? I don’t know how to cook.”
“I’ll teach you.”
You smiled, turning your attention back to Enzo and Will wondered away to do his own thing, happy that you were content there with your new family member.
He was hoping Enzo would help you in ways that he couldn’t, and since you refused to take part in any therapy he was hoping Enzo could be that support you needed especially on days when he couldn’t figure out how to help you.
Maybe there wasn’t fully enough room for another dog, but Will didn’t care about that, he could just adjust things a little if he needed too.
He had all his strays, and now you had Enzo, you both had your dogs for support, and you both had each other even if neither of you spoke about how you had fallen into Will’s care.
It didn’t matter, what mattered to Will now was keeping you safe and happy.
“Do you think he likes snow?” You called.
“I don’t know, we’ll find out soon.” He called back.
“Can he stay in my room?”
Will poked his head out for the kitchen.
“He can stay wherever you want him too (Y/N).”
You nodded your head, laying down on the couch to hug your new best friend
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wosoamazing · 7 months
Nursery & Sickness
Summary: You don't want to go to nursery. You also get sick from Nursery, making your Mum sick too. Based off this request.
Warnings: Sickness (Vomiting)
A/N: I was kind of stumped on what to write so of course I turned it into a sickfic - I hope that is okay. I promise I am trying to write things other than sickfics, some of your requests are definitely helping with that.
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You didn't want to go to Nursery, you wanted to go to training as you always did, but you didn't understand why you couldn’t. Once you realised your Mum was leading you in the direction of your nursery you planted your feet firmly on the ground, refusing to walk, she just picked you up, not budging at your actions.
As she placed you down in your room, you started to cry, you didn't want to leave her side. “I’ve got to go to training Bubba, so you’re going to spend the day here, and I’ll be back to pick you up as soon as training is over”
“No, I come training with you”
“But Bubba you can’t, it's better for you to go to Nursery, and you can still come to games, I promise I will be back to pick you up.”
“No go,” you sobbed.
“I have to, what if we read a book together before I go?” You sadly nodded your head and went over to pick a book, while you Mum sat crossed legged on the floor. You chose a book and walked over to her, before walking backwards into her lap and sitting down, she read you the book and you calmed down, enough so that she didn’t feel guilty to leave you. 
When she came back to pick you up, you had a huge grin on your face and you were in the middle of a painting activity, you didn't want to leave. So she helped you finish your painting before you both went home, in the car you told her about your amazing day. She was relieved that you had enjoyed, so much so that you asked when you were getting to go back
Leah expected you to be sad and upset the first time she took you to Nursery, but what she didn’t expect was that you would have a new illness every week, the experienced nursery parents told her that this was normal, and would happen for roughly 2 or 3 months than you would just get like the seasonal flu, and if you moved Nurseries it would happen all over again, Leah took a mental note of that and promised herself she would not move you to a different Nursery. Heaps of the more experienced parents told her that this would happen for the first 2 or 3 months than you would be fine, so she just had to get through it.
Today was game day, which you were excited for, it meant you didn’t have to go to Nursery, however you felt funny, your head kind of hurt and your tummy felt icky, but you didn’t tell your Mum, you didn’t want her to make you stay home.
You slept in the car on the way to the game, which wasn’t a rare occurrence, considering it was a late game. When you were offered your snacks to eat before the game started you shook your head, which your Mum found odd as it was an offer you would always jump at. You fell asleep very quickly into the first half and slept the whole way through the game. Only waking up when Katie turned on the TV to see the men play as she waited for Caitlin to finish getting ready. The loud noise of the fans cheering through the TV radiated through your head and you started crying.
“What’s wrong Bubba?” Your Mum asked, snapping her fingers in Katie’s direction, who quickly turned down the volume.
“Icky,” you cried out.
“Oh Bubba, do you feel sick?” she asked as she felt your forehead, which was quite warm. You nodded in reply.
“Okay, well I’ll just get our stuff all packed up and then we can go okay, I love you,” she said, placing a kiss on your forehead. She was walking around the locker room, gathering all your things when the sound of liquid spilling onto the floor echoed around the locker room. She quickly spun around to see you covered in vomit, with a puddle of vomit in front of you. She quickly moved over to you and moved you out of the way of your puddle of vomit, tears started to roll down your cheeks, as she went to look over to Katie to ask something, but Katie had already left the room and there is no one else in the room, they all have already left or the ones that remain are in the showers.
Your Mum takes off your Shirt and Shorts, and uses a wet wipe to wipe your hands and face, before she starts getting you changed into your spare clothes. As she is smoothing down your hair that was messed up by your shirt, you gag, she looks around the room panicked trying to figure out what she can grab, when she sees Katie walk in who quickly chucks her a sick bowl. She places the sick bowl under your chin just in time as you start throwing up again. Caitlin, Steph, Lia and Kim have all now finished their showers and walk into the room, to see the absolute scene in front of them. Your Mum is kneeling beside you rubbing your back as you throw up into the sick bowl she is holding for you, there is a puddle of vomit nearby and a bag with your vomit cover clothes in it, sitting near you, that has yet to be tied up. 
“Do you need any help Leah?” Kim asks.
“No, no it’s all good, you guys just go, have a good night,” Leah responds, they all quickly gather their things and head out, except for one, who is rushing around behind your Mum, gathering all your belongings. She has finished packing all three of your bags and walks over to where the bag with your dirty clothes sits, your Mum jumps slightly not realising there was still someone in the room with her, she looks up to find it is Lia, her heart melting slightly at the kindness of her best friend.
“Lia, you really didn't need to stay behind,” she looks behind her, “Or pack up any of our stuff.”
“Don’t be silly Leah, I’ll just take these things out to the car and then I’ll come back for you and Y/N/N, and before you say you are fine to drive home, we drove here together.” Your Mum’s face cringed, she had totally forgotten that.
When Lia came back in you were sitting in your Mum’s lap, as she held you close, rocking you backwards and forwards.
“Le,” Lia said softly, your Mum looked up, “I’m ready when you are.” Your Mum got up and headed to the car, you threw up a lot more that night. The worst being when you had just gotten home, you were in your Mum’s arms, meaning it was all over you and her.
It had been a day since you last threw up, but you still felt icky so you were sleeping in your Mum’s bed, between her and Lia. Lia had insisted she stayed to help look after you.
“Fuck, Lia, can you hand me a sick bowl?” Your Mum asked.
“Yeah, but why, Y/N/N is asleep. Or have your Mum senses started tingling,” Lia joked as she handed the sick bowl to your Mum, who lent her head back against the headboard and closed her eyes, taking some deep breaths, Lia quickly clicked on to what was happening. She carefully and gently picked you up and quickly walked to your room, knowing Leah would be more comfortable if you weren’t there, she placed you on your bed before returning to the room. She climbed into the bed and sat next to your Mum, placing her hand on your Mum’s thigh, gently reassuring her, knowing that your Mum wouldn't want much physical touch currently. They remained like that for a few minutes before your Mum’s upper body jerked forward and she lost the contents of her stomach into the sick bowl, Lia rubbed her back whilst she softly spoke reassuring words to her.
You awoke in your bed feeling much better, but you wanted your Mum so you decided to toddle off down the hall and into her room, you saw her with Lia in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet as Lia rubbed her back, you walked into the bathroom.
“Mummy?” You questioned, slightly worried.
“Mummy is sick, I think she got your sick. Are you feeling better?" you nodded your head, "Thats good," Lia said before she moved her free hand to your Mums shoulder and gently squeezed it, your Mum shook her head slightly and Lia murmured a quiet 'okay' before she turned her gaze back to you. "Why don’t you go out to the living room and I’ll join you in a sec,” you nodded and toddled off.
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The methodology for the Cass review was established by a team from the University of York including Tilly Langdon, who has previously been involved in promoting Gender Exploratory Therapy – an approach which, despite its neutral-sounding name, discourages children from identifying as trans and has been likened to conversion therapy. Her approach included setting a very high bar for evidence to be considered in the review, ruling out 100 of the existing 103 studies into the use of puberty blockers and hormones to treat trans children. The reason given for excluding all these studies was that they did not incorporate a double blind approach – in other words, they did not involve giving puberty blockers to some patients and placebos to others. This might sound like a reasonable objection on the face of it – until one considers that puberty is a dramatic physical and psychological process, and people can easily tell when it’s happening to them, so a double blind simply wouldn’t work in practice. The Cass review called for more research and, again, few would disagree with this. The suggestion that treatment should be withheld in the process, however, is not neutral. It presupposes that the harm done by puberty blockers (demineralisation of bones, which is usually temporary in the short-term treatment recommended and is similar to what occurs in pregnancy) is more severe than the harm done to a trans child by going through the wrong sort of puberty. The latter is linked to high rates of self-harm and suicidal ideation, together with the need, in many cases, for extensive surgical procedures. Confusingly, the review states that children taking puberty blockers showed “no changes in gender dysphoria or body satisfaction”, which suggests that the author didn’t actually understand what puberty blockers do at all. They don’t make children feel better – they just delay a process that makes them feel worse. This is one of several oddities in a report that lacks internal consistency. It states that there is no established definition of social transition, for instance, and does not offer one, but goes on to talk about it as if there were. It also talks about autistic ‘girls’ identifying as trans in increasing numbers, treating this as mysterious and as cause for concern, despite acknowledging elsewhere that more and more girls are being diagnosed as autistic, so one would expect more diagnoses to be present within any subsection of the young female-assigned population.  Perhaps the most worrying of the review’s conclusions – which should concern people far beyond the trans community – is the suggestion that as far as NHS treatment is concerned, trans people should be treated as children until they are 25. The rational for this is that 25 is the age when (on average) the brain stops developing. As any neurologist will tell you, the brain is in fact never static, and within ten years or so of that age, it begins to shrink. Deciding who has the capacity to make decisions based on brain age could have unintended consequences for the likes of Cass (64).  That aside, what would setting the age of true adulthood at 25 mean for everybody else? If we couldn’t allow people to consent to medical treatment at 24, should we ask them to risk dying for us? If not, then at a stroke we could lose a quarter of our armed forces. Likewise, we would have to give serious thought to what to do about a third of parents who might not be considered competent to look after their newborn children.  And then there are issues like contraception. Right-wingers have long contended, on one pretext or another, that teenage girls shouldn’t have the right to take the pill without their parents’ consent. This is where the review’s suggestion starts to look less like a double standard and more like the thin end of a very nasty wedge.
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peachhcs · 4 months
where did it go wrong?
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy tries reeling with everything a few days after the breakup in hopes that her brothers may have some advice for her.
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i feel like i never write anything with samy and her brothers, so here's luke and quinn trying to comfort samy through the breakup that she's still trying to understand. p.s. these breakup posts aren't going to be posted in a set order, so i may jump around in the timeline a bit :p
au masterlist
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samy flew home two days after the breakup. she didn’t want to crowd ryan’s house even when he told her she could stay for as long as she wanted (which in reality meant he wanted her to stay until her and will made up). the girl knew she needed to go, though. she wanted to be home with her brothers and family who she prayed wouldn’t give her shit when she told them what happened. she knew her brothers would want to give will hell, but samy had enough mind still to know that wasn’t fair. 
quinn, jack, and luke took themselves on a little fishing/camping expedition with their dad when samy got home, so she took those few days to just decompress and really comprehend everything that happened before those three bombarded her with a million questions. 
a tiny knock sounded on her door and then the heavy frame cracked open a few inches. ellen’s locks of blonde hair came in to check on her daughter. she knew she needed space, but mrs. hughes knew her kids well and when they needed her. 
“i made you some food downstairs,” ellen said gently. 
“thanks. i’m not that hungry right now,” samy managed a small smile even though they both knew it was fake. 
“how are you?” the older woman went to her daughter’s bed, sitting on the edge. the brunette shrugged. 
“i don’t know. weird? stupid?” a pitiful laugh fell from her lips. 
“oh, honey. you’re not stupid,” mrs. hughes wrapped samy into a tight hug which actually felt really nice. usually, samy wasn’t receptive to her parents’ touch, but right now she really needed it. 
“everything we’ve been through meant nothing to him. our friendship, ruined. i just..i don’t get what i did wrong,” the girl wanted to cry again despite her crying out everything she had the last two days. 
“no, no, you didn’t do anything wrong, baby. sometimes boys say one thing but they don’t actually mean it. maybe will’s just stressed about signing and it all came out the wrong way?” ellen tried. her words were genuine, but samy could never believe them knowing what her mom said was only trying to make her feel better. 
“it sounded like he meant everything he said. he couldn’t even look me in the eye, mom. i just..i feel so stupid and used,” her daughter’s words hurt ellen’s heart. the woman just squeezed her baby tighter in hopes that she could ease the pain that she knew all too well  being a teenager going through heartbreak. 
the hughes’ brothers came home that night. samy was fast asleep, but ellen kept herself awake in the living room having her late night tea. she smiled softly when all three of her boys came barreling into the room to greet her. 
“hey mom,” jack cheered, squeezing the older woman tightly. 
“hi, boys. how was your trip?” ellen beamed as she took turns giving out her “welcome home” hugs. 
