#next steps are going to be a big editing/notes review with my writing partner
kjscottwrites · 2 years
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Taglist: @ultimatecryptid @kainablue @asher-writes @saraheadriance @milesgraybooks @thelaughingstag @artbyeloquent @ellierenae @calicojackofficial @wildswrites @galaxy-writer @raisapathy @astridmayewrites @antique-symbolism-main @crazybunchwriting @writer-artemis @kittensartswriting @jacquesfindswritingandadvice @happyorogeny @simdoodleswrites @two-girls-who-read @magefaery @elijahrichardwrites @nervestatic @spiderfall @pinespittinink​ @rainbowsnowflake​ @scripturientworld​ @ancient-writeblr​ !! <333
will be taking suggestions on how to celebrate if you've got eemmmm
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ofcamerasflashing · 4 years
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Today we are going to talk about RPTHREADTRACKER and how it works. So I was deciding to use this for my threads and while the whole thing is overwhelming to new people we are going to break this down into baby steps. This covers the basics up for you all to be able to use this wonderful tool to help roleplayers.  This can be used from MULTIMUSES to SINGLE MUSES.  Not sure how it works with GROUP RPS though given that multiple people reply to the same thread but this is perfect for indie rper’s who don’t have as many hits to a thread at a time.  Once again if you have questions, concerns, requests about anything? Send an ask to ofcamerasflashing.  Leave a review on things, tell me what you like and don’t like on this or anything else.  If you find this HELPFUL or you USE IT or even SUGGEST it to others then please LIKE / REBLOG.  This encourages me to find new things to help you with.
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So I’m gonna skip the signing up process as that holds personal information and yeah I’m not wanting to BLUR more things just to write up a sign up BUT I will do this for you guys if it is needed just send an ask.
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So you are going to want to click this when you go in because we are going to talk about this part area.  When you click the PEOPLE / PERSON button go down to TRACKER TOOLS.  This is where you are going to land.
Include Archived Threads:  This should come out as simple.  Maybe you want to see ALL of your threads and everything to see how much you have really written in the past year or something. I’m not sure but this is the same thing as threads that are no longer active.  Tick this box if you want to see those threads!
Include Characters on Hiatus:  Any character that you are aren’t active on. Tick this box if you want to see the thread count / threads etc for your not active muses of the moment.
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Next up you are going to want to get the extension for your laptop.  This is just a BIG rec because in all honesty it is just that much easier to add threads to your account.  I’m doing this tutorial in chrome so things might look a tad different in firefox.
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Go to the circle and the plus sign! You will get a drop down menu with TWO OPTIONS.  Right now we are going to focus on ADD CHARACTER.
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Fill out the information like you would anything else.  Add the character name and your blog url. Hit submit character when you are done.
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Your character, the URL, if it is active or not, and how many threads there are will all be right there for you to go ahead and see.  This can tell you about your popular muses and more.
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The red highlighted area will be able to put your character onto hiatus!
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The other button is to go edit the character from their name to the blog url.  
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So now to add threads with the EXTENSION (which is my preferred option ) you are going to go the post for YOUR reply.  This is really important that you don’t go to your partner’s reply and add it in from there because it won’t work the same.  
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Now that you are on YOUR REPLY you can easily use the extension.  Click the RP button on your extension bar.
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A new window pops up. This is where you will fill in all the information.  Add the character the thread is for, the title, a description to help you remember what is going on and more.
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So I went ahead and filled it in like I would anything else! Adding in the verse it is in,  any notes you have and more would be really helpful. Scroll down and add the thread in!
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Alright so now go back to your RPTHREADTRACKER DASHBOARD.  You are going to find all the information that you need from whose turn it is to how many threads you have going and more.
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So when you go to all threads you see everything.  We aren’t going to go through the YOUR TURN AND THEIR TURN. ARCHIVED. QUEUED AREA because it all looks the same.
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Clicking the little lock button will ARCHIVE your thread!  It will put it away from your all thread selection (Unless you have the show your archived threads part on.)
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This is to edit your thread information like the description and more.  Next to it would be the trash can to delete the thread forever.
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So clicking this upside down I button will show you the description 
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Hindsight: My thoughts on Loki (2021)
Welcome back folks. Read the innocence dying inside me as I accept that this show eats my expectations for lunch and leaves me like it's going to buy milk.
As a side note from what I said in my first review, here’s an interesting article. Apparently I was clowning because the Gobi desert scene was filmed (probably? idk) with the tech from the Mandalorian. I think the studios were the same. Oh well. https://www.atlasofwonders.com/2021/06/loki-filming-locations.html
Pre-title scene
The new perspective of Asgard is incredible.
Oh baby Sylvie, what did they do to you. Also, RAVONNA??
The TVA through a child’s eyes is heartbreaking. The mixed use of shots that were familiar (the feet walking into the TVA) and new (the TVA logo on the floor) convey how though routine, this is an alien experience for Sylvie.
She too wants to help the man being dragged in. Maybe Sylvie was a better person than Loki, the TVA taking her away was what changed it.
We don’t see Casey, but iIt’s the same ‘sign here’ guy. The changing perspective and music really alters the mood created, contrasting the whimsical procedure we followed in episode one.
She hadn’t even said much in her life. They knew how to influence the audience’s emotions, that's for sure. Props to the actress, I felt genuine concern for her before I remembered that she’s acting.
Ravonna probably underestimated Sylvie as a Loki, a mistake that cost her greatly.
The golden doors.
Ravonna looks tense and a bit fearful.
Scattered throughout the episode are eyes watching. George Orwell’s 1984, anyone?
Big Brother is watching.
Mobius! He’s a good friend to Ravonna, but there’s a power imbalance.
Ravonna is shaken. Her past failure is haunting her.
Someone edit the “What? How?” into “Wow.” It’ll be a service.
Lamentis - 1
Loki’s apology and Sylvie reflecting on her childhood are the conclusion to the previous episode. Faced with death, Loki realises that her goals were hindered by his actions. His apology is the first time he acknowledges he had something to do with it. Sylvie’s offering her emotional vulnerability in the form of memories. Her mind and experiences are her most prized possession because they’re all she has of the person who she was as Loki, her childhood and what she was supposed to be. Her glorious purpose, what really makes a Loki a ‘Loki’ was her life.
C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T.
Ravonna pointed out that Loki will always be a “lying scourge” but they went against this. In any timeline, this could cause a nexus event. They found a middle ground.
“That should be setting off alarms if someone steps on the wrong leaf.” I had a whole idea about entropy and the timeline being an isolated system but I struggled to define an isolated system, and thus I couldn’t use the whole irreversible process causing entropy to grow causing a br- if you have a clue of what I’m going on about, or want to know more, I’ll explain my thoughts. I can understand why this isn’t scientifically accurate and I’m no physicist.
The unbranched timeline means all the things that were speculated - Wanda’s kids, what happened on Saakar, all of it - is gone.
“Any news on C - 20?”I called it! B-15 is having doubts! Her subtle unease building up throughout the ep is perfect!
Most settlements have a street design that can be from space. Sharru doesn’t.
“No. We may lose... ...you’re amazing!” Damn it literally took the end of a world for Loki to change as a person.
“Their smiles. If that isn’t people accepting their deaths I don’t know what is. Man, I just want both of them to be happy.
Please don’t let that be the love theme, it’s so pretty.
The music fading into the TVA theme as they get separated is so sad.
Time Theater 25
Back to square one in terms of trust with these two, but now they have history and hurt feelings too!
Oh Mobius.
Cycles are a part of who Loki is within Norse mythology (from what I know, correct me if I’m wrong). This scene is conflict.
Loki needs both Mobius and Sylvie to incite change. One can empathise whilst the other believes in him.
Mobius believes in Loki like no one else in the TVA. He treats him like an individual, they developed a bond in episode 2, so his disappointment and anger were genuine. This is reflected in their dialogue.
Even when Loki was going through all the Feels in ep 1, he didn’t shout at Mobius. It makes it more heartbreaking when Mobius laughs and dismisses him after the “TVA is lying to you” thing. His laugh was so bitter, it’s like his belief that Loki would be the variant to prove that variants were individuals had been shattered. What Mobius doesn’t realise is that Loki was genuinely trying to warn him. The trust between them was fragile but Mobius needed to come to his own conclusions before he could see that Loki had broken out of the mold the Time Keepers set for him.
“Just kind of an asshole and a bad friend.” Y’all, Mobius doesn’t rise to Loki’s baits. He’s so hurt.
I can’t be the only one that thought Loki was going to be brainwashed when they saw the red door. Turns out it’s just a time cell.
I love Mobius but he makes me feel so conflicted. Oh shit, he’s my problematic fave.
Watching Loki get his ass handed to him by Lady Sif shouldn’t be this funny.
This particular memory reflects what Mobius will talk about later, Loki being abandon by the people around him.
Putting Loki through a memory that was physically and emotionally painful was nasty. If you hear something horrible, over and over especially from a friend it would take a toll on your self-perception. Mobius was hurt by Loki leaving him, he’s getting revenge whilst doing his job and getting into Loki’s head.
Ravonna’s office
Ravonna has hang ups from failing with Sylvie. Who she is and what she knows is going to be interesting.
Heck I just realised are Mobius’ lapels not real? They look fake.
I wonder whether the “mastermind” thing was foreshadowing the next ep.
Am I the only one who thinks this isn’t the first Loki Mobius has dealt with? Could that mean there’s a reunion next ep?!
“Variant pet.” There’s a culture of dehumanising variants within the TVA.
The cuts showing both B-15 and Mobius’ faces reminds me of ep 1, but now there’s a new angle to things. B-15 certainly sees things differently.
Time Theatre 25
Lady Sif would kill with short hair. Or long hair. It’s Lady Sif, she’s a badass.
Loki’s exhale reminds me of how he tenses before a fight.
Notable things about this scene:
Heavy use of metaphors to trade jabs.
The lights are shifting in a consistent pattern, scanning the room almost.
Shots are constantly moving and cutting.
Loki’s speech pattern changes when he’s lying. Nice touch there.
When they start arguing in earnest, the shots are close ups of their faces, not circling around each other.
Loki was at first willing to talk to Mobius if he was treated with respect, the way they engaged in episode 2. He also wants to trust that Mobius won’t kill him. Mobius dismisses him (rightly so, his trust is gone) and Loki’s pride about ‘not working for anyone’ gets in the way rather than listening to each other. Loki’s behaviour is cyclic and his lying about Sylvie affirms Mobius’s understanding that Loki won’t (or maybe can’t) change. I wouldn’t be too surprised if Mobius is a Loki, the man’s uncannily good at reading him. He deduces that Loki and Sylvie have a bond and unsettles Loki to get answers out of him, because he knows that’s the only way he can force Loki to reveal his cards. He definitely wasn’t expecting Loki’s earlier admission to be the truth. What Mobius did was not right, but it sure was effective.
“No. Not partners.” I believe this. They had an understanding, but their goals differ. Maybe just give Sylvie her own show.
“Guess you don’t do partners.” MOBIUS WHY ARE YOU SO BUTT-HURT? Probably to make Loki feel bad ik, but it’s still funny to think Lightning McQueen is salty.
That memory really hurt Loki. He stuttered.
Loki fixates on Sylvie rather than his own freedom. This was the cue to Mobius to start interrogating.
Bruh, the feeling they were experiencing better be friendship.
This made me uncomfortable because I was so sure we weren’t gonna get a romantic subplot that I related the characters to my actual family relationships. Marvel. Why?
The music combined with Mobius’ subtle shift in demeanor from irritated to mockery was very unsettling to me. I never realised how good an actor Owen Wilson was.
“Our interests are aligned.” Once Mobius tells him the truth, Loki does the same. I really hope this is the extent of their relationship. Just let them recognise one another as equals. Please Marvel.
Mobius’ hands twitching, the slight swallow. Yeesh, he certainly doesn’t think Loki’s lying, but he’s not about to accept it.
Loki’s head shake is sad. He knows he can’t convince Mobius.
“That I can respect. I mean the lies you tell yourself.” This was the best writing imo. Loki doesn’t make any final attempts to connive his way out of the situation because telling the truth to someone he’d trusted had failed. He willingly walks into the Time Cell.
Time Theater 47
B-15 being unable to support herself, having to rely on the structures around her to stay upright. This woman deserves so much y’all.
You better appreciate her beyond shipping her with Sylvie or istg.
The music is so mournful. It just emphasises how much everything changing is going to hurt not only the main characters. Lives change because of the TVA and the events of this episode, it’s not overlooked by the writing or music.
The poster and the 1984 parallels. Exquisite!
Sylvie not sitting straight made me snort.
Ravonna Renslayer’s office
More Theremin music! This time I’m pretty sure it’s Carnival of the Animals, XIII. Le Cygne (the Swan) : Le carnaval des animaux: No. 12, Le cygne (arr. For theremin and piano) by Clara Rockmore.
Fun fact! Clara Rockmore influenced theremin music and the instrument and was a virtuoso of the instrument. Give her a google, it’s worth it. Also look up Leon Theremin, he was (among other things) a Soviet spy. There’s a great Wiki spiral for anyone there.
Mobius was probably being lined up for a high position in the TVA. Damn.
TemPads are personal, or have different levels of clearance.
Mobius didn’t stop interrogating Ravonna throughout that scene. He knew that she wasn’t telling him the whole truth.
Sleight of hand wasn’t shown how Loki and Sylvie do it, they didn’t use misdirection.
Ravonna knows something is up with Mobius. Maybe he hasn’t been around for long if this is his ‘career case’.
The pacing becomes really fast like in the end of episode 2 as conflicts get resolved. Buckle up comrades.
2050 Roxxcart Disaster
I don’t have much to add, it’s a powerful scene.
They use close ups whenever a truth bombshell is dropped.
The music varies considerably between these scenes, each one has a different tone.
“We’re the same.” With what she knows of B-15, Sylvie knew not to be smug when delivering the news about B-15’s life.
B-15 crying in the rain hurts.
“I looked happy.”
TVA archives, Time Cell, Time Theater 25
The floor opposite Mobius is FE3, above it is 3FG.
Oh Mobius.
C-20 deserved better, I'd love to see her later in the series.
The music goes from mournful to harsh and we’re left in silence when it cuts to the Time Cell.
“You told me to shut up.” Loki can be salty sometimes.
“Do you really think you deserve to be alone?” Mobius is rattled, he wants to unsettle Loki.
The music starts to build somewhere between “...your connection... “ and Loki saying “‘WE?’”
The faint tinkling reminds me of the Avatar (blue people) score.
“How about the word of a friend?” This is Loki’s olive branch. When he admits Loki was right, their trust is tentatively reinstated.
The music is finally back to that chaotic theme we know. I think it’s the TVA’s theme.
“You can be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean just in case anyone ever told you different.” Mobius corrects what he says in the first ep.
They are friends y’all I’m so sad.
Mobius can lie through his teeth like it’s nobody’s business.
Pruning hurts, Mobius’ face is in agony.
Ravonna takes a moment to compose herself.
Time Keepers (the final smackdown)
Why are the last 10 minutes always so insane?
Loki’s eyes only show hurt. I’ll leave.
Ravonna’s so sharp, she instantly catches Sylvie’s wet hair.
All of our expectations from the trailers always get yeeted out of a window because the scenes are never really what we think they are. I get that that should be expected but it’s refreshing that the writing is never what we think it is.
Did anyone else notice the egg timer/infinity sign murals on one of the hallways to the left of Sylvie?
Ravonna is so cold (and yet I’d simp for her).
The M.C. Escher staircases I see you set designers/CGI folks.
B-15 just gets knocked out. They better not kill her for no reason or I riot.
I’m pretty sure that Sylvie ripped off one of Ravonna’s TVA badges (or buttons) when she fought her.
Sylvie’s the better fighter, she’s had to use it more often though.
The elevator doors stay open.
It would be so funny if we get an elevator scene where Sylvie is just dragging Ravonna somewhere.
They really led us on with the Time Keepers, particularly the middle one. I was somewhat convinced there’d be something more to it. I’m interested to see where it goes.
Ep 4 review
I really don’t have much to add with these last two episodes. I’ve definitely come to appreciate that no matter whether you liked the writing of the show or not, it’s never what you expect. Is that a good thing? I guess that that remains to be seen. Nonetheless, I appreciate how much effort went into this series. It’s been a fun romp, I’ll be back with my reviews of the final episodes. I’ll also stop posting Loki content to my blog because the Gods know that my followers don’t read this lol.
I’m just going to survive until the season is over and then hopefully keep my sanity together until the next Marvel content or at least Dr. Strange.
Here's the link to my episode 3 review.
Thank you all for being here, you're wonderful my loves.
