#nexomon abyssal tyrants
player-1 · 1 year
Once again back on my bs throwing out another insane but possibly valid Nexomon theory until Nexomon 3 finally gets a proper release date...
Going through the Abyssal DLC again, mostly finding hints on what they foreshadow for 3 (And it's quite a few things, a bit about sorcerers/witches already getting wiped off the map and a possible time-skip prediction of 100,000 years.), but the one thing that caught my eye was after the MC defeated Volcel [N:E Abyssal DLC part 4]. Long story short, it's heavily implied that the Abyssals were engineered like the Greater Drakes and/or Vados, but not in such an unnatural way that Deena couldn't have sensed it. In her own words, "Unlike the dragons and Vados, these Abyssal Tyrants couldn't have been forged by human hands."
Which leads me to the obvious conclusion (and indirectly the mad scientist Logan's): GENETIC ENGINEERING!!
And I'm obviously jumping on the idea that Metta made them (for obvious reasons) since resurrection would've opened up a similar scheme; besides, he's the only one of the fam with these skills so he had all that free time to do something else here. While following the assumption that the main element Abyssals (Fire, Water, Wind, Nature, Earth, Lightning) were modeled after the main Omnicron Fam, the Abyssals also share some physical characteristics with some Nexomon of N1 & N:E as well besides the nixed bag that is Venefelis, but I'll just go in order from appearance in the DLC then explain/ramble from there.
Major-ish spoilers for Nexomon 1 (& Netherworld dlc/arc) and Nexomon: Extinction w. the Abyssal dlc below:
1. Venefelis (Masquiti(?) + Kitsunox, Carnagrius, Fanfrou, Fuzztino, Felicient)
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Like I said, Venefelis is such a mixed bag since she came out the gate just after Omnicron's bucket got kicked for good and the N1 protag thought any major world-ending threat was over and done for...Well that was a fucking lie and we all know it. While I feel that Venefelis got that hot-headed attitude (and obvious golden child syndrome) from the other cat-based 'mon, it's easy to see the similarities w. the Masquiti line even when they didn't appear until 1,000 yrs later in N:E (and the off-putting entry about Masquiti fits way too perfectly w. her "ghost" form Salem), but I digress. Whether or not Venefelis could be considered the first Psychic type after N1 (or the first uber-powerful Masquiti known to man), or maybe Metta made a replacement Omnicron on the side if his main plan failed (before he threw her out only to kill Hilda in revenge), that's already up for debate for me. [Also somewhat implying that Venefelis is a mutation of Kitsunox since the cape seems similar and she actively boasts about being the “perfect servant” in killing Hilda for a master she never knew nor witnessed (N:E Kitsunox are unwaveringly loyal too) but that’s my opinion here]…
2. Pluvean (Arqua + Harectic, Hydrose, Reeferus, Torrex)
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Even if Arqua/Merida was always shown to be hotheaded and quick to throw a temper (even at the expense of a destroyed ship or two), Pluvean was only mean to be a sacrifice to either confuse the Guild on the Abyssals' purpose or direct their attention away from the real threats...Either way, he's pretty lax on what the Guild wants to learn from him (ie. the bare minimum) and is more concerned over why Venefelis revived him if he already completed his task with flying colors. While this might also relate to the calming nature of water as opposed to Arqua's unpredictable rage, it's an interesting starting point for the Guild (and MC) to figure out that the Abyssals are far from their usual brand of Tyrant. And I guess Metta wanted to see a cooler side to Arqua/Merida when she's not flaunting around with other humans, who knows?
3. Rotramus (Nara + Outgrov, Raksuma, Prisimazor)
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While I'm not going to theorize if or how Metta got Nara's DNA to create Rotramus (which that would next to impossible without revealing himself), but it's pretty telling since the only things he has to do is 1. Hide from the Guild, 2. Nap out of sight of said-Guild, 3. Answer or follow any tamer's command without question or self-preservation if they find him (and 4. Deny and insult said-tamer's command without question if they attempt to turn him against the Abyssals); you know, it just like Nara's main deal of betraying Omnicron, joining the humans to destroy her dad and siblings, and wanting to live freely and independently as Deena. Even if Rotramus is perfectly harmless apart from not betraying the Abyssals at the drop of a hat, it's interesting to see how much of an iron grip Metta also has on the Abyssals despite none of them ever knowing their master by appearance or name.
4. Inominox (Ventra + Heliventus, Eqoloptera, Lurkennie, Voltosfrere, Swactrum)
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Just like the vulture Inominox is based on, he fights only against tamers he considers weak and easy-pickings and has survived because of that for generations...Yet he heartily declares the MC weak and worthless despite after defeating two Abyssals at that point (Pluvean and Rotramus) despite clearly being the King/Queen of Monsters, then getting completely bodied in the process (mostly after using one Nexomon with a type disadvantage). Makes sense though since Ventra was always shown to be incredibly egotistical and overestimated her enemies in N1, so Inominox might've been so blinded by his cunning and "weakness radar" that he's the only Abyssal besides Helevolk and/or Braccus that don't immediately recognize the MC as Nexomon King.
5. Helovolk (Fona + Carnagrius (N:E), Oregoon, Treclay, Moltano, Shardrillion)
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Sucks that I can't find an proper Nexomon to connect to why Helovolk is blind and as irrational as a ordinary monster, but it might relate to the theme of fire being a blind and destructive force if left unattended...Or Helovolk just got the worst part of Fona since he was just a bad-boy dude who always played by his own rules. Also putting in the revived N:E version of Carnegrius since they became increasingly violent after loosing their natural habitat, and Helovolk constantly digs a mindless series of tunnels to stay hidden and elusive...Maybe N3 will expand more on his personality/motives, but that's all I got for him here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6+7. Caelesa & Byeol (Metta + Raamu, Mistrallion, Starckal, Paupo(?))
