astarionbae · 6 years
Sapph, I love you! Thank you! MY BABIES!
The theme song of their relationship is Falling For You by The 1975
Thomas first met Newt while he was walking away from a house party that got out of hand, in the rain and on the sidewalk of the main street. Newt was riding his motorcycle, having been at the party and spoken with him earlier that evening, offering him a ride to which Thomas accepted. 
In college, Thomas is getting picked on for being small and Gally sees this, threatening the boys to leave him alone and makes sure that he’s alright. From this, they bond and Newt catches them speaking. 
“Tommy, see you met my marshmallow!” Newt smiles wide, limping up next to Gally and pats his back happily. 
“’Marshmallow’?” Thomas inquires, kinda taken back.
“My bloody boyfriend.” He nods. “Been tellin’ him about ya. Maybe, you can be ours, too.” 
Thus, their poly relationship begins! 
Gally suggests the boys to do a campfire since results in Newt saying that they need to make S’Mores. After doing so and after eating them, face all covered in marshmallow fluff, Thomas gives them sticky, sweet kisses. 
Gally brings a puppy to their apartment to foster but once Newt gets overly attached to it, Gally and Thomas are forced by guilt to keep it and adopt it. 
Newt looks soft but is stern, Gally looks stern but is soft, and Thomas looks soft and is actually soft.
Thomas is the one that buys unnecessary things if they involve things he loves/his fandoms; can get a Hunger Games merch cup at the AMC Theaters just by supersizing your drink? He does it! McDonald’s is selling Happy Meals with Pokemon toys? He buys himself three boxes to make sure he gets more of a selection for the toys! He wants to buy a blanket that has Toothless from HTTYD on it? Bet your ass he grabs it with pride and strolls to the checkout center, buying it. Newt finds it adorable whereas Gally playfully disagrees, snacking on one of the Happy Meals. 
When Newt has a rough day, he lays on the couch, resting his head in Thomas’s lap and props his feet up on Gally’s lap. Thomas runs his fingers through his hair and Gally rubs his ankle to soothe him
Gally constantly is on the lookout for Thomas’s well being, acting like a parent to him; telling him to lift heavy things with his legs and not his back, tells him not to eat certain food together since they can upset his stomach, trying to teach him how to roller skate and not fall on his behind or face.
“I got it, Gally! I’m fine.” Thomas beckons, waving him off and he takes a few steps, doing a good job until he almost falls but Gally catches him. 
“I told you so.” Always being Gally’s remark. 
Thomas usually sleeps in the middle of Gally and Newt, becoming the little spoon throughout the night. Other nights when Newt’s having a rough day, he’s placed in the middle and sleeps face to face with Thomas while Gally has his arm wrapped around Newt’s waist. 
Newt usually wears hoodies with the hood up, sitting on the couch and reading a book. Gally sits next to him, eyeing his hair and craves to yank down the fabric and stroke it. So he does happily. 
When Gally isn’t home, Thomas and Newt recreates vines and records them for entertainment; their favorites being “Oh my God, they were roommates”, “Fuck your chicken strips”, “Hi! Welcome to Chili’s”, “Almost made me drop my croissant”, “I won’t hesitate, bitch”, and “When Mom Isn’t Home”. 
Gally gets shy with PDA, Newt asks for kisses and cuddles while Thomas holds their hands. 
Newt talks in his sleep and Thomas listens in to what he says with a dumb grin on his lips.
When Newt and Thomas are both passed out on the couch, chair, floor, etc. Gally carries them to their room, tucking them into bed and secretly kisses their foreheads. 
Thomas and Gally get into small debates about dumb things and Gally towers over him, a smug look on his face and once Thomas sees it, he jumps up on him, wrapping his legs around his waist, kissing him by surprise 
Whenever Thomas leaves to go visit his family, Gally walks around in one of his tee shirts to have his scent around and with him the whole time. Newt spots him the one morning, making him freeze. “Don’t tell, Thomas.” 
Whenever Newt leaves for the same reason, Thomas sleeps in his bed because it’s comfy and reminds him of their nights that they had together. He also stays up, sending messages to Newt repeatedly, telling him that he loves him and wants him back home. 