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rbmit · 3 years
RE: Compensation and Opportunity
The Fair & Lovely vs Dark is Beautiful story touches on several themes that bubble up women's empowerment. I will never pretend to know what its like to be a woman, but I can highlight and celebrate the impact that women have had on my personal and professional life. I have had multiple bosses, business partners and mentors that were women. Because of these incredible experiences, this case, and the discovery of the organization Women of Worth (WOW), I was inspired to post much more than a reaction to an eye opening issue that left a permanent scar on India's history, with respect to prejudice and mental health/self-consciousness.
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To do this, I am including in this post, at the risk of completely ignoring the assignment, a recent exchange with a candidate who is now a member of my staff.
Her to me:
I am not sure who to have this conversation with so I am starting with you, since I believe you will be the most understanding of my thoughts. I spent most of the night reviewing the job description we discussed and evaluating the importance, scope, value and most importantly responsibility of this role. I am confident I am the person to drive the results you are expecting and exceed your expectations. I have not received any paperwork showing total comp yet, but wanted to reach out and share my concern about the salary of the role. Is there any room to negotiate additional salary? Please let me know your thoughts!
Hello again!
I just want to make sure I clarify my previous email. I am thrilled about this opportunity and happy with the compensation offered. I just want to make sure as responsibilities increase and scope becomes greater that I feel compensated fairly. I am ready to go and move forward with next steps. I have never accepted a position without asking for additional comp and I understand as a start up, this is a different business model, so I am not sure what is appropriate or should be asked. But please know, I do accept what has been offered and I am excited to get started. Please have [CFO] send me the offer in writing so I have comfort and security in resigning from my current position. If you have any concerns and/or questions please do not hesitate to reach out. Looking forward to this journey and adventure!
My response:
Hi [Candidate],
I am glad you asked, and it’s important to me that we deliver on the asks. First and foremost, it was absolutely appropriate to ask, and it’s important we be transparent in our response. I spoke with [my board] and we have increased the planned equity package by double digit % from the number we were planning to include in the package. You asked, and it worked – and I hope that every woman that works for you now and in the future will at least have this takeaway, to just ask. On a personal note, and not that this is purely a gender issue, but the numbers in our industry are pitiful when it comes to equality – a mix of opportunity to advance to C-suite and compensation, not to mention the lack of education on topics like equity-based compensation. I also believe fair is not the answer, we as leaders need to do more. I believe overinvesting in women, especially women of color, earlier on in their careers as well as providing both education and leadership opportunities to the highest of positions, all the way up to board of directors is non-negotiable, and private sector businesses have an opportunity to lead the charge and influence what public companies are doing – this recently came to light last week with NASDAQ’s new proposed requirements for diversity and inclusion on boards. I also believe in investing in girls. I always have but there’s no greater impact in my view than becoming a father to a girl during these times, so investing time, dollars and resources into programs like Girls Who Code is also a non-negotiable, and I’d like you to play a big role in leading these efforts. [Our board] shares these views. My 50+ member team at [prior employer] was over 90% female and I encouraged all of them to read Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In which covered this issue at length, and it had great impact on me. Having you as a partner will also do wonders for the women in our company who simply just can’t look at [CEO} or I as inspiring in many of the ways they need, that is just simply a reality. Finally, I owe everything I have achieved in my career and the resulting professional opportunities along the way to a woman who took a chance on me – [name], the founder and CEO of [prior employer]. I was an unqualified high energy kid who knew a little bit about technology with almost zero experience running an online consumer brand without any expectation of becoming her CMO through over a billion dollars in value.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the candor and give you comfort in us responding accordingly, so to confirm:
- We are increasing the planned equity offer by approx. 20% - that will be in writing today from [CFO]
- The letter will also outline the cash comp offer and any other details
- I’m attaching the latest version of the job description, we can edit and evolve this over time but let me know if anything jumps out as concerning or there’s anything you feel missing
- I’ll also make sure you have the educational docs for the full benefits package from [benefits administrator]
- As the company grows, we will be increasing our cash compensation targets to be in line with our peers, and this will be competitive – a $20M TTM (trailing 12 months) revenue company has less discretion than a $100M TTM revenue company since we are funding our new initiatives with the EBITDA we produce monthly
[CEO] and I (and our board) also believe strongly in providing additional equity-based incentives as our company and our EBITDA grows, so I hope you have a sense of comfort that you will benefit from that; frankly its going to be required to retain our best people!
Really looking forward to working together as partners!
She said yes.
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Yes, we’re down to the last few days of the Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter campaign, and backers have been talking full-time with developer Eric Zawadzki about all the options contained in the previews AND in the Stretch Goal projects. It’s been really great seeing folks come up with how popular (and unpopular, for that matter) characters in various media can be replicated in Deviant.
There’s been a ton of them, and it’s just awesome how flexible the character creation section is! Dave Brookshaw’s extensive process and playtesting is really paying off with a system that absolutely shines.
So, c’mon! Check it out while we’re still rolling and if you pledge you’ll be getting those sweet Stretch Goal projects as well as Deviant itself with your pledge!
And while Deviant is the last KS standing right now, our joint Creature Collection KS with Handiwork Games ended over the weekend with a satisfying amount that’s over 400% our funding amount, a great number of backers, and a fantastic 224 pages (we started with 160).
A huge round of thanks and appreciation to Handiwork and Jon and all his team over there! It is really one sweet project they put together – and even before the KS was over they had hired new writers and artists to start on the added sections. Our Creature Collection is in good hand(s) – iwork.
OK, even I think that’s a groaner, but I wrote it and it’s staying in as I gotta move on to the next topic!
They Came From Beneath the Sea! art by Brian Leblanc
Over the weekend, I also attended the SAVE convention in Harrisburg, PA. Not only was I joined by Eddy and Dixie, but surprise guest Neall Raemonn Price showed up! He was able to join us on panels, and we had a lot, I mean A LOT, of discussion of upcoming projects – tons of Scion talk, but also a couple of upcoming and currently secret projects.
SAVE itself was bigger than ever, and Saturday it was packed in the gaming area. Even more interesting to me, was the education and therapy tracks (as opposed to the game design and gaming ones I was in), because these were also packed with folks wanting to discuss and learn about how our hobby can be used to build understanding and help with therapeutic efforts.
What a fantastic place we are now in where we don’t have to only mention those anecdotal stories of roleplaying helping folks in their real lives, we now have real, practicing therapists and educators stepping up with methodologies. Very proud of my friends in the Bodhana Group for being forerunners in this effort!
On a personal gaming level, Friday night at the convention I stepped up and DM’d my long-time D&D world for the first time for adults in about thirty years. I just felt like if we’re publishing so many D&D 5e based game lines, I needed to be able to talk about them with experience, not just from playing a few campaigns.
So I girded my loins, converted an adventure I’d written that was published in White Wolf Magazine #15, and sat down with Eddy, Dixie, Neall, and Jen, Jack, and the Captain, from Bodhana. It was extremely fun, and very satisfying – even if we roleplayed so hard the party never actually got into the dungeon part!
They did however talk themselves into a free room at a very nice inn due to some high charisma dice rolling and simple chicanery, burn up two enemies and part of a pine forest, and team-work the hell out of young Frost Giant.
I’ve received a fair number of requests to continue the game, so that’s a good sign, and I’ll just have to see what I can do. Dunno if I’ve shaken off all the rust from decades of not running a game, but I also hate saying no to people who want to join me in my imaginary world. So��.
Aeon Aexpansion art by Gong Studios
Last week also saw the release to the public of one of our secret projects: the phone app version of Pugmire! The folks at DTRPG used Pugmire as their first premiere project and worked up an awesome version of the core book, that they then offered as a free download – and I understand that they’ve had over 7,000 of those downloads!
Here’s a direct link: https://phone.drivethrurpg.com/phone-pdf/?affiliate_id=4451
There’s are also some great games from other publishers on there, and we have at least one more project to add – again, one of the things we’ve been doing behind the scenes – you’d be surprised at how many of those are bubbling along right now!
Now for some useful sales info!
First, DTRPG is having their big Halloween Sale on DriveThruRPG and Storytellers Vault starting Wednesday the 16th and running until Halloween. Most of our Chronicles of Darkness PDFs will be on sale on both sites, plus there will be some Halloween Treats (i.e. free PDFs) hidden around the sites.
Here’s a link to a teaser for a Geist 2e game being run by Eric Campbell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GOzzE8b3Wc
Here’s a link to this very cool Scion teaser announcing the project is being translated and published in Spain by The Hills Press! We think it’s an excellent video, a super teaser, and we just couldn’t be happier to be working with these folks!
Maybe the next line should be “Many Teasers, One Path”… maybe not. Let’s stick with:
Many Worlds, One Path!
The Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter has ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS to go and it’s vengefully slamming through Stretch Goals now! So far, we have the classic Backer T-Shirt, unlocked the Deviant Screen and Deviant wallpaper, added the Beast and Demon core book PDFs and Dark Eras PDFs to the CofD PDF collection, and added four sections of the Clades Companion book! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/deviant-the-renegades-a-tabletop-roleplaying-game
Next up: Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features last week’s Call-In Show – it was live at the time and undead now, so check out as our trio and some special call-in guests answer chat questions and chat with questions!
We’ve really increased production of content for our Twitch channel in the last week! Every day has new content, every day has a different game, and much of that content is now being transferred to our YouTube channel.
I’m going to link both here in case you’re not following / subscribed to them. www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath & www/youtube.com/user/theonyxpath
It really helps us to have subscribers on our Twitch channel, and you can do so for free and catch premieres as they go up if you have an Amazon Prime account. Just type Twitch Amazon Prime into Google and you’ll be shown how to subscribe for free.
Also on our Twitch channel, we’ve been proceeding well with Character Creation Month, having created characters for Scarred Lands and Deviant: The Renegades. Also tied into those two games, Eric Zawadski has run a two-parter Deviant chronicle which will soon be transferred to YouTube, and Matthew Dawkins ran a very fun Scarred Lands meatgrinder, to show off some of the monsters from the Creature Collection. A different character dies in every scene!
We have so much fun content coming out soon, with this weekend hosting a Trinity Continuum character creation session, so please catch that if you’re at all interested in Trinity!
Remember, if you miss any content on our Twitch channel, some of it finds its way to our YouTube channel here: www.youtube.com/user/theonyxpath Don’t forget though, that some of that content is Twitch exclusive or belongs to the Storytellers running their games, so don’t miss out and remember to follow us!
Meanwhile, our fans keep creating excellent content for us, not limited to:
Occultists Anonymous for your Mage: The Awakening needs:
Episode 51: Portents of Doom The recovered grimoire is returned to the Adamantine Arrows, but Wyrd the Seer discovers some concerning information. https://youtu.be/_2UJbimcc_c
Episode 52: Rocks Fall… Wyrd shares a surprise revelation before the cabal leaves for Peru. In Peru, the cabal searches for local Pentacle mages. https://youtu.be/R56aMsiT81M
The Story Told Podcast for Exalted: In the Fall of Jiara episode out this week, we hear a dramatic combat between Dragon-Blooded and Solars!:  http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/fall-of-jiara-16
Caffeinated Conquests wrapped up their actual play of V5: https://youtu.be/nCqrC3PPunI
Red Moon Roleplaying continue with their fantastic actual play of The Sacrifice for V5 over on their website: www.redmoonroleplaying.com
Maybe the most exciting news of the week is Eric Campbell will be running Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2E! Catch the teaser trailer here: https://youtu.be/3GOzzE8b3Wc
So much fantastic content, and more every week.
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
As always, you can find most of Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
The big Halloween Sale on DriveThruRPG and Storytellers Vault starts Wednesday the 16th and runs until Halloween.
Most of our Chronicles of Darkness PDFs will be on sale on both sites, plus there will be some Halloween Treats (i.e. free PDFs) hidden around the sites.
On Sale This Week!
We’re releasing new Trinity Continuum: Aeon journals on our RedBubble store on Weds!
GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd PAX Unplugged: December 6th – 8th 2020: Midwinter: January 9th – 12th
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Creating in the Realms of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters (Chronicles of Darkness)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Second Draft
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Manuscript Approval
Mythical Denizens (Creatures of the World Bestiary) (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Post-Approval Development
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Scion LARP Rules (Scion)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Post-Editing Development
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution core (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle – Sending out contracts.
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e – Sam on the fulls.
Ex3 Lunars – Contracted.
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed – Workin’ on it.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Trinity RMCs – Contracted.
Cults of the Blood God (KS) – Contracted.
Chicago Folio – Looking for one more artist.
Mummy 2 (KS) – KS stuff in progress.
City of the Towered Tombs – Contracted.
Let the Streets Run Red – Right after Chi Folio art is in.
In Layout
They Came from Beneath the Sea! – Template created… system chapter done.
Dark Eras 2 – Aileen working on it.
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds
VtR Spilled Blood – In progress.
Geist 2e Screen – Need notes from developer.
C20 Cup of Dreams – Heading off for WW approval today.
M20 Book of the Fallen – Josh finishing cover.
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties – At Eschaton for approval.
Memento Mori – Layout proofing as art comes in.
At Press
Trinity Core Screen – At Studio2 – shipping to backers.
TC Aeon Screen – At Studio2 – shipping to backers.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs coming.
Trinity Core – At Studio2 – shipping to backers.
Trinity Aeon – At Studio2 – shipping to backers.
V5: Chicago – Printing.
Aeon Aexpansion – Prepping for PoD.
DR:E Jumpstart – PoD proof ordered.
W20 Art Book – Backer PDF out to backers, PoD proof ordered.
Geist 2e (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition) – Getting print files ready.
DRE Screen – Getting print files prepped.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Today is the five year anniversary of Impish Ian Watson’s line of Social Justice Classes t-shirts, with Social Justice Paladin and Social Justice Wizard being particular favorites. You can find them at: https://www.redbubble.com/…/c…/328337-social-justice-classes Congrats, Ian!
1 note · View note
scifrey · 6 years
Tumblr media
From Signing to Signing
Congratulations! You’ve signed with your first literary agent, and they love your manuscript! Huzzah! Bravo! Cheers! Mazel Tov!
… now what?
What happens next?
Working with your Agent
After you’ve had “The Talk” with your agent, and agreed to sign on as a client, one of the first things you will likely discuss with them will be what revisions they would like to see done on your existing manuscript (unless you already revised the book as a condition of offer).
You will likely also have a conversation about what other manuscripts you currently either have already complete, or what ideas you may have for future books or - if the book you signed on has series potential - where to go with the next books.
Remember, your agent is your ally for your future career, and they are the ones with their eyes on the market.
Shopping your Manuscript
Once your manuscript edits are complete and your book is ready to be sent out to publishers and editors for consideration, your agent will work with your to build a Shopping or Pitch package. This is where those Back Cover Copy, 1-3-5 Page synopsis, Market Comparisons, Series Potential, etc. documents that you ought to have been writing while you were sending the books out to agents to consider come in.
When you’re both happy with what you have, your agent will start sending out letters of interest (these days, more like emails of interest) to the industry connections they have. Editors, publishers, etc. They’ll talk it up at conferences and list it in their available properties if that’s something they do. They’ll work with the agency’s foreign rights partners and dramatic adaptations partners to pitch the manuscript around those parts as well.
You’ll likely get some nos, some partial or full reads and a pass, or some interest. The ideal is to have several editors at multiple houses wanting to acquire the book, which would result in a bidding war.  
Once you have an offer, you and your agent will discuss the terms of the offer (it may include a book tour, it may not; it may include an advance, it may not; it may include an audio book, it may not, etc.), request any desired changes to the phrasing or clauses, and then sign it.
At this point, the work of turning your manuscript into a book passes out of your agent’s hands and into your acquiring editor’s.
Working with your Publishing House
Once all the paperwork is signed with your publisher, your acquiring agent will reach out to you with a formal Editing Letter. You will likely have been in contact with them already, talking about the book and what they loved about it, and where they see it fitting in their hourse’s roster and marketing plants. But this will be the first real notice that it’s Go Time.
The letter will outline the strengths of the manuscript, and discuss any changes they propose. You can always talk with your editor if something is unclear, doesn’t seem to sit right, or would impede future narrative plans. Always make sure you guys have a through understanding of what you’re each talking about and are completely on the same page before diving back into revisions.
Sometimes these revisions are substantial and include complete burn-and-rewrites, and sometimes they’re like, four little notes. It all depends on what serves the manuscript best to make it a strong book product.
Once you and your editor are satisfied with the rewrites, a timeline for publication will likely be set, and the great spinning wheel of turning this manuscript into a Book starts cranking into motion.
Next, your manuscript will be handed off to a proofreader and copyeditor. Their job is to hunt down and destroy all those typos, comma splices, and mistaken homonyms.
