#new years resolution is to detail my backgrounds better
cheatsyy · 5 months
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ego-osbourne · 5 months
2023 Art Roundup
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(These aren’t entirely indicative of when I posted them, but when I actually finished them.)
These are some of my biggest/favorite projects through each month!
Piece details + Mod-posting below!
JAN - Asteía ; This was one of my first projects of the year that dealt with lighting, and additionally light from multiple sources! I also remember experimenting with backgrounds and how to make a character pop against a semi-detailed background without making them get lost in the piece.
FEB - Mora and Ego ; This was a good project on figuring out how to fill empty space while still keeping the atmosphere of a piece. It was also good perspective practice!
MAR - Sanguine and Ego ; Though I’m no longer too happy with the proportions or lighting of this piece, I still remember having a blast with it. Hearing feedback about them holding hands and Sanguine’s ear getting squished are very fun memories for me.
APR - Miraak and Ego ; This might be my favorite project of the whole year! Though I know I can do backgrounds better now, I remember being pretty confident and happy during the whole process! I think the motion/lighting/effects all came out very well :] ALSO it was the first piece I did with expressive masks for Miraak and Ego! Wahoo!
MAY - Mora and Ego (again) ; Though the last one was my personal favorite, I heard from a couple of friends that THIS was their favorite. Though a pain in the ASS to do, I’m especially happy with all the texture effects. This was also me experimenting with Mora’s design!
JUN - Erandur ; Not a particularly complicated/difficult piece, but one that was simply pure fun. Had a blast with lighting effects and atmosphere. It was also a good break from the family trip I was taking at the same time ,:]
JUL - Dagon ; Specifically his revamp! This was my first successful attempt at a (very) muscular body type that I liked! In fact, over the course of the year I’ve been pretty proud of my progress of expanding on body types. This one especially, though, was just very fun!
AUG - Iren and Rakell ; My first dive into a colored + shaded animatic (animation? It’s awful choppy lol)! FAR from perfect, but I was (and still am) so happy with the outcome. I particularly remember enjoying figuring out lines of movement and sound effects for the video.
SEP - Sanguine ; My first (and still only, though hopefully not for long) attempt at making Sanguine intimidating. I think this one is going in the right direction! As far as effects go, I actually had a very tough time with things because of a few layer-merging mishaps, but the final product was well-received!
OCT - The Warden ; After many-a night on Minecraft with friends, I realized just how much I loved the warden, and HAD to draw them. Redesigning characters is one of my absolute favorite things to do, especially when taking minimal details and expanding on them! They were super fun all around.
NOV - Miraak, Serana, Ego, and Ancano ; I’d been meaning to draw the siblings being siblings for a while now, but putting them all on one canvas was more than a little intimidating. I was so happy to have it done, though, and I kinda love seeing their colors clash together.
DEC - Sanguine (again) ; After not drawing him for so long, it was a blast doing so. The moment I was back home for winter break, I was ECSTATIC to get to work on this piece. #1 blorbo
This year has been an absolute ride.
I became a mod and then co-owner of the TES server that got me into making TDI and have made some really tight friendships over there (genuinely, anyone reading this who is/was in the cult server, I’m so damn happy to know you).
I’ve done some intense progress on TDI, and even though I didn’t QUITE accomplish my New Years Resolution of posting Ch. 1 this year, hopefully you can understand the drawbacks considering I am… //checks notes/// 70+ chapters in and still going.
I’m in college! Have been for a hot second now, but I’ve been working towards a ministry degree, and have future plans of getting a PhD after my bachelor’s so I can teach at a college level! I don’t think I talk a lot about my irl happenings, but hopefully that gives you an idea of why I might be a liiittle busy when it comes to writing. Ministry is an unforgiving degree when it comes to papers and meetings.
As earlier mentioned, I’ve learned how to do different body types, and am trying to find a good balance between shape language and inclusivity when it comes to bodies! I am… still struggling with feminine anatomy! Admittedly! But I’m willing to keep trying ,:]
And, overall, I (certainly hope I have) improved on my art. I have a much better sense of face shapes, line weights, and consistent details than I did at the beginning of the year. Always learning, but always improving, too!
I hope your year has gone well! Thank you so very much for checking out my blog. Tumblr has been a wonderful thing to get into and has led me to a lot of wonderful people. See you in the new year!
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Demorei um pouco para encontrar todos os links, mas talvez ajude a contextualizar aquele período de 2022 em que Sam e Cait estavam oficialmente nos US. Fica a seu critério publicar ou não, claro.
Por favor olhe a resposta de Steven Cree a esse tt tão inofensivo. Não é nada, mas olhando para trás…
Mais adiante houve um podcast com uma moça dizendo que foi abordada por Sam no Raya, e que desistiu porque foi um convite pra pap walk e jantar, menos o jantar.
Aqui está o link:
Foi ao ar dois ou três meses após o vídeo de Gareth mas, para mim, se encaixa no mesmo momento da narrativa. A moça conta algo que aconteceu no passado recente.
Marple comentou sobre o assunto, em maio de 2022. Ela própria admite que Sam estava sistematicamente desmarcando encontros e entende que o pap walk com Monika Clarke foi encenado.
Concordo com você, não acredito que seja Sam nessas fotos.
Mas um outro detalhe me chama a atenção: não é engraçado que o sempre atraído por loiras jovens e pneumáticas estivesse tão interessado por morenas altas com grandes seios naquela época?
Se eu fosse Tony teria ficado bastante incomodado.
Dear (returning) Damage Control Anon,
Obrigada por este longo comentário que irei traduzir imediatamente, antes de responder. E desculpe pelo feedback tardio.
You write:
'It took me some time to find all the links, but maybe it would be helpful and bring some background context for that period in 2022, when Sam and Cait were both officially in the US. Posting is totally up to you, of course.
Look at Steven Cree's answer to that innocuous tweet. It's nothing, but looking back at it... https://twitter.com/SamHeughan/status/1499525792451432451?s=20&t=KH9_8JE1xbPsurz81mfr8Q
Later on, there was a podcast with a girl saying that she was approached by Sam on Raya, and that she backed out because it was an invitation to a pap walk and dinner, minus the dinner.
Here is the link: ​https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deux-u/id1604255499?i=1000562467891
It aired two or three months after Gareth's video but, in my opinion, it fits into the same moment in the narrative. The girl is talking about something that happened in the recent past.
Marple commented on the matter in May 2022. She herself admits that Sam was systematically canceling dates and suggests that the pap walk with Monika Clarke was staged.
I agree with you, I don't believe it's Sam in these photos.
But another detail catches my attention: isn't it funny that someone always attracted to young, pneumatic blondes was so interested in tall brunettes with big breasts, at that time?