And when Gally leaves, Newt wears his hoodies and Thomas goes through his movie collection, looking for movies that him and Newt can watch. 
Gally buys the boys flowers for when he returns back, handing them over and pecks the tops of their heads. 
Newt is a fan of forehead kisses; receiving and giving them.
Thomas loves long, tender kisses; feeling soft lips on his and taking joy in the moment.
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00250 · 7 years
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Sometimes I wonder how the old tmr bloggers are doing. @iheartnewt @00250 @newtmos @jesprefahey @newtscarf @mintresa @newtttheglue !! Hope yall are all out there living your best lives!
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tiffanymaxwels · 7 years
Maze Runner Tag
Thank you so much @newtmazing for tagging me! This was really fun to do :)
1. What job would you have if you were in the Glade? Probably cook because I suck at running and I couldn’t kill any animal! Also I’m rather good at cooking so :)
2. You can choose to save one person from the first book/movie, who would it be? Chuck, definitely. 
3. Favorite Glader slang? Probably “shank” but I also like “greenbean” and “slim it” a lot. Honestly, the whole Glader slang is great :D
4. Would you rather fight one giant griever or 25 puppy-sized grievers? One giant griever seems easier somehow, like can you imagine having to fight 25 five times those things?? nope for me
5. Which Hogwarts house(s) do you think the mighty gladers are in? Good question! I’d say Chuck and Newt are Hufflepuff, Minho and Brenda in Gryffindor. Then I hesitate for Teresa (either Ravenclaw or Slytherin) and Thomas (Gryffindor or Ravenclaw). But I think Thomas would ask to be in Gryffindor. The hardest is Gally because he’s very loyal and brave and resourceful at the same time so I could see him anywhere except Ravenclaw.
6. Glader most likely to win a food eating contest? I’d say Gally :)
7. Favorite ship? Newtmas all the way, otp there so :p But honestly I ship pretty much everyone in this fandom?? Like there are so many signs for all the ships tbh. But Newtmas (otp) and Thominewt (brotp) are my favorites. :D
8. You run into James Dashner in public. What do you do? Thank him for the amazing books he wrote then yell at him for killing my babe probably ^^
9. Glade or the Scorch? Glade!
10. You’re bitten by a crank, how do you spend your remaining time? Probably say what I didn’t dare to say before to the people I care about, and then leave to die away from them so they’re not in pain
11. Would you want your memories back if WICKED offered them to you? I honestly don’t know because it would mean more pain (loosing your family and all) but somehow it would complete me to remember me before the trials so.... idk ^^ 
12. If you could listen to one song while hiking across the Scorch, what would it be? Intro by The XX, I just love that song and it kind of set up a pace
13. Did you forgive Teresa for what she did at the end of the Scorch trials? In the books not really (more like not at all^^) but movie Teresa is different somehow and I like her far better. I completely understood her so I forgave her for what she did.
14. Favorite new character in the Scorch Trials? Gotta go with Brenda :D
15. Gally’s back! How did you react? I was so excited to see him!! :D I was fidgeting in my seat when I recognized him on screen, I couldn’t wait to see the boys’ reaction to Gally being back! :D 
16. What is your most anticipated scene to watch in the Death Cure? Gally’s reunion with the gladers and of course Thomas discovering Newt’s ill and all the rest, ya know? :/
17. Favorite WICKED character? Uh... no idea?? 
18. Thomas tried to request a last meal at WICKED (In the book). What would your request be? It depends on my mood really but I don’t think I could eat tbh
19. Who do you think steps up as the leader in Paradise? Vince probably, but I think Gally would really help too. 
20. If you could visit one set from any of the maze runner films, which one would you choose? The Glade would be awesome
21. If you could forget the plot and everything about the maze runner so you could experience reading/watching the series for the first time again, would you do it? It’d be fun but when you re-read/watch with your memories still, you see all those little details you didn’t see before and it’s really great. So I’d say yes and no ^^
22. Would you rather face a griever, cranks, or the bulb-monsters from the end of the scorch trials (books)? A crank seems easier to put down but he should already be really gone otherwise it’d probably be too hard :/
23. Any Glader headcannons? Newt being really good at drawing :)
24. What would you say to Wes Ball if you met him? THANK YOU SO MUCH. I mean, he did a wonderful job with those series and the fact that it’s really different from the books but still awesome is so great. Also, I’d thank him for Teresa bc she’s way better written in the movies, in my opinion :)
25. Favorite fandom memory? I’ve been away for two years so I missed everything around TST so it’ll have to be when we almost had a Newtmas kiss but Dylan ruined it and we were all crazy mad ^^ And more recently, definitely the shared pain because of TDC...
