#nextflix icons
pxresoxl · 2 years
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Benedict Bridgerton | Pt.1 | Icons (Requested)
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archeryicons · 5 months
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nicola coughlan twitter icons
with psd
© to @siriusunrise on twitter (click on the user)
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right-bi-your-side · 5 years
Kate Siegel is the bisexual goddess of my dreams!
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editsofly · 5 years
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Hey 👋 Loving all the Pedro Happy Holidays icons that you made! 👍🏻👨🏻🎄🎁 Is it possible to request one for Marcus Moreno since We Can Be Heros is being dropped on Nextflix on Christmas Day?
OOOOOH I think I can make this happen! Give me some time to contact my dear friend @dannyf-ckingkaye to make some transparents and I’ll see what I can do! 
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allspark · 5 years
Joining us in the Allspark Studios today is the strongest and wisest of all Autobots, Optimus Prime!  Will he fulfill his role of protecting all the life on your toy shelves, or will he split into three autonomous modules and spend the day watching Nextflix with himself?  Tune in after the break to find out!
At this point, you could basically fill a small museum with all the different versions of Optimus Prime.  Each one has its own personality of design, with high points and limitations of the era within which they were created.  Having been a fan of the franchise for most of my life, I have owned nearly all of them, minus G2 Go-Bot Optimus Prime, which still leaves a void in my collector’s heart.  Every time I buy an Optimus figure, there has been a moment of reckoning, as I look at the new figure and compare it to the Optimus Prime in my head; the spirit of the character, as interpreted by my once 7-year-old’s mind as he watched cartoon Optimus in awe every Saturday morning in the 80’s.  While each figure is essentially him, none of them have ever truly come close to glory of the cartoon aesthetic of Optimus Prime while maintaining the ability to transform.  While we may be getting an official MP (and some 3P) that will do just this, finding a figure at the average collector’s budget just didn’t seem likely…then Hasbro dropped Siege Optimus on us.  Let’s see how he measures up!
Vehicle Mode
There are a lot of really good things going on in this vehicle mode, even if it does not perfectly embody G1 Prime’s cab mode.  It has the right basic square cab shape, clear-ish windows, tires on metal pins, and a nice amount of red, blue and silver with just a bit of white thrown in.  From a bit of a distance, it comes really close to getting things on the G1 dot, but there are a few elements that break the illusion.  Most of the non-slavishly G1 elements come out of looks versus function needs, and I am OK with that.
The smokestacks are not the “right” proportion, and if they were, they would get in the way of transformation and posing/play. The “overcab” light section that also contains the grill, headlights, and bumper is needed to turn a heroic torso section into a flat-faced cab front.  All things considered, the only design element I find a little off-putting is the grill, which is covered in the same translucent blue plastic as the windows and lights.  I would have preferred for this section to have been grey or silver, but that is easy enough to correct with some touch up paint if it really starts to bother me.
The paint ops are nice enough on this mode, with the exception that the “battle damage” was not clearly designed with this mode in mind.  There is a little bit on the front just under the windshield, and the shoulder damage is still in view, but aside from that the rest of the vehicle mode is devoid of this random detail.  I understand budgets come into play, and perhaps this was the best medium between all or none in both modes, but it leaves the vehicle mode with random markings that just seem out of place.
One feature of the Siege line that I love on this figure is all of the 5mm ports.  Between the deluxes like Cog and Six-Gun, the Micromasters and Battlemasters, a creative young (or old) fan can turn Optimus into a veritable “battle convoy”.  It is even possible for Headmasters and Titanmasters to get in on the fun, if only as pilots for the added weaponry.  This is a great move on Hasbro’s part, and I think most fans will love it as much as I do.
  Robot Mode
Truck Mode was great.  Robot mode is where Siege Prime really shines.  First off, he has the right look.  Except for the wheels at his sides, the “overcab” panel (which could be looked at as a jetpack) and the panels on his forearms (which are way less obtrusive than the panels on Classics Prime), he is basically cartoon Prime.  Get rid of the battle damage paint and swap most of his greys with his whites, and he’s there despite those other details, all for the cost of a voyager (local pricing policies may apply).
One of the things that really pushes this Prime to the top of my personal list is the insane amount of articulation.  He has:
  Ankle tilts
Knee joints
Lateral knee movement
Lateral thigh movement
Hips on rotating swivels
Waist movement
Backward shoulder swivels
Shoulders on rotating swivels
Lateral bicep movement
Swivel fists
Swivel neck
Partially moveable head on ball joint
He can do lots of awesome poses, such as the classic scene from the ‘85 movie where he transforms and blasts Decepticons from the air as he leaps above them.