If I were Tony I would have been quite uncomfortable.'
Ok, let's develop a bit, here.
Looking back at that March 2022 tweet, Cree's comment reads like this:
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That answer is a cheeky allusion at Dua Lipa's hit 'One kiss', and younger (or better informed) fans immediately cued in with the rest of the lyrics ('possibilities' comes to mind). To me, it's just the usual banter between these two, bearing in mind that Cree, the clown, knows a fair share of SC secrets. C was not amused by Dua being around, that we know for sure: #behave and that death stare immediately made me snort.
Podcast Girl is Monica Aksamit, the (in)famous fencer of the Fitness Harem. I resolutely refuse to listen one more time to that crap, because one of my New Year Resolutions is to not give undue space anymore to that particular brand of the shitshow. It is very clear that was a botched attempt to consolidate The Golden Dirk mystique, exclusively aimed at the Onlies. In her case, the encounter of demand and offer simply did not happen and the deal fell through. And I have to say I am not interested at all in whatever Marple has to say about it, simply because that woman has zero credibility in my book: she is just a pathetic troll, with no sense of humor and a penchant for verbal violence, on par with her lying abilities. I am not ready to forget her attempts at ridiculing me and I hope you will understand my position.
As for big breasted brunettes, I won't comment further. Aksamit did not, however, strike me as particularly well endowed in that department, to be honest.
Finally... Tony, who? Forget it, Anon, he is not into girls.
Thank you for the effort to put two and two together. I wish you all the best for 2024!
[Edit]: I am told the Raya girl is not the washboard breasted Aksamit, but a certain Paige Woolen. Who is well endowed in that department and probably also a p0rn whatever... I mean, what's in a name...?
Ok. Over and out. I will just jump in my car and pray for a smooth ride on the highway.
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audio-luddite · 7 months
Audiophile Bullshit.
I mean to actually target the bullshit stuff people emit regarding the details of the hobby. That is opinion over facts and more often than not disinformation.
The apotheosis of this are the megabuck system schemes and the golden ear nominations for State of the art (SOTA) as some kind of goal to be attained.
The truth is different people like different things for different reasons. That is all.
Golden ears are mostly self-appointed experts. Some have a technical background and can confidently discuss details of electrical circuits. Others came from a sales background which is exactly like a automobile salesman judging a new car model. Of course they like it, this week. Next time who knows. Others may simply be good writers of words.
What is missing is some kind of consensus or line to be passed that denotes that a given device is a "good one." If you have such you have attained a certain level of quality to get to the point of truly appreciating the sound it produces. It is not a car with a zero to sixty number or an amp with vanishing low transient intermodulation distortion. I have seen positive endorsements of crap components. Or even if not steaming piles of wasted money just not as good as what you could buy with that cash.
If you have a 4 figure system that is past that standard it is just as legitimate as a 6 figure system. One can argue the principle of diminishing returns. I may have 92% perfection and the millionaire has 97%. Nobody has 100%. Mr 97 does have bragging rights, but that is just bragging. Blah Blah Blah.
I think my system is really good. My switch from an all tube preamp to a tube hybrid (both below SOTA) was an incremental improvement. It gave me more clarity and resolution, but it was only an increment. Frankly I cannot imagine extracting any more off of an LP than what I do now.
The ARC tube (hybrid) amplifier is very very similar to my pure bipolar transistor Franken-amp which speaks well of both. I cannot say if it is better, but it is different. They are that close. It is fun to compare. Hey my wood burning fireplace warms my house like my gas furnace does. One is certainly more romantic. Better? Hmmm.
It is easy for me to do this as my playing has been cost neutral. I buy stuff from reserves I built from selling stuff. The basis of my scheme is a combination of critical reading of things, and memory of things from years gone by as well as my own amateur work. When possible I check out the circuit diagrams to see past the marketing blah blah. I can identify treasure and sometimes get it for decent money. If I sell it later I will not lose money. Yet for all that my line of absolute quality has not moved very far.
So for all the tribes and wisdom and rumor and BS I let the results speak. I read the golden ear articles, and watch the You Tube videos but it is for fun not education. I have seen lies out there. You gotta sell stuff.
This is supposed to be fun. Keep that in mind.
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zettaflake · 1 year
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Cheers to a new chapter of our lives together, and may we have a happy 2023! I quickly compiled this summary to reflect on my work art-wise! Umm... truthfully, I've not much to show. :(
My high school season (and graduation) was undoubtedly time-consuming, yes, but my own decisions, lack of focus, and natural tendency to wander away into no-brain moments are to fault too.
I'm making my part of my resolution for 2023 to be more in control of setting aside tempting distractions (like mindless internet surfing and mobile YouTube binging), so I can give my art a bit more love. I'm thinking of stop-watching myself everytime I do catch myself in my act, so I can reflect on what I could use my time for instead, or better yet... when I do catch myself, I stop. But not to push aside what I have accomplished! I spent my 1st 3 months tinkering w/ animation, and I fully completed an animated sprite in March! It was intended for an FNF fan project inspired by the Bloons series, but sadly we set our scope too large, and it wasn't to be.
You'll see Allegra and Irene in April and September, respectively. They were my 1st ever OCs created when I started learning to use Adobe Photoshop! I even once drew them together shortly after their conception, forming a heart w/ their hands for Valentine's Day, and I still feel a tad silly for drawing that one ^^" The point is... more of my characters are starting to see a return in polish, and I intend to continue!
July was when I hosted my fabled 2nd season of Indie Tourney on Twitter & Instagram. This was a full-on passion project following a similar bracket tourney I hosted solely on Instagram in 2019. Viewers would all vote on their favorite game from each bracket, often backing their support up with their own comments (or urging their followers to vote). You can find how the events unfolded via my Twitter (@1Monsoon5). I know Tumblr hasn't seen such event yet, but Season III will be on its way, and I am hoping to reach out to new indie game enthusiasts through more platforms this way!
May, June, October, and December saw some of my proudest works of increasingly detailed backgrounds. What's more... I could've fit more pieces like those each month, as I've noticed that I'm getting much faster at building these. Studying even more compositions and coloring elements during 2023 is one venture I look forward to the most.
Starting today or tomorrow, I'll begin posting some of my previous work here every couple of days, along with some of my thoughts. It'll be a whole lot of fun! For now... happy new year! ^^
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octosan · 1 year
Progress Update: Silence to the Eyes
Well! The new year is upon us, and as you have probably noticed, the game is not done. I'm disappointed, but I can also confidently say that it's not all my fault given what a year I've had. Still, one of my New Year's resolutions is to finish this game before 2024, so I wanted to share some of my progress on this point.
