#newspaper ad agency near me
aaryacommunications · 7 months
Get in touch +91-96549-90763. We have many types and associations with leading newspaper advertising agency in Delhi and our guidance is based on the specific goals of your business and our vast experience in this industry.
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adagencychennai · 2 years
Times of India Advertising Karaikal
Times of India Advertising Karaikal
Times of India Advertisement Contact Number in Karaikal Top Advertising Agency in Karaikal-Times of India.  We provide the most competitive prices in the market for buying media space in the The Times of India Newspaper Advertising in Karaikal. Ad Agency for Booking Times of India English Newspaper Advertisement in Karaikal with us and avail of the lowest rates.   The Times of India newspaper has…
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fauxfickle · 5 months
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Another month, another info dump of things you already know, or the search for "The Great All-American Pizza Show!"
Last time, we talked about the Citrus Heights commercial produced by Bob Wilkins Advertising Inc and it's potential showing at the Orinda Theatre. The bad news is that I don't know anyone from CA and I don't have anywhere near a big enough platform to spread the word. Was it there? Was it not? We'll never know! Good thing is that the Psychotronix Film Festival is putting on another show in May at Foothill College, also in CA.
But on to other news! I finally got a response from PBS about Ben Wattenberg's segment on PTT. They said they didn't have it so yeah...
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I've been looking around for Ben Wattenberg's 1980 and PM Magazine listings on Ebay, hoping for maybe a DVD copy or something but nothing comes up. These aren't really my top priority since they aren't part of TGAAPS but it helps me from burning out looking at a million commercials
Let's move onto the real meat and potatoes, the ads themselves. Starting with the Citrus Heights commercial, I've been doing research on Bob Wilkins' ad company and you'd be surprised how scarce info is on it. His obituary states that he made ads not only for PTT, but Lay-Z-Boy as well. This newspaper from 1981 says that his agency makes over $1M annually and was doing "amazingly well" which makes it all the more stranger that there's so little documentation of it. I also found a house in Oakland, that was used by the company at some point. I won't link the house, the company is so far removed from it and I don't want the people living there to be bothered. Something funny I found while looking on other search engines for traces of BW's agency is that Bing's AI assistant literally uses my post as a source. It's surreal seeing the info I wrote be regurgitated back at me by an AI. Weird...
Now the animated ad! I'll admit, I've been slacking a bit when it comes to looking for this ad, however I found 3 people on Linkedin that worked for Colossal Pictures during the late 70s. Also found out that Adam Savage from Myth Busters worked for (C)P at some point. Hmm, having your company initials be CP wasn't the smartest move in hindsight. Maybe that's why they added the parenthesis.
Something that wasn't found by me :( was a storyboard for one of the live action commercials. From what I've heard, it was posted in the showbizpizza.com discord server and spread from there. In the bottom left it says UBC which I can't really link to anything. I thought maybe it could be a production company, or an acronym, but I've got nothing. Maybe it just says Inc. Bottom right isn't much better, it's completely illegible and the first page of the storyboard is in even worse quality. An exciting find for sure, but not one that really helps me.
Or so I thought! In the end card it says (location tag), not just "Kooser and Blossom Hill". Unlike the radio ad, nothing in here denotes any sort of specific location like having a certain guest star or cabaret act. Sure it uses the Winchester bots, Kooser bots, and Mopsey sisters but people aren't really going to pay attention to whether the backup singers are mops or crows and they probably wouldn't even notice the small diffences between the portrait bots and a cyberamic in a 60 second ad.
Here's my big theory though. Oh yeah, we're getting conspiratorial! Someone asked me about that forum post I discovered that mention a PTT jingle from 1978 - 1980. Way back in my first post, I found that this person was most likely from the Detroit area, and probably didn't see the ads that I thought at the time were only in the Bay Area and aired during early 1980. I thought that because the ads ended around spring and the first store to open in MI was around November, this person was simply misremembering the "Smile America" ads from 1982. It's been a few months, and in that time I've learned probably more than any sane person should know about this campaign, and while looking at the store lists on the Cheese-e-pedia after that person mention the post, I realized something that made me feel like a complete idiot. The first PTT to open in MI was in Westland. I looked up where that was, and low and behold, Westland is A SUBURB OF DETROIT. I felt so stupid but also really happy that this tiny detail actually meant something. My theory is that maybe, just maybe, one of, if not a few of these ads were aired outside CA with the location tags edited for each store. PTT has done that before, so I feel it's not totally out of the picture for them to have done it few years earlier. If this is true, then it expands this search from just CA to Nevada, Utah, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Colorado, North Carolina, and of course, Michigan.
I still want to keep most my searching in the Bay area, but I think this could lead to exciting things. Or I could be delusional, who knows? Until next time!
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kp777 · 17 days
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
Sept. 6, 2024
"This is what state-authorized election interference looks like," said the ACLU of Florida.
Floridians and reproductive rights advocates responded with alarm on Friday to Tampa Bay Timesreporting that Florida law enforcement officers have been sent to the homes of multiple voters who signed a petition to get an abortion rights measure on the November ballot.
While Isaac Menasche told the newspaper that he isn't sure which agency the plainclothes officer who came to his home is with, fellow Lee County resident Becky Castellanos said Florida Department of Law Enforcement Officer Gary Negrinelli showed his badge and gave his card.
Both visits were about potential fraud related to the petition for Amendment 4, which would outlaw pre-viability abortion bans in Florida. Menasche was asked if he signed the petition, which he had. Negrinelli inquired about Castellanos' relative, who also signed the petition.
"This is pure voter intimidation, just like with the 'election police' in 2022. It's Gestapo tactics."
The officer inquiries appear "to be part of a broad—and unusual—effort by Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration to inspect thousands of already verified and validated petitions for Amendment 4 in the final two months before Election Day," the Times reported.
The Republican governor signed the state's six-week ban that would end if the ballot measure passes. He has also faced criticism for creating an Office of Election Crimes and Security, whose work has led to the arrest of Floridians who believed they were legally allowed to vote following the passage of a referendum that restored voting rights to many people with past felony convictions.
As the Times detailed Friday:
Since last week, DeSantis' secretary of state has ordered elections supervisors in at leastfour counties to send to Tallahassee at least 36,000 petition forms already deemed to have been signed by real people. Since the Timesfirst reported on this effort, Alachua and Broward counties have confirmed they also received requests from the state. One 16-year supervisor said the request was unprecedented. The state did not ask for rejected petitions, which have been the basis for past fraud cases.
While Department of State spokesperson Ryan Ash said the agency has "uncovered evidence of illegal conduct with fraudulent petitions" and "we have a duty to seek justice for Florida citizens who were victimized," a representative for the coalition behind Amendment 4 criticized the state effort.
"This is very clearly a fishing expedition," ACLU of Florida spokesperson Keisha Mulfort, whose group is part of Floridians Protecting Freedom, told the Times. "It is more important than ever for Floridians to reject these authoritarian tactics and vote yes on Amendment 4 in November."
Promoting the report on social media, the ACLU of Florida added, "This is what state-authorized election interference looks like."
Democrats in the state were similarly critical. Florida state Rep. Anna V. Eskamani (D-42) shared a social media post in which Menasche described feeling "shaken" and "troubled" by the encounter with the officer.
"This is unhinged and undemocratic behavior being pushed by DeSantis and his cronies in an effort to continue our state's near total abortion ban," said Eskamani. "It's clear voter intimidation and plain corruption—continue to call it out and fight back. Vote @yes4florida and spread the word."
Responding to Eskamani, Pamela Castellana, chair of the Brevard Democratic Executive Committee, said: "This literally took my breath away. This is pure voter intimidation, just like with the 'election police' in 2022. It's Gestapo tactics. If you live in Florida you know. If you don't—please help me get the word out. Stop authoritarianism."
Journalist Jessica Valenti argued Friday that Republicans "don't care that voters want abortion rights restored—and if they need to dismantle democracy to keep it banned, so be it."
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"We've seen lots of Republican attacks on pro-choice ballot measures—but what makes this one especially insidious is that it's trying to gaslight Americans into thinking that voters don't really want abortion rights restored, but that the overwhelming support is fabricated," she added.
In addition to raising concerns about the fraud allegations, Amendment 4 supporters are outraged over the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration on Thursday launching a webpage claiming that the ballot measure "threatens women's safety."