This is truly one of the most iconic Optimus Prime figures ever, especially at anywhere near an affordable price for most fans.  If you throw in the added fun from all the 5mm ports and the ability to add weapons and other figures into the mix, he is well worth the cost.
While I was able to transform this figure back and forth without the instructions, the first time through was a bit of a learning curve to get all the parts in the right place.  While I enjoy a mildly challenging transformation, this might make Prime a little difficult for younger fans.  Don’t be surprised if you gift him to one of the kiddoes and find yourself being asked to switch him back and forth.  At least he’s not as frustrating as Car Robots were back in the day.
I give Siege Optimus Prime 9 blast effects out of 10!  He is a packed with fun in vehicle mode, ready for action posing in robot mode, and very close to the ideal Optimus Prime with a price tag that won’t kill your wallet.  While he may still need some assistance if gifted to younger fans, I still think they will love him as much as the G1 generation will.  Make sure to keep your eyes peeled and pick him up as soon as you have the chance!
During my review of Megatron and the Wave 1 Battlemasters and Micromasters, I lamented slightly about how HasTak ditched the Japanese Targetmaster molds from Legends in favor of newly designed Battlemaster molds.  Since then I have spent more time with Firedrive and Blowpipe and they have grown on me because of their designs.  There is a certain amount of curve or puffiness in the techno-organic, Cybertronian style that the Legends figures just don’t have.  Once you look at Firedrive’s shins and shoulders, you will see what I am talking about.  There is something very classic to their look, and I am happier now that we got new figures because of it.  I still wish Firedrive had a slight bit more articulation, but I will keep buying Battlemasters because they look great and come with blast effects.
Lionizer is a Cybertronian lion whose tail becomes a back-mounted blaster, and who can also transform into a sword/blaster (Qualta blade, #farscape).  He comes with a slashing effect that also looks nice on Megatron’s sword/blaster.  I think he is my favorite Battlemaster so far.
    Race Car Patrol
This is a neat set of mini-figures.  Both Roadhandler and Swindler maintain vehicle modes that look close to their G1 forms of a Trans-Am and a DeLorean.  If that wasn’t cool enough, they have decently articulated forms for such tiny robots, and they can combine into a blaster (of sorts).  The only knock I will give them is that they don’t stand very well on their own if you do much more than a vanilla standing pose.
    Battle Patrol
These were the Micromasters I wanted as a kid (who was considered too old for toys by that time).  Topshot and Flak are great recreations of half of the original team.  There is something cool about tiny Cybertronian tanks and missile launchers, especially since they are a bit more in proportion to the city bots.  Due to the way their feet are designed, the Battle Patrol is more stable in standing and action poses than their Race Car Patrol brethren.  They also form a much more convincing blaster, which is almost as cool as having a DeLorean on the team.
      Siege Optimus Prime
  Autobot Race Car Patrol
  Autobot Battle Patrol
  Siege Optimus Prime, Wave 1 Autobot Micromaster and Battlemaster Gallery and Review! Joining us in the Allspark Studios today is the strongest and wisest of all Autobots, Optimus Prime! 
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therederror · 6 years
My counterpoint to your statement that “Sentai is the most expensive” is simple: Aniplex of America exists. $120 for 12-episode sets, $190 for 26-ep sets... wahoo. :(
Oh you’re totally right I completely forgot Aniplex. Thank you very much for reminding me. I got durarara season one (unfortunately its Blu ray only which disappointed me especially for how much I paid) and I am waiting for a complete box set for season 2 because OH MY GOD ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Like over 40 bucks for maybe 3 episodes at the most?! I get it animation is expensive and time consuming but you have to find a balance. I think their biggest issue is that they sell a few episodes at a time where as other places sell the whole series for the same amount and or over but at least you get the whole series (or season). For aniplex I’d say wait it out for a box set cus otherwise that adds up like crazy for just a few episodes at a time and even then you’d have to wait a while to be able to buy the next handful of episodes. It will probably be like 2 lifetimes for that but its honestly better than the alternative. I know anime is this balancing act between a media and a hobby (like nerd stuff in general) and that that can add up but this is a problem. I know that Sentai has a streaming deal like Funimation but I have never heard anyone use it (not even in youtube videos) Idk if its cus I’ve never heard them sponsor people in videos or if its just that bad of a service but I have 0 idea if aniplex does streaming. I’m glad stuff is changing and places like nextflix are doing dubbing and licensing their own anime (with the god sents of Little witch academia and Kakegurui and Devilman ) because I do believe they they are giving animation a boost they don’t always hit it out of the park but this stuff is becoming more popular and that means more stuff can come out. Prices are still a problem from time to time but yeah….some places are just close to being rip off artists. BTW: I see your Danganronpa Icon and that is nice good choice. 
