#new ultimate bias ceo
evilminji · 4 months
I got distracted, BUT I REMEMBERED!
The Dr.'s Fenton? Would ABSOLUTELY fight a child.
Specifically, Hatsume Mei. Future CEO of Hatsume Industries! And ENGINEERING RIVAL of their's! They may be new to this whole "support industy" business, but they are SEASONED weaponry makers! And that brilliant little upstart is good! Audacious! A THREAT!!!
See, they needed to Move. Things were getting a bit... spicy. They may have made so unfortunate choices, back before they knew the truth about their Son and Ghosts in general.
Ignorance, bigotry, and academic bias are curses in their house for a REASON, after all. They never thought... after all the DECADES of facing it themselves...
Needless to say, they were, are, and will always BE horrified by how they acted. There may have be a whole host of reasons behind WHY they acted that way. But those WHYs aren't good enough. They should have been better. Done better. They don't offer any excuses, but but they can give an explanation, if it's wanted.
And, together, as a family, they got through Maddie n Jack's horrifying mistakes.
God they don't deserve those kids. Love them to pieces. The things they don't warn ya about parenthood, you know? The mistakes you might make. You think you're ready. Think everything's alright. Then your life's work KILLS your son and brings him back.
And you don't notice.
......what sort of parents DONT NOTICE?
They still have nightmares. Feel sick. God, if they were working in ANY other field. With ANY other materials! If it wasn't SPECIFICALLY ectoplasm? He... he wouldn't have come back. Oh god.
So.... so, yeah.
They're working on some things! As a family! Seeing a therapist from the Zone. Lovely... Them? They're a tree person. Neither Jack or Maddie is quite certain what gender pronouns, if ANY, they are supposed to use. They've been defaulting to They/Them just to be safe. Still! Alien therapist! Neat!
But, of COURSE. The BABIES in White throw a FIT. "Wah, wah, wah you've been compromised blah blah blah" oh PLEASE! Just because they've had a little personal growth! And stopped shooting at Phantom in public! And in general! You shoot ONE little Goverment agent for trying to shoot your baby and suddenly YOUR the bad guy!
He didn't even die!
So, yeah, BIT spicy.
Honestly? Feels like a long time coming. They were never very popular. This ultimately just feels like the ends of a road that began in college. Them, the two "crazies" with their backs to the wall, as the government closes in, trying to tear them down for knowing the TRUTH and refusing to shut up about it. Their reputations so deep in the mud, they're tasting bedrock.
At least they are together.
And thank god they've had years to plan for the inevitable.
So? They have the kids grab their go bags and head off too stay with Danny's new celebrity friend from another dimension, Mr Wayne. Nice man, little dim, but since he's willing to open his home to the kids in case of emergency? Perfect. And frankly, as long as Mr. Pennyworth is there, everything will be fine.
Besides! Lil Damian is a very respectful and responsible young man. Tim and Danny may get up to mischief, but they can trust the youngest to put his foot down.
THEM on the other hand?
Not so lucky. THEY have to stay with the house. It's not exactky like they can move the portal after all, it's built in. And this is where the kids grew up! Where Jack and her scrimped and saved, lived out of cars and off nickle noodles, to afford! This is their HOME! And no jack booted THUG is going to take that.
So the kids go first. They go to the command center. Jack takes pot shots while she fires up... THAT machine. The one they wired into the house itself, right along with the Ectoplasmic Shielding. It was all theoretical, once. But not anymore.
Now they have The Zone.
It's been collecting energy runoff from the open gate ever since it opened. Siphoning them into the sub-basment mega batteries. Enough to run two-thirds the planet for the next half a millennia. If only the damn patent office would LET THEM PATENT THEIR WORK-!
But that doesn't matter anymore. No, what matters is checking how full the battery banks are. Decently. It HAS been a while since they've done a controlled drain. Good, that means they have more then enough.
So, with no kids to witness things getting nasty? She pulls out her keys and unlocks the parental commands, flips the the shields to "strobe-kill". Let's see you crowd us NOW fuckers. With Jack freed up to help aim the house? They set to work.
It's... not EXACTLY an exact science, as much as they'd prefer it to be. More of a controlled jump. Set preferences, power jump, hop sideways an unknown distance. Land. Look around.
Is it what you want?
A zombie apocalypse?
Jump again. And again. And again. Until the battery runs out. Then sit... or float...or drift, there, until the batteries refill. You have to be mindful, of course, that you don't lose Shield coverage. Because it keeps the House air tight and together. If you jump and immediately lose power to the shields because you misjudged the energy left in the batteries?
Better HOPE you land somewhere with a breathable atmosphere and no zombies!
And Fentons don't rely on HOPE! They rely on good ol firepower and hutzpa!
Also advanced ectoplasmic scientific engineering! But that was a given.
It... takes a while. They run out of canned peaches. Have to stop TWICE to help cure a zombie plague, since they are the only ones with a still working lab. They were actually sort of joking with the kids about the zombies. Oof. Good thing Ectoplasm eats EVERYTHING. One specialized ecto shot and that disease is TOAST.
Granted, the surviors are all limnal now. But they don't seem to care in the slightest.
Then there was the whole "oop! Planet's gone." Couple of worlds. The one with the crabs. The ocean one. The ice age. The robots. The cartoon horses. The inappropriately dressed high-schoolers with weapons fighting God. The boring one. The one with ninjas...
I mean, they are just NOT having any LUCK!
Okay, next moderately stable world, they are doing a groceries run! A Man can not live off freeze dried meals forever! Well, you CAN. But it's making Jack sad, and frankly that's a war crime. Plus she's run out of tea! AND coffee! A life of no caffeine? She can't endure that.
She's started to eye her son's God awful energy abominations in a can, for God sake! Desperate time's and all that...
Which? Is how? The ENTIRE class of 1-H? Turns to stare in ABSOLUTE HORROR at the cackling, head thrown back, hands clawed, mad scientist "it's alive! It's aliiiiiiive" type insanity that is Hatsume Mei and her "this green goo I found from some guys Quirk" powered teleport anchor.
On SCHOOL FUCKING GROUNDS. An ENTIRE house! Is... is that a blimp? That's English right? What's it say?! What the FUCK is that sh- OH MY GOD ARE THOSE PEOPLE!? MEI!!!!!
So begins... the Fentons Beef With A Child™.
Because! Mei will forever more claim! That SHE brought them to this universe with HER magnificent machine! But Maddie and Jack? At first, trying to be nice about it, helpfully point out, actually? No. THEIR house can and does reality jump. THEY brought themselves.
Mei ignores them.
Crows about her magnificent machine. Scoffs about them thinks they haspd anything to do with it.
Oh... oh it is ON, you tiny pink haired little shit!
Does the Japanese Government want to take control of the situation? Of course they do. They want these scientists and they want that house. Local Nedzu's say? "It's nice to want things" :) *sips tea mockingly*
They landed on HIS school's grounds. Finders keepers!
You may say "threat to national security" but HE says "free support gear for the students and security for the school"! Not to MENTION all this delightful FREE clean energy! They are a delightful couple. With a portal to the fabric between realities in their basement!
Not found of the laboratory, but that's a personal issue. The ZONE however? Oooohohohohoho~☆
It? Would DRIVE THE HPSC and Japanese government BATSHIT INSANE that they can't get at the portal? That threats and stealth Heros and every other method? Just... hits a brick wall. A big ol "lol nope!" Meanwhile Nedzu and occasionally random teachers or students are popping in and out of this house they can get into?
Nedzu especially standing just on the other side of the shields going >:3 neener~ neener~ neener~ Ha ha! I could be mature about this but am CHOOSING NOT TO BE!
@legitimatesatanspawn @mutable-manifestation @hdgnj @hypewinter @babbling-babull
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dcllfaced · 18 days
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( layout ib : @/stcpidcupid )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . MEET THE MEMBERS OF VALLEY OF THE DOLLS !
Are you a new Toymaker who wants to learn the Valley of the Dolls members? Are you trying to pick a bias? Well, you're in luck! Here is where you can learn about the prettiest dolls of STARBORN CREATIVE and REDRUM RECORDS!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . GWAN SUN-HUI, known professionally as SUNHUI, was born on April 27th, 1995 in Changwon, South Korea. Ever since she was little she was surrounded by music as she was raised in Seoul, South Korea since she was two years old. Both her parents are in the music and entertainment industry, her mother is a producer for one of Korea's biggest music companies, SM Entertainment, while her father is the voice of a well-known Korean music radio show. Growing up she did involuntary training from her mom in hopes that Sunhui would be able to debut and rise to stardom. She was around 15 when she had a falling out with both her parents who kept telling her she had no talent and wouldn't make it anywhere in the entertainment industry; ultimately they forced her out of the house. She then got a job at a small cafe where she met Noa who had told her about REDRUM RECORDS auditioning. The words of her parents echoed in her head as she booked an audition with the motivation to prove them wrong.
FULL NAME › Gwan Sun-Hui
BIRTHDAY › April 27th, 1995
BIRTHPLACE › Changwon, South Korea
POSITION ›  Sub Vocalist, Main Rapper, Sub Dancer
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Thanatophobia (fear of death) + Aichmophobia (fear of sharp objects in general) + Trypanophobia (fear of sharp objects in a medical setting)
FACE CLAIM › Kim Bora / SuA (Dreamcatcher)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . LEE NOA, known professionally as NOA, was born February 12th, 1996 and is the youngest of four children. Growing up, she typically got whatever she asked for as her parents are wealthy CEOs of a joint tech company in the United States and South Korea. She originally went to a prestigious arts academy in the United States as she lived there for six years to live with her father after her parents got divorced. When she turned 17, she returned to South Korea to spend a few years with her mother and brothers. During her first few months back, she had seen promotions for auditions for an entertainment company REDRUM RECORDS and decided to audition while not telling her family as she believed she wasn't going to be chosen.
BIRTHDAY ›  February 12th, 1996
BIRTHPLACE ›  Busan, South Korea
NATIONALITY ›  Korean-American
ETHNICITY › Korean-American
TRAINING PERIOD ›  Seven months
POSITION ›  Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Somniphobia (fear of sleep) + Taphophobia (Fear of being buried alive / suffocation)
FACE CLAIM › Kang Seulgi (Red Velvet) 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . SONG NINA, known professionally as NINA, was born on May 10th, 1996. As an only child born to a working class family, she was spoiled as much as her parents were able to provide for her. After seeing EXID perform Up & Down, she decided to become an idol and auditioned for STARBORN CREATIVE in 2015, despite their protests for her to take up another career instead. She trained there for three years before debuting in Valley of the Dolls. 
FULL NAME › Son Nina 
BIRTHDAY › May 10th, 1996
BIRTHPLACE › Seoul, South Korea 
POSITION › Main Vocalist, Main Visual 
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Achluophobia (fear of darkness) + Claustrophobia (fear of being in constricted, confined spaces) 
FACE CLAIM › Kim Jiyeon / Bona (WJSN) 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . YOON HYOJIN, known professionally as LILITH, was born on April 15th, 1997. As the oldest sibling of four children, and because her parents were not around much due to constantly traveling for work, she and her siblings learned to care for themselves and each other. In 2017, all four siblings traveled to New York, USA, in order to finish their studies closer to their parents. While there, Hyojin learned about STARBORN CREATIVE and auditioned for the United States branch of the company. After only one year of training, Hyojin moved back to South Korea with her siblings and soon debuted in Valley of the Dolls.
FULL NAME › Yoon Hyojin
ENGLISH NAME › Sidney Yoon
BIRTHDAY › April 15th, 1997
BIRTHPLACE › Anyang, Gyeonggi, South Korea
NATIONALITY › Korean-American
POSITION ›  Leader, Main Dancer, Lead Rapper
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Chronophobia (fear of time) + Chronomentrophobia (fear of clocks)
FACE CLAIM › Kim Hyunjung / Seola (WJSN)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . QIAN BIYA, known professionally as BIYA, was born on November 19th, 1999. She was the only child that her parents had after years of trying. Growing up, her family was never in a good standing financially. She was homeschooled for the majority of her education as her parents couldn't afford to send her to a proper school for her education. It wasn't until she turned 15 that she started taking up small jobs around her city in order to help her family with payments. A small clip of her singing was uploaded and she was eventually contacted by BIGHIT talent scouts and trained under the company after being told she would be paid well if she joined. After three years, with no advancements, she left the company quietly and joined XECOMPANY, now named REDRUM RECORDS where she trained for a little over a year and debuted as one of the six members of Valley of the Dolls.
FULL NAME › Qian Biya
BIRTHDAY › November 19th, 1999
BIRTHPLACE › Shanghai, China
ETHNICITY › Chinese 
TRAINING PERIOD › Three years [BIGHIT] ; One and a half year [XECOMPANY]
POSITION ›  Lead Vocalist, Fake Maknae, Center, Sub Rapper
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Monophobia (fear of being left alone) + Scopophobia (fear of being watched / stared at)
FACE CLAIM › Ning Yizhuo / Ningning (aespa) 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ༝ ˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ . . . TATIANA JANG, known professionally as BELLA, was born on September 20th, 2001. Her father, a world-famous dance instructor who moved to Mexico just before her birth, inspired her love for dance growing up. In 2013, when she was twelve years old, her parents divorced, and she followed her father to South Korea after he received an offer to teach at a dance studio that was partnered with STARBORN CREATIVE. She ended up being scouted by a recruiter shortly after and decided to audition in 2015. She was accepted, and she trained for three years before debuting in Valley of the Dolls as the maknae and main vocalist.