Florida Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book (D-35) pledged that she is looking into "appropriate legal action," while Bacardi Jackson, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, said in a statement that "this kind of propaganda issued by the state, using taxpayer money and operating outside of the political process, sets a dangerous precedent."
"This is what we would expect to see from an authoritarian regime," added Jackson, "not in the so-called 'Free State of Florida.'"
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
A warning to Swedes from two top defence officials to prepare for war has prompted concern and accusations of alarmism.
Civil Defence Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin told a defence conference "there could be war in Sweden".
His message was then backed up by military commander-in-chief Gen Micael Byden, who said all Swedes should prepare mentally for the possibility.
However, opposition politicians have objected to the tone of the warnings.
Ex-prime minister Magdalena Andersson told Swedish TV that while the security situation was serious, "it is not as if war is just outside the door."
Children's rights organisation Bris said that its national helpline did not usually receive calls about the possibility of war. But this week, it had seen an increase in worried calls from youngsters who had seen news reports or posts on TikTok talking about it.
"This was well prepared, it wasn't something blurted out," Bris spokeswoman Maja Dahl told the BBC. "They should have provided information meant for kids when they come out with this kind of information for grown-ups."
Despite the starkness of the messaging, the remarks from the civil defence minister and military chief are being seen as a wake-up call.
After more than two centuries of peace, Sweden is a few steps from joining the Nato defensive alliance, waiting for a green light from Turkey's parliament and then from Hungary.
The commander-in-chief said his remarks were nothing new.
He visited Ukraine's eastern front a month ago and Sweden is one of a group of countries training Ukrainian pilots. Stockholm is also said to be considering sending advanced Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine.
"My ambition with this is not to worry people; my ambition is to get more people to think about their own situation and their own responsibilities," Gen Byden later told Aftonbladet newspaper.
Finland has already joined Nato, and Russian officials have suggested it will be "the first to suffer" if tensions with Nato escalate.
How Sweden and Finland went from neutral to Nato
Sweden's civil defence minister said his aim was not for people to lose sleep, but to gain awareness of what was really going on. He appealed to local authorities, emergency planners and individuals to respond.
"If there is one thing that keeps me awake at night, it is the feeling that things are moving too slowly," Mr Bohlin told the Society and Defence conference on Sunday.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Sweden during the conference to work with his country and others to manufacture weapons and "get stronger together".
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson added that in 2024, Sweden would meet Nato's target of spending 2% of economic output (GDP) on military defence, doubling its spending since 2020.
Defence specialist Oscar Jonsson said the tone of the warnings from defence chiefs was something of a storm in a teacup and that 90% of what had been said arose from frustration that too little was being done to build civil and military defence.
"Time is limited and it was aimed at being a wake-up call for agencies, individuals and departments," he told the BBC.
"The Swedish armed forces are incredibly competent, but the scale is nowhere near. The latest defence bill says we should set up 3.5 brigades, whereas Ukraine had 28 when the war started."
Gen Byden's warning to prepare mentally for war comes hard on the heels of a warning a month ago from the head of Poland's National Security Bureau (BBN), Jacek Siewiera, who said that "to avoid war with Russia, countries on Nato's eastern flank should adopt a three-year time horizon to prepare for confrontation".
He said a German Council on Foreign Relations report suggesting Germany and Nato should prepare their armed forces to be able to fend off a Russian attack in six years was "too optimistic".
Oscar Jonsson, a specialist from the Swedish Defence University, said that while war was a possibility, it would require several factors to fall into place: Russia's war in Ukraine coming to an end, its military having the time to rebuild and rearm its fighting force and for Europe to lose US military support.
All of which were within the realms of possibility, he added.
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gtminfotech · 7 months
Digital Marketing Services near Me in GTB Nagar
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Guide To Know the Digital Marketing Strategy in Modern Era
Any marketing strategy that uses electronic devices and can be used by marketers to convey promotional messages and measure their impact on the customer journey. In practice, digital marketing generally refers to marketing campaigns delivered via computer, phone, tablet or other device. Digital marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing,” such as magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail. Strangely, people often put television in the same category as traditional marketing.
B2B And B2C Digital Marketing
Digital marketing works for both B2B and B2C businesses, but best practices differ between the two in significant ways.
Relationship building strategies work best for these customers, while B2C customers tend to respond better to short-term offers and messages.
B2B transactions are generally based on logic and evidence, which is what has trained today's B2B digital sellers. B2C content is more emotion-based, with the goal being for the customer to feel good during the purchasing process.
B2B decisions generally take into account the opinion of more than one person. The marketing documents that best help with these decisions are generally shareable and downloadable. In contrast, B2C customers favor one-on-one connections with a brand.
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Optimization means traffic generation and brand awareness by attracting people into online conversations. Social media marketing by the Digital Marketing Agency in GTB Nagar involves active audience participation, which is why it has become a well-known way to attract attention. It is the most popular content medium for B2C sellers at 96%, and it is also increasingly used in the B2B sphere.
Pay-Per-Click Marketing
Pay-per-click, or PPC, involves posting an ad on a platform and paying each time a subscriber clicks on it.
When people see your ad and how they perceive it are a little more complicated. When space becomes available on a search engine results page, it fills the space with what is effectively an instant bid.
An algorithm highlights each available ad relied on a number of points, including:
The quality of the ad
Keyword relevance
The quality of the landing page
The amount of the offer
Every PPC campaign includes at least one target action that visitors intend to complete after clicking on an ad. These actions happen to be called "conversions", and they might be transactional or non-transactional. A purchase constitutes a conversion, but so does signing up for a newsletter or calling your office.
The Benefits of Digital Marketing
A Broad Geographic Reach
When you post an ad online, people can see it wherever they are (provided you haven't restricted your ad geographically). In other words, you can easily expand the market reach of your business.
Digital marketing not only reaches a wider audience than traditional marketing, but it is also less expensive. The overall costs of newspaper ads, TV spots and other traditional marketing opportunities can be high. They also give you less control over how your target audiences will perceive these messages in the first place.
Quantifiable results
To know if your marketing strategy is working, you need to know the number of customers it attracted and the total revenue generated. But what about non-digital marketing strategy?
Simplified Customization
Digital marketing by the Digital Marketing Services near Me in GTB Nagar allows you to collect customer data, unlike offline marketing. Data collected digitally is generally much more precise and specific.GTM Infotech offer services and want to send special offers to people who viewed your products. You know that you will get better results if you target the offer based on the person's interest, so you decide to prepare two campaigns.
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idolskpop · 1 year
Esom to Host Buil Film Awards 2023 Solo After Lee Je Hoon’s Emergency Surgery
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Esom and Lee Je Hoon were supposed to co-host the 32nd Buil Film Awards, but the latter had to withdraw due to health issues. Esom will now take on the challenge of hosting the prestigious event by herself, making history as the first solo female MC of the ceremony.
What Happened to Lee Je Hoon?
Lee Je Hoon, who starred with Esom in the hit drama “Taxi Driver”, was rushed to the hospital on October 1 after experiencing severe abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with ischemic colitis, a condition that causes inflammation and reduced blood flow in the colon. He underwent emergency surgery on October 2 and is currently recovering at the hospital.
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(Photo : Lee Je Hoon Instagram) His agency, COMPANY ON, released a statement on October 3, confirming his absence from the Buil Film Awards and the Busan International Film Festival 2023, where he was scheduled to appear with Park Eun Bin for their movie “The Silent Sea”. - “We will have to watch the progress of his recovery, but he will probably have to be hospitalized for about a week,” the agency said. Fans and colleagues expressed their concern and support for Lee Je Hoon, wishing him a speedy recovery. - “I hope he gets well soon. He’s such a talented actor and a good person,” one fan commented. - “Lee Je Hoon, fighting! We’re waiting for you to come back healthy and happy,” another fan wrote. - “I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope he recovers quickly and smoothly. He’s one of my favorite actors,” a fellow actor said.
How Will Esom Handle the Hosting Duties?
Esom, who was originally paired with Lee Je Hoon as the MCs of the Buil Film Awards, will now host the event alone. The organizers decided not to replace Lee Je Hoon and instead entrusted Esom with the sole responsibility of leading the ceremony.