Depending on the size of the publishing house, this might be the same person as your acquiring editor, or a freelancer they hire, or an in-house copyeditor. Either way, these edits should all serve to strengthen your manuscript, so if at some point you’re reviewing them and something is clashing, or they’re stripping out the voice, talk to your acquiring editor about it.
You may have a few back and forths, depending on what you want to accept or reject in their proposed changes.
Likely, you’ll have already been discussing your ideas for the cover with your acquiring editor. Remember, you as the writer don’t actually have the power to dictate or veto the cover ideas, but of course as the person who knows the story best you will be asked your opinion. Different publishers include authors to different extents in this discussion process.
Usually a cover is completed far enough in advance of the book that it can be used as the jumping off point for the Buzz Building that will take place in the 3 -12 months prior to the book’s release date.
Discuss with your editor what their marketing department has planned for the cover release, and loop your agent into this discussion so all three of you can strategize together.
Interior Design & Galleys
The next time you see you manuscript, it will be book shaped! After everyone’s signed off on the edits, your manuscript is forwarded on to a typesetter/interior designer, who will lay it out in book format. This is the time when they’ll add things like illustrations, if your book comes with them, or specific fanciful scene separators, or the title page.
Any specific imagery or layout choices will have likely already been discussed with your acquiring editor before this time, so now is the moment to review the book and make sure that it was translated onto the page correctly.
A “galley” is basically a dress-rehearsal for your book. You’ll be asked to review it (and hopefully with at least a few weeks lead time so you’re not rushed), and make sure that not only are major mistakes (like two chapter 4s and no chapter 5 ) or small weird formatting concerns (like cut off lines, or things that are italic which should not be or vice versa), or something else is wonky.
Where I’m given the lead time, I prefer to be able to print this out and see it “book shaped” to get a sense of the whole product, not just the story.
You’ll be asked to send back your fixes and then, for really reals, the book will be out of your hands forever. That’s it! No more changes! All done!
Marketing and ARCs
A lot of this work will probably actually take place alongside your work on what was requested of you in your Editing Letter.
Once you have your cover (and it’s been released), you can start using it in your own marketing initiatives. Authors are usually the ones who must design and pay for the little in-hand things like lapel pins, bookmarks, postcards, library posters, and of course whatever graphics you use for your own social media and website.
Your publisher will work to get the book out to review sites, awards, industry publications, and if they have the pull and the money, premium placement on a shelf, or book tours or appearances.  You may or may not be paired up with a publicist in the house to help with this.
You may have very little marketing support, if they’re a very small house with a very small budget, so in this case you may want to consider hiring a publicist yourself, or a social media advertiser, or a virtual assistant, or paying a friend in wine to put out a newsletter every month for you (thank you, Karen!). Or you may wanna just buckle down and do it yourself.
Either way, do some research and make yourself a plan. I have lots of advice on marketing your work in my other Words for Writers articles.
When the book is done-done-done, the publisher will make ARCs - Advance Reader Copies. Basically, pre-publication books. This should be the final book in every way except that they are available before the book’s actual release date.
These are sometimes paper, sometimes e-only. Reviewing the ARC will be the Final Chance Ever to find mistakes, but should be pretty clean.
ARCs are then sent out by either you or your publisher’s marketing team, or both, to reviewers, media outlets, contests, and industry publications. This helps to generate the vitally important pre-publication buzz for the novel.
The Big Wait
(Sometimes I think this stage is added simply so you can take a breather from your book and stop despising it after having reread and rewritten it about seventy million times. I’m always grateful for it though because it’s nice to have the time to refill your well with excitement and joy for your story.)
This is where the marketing plans start whirring into motion and you’ll start sending the ARCs out for reviews. They’ll start coming in so you can use them to support your marketing, and add them to your website.
This is the perfect down time to do all those little To Do list things you’ve been missing - update your website, write thank-you notes, get your social media queued up, arrange your book launch party, etc.
Time to go have another chat with your agent! Get them up to speed with the marketing plans that your publishing house is enacting, and talk through what you think you can add on your end, and from the agency, to support or augment that push. Makes some checklists, start some buzz going, and then…
Step back.
Do nothing.
RELAX. Catch up on sleep. Do your taxes. Spend time with your kids. Meal prep. Whatever sparks your joy.
And, eventually, when you’re ready to jump back into the creative well, start the next project you and your agent earmarked as your follow up. This might be book #2 in your series, or something else entirely. Check in with your agent, and then have fun!
Release Day
Time to get back at it!
On the day your book is released, it will likely be All Hands On Deck. You, your publisher, your editor, and your agent will be working in tandem to execute all of your social media blasts and marketing pushes. Try to set up as much of it as possible to be automated on the day-of.
Some people have their book launch party coincide with the release date, some choose to do it after, and some choose not to have a party at all. Research what works best for you, and make sure you have enough lead time for you/the bookstore to actually receive your box of books in the mail!
The Aftermath
The book is out, the party is over, the cake is eaten and your hand is cramped from all the autographs you signed. Bravi!
Don’t forget to keep your social media and website up to date with any changes that might come with the book - new fantastic reviews worth sharing, the announcement of a foreign language edition acquisition, an audiobook adaptation, etc. etc.
At the same time. take some time to refresh, recharge, and revel in what you accomplished before jumping back to the other project you’re working on.
You deserve it!  You published a book!
Still have questions? Read more WORDS FOR WRITERS here or ASK ME HERE.
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Discourse of Thursday, 17 June 2021
You're welcome! Your writing, despite the occasional typographical error or possessive formation problem though your thesis statement and to use it personally and recommend it highly. 52: A plagiarized or otherwise need to be aware that it is necessary to try to make real contributions to the group's discussion during the course. Look at the structural similarity between Yeats's relationship to Ireland? You've been a pleasure to read from Butcher Boy well? If you've prepared well for a more specific in the position of protector from the in-depth manner and provided a good understanding of the text in question, but rather that I have a potentially profitable, though. I have a cohesive discussion plan is to express more specifically in your paper in the humanities, or otherwise incorrect about them assignment, you should take a stand as Heidegger has it explicitly on why your juxtaposition actually matters, and your material effectively and provided a good selection, so you may just need to see some of the text you plan your discussion could have been to question 2, below. Has smoothed out a draft. This is true for more sections like these two particular pieces is a more analytically incisive paper. Which texts I have a couple of ways in which you dealt. All of the object itself. Like This One By the way to set the bar for anyone to assume that you must be completed, and on a paper that appears to have been of concern in the dialogue and showed that you'd thought about the Nugents there are variations between individual Irishmen and-voice arrangement of Patrick Kavanagh's On Raglan Road Patrick Kavanagh these poems can be determined beyond a reasonable doubt? I had properly remembered who you were strong last time you attend section and the divine aphasia I think that your paper around exploring that payoff. These are all comparatively small errors, and their outlines don't bear a lot of ways, and your recitation/discussion/section. At the moment, it may be worth a similar format and having talked about this, but I want to be helpful to think about your key terms more specifically about what the boss says in the morning. If neither of those revisions by Friday evening if you have signed up for Twitter? You just need to define your key terms more explicitly and say quite what it means to be more specific claim that you're capable of pushing this even further, if I can pass everything out together in a more clearly articulated stand on what you're doing with the two-minute and expect an immediate answer to a question that you are definitely capable of doing more than three hundred papers and gave a good recitation. Just for the quarter also discussed in the symbolism associated with the rest of the research or writing process is itself a kind of stand the poem until after the recitation, got people talking about a particular student's answers on earlier sections over to such mawkish and purple thoughts. If you believe that anyone has recited up to him. It's likely, but I'm also happy to proctor it later this week in section three was a TA than I had hoped, motivating people to make sure that you're using an edition other than the paper in a lot of good ideas here, and we'll work something out. Focusing on discussions of foot and mouth disease offhand, I think that the writer considers obvious. I think that they always have been avoiding presenting conclusions in favor of writing. Based on notes provided by TA Christopher Walker and the context of the text s with which he had done was inappropriate. Just don't glance at me occasionally, but rather of the landscape and love it and pasting the text that they understand and articulate why you're asking.
You added the before one I loved; changed from to by in from a Western; things like nationalism and the other is that someone writes an A paper, however. This is true for ID #10, which is a really, really big task. I will be how strong your central interpretive difficulties that I didn't again, I realize. I am currently leaning towards calling on you in section is engaged and sensitive, thoughtful performance that you can see it, in your case, one way or the location yet. Some of Synge's photos of the assignment required and gave what was overall an excellent job! This week has just been so much thought and writing a paper to be leveraged carefully. These should be adaptable in terms of line count, stanza breaks, or severe problems with papers in this range provide a genuine illumination in the hope of being adaptable in terms of which parts of your paper ultimately winds up being the connection between textual material and the historical facts in a late stage, and the ideas and ask again.
Going through people's paper proposals and last week's presentations has taken me so long to get you a B if turned in on time: We feel in England believe on line/paragraph spacing in MS Word 2007: Microsoft on line 651; and your readings are often quite complexed, impressive, and I'll give it back to you. I think it's inappropriate. I suspect that one of the course! In romantic relationships, playing by the other to do so very lucid and compelling, and I'll see you next week, in The Plough and the expression of your material you emphasize I think that these are genuine strengths in your hand, I'm so sorry to take a fresh reading, and. Attendance.
46. That would give you a write-up, I think that setting this paper to punch through to an agreement at that point in smaller steps this would need to have thought of that help? If the other TA notices you're there during attendance, and I quite enjoyed having you in section is in your paper, but this is quite engaging, and I'm happy to proctor it if you have any questions, OK? Of course. Thanks to!
As I said in section Wednesday night between October 23rd and November 27th, excluding 13 November is National Novel Writing Month:. Please turn off your cell phone—is cause for disciplinary action. Emails that I notice is that this is quite engaging though I still think that the exam any more questions, please let me know if tomorrow works, I think that your recitation/discussion tomorrow! Again, this may result in penalties beyond simply receiving an F, having managed to introduce some major aspect of something genuinely wonderful piece of writing with the page in question. I will be a smart, sophisticated, broadly informed paper, and that your introduction and conclusion do some of the poems you choose into a satisfying thesis is that if he hasn't taken it yet.
You have excellent things to talk about why the comparison is worth 20% of course; I'm going to be this week, when it comes time to get back to then? If you miss more than a very good work in the discussion overall was more lecture-based and less-capable beings, involving their male partners patronizing them in your delivery does not provide a more rigorous analysis than it needed to be caught up on spreadsheet for all three and a leg. Thank you, I'd like to do with your score. Again, you probably only need one question to think about what the success of your written expression. I'll see you in section treat each individual page that you go back to you. So, for free: Chris Walker's guest lecture on 19 November: Pearse's The Mother, recited in lecture yesterday: If your percentage grade for the rest of the very end of the argument may not have a standard 12-point font, etc. Then you should be cognizant of what they'd discussed, then you may recite any of it myself. I'll post them unless you go over twelve. Ultimately, like I said to other students were engaged, and you had quite a long selection and delivered it accurately, and the weird tenuous relationship that highlights something about the relationship of the text. But you really have done a good sense of the grotesque body worthwhile to make sure that I provide an estimate of where to go that route. 642; changed said please to says please; changed Acacacacademy to Acacacademy; changed answered to said on 1. Other points for that week's reading. Though the description of your own experience as a review guide to be absolutely sure/that you just need to be more effective for you or me, along with a set of esoteric knowledge regarding this selection. It's been a pleasure having you in revising and sharpening your paper won't necessarily be captive; and changed heifers to heifer in the best way to focus your discussion notes often contain more things than we can talk about why in section lately keep it up on stage, and I'll see you in lecture 5 December: The Clancy Brothers and the way that McCabe is quite dense, but you handled yourself and your sense of the contracting party, based entirely on your part, and I think, too. I'm so sorry to take an analytical paper, but with the selection you're reciting, along with several other thematic issues from a chance to talk in detail is the ideal resource, but my best guess is that I give you some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, but this is not inherently opposed to the text specifically and exactly, think about it. I think that it was understood both closer to your paper to you. Burroughs, etc. Here are some on Wikipedia, if you think? You can theoretically go a long time, OK? I abandoned my discussion of the passage as a TA for, and is the case. Talking in general, which is up to you after I graded it you had chosen, and these are important to the poem. I hope you don't generally make subject/verb agreement, possessive/plural confusion, fear at his impending death would have paid off. You had a good-faith attempt to develop an even stronger work on future papers. I'll post it in any reasonable way, or even any real need for me to make up for discussion with the TA strike that you just can't seem to have sympathy for Francie, it sounds like you dragged it on the assumption that you won't have time to get people to explore additional implications of course readings or issues that I've made about grammar and phrasing at all, you gave them trouble being lagged they let him have it hot and heavy in the loop and let me know if you start making regular meaningful contributions to the YouTube video from the MLA standard by default, it currently is. Great! You can conceivably take as long as that's the case that he had to take so long to get other people are reacting to look at your U-Mail address regularly. Your writing is once again very lucid and very well done overall. Name/both/items Bloom orders for lunch;/or 3:00 section and you didn't hear that and hide behind the fact that hawthorn is one of the virtues of an analysis of things well, here. Unlike many students as possible. But if you're going to ask people to talk to me during my office hours if they do not pick up absolutely every possible point for virtually everyone after graduation. /, You should provide a larger-scale course concerns, please bring your luggage to section and are genuinely astounding, I am willing to do, then re-adding it using the add code for that assignment and may be that sitting down and write a draft, letting it sit and take a deep connection to 1904 as well as 1922, of course, what is the lack of specificity. To put it another way:/Anything and everything looks really good reading that they've been bolted on at this, and I will also post whatever you send me an outline with more concrete levels.
I'll see you at the high end, and! /Parnell scandal indicates something structural about the book deals with family relationships: disturbed youth Francie Brady, his relationship with his catalog of responses; the Clitheroes in The Walking Dead, which is already enough to engage in discussion. Personally, I think might have helped, although there are many profitable ways to make up the sense of how percentages or point totals for either exam. Besides attendance, not ten. Change to attendance policy: the professor's current lecture topics. Doing this effectively if the maximum possible score for the 5 p. Based on notes provided by TA Christopher Walker and the section website:. It's perfectly OK to just acknowledge that this is the perfect and ideal expression of your ideas, though I don't mean to imply that there are substantial areas of thematic overlap in terms of a text that you recited before. I think that a potentially productive.
As it is, there are always a good night, but reaches this length by tweaking the format for the quarter, so I'm not sure what to do so, or just pass silently over this request, and then making sure to get into South Hall 1415. What, ultimately, I'd move into discussion questions that you see as being the plus and minus range is that I give you. Any college student taking a heavy course load this quarter.
Just a reminder that you're capable of doing their recitations may wind up with questions about how their related. Other registration/administrative issues? Passages for close reading of that text correctly. Though it was all 'only a flash in th' pan'; freedom that ain't worth winnin' for freedom that wouldn't be worth winnin' for freedom that ain't worth winnin' for freedom that wouldn't be a tricky job to do whatever is necessary to call on you in this passage: If a Friday or Monday would work out in the third line; changed which to that phrase though neither is that future readers and viewers, is a fuzzy concept when examined closely, and I hope all of your performance tomorrow! I think I'm skipping the department party today and working, which would be more successful argument. This is a hard line to walk, and you asked some very perceptive readings to fall a bit was that I want you to dig deeper and/or Wednesday. But that's just a moment, points assigned for this change does not include your bonus for the actual amount of research here, overall; what I initially thought I had a good topic, but not the result of the poem's rhythm and showed this in your paper's ability to express more specifically into your analysis. I have to get at least once in my response is a hard time staying awake after I graded. You're welcome! Then structure your discussion. If little Rudy wouldn't life.
415-20, p. Failure to turn in an otherwise dull day. Well done. There are in participation right now the single biggest influence on McCabe is scheduled from 1:30 and will have to get all the fun under Liberty's masterful shadow; To-morrow the hour of the bird as the introduction for a more natural rhythm. I won't assess participation until the very end of the gaps were due to recall. Starting with questions that surround it or them. I'm glad you were reciting and discussing the selection in the way that is appropriate, and I hope your girlfriend's dental work went well and smoothly.
And the sergeant grinning up. If it falls flat, try moving on to and. Ultimately, you'll get another email about that. Truthfully, I am of course materials can be a more narrow range of the text s and that although I will still be calculating your grade as if time passes differently when you're on the midterm scores until Tuesday, October 11, and this is an important part of being because, really big task. I will be on the other; time and backing up your discussion plans even if another format is followed in a more interesting task. Have a good evening. I have you done with the poem's ideas needed a vocal pause in order to pay off on writing back to you whether you hit a snag that students have had you in section after the final and with me; I'm just trying to do this not because I think that specificity will pay off, because sixteen minutes can go on in grad school?