T̨͈͗̌ͥHͥ̽ͣ̃̔I̍̅̀̎̊S̵̙͕̀̃ I̍̅̀̎̊S̵̙͕̀̃ A̷͙ͭͫ̕ L̸̖̽̌͂I̍̅̀̎̊Ḛͭ̉̇͟.T̨͈͗̌ͥHͥ̽ͣ̃̔Ḛͭ̉̇͟ T̨͈͗̌ͥR͉̜̎͡͠U̠҉̷̙ͦT̨͈͗̌ͥHͥ̽ͣ̃̔ Hͥ̽ͣ̃̔A̷͙ͭͫ̕S̵̙͕̀̃ B̩͎͍̾ͅḚͭ̉̇͟Ḛͭ̉̇͟N̺̻̔̆ͅ C̵͉͋̔͞O̖̼ͩ͌͐M͉̅ͮ͒ͤP̧͕̒̊͘R͉̜̎͡͠O̖̼ͩ͌͐M͉̅ͮ͒ͤI̍̅̀̎̊S̵̙͕̀̃Ḛͭ̉̇͟D̶͔̭̪̻ A̷͙ͭͫ̕N̺̻̔̆ͅD̶͔̭̪̻ Hͥ̽ͣ̃̔I̍̅̀̎̊D̶͔̭̪̻D̶͔̭̪̻Ḛͭ̉̇͟N̺̻̔̆ͅ B̩͎͍̾ͅỴ̛̖͋͢ S̵̙͕̀̃T̨͈͗̌ͥA̷͙ͭͫ̕R͉̜̎͡͠B̩͎͍̾ͅO̖̼ͩ͌͐R͉̜̎͡͠N̺̻̔̆ͅ C̵͉͋̔͞R͉̜̎͡͠Ḛͭ̉̇͟A̷͙ͭͫ̕T̨͈͗̌ͥI̍̅̀̎̊V̘̪͆̂̅Ḛͭ̉̇͟.
FULL NAME › Tatiana Jang
BIRTHDAY › September 20th, 2001
BIRTHPLACE › Mexico City, Mexico
NATIONALITY › Korean-Mexican
POSITION ›  Maknae, Main Vocalist, Dancer
REPRESENTATIVE FEAR(S) › Philophobia (fear of falling in love)
FACE CLAIM › Park Sujin / Swan (Purple Kiss)
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lokislytherin · 2 years
devil by the window
pairing: current canon idol!dg x gender neutral journalist!reader
summary: you’re just going to interview dg - your bias, your celebrity crush - on behalf of dispatch. what could go wrong?
chapters: one / two
a/n: dg being sus, as y’all are interested 👀👀 this fic does not have any sussy content as in dg will not be taking his pants off. tits may or may not be bared but his pants and yours will be staying firmly on! title from ‘devil by the window’ by tomorrow x together (txt)! enjoy~
warning: canon compliant violence. also reader is kind of horny but that’s the majority of tumblr dg stans so y’all should be thanking me really
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there's no way around it: dg is your ultimate bias.
you've been enchanted by him since the moment he debuted - visuals, vocals, dancing, rapping, he's the epitome of talent. he's young and charismatic too, charming half the women in seoul the second he steps foot on stage for the first time. according to the news, he's only a month older than you. he'll change the idol industry, you told your boss back at the time, eyes bright. he'll change the world.
your boss looked back at you, a lowly intern fresh out of high school with nothing to your name, not even a bachelor's degree, only raw enthusiasm for hunting down the truth. okay.
it's very obvious he didn't believe you. you were a nobody, after all.
now, you're twenty-one and studying media and communications at seoul national university, the most prestigious university in south korea. you've got more experience and reference letters to boot. you're interning for dispatch, the most (in)famous entertainment news company in korea. they say they're willing to take you in as an official journalist the second you graduate. 
even if dispatch is pretty shitty to idols, your old boss can suck it. you’re working for dispatch now.
it's been four years since dg debuted, and you're still his biggest fan. if dg has a million fans, you're one of them. if dg has ten fans, you're one of them. if dg has one fan, it's you. if dg has no fans, you're probably dead.
which is why you're currently panicking, bouncing off the walls with hysteria at four in the morning. all your colleagues know you as the local dg hard stan, so as the one with the most knowledge about dg you've been scheduled to shadow a sunbae from the journalism department to interview the one and only dg for a cover article in twelve hours.
dg doesn't know who you are, but you've been to every single one of his concerts and fan meets, bought every single one of his albums and made a shrine to him out of photocards. you know him - or at least the version he shows the public - as well as you know your own skin. 
you've got yourself a nice outfit: a white blouse with flowy sleeves, a black corset to accentuate your figure, black pants that are just long enough to show off your nice legs. it's better than you've dressed for any date, which would probably explain why you've never had a romantic relationship before. you've always put dg and your studies before everything else, after all.
you’re not sure how long you sleep for, but you shoot out of bed immediately after your alarm starts screaming, and the rest of the morning passes in a similar haze. you don’t even remember getting to the interview spot, but when you do, you’re a whole fifteen minutes early. at least your make-up is looking fabulous.
“excuse me,” says a familiar voice, “are you from dispatch?”
your heart skips a beat. you turn around, and- 
“oh,” you breathe, feeling a little weak in the knees.
dg is tall.
he’s taller than he looks on television, and even though he has only the slightest of makeup on his face, the ceo of ptj entertainment is as beautiful as any renaissance painting. he looks almost unreal.
he smiles down at you, warm and friendly. he feels like someone you can trust. “i’ll take that as a yes, then.”
all you can do is nod, because you don’t trust yourself enough to speak.
“would you like to head in first?” dg gestures towards one of the rooms - there are two security guards outside, both of them shooting you dirty looks. you catch dg shooting them an even dirtier look, and they look away, like wounded dogs with their tails between their legs. “you’re the newbie, aren’t you? we can have a little chat before your colleague arrives.”
that sounds a little like a threat, now. but at the same time, dg could make you do anything he wanted and you’d probably thank him for it. “i- i-”
“be not afraid,” he says, still smiling at you, almost inhumanly beautiful. it’s almost like he knows how you joke about him being angel incarnate. well, you’re not scared of him, you’re scared of you. “i don’t bite.” he leans down, and you go cross-eyed at the proximity. “unless you want me to.”
“i- i-”
“i’m kidding, i’m kidding.” he guides you into the room, relaxing onto the couch opposite yours. you’re a rabbit who strolled into the den of a lion, timidly perched on the edge of the loveseat. dg has no shame in reclining across the back of the couch, legs splayed out so he takes up most of the sofa even though he’s only one man. you try your best not to look at the space between his toned thighs, because even if you want to know whether dg really does have the biggest cock out of all the idols, now is not the time to find out.
only then do you realize you haven’t introduced yourself. you jump up and bow, ninety-degrees. “my name is y/n! it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir, i’m a really big fan!”
that doesn’t even begin to cover how big of a fan you are, but he doesn’t have to know that.
he gestures towards your bag, and you finally notice the limited edition that’s been hanging there the whole time. you had to fight people for that. “i could tell.”
ahhhh, that’s so embarrassing! and unprofessional! 
“it’s cute. you can call me dagyeom, by the way. that’s my name, after all. no need for dg-ssi. we’re around the same age anyway. as for sir...” he smirks. “you can save that for elsewhere.”
“elsewhere? like... where?”
he spreads his legs wider, like he’s making space for something. he raises an eyebrow almost invitingly. “where do you think?”
is he... flirting? with you? oh god, he’s flirting with you.
nothing in all of your years as a journalist or a dg fan has ever prepared you for this. you’ve never heard anything about him flirting. he’s insanely good at hiding from the press and the cameras. you’ve never been assigned to professionally stalk him before (you’re much better with a frontal approach), but some of your colleagues have, and all of them were caught in the act. he barely even does aegyo for the fanservice. 
you give yourself a mental smack in the head. this is the interview of a lifetime! you are face to face with the person you’ve admired for years! you cannot let yourself be horny on main!
he laughs, amusement dancing on his lips as he watches countless emotions flicker across your face in the span of a few seconds. “cute.”
just as that moment, your sunbae barges in. he’s huffing and puffing, clearly having run here, but he’s on time. nobody had told you which sunbae you would be shadowing, but you had been desperately hoping it wasn’t him. you’ve shown nothing but respect for him, as you should, but let’s not even talk about inches, not once has he ever shown you even a centimeter of respect. so he’s late, huh? it feels mean, but you hope he made a bad impression in front of dg. “dagyeom-ssi-”
dagyeom smiles, frigid and unamused, a stark contrast from the way he’d smiled at you. even his spread legs feels less like a calling and more like a threat, although it’s dominant and overbearing either way. “call me dg.”
your sunbae swallows and nods. “dg-ssi, we can begin the interview now.”
wow. dagyeom is really, really biased.
it looks like there’s still a lot you don’t know about him, but your heart flutters in your chest at the feeling of being able to know more.
you’re pretty experienced with interviews - you know the journalist should lead the conversation, and always ask for elaborations from the interviewee. but this time, dagyeom is the one in the lead, constantly offering you chances to speak and ask questions while blatantly ignoring your sunbae.
both of you journalists are helpless under the full force of his charisma as he drives the conversation, one hand on the wheel, the other resting on your shoulder. if this interview was a car, your sunbae would’ve been stuffed in the trunk, or tied up with a rope and dragged along behind the car. but when you ask about his past and why he became an idol, he becomes tight-lipped.
there’s probably a reason why he never talks about his past, after all. you were just trying to see if you could get a scoop out of things, or be the first to find out.
“i just thought it was neat,” he says with a shrug. “singing and dancing and making money off that.”
you ask him about his thoughts on aegyo next, and giggle when he makes a face. dagyeom has always hated acting cute for the cameras, but you think he’s cuter when he’s pouting like that and complaining about fan-service.
(you are a much bigger fan for the more… physical kind of fan-service, so to speak. but you would die of shame before admitting to his face that you got all hot and bothered when he ripped his shirt off for a show in the middle of a rap. and that time when he modelled for calvin klein, with the waistband of his boxers peeking out under his tight jeans. and the rich boy concept photos with him in the pool, smirking lavisciously. those toned pecs… the lick-able abs… hhhhnnnnnggggg~
enough, enough! you’ll die of shame right now if you don’t stop thinking about that. luckily, you’re good at multitasking, and you’re fully capable of taking notes dutifully while imagining dagyeom bending you over the table.)
the interview comes to an end all too soon, with all your questions answered except the ones about his past, or his worst fears. he’s been rather vague about some of them, but as an idol and ceo of an entertainment company, dagyeom likes to keep whatever privacy he can, and as a respectful journalist you won’t pry too deeply. even if you did, you’d find out in your own time and never tell him.
just before your sunbae drags you off, dagyeom holds you back, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him. you gasp as he catches you gracefully when you stumble, steady hands on your waist. his hands are big enough to wrap around you entirely, and the realisation makes your cheeks heat. “i’ll keep in touch. i’ve seen your other works. you’re too good for the likes of dispatch.”
“my other…?!”
you can feel his minty breath fanning across your cheeks when he speaks. “see you soon, jagiya. don’t let me down.”
you’re not sure how you don’t faint on the spot, or collapse completely when an email from ptj entertainment pops up in your inbox half a day later, formally requesting you to join the company as part of the media and communications department.
you email them your cv, resume, all your reference letters. i’m still doing my bachelor’s degree in journalism at snu.
this time, kang dagyeom emails you back personally. that’s perfectly fine with me. you can start as soon as next week.
you terminate your internship contract at dispatch at the end of the week. good riddance to the sunbae who had disrespected you. you’ve got the job of your dreams.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
The episode plunged one of America’s most ubiquitous brands into crisis.
In April 2018, two Black men entered a Starbucks shop in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia for a business meeting with a white man who had not yet arrived. While they waited, and before ordering, one of the two asked to use the bathroom. He was refused. Eventually, they were asked to leave. When they did not, an employee called the police.
The subsequent arrests, captured in videos viewed millions of times online, prompted accusations of racism, protests and boycott threats. The company’s CEO apologized publicly, describing the way the men had been treated as “reprehensible.” Starbucks took the extraordinary step of temporarily closing 8,000 stores to teach workers about racial bias.
On Monday, in a surprising twist, a federal jury in New Jersey ordered Starbucks to pay $25.6 million to a former regional manager after determining that the company had fired her amid the fallout from the Rittenhouse Square episode because she was white. The jury found that Starbucks had violated the federal civil rights of the former manager, Shannon Phillips, as well as a New Jersey law that prohibits discrimination based on race, awarding her $600,000 in compensatory damages and $25 million in punitive damages.