“so great. we all caught massive 12 inchers. you should’ve seen them,” luke laughed as he dug for his phone to show the pictures. 
“they were massive! like this wide! never seen a fish so big like that before!” jack exclaimed before mrs. hughes quickly put a finger to her lips. 
“keep quiet. your sister’s asleep upstairs,” the boys immediately exchanged a glance. 
“samy’s here? i thought she was in boston for a few weeks?” quinn wondered. the look on their mom’s face quickly told them that wasn’t the case anymore and then the worry set in after. 
“it’s not my business to say, but your sister and will broke up,” ellen filled the boys in. 
a quick beat of silence passed between all of them before a “what” fell from luke’s lips. their mom’s tiny nod and wordless response told the boys that what they were hearing was in fact real. after that realization, their expressions twisted into shock. 
“wait, what happened? they broke up?” jack quickly asked for more details, but ellen shook her head. 
“i’m not gonna be the one to tell your sister’s business, but don’t bombard her tomorrow. she’s pretty beat up about it and i don’t want you harassing will either. let her tell you on her own time, promise?” ellen demanded knowing questions from them wouldn’t help.
the boys weren’t the greatest at minding their own business, but quinn, jack, and luke would comply since their own siblings rules were to not push one another into speaking about something if they did not want to. 
they just hoped this wasn’t as bad as it was sounding and their mom was making it out to be. 
the next day, luke found his sister first. he just woke up twenty minutes ago despite it being nearly 12 in the afternoon. as he trailed into the kitchen in search of food, he caught sight of samy sitting out on the back porch. the older boy debated for a second wondering if it was the right time to be asking, but he figured company wouldn’t hurt either way. 
he trailed outside with some cereal. samy gazed over at his warm smile while he took the chair next to hers. 
“mom said you guys caught big fish,” the girl began, managing a small smile.
“jesus, they were huge. i’ve never seen fish that big before,” luke laughed lightly. 
“i bet you dropped them,” the younger hughes teased making luke roll his eyes. 
“stop, i did not. you would’ve dropped them if you were there though,” the brunette smiled. 
“shut up,” samy rolled her eyes too. 
“wish you were there. would’ve been so fucking funny watching all four of us trying to camp together,” luke laughed again. his words made samy smile again before it slowly faded as her gaze fell on their yard. 
“yeah, me too,” she said quietly. her brother’s gaze fell on her as he studied her. he could tell how hurt she looked despite how much she tried hiding it. he didn’t know if it was appropriate bringing it up, but luke didn’t have to think much more because samy brought it up first. 
“i’m sure mom told you,” samy began. 
a small frown appeared on luke’s lips, “yeah..she did last night when we got home. i’m really, really sorry, samy.” 
“i don’t even know what happened. it looks like he doesn’t even fucking care after seeing his signing post,” the pictures dropped yesterday making will’s move to california official and the worst part of it all was how happy he looked in that fucking picture. 
“that can’t be true. he does care. he cares a lot about you,” luke tried. 
“not anymore, i guess. he said long distance wasn’t worth it for me and then everything between us meant nothing to him,” samy summed it up. luke’s jaw tightened hearing that. 
“he’s an idiot, samy. none of that is true, you know that.” 
all his sister could do was shrug because she thought she knew will like the back of her hand, but after what happened, she wasn’t quite sure anymore. he threw everything they had away just like that and now it looked like he was completely okay. a small sigh escaped luke’s lips seeing that he didn’t know what else to say besides how sorry he was for it. 
even he couldn’t believe will would do something like this. the boy’s known that kid his whole life and it looked like a lot was going to shift between everyone’s dynamic. 
“maybe you guys will be able to talk it out when july comes for the family vacation? like you guys just need some time apart or something to cool off a bit,” luke suggested a bit hopefully. 
“fuck, i forgot about that stupid vacaction. think mom would let me skip that?” samy groaned, head falling back out of frustration. 
seeing that reaction from her after samy always being excited for the hughes/smith vacation made luke realize how serious this breakup was. if samy was trying to get out of the vacation she’s loved for years, then maybe there wasn’t a chance of the two making up. 
“probably not, but i mean, it just happened. maybe things will feel different by the time july comes?” 
“are you for real trying to tell me how to feel about my boyfriend breaking up with me right now?” the younger hughes narrowed her eyes. 
“no, that’s not what i’m saying. i’m just saying that you guys were best friends. there’s history. that kind of shit can’t be thrown away that easily, no matter how much you wanna throw it away. plus, what happened to you guys staying friends even if you broke up?” the older boy inquired. 
“seems like that never mattered to him ever. this kind of thing can be thrown away, luke. just because we have history doesn’t mean it’s a fixer for everything.” 
luke backed off after that knowing he didn’t wanna argue with samy. Instead, he rubbed her shoulder in hopes that everything would work out and will and samy would be back to normal by the end of the summer. everyone had bumps in their relationships at one point or another. this was just a bump for the two. 
“if you’re out here to talk to me about my breakup, i’ve already heard it from mom and dad,” samy mumbled when she heard some footsteps behind her on the porch. they stopped momentarily, so she glanced over her shoulder to quinn frozen in place with two bowls in his hand. 
“i was just offering you some ice cream. i just picked it up,” the oldest hughes held the bowl out. samy studied her older brother for a moment as her expression softened out a bit. 
the breakup had made her a bit more meaner than she was before when she didn’t necessarily mean it. 
“oh, sorry. thank you,” she smiled. 
quinn took the spot beside her on the stairs as he handed her the bowl. the two didn’t speak much as they slowly ate their ice cream together and enjoying the sun slowing setting for the night. 
it was known that quinn wasn’t the one to pry into his siblings feelings. he always let them start speaking first if they even wanted to. the oldest hughes sat in the back more just happy to keep them company. they could hear jack and luke yelling at one another from the living room inside where they battled over some video game—one’s samy hated and quinn was a bit too old for. 
the comfortable silence lingered for a bit longer before samy decided to speak, “be honest with me quinn, do you think he was gonna break up with me all along?” 
her question caught the dark-haired guy off guard. he wasn’t expecting her to bring it up considering the two didn’t talk about feelings in this way with just each other before. 
“god, no. i never thought you guys would ever break up,” quinn said honestly. 
“then why do you think he did? i’ve been trying to run over every reason since i got home and i just..it doesn’t make sense to me,” samy frowned which in turn made quinn frown too. he always hated seeing his siblings sad. 
“when i was your age and got drafted i remember i had about a thousand thoughts running through my head at the idea of moving so far away from home at some point. the idea scared me, honestly. i’ve never been away from home like that. sometimes when people are going through these big changes, they make rash decisions thinking it’s for the best when it’s actually not. there’s a chance will could’ve been feeling..overwhelmed? scared? everything just came out the wrong way? i know those aren’t excuses, but big changes in people’s lives make them a totally different person,” the oldest hughes answered honestly. 
in some ways, he knew all too well about those feelings will could be feeling. moving to a new state anywhere far away from home sent a lot of anxiety into people when they didn’t even realize it. 
“i guess. i just feel so stupid. like why didn’t he talk to me more? why did he just choose this option first,” the girl mumbled. 
“it’s hard to say. i’m sorry this happened. breakups are the worst.” 
“how do you get over breakups?” samy wondered hoping quinn had some expert older brother advice that might make her feel better. 
“well, i’d usually head to the rink and shoot pucks around until i nearly broke my stick. i think getting any of your anger out is the first step to anything, then your mind will become a little more clear without the angry, rash decisions that you were just thinking of in the moment,” samy wondered why she didn’t go to quinn more often for advice. 
“okay mr. wise guy. i forgot being 24 makes you wise because your brain finished developing,” the brunette teased a bit earning a small eye roll from her brother. 
“i guess. i’m always here for you, yeah?” he nudged her leg with his own and samy nodded. 
“yeah, thanks quinny,” the siblings sat there for a little bit longer together with samy’s head on quinn’s shoulder. it wasn’t often they got to spend time together by themselves, so samy would savor it while she could before her oldest brother got whisked away again for hockey. 
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turcott3 · 3 months
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come home
adam fantilli x fem! reader
warnings?: angst, light cursing, fluff on fluff, kissing, crying, did i mention fluff
“hello?” you hear your boyfriend groan through the phone.
“oh, i just realized what time it was. did i wake you?” you ask biting your lip, fighting back your threatening tears.
“i’m sorry.”
“no no it’s okay baby, is everything okay?” he asks sweetly, in sleepy tone.
“not really,,, just miss you.” you say, letting a tear slip.
“i know, i miss you too.” he replies.
“come home, please adam.” you say softly, voice cracking lightly.
“my flight is in the morning, i promise ill be at your doorstep as soon as i can okay?”
“okay.” you pause, leading to a few long moments of silence.
“baby i can’t sleep.” you finally admit.
“do you want me to stay on the phone with you?” he asks and you quickly reply with a yes.
“just go to sleep my love, i promise i’ll be home soon.” he says lowly, as soothingly as he can.
“okay goodnight adam.”
“g’night. i love you.”
“i love you too.” you reply, heart warming at finally hearing the sound of his voice. you hadn’t called him his entire trip, trying to give him his alone time with his family uninterrupted. even though he said you could call every evening. after a while of tossing and turning, just knowing adam was a word away was enough to send you off into slumber, before you know it, waking up to see adam still on the line.
“hello?” you grumble opening your eyes.
“morning y/n, our flight takes off soon, im glad you woke up because i was gonna have to hang up and i didn’t want you to wake up and i wasn’t there.”
“it’s okay babe, you could’ve hung up.” you say, eyes welling up.
“i just wanted to make sure you were okay.” he replies.
“i know.” you smile to yourself.
“okay i gotta turn my phone off, ill text you when we land.”
“okay, be safe adam.”
“always.” he replies before hanging up the line, texting you a simple red heart on imessage.
truth be told you just wanted adam home because you were struggling, just barely getting by. not making enough money, struggling in your summer class, and not being able to afford gas and groceries. you were overwhelmed. you hated that your parents were paying majority of your rent. you couldn’t believe this is what it’s come to. your roommates have no issue making money but when it came to you, you didn’t have a clue. you just wanted adam there so that all of those problems could disappear for a few hours. burying your stress temporarily so you could love on the one guy that has ever made you feel like you mattered.
you practically watched the hours tick by waiting for the text saying he’d landed. you knew tomorrow morning, or maybe tonight he’d be on the front step of your apartment and that held a little peace in your heart.
“i’ve entered this problem three different ways, what the fuck do you mean it’s not right still?” you yell angrily at your computer as you worked on your summer math class. every few minutes you flipped over your phone, waiting for “adam🤍” to be displayed on your lockscreen.
“fine you win.” you groan, slamming your laptop shut, a tear slipping from your eye. ever since you moved in, you felt insignificant. you weren’t a wimp, so you didn’t understand how people were still able to disrespect you. it almost felt purposeful, yet you didn’t know what you did to deserve it. tears pricked your eyes before streaming down your cheeks at a quick pace. you flipped your phone over and you finally saw the notification you had been waiting, a sigh of relief washing over your stressed body. you felt at ease for a moment knowing adam was a short drive away.
“hello.” you said quietly through the phone, sniffling your tears away.
“i’m on my way home, do you want me to come over tonight or tomorrow?”
“now. please.” you reply as your lip quivered.
“is everything okay hun? i’m worried about you.” he asks.
“no, but i don’t wanna talk about it over the phone.” you respond.
“i’ll be there as soon as i can, i promise.” he replies confidently.
“okay.” you sigh lightly.
“an hour tops.” he adds.
“i’ll see you soon adam.”
“very soon my love,” he replies, hanging up the phone. you sat on your couch staring into space an anxious and crying mess, waiting for his familiar knocks on your front door. you’d eventually stopped crying, the light taps coming just less than an hour after he promised.
“he-“ he starts and is cut off by you latching onto him.
“hi y/n.” he finishes, wrapping his arms snuggly around you, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. soon enough your cries returned, this time tears of relief mixed with your overwhelming sea of emotions.
“what’s wrong baby? what’s going on in that little mind of yours?” he asks gently, pulling away, keeping his hands on your waist.
“it’s everything. not our relationship of course but literally everything else.” you preface.
“okay,” he replies, urging you to continue.
“adam, i am struggling right now. with everything. i can barely afford to pay a portion of my rent because i don’t get paid enough and i don’t work enough hours. my parents are all but paying the entire thing. i can’t afford to get gas and groceries, i have to pick one or the other and even still the budget is so slim. my math class is kicking my ass. everything is just so stressful. and when you were gone i was all alone and didn’t know what to do.” you sob to him before he pulled you in for another hug.
“how long has this been going on angel? how long have you been letting your struggles build up?” he asks.
“at least a month.” you reply.
“why didn’t you tell me?” he coos, pulling away from you slightly.
“i didn’t wanna burden you. i didn’t think it would end up digging me a hole like this. i feel so stuck. i can’t even raise any kind of savings.”
“baby, nothing you could ever do would burden me. i’m here to help you, i’m here to catch you if you fall, i’m here to love you. i love you so much. i don’t ever wanna see you this torn up over anything.” he says softly, taking your face into his hands sweetly.
