#neveser hanim
ottomanladies · 4 years
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Ottoman women who had green eyes -- requested by anon
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ottomanladies · 5 years
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ottoman consorts who took other women’s children into their care – requested by anon
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ottomanladies · 5 years
Hi, i was just asking can you list consorts that were of noble birth.
Mal Hatun (consort of Osman I): probably the daughter of the ruler of the umeri principality
Asporça Hatun (consort of Orhan): probably the daughter of a byzantine lord
Theodora Kantakuzenos (consort of Orhan): byzantine princess
Tamara Hatun (Murad I): Bulgarian princess
Olivera Despina Hatun (Bayezid I): Serbian princess
Emine Hatun (Mehmed I): Dulkadir princess 
Mara Hatun (Murad II): Serbian princess
Sitti Mukrime Hatun (Mehmed II): Dulkadir princess
Servetseza Başkadınefendi (Abdülmecid I): princess of the Temruko line
Hoşyar Kadınefendi (Abdülmecid I): daughter of Georgian nobleman Zurab Bey Tuskia
Verdicenan Kadınefendi (Abdülmecid I): princess of the Açba family
Şayan Kadınefendi (Abdülmecid I): her mother was a member of the Kucba family
Gülistu Kadınefendi (Abdülmecid I): princess of the Çaçba family
Zerrinmelek Hanım(Abdülmecid I): princess of the Klıç dynasty
Nesrin Hanım(Abdülmecid I): daughter of Georgian nobleman Manuçar Bey Asemiani
Navek-i Visal Hanım (Abdülmecid I): princess of the Biberd family
Neveser Hanım(Abdülmecid I): daughter of Abazin nobleman Mısost Bey Eşba
Nalan-ı Dil Hanım(Abdülmecid I): daughter of Prince Çıpakue Natıkhu Bey
Şayeste Hanım(Abdülmecid I): princess of the Inalipa family
Ayşe Serfiraz Hanım(Abdülmecid I): princess of the Liah (or Lakh) family
Safderun Hanım (Abdülmecid I): daughter of a Circassian princess
Dürr-i Nev Kadınefendi (Abdülaziz): daughter of Prince Mahmud Bey Dziapş-lpa
Edadil Kadınefendi (Abdülaziz): daughter of Abkhaz Prince Aredba Tandal Bey
Neşerek Kadınefendi (Abdülaziz): daughter of Prince İsmail Bey Zevş-Barakay
Gevheri Kadınefendi (Abdülaziz): daughter of Abkhazian nbleman Salih Bey
Reftar-ı dil Kadınefendi (Murad V): daughter of the noble Circassian family Hatko
Şayan Kadınefendi (Murad V): daughter of Prince Batir Bey Zan
Filizten Hanım (Murad V): daughter of Abazin prince Şahin Bey Çaabalurhva
Nazikeda Kadınefendi (Abdülhamid II): daughter of Abazin prince Arzakan Bey Tsanba
Safinaz Kadınefendi (Abdülhamid II): daughter of a Circassian princess
Bedrifelek Kadınefendi (Abdülhamid II): daughter of Prince Karzeg Mehmed Bey
Bidar Kadınefendi (Abdülhamid II): daughter of Prince Ibrahim Talustan Bey
Mezide Mestan Kadınefendi (Abdülhamid II): daughter of nobleman Kaymat Bey Mikanba
Sazkar Başhanımefendi (Abdülhamid II): daughter of Abazin nobleman Maan Bata Bey 
Peyveste Hanım (Abdülhamid II): daughter of Abazin prince Eymhaa Osman Bey (Emuhvari)
Fatma Pesend Hanım (Abdülhamid II): daughter of Abazin prince Sami Bey Açba and a Tatar princess, member of the Giray dynasty
Nazperver Kadınefendi (Mehmed V): princess of the Abazin Çikotua dynasty
Emine Nazikeda Kadınefendi (Mehmed VI): daughter of Abkhazian Prince Hasan Ali Marşania
I’m not sure it’s all of them, I might have missed a couple-- if I did, I’ll add them later
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ottomanladies · 5 years
Hey I love your blog!! I wanted to ask if there were any sultanas who maybe adopted children to raise them or sultanas who had good relationships with the Sultan’s children from other concubines? I recall you mentioning Nurbanu had adopted a boy and that Turhan protected Ibrahim’s other sons with her life for as long as she lived
