mgasulatnihoney · 11 months
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." — Maya Angelou
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adrianvideoimage · 3 months
Embrace Change and Watch Yourself Bloom
🌻A new environment breeds new opportunities. Embrace the change and watch yourself bloom. Watch on YouTube… https://youtube.com/shorts/Kqln-u64kDo #NewBeginnings #EmbraceChange #PersonalGrowth #NewEnvironment #Motivation
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Building a Strong Foundation: Rehabilitation and Training for Dogs in New Environments
Building a Strong Foundation: Rehabilitation and Training for Dogs in New Environments https://centraltexasrescuersclub.com/building-a-strong-foundation-rehabilitation-and-training-for-dogs-in-new-environments/ Picture this: you and your beloved pup embark on an exciting adventure, moving to a… #DogAnxiety, #DogBehavior, #DogRehabilitation, #DogSocialization, #DogStress, #DogTraining, #HelpingDogsAdapt, #NewEnvironments, #NewExperiences, #PositiveReinforcement
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olehswift4 · 2 years
\newenvironment{claimproof}[1]{\par\noindent\underline{Proof:}\space#1}{\hfill $\blacksquare$}
\title{Three-level scheme for Gaussian Belief Propagation}
Consider next three-level hierarchy:
\item Node
\item Edge
\item Star: neighborhood of node of degree $\geq$ 2 + node itself. Each star has a central node, neighborhood of which forms a star.
Parent-child relations: Star can be parent of edge, edge can be parent of node.
Star can be an ancestor of node, but star can't be a parent of node (parent is a direct ancestor). \\
Each edge has one or two parent stars.\\
Therefore we have a region graph with edges only from stars to edges and from edges to nodes.\\
($\text{Star} \rightarrow \text{Edge} \rightarrow \text{Node}$, but $\text{Star} \not \rightarrow \text{Node}$)\\
We will denote vertices by small Latin letters $i, j, \text{etc.}$ and stars by small Greek letters $\alpha, \beta, \text{etc.}$\\
%Process of message sending from node $i$ to node $j$ can be considered as a sending of message from %edge $(i, j)$ to node $j$ so we will denote $m_{(ij) \rightarrow j} \equiv m_{i \rightarrow j}$.\\
Define $\mathcal{E}(R) = R \cup D(R)$, where $D(R)$ - is a set of all descendants (not only direct) of some region R.
In general case of region graph and parent-to-child model messages are calculated through equation:
m_{P \rightarrow R}(X_{R}) = \int_{x_{P \backslash R}} \frac{\prod_{a \in F_{P \backslash R}} f_{a}(x_{a}) \prod_{(I,J) \in N(P, R)} m_{I \rightarrow J}(x_J) }{\prod_{(I, J) \in D(P, R)}{m_{I \rightarrow J}(x_J)}}
\item $N(P,R)$ is a set of all connected pairs of regions $(I, J)$ such that $J \in \mathcal{E}(P) \backslash \mathcal{E}(R)$, while $I \notin \mathcal{E}(P)$
\item $D(P,R)$ is a set of all connected pairs of regions $(I, J)$ such that $I \in \mathcal{E}(P) \backslash \mathcal{E}(R)$, and $J \in \mathcal{E}(R)$
\item $F_{P \backslash R}$ - set of all factors related to $\mathcal{E}(P) \backslash \mathcal{E}(R)$
\section{Gaussian ansatz for three-level hierarchy}
Let messages have next Gaussian form:
\item Message from edge $(i,j)$ to node $j$ (can be viewed as a message from node $i$ to node $j$):
m_{i \rightarrow j} \propto exp(\Delta J_{i \rightarrow j} x^2_j + \Delta h_{i \rightarrow j} x_j)
\item Message from star $\alpha$ to edge $(i,j)$:
m_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} \propto exp(\Delta A_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x^2_i + \Delta B_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x_i x_j + \Delta C_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x^2_j +\\
\Delta D_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x_i + \Delta E_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x_j)
\subsection{From star to edge}
Let us investigate the structure of message from star to one of it's descendent edges.\\
Consider message $m_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)}$ from star $\alpha$ to edge $(i, j) \in \alpha$. Assume node $i$ is the central node for star $\alpha$.
According to ($\ref{GBP}$) next messages are built into message $m_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)}$:\\
1) In Numerator: Messages from outer (not in $\alpha$) nodes to node $k \in \alpha, k \neq i, k \neq j$.