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I know I know, why add Byeol in the mix, aren't they supposed to be a regular ol' Tyrant? I mean, have you even seen these two side-by-side!? They might as well be half-siblings here! And if anything goes to show, if Metta dabbled with gene splicing with his own DNA, not everything was going to be all sugar, spice, and everything nice here (and probably experiencing ego-death with the "abomination" that is Byeol)...Maybe throwing in a bit of Paupo in the mix so the family resemblance isn't too obvious, who knows. Besides, they're both Normal type, they both have ring-like objects on them, and they both have a tendency to constantly evade the Guild's Tyrant witch-hunt without a care in the world...Possibly w. Byeol, but their lack of a noteworthy dex entry says as much (And on that note, it was only today ago that I realized that Byeol’s Nexomite/energy crystals are on the cheeks or might be the little stars floating around them…So I’m technically right and they have permanent dimples! 🥰). While Caelesa obviously has Metta's crassness around humans (only calling them idiots and getting huffy about the Guild labeling for a Tyrant for only running around as ordered), I headcanon that Byeol only avoids getting caught as a "game" and enjoys people-watching or nagging for attention so much that it easily weirds out the Guild. But I'm pretty sure Metta would've had a grand old time getting a 2-in-1 Tyrant deal while (possibly) pretending his mini-me cherub doesn't exist at all.
8. Braccus (Grunda + Broshield, Grath, Bitztrong, Rustung)
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My boy Braccus is chonk supreme here, already topping off against all the Abyssals in pure strength and size alone (and makes it even funnier when his dialogue sprite takes up 1/3 of the screen on its own), but I have a feeling that this is the kind of terror and might Metta aspires Grunda to be before he "mellowed out" in N:E. Not that he did any kind of extreme damage on purpose, even Grunda's Chasm in N:E was made just from the Nexolord reviving him, and his entry mentions that it's only getting on Grunda's bad side when he goes on a rampage, so tamers and residents always had to walk on eggshells around him. But what does Grunda secretly want more than anything in the world? Take care of a small camp/village in the desert town Solus (aka Lateria in N:E) as its leader and as the human Ulrich (in the N1 dlc btw, sot it's an idealized verision of what he wants in the world...neat!). So yeah, even if Braccus was given actual freedom with distracting the Guild instead of a set-in-stone calling, he decides on his own that cold-blooded destruction was the only way to go...Until Xanders killed him, that is. And yes I will wholeheartedly believe that Xanders did it barehanded, he's just that kind of dude tbh. -Oh yeah, and who wants to bet that the crystal he has was ripped out of his chest? Either Xanders did it or Braccus did it for a power move, who knows?
9. Volcel (Luxa + Resonect, Resonic, Zappnic, Tephragon)
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Isn't it interesting to know that both Volcel and Tephragon have an innate skill in tracking other people and/or monsters? While Volcel mainly used his skills to find a safe place for the Abyssals to hide in (aka. Precursor Mountains), his dex entry notes he "excelled at scouting and locating other living beings"...Maybe Venefelis revived him first to track the other Abyssal skeletons and find the mountain? Just some food for thought here...But yeah, I suppose Metta wanted his not-Luxa Tyrant to do something important and meaningful instead of being materialistic and smiting humans only for fun.
10. Kroma (Kromatice, Phantra, Hohopi, Rapilux, Dredrone)
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And last but not least, the attack rabbit themselves! While I love the irony of a cute winged rabbit-fox thing having the power to control ghosts (and she was set loose in Immortal Citadel, you know, the one place already filled to the brim with ghosts...), I kinda believe that her appearance was purely meant to be a distraction to hide her true strength (apart from every other Abyssal I mean). While it doesn't clearly explain how Kroma controls spirits in the first place (and being strong enough to control Ulzar nonetheless), it might work like Dredrone or Phantra with a strange otherworldly energy or hypnotism. Sucks that she only got to roam free in a relatively short time, trying and failing to kill Hilda's apprentice Eliza, before Deena curb-stomped that pile of stuffing into oblivion (or not caring to do her mission with gusto since she knew their master won't show up, who knows)...But hey, at least we'll get to see them again in Nexomon 3...Hopefully.
Anywho, thanks for reading my growing brand of rants here, and here's to the future installment in the completely underrated Nexomon series!
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tulipsnflowers · 5 months
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You know guys, I think I see a bias towards a type with my custom tyrants...
(Shoutout to @eggle for helping me design Phantodra. Chaotic lizard child.)
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pikatjejen · 6 months
I did a thing!
I drew the Abyssals but. As. Humans. Yee!
So. I'll go dex order for simplicity.
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He still has no eyes... :p
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My horse gurl
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The sacrifice
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And group photo for hight comparison
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I just wanted to make Salem the shortest
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crystalelemental · 5 months
With the Abyssal portions defeated, time for the final thoughts on Nexomon Extinction.
The Abyssals are exactly what I wanted out of the Tyrants.
My biggest complaint story-wise for this game was that the Tyrants themselves really didn't matter much. There's a thousand-year war among the Tyrants going on, that pushed humanity so far that one Guild leader created a cult to revive Omnicron, and their successor created artificial dragons to hunt Tyrants, an artificial Tyrant to command them, and then another, bigger one when that plan failed. But despite how significant this war was...all of the Tyrants we meet are pretty inconsequential, and most are associated with a human who does most of the talking and planning to begin with. I understand that this game is the human errors side of thing after the last game's presentation of the threat of Nexomon, but it's still kinda rough to go through all these story segments with the Tyrants not producing anything substantial. You get to postgame where you can hunt them down, and they're all a pain in the ass to find, with nothing drawing me to them.