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(Photo : Cosmopolitan Korea Official) Esom is known for her versatile acting skills and charming personality. She has appeared in various movies and dramas, such as “Scarlet Innocence”, “Microhabitat”, “Save Me 2”, and “Dr Cheon and Lost Talisman”. She has also won several awards, including Best Actress at the 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards for her role in “Microhabitat”. Esom expressed her gratitude and excitement for being chosen as the host of the Buil Film Awards. - “I’m honored and happy to be part of such a meaningful event. I’m also nervous because it’s my first time hosting an awards ceremony, especially by myself. But I’ll do my best to make it a memorable night for everyone,” she said. Esom also revealed that she had been preparing for the hosting gig with Lee Je Hoon before his sudden surgery. - “We had a lot of fun rehearsing together. He’s a great partner and a friend. I’m sad that he can’t join me, but I hope he recovers soon and returns to his fans,” she said. Esom added that she will dedicate her hosting performance to Lee Je Hoon and wish him well on stage. - “I’ll try to convey his spirit and energy through my hosting. I’ll also send him a message of support and love during the ceremony. I hope he can watch it from his hospital bed and feel better,” she said.
What Can We Expect from the Buil Film Awards 2023?
The Buil Film Awards is one of the oldest and most prestigious film awards in South Korea. It was established in 1996 by the Busan-based daily newspaper Busan Ilbo along with sponsor Hwaseung Group. It aims to promote and celebrate Korean cinema and its achievements. The 32nd Buil Film Awards will take place on October 5 at Signiel Busan, a luxury hotel located near Haeundae Beach. It will be broadcast live via MBC and Naver TV.
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(Photo : Lotte Entertainment, Next Entertainment World Official) The nominees for this year’s awards include some of the most acclaimed and popular movies of 2023, such as: - “Smugglers”, starring Jo In Sung and Kim Hye Soo, which leads with 10 nominations in 9 categories - “Concrete Utopia”, starring Park Seo Joon and Park Bo Young, which follows with 8 nominations - “The Night Owl”, starring Kim Yoon Seok and Kim Soo Hyun, which has 7 nominations - “Emergency Declaration”, starring Song Kang Ho and Lee Byung Hun, which has 6 nominations - “The Silent Sea”, starring Gong Yoo and Bae Doo Na, which has 5 nominations Some of the other notable nominees are: - Han Ji Min for Best Actress for her role in “Josée” - Ryu Jun Yeol for Best Actor for his role in “Alien” - Kim Tae Ri for Best Supporting Actress for her role in “Emergency Declaration” - Yoo Ah In for Best Supporting Actor for his role in “Voice of Silence” - Kim Ji Young for Best New Actress for her role in “The Night Owl” - Kim Do Yoon for Best New Actor for his role in “Smugglers” - Hong Eui Jeong for Best New Director for his debut film “Voice of Silence” For the complete list of the 32nd Buil Film Awards, check out the nominees below. Best Director - Yim Soon-rye, The Point Men (2023) - Jung Juri, Next Sohee (2022) - Roo Seung-wan, Smugglers (2023) - Um Tae-Hwa, Concrete Utopia (2023) - Hong Sang-soo, Walk Up (2022) Best New Director - Kim Sein, The Apartment with Two Women (2022) - Park Song-yeol, Hot in the Day, Cold at Night (2022) - Lee Ji-eun, The Hill of Secrets (2022) - Choi Seung-yeon, Sprinter (2022) - Ahn Tae-jin, The Night Owl (2022) Best Actor - Doh Kyung-soo, The Moon (2023) - Ryu Jun-yeol, The Night Owl (2022) - Yoo Hae-jin, The Night Owl (2022) - Yim Si-wan, Unlocked (2023) - Lee Byung-hun, Concrete Utopia (2023) Best Actress - Yang Malbok, The Apartment with Two Women (2022) - Jeon Do-yeon, Kill Boksoon (2023) - Bae Doona, Next Sohee (2022) - Yum Jung-ah, Smugglers (2023) - Kim Seo-hyung, Greenhouse (2022) Best Supporting Actor - Kang Ki-young, The Point Men (2023) - Kim Jong-soo, Smugglers (2023) - Park Jeong-min, Smugglers (2023) - Kyo Kyu-pil, The Roundup: No Way Out (2023) - Kim Sung-cheol, The Night Owl (2022) Best Supporting Actress - Lee Yeon, Kill Boksoon (2023) - Go Minsi, Smugglers (2023) - Na Moon-hee, Hero (2022) - Park Sewan, 6/45 (2022) - Kim Sun-young, Concrete Utopia (2023) Best New Actor - Byeon Woo-seok, 20th Century Girl (2022) - Jung Il-woo, Highway Family (2022) - Kim Seonho, The Childe (2023) - Lee Shin-young, Rebound (2023) - Lee Soon-won, 6/45 (2022) Best New Actress - Im Jee-ho, The Apartment with Two Women (2022) - Kim Si-eun, Next Sohee (2022) - Kim Yong-ji, Doom Doom (2022) - Go Minsi, Smugglers (2023) - Ahn Eun-jin, The Night Owl (2022) Best Cinematography - Kim Young-ho, The Moon (2023) - Choi Young-hwan, Smugglers (2023) - Kim Tae-seong, Ransomed (2023) - Cho Sang-yoon, Hero (2022) - Cho Hyung-rae, Concrete Utopia (2023) Best Film or Picture - Next Sohee (2022) - Smugglers (2023) - The Night Owl (2022) - Concrete Utopia (2023) - Walk Up (2022) Best Art or Technical Award - Jin Jong-hyun, The Moon (2023) - Lee Hu-Kyung, Smugglers (2023) - Kim Bo-muk, Phantom (2023) - Cho Hwa-sung, Concrete Utopia (2023) - Shin Yu-jin, Killing Romance (2023) Best Screenplay - Kim Sein, The Apartment with Two Women (2022) - Jung Juri, Next Sohee (2022) - Han Gyu-ri and Ahn Tae-jin, The Night Owl (2022) - Park Gyu-tae, 6/45 (2022) - Lee Sin-Ji and Um Tae-Hwa, Concrete Utopia (2023) Best Music - Chang Kiha, Smugglers (2023) - Hwang Sang-jun, Hero (2022) - Kang Ki-young, Phantom (2023) - Kim Joon-seok, Life Is Beautiful (2022) - Kim Hae-won, Concrete Utopia (2023) The Buil Film Awards 2023 is expected to be a star-studded and exciting event that will showcase the best of Korean cinema. Esom will be the first solo female host of the ceremony, after Lee Je Hoon had to drop out due to health reasons. Esom will honor Lee Je Hoon and deliver a splendid hosting performance that will impress the viewers and the attendees. We hope that Lee Je Hoon will recover soon and return to his fans with his amazing acting skills. We also hope that Esom will have a successful and enjoyable hosting experience. We look forward to watching the Buil Film Awards 2023 and cheering for our favorite movies and actors. What do you think of Esom hosting the Buil Film Awards 2023 alone? Who are you rooting for at the awards ceremony? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends and fellow K-movie fans. Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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dstechnologiesinc · 1 year
Jobs Near Me
Job opportunities near me are essential for individuals who are looking for employment in their area. These jobs provide an opportunity to work close to home, reducing travel time and costs. Searching for job openings near you is now easier than ever thanks to the internet and online job portals. By searching with keywords such as "jobs near me," one can find several job listings. Moreover, many companies advertise their job openings on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter. Local newspapers also publish employment ads that can be a valuable resource when looking for jobs in your area. Additionally, searching for jobs through local recruitment agencies can help identify suitable positions nearby, matching your skills and interests with the right employer.In conclusion, finding employment opportunities close to home has several advantages that should not be overlooked by job seekers. By using various resources available online or offline, finding a suitable position in your locality is achievable
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willisbrooks46 · 2 years
Tips to Find Affordable, Yet Reliable Local Plumbers Near You
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Local plumbers and drain services are a necessity whose worth is understood only when the need arises out of the blue like draining a bathtub or when installing the best salt water softener. Like a clogged bathtub drain, while we choose to ignore things, they simply build up to the point where things just come apart and become visible. What is called for is a friendly 24-hour emergency sewer and drain cleaning service that stands by you when you are most in trouble and need their services.
Today we tell you a few tips to find affordable and reliable same-day plumber services near you.
Yellow pages listing
Most cities have a dedicated yellow pages that have detailed listing of everything from a pin to a plane. That being so, it is rather obvious that there would be details of known 24 hour emergency sewer and drain cleaning services who do other things including the maintenance of water softeners, draining bathtubs and unclogging bathtubs. Most places have a fairly efficient listing in terms of who does what and to what extent. Using this can be an effective means of getting across to the right same-day plumber.
