#new-vember drawing challenge
igiveinyouhellsite · 2 years
Did you know that anyone can make a drawing/writing/etc. challenge? Cause I just realized that and now I’m making it your (optional) problem!
Introducing New-Vember! The last-minute, not-very-thought-out challenge for the month of November because I couldn’t find any November challenges!
Audience Stand-In
Idiot Turned Hero
Mad Scientist
Experiment Gone Wrong
Living Legend
Friendly Rival
Devil Incarnate
Gentleman Thief
Unknown Threat
Loose Cannon
Childhood Friend
Jaded Protagonist
Chooser of Chosen Ones
Stand-In Parent
Evil Underling
Byronic/Tortured Hero
Dark Trickster
These prompts were selected from a list of 201 character archetypes. I pretty much just picked my favorites.
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ingek73 · 2 years
‘I’m deadly serious’: why filmmaker Michael Moore is confident of a Democratic midterm win
The Academy-award winner has been emailing a ‘daily dose of truth’ to mobilize supporters of the party to vote in November
Edward Helmore
Sun 23 Oct 2022 08.00 BST
For the past month, Academy Award-winning documentary maker Michael Moore has been emailing out a daily missive “Mike’s Midterm Tsunami of Truth” on why he believes Democrats will win big in America’s midterm elections next month.
Moore calls it “a brief honest daily dose of the truth – and the real optimism these truths offer us”. It also – at this moment in time – flies in the face of most political punditry, which sees a Republican win on the cards.
Making predictions is a risky undertaking in any election cycle, but especially in this round with Democrats banking they can hitch Republican candidates to an unpopular supreme court decision to overturn federal guarantees of a woman’s right to abortion. Republicans, meanwhile, are laser-focused on high inflation rates, economic troubles and fears over crime rates.
But political forecasting has become Moore’s business since he correctly called that Donald Trump would win the national elections in 2016 against common judgment of the media and pollsters businesses.
The thrust of his reasoning that this will be “Roe-vember” is amplified daily in the emails. In missive #21 (Don’t Believe It) on Tuesday, he addressed the issue of political fatalism, specifically the media narrative that the party in power necessarily does poorly in midterm elections.
“The effect of this kind of reporting can be jarring – it can get inside the average American’s head and scramble it,” Moore wrote. “You can start to feel deflated. You want to quit. You start believing that we liberals are a bunch of losers. And by thinking of ourselves this way, if you’re not careful, you begin to manifest the old narrative into existence.”
Reached by telephone last week, Moore, 68, told the Guardian that his purpose, in effect, is to puncture herd-thinking. He points to three recent examples where political norms were wrongly interpreted.
“If I said to you six months ago, ‘you know Kansas, right? It’s a huge pro-abortion state and this summer by a margin of 60% they’re going to keep abortion legal’ you’d think I had made a crazy statement,” he says.
“If I’d told you at the same time that in the congressional election in Alaska, a hard red state, that it’s not only not going to be won by a Democrat but a Native Alaskan Democrat, again you’d have to question if I was out of my mind.”
Finally, he draws attention to Boise, Idaho, where an incumbent Republican candidate for the board of education was endorsed by a far-right group, the Idaho Liberty Dogs, and lost to an 18-year-old high school senior and progressive activist, Shiva Rajbhandari, who was also co-founder of the Boise chapter of climate group Extinction Rebellion.
In each case, Moore says, conventional thinking was challenged.
“I have a high-school education so probably, maybe, you shouldn’t be getting your news from me, if you’d just been paying attention in the last six months to Kansas, Idaho and Alaska you’d have seen the red flags going up,” he says.
Moore likes to go off in a different direction. He comes from Michigan with its strong connections to anti-government movements – Moore went to the same high-school as Oklahoma bombing co-conspirator Terry Nichols.
His read is not metropolitan-orientated. Last year he wrote Democrats have “insurrectionist envy” of the January 6 Capitol riot. “Deep down in your soul, as you watched what your eyes could not believe was happening, admit to me that in that appalling moment on January 6, 2021, you were – how do I say it – jealous that it was the fascists who had risen up, and not us long before now,” he wrote.
Moore insists he’s not simply being provocative in predicting a Democrat landslide. “I’m sixty-eight and I don’t have time to mess around. I’m deadly serious.”