Laura Carlin Mattiacci, a lawyer for Phillips, said she and her client were “very pleased” with the unanimous verdict, adding that “she proved by ‘clear and convincing evidence’ that punitive damages were warranted” under the New Jersey law.
A Starbucks spokesperson declined to comment.
At the time of the episode, Phillips oversaw about 100 stores in Philadelphia, southern New Jersey, Delaware and parts of Maryland. She had been promoted to the job in 2011 after what she called her “exemplary performance” in six years as a district manager in Ohio.
Phillips said in the suit that Starbucks, as part of its damage-control effort after the arrests, had sought to punish her and other white employees in and around Philadelphia even if they had not been involved in the events that led to the police being called.
Phillips said she had thrown herself into the company’s efforts to restore its credibility and had sought to support hourly workers, organizing managers to staff stores and cover for employees who were scared to run a gantlet of protesters.
Amid the image-burnishing campaign, Phillips said one of her superiors, a Black woman, told her to suspend a white manager who oversaw stores in Philadelphia, though not the one in Rittenhouse Square, because of allegations that he had engaged in discriminatory conduct — allegations that Phillips said she knew to be untrue.
In contrast, Phillips said, no action was taken against the manager who oversaw the Rittenhouse Square store, a Black man who Phillips said had promoted the employee who called the police.
Phillips said she was fired not long after balking at the order to suspend the white manager. She said that she had not been previously told that she was doing a bad job and that the only explanation she was given for the firing was that “the situation is not recoverable.”
Starbucks denied in court filings that Phillips had been fired because she was white and said she was let go because she performed poorly in response to the episode that led to the arrests.
“During this time of crisis,” a lawyer for Starbucks wrote in a court filing, the company’s “Philadelphia market needed a leader who could perform,” adding that “Ms. Phillips failed in every aspect of that role.”
Starbucks ultimately chose not to press charges against the men at the center of the episode, Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson, both 23 at the time. Before suing over the ordeal, they reached a confidential financial settlement with the company and got a commitment from the city of Philadelphia to invest $200,000 to help young entrepreneurs.
“I want to make sure that this situation doesn’t happen again,” Robinson said in an interview at the time. “What I want is for young men to not be traumatized by this, and instead motivated, inspired.”
Efforts to reach Robinson and Nelson on Tuesday were unsuccessful.
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unethicalexperiments · 8 months
Chris McGreal
07:00 EST Sunday, 04 February 2024
CNN is facing a backlash from its own staff over editorial policies they say have led to a regurgitation of Israeli propaganda and the censoring of Palestinians perspectives in the network’s coverage of the war in Gaza.
Journalists in CNN newsrooms in the US and overseas say broadcasts have been skewed by management edicts and a story-approval process that has resulted in highly partial coverage of the Hamas massacre on 7 October and Israel’s retaliatory attack on Gaza.
“The majority of news since the war began, regardless of how accurate the initial reporting, has been skewed by a systemic and institutional bias within the network toward Israel,” said one CNN staffer. “Ultimately, CNN’s coverage of the Israel-Gaza war amounts to journalistic malpractice.”
According to accounts from six CNN staffers in multiple newsrooms, and more than a dozen internal memos and emails obtained by the Guardian, daily news decisions are shaped by a flow of directives from the CNN headquarters in Atlanta that have set strict guidelines on coverage.
They include tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives while Israel government statements are taken at face value. In addition, every story on the conflict must be cleared by the Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication.
CNN journalists say the tone of coverage is set at the top by its new editor in chief and CEO, Mark Thompson, who took up his post two days after the 7 October Hamas attack. Some staff are concerned about Thompson’s willingness to withstand external attempts to influence coverage given that in a former role as the BBC’s director general he was accused of bowing to Israeli government pressure on a number of occasions, including a demand to remove one of the corporation’s most prominent correspondents from her post in Jerusalem in 2005.
CNN insiders say that has resulted, particularly in the early weeks of the war, in a greater focus on Israeli suffering and the Israeli narrative of the war as a hunt for Hamas and its tunnels, and an insufficient focus on the scale of Palestinian civilian deaths and destruction in Gaza.
One journalist described a “schism” within the network over coverage they said was at times reminiscent of the cheerleading that followed 9/11.
“There’s a lot of internal strife and dissent. Some people are looking to get out,” they said.
Another journalist in a different bureau said that they too saw pushback.
“Senior staffers who disagree with the status quo are butting heads with the executives giving orders, questioning how we can effectively tell the story with such restrictive directives in place,” they said.
“Many have been pushing for more content from Gaza to be alerted and aired. By the time these reports go through Jerusalem and make it to TV or the homepage, critical changes – from the introduction of imprecise language to an ignorance of crucial stories – ensure that nearly every report, no matter how damning, relieves Israel of wrongdoing.”
CNN staff say that some journalists with experience of reporting the conflict and region have avoided assignments in Israel because they do not believe they will be free to tell the whole story. Others speculate that they are being kept away by senior editors.
“It is clear that some who don’t belong are covering the war and some who do belong aren’t,” said one insider.
At Thompson’s first editorial meeting, two days after the 7 October Hamas attack, the new network chief described CNN’s coverage of the rapidly moving story as “basically great”.
Thompson then said he wanted viewers to understand what Hamas is, what it stands for and what it was trying to achieve with the attack. Some of those listening thought that a laudable journalistic goal. But they said that in time it became clear he had more specific expectations for how journalists should cover the group.
In late October, as the Palestinian death toll rose sharply from Israeli bombing with more than 2,700 children killed according to the Gaza health ministry, and as Israel prepared for its ground invasion, a set of guidelines landed in CNN staff inboxes.
A note at the top of the two-page memo pointed to an instruction “from Mark” to pay attention to a particular paragraph under “coverage guidance”. The paragraph said that, while CNN would report the human consequences of the Israeli assault and the historical context of the story, “we must continue always to remind our audiences of the immediate cause of this current conflict, namely the Hamas attack and mass murder and kidnap of civilians”. (Italics in the original.)
CNN staff members said the memo solidified a framework for stories in which the Hamas massacre was used to implicitly justify Israeli actions, and that other context or history was often unwelcome or marginalised.
“How else are editors going to read that other than as an instruction that no matter what the Israelis do, Hamas is ultimately to blame? Every action by Israel – dropping massive bombs that wipe out entire streets, its obliteration of whole families – the coverage ends up massaged to create a ‘they had it coming’ narrative,” said one staffer.
The same memo said that any reference to casualty figures from the Gaza health ministry must say it is “Hamas-controlled”, implying that reports of the deaths of thousands of children were unreliable even though the World Health Organization and other international bodies have said they are largely accurate. CNN staff said that edict was laid down by Thompson at an earlier editorial meeting.
Broader oversight of coverage from the CNN headquarters in Atlanta is directed by “the Triad” of three CNN departments – news standards and practices, legal, and fact checking.
David Lindsay, the senior director of news standards and practices, issued a directive in early November effectively barring the reporting of most Hamas statements, characterising them as “inflammatory rhetoric and propaganda”.
“Most of it has been said many times before and is not newsworthy. We should be careful not to give it a platform,” he wrote.
Lindsay said that if a statement was deemed editorially relevant “we can use it if it’s accompanied by greater context, preferably a package or digital write. Let’s avoid running it as a standalone soundbite or quote.”
In contrast, one CNN staffer noted that the network repeatedly aired inflammatory rhetoric and propaganda from Israeli officials and American supporters, often without challenge in interviews.
They noted that other channels have carried interviews with Hamas leaders while CNN has not, including one in which the group’s spokesman, Ghazi Hamad, cut short questions from the BBC when he was challenged about the murder of Israeli civilians. One staffer said there is a view among correspondents that it is “agony to get a Hamas interview past the Triad”.
CNN sources acknowledged there have been no interviews with Hamas since the 7 October attack, but said the network does not have a ban on such interviews.
But CNN news desks and reporters have been instructed not to use video recorded by Hamas “under any circumstances unless cleared by the Triad and senior editorial leadership”.
That position was reiterated in another instruction on 23 October that reports must not show Hamas recordings of the release of two Israeli hostages, Nurit Cooper and Yocheved Lifshitz. Two days later, Lindsay sent an additional instruction that video of the 85-year-old Lifshitz shaking hands with one of her captors “can only to be used when specifically writing about her decision to shake hands with her captor”.
In addition to the edicts from Atlanta, CNN has a longstanding policy that all copy on the Israel-Palestine situation must be approved for broadcast or publication by the Jerusalem bureau. In July, the network created a process it called “SecondEyes” to speed up those approvals.
The Jerusalem bureau chief, Richard Greene, told staff in a memo announcing SecondEyes – first reported by the Intercept – that, because coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is subject to close scrutiny by partisans on both sides, the measure was created as a “safety net so we don’t use imprecise language or words that may sound impartial but can have coded meanings here”.
CNN staffers said there is nothing inherently wrong with the requirement given the huge sensitivity of covering Israel and Palestine, and the aggressive nature of Israeli authorities and well-organised pro-Israel groups in seeking to influence coverage. But some feel that a measure that was originally intended to maintain standards has become a tool of self-censorship to avoid controversy.
One result of SecondEyes is that Israeli official statements are often quickly cleared and make it on air on the principle that that they are to be trusted at face value, seemingly rubber-stamped for broadcast, while statements and claims from Palestinians, and not just Hamas, are delayed or never reported.
One CNN staffer said edits by SecondEyes often seemed aimed at avoiding criticism from pro-Israel groups. They gave the example of Greene’s intervention to change a headline, “Israel is nowhere near destroying Hamas” – a perspective widely reflected in the foreign and Israeli press. It was replaced with headline that shifted the focus from whether Israel could achieve its stated justification for killing thousands of Palestinian civilians: “Three months on, Israel is entering a new phase of the war. Is it still trying to ‘destroy’ Hamas?”
Some CNN staff fear that the result is a network acting as a surrogate censor on behalf of the Israeli government.
“The system results in chosen individuals editing any and all reporting with an institutionalised pro-Israel bias, often using passive language to absolve the [Israel Defense Forces] of responsibility, and playing down Palestinian deaths and Israeli attacks,” said one of the network’s journalists.
CNN staff who spoke to the Guardian were quick to praise thorough and hard-hitting reporting by correspondents on the ground. They said those reports are often given prominence on CNN International, seen outside the US. But on the CNN channel available in the US, they are frequently less visible and at times marginalised by hours of interviews with Israeli officials and supporters of the war in Gaza who were given free rein to make their case, often unchallenged and sometimes with presenters making supportive statements. Meanwhile, Palestinian voices and views were far less frequently heard and more rigorously challenged.
One staffer pointed to the appearance of Rami Igra, a former senior official in the Israeli intelligence service, on Anderson Cooper’s show, where he claimed that the entire Palestinian population of Gaza could be regarded as combatants.
“The non-combatant population in the Gaza Strip is really a nonexistent term because all of the Gazans voted for the Hamas and as we have seen on the 7th of October, most of the population in the Gaza Strip are Hamas,” he said.
“Nonetheless, we are treating them as non-combatants, we are treating them as regular civilians, and they are spared from the fighting.”
Cooper did not challenge him on either point. By the time the interview aired on 19 November, more than 13,000 people had been killed in Gaza, most of them civilians.
Another CNN staffer picked out anchor Jake Tapper’s programme as an example of an anchor too closely identifying with one side while the other gets only a restricted look in. In one segment, Tapper acknowledged the death and suffering of innocent Palestinians in Gaza but appeared to defend the scale of the Israeli attack on Gaza.
“What exactly did Hamas think the Israeli military would do in response to that?” he said, referring to the attack on 7 October.
A CNN spokesperson said: “We absolutely reject the notion that any of our journalists treat Israeli officials differently to other officials.”
Another presenter, Sara Sidner, drew criticism for her excitable report on unverified Israeli claims that Hamas beheaded dozens of babies on 7 October.
“We have some really disturbing new information out of Israel,” she announced four days after the attack.
“The Israeli prime minister’s spokesman just confirmed, babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated in Kfar Aza in southern Israel after Hamas attacks in the kibbutz over the weekend. That has been confirmed by the prime minister’s office.”
Sidner called the claim “beyond devastating”.
“For the families listening, for the people of Israel, for anyone that is a parent, who loves children, I don’t know how they get through this,” she said.
Sidner then put it to a CNN reporter in Jerusalem, Hadas Gold, that the decapitation of babies would make it impossible for Israel to make peace with Hamas.
Gold replied: “How can you when you’re dealing with people who would do such atrocities to children, to babies, to toddlers?”
Gold, who was part of the SecondEyes team approving stories, again said the report was confirmed by Netanyahu’s office and she drew parallels with the Holocaust. She responded to a Hamas denial that it had decapitated babies as unbelievable “when we literally have video of these guys, of these militants, of these terrorists doing exactly what they say they’re not doing to civilians and to children”.
Except, as a CNN journalist pointed out, the network did not have such video and, apparently, neither did anyone else.
“The problem was that yet again the Israeli government’s version of events was promoted in an emotional way with very little scrutiny by someone who is supposed to be a neutral news presenter,” they said.
By the time of Sidner’s broadcast there were already good reasons for CNN to treat the claims with caution.
