studyberr-blog · 7 years
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Hello Studyblr
Don’t mind my cute fishy friends up there, they are here to give me motivation. <3
Hai, my name is Bernice, I’m from Malaysia (above Singapore if you were wondering) and I’m currently in Year 10. I’m going to have my IGCSE examination next year, but i had to take 2 in the upcoming month [Math and BM- a language subject]. I’m 15 this year so to all the 2002 babes out there: Haiiiiiiii. I’m a July baby {HAI JULY BABIES} and procrastination is my best friend [that’s the problem]. 
Why studybr?
Believe me or not, I hadn't really use tumblr. Before you say “HOW COULD YOU NOT”, I know its a marvelous site and I really like it. You could say studyblr was one of the first community I stumbled onto and I really LOVE it [oooo she used the L- word] not only had it INSPIRED me, and MOTIVATED me, and open my eyes to the FUN ways of studying, and oh gosh the AESTHETIC looks, I’ve decided to start my own studyblr account. I’ve seen introduction posts, so I’ve decided too type one [its really nerve wreaking to know that this post could be seen by everyone or no one at all ]
ohhhhh my favorite part! 
My fav studyblrs since I found the studyblr community:
I’m a newbie so pleasee pleaseee if you guys have any tags that you guys follow regularly please tell me in the comment box bellow~ 
My tag name will be #studyberr and ill be following it~ 
If you have any questions or just want to get to know me, message me anytime! 
Requests or ways i can improve, tell me! 
I hope I can reach out to lots of studyblrs
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