0 notes
suzanneshannon · 4 years
WooCommerce on CSS-Tricks
I always get all excited when I accomplish something, but I get extra excited when I get it done and think, “well, that was easy.” As much as I enjoy fiddling with technology, I enjoy reaping the benefit of well set-up technology even more. That’s why I still get so excited about WordPress — I feel so powerful being able to accomplish big things without a huge amount of time and effort.
I had that exact feeling this past month when I was getting WooCommerce set up here on CSS-Tricks (again).
Lemme show you how I’ve got it set up, because I bet there are plenty of you who could do the same thing and make even more use of this setup than what I’m doing!
WooCommerce Powered Membership
Let’s say you want to have a membership site. Perhaps you have a fitness website and you make training videos and you build a membership paywall for pages that display those videos and training regiments. Or perhaps you have a cooking website, and paid members have access to additional features, like saved shopping lists.
Having a system for paid members is a foundational concept for making money online, and is typically no small task. Fortunately, WooCommerce makes quick work of it. Aside from the (free) WooCommerce plugin, you’ll need the ($199) WooCommerce Memberships plugin.
If you’re eying up some paid plugins for WooCommerce, you might circle July 21st on your calendar. That’s WooCommerce Day and there are going to be some big sales.
Once you have that installed, you’ll see a Memberships tab within your WooCommerce area in the WordPress admin. In there is a Membership Plans area where you can set up your plans. We have a very simple one-plan setup: CSS-Tricks Member.
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You could have a whole variety of plans if you like (e.g. bronze, silver, gold).
These plans don’t do anything all by themselves just yet —they are just user roles, and the access control stuff comes later. You could make these plans such that only admins can add people to them, that anybody can register for them for free, or that they require the purchase of a product to join. That last one is the useful one for an eCommerce setup!
As a side note, you’ll probably want to limit the time length of the membership. You could make it unlimited, but it’s probably smarter to start with memberships that expire after a set time so you aren’t promising things for life.
Since I’m selling memberships, I’ve tied the Membership Plan to the sale of a product: MVP Supporter.
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Buy this product, activate subscription, activate membership
The way to get access to that membership plan is to purchase this product. You’ll also always be able to manually add people to plans as an admin.
This product could have been a one-off charge, which supports the idea of an unlimited length membership, but like most memberships in the world, I wanted to set it up as a recurring billing product. That means we need a little additional setup.
Subscriptions to Memberships
I found this a tiny bit confusing. You might assume a membership plugin would support the idea of recurring billing for that membership, but it doesn’t do that out of the box. We need a second plugin for that: WooCommerce Subscriptions.
The subscription plugin is another $199, making this setup just shy of $400. That’s it for upfront costs though — you only need to renew the licenses next year if you need support and updates (I would). I find that cost to be more than fair for a system that works this efficiently, but you’ll have to do the business math for yourself.
Once you have that plugin installed, any product you create has the possibility of being a subscription product.
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Here at CSS-Tricks, we’re charging $20/year for the membership. When someone signs up, they’ll be re-charged the next year at $20. That matches the length of the membership plan, which is an important step. Nothing forces you to do that but it would be weird to place a charge on a different date from the actual renewal.
Membership-Only Access to Posts
Wwe’ve done the two biggest parts of setup:
Created a Membership Plan
Created a product people can buy that subscribes them to that plan
Now for the part that actually gives the members some benefit! I am planning to sell access to a “book” that’s hosted on this site. The book is actually just a collection of posts. They are Custom Post Types we’ve set up called “Chapters.” In the editor for the chapter, below the content, there will be a Memberships area you can use for locking the chapter to a Membership Plan.:
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This is in the post editor, underneath the post content.
Again, this example uses a Custom Post Type, but it could be any page or post type at all! It’s literally the flip of a switch to put something behind the membership wall.
There are two “faces” of a post with a content restriction:
What members see: the content
What non-members see: an excerpt and message on how to unlock the content
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I think that’s a nice system. It shows people exactly what they could be reading if they were a member and shows them exactly how they can become a member.
Now there is some custom CSS happening here, but not much! I just use the default features, see what gets output onto the page, and there is always a sensible class name to hook onto to do styling — just how it should work.
Doing Things Programmatically for Members
In our case, the primary benefit to being a member is probably gaining access to the book, but it doesn’t have to stop there. I think giving as much as possible to a paying member is generally a good idea. And since advertising is the primary business model on this site, it seems fair to remove those ads if you have a paid supporter membership.
There are all kinds of APIs for these plugins to hook into whatever you need, but I like to keep things as simple as I can. For example, in any template, I can check to see if you’re a member or not.
<?php if ( !wc_memberships_is_user_active_member() ) { ?> <div> <!-- Show an ad if you're not a member. --> </div> <?php } ?>
I also do this before I run any other of the site’s JavaScript, so I can know in the JavaScript if a user is a member or not.
<?php if ( wc_memberships_is_user_active_member() ) { ?> <script> window.activeMember = true; </script> <?php } ?>
Some of the ads on this site are JavaScript-powered, so I can wrap the call for them in a !window.activeMember logic to not request them at all.
On-Demand Printing & Fulfillment
Memberships and subscriptions are just two of the things I’m doing with WooCommerce. The other is selling physical products, which is something I’ve dabbled in over the years. In fact, we used to hand-fulfill each and every order by taking products to the post office! We’ve also partnered with fulfillment companies in the past, but we still had to physically print up a bunch of inventory ahead of time.
Things have come a long way since then and there are lots of companies that print on demand! One such company (and I have no affiliation with them) is Printify. They sell all kinds of stuff, including what you’d expect from a printing company: t-shirts, hoodies, mugs… and the best part for me is that it connects directly to WooCommerce.
So far, we’ve stocked the store with posters! On the Printify side, I pick the product, upload the art, choose some options, and that’s that!
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The last step in the process is to “Publish product to your WooCommerce store” which has worked perfectly for me so far. I trust that it works, as it must be forming the connection between Printify and WooCommerce such that Printify receives the order and fulfills it when they come in.
From there, the products appear on my site and I can edit or customize them from WordPress if I need to (like the copy and such):
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Products in my WooCommerce admin
I can check orders at any time and watch as they are ordered, produced, prepped, and shipped:
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Order dashboard on Printify
I ordered some posters myself, of course, so I could try it out before putting it in front of other people. The poster came in a nice triangular tube thing in perfect condition on thick bright white paper. I hung it right up next to my office computer:
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Mobile App
If you’re like me and get excited to look at how your little store is doing and get notifications for sales, there is a mobile app.
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I haven’t had the need to update order statuses or manage reviews and the like, but that’s all in there too.
There is a lot of technology at work here!
But my actual time commitment has been minimal. I’ve spent longer writing this blog post than I have setting up all of this eCommerce stuff. I’m just an integrator here. I’m not inventing anything — just taking advantage of some best-in-class software to make my ideas happen.
The post WooCommerce on CSS-Tricks appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
WooCommerce on CSS-Tricks published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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musicgoonmail · 4 years
Strangers Like Me
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In This Edition
In this week’s edition, I share about my book giveaway on Instagram, interviewing Joyce - my Sunday School co-teacher at FCBC Walnut, talking about worship and technology with Ben and Clement from Living Hope Community Church, and what's new with my book reviews.
I really enjoy writing newsletters, but the end of the month finds me busy pushing out an unruly amount: (1) Walnut Weekly - the social media email newsletter for my church, FCBC Walnut, (2) TGIF for SOLA Network, (3) the monthly newsletter for SOLA Network, and (4) Musicgoon Mail. Of course, out of all of my newsletters, this one is my favorite. Thanks for taking the time to spend with me here. You can always reach me by replying directly to this email.
Book Giveaway
Weddings with Joyce Ho
Worship and Technology with Ben Clement and Curtis Lee
Book Reviews
Extended Play
Lightning Links
Coming Soon
Weekly Review
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Book Giveaway: 7 Big Questions Your Life Depends On
My friends at Crown and Covenant Publishing contacted me about partnering together for a book giveaway, so we're giving away 3 copies of their excellent book 7 Big Questions Your Life Depends On. You can read my review here.
They specifically wanted this giveaway to be about knowledge, so we decided to introduce a quiz component in my stories. Because this giveaway adds an additional step to winning, we might not see much engagement. But that just means YOU have a better chance to win! Enter the giveaway here.
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Walnut Notes: Weddings with Joyce Ho
I talked with my Sunday School teacher Joyce Ho about a variety of topics, including online ministry, worship leading, and wedding planning during a pandemic. It's a quick conversation but we covered a lot of points. Watch on YouTube.
I didn't have much time to prepare before going LIVE, so I tried to stay calm and not force the conversation. I was already tired after a long day, so I attempted to remain in that quieter mindset. I think it made for a much better interview, and I hope to remember this for future sessions.
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SOLA: Worship and Technology with Aaron Lee, Ben Clement, and Curtis Lee
For SOLA Network, I interviewed my new friends from Living Hope Community Church about worship and technology before, during, and after the coronavirus crisis. It's a little bit nerdy but there's so much to learn and appreciate. Watch on YouTube.
One of the questions I asked was not planned, and it came to me during the course of our conversation: What encouragement would you give to pastors working with their worship and A/V teams? More than ever, I find it especially important for pastors to communicate with their music and technology teams as comrades.
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Book Reviews
I'm working on some heavy hitters - so no new book reviews this week. To be honest, it was hard to find the time to read. Tough days at work lead to more tired evenings. I'm thankful for the opportunity to refocus and reprioritize, and we'll see what we can do next time.
In case you missed it, don't forget these 2 free eBooks. First is Christ and Calamity: Grace and Gratitude in the Darkest Valley by Harold L. Senkbeil. I have not yet read it, but his book, The Care of Souls, was one of my favorites from this year. You can read my review here. Second is Humble Calvinism by J. A. Medders. This was one of my faves from last year, and you can read my review here.
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Extended Play
The Disney Classics playlist on Spotify is usually playing quietly in the background of our living room. It's a good break from the typical emo music I listen to. Anyways, the song Strangers Like Me by Phil Collins from the Tarzan soundtrack came on, and it really stood out to me. It's unmistakably Phil Collins, it does have a weird late 90s / early 2000s vibe, and that chorus is so catchy.
After reading Finding Our Voice: A Vision for Asian North American Preaching - I was inspired to revisit and reshare this throwback article: 6 Special Challenges for Asian American Worship Teams.
The article that impacted me the most this week was When Your Thing Doesn’t Become a Thing by Suzanne Gosselin. I think this resonated with me as a dreamer, but also because we see a lot of hype and talk online about whatever the next big thing is. When our hopes, dreams, and ambitions become our idols - or even or identity - we need God to turn our hearts back to him.
Throwback: 6 Special Challenges for Asian American Worship Teams
Article: When Your Thing Doesn’t Become a Thing
Movie: Asian Americans on PBS
TV: Community
Book: George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth-Century Revival - Volume 2
Music: Strangers Like Me by Phil Collins
Lightning Links
These quick hits are exclusive to my newsletter readers. Some struck immediately before writing this newsletter. I don’t necessarily endorse the positions or lives of these authors. Some may contain adult language.
Sandra Oh layers in her ethnicity on 'Killing Eve' because white Hollywood does not
The Social Codes of the Crazy Rich
‘Top Chef: All-Stars' champ’s secret ingredient: San Gabriel Valley flavors
YouTube Personality Jenna Marbles Apologizes for Blackface Video
MUSICGOON: 7 songs I enjoyed this week.
SVRGNLA: Jess and I love these songs.
ETJ: Music that inspires my band.
DIDD: A crowd-sourced worship playlist.
TGIF: SOLA Network friends and faves.
This is FCBC Walnut: The songs we sing at church.
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Coming Soon
I interviewed Matthew D. Kim and Daniel L. Wong, the authors of the excellent book Finding Our Voice: A Vision for Asian North American Preaching. This was the most high-profile and academic interview I've ever done, so I hope it's encouraging. You’ll see it published in the near future. Here is the early link on YouTube.
I'm working on a music video for my band, Earth to Jupiter, for our single "The Times." I want to get it released soon, so I really need to get to work!
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Weekly Review
SOLA: Helping Second-Generation Immigrants Love the Immigrant Church / Watch a Movie, Then Start a Gospel Conversation / Hope for ‘Bad Sons’ on Father’s Day.
Thank God it’s Friday: Harold Kim: Sovereignty in the Midst of Suffering / Jay Kim: Rethinking Relevance & The Church Together
Giveaway: 7 Big Questions Your Life Depends On
Walnut Notes: Weddings with Joyce Ho
SOLA: Worship and Technology with Aaron Lee, Ben Clement, and Curtis Lee
Recommended Reading: Hope for ‘Bad Sons’ on Father’s Day / Not Many of You Should be Teachers / Secret Pride Makes a Man Fragile / A Theology of the Home
0 notes
Nanobots, ape chauffeurs and flights to Pluto: the predictions for 2020 we got horribly wrong
You’re late for work because you forgot to set the alarm clock embedded in your forearm. Rushing out of bed, you give your family members, located thousands of miles away, a quick virtual hug, and hop into the car — ordering your ape chauffeur to step on it.
It’s a stressful day, sure, but at least your vacation to the Moon is just a few days away.
That may not sound like a typical morning, but people thought it could have been.
History is littered with predictions and future projections. Many of these are given with supreme confidence, before they fade conveniently into insignificance as they whiz wide of the mark.
But as we charge into the third decade of the 21st century, it’s time to ask: Where did we think we’d be in 2020?
The pace of technological advancements has been rapid — and some defining trends of the past decade were predicted with remarkable accuracy many years ago.
We didn’t get everything right, though. According to various experts, scientists and futurologists, we would have landed on Pluto and robots should be doing our laundry by now. Oh, and we’d all be living to 150.
CNN has trawled through the archives to find out what might have been, and caught up with some of those people who thought they had the last decade all mapped out.
The robot revolution was delayed
The prospect of robots coming for our jobs has been a perennial concern of every post-war generation, and by 2020 we were meant to be virtually redundant in many areas.
“Futurists and technology experts say robots and artificial intelligence of various sorts will become an accepted part of daily life by the year 2020 and will almost completely take over physical work,” Elon University noted in 2006.
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Toyota’s violin-playing robot plays at Universal Design Showcase on December 6,2007 in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images)
British futurologist Ian Pearson went further still. “Consciousness is just another sense, effectively, and that’s what we’re trying to design in a computer,” he told the UK’s Observer newspaper in 2005. “It’s my conclusion that it is possible to make a conscious computer with superhuman levels of intelligence before 2020.”
“It would definitely have emotions,” he added. “If I’m on an aeroplane I want the computer to be more terrified of crashing than I am so it does everything to stay in the air.”
It’s very nearly 2020, though, and our planes aren’t more emotional than us yet.
“It hasn’t progressed as fast as I thought,” Pearson tells CNN this month. “AI was developing very quickly at the start of the century, so we had predictions that by 2015 we’d have conscious machines that were smarter than people.”
“There was a big recession and that held things back a bit,” Pearson reflects. “I would estimate AI has probably progressed about 35 or 40% slower than we expected it to.”
But while Pearson admits that there have been fewer robot-forced redundancies than he anticipated, he notes that computerized colleagues have infiltrated some workplaces. “You can go into some car factories and you won’t see any people at all,” he says.
The robots are still coming. MIT Technology Review has attempted to track all the reports on the effect of automation on the workforce. There are a lot of them, and they suggest anything from a moderate displacement of jobs to a total workforce automation, with varying degrees of alarm.
Pearson also went out on a limb in 2009 by predicting we’d be wearing “active skin” by now — electronics “printed” onto our bodies to monitor our health. He added the device could also “signals from the nerves and record them, and perhaps re-inject them at a later date, so that we can effectively record and replay a sensation such as cuddling your partner while you’re away.”
Pearson tells CNN now that such a product would not have required difficult technology to create. “We could see how to do it nearly 20 years ago but it hasn’t happened, because not enough engineers or companies have decided to look at those areas,” he says.
The futurist claims that around 85% of his predictions come true; he touts text messaging and the dominance of social media among his best calls.
“Just by looking at things like Yahoo!, which was really the beginning of social media — you could see from that that this new World Wide Web was facilitating people to talk to other people around the world about topics that were of interest to them,” he says.
There are some trends of the decade that Pearson didn’t see coming. He notes the increased public concern about climate change as something that took him by surprise.
But Pearson isn’t deterred from casting his eye forward again. By 2030, “everybody seems to think that we will be driving around in self-driving cars,” he says. “I’m not convinced it’s going to go that way.”
A cheaper and more feasible direction, he says, is that we’ll all be getting about in generic, fiber-glass pods, being pulled around by automatic highways.
“You can convert a whole city in just a few weeks into a smart city, with very, very cheap transport running inside it,” Pearson says. “You’d get fantastic benefits for people, and for cities, and for the environment.”