Israeli journalists who toured Kfar Aza the day before said they had seen no evidence of such a crime and military officials there had made no mention of it. Instead, Tim Langmaid, the Atlanta-based CNN vice-president and senior editorial director, sent an instruction that President Biden’s claims to have seen pictures of the alleged atrocity “back up what the Israeli government said”.
Even as the questions grew, Langmaid sent out a memo saying: “It is important to cover the atrocities of the Hamas attacks and war as we learn them.”
CNN insiders said senior editors should have treated the story with caution from the beginning because the Israeli military has a track record of false or exaggerated claims that subsequently fall apart.
Other networks, such as Sky News, were considerably more sceptical in their reporting and laid out the tenuous origins of the story which began with a reporter for an Israeli news channel who said soldiers told her that 40 children were killed in the Hamas massacre and that one soldier said he had seen “bodies of babies with their heads cut off”. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) then used the claim to liken Hamas to the Islamic State.
Even after the White House admitted that neither the president nor his officials had themselves seen pictures of beheaded babies, and that they had been relying on Israeli claims, Langmaid told the newsroom it could still report the Israeli government assertions alongside a denial from Hamas.
CNN did report on the rolling back of the claims as Israeli officials backtracked, but one staffer said that by then the damage had been done, describing the coverage as a failure of journalism.
“The infamous ‘beheaded babies’ claim, attributed to the Israeli government, made it to air for roughly 18 hours – even after the White House walked back on Biden’s statement that he had seen the nonexistent photos. CNN had no access to photographic evidence, nor any ability to independently verify these claims,” they said.
A CNN spokesperson said the network accurately reported what was being said at the time.
“We took great care to attribute these claims across our reporting, and we also issued very specific guidance to this effect,” they said.
Some CNN staff raised similar issues with reporting on Hamas tunnels in Gaza and claims they led to a sprawling command centre under al-Shifa hospital.
Insiders say some journalists have pushed back against the restrictions. One pointed to Jomana Karadsheh, a London-based correspondent with a long history of reporting from the Middle East.
“Jomana has really pushed to shine a spotlight on the Palestinian victims of this war and she has had some success. She’s done some really important stories putting a human face on it all and in looking at Israeli actions and intent. But I don’t think it’s been easy for her. These stories don’t get the prominence they deserve,” one said.
The push for more balanced coverage has been complicated by Israel’s block on foreign journalists entering Gaza except under IDF control and subject to censorship. That has helped keep the full impact of the war on Palestinians off of CNN and other channels while ensuring that there is a continued focus on the Israeli perspective.
A CNN spokesperson rejected allegations of bias.
“Our reporting has confronted Israel’s response to the attacks, including some of our most detailed and high-profile investigations, interviews and reports,” they said.
CNN faced similar accusations of partiality in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 when the network’s chair, Walter Isaacson, ordered that reports on the killing of Afghan civilians by US forces be balanced with condemnation of the Taliban for its links to al-Qaida.
“As we get good reports from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, we must redouble our efforts to make sure we do not seem to be simply reporting from their vantage or perspective. We must talk about how the Taliban are using civilian shields and how the Taliban have harbored the terrorists responsible for killing close to 5,000 innocent people,” he wrote in a memo, according to the Washington Post.
Some staffers say that after the first few weeks in which CNN reported the Hamas attack “like it was 9/11”, more space was made for the Palestinian perspective given the escalating death toll and destruction from Israel’s retaliatory attack on Gaza.
The only foreign journalist to report from Gaza without an Israeli escort has been CNN’s Clarissa Ward, who entered for two hours with a humanitarian team from the United Arab Emirates.
Ward acknowledged the challenges in the Washington Post last week. She wrote that her reporting from Israel allowed her “to create a vivid picture of the monstrosities of Oct 7” but she was being prevented from conveying a fuller picture of the tragedy unfolding in Gaza because of the Israeli block on foreign journalists, putting the burden solely on a limited number of courageous Palestinian reporters who are being killed in disproportionate numbers.
“We must now be able to report on the horrific death and destruction being meted out in Gaza in the same way – on the ground, independently – amid one of the most intense bombardments in the history of modern warfare,” she wrote.
“The response to our report on Gaza in Israeli media suggests an unspoken reason for denying access. When asked on air about our piece, one reporter from the Israeli Channel 13 replied, ‘If indeed Western reporters begin to enter Gaza, this will for sure be a big headache for Israel and Israeli hasbara.’ Hasbara is a Hebrew word for pro-Israel advocacy.”
Some at CNN fear that its coverage of the latest Gaza war is damaging a reputation built up by its reporting of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which led to a surge in viewers. But others say that the Ukraine war may be part of the problem because editorial standards grew lax as the network and many of its journalists identified clearly with one side – Ukraine – particularly at the beginning of the conflict.
One CNN staffer said that Ukraine coverage set a dangerous precedent that has come back to haunt the network because the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is far more divisive and views are much more deeply entrenched.
“The complacency in our editorial standards and journalistic integrity while reporting on Ukraine has come back to haunt us. Only this time, the stakes are higher and the consequences much more severe. Journalistic complacency is an easier pill for the world to swallow when it’s Arab lives lost instead of European,” they said.
Another CNN employee said the double standards are glaring.
“It’s OK for us to be embedded with the IDF, producing reports censored by the army, but we cannot talk to the organisation that won a majority of the votes in Gaza whether we like it or not. CNN viewers are being prevented from hearing from a central player in this story,” they said.
“It is not journalism to say we won’t talk to someone because we don’t like what they do. CNN has talked to plenty of terrorists and America’s enemies over the years. We’ve interviewed Muammar Gaddafi. We’ve even interviewed Osama bin Laden. So what’s different this time?”
Years of pressure
Journalists working at CNN have varied explanations.
Some say the problem is rooted in years of pressure from the Israeli government and allied groups in the US combined with a fear of losing advertising.
During the battle for narrative through the second Palestinian intifada in the early 2000s, Israel’s then communications minister, Reuven Rivlin, called CNN ‘‘evil, biased and unbalanced”. The Jerusalem Post likened the network’s correspondent in the city, Sheila MacVicar, to “the woman who refilled the toilet paper in the Goebbels’ commode”.
CNN’s founder, Ted Turner, caused a storm when he told the Guardian in 2002 that Israel was engaging in terrorism against the Palestinians.
“The Palestinians are fighting with human suicide bombers, that’s all they have. The Israelis … they’ve got one of the most powerful military machines in the world. The Palestinians have nothing. So who are the terrorists? I would make a case that both sides are involved in terrorism,” said Turner, who was then the vice-chairman of AOL Time Warner, which owned CNN.
The resulting storm of protest resulted in threats to the network’s revenue, including moves by Israeli cable television companies to supplant the network with Fox News.
CNN’s chair, Walter Isaacson, appeared on Israeli television to denounce Turner but that did not stem the criticism. The network’s then chief news executive, Eason Jordan, imposed a new rule that CNN would no longer show statements by suicide bombers or interview their relatives, and flew to Israel to quell the political storm.
CNN also began broadcasting a series about the victims of Palestinian suicide bombers. The network insisted that the move was not a response to pressure but some of its journalists were sceptical. CNN did not produce a similar series with the relatives of innocent Palestinians killed by Israel in bombings.
By 2021, the Columbia Journalism Review public editor for CNN, Ariana Pekary, accused the network of excluding Palestinian voices and historical context from coverage.
Thompson has his own battle scars from dealing with Israeli officials when he was director general of the BBC two decades ago.
In the spring of 2005, the BBC was embroiled in a very public row over an interview with the Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu, who was released from prison the year before.
The Israeli authorities barred Vanunu from giving interviews. When a BBC documentary team spoke to him and then smuggled the footage out of Israel, the authorities reacted by effectively expelling the acting head of the BBC’s Jerusalem bureau, Simon Wilson, who was not involved in the interview.
The dispute rolled on for months before the BBC eventually bowed to an Israeli demand that Wilson write a letter of apology before he could return to Jerusalem. The letter, which included a commitment to “obey the regulations in the future”, was to have remained confidential but the BBC unintentionally posted details online before removing them a few hours later. The climbdown angered some BBC journalists who were enduring persistent pressure and abuse for their coverage.
Later that year, Thompson visited Jerusalem and met the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, in an effort to improve relations after other incidents.
The Israeli government was particularly unhappy with the BBC’s highly experienced Jerusalem correspondent, Orla Guerin. The Israeli minister for diaspora affairs at the time, Natan Sharansky, accused her of antisemitism and “total identification with the goals and methods of the Palestinian terror groups” after a report by Guerin about the arrest of a 16-year-old Palestinian boy carrying explosives. She accused Israeli officials of turning the arrest into a propaganda opportunity because they “paraded the child in front of the international media” after forcing him to wait at a checkpoint for the arrival of photographers.
Within days of Thompson’s meeting with Sharon, the BBC announced that Guerin would be leaving Jerusalem. At the time, Thompson’s office denied he acted under pressure from Israel and said that Guerin had completed a longer than usual posting.
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mariacallous · 7 months
A widespread assumption in political science and international relations is that cognitive biases��quirks of the brain we all share as human beings—are detrimental and responsible for policy failures, disasters, and wars. In Strategic Instincts, Dominic Johnson challenges this assumption, explaining that these nonrational behaviors can actually support favorable results in international politics and contribute to political and strategic success. By studying past examples, he considers the ways that cognitive biases act as “strategic instincts,” lending a competitive edge in policy decisions, especially under conditions of unpredictability and imperfect information.
Drawing from evolutionary theory and behavioral sciences, Johnson looks at three influential cognitive biases—overconfidence, the fundamental attribution error, and in-group/out-group bias. He then examines the advantageous as well as the detrimental effects of these biases through historical case studies of the American Revolution, the Munich Crisis, and the Pacific campaign in World War II. He acknowledges the dark side of biases—when confidence becomes hubris, when attribution errors become paranoia, and when group bias becomes prejudice. Ultimately, Johnson makes a case for a more nuanced understanding of the causes and consequences of cognitive biases and argues that in the complex world of international relations, strategic instincts can, in the right context, guide better performance.
Strategic Instincts shows how an evolutionary perspective can offer the crucial next step in bringing psychological insights to bear on foundational questions in international politics.
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leilanibradford · 1 month
Strength in the Boardroom: How to Be a Resilient Woman in Business
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The Importance of Resilience in Business Leadership
Resilience is a crucial trait for anyone navigating the competitive and often challenging world of business. For women in leadership roles, resilience takes on an even greater significance. It’s not just about bouncing back from setbacks but about thriving in environments where they may face additional challenges such as gender bias, underestimation, and limited opportunities for advancement. Understanding how to cultivate and maintain resilience is key to building a successful and enduring career in business. This article explores essential strategies that resilient women can adopt to strengthen their leadership capabilities and ensure their impact is felt in the boardroom.
Embrace Challenges as Opportunities for Growth
The business world is fraught with challenges—tight deadlines, high-stakes decisions, and competitive pressures are just the beginning. For women, there are often additional hurdles, such as navigating gender bias and proving their capabilities in traditionally male-dominated spaces. However, resilient women see these challenges not as roadblocks but as opportunities for growth and development.
When faced with adversity, it’s essential to adopt a growth mindset. This involves viewing failures and setbacks as learning experiences that contribute to personal and professional growth. Resilient leaders are those who can reassess their strategies in the face of obstacles, learn from their mistakes, and apply those lessons to future endeavors. This approach not only helps in overcoming immediate challenges but also builds a strong foundation for long-term success.
For instance, consider the story of Indra Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo, who faced numerous challenges on her path to leadership. Rather than being deterred by setbacks, she used them as opportunities to refine her leadership style and strategic vision, ultimately leading PepsiCo through significant growth and transformation​.
Cultivate Adaptability and Flexibility
The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is a hallmark of resilience. In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, the ability to pivot strategies and approaches is more important than ever. Resilient women in business are those who can quickly assess new situations, adjust their plans accordingly, and continue moving forward without being paralyzed by the unknown.
Adaptability also means being open to new ideas and perspectives. Leaders who are flexible in their thinking are better equipped to navigate uncertainties and turn potential threats into opportunities. This flexibility is crucial not only in crisis management but also in everyday decision-making processes, where staying rigid can limit innovation and growth.
For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses had to quickly adapt to new ways of operating, from remote work setups to shifting entire business models online. Women leaders who demonstrated adaptability were able to lead their teams through these transitions smoothly, ensuring continuity and even finding new avenues for growth in challenging times​.
Develop Strong Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is another key component of resilience, particularly in leadership roles. EQ involves the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions, as well as empathize with others. High emotional intelligence enables leaders to handle stress effectively, build strong relationships, and make sound decisions under pressure.
For women in business, developing strong EQ is especially important. It allows them to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, resolve conflicts with grace, and maintain a positive work environment. Leaders with high EQ are often better at inspiring their teams, fostering collaboration, and creating a culture of trust and respect.
Moreover, emotional intelligence can help women leaders deal with the unique pressures they face, such as balancing work and family responsibilities or overcoming gender-related biases. By harnessing their emotional intelligence, they can remain composed and focused, even in the most challenging situations​.