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.15]
\draw [red, fill = orange, ultra thick] (-1.6, 25.1) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = orange, ultra thick] (-7.9, 21.8) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = orange, ultra thick] (-14.3, 16.4) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = orange, ultra thick] (-17.6, 9.1) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [line width = 2, >->] (-1.6, 25.1) -- (-1.6, 9.1) ;
\draw [line width = 2, >->](-7.9, 21.8) -- (-1.6, 9.1) ;
\draw [line width = 2, >->] (-14.3, 16.4) --(-1.6, 9.1) ;
\draw [line width = 2, >->](-17.6, 9.1)-- (-1.6, 9.1) ;
\draw (7.5,0) -- (7.5,13);
\draw[line width = 4, yellow] (7.5,0) -- (16.6,9.1);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (20.5,0);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (16.6,-9.1);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (-5.5,0);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (-1.6,-9.1);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (7.5, -13.0);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (-1.6, 9.1);
\draw [black, thick] (7.5,0) circle [radius=16];
\draw [red, fill = yellow, ultra thick] (7.5,0) circle [radius=2.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (7.5,13) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = yellow, ultra thick] (16.6,9.1) circle [radius=2.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (20.5,0) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (16.6,-9.1) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (-1.6,-9.1) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (-5.5,0) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = pink, line width = 3] (-1.6, 9.1) circle [radius=2.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (7.5, -13.0) circle [radius=1.5];
\node at (-1.6, 9.1) {\Large{K}};
\node at (7.5,0) {\Large{I}};
\node at (16.6,9.1) {\Large{J}};
\caption{Messages from outer neighbors into $K$}
2) In Numerator: Messages from outer stars to edges $(k,i) \in \alpha, k \neq j$.
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.15]
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (-1.6, 25.1) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (-7.9, 21.8) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (-14.3, 16.4) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (-17.6, 9.1) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw (-1.6, 25.1) -- (-1.6, 9.1) ;
\draw (-7.9, 21.8) -- (-1.6, 9.1) ;
\draw (-14.3, 16.4) --(-1.6, 9.1) ;
\draw (-17.6, 9.1)-- (-1.6, 9.1) ;
\draw (7.5,0) -- (7.5,13);
\draw[line width = 4, yellow] (7.5,0) -- (16.6,9.1);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (20.5,0);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (16.6,-9.1);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (-5.5,0);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (-1.6,-9.1);
\draw (7.5,0) -- (7.5, -13.0);
\draw[line width = 2, color = black](-27.6, 11.1) -- (13.5,-6) -- (-3.6, 35.1) -- (-27.6, 11.1);
\draw[line width = 4, color = red] (7.5,0) -- (-1.6, 9.1);
\draw [black, thick] (7.5,0) circle [radius=16];
\draw [red, fill = pink, line width = 3] (7.5,0) circle [radius=2.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (7.5,13) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = yellow, ultra thick] (16.6,9.1) circle [radius=2.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (20.5,0) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (16.6,-9.1) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (-1.6,-9.1) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (-5.5,0) circle [radius=1.5];
\draw [red, fill = pink, line width = 3] (-1.6, 9.1) circle [radius=2.5];
\draw [red, fill = gray, ultra thick] (7.5, -13.0) circle [radius=1.5];
\node at (-6.6, 14.1) {\Huge{$\pmb{\beta}$}};
\node at (-1.6, 9.1) {\Large{K}};
\node at (7.5,0) {\Large{I}};
\node at (16.6,9.1) {\Large{J}};
\caption{Messages from outer star $\beta$ into edge $(k,i)$}
\vspace{20 pt}
3) In Denominator: Messages from inner (in $\alpha$) nodes to central node $i \in \alpha$, except message from $j$ to $i$.
4) In Denominator: Message from star $\alpha$ to edge $(i,j) \in \alpha$, from previous iteration.