Moore predicts the election will see a record turnout of younger voters whose views pundits and commentators often miss. “If you spend any time with women, the Dobbs decision struck them personally and deeply. This was a religious edict based on conservative Catholic principles.”
Moore’s political musings are not limited to critical observations of the right. Missteps by Democrats are also apparent. “The biggest hurdle to what I’m doing with the series is the Democratic party,” he says. He’s been watching Democrat governor and state election debates on the US public broadcaster C-Span.
“It’s very disheartening and it would make even me question how we’re going to pull this off. The Democratic party consultants are feeding lines that are so lame and weak. They don’t go for the jugular like a Republican would. It doesn’t inspire people at home.”
“We stand here on the precipice of a very important election and our greatest enemy could be the Democratic party itself,” he adds.
But Moore has a further point, often made but not always heeded, that biggest political grouping in the US is not Republican or Democrat, but non-voters. This non-voter party, which is perhaps the most potentially powerful but also the most inaccessible, is whom Moore wants to reach.
“The non-voter party don’t see how politics benefits them, they’re disgusted with the hypocrisy, a lot are disgusted with the crazy fighting that goes on, and the craziness that Trump amped up,” Moore says, adding that when he turns on the TV in the evening he doesn’t necessarily go to a news channel but looks for a comedy.
Moore’s call-to-arms then is to reach the non-believers. “Everyone of who does care, and feels like our democracy could be hanging on by a thread” now “has to do something in these last three weeks”.
In his case, he says, it could be as simple as calling a cousin who doesn’t vote to give them reasons why, this time, it’s important and that “she can go back to non-voting after this.”
But what would he say to them?
“Aren’t you tired of nothing getting done? All this deadlock bullshit. One way to undo this logjam is to give Democrats a chance to pass legislation and let’s see how it works out. Maybe it won’t work. Maybe they’ve got bad ideas. But no idea and no decision is paralyzing and hurts the country. If we talk like that, talk normal, that could be a huge help.”
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neverwinternighting · 3 years
30 days of Never-vember!
It’s November very soon and I was thinking about posting a list of NWN/NWN2-centric general prompts for each day in November! (Get it? Neverwinter + November? Never-vember?) It’s tricky to figure out since not everyone has played both of the games and all the campaigns in them, so something more general you could choose from to create seemed like the best idea.
You can write the prompt. You can draw the prompt. You can do a combination of both. Comics? Hell yeah. Everything is welcome!
If you decide to do these, please feel free to tag me in each one you do so that I can give you reblogs.
This challenge is not in the least bit binding and it is by no means an obligation or a contest - you can do few, you can do all, you can even do only one if you want. It’s entirely up to you!
Prompts listed below (take artistic license in interpretation if you need):
Day 1: A typical day in your hero or knight captain’s life Day 2: Your character meeting your favorite party member for the first time Day 3: Your character meeting your LEAST favorite party member for the first time Day 4: Your character and chosen party members lounging about at camp or in a tavern Day 5: An embarrassing situation during an adventure Day 6: The most impactful event your character went through Day 7: Your character and/or party members in the modern day DMV Day 8: A character or party member’s birthday! Day 9: A party member finding a way to cheer up your character Day 10: The moment your character formed a (romantic OR friendship) crush Day 11: Something little-known about your character revealed Day 12: Your character or a party member is caught red-handed! (By whoever you like, doing anything) Day 13: Your character saying something they regret during an argument Day 14: How your character feels about Lord Nasher Day 15: Your party’s inside joke Day 16: A prank goes wrong! (Set up by and against whoever you want) Day 17: Your character being loopy after keeping watch all night Day 18: A moment in your adventure described entirely without dialogue Day 19: Your character stuck with the most annoying party member Day 20: If you and your character switched places for a day Day 21: Your character adjusting to a new role during their adventures Day 22: If your party had to work at a modern fast food restaurant Day 23: The story behind one of your character’s scars Day 24: Your party during a boss fight Day 25: A magical mishap affects someone or everyone in your party! Day 26: Your character reflecting on the gravity of the situation during their most difficult moment Day 27: How one of your party members views your own character Day 28: Your character’s relationship with their god, or gods in general Day 29: Your character in a frightful situation during the adventure Day 30: After their adventures are done, how are they/how do they live their lives?