Build a Supportive Network
No one achieves success alone, and this is especially true in the business world. Building a strong, supportive network of mentors, peers, and allies is essential for women who want to thrive in leadership roles. These connections provide invaluable advice, encouragement, and resources that can help women navigate the challenges of leadership.
Mentorship, in particular, plays a crucial role in building resilience. Mentors can offer guidance based on their own experiences, helping women leaders to avoid common pitfalls and make informed decisions. Additionally, having a network of supportive peers allows women to share their experiences, learn from others, and gain different perspectives on the challenges they face.
Women who actively seek out mentorship and build strong networks are often more resilient because they have a broader base of support to draw on when facing difficulties. These networks also provide opportunities for collaboration and partnership, which can further enhance resilience and open new doors for career advancement.
Prioritize Self-Care and Well-Being
Resilience is not just about mental toughness; it’s also about maintaining physical and emotional well-being. Women in leadership roles often juggle multiple responsibilities, which can lead to burnout if self-care is neglected. Prioritizing self-care is crucial for maintaining the energy and focus needed to lead effectively.
Self-care can take many forms, from regular exercise and healthy eating to mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga. It’s also important to set boundaries and ensure there is time for rest and recovery. By taking care of their physical and emotional health, women leaders can sustain their resilience over the long term, ensuring they are always ready to meet the demands of their roles.
Leaders who prioritize self-care are better equipped to handle stress, make clear decisions, and maintain a positive outlook, all of which are essential components of resilience. They also set a positive example for their teams, promoting a culture of well-being within their organizations.
Advocate for Yourself and Others
Resilient women are those who are not afraid to advocate for themselves and others. This means speaking up in meetings, negotiating for fair compensation, and challenging biases or injustices when they arise. Advocacy is not just about pushing for personal advancement; it’s also about creating an environment where everyone can succeed.
Advocating for oneself can be challenging, especially in environments where women may be underrepresented or undervalued. However, it is an essential part of building resilience. By asserting their own value and demanding the recognition they deserve, women leaders can break down barriers and create more opportunities for themselves and others.
Advocating for others also strengthens resilience by fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. When women support each other and work together to overcome challenges, they build a collective resilience that benefits everyone. This collective effort can also lead to broader organizational change, promoting a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.
Embrace Lifelong Learning
The journey of resilience is ongoing, and continuous learning is a key part of staying resilient. Women leaders who embrace lifelong learning are always seeking new knowledge, skills, and experiences that can enhance their leadership capabilities. This commitment to growth ensures they remain adaptable and prepared for whatever challenges come their way.
Lifelong learning also involves staying curious and open-minded. Resilient leaders are always looking for ways to improve and innovate, whether through formal education, professional development, or simply learning from everyday experiences. By embracing a growth mindset, women leaders can continue to build their resilience throughout their careers.
For instance, leaders like Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, have emphasized the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in their leadership journey. By staying open to new ideas and constantly seeking ways to improve, they have been able to lead their organizations through significant changes and challenges.
Conclusion: The Path to Resilience in Leadership
Building resilience as a woman in business is an ongoing process that requires dedication, self-awareness, and a strong support system. By embracing challenges, cultivating adaptability, and prioritizing well-being, women can navigate the complexities of leadership with strength and confidence. The strategies outlined in this article are designed to help women not only survive but thrive in the boardroom, leading with resilience and setting a powerful example for others to follow.
As women continue to break barriers and assume leadership roles across industries, resilience will remain a critical factor in their success. By fostering this trait within themselves and others, women leaders can create a more inclusive, innovative, and resilient business world for future generations. The journey may be challenging, but with resilience, determination, and the right strategies, women can achieve remarkable success and leave a lasting impact on the corporate landscape.
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dankusner · 3 months
The Dallas Morning News continues to bleed employees as left-wing bias is exposed
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The Dallas Morning News is struggling to stay afloat.
Last year, parent company DallasNews Corp. announced that it had voluntarily bought out 6% of its workforce, which affected 40 positions at DMN.
“Today, the Company is announcing a limited voluntary staff reduction program that will be offered across all departments to eligible individuals at The News and Medium Giant.
Though the exact number of people who will take the option is unknown, it is expected that this could ultimately reduce the total workforce by about 6 percent, or 40 full-time and part-time positions,” DallasNews Corp. said in a press release.
Journalists such as Steve Brown, who had 47 years of experience, retired from DMN due to the voluntary buyout.
His reporting for DMN accounted for almost 10% of the newspaper’s digital conversions, reported The Real Deal.
Mitchell Parton, a former residential real estate reporter for DMN, left the publication at the end of last year and now covers real estate for the Dallas Business Journal.
Before that, DallasNews Corp. had losses of almost $9 million in 2022, reported The Real Deal.
Another mass layoff occurred in 2019 when DMN let go of 43 employees as a means to pivot towards a subscription-based model, according to The Wrap.
The Dallas Morning News, as a result, has been left with a majority-inexperienced staff.
As previously reported by The Dallas Express, DX CEO Chris Putnam called out DMN for its reporters’ misplaced focus and lack of knowledge.
“… [T]he only reason much of the media exists is to try and make anyone who’s not a radical like themselves look evil or ignorant.
This appears to be the objective of Dallas Morning News CEO Grant Moise and his so-called ‘journalists,’ including ‘equity’ reporter Arcelia Martin and business reporter Natalie Walters (who never actually held a job in business). They are all incompetent,” Putnam wrote.
DMN also recently admitted to left-wing bias in its reporting.
In an opinion piece titled, “Some readers think bias taints our news report. They’re right,” DMN public editor Stephen Buckley wrote:
“I do think that sometimes, when we interview sources with whom we might be sympathetic, we are not as quick to dig for other, opposing voices. We are selective about weaving in voices from all sides. In particular, conservative voices are frequently missing.”
“Executive Editor Katrice Hardy agrees that her staff is inconsistent about objectivity and fairness,” he added.
Previous DMN articles have drawn criticism, including one focused on drag queens struggling during COVID and another one about how tollway authorities are racist.
The Dallas Express contacted DMN and its publisher Moise for comment but did not receive a response by the time of publication.
National press shake-ups point to challenges for us all
Like everything else in 21st century America, journalism has dramatically changed, and that change has not been for the better.
Substantive issues and policy ideas now get less attention while stories focused on celebrities and self-help take up more space.
Poorly vetted information and misspellings make it to publication or air without the important checks and edits once considered fundamental.
The line between commentary and opinion-free news stories grows dimmer by the day.
Even at premiere information news outlets such as The New York Times , The Washington Post and National Public Radio, such errors have become common.
Now individual voices inside those and other major newsrooms express concern about a new journalism ethic spreading through the profession.
The complaints shaking up the American press are not just about accuracy but about pervasive political bias.
A wider range of voices has been fighting to be heard around the national “campfire” of shared ideas.
It may not be clear to news consumers, but inside the craft, deep introspection is underway.
What went wrong
In an extensive column for The Economist magazine, James Bennet, at one time the editorial page editor of The New York Times, recently detailed what he sees as flaws in the practice of journalism at top-of-the-line outlets.
“The reporters’ creed,” Bennet wrote, “used to have its foundation in liberalism.”
By that he does not mean the liberalism with which most are familiar today, but classical liberalism in which the reporter acts as “a sworn witness; the readers’ role was to be judge and jury.”
In that approach to reporting, no matter what or whom reporters covered, their goal was to ask “why” and explain the reason their interviewees and sources arrived at their ideas and opinions.
In a republic, that is a journalist’s paramount mission.
Readers, listeners and viewers draw their own conclusions based on the assembled facts and opinions of the people with whom the reporter spoke.
The journalists’ personal views on the subjects they cover matter least.
That kind of dispassionate reporting develops over years as resolute journalists rise through the ranks from small news outlets to larger ones.
However, according to Bennet, even today’s best known news organizations have abandoned “their commitments to integrity and open-mindedness.”
He points to new journalists arriving at the Times and other outlets with a different mission.
Gone is the goal of exercising complete objectivity, which Bennet argues is now considered nothing more than “code for ignoring the poor and weak and cozying up to power.”
Pursuing truth, no matter where it leads, has been replaced, Bennet suspects, by journalists who see themselves as social justice crusaders.
This new breed, whom Bennet describes as “illiberal journalists,” champion group rights more than individual rights and view the exercise of free speech as a means of protecting the privilege of white men.
They believe, to Bennet’s mind, the 2016 election of Donald Trump proves their view that American citizens cannot be trusted with “potentially dangerous ideas or facts.”
During his employment at the Times, Bennet noted, “conservative arguments in the Opinion pages reliably started uproars,” among the staff.
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Multiple staffers expressed their displeasure on social media and through in-house communication channels when in June 2020 the Times ran a column by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas calling for deployment of troops to protect lives and businesses following riots that erupted after the death of George Floyd.
Even the newsroom labor union weighed in, calling it a “clear threat to the health and safety of the journalists we represent.”
It is not just The New York Times where some journalists have raised questions about conservative coverage.
Writing in April in The Free Press, Uri Berliner, a 25-year senior editor at National Public Radio, said, “NPR has always had a liberal bent,” and until recently was “nerdy, but not knee-jerk, activist, or scolding.”
Now, Berliner contends, NPR has dumped its mission of providing diverse viewpoints and elevated “race and identity as ‘paramount in nearly every aspect of the workplace.’”
He has since resigned.
The Washington Post, too, is abuzz about abrupt changes in leadership and what they might mean for the paper’s coverage.
The newsroom there is revolting against new publisher Will Lewis despite the fact that change is clearly needed:
The Post lost $77 million and half its readership in 2023, according to reporting from Wall Street Journal deputy editorial features editor Matthew Hennessey.
Recently, in examining stories in The Dallas Morning News , the new Public Editor Stephen Buckley pointed to similar concerns, noting while the paper is “selective about weaving in voices from all sides,” he has noticed that “conservative voices are frequently missing.”
Culture of mistrust
Amid the disruption, news outlets must get better about showing their work — how and why they make decisions in their “gatekeeping” function.
But that’s only a part of the solution.
In the “culture of mistrust” that pervades America in 2024, it is not enough, Buckley wrote, to say that “we tried” to contact diverse voices, but they did not respond.
Readers, viewers and listeners have every right to compare journalists’ actual practices to their stated intentions.
Any distance between the two is the degree to which their stories should be called into question.
Put simply: No matter what a news provider promises in its masthead or branding slogan — whether to be a “voice for the voiceless” or “defend traditional values” or provide “both sides of every important question” — that must be the standard by which it is judged.
Market response
But journalists aren’t the only group requiring some soul-searching.
In a free market system of news delivery, the press responds to signals from the market.
And for the last few decades the market has been rewarding bad practices.
Fox News has been the most-watched television news channel for 22 years, attracting nearly half of the total cable news viewing audience, according to Nielsen Media Research.
In such a market, it’s pretty clear that what many critics of the Times , Post and NPR really want is an echo of their own opinions.
Information fabricators already abound.
With rising reliance on the internet as an information source, the rapid spread of falsehoods, especially in an election year such as this one, daily becomes a greater danger.
Last year, Pew Research Center revealed that half of U.S. adults rely on social media for news at least sometimes.
Fixing America’s journalistic landscape will require more than tacking right or left. In improving the flow of accurate information through society, there is a role for all of us.
The crusading journalist Ida B. Wells used to say, “The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.”
Going forward, in selecting, reporting and consuming stories, accepting only what is true must be everyone’s goal, even if it includes considering real facts with which we disagree.
For journalists, that requires making the dissemination of accurate, vetted information more important than publishing or airing it first.
And it means publishing news and opinions that are accurate and well-reasoned even if it means losing subscribers.
For news consumers it means expanding our sources of information to include perspectives that might not align with our own.
The end goal should not be to agree with or support causes, but to understand how leaders of those causes arrived at their conclusions.
That task is not an easy one.
We must all be wary of those who would distract us from it.
That requires diligence and vigilance — the obligation of every citizen in a republic.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
A snapshot of bias, the human mind, and AI
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/a-snapshot-of-bias-the-human-mind-and-ai/
A snapshot of bias, the human mind, and AI
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Introducing bias & the human mind  
The human mind is a landscape filled with curiosity and, at times irrationality, motivation, confusion, and bias. The latter results in levels of complexity in how both the human and more recently, the artificial slant affects artificial intelligence systems from concept to scale.
Bias is something that in many cases unintentionally appears – whether it be in human decision-making or the dataset – but its impact on output can be sizeable. With several cases over the years highlighting the social, political, technological, and environmental impact of bias, this piece will explore this important topic and some thoughts on how such a phenomenon can be managed.
Whilst there’s many variations and interpretations (which in some cases themselves could be biased), let’s instead of referring to a definition explore how the human mind might work in certain scenarios. 
Imagine two friends (friend A and friend B) at school who’ve had a falling out and makeup again after apologies are exchanged. With friend A’s birthday coming up, they’re going through their invite list and land on Person B (who they fell out with).
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Do they want to invite them back and risk the awkwardness if another falling out occurs, or should they take the view they should only invite those they’ve always got along with? The twist is though, Person A choosing the attendees for the party may have had minor falling outs with them in the past, but they’re interpreting it through the lens any previous falling outs are insignificant enough to be looked over. 
