#nezbitt yugioh
yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 7 months
Round 1: Poll 12
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Siblingshipping (Mokuba Kaiba/Shizuka Kawaii | Serenity Wheeler)
Propaganda: They’re both sweet kids but Im mostly into this one for the comedy of Seto and Jonouchi having to become in-laws. They’re a straight up Romeo & Juliet in the YGO world and I think that’s amazing. They’d be adorable together too, though!
Pairing 2: Conferenceshipping (Leichter/Nezbitt)
Propaganda: They have a very interesting dynamic in canon. They argue a lot, but still remain part of the team and don't try to strike out on their own in the original. In the dub, Nezbitt tries this but Leichter remains loyal. Nezbitt is an odd combination of very machine-like yet burning with anger inside. Leichter is justice-driven and passionate. They make for an intriguing contrast in an opposites attract way.
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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yu-gi-poll · 7 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Robotic Knight is used by Soichiro Ota ("Nezbitt" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: FIRE
Level: 4
Description (according to the anime): "The Commander of Machine-Types, he serves the Machine King. He is famous for the way he controls his troops."
ATK / DEF: 1600 / 1800
A lovely design that ties together both robot and knight. It also helps that because they were used as the form of one of the big five, we got to see it in full motion.
Orgoth the Relentless is used by Ryuji Otogi ("Duke Devlin" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: EARTH
Level: 7
Effect Type: CONDITION
Effect (according to the anime): "If "Dice Dungeon" is face-up on the field, you can Special Summon this card with "Dimension Dice"."
ATK / DEF: 2500 / 2450
Decently strong in the anime with Duke's dice deck. Made even stronger in the irl version.
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
Have some quick profiles for the yugioh ocs!!
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Katherine "Kat" Grace Mercer
She/her, 15-18, pan.
Stage name is Kat Pegasus.
Younger sister of Cecelia Pegasus.
Lost her sister and parents within a few months of each other at the age of 8. She has since lived with her godparents, Vance and Chelsea Griffin, and also tends to crash with her brother-in-law and godbrother often. She still goes back to her family ranch every so often to visit her Uncle Wes.
Duels with a plant based Deck. Her ace cards are Fallen Angel of Roses and Queen Angel of Roses.
Got to beta test Duel Monsters and it's one of her favorite things.
Seto was the only person to beat her and she has had an intense rivalry with him ever since they were 13. Then he loses to Yugi and her immediate thought is "Well, great, I gotta beat short stack here too."
Loves gaming, the color pink, fashion, baking, steak, Funny Bunny, her queen Dolly Parton and doing anything for the Aesthetic. Hates paparazzi, crowds, mushrooms, Weevil Underwood and having to cook anything that's not ramen.
Has a service dog (a German Shepherd) named Lola.
Wants to stream and play Duel Monsters for the rest of her life; has some worries about one day running Industrial Illusions herself.
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Iris Ophelia McGinnis
She/her (also will respond to they/them, may be more she/they actually), 19-22, demi bi.
Bastard child of Steven Nezbitt.
Lives with her Mom, Meredith, and her younger brother, River.
Tries to look after her Mom a lot, who deals with MS. She's also her beta reader since her Mom wants to try and become a writer and move away a bit more from the law world.
Met Seto and Mokuba when she was just shy of 14 when Nezbitt tried to arrange a marriage between her and Seto. This has since been called off since Seto took over the company and she views the boys as her brothers.
Doesn't really Duel, but does carry around a deck that's a mashup of cards so she can play with Mokuba and River. Seto is pissed she won't Duel him.
Is in school to become a nurse and is going to school off of scholarships and has some AP credits under her belt. She also works two part time jobs, one at a cafe/bakery and one at a bookstore.
Has one best friend she hangs out with during any free time she actually has and that's Alister...who is secretly not who she thinks he is.
Loves reading, thrift shopping, astronomy, gardening, baked potato soup, sitting in the park, comfy hoodies, quiet quality time and spamming her friends with tiktoks to let them know she's alive even if she's not feeling sociable. She hates porkchops, crowds, her job at the cafe, her deadbeat dad, weapons of destruction, bowling (bc she always loses and Seto makes fun of her for granny bowling) and sand.
Wants to become an APRN and later decides she's going to work in pediatrics!
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Maddox Ryder Griffin
He/him, 24-27 years old, bi.