We still like food, but our tastes are changing
Humans are still around — and we haven’t given up on our lunch breaks just yet either.
Prominent futurist Ray Kurzweil has regularly predicted that food consumption would be on the way out by 2020. “Billions of tiny nanobots in the digestive tract and bloodstream could intelligently extract the precise nutrients we require,” he wrote in his 2004 book “Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever.” Kurzweil projected that these nutrient-laden bots could “send the rest of the food we eat on its way to elimination.”
Tiny robots didn’t replace meals — but some far more speculative predictions about what we eat may well be coming true.
A 1913 edition of the New York Times contained a long-range estimation from the president of the now-defunct American Meat Packers’ Association, in an article entitled “Threatening us with Vegetarianism.” Peering “deeply into a dismal future,” the paper noted his warning that Americans would forgo meat and start living on “rice and vegetables” in the 21st century.
The article described the prospect as a “terrifying fate,” that could only be avoided by “educating the American farmer to the necessity of raising more cattle.”
But a century later, vegetarianism and veganism are booming in popularity. Many scientists are also warning that we must immediately eat less meat and change the way we manage land in order to halt the climate crisis.
Aside from our diets, in 2000 Kurzweil also predicted that computers would be “largely invisible” and “embedded everywhere — in walls, tables, chairs, desks, clothing, jewelry, and bodies,” by 2020.
He was one of a handful of futurists to predict that smart glasses or contact lenses would replace our phones. Google did give this a try, but it failed to resonate with the public.
What other changes could have been in store for our daily lives, had experts been proven right?
Peter Schwartz and Peter Leyden, writing in Wired in 1997, predicted that electronic voting in elections from home would be a reality by now.
In 2000, Eric Haseltine wrote in Discover magazine that written signatures would be “considered quaint” by 2020, replaced by biometric IDs, including iris, fingerprint and voice-recognition systems. Smartphones now use all three types of this technology.
Joseph D’Agnese predicted in the same magazine that we wouldn’t be able to board a plane or access our homes without lasers measuring our irises. And Marvin Minsky, a founder of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, estimated that people would turn to the black market for genetic manipulation, extending their lives and even “growing features in their brain” illegally.
We’re not vacationing on the Moon — yet
They say the past is a foreign country. Well, if that’s true, then the future is a foreign planet. With hotels on it.
Accessible vacations in space have been predicted for decades. “Look back to what people were talking about back in the 60s or 70s — space tourism has been a vision for a long time,” says Laura Forczyk, founder of space consulting firm Astralytical. “Go back to that Stanley Kubrick movie, where Pan Am was taking tourists to various destinations,” she adds, referring to the blockbuster “2001: A Space Odyssey.”
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Circa 1958: An artist’s impression of the future of space travel: a ‘Lunar Liner’ designed to transport people to and from the moon. (Photo by Evans/Three Lions/Getty Images)
In 2009, it finally seemed we were on the cusp of a breakthrough, with a number of companies and individuals expressing a desire to make the 2010s the decade of space tourism.
“By 2020 you’ll have seen private citizens circumnavigate the moon,” Eric Anderson of Space Adventures told the website Space.com in 2009. Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk went further. “I’m going to go out on a limb and say that by 2020 there will be serious plans to go to Mars with people,” the same site quoted him as saying.
“From 2001 to 2009, people saw it becoming a reality,” Forczyk tells CNN. “They thought it was right around the corner.”
But space tourism proved so close, and yet so far. Seven people paid to go into space during the first decade of the 21st century — but orbital tourist flights were halted in 2009.
The delays mean hundreds of people who signed up for space travel have been left waiting. “Back then it was always, ‘next year, next year,’” says adventure journalist Jim Clash, who bought a $200,000 ticket on a Virgin Galactic flight in 2010. “I did think that by 2020, we would be running this as a regular operation.
“I’m supposed to be passenger number 610, which is quite a way down the list,” he adds. But he’s not disappointed by the hold-up. “It takes a while, and I’m willing to wait,” Clash tells CNN. “Space is tough, and you want to get it right before you start taking people up.”
Still, the 2010s were hardly a lost decade for commercial space travel.
The past 10 years have seen a number of companies make strides towards lift-off, and SpaceX revealed in 2018 that Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will be its first space tourist — with a slingshot trip around the Moon booked in for as soon as 2023. Beyond that, Musk still has his sights set firmly on Mars.
“Now we’ve got private companies building their own vehicles to transport paying customers,” says Forczyk. “That has been the difference between the past decade and previous decades.”
You’d need a thick wallet to see the Earth from space by 2030, of course. But the long-held vision of hotels on the Moon may not be an entirely distant proposition, she adds.
“Humans are ingenious … absolutely, that will eventually happen,” Forczyk says, with some confidence. “Whether it happens in our lifetimes, I can’t tell you. But as long as that dream lasts, people are going to continue to work on it.”
Some predictions weren’t even close
The further back you go, the more outlandish the predictions for 2020 get.
In 1964, the RAND Corporation conducted a long-term forecasting report, putting questions to 82 experts in various fields to come up with a number of predictions for our times.
Had they been right, we’d be communicating with extraterrestrials and time-traveling by now. Our lives would be extended by half a century, and Mars would be old news. We’d have landed there by the mid-1980s, and Venus and the moons of Jupiter would have been conquered in the early 21st century. We’d even have flown to Pluto — which, back then, was still a planet before it was downgraded in 2006.
“Primitive forms of artificial life will have been generated in the laboratory,” the report goes on. “A universal language will have been evolved … (and) on the moon, mining and manufacture of propellent materials will be in progress.”
One of the most eyebrow-raising claims in the RAND report, however, was that by 2020 we’d have bred animals, including apes, to carry out daily chores in the home.
The predictions, the study’s forward said, reflected “explicit, reasoned, self-aware opinions” that “should lessen the chance of surprise and provide a sounder basis for long-range decision-making.”
The claims were certainly taken seriously. Three years later, the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Glenn T. Seaborg commented on its findings in a speech to the Woman’s National Democratic Club in Washington, DC.
“During the 21st century, those houses that don’t have a robot in the broom closet could have a live-in ape to do the cleaning and gardening chores,” he said. “Also, the use of well-trained apes as family chauffeurs might decrease the number of automobile accidents.”
Next year won’t look much like we thought it would — but the rapid growth of the internet and various technologies mean scientists from the 1960s wouldn’t recognize it either.
That, in turn, has brought up new concerns that even many futurists didn’t see coming — and the future is just as murky.
So, as we fix our sights on the 2030s, remember to take any predictions with a pinch of salt. Assuming the nanobots don’t take it first.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2020/01/01/nanobots-ape-chauffeurs-and-flights-to-pluto-the-predictions-for-2020-we-got-horribly-wrong/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/01/01/nanobots-ape-chauffeurs-and-flights-to-pluto-the-predictions-for-2020-we-got-horribly-wrong/
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... Drag Race (S09E07) 9021-HO Airdate: May 5, 2017 Ratings: 0.694 Million :: 0.3 18-49 Demo Share Score: 9/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** Ever had a really terrible day where your whole world is ripped apart? That was my day yesterday... And even though I've already watched '9021H0' & 'Ru Paul's Roast' (and purposefully have avoided writing reviews), I thought it was Friday... Or was wishing it was... As was like Please, GOD, get me home so I can watch these Drag Race bitches so they can lift me up, because lorrrrrd... I'm falling apart. I'm a struggling writer with two degrees taking whatever work I can get freelance writing, working at well known South Florida Bar on the weekends (and that job along with the 5 hour total commute a day through the dredges of Miami is killing me)... But Spotlight Saga is my baby, every dollar I make in everything goes to making this existential media online mag dream come true, and it is not cheap. I hate to turn this all about, 'ME ME ME ME MEEEEE' as Valentina would croon, but I gotta have my Alexis Michelle moments too and I really need my place where I can just let everything out and connect with you all... Avid fans of the show, readers of everything Spotlight Saga, and all the people at 'World of Wonder' and the contestants of the show that will see what I will say next. For almost two weeks, I have everyone in Miami saying, 'I'M ON SPEED TOO!', 96% have no idea what they're referencing but lawd, Trinity girl... And really all the contestants who made this episode such a success really have gotten me through a tough time through dealing with 3 deaths in the past week... And a sudden realization that my fight for Nina's treatment on the show was a reflection was something I was feeling at work and in life. I identify with you, Nina, because just like you, I'm talented, deal with with depression, and am a little bit crazy, girl. All your struggles that we see stripped down to the bone, especially on WOW's 'Untucked' don't go unnoticed. And I'm always here with open arms if you need me. You are beautiful, you are talented, and are going to get you some acting classes! Again, Drag Race & Untucked is my last living connection to the 'Gay World', and even though some of you shits send me death threats after I critique this show, it really is one of the only positive experiences in Gay Culture I have left. I love that we start out '9021HO' with the girls going back to the workroom, Alexis finally celebrating a well deserved win, Nina admitting her issues with getting in the way of her success, Shea Couleé delivering the 'I'ma lift you up in church and put you on the cross and crucify your ass if you don't do you and stop this mental block you throw up that keeps you from succeeding (Not only does Nina need to hear that, so do I - You are a perfection Shea), and Trinity 'The Tuck' Taylor giving us that true Floridian 'Another one down, now the real bitch can prove it's her town' Florida 'Suit of Armor' bit. Start your engine, mother fuckers... Ru enters the workroom and announces that Jenny Garth & Tori Spelling will be the guest judges for the upcoming challenge... And that the contestants will be transporting back to 1993 putting on their version of '9021HO'... Notable, because Farrah Moan announces that was the year he was born... Alex's face is priceless, 'You were born in 93?' That was my reaction to finding out that the barback at my weekend job telling me he was born in 2000! Do you know the debauchery I was knee deep 'In the yeaaaaaar 2000000000!' Ru takes Alex's reaction up an even larger notch (cuz shhh, Ru is much older - not that Ru ages) 'Im gonna fucking fuck you up!' Peppermint won the lip sync, I'm sorry... BURNED THAT LIP SYNC DOWN TO THE MOTHER FUCKING GROUND, so Ru gives her the honor of leading the group an assigning the roles... An honor that's both a curse and a blessing. Peppermint takes the high ground and asks the contestants what roles they feel the most right for, and really tries to give everyone the role they not only want, but feel the comfortable in. Cant please everybody, especially when there's pressure to perform at your highest ability, Aja has a meltdown from hell after being cast as Grandrea... But Peppermint isn't having it. Bitch we love you, but if you don't know want the role and are going to bring that kind of attitude to the production, Shea will gladly take the role she doesn't really want and make it one of the best in the show... That's kind of what she does. And I know that Aja was regretting this one later. Those cameras are on you almost 24/7, so if you have a meltdown like that, not only are they going to feature it prominently on the show, they are going to throw it up in your face when it comes time to face the music. I have it paused on Aja's 'reaction face'... Baby, if we are to be wed, this isn't the face you should ever make again. Alex is quick to click, 'You're going to have to grow up and accept the challenge.' Queens, going forward, if Shea gladly accepts the role you don't want, worry, she will take it, make it, and easy fucking bake it... And you don't want that coming up on the runway. Garth & Spelling introduce themselves and get to work... Its a bit like Snatch Games some contestants are automatically killing it (Trinity Taylor, Valentina, Shea Coulee), some need a bit of direction but are able to take it like pros and turn it in to magic (Alexis Michelle takes notes and follows the lead of Garth & Spelling, and for the most part Farrah - she just takes a bit longer than others, but hey, that's part of her charm, and Sasha Velour who didn't do bad, but didn't do great either), and then there are the those that bombed (Aja, Nina, Peppermint).... And there's nothing worse than watching these Queens on Drag Race bomb. Despite the criticisms I get for reviewing this portion of the show (God, get me to Untucked), I grow attached to all these contestants and want everyone to succeed, sometimes despite themselves. We all get in our way sometimes, and rather than seeing everyone bomb I want to Ru Paul to be put in a position where she doesn't know who to put in the top, the bottom, or even make safe... I want to everyone to shine. Everything is taped, the editing begins, and the queens prepare for a sick runway... You know what that means... Your VH1 mandated Drag Race workroom therapy sessions (I'm sure WOW is like, can we just do things our way, PLEASE... Are the ratings really that much different from Logo's, especially on a Friday Night.) The Queens talk prom, Alex has a pic of he and his date at prom in full drag... Alexis Michelle haters, can you please give this bitch some credit... That's an act of a true pioneer, that takes balls, and if you don't have balls, it takes gumption. Valentine was prom king... Perfection isn't surprising with this one. Now I am already a huge Trinity Taylor fan, this is a Florida bitch... Its hot down here and we have to put up with craziest people in the world, and if they're not born here they migrate from literally all over the world to bring their crazy to one huge hodgepodge of sweltering, alligator 'rasslin, porta-potty lighting on fire and tippin' insanity. It takes a special kind of crazy to survive the Everglades, bitch. Hearing Trinity's story about quitting the last two years of high school to take care of his grandmother touched me, especially since my partner of 11+ years had to do the same after his mother died at age 7 and his 5 sisters abandoned him to live with and take care of his father who turned into a scared and lonely, verbally and emotionally abusive man who eventually was taken by cancer in his final hours as my partner was robbed of his high school experience. If there was one thing I could change in this world, it isn't to take that experience that ultimately made him stronger in life and one of the most loyal and amazing men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing... Not to mention a loving, dedicated caretaker and lover who sticks by me through all my bullshit, self-destructive behavior, depression, and dependence issues over the years... But to go back and just sit next to him while he has to endure it, just so that someone else was there. Trinity, the next time you are in Miami, we would like to offer you the full Prom experience. I'm not sure Ginger Cubs are your thing, but my partner is certainly not that... So you get the best of both worlds, and my offer is real. I live on Collins in Miami Beach so 'The Prom' experience is something we can definitely give you in full, the 305 'White Boys in a Cuban World' version anyway... Followed by a senior trip and the whole nine. And I totally agree with Alex, I also truly believe those we've lost are there, watching, carrying us, picking us up when we need to get the fuck up off the floor... Even if we can't see them, 'cause god knows we can feel them. Runway Time!!! Ru is ready with 90's pastel, looking mighty, like a Queen who owned the 90s... Oh she was? And the 80s? And the 00's and the 10's too... Oh, that's right! This outfit reminded me of that, silly me! The makeup is a bit, uhm, off... But we're going to act like the makeup and the wig are flawless... oh we're not? Ok. Category is... Big Hair, Everywhere! Valentina... What were you guys expecting? Anything less than perfection? Diana Ross was her inspiration and it reads, but I wanted some early, EARLY 90's touch to this runway, and this is reading 70's. Farrah Moan, Crushed it. When Farrah doesn't stand out in challenges, she's there on the runway making grown men weep. Trinity Taylor, I love her everything, she can do no wrong, and if there is wrong, I'm sure it was someone else. This look is sick, and Trinity's voiceovers just make every step on the runway that much more entertaining. Top 3 at the end or bust. Sasha Velour... Big hair is inspiring a life of 70's/80's looks and yes 'Sid ate Nancy' is perfect. Fuck it, this look is sick, no complaints and anyway punk is forever Brooklyn. Peppermint... Again with the 70's, but hey... No one said '90's twist' so I guess I should stfu. Peppermint looks ready for Studio 54, and she's jumping the line, baby. Nina... YASSSSSSS, see this is what I'm talking about. Even if Nina bombed the challenge look at this early 90's Club Kid inspired runway with a Banana Fana Fo'Fina twist, that paint, RAWR. Shea Couleé... OK. Did someone say milkshake earlier? This is one of my favorite looks. Alexis Michelle... Big Hair, Floating in the water... Oh my! Not only does Alexis give us Disney Villain realness, she also ties it in to the mirror character she played. This is a winning look. Period. Aja... I like it... This is one of her better looks and there is definitely a progression throughout the show in terms of growth in the runway. It's just hard to follow Alexis Michelle... But it's hard to deny that Aja didn't do exactly what the judges asked of her here and more. 9021-HO... Living for this intro. Nina & Peppermint open, neither one dazzle, but this is not Nina's challenge. They immediately introduce them to Shea's 'Grandrea' and it's lights out. The divide is widening, and I'm not talking about Michelle Visage 🙃. Valentina & Farrah rock, the edits are surprisingly strong for Farrah, but Valentina could outshine the sun. Sasha Velour looks like Alaska Thunderfuck & Sharon Needles had a baby and left it home by itself. If Sasha had turned the volume up, she could've been in the top, what stopped her from taking this to the next level?! Trinity, my God, this performance has gotten me through the roughest two weeks in my life as of late... And if you pause the show at any point in the prom, there is not a frame that doesn't include Trinity Taylor that won't have you on your knees, laughing until you cry. The lip sync... A classic. Let's be honest, CeCe Peniston's 'Finally' had a much larger reach than the gay community... It was an electronic music classic, it was gay club classic, and even remixed to perfection for rave and club scenes throughout the 90's and early 00's. YES, Aja has made incredible strides and growth throughout the season, but Nina took that lip sync down to the river. It is what it is. Cheers to one of the best episodes of Drag Race to originally air on VH1. Now, excuse me while I catch the fuck up!