The follow-up from the above example turns to whether person’s A decision is fair. Now, fairness adds to the difficulty as there’s no scientific definition of what fairness really is.
However, some might align fairness with making a balanced judgment after considering the facts or doing what is right (even if that’s biased!). These are just a couple of ways in which the mind can distort, and mould the completion of tasks, whether they’re strategic or technical.
Before going into the underlying ways in which bias can be managed in AI systems, let’s start from the top: leadership. 
Leadership, bias, and Human In the Loop Systems  
The combination of leadership and bias introduces important discussions about how such a trait can be managed. “The fish rots from the head down” is a common phrase used to describe leadership styles and their impact across both the wider company and their teams, but this phrase can also be extended to how bias weaves down the chain of command.
For example, if a leader within the C-suite doesn’t get along with the CEO or has had several previous tense exchanges, they may ultimately, subconsciously have a blurred view of the company vision that then spills down, with distorted conviction, to the teams.
Leadership and bias will always remain an important conversation in the boardroom, and there’s been some fascinating studies exploring this in more depth, for example, Shaan Madhavji’s piece on the identification and management of leadership bias [1]. It’s an incredibly eye-opening subject, and one that in my view will become increasingly topical as time moves on. 
Generative Artificial Intelligence Report 2024
We’re diving deep into the world of generative artificial intelligence with our new report: Generative AI 2024, which will explore how and why companies are (or aren’t) using this technology.
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As we shift from leadership styles and bias to addressing bias in artificial intelligence-based systems, an area that’ll come under further spotlight will be the effectiveness of Human In the Loop Systems (HITL).
Whilst their usefulness varies across industries, in summary, HITL systems fuse both the art of human intuition and the efficiency of machines: an incredibly valuable partnership where complex decision-making at speed is concerned.
Additionally, when linked to bias, the human link in the chain can be key in identifying bias early on to ensure adverse effects aren’t felt later on. On the other hand, HITL won’t always be a Spring cleaning companion: complexities around getting a sizeable batch of training data combined with practitioners who can effectively integrate into a HITL environment can blur the productivity vs efficiency drive the company is aiming to achieve. 
Conclusions & the future of bias  
In my view, irrespective of how much better HITL systems might (or might not) become, I don’t believe bias can be eliminated, and I don’t believe in the future – no matter how advanced and intelligent AI becomes – we’ll be able to get rid of it.
It’s very much something that’s so woven that it’s not always possible to see or even discern it. Furthermore, sometimes bias traits are only revealed when an individual points it out to someone else, and even then there can be bias on top of bias!
As we look to the future of Generative AI, its associated increasingly challenging ethical considerations, and the wide-ranging debate on how far its usefulness will stem at scale, an important thought will always remain at heart: we on occasions won’t be able to mitigate future impacts of bias until we’re right at the moment and the impact is being felt there and then. 
[1] shaan-madhavji.medium.com. (n.d.). Leadership Bias: 12 cognitive biases to become a decisive leader. [online] Available at: https://hospitalityinsights.ehl.edu/leadership-bias. 
Want to read more from Ana? Check out one of her articles below:
Navigating artificial intelligence in 2024
Discover how businesses can harness AI’s potential, balance innovation with ethics, and tackle the digital skills gap.
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futureailist · 11 months
Unleashing Creativity with Craiyon: Your Ultimate AI Art Generator In a world where creativity knows no bounds, the emergence of Craiyon's AI image generator has taken artistic expression to exhilarating new heights. With its user-friendly interface and cutting-edge technology, Craiyon opens the doors to a realm of possibilities, where imagination and innovation intertwine seamlessly. The Evolution of Artistry The Birth of Craiyon Formerly known as DALL·E mini, Craiyon is the brainchild of CEO and AI visionary, Boris Dayma. This AI image generator has swiftly risen as a beacon of the tech world, redefining the way we perceive and create art. Since its inception in 2022, Craiyon has led the charge in the AI art revolution, empowering creators of all backgrounds to bring their visions to life. Turning Ideas into Reality Craiyon's prowess lies in its ability to transform mere text prompts into stunning AI-generated masterpieces. A simple command is all it takes to ignite this artistic genie, which grants not just three wishes but nine images under 15 seconds. Whether you envision sushi painted by Van Gogh or Gandhi as a Dragon Ball Z character, Craiyon's magic knows no bounds. Embracing Limitless Horizons A Canvas of Infinite Choices From abstract art to aesthetic wallpapers and breathtaking landscapes, Craiyon emboldens users to explore a myriad of styles, themes, and techniques. As you wield this AI-powered tool, the only limit is your imagination. The journey unfolds with every click, offering a playground of creative exploration. Quality and Beyond Craiyon's dedication to excellence is evident in its commitment to improving image quality. The "Upscale" option elevates resolution, promising visually stunning results that match your artistic ambitions. Navigating the AI Artistic Odyssey User-Friendly Interface Creating AI-generated art is as simple as a few clicks. Open the Craiyon AI Art Generator, type your idea, and hit "DRAW" to witness your imagination come to life. The possibilities are virtually endless, thanks to millions of art styles and photorealistic designs at your disposal. Addressing Concerns Craiyon's innovation is rooted in accountability. The platform addresses concerns of bias and limitations in AI-generated art, ensuring a responsible approach to creativity. Support and Beyond Join the Craiyon Community Engage with fellow creators and celebrate your AI-generated artistry within the vibrant Craiyon Discord community. Supporting the Vision Your support propels the AI model's growth and refinement. Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock enhanced features, or showcase your favorite AI creations as stylish merchandise. Conclusion Craiyon has ushered in an era where imagination and technology coalesce harmoniously. With its AI art generator, the boundaries of creativity expand, beckoning us to explore, create, and redefine artistic expression. As you embark on this artistic journey, remember that with Craiyon, every word becomes a wonderwork, and every idea finds its visual symphony.
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wannabegwenstacy · 3 years
Eden's Favorite Fic's (BTS Fic Recs)
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Updated Version: Here!
Note: In the past I haven't indulged in tumblr fics often but I recently (past 3 months) have been reading quite regularly & am planning on branching out a bit. To keep track of the ones that I have enjoyed & the ones that I have even came back to I'm making this list. Again, I haven't been digging into the tumblr fics world for long so for right now its a very short list. I'm hoping with time I can get more fics of different types on here (btsxbts, some gender neutral xreader ones, & more ones that I genuinely like)
About me to understand what's going to be on here:
Age: 21 (99' liner)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Ult Bias: Yoongi
Trio: Rap Line
I am OT7. I do enjoy smut but don't think it is necessary to FF. Overall I just want a well-crafted plot that makes sense. I read for entertainment & to escape. But I still need some form of realism (just me personally) to follow the trail of events. PSA: I'm trying to find a broader scope of writers I like but for right now I don't have many. There are gonna be some repetitive writers for now.
Kim Namjoon:
- Librarian Namjoon Universe by @jungshookz
Beauty & the Bookworm (I love this concept SO MUCH)
Pairing: Cute, Good Boy, Nerdy, University Librarian Namjoon x Bratty, Semi-Popular, Procrastinator, University Student Reader
Word count: 20.8k
Summary: You're a procrastinator big time and you may or may not be failing. To get some extra credit you begrudgingly take the library assistant opening where you work under strict dorky Namjoon. Passive aggressiveness, cuteness, fluff, & some smuttiness arises.
Jealous-Boyfriend-Librarian Namjoon (Drabble)
Pairing: Jealous Boyfriend Librarian Namjoon x Oblivious Cute Girlfriend Uni Student Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: You take an Art History Course and end up needing a tutor. Joon offers to tutor you but he doesn't know shit about Art History so you end up getting tutored by an ArtHoe Taehyung that may or may not like you but you are oblivious to this and Joon gets super jealous.
Kim Seokjin:
- Hockey Player Jin by @ve1vetyoongi
Pairing: Sweet Hot New Hockey Player in Town Jin x Ex-Figure Skater (who has a history with jin) Reader
Word count: 20k
Summary: After a fall during figure skating practice dashes your dreams of competing at nationals, you vow to hang up your skates for good. That is until you cross paths with Kim Seokjin, captain of the ice hockey team, who is determined to get you back out on the rink and melt the ice in your heart. (Jimin is a bully in this and their other k-pop idols as characters. Very Very Fluffy and Hallmark Christmas Movie-ish so be aware of that. Overall, it's just cute :) )
Min Yoongi:
Note: these are all but one by the same writer @jungshookz & are written from the pov of a female reader. I'm gonna try to find some gender-neutral fics but for now, if you are female-identifying I really enjoyed these! :)
- Mechanic Yoongi Universe by @jungshookz
Baby, You Can Drive My Car (My favorite AU Fics I've read so far on Tumblr!!)
Pairing: Tatted, Mic Drop Era, Mechanic Min Yoongi x Spoiled Rich, Inexperienced, University Student Reader
Word count: 24.6k
Summary: Welcome to Min Mechanics - What can I do for you today, doll?
Maybe She Can Drive His Car
Pairing: Oblivious, Hot, Boyfriend, Mechanic Min Yoongi x Adorable, Spoiled, University Student, Jealous Girlfriend Reader
Word count: 11.6k
Summary: Yoongi's ex is back in town for a visit and you would be lying if you said you weren't slightly envious of a) how knowledgeable she is about stupid cars and b) how well she gets along with literally everyone.
- Uni Yoongi x Nerdy Reader (mini series) by @jungshookz
Note: these are all drabbles I'm gonna link my favorites in the series. I'll probably add more later.
Cocky Uni Student Yoongi x Nerdy Reader:
^^This is the start of the mini-series, recommend you read it first!^^
The One with the Scrunchie:
Contains: smut, a super cute scrunchie turning into a kink of sorts, slightly insecure Yoongi, experienced Yoongi, slightly inexperienced reader, shy about their own body reader.
Yoongi always had an Overactive Imagination:
Contains: talking about sex, implied smut, reader trying to be productive while also being horny, Yoongi being super distracted and horny.
"I'm gonna need you to shut up now please"
- CEO Yoongi Universe by @jungshookz
Suit&Tie (First Fic in the series)
Pairing: CEO Min Yoongi x Secretary Reader
Wordcount: 21k+
Summary: Young Intimidating Hot CEO Yoongi, Clumsy Secretary Y/N who loves Sugar, Best Friend Jimin. Funny Awkward Meeting that sets up the whole plot, was like reading a Kdrama in book form.
The One Where Augst D makes a Comeback (Favorite Fic in the series)
SPOILERS READ PRIOR DRABBLES TO CATCH UP!! (I recommend The First Date, The One Where Yoongi is Just a Little Jealous, The Proposal, The Wedding, Baby Makes Three, Baby Min's Timeline, The Birth of Baby Min, Daddy's Little Girl, Who the Hell is Augst D.
Pairing: CEO Min Yoongi x Secretary Reader
Word count: 6.5k
Summary: Yoongi finds out you faked an orgasm and he's going to gi-give it to you more ways than one.
- Demon Yoongi by @jungshookz
Hellish (I got some feelings for incubus Yoongi not gonna lie)
Pairing: Bratty, Super Sexy, Sex Demon, Mint Min Yoongi x University Student, Non-Supernatural Believer Reader
Word count: 22.1k
Summary: Jungkook is your clueless, energetic best friend. Wonho is a character in this fic, You are dragged into summoning a demon one night by your overly excited to be summoning a demon? best friend Jungkook. Spooky but Kind of Sexy Shit Happens! (This is probably my second favorite Yoongi Fic I've read!)
- Basketball Captain Yoongi by @jungshookz
Basketball Captain Yoongi
Pairing: Cocky, Popular, Charming Captain of the Basketball Team Min Yoongi x Water girl University Student Reader (who has been crushing on Yoongi hard for some time)
Word count: 18.4k
Summary: Jungkook is your athletic bro of a best friend that signs you up to be his replacement as the water boy (girl in this case) after he makes the team. You have had a pathetic schoolgirl crush on Yoongi for a while and is basically the only reason you agreed to be the water girl aside from spending time with Jungkook. It's fluffy & smutty!
- Android Yoongi @jungshookz
Technologically in love (..I cried! but I also smiled a lot so you know this is well written)
Pairing: Personal Assistant Prototype but SUPER Lifelike Android Min Yoongi x Messy, Junkfood, & Cartoons Loving Reader (basically your early 20s living alone kind of vibe)
Word count: 24k+
Summary: You live in a Detroit Becoming Human type universe but prior to a lot of the advancements. Androids are already a thing but not to the level the M1N Y00NG1 is yet. You are best friends with all the boys and they happen to be engineers which is how you ended up with Yoongi in the first place. Namjoon created Yoongi as a personal assistant prototype android & you are told to live with him. Things get fluffy, SUPER ANGSTY, and super smutty!
- Listen Closely by @avveh
Listen Closely ( sexiest Yoongi fic I have read so far, I kept wanting to go back and read again)
Pairing: Tsundere Office Worker Min Yoongi x Hardworking Office Worker Reader
Word count: 12.2k
Summary: Unintentionally, you stumble upon something that makes you view your coworker Min Yoongi in a whole new light. (SMUT 18+: Masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, breathplay, spanking, degrading names.)