     2. Google near-me searches or hyper-local searches
As of now there’s just one search engine the world knows and recognized. Google. And among the most used service of Google anywhere in the world are “near me” hyper-local searches which helps local business list themselves to get visibility in the local area. If your yellow pages just don’t seem to suffice (there’s always a lag between their getting printed and newer entrants entering the market), it makes sense to visit Google for a rightful “near me” search of same-day plumbers near me.
    3. Municipal listing
If you think either of the two won’t get you the desired information, try municipal directories in your local county office. They will have a list of emergency plumbing services licensed and registered with them. The added advantage of approaching the local county office is that you would get details of ONLY registered emergency plumbers whereas the other listings give details of everyone who is a plumber, irrespective of types and certifications.
    4. A visit to the hardware stores close by
Another good and productive way to find details of the best plumber in your locality would be to approach the hardware store of most repute in your area. They invariably have details of plumbers they work with given that you never give out home-related hardware stuff like pots, basins, faucets etc without the added assistance of a seasoned plumber. Yes, the US of A does believe in DYI but then there are those either short on time or experience who would much rather employ the services of a seasoned plumber.
   5. Ask a neighbor
One way of getting to the best plumber in your neighborhood, and which is used invariably by everyone everywhere on the planet is asking your neighbors for details. There isn’t anyone on the planet who hasn’t been troubled by issues of maintenance of water softener, putting up the best salt water softener, draining bathtubs, tub draining, unclogging clogged bath tub drain. And the only and best solution is the ubiquitous plumber who people do remember after a brush with near disaster! Asking your neighbor for the same is sure to elicit the right response in most cases.
   6. Your empaneled plumber
Those living in enclosed societies have the luxury of having in-house plumbers who are available 24 x 7. The only thing that you need to do to get to an emergency plumber is to call the designated phone number which in most cases is of the society administration.
    7. Local business listings
There isn’t a locality in most places in the US which doesn’t have its own local listing newspaper that contain complete details of businesses in the locality- including details of 24-hour emergency plumbing agencies. All it takes is a single edition of the newspaper, old or new, to get to the right local plumber in times of need.
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smashedmedia2 · 2 years
How to Find the Best Digital Marketing Agency
In order to find the best digital marketing agency, first, we need to understand "what is digital marketing", "will digital marketing benefit your business" and answer the question "how do I get more leads for my business?" - which should be the purpose of any marketing.
What is a Digital Marketing Agency? The dictionary definition of Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. So simple to summarise in one sentence, yet it can be a complicated process to get right and to ensure that all of your digital marketing is working together, not as silo activities. This is where the expertise and experience of the best digital marketing agencies can be hugely beneficial.
Traditional advertising, newspapers and paper directories, such as Yellow Pages, are increasingly less effective for businesses. Whilst a few years ago people would go to a computer to search for a product or service, nowadays people are connected to the internet all day, every day and "live online". Looking for information, a product or service is as quick and simple as searching on a laptop or computer at work or picking up their mobile telephone or tablet. Digital marketing focuses on getting your information, products and services in front of people when they are looking online. The best digital agencies understand the buying process of your products and services and ensure that your information is prominent to the potential customer at the appropriate time. In the digital marketing world, the various stages of the buying process i.e. research, consideration and purchase are called "micro-moments" and the very best digital marketing agency will present the relevant information, service or product at the targeted time in the buying process.
Whilst some digital marketing agencies will also create and manage traditional advertising or business marketing, such as newspaper advertising, specialist digital marketing agencies will concentrate on online marketing as opposed to "marketing companies" who commonly concentrate on TV, radio and print marketing.
Regardless if your business is business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C), digital marketing can be a fast, often instant, and reliable way of getting leads into your business and driving up revenue. The very best digital marketing agencies will manage all of the digital advertising based on return on investment (ROI) ensuring the leads generated are at a cost that makes business sense and increases profit levels. Digital marketing will benefit your business and answers the question "how do I get more leads for my business"?
Digital marketing, sometimes referred to as website marketing, can be broken down into a number of important features and services:
SEO Services Search engine optimisation, most commonly abbreviated to "SEO", is the process of getting your website found on search engines like Google when people make a search relevant to your business, services or products.
Regardless if your website is e-Commerce or selling services it will drive leads and sales into your business if it is found for the search terms people use (often referred to as "keywords") to look for them in Google Smashed Media .
SEO requires experience and understanding of how Google reads your website. What messages and information you want Google to read for a webpage or website and knowing where to place that information so search engines can find it. A good SEO company will have a proven track record of ranking websites high in the search results.
SEO works best when the proven methods of obtaining rankings are applied in conjunction with latest trends that are driving traffic. An example of this is the "near me" phenomenon, which has seen a 150% growth in the last 12 months, where mobile phone users are adding "near me" to their search query i.e. "SEO Company near me". These customers are looking to buy and buy from a local service or product supplier.
Although SEO can be a stand-alone service, it is most effective when combined with PPC, social media and reputation marketing. SEO is also the cornerstone of effective PPC, social media and reputation management campaigns.
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Pay Per Click Pay Per Click (PPC) often referred to as "Google Advertising" or "online advertising" is where you position adverts at the top of the search results for specific search terms. These search terms can be the words people use when in the "research" phase of making a purchase or targeted at the "buying keywords" when potential customers are looking to buy.
Although your advert, depending on your budget, can be shown every time a search is made, you only pay when an internet user clicks on your advert and is taken to your website or calls you direct from the search results page meaning you only pay when you get a click from a potential customer hence the name for this form of marketing of Pay Per Click (often abbreviated to PPC).
How much you pay for each click is determined by a few factors. The "cost per click" (abbreviated to CPC) is determined by the quality and relevancy of the advert to the search term being used and the relevancy of the page on your website that the potential customer land on. These factors contribute to your overall "quality score". The higher your quality score, the less you pay per click and less you pay per lead into your business.
In the UK, Google has the vast majority of search traffic and most of your budget should be placed their, however, you will not want to miss the smaller, yet still considerable potential for customers from search engines like Microsoft's Bing platform, and a small part of the budget should be allocated to other search engines. Also, the very best PPC management companies will also discuss spreading your PPC budget over a number of campaigns aimed at different parts of the customer journey. A small part of the budget should be allocated to the research stage of the buying process when people are using broad search terms to find information, a small part of the budget when people are searching for yours, your competitors or market leaders company name. The majority of the budget when potential customers are using search terms directly related to making a purchase and lastly, a small part of the budget to re-market (show your advertising to people who have shown an interest in your services or products by visiting your website) to capture and drive up conversions from the customers previously advertised too.
The best PPC Agency will be a Google Premier Partner. A Google Premier Partner status indicates that the company has a proven track record in delivering high-quality campaigns, which generate good competitive/low CPC's and deliver high and positive ROI's. The very best PPC agency will have a robust PPC management process in place to quickly react and capitalise on changes in the PPC campaigns of your competitors.
Unlike SEO, that can take some time to be fully effective, Pay Per Click is instant in the fact that as soon as your campaigns are live they can be generating leads for your business.
PPC is highly effective when carried out in unison with SEO. A well-optimised website will improve the quality score of your Google advertising campaigns resulting in a reduced "cost per click" meaning you get more leads for your budget.
Social Media Marketing Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are now legitimate places for a business to attract leads. Facebook has over 38 MILLION active and regular users in the UK and the number is anticipated to rise to over 42 MILLION by 2020. Regardless if your business sells to consumers or other businesses, your potential customers are on Facebook and using it often.
Facebook is excellent at raising awareness during the customers "research" stage, reminding them of your services or products during the "consideration" stage and putting your specific products in front of potential customers at the "buying" stage. With such a large audience and the flexibility to target customers throughout the buying process, Facebook can be a good avenue to generate leads and sales and to deliver a great return on investment.
A good digital marketing agency will have a proven track record in delivering highly effective Facebook advertising campaigns. The very best digital marketing agencies will be able to demonstrate the conversion rate and cost per lead of your social media marketing.
Again, social media marketing and specifically Facebook marketing can be carried out as a stand-alone activity however it works so much better when combined with SEO and/or PPC. When a potential customer visits your website their computer is marked as having visited. This then allows you to target the user of that computer, who has shown an interest in your products or services.
