#next time I'm gonna seriously yell back at the skinny little motherfucker
choking-on-roses · 9 months
I think I'm going to quit my job in February regardless of if I get this new job or not.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 79)
"Burning Memories in Massachusetts"
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Yo!! You fuckers up!?" Slim is banging on the door to the backroom of The Bus. "Wake your bitch asses up!" He continues to bang.
Luna groans, pulling the pillow over her head. Colson pulling the blankets over them. Slim continues to bang.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Colson yells after a few more minutes of banging. This stops it.
"What the hell, Man?" Luna moans, rolling into his warm body. "I'm so fucking tired of being tired..." She complains.
Colson strokes her hair, kissing her lightly on the head. "I know Kitten.... You can stay asleep until rehearsal." He offers.
"I can't." She sighs, snuggling in closer to him. Tangling her bare legs in his. "I have that meeting at 2P..."
"With the DarkWeb Guy?" He asks to her nod.
Her hand is stroking his chest, making his semi a full on. Keeping her warm under the blankets with him, his fingers begin to roam her body.
Down the curve of her waist, up her hip bone around to her plump ass. Squeezing it tight. Her coos tell him to continue. Rolling her on her back, he kisses her neck softly. Making his way to her breasts. Tonguing and flicking each peircing. Luna moans, pulling his head up.
"Come'mere." She pleads, pulling him into her mouth.
They kiss deeply. Colson moving in between her willing legs. Running his hands through her hair as he kisses her. Feeling how hard he is, Luna grabs his dick. Shifting her hips as she works him into her.
"Oh fuuuuck..." Colson let's out lowly as he buries his face into Luna's neck.
Shifting together, Colson slowly drives deep inside of her. Making them both moan. Their sex is sweet and lazy. Kisses sprinkled with closed eyes.
Their pace picks up as they both become close. Luna clinging to Colson's body. Breathing heavy, she feels the warmth of an orgasm begin to wash over her. Bucking harder against him as she grips his body.
"Oh, Bunny...." Luna breathes out.
"One more second, Kitten..." He tells her.
Pulling his closer with her thighs and arching her back. Luna makes them both cum when she clenches her walls around his thick cock.
Sighing, Colson lays on her chest to catch his breath. She strokes his hair as she closes her eyes. Enjoying the way he stays inside of her afterwards. They're just about to drift off again when there's another bang.
"We heard y'all fuck. It's time to get up." Slim hollers from the other side of the door again.
"I'm gonna murder your fucking friend." Luna states to Colson's laughter and kisses.
Dressed in one of Colson's long sleeve t-shirts and over the knee socks, Luna follows him out of their room.
"You are not my favorite person today. At all." Luna states to Slim as she grabs a cup of coffee.
"Am I ever?" He snorts at her.
"No." She shakes her head with blunt words. "Maybe Top 5 if your lucky, but your ass is LowMan today." She continues as she climbs on the couch.
Slim and Luna have a love/hate relationship.
Slim would love to hate her. Luna can be such a raging cunt with no limit at times. Which genuinely worries him but he respects her loyalty to Kells too much. Plus, he can't help but find her fascinating when she does pop off.
Although Luna respects Slim as a person and Colson's bestfriend as a whole, she simply doesn't give a fuck. Ya like her, ya like her. Ya don't, Fuck YOU. That's pretty much been her motto her whole life. It's not changing anytime soon.
"Oh Shit!! Top 5 somedays??" Slim teases her.
"Don't hype yourself up. It's a rarity." She smirks at him. "Now what the fuck were you banging about?" She asks as she takes the joint from him. Hitting it a few times before passing it to Benny.
"Mothafucken' charts, B!" Slim hollers.
"Oh Fuck!! New music Friday!" Colson exclaims coming out of the bathroom. "Pull that shit up." He instructs anyone.