The Abyssals, though? This is what I wanted. A thousand years ago, the first Abyssal arrived. And their first act? Killing Hilda. Another is stated to have made an attempt on Eliza's life. These are a much more pressing, salient threat. Sure, Tyrants destroyed cities, but we've never seen them do anything. The Abyssals have personal connection.
Despite their power, the Abyssals are odd in that they never aimed to become Sovereign of Monsters, and they seem immune to Solus' influence as the current Queen. What's presented is a pretty interesting mystery that builds up more questions than it feels like it wants to answer. What's the deal with these weird engravings? Why are Abyssals so weird? Apparently each is born with a clear goal from its creator, but this creator is unknown to them, and their specific goals are incredibly simplistic, with no known overarching goal. They're super unusual.
By gameplay, the Precursor Island is really fun. It might be an odd comparison, but it reminds me of the bonus dungeon of Ib a bit. There's a central location, and your goal is running around everywhere to collect the things you need to progress, solving puzzles that sometime intertwine a bit. It's a really fun system, finding each of the Abyssals and solving their puzzles. The only annoying ones were the flying one (Inominox) and the electric one (Volcel). The rest was really fun. Even the weird maze puzzle was fairly clever, though the final solution was a little...obvious but still hard to figure out the hint.
I think what really sells me on the Abyssals...well, two things. The smaller one is design. The Abyssals are just really cool concepts. Venefelis shows up and is immediately incredible, being super imposing but kinda goofy, and stated outright that he shouldn't be strong enough to pull off the nonsense he has. Kroma is my absolute favorite, and she's set up as super imposing given her drive is killing Eliza, only for Venefelis to rant about how incompetent Kroma is for being the only one of them to fail in her mission. Then there's Screaming Fire Velociraptor, who is hilarious in concept. And Inominox, who is such a coward that it won't face anyone with more than one Nexomon, and that one Nexomon needs to be weak to Flying. Or the soup for Volcel. There's Caelesa, who ran across the world, and was attacked by the Guild for little reason other than paranoia, since she hurt no one in her efforts. There's Pluvian, whose entire goal was to show up, scream, and then get killed by the Guild for no clear reason. There's Rotrimus, who you try to order around, and initially agrees, but is intercepted by the force of their creator bending its will back to refusing your call. It's a really interesting and dynamic group, that apparently has no clear association. Many of them insist they worked alone. They had a creator, but they themselves don't even think of themselves as a unified group. Only Venefelis seems to confirm that they have association.
The other is that this group is delightfully aligned to the themes of the game. Nexomon Extinction has two general themes I can identify. The first is a bit more obvious and repeatedly stated: second chances. The children of Omnicron refer to their support as their redemption, the entire plot is Deena attempting to grant a second chance at saving the world, your resolution of the central conflict is trading the destruction of your direct enemy into granting them a second chance at life. There's an ongoing importance to the idea of getting a second shot at things...but a second shot isn't necessarily going to mean doing better. The former hero comments that your actions amount to the same thing she did, and despite the failures of the dragons, Amelie's second chance is doubling down on a decision that worked out poorly. This leads into the second theme, and the one I like a lot better: the limits of personal agency.
The former hero is a good lens for this one. Repeatedly throughout this game, their actions are referred to as if it was a huge mistake. They themselves talk about it as a mistake. Deena outright calls it stupid decision made by her moronic friends. Even Ulzar, who is more sympathetic to the situation, talks about it as if it were a mistake, if an understandable one. Absolutely everyone treats their actions as something that led to the present problem, and thus was the wrong decision.
But...we were there. Omnicron was going to completely destroy the world. You can argue that the destruction of his soul in the netherworld wasn't necessary, and that was the mistake. But it's well known that he'll come back time and again; it'd be pushing the problem out to the next generation. And Omnicron could follow through. When you fail to destroy him in the Netherworld, Omnicron devastates an area so badly that entire maps are wiped out of reality. This was done in hours. Omnicron tells you outright he could've annihilated the planet in a day, but he stopped solely to challenge his rival, the strongest human, as a matter of pride. This wasn't an idle threat. It was an active, immediate devastation looming on the horizon.
Faced with that, what choice did you really have? Yes, there was a technically a choice. But who could choose the alternative? When humanity is faced with its destruction through the war of the Tyrants, yes, you had a choice to make those dragons or not. But faced with the destruction of multiple cities and further looming threat, what choice did you have? When those failed, you had the choice to stop. But then the destruction of the Tyrants continue unabated. Who would choose to stop? Vados embodies this. He's a creation of Amelie, born to hunt Tyrants to protect humanity. The thing about Vados is that he has agency and beliefs of his own. When told to destroy Petram in spite of the Laterians interfering, he refuses to harm humans. But we know that will happen anyway. We're told repeatedly that the Tyrants will continue to rise, until Vados has destroyed so much that the world is inhospitable to humans as well. He has his own agency, his own desire to protect humanity and protect the world. But he'll betray that through his own actions, regardless of what he wants. He was made to hunt Tyrants, and so he shall, til the end of days. The only way to avert this is to refuse to fight every Tyrant, to refuse to wage this absolute crusade. And that's the only choice he cannot make. He doesn't get a choice.
The Abyssals continue this theme. Like Vados, the Abyssals are created for a singular purpose. They are born with a goal, and that is all they have. They have their own personalities, but few of them seem interested in the specifics of what's going on. Kroma doesn't seem particularly interested in killing Eliza, she just has to. Pluvian doesn't seem to function as a willing sacrifice, but she does it anyway because that's her goal. Regardless of what they want, they will carry out their goal.
Unlike Vados, though, they have no overarching philosophy. Nothing that specifically guides their actions beyond the immediate. Caelesa runs around the world, but she doesn't seem to understand why. So when their goal is accomplished, despite getting a second chance at life...none of them know what to do with it. So they just sit around, completely docile, until you strike them down again. What other choice did they have? They never knew what they were aiming to do in the first place.