Reputation Management When considering making a purchase, a potential customer will scour the internet to find feedback and reviews from previous customers. Your online marketing and sales can live or die by the reviews for your business, services or products. Ensuring that positive reviews are easy to find and that any negative feedback is managed well, can be a huge benefit to your conversion rate.
Digital marketing companies call this "reputation management" or "online reputation management" however, in reality, it is creating systems to generate customer reviews and customer feedback ensuing positive customer satisfaction is captured and easy to find for potential customers.
Many businesses are concerned with allowing the public the ability to openly provide feedback. You cannot please all of the people all of the time, and companies worry that a bad review will have a negative impact on their business. Firstly, if someone is determined to leave a bad review for your business they will find a platform to do so and there are 1000's of platforms to choose from. It is better to have control of where customers are encouraged to leave a review. Secondly, a poor or bad review, if managed well, can be a positive for your business. Engaging with a bad review highlights that you care about feedback and subsequently, you care about your customers. One well managed bad review can be as good for your business ten good reviews.
A good digital marketing company will use one of the handful of recognised review platform and provide the tools and means of allowing you to capture, manage and respond to customer reviews.
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designni · 2 years
Social Media Marketing Near Me
Choose The Best – Go With Our Digital Marketing Services!
If you plan to set up an online business or want to take your existing business to the next level, there is no better way than availing our digital marketing services.
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By opting our services, you can be assured of improving your brand visibility and generating leads that can be converted into customers shortly.
We offer digital marketing services to help you target your intended audience and achieve your goals.
If you live in Belfast, you can do a simple online search on a Digital marketing agency near me, and our company will come up as one of the top options.
We offer a comprehensive approach to digital marketing, which means we'll work with you to develop a customized strategy that meets your needs.
Keep reading to learn more about our Marketing businesses near me services and how we can help you grow your business!
SEO Services
In the current digital age, a solid online presence is essential for any business that wants to succeed. However, with so much competition, standing out from the crowd can be challenging.
That's where our digital marketing services come in. We offer a variety of services that are designed to help your business attract attention and convert leads.
Our SEO services, for example, are tailored to help your website rank highly for relevant keywords. As a result, potential customers are more likely to find your site when they search for your products or services.
Social Media Marketing:
Social media marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways to connect with customers and promote your business.
Our social media marketing services help you create a strong presence on the platforms that matter most to your customers, driving awareness, interaction, and sales.
We develop custom strategies tailor-made for your business, utilizing the latest techniques and tools to achieve maximum results.
With our social media marketing services, you can focus on running your business while we take care of growing your online presence.
Contact us today if you are searching for Social media marketing near me and learn more about how we can help you promote your business with social media marketing.
Print Advertising:
Print advertising is a type of marketing that involves creating and printing ads placed in newspapers, magazines, and other print publications.
Print advertising can be an effective way to reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.
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Our print advertising experts will work with you to create custom print ads to help you reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.
Copywriting Services:
Copywriting is the process of writing copy that is designed to promote your brand and engage with your target audience.
Our copywriting experts will create custom copy to help you reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.
Working with a digital marketing agency has many advantages. At Design NI (Design Northern Ireland), we offer a comprehensive approach to digital marketing designed to help you reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.
What makes us different from other digital marketing agencies or Media companies Belfast? We offer a comprehensive approach to digital marketing, which means we'll work with you to develop a customized strategy that meets your needs.
We'll also provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure successful campaigns.
Contact them or visit their website for more information about Logo Designers Near Me !
Find Us On Google Map : ( Design NI )
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adagencychennai · 2 years
Times of India Advertising Pondicherry
Times of India Advertising Pondicherry
Times of India Advertisement Contact Number in Pondicherry Top Advertising Agency in Pondicherry-Times of India.  We provide the most competitive prices in the market for buying media space in the The Times of India Newspaper Advertising in Pondicherry. Ad Agency for Booking Times of India English Newspaper Advertisement in Pondicherry with us and avail of the lowest rates.   The Times of India…
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justbookad · 4 years
Tips to Get the Maximum Benefits of Classified Ads in Newspaper
While the world is moving towards digital platforms at a rapid pace, the newspaper still remains an easy, influential, and fast mode to reach a more targeted audience. Irrespective of your campaign size, classified ads in newspaper allows you to connect with a particular demographic with much ease. Moreover, placing classified ads on reputed national newspapers will enable you to save more on your advertising cost while offering you the best returns.
Even in modern times, people prefer going through a newspaper early in the morning before starting any work. Here the classified display ads and classified text ads can prove to be beneficial in conveying the message to the target readers. However, following the right approach is vital to make the most of newspaper advertisements. Here are some useful tips that you can follow while publishing classified ads.
Choose the Right Newspaper Advertising Agency
The first step to effectively publish the classified advertisement in newspaper is to look for a newspaper advertising agency. Booking an ad in the newspaper may seem to be easy, but it includes several steps that need to be followed. Working with a newspaper ad agency like Just Book Ad can help make the entire process smooth and hassle-free for you. They can handle all the tasks and get your classified text or display ad published conveniently.
Select the Right Newspaper
Selecting the right newspaper is essential to reach out to a broader pool of audience. To choose the best newspaper, you need to consider its readership. Moreover, you also need to do thorough and careful research about your target audience's newspaper choice. This can help you narrow down the options and select the appropriate newspaper to publish your classified ads in newspaper.
Also Read : See Your Business Grow Faster With A Newspaper Ad Agency
Examine the Classified Ad Section
When you have shortlisted a few newspapers that are read by your audience, you need to focus on the classified section next. Closely examine the classified ad section and check the different available categories, length of ads, and the cost. You can also explore the graphics and other aspects such as bold headlines, colour, and borders. It will help you choose the best options to craft the most engaging ad for the readers.
Add a Powerful Headline
Once you have selected the publication and examined the classified section, you need to work on creating an appealing classified advertisement. For this, start with a powerful headline. Make sure to come up with an attractive and robust headline that can immediately capture the attention of the readers. This will ensure that your audience will read the complete advertisement and you can get the maximum benefits.
Steps to Book Classified Ads in Newspaper
Booking a classified advertisement in newspaper is very simple with the help of newspaper advertising agencies like Just Book Ad. You need to follow three quick steps.
Choose your publication, city, Ad category, and type.
Create the ad and include all the necessary information.
Make the payment online.
If you want to publish a classified ad in a top newspaper, connect with the newspaper advertising agencies now.
Also Read : Know the Importance of Putting Matrimonial Ads in Newspaper
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adagency · 4 years
Chennai Newspaper Ad Agency Contact Phone Number
Chennai Newspaper Ad Agency Contact Phone Number
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Newspaper Advertising are one of the most conventional media for advertising. This media is highly preferred for its wide reach and great coverage. Newspaper Advertisement allows brands and companies to not only display their fleet of products but also increase brand awareness as well. Newspaper advertisements are always in vogue. They are one of the best ways to strengthen the brand position in…
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blueedahlia · 3 years
You Are Home
So I went to the coordinates of the vase and lamp that were found to see if I could find nearby interesting places on Maps.
Thanks to genuinemusic​ for finding about You Are Home and linked it to Harry in this amazing post . daisiesonafield-blog who found the coordinates in the HTML. theirloveisgross​ for adding all the newspaper locations and bluewinnerangel​ and ladychlo​ for the follow up of the adds being published (vase) in the newspapers (lamp).
Take in mind:
Some of this stuff is crazy and I only found it by looking at the photos of the places nearby and even going street view near the locations, this could all be a huge ass coincidence and has nothing to do with Harry or Louis.
The only SURE thing about all this is that the coordinates are close to newspapers building and that later You Are Home ads began to be published in the same newspapers. Everything else here is just me being a clown.
If you want to find something, you will find a way. So it's likely that I only found all of these because I knew very well how to look for them.
Don't ask about the Hilton Hotel, it's just that I realized that in many of the coordinates there was always a Hilton Hotel nearby, so I started looking for them in all the locations.
I added Freedom after I realized that Australia and Argentina literally had a hostel called Freedom.
And Princess because someone pointed out that the coordinates leading to Argentina were near the Princess Park bar.
I KNOW I found something about Marvel, but I couldn't find it again, I think it was a museum or a stadium or something. If anyone finds it, please tell me.