26. Finally, favorite thing about the maze runner? The characters, definitely. They’re not all good all bad (thinking especially about Teresa and Gally but also Ava Paige) which is what happens in reality. not everything is black or white but different shades of grey. Also all the relationships between those characters are really good and yeah, pretty much everything? I mean, the cast is amazing but does it even need saying :D
I don’t know who has done this already so if you did (or don’t want to) feel free to ignore this ;) I tag @gladertasha @newtttheglue @thegladernewty @newtmos @00250 @newtemotions @preciousnewt @ourbloodynewtmas @newtscarf @newtmsa
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stolensonya · 7 years
maze runner tag
I was tagged by @mazecode thanks this was fun! :)
1. What job would you have if you were in the Glade? I’d probably be in the gardens or a medjack.
2. If you could choose to save one person from the first book/ movie, who would it be? Chuck- duh.
3. Favorite Glader slang? I’ve always been fond of shank, but greenie is fun too.
4. Would you rather fight one giant griever or 25 puppy-sized grievers? I’d probably have a better chance against 25 puppy sized grievers? Idk they’re both awful choices haha.
5. Which Hogwarts house(s) do you think the mighty Gladers are in? Oh man I don’t know too much about the houses. But I can see Thomas and Minho in the Gryffindor house. But I’m not too sure about the others. Maybe a lot of Hufflepuffs and a few Slytherins...? Idk.
6. Glader most likely to win a food eating contest? I’d say either Gally or Minho? The two of them would end up puking by the end of it, that’s for sure.
7. Favorite ship? Thominewt :))) Ride or die for this ship.
8. You run into James Dashner in public. What do you do? Probably nothing?
9. Glade or scorch? The glade! It seemed peaceful before everything turned to shit.
10. You’re bitten by a crank. How do you spend your remaining time? Oh geez that’s a tough one. Probably end it before it gets too ugly, but definitely say my goodbyes before then.
11. Would you want your memories back if WICKED offered them to you? Nah, like Newt said in the Maze Runner. It doesn’t matter who you were before the Maze, what matters is right here and now.
12. If you could listen to one song while joking across the Scorch, what would it be? Um... Savage by Whethan? Gotta have something to get you pumped to go through that hell hole.
13. Did you forgive Teresa for what she did at the end of the Scorch Trials? That’s a tricky one. In the end, I did because I understood where she was coming from, but it was hard to swallow. It was sneaky and hurtful, but I got where she was coming from.
14. Favorite new character in the Scorch Trials? Ugh it’s hard to choose one, but I liked Group B as a whole. I wish we could’ve seen more of them because I loved them in the books.
15. Gally is back. How did you react? Expected cause I read the books, but I really liked the scenes where the audience had to guess who in the decked out armor was following Newt and Thomas around. It was really well done for me.
16. Most anticipated scene to watch in TDC? The death scenes for sure. Mostly Newt’s because I wasn’t sure how it was going to be handled. Overall, I liked it, but I would’ve preferred the book scene. Don’t get me wrong it was just as heart breaking, but I wanted my heart to shatter like it did reading the scene.
17. Favorite WICKED character? Ava Paige...? Her progression in the last movie intrigued me. I wonder what she was constantly thinking when her views started to... change? Idk if that’s the right word.
18. Thomas tried to request a last meal from WICKED (in the last book). What would yours be? Oh god. A cheeseburger and some gems with ranch from my favorite little hole in the wall. :)
19. Who do you think steps up as leader in Paradise? Hmm... is it weird that I can see Gally in this position? He was so passionate about the Glade and everything- I guess I would just hope after everything he would’ve evolved and been someone who could handle the responsibility.