Except for Venefelis. The first Abyssal. At first, he had no idea what his point was. He had a goal, carried it out, and got sealed within the woods forever. Not ideal, but mission accomplished. Then 300 years later, another entity like him appears, carrying out a similarly short-sighted goal. Then 200 years later, another. And another 100 years after that. They appear faster and faster, until we get two within ten years. And as the only one to really survive, even if just as a spirit...you recognize the pattern. After all, Venefelis understands Caelesa's goal better than she understands it herself. She thinks it was just running, but Venefelis identifies it as a scouting mission. You know there's a grander design here; a purpose. But you can't figure out what. Because no one will tell you. You creator, the one guiding your motions, won't speak to you.
What else can you do but try to divine their intent? With nothing else to go off of, you watch their actions, and notice only one thing stands out. Kroma failed, and following that, no other Abyssals were created. Maybe your creator quit. Maybe it's because of Kroma. You don't know that, but what else could it be? You don't understand your purpose, but you desperately want to understand it; to know why you're still here. What choice do you have but to force a second chance on her? To enforce your creator's will, regardless of what she'd want? What choice does she have but to obey?
The twisted thing is, there really is nothing else for them. Rotramus shows this definitively. When you attempt to issue a command, he thinks about it, and passively decides sure, I'll help. It's not the resounding success of an authority check commanding its allegiance. It's someone making a choice, as if it has nothing better to do and no reason to argue. But its creator's will forces it to refuse. Even with its goal accomplished, and no reason to refuse, they interfere, denying your freedom. Quite literally, you have no other choice.
Everything that happens in this arc is driven by Venefelis' desires. His agency, his desire to understand his creator, drives everything forward. No one else even understands why they're here. They didn't have much choice either way. He brought them back, gave them a second chance they had no use for. But what else could he have done? To see what he wanted done, all he could do was solve Kroma's failure by pushing her into another attempt. And it wouldn't have even worked. It was entirely for nothing. But what can you do but try? You technically have a choice. You finished your goal, you could just let it all rest. But faced with the dread of an eternity devoid of purpose, who would choose any different?
Despite how many open-ended threads there are, and how many mysteries we're left with, this does feel like a self-contained story. We don't know what the point is. We don't know what it means. But neither did they. And the result of that ignorance, that impossibility, is they existed unable to live for themselves, and no second chance could get them to defy that fate. Which really resonates with me. I loved this side story a lot, and these open questions have really gotten me interested in the sequel game. I've heard they officially announced its existence but not a release date or any details. I can be patient. But I'm really invested in this one. They really hit a sweet spot here.
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nayvwriter · 3 months
Quick Nexomon Abyssals post. Spoilers ahead!
So I don't really think too much about Abyssals in general, and I don't know who their master is (well, I have a pet vague theory, but that's not relevant to this post).
But it makes sense that she'd be going after the psychics, doesn't it? Because this is a war of knowledge.
The Guild knows very little about her, and they spend the time trying to find out more. Meanwhile, she is also trying to find out more - I don't remember which, but one of the Tyrants, Hilda said we needed to stop our experiment... because the Abyssals' Master was watching for the results too.
It's a war of information, and the psychics might be the ones who can find out that information. The Master of the Abyssals took a gamble, letting a little information leak in return for a chance at killing Eliza. And that gamble failed, but because she never told the Abyssals anything, it didn't lose her as much as it could have.
There is of course a flaw in this theory, except it seems to be a flaw in her entire plan, which is the fact that if I remember correctly, the psychics don't seem to lose their powers when ghosts? Though actually given that Eliza had to be the one to banish Ziegler, Hilda is probably at least weakened.
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zscyber · 2 months
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
This section from chapter 9 of 'The Deathly Abyssal Decree' almost immediately jumped to mind (spoilers for Nexomon Extinction Abyssals DLC and TDAD):
Given that they hadn’t seen the tall form of Venefelis from a distance, Regina should have expected the small figure they found waiting past the ruined ships. Salem had her back to them, long ponytail and actual tail swinging as she bounced on the heels of her feet. “Is that-?” Nolan started to ask, only to be cut off when the human-like creature spun around.
   “Ri and Ross!” ‘Salem’ cheered. By Ulzar, Regina knew that the girl was a lie, but she seemed so real. “You found Salem again! Did you miss Salem? You didn’t forget about her again, did you?”
   Hilda glided forward to stand beside the Tyrant Queen. “Hello again, Venefelis. I trust you remember me?”
   Salem’s childish giggles ended. She reached up, lifting her Masquiti mask just enough for Regina to make out a sharp-fanged smile. A flash of red light erupted from the Nexomon’s body, the shape of a child replaced with the towering one of the Abyssal’s true form. “The Witch of the Citadel, Hilda,” he said. “After all this time, how much power do you have left, I wonder?” Venefelis’s red gaze shifted to Regina. “Kind, Queen Ri. It would be so much easier if you looked away from my Master’s plans. I already told you that your surrounding friends and allies were safe.”
Salem and Venefelis are really physically different, so emphasizing that was fun, as well as Salem being the creepy demon-ghost-kid thing she is.
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somepunaboutspace · 2 years
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Khan overhaul and redesign!
Played the firstborn nexomon game again after 4 years and still definitely adore this game 
Except for...that section 
Yeah, going through the khan village part of the game could be described as dreadful
It’s so... needlessly racist (I sure do love interacting with confused Native American caricature,ain’t that a blast), almost embarrassingly uncomfortable and if that’s not enough, it’s such a mindfuckingly bizarre, dare I say, grossly cheap narrative and designing choice that I can’t understand why they opted to do that instead of literally ANYTHING else
There is a whole rant about how this portion of the game vexes me endlessly but I’ll save that for perhaps another time. 