Jung Hoseok:
- Secret Boyfriend Hoseok by @kpopfanfictrash
Keeping a Secret (this took me places...Idk about you but I have trouble finding really good Hoseok fics and this one was perfect. One of my favorite fics on this website)
Pairing: New Relationship Dom Hoseok x New Relationship Tease Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: You and Hoseok have been hooking up for a few weeks now. No one in your friend group knows. What happens then, when he shows up at movie night looking better than anticipated? SMUT!
- Studio Sex Hoseok by @joonbird
Pairing: Boyfriend BTS Hoseok x Girlfriend Reader
Word Count: 5k
Summary: Hoseok is stressed about his upcoming mixtape, so you decide to swing by his studio and help him relax. (Hobi being the beautiful glorious sexy man he is and putting those ungodly hips to use!)
Park Jimin:
- Jimin and His Pregnancy Kink by @boymeetsweevil
Pairing: Sweet Caring Domestic but Horny Jimin x Pregnant Hormonal Reader
Word count:~3.7k
Warnings (aka what to prepare for): everything is graphic and gross lmao, blowjobs (face f*cking), boob job (not the one w/ silicon inserts), cunnilingus, dom!jimin if u squint, cumplay if u squint again, dirty talk/degrading language, penetrative sex (doggy style), unprotected sex, PREGNANCY KINK that’s a big one
Summary: You’re pregnant and Jimin is…happy about it (If I remember correctly this one is 25% cute domestic Jimin trying to calm his hormonal pregnant partner and 75% pure filth aka Jimin having a pregnancy kink and trying to hide it but not well at all. This is however my ultimate fav Jimin smut I have ever read!)
- Crush/Neighbor Jimin by @sketchguk
Lover to Lean On: (I absolutely adore this fic. Overall it's just really well written and I felt like I was watching a show in my head rather than reading a short Tumblr fic. Highly recommend it!)
Pairing: Cute Customer & Neighbor Jimin x Florist Reader
Word Count: 19.9k
Summary: For months, you can hear your no-face neighbor and his ‘girlfriend’ singing and dancing and laughing and falling in love. Above all, you can hear their bed banging against your shared wall, and they won’t ever let you sleep. You’d much rather stay up at night worrying about your own problems, like the weight of an unrequited crush, so of course, you’re bitterly single. But one day, the apartment is radio silent. And one day slowly turns into one week and then into an immeasurable amount of time since you’ve heard his laugh. So on Valentine’s Day, when you’re missing it the most, you beg your neighbor to open up to you with cookies in one hand and two broken hearts in the other.
Kim Taehyung:
-Roommate Taehyung Universe by @jungshookz
Stuck with You
Pairing: Frat Bro bit of an asshole Roommate Kim Taehyung x Clean Organized bit of a Pushover Reader
Word count: 37k
Summary: Kim Taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things to ever happen to you. Librarian Namjoon is your Best friend and ex-roommate. Frat bro Jeon Jungkook makes an appearance. There is so smut and implied smut.
The One with the One Year Anniversary (Drabble)
Pairing: The cutest domestic boyfriend Kim Taehyung x girlfriend reader
Word count: 4.6k
Summary: NO SPOILERS! so I'm going to give you a quote: "well, um, look! I made breakfast for you. f-for us!" Also, SFW
Jeon Jungkook:
- Gamer Jungkook by @softyoongiionly
PRESS START (this is the cutest fucking smut type fic I have ever read! it is so pure and is the exact type of relationship I want! IT MADE ME SIMP SO HARD!) gender-neutral I believe!
Pairing: Night owl Gamer Domestic Boyfriend Jeon Jungkook x Witty Domestic Cutesy Relationship Reader
Word count: 5.5k
Summary: A night in with your boyfriend Jungkook includes all kinds of things: anime, witty banter, snacks from 7-Eleven and, you know, sex. (GREAT READ!! I AM A SIMP FOR THIS FIC!!)
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If Amazon Wants to Be the ‘Earth’s Best Employer’ it Needs to Listen to Employees
Harvey, G. (2022, May 5). If Amazon wants to be the ‘Earth’s best employer’ it needs to listen to employees. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/if-amazon-wants-to-be-the-earths-best-employer-it-needs-to-listen-to-employees-182016 
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Geraint Harvey writes: “In his farewell letter to shareholders last year, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced a new mission for his company: ‘Earth’s best employer and Earth’s safest place to work.’ The company has since added these goals to its list of corporate values. ...But the company still has a lot of work to do. Amazon has been dogged by negative reports about working for the organization, including gender and racial bias toward workers and ‘abusive mistreatment’ by managers, an intensive pace of work leading to high incidence of worker injury and workers being underpaid.”
“So far, Amazon has vehemently opposed trade union recognition, engaging in union suppression practices, like resisting trade union recognition through coercion. For example, Amazon has been holding mandatory meetings with workers and distributing written information in a bid to influence union votes and situating mailboxes for ballots in parking lots that are near security cameras. ...At the same time, Amazon employs union substitution practices to reduce the perceived need for a union among workers, such as raising wages in response to the campaigns for union recognition.”
“Employee retention aside, trade unions play an important role in identifying operational problems and forcing management to resolve them, rather than to seek cost effective and ultimately counterproductive ‘fixes.’ In this way, trade unions impose beneficial constraints on firms through which they constrain managerial activity. For instance, unions force management to invest, rather than reduce costs, for the long term benefit of the company and its workers. If Amazon provides its employees with a meaningful involvement in the organization and a voice at work, there are implications for the nature of work elsewhere.”  
Additional Information
Update on our vision to be Earth’s Best Employer and Earth’s Safest Place to Work. (2021, June 1). Amazon. https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/operations/update-on-our-vision-to-be-earths-best-employer-and-earths-safest-place-to-work
Freeman, R. B., & Medoff, J. L. (1979).  The Two Faces of Unionism. National Bureau of Economic Research.  https://www.nber.org/papers/w0364
Soper, S. (2021, June 28). Fired by bot at Amazon: ‘It’s you against the machine’. Bloomberg. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-06-28/fired-by-bot-amazon-turns-to-machine-managers-and-workers-are-losing-out
Doucouliagos, C. (2019, May 8). Unions do hurt profits, but not productivity, and they remain a bulwark against a widening wealth gap. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/unions-do-hurt-profits-but-not-productivity-and-they-remain-a-bulwark-against-a-widening-wealth-gap-107139
Kim, E., Stewart, A., & Long, K. (2022, May 3). Insiders reveal what it’s really like working at Amazon when it comes to hiring, firing, performance reviews and more. The Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/work-at-amazon-jobs-performance-reviews-hiring-firing-interviews-warehouses-delivery-drivers
Photo source: Bumsted, R. (2022). [Photograph]. Associated Press. https://theconversation.com/if-amazon-wants-to-be-the-earths-best-employer-it-needs-to-listen-to-employees-182016
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crushzone · 4 years
Nin! I’ve been seeing this around recently, but I would love to see you ship your moots if it is ok! ♥️
Hahaha hey there, sure thing! It’s so difficult to be bias free because I know my moots’ crushes, but I shall do my best! I’ll mostly likely pair you guys with someone outside of your crush, just to introduce some new potential partner to your life ;). If I had left anyone out by accident, I am SO sorry!!
✨ Shipping my Moots ✨
Sugawara Koshi - Lil sis, I am so sorry it is not Kei. I think Suga is absolutely hilarious and a sweetheart, I’m sure he loves it when you roast him here and there because he’d do the same right back at you. He’s also such a sassy man, so if sassiness is something you enjoy (*cough* like Kei’s, except he’s not a meanie 😠), he’s got it! If you do not know how to cook, neither does he, but you will get to suffer together. He’s also a teacher (which I know is also your thing), so let’s pretend he had to read so many books that he has to eventually get glasses! Will 100% dance real silly with you when you’re both tipsy, but please try to calm him down when he keeps getting ID’ed whenever he tries to buy booze, he’s got that forever cute baby face.
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Look, I photoshopped him in glasses for u. ☝🏼
Takeru Nakashima - Tbh, it was really difficult not to go with Daichi for this one. I know Takeru may not suit your appearance preferences, but I think you guys would be a very adorable pair! He is very family oriented, had grown up with a bunch of siblings, is a team captain (i know u like captains 😉), and seems like a sweet guy in general. So he will 100% be a fun pal to joke around with, but he’s also really responsible and will take care of u on your night outs. I can see you with his little family cheer squad, they are all just in love with you and consider you a part of their family. 10/10 husband material with that A+ domestic lifestyle.
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Saeko Tanaka - I shall pair you, my queen, with my other queen, Saeko. 👑 Together, you are unstoppable, and just the sight of you both hanging out together would make me run away because I tend to do that whenever I am near anyone attractive. Imagine Saeko picking you up on her motorbike just to go grab some dinner downtown together. All the jokes you’d share, how loudly you would laugh with each other, regardless if whether you are in a public or private place!! She’d probably help you proof read your fics and brainstorm any spicy scenarios with you too! Bet she loveees having you lay on her chest as she strokes your hair, alternatively, she also loves being your big spoon. 🥺
Kuroo Tetsuro - My other queen, I shall offer you my nerdy king, Kuroo. 👑 Idk man, appearance-wise alone, I already think you’d both be such a beautiful pair. You two are definitely the type of couples on Tik Tok (or whichever apps people use now a days LOL 👵🏻) with a bunch of “relationship goals” in the comments. He’d be a lot of fun to joke around with, will take great care of you, loves to smack your booty (respectfully) because he knows you are absolutely beautiful, and will call you the cutest nicknames. He also secretly reads your spicy fics without telling you, and will maybe try out a new thing or two from it the next time u guys baaaaang. 💥Spiciness aside, he cherishes all your quiet moments, just sitting next to each other as you sip on some tea, your books in hand as you lean shoulder to shoulder against one another.
Azumane Asahi - idk, I think you both would be incredibly adorable! He is basically kind of like Yams but with a whee bit more softness. He absolutely loves to cuddle, play video games with you (but please go easy on him, he’s a little scared of certain games), and learn new things (e.g. playing DnD for the first time). Tbh, I think he would be great at DnD because he enjoys the imagination and character design aspect, bet his characters are always the best dressed one. Will help style your hair, cook you breakfast, give you shoulder massages, and just spoiling you in general, as long as you hold him close and tell him you love him every now and then to keep him well assured. You’ll never get cold during winter, he’s basically a human furnace who always make sure your feet are covered by the blanket when you cuddle on the couch.
Akaashi Keiji - I genuinely think this would be a wonderful match. Firstly, he is a wonderful listener, so he’s there for you to come home to after a tough day at work. If it is not something he can actually help you with, he will do his best to cheer you back up after you had gotten everything off your chest. Secondly, look at this 👇🏼
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Girl, he will PROTECT you from all those mysterious bruises that tend to appear on your legs haha. Lastly, I know that when he loves someone, he will do all these adorably thoughtful things for you: like massaging your feet, leaving you cute post-it notes before he leaves for work and buying you flowers randomly. I just, I just want the best for u and I KNOW Akaashi will not disappoint at all.
Tadashi Yamaguchi - ok hear me out! Baby boy had been crushing on you from a distance for the longest time, he just absolutely admires how you are so hardworking and passionate towards your dream job. He sees how much you care for your friends and he’d always wished he could be a part of your group too. Eventually, when you are both together, he is a wonderful listener, will go out of his ways to spoil you just to see you smile again. He will give you shoulder massages when you are being too tense, and if anyone gets in the way of achieving your goals, he will step up and defend you. Will also buy extra onigiris from Onigiri Miya and bring them to u for lunch, just to make sure that you don’t accidentally skip any meals because you’re too laser focused on your studies! Speaking of studying, he loves studying with you, and is actually a wonderful work buddy. (Always sneaks a glance at your adorable concentrated face)
Kotaro Bokuto - Bokuto ADORES you with all his heart omg. When he catches you dancing or choreographing, he will straight up sway or beg you to teach him some moves, before proceeding to absolutely crush it. If he sees you trying out or applying some makeup/skincare products, he will ask you if he could watch or play with it too. Basically, he loves you so much, he just wants to understand and be a part of what you are doing, while he’ll also do the same where he’d teach you the little things he loves to do (will probably try to get you to play volleyball with him ahah). Is fantastic at cheering you up when you are not feeling too good about yourself, and will tickle fight you until you smile for him. Speaking of tickle fights, initiate it at your risk, because he is hella strong, he’ll pin you down or pick you up really easily to his advantage. BIGGEST HYPE MAN, you can walk out, wearing a trash bag and he would still be 😻😻😻.