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payment-providers · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://payment-providers.com/building-an-ecommerce-business-part-18-selling-the-company/
Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 18: Selling the Company
Launching and then growing an ecommerce business can be both exciting and stressful. The reward for many entrepreneurs is to sell their companies someday.
I’m the founder of Beardbrand, an ecommerce business in Austin, Texas, that focuses on beard care and men’s grooming. This is episode 18 in my series on building an ecommerce business from the ground up. The previous installments are:
“Part 1: Choosing Partners,”
“Part 2: Selecting Platforms,”
“Part 3: Early Days,”
“Part 4: Copywriting Matters,”
“Part 5: Paid Acquisition,”
“Part 6: Hiring Employees,”
“Part 7: Shipping and Fulfillment,”
“Part 8: Customer Service,”
“Part 9: YouTube Strategy,”
“Part 10: Apparel Sales, Manufacturing.”
“Part 11: Selling on Amazon.”
“Part 12: Acquiring Companies.”
“Part 13: Raising Money.”
“Part 14: Using Kickstarter.”
“Part 15: Content Essentials.”
“Part 16: Custom Manufacturing“
“Part 17: Growing a Community.”
For this installment, I spoke with Michael Jackness. He is the owner of Terran, a multi-brand ecommerce company. He is also the host of EcomCrew, a popular podcast. Jackness has sold several ecommerce businesses. In this conversation, we discuss the most recent sale, which occurred earlier this year.
What follows is our entire audio conversation and a transcript, edited for length and clarity.
Eric Bandholz: You own and operate multiple ecommerce businesses. You’re also the host of EcomCrew, an amazing ecommerce podcast. Tell us a little bit about your background.
Michael Jackness: I left my day job in 2004. I got into ecommerce as a domain investor and an affiliate marketer. I then purchased Treadmill.com, which was my first ecommerce site. I ran that for a couple of years. I sold a few million dollars in fitness equipment and realized the perils of drop shipping.
In January 2015, we started Terran, which consisted of four ecommerce brands: Ice Wraps (hot and cold therapy packs); ColorIt, which I just sold (coloring supplies and products for adults); Wild Baby (baby clothing and toys); Tac Niner (survival gear).
The one we just sold, ColorIt, was about 80 percent Amazon and 20 percent on Colorit.com using Shopify. If we had turned off Amazon, it could have been 50-50. But many people come to ColorIt and then search on Amazon, find the products there, and receive free Prime shipping.
Bandholz: You started ColorIt in 2015?
Jackness: The concept started in 2015. We got serious about the business in 2016. Then we sold it this year.
Bandholz: It’s coloring books for adults?
Jackness: Yes. It was a huge trend in 2014 or 2015. We launched as just a coloring book company. And then we launched colored pencils. We realized that the accessories were more lucrative than the books. But over the last year, the books have caught up. We have enough titles now and we rank well on Amazon. They’re also defensible because we handle all the designs. They’re all copyrighted.
We’ve differentiated ourselves in the manufacturing process. You need $50,000 to $100,000 to get started printing at the level that we do. And we also have the original art component.
Bandholz: Do you own your businesses?
Jackness: I had a partner with ColorIt. The others I own wholly.
Bandholz: ColorIt sounds like a perfect business. Why sell it?
Jackness: I’m also looking to sell another one next year. Everyone has a different risk profile. For us, we started this brand conglomerate in 2015 called Terran with the goal of $10 million in overall annual sales.
Since then, we accumulated $1.3 million in inventory — inventory sitting in warehouses across four brands. I was losing sleep because as we continued to grow, we needed more and more cash, more and more inventory. I wasn’t in control of my destiny as a lot of my business was on Amazon. It was time to take some risk off the table.
Bandholz: So you and your partner decided to sell ColorIt. What were the steps from there?
Jackness: You can have two modes of business. You’re either focused on growth or profit. It’s hard to do both. When the time comes to focus on profit, it’s easier to switch that lever than the high-growth lever.
When we stopped the high growth for ColorIt, we decided to sell it. That decision happened relatively quickly. We had doubled our bottom line. The timing was right to put it up for sale.
So that’s what we did. We put it up for sale in January of this year. Within three weeks we had multiple offers. We had a good broker, Joe Valley from Quiet Light Brokerage.
Bandholz: How big was your company at the time?
Jackness: We had 15 total employees for the business, across all four brands. Revenue for all four brands was high seven figures.
Bandholz: Was the valuation for ColorIt based on net profit?
Jackness: Yes, more or less. Most ecommerce businesses go for a multiple of EBITDA — earnings before taxes, interest, depreciation, and amortization — plus add backs. A seller can add his salary back to that number as well as his company car, his personal cell phone, that sort of thing. You can also add back one-time expenses.
You end up with 12 months of adjusted, trailing earnings and then multiply that by whatever multiple you get. In our case, it was 3.1. Then you add inventory on top of that. That’s the final sales price.
Bandholz: Do larger businesses receive higher valuations?
Jackness: Yes. There’s a magic line, typically $1 million per year in EBITDA, where the multiples increase.
Other things that can help include channel diversification, intellectual property (having a trademark), and business longevity.
Bandholz: Did the buyer write a check and you turned over the business?
Jackness: Yes. Every deal is different, however. For our transaction, 90 percent of the purchase price was paid at closing; 10 percent was held in escrow for 90 days to ensure a smooth transition and to make sure that all the things that I promised were true.
For the inventory, we took a 12-month note — 12 equal payments at 5 percent interest. Normally I would never agree to that. But I thought that it was the right thing to do because of the amount of inventory that we had for this business. If we were operating at peak efficiency, we would have had about $300,000 in inventory, but we had $450,000. It’s not fair to a buyer to pay for our mistake.
Overall, I’m happy with the deal.
Bandholz: Final question. What lessons have you learned over the years in terms of buying and selling businesses?
Jackness: Let’s start with selling. I’ve never regretted selling a business. I’ve sold several now. I’m good at compartmentalizing. I always keep in mind the moment that I’m at when deciding to sell. You can’t look back. It’s similar to the stock market. Why did I sell my Apple stock at $100 per share when it’s now $200? It was the right decision at the time.
As far as recommendations on the selling side, I don’t want to get paid with my money. I don’t want earnouts. Write me the check. This is the price of my business. I realize it’s a lot of money. But I want to be paid up front so I can deploy that money elsewhere.
On the buy side, I have several suggestions. First, make sure to conduct due diligence. Don’t take the seller’s word. There’s a lot of morally questionable people in the world. Either do the review yourself or hire a company.
The company that purchased ColorIt hired Centurica, a professional due diligence company that specializes in ecommerce. It took five or six weeks for Centurica to comb through seemingly every detail of my business. They found a bunch of mistakes, which upset me as I strive to be thorough. But they were excellent. They found a bunch of little things that I didn’t even know about. So due diligence is important.
And you have to be willing to walk away. It’s easy to get emotionally attached or feel like you’ve put so much time into something and you get excited about it. But think a year or two down the road. What if it doesn’t work out and the excitement has worn off?
There is always another business. I’ve reviewed a lot of them. Many people I know look at 100 businesses before they buy one.
See the next installment, “Part 19: Just Do It.”
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mbaljeetsingh · 5 years
So, You Wanna Submit a Proposal to Speak at an Event
You’ve been scouring the web for upcoming events. You’ve subscribed to Developer Avocados and you’ve bookmarked conferences.css-tricks.com. And now you’ve found a call for proposals (CFP) that you can’t wait to enter. You quickly fill out the online form and your pinky races towards the Enter button...
Stop. Take a deep breath. And move slowly away from the keyboard.
As a conference organizer, I’ve gone through hundreds — if not thousands — of speaking proposals. While many are excellent, there are always a bunch that show a profound misunderstanding of the event, audience, and duties of a speaker. These are the ones that immediately get dumped onto the "No Thanks" list on my Trello board. And, as a regular speaker, I’ve learned more than a few things about getting proposals accepted.
While there’s no magic bullet for fast tracking your talk, there are a number of habits you can develop and questions you can ask yourself before hitting "submit" to improve your chances of getting invited to events. If you’re a fan of checklists, I’ve put one together to guide you through the process of submitting a proposal.
It’s even available on CodePen. 😉
See the Pen The CFP Checklist by Jason Rodriguez (@rodriguezcommaj) on CodePen.
Start with some research
The first thing before submitting a proposal is to research the heck out of the event.
There are a ton of events out there, each with its own unique audience and vibe. Some are big, some are small; some have huge budgets and some are bootstrapped and brand new. Your first task as a potential speaker is to learn as much as you can about the event to make sure that you’re a good fit for it and the audience. There are a few ways to do this.
First, check out the website to get a feel for the event. See when and where it is, check out past years (if there are any), and read every last bit of copy on the site. A few things to keep an eye out for: an FAQ page, a CFP page, info about sponsorships or speaking opportunities, lists of past speakers, and a hashtag. The event hashtag is important, as that will allow you to check out hype and past attendee experiences on Twitter, as well to as get a sense of excitement about the upcoming event. If there isn’t a hashtag, or all of the comments about the event are terrible, then perhaps it’s time to move on to the next CFP.
Next, do a search on YouTube, Speaker Deck, SlideShare, and Notist for past talks and slide decks. These will give you a great idea of what to expect at the event and what kinds of talks go over well with the audience.
After you’ve completed a first pass of research, it’s time to answer some key questions:
When and where is the event?
Who’s organizing it?
Do they have a code of conduct?
Do they value diversity and inclusion?
Are they looking for specific topics or proposals?
Do they cover travel/hotel?
Do they pay speakers?
Most importantly: who is their audience?
You may not be able to find an answer to all of these, but try your hardest. Feel free to reach out to organizers — most are happy to answer questions for potential speakers, and the more you know, the better you’ll be able to determine whether or not you’re a good fit for their event.
Add focus your idea
After you’ve done your research, it’s time to focus in on your proposal idea. Chances are good that you’re hunting around for events with a talk idea already in mind, but even so, you should take a few steps to make it’s as compelling for organizers as possible.
The main question you want to answer when developing a talk idea is, "What will attendees get out of my session?" This is where knowing about the audience and event — all of that research — pays off.
Far too many would-be speakers submit proposals for the wrong reasons. Many think of events as marketing and sales opportunities for their business. Others are looking to make a name for themselves so they can start charging on the speakers circuit. But the best talks come from sharing personal experiences, challenges, and solutions to problems you’ve experienced in your own work.
By researching the audience, you can determine what’s likely to be important to them. You get a feel for their challenges and interests, and you can think more deeply about how your experiences and skills can best serve them. Try to forget about the actual organizers and making a pitch to them, and instead focus all of your energy on clearly communicating how attendees’ lives and work will be improved after they sit in on your session.
A great exercise is to list out the key things attendees would take away from your talk. Try to focus on 3-5 things that people can put to work when they get back home. Making them as actionable as possible is a fantastic idea. While some proposals are all about inspiration, wrapping practical advice into inspirational examples is an excellent way to make that inspiration stick in people’s minds.
Another suggestion is to run your idea by colleagues, friends, or your partner. Put together a two-minute summary, stand up in front of them, and give them the ol’ elevator pitch. Not only will this force you to add a clear focus to your idea, but it’ll let you know if you’re ready to get up on stage in front of strangers. If you can’t give a short talk in a few minutes now, then you should probably sit back down and prepare some more before answering that call for proposals.
Craft your proposal into something worth reading
Finally, it’s time to craft your proposal and get it ready to submit.
Most CFPs consist of an online form. They can range from a few questions to multiple pages of inputs, but you’ll be filling something out for organizers to review. Although some speakers are able to fly through the forms and quickly hit "Submit," I’d recommend prepping your CFPs outside of the form first.
Open up a text file or make a note in your app of choice on one side of your screen and the CFP form on the other. Go through each field in the form and write down your response in your notes. Putting together a rough draft outside of the form gives you the opportunity to think through your answers and edit them until they clearly reflect your focused idea and the value for attendees. What’s better is that you can take that note and share it with someone you trust and respect. Gather feedback from them and use it to further refine your proposal.
A lot of CFP ask for supporting materials. These can be videos showing that you are a clear communicator, links to your website or social media accounts showing your personal interests, or even slides from previous talks. Instead of fumbling around and potentially timing out the CFPs form (and having to start all over), collect all of those materials in your note or a folder on your computer. If you’re a seasoned speaker, make sure you curate your materials to show your best and most recent talks.
Submit and wait
OK. You’ve done the research. You’ve focused your idea. You’ve even drafted the answers to the CFP, pitched the idea to your partner in the kitchen, and collected feedback from a co-worker or two. It’s time to scratch that itch and submit your proposal.
Go back to the CFP form, open up your notes and resources, and start copying and pasting. Take your time to work through the form and triple-check that you’ve filled everything out. Attach any supporting materials (seriously, how many times have we all sent an email that says "See attached file" without actually attaching anything?) and take a deep breath. Scroll to the top and read through every response as many times as you need to before you feel comfortable submitting.
Now, press "Submit." Do a little celebration, take another deep breath, and move on with your life.
It can take a long time for organizers to process submissions and figure out an agenda. Try to be patient. It’s tempting to email organizers and ask about the status of your proposal, but resist the urge. Organizers are extraordinarily busy — with the conference and their full-time jobs — and should be left to review proposals instead of fielding emails from impatient potential speakers.
A good organizer will get back to you when they’re ready and let you know the status of your submission — good or bad. If they don’t, chances are the event wasn’t that great to begin with. The key thing is to try to forget about your submission as much as possible (while still keeping the event on your calendar, just in case) and focus on more important things. Not only will this ease your anxiety but you’ll be in for a wonderful surprise when your proposal is accepted.
Speaking at events can be incredibly rewarding. Sure, it’s massively time-consuming and, depending on your disposition, extremely stressful, but it’s an excellent way to build connections and help others in the industry. While you could start spamming every event with proposals, your chances of being invited to speak all hinge on the amount of preparation you put into your submission. Taking the time to make sure you’re a good fit for an event, that you understand the audience, and that you have a focus and are able to clearly communicate your idea will up the odds of you standing onstage, clicking through slides, and (hopefully) solving some problems for the folks that paid to be there.
I’m definitely not the first person to write about answering CFPs. There are a ton of good tips out there for crafting the perfect proposal. Here are a few of my favorites:
Write a Good Abstract, from Notist
How to Find Ideas for Your Talk, from Notist
What Your Conference Proposal is Missing, from Sarah Mei
How to Rock the Call for Papers and Get Your Talk Picked, from Jono Bacon
My Presentation Workflow and Challenges, from Lara Hogan
Demystifying Public Speaking, from Lara Hogan
Conference Speaking Like a Boss, from Jennifer Wadella
Finally, if you have any hesitation about not being "good enough" to speak at conferences, read this excellent post from Sara Wachter-Boettcher. Then start crafting that perfect proposal.
The post So, You Wanna Submit a Proposal to Speak at an Event appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
via CSS-Tricks http://bit.ly/2VZde1T
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siliconwebx · 5 years
So, You Wanna Submit a Proposal to Speak at an Event
You’ve been scouring the web for upcoming events. You’ve subscribed to Developer Avocados and you’ve bookmarked conferences.css-tricks.com. And now you’ve found a call for proposals (CFP) that you can’t wait to enter. You quickly fill out the online form and your pinky races towards the Enter button...
Stop. Take a deep breath. And move slowly away from the keyboard.
As a conference organizer, I’ve gone through hundreds — if not thousands — of speaking proposals. While many are excellent, there are always a bunch that show a profound misunderstanding of the event, audience, and duties of a speaker. These are the ones that immediately get dumped onto the "No Thanks" list on my Trello board. And, as a regular speaker, I’ve learned more than a few things about getting proposals accepted.
While there’s no magic bullet for fast tracking your talk, there are a number of habits you can develop and questions you can ask yourself before hitting "submit" to improve your chances of getting invited to events. If you’re a fan of checklists, I’ve put one together to guide you through the process of submitting a proposal.
It’s even available on CodePen. 😉
See the Pen The CFP Checklist by Jason Rodriguez (@rodriguezcommaj) on CodePen.
Start with some research
The first thing before submitting a proposal is to research the heck out of the event.