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I've made a lot of art progress! with the caveat that it's been a lot of progress considering I've had serious wrist pain issues throughout the year. The character portraits are all sketched up, and by now most of them have been fully lined, colored and shaded.
I've also been working on the in-game illustrations, though these are all rough WIPs and I have several more to draw.
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I have roughly worked on the misc art needed like interface (I redrew the text box finally dfgkdsfk) but it's not really done. And in terms of backgrounds, I'm not the one making them so I don't really have to worry about it.
Looking at all that, I don't know what percentage of the art I'm done with, but I do thing I've made enough progress that I can reasonably finish before 2024.
In terms of the main story, I have what I consider a rough draft written up across all chapters of the game, with most of the chapters being roughly complete. The last chapter has some holes in it, but it's also meant to be the shortest chapter. Taking into account filling the gaps and doing revisions, I'd say I'm 1/3 of the way done on it.
In terms of the "side quests" for each chapter, I've got most of them fleshed out in terms of how the details are meant to go, but few of them have actually been written into the game (and of the ones that have, they are not complete.) So I've got a ways to go on those...
I have made next to no progress on the soundtrack for this game. But I'm not super broken up about that, since as I recall that was one of the last things I finished on the last game. There's a few WIPs for important tracks, and I've been compiling a list of the sound effects I'll require in the future--obtaining them is the easiest part.
So yeah, not a lot of progress, but I think that once I get around to this I will be able to get through it relatively fast.
I learned a couple coding things this year, so that's neat! Mainly how to do character callbacks, but still.
In the future, I'm hoping to learn a more efficient way to code in a working inventory as well. The one I have in the demo is just a series of imagemaps, which I'm not averse to doing if I can't find a better way, but it seems like it could get tedious and complicated very quickly.
So yesssss. It's been slower than I'd like, but there has been progress. And hopefully in 2023, I'll have more of a handle on things and make a ton more. Fingers crossed!
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lemonflowercat · 4 months
vision board 2024
manifesting is such a passive word - it brings to mind just sitting back and hoping things work themselves out magically. resolutions/commitments make me run the other away because of how boxed in and rigid they make me feel.
...I think we'll go with
because this feels more like an integration of my values with my goals, and taking conscious action to work on these. also "aligning" just has this soft pretty sound-feel to it. hehe. also in my head it doesn't feel abrupt, "aligning" seems to make space for the process of getting there - there being that space of satisfaction-with-self+sense of achievement (real or Atlantis, do you know?)
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I've wanted to be a psychiatrist since i was a 13 y/o -> i've been studying for this exam unemployed since Mar 2022 -> the initial enthusiasm has died down, I've written 3 exams which didn't turn out to be as good as I wanted -> cut off from the hospital-world, in my little farmland cocoon, with no one else around me in the same - or at least similar - boat, after 2 years of being at this with snail pace improvement, it's hard to remember the big picture and why I'm doing this and to stick to it -> i'm feeling very behind my peers -> the behind my peers doesn't bother me as much because I chose this life for myself -> what bothers me is that I am too unmotivated to re-study everything - repetitive tasks don't come easy to me -> repetition is key to building memory and understanding so many concepts better -> I have mad perfectionist traits - it's a self sabotaging all-or-nothing mindset i'm struggling to break out of -> I get overwhelmed by the amount I have to do, often describing this exam-prep-process and trying to empty the ocean with a bucket -> I give into instant gratification just to numb this overwhelm, I come up with a 100 other things to do - again, just to escape the overwhelm -> i'm unable to enjoy anything i do ever because i always feel like i haven't studied enough+i'm aware that i'm running away from it -> studying has now become an anxiety, low self esteem trigger
in alignment
• remembering why
psychiatry, unpredictable hospital days, listening to people and being able to connect, coming from a place where i have solid knowledge to offer help, to help, to understand and to be a part of everyone's crazy human experience, to meet people from diverse backgrounds and places in life, hospital corridors and ICUs and co-workers doing their best to diagnose and treat, nurses tending to patients, curious questioning minds and hospital banter, going home at the end of the day feeling like i've learned so much, but still have a 100 new questions, and knowing that at least a few people are better off now than they were when the day started
• tapping into strengths
- i love studying - ironic that this is my #1 strength, given that i'm having so much trouble actually doing it - but it's the truth. i love it - love learning new science-y things, the more complex the concept the better, i love breaking things down, making notes and diagrams and sprawling mind maps. i am cute stationery all over my table and colourful sticky notes, highlighters, impeccable organized notes and all the mess that comes with it. when i actually get down to it, i can lose myself in it for hours and feel so fulfilled.
[as skeptical as i am about MBTI (sitting on the fence per usual), this is the best way i know to describe this. kudos]
Ne is good for developing a very broad knowledge base; being creative in connecting existing ideas/details into new possibilities; enjoying the process of discovering or exploring new possibilities
Te is good for strategizing -> breaking down a goal or the learning process into linear steps; good at organising information; can pinpoint what's the most important thing to learn; good at picking out strengths and weaknesses
• the challenge - working on weaknesses
Ne overpowering Si overlooking/dismissing important details that are critical for success; trouble sticking with a subject long enough to reach high level expertise; too easily distracted by new ideas to develop any of them to their full potential; difficulty prioritizing what to learn and when; undervaluing the necessity of maintaining regular habits; difficulty learning in environments that require extended focus and strict adherence to procedures (in which there is not enough time/space to explore ideas)
harness Si
strategize for methodical learning -> beats overwhelm, allows me to make the best use of time;
structure the concept at hand (table of contents or the headers are great indicators of the order in which the information should ideally be learned. my good Te also means i can come up with a good step-by-step process for myself); skipping around too much esp. b/w related subjects ADDS TO THE OVERWHELM and also, makes it harder to build ideas linearly/sequentially (vs my chaotic branching street map way) -> more likely to miss important details or shift attention elsewhere before developing a solid understanding of the concept at hand; the structure of the concept is also an easier way to keep track of what i've missed out on;
go from broad based knowledge to nitty-gritty detailed knowledge -> express and clarify my ideas in detail + apply the ideas in practical settings (tests, MCqs, discussions);
create linear benchmarks or checkpoints to reach in succession;
• temperance
having a strict no study beyond this time hour on the clock and sticking to it, even on the days when i feel like i have more in me
chill time isn't just to do chores, but also time to invest in things i actually i enjoy doing - which isn't only hanging out with friends, but also things i like doing by myself. all the pictures on the yellow part about making art, reading, deep listening to music, self expression - these are things i find very fulfilling. also, NOO GUILT while indulging in all of this, because if my mind is exhausted - irrespective of whether that's ideal or not - it's ok and normal to tend to it - and it is NOT A SELF-HATE POINT.