20. If you could visit one set from the films, which one would it be? The Glade.
21. If you could forget about the plot/everything about the Maze Runner so you could experience it all over again, would you? HELL YEAH.
22. Face a griever, Cranks, bulb-monsters (from end of Scorch Trials novel)? I’d say the cranks.
23. Any Glader headcanons?
1. Thomas and Minho in Paradise, okay?! That’s all I want for them.
2. Sonariet forever too!
3. Thomas and Brenda become the bestest of friends after everything.
4. Newt’s grave is always decorated in flowers and chalk and UGH.
5. Gally finally feels at home. It’s not the glade and not everyone is there, but he finds happiness there.
6. I’m sorry these are some of my headcanons after the third movie lol
24. What would you say to Wes Ball? Immediate thank yous for his dedication to the fandom and making his own path with the movies and messages. And I’d need an autograph and a picture. He seems like a pretty cool dude. He did amazing work.
25. Favorite fandom memory? All of them. But mostly the people I met :)
26. Favorite thing about TMR? The fans, dude. I LOVED the books, but finding others like me made my feelings explode by a million. So many ppl are multishippers and the company I kept- there wasn’t any negativity from them. I mean that’s rare and hard to find these days in fandoms. So I’m happy to say I’m kind of proud of the TMR peeps around here. :)
I tag (feel free to skip this if you want no pressure.) @00250 @newtmos @newtttheglue @newtscarf this is hard at the top of my head- sorry!
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astarionbae · 7 years
Here's the short clip of me being reacted to by Dylan, Kaya, and Thomas!! Still can't believe this happened. My life is complete.
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00250 · 8 years
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happy international women's day ♀
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newtmos · 8 years
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T: You don’t think the The Right Arm’s real? B: I think that hope is a dangerous thing. Hope’s killed more of my friends and family than the Flare and Scorch combined. I just thought Jorge was smarter than that.
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bloodyinspired · 8 years
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buckyjms · 8 years
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The boy burst into another round of tears, then answered through one of his sobs.
“They’re making me call myself Charles.”
Thomas shook his head. “Well, that’s lame. We’re going to call you Chuck.”
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wickedshank · 8 years
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Maze Runner Appreciation Weeks: TST
Day Two: One New Character
“Sorry we dragged you through the desert in a bag,” she said. He couldn’t see her face in the dimming light very well, but he imagined a smirk there.
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hopelesstmrblogger · 8 years
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Maze Runner Appreciatiton Weeks: Week 2 Day 1:  TST One character
Aris Jones
“They killed her, Aris said back to him. They killed my best friend.” 
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astarionbae · 7 years
Tagged by: @overglorified-trash
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
Relationship status: a I’m single as a pringle but (secretly) making flirty remarks on Lyca (; 
Chapstick or lipstick: Chaptstick!!! I despise lipstick.
Favourite colours: Purple, turquoise, and a sunset orange.
Last movie I saw: Theater wise, it was The Death Cure and on TV/Netflix wise it was Hot Fuzz
Top 3 TV shows: Stranger Things, Teen Wolf, Shameless US, and Skins UK
Top 3 bands/artists: Halsey, The Neighbourhood, and Cigarettes After Sex
Books I’m currently reading: One Was Lost by Natalie D. Richards, Looking For Alaska by John Green (rereading), Simon VS. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli, Three Quarters Dead by Richard Peck, and The Fever Code by James Dashner (rereading)
Tagging: @thegladernewty, @00250, @newtmos, @newtmas, @newtporn, @newtemotions, @newtscarf, @newtttheglue, and @newtshair
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sakura-haruka · 8 years
Ok guys i know that i have some problem and it do not appear when someone tag me in their stuff i have report it to the staff and hopefully it would be fix soon.
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mrsshuckface · 8 years
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The Maze Runner Appreciation Week: TMR Day 6: Favorite quote
Such a display of death How could it be considered a victory?
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blcodyhell · 8 years
You get lazy, you get sad. Plain and simple.
Newt // ─| mazerunnerweeks |─                             → Day six: Favourite Quote
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