Sure! There’s plenty of them, especially after the practice of fratricide died out:
Kösem had a good relationship with Osman II, and would take him on carriage rides with her sons
Rahime Perestu raised Abdülhamid II and his half-sister Cemile when their mothers died. Abdülhamid II also had a warm relationship with Pertevniyal Valide Sultan; on the contrary, he couldn’t stand Şevkefza Valide Sultan
Abdülaziz was in such good relationship with Tiryâl Hanım, one of his father’s consorts, that during his reign she was referred to as “the second valide sultan”
Servetseza Kadın loved Murad V like a son, and was also step-mother of Mehmed V, Refia and Fatma Sultan
Neveser Hanım raised Şehzade Mehmed Burhaneddin, son of Abdülmecid I and Nükhetseza Hanım
Şayeste Hanım raised Mehmed VI when his mother died
Mehmed II called Mara Brankovic “mother”, suggesting a close relationship between the two
the Venetian ambassador once saw Handan with little Mustafa I in the gardens of Topkapi Palace... maybe she ensured that he was well looked after
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ottomanladies · 6 years
On this day, 12 September, in Ottoman history:
12 September 1687 - death of Haseki Hatice Muazzez Sultan: consort of Ibrahim I and mother of the future Ahmed II, on 11th September 1687 a big fire erupted in the Old Palace, where she lived. The fire lasted five hours and many of the servants saved their lives with great difficulty. Hatice Muazzez was reportedly so frightened that the following day she promptly died. She was buried near the palace in Üsküdar.
12 September 1889 - death of Senior Ikbal Neveser Hanım: Senior Ikbal of Sultan Abdülmecid, she was born in 1841 in Abkhazia to Mısost Bey Eşba and Tulu Hanım. Her real name was Esma. In 1853 she entered palace service and, after five years of training, she became one of Abdülmecid's consorts. She was not that tall, with long curly brown hair and green eyes. She played the piano very well and loved horses. For this reason, Abdülmecid built a mansion on a hill behind Dolmabahçe Palace for her excursions on horse. After a while, Neveser Hanım moved there permanently. She had no children from the sultan. During the reign of Abdülhamid II, she had a special pavilion at Yıldız Palace, being one of his favourite step-mothers. She died there on 12 September 1889.
12 September 1892 - birth of Fatma Ulviye Sultan: eldest daughter of Mehmed VI Vahideddin and Senior Imperial Consort Emine Nazikeda Kadın, she was born in Çengelköy, where her father lived during the reign of Abdülhamid II. In 1916, Crown Prince Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi committed suicide and her father Mehmed Vahideddin became Crown Prince in its stead. Ulviye Sultan was immediately betrothed to the son of the former Grand Vizier Ahmed Tevfik Paşa, Ismail Hakkı (Okday) Bey, and married to him by Şeyhülislam Hayri Efendi on 10 August 1916 in Dolmabahçe Palace. With him she had her only child: Suade Hümeyra Hanımsultan. İsmail Hakkı Bey was an old friend of Mustafa Kemal's, so in 1920 he secretly left Istanbul to join his cause. Ulviye Sultan divorced him and on 1 November 1923, she married Zülüflü İsmail Paşa's son Ali Haydar (Germiyanoğlu) Bey, but a couple of months later they were forced to leave Turkey with the rest of the Ottoman Dynasty. They lived in Menton until Vahideddin's death in 1926, then they settled in Alexandria, Egypt. They were allowed to Istanbul in 1952, where they both died. Fatma Ulviye Sultan on 25 January 1967 and was buried in the Aşiyan cemetery.
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