The village itself I will be referring to as the hidden sanctuary. Catching wind of the reality that Omnicron’s last words to Ulzar was that his spawn had an internalized kill switch that would be activated with their king’s rebirth, a large group of people decided to essentially create a safe heaven from essentially the monster Armageddon. In fear of a possible child of the tyrant surviving, the opted to gradually erase their existence  from the eyes of the grant populace. Through the years, members of the sanctuary freely go in and out of their base (a thing the game itself explicitly portrays) to pursue more knowledge and interests to bring back. They aren’t recognizable,in fact none of them have ever been uncovered, a handful even being big names in certain communities (I like to think the healer lady was a well-known doctor that eventually retired and now lives peacefully in the sanctuary with her partner whom she met in med school)  
Essentially they aren’t cut off from the rest of the would, the rest of the world is cut off from THEM 
Khan himself was born in the village and soon discovered his powers in foresight and communication with those beyond. He is, as Hilda herself described their kind in the abyssals dlc, one of the arcane (gonna make a post of them at some point) and is especially adept at making plant life grow and develop. He is a sage foremost and then an official overseer, both of the sanctuary and the world(?) at large, assigned by Remus when he was the nexolord, though the majority either doesn’t know about him or believe half truths about how he just resides somewhere in the jungle
He has a collection of tattoos framing his upper half portraying the elements (because i thought it looked cool, hush) and his fit consists mostly of earthy colors. He spends most of his time by Ventra’s tree in the heart of the sanctuary but he does tent to venture out once in a while to buy soda and cigarettes by the tourist convenience store in the jungle wearing a pair of crocs,shorts and one of the thousand palmayan shirts that Hilda insists if gifting him because she thinks she’s been funny. Speaking of Hilda, she regularly paints his nails black purely because official art has portrayed him with black nails (ventra boss fight) and you have no evidence to prove me otherwise-
Anyway, obvious disclaimer that the word vomit above is by no means perfect (and feel free to correct me) but anything else functional other than what is currently in place is a step from literal rock bottom
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player-1 · 5 months
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Uh oh…
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player-1 · 4 months
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Oh…That’s a wonderful piece of lore but now that’s going to be a doozy to fit into the main story (mostly figuring out how long each Abyssal were alive before they were killed by the Guild or Lateria). Also ignore the different avatar, I did encounter this convo before in my playthrough but didn't get the chance to get screenshots :')
And HC Abyssal timeline below
Venefelis (1,000-0): The real polecat (HC that she has phantom paws cause she has Pummel in her skill list :) and Operation Kill the Witch. Of course, after being forced to stay in the timeout corner for 1,000 years, she became really existential about her own existence, her creator's absence and trying to figure out why the Abyssals were made except being overpowered cannon-fodder.
Rotramus (700 [-300 yrs.]): Considering that the Guild would be at its infancy and still aware of Venefelis' impact, it makes some sense if they started hunting down Rotramus to prevent a repeat incident. Also consider he's a twisted mirror to Nara's personality (anti-human but will possibly answer any question to anyone that finds him) and might've been a rip-the-bandage creation due to Nara's infamy with her family's downfall.
Pluvean (500 [-200 yrs.]): Yet another pacifist Abyssal that was found by Palmaya and just waited for the Guild to kill him (but I like to believe he discovered Cadium at some point and was disgusted by the humans "corrupting the waters"). Even if he's the contrast to Arqua's short temper and drive for human adoration, Pluvean is also a bit snippy about stating the obvious and being revived past his expected lifespan.
Inominox (400 [-100 yrs.]): And just when the Guild develop a false sense of security with dealing with the Abyssals, Inominox comes in with the big guns and starting picking off any weak tamers he could find (possibly making the Frozen Tundra his main hunting ground). But with Ventra's pride and cockiness spelled his downfall when the Guild intervened during one of his attacks. But whether the victim was too traumatized to recall his trigger or the information was lost to time, the Guild was back to square one when the Abyssal was revived.
Helevolk (350 [-50 yrs.]): Of course, there's not a lot to say about Helevolk besides being a more unstable version of Fona despite having a surprising amount of mental/emotional strength (mainly with him breaking through the N1 Nightmare mind-wiping to an extent), but it's a bit of a mystery on how he got his name despite being just as mindless and violent as a normal Nexomon [Hele: "to hide" + volk: "army" or "person/people"]. And I assume Lateria killed the beast by redirecting his tunnels or cornering him in the tunnels.
Caelesa (310 [-40 yrs.]): But to make matters worse for the Guild, they have to deal with another pacifist, human-avoidant Abyssal that will surely make them doubt their anti-Tyrant campaign. Of course, there's no real explanation how she was taken out or how long she evaded the Guild (and/or Lateria), but she clearly had enough time to believe that humans were dumb and violent brutes that have nothing better to do in their lives besides hunt what threatens them (though mostly directed at Finn the second he explains the Guild’s history with her). And fun fact, despite Caelesa being Normal-type (like Metta), she has a interesting set of elemental moves under her belt (also like Metta) so do with that info as you will :) [Base moves: Rocknite Blast, Thunder Blast, Plasma Star, Psy Field]
Volcel (280 [-30 yrs.]): Then after that wild-goose chase comes the giant electric moth(?), also being human-avoidant but will also mock everything and everyone below him for being simple earth-dwellers (really embodying Luxa’s superiority complex, huh?). While there isn’t any concrete evidence on how he was caught (since the Guild jumped to making a standard Tyrant bait), I’ll assume it was Lateria and their extremely heavy ordinance.
Braccus (260 [-20 yrs.]): Here comes the boy~! :D And unlike the older Abyssals (and being the second-youngest), he’s the only one that specifically mentions hearing his creator’s voice and learning his mission to attract the world’s attention by any means necessary; which he easily turns to destruction and carnage (becoming the Grunda he was meant to be) until Xanders “Bare Hands” Nexomon killed the beast and earned his Gold Tamer promotion. Also his dex entry mentions him destroying multiple cities before reaching Lateria and/or Grunda’s Chasm, so I’m betting he started his rampage at Royalle City since a “unnamed Tyrant” was the reason for its downfall.