I had to rewrite the entire post twice because for some reason Tumblr didn't save the changes, so I KNOW I'm missing a lot of other stuff I noticed the first and second time :(
Warning: if you want to do this too, keep in mind that if you are nearsighted, with all the focus on little things on the screen, it will probably get worse lol.
I'm going to cut the post here because, well, it's looooong.
Enjoy and be a clown with me!
var coords_vase:
29.4279, -98.4849:  301 Ave E, San Antonio, TX 78205
Nearby places:  
Ripley's Believe It or Not! (museum)
Oasis Mexican Cafe
Gallagher house (only say historical)
Anchor Lodge (fraternal organization)
Bowie St
Louis Tussaud's Waxworks (wax museum)
Rainbow Shops (clothing store)
Compass Rose Ingenuity (college)
San Antonio Express News
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Palacio del Rio
Hilton Garden Inn
Hilton Garden Inn San Antonio Airport South
Freedom Hill Church
Freedom Forever
Freedom Park
Princess Pass, San Antonio
40.7748, -73.4108:  1 Corporate Center Dr, Melville, NY 11747
Nearby places:  
Honeywell security (Joel Honeywell was the director of photography in Golden Music Video)
njs wealth management
The street name being “corporate center”... suspish
Baker Tilly US (LLP)
Compass Advisors (financial advise)
Victoria Place (victory place) 
Arrow Electronics Inc
Louis Dr, Melville (street)
Newsday Connect (publicity agency)
Media Contact list (newspaper editorial)
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Garden Inn Melville
Hilton Long Island/Huntington
Homewood Suites by Hilton Long Island-Melville
Freedom Care
Freedom First Abstract
Freedom Abstract Corporation
Princess Cafe
40.7691,-111.9029:  Union Pacific Depot, 18 N Rio Grande St, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Nearby places:  
Gateway plaza
The Getaway (shopping mall)
The Gateway north garage
The Store: Getaway
Liberty Getaway (apartments)
Blue lemon (restaurant)
Anchor (Financial Services)
Fidelity Investments
Free People (clothing store)
Capitol (theatre)
Bring Horizons (kindergarten)
Inland SW Management Co (real state developer)
Blue Iguana (Mexican restaurant)
Louis Vuitton City Creek Center (sunglasses store)
Angel Wings mural (nothing Larry related but it’s nice and wings represent freedom).
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Note: all those Getaway reminds me of Sign of the times (We got to get away)
And if you go to Street View in the Angel Wings mural, guess what? The Getaway is advertised this way::
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The Salt Lake Tribune
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Salt Lake City Center
Hilton Garden Inn Salt Lake City Downtown
Freedom Zone
Utah Freedom Fighters
Oliver & Princess Natasha (house articles store)
49.9317, -97.1876:  1571 Magnus Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2X 0P6, Canada
Nearby places:  
Color Compass (auto parts store)
Sunny Food 
Louis Trading Company Ltd (collectible card shop)
Harry Logistics Ltd.
Arrow St
Brazil St
Code St
Buller St 
A singer named Buller has a song named Barry Styles with the following lyrics:
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Canstar Community News LTD & Distribution Services
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites
Freedom International School
Freedom Hill Church
Princess St, Winnipeg
The Bubble Princess (beauty and health store)
53.5418, -2.14973: 228 Broadway, Chadderton, Oldham OL9 9JE, UK
Nearby places:  
Compass Learning Center
Anchor St
Rainbow Kabin Pre-school (Community Church)
Oasis Academy Oldham (school)
There is literally a place 30 min away named Rope & Anchor
Anchor - Weavers Lodge (nursing home)
Not much to look at, but I mean, the 228 is just a bit suspish, but if you go to Street View near the location, you'll find this:
Ring road
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Manchester Evening News HQ
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Garden Inn Manchester Emirates Old Trafford
Hilton St, Manchester, Reino Unido
Hilton Ln, Walkden
Digital Freedom Limited (not that near as the previous ones)
Princess Rd, Chadderton
55.8632, -4.2791:  Anderston Medical Centre, Finnieston, Glasgow, UK
Nearby places:  
Loud and clear (audiovisual consultant)
The Anchor Line
Compass Gallery (art gallery)
William St
Edward House (volunteer organization)
BuZy Bees (cleaning Services)
Anchor Building (apartments)
Pursuit Marketing (marketing consultant)
Holmes Miller
Charles Rennie Mackintosh Statue (was famous for his personal styled named “Mackintosh Rose”)
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There’s a place named “airport” that caught my eye, so I went Street View. I turned to the Geared Life Magazine building and I found this (happy accidents I guess):
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Sunday Mail
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Glasgow (cof cof is in 1 William St).
Hilton Garden Inn Glasgow City Centre
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Glasgow Central
Hilton hotel
Freedom Scripted Entertainment Ltd
Freedom One Life, The Pentagon Centre
Pole princess Glasgow (dance academy)
Princes House (office complex)
52.5258, -1.8348: Edwards Rd, Birmingham B24 9EW, UK
Nearby places:
The Sunshine Bakehouse
Sunrise News
Rainbow Carpets and Flooring Ltd
Anchor - Kingsbury Place (yup another nursing home named Anchor)
Anchor Day Nursery
Anchor - Kimble Grove (and ANOTHER nursing home)
Neverland Fun House (nothing Larry related but Neverland being this imaginary amazing place where everything is possible make think of TPWK “maybe we can find a place to feel good and we can treat people with kindness”)
Compass Support (Sanctuary)
Fire Station (I’d walk through fire for you, just let me adore you)
The simple location being in EDWARDs rd is suspish.
Close to Solihull Mail
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Garden Inn Birmingham Brindleyplace
Freedom Gmap
Freedom paper converters goods in (reels)
Princess Rd, Birmingham (not as near, 15 min away)
Princess Alice Retail Park
-37.82071, 144.9666: 3 Southgate Ave, Southbank VIC 3006, Australia
Nearby places:  
28 State Route 20
Mantra Southbank Melbourne (hotel) I’m pointing this out because I notices in other coordinates there is also places with the name “Mantra” so I found it weird.
Bombini Buzz (cafe)
Anchor Apartments
Edward VII Monument
Rose Garden (park)
Louis Vuitton Melbourne Crown (shop)
Compass Coffee and Food
National Gallery of Victoria
Queen Victoria monument
Queen Victoria Gardens
Testing Grounds (artistic center)
Orchestra Victoria (orchestra Victory)
The good guys (corporate office)
In the 78 City Rd, there’s a place named Eureka 
A big ass shopping mall named “Southgate”. 
The interesting part is the photos I found from the mall:
Fun Home advisement in the floor.
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Big ass bees (buzz buzz mf)
This is from Eureka Tower which is also not far from the original location:
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The Sun Herald Melbourne
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Melbourne Little Queen Street
Hilton Academy
Pan Pacific Melbourne, 2 Convention Centre Pl (is in a Hilton Hotel)
Freedom - South Wharf, Homemaker Hub shop
Princess bridge
59.327, 18.0152:  Kvällstidningen Expressen, 105 15 Stockholm, Sweden
Nearby places:  
I don't know Swedish, so if there is something interesting, I won't be able to get it.
But, I went to Street View if I could find anything and guess what? Still buzzing? Also Bauer Media Group.
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Dagens Nyheter (newspaper editorial)
Expressen (newspaper), and from there is the bee symbol on the building.
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Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Stockholm Slussen
Frihetens Källa (fountain of freedom)
25.674, -100.309:  Eje Metropolitano 26 616-704, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Nearby places:  
El sol editora (The Sun publishing company).
Salon de las ventanas (windows salon)
Nandas 78 Bar (cof cof another 78 coincidence)
BBG comunicación (I don’t know what this is, in the map just say “payphone”, but the BBG alone is interesting).
El Ancla (The Anchor clothing store)
Hotel Oasis (*sigh*)
Oasis de Vida (health food store)
Rosa Náutica (Nautical Rose restaurant)
El Norte newspaper
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Garden Inn Monterrey Obispado
Hampton Inn by Hilton Monterrey/Galerías-Obispado
FREEDOM, Av. Chapultepec 401
Libertad, Independencia (freedom street)
Princess (venue for events)
var coords_lamp:
39.7647, -86.1583: 130 S Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46225
Nearby places:  
Harry & Izzy's
Remind you of something? What a coincidence!
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Anchor clothing store (inside the mall)
If you go street view in the Anchor Store location you will find this, I swear I’m not making this up!
