#new bub
vivanightcity · 11 months
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Name: Adiel Miller
Age: 27
Gender: None, they barely align with ‘human’ fuck having a gender. 
Pronouns: Any and all, with a personal love for ‘it/its’, a sort of reclamation of the dehumanizing language it was raised with. (Practically, you can mix and match, or just pick one and use it, it’s all good)
Lifepath: Streetkid 
Occupation: Doll at a dollhouse that works with a number of corpo hotels and short term rental style hotels in Downtown. Can be found in a number of BDs still knocking about though. 
Cyberware: Doll chip, prototype long term behavioral chip, scratchers and big knucks (reinforced nails and knuckles that are concealable and look like standard human parts) 
Sexuality: People hot. That’s about it. 
Born and raised in NYC. Their parents worked themselves to the bone to get by and take care of him, but it was always a struggle. Maybe the city wasn’t as bad as Night City is now, but it was still a far cry from safe or easy. When it was around 15, and already getting into trouble and running around acting like he had a damn clue, Arasaka (subject to change what corp, I just thought it tied in with their vibe) started contacting parents of minors with records. Offering them an opportunity. A bright future and a new start for their son, get them out of trouble and away from bad influences before things get worse. All it took was signing away its bodily autonomy and they got a good payout and one less mouth to feed. 
They were testing out some more long term behavioral chips targeted at wealthy families, a hopefully safer and more useful version of what was already in use in juvenile correction facilities. A fully customizable range, as much or as little control as wanted across a host of 'problem' behaviors. Even focused on pushing manners and etiquette. It could dissuade kids from indulging, make them obey their parents without question, or just give them a ‘helping hand’ in sitting still and focusing on school. A replacement for conversion therapy, fat camps and drugs, all in one easy package that could be installed when your kid went in for routine work. They never needed to know! But of course that sort of work needed thorough testing before going to market with people who could afford it, and having empirical proof of its efficacy was always good for marketing. 'This wonderful neuralware could make even the worst kids act like a child you'd be happy to have next to you at for press conferences and family dinners'.
A controlled environment, classes to show the improvement rate of those with the chip and those without. Little corrections to strength of influence, fine tuning and fixing it up as they went. So what if some other kids never came back from the surgery room? Price of progress. They’d do big demonstrations pretty frequently, every few months, showing off test scores, video comparisons of posture, attitude, vocabulary use, antisocial behaviors etc. etc. Then the suits visiting would get a chance to interact. To test the parameters themselves, screaming abuse or even pushing whatever sorry sack was chosen for the demo around, proving that these kids - most of which, like Adiel, had some history of violence - would never argue back to those they were told to obey. 
Few short years later, Adiel was around 18, everything seemed golden. Working as intended. Even kids they took the chips out of, or turned them off in the case of some earlier models which couldn’t be safely removed, didn’t seem to be suffering the same level of addiction and withdrawal as seen in traditional behavioral chips on the market. There wasn’t NONE, but it was a manageable amount comparatively. At that point, they turfed everyone out, loosed unto a world they’d been isolated from for a few years, and in the case of a fair number of them, stuck with various degrees of control still implanted in them. ‘A reward for their help’. Saying it would help them stay on the straight and narrow, when really, in the world around them, it just set them up to be manipulated and controlled.
They put protections on the hardware, and the software was heavily encoded. No one Adiel has gone to for help has been able to safely remove it, and the rumor was that someone who tried triggered some sort of anti piracy/corpo espionage failsafes and them and the ripperdoc ended up mulch. Even after it entered the market during Arasaka’s big push in the early 2070s to get back in with the NUSA and free states money, it took money to access the kind of docs who had it on the shelves, and even when he scraped together enough it turned out what they had going was different enough from the market release that it was still a risk. 