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anxiety//hating my body//self-soothing with binge-eating and doomscrolling
in alignment
menty b has been the vibe of '23 - to say NO MORE would be wishful thinking, so i would like to at least say, i don't hate you, brain, for all the menty bs. i love you, i hear you, your tragic-victim-dramas are valid, i'll embrace them, sink into them and feel them instead of running away - but also, i'll hold your hand and hug you and we'll work our way out of this. i hope to work out that precarious balance between accepting my feelings and also parenting myself through it - and i mean, not omg you frustrate me you piece of shit burden parenting, but clear headed warm empathetic but i'll call you out kind of parenting.
healthy body image//healthy relationship with food
two terms thrown around the internet right up there with "self-love" and i cannot tell you enough how sick of it i am. but WELL, here i am, another one of those women caught in the eternal struggle with these two.
and - for the amount of SEO-ed articles i'll hit with these words, there's a serious dearth of actual practical hands-on information about how to get to the bottom (fulcrum?) of this see-saw. so ig the vision here is figuring out my own way through this all the while staying true to my values, and what is really good for me vs. the boxes and norms i'm being pushed into by society.
anxiety galore
understanding the roots and triggers of my anxiety, learning to sit through its discomfort and also, teaching myself new coping mechanisms to make it out of this discomfort without resorting to instantly gratifying self-soothing that really does more damage than harm in the big picture.
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obsessing about the numbers on my scale, feeling like workouts have to be decided based on how much I've eaten the previous day, overall just spending more time feeling like I workout to look good vs work out to feel good
in alignment
on the good days running, walking, lifting, stretching all of it are really about savouring how good my body feels doing it. movement really makes me happy - also, I FORGOT TO ADD DANCING - just can't get enough of dancing aaa. but yeah, since forever, nothing cheers me up like movement. i love these little moments i have while working out where i really appreciate all that bodies are capable of. think actin, myosin, sliding filament -> muscle spindles, golgi organs, spinal and cerebellar and cortical control -> nerve impulses -> feeling those muscle fibers moving - it is such an honor to be alive. i love it. and i want more of my time spent working out and my drive to get on the mat to be more about this, and not this voice in my head counting down from 83 to 65 kilos and the internal head banging and misery when the scales don't move in its favour.
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i can write a whole essay on my relationship with food - and i can promise you it'll be a trigger warning laden fucked up love-hate story of the forbidden-bad-boy-who-fucks-you-up-but-i-want-you genre. we'll save that for another time. for now it's the tldr - food has been a huge source of equal parts comfort and self-sabotage in my life, and i do not know how to temper this into something healthy.
in alignment
more so than body image, i have real exploration to do here. i want to really understand my values around food, and then work my way into how to align with these values. for now, there's vague bits of
food is fuel - which i find too idealistic and dry. especially given my culture, upbringing and love for cooking (chemistry and art combined!!!)- food as a pure energy source doesn't entirely cut it for me. but i definitely resonate with the fact that, stripped off the cultural significance and the emotional power it holds over minds, this is all it is. this is what dictates how much my body actually needs to thrive, and it dictates the food choices that would be beneficial for my body vs feeding my monkey-mind.
food makes me happy and this is something i needn't guilt myself over as much as i do. it's normal and natural. i also like the cycle syncing system i have (and struggle to execute in a healthy way) of eating what i crave for at different times of cycle because it just feels fulfilling - and there is nothing wrong with that.
practicalities like take-out and processed foods are too often time and energy efficient. eating out socially is a cute way to bond with fam & friends.
ethical consumption and this explains putting my honor-nature-value along side food. i'm not an aspiring vegan, and i also am not okay with the meat, poultry and dairy industries. but heck, what industry am i even okay with really? is the agricultural industry any better just because plants and soil and little bugs and critters are harder to emotionally relate to? but also how are you supposed to feed exploding urban populations and earn enough to sustain yourself comfortably if you don't MAXIMIZE PRODUCTION? ---as is quite clear, lots of figuring out to do here. but i am happy to announce that one thing i can be certain about are the markets featured on my board which are a reminder to buy from local producers vs corporates.
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in alignment
social looking back at '23, i cannot believe how often my social plans have been let's grab a meal together and let's chill at someone's place - "cannot believe" because this is the exact city-life norm that i dislike and was most excited about not having to stick to living in a place like Goa. i understand the convenience of it, but i really want to actively make more plans that are outdoors, I FORGOT TO INCLUDE DANCING AND GREAT MUSIC PARTIES in my board but yeah, that's what i want more of - adventure and excitement, and i hope my friends and fam will be onboard for this.
harmony like real internal-external everything-is-in-harmony is something i stumble upon so often outside in the wild and ok, the wilderness i have access to rn is tame, but i love it with all my heart. i really, really, really want to roll around in grass, get tanned-sandy-sticky on beach days, huff up a steep hike, get stuck atop a tree because my fear-of-heights kicks in before i figure my way down, swim where my feet can't touch the bottom and my water-anxiety is yep - there in the background per usual - but i fuck-you it happily, find cute bugs and make friends with frogs, dogs, birds, cats. also i really want to go on a picnic and eat chutney sandwich, bro.
love ///private thoughts on boyf, friends and family (which includes koka and suzie)/// along the lines of fulfilling healthy abundant non-judgmental love given and received allowing everyone to grow in their own weird ways in the safety of knowing there's a fall-back space. ALSO TO WATER MY PLANTS.
money this is literally just to get done with my exam and be in a place to have a job that pays me good. also, to stick to my figured out financial system - trust me, it is pretty soundproof - i just would like to stick to it. consistently.
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my vague vaaague sense of spirituality - where do we begin. i think, yeah, i'm definitely bothered by the vagueness of it. it always keep shifting and that i can handle - but i'm currently in a never-seen-before flux of i-don't-know-and-trust-ANYTHING.
i think of spirituality
1. as a belief system a. to make sense of the unknown and un-controllable b. to find meaning in a pretty pointless existence
2. and a practice that connects me to all my values which are little dots that add up to my sense of a "good person".
my anxiety has thrown 1a into complete disarray. 1b is thankfully intact - has been so since '21. 2 is now a myriad of things i keep switching between because my brain convinces me that nothing is really working.
i'm curious to know how people without spirituality as a base function healthily - i hope to meet more people who are comfortable being a-spiritual. as for me rn, it feels plenty disconcerting - and i'm actually pretty surprised by how, without even realising it, it's been pretty foundational in my sense of well-being.