After integration we will obtain next equations:
m^{(t + 1)}_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} \propto \frac{1}{exp(\sum_{k \in N(i), k\neq j}{ \Delta J^{(t)}_{k \rightarrow i} x_i^2 + \Delta h^{(t)}_{k \rightarrow i}} x_i)} \times \\
\frac{1}{exp(\Delta A^{(t)}_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x^2_i + \Delta B^{(t)}_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x_i x_j + \Delta C^{(t)}_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x^2_j +
\Delta D^{(t)}_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x_i + \Delta E^{(t)}_{\alpha \rightarrow (i,j)} x_j)} \times \\
\sum_{k \in N(i), k \neq i,j} exp \Big [\frac{1}{4(\frac{1}{2}J_{kk} - \sum_{l \in N(k) \backslash i} \Delta J^{(t)}_{l \rightarrow k} - \Delta A^{(t)}_{\beta_k \rightarrow (k, i)})} \times\\
\big ( x_i^2(\frac{1}{4}J^{(t)}_{ik}^2-J^{(t)}_{ik} \Delta B^{(t)}_{\beta_k \rightarrow (k,i)} + (\Delta B^{(t)}_{\beta_k \rightarrow (k,i)})^2) +\\
+ x_i(-J_{ik} + 2 \Delta B^{(t)}_{\beta_k \rightarrow (k,i)}) \cdot (h_k + \sum_{l \in N(k) \backslash i} \Delta h^{(t)}_{l \rightarrow k} + \Delta D^{(t)}_{\beta_k \rightarrow (k,i)}) \big )
\Big ]
Where $\beta_{k}$ is a star such that $(k,i) \in \beta_{k}, \beta_{k} \neq \alpha$
[ @taylorswift ]* 💜💜♾️♾️ PIZZA 30
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alieninthepoem · 3 years
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sudiarto · 4 years
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PT. Summarecon Agung TBK mempersembahkan pengembangan kota terbaru, SUMMARECON BOGOR. . SUMMARECON BOGOR didesain oleh arsitek ternama : 1. SWA GROUP 2. HADIPRANA 3. STUDIO AIR PUTIH. . Desain lansekap dan tampilan dimensi rumah yang nyaman dan menarik dengan fasilitas kawasan yang lengkap dan view kawasan yang menarik. . Penjualan perdana meliputi 3 cluster dengan harga perdana, dimulai pada tanggal 23 September 2020, meliputi : ✅ The Mahagony Residence ✅ The Mahogany Island (kavling) ✅ The Agathis Golf Residence . . Yuuk..kunjungi show unitnya di Summarecon Bogor, & informasi lebih detail bisa hubungi via DM IG ini or klik link di bio : wa.me/628119800110. . . . . . . . . #summarecon #summareconbogor #bogor #bogorselatan #kotabaru #kotabarubogor #kotabarudibogor #newcity #newlife #newenvironment #newcitynewenvironmentnewlife #investasirumah #kotabogor #jakarta #carirumahdibogor #carirumah #investorrumah #investor #rumahnyaman #rumahnyamanasri #rumahdijual #rumahdijualdibogor #jakarta (at Summarecon Bogor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFdzV6gnWiV/?igshid=w104hsoe1443
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escapeskipreality · 5 years
Usok doon, usok dito araw araw nalang ganito Di ako sanay, iba kasi sa probinsya ko Tamang preskong hangin ang malalanghap mo, Ito na ba ang tunay na mundo?   Aking napagtanto, wala pala ako sa lupang sinilangan, Ibang lugar ang aking nasa harapan Iba ang kanilang dialekto at halos di ko maintindihan, Pati ang pag uugali ay malayo sa aking mga kababayan   Kaya ko kaya to? Mag isa lang ako sa inuupahang kwarto, Mga problema ko’y halos di maikwento Pero meron naman akong kaibigang bago   Kolehiyo, narito na ako sa isang Pamantasan Pamantasan ng Bikol na ang talino’y siguradong pangmalakasan, Kaya ko kayang pantayan at sa kanila’y makipagsabayan? Sana’y aking makayanan lahat ng pagsubok na dumaan.   Ang bilis ng panahon, halos siyam na buwan na pala Natutunan ko nang dito ay makisalamuha Mabuti nalang at nakahanap ako ng para ko na ring pamilya, Simbahan na aking takbuhan sa oras ng kasiyahan at problema   Malungkot mang isipin na wala ako ngayon sa aking kinagisnan, Na halos dagat ang pagitan mula dito sa aking kinatatayuan, Patuloy parin akong lalaban at makikipagsapalaran Akin na lamang pilit na inuukit sa aking isipan na ito ay para sa aking kinabukasan,
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yokkao · 6 years
Gettin’ The Body Snatcher to another level 👊💥 @spencer_yokkao @alfio_romanut #newenvironment #fighter #training (at Team Satori Nemesis Gorizia)
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gretelconceicao · 3 years
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'Enhance Personality' #entreprenuer #personality #personalitydevelopment #meetingnewpeople #newenvironment #besupportive #strongleadership https://www.instagram.com/p/CaWSN5kDsLn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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19980015 · 4 years