“i know, im sorry.”
“no don’t apologize, you’re struggling. i’m always here for you my love, i’ll take care of everything okay?” he says, looking deeper into your eyes than ever before.
“what do you mean?” you reply.
“the rent, the gas, the groceries. everything y/n. i’ll take care of it, i’ll take care of you. i’ll do whatever it takes to help you get on your feet. i don’t wanna see my girl struggling.” he finishes, running a gentle thumb over your cheek bone.
“i promise ill make it up to you.” you reply.
“no, you don’t need to do that. i’m doing this because i want to and because i love you, okay? it will make me feel better knowing that you’re completely taken care of and comfortable.”
“i love you.” you smile, adam kissing away the last few tears on your cheeks before finally pressing his lips to yours. the feeling of warmth spreading through your whole body. you missed his kisses and the way they made you feel like floating, butterflies flying through your stomach.
“since you’re paying can you at least….. move in with me?” you ask hesitantly after pulling away.
“if that’s what you want.” he replies.
“more than anything.” you smile back.
“there’s that gorgeous smile. god, i missed you so much.” he states, picking you up. your legs wrapped around him quickly, a giggle exiting your mouth.
“you can never leave again.” you stated as he sat down on the edge of your bed, your hips plopping in his lap.
“you’re coming with me next time baby, i wanna show you italy. i wanna show you the whole world if i can.”
“sounds like a dream.” you reply as he kisses you sweetly, bringing you the comfort you’d been longing for, for over a month.
you knew your struggles were long from over, but you knew you were protected and that he would never let you sink.
he truly loved you and that is one thing you would never change. never in a million years.
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moog-rt · 8 months
GO TO HELL [ch. 2]
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader]
Previous: Chapter One
➨ Chapter Two
Next: Chapter Three
You love your friends. You really do. But sometimes it needs reminding when one of them accidentally sends you to Hell.
Despite falling into the hands of Hell’s loveliest princess, finding a way back to the world of the living proves difficult as you tiptoe around its king.
Warning(s): daddy issues, invasion of personal space
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡
Once again, you found yourself having no clue what you signed up for. At this point, it was on you. You should have learned your lesson the last time you put your trust in someone.
This time, instead of being booted through a portal into hell, you were being dressed up like a doll. The outfit you arrived in wasn’t ‘hellspawn’ enough so Charlie was throwing a plethora of outfits at you and seeing what stuck. You had to admit, you liked how the new clothes looked on you, but Charlie would scrutinize them before changing them again.
Personally, you thought you were being a pretty good sport about it. 
Just when you thought it was over, she dragged you in front of her vanity before darting out of the room. This worried you. It was safe enough to assume she was going to do something with your hair or makeup, but what did she need that wasn’t already here?
You began looking around her bedroom, taking in the details of the rich maroon wallpaper and the way the wood paneling complemented it in both shape and color. Her bed was truly something to be envious of, though. It seemed to be even bigger than a king, and the canopy frame allowed her to have translucent and opaque purple curtains draped in layers above it. 
It was possible the entirety of the hotel could look like this once it was thoroughly scrubbed down and decorated. A diamond in the rough, if you will.
You could probably afford to stick around for a day to help deep clean. They were doing so much for you despite being a stranger who had (politely) broken in. Had you been in their shoes, you would have done them in with an iron skillet first and asked questions later (in the courtroom).
You jumped as Charlie came scrambling back in with what seemed to be tubes of paint. You couldn’t help but feel concerned for what was to come.
The paint was squeezed into a bowl with a squelching sound similar to a ketchup bottle towards the end of its life. She reached across you to grab a makeup brush and began mixing it together.
Where did she think she was gonna put that?
You barely had time to react before she dragged the cold wet brush across your cheek. It only took her a minute to completely lather your face. You dared to look at yourself in the vanity mirror as she moved on to cover the rest of your exposed skin. Her gentleness tickled as the brush swept across your arms. She kept it rather neat to your surprise.
“Don’t worry. We just need to get the base down, and then we can spruce it up!” she chirped.
When you asked what there was to get ready for, this was not what you imagined. You could understand not wanting to look like a bum when meeting new people, but to go this far… Meeting a parent shouldn’t even matter if you’re not dating their kid. There was nothing you had to prove to Charlie’s father. Especially since you wouldn’t see him again so long as everything went according to plan.
The actual reason Vaggie suggested this was far more reasonable.
No, they weren’t just doing this to make you look pretty. They wanted to hide you completely. The idea was to make you look like a demon to the best of their ability in hopes of avoiding any unwanted attention. You understood why. Your first hour or so in Hell was pretty traumatic to say the least.
Vaggie went on to list all the things that could happen to you if you were found as a human, which did not help your nerves one bit. You could end up on someone’s dinner plate, or your teeth could be sold on the not-so-black market for a pretty hefty price. Your bucket list may be lengthy, but having your parts being used as someone else’s decor was sure as shit not on it.
Charlie tried to reassure you that her childhood home wouldn’t be so dangerous. However, she couldn’t promise her dad would have a positive reaction to a human wandering around, so it would still be safer to go in disguise. It would also draw far less attention from the staff, meaning you wouldn’t be stuck there so long.
You really got the vibe that she had daddy issues from how much she emphasized it being a quick trip. Not to mention her reluctance to go in the first place…
Charlie finished up the base coat of paint and moved on to add details to make it more realistic. She then adjusted your hairstyle to cover your hairline where the edges of paint were most noticeable.
“Okay, okay, now the final touch…” she said as she bounced over to her closet behind you.
You couldn’t see what she was grabbing. You only felt something being placed on your head. Before you could look in the mirror, Charlie invaded your view and shoved a pair of glasses onto your face.
You were dragged over to her golden cheval mirror.
“Grand reveal!” 
You certainly didn’t look human anymore. Your natural complexion was completely hidden, and the thing Charlie placed upon your head was a pair of fake horns, which she was bobby-pinning in place to ensure they’d stay put. The outfit itself you really liked, but the glasses she had chosen were in the shape of large hearts with bold red tint.
You felt so goofy.
You’d rather be offered up to one of the demonic cannibals than be caught looking like this in the living world. Your only solace was that the majority of people in Hell looked even stranger than you. That, and the amount of coverage you had made you feel like you were wearing a mask that you could hide behind..
“You look…amazing!” Charlie sang, hopping up and down a little. You may have felt a little embarrassed by your get-up, but the joy on her face nearly made it worth it. “Come on, we have to show Vaggie!”
You trailed behind her down the stairs where Vaggie was waiting to send the two of you off. She couldn’t tag along due to prior arrangements. If you remembered correctly, she was going to be interviewing potential guests for the hotel. Real guests rather than a human who had washed up on their doorstep. 
“Vaggie, Vaggie, look!” Charlie called. “You would never guess she was human, right?”
Vaggie looked you up and down analytically before locking onto your face.
“It turned out pretty good, but, uh…” She gestured at her own eyes rather than pointing at you. “What’s with the shades?”
“Well…Her eyes were the only thing I couldn’t really disguise, so the sunglasses will keep them from being visible!” Charlie said with a big grin, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. “They’re also so cute.”
She and you must have very different tastes, but who knows, this could be what was trendy here in Hell. Even if it wasn’t, she made a good point. Of the few demons you’d seen, none of their eyes looked like a typical human’s.
Two beeps from outside the hotel were your cue it was time to head out.
“It’ll go great,” Vaggie said to Charlie, rubbing her back.
“Right…we’ll be back soon!” Charlie said as she led you outside where a white and pink limo was waiting. 
Oh. So she was rich then.
You figured the hotel itself wasn’t too cheap, but the condition it was in didn’t make it seem like it would break the bank. This was a clue into Charlie’s status that had yet to be revealed to you.
The drive through town allowed you to take in the sights rather than watching it all blur by whilst running for your life. There was a good range of shops between ‘normal enough’ to ‘I’d expect no less from Hell.’ Some sold electronics and furniture while others advertised hitman services.
You were pretty sure you passed a vending machine that sold hard drugs.
Watching the denizens made you thankful that you were in the safety of the car. A woman in a business suit doing lines off a public bench before waltzing into the city library. A sketchy dude hanging around the outside of a rundown playground… He seemed to be mocking one of the kids before it launched itself at him, going straight for the jugular.
You looked away before you witnessed something you’d regret.
Charlie caught your eye, shooting you a wide grin. You did your best to smile back.
You wondered where her father would fall on the spectrum of people here. Would he be out for blood like the majority of folks you’d seen? If so, you’d be with Charlie trying to get out of there as quickly as you could.
“Park down here, please!” you heard Charlie say to the driver after a while.
Your surroundings hadn’t changed much from where you started out. The city did seem to be a bit more residential in this area, but the level of chaos remained the same.
You followed Charlie out of the vehicle, expecting to walk into one of the many townhouses lining the uneven street. Instead, she took you down a few blocks and around a corner. It was as if she didn’t want your arrival to be known. To be fair, you didn’t either. The thought of any interactions with Hell-dwellers beyond Charlie and Vaggie made you nervous.
You found yourself standing in front of tall golden gates attached to a stone wall that encircled a grand manor. It was massive, at least twice the size of the hotel, with elegant gold detailing around the windows and pillars. Even though it was gorgeous, you were a little thrown off by its odd shapes and red stripes that reminded you of a circus tent.
It was quite the niche aesthetic…
The front door opened as soon as the two of you reached the top of the stairs, greeted by a small red demon. He had black and white striped horns and wore a cute little suit that reminded you of a butler.
“Welcome back, miss,” he said, dipping his head a bit as he stepped aside to let us in. “I was unaware you would be visiting. Is your father expecting you?”
“Oh, no…” Charlie began fiddling with her hair. “We were just passing by when I remembered I wanted to…pick something up! It’s good to see you. I wish we could catch up, but my friend and I are on a tight schedule.”
Her laugh was forced as she grabbed your shoulders and began pushing you down the hall, ignoring the way you stumbled along. She told you that there would be a room where her dad kept an array of magical tools and artifacts. Most were gifts to earn his favor, she explained.
It made you wonder what sort of industry he was a part of where people were trying to suck up to such a degree.
Pictures lined the hallways with the majority having Charlie as the subject. Their golden frames contrasted nicely against the striped red wallpaper.
You couldn’t help but stop to look at one from when she was in an awkward preteen phase of her life. She was quick to notice and pull you away with a red face. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
Your relationship with Charlie was nothing deep. The two of you had only met the day before, afterall. But seeing bits of her past like this felt intimate in a way one would share memories with a friend. You hoped it didn’t embarrass her too much.
Maybe you would show her some of your baby pictures to make up for it later.
“Oh, this was my old bedroom! One second, there’s something I do want to grab,” she said as she pulled you to a stop before darting inside.
You peeked in through the doorway. It was similar to her current bedroom in some ways, another canopy bed with a plethora of drapery around it and a beautiful vanity with a soft glow emanating from behind it. Yet it was clear that it once belonged to a child from the stuffed animal collection and softer color palette.
Charlie had wandered over to a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf, rummaging through it as she searched for whatever it was she remembered.
You waited outside the doorway. It felt inappropriate to enter a place so sentimental to someone who was largely still a stranger to you. Seeing so many portraits from her past already seemed like a breach of her privacy even though you couldn’t help it. It’s not like you could wander around the halls with your eyes closed.
As you turned away from her room, a small man came strutting around the corner, donned in all white save for a red waistcoat and black knee-high boots. He was about to proceed down the hall perpendicular to yours before skidding to a halt.
His head whipped around to face you, and you froze.
His pale blonde hair, ghostly white skin, and rosy spots on his cheeks made him nearly identical to Charlie. He had to be either the father or a brother that she had yet to mention.
He stared into your damn soul, unmoving. You wondered if he could see right through your disguise. Through the paint on your skin to the blood that pulsed underneath. Past your skull to the thoughts racing through your mind.
You stood stalk still in your spot, as well, staring right back at him. You felt it was the only thing you could do. It was either that or book it, but you weren’t paying attention to the turns you took to get to this point. You’d be lost in a heartbeat. Imagine how stupid you’d look then.
So you opted to harness your inner statue. You didn’t dare move a muscle in case–by some miracle–he could only detect movement. If you were lucky, he would shrug and continue strutting away.
“Who are you?” He demanded in a deadpan voice as he jabbed his cane in your direction.
“I’m–uh…” Your eyes darted to the side before landing back on him. “Who are you?”
Meeting the parents was never your forte.
“I beg your pardon?”
Thank fucking god.
His eyes lit up and a massive sharp-toothed smile spread across his face, completely forgetting about you the instant Charlie entered the hallway. 
“Charlie!” he practically screamed, arms spreading wide into the air. You had to duck out of the way as he threw himself onto his daughter. One would think he was attempting to squeeze the life out of her with how tightly he was holding on.
She looked miserable.
You did your best to hide your smile at the exchange. You could remember all the times you were embarrassed by overly affectionate loved ones shamelessly kissing and cooing at you in front of your peers. You were sure that at least half the time it was done so with malicious intent.