Kroma (250 [-10 yrs.]): And finally, Operation Kill the Witch: Electric Boogaloo. And what better way to complete her life's mission is to plop her right into the Immortal Citadel while having the handy-dandy ability to mind-control ghosts. Whether she can control both human and Nexomon ghosts is up to debate, but I'm all for her being a tiny menace using the IC residents, the Greater Drake Krainnull, and Ulzar himself when the going got tough with Deena the one-woman army.
Either way, I mainly followed the Abyssals locations on Precursor Mountain from furthest left to right (apart from Venefelis being past Kroma's position), though it's extra funny that both Braccus and Kroma's places are almost melded together (with the haunted woods being halfway through the Braccus’ maze) so that's kind of where the idea came from. Either way, how in the world was I supposed to expect that these two were the YOUNGEST!?!?
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And I love that this were the first thing I thought of (if anyone’s willing to make an artist’s representation of the disaster siblings, I’m all for it :)
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
AS our resident ghost type enthusiast, I ask you:
*holds out microphone
Ghost types. Tell us more. Your thoughts?
Well I'm very glad you asked
(takes the mic out of your hands)
.... Fricking. Ghost types.
Okay so let's start from the beginning, I fricking hate Ulzar but I have to at least half take it into consideration
Bastard said that each of the 7 had their own offspring being Nexomon and that's how they came to be.
How true this is is up to debate, but, still. CoO made nexomon that carry their element, checks out.
No 2 is actually Jin/Atlanta/Lydia. I forgot who says it but I know it's said Jin sealed Fen off so that no more tyrants can be born. And that when Lydia knows you have an egg she immediately tells you to go bother Nadine.
Therefore, I'm going to assume that one must need element powers to hatch tyrants, more specifically laylines. And this makes sense! (Not your post Byeol go to the corner.) I mean, the Plant type tyrant is literally Tikala, who was a warden, because Deena probably wouldn't have. And there's no Psychic because I mean, Solus was a child, nobody came up to them like "hey kid you wanna bless this egg with psychic powers"
... So then. Ghost. Fane.
Where did they come from, genuinely. It can't be Ziegler, he's a normal type. Even if he wasn't it'd still have weird implications.
We have this whole lore and world building about this being the case, and then ghost shows up.
It's the only type without a primordial! How did you exist if you had nothing to come from???
It even has shards and traps! Normal doesn't have shards and traps!!!
So where did you come from??
It has to be something, somehow. I just- it's do weird, AND it's gone in n3!!! It just stayed around a bit and then left, what the heck!!!!!
This is why I have Aster (I promise I'm working on this) and Sasha(This kangaroo won't leave me be istg-) among others. I need reason as to why Ghost is a thing.
I obviously don't think Aster is a thing that canonically happened, so, here's some:
1. Ghost came from Hilda screwing on about, and her curse effecting Nexomon, I'm only willing to accept this if there's 0 ghosts in n3
2. Ghost came from Amelie trying to stop Tyrants. Because imagine pre Solus for a second. Normal was an unstoppable force as far as elements went. No counters, no nothing. So maybe she just fucked about (her or Malk, because James' steppdad would probably have his blood or something from being a scientist and making sure that glass ball has his rabbies shots) making Ghost on accident. If anyone's doing this I expect a Ghost type primordial design on my desk by 5. Because they existed for at least a moment
3. Deena's scrapped plotline of having a different kid first. This fucks up her characterization just a little bit (a lot) though so thread carefully I guess.
4. The abyssal person did it because we still don't know what they are. Seer? Probably. But maybe they're related to Omnicron or something who fricking knows, not me. Also no I don't think it's James sorry other theory person. So maybe it's Kroma? Like the first real Ghost type, I mean I even have a human design, she'd just need some gold...
5. It's Normal decaying at different speeds. Ghost is sometimes described by Decay after all. This one I might have to take in n3, considering I don't think it'd ever get resolved
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crystalelemental · 5 months
Personally, I think Ziegler might be the funniest character in Nexomon.
Dude is just trying to do his job, man.
Nexomon 1, your protagonist breaks into hell to destroy Omnicron's soul, and fucks it up so badly that you accidentally release eight souls from his charge. Dude is understandably pissed, and considering you apparently got your ass beat and possibly died, he's unwilling to let you go, as the wardens need a charge.
But you beat him up and escape, so he has minions go around the overworld map seeking you out and trying to stop you. But you can beat all of them, and then he's kinda just. Stuck. With no one who can stop you for being like this. Great. Spectacular.
Enter Nexomon 2, where honestly his inclusion is divine. Bolzen was my least favorite of the Tyrants, and Cadium my least favorite area, so I was ready to hate that section, but I love how it all tied together. Ziegler shows up because you're ripping souls out of hell again, this time to raise your Tyrant army in opposition to Vados. A conflict he has no interest in. He warns you against meddling in his affairs, and if you agree to release the Tyrants, he's pleased that you're reasonable about this and even gives you a Golden Nexotrap! And the Hilda and Eliza show up and arcane blast him back to hell as he screams about your betrayal.
Then the Abyssals. You were just trying to free Salem from a prison situation, something that shouldn't be anywhere near Ziegler's domain. But Venefelis redirects that power to revive not just eight other Abyssal Tyrants, but hundreds of extinct Nexomon. And Ziegler's just reeling like...what? Why? What the hell is the point of this? You didn't do it on purpose, but he doesn't know that. All he knows is your power caused this. And Venefelis, hilariously, insists that it is just you messing with him, so he's completely done and decides to stop you by force as needed. And you beat him up and he has to leave anyway. So he tracks you down around the overworld again, but he counts as a Nexomon so you can just trap him and now he has to be your friend for a while.