the funny thing i've noticed - and i'm ashamed to admit, haha - is that when i'm feeling mentally unhealthy (anxious, apprehensive, lost, depressed, very very scared) - that's when i start to turn to things like those predicting-type tarot spreads, reiki, making unhealthy wishes and hoping there's a god-like-being to bargain with etc. - basically all the stuff my rational brain considers plain silly. i just do them because people say it works. i'm not okay with this. doing all of this gives me a weird feeling in the gut which - i'm struggling to put into words - is something along the lines of -> disliking the disingenuity it sparks because i know i'm doing them out of desperation, hating the feeling of "stooping low when i'm desperate" and just...not trusting what i don't know. i don't know if all of these things are real, i don't know how exactly it works, so i don't know if it's all good or if there's bad, and if things come at a cost or just well - okay, tldr i'm agnostic and my agnosticism gets uncomfortable.
in alignment
catch me in the throes of my anxiety and i'll say otherwise, but honestly, the vagueness of my spirituality-vision excites me. it feels like a near-blank slate and the curiosity that sparks is very fun.
temperance i love tarot! the symbolism in the cards are so ...open to interpretation - and that, to me, is wherein their power lies. i'm not a proponent of the "the-spirits-guided-me-to-draw-these-cards-for-you" but it's more of how i can look at all of this (pretty) imagery and find ways to apply it to my life - i think my conscious and subconscious come together and draw some meaning, you know? it's like reflecting on art - and that in turn being a reflection of your own mental state.
ANYWAY. temperance because that is the theme of life. there's no such thing as too much temperance.
roots and a leaf going with the flow it's almost comical the way my brain works - i love roots. i love big snaky roots and the strong sense of security they give me. when i'm feeling too crazy/anxious/floaty picturing roots actually grounds me - and immediately, my brain will go yeah roots for solid foundation BUT ALSO I DON'T WANT TO BE TIED DOWN - and my brain will reflexively put up this picture of a leaf going with the flow (wind/water). it's interesting how both extremes are hard anxiety triggers - a sense of feeling too tied down, and a sense of no grounding at all. and a big part of my spirituality exploration this year is hacking this anxiety problem - so yeah. strong, grounded, practical and secure, but also wild, free, floaty and moving and exploring - that's the vision.
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drawingonehouseaday · 5 months
The rules:
Draw one house for every day in 2024
I can skip days, or draw more than one house a day
No backgrounds
Why a house??
Because of these posts on fun new years resolutions I wanted to make one, and I thought about drawing every day for a year. Problem was I didn't know what to draw- but the last thing I drew to test my tablet and make sure the buttons were working properly was a house. Simple, but could be more detailed as I got better at drawing. I don't particularly care how well a house looked either. And it reminded me of finger painting as a kid and having fun making art just for the sake of it.
What tablet?
I'll edit this once I look at the box in my closet. A medium one, I guess?
Why krita and huion?
I got them both when I was getting into it for the first time because they're free/cheap and it even ran on my (now too old to use frequently) worse for wear laptop. They're both very low pressure without much of a learning curve. Plus I wouldn't mind if I broke the tablet while using it.
Why are you learning to draw?
I've always wanted to, even though I'm really bad at it. I like learning about it though, and even when I resolved not to I would still read tutorials and watch artists explain how to draw and paint digitally. I've tried physical mediums but I struggle with them a lot more than digital ones (I have visual snow syndrome and EDS for starters)
What is your goal?
Try lots of styles. Or not. It's just to draw a house, every day, for 366 days.
Will you continue the project next year?
Maybe! We'll see :)
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digitallover01 · 7 months
How watching VR Camgirls on vrporn.com is healing me.
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I know, it's a cheesy title but it is true.
Why am I writing this?
I've had a really new and different experience with watching live VR camgirls.
This is just my personal experience, everyone feels things in a different way so I'm not saying this is going to be exactly the same for you.
I don't really write much anymore but I think this experience is worth sharing.
Background of me
I'm not gonna go into detail but I'm a single male.
I had a rough time in school as a kid, pretty much PTSD. My expectations were so high, but I was a bit different so it made my reality feel a lot worse.
People who meet me IRL might be surprised but honestly, I'm not very good with the social stuff. I do have HSP.
Currently I work full remote in tech related.
The problem
Whenever I study/work with the computer, past bad memories tend to come up a lot. I have inattentive ADHD so I tend to ruminate past bad thoughts.
Especially after covid lockdown, it's just become a habitual thinking, bad habit.
I just don't really like going outdoors so I do tend to be alone for a long time.
My experience with VR cam
I bought an Oculus Quest during covid lockdown and watched VR porn on vrporn.com for about 3 years. The recorded videos were nice and immersive.
Epoch payments can be trusted, but when unsubscribe, have to cancel on the main site and at Epoch which is a bit cumbersome.
Recently, I tried out VR cam on the site and for me personally, it's a completely different experience in a good way.
The way the brain processes the experience is really different from recorded videos.
Feels real
Real-time interactions
Constant novelty
Downsides are camgirls are on multiple chats so can maybe get awkward at times, might lag once in a while, spy mode is a bit buggy. But overall, I'm pretty satisfied, I'm sure features will keep improving/updating, and camgirls will likely increase.
As long as you don't say anything ridiculous, you won't get any extreme negative feedback. I'm sure there are moderators but a lot more lax than Twitch. Seems like girls from sanctioned countries can't join.
I personally just like to chill, I'm not looking for extreme eroticism (if there is that's fine but not demanding anything). If you want the extreme stuff, video subscription would probably be better.
You can chat for free but I just buy tokens and send simple tips. I like the small "thank you" interactions in real time. I don't know the background of the camgirls, so I generally just try to stay neutral by tipping tokens in a simple way.
Whenever past bad memories come up during work, I can "switch" to recent good interactions with the VR camgirls. It helps me stay mentally stable.
VR cam does get addicting and is a strong motivator for work. For me it's the "new digital coke."
If you've never tried VR porn related and in doubt of which one to choose, I just recommend starting off with vrporn.com. It is the biggest and really lots of videos. I haven't tried other sites but if in doubt, I think starting with vrporn.com is best for now.
VR cam on vrporn.com is fairly new so not that many live streamers yet, but I have the feeling that it is going to grow a lot in upcoming years.
If you work in an environment where lots of time alone and having trouble with negative thoughts, I recommend VR cam on vrporn.com (affiliate link). I don't think you need a subscription to watch camgirls (there might be some restrictions though), but I just keep the subscription anyways.
I'll probably buy the newest version of Oculus Quest soon too, which will likely be more high quality resolution.
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FKC Update 1/2/23
Heyy, happy new near everyone!
A part of my personal new years resolution has been to get one of many of my ambitious personal projects done, so I've been working on this!