On the flip side, it was always quite enjoyable to witness it happening to others.
“I know, Dad. It’s good to see you, too…” She was patting his back, an attempt to signal she was ready to be let go.
“Why didn’t you tell me you would be visiting? We could have planned something fun to do ahead of time–”
“It was a spur-of-the-moment thing! We weren’t originally planning on dropping by, but I remembered there was something I wanted to grab, so…” she lied.
You were unaware she hadn’t given her dad any sort of heads up at all. You felt bad that you were sneaking in without his knowing. Especially since he seemed so overjoyed just to get to see her.
“Speaking of,” she redirected, stepping aside and turning to you. “This is one of my friends–”
“Ah, it is so nice to meet you!” he eagerly cut in.
You were only going to exchange a small wave, but he practically jumped on you, grabbing your hand and shaking it with exuberance.
“My goodness, Charlie never brings her friends over. This–this is so exciting!”
He was so close that it gave you goosebumps. He looked less human than Charlie, but not quite animalistic like the other demons you’d seen. His red pupils were much smaller than hers, bordering on snake-like slits, and all of his teeth were akin to daggers. She must have gotten her more human qualities from her mother.
You did your very best to smile as genuinely as you could.
“It’s nice to meet you, too–uh–Sir.”
He drew back, finally giving you space. Then his eyes lowered to your mouth.
You quickly sealed your lips.
Was he looking at your teeth? They wouldn’t give you away, would they? Charlie and Vaggie had mostly dull teeth aside from their abnormally sharp canines. If he asked, you could tell him you wanted to see how far you could file them down…
Worrying about your appearance made you uncomfortably aware of the paint coating your skin. It felt so thick all of a sudden. So sticky but also dry. And the fake horns were so heavy. God, you wanted nothing more than to rip it all off.
Your heartbeat was picking up speed.
Did his eyebrow just twitch?
His eyes narrowed slightly but that grin held fast. He briefly looked down to his hands before returning to your face, rubbing his gloved fingers together. It was as if touching you left an uncomfortable feeling behind that he was trying to get off.
“I’m glad we got to run into you, but we’re on a bit of a time crunch, so we should get going,” Charlie said, laughing nervously as she tugged on your sleeve.
“It was nice meeting you,” you repeated with a dip of your head before following her down the hall.
You could feel his eyes on you while you walked away. As you turned the corner, you glanced back to confirm you were just paranoid. 
His red eyes were locked onto you. He hadn’t moved from his spot, and his smile was gone.
Relief washed over once you were out of his line of sight. There’s no way he knew you were human. He couldn’t have been able to tell from just your teeth.
But then why did he look at you so strangely?
Your anxiety began to let up more and more as you got further away. Glancing over at Charlie, you could tell she, too, was bothered. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips pursed. She kept silent until you finally arrived at the room you came here for in the first place.
It was filled with shelves that held a wide variety of objects. From books, to statues, to strange glowing orbs on pedestals…
If you could find what you needed quickly, none of this would matter. You wouldn’t have to worry about Charlie’s dad figuring you out. You would be back home, safe and sound.
Where it was a good thing you were human.
Where the only things you had to worry about were bills and boy troubles.
“Alrighty,” Charlie said, closing the door after you. “I’m not really sure where to start, but some of these should have labels or descriptions or something.”
That was reassuring.
You each got to work, filing through piece by piece. She wasn’t wrong about some being labeled, though their names often told you little to nothing about what they actually were or what they could do.
As you went to flip through an old book similar in appearance to Devon’s, it was engulfed in purple flames. You gasped, backing away and colliding with something behind you.
Spinning around in hopes of preventing whatever you bumped into from falling, you came face to face with Charlie’s father.
Your heart stopped.
“Might I help you find something?” The smirk adorning his lips as he leaned closer was not comforting whatsoever. You were beginning to understand Charlie’s distress. This man had no concern for personal space.
Wide-eyed, you glanced over at Charlie who looked nearly as alarmed as you to see him there. You side-stepped away so that you were no longer sandwiched between him and the shelves.
“Dad…” Charlie drawled. “Don’t you have something more important to be doing right now?”
“What could possibly be more important than my favorite daughter? It’s been so long since I’ve last seen you!” he said, facing her.
“I’m your only daughter,” Charlie groaned.
“Uh-huh, which is why I want to spend as much time with you as I can~” he sang as threw an arm around her shoulder. “Say, have I gotten to show you my newest ducks yet?”
“No…look we’re really busy right now.”
“Right, right. Looking for something that you need,” he said, waving his hand in the air as he recalled her previous words. “In this room of all places?”
That made Charlie stiffen. 
“Ah, well–uh…”
“She was just showing me around while we were passing,” you spoke up. You were so thankful that your smile didn’t falter when his half-lidded eyes turned to you once more. “It would have been a shame to have missed out on so many amazing relics.”
“I’m sure,” he hummed. “If you’re curious about any in particular, I can tell you all about them.”
He relinquished Charlie to step up to you again.
“Were you a historian when you were alive?” He asked, tilting his head.
“Ah…No…” you said, looking off to the side. There was a moment of silence before you realized he was probably expecting you to specify your occupation. “I was a clinical technician. Items such as these would be interesting to anyone though, I’d imagine.”
“And what did you do to wind up here in Hell?”
“Um, I didn’t…”
“Many would assume working in the medical field would earn you a one-way ticket straight to Heaven, so what could you have possibly done to land yourself here?” His tone turned serious, eyes narrowing.
You needed to calm yourself down. He was probably just interrogating you to ensure his daughter was keeping good company. You’d likely do the same if your child was surrounded by a bunch of sinners with some of the worst track records known to man.
What answer could you give him that was justified enough but didn’t make you sound like a psycho?
You stole a bunch of human blood and used it in a satanic seance.
He didn’t need to know that.
Premarital sex?
No, he had no business knowing about your sex life either.
“I cheated on a test once,” you answered with a guilty smile.
He gave you the most deadpan stare you’d ever seen.
“Premarital sex, too.”
“That’ll do it!” Charlie chimed in.
“That’s the whole reason Charlie and I met actually,” you said, trying to redirect the conversation. 
Both gave you odd looks. That probably wasn’t the best way to follow up that statement, but oh well. 
“She told me all about how I can redeem myself at the hotel she’s running! I hope to one day reclaim my virginity until I find that special someone.”
You smiled sweetly in hopes that it would earn you a few more brownie points. Weren’t you just the most precious little sinner?
“That’s right! She only recently got here, and she’s already seeking redemption! Isn’t that fantastic?” Charlie placed herself at your side, presenting you as if you were a class project. “She hasn’t even heard about the extermination yet!”
“The what?” You turned to face her.
“Don’t worry about it,” she waved you off.
Her father had both hands propped upon his apple cane as he squinted at the two of you. You were clearly hiding something but he had yet to figure out what.
Trumpets began to blare from right beside you, causing even more strain on your frantic heart.
“Hehe, sorry, one second,” Charlie said, pulling her phone out of her pocket to check whatever notification caused that horrid noise. There was a moment of silence as she read the message before her eyes widened, and she went slack jawed. “Shit.”
Well. That didn’t sound good.
Her father looked concerned about her reaction, as well, placing himself at her side with a hand on her arm as he looked up at her.
“Is everything alright, sweetie?” he asked in a soft tone.
“It’s nothing,” she shook her head, pulling away from him. “It was nice seeing you, Dad, but we really have to go now.”
She grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the room with her, leaving her father behind without a second glance.
Next Chapter
♡ ♡ ♡
tag list: @spookysisters @for-hearthand-home @crescent-z
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Icarus Part 14
Hello! Thank you so much for all the love the last chapter got! It was amazing to see.
In this chapter we have the Nancy take down. And if you've been following along on WIP Wednesday you know who awesome it is, and if you haven't you are in for a treat.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Eddie was starting to think that he was more nervous to meet up with Nancy than Steve was. His boyfriend was calm, collected, and determined.
He was in awe.
Eddie, on the other hand, was a wreck. He had to keep wiping him palms on his jeans, which did nothing to stop the one knee bouncing under the table.
Probably because he knew something Steve didn’t. Eddie and the Corroded Coffin boys were ready to pull the plug if this meeting went south. They weren’t going to stand by an agent who treat ‘Abbadon’ and the rest of The Fallen that way.
Eddie wasn’t exactly sure how he managed to convince Gareth without letting it slip that Abbadon was Steve, but a miracle occurred and they had all four members on board.
They had decided to meet at the studio where it would be home turf for Steve and they could speak more openly about the band and their alter egos.
Benny was in the editor’s booth arranging some of the songs they had already recorded and would be on hand if they needed a moderator.
When Nancy arrived, she let herself into the recording booth. Steve’s back was to Benny so he couldn’t see his face, and Eddie was in a chair nearby. A small tray of goodies was on the table with water and coffee to drink. Steve had his hands wrapped tightly around a water bottle, Eddie’s first indication that Steve wasn’t as calm as he thought he was.
“I understand I’m supposed to call you Abbadon during this meeting?” she said in lieu of a greeting.
Steve pointed up to the booth behind him. “This is our producer, Bob Newby. He’s working today and doesn’t have the low down on who I am, but he’s listening in to keep things all fair and civil. Say hi, Bob!”
“Hi, Bob!” Bob repeated back dutifully. “Don’t mind me. I just wanted to make sure a couple of the track were laying like they’re supposed to.”
Nancy looked up at the cheerful man and then back at Steve. “Hey, Bob. I’m Nancy Wheeler. It’s nice to meet you.”
Bob’s grin was infectious. “Let’s keep it that way, shall we?” He waved at her and went back to what he was doing.
“I was hoping that we would be able to dispense with the charade so we could speak frankly,” she said, sitting down on one of the nearby chairs and folding her hands on her lap.
Steve licked his upper row of teeth, slow and dangerous. “I would have to trust you more for that and I really, really don’t.”
Her eyes flicked up to the sound booth and then over to Eddie. “I thought the point of bringing Eddie was so that he would be the mediator.”
“Oh I volunteered!” Bob said gleefully. “I offered to mediate so that Mr. Munson could be the bodyguard.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but slammed it shut when she saw that even Eddie was looking her with suspicion too.
Nancy took a deep breath and leaned forward on her elbows. “Before we started dating I was looking for a way to elevate my social status. My mom was always going on about how popular she was in high school, but I was too interested in books and journalism to put much stock in it my freshman year.” She sighed and straightened up. “So over the summer I had her teach me how do my hair and makeup. How to flirt and act with boys. But I wanted more than just a climb up the ladder.”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance. Eddie shook his head, while Steve rolled his eyes. He waved for her to continue.
She licked her lips and then scooted forward to grab a bottle of water. She took a long drink, cradling it in her hands as she started up again.
“I wanted to rebel,” Nancy said with a little eye roll of her own. “It was stupid. I wanted someone who my parents would raise an eyebrow at. But I didn’t want a ‘bad boy’, I didn’t want to actually hurt my chances to get into college.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped. “Seriously, what the actual fuck, Nance!”
Steve reached out and put his hand on his knee. Eddie looked over at him, but quieted down.
“The king of the school was prefect,” she said with a shrug. “Top of the social ladder, known ladies man, a bit of dick and a bully, but nice enough that he wouldn’t harm me. So I did my research. I found out what kind of girl he went for and molded myself into that.”
Steve held up a single finger. “I’m giving you three strikes before I kick you out with great joy. You talking about me as if I was a separate person will not be tolerated. Because it removes you from the guilt of what you did. Try again.”
Nancy huffed and stomped her foot, but when Eddie raised an unimpressed eyebrow, she huffed again but did as she was told.
“You were always a means to an end,” she admitted quietly. “And then Will was kidnapped and Jonathan and I were thrown together because I thought Barb’s disappearance was connected.”
Eddie and Steve shared a confused glance.
“Didn’t Barb runaway with her boyfriend?” Eddie asked, tilting his head.
Steve nodded. “Used my party as a cover. A party she wasn’t even invited to, no less.”
“As I found out later,” Nancy agreed. “But you have to understand. I was her best friend, I figured that she would have at least told me about her plans.”
Steve had his own thoughts about the best friends bit, but he kept them to himself. He always assumed that Barb had used Nancy the way Nancy was admitting to using Steve.
“When I broke up with you the first time,” she continued, “I thought Jonathan and I had something special, something that couldn’t be broken. But he asked for time. He wanted to spend time with Will now that they had gotten him back. And I tried.”
Eddie scoffed, rolling his eyes. “A month. You were back with him by Christmas break. In fact I didn’t even know you two had broken up during that month until I started hanging out with Abbadon and he told me about your small break you two took.”
She ducked her head and folded her arms over stomach. “Something I wasn’t aware of myself that other people didn’t notice the first break up.”
Steve scoffed. “Everyone sure as hell knew about the second one though.”
Nancy huffed a small laugh. “I think it was in the broadcast news and all the newspapers. It was pretty hard to miss.”
“So why did you come back to me after the first time?” he asked, pained.
“After having a boyfriend for a couple of months,” she explained, “I found that after month of not being with someone that it was hard to go back to being single.”