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neverwinternighting · 2 years
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I posted 635 times in 2021
77 posts created (12%)
558 posts reblogged (88%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.2 posts.
I added 1,099 tags in 2021
#nwn2 - 306 posts
#nwn - 300 posts
#queue'd - 111 posts
#hotu - 94 posts
#valen - 69 posts
#sand - 54 posts
#motb - 46 posts
#cue the queue - 44 posts
#neverwinter nights 2 - 41 posts
#nevervember - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and now that he's filling in the kc's role he takes on the tradition of buying a round of celebratory drinks like in the days of the shadow
My Top Posts in 2021
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I am so fucking here for these tags @neverwintermuses​
I think part of what makes Sand so appealing is the fact that he DOESNT constantly spill his spaghetti like some of the other romance options. I guess it means that part of what makes Sand such an attractive romance option to me is that you approach him, he’s not about to shove the KC into an uncomfortable position with unwarranted attention.
We were actually talking about it once before-
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I love going back to read this because Sand would have been the perfect romantic addition. Like, seriously. But have it not be triggered until the KC says something clearly personal or flirtatious.
27 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 23:56:28 GMT
Whatever you were expecting to see on your dash, it probably wasn’t this.
28 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 03:12:12 GMT
30 days of Never-vember!
It’s November very soon and I was thinking about posting a list of NWN/NWN2-centric general prompts for each day in November! (Get it? Neverwinter + November? Never-vember?) It’s tricky to figure out since not everyone has played both of the games and all the campaigns in them, so something more general you could choose from to create seemed like the best idea.
You can write the prompt. You can draw the prompt. You can do a combination of both. Comics? Hell yeah. Everything is welcome!
If you decide to do these, please feel free to tag me in each one you do so that I can give you reblogs.
This challenge is not in the least bit binding and it is by no means an obligation or a contest - you can do few, you can do all, you can even do only one if you want. It’s entirely up to you!
Prompts listed below (take artistic license in interpretation if you need):
Day 1: A typical day in your hero or knight captain’s life Day 2: Your character meeting your favorite party member for the first time Day 3: Your character meeting your LEAST favorite party member for the first time Day 4: Your character and chosen party members lounging about at camp or in a tavern Day 5: An embarrassing situation during an adventure Day 6: The most impactful event your character went through Day 7: Your character and/or party members in the modern day DMV Day 8: A character or party member’s birthday! Day 9: A party member finding a way to cheer up your character Day 10: The moment your character formed a (romantic OR friendship) crush Day 11: Something little-known about your character revealed Day 12: Your character or a party member is caught red-handed! (By whoever you like, doing anything) Day 13: Your character saying something they regret during an argument Day 14: How your character feels about Lord Nasher Day 15: Your party’s inside joke Day 16: A prank goes wrong! (Set up by and against whoever you want) Day 17: Your character being loopy after keeping watch all night Day 18: A moment in your adventure described entirely without dialogue Day 19: Your character stuck with the most annoying party member Day 20: If you and your character switched places for a day Day 21: Your character adjusting to a new role during their adventures Day 22: If your party had to work at a modern fast food restaurant Day 23: The story behind one of your character’s scars Day 24: Your party during a boss fight Day 25: A magical mishap affects someone or everyone in your party! Day 26: Your character reflecting on the gravity of the situation during their most difficult moment Day 27: How one of your party members views your own character Day 28: Your character’s relationship with their god, or gods in general Day 29: Your character in a frightful situation during the adventure Day 30: After their adventures are done, how are they/how do they live their lives?
29 notes • Posted 2021-10-27 16:49:20 GMT
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Silas - half-dragon Red Dragon Disciple in black armor, whirlwind attack
33 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 05:59:45 GMT
Love Neverwinter Nights 1 and/or Neverwinter Nights 2? Never played it but you're curious about them? Have parts of the game(s) or characters that you're just dying to talk about? Frustrated that there's not enough fandom content for these treasures?
The Neverwinter Nighting discord server is open to any who are interested (or even want to be a fly on the wall)!
There is no special process or sign up or anything, just hop right in. It is recommended to clarify what pronouns you go by and whether you are 18 or older in order to access additional content and discussion.
Hope to see you guys there!
55 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 00:31:09 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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