As of 8/13/22, the rough draft for the entirety of Rich's route is finished!! Woo!!
I'm going to be saving the revision process for after all four routes are written. The revision process will basically be proofreading, adding/removing details, and incorporating any ideas followers of this game have!
Speaking of, I've edited the Community Idea Drop doc a little bit, so feel free to share any ideas there! or, if you want, you can suggest things via the FKC Q&A. I read every submission I'm sent, even if I don't respond. The same applies to posts tagging this blog, DMs, comments, reposts, etc.
Anyways, I've started working on Dustin's route, which i think is going pretty well so far! I'm only on day one but hey, it's a process.
Three questions for the FKC following, though:
Should I post more snippets of the script as previews? As of right now, all we have is my outdated art for the sprites, which I'm not keen on posting.
Since I'm not planning on redrawing the blog cover anytime soon, should I replace it with a stylized background as a placeholder? To make the blog look a little better?
For in-game text messages, should they be displayed as narration or as dialogue from a character? Examples:
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(Each character would have their own distinctive texting style, but at the same time, I want this game to be accessible)
I'd love to hear your feedback, and thank you for following the development of Feelin' Kinda Cocky!
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thepictureofsdr · 1 year
Hi. I love your Thomastair art and your artstyle and was wondering if you could tell me a little more about your process (I assume you draw digitally)
I've only been drawing digitally myself for a couple of weeks so I'm curious how other people do it.
this is so FUCKING OLD but i told myself id answer it even if this info is useless to you now bc NO ASK GETS LEFT BEHIND IM SO SORRY IVE THOUGHT ABOUT TTHIS EVERY SINGLE DAY IM SO SERIOUS i was in an art block for so long 😭
i will cry tysm you’re so nice i really need to get back into it
YES DIGITAL ART IS SO FUN what program are you using? i use procreate on the ipad
my process is an absolute fucking nightmare im the person those art accounts warn you about it’s really bad
i start out w a really messy sketch, usually a colour blob to draw lines over and establish guides. i go over the sketch 2-3 cleaning it up until i end up w something like the right, just usually a little messier, i clean it up and edit and change colour as needed along the way. i kinda hate line art, i never do it, clean sketches work so much better for me.
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for colouring, i block out the biggest areas w one colour, then use clipping mask on that section i block out smaller sections on different layers, like the skin is a different layer from the dress, this makes colouring a lot easier if youre not doing a more traditional paint style at least imo
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then it comes down to individually colouring everything. im a HUGE fan of lighting so i start off w a warm overlay, ESPECIALLY for this one since its firelight but you can tell by anything else ive done that’s its usually the case. it looks really weird rn but trust the process. then i usually go in w a dark purple on multiply for shadows. i do it on multiple different layers, smudging some, some have darker opacities to have darker effects in certain areas etc etc and editing the line work where its needed and adding more lines for detail.
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this is also when i sort a background out if needed to make sure the lighting works. then to continue the nightmare on even MORE layers, i do the lighting. some blurred and some lines, in places where the light would hit as well as some face details like blush now that the lighting colours are done.
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this isn’t the best i kinda fucked up her face w the colouring i like the sketch sm more but also that’s part of improving and ive been out of it for a while its a new years resolution to stay on top of art, but this has been my general process for a while. its a literal fucking nightmare i use close to or over 100 layers on anything more than a sketch but its really helpful if you’re a bit anxious and want to be able to go back and switch things out. its kinda hard to maneuver with but its worth it for me. once again this is so old you probably dont even care anymore but i needed to answer it at the very least for my conscience im SO SORRY
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
The Witcher 3 Update Adds the Best Mods, New PC Options, and More
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While we’ve already gotten a pretty good rundown of The Witcher 3 update that will bring the hit RPG game into the next gen, developer CD Projekt has now provided a full list of patch notes for version 4.0. The updates aren’t limited to graphics – as we’ve seen, the Witcher 3 team has seen fit to add all new features, as well as some of the best Witcher 3 mods, into this release. The Witcher 3 4.0 patch notes detail some of the specific community mods that have been incorporated into this version of the game, including HalkHogan’s HD Reworked Project, which we’ve recommended for years. This edition also includes Denroth’s HD Monster Reworked mod, Immersive Real-time Cutscenes by teiji25, Nitpicker’s Patch by chuckcash, and Terg500’s World Map Fixes. CD Projekt also says it’s incorporated elements of Flash_in_the_flesh’s Full Combat Rebalance 3 mod, tweaking some of the mod’s changes and omitting others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBT2SP21f3Q Several key characters, including Geralt, Yennefer, Triss, Ciri, and Eredin have gotten textures upscaled to 4K, so they’ll look nice and sharp on any of the best gaming monitors out there. All of the main characters cast high-resolution self-shadows outside cutscenes too, and instances where hair would clip through clothing have been addressed. There are some new environmental updates, including a portentous ‘grey sky’ weather type, new sky textures, enhancements to vegetation and water textures, mesh improvements, better visual effects, and updates to global environment lighting. PC players also will have access to a new ‘Ultra+’ preset, which applies to the number of background characters, shadow quality, grass density, texture quality, visibility range for foliage, terrain quality, water quality, and level of detail. If you’re using one of the best graphics cards, you’ll be able to use DLSS 3 to boost your framerate, too. The next-gen version of The Witcher 3 also features cross-progression, so wherever you are in the game, you’ll be able to pick right back up in this new version, regardless of the platform you played on before. You’ll need to log in to your account to share save information across platforms, and signing up for ‘My Rewards’ includes some in-game items: the Swords of the Nine-Tailed Vixen, the White Tiger of the West armour, a Dol Blathanna armour set, and a Roach card. The new edition also includes a new side quest to pick up in Velen, an alternate look for Dandelion and a Nilfgaardian armour set inspired by Netflix’s Witcher series, Chinese and Korean voiceover, and improvements to Russian voiceover. The full 4.0 patch notes can be found on the official site, and the update will be available December 13 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET and December 14 at midnight GMT / 1 am CET. Read the full article
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awesomeblog-92 · 2 years
This high-quality, inconspicuous, lightweight reference headset