Steve threw his hands in the air. “So I was always just a convenience to you?”
“Uh, hey,” Bob said into the resulting silence. “Sorry to interrupt and shit. And story time has been fantastic. Riveting even. But I haven’t heard anything like an apology or even remorse. So maybe hurry up and get to the point?”
“Look St–Abbadon,” she corrected with a roll of her eyes.
“Strike two, Nancy,” Steve called out. “You slipping up like that makes it really hard to trust you with a secret as big as ours.” He was cool on the outside, but on the inside, his heart was screaming at his brain to run. Just fucking run. He probably would have had Eddie not been there.
Nancy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “You’re right. That was a dumb mistake and one that could not only cost me a lot of money, but clients in droves. I’m sorry.”
“That was the first sincere thing you’ve said,” Bob said, his voice crackling through the microphone. “And it was about money.”
Her head snapped up and she looked affronted at the booth. Bob just gave her a cheeky smile and jaunty wave.
“You don’t regret using me do you?” Steve asked, his voice quiet and steely.
Nancy clasped her hands together and licked her lips. Her bottle long since emptied. “It’s really not that simple, Abbadon and it wasn’t as though you didn’t use people and throw them away, too. Look at Tommy H. and Carol. As soon as they crossed whatever invisible line you had on their bullshit and you told them to fuck off.”
Steve slowly stood up and walked up to the coffee table that separated them. “That was different and you know it. It took a lot for me to walk away from their abuse. It was you. You gave me the courage to walk away because I thought you had my back. But it’s clear you didn’t then, you don’t now, and you won’t ever.”
He clenched his fists and then jammed them in his pockets. “I refuse to have an agent who is so cutthroat that they are willing to hurt whoever is in their way, because one day it might be me.”
“Think about what you are saying,” Nancy implored. “Most agents aren’t going to take you on because of the anonymity clause. I was the last resort. You have no one else to go to.”
Steve bit his lip. He didn’t want her. She would stab him in the back, her lack of respect for him was oozing off of her like the smell of sweaty unwashed festival goers The Fallen were forced to endure when they first started.
Just as he was about to give in, about to throw in the towel and admit defeat, his phone rang.
“Abbadon,” he greeted, answering it without looking at the caller ID.
“Oh good! You’re still at the studio!” a very excited Robin nearly screamed into his ear.
“Celeste,” Steve said, warningly. “Too loud.”
Robin giggled maniacally. “Can’t stop, won’t stop.”
Eddie stood up and came over to see what the fuss was about. Nancy’s smug expression slid off her face as she frowned.
“What’s up?” Steve prompted.
“I got a call from an up and coming agent,” she said. “She’s got a few good clients, a couple of comedians, a B-list actor or two, but everyone I’ve talked to loves her.”
Steve straightened up, but at the same time his shoulders relaxed. “Tell me more about her.”
“Her name is Vickie Cameron,” Robin enthused. “She’s been in the business for about three years. Just like the band. She’s really out-going and friendly. And getting a band like The Fallen would be a huge win for her. Allow her to expand into music.”
“Hey, Celeste,” Eddie said over Steve’s shoulder. “You think she would be interested in two big bands to rep for?”
Nancy was on her feet. “What?!”
Robin cackled. “As in the biggest band in the world right now?”
Eddie looked up at Nancy with a feral grin. “That would be the one.”
“I’m sure she’d be thrilled.”
Nancy stepped forward, her hands clenched at her sides. “You can’t do that!”
Eddie just shrugged. “Can and will, darlin’. Before walking into this meeting, I had a talk with all my boys and they all agreed that if you were shit to Abbadon, we’d back out too.”
“I’ll get right on it,” Robin said. “I’ll contact Chrissy and the both of us will meet up with her to discuss the details.”
“And what is her stance on the onstage personas?” Steve asked looking over at Nancy.
She brightened. This could be it for her.
“Her words were, and I quote ‘It would be a fucking travesty if they were forced to reveal their identities.’”
Nancy’s jaw dropped and her eyes went wide.
“She loves the onstage personas,” Robin continued. “She says that what makes the band a major part of the metal scene and to take that away would not only be a disservice to band but to their fans too.”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance and then they both turned at looked at Nancy with great big grins on their faces.
“And that’s all she wrote, folks!” Bob said from the booth. “I believe you can show yourself out, but I’m gonna anyway.”
Steve turned into Eddie’s shoulder so his face would be covered as Bob popped out of the booth and opened the door to the recording room.
“After you,” he said with the biggest smile on his face.
Nancy grabbed her purse and marched out. Steve picked up the mask and held it a moment.
“You want to know the best part of all this?” he said, looking over his shoulder at Eddie.
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
He slipped the mask on over his face. “The NDA is for the life of the band. Even if ten years down the line we come out to public with our real identities, all she can say on the matter is ‘no comment.’”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. Steve turned around and grinned. He had his answers about Nancy and Jonathan. He had her seen out and she had lost her biggest client because she couldn’t find it in her to be nice to him.
It was a good day.
Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
I honestly don't know how long this is going to go, I have barely got to the tour and it just keeps stretching out like a god damn taffy pull. I think this will be the longest fic I've ever written, so there's that. I also worry I've been focusing too much on dialogue and not action.
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence
3- @goodolefashionedloverboi @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @blondie1006
4- @yikes-a-bee @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten
5- @genderless-spoon @y4r3luv @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95
7- @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot @papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars
8- @ravenfrog @w1ll0wtr33 @child-of-cthulhu @kultiras @dreamercec
9- @machete-inventory-manager @useless-nb-bisexual @stripey82 @dotdot-wierdlife @kal-ology
10- @sadisticaltarts @urkadop
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Hey, Kaya. Hope you're well. My request is: Kenan and YN are happily married to each other. YN discovers that she is pregnant and wants to surprise Kenan who is in Istanbul training with the national team. When she arrives in Istanbul and with the help of the other players, she is able to keep her surprise. However, as she is about to surprise Kenan, she overhears him telling Arda that he dated and married YN out of pressure and obligation to his parents. YN starts questioning their entire relationship and leaves without confronting him. I don't know what happens in between, you can include the drama and groveling, but she gives him a second chance on their baby's first birthday party.
In which Kenan fucked up
Kenan Yildiz x pregnant! reader
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The sun streamed through the curtains as I stared at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. My heart raced with excitement. Kenan and I had talked about starting a family, but now it was real.
I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when I told him. He was in Istanbul, training with the national team. I decided to surprise him there.
With a plan in mind, I packed my bags and made arrangements to fly to Istanbul. I reached out to a few of the players who were more than happy to help me pull off the surprise.
They assured me they’d keep Kenan distracted until I arrived.
When I landed in Istanbul, the excitement was almost unbearable. One of the players, Hakan, picked me up from the airport. “He’s going to be so thrilled,” he said, smiling.
“I hope so,” I replied, nervously clutching my bag.
We arrived at the training facility, and the guys whisked me into a small room where I could wait until practice was over.
I could hear the laughter and chatter of the team as they finished up for the day.
As I prepared to step out and surprise Kenan, I heard voices just outside the door. I froze when I recognized Kenan’s voice. He was talking to Arda.
“I don’t know, man,” Kenan said, his voice heavy with frustration. “I feel like I married her out of pressure and obligation to my parents. Sometimes, I think I just did it to make everyone happy.”
Arda sounded concerned. “But do you love her, Kenan?”
Kenan sighed. “I do, but... it's complicated. I don’t know if it’s enough. Sometimes, I think I convinced myself it was love because it was easier that way. I feel trapped, like I can’t breathe.”
Arda’s voice was firm. “You need to figure this out. You can’t keep stringing her along if you’re not sure. It’s not fair to her.”
“I know,” Kenan said, his voice breaking. “I just... I don’t know what to do.”
My heart shattered. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I felt like the ground had been pulled out from under me.
The love and excitement I had felt just moments ago turned into a suffocating pain. I quietly backed away from the door, my mind reeling.
Without confronting him, I slipped out of the facility and made my way back to the airport. The flight home was a blur of tears and confusion.
How could everything have been a lie? I arrived back home, broken and devastated.
I didn’t know how to face his parents, but they needed to know the truth. I went to their house, my heart heavy with sorrow.
“I’m pregnant,” I told them, my voice trembling. “But I don’t want Kenan in our lives right now. He... he doesn’t love me.”
Their faces fell, and I could see the disappointment in their eyes. They loved me like their own daughter, and this news was a blow.
They promised to talk to Kenan, to make him understand the gravity of what he’d done.
Months passed, and I focused on preparing for the baby. Kenan tried to call, text, even showed up at the door, but I couldn’t face him. My heart couldn’t take it.
My parents were supportive, but I could see the worry in their eyes. They knew how much I loved Kenan, and they were afraid of what this stress was doing to me and the baby.
When our baby was born, it was a beautiful and bittersweet moment. Kenan’s and my own mother were in the delivery room with me, providing the support I needed.
Kenan wasn’t there, but he sent money and gifts, trying to support us from afar. But it wasn’t the same.
On our baby’s first birthday, I decided to throw a small party. I wanted to celebrate this milestone, despite everything.
To my surprise, Kenan showed up. He looked tired and broken, but determined.
“Please, just hear me out,” he pleaded as I stood in the doorway, my arms crossed.
I nodded, unable to deny him this chance. We went outside, away from the party noise.
“I was an idiot,” he began, his voice thick with emotion. “I was scared and stupid. I never meant what I said. I love you more than anything, and I want to be a part of our baby’s life. I want to be a family.”
I looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit. All I saw was raw honesty and regret. “You hurt me, Kenan. You hurt us.”
“I know, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you let me,” he said, stepping closer. “I’m begging you, give me another chance.”
Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at him. Despite everything, I still loved him. “This is your last chance, Kenan. Don’t make me regret it.”
He nodded, relief washing over his face. He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. “Thank you. I promise, I’ll never let you down again.”
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
All too well. (Miles morales x reader)
Weather Miles knew it or not he was stabbing her right in the heart every time he made their relationship seem under wraps.
In front of everyone he refused to call their relationship what it was. Love. Not a childish relationship, at least not to Y/n.
Rio could see something was going on between the two. There wasn’t a day where she hadn’t dreamt of seeing Y/n in a wedding dress besides Miles, she was all too prefect. Y/n was practically the daughter she never had.
So Miles kept her close to his heart and he always got Y/n to return back into his arms but every time she did she felt shame, and he would just hold her lifeless frame. Their relationship was crowded, Gwen was stuck in the picture and the teenage boy was stuck between the two. He couldn’t imagine a life without either of them. Gwen gave him thrill and Y/n gave him comfort.
Both girls were spider-women except…Gwen wasn’t in their universe. She was gone and it had been months. Y/n remembered it all too well.
When arguments happened salty tears would fall from the two of them once they wrapped arms around each other, Miles breathed in her sweet candy scent wishing for it to smell like another. While y/n let tears fall knowing Miles imagined someone else with him. She didn’t trust herself, her body would always lead her back to the wrong things, him.
However…the patience of Y/n didn’t last longer. The night before everything went downhill they got into an argument…
It all started when we had came home from keeping watch on the city. Tonight wasn’t the best night, Miles was so distant and he refused to speak to me.
He spoke about me indirectly, I heard it.
“you’re just so irritable….”
I couldn’t ignore it, not this time. His frustration lighted a bottling flame waiting to ignite..
“I won’t ever understand you! You won’t even speak to me directly?! What am I supposed to do with that?!”
He turned around quickly, spoke irrational. Though I knew in some way or another he meant every word he said.
“If you were Gwen maybe I would’ve been just fine?!”
Hearing him say that made me want to die. Confirming something I denied for the longest. There was shuffling in my feet stepping backwards, my heart beginning to feel intense agony and the tears slipping from my eyes.
Miles couldn’t exactly see my face with my mask, but he knew what he had said cut deep.
“…we’re done.”
His hand reached out for me but all I could do was push him away. I fled immediately after, knocking into almost every building. My vision was disoriented since my eyes were flooding with tears.
That night I went to bed listening to my parents arguing in the living room, doing the same thing Miles and I had just done. Maybe it was for the better…maybe if I stayed I would’ve repeated the never ending cycle….
‘All’s wells, that ends well’ but Y/n was in a new hell every time he double crossed her mind. It goes without saying that the next day Y/n dreaded having to go to Jeff’s promotion party, but she would anyways because they were there for her big moments too…
My eyes felt swollen from the rough night and I couldn’t stop thinking about it all. Picking between the clothes and getting myself out of bed was difficult, this breakup felt final.
I took everything step by step and I took a deep breath walking into the party.
“Y/n! Hija you made it, I was getting worried!”
Rio rushed in giving me her nurturing love and all that hit was the fact that this will never happen as much. I wouldn’t allow myself to come over any more after this, not when I know I’d go back to him.
“Hi Mrs.Morales! Hi Mr.Morales-“
“Rio let Y/n breathe!…Cmon give me a hug kid!”
I did return that hug but all I could do was take the emotions in..
“Congratulations sir!”
once we were done with our greetings they turned my body quickly to the skylines of the city
“Isn’t it beautiful!…haha yea.”