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all of them :P
There’s LITERALLY 50 omg >_> Ah well, if I’m procrastinating, might as well go big or go home. Warning: LONG.
Finally, an ask-meme for writers!
01: When did you first start writing?
My first ever time writing stories was in 2nd grade; we wrote stories weekly in my class. The first time I began to consciously write and consider myself a writer was probably 8th grade.
02: What was your favorite book growing up?
Ahhhh so many. Series more than individual books. Starting from when I was really young, my iconic series were: Clifford the Big Red Dog, Henry and Mudge, Horrible Harry, A to Z Mysteries, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Nancy Drew, and The Chronicles of Narnia, to name a few.
03: Are you an avid reader?
Actual books? Not as much anymore. I’m too tired or busy. I read fanfics, though :p
04: Have you ever thrown a book across the room?
Where the Red Fern Grows lol one of the only books to date to make me cry. 
05: Did you take writing courses in school/college?
Writing-specific? No. 
06: Have you read any writing-advice books?
I mean, I had to read like MLA manuals and other “writing tips” books for school, so yeah, I guess.
07: Have you ever been part of a critique group?
Not like a real one, just in class in college
08: What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?
I think the best feedback I get is on here, really! You guys are super sweet, and some of you offer some great concrete feedback! I can’t think of anything specific, but I also get really tickled when someone comments on my writing style. 
09: What’s the worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?
Worst as in quality wise was “this was good.” or something like that lol
Worst as far as soul-crushing...ooo. Story Time!
Freshman year of college. I had to take this like early-level English class, and the focus was on nonfiction writing and stuff like that. My professor often picked apart my papers because he didn’t like my writing style, especially not my prose, because he said it was way too florid (flowery or wordy). That made me really sad, but then I had another professor who taught a senior level class who LOVED my prose, so. It’s all relative. 
10: What’s your biggest writer pet-peeve?
Mmmmmmm when people use the same word over and over and over again (which, I am so guilty of, so that’s probs why it bugs me haha) Also too many short sentences. I literally can’t read something if the syntax isn’t varied enough to flow.
11: What’s your favorite book cover?
OOOOoooo I like this one! But sadly I don’t pay attention enough to have an answer to this...Citizen by Claudia Rankine has a pretty thought-provoking cover. I also like the Penguin Classics cover of The Crucible. 
12: Who is your favorite author?
C.S. Lewis is a p cool dude
13: What’s your favorite writing quote?
Quote about writing? This was an important one for me as a growing writer and person, tbh:
“I deal with writer’s block by lowering my expectations. I think the trouble starts when you sit down to write and imagine that you will achieve something magical and magnificent—and when you don’t, panic sets in. The solution is never to sit down and imagine that you will achieve something magical and magnificent. I write a little bit, almost every day, and if it results in two or three or (on a good day) four good paragraphs, I consider myself a lucky man. Never try to be the hare. All hail the tortoise.” ~ Malcolm Gladwell  
This is literally me and the roots of my procrastination and anxiety with writing anything, be it fanfiction or school work. I worry too much about making it perfect the first time, but another great quote is: “The first draft is always perfect because all it has to do is exist” or something like that. It’s something I’m still working on, but have gotten better at.
14: What’s your favorite writing blog? c;
You mean besides mine :p haha JKJKJK I don’t follow any purely writing blogs, but I’ve read many GREAT pieces from (I missed SO many people in this, so I’m really sorry if I didn’t tag you. I’m too tired to go hunting too far.)
(Sanders Sides) ssides, random-snippets, tinysidestrashcaptain, stillebesat, pirate-patton, among others
(Soul Eater) smokeandjollyranchers, professor-maka, tsarodat, makapedia, kittenintheden, raining-down-hearts, earth-shines, sandmancircus, poisonedscarlett, among others
For non-fandom stuff, hawaiianmint and garnet-portrait have some great poetry that really makes my heart hurt.
15: What would you say has inspired you the most?
As far as writing, I assume....honestly, being involved in fandoms and writing fanfiction! I’m only where I am now because I read so many great writers and  adapted their good habits to my own. 
16: How do you feel about movies based on books?
I haven’t been a fan of a ton of books turned to screen productions, so that doesn’t help. I liked the Narnia movies until the Dawn Treader. I liked the ASOUE movie, and I’m still deciding how I feel about the Nextflix series. Other than those, I can’t think of any significant ones, to me lol
17: Would you like your books to be turned into TV shows, movies, video games, or none?
Books that I like or books that I write? Etiher way it depends on who’s directing.
18: How do you feel about love triangles?
Eeehhhhhhhhhhh overused trope that ruins otherwise perfectly good plots.
19: Do you prefer writing on a computer or longhand?