It's up and they're on it. Everything higher then before. Luna and Ashley are still sitting at #1 for their fourth week. Colson and Dom bumping up one to #2, right behind them. Bad Things is still holding the #5 slot for it's fourth week also. While THAT Type bounced from #12 up to #7, breaking into the Billboard Top 10. Keeping Hollywood Whore at #9. El Diablo jumping five slots to #13. Almost making all of their singles Top 10 Hits. The most surprising move this week is from BeBe Rexha. Break Up With Your Girlfriend sliding into #10 all the way from #22 last week.
"YOOOOO!!" Colson exclaims as he pulls a bottle of champagne from the fridge and pops it. "We murken' this shit!!"
Everyone is hype. Handing a glass over for some bubbly. Luna sits curled on the edge of the couch with her coffee, lighting a joint.
It's been said before, Luna is A.) Not a morning person and B.) Doesn't really care where she charts. Knowing how important it is to others, she shoots Ashley a LOVE text.
Plopping down beside her, Colson is like a jumping bean. Sometimes he's seriously too much.
"We're fucken' shit up, Kitten!!" He says excitedly, pulling her face over for a kiss.
"I heard..." She answers after, hitting the joint.
He chuckles at her nonchalantness. Colson knows things like this don't matter to Luna. Sometimes it makes him a little jealous. The way her art is her own. How she has no one over her shoulder with a money bag, telling her what she can and can't do.
"I'm so fucking proud of you." She smiles sweetly, wrapping her free arm around his neck to kiss him. "Ya killing the game, Son!!" She exclaims before she kisses him again. It being interrupted by his laughter.
"You're fucking awesome." He grins at her before kissing her again.
Smiling at him, she lifts her joint to his lips. Both comforted by how she knows exactly what he wants and needs.
Two more bottles of champagne are popped. Everyone is pumped and beyond excited for Hotel Diablo's debut. Luna pulls Slim, Rook and Baze in for a group hug.
"Thanks." She tells them, kissing each of their cheeks.
With a cocked eye Slim asks "For what?"
"Because THAT Type is US. WE got a #7 hit, not me. That's was all us. From my lyrics to you guys helping figure out the beat to how you recorded me, back to Rook's directorial fucking debut!!" She beams, pulling them in close again as she kisses their grinning cheeks.
"Yo!!" Colson shouts, grabbing their attention.
Turning towards him, Luna pulls them back. "Don't forget. You're #1 too. All of us. We murked that Motherfucker."
Before they can respond, Colson stands up on one of the couches. He's so tall he has to duck down as he starts belting out Queen.
The whole Bus, including Luna, Baze, Rook and Slim start singing along with him. Arms over each other's shoulders. Swaying as they sing and grin.
The group of friends bellow in happiness together. One grabbing another's shoulder until everyone is linked. All of them singing loudly.
Slim quickly pecks Luna on the cheek as he grins through the next lyrics.
🎶Cause we are the Champions🎶
Laughing, they all belt out loud and horribly.
Bursting into uproarious laughter, they all hug each other before toasting their success again.
The band heads to The Palladium. Luna gets dressed for her meeting with Travis.
Getting stoned as usual, she showers on The Bus. Which sucks. Sipping on champagne, Luna bangs three 30s before she throws on skinnies and green hoodie. Pulling on her Vans and red baseball hat, Luna grabs her board. Out The Bus's doors she goes.
Hitting the streets of Worcester, Luna skates over to meet Travis. Grinding, rail sliding and ollieing the whole way. Ripping through the town, things start to look oddly familiar to Luna. She can't place why though.
Meeting Travis in the back of the diner, he's nervous. Luna pops a untraceable hotspot to his relief. They decline any food. Asking only for water and coffee.
"Okay..." Travis begins feeling more secure over Luna's line. "We're up but not Live." He explains.
Typing on his laptop, he shows Luna the logistics of getting to the site. In the search bar with no www. if you type in h2h it automatically directs you to the site. Travis explaining he chose h2h as help to help. Luna thinks it's perfect.