Dude just wants his job to go smoothly, and is being so rational about this. And you will not let him just have a normal day.
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pikatjejen · 6 months
Nexomon Extinction AU concept:
King Eurus
First thing first. For the concept to work Eurus is just nocturnal and people from Parum interpreted him sleeping through the day as lazy.
The dragon project was a total failure on the surface, the dragons were violent and only caused more harm. However it seems that the tyrant Eurus who was used for the experiment learned how to properly recruit other tyrants from the experiments. Since the outbreak of the dragons, Eurus has managed to get all the known living tyrants under his wings as well as calmed down the dragons.
Eurus eventually ascended and officially became "King of Monsters" making so that no new tyrants are made. After this the guild started focusing on rebuilding, Parums walls were torn down, people started to make back to Royalle city and rebuild, Ignitia is no longer threatened of being covered with lava, the Frozen Tundra is still a mess... Just less of a mess then before...
Lateria is still keeping their guard upp but are also experiencing difficulty with it due to having much less resources (now that the guild doesn't hire them for hunting down tyrants).
Fifteen years have passed since the dragons first introduced themselves. Humanity has never felt safer. Eurus is very competitive. But of course, peace can never last. Suddenly and what seems to be out of nowhere dead tyrants are being revived. Tyrants that question Eurus rule. Someone has started the war again. Someone that the now alive primordial tyrants favor.
Extra stuff idk:
Zeigler will either team up with Eurus or falsely accuse him of reviving the previously dead tyrants and become his enemy.
I imagine that Deena and Nadine don't actually mind Eurus being king. Deena because it's Deena. Nadine, she's seen what Eurus is capable and knows that he's capable as a king. But you know, having your niece be the king would be nicer...
Maybe the main character is so convinced that he/she is doing the right thing that they don't see the problems they cause. Also here, the main character reviving the Abyssals and a whole lot of extinct nexomon wasn't a mistake. They knew what they were doing...
Solus: the tyrant of light, blinding light
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"I am doing the right thing.
Because I'm the good guy...right?
"I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am good I am... I... am..."
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tulipsnflowers · 6 months
Okay, guys, you want me to go on about the most pointless things?
Let's go on about Byeol (and a bit about Fane, I suppose), because I am going insane
Alright everyone, for those unaware, this is Byeol:
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This is a tyrant in Nexomon: Extinction, his name is Byeol. The problem about this, however.
He isn't a story tyrant, and this... Makes me very interested in him.
Amelie calls Tyrants super powerful Nexomon, but here's the thing. According to Coco, Jin blocked off the entrance to Fenrir's tomb so that no more Tyrants may be hatched
Lydia also says to go bother Nadine because of the egg, and keep in mind, the grass Tyrant is Tikala. A warden. Probably because Deena didn't necessarily want to add fuel to the fire
So then we are already established that Tyrants are probably always hatched.
... So then what of Fane and especially Byeol?
(And there's no Psychic Tyrants because... Solus would be too lil to bonk an egg, and nobody would ask a random kid to do so.)
Well, let's go with the easier one, in which I ask yet again, what's up with the Ghost type? I've wanted to throw hands about it for a long time.
(Ulzar says that the reason Nexomon are, well, a thing is because of the Children of Omnicron. So it makes sense, right? 7 children, 7 elements)
Psychic is a bit trickier because of the fact Mystogen exists. And if we're going of the fact Solus made the psychic type...
Putting a pin in that, rant for another day.
So... What of Ghost?
Well. That's not the point of the post and that's my motivation for writing Doubts.
But! Moving on, Fane. Well, with the assumption they come from eggs, well frick. There's no ghost primordial.
... Which is why I can't speak much of it. We can surely just blame Hilda
... Do you know who we have more of?
Well. Let's see then.
Byeol is a normal type in Palmaya, first and foremost.... We are back to James everyone, anyone who's talked to me isn't surprised
Hi new people, James is how we call the Nexolord on this side of the fandom, moving on.
Assuming that James isn't dead and we take into account this from Nadine:
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Well, who am I to argue with Nadine? (Granted, she could mean Grunda or Deena , but.)
.. So, in today's rant. Byeol and Metta, woooo.
First of all, he is in Palmaya(and later around the Orphanage as of the Abyssals but we can put a pin in that because, Abyssals) , which, is definitely not the frozen tundra
But, Merida is in the frozen Tundra, and Atlanta's Tyrant is frosty enough to argue Merida bonked the egg there.
.. So then, Palmaya's free, ey?
Well. That's interesting, further on, I am going to need to grab Metta for a moment
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Hello bowling ball, I still think you should be an Armodillo.
Moving on, see this man? Until his siblings he is, unfortunately, not an animal
My only logic conclusion, looking at this man(if we don't take my other James theory into account), is that he's supposed to be a kind of biblically accurate angel, just, ribbons not wings (Thanks for the association Azzie, your hands are red too)
... HMMMM who ELSE has wings and is a normal type...
Additionally, I must point out, Metta has 7 ribbons. If we count the bottom pointy Byeol has he has 8.
... Well, it just happens an additional type is added this time, to bump it from 7 to 8(we already went over why I think Ghost might not count)
.. So then.
And. Well, let's look at it this way. Nivalis and Arqua, they don't look the same. Fona and Mulcimer, er. The closest we have is Ventra and Eurus.
... And, well, Solus and Nara, but surely not
... Byeol could've been a kangaroo or something, but instead-
They're both inanimate object things I can't make sense of. I know Ross said that he was just inspired to make a star thing, but-
... Hm.