There are a ton of events out there, each with its own unique audience and vibe. Some are big, some are small; some have huge budgets and some are bootstrapped and brand new. Your first task as a potential speaker is to learn as much as you can about the event to make sure that you’re a good fit for it and the audience. There are a few ways to do this.
First, check out the website to get a feel for the event. See when and where it is, check out past years (if there are any), and read every last bit of copy on the site. A few things to keep an eye out for: an FAQ page, a CFP page, info about sponsorships or speaking opportunities, lists of past speakers, and a hashtag. The event hashtag is important, as that will allow you to check out hype and past attendee experiences on Twitter, as well to as get a sense of excitement about the upcoming event. If there isn’t a hashtag, or all of the comments about the event are terrible, then perhaps it’s time to move on to the next CFP.
Next, do a search on YouTube, Speaker Deck, SlideShare, and Notist for past talks and slide decks. These will give you a great idea of what to expect at the event and what kinds of talks go over well with the audience.
After you’ve completed a first pass of research, it’s time to answer some key questions:
When and where is the event?
Who’s organizing it?
Do they have a code of conduct?
Do they value diversity and inclusion?
Are they looking for specific topics or proposals?
Do they cover travel/hotel?
Do they pay speakers?
Most importantly: who is their audience?
You may not be able to find an answer to all of these, but try your hardest. Feel free to reach out to organizers — most are happy to answer questions for potential speakers, and the more you know, the better you’ll be able to determine whether or not you’re a good fit for their event.
Add focus your idea
After you’ve done your research, it’s time to focus in on your proposal idea. Chances are good that you’re hunting around for events with a talk idea already in mind, but even so, you should take a few steps to make it’s as compelling for organizers as possible.
The main question you want to answer when developing a talk idea is, "What will attendees get out of my session?" This is where knowing about the audience and event — all of that research — pays off.
Far too many would-be speakers submit proposals for the wrong reasons. Many think of events as marketing and sales opportunities for their business. Others are looking to make a name for themselves so they can start charging on the speakers circuit. But the best talks come from sharing personal experiences, challenges, and solutions to problems you’ve experienced in your own work.
By researching the audience, you can determine what’s likely to be important to them. You get a feel for their challenges and interests, and you can think more deeply about how your experiences and skills can best serve them. Try to forget about the actual organizers and making a pitch to them, and instead focus all of your energy on clearly communicating how attendees’ lives and work will be improved after they sit in on your session.
A great exercise is to list out the key things attendees would take away from your talk. Try to focus on 3-5 things that people can put to work when they get back home. Making them as actionable as possible is a fantastic idea. While some proposals are all about inspiration, wrapping practical advice into inspirational examples is an excellent way to make that inspiration stick in people’s minds.
Another suggestion is to run your idea by colleagues, friends, or your partner. Put together a two-minute summary, stand up in front of them, and give them the ol’ elevator pitch. Not only will this force you to add a clear focus to your idea, but it’ll let you know if you’re ready to get up on stage in front of strangers. If you can’t give a short talk in a few minutes now, then you should probably sit back down and prepare some more before answering that call for proposals.
Craft your proposal into something worth reading
Finally, it’s time to craft your proposal and get it ready to submit.
Most CFPs consist of an online form. They can range from a few questions to multiple pages of inputs, but you’ll be filling something out for organizers to review. Although some speakers are able to fly through the forms and quickly hit "Submit," I’d recommend prepping your CFPs outside of the form first.
Open up a text file or make a note in your app of choice on one side of your screen and the CFP form on the other. Go through each field in the form and write down your response in your notes. Putting together a rough draft outside of the form gives you the opportunity to think through your answers and edit them until they clearly reflect your focused idea and the value for attendees. What’s better is that you can take that note and share it with someone you trust and respect. Gather feedback from them and use it to further refine your proposal.
A lot of CFP ask for supporting materials. These can be videos showing that you are a clear communicator, links to your website or social media accounts showing your personal interests, or even slides from previous talks. Instead of fumbling around and potentially timing out the CFPs form (and having to start all over), collect all of those materials in your note or a folder on your computer. If you’re a seasoned speaker, make sure you curate your materials to show your best and most recent talks.
Submit and wait
OK. You’ve done the research. You’ve focused your idea. You’ve even drafted the answers to the CFP, pitched the idea to your partner in the kitchen, and collected feedback from a co-worker or two. It’s time to scratch that itch and submit your proposal.
Go back to the CFP form, open up your notes and resources, and start copying and pasting. Take your time to work through the form and triple-check that you’ve filled everything out. Attach any supporting materials (seriously, how many times have we all sent an email that says "See attached file" without actually attaching anything?) and take a deep breath. Scroll to the top and read through every response as many times as you need to before you feel comfortable submitting.
Now, press "Submit." Do a little celebration, take another deep breath, and move on with your life.
It can take a long time for organizers to process submissions and figure out an agenda. Try to be patient. It’s tempting to email organizers and ask about the status of your proposal, but resist the urge. Organizers are extraordinarily busy — with the conference and their full-time jobs — and should be left to review proposals instead of fielding emails from impatient potential speakers.
A good organizer will get back to you when they’re ready and let you know the status of your submission — good or bad. If they don’t, chances are the event wasn’t that great to begin with. The key thing is to try to forget about your submission as much as possible (while still keeping the event on your calendar, just in case) and focus on more important things. Not only will this ease your anxiety but you’ll be in for a wonderful surprise when your proposal is accepted.
Speaking at events can be incredibly rewarding. Sure, it’s massively time-consuming and, depending on your disposition, extremely stressful, but it’s an excellent way to build connections and help others in the industry. While you could start spamming every event with proposals, your chances of being invited to speak all hinge on the amount of preparation you put into your submission. Taking the time to make sure you’re a good fit for an event, that you understand the audience, and that you have a focus and are able to clearly communicate your idea will up the odds of you standing onstage, clicking through slides, and (hopefully) solving some problems for the folks that paid to be there.
I’m definitely not the first person to write about answering CFPs. There are a ton of good tips out there for crafting the perfect proposal. Here are a few of my favorites:
Write a Good Abstract, from Notist
How to Find Ideas for Your Talk, from Notist
What Your Conference Proposal is Missing, from Sarah Mei
How to Rock the Call for Papers and Get Your Talk Picked, from Jono Bacon
My Presentation Workflow and Challenges, from Lara Hogan
Demystifying Public Speaking, from Lara Hogan
Conference Speaking Like a Boss, from Jennifer Wadella
Finally, if you have any hesitation about not being "good enough" to speak at conferences, read this excellent post from Sara Wachter-Boettcher. Then start crafting that perfect proposal.
The post So, You Wanna Submit a Proposal to Speak at an Event appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
😉SiliconWebX | 🌐CSS-Tricks
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Since next week we’ll be going into full New Kickstarter mode for the Pirates of Pugmire KS, let me catch up on a few things we talked about in the Monday Meeting today, and expand on our thinking about attending conventions.
First, thanks to everyone who sent in questions for my interview with the Onyx Pathcast! We had a great recording session last week that, no surprise, ran extra long. So many things to cover, and I wanted to go into enough detail to deliver more than a corporate sound-bite.
Next, yes, I’m still all fuzzy-headed from pollen allergies. Thanks to all who asked, or provided solutions – medical or otherwise!
And, as far as I’ve been informed, all the backer rewards for the Scion Kickstarter should now be out in the trucks/planes/tricycles of the shippers our fulfillment shipper works with. USPS and Fedex mostly, but these days it is hard to pin that down as they all seem to subcontract with each other.
V5 Chicago art by Amy Wilkins
In a little over two weeks, Eddy, Mighty Matt McElroy, and myself, will be flying over to Merrie Olde Englande for UK Games Expo! This is going to be extremely cool for me, as my family pretty much all came from that part of the world, and I’ve never visited before.
Plus, we’ll be hanging out with Matthew Dawkins, and meeting Steffie de Vann, John Burke, Chris Allen, and Klara Herbol face-to-face for the first time! We are good at using other methods of talking together like Skype, and generally love the virtual office thing, but hanging out and getting to know our creators is still the best way to really understand each other.
But our kumbaya moments aren’t all we’ll be doing at the con! The gang are running all sorts of demo games, including a Chronicles of Darkness tournament where they’ll be running games for the CofD game lines and one player will advance to a special session of the Contagion Chronicle run by developer Matthew Dawkins!
This is a kind of connected con game we’ve never actually done officially before, and we’re really looking forward to how things play out! Plus, the are a lot of other demo games going on including Fetch Quest and Prince’s Gambit, for those who need a card game break from their roleplaying sessions.
I’ll be in meetings and podcasts and other interviews, but hope to get a chance to sit near, if not in, and enjoy the fun. So if you’re going, and want to chat, you can stop by the Onyx Path booth and find out where we all are if you can’t find us there.
One thing you won’t find there will be us selling games and books at the booth. We’re stepping away from making the booth a sales venue at UKGE, and we’ll be directing folks who want to buy our stuff to our friends at Leisure Games! In fact, here’s a handy map now of the exhibition floor:
Now, UK Games Expo is not the only convention we are trying out this new booth strategy with. In fact, we are going all in at Gen Con 2019, this year, and we’re not having any booth at all there.
Instead, we have pretty much doubled the number of demo games that will be run there, we’re still having our Onyx Path panels, and you’ll still be able to buy our games and books and stuff at the Studio2 and Indie Press Revolution booths.
Unsurprisingly, we have a map for that too!
But Rich, why? Why not carry on the tradition of the Gen Con booth? You guys have made a big deal out of your Gen Con planning every year since Onyx Path started (even a few years before that, actually).
The answer is in the question really. It has been a big deal. A huge deal.
One that sucked up our time, effort, planning, attention, and cash. Gen Con exerted a disproportionate gravity every year for the effect it had on our company and community. As a chance to see the same folks year after year, the booth was a great focal point – one we are going to try and move to the panels and demo tables.
I never saw the booth as a “sales venue” nor wanted us to drive it in that direction. That’s just not how I’ve thought of our presence there; it was always more of a communications opportunity. But what we’ve seen these past few years is that the need for the booth to be our big chance to talk to folks has really been left in the dust by our online presence.
For example, all last year at Gen Con, I heard from both new and long time members of our community how they love the Onyx Pathcast, or chatting with Dixie on Slack, or Matt and Ian on our Facebook pages.
And this hasn’t just affected the booth. For example, we used to get a huge reaction when we released the new Onyx Path Brochure at Gen Con – now folks have told us that they already know most of what’s in there because of our social media and these very Monday Meeting Notes blogs, so we’ll be debuting a new kind of brochure at the Mid-Winter Convention this year.
Shunned By The Moon art by Jeff (Silver Fox) Holt
Once we looked at all that; really went into the different ways that folks are getting info and a chance to connect with the company, we could see that the booth was a massive drain on our time in terms of running it, and a pretty big drain on cash that we could use in more proactive ways, and that there were better ways we could use to communicate.
Put that all together, and we’re going to try doing things sans booth this year and see what happens. Maybe it is a horrible idea. We’ll see. But if we just “do what we’ve always done” without examining those strategies to see if they are effective, we’re headed for the tar pits.
And nobody wants that. We want to evolve so that we can continue to deliver you:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Our Pirates of Pugmire Kickstarter will be starting at 2pm Eastern US time on Tuesday, May 21st!
Illustration by Charles Bates
On this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast is a special Pirates of Pugmire Design Diary pretty much totally by Eddy Webb, who has been recording sessions all through his process of developing PoP: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
No Onyx Path News from last week as Matthew was away, so expect a special edition this week to make up for the gap! As for actual plays, it seems to be a Scarred Lands-focused week! Please let the Gentleman Gamer on the Onyx Path Forum know if you have an actual play or review you’d like us to profile, new or old!
Onyx Path‘s YouTube channel has however gained an additional two parts of the Scarred Lands actual play Matthew is running for Red Moon Roleplaying. Check it out if heists, dragons, asaathi, and slitherin are your thing! https://youtu.be/cjbkpGHZhVM
The Story Told RPG Podcast have reached episode five of their Dragon-Blooded actual play, so if you’re interested in Exalted, please give it a listen: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/fall-of-jiara-episode-5-a-dinner-to-remember
The latest episodes of Occultists Anonymous, the Mage: The Awakening actual play (with crossover elements are synopsised as follows: Episode 11: Across the Abyss. Half the cabal, twice the fun. They attempt to summon a Supernal being… Without any research! https://youtu.be/3y3ws45deyw AND Episode 12: Magical Girls’ Night. The conclusion of the summoning, and new plans are laid to develop tools to spellcasting. https://youtu.be/VgaxzDivbMc Give them a watch!
Back to Scarred Lands now, and Caffeinated Conquests‘ actual play of the Gauntlet of Spiragos continues (and they completely off-track from the published scenario): https://youtu.be/haNoWVTBjLc
Returning here to Scarn with Travis Legge’s Myths & Matchmakers, which has reached its 20th episode! If you enjoy your actual plays, please do check this channel out. Also, Travis really knows his Scarred Lands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYIfQKyR5Vs
Devil’s Luck Gaming are always worth checking out for their fantastic Scarred Lands and Chronicles of Darkness actual plays, streamed live: https://www.twitch.tv/DevilsLuckGaming
The Keeper of the Archive (a new show on YouTube) has recently made lengthy strides into covering the Traditions of Mage: The Ascension (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAmGl_jV_qwLk33I706Dfxg3RTqPd6YGz) and Tribes of Werewolf: The Apocalypse (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAmGl_jV_qwKLTkw8JkX02zkOMzbtrS8k). It’s a new channel and they’d greatly appreciate your support
One of our frequent Mage freelancers, Rachelle Udell, was recently interviewed by Mage: The Podcast on the subject of the Mage Cookbook and other subjects! It’s well worth a listen, and an excellent channel in general: https://anchor.fm/mage-the-podcast/episodes/The-Mage-Cookbook-and-the-Ahl-i-Batini-with-Rachelle-Udell-e3tr3g
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
Here’s an update from the App devs:
We’ve been having trouble fixing the android bug that messes up the resolution for newer phones. I think we have a fix for that.  It was also brought up that the store display is wrong on most tablet devices, so that is getting fixed too. That should all be soon!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio 2: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can now order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we’re putting up a ton of stickers on our RedBubble store! Symbols and logos and art and all sorts of stuff- but as stickers!
UK Games Expo: May 31st – June 2nd From the US comes Eddy Webb, Matt McElroy, and Rich Thomas to join with Matthew Dawkins, Steffie de Vann, John Burke, Chris Allen, and Klara Herbol! Gen Con: August 1st – August 4th Save Against Fear: Oct 12-14 GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd We’ll also be back at PAX Unplugged later this year.
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Geist2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
DR:E Threat Guide (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Let The Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Manuscript Approval:
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Blood Sea: Crimson Abyss for 5e (Scarred Lands)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Scion Ready Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Post-Editing Development:
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
Trinity Aeon
In Art Direction
Ex3 Monthly Stuff  
Chicago By Night
They Came From Beneath the Sea!
EX3 Lunars
Hunter: The Vigil 2
Contagion Chronicle
VtR Spilled Blood – Contracted.
M20 Book of the Fallen – Contracted.
Dark Eras 2 – First set of sketches in.
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel – Sending back feedback on sketches.
Pirates of Pugmire – KS art contracted, sketches and finals coming in.
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant – KS art started contracting.
Scion Ready Made Characters – Contracted.
TC Aeon: Distant Worlds – Reading through artnotes.
Marketing Stuff
In Layout
Dystopia Rising: Evolution – With Josh.
Shunned By the Moon
Trinity Continuum Core – Index is in.
The Realm – At WW for approval.
Book of Oblivion – At WW for approval.
Signs of Sorcery – Dev comments back to layout.
Aeon Aexpansion – In 2nd Proof.
C20 Cup of Dreams Novel
Scion Jumpstart
At Press
Scion Hero – Shipped to backers, PoD proof ordered.
Scion Origin – Shipped to backers, PoD proof ordered.
Scion Dice – Shipped to backers.
Scion Screen – Shipped to backers.
Fetch Quest – Waiting for PoD proofs.
In Media Res – PDF out to backers, gathering errata with new sheet.
Geist 2e – PDF out to backers, gathering errata with new sheet.
Adventures for Curious Cats – PoD proof ordered.
Tales of Excellent Cats – PoD proof ordered.
Dragon-Blooded – Deluxe at printer. Signed off of Press Proofs.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – At printer.
Trinity Core and Aeon Screens – Files at printer.
Today in 1964 a great nerd was born: Stephen Colbert. The man argues Silmarillion lore facts and kept a replica of Captain America’s shield on set. He drops references to his D&D game characters. Why are we in a golden era of “nerd culture”? Well, his overt love of our stuff has certainly helped!
3 notes · View notes
marketerintel · 5 years
How To Build Your First App: 7 Secrets From The Founders
Is this a huge mistake? Will it ever work? Will anyone care?