Travis goes on to talk about the protection of the site. For both it's patients and providers. The way he had figured it, they would enter their phone number in the box to submit. He explains that almost like a RoboCaller, he has a device to weed out contracted lines from disposable ones. Hoping this will keep the police off their trail.
His idea is, once the phone number's entered and its confirmed as a secure line, the program then texts another link, asking to provide ID for both the patient and the buddy accompanying them.
Luna's confused by this. Travis explains his idea. In order to keep everyone safe, patients need to be vetted. Not for criminal reasons but to make sure it's not a part of a sting. He goes on to explain how the accompanying buddy is to make the patient feel safe because ultimately, he thinks they should be picked up at a third party location. Never knowing where the facility is. His idea is that they would be safely transported, treated and returned. Ideally placing neither party in danger.
Luna thinks this is ingenious. Praising his thoughts, efforts and work. Next is how to get the word out. They're thinking old school. Graffiti, stickers, word of mouth. The question is how to be clever about it....
Having an idea, Luna pulls up a photo of Persephone.
Knowing the truth behind the Greek mythology and wondering about her fish, she suggest they use Persephone with a simple h2h on the bottom for stickers.
Luna not worried about tagging the diluted state of AL with the message. Nor worried about walking the streets or into shelters to spread the word.
Her only obstacle being, that her line is secure enough to reassure the doctors of any unexpected repercussions.
Travis can't help but admire Luna's ideas and dedication. Her enthusiasm solidifying what he does. The two depart satisfied. Both agreeing to not go Live until Luna is confident in the Drs agreeance.
Luna leaving the waitress a twenty for her. Part for her discretion. Mostly for her profession.
Standing outside the diner, Luna's body guides her. Finding herself outside of Colombo Park, Luna's flooded by emotions. She's been here before.
Things weren't always rough with Justin. Like life with any addiction, it had it's cycles. He could be clean for a month or he could be clean for 18... It was all a guessing game. When it was good. It was fucking fantastic. Luna could see her bestfriend again in those crystal blue eyes. One of those times was in Massachusetts.
Luna being obsessed with odd things, Justin had obliged her a roadtrip to Salem. Making a pitstop in Worcester. Stopping to eat and get stoned in this same park.
Luna finds the treeline they sat along.
Laying down on the cool ground, She lights a joint. Mind drifting to Them.
"Hi." Luna says into the air in a tiny voice. Running her fingers through the grass, she continues to talk. "I miss you... So fucking much." Luna starts to gently sob. The last couple of days catching up with her. "I hope you're okay. Sometimes I think I am, but I don't really know." She tries to catch her breath. "Things are really weird in my life right now. It's like our bubble popped when I left home and now I'm splattered everywhere. For all too see. Fuck. I have a number one single right now, Babe. Like, what the fuck is that? How much more anti-me could could I be??" She asks the light breeze. "Everything is so big and excessive. I miss being quiet so much......" She trails off, pulling her hood over her head.
Thinking of the nights her and Justin would hang out at home, creating together or meeting up with Mack, Tim and everyone else for small intimate performances, dinners, drinks or whatever..... Wistful plots of them overthrowing their government.... Marching through Manhattan together protesting against Trump's inauguration... Drunkenly laughing as they planned strategies for The Zombopocolypse.... Luna's breath shudders. "Fuck." She thinks as the tears drop.
"I'm getting married. Never thought I'd say that...." She sniffles. "Not really an Us kind of thing, hunh...?" Luna stares up at the clouds for any sign from her dead lover. "I love him. And he asked. And I wanted to say Yes." Luna bites her lip, trying to fight the new tears. "You two are so fucking different but have these same strange similarities." Luna sighs through the pain in her heart thinking of them both. "You wouldn't believe my life anymore.... You'd probably make fun of me for being a fucking sell out." She chuckles lightly. "Ugh. We were such fucking snobs."
Luna lays on her back, staring at the sky. Remembering what it was like to be obscure. She can't breathe as her heart rips apart thinking of a time when she was more important to Justin than any other substance.