Computer. It’s so much easier. I won’t even pretend.
20: What’s your favorite writing program?
I just use Word, my dude.
21: Do you outline?
Not as often as I should, but it helps me a lot.
22: Do you start with characters or plot?
It’s give and take between both, usually characters, though.
23: What’s your favorite & least favorite part of making characters?
Favorite is customization and how no one can tell you that your own OC is OOC.
Least favorite is how involved and difficult it can be.
24: What’s your favorite & least favorite part of plotting?
Favorite is how much fun it can be to throw in twists and make it all interesting!
Least favorite is how I tend to overthink things or not be brave enough to really GO for something. Also research can suck.
25: What advice would you give to young writers?
You’re young. Don’t worry about being amazing at first. You’ll learn and you’ll grow. Online, ins a supportive community, is a good place to start. 
26: Which do you enjoy reading the most: physical, ebook, or both?
Physical 100% (I’d print out and read fanfiction that way if I could okay)
27: Which is your favorite genre to write?
Uuuuuuuuuuummmmmm fiction? lol
28: Which do you find hardest: the beginning, the middle, or the end?
Depends on the story, but usually the end.
29: Which do you find easiest: writing or editing?
30: Have you ever written fan-fiction?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah yes. help me. 
31: Have you ever been published?
32: How do you feel about friends and close relatives reading your work?
Anything other than my fanfics: Shy, but ok.
33: Are you interested in having your work published?
I mean maybe, but I’m not good enough, tbh lol
34: Describe your writing space.
My bedroom.
35: What’s your favorite time of day for writing?
I don’t have a favorite, but it often strikes when I should be doing something else.
36: Do you listen to music when you write?
Sometimes! Depends on what I’m writing and how tired I am.
37: What’s your oldest WIP?
I have a lot of things I never finished, but in this case, WIP means, to me, that I might actually finish it, so that would probably be one of a handfuls of old Soul Eater fics I never finished or posted lol
38: What’s your current WIP?
Just one????? LOL
“Patton’s Intuition” (Sanders Sides Fic)
“Virgil the (Semi-)Friendly Ghost” (Sanders Sides Human!GhostAU)
“Eggs and Black Coffee” (A Soul-Eater College!AU)
“A Rose by Any Other Name” (Another Soul-Eater AU)
“Bedside Manner” (Soul-Eater Hospital!AU)
39: What’s the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
Mmmmmmm I don’t think I’ve really had any weird ideas. I once thought of doing a Soul-Eater Avatar:TheLastAirbender!AU. 
40: Which is your favorite original character, and why?
I have a few original characters. I guess my favorites would be the twins, David and Preston, from a story I wrote in high school called “Buried Alive.”
41: What do you do when characters don’t follow the outline?
Go with it. 
42: Do you enjoy making your characters suffer?
No, but sometimes that’s just how the story goes.
43: Have you ever killed a main character?
Not actively in the story.
44: What’s the weirdest character concept you’ve ever come up with?
I don’t have one lol
45: What’s your favorite character name?
46: Describe your perfect writing space.
In the mountains, a sunny day, on my back deck
47: If you could steal one character from another author and make then yours, who would it be and why?
Oooooooooooooooo in the fanfiction world, I really love Marin’s (ssides) University!AU versions of the Sides. 
I really like the characters in The Book Thief, To Kill a Mockingbird, and East of Eden. I just really like the personalities and characterizations of those characters. 
48: If you could write the next book of any series, which one would it be, and what would you make the book about?
I’d start a new A Series of Unfortunate Events series about little Beatrice. 
49: If you could write a collaboration with another author, who would it be and what would you write about?
I’d love to collab with so many writers I’ve read on here.
Mmmmmm IRL though it’d be too embarrassing to try to write with a published author because I’d get too nervous and doubt everything I did.
50: If you could live in any fictional world, which would it be?
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archeryicons · 5 months
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nicola coughlan twitter icons
with psd
© to @siriusunrise on twitter (click on the user)
or like/reblog this post if you use/save 
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wickedlysecret · 6 years
so today i slept, showered, watched a movie, went grocery shopping with my mom, and then continued working on making icons for entrapta from nextflix’s she-ra reboot because i wanted to rp her.... only for her to get reserved in the rp group i’m a part of before i even thought to go in and reserve her because i’m not sure i feel her muse enough yet to actually rp her.
i mean all things considered, it’s for the best. like i said, i don’t really entirely feel her muse as it is. but i was so excited, and i’d been working on screenshotting and iconing her for the past two days... i’m just really bummed and sad and tired.
it’s a shame because i was really proud of those icons. and now they’ll never get used for anything and they’ll rot with the rest of my icons for muses that never happened for whatever reason.
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