Aran Ojiro - I know I’m not being too original with this pairing because you actually crush on him to begin with, but you two are just perfect for each other tbh (was going to pick Toshi at first, but thought Aran would be a better fit)! Firstly, you are both absolutely S T U N N I N G ✨, I would be SO intimidated to come anywhere near this power couple. Secondly, you’re both so diligent, kind, and smart, everyone looks up to the two of you, wishing they could be you (Keep wishing, peeps 💅🏼) . Lastly, he seems like an absolute sweetheart, loveeeeees to spoil you with random hugs, kisses, and gifts, and will joke around with you a lot. He’ll find any way he could show you off to his friends, and they’d all be so jealous. It is nice to know that you can always lean on him if you ever have to, and he knows he could do the same with you. Bet your family absolutely LOVES him too, 100% the kind of guy you would want to bring home.
Yu Nishinoya - Noya is IN LOVE with you, he thinks you are freaking beautiful, is a hottie, and basically his queen. He’d keep crushing on you until you finally give him a chance. When you are together, he’d do anything to please you, ultimately, he just wants to see you smile and happy all the time. He’ll crack some jokes and be a little goof just to cheer you up! Also wants you to freaking DOMINATE him hahahah, trusts you completely, please do as you would like, he’s all yours. Loves getting his lil booty smacked and pegged, but is also always down to pleasure you. Just grab him by his hair (loves getting his hair pulled) and put him in any position you want him.
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Will pull some “accident” like this often, so please prepare yourself. Will travel the world with you and take a ton of photos, then proceed to set photos of you as his wallpaper/lock screen on every device.☝🏼
Tendou Satori - Tendou ADORES YOU, for real, he freaking ADORES you (But I adore you more, so he can back down 🤚). He loves to be your little spoon (will literary purr if you give him head rubs), boasts about you to his friends all the time (especially to Toshi), likes to endearingly tease you a lot, and will cook you some nice food all the time (he probably went to culinary school, after all, to become a chocolatier). The first thing he does when he gets back home from work? Hunt you down and immediately cling on to you as he pepper kisses all over your face with that oWo face, if ya know what I mean. Also LOVES to get freaky, this man is flexible, he just loves being intimate with ya, so tell him what you want to do and he will most likely be down to at least give it a shot. ;) Also loves to randomly buy you some cute clothes or jewelry you had been eyeing, he doesn’t do it often, but he’ll spoil you with it here and there when he can. Loves to sing random songs for you, “Dymph-nuhhh, Dymph-nuhhh, my darlin, Dymph-nuhhh~~”
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Akiteru Tsukishima - Let me start off by saying that I am absolutely in love with Akiteru, and because I love him so much, I shall pair him with you! Lauren, I am in love with you from the very first moment you’ve hit me up, I feel like our vibes match and because I feel the same way with Akiteru, I believe he would really vibe with you too! He’s an absolute sweetheart who will go out of his ways just to make you happy, you’d both spend hours chit chatting about the most random things, just giggling constantly, and before you know it, it’s already really late at night. He LOVES taking photos of you, and his phone is filled with photos of the two of you. Kei doesn’t really care much about you, but Akiteru will keep bringing you up in conversations with him anyway because he’s just extremely grateful to have you in his life.
Ittetsu Takeda - Listen, as much as I believe Keishin is the perfect man for us you, Takeda is another husband material, adorable man who would also be just as perfect.
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LOOK AT HIM REALIZING THAT HE IS IN LOVE WITH U. Also Keishin looking like a snacc right next to him, but this post is not about him mmkay?
Takeda is so weak for you, he’ll spoil you rotten where he can, and his affection bank is unlimited, will constantly remind you that he loves you. He’s also really shy, so sometimes, he’ll try to be “sexy” and initiate something, only to stutter and blush terribly when he attempts to execute it, so please be kind HAHA (I think find that really endearing tbh). Fully understands how tiring it can be to work with children, he is also a teacher after all, so at the end of each day, you’ll both take warm baths together, cuddling as you laugh about all the silly things your kids had done today. Sometimes he will help substitute for you too, if you ever need to take a day off.
I’m very proud of this list, ngl, I stand by my ships 😉
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Ehyyyy, i'm shy to write off anon, just wanted to tell you I am SOOOOOO looking forward the new chapter of CEO AU, it had me literally shakinggggggggggggggggggggggg you write it so well! I cannot wait for the next chapter, with the maknae line hopefullyyyyyy? 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
And the fact that you had Tae chose the favourite nickname, ugghhhhh it killed me!
You do you boo, take your time, just wanted to thank you for sharing what you write 💖💖💖
Hello shy lovely anon 💜
I’m glad you’re looking forward to it, could you please maybe ask my brain nicely to behave and get it done? If nicely doesn’t work… I’m okay with torture 👀
Taehyung is my ultimate bias, I love them all but from day one at first glance that man took my soul
Thank you for reading and for such a lovely ask 🥺
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
His Favorite Song
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Min Yoongi x Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,1k+
✂ Trigger Warnings: Obsessiveness
✂ This story is fictional and for amusement only. I don’t believe any of the members would do this in real life. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day!
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission.
My bias received so little love from me. I hope you enjoy slightly obsessive Yoongles!
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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“Kiss & Kiss, your earphones (I hear music sounding from them). Kiss & Kiss, for the two of us, it may be the ultimate love song.” - Kuchibiru ni Be My Baby [AKB48]
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[Name] [Last Name].
That was the name of Yoongi’s first love. The name of the girl who he encountered on a crowded bus. As much as he hated his father sometimes, being the son of a CEO had its perks. One of them included ordering someone to gather information about you.
It was crazy. Yoongi had never been the one to believe in the whole ‘love at first sight’ thing, despite listening to a few songs regarding the matter. It was illogical and simply ridiculous. Why would anyone suddenly like someone so much? He could understand it if it were a fascination, but love?
No, he wasn’t the type to fall in love easily. Other girls he’d met so far were only interested in his wealth and status or themselves. And if they were neither, then they might play a bit too hard for his liking. Yoongi had no patience in dealing with them, not when he needed to focus on his ambition first and foremost. He wanted to prove to his father that he was indeed capable of being successful through his hobby, songwriting. Because helping his brother running a company was simply not his cup of tea, and forcing him to do something that he disliked would guarantee more trouble for them.
And yet, here he was, sitting beside you whilst trying to control his hammering heart.
Yoongi coughed and shifted a little in his seat, praying that you wouldn’t notice his restless person. He was usually calmer, feeling no need to get worked up over girls because they usually approached him first.
But it was different, this time. You didn’t know him, let alone his name. He was pretty sure that you wouldn’t care, either. As far as you were concerned, he was only another face among the crowd. Another important stranger, if he were to aggrandize himself.
It was great, though. That meant you weren’t one of those superficial females, and you had some depth in you. He just needed to dig further and, if he was lucky enough to go that far, confess to you.
Now, Yoongi wasn’t delusional at all. He knew that looking at your personal information without your permission and knowledge was wrong. Why would he, a mere stranger, want to learn about yourself so badly? Why did he have to resort to such a… questionable method when he could’ve struck you a conversation like any other person with normal social skills?
Well, talking to ordinary people and his crush were two different things as far as he was concerned, and the latter required a higher level of confidence. Confident in himself enough to approach you, and confident in his abilities enough to entertain you. He couldn’t have you getting bored and leave him now, could he?
He needed to attract your attention, but not overboard that it’d creep you out instead.
So, being a genius himself, Yoongi intentionally played your favorite songs and raised the volume until you could hear snippets of the lyrics through his earphones. It wasn’t that difficult searching for the songs since he’d listened to at least a few of them. Yoongi didn’t know how else he should approach you since you seemed focused on your phone and the thought of disturbing you discomforted him greatly. It was this kind of moment where he became more alert than ever, using every common sense to the point where he nearly neglected his plan. He just prayed that it’d work, and hopefully, go home with your number.
And it worked, indeed.
The fingers that rapidly tapped on the screen halted as if froze in time. You blinked once, and twice, trying to ascertain the familiar yet strange tune that drifted into your ears and that no, you weren’t mishearing things. Then, you snapped your head towards him so fast he almost jumped on his seat. Luckily, he maintained his composure and turned away before you could spot him glancing at you.
“Um, excuse me, Sir? Is that… is that [favorite song]?” you inquired tentatively.
Yoongi feigned surprise and quickly nodded, afraid that he’d become lost in your wide, curious eyes instead. “Yeah, why?” he retorted, somehow managing to even his pitch enough that it wouldn’t seem like he was excited for speaking with you.
“Oh, um…” you stammered, clearly caught off-guard with his nonchalant response and unsure of how to proceed. How cute. He almost gave himself away and allowed you to ramble. “Well, that’s… that’s my favorite song.”
He knew, and yet, he merely nodded. “I see.” Yoongi averted his gaze to the window, giving you a fake sign that he was no longer interested in the small talk. He was always the cool and silent one, after all, so he needed to uphold that image in front of you.
But Yoongi could never ignore you too long, even if he wanted to.
Glancing towards your fidgety self, Yoongi raised a confused brow. “Do you… want to listen?” he asked somewhat hesitantly, pulling one bud out of his ears as a sign of invitation.
Normally, he wasn’t as generous to people, especially strangers. Listening to music had always been an indication for them to stop talking because there was always that annoying someone who couldn’t keep their mouth shut.
However, Yoongi figured he could make an exception once in a while. Just for you.
Your eyes dilated in shock, but you were quick to nod almost eagerly. Leaning towards him, Yoongi could feel the warmth of your breath caressing his cheek and the softness of your fingers as you took the bud from his hold. The proximity overwhelmed him, but he immediately took a deep breath and shifted slightly to regain some semblance of personal space.
Not that he minded sharing his bubble with you, though. However, every new thing needed to be taken little by little. You were growing comfortable with him – well, as comfortable as a stranger could be, that is – and it would do him no good to start acting like you’d been dating for a while, even if he wanted to.
You were still somewhat shy, he noted, struggling to retain your space while being close enough to him. You didn’t look at him the entire trip, but he could hear soft humming vibrated your throat every once in a while. Yoongi didn’t remark about how lovely it sounded in his ears, how it soothed his nerves like ice to fire, and how he wished for it to never end. Instead, he gazed through the glass, simply relishing the quiet company.
He was right, you were different than other girls he’d met. You didn’t force him to humor you with endless chatter beyond the initial questions and allowed him a chance to enjoy the scenery in peace.
And when he felt something heavy suddenly fell on his shoulder, Yoongi knew that you were perfect for each other.
A giddy smile twitched the corner of his lips as he glanced at your sleeping face. He’d be sure to remember this song as his favorite of all time.
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bobhwa · 4 years
rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better 💗
name/nickname: full name is despoina, people call me dep or deppy
gender: female
star sign: cancer
height: 151cm
time: 00:12am
birthday: July 8th
favorite bands: I will limit myself in k music in bands bc yeah.. top ones iKON & Blackpink and then I also love and enjoy with EXO, Red Velvet, BTS, Epik High, CNBLUE, Akmu, BB, Mamamoo, NELL (i have more but let me just stop here) 
favorite solo artists: IU, Ailee, Suzy, Lee Hi, Taemin, GD, Taeyeon, Loco, CL, Kim Junsu, Sunmi, BOL4 etc. And for non k artists let me just mention my top5- Billie Eilish, Adele, Taylor Swift, Pink, Jessie J.
song stuck in my head: life is too short to even care at aaaalll woooo (Young the Giant - Cough Syrup)
last movie: Enola (for like 6th time lol)
last show: Start-Up
when i created my blog: March 5th 2013... oh wow I’ve been here for a while lol
last thing i googled: when did i create my tumblr account looool 
other blogs: I co-own ikon-official, netkon, ikonfiction. For personal I had knsoo mainly, and few others, but they will be inactive lmfao bobhwa will be the only personal one and maybe bobhwasims for sims4 content. 
do i get asks: yes I do, ty all so much
why i chose my url: Bobby & Yonghwa (my old ult bias). Then I kept it bc I ended up shipping bobhwan.. sooo you know. It fits for both lol.
following: 743
followers: 12,683
average hours of sleep: 6-7? 
lucky numbers: I don’t think I have lol
instruments: no instruments sorry, I wanted piano but I am untalented. 
what im wearing: grey cardigan, black leggings, black shirt & red xmas socks lol 
dream job: be the cpo (chief product officer) or ceo of a company that makes people’s life better with technology  
dream trip: this is hard bc my ultimate dream in life is to travel the world.... well, the top places that i have in my head rn are south korea, scotland, Maldives, Iceland (I wanna see the northern lights), somewhere in US.. maybe New York? or Washington? 
favorite food: chicken soup, pita gyro, gemista with meat, Bulgogi with Rice, Sweet & Sour chicken with Rice...etc I like to eat
nationality: Greek
favorite song: LMFAO no this is not happening.. I have a whole list with songs that represent me so I can’t choose one sorry
top three fictional universes id like to live in: I don’t know... I guess I would love to be one of Luffy’s crewmates in One Piece, or in MCU? honestly a sub character in Friends tv show would be awesome for me too lol
i was tagged by @lunejieun thank youuu it was fun 😍
i tag @haanbin @ikonist @jungchanu  @leehayati @bobbicgirl @konjoong @prettyjiwon @hobbitsarecool @kitory @iuconic @gujunhwe @flamingboice @intojennie @nikiikor  @yoonqiful I don’t know who else, who ever wants to do it, please do and tag me to see ^^
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