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Summarecon mempersembahkan new city ke 6 di wilayah Bogor, Jawa Barat. 3 Cluster yg dipasarkan di tahap 1 adalah 🏡 The Mahogany Residence Rumah 2 lantai, LT min 7 m x 16 m LB min 89 m2. Harga mulai 1,35 M Fasilitas: ClubHouse 🏞️ The Mahogany Island Kavling dengan LT minimum 10 m x 20 m Harga mulai 1,44 M 🕍 The Agathis Golf Residence Rumah 2,5 lantai. LT min 10 m x 18 m LB min 212 m2. Harga mulai 2,94 M Note: Unit yg berada di depan lapangan golf, dijual dengan sistem lelang Fasilitas: ClubHouse 10 alasan anda belanja unit di #summareconbogor 1. lokasinya strategis dan akses mudah 2. Dibangun di atas tanah seluas +/- 500 ha 3. udara yg sejuk krn terletak di dataran tinggi 4. Memiliki 4 view gunung 5. Hanya 38% yg akan dibangun, 62% merupakan lahan hijau 6. Bersebelahan dengan Gunung Geulis Golf Resort dan Rainbow Hill Golf Club 7. Menggunakan jasa desainer2 ternama 8. Harga menarik 9. Developer terpercaya 10. Saat yg tepat utk berinvestasi tatacara pembelian menggunakan NUP. Masa penutupan NUP adalah tanggal 15 oktober 2020 Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi ERA FAJAR BOGOR Nastiti dewayani ☎️ 0811845815 #summarecon #newcity #newlife #newenvironment #jualbelirumahbogor #erafajarbogor #erafajaryasmin #eraindonesia #homesofheelites @nastitidewayani (at Summarecon Bogor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFsPD_DlA9Z/?igshid=vrwrur4u0eeh
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deanpoetrymusicart · 4 years
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Mucha Museum Praha Wonderful Mucha work. Love it so much ♥️👌😊 #czechrepublic #czechgirl #mucha #newlife #newenvironment #newme #newlove #positiveart #art #contemplation #muse #praha #prague #love #selfesteem #personaldevelopment #muchamuseum (at Mosaic House Design Hotel Prague) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC0CQePl9F8/?igshid=g7uzk9vku6l
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Finally, my cat, Patch, is sitting in his shaded cotton house on the back porch. It’s been challenging because it’s a new environment, and there are dogs all around this area, he sees them and hears their barks. I’m teaching him not to be afraid so that he lives freely. #newenvironment #catsofinstagram #cats #kathouse #pets #petsofinstagram (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XYgNMHXps/?igshid=9cdbljsitpad
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hiddenmeadowec · 5 years
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Just posted a bunch of tumblrs on my first tumblr but I ahould have realized I needed to make a farm tumblr. So here is the first farm tumblr because yea
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yuppielionheart · 5 years
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‪It’s been a month now. How time flies so fast? Let’s see how long can we last this time 😂😅 Struggle is real 🥺‬ #Penthouse #NewEnvironment #Emersion #treesofinstagram #instagood (at Sun Valley, Paranaque City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9SnrvYp-77/?igshid=hzta100ja841
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sudiarto · 4 years
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PT. Summarecon Agung TBK mempersembahkan pengembangan kota terbaru, SUMMARECON BOGOR. . SUMMARECON BOGOR ini memiliki luas lahan +/- 500 hektare dengan kondisi lahan berbukit dan pemandangan empat gunung : Gunung Pancar, Gunung Pangrango, Gunung Gede, dan Gunung Salak. Dan pemandangan dua lapangan golf. . SUMMARECON BOGOR berada pada lokasi dengan ketinggian 300-500 meter di atas permukaan laut, yang akan dikembangkan menjadi sebuah kota baru dengan lingkungan baru yang hijau dan sejuk, menjadikan kehidupan baru yang lebih sehat. . Yuuk..kunjungi show unitnya di Summarecon Bogor, & informasi lebih detail bisa hubungi via DM IG ini or klik link di bio : wa.me/628119800110. . . . . . . . . #summarecon #summareconbogor #bogor #bogorselatan #kotabaru #kotabarubogor #kotabarudibogor #newcity #newlife #newenvironment #newcitynewenvironmentnewlife #investasirumah #kotabogor #jakarta #carirumahdibogor #carirumah #investorrumah #investor #rumahnyaman #rumahnyamanasri #rumahdijual #rumahdijualdibogor #jakarta (at Summarecon Bogor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFduj7HnvCV/?igshid=dexdabw23kea
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yolobaaaby · 5 years
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If you not living life than what are you living 😕 #saltlife #beach #beachwork #living #loving #life ❤ #workinghard #toplayhard 😠 #therace 🏁🏳🏴🚘 #newenvironment 👍 #clearwaterflorida 🤗 #clearwaterbeach 🌴 #imthere 🌊🌊🌊 #surroundyourselfwithgoodpeople 😄 #millionairemindset 💰💵💸😎🙌#followme @soundcloud #music #linkinbio #unsignedartist #unsignedrappers #nolabel #independentartist #djs #musicproducers #recordlabels #talentagency #musicinvestors #727ent #PCTO #Yolobaaaby🤓 (at Clearwater Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_VxX0g0RM/?igshid=4vh9rlsifywh
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