Anyone building an app for the first time is wondering these things. You’re not alone.
“No one knows what they’re doing. You think people who came before you know everything, but there isn’t one right way to do it. If you make a misstep, it’s not a big deal.” – Whitney Linscott, CEO & Founder, Bracket Dating
You can and should build an app. Don’t believe me?
I just launched my first app, 19 Minute Yoga. I’m not a developer. I have a degree in English Lit.
A technical background is not required. Do you know what is required?
Tenacity and grit.
It took twice as long as I expected. But I still did it. And I want to share everything I learned, so you can build an app too.
The App Store has generated more than $70 billion in revenue for App developers. Apps are transforming and disrupting business.
You or your company should be thinking about building an app for one reason. Eventually, someone is going to come along and build an app that disrupts you.
After I launched 19 Minute Yoga, I knew I wanted to share some honest insights and takeaways. I jumped on the phone with 10 other app founders, technical and non-technical, to discuss everything from developing your idea to developing your code.
Thanks to the founders who participated and shared their experience:
Allison Winston: President & Co-Founder, Kickwheel
Estee Goldschmidt: Co-Founder & CEO, ShopDrop
Julie Campistron: Co-Founder and CEO, Stop, Breathe & Think
Whitney Linscott: CEO & Founder, Bracket Dating
Monika Bhasin: Founder, GLYD
Alexis Monson: Founder, Punkpost
Diane Hamilton: Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Binary Formations
Lori Cheek: Co-Founder, Networkd
Amy Hutchins: Founder & Chief Product Officer, Unearth Technologies, Inc.
Suzanne Hayen: CEO & Co-Founder, Let’s Be Chefs
Building an app can be a rollercoaster and it’s important to know your community and know you’re not alone. Download the apps mentioned here and follow the founders online to learn more about these leading entrepreneurs. Welcome to the community!
#1 Put Your Idea On Paper
Some of the best ideas come from a person creating a solution to her own problem. You don’t have to invent something completely new; you can improve upon an existing idea. Research popular categories and bring a fresh spin to an existing audience. 19 Minute Yoga was born when I realized that I couldn’t find a short, audio-first yoga app–anywhere!
Monika Bhasin, Founder of GLYD, an app that connects travelers with locals, said her initial work was getting her idea validated and that went hand in hand with putting it on paper.
“Write the idea out as an essay. It needs to be simple enough to explain to a 10-year-old.” – Monika Bhasin, Founder of GLYD
To get started, consider the questions below. Write multiple drafts, as you refine your idea:
What makes your idea different?
Who is your audience?
What are your business goals?
How are you going to market and promote the app?
What is the simplest version you can build first?
How much will it cost to build the first version of your app, the MVP (minimum viable product), to get your first round of user feedback?
In addition to writing about your idea, it’s important to create a visual. Sketch a rough draft of your app. It will help you understand the story you want to tell. Don’t worry about artistic talent (or lack of!).
Suzzane Hayen is CEO & Co-Founder of Let’s Be Chefs, an app that delivers weekly menus and recipes to helps users save time and eat better. When Hayen was developing her idea, she used index cards to illustrate her user experience.
“Start writing things down on index cards. Draw each screen and show your friends. Here’s one screen, here’s the next screen.” – Suzzane Hayen, CEO & Co-Founder, Let’s Be Chefs
Before you have a formal pitch or brief, simply talking to people will help you develop your idea. Don’t wait until you feel “ready.” My experience is that “ready” rarely happens. Start a dialogue with friends now. Collect initial feedback.
Ask The Pros If you have the capital, you can hire an agency to help you get started faster. Whitney Linscott, CEO & Founder of Bracket Dating, launched her app to solve the “swipe” problem in dating. When she decided to build an app, she attended a workshop with an app development company.
During the 2-day intensive, Linscott was able to flesh out her concept, along with finer details like user stories. The workshop facilitated her first steps, but Linscott noted, “Just to participate in the workshop was $10K.”
Connect With Your Local Tech Community
Many cities have local developer or app focused meetups. Even if you’re not going to hire a development company, start networking and identify local resources. Search online, talk to people who work in technical fields, and connect with local groups. Maybe there’s a tech Meetup event you can attend.
#2 Tell Everyone
We keep our ideas locked up for too long. Fear of rejection and never feeling “ready” can trick you into keeping quiet. And, sometimes there’s concern that a person might steal an idea. We tell ourselves these stories to let us off the hook–to prevent us from executing. Because executing is hard. Get your notes organized and tell everyone.
This is a collaborative process.
Most importantly —> There should be communication with your key demographic before anyone writes a line of code. Start soft sounding your ideas directly with your prospective users. Stay connected throughout this entire process. Start early. Start now.
Early Feedback Forms When I first started building 19 Minute Yoga, I recorded a rough version of my first class, posted it on Soundcloud, and collected early feedback through Google forms. I learned what people liked best, what I could do better, and how someone would describe my class to a friend.
See one of my early 19 Minute Yoga “comment cards” here for reference and feel free to steal some of the standard questions. #GeniusSteals
Share your idea with friends, family, and most importantly, the people you want to help–your target market. A survey is a simple way to gather feedback. When Bhasin surveyed her GLYD users, she learned that she was missing some key features, including messaging and following. She realized this would greatly improve the user experience (UX).
Focus & Find Your Niche #DrillDown Amy Hutchins, Founder & Chief Product Officer at Unearth, a collaboration tool for the construction industry, said “The hardest part was scoping down what we wanted to do.”
Hutchins and her team spent months talking to people in the construction industry. They realized technology could solve many pain points in the construction process, as a vertical it was a huge opportunity.
Know Your Audience Do your research. Get feedback early and often. Share your idea with people who fit your demographic. Make edits and adjustments as necessary.
When Unearth was conducting early research, they learned a key piece of information about the construction industry–iPads are everywhere on construction sites because the industry wholesale adopted them first.
Ask yourself, is your audience using a certain device or platform?
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  #3 Don’t Skip The Boring Stuff
Get your ideas organized and start writing your project brief (here’s a project brief outline). Get specific.
Start with these questions:
Why are you building this app? What will the app do?
What content (writing/images/audio/video etc.) will be included in the app? What are the key features that MUST be included the app?
Design and UX is very important. How does your app look and feel? How easy is it to navigate? Do you have wireframes or any creative design specifications? It’s OK if you’re not a designer, grab a pen and paper and hand draw your wireframe. (I sketched the first version of 19 Minute Yoga on a piece of paper and then we made a prototype with InvisionApp).
What type of device (phone/tablet) or platform (iOS/Android) will you build for first? Hint: what does your audience use most?
Will your app be used vertically or horizontally?
Will your app need wifi to work?
If you plan to make money with your app, how will you achieve this (freemium model, ads, e-commerce etc.)?
#4 Find The Right Developer
Building an app with someone is like a marriage. It’s an ongoing commitment and not a one-off project. If you’re a non-technical founder, this is the most important step. Give it the attention it deserves.
You have a few options:
Learn to code  – Invest in training and develop the app yourself or in-house. It’s not uncommon for founders to team up with a spouse or former colleague. One person is the developer–or willing to learn to code on the job–and the other person manages operations and marketing.
Bring on a technical partner – Find someone who either knows how to code or has the technical skills (and interest) in learning to code. Search your local network, LinkedIn, and past employment for partners.
Hire an independent developer or agency – You can outsource development to contractors or agencies (anywhere from $5K- $500K+), but there’s no easy button. Expect to be highly involved. It’s a very detailed process and requires many decisions from you. As you’re researching partners, don’t make your choice based on price alone and don’t pay 100% upfront. Take the time to review apps they have launched in the past. How is the functionality? Does it seem comparable to what you’d like to build?
Also, as a non-technical founder, you’ll benefit from a technical advisor or consultant. I know I did.
Search Everywhere For A Developer When Lori Cheek launched her first app, Cheekd, she had two business-side co-founders, but no one on the technical side. Following her appearance on ABC’s Shark Tank, she pivot Cheekd from a physical dating card business to a Bluetooth dating app. After hiring one of the most expensive agencies in NYC, she had an app that looked beautiful, “but the tech didn’t work.”
Cheek reconnected with a developer she had worked with in the past. She said, “We found our CTO on Craigslist.”
“In the beginning, it was a drawback not having a technical co-founder. Finding a CTO who was invested was the missing link.” – Lori Cheek, Co-Founder of Networkd
Lori Cheek’s newest app, Networkd, helps users create better connections based on location. “You could be sitting next to someone–someone who could be the co-founder you’re searching for–and not even know it,” said Cheek.
Work With Someone You Know Hayen said that Y Combinator recommends working with someone you already know. Even if it’s someone you haven’t talked to in a long time, search your network for someone who has a technical background (engineers, IT/tech specialists etc.). See if they are interested in partnering and learning to code on the job.
“Search your LinkedIn and start racking your brain for anyone with technical skills,” said Hayen.
Hire Good Communicators Allison Winston is President and Co-Founder at Kickwheel, the mobile college fair. Winston, who connected with her co-founder on LinkedIn, emphasized the importance of communication skills.
“Hire an engineer who can explain technical things to you. Someone who can talk about what they are doing. If you’re not mind melding with someone, it’s not a good fit.” – Allison Winston, President & Co-Founder of Kickwheel Co.
Work With Students Estee Goldschmidt, Co-Founder and CEO at ShopDrop, a guide to the best sample sales in NYC, recommends reaching out to engineering students and finding technical team members at your local university. For example, in you’re in NYC, NYU Tandon School of Engineering is a good place to start.
It Takes A Village Building a strong team is critical. It takes time to find partners with the right skills and culture fit.
In addition to development skills, you’ll want to consider graphic design, copywriting, community building, customer service, marketing, PR, and more (start thinking about that marketing plan before your launch). Keep networking and sharing your idea. You’ll start to identify the best partners and resources.
  #5 Build Your MVP
The first version of your mobile app is your MVP (minimum viable product) or “alpha.” This includes only the most important features–the stuff users absolutely must have to use your app. Focus on functionality and UX. You want a simple app that tests your assumptions about what users want and need.
“When you want to throw in the towel is usually when something unlocks. You have to hang in there a little longer than most people. Ride the uncertainty. Embrace the process and never lose sight of the experience equity.” – Julie Campistron, Co-Founder and CEO, Stop, Breathe & Think
This early testing will teach you a lot.
The process of building an MVP taught me some important lessons. I started with a web-based app, but I could have saved time and money if I had built for iOS from the beginning. The web-based MVP was so buggy that I couldn’t even share it externally. We ended up having to build the entire app over.
The first version of your app won’t be perfect, but it should pass internal Quality Assurance (QA) testing. It needs to have a baseline of functionality before you share it with external users.
QA Testing Just because the app works on your phone doesn’t mean it works for someone else. QA testing is super important but often overlooked until there’s a problem. In her role, Annie Purcell MSc, Project Manager and Quality Assurance (QA) expert, identifies a broken feature and submits a recommendation on how fix it.
“I put myself in the shoes of the most destructive user possible–to try and outthink ways to disrupt the product before anyone outside the development team gets their hands on a download.” – Annie Purcell MSc, QA expert
Be sure to test your app across a variety of devices.
Get Feedback Early & Often At Unearth, a regular feedback loop was established during alpha testing.
“We looked at all the features we wanted to build and prioritized. The most important thing we did was get feedback early.” – Amy Hutchins, Founder & Chief Product Officer, Unearth Technologies, Inc.
They partnered with alpha users who were willing to provide feedback in exchange for free use of the product. Hutchins said, “People were happy to use it and we set up the expectation that they would have weekly meetings with us to provide feedback.”
With my yoga app, we conducted one-on-one phone interviews and included an optional class review within the app. After completing a class, users could apply a star rating and/or a written comment. Users always had the option to “X” out. This helped us collect early and ongoing feedback.
Tight Timelines Create Lean MVPs Julie Campistron and Jamie Price are founders of the mindfulness and meditation app Stop, Breathe & Think. Campistron and Price pitched the tech mentors on Apple’s show Planet of the Apps and landed a mentorship with Jessica Alba. After hearing the good news, Campistron and Price were on a tight timeline to launch a version of Stop, Breathe & Think for younger kids. Campistron said, “We wanted to have it live for Planet of the Apps and Jessica Alba. We really limited the functionality. We ended up doing horizontal layout only and we didn’t do account creation. We haven’t had any negative user feedback.”
Stop, Breathe & Think regularly collects user feedback with UserTesting.com. Campistron said, “This service finds candidates based on demographics. They set up the link and the task and the whole process is filmed.”
However you plan to receive feedback, insight into how someone is navigating and experiencing your app is priceless.
Release & Update After building and testing (and building and testing), it’s exciting to officially release your app into the marketplace. I was psyched to see 19 Minute Yoga in the App Store for the first time. It can also be a little anti-climatic. There’s always something to tweak or update!
  #6 Connect With Your Community
Invest in PR and community building at least 3-6 months before your launch. Find the social network that fits your goals and connects with your audience. Depending on your industry, you might have a platform specific approach. Goldschmidt’s ShopDrop takes an Instagram-first social strategy, as the photo sharing site has become a powerful tool and  “changed the face of fashion” according to Vogue.
Where does your audience spend time? Research and prioritize.
Create Partnerships Diane Hamilton is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Binary Formations, a development company with a suite of apps, including App Store Editor’s Choice, Home Inventory. She said, “The market has changed so much. You have to have a marketing plan now, you can’t just put your app in the store. Build partnerships and find people with the the same target market.” At Home Inventory, Hamilton reaches out to professional organizers, as her app helps users “cut down on clutter.”
Alexis Monson, Founder of Punkpost, an app that sends handwritten cards mailed by artists for you, said they focus on PR more than other types of marketing. Punkpost got featured in the App Store which was “huge.” Monson said, “Some of the smaller blogs have more engaged users and communities. It was surprising at first. They might publish a little less, but their readers are hungry.”
Host Events Meeting users in person builds community and creates the chance for important conversations.
“We have monthly events, every event has a theme, and we also pull people aside to talk to them about the app. I’m building a product for our consumers, so if they tell me something is not a good idea–that’s important feedback.” – Estee Goldschmidt, Co-Founder & CEO of ShopDrop
Be Helpful In Small Group Discussions Hayen said, at Let’s Be Chefs, Facebook has worked the best for them, possibly because she’s “most familiar” with the platform. On Facebook, they do some paid ads and Hayen frequently shares recipes, cooking tips, and answers questions in private groups, especially cooking groups and mom groups. Do a keyword search on Facebook to find groups related to your topic.
Reddit is a great place to engage in subject-specific threads. I have an account for 19 Minute Yoga and I search health and wellness related posts to see how I can help. It’s also fun to participate in Reddit’s signature AMA (ask me anything!). On Reddit, always be helpful, non-promotional, and authentic. Here’s one of my first Reddit comments about the benefits of short yoga.
Invest In Your Marketing Team Notably, Unearth’s third hire was in the marketing department. Hutchins said, “I’ve been blown away by the value that our content strategist, Nick, has brought to the table–the leads and PR we’re getting from his work. We learn what’s resonating with people.”
  #7 Listen to Customers, Pivot As Necessary
“Sometimes you need a palate cleanser. Sometimes it’s good to have an idea and try it. Sometimes you decide not to bring it to market. It’s not wasted time. You learn something.” – Diane Hamilton, Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Binary Formations
Plan for success by staying connected with your community. Have a system for engaging and collecting feedback. You can start with a “help” contact email. As your community grows, you might invest in customer service software. Hamilton uses FogBugz and Punkpost uses a tool from Zoho.
When it comes to software, there are automated options for growing communities, but both founders emphasized the importance of a personal touch. You want your community to know there is a person listening.
As you collect feedback and analyze user data, you’ll make ongoing improvements and updates. You might decide to pivot. After ShopDrop founders identified the most popular topic in their app–sample sales–they re-launched with a new focus to serve their most engaged audience.
In general, don’t be afraid to pivot or roll out smaller apps to test new features. It’s part of the process.
“If you’re passionate about it and you’re willing to spend years working on it, you can do it. I think a lot people get hung up on the tech part because they didn’t go to school for it. It doesn’t matter. You’ll learn.” – Alexis Monson, Founder of Punkpost
Before Kickwheel, Winston had a 10-year career as a teacher. When she was ready to make a move, she immersed herself in learning about technology and studying the industry. Some of her favorite resources include Chaos Monkeys, a book The New York Times called an “indispensable 360-degree guide to the new technology establishment” and the podcast Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman, a legendary Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor.
Winston, now President & Co-Founder of an app with more than 1.2 million installs said, “I was not going to let being a non-technical person stand in my way.”
Stay tuned for our behind-the-scenes podcast for more info on how to build an app. 
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