Tears dripping out of the sides of her eyes. Trying to control her breathing, just as a cardinal lands upon the tip of her Van. The bird sits as they stare at each other for a moment. Adjusting it's self, the cardinal cranes it's head, peering at her for what feels like an eternity. Another bird sqwauks from above, causing it to turn it's head. Looking back to her, the cardinal stares again before blinking at Luna and flying away.
"Bye." She whispers. Noticing she can breath again.
Colson and Tech are working through some difficulties when Luna pops in at The Palladium.
Luna heads to the bus and changes. She's warm from her emotions and skating through town. Throwing on black shorts and mini cowboy boots. She sits for a minute. Getting high while she thinks of Colson and Justin. Two completely different beings but both owning a piece of her heart.
Walking off of The Bus, Luna stops. Snapping a picture of her legs. Sitting down on The Bus's steps she manipulates the photo before she Snaps it to Ashley.
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Before she makes it into the venue Ash Snaps her back.
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Laughing, Luna calls her as she walks into the venue. Ashley has a show in Mexico City on the 24th that she wants Luna with her for.
Not knowing anyone's schedule, Luna agrees. She had already said if Ashley leads, she'll follow on this one. Luna's never been one to go against her word.
It's rounding out 6P. The Band goes on at 8P. Backstage is hectic as always.
Colson flying. He's been bumping the half ounce from Philly. Moving and talking quicker then his usual mile a minute.
Luna notices the change but can't put her finger on it. If she doesn't know EXACTLY what the fuck she's speaking on, Luna won't say a word. So, she does as she always has. Watches and waits. Until she KNOWS something of substance.
Colson kisses Luna with an unusual jitter before he hits the stage. She knows he lives off of amphetamines but this is the first time she's felt it.
Standing with Ashleigh as usual on the side of the stage, Luna goes against her better judgment.
"He aight?" She asks Ashleigh.
She gives Luna an odd look. "Yeah... Why?"
Luna respects Ashleigh too much to simply snap on her. Choosing her words wisely.
Luna shakes her off with a "He seems different." Before turning to give Ashleigh with a stern, unamused look.
"That's just Kells.." Ashleigh tries to reassure her.
Luna's not having that bullshit. Grabbing Ashleigh's elbow, she looks her directly in the eye.
"Don't fuck with me." She warns.
Ashleigh never being on the receiving end of Luna's maddness. She easily submits.
"I'm NOT!!" She exclaims. "I don't know half of what the fuck he does!! Unless he tells me!"
"I'm sorry." Luna immediately relents. "He's not right though...." Luna trails off.
Appreciating how Luna can tell the difference in Kells like she can, she slides her arm around Luna's waist.
"You're a smart cookie, Loons. And I truly love you."
Ashleigh's words distract Luna. Her heart exploding like The Grich's. She adores Ashleigh. Not only as a woman but THE woman who manages to keep Colson in direction.
"I love you too, Ash. You're my G-H... Get Higher!!" Luna laughs hugging her tightly. "I gotta change. Thank you though. For simply being you." Luna kisses Ashleigh's cheek and disappears before she has a chance to respond.
Colson and The Boys rage. Flying through their beginning setlist.
Sex Drive being an unknown but welcome treat to his family. Kicking in with the same opening of Habits and Bad News 2. Ripping into El Diablo. Colson's shirt being lost during. LOCO, GTS and Wild Boy following.
Lighting a joint as he starts Let You Go, Colson glances over to find Luna's body SideStage.
"That's MY girl." He grins. Looking over to sing certain lyrics to her.
He changes the lyrics again on Candy and Hollywood Whore. Promising he'll only get a Wife because She's the Baddest Bitch He Trusts.
Fittingly so, considering he quiets the crowd down after.
"Yo, Yo, Yo!!" He shouts "FAM!!!"
Luna begins to play the opening chords of Bad Things on the piano.