Kat and Cecelia's godbrother and Maximillion's best friend. His parents are Chelsea and Vance.
Lives with his twin daughters, Dahlia and Dinah (5-8 years old), and Max, having moved in with him shortly after his ex-girlfriend, Paige, abandoned him and their daughters. Considers Kat more like his sister and Max like his brother than anything else.
Uses a Spellcaster Deck; his ace is Magician of Black Chaos.
Currently works for his family company, Griffin Security, and is the one in charge of I2s security, just directly above Croquet. He's also acted as tournament comissioner several times before, to help keep the very loose rules of the game instilled before it finally got real rules (which was the biggest relief for him ever).
Protective of Kat and Max both, but he's never afraid to call them on their shit when he needs to.
Also has a German Shepherd for a pet that's a few years older than Lola named Diesel.
Loves punk rock and heavy metal, Nickelback, sitcoms, cooking, crab legs, camping, swimming, getting tattoos, his pickup truck and singing. Hates when there's no structure/rules to games, even mild cheating, overly controlling people, artichokes, and any reason to have to wake up early on a Saturday morning.
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016169 · 2 years
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elfbean · 4 years
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Commission for @lucky-ladybugs-lovelies of Leichter and Nezbitt from Yugioh. Here's another commission of these two. I had never drawn a graveyard/cemetery before, especially this kind, so I needed to do some research for it. XD But I don't mind a challenge every once in a while, heheh. Thanks for commissioning me!
—Commission Information—
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sugman · 5 years
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Nezbitt: Are we going too far?
Gansley: No, no, no. We went too far 7 hours ago. Now we're going to jail.
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fyeahygocardart · 7 years
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Machine King
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 9: So Tristan Died
Been resisting that springtime urge to buy a house plant and watch it slowly die while everyone else on my timeline posts beautiful terrariums and wallscapes. I have murdered nearly every plant I own, I have no idea why, I have killed several cacti. But I just found out about logees.com and y’all. Have you seen a rock fig? I want it so bad.
So, instead of wasting my money, I will write here and...not click buy on that rock fig. That beautiful beautiful rock shaped plant. That incredible and glorious miniature Deku Tree.
Also, this week Tumblr said that they’re extending the post limit size for text posts and like...there was a text post limit? Y’all I assumed these posts were hella long, (and in fact way, way, way too long) but like, I never capped a text post limit so...I guess I do all right.
So, switching over to Yugioh, we’re back with the Tristan-Duke-Serenity trio, who are still fighting over Serenity, the world’s most oblivious child. I haven’t gone over too much what their high and low points have been over these past like 5ish episodes but here’s what they’ve been up to, a refresher course of what they’ve been doing since Tristan drowned a Rhinoceros turtle in the lake.
1.) Serenity sneezed once and the Tristan and Duke had a big fight over who gave Serenity a cold
Sorry that’s all they’ve done. I really thought this would be a list when I started.
It’s been so boring that Serenity has decided this has been the best part of her tourney vacation (she is not wrong). And I just realized--she went to great lengths to get her eyes fixed and now she’s trapped in the VR zone and she doesn’t even need eyes to be here. Hell, if she gets trapped here, she’ll never need eyes again, she’ll have permanent perfect vision 24/7. We keep finding new alternatives instead of spending millions of dollars on Serenity’s eyes and the show kind of glazes over it.
Anyways, we learn a lot about Serenity this episode, mainly that Serenity is a little bit of a space cadet.
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(Every episode Duke’s necklace is a little bit more simplified and today it is...almost just a cross. I look forward to seeing what necklace’s final form will be.)
Duke is supposed to be the antagonist of the three, but it really comes off that Tristan and Serenity have goldfish memories and somehow do not recall being launched down a hyperspace tube by five insane computer ghosts trying to consume their bodies. Most people would not forget that happening so like...it’s kinda hard not to side with Duke. Weird that the guy with such ridiculous hair is actually the most level headed person here.
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And honestly, if Yugi had been speaking, then Joey and Serenity would have sobered up. Kind of a bummer that Duke doesn’t have the card cred, although Tristan was there when Duke beat Joey.
