soberpeach · 3 years
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soberpeach · 3 years
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soberpeach · 3 years
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soberpeach · 3 years
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soberpeach · 3 years
Back to this account to find some information on witchy things!
I am 10 months sober. 
309 days! I couldn’t get 3 days. So this is really incredible. 
I am in college to be an addictions and community services worker and I can’t wait for the rest of my life dedicated to my sobriety, helping others overcome their addiction and decreasing harm reduction stigma. 
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soberpeach · 4 years
You are not “behind” in life. Your journey is just different.
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soberpeach · 4 years
Things you don’t believe yet but are true:
- you will make it through this
- your struggles are very real
- your pain is real
- you’re worth the trouble of getting help
- you’re worth the effort
- you’re not a burden
- you deserve to be here
- anxiety lies to you
- depression lies to you
- anger lies to you
- loneliness lies to you
- disorders lie to you
- insecurities lie to you
- you are not a failure
- you are not a bad person
- you are not meant to be alone
- you are not ugly
- you’re not useless 
- you are not worthless
- you are loved
- you are good enough
- you are valuable
- you are beautiful
- you are lovable
- nothing can replace you
- no one can replace you
- you make people happy
- you make people smile
- you give great hugs
- you changed people for the better
- you brighten someone’s day
- dogs love you too
- you are cute
- you are intelligent
- you are appreciated
- you deserve so many warm hugs
- you deserve affection
- you deserve to be a priority
- you deserve new beginnings
- you deserve to stop hurting yourself
- you deserve to forgive yourself
- you deserve things that are too good to be true
- you deserve lasting happiness
- you deserve a life worth living
- you will meet new people
- you will go to new places
- you will find your way again
- you will find a new home
- you will find belonging
- you will find meaning 
- you will find new things to obsess over
- you will find new passions
- you will fall in love again
- you will learn from mistakes
- you will have realizations
- you will grow
- your best is yet to come
- your problems will lose 
- you will love yourself
- you will accept things you can’t change 
- you will care about yourself again
- you will be happy 
- you will achieve great things
- every part of you will heal
- love will come back
- happiness will come back
- peace will come back
- excitement will come back
- good things and blue skies will come back
- you will get another chance
- your future is bright
- you will reach your goals
- you will pass that test
- you will overcome your fears
- you will get better
- you will heal completely
- you will be stronger
- you will find a way
- this will pass
- things will get easier
- keep trying
- you’re growing from this
- you’re doing amazing 💛
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soberpeach · 4 years
8 weeks sober
57 days to be exact. 
This is the longest I’ve ever been consistently sober. 
Its a battle some days, and other days fly by like nothing.
I’m working on myself and dealing with the trauma that I’ve been so scared of for so long. 
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soberpeach · 4 years
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soberpeach · 4 years
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To those we love
To those we lost
And those of us
Whose paths have crossed.
- - -
About this: I’m in therapy. I am in recovery. I am healing.
This triptych is part of a book I’ve been working on.
I’ve been suicidal since the third grade. What I’ve learned over the years is, being suicidal is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s not your fault. You’re not “broken” or “worthless” or any of that.
We have the power to change our relationship with anything. We can find balance within ourselves. It’s there.
If you were looking for, or needing a sign? Here it is.
If you needed permission? Take mine.
It might take you a few tries, yes, but there are many people who can help. It’s a slow process but you are worth it.  Don’t give up!
I love you and I’m proud of you!
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soberpeach · 4 years
Two weeks ago...
Two weeks ago I tried to take my life. 
two weeks I’ve had on this planet that I did not want to have. 
In two weeks I’ve realized I need help, serious help. 
I have noticed beauty in each day. I have been grateful for each day. But I have also struggled every single day. 
I’m thankful to still be alive. 
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soberpeach · 4 years
Mood - Possible TW just to be safe!
Mental health is kicking my ass lately. I had a slip 39 days into sobriety, and I’m back at 4 days. Learning about my PTSD triggers has been the hardest part of sobriety, but also realizing how deep my BPD also is and how those triggers are huge. 
Figuring out how everything intertwines is just garbage. It all just compiles on top of each other. 
Honesty is how I can keep accountable, with my family, and with myself. 
I’m trying. and that is the hardest part. I wish it could just be easy. 
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soberpeach · 4 years
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soberpeach · 4 years
 I am not in AA for many reasons, one of which I don’t consider myself an alcoholic. I do however have a bad relationship with alcohol. I was given a 24 hour chip two years ago at a meeting, and for me it held more weight than an AA standpoint. To me it celebrates my sobriety, and how long I have been sober. I did not stay sober after that point, however had a better relationship with alcohol for a period of time, however hit my own rock bottom. 
 It also reminds me of my Nana, who was sober for 35 years before she passed away. It reminds me that I’m not alone, and that shes walking beside me in my journey. She would be proud.
With Covid I decided to purchase my own set of chips, 24 hours- through 9 months, I have them hanging where I can see them daily, and I am only going to take them when I reach my milestones.
My One Month milestone was a couple of days ago. So I have been able to hold my One month chip with pride.
To celebrate my one month I was also given a chip from my family. all of which are supportive of me taking steps to heal my mental health. 
This chip is one of my Nanas AA chips, and has her sobriety date from 1979 engraved. 
This is one of the most valuable things ever given to me. and it showed me what sobriety has truly given me. 
Gratitude. for my family, for my loved ones, for each and everyday. 
This is something I will hold dear to my heart for the rest of my life. 
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soberpeach · 4 years
I’m a little bit paranoid, I think I’m breaking down.
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soberpeach · 4 years
“And that’s the healing power of the mosh pit, baby.”
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soberpeach · 4 years
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Nothing ‘bout me is ordinary
My friends all say I’m going crazy
I don’t hear a word that they say
‘Cause the voices in my head are legendary
But I’ll never tell ‘em where the bodies are buried
Keeps them coming back every day
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