"This Bitch. This Bitch is who I trust." Colson declares as he walks over to kiss Luna. "You know when you got a RideOrDie, right? You just feel it." He declares, lifting Luna's chin for another kiss. "THIS." He dips down to kiss Luna again, tears welling in his eyes. "Is my RideOrDie. My Now or Never." He chuckles at his reference to Ashley. "My Mary J to my Meth... Tell em, Kitten."
Luna opens up flawlessly. Voice strong and thick. Colson taking her CenterStage. Displaying her like a doll as he raps. Until the chorus and Band slam.
Luna is no one's doll. She commands Colson and the audience. They're hers as she prances around the stage. Pushing against Colson to assert her dominance. Her voice striking the lyrics as she teases him. This is HER stage. She does what the fuck she wants. Skipping and shouting to the crowd. Integrating them into her lyrics.
There's a different feel to their set. Luna's in rare form. Not touching him as much but egging the crowd more. Colson watches her in awe. She has no trouble commanding his crowd of over 2K people.
Allowing him to stand behind her, they belt the ending lyrics together.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
Luna turns and grips Colson. Her tongue dipping deep inside his overwhelmed mouth. Taking anything and EVERYTHING she wants.
Colson has no breath when she's done. Grabbing his mic, she shouts Thank You. Sliding her hand down his loose jeans, she rolls his balls in her fingers.
"You're on" She whispers before shoving the mic in his loose hand and disappearing off stage.
Colson and The Band continue to destroy the audience. Ripping them apart as they perform See Through My Tears, and Till I Die.
Rook's performance of ShoutAt The Devil is easily becoming one of Luna's favorite.
Colson goes on to perform Rap Devil and Till I Die. Slamming through Golden God, Alpha Omega, Lately, Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, 27 and Sail.
The lights go down to the crowds moans. Looking at Luna, he pulls up a stool next to his only mic.
In the dark he starts to speak. "I covered this because it hits home.... Loons. Please." He taps the stool next to him on stage. Arena still dark.
Heart pounding, Luna walks on stage. Taking Colson's hand as she slides onto the stool. His smile is to sweet to resist as he runs his hand along her skull. Bringing her in for a kiss.
He sits the microphone just over Luna's right shoulder. He knows that's the good one.
"Ready?" He asks the band before he starts to strum
🎶I've been watching you🎶
🎶For some time🎶
🎶Can't stop staring🎶
🎶At those ocean eyes🎶
Luna's heart swells as tears well her eyes. There's an honesty between them to the cover. Both of them knowing it all too well.
Colson ends to the crowd's cheers and Luna's tears. It touching them each in different ways.
For the first time, Luna and Colson walk of stage calm. There was something about Billie's cover that hit them hard.
In his dressing room, they're soft and delicate with each other. A welcome but strange change from their norm.
Instead of bending Luna in front of a mirror, he lays her down. Wanting to take his time with her. Sucking on her neck and kissing her lips. Moving down to her collarbone. He can feel her pulse for him. Moaning as she juts her hips towards him.
They're interrupted by a BANG and YO!!!
Irritated, Luna knees Colson. "Fix your shit." She tells him.
Climbing off of her, he notices the doorknob is hot. Not wanting to panic Luna, he looks around, thinking quickly.
"Baby. We gotta move." He tells her.
"Why the fuck are you calling me Baby?" Luna asks immediately alarmed.
Wrapping his elbow, he busts out their dressing room window. It's a small basement window. Most wouldn't make it out but he knows him and Luna can.
"Colson..?" Luna asks.
This is the first time he's ever seen her scared. Collecting their things and throwing them through the window, he makes sure to hit any shards hanging.
"Baby. I know you don't like that word. But we gotta move. You gotta go out that window."
Luna's eyes are wide. She doesn't know what's happening. Her breath starts to pick up as her body freezes.
Colson takes her face in his hands. He can feel her shaking.