So it’s still there. Nearly ten years and a cross country relocation later. Despite everything it went through because of Arasaka, they are the reason he moved to NC. When the city became the international hub it was, and Arasaka’s new north american headquarters, Adiel figured it was their best chance. Get back on their radar, get a foot in that door, and get the damned thing removed or turned off so they could get back to some semblance of a normal life where they doesn’t have to avoid everyone in white coats, expensive suits, or decked out in arasaka combat armor. Eventually, Addy was able to get hired. Went in for a physical and for them to check its doll chip and make sure he didn’t have any sort of spyware installed, made the mistake of telling the doc checking it over what was up, and got sent away with the promise they’ll look into it… Only he woke up the next day to a termination message. No more arasaka job, no more answers, no more way in. 
And that leads us to here. Burnt out from working non stop to get to NC and then get in with Arasaka, only for it to fall apart. Found working as a doll and sticking to hobbies far away from armed guards, docs and corpos, was the best way to control when he was near people who could fuck with him. Then the fancy suits were already paying for their time, and they didn’t have to remember doing what they said. 
One of the only good things that came out of his time with Arasaka was the opening of doors and access to education and the time to explore. Where it grew up there weren’t any stars visible. Even outside of the city the most you could see were satellites that were near enough to shine through light pollution. Getting to see stars, not only as they used to be, but through flicks and even BDs from orbit. To feel so small was freeing. Getting there is something it longs to do. 
Any sort of hobby or task that can be repeated methodically, over and over, to practice and perfect, is the kind of thing Adiel leans into. Repetition, focusing so completely onto the task over and over, helps to calm it down, to think things through. Worryingly, he’s not sure if this was always the case, or if it’s yet another side effect. One that can have it so completely wrapped up in a drill that they don't stop to rest or eat or anything until made to. Shifting that focus sucks, and getting pulled out of it can be jarring and stressful. 
A side effect of the behavioral chip is a sort of mirroring. His posture, inflection, language use, it seems to shift and alter depending on who it’s talking to. Reacting to the people around it to fit in. Well. He thinks it’s a side effect, it could also just be a survival method because of how he grew up. 
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octopus-pot-bakery · 1 month
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never let me cook
Fake Contacts (wear Sea-Me-Nots to be the Thnikkaman)
Zekko Long Carrot Tee
default long pants
School Shoes + Hi Socks (any black shoes that seamlessly blend in with the long pants will do)
Coach Z:
Bream-Brim Cap
Green Cardigan
colored long pants
Green Iromaki 750s
and also i had to flip bubs otherwise it wouldnt look good
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buboloboogie · 3 months
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Doodle page sneak peek ! My ass has having such a hard time drawing as of late so please take these little doobLz
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chifuya · 8 months
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Yuusei Shirosaki ❀ Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen ❀ ep 1
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jungwookjins · 8 months
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ONLYONEOF — a crash course
[guide on google slides]
hello hello!! with 'bump up business' starring onlyoneof being released, i thought now would be a good time to update and repost this little guide. whether you're a new lyon wanting to learn more about ooo (and their representation of gay relationships that far predates and extends beyond bump up business <3) or have been here for ages and want something to send to all your friends you want to lyonize, this is the guide for u!
feel free to share, let me know what you think, etc!!
and as always, many thanks to my lovely mutual rook (@20cm), whose wonderful tomorrow x together guide was The source of inspiration for this!!
[id: an image of a mint green and pink graphic stylized to look like a computer screen with a login page and multiple windows. the title across the main window reads "onlyoneof" in all caps. the colored caption reads: onlyoneof — a crash course /end id]
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florenvcepugh · 11 months
__you know what makes me laugh when you have a couple of movies coming out around a few months after the other is the promo you have to do, flying here there and everywhere right? really messes up your sleeping patteren or it does with me at least….but when you do have to go to these interviews, do you have a favourite one you're looking forward too? i'm not saying i have favourite co-workers but….certaintly more so favourite interviews with people. hi i'm florence some people call flo. // @hfrpstarters
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kazpidge · 1 month
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Kazoo thinks everyone is doing wonderful with their lives.
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tahdashi · 9 months
i remembered my login .
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teka-chat · 6 months
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Redraw from a ye olde 2017 wip
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bubbledtee · 6 months
and they don’t have metallica songs on fortnite festival why???