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Elite Management
Sun Garage (that’s the name of the mall)
Business Media
Sun King Brewery (beer factory)
Oasis of Love (home Care) (yes, another Oasis)
Compass Group (financial advisor)
Parlor Public House (cafeteria) Yup, another place named Public House *sigh*
Buzz (cafeteria) 
Rainbow Realty Group (real state agency)
World of Wonders Garage (just because remind me of Neverland)
Ticketmaster (tickers sale)
Independent Colleges of Indiana (non-profit organization)
Fandom (store)
If you go street view to Fandom location you will get exactly in front of the Blue announcement (in the Anchor store you need to turn around, but in Fandom you get exactly in front).
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The Indianapolis Star
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites
Hilton Garden Inn Indianapolis Downtown
FREEDOM Indianapolis
Charters of Freedom - COMING SOON
Freedom Construction Of Indiana
Freedom From the Inside Out
Princess Jewelry (not as near, 14 min away)
35.2203, -80.8441: S Caldwell St, Charlotte, NC 28202
Nearby places:  
The Green Park
This is a photo of the park’s bigger attraction. I’m not gonna say it...
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NASCAR Hall of fame. 
If you go Street view outside of the NASCAR Hall of fame you will find this (who is NASCAR Hall of fame motto):
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Also, the checkered flags from NASCAR means FINISH LINE
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Stonewall St.
Anchor Capital (bank and finances)
A bar named “The Public House”. I’m not kidding anymore guys. This is getting creepy.
Compass Group (offices)
369 Charlottetowne Ave, Charlotte
A place named “More Human Training”
Charlotte Business Journal
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Charlotte Uptown
Hilton Garden Inn Charlotte Uptown
Freedom Park
Princess Pl
49.9614, -112.5298: Lethbridge County, AB, Canada
Nearby places (for this one since the coordinates lead to a small town I will expand my limits, with the other locations I was looking for places less than 15 minutes from the original coordinates, with this one I will look for keywords to see what I find:  
Anchor Products (35 min away)
Compass Dental (dentist) (36 min away)
Rainbow Vacuum Sales & Service (33 min away)
Oasis (beauty shot) (35 min away)
The Rose Garden (florist) (40 min away)
But since in this location there’s literally NOTHING, I started to zoom out and guess what? WTF is that?
Remind me of two things:
A target
A radar (cof cof Eroda)
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Nothing, but there’s a mail office near named “Canada Post.”
Hilton Hotel:
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Lethbridge
Rccg Freedom House Lethbridge
Ultimate Freedom Plus
Freedom 55 Financial a Division of London Life Insurance Company & Quadrus Investment Services Ltd
Princess Auto (tool store) (36 min away)
53.7933, -1.5598: 26 Whitehall, Leeds LS12 1BE, UK
Of course it’s Leeds!
Nearby places:  
Wellington Rd
Wellington St
Wellington Wy
Rainbow Therapy (adviser)
7&8 Wellington Place (cof cof another place related to 78)
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Edward Architecture
Compass Building Consultancy Limited
Anchor - Simon Marks Court care home (another nursing home *double sigh*)
Rainbow Junktion (cafeteria)
Compass Live Art (art studio)
And guess what? Anchor, St Peter's Ct (another nursing home)
The Yorkshire Post
Hilton Hotel:
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Leeds City Centre
Hampton by Hilton Leeds City Centre
Hilton Leeds City
Freedom Care Clinics Wellington Place
New Princess St
-16.9222, 145.7781: Abbott St, Cairns City QLD 4870, Australia
Nearby places:  
Tha Fish (seafood)
Louis Vuitton cairns DFS (store)
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Sunlover Reef cruises 
Mantra Trilogy Cairns (hotel), I just mention this because in other locations there are also places named mantra.
Compass Cruises (agency)
House Of Commons
Blue Lagoon Bar (cocktail bar)
Victory Vape Cairns (vape shop)
Hello Harry (The Burger Joint) Cairns (I CAN’T. I.C.A.N.T)
Rebel Rose Australia (clothing store)
Golden Boat Chinese  (restaurant)
The Cairns Post
The Australian Newspaper
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Cairns, 34 Esplanade
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Cairns
Freedom Hostels
Ocean Free & Ocean Freedom - Cairns Premier Great Barrier Reef & Island Tours
Princess Cl
-26.1855, 28.0293: Empire Rd, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193, South Africa
Nearby places:  
There’s also a Wellington rd.
SHISHA BUZZ (hookah shop)
Anchor Nursery School
Harry Street (I’m not kidding)
Urban Oasis Rooftop (hotel)
Salon Louis,  Lewis Pritchard Street and Cigarette Inn next to each other.
The location being in Empire Rd is suspish. You know, because Pleasing is actually located in The Empire State Building:
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Daily Sun
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Sandton
A New Freedom Group
Princess (mall)
44.8435, -0.5638: 23 Quai des Queyries, 33100 Bordeaux, France
Nearby places:  
Louis Emie street
Louis Vuitton (leather goods)
I don’t know French, so even if there’s more interesting places  I will be no able to get it. If someone know French and want to look, be my guest!
Journal Sud Ouest (newspaper)
Journal Sud Ouest (media house)
Hilton Hotel:
Hilton Garden Inn Bordeaux Centre
Rue de la Liberté (Freedom street)
Princesse tam.tam (lingerie store)
-32.9460, -60.6379: Sarmiento 749, S2000 CMK, Santa Fe, Argentina
Nearby places:  
La casa de las alianzas (the house of the alliances)
Remeras Fandom (clothing store)
This is just a happy accident, but if you go to the Fandom clothing store location, you will find photos on the walls of different artists and you will find Luis and Harry among them. Please, this is just a coincidence because you will also find photos of Zayn, Niall and One Direction. 
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Disqueria Music Shop (record store) has this image and it’s literally across the street from the original location:
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Let’s zoom in:
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Yep, that’s fucking WALLS VINYL Y’ALL. What are the odds?
Banco Columbia (Columnia Bank)
Luis Martorell Propiedades (real estate agency)
Calle San Luis (St Luis street)
Paparazzi (photo shop)
Blue House Servicios Eléctricos (Electrical technician)
SUNSUN MARKET (toy store)
Textil Oasis (bedding shop)
Aldea del Sol (baby clothes store)
Sport 78 (sportswear store) (yup, another 78)
NUEVA VICTORIA (new victory - health food store)
Ferretera San Luis | Sucursal Centro (hardware store)
Also someone pointed out that the Princes Park bar is in the same city and only 5 minutes away from the original location.
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La Capital newspaper
Hilton Hotel:
Hampton by Hilton Rosario
Freedom Hostel (why there’s also one Freedom Hostel in Australia?)
Galería Libertad (Freedom Gallery Shopping Mall)
Freedom Coffee & Bread
Av. de la Libertad (Freedom avenue)
Princess Park bar
CRUCEROS PRINCESS (cruise agency)
PRINCESS Todo para el ballet (dance accessories shop)
Thinks to keep an eye on:
The night all the You Are Home madness came out, Louis, for the first time, used green and blue lights during OTB.
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Someone on daisiesonafield-blog’s ask found an artist on Instagram named maggiemargaret_designs who does artwork very similar to the vases/flowers in You Are Home. And coincidentally she follows Harry.
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And she post this yesterday to Stories:
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Someone on Twitter pointed out that she shared Rosalía’s presentation in SNL. 
Two interesting things:
Mentioning the Duvet
The blue and green aesthetic
It would be logical that the female artist that Harry is rumored to have collaborated on his new album is her, since she is part of the same label as Harry and after he himself admitted that, in addition to choosing her to narrate the Adore You video because it is incredible, she is part of the same label as him.
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I also found an article about  Maggie Cowles (the artist) and is interesting how she describes her art.
With a love of wordless narratives, Maggie creates food-centred scenes of domesticity which reflect the wider world.
“The work explores how rooms can be full even when they’re empty,” as Maggie describes. “They’re an ode to gatherings past, present, and future.”
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The flowers in the artwork seems to be red tulips, so gettingdizzy-oh did some research and found that tulips are associated with 11th wedding anniversary:
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lovingstheantidote​ found that the vase have blue laurel leaves
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You Are Home now have a Discord, and have two channels named:
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More Info about this here.
