#or do you actually think tiktok is just dancing videos and pets who make weird faces and then also aggressive politics
emergencybitch · 2 years
You know for a website that went through the sixpence shit, you’d think y’all would be a little less judgemental about how much you think tiktok is “brain rotting” people compared to other sites.
Like this one.
If you think all social media doesn’t encourage the bad shit on tiktok, you’re blind as fuck. Just because we’re in a blog format does NOT mean we’re removed from the toxicity. Tiktok isn’t actually all that special of a social media site. It has its uniqueness, but it’s problems and toxicity are universal for the rest of the fucking internet.
Just because this is mostly anonymous, doesn’t not mean we’re not all on a social media site right now. Let’s clear that up. We like to joke that this is an anti-social media site but this is still a social media site by basic function and definition.
Y’all this is fucking Tumblr for christs sake. I know y’all were using Tumblr like a lifeline when you were fucking 14 years old and it was at its height. Making it the cornerstone of your social media presence and being very annoying about it too. Just like these teenagers are. Have we all not forgotten how poisonous Tumblr got back in the old days??? The reasons why so many people left the site before the porn ban???? Come down to earth and touch grass. Find the nuance.
We’re all the same. Social media is all the same. The internet itself is all the same.
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A what? (Crack drabble)
Warning: None as far as I know, excpet maybe that it’s crack Word count: ~1k Summary: You have a mission and you’ll even use the dirtiest of tricks to get what you want  Request: Can you please do a Damian dating reader and she shows him tik tok maybe made him try to do a dance or mocking the reader in the back ground of her dance (I just saw a fake social media post where Damian said I dont know what “tick tock” is and I found it funny
Tumblr media
You were on a journey. No, not a journey, a mission. It had all started when you decided to make a TikTok account as a joke between you and a friend of yours. At first, the videos you made were just off all the different Pets Damian had, underlined with some nice music, but soon Steph caught you making one of those videos with Titus and told you you would get thousands of followers if you'd upload videos that actually showed you. You were unsure about that, but when she got you to learn a TikTok dance with her, you found out that it was actually rather fun. That was when an idea made its way into your mind. You made it your personal goal to make at least one TikTok with all members of the Wayne-family. Tim and Dick were relatively easy. Tim was too tired to really care and basically just stood beside you looking confused and waving through the air while you did the actual dance part and Dick couldn't help but show off his moves, making you the one who stood there and look at him surprised. And just like that, your account blew up. Overnight you had like Stephanie predicted, thousands of followers who all knew about the Waynes and were amazed by the possibility that one girl would be able to get three members of the family to make TikToks with her, they didn't know that you were Damian's girlfriend after all. The next ones on your list were Duke, Cass and Harper and you managed to make one with all of them together, even though it ended with Cass and you being the only ones really dancing and Duke and Harper laughing in the background. Jason was a tough nut to crack. He liked the idea and thought it was funny, but refused to be part of it. The only thing that managed to convince him was when you promised you'd get Bruce to make one with you too. And that promise set you onto the next problem. Bruce not only didn't know, nor care, what TikTok was, he also didn't want to make some weird dancing video with you. In the end, you managed to get a compromise by just making the video in front of his desk with him rolling his eyes in the background. It was worth it though because not soon after, it was your most liked TikTok. By then you already had over ten thousand followers and after you also somehow managed to convince Alfred to make a TikTok with you, even though you spared him the dance, you only had one name left on your hitlist. Damian. And that was how you ended in the situation you were in right now. "Dami-darling," you asked him with your sweetest voice, puppy eyes ready and eyelashes fluttering. Your boyfriend narrowed his eyes and looked at you suspiciously. "Yes, beloved?" "Soooo, what would a nice girl like me have to do to get you to make a TikTok with her?" "A What?" Your eyes widened. You knew your boyfriend could be a social dunce, but not knowing what TikTok is... You were almost disappointed. But maybe you could use that... "Uhm....it's nothing forget it... But anyways," you clapped your hands and turned back into your cheery self, "I want you to dance with me!" "But you barely like to dance on fathers Galas, why would you want to dance now? We don't even have music," Damian asked even more confused and took your hands into his. "I don't want to slow dance, my love," you smiled, having to resist the urge to turn your smile into a smirk, "I mean a...uhm...more modern dance. I can teach it to you, here look." You showed him the dance that only lasted a few seconds and admittedly seemed somewhat silly without the music. Damian looked at you bewildered. "No." He simply stated, turned around and left. You had to think of a plan.