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lildudie18 · 1 year
🐞 Wow actual new art in the midst of old art? Yes 🐞
🐞 Happy anniversary hoe!! mitsuki should've aborted u but ok!! /j 🐞
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🐞Nah did you think that was the actual piece? Spoiler warning chapters 362~~368 slight gore warning, this is sort of a sequel to something I didn't post here yet but yall would see it soon enough 🐞
🐞 Here we go 😋✨✨🐞
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🐞 Also shoutout to what I did in 2021 🐞
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🐞 AND my dumbahh friend is still on their stupid ahh point that I'm Bakugo recarinated or smth 🐞
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🐞 Yeah that's pretty much it 🐞
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neptuniadoesstuff · 30 days
So new AU Thing ig... This is actually a expansion of my "Mother Phen" AU except uh.... scrapping some ideas...
What I mean is:
Canon Phen will now still exist, but as a sibling to Kasi!Phen (sorta like an older brother or smtn, idk. Don't worry the phenlings still exists.) Also yes, Both Kasi!Phen & Canon!Phen will be 2 separate individuals, primarily named as Kasinoshi (so that mean she won't be considered a au of Kasikah anymore) & Hakunata (which is more of a Nickname for Canon!Phen tbh.)
Doing another redesign of Kasi!Phen by making her a bit different from Canon... but still keeping some of her main elements (like the hair, weird antennas, extremely big tail, & weird fur clothing/body). & yes, this include updating my designs for Thumper/Locust & Follower/Ankle Biter (who is gonna be refered to as Alto now until I find a better name-)
Rei.... Well, Rei isn't Kasi!Phen duaghter anymore... She's Canon's kid now. (Although Rei is more of a goof character bcs idk if Room will even exist in this au expansion.... I MEAN NOT THAT ROOM DID EXIST IN ANY OF DOCTOR NOWHERE'S WORKS-) (Don't ask me what Rei's frikin deal is, idk either man, plus her ref isn't done yet-)
This weird expansion will have new characters & some weird ahh lore that idk ppl might get upset with me at. (Although lots of this will change if we do get idk... a 2nd installment of TBOP which is prob when Orion rlly wants to make a 2nd installment. Idk, I'm not him I'm jsu some stoopid kid who's like 2 yrs younger than him-) (Orion btw is uh... Dr. Nowhere if you couldn't tell)
Might uh... change Phen 228's (Haku/Canon!Phen) design since well... Kasinoshi has horns & a weird tail so why not him... THEY ARE LITERALLY GONNA BE SIBLINGS IN THIS EXSPANSION! SO WHY NOT EH?
Thats it... that all of me ideas I have for this dum thing I made up for no reason.
& the name of this new AU/expansion.... "Branches of a Paranormal Federation" no I'm serious that's the name. If yall have a better name than the one I have I love to hear it.
& While this will mainly focus on "The Boiled One Phenomenon" It will also have some focuses on "The Organate Enterprises"/T.O.E bcs idk I feel like those 2 are in the same universe but I'm tripping bro-
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buboloboogie · 4 months
Just a shitty little Emezil for Suck Saturday BRUAH!!!!!!
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froskii · 8 months
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sunflowerwemadeit · 9 months
what's your new hyperfixation about?? i see all the gifsets and im curious
It's Thai BL dramas!!!! I literally saw one (1) gifset of two men kissing and was like oh what show? Hidden Agenda. Okay guess we're gonna stay up all night to finish watching this 9-10 hour series. And it still has two episodes to go!!!! Which I didn't know so now I have to wait 😭😭❤️
And then I was like oh the actors are goooood. And hence I got into the JoongDunk ship. They're so adorable and flirty together I feel so single and so so gay because of them😭😭😭😭
And then I found out that Joong and Dunk have already done one other series together!!!! Where they were the main pair too!!!!!
So guess what I've been binge watching till 6am in the morning!!!!!
And apparently they were also in Safe House which I think is the Thai version of Big Brother? (In India it's called Bigg Boss lol) and i was like OMG SO MUCH CONTENT HOLY SHIT MY DOPAMINE IS THROUGH THE ROOF
So I'm there rn😂😂😂 it is so fun 🥺❤️
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djevilninja · 1 year
You’re so fine, Please be mine. Share your love…
Today - Girl I Got My Eyes on You
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