A person in Twitter asked a friend to go to the location in Glasgow and the person found this:
A graffiti with the word Change
A poster with the phrase “The time is now”
A poster announcing the Glasgow Festival from March 3 to March 13 (coincidentally March 13 is the date Louis will finish the North America leg of this World tour).
And blue fish 
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Harry naming the pods on the avenues of his European tour after house rooms:
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Only time will tell.
And if You Are Home has NOTHING to do with any of them, then, shit, universe really, really hates them.
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true-blue-megamind · 3 years
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SPOILER WARNING!  It’s still a thing, and, if you haven’t yet, you still need to watch Megamind.  (If you have seen it already, however, you need to see it again.  Because it’s awesome.)
Yes, yes, the post is three days late this time.  Real life has to take priority and such. So sue me.  (Don’t really do that.  LOL!)
For that same reason—or more accurately because this week has exhausted me—I will attempt to make this post shorter than usual.  We’ll see how that goes.  My money is on “not well.”  LOL.
Anyway, today we’re going to look at a subject that often divides the Megamind fandom: the Warden and his relationship with Megamind. There are several fan theories—I mean, suppositions—surrounding this, but I’m going to be focusing on a few of the main ones.
The first of these is that the Warden was actually a father figure to Megamind when he was young, allowing him to be raised in jail not out of cruelty or disinterest, but because it was the only way to keep him safe from shadowy government agencies that otherwise would have performed all sorts of experiments on the blue alien.  This both accounts for why a child would be allowed to grow up in what is clearly a high-security prison for dangerous adult criminals—something that, admittedly, needs some sort of explanation—and fits with widely accepted sci-fi and comic book tropes. (From Area 51 to mysterious “Men in Black” type organizations, fiction is full of government agencies created to study extraterrestrial life and technology.)  Some even go so far as to suggest that the Warden may have tried to adopt Megamind officially, but was blocked from doing so by these same entities. On top of this, such an idea also offers room to re-imagine the Warden as a much more interesting, complex, and sympathetic character.  Indeed, there has been some excellent fan fiction written about this pseudo-parental relationship.
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Art: Fathers And Sons Day by tabbydragon
There is some evidence to support this.  The first is that, although the Warden behaves harshly toward Megamind in the “jail-break” scene near the beginning of the film, Megamind himself seems to be trying to engage in a playful exchange: pranking the older man, wishing him a good morning, and even teasing him.  While some say that this is simply Megamind’s personality as well as his determination to always appear indominable, others suggest that, perhaps, the blue man is trying to recapture a lost amiability between himself and the prison Warden.  It is possible that, when he was younger and less villainous, Megamind might have exchanged friendly jokes and greetings with the man in charge of the jail he called home.  It has even been suggested that the Warden is so hard on the blue man at the beginning of the film not because he hates Megamind, but because Megamind’s life choices have hurt and alienated his father figure. This idea finds some support in the facts that, when Megamind leaves jail to confront Titan, the Warden wished him good luck, and at the end of the movie, that same man seems genuinely happy as he watches the television broadcast of his one-time prisoner being named Defender of Metro City.  Finally, there is some evidence from the comics which, although not truly considered canon, as I’ve mentioned before, do offer some material for fan theories.  In the “episode” entitled Bad Minion! Bad! Megamind runs into the Warden in a bar, and the latter offers the former advice.  There is certainly a somewhat fatherly feel to the scene.
The second theory is exactly the opposite: that the Warden either did not care for or outright disliked the former supervillain.  Unfortunately, as fun as the Warden/Father Figure concept is, this second, darker idea has far stronger evidence to support it in the film itself.  (Try not to hate me, everyone.)  These clues range from the obvious to the subtle, but there are quite a few of them to be found.
During the first scene in which we see Warden interact with Megamind, he doesn’t behave like an angry, disappointed father—at least not a good one.  He isn’t merely surly toward Megamind; he is absolutely nasty. The Warden verbally condemns the alien, telling him that he’ll “always be a villain,” and essentially steals what he believes is a gift for the blue man, even taunting him by saying: “I think I’ll keep it!”  This hardly seems like the actions of someone who once felt any sort of affection for the extraterrestrial.  That same portion of the movie holds another clue as well: the screens monitoring Megamind’s brain activity.  Indeed, in original concept art for the film, the system appears both more invasive and more nightmarish.  It seems that, far from protecting Megamind, the Warden may have actually allowed him to be experimented upon.
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Next, there is the newspaper article at the beginning of the title sequence, which bears the headline “Hometown Boy Makes Bad.” It’s hard to see what the paper says, of course, even if you bother to really notice it, but luckily for us Liz (Demishock) wrote a wonderfully thorough blog post which, among other things, provides a transcript of the “news story.”  In it, the Warden is quoted as referring to young Megamind as a born villain as well as abnormal.  
You don't know this kid. I've watched the little criminal since he was in diapers. This kid is just a bad seed. I've got experienced, hardened criminals in here who are afraid of him - I mean, have you seen the size of his head?…  It's not like he's a normal kid… I mean, have you gotten a good look at his gigantic blue head? I don't know where you come from, but where I come it's just not right.
Granted, there seems to be some truth to what the Warden is saying, as the article also mentions that Megamind, who can hardly have been more than seven years old at the time, has basically been put into solitary confinement for the safety of other prisoners following an unnamed incident, adding that the other inmates “refused to point fingers for fear of retaliation.”  (This fits with the fan theory that young Megamind would have had to both fight and develop a fearsome reputation in order to protect himself. You can read more about that in the post How Strong is Megamind?) However, the Warden seems to dwell a lot on the fact that Megamind looks alien, and he displays an obvious dislike for the young boy.
Finally, there is evidence hidden in the school scene, although it’s easy to miss. In an amazing two-part video series, Megamind: A City of Deception. YouTuber The Theorizer illustrates several hidden clues about Megamind’s early life and how it it led him to embrace villainy.  (I will very likely write another post going into more detail about that at a later date.)  One thing that The Theorizer discovered is a seemingly innocuous detail in the background during the popcorn scene.  Take a moment to examine the images below.  Look closely at the blackboard and you’ll see a paper cut out of a school bus.  Look even more closely at that and you’ll find something odd: the bus is full of crayon-drawn children except for one figure: an adult male, riding in the back of the bus, who looks suspiciously like the Warden as he appears at the beginning of the film. 
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In a movie where so much attention is given to small things—I mean, seriously, the animation team actually went through the trouble to write a news story for a paper that was on the screen less than ten seconds—this cannot possibly be a coincidence.  (You can learn more about the artists’ amazing dedication to detail in my post What’s Hidden in the Animation?)  Although it is vaguely possible that Megamind, painfully aware of how much his appearance was despised, chose to draw the Warden’s face instead of his own, most fans believe there is a darker reason for this oddity.  
Think about it: the Li’l Gifted School for Li’l Gifted Kids is built close by a jail with a strangely similar name: Metro City Prison for the Criminally Gifted.   It’s clearly a small academy, yet the only two known aliens in the city—who, by the way, have extremely different social backgrounds—both just happen to attend there.  And now the prison warden appears to be somehow involved with the elementary school?  It’s bizarre.  Add to this the fact that the young alien adopted by a privileged family—a boy who possessed super-strength and laser vision—seemed inclined to be a bully, (as is made obvious by the kickball scene,) and a disturbing fan theory emerges.  Adults realized that Wayne Smith, the child who would eventually become Metro Man, might prove dangerous if left unchecked, and came up with a plan to turn him into a hero instead.  Wayne was showered with praise, conditioning him to seek public approval, but a superhero needs a nemesis.  The strange-looking, unwanted blue boy who’d already been labeled a criminal would have seemed like the obvious choice.  If this is true, then Megamind was purposefully, albeit covertly, groomed to become a supervillain from a young age, and the Warden played a major role in doing that.
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So there you have it.  Two competing fan theories concerning the Warden’s connection with Megamind.  Both have some evidence supporting them, and there are fans who are firmly dedicated to one or the other.  Which is true?  Did the Warden care for Megamind like a son but distance himself when the boy turned to villainy?  Or did he judge and despise Megamind but come around to liking him when he finally realized what sort of person the blue man was deep down?  The fact is that those questions can be argued for hours on end.  No matter which of these suppositions you prefer, however, the mere fact that even a minor supporting character is complex enough to offer room for this debate speaks to the impressive amount of work and devotion that went into creating this amazing animated film.
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