Think you did. You decided that there was no way in hell that you'd get your boyfriend to actually voluntarily dance with you so you went down the same road you did with his father. Well, more or less... You got Steph, Dick and Jason (who just did it to spite Damian) to help you. Steph was equipped with your phone, ready to film, while Dick and Jason trapped Damian between them on the couch. "What are you dimwits doing?" he asked annoyed and looked up from the book he had been reading. "They're helping me out with a little problem I have," you smiled viciously, feeling like a mob boss. "And with what exactly are they helping you, beloved?" "Well, since you refused to dance with me, you'll just have to be danced," Damian's eyes widened with a realization about what your words meant and he tried to wiggle out of his brothers grip, but to no avail. To be fair, he wasn't trying as hard as he could, somewhat amused by the situation. The video you got out of that was hilarious. You were flawlessly doing the dance in the foreground of the video, completely ignoring the three brothers that were basically fighting in the back. Dick and Held Damian's legs and Jason his arms, but after about a second of them trying to move him somewhat similar to what the dance was supposed to be, his foot landed forcefully in Dick's face and his fist in Jason's stomach. When you finished your moves, completely ignoring the still fighting boys, you and Steph looked the video over and decided it was good enough to upload, before leaving to get ice cream. Damian would probably be a bit bitter about that when you'd see him next and maybe ignore your text messages for a while, but you knew that if you missed him too much, you could simply text him that you'd make a TikTok with Jon next and send him a link to one of those videos where the couple doing the dance would end up a bit too close for Damian's comfort and he'd be in front of your door in a matter of minutes.
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frutavel · 3 years
y'know.. I started thinking about that post of your characters and social media, so who would try which tiktok trend/challenge?
Oh this is a fun one! Sadly, I barely know how tiktok works and I have no idea what the specific trends are 🤔
HOWEVER I do have a basic idea of what people do on tiktok, and so I can tell you what types of content they'd make :D
The ones that would for sure use tiktok: Dinorah, Dazari and Manso
The ones that may use it: Zai, Tau, Zabre and Fern
The one who is stuck with tiktok: Tari
So with these guys as reference:
Dinorah in a world where cellphones and the internet exist would be lowkey an influencer, but make it Wholesome. She's mostly known for her instagram page where she posts pictures of herself and her work, and she'd use tiktok to talk to people, answer questions, show off too of course, but she'd like tiktok mostly for being able to interact with people. She'd probably participate in trends to show her house or wardrobe or just something about her daily life.
Manso makes tiktoks that are plain incomprehensible, super shaky and dark videos where you can't really see what's going on with weird music over it. He goes on the internet to be weird as a rule of thumb but then one day he makes the mistake of posting a thirst trap(?) challenge and after the sheer amount of engagement he got from that he decided to make it a thing to post occasional thirst traps in between completely unrelated and incomprehensible videos - he doesn't actually care about views he wants to watch the chaos unfold. People send him compliments and he replies witha blurry picture of a cactus.
Dazari works with marine life and conservation and he'd make informative videos - fun facts about marine animals, things you can do to help keep your local beaches safer, how to handle wold animals that type of stuff! He likes being able to share his passion with others and he might get to educate people as a bonus, so he has fun talking about different things related to the sea. He'd probably participate in pet challenges, just instead of recording a pet he'd be recording a horseshoe crab he found on the beach.
Zai mostly uses tiktok to mess around. She likes watching tiktoks a lot more than she likes making them, but she also loves to dance so she might participate in a dance challenge every now and then - if she likes the music, of course, and if she likes the dance. She likes watching videos of people talking about their pets or animals as a whole, and she also likes tiktoks about gardening tips.
Tau is in the same vein as her, they thought about maybe making makeup tutorials or the like, but under layers of smugness they are an anxious beanpole and they're a little scared people might take their content as a joke. Plus, their makeup is more on the artistic side rather than day to day wear, so they ended up passing on the idea of making tiktoks and just watch (and judge) what other people make.
Zabre has a myriad of random knowledge about random things under her sleeve, so she makes quick fun fact tiktoks about history or day to day things. She also shares a lot of life hacks that she uses to make things a little smoother, from cooking to cleaning to buying groceries. She's not a very consistent poster and she doesn't really use tiktok for anything other than making videos, but when she remembers to share something she does. Like me she has little awareness of the trends and challenges going around.
Tiger Fern uses tiktok for the same reason Dazari does, except instead of making videos about animals he watches videos about animals. He has no interest in makign content but he likes watching people talk about their favorite animals or just animals as a whole, he thinks it's fun and as someone who loves animals he always hopes to learn something new about a different animal friend. He uses tiktok to vibe.
And finally, I must once again say that Tari has no idea how to use a phone other than calls and texts, and similarly he hasn't the slightest clue of how the internet works. He has a phone because Zabre made him get one so they could stay in touch and he has instagram because Zai made one for him. He somehow ended up with a tiktok account he has no memory of making and he has no idea how to use the app, so he simply doesn't. He just has it and he probably will continue to have it until someone teaches him to delete his account. Sometimes Tau sends him funny tiktoks they found and Tari just stares at the screen in confusion because he doesn't know he can just click on the link to watch it.
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