The way Jeff had spoke sounded quick and awkward, he rushed my body to turn so fast.
“oh yea it is..”
Rio couldn’t just stand there and act like she didn’t see Y/n hurt regardless if she didn’t see the scene Jeff hid her from, she wanted to protect her but she wouldn’t lie to Y/n either.
“Oh princesa, lo siento.”
Confusión covered my face but inside hearing just that but not knowing why, I was so close to breaking down.
“What do you mean?”
Jeff looked to Rio with pleading eyes begging her to stop and Rio had a sense of genuine and a need to not hide something.
“Miles is with that girl Gwenda, I can’t lie to you Y/n. You’re just too sweet for me to lie. Just know that no matter how or why your relationship ended, no es por ti.”
My swollen eyes wanted to cry once more, I turned my body to the crime scene. He did talk to her the entire time in the beginning of our relationship…maybe did even worse. She came back now, and Miles was the one who ran to her the second we called it quits.
I knew based off the smile on his face, he’d never feel sorry for the way I hurt. He was showing her off just by simply bringing her and pulling her close…
The entire time Y/n was staring Jeff couldn’t believe his eyes, everything Rio had rambled about them being together and Y/n being in love, Miles loving her back but out of nowhere it only ever became halfway. It hurt seeing the pain that struck her eyes.
Jeff gave Y/n the biggest hug..
“If you want Y/n..you can pick out your food, eat and take a good nap on our couch before you head home.”
A small tear feel from Y/n’s eyes, all she could do was nod and walk away…
I’ve never doubted myself so much, I hate that I gave Miles power over that kind of stuff. At some point in our relationship it was always one step forward and three steps back.
Once I made it back down to their apartment I couldn’t nap, my body wouldn’t allow it. Something was telling me to go. So I did.
I closed the window and leaped onto building from building , trusting my body to lead me in the right direction. When I arrived there was a damaged building and a portal..no one was there and it hadn’t closed yet, so I jumped in..
guys. please tell me yk the references.
Tag list: @justleila @tati-the-fangirl @kxllanxtdoor @abbersreads @abislays123 @not-aya @usernamepasswordsstuff @moralesluvrr @inluvwithneteyam @twinkletwinklenotastar @ilystarz @vodoo-heart @papichulo120627 @mashiromochi @frogsandmoss @laylasbunbunny
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alxtiny · 2 months
Then now and always| Song Mingi x reader
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Synopsis: when memories of how you met resurface
Pairing: song mingi x reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: -
Notes: happy birthday to our favourite princess ✨✨✨
Main masterlist
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When you first saw Mingi, he had come to pick his niece up with his older brother. He was dressed to the nines, a perfect image of street fashion, of course he had his idol image to uphold, he seemed exactly like the cliche cold hearted bad boy that exists only in dramas.
Expensive looking sunglasses were perched up high on his perfect nose and his lips moved silently along to whatever was playing on his headphones. He didn’t seem bothered at all by the passersbys that stared at him, or when the teen girls from a nearby high school giggled and approached him asking for autographs or pictures. He would flash a perfect smile making them swoon at his devilishly handsome looks. But as soon as they were gone his smile would drop and he would go back to whatever was so interesting on his phone. He would stay and scroll mindlessly while his brother talked to your co teacher.
You would simply ‘observe’ Mingi in the meantime from the classroom window. You didn’t understand all the hype behind him, sure he was super talented, tall, and had a nice face but that was it wasn’t it? It wasn’t. You shook thoughts of him out of your head and focused more towards the next week’s lesson plan, but somehow he managed to make his way back onto your mind.
Thankfully (or not) you had other things to worry about. You Were more than a little apprehensive about the day ahead. Your colleague, Ms. Han, had taken a day off, leaving you in charge of dispersing the students at the end of the day. You didn’t hate doing this, but the thought of having to talk to each parent and offering reassurance to their worries gave you a headache.
As the day drew to a close, you gathered the children, guiding them to the front of the school where their parents would pick them up. The familiar sight of Mingi standing next to his brother caught your eye. As usual, he was dressed impeccably in streetwear that probably cost more than your monthly salary, with those expensive sunglasses perched on his nose. He stood a little apart from his brother, scrolling through his phone, completely oblivious to the world around him.
You took a deep breath, trying to steel yourself for the encounter. It’s just a quick exchange, you told yourself. Hand the child over, smile politely, and be done with it.
“Alright, children, let’s find your parents!” you called out with as much enthusiasm as you could muster. You crouched down to help tie a stray shoelace, when a small hand tugged at your sleeve.
“Teacher, can I go to my uncle now?” a sweet voice asked. You looked up to see Mingi’s niece, a bright-eyed little girl with pigtails, looking at you expectantly.
“Of course, sweetheart,” you replied, offering her a smile. “Let’s go find him.”
You took her hand and walked over to where Mingi and his brother stood. As you approached, you noticed Mingi glance up from his phone, his eyes briefly meeting yours before he looked away. You couldn’t help but feel a bit of unease at his aloof demeanor.
“Hello, Mr. Song,” you greeted Mingi’s brother with a polite nod. “Here’s your daughter, safe and sound.”
“Thank you, Miss L/N,” Mingi’s brother replied warmly, ruffling his daughter’s hair. “Did you have fun today, sweetheart?”
The little girl nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Daddy! We learned about animals, and Teacher let us draw pictures of our favourite ones!”
You smiled at her enthusiasm, but your attention was drawn to Mingi, who was still standing silently beside his brother. He wasn’t looking at his phone anymore, but rather at his niece, a wide smile playing at his lips. It was the first time you’d seen him express any emotion other than boredom or indifference.
Before you could stop yourself, you spoke up. “She’s a very bright girl. Always eager to learn and help others.”
Mingi’s eyes flicked to you, and for a moment, you thought you saw a hint of surprise in them. But just as quickly, his expression returned to its usual stoic mask.
“Thank you,” Mingi replied before his brother could, his voice deeper than you expected. “She’s a good kid.”
You nodded, feeling a bit awkward under his gaze. “Well, if there’s nothing else, I’ll be going back inside.”
“Wait.” Mingi’s voice stopped you in your tracks. You turned back to face him, curious about what he could want. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if he wasn’t sure how to continue. Finally, he spoke, his tone softer this time. “Thank you… for taking care of her.”
It wasn’t much, but the sincerity in his voice caught you off guard. You’d never expected someone like Mingi to show such genuine gratitude, especially when he’d always seemed so detached.
You offered him a small smile. “It’s my job, Mr. Song. But you’re welcome.”
Mingi’s brother chuckled, clapping his hand on Mingi’s shoulder. “See? She’s in good hands, Mingi. You can relax a little.”
Mingi shot his brother a glare, but you could see the faintest hint of a blush on his cheeks. It was almost… endearing.
As you walked back inside, you couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, there was more to Song Mingi than what met the eye.
Days passed, and Mingi continued to pick up his niece, nowadays he would often come alone, but something had changed. While he still maintained his aloof facade, you noticed he would occasionally glance in your direction, as if checking to see if you were watching him. His visits became slightly less hurried, and once, you even caught him giggling —like actually giggling—as his niece excitedly told him about her day.
One afternoon, after most of the parents had already picked up their children, you found yourself alone with Mingi and his niece. She was showing him a drawing she had made, proudly pointing out each detail.
“And this is you, Uncle Mingi! See? I made you tall because you’re the tallest!”
Mingi crouched down to her level, his sunglasses pushed up onto his head, revealing his sharp eyes. He was looking at the drawing with genuine interest, nodding along as she explained.
“You’re really good at drawing,” Mingi said, ruffling her hair. “I like how you made me look cool.”
She giggled, clearly pleased with his approval. “I’m gonna draw another one tomorrow! Maybe I can draw Teacher too!”
Mingi’s eyes flickered to you, and you felt a strange flutter in your chest. You weren’t sure why, but the idea of being included in his niece’s drawing made you oddly happy.
“That sounds like a good idea,” Mingi said, his voice softening. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
His niece beamed up at him before running over to show you her masterpiece. You praised her drawing, and she skipped off happily, leaving you and Mingi standing there in an unexpectedly comfortable silence.
“She really looks up to you,” you said, breaking the quiet.
Mingi glanced at you, his expression unreadable. “I’m just her uncle.”
You shook your head. “You’re more than that to her. You’re someone she admires and wants to make proud. That’s not something to take lightly.”
Mingi seemed to ponder your words, his gaze drifting to where his niece was now playing with a couple of other kids. “I guess… I never thought about it that way.”
You smiled gently. “She’s lucky to have you in her life.”
Mingi looked at you then, really looked at you, and for the first time, you saw something genuine in his eyes. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
There was something in the way he said it that made your heart skip a beat. It was at that moment you realised that Mingi wasn’t the cold-hearted bad boy you had first assumed him to be. He was just someone who cared deeply, perhaps more than he let on, maybe there was even a cutesy princess side too his personality.
Two years had passed since that first awkward encounter with Song Mingi, and so much had changed. You and Mingi had gone from polite acquaintances to something much deeper, starting off from him asking you if you’d like to join him for coffee someday to going for long walks and romantic dinners, although it had happened so slowly and gradually that you could hardly pinpoint when the shift had occurred. What you did know was that Mingi had become an irreplaceable part of your life, and as you stood in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on his birthday dinner, you couldn’t help but marvel at how far both of you had come.
The soft glow of candles flickered across the table, casting a warm light over the carefully prepared dishes. You’d spent the entire afternoon cooking his favourite foods, determined to make this evening special. It was Mingi’s 25th birthday, and you wanted to show him just how much he meant to you.
As you set the final plate down, you heard the sound of the front door opening. Mingi’s deep voice called out, “I’m home!”
You couldn’t suppress the smile that spread across your face. “In the kitchen!” you called back, anticipation bubbling up inside you.
Mingi appeared in the doorway moments later, his tall frame leaning casually against the doorframe. He was dressed in comfortable clothes, having ditched his idol persona for the evening, but even in his relaxed state, he exuded a presence that made your heart flutter. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the sight of the candlelit dinner, and a soft smile tugged at his lips.
“You did all this?” he asked, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and admiration.
You nodded, feeling a little self-conscious under his gaze. “Of course. It’s your birthday, after all.”
Mingi walked over to you, his gaze never leaving yours. When he reached you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble, you know.”
You chuckled, resting your hands against his chest. “It wasn’t any trouble. Besides, I wanted to.”
Mingi looked at you for a long moment, his expression softening. “Thank you. It means a lot.”
You smiled up at him, your heart swelling with affection. “Come on, let’s eat before everything gets cold.”
He nodded, reluctantly releasing you to take a seat at the table. As you both sat down, Mingi took a deep breath, savoring the delicious aromas wafting from the food. “This looks amazing,” he said, his eyes sparkling with genuine excitement.
You blushed at his praise. “I’m glad you think so. I wanted to make tonight special.”
“It already is,” Mingi replied, his voice low and sincere.
You shared a quiet, contented meal, the conversation flowing easily between you. It was one of those rare, peaceful moments where everything felt right in the world. As the evening wore on, the candles burned lower, casting long shadows across the table. You could see the flicker of the flames reflected in Mingi’s eyes, and it made your heart skip a beat.
When the plates were finally cleared, you stood up and walked over to the small side table where you had placed a cake—a simple one, decorated with Mingi’s favorite colors. You lit the candles, and as you carried it over to the table, you began to sing “Happy Birthday,” your voice soft but filled with emotion.
Mingi watched you with a mixture of amusement and affection, and when you finished singing, he leaned forward to blow out the candles, his wish left unspoken.
“Make a good wish, princess?” you teased, setting the cake down in front of him.
Mingi smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You laughed, feeling a sense of warmth spread through you. As you sat back down, Mingi reached across the table to take your hand in his. His touch was gentle, his thumb tracing soothing patterns against your skin.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, simply enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment. Then, you took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the words you wanted to say.
“Mingi,” you began, your voice barely above a whisper, “I just want you to know how proud I am of you.”
Mingi’s eyes met yours, his expression softening as he listened. You could see the flicker of uncertainty in his gaze, as if he wasn’t quite sure what you meant.
“I’ve watched you grow so much over these past two years,” you continued, your heart pounding in your chest. “I was thinking earlier, about when I first met you, I never imagined we’d end up here, celebrating your birthday together like this. But as I got to know you, I realised just how strong and kind and dedicated you are. You’ve come so far, Mingi, not just in your career, but as a person. And I’m so incredibly proud of everything you’ve accomplished.”
Mingi’s grip on your hand tightened slightly, his eyes shining with emotion. “I’m so glad to have you with me, then now and always, and-”
He paused, his voice faltering as he struggled to find the right words. But you knew what he was trying to say, and your heart swelled with affection for him.
For a moment, there was nothing but the soft flicker of the candlelight and the quiet hum of your hearts beating in sync. Then, Mingi stood up, pulling you gently to your feet as well. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, as if he never wanted to let you go.
“Thank you,” he murmured into your hair. “For everything.”
You closed your eyes, resting your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “Happy birthday, Mingi,” you whispered.