"LUNA. It's okay." He reassures her, only having time to push her towards the tiny window. "Go, Baby. Go!" He hoists her out.
Stunned and unusually scared, Luna grips the Earth as Colson shoves her on to it. The night's air snapping her back, she turns and bgrabs Colson's shoulders. Pulling him out behind her.
Breathing hard with him between her legs, Luna shouts "What the FUCK WAS THAT!!!" as tears of fear and rage drop from her eyes.
Gripping Colson against her, she doesn't know what the fuck just happened.
Benny appears, dragging them both away before the whole building goes up in flames.
Once Colson and The Band had finished, someone threw a Moltov cocktail. The fire catching on to the extra drinks left over from their set. Exploding the whole stage.
Slim had grabbed Ashleigh. Rook, AJ and Baze making a quick exit with them.
Benny banging on Colson's door to no answer. Fucked up, he headed outside. Luna and Kells being his only concern.
Relieved to see Benny, with Colson between her legs. Luna doesn't know what THE FUCK is going on.
Benny pulls them both up. Colson to his feet, then scooping Luna in his arms.
"We OUT, DAWG!!" He shouts to Colson, who's collecting the couple's things.
Luna's not normally a ballsack but this is too much. Burying her face in Benny's neck, she holds tight. Not knowing what to expect.
The Bus is shook. The only one who speaks is Ashleigh. And she's fucking livid.
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAAAAAAT!!!!!!" She screams. "I gotta fucking kid now, you motherfuckers. I'm more than just your BITCH!!! WE COULD'VE FUCKING DIED!!! AND FOR WHAT!??!" She explodes.
No one has anything to say. Luna is shook. Curled in a corner on the couch next to Colson. He's speechless. Slim sits next to him, silently shocked by the night's events. Narrowly making it out, Rook and Baze have their own thoughts. AJ is silent. He didn't sign up for this shit.
Realizing it's his duty, Colson collects himself. Standing up he hugs his friend.
"I'm sorry, Ash. I don't know what happened. I thought shit was all good..."
Everything inside of Colson is on the verge of breaking. They almost died. All of them. Him. Rook. Slim... He can't bring himself to think of the loss of Luna or Ashleigh.
Ashleigh shakes her head. "That wasn't you Kells." Sighing, she adds "I don't know who the fuck that was." A rare tear dropping from her eye.
Colson pulls his friend closer. Knowing somehow it was him.
"Can we all sleep together tonight, please?" Luna asks in a weird tone.
Agreeing they fold up whatever tables, dragging out mattresses.
Sitting on the couch amongst the tons of mattresses, Luna can't help but giggle. It's a defense mechanism. So is smoking pot.
"It's SLEEPOVER TIME BITCHES!!!" She grins at the group of them piled into the front of The Bus as she lights a joint.
"I'll tell you a scary story if you tell me one....." She grins, hitting it.
Luna's trying to claim her sanity and lighten their near death experience.
"BITCH, WE ALMOST DIIIED!!!" Ashleigh shouts out.
"I knoooow.... But we didn't. So shut the FUCK up."
This being the first time Luna has ever gotten loud with Ashleigh. The second time tonight that she's gotten real.
"I'm sorry... I know shit was fucked up tonight." Luna opens up the end of the blanket wrapped around her. "I have weed and xanax..." She smiles as Ashleigh climbs in.
Luna hugs her with a genuine I'm Sorry to Ashleigh's acceptance.
Crowded together like it's Summer Camp, the eight of them spook each other out. Ashleigh calming down after a football. Laughing and passing joints as they tell or make up stories. Fuck Massachusetts, they decide. Ain't Nobody got shit on US.
Curled up snug, hitting joints passed to her, Ashleigh enjoys the Summer Camp sleepover. Feeling secure before she falls asleep, she shouts to Luna's relief and everyone's laughter.
Rolling over into Luna, on a bus littered by Assholes. Ashleigh thinks how she wouldn't trade her hand of fools for a deck of Aces any day.
To be continued....
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