What am I trying to say? Nothing really. At the end of the day these are coincidences, likely
Like, n3 protag and James both have a blue hair strand, but that doesn't mean they're like, immediately necessary related kind of thing
... Just makes you think.
(Also, this stated when I made a joking like toddler Byeol human version, and I saw the white hair and went like "...wait")
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tulipsnflowers · 1 month
Okay so I am aware I am opening something here (likely a can of rambles) but whenever you have time...
Tell me about the ghost type. Not necessarily how it was created (I feel like I've already heard your theories on that), but what it's like. Your recent post intrigues me and I want to hear more.
(Excited noises) I am so so so glad you asked, friend! Since writing is going slow and all (clears throat)
So, for basics, since there's no ghost primordial to get the title of, we're going with the next closest thing - Abyssals. Where Kroma comes in
Kroma is the Abyssal Tyrant of Dread. Jot that down somewhere, additionally she can manipulate ghosts
Our next hint is Krainull(♡ Fane and him are dating thank you), who has the tribute of Decay as his tribute
Now from those two alone we get sick(dread, it makes you feel ill) and Decay(which makes you, well, decay).
Now for the interesting part, Ghost is the type with the most unique effects. Only Fire moves can burn, only Plant types can root, etc. (Psychic also has one! Inception I think? If enemy is asleep drain their hp) but ghost has a whole 4!
We got Leech, Curse, Hex and Sick. Again we got a whole theme going here
Leech is obviously HP draining and recovery, Hex is just hp draining, Curse makes it so that all moves are in effective against you, and Sick makes healing moves not work.
The general theme her continue to be weakness. Dread makes you feel sick, Leech literally drains your lifeforce to someone else, Hex slowly kills you, Curse makes you so much weaker you do in effective and Sick makes you unable to heal
A lot of the moves that aren't this are Shadow based. My imagery more so then my names, but Dark Flame, Arcane Curse, Eternal Darkness, all those look and sound like you're pulling shadows and making them strike.
Shadows are (in DnD) also associated with draining and with necromancy, so that lines up almost entirely
That is Ghost's whole schtick. Making YOU weaker. Not them stronger Necessary (see Leech) but making you feel unwell. Sick. Throw dread into the air.
So... As one will see at some point with Aster, if the primordials have auras people or Nexomon feel, Ghost's is Dread. Aftereffects decay.
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nayvwriter · 2 months
I forgot if I sent smth or not so: .... Ross, specifically?
Ross! I love him.
(major nexomon extinction spoilers)
So. Ross. Someone who worked on this game hates him. He is consistently the butt of jokes, gets the Idiot Ball constantly, and don't even get me started on Abyssals. I knew they meant Ross when they said 'bravery and/or stupidity' but really? And did they have to do it like that?
He thinks with his heart instead of his head. He's been told about how great the Guild is, and now he and his friends are tamers! This is gonna be awesome!
...It's not awesome. They're fighting the Guild. Ross would like to not be here. But Vados sounds really dangerous, and like Nora said it's probably just Amelie that's the problem, right? Amelie's the bad guy. He and the others can beat Amelie and then they'll be heroes!
(He still doesn't quite get why Vados killing Tyrants is a bad thing, but Nora and Coco and the protagonist seem to understand, so he'll just go with it.)
Then they get thrown in prison. Ross is reconsidering his life choices. Then they truly see Vados's power and... nope. Nope, he's out of here. He's terrified, even if he tries not to show it.
He's met again during Petram's revival, but I don't remember much about what happens there.
And then… the tower. His friend, lying on the ground. And Amelie telling Ross said friend is a Tyrant.
His friend's a Tyrant. Tyrants are evil. His friend's not evil. This doesn't make sense. All those thoughts swirling in Ross's head.
Amelie telling Ross to step aside, so she can kill his friend.
Ross doesn't really know what's going on, but he knows what the right thing to do here is. He wasn't sure until it came down to it, but when he has to make a decision, he makes one. Ross tries to punch Amelie in the face.
I read Ross as someone who has trouble figuring out his own feelings on something until he actually has to make a decision about it, with consequences. Like this. And when he does make a decision, he does something about it.
He didn't use his Nexomon – possibly because his gut reaction went punch, but possibly because he knows he doesn't stand a chance against Amelie with Nexomon. She's (probably) a Grandmaster, after all.
(The game's really inconsistent on whether Amelie's a Grandmaster or not. I can get at least one example for yes and for no. I go with yes, especially given the strength of the team she fights you with.)
He must be really scared, going against a Grandmaster to protect a Tyrant. But bravery isn't the absence of fear. It's facing that fear. And in that aspect, Ross is probably the bravest character in Nexomon.
That is why I like him. It all comes down to that moment – the leadup to it made it matter more, but his bravery atop the tower is why I like him so much.
Thank you for the ask!
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nayvwriter · 2 months
A... Hopepunk? Like more hopeful or-
How to explain hopepunk...
Well, it's definitely more hopeful. The idea behind hopepunk - or at least what I took from it - is something like this. Hope is not a soft thing, it is not easy - it is hard, but we do it anyway. We choose to hope. We choose to believe it will be alright. If it will not be alright, we will make it so. You have to hope - if you don't have hope, you have nothing. Choose hope.
So yeah. More hopeful.
(Nexomon Abyssals spoilers and also vague spoilers for my Hope-verse)
Way I see canon Abyssals, it went something like 'you've been dumped into a fight, you don't know who your enemy is, She knows who you are, and also you have to go and kill these Tyrants most of whom would mean you no harm if you left them alone because of Her'. It's almost got some horror themes.
I, personally, like happy endings. But obviously, not knowing much about the Master of the Abyssals means I can't actually have the team beat Her. But I can make progress, try and help the Abyssals, and look towards the future with hope. They try and make out that Solus is the only immortal around, but they're really not, and I only added more in Hope-verse. They can do this.
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