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look down at you, his eyes filled with a warmth that made your heart ache in the best possible way. “It is a happy birthday,” he said softly. “Because I have you.”
And as he leaned down to press a gentle, lingering kiss to your lips, you knew that no matter where life took you, you would always be proud of the man Mingi had become—and even prouder to stand by his side.
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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sockiess · 5 months
im back ELOHEL (im sorry these are like all sam, im just obsessed with him😣) telling sam you're pregnant, and you think he's gonna get mad and leave you, but he's actually so reassuring about like ☹️☹️ but hes definitely like screaming on the inside cause YOURE PREGNANT 😭😭‼️‼️‼️‼️
we are not gonna mention how late this is!!! 🤗
warnings: pregnancy and sex mentions (please use protection yall 🙏 unless you’re planning to have a baby than good luck with your journey and I hope it works out)
I starred at the white stick with the word Pregnant starring back at me. I was shaking and tears where running down my face. I mean me and Sam where only 19 —and yeah this was our fault— I mean we didn’t always use protection when it came to sex but it’s still scary and shocking. I had called Sam to come over before I took the test because I knew that if I was pregnant I wouldn’t be able to keep control of myself. And if I wasn’t pregnant I could just tell Sam that we needed to be safer and use protection. Well it was obviously to late for that now.
I knew Sam would be here any minute now so I quickly cleaned up and tried to stop crying. I quickly put the stupid little stick in my pocket and sat on my couch waiting for him to come in. I didn’t bother locking the door and I knew he was here when I heard his foot steps outside my apartment door.
Sam opened the door and softly closed it after he saw my red and puffy eyes. “Baby?” Sam asked softly as he sat down in front of me. “What’s wrong?” He whispered rubbing my thighs and cupping my cheek. “Sam we have to talk” I quickly stood up and stepped away from him. Sam quickly stood up with me and starred at me with sad confused eyes. “What’s wrong?” Sam asked again. “You’re going to hate me” I whispered and quickly moved away from his touch when he tried pulling me closer to him. “Love you’re really scaring me.” Sam said quickly. I just broke down in tears and hugged him crying into his chest. “Just tell me what happened.” He spoke softly playing with my hair. “I’m so so sorry” I sobbed into his chest. “For what?” He stopped playing with my hair but kept his hand resting on my head. “I messed up so badly.” I sobbed even more. Sam softly pulled me away from his chest and looked at me with scrunched eyebrows. “you think that I’m going to hate you and that you messed up…did-did you cheat on me or something?” He blurted out. I starred at him with wide eyes and finally registered what I had said probably sounded like I did cheat on him. “God no.” I quickly said. “Than what’s wrong?” He asked again this time looking mad.
“i’m pregnant.” I blurted out, not him wanting to think that I cheated on him or hurt him in any way. His expression dropped quickly and so did his arms. He starred at me with an expression I couldn’t read. I could see his breathing start to get heavier and he quickly sat down. “When did you find out?” He spoke softly. “45 minutes ago.” I answered as I sat down beside him. “I understand if you want to leave me.” I said to him. “what?” he quickly answered and whipped his head around me. “you think i’m going to leave you to deal with this by yourself?” He asked. “I mean most men don’t want to have children at 19” I said softly. “Yeah well i’m not most men” Sam mumbled while pulling me into his lap.
“Sammy i’m scared” I whispered. “Me too baby..me too” He responded. “But you don’t have to do this alone. I won’t let you.” He said. “What are we going to do?” I asked. “Whatever you want darling, it’s your body and i’ll support whatever decision you make” He smiled at me. “We’re going to be parents” I laughed out through my tears. “We are going to need a bigger apartment” He laughed back. “Good thing I have an amazing boyfriend who knows how to build houses.” I wink at him. “Sammy?” “yeah?” “I love you” “I love you too”
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bagopucks · 1 year
A. Matthews - Father’s Day
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Auston Matthews x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning(s): mention’s of sex
Bear with me. This is a recovery fic lol. I have so much medicine in my system it’s amusing 😭
“Ohh you’ll never guess what I did today!”
Auston and I could barely contain our smiles in the front seat of his car, glancing at each other while Hudson kicked his feet and giggled in the back. It was no special occasion, but for a single mother one special day in June was like a national holiday after finding a man. Especially a few weeks after he finally proposed. Auston and I had spent our day naked in bed, passionate and loving, laughing and joyous. We needed it, quite honestly. And it felt good to know Auston felt appreciated and happy on such a day. After all the hard work he put in, and the amount of time he spent with Hudson when the summer began, I didn’t take no for an answer when he said he didn’t want to celebrate Father’s Day.
“What did you do today, Hudsy?” Auston asked curiously.
“I can’t tell you! It ruins the surprise!” Hudson’s complaint made us both snicker.
With school out, and myself still working, Auston was usually on Hudson duty from day to day. When he brought up the idea of Hudson attending a summer day camp three days a week, we discussed it for a while before bringing it up to the kid. He seemed completely on board with a little encouragement, and we definitely couldn’t have made a better decision. His days were only four hours long, so we still had an abundance of time with him, and it also gave Auston a break when he needed it, and time for us to spend alone on my days off.
“So there’s a surprise?” I asked, glancing toward the road as Auston drove us back to my place. I had a hunch as to what kind of surprise it was, but I kept it to myself.
“Yes! I have the biggest surprise!”
“It wouldn’t happen to be in the bag, would it?” Auston asked, peeking in the rear view mirror at the brown paper bag Hudson held.
“Don’t look, dude!”
Auston was still patiently waiting for ‘dude’ to turn to ‘dad.’ He and Hudson had a few conversations discussing the fact that he would be Hudson’s dad, but Hudson had yet to actually call him anything but Auston.
“Well when can we see it?” Auston laughed.
“When I’m ready.”
And sure enough, Hudson took his sweet old time. Once we got home, he bounced off to his bedroom while I got started on dinner. Auston joined me to help, but he was more or less a distraction. After I had placed the lasagna in the oven, I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his shoulders and smile.
“Happy Father’s Day.” I whispered between chaste kisses. Auston pressed my back gently against the countertop. I giggled.
“That still sounds weird.” Auston spoke quietly in return.
“Don’t tell Hudson it sounds weird when he decides to start calling you dad.” I advised playfully. Auston pressed another kiss to my lips.
“You know I won’t.” He smirked, his hands traveling to my hips. “You wouldn’t happen to know when that’s coming, would you?”
“That kid is unpredictable. Just be patient, Aus. He loves you. Baby steps.”
“Right.” Auston sighed quietly.
“Right, what?” I was swift to pick up on his mood change.
“Right, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Auston flashed me a feigned smile and pressed a kiss to my head.
“Auston.” I was quick to scold, watching as his eyes fell to the floor in consideration.
“I don’t know, it’s just-“ I pulled away to open the fridge. “I see all my friends with kids and.. they get called dad all the time and.. I don’t know.”
“Makes you a little jealous?”
“Sad, actually.”
I turned back to him, raising a brow.
“I do everything they do. Am I doing something wrong?”
“Auston.” I smiled, in both understanding and reassurance. Every parent questioned their methods, he was no exception. “You’re not doing anything wrong. Look at it from his perspective. Hudson never knew his first dad. He’s never had a guy to call dad. Or a father figure. And now he has a man in his life who takes care of him and his mom. His first proper example of a father. He’s still understanding that this is what a father is.” I reached out to cup his cheek. “You are his dad, I have no doubt about it. Just give it time.” I flashed him a quick smile.
“Baby steps.” Auston repeated my previous words.
“Baby steps.” I affirmed, leaning in once again to kiss him. Auston managed a smile against my lips. When I pulled back, I spotted a little figure in the doorway, startling me.
“Go ahead.” Hudson waved us on, carrying the little paper bag to the table and climbing up into his seat. Auston and I both smiled as we watched him, turning to keep our eyes on the boy as he got situated.
“Do we get to see this surprise now?” Auston asked, suspicious and excited.
“In a few minutes.”
“Damn.” Auston muttered, and I was swift to backhand his arm.
“You know better.” I scolded softly.
“Auston you shouldn’t curse.” Hudson piped up, and I had to stifle a laugh as Auston looked wide eyed at my child.
“Hudson,” I scolded. Despite the situation being amusing, I still had the motherly role to play. “You shouldn’t tell Auston what to do.”
“But you say it’s bad.” Hudson defended himself.
“For grownups it’s a little different.” I tried to reason, but sometimes a simple, ‘because I said so’ was easier to say.
“I guess so.” Hudson shrugged, lifting his eyes to peek at Auston. “Okay.” He breathed out a sigh, placing his hands dramatically on the table. “It’s surprise time.”
“Finally?” Auston smirked, quickly leaving the kitchen to join Hudson at the table.
“Is it for both of us?” I questioned.
“No… sorry mom. It’s just for Auston.”
I glanced at Auston to see the cheeky smirk on his lips, and I rolled my eyes.
“Today at day camp. The girl asked the kids if they celebrated Father’s Day. And a lot of them raised their hands.” Hudson peeked down at the table. “I didn’t.. and later she asked me why. And I told her ‘cause I didn’t have a dad before. And she said that’s okay. That sometimes it’s okay to celebrate your pap or great grandpap.. or nobody at all, and I told her that there was this one guy.”
I folded my arms across my chest and watched as Hudson drew shapes into the wooden table with his finger.
“I told her that he takes care of me when I’m sick. And that he tells me he loves me before he drops me off.. that he sings for me sometimes even if he sucks at singing.. and that he’s marrying my mom.” I considered grabbing my phone to film, but I wanted to live in this moment while it happened.
“Yeah?” Auston prompted him on. “He sounds pretty cool.” I immediately rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, he is pretty cool.” Hudson nodded in response, barely registering the joke Auston had made. “The girl said, that sounds an awful lot like a dad to me.. and then she helped me make this thingy.” Hudson finally opened the brown bag, rummaging through it until he snatched up the item inside.
“It’s not a lot.. but I wanted to celebrate Father’s Day with you.” Hudson’s cheeks turned red as he set his hands on the table and presented a little threaded bracelet. “It says dad.” He explained, and I could only assume there were beads on the one side I couldn’t see. I clasped a hand over my mouth, watching as Auston’s lips turned upward into a huge smile.
“Hudson.” Auston reached out to take the bracelet. “This is awesome, Buddy!” I could barely contain my smile at the sight of tears in Auston’s eyes. I would have loved to butt in, but it wasn’t my moment to share.
“I’m really, really happy you stayed.” Hudson watched Auston slip the bracelet on. “And I’m happy you’re marrying my momma.”
“Well ya know what, bud?” Auston leaned forward to ruffled Hudson’s hair. “I’m happy I’m gonna have the coolest and best kid in the whole universe.”
“I’ll be- technically your step kid though.. right?” My brow shot up in surprise.
“Nope.” Auston shook his head. “You’re just my kid. My son. No steps, no anything. You’re my son.”
“And you’re my dad?”
“Hell yeah, I’m your dad.”
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 6 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 9
Byleth trembled as the Guard gathered in the barracks later that night. He had been found floating belly up near the top floor after having sounded the alarm.
It wasn’t his fault! T-there was a s-s-SIREN. Right there! In front of him! It looked thin and waspish and starving, and he was sure it was gonna maul him to death right then and there. Did you see the teeth on that thing?! Byleth shuddered. His hand went to cover his gills. Imagine being chomped on the neck by that stuff. The stuff of nightmares.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, he wasn’t the only one terrified. Well, that was a little misleading. Byleth stood at attention in line with his fellow guardspeople, awaiting dismissal. The debrief was long and agonising, hearing details about how the siren lurked around unnoticed for hours, but most of his comrades were just irritated, or even disappointed. He glanced to the right, where Ableth was nursing his wounds from trying to tackle the little demon, and he wasn’t even fazed! Like, holy shit. If the siren got that close to him, he’d probably shit his pants right on the spot!
No, the one who was terrified was apparently the local administrator, currently having a ‘conversation’ (more like a shouting match) with their commanding officer out of sight, but definitely not out of earshot.
“It was a child! A baby! Do you even begin, begin to comprehend how bad this makes you, and by extension, me, look?! King Arthur will have our heads! Our heads!”
Their commander audibly sighed (which was a big yikes, considering how patient the guy was even on a bad day). “I understand your concerns, administrator, but this guard have done the best they can. The siren child was armed with weaponry the likes of which we have never seen before, and the raids have been tireless besides.”
“Blah blah blah blah do you even hear yourself? Maybe if you had trained these grunts better they wouldn’t have been out-matched by a toddler!” Byleth took offence to that. He’d like to see the office suit face up against that monster!
“Only one man was hurt, and he’ll be disciplined for his recklessness. The child did not set out to attack anyone, he was only stealing supplies, and fled when resistance appeared. It’s the same story as ever.”
“It sounds like your guards are as incompetent as ever!”
“The sirens have no way to access such advance weaponry. Do you understand what this means? If we don’t speak up, what will we do when a proper war band appears, each bearing these weapons? How many towns will they have razed before your dead spirit will be ready to admit the consequences of this cowardice?”