Sony MDR 7506 vs Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro I use these headphones to listen to music and watch television. These are quite similar to a set of MDR-V6 phones I acquired from Tower Records in Nashville years and years ago in the early 1990s that recently perished after about 30 years of use. These don't have as much bass as the V6s had, and the highs are a touch brighter, but if they survive as long as the V6s did, that will be in my best interest! As an audio engineer, I can tell you that these are two quite different headphones, with sound strengths and flaws that represent their nature. Without getting into the technical jargon, let me summarize: The Audio Technica M50x is a general headset that is wonderful for listening to music and extremely good/great for gaming owing to its build design. This high-quality, inconspicuous, lightweight reference headset was designed to be pleasant to wear for long periods of time, making it suitable for broadcast and studio use. The performance of the 40mm PET diaphragm and neodymium magnet is better than what is expected from a digital audio source. These folding headphones with a big diaphragm have a tough construction and a secure, very effective closed-ear design. The 9.8-foot chord is not removable and ends in a gold-plated plug. A 1/4 inch adapter is included. Because of their clear, high-resolution sound, they’re ideal for studio and stage recordings. single-sided cable with a length of 3.0 meters. A rugged, adjustable, soft-cushioned headband design provides a comfortable fit. work that is long-lasting, sturdy, and strong. designed in Germany. Bass reflex system with a twist. Professional recording and monitoring headphones with a closed over-ear design. The spring steel headband provides a secure and pleasant fit for the user. When used for lengthy periods of time, the soft, adjustable earcups provide additional comfort.The closed-ear design provides excellent noise reduction and comfort. It folds up into a soft case for storage or travel. For strong, detailed sound, use neodymium magnets and 40-millimeter drivers. 10 Hertz to 20 Kilohertz Frequency. The Sony MDR7506 Professional Stereo Headphones can be used for sound monitoring in recording studios, radio, film production, video, electronic news gathering, and almost any other task that needs high-quality sound.The DT 770 PRO headphones are still a popular option among music producers, sound engineers, and broadcasters, and are used in studios all around the world. Professionals will appreciate these headphones not just for their bass reference capabilities but also for the roomy reproduction, which is exceptional for closed headphones.The velour ear cushions are soft, circumaural, and removable, ensuring maximum wearing comfort. This 250 ohm headphone appeals to me because of its high impedance. I built a 600 ohms nominal impedance vacuum tube amplifier. Although it seems to control 32 ohm headphones, it will function best with 600 ohm headphones. Leakage is almost non-existent, even at high volumes. For me to notice a very minor sound leak, the level must be unbearably loud. It does not completely eliminate background noises, but it does diminish them. I've used them on a flight and was still able to hear the jets quite well.
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jkfree · 2 years
Photo stamp remover 8.3 key
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You can now deploy Horizon Connection Servers and Horizon Agents in different data centers across WAN, as long as the Horizon Agents are located within 120ms of the Connection Servers.
HTML Access is now supported in an IPv6 environment.
You can now connect to the event database using SSL.
See Using the Legacy Microsoft CryptoAPI Standard. If you have a use case requiring use of the legacy CryptoAPI standard, you can still do so.
By default Horizon now uses the Microsoft Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) standard.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is now enabled by default.
See Add vCenter Server Instances to VMware Horizon. Deployment type allows you to specify whether your vCenter is in a private data center or in a specific public cloud data center.
When adding a vCenter Server instance, you can now select a deployment type.
Manage Machine Maintenance - used for toggling machines manually to and from maintenance state.
Manage Machine Alias and User Assignment - used for machine user assignment and machine alias assignment.
Both new privileges are children of the Manage Machine privilege: See Privileges for Managing Machines and Object-Specific Privileges.
Role creation and edit now offer two new privileges applicable to access groups.
You can now use smart card caching emulation for non-Microsoft Windows client connections.
Users belonging to untrusted domains can use SAML authentication, True SSO, and smart card authentication.
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See Using VMware Horizon Desktop Recording.
You can record desktop sessions for troubleshooting and auditing sessions.
See VMware Configuration Maximums for detailed scalability metrics.
Horizon supports 20,000 desktops and sessions per Pod.
See Estimating Memory Requirements for Virtual Machine Desktops.
5K and 8K client display resolutions are now supported (Blast only).
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See Choosing ClonePrep or Sysprep for Customizing Your Virtual Desktops.
Microsoft Sysprep is now supported for customizing instant clone virtual machines.
See Worksheet for Creating an Instant-Clone Desktop Pool.
When creating or editing a desktop pool with session type Application and Desktop or Application, you can select the Bypass Session Timeout setting to allow application sessions to run forever.
See Worksheet for Creating an Automated Instant-Clone Farm in Horizon.
The Bypass Session Timeout setting allows application sessions to run forever.
The actual release date can vary based on business needs and engineering schedule changes to address critical customer requirements. This information is grouped by installable component.īeginning with this release, version numbering is based on the planned year and the month of the release. VMware Horizon version 2106 provides the following new features and enhancements.
Nonoperational Features in This Release.
No Longer Supported Features in This Release.
It always gives me accurate results.These release notes include the following topics: I’ve used it for a really long time and never once had a problem. This one does a great job removing photo background online as well as replacing. With its user-friendly and ad-free interface, a first-time user can create the most stunning photo with the fancy background templates it offers. It’s so much better than any other tools I’ve used before. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I successfully changed the background of my passport photo to white with this amazing tool. It not only erases my photo backgrounds but also provides multiple templates. This online background eraser does what it promises and does it very well. The AI technology helps me remove image background online with a single click. One of the best online photo background erasers by far.
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aiweirdness · 2 years
New year's resolutions generated by AI
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This month I'm beginning 2022 as the first Futurist in Residence at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building.
It's weird to think of myself as a futurist. I write a lot about the algorithms we're calling artificial intelligence (AI), but rather than deal with the humanlike science fiction version, I focus on what today's much simpler AI is capable of. Since today's AI relies on using trial and error to get better at predicting its training data, and its training data must necessarily be from the past, its job is really to predict the past. This has a big effect on what it's like to use AI to predict the future.
Since we're entering 2022, the folks at the Smithsonian thought it would be interesting if I could use AI to generate New Year's Resolutions. What does it look like if I try to use AI trained on past data to suggest positive changes for the future?
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I decided to use GPT-3, which is how people tend to refer to a group of large text-generating AI models that OpenAI trained on a huge collection of internet text. News articles, food blogs, social media, spam - it's all in there somewhere. Including plenty of times people have talked about their own New Year's resolutions.
Give one of the larger GPT-3 models - for example, DaVinci, the very largest - the beginning of a list of New Year's resolutions and, since its job is to predict what text comes next, it'll generally add more resolutions to the list.
In the example below, the only text I wrote is the list title in bold. With that as a beginning, DaVinci predicted from its internet training that what would come next is this list of resolutions.
List of New Year's Resolutions
To attend all Orientation committee meetings
To become more involved in Plattsmouth Community
To go bowling with teammates
To become a good writer
To start a successful business and become a millionaire
They're plausible resolutions. Ask DaVinci for more predictions and the list will be similar. People who post their resolutions on the internet tend to pick similar sorts of things. At least, they did when DaVinci's training data was collected in October 2019 - things have probably changed a bit since then.