The administrator sputtered. The ridiculous loss of composure, and the raucous laughter of Byleth’s friends helped sooth the abject terror of a hundred more sirens appearing out of the ravines. By Poseidon spare them!
Line breakening~~
With the adrenaline running low, Damian ran on fumes as he twisted through the ravine, tracing back his fin-strokes to the cave where he’d left Phantom. Against all odds, he found it, and almost cried in relief. Throwing his newly acquired loot to the floor, Damian let his body drop like a cold iron, and passed out.
Danny felt pain. Like, all over. Everything hurt. Normally he’d be able to heal any injuries he got while siren fighting, and what a blessing that was. He wasn’t sure just how dense his parents could be, but he didn’t want to test it. The aching agony all over his body reminded him just how little he ate that morning, and man was he regretting it. Stupid Skulker and his stupid hunting dog dolphins. His stupid hunting doglphins. And stupid Damian for making him come close.
Well, that was a little harsh. He couldn’t blame the kid for believing the dolphin propaganda. They had a tight grip on the world, man.
The smell of blood prickled his nose. Danny shot up, fully awake. “Damian where ar-”
There the kid was, collapsed against the rocky floor of their makeshift hideout. Beside him, bags and satchels spilled out with food, bandages and weapons?! Guilt rocked up Danny’s body. Did Damian go hunting for food while he was unconscious? The kid’s tiny body was littered in bruises, and raw patches where the scales barely healed over. His sail was bent at an awkward angle too. Where the hell did he go?! Where did he get weapons?
No wait. Danny came closer and sniffed the loot closely. You had to be kidding him. There were Atlanteans nearby?! Part of Danny very much doubted the idea that the Atlanteans, probably the number 2 siren haters in the world aside from his parents, would just hand Damian a gift basket if he asked them to. So he stole from them?
Jazz would call this catasrophising, but she wasn’t around, so Danny felt pretty justified in panicking a little. Like, what was he thinking?! The Atlanteans would’ve skewered him without a second thought.
A small whimper caught his attention. Danny’s mental disaster train screeched to a halt. Damian was shivering, violently. Oh right. It was like, midnight or something in a deep ocean ravine. The kid was probably freezing. And if he wasn’t healing, that meant he was low on nutrients, and even lower on body heat.
Right, needed to care for the kid. Crap. He was planning on staying near the surface for most of the trip. A blanket was big and cumbersome and he didn’t have much storage space on him.
But goddammit if he let the kid freeze to death on his behalf. Resigning himself to a fate of being bitten once Damian woke up, Danny picked up the tiny, fragile guppy, and tucked him underneath his fins. As Danny began to eat his fill, he wondered just what kind of person he was going to be swimming across two oceans with, to be brave enough to go out singularly into the unknown…
Damian awoke to the sound of chewing, and gentle purring. He missed Alfred the cat. Poor kitty. He probably missed Damian too. It’s ok, Damian can make it up to him. He’ll give the little kitty all the pets and grooming he could ask for.
A weight settled on his hair, and- oh… oh that was so good. He didn’t know Alfred could pet him too. Maybe this was one of the good endings to his life, one where he’d spend life as a kitten, without a care in the world. That would be so nice, just being there and safe and warm. The hand stroked and straightened his hair, and it snaked down to where his ears were and scratched them. It was pure heaven. Damian thought that such a place would be forever closed off to him, but maybe the world had decided to be kind…?
“Woah, you’re actually lowkey super adorable like this.” Alfred said. Why did Alfred the cat sound like a pasty-faced teenage boy? He’d always imagined him like the real Alfred: prim, proper, distinguished.
“You sound strange, Alfred.” Damian mumbled. The hand scratched his ear again, and Damian’s purring intensified. “Please return to your proper voice at once.”
“Dude, I have no idea who that is.”
Nonsense. Damian had named his cat after a very distinguished man, and let him know it every time he saw him. How could he not know his own name?
“That is preposterous. You are Alfred the cat, my esteemed pet and loyal member of the family.”
Aflred the cat snorted. He snorted. “Oh my god that is so gold. I’m going to hold this over you literally until you grow old and wrinkly.”
Damian felt… offended. That was so mean! Why would Alfred the cat say such a thing, to him, Damian, his owner and friend! Damian always made sure to treat his pets with the care and respect they deserved, and this is what he got!?
“B-bad kitty. You will be disciplined.”
And Alfred the cat just kept laughing! Alright, the air of relaxation evaporated as Damian started getting annoyed. He opened his eyes, ready to teach his wayward cat some manners when-
The last 24 hours caught up again. Before him was not Alfred the cat, as he had thought, but Phantom completely healthy again, lying on his back, laughing his heart out. Almost literally, too. Damian watched as Phantom’s still beating heart, and water-filled lungs bounced and jiggled inside his chest cavity with each half-choked laugh. It was mesmerizing, and kind of nauseating.
Suddenly Damian couldn’t find it in himself to be angry, just an overwhelming feeling of relief.
“Phantom!” He cried out, voice almost cracking. Phantom tackled him into a hug, and Damian only put up a token resistance. It just felt so… right. “You are… You have recovered from your injuries.”
“It’s Danny, actually.” Phantom, er- Danny, said, voice soft, quiet. Almost vulnerable… “Danny Phantom. Most people just know the Phantom part.”
Danny… Daniel…. “I was foolish. I should not have ignored your warnings. Forgive me, Daniel.”
“Hey now, don’t you start picking up the Fruitloop’s habits. It’s never Daniel. Just Danny. Daniel’s a randomass human name, but Danny’s mine.”
“It does not change the fact that it sounds like a nickname. I… I do not do nicknames.” Damian said. Normally he paraded this fact as a matter of pride. With Richard, Drake, even Kent. Now, with Daniel encompassing his body in warmth, he felt strangely small.
“And I don’t do self-deprecation. So what about a deal? I’ll forgive you, if you promise to call me Danny.” The older boy said, voice leaving no room for argument. And yet, the playful tone underneath it gave Damian something akin to comfort. The way Richard did in the early days, despite Damian’s barbs and open threats.
“Very well, D-Danny.” Damian forced out. The name felt alien on his tongue. “This is a privilege few can boast to.”
Daniel- no, Danny, chuckled again. “You sound like a kid saying a swear for the first time and they’re really scared of being caught.”
“I am not a child.” He was never allowed to be.
“You are crazy though. And reckless. And that’s coming from me!”
Ah, so Danny figured it out. “You noticed the smell of Atlantean.”
“What were you thinking? They hate sirens. With a capital H.”
“I will not apologise for my actions in there. You needed food. It was my own poor judgement that got you injured, so it was my responsibility to rectify that.”
Danny was quiet for a moment. “I’m really trying to channel that ‘angry because I’m worried about you’ energy that my sister does, but you’re making it really difficult. Now I just feel bad.”
“They posed no threat to me. It was an easy operation.” Damian said. Danny sighed again.
“What am I gonna do with you? Outside of taking you home, that is.”
“For one, you could unhand me.” Damian’s words were hollow, even to him.
“And let you freeze to death? No chance. Now come on. The sun’s about to rise, and you need your breakfast.”
“Have you eaten enough yourself?” It would not do to let this foolish teenager hurt himself for Damian’s sake again.
“Dude, I’m like triple your size and age right now. It’s my job to be worrying over you.” Damian harrumphed.
It felt nice to be cared for again.
Bruce hung up the phone. Dick was about ready to riot, and the others were on a wire-thin line too. It was one of the most exhausting calls he’d done in his life, but it had to be done. He wasn’t going to leave his family in the dark, not after Jason.
It wasn’t just he who had potentially lost a son, however. In his hours of maddened searching, he’d glossed over the fact that the son of local siren hunters, the Drs Fenton, had also gone missing. Tim was already on the case, sifting through thousands of hours of CCTV footage to analyse the kid’s behaviour of the course of the last six weeks. Two unrelated boys going missing at the same time. And one boy had been displaying suspicious behaviour for months before hand. Something was up.
And so Bruce straightened his tie. He refused to wear any form of black. Not now, not yet, while there was still hope to be clung to. His trip to Fentonworks was in part to share condolences, and in part to investigate. Wherever Damian was, the clues lay somewhere surrounding Daniel Fenton.
He just hoped Damian had to be ok. If this hope died, Bruce felt like he might die with it.
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Previous Chapter
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theshaderoom: Look who’s back! #Y/NY/L does her first interview since leaving social media for over a year! Y/N talks about becoming a mother and dating #Drake and ex #JackHarlow
“Sometimes, I look in the mirror in the mornings and just say to myself “Oh my God! Bitch you’re someone’s mother!” It’s hard work, but I love every part of it. “
Y/L continues “it doesn’t feel like work though, having Ariel has made me look at the world with a new set of eyes. This sounds spiritual, but I really do feel born again.”
The rapper/model couldn’t hide the smile on her face when asked about Drake!
“Aubrey, brings me so much peace. After everything that happened in my last relationship, the idea of a new relationship was out of the question. Starting a family with him has made me finally understand why it didn’t work out with anyone else. He was always meant to be the one for me.”
Additionally, Y/N reflects on her past relationship with Rapper Jack Harlow.
“I’ll be honest, the day his Vogue feature came out. I immediately called him. What people don’t understand is that I was with him for 2 years, we were planning our whole lives together. I won’t go into details about our conversation but after that I sat back, watched, and cried while letting them have their moment. Which hurt a lot but I’m grateful for it because now I’m with the person I’m supposed to be with.” Click the link in our bio to read more!
view all 14,689 comments
user: aw I’m really so happy for her
user: something seems fishy about them idk
user: see how y/n can do an interview and not talk shit about Jack Harlow?! Even though he deserves it!!
user: Drake can’t keep a women so they’ll be broken up soon
user: I know Jack and all his baby mamas shaking and crying
user: no wonder Stacey is jealous of Y/N
user: she’s so mature because if my ex was slamming my name in interviews I would raise hell!!!
user: she seems to be in such a great place mentally!
user: damn she’s really a mother
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liked by jackharlow, haileybieber, kimkardashian, justineskye, chrissyteigen, oliviaculpo, neelamthadhani and 783,529 others
thatgirlstacey: that look when bitches can’t keep your husband name out their mouth
view all 5674 comments
user: girl, you need to be worried about if Jack had another baby on you
haileybieber: 🤦🏼‍♀️ tell me about it
user: yeah y/n is weird
user: so y’all can talk about her but she can’t?
user: y/n didn’t say anything bad about you or your relationship
user: you lucky y/n didn’t drag tf outta you both
kimkardashian: sending you love 💕
user: ok enough about y/n girl you look good af
user: bitches stay jealous
jackharlow: love running their mouth 🙄
user: you ain’t broken up with him yet?!!
user: you won, you got the man! Leave y/n alone
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jackharlowsource: Jack Harlow and Stacey James-Harlow at the “White Men Can’t Jump” movie premiere!
view all 635 comments
user: my parents
user: damn sorry to hear that
user: they’re so cuuuute!
user: Glad to see they’re still together! I was getting worried especially with reports saying they separated!
user: she’ll never leave that man, same tbh
user: he was never that happy with Y/n
user: goals
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Liked by yourinsta, icespice, partynextdoor, chubbsview, Beyoncé,SZA, urbanwyatt, druski, and 1,425,116 others
champagnepapi: I would clear a whole town for you 🤞
view all 836 comments
celeb: that’s twin!
celeb: love y’all!
celeb: now when something happens in Kentucky we know who did it 🤣
yourinsta: don’t play bout mine 💕
celeb: wipe that white boy like a snotty!
celeb: yeah they need ass beat
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liked by selenagomez, saweetie, dojacat, sza, summerwalker, urbanwyatt, flomillishit, 1dessdior and 678,367 others
yourinsta: For him it’s whatever with whoever 🤞
view all 8,457 comments
saweetie: I know that’s right bby!
user: goals
user: yeah fuck Jack and his wife!!
selenagomez: 💕💕💕
user: love seeing you so happy
user: between Drake’s post and this one, I think Jack about to get touched 😵‍💫
SZA: 🤭 kill bill
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liked by 996,468 users
tmz_tv: Details are scarce, but according to a report on Hollywood Unlocked Jack Harlow was celebrating the release of the White Men Can’t Jump reboot when he was punched in the face.
According to a source, the celebrity-filled after party was going well until Jack Harlow reportedly acted rudely towards wife Stacey James for unknown reasons.
A few guest tried to intervene but the situation got worse. He was confronted about his behavior to his wife and mother of his child.
The source told Hollywood Unlocked that a physical altercation occurred between the guest with Harlow leaving with a “bloodied nose."
view all 13,678 comments
user: ovo crew definitely jumped him
user: deserved
user: imagine getting jumped in front of your family I’d cry
user: drake said he’d spin bout y/n and he meant that
user: I think this is just karma
user: what a dick
user: omg can someone check and see if he’s okay
AN: damn that’s crazy 🤪 I’ve missed toxic Jack so much so I wrote this up! Next part of this AU series probably won’t be up until Father’s Day because we still have to find out if Jack had another baby 😳 so much drama
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