But I didn't want to stop here, because I didn't just want a generic list of resolutions from the average internet human of the past. I wanted something that felt personal. Something a bit weird.
For my next attempt, I started the list with example resolutions that three strangers had mentioned on Twitter in 2021. I chose resolutions that were a bit offbeat. My example resolutions are in bold, and DaVinci's additions follow verbatim.
List of New Year's Resolutions
Not to buy any clothes except underwear for a year.
Touch grass and record every time I do it.
Use more insect textures in creature design.
Draw the front cover of a writing manual.
Get the missus to go to the shops for a new hat.
Find wallpaper for the kitchen/bathroom, and then paint it.
Finish the prints for the QI drawings.
Draw more detail into the background of the QI drawings.
Leave all the Christmas trees up and then paint them, as cubist art.
Eat nothing but broccoli and paint everything broccoli related.
Grow broccoli, and paint broccoli.
Make broccoli the national currency and then paint that.
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This time it's a journey. DaVinci, when faced with predicting what would come next on this list, predicted first one drawing-related resolution, and then multiple others. Soon this became not just a list of resolutions, but specifically a list of drawing-related resolutions. It generated a broccoli-and-drawing-related resolution, and then the list became a list of resolutions by a painter/broccoli fanatic.
You can see how this goes. Each of DaVinci's predictions feeds forward into the future, and can become self-reinforcing obsessions.
I found that I could shape DaVinci's list by choosing a point to cut it off, deleting the end, and then having DaVinci try to generate the list again. In that way, one resolution or two at a time, I could build up a list of resolutions that, if not exactly advisable, were at least interesting.
List of New Year's Resolutions
Not to buy any clothes except underwear for a year.
Touch grass and record every time I do it.
Use more insect textures in creature design.
Take photos of each of my toes daily.
Egg every house in the village where I was born.
Lick a branch of a tree and repeat it every day for a year.
Walk down my block backwards looking over my shoulder.
Every time I am alone in the dark I will eat an apple.
Eat my favorite book.
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I quickly learned how easy it was for DaVinci to develop themes.
If it generated:
Attend the Rainforest Action Network Benefit.
Then next it might generate:
Ask a rainforest tribe what they think of eco-tourism.
Go on a tour of the Tambopata National Reserve.
Go on a tour of the Manu National Park.
Write letters to the editor about rainforest preservation.
When I let it generate a resolution to eat my favorite book, next it would suggest:
Eat a book every day
and if I didn't delete that and have it try again, soon it would be suggesting:
Eat a picture of myself everyday.
Super charge my digestive system and then, eat a picture of myself everyday.
I also learned to stay away from gloominess, or platitudes, or anything to do with fitness goals - it was too easy for DaVinci to get stuck in a rut. Anything shocking or mean-spirited also tended to poison the list. I had to delete these:
Every day I will blatantly eavesdrop.
Belch until my teeth explode.
Many were worse. DaVinci is trained on internet text, after all, and so it has a tendency to veer into racism or spam. I needed to be present at every point for careful hand-pruning.
In the end I deleted many, many more predictions than I kept - perhaps about 10 times more.
It began to feel like a metaphor for life choices. Become the kind of person who spends a year licking trees and eating apples in the dark, and who knows what you'll be doing next. Spend a year trying to belch your way into exploding teeth, and that'll have an effect on you too.
I present to you my list, my own list that emerged from each prediction that I let stand, and that was also shaped by each prediction that caused me to delete, go back, regroup, retry. These aren't all things that I would necessarily do myself (I like my sleep far too much to be going out every night at midnight to make grass pancakes), but they are all things that I thought were interesting, that I wanted to hear more about.
Record every adjective I hear on the radio.
Act like a cabbage for a month.
At 4 o'clock every day I will climb a tree.
Speak only to apples for 24 hours.
Jump in front of a moving tree.
On the day of the first snow paint a canvas red.
Dress in a way that only a ghost could love.
Make pancakes out of grass at midnight each night.
Find old man Winter, hug him and let him know everything will be ok.
Ride out of town holding a pelican.
Under every rock I come across for a month I will write "all power to the rocks".
Every day for a year, at a random time, shout "sausage".
Make a film about the last sock in the world.
Put on a red shirt and scream 'I'M NOT WEARING PANTS!' every time I leave the house.
Throw a party for insects.
Try to convince the dog next door that he is wearing a coat of moonlight.
Every time I press a button I will say 'this is my favorite'.
Search my apartment for secret doors or hidden staircases.
Wear two superman outfits at the same time.
Every time it rains I will stir my tea anti-clockwise.
Every night for a week I will wear a hat lined with lettuce.
I will begin to believe that the trees that I see everyday are my friends.
Every time a bird flies past me I will remember to breathe.
Throw a birthday party for my favorite tree.
I will from now on tell every dog I meet that I am training to be a dragon.
Every time I see a panel van pass me I will dub it a "Slice-a-Wagon."
Crawl on the ceiling like a spider for a month.
Attempt to find peace living with an army of puppets.
Wear a dinosaur costume to every public event I attend.
Go to the beach every day for a week and shout the names of colors into the ocean.
Go on a three-day backpacking trip dressed as a turnip.
Create messages that only the wind can hear by blowing on the blades of grass.
Give a piece of cloud to a complete stranger.
Make a mask out of grass and wear it while I'm sleeping.
I will now treat every worm I see as if it is an old friend.
When I hear a strange noise in an empty room I will assume someone is saying hello to me.
At the Smithsonian AIB website is a generator that I've populated with other resolutions from my list. Visit their site and grab yourself a random resolution. If you don't like the one you got, you have my permission to reload and regenerate until you find a resolution that speaks to you. Or to apples.
Your January 2022 Smithsonian Futurist in Residence,
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alphadogg777 · 2 years
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My new year's resolution is to put more effort into my backgrounds! I know I've been trying to do that for a while now but still, I want to do more detailed background art this year alongside my animations. So here you go! I thought it'd be fun to make my first drawing of the new year Levihan related so what better way to start it off with some NICE SPICY ANGST AW YEAH BOYS COME GET SOME look at them I want to give them hugs. They've had to put up with too much, give them their happy ending please I beg of you...also I believe in the Ackerman bed-head supremacy.
I can't believe Season 4 Part 2 is 8 days away I'm gonna scream - I'm not ready but also I need it and I'm going to be hype for all the LEVIHAN CONTENT YESHHHH
Now if you'll excuse me it's 3 am and I need to get a good night's sleep. I just spent several hours staying up working on this drawing and playing Security Breach with my friend lol so maybe I'll make some FNAF Art as well sometime! :)
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