Like this episode was somewhat frustrating because Duke Devlin really is supposed to be incredibly good at cards, a kid who has only been beaten by the Pharaoh himself, and Tristan and Serenity sort of don’t believe him for some reason. Duke owns a version of the game they are playing. Like, he has ownership over Dungeon Dice and they don’t...care? It’s really weird, but it’s not like Duke has really done anything for an entire season so maybe he deserved this?
But considering that he’s been running for his life/kidnapped since they met up again 2 days ago during Kaiba’s tourney, maybe Duke just has no choice but to hang out with these people who do not respect him at all.
(read more under the cut)
Also, they’re still keeping it a secret that Duke beat Joey because...they’re still lying out of their ass for Serenity’s self esteem. It’s Season 3 and we’re still very concerned that Serenity cannot handle the truth. This girl was in a hospital for weeks and completely blind, I’m pretty sure if anyone can handle hard truths, it’s this girl. But, she’s very pretty, so better not spook her.
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I am impressed that this random throwaway plot point from the beginning of S2 has come back to haunt us.
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It checks out. This was about as much credentials that Joey had when he joined Pegasus’ tourney. I mean, Joey trained with Grandpa but Grandpa full on died in the middle of their training so...Tristan should have been fine this episode, he’s been interning with card people for like...years.
Anyways, this is where everyone else is.
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And Noah decides to try his carrot-under-a-box trick that has so far worked on literally every child he has tried it on.
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These kids cannot resist a door to save their lives--and that’s really the whole thing. If they resist the door, then boom, their lives are saved. But nah. Gotta open every door. So they enter, and behind this door is, you guessed it--their favorite place, the ever recurring supervillain of all of Yugioh,
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Anyways, the fourth of the Big 5 is here and he is a robot that’s gonna do some Russian ballet to the Nutcracker Suite.
Finally, someone who’s strong enough to safely do the ballet alongside Tea.
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*I did not watch Gundam, I spent my Torrent days watching Cowboy Bebop and Love Hina and I remember none of it.*
Speaking of, Love Hina--that one probably didn’t age well, didn’t it?
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Tristan just digging his own grave for no reason is basically the rest of this episode. Duke Devlin was their out. Duke Devlin has been primed to die for like a full season but then Tristan had to go and fight a giant robot like an idiot. Which is not a sentence I thought I’d be typing about Yugioh, the show about a haunted card game.
PS, I just remembered something. One sec, let me dig this up, something I wrote in S1 that at the time, when everything was about magic and soul snatching, seemed so outlandish that it would never actually happen.
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I can’t believe that I predicted myself but at the same time was still just so wrong, because not only do they already have Gundams, they also are card playing Gundams.
This giant VR Gundam could just step on them, right? Like just step on them? I get that would be against Noah’s set of rules but like...
...just a little step.
And what’s even more nuts about this show, is that some things I knew going in, some things you can’t escape just living here on the internet, like Yugi being strapped to a saw at some point (I just didn’t realize it would be from...a clown and would have *such freakin large blades attached*, it was very sudden) and them dueling from the backs of motorcycles (which apparently isn’t even this show. Apparently dueling motorcycles is a spinoff and y’all...kind of disappointed by that). But Gundams? This universe is so zany that Gundams just went completely under the radar.
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*this robot casually wearing a jumbo duel disc*
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Faced with the reality of none of his friends ever take him seriously, Duke decides to find a weird compromise and asks for double duel. Thing is, this robot also can’t take Duke seriously, and so this super backfires.
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Would it in fact simplify everyone’s dating life if we had a 1 in 3 situation? I mean it’s already a mess because we have two 3 in 1′s, but we could balance that right out with a 1 in 3. Then the math will be correct. Balance will be achieved.
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And that was how Disaster Serenity sort of stumbled her way onto a dueling platform and killed her brother’s 2nd (3rd) best friend (4th if you count Joey’s rivalry with Kaiba).
Tristan, who’s job as a volunteer janitor is to clean up messes, could not clean up after this Wheeler hot mess.
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This is a card now? OK. I see you, product placement. I see why you made Duke Devlin pick up a deck again. Just for this product. That’s fine. At least we did something with Duke Devlin. But we could have maybe used him at any point outside of dungeon dice monsters, ya? Like any point?
Anyway, Serenity explains that if they tell her exactly what to do, they will be fine, so the robot catches wind of this and does this move
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Of course. Of course the abandoned warehouse is now full of lava.
Serenity doesn’t even know the rules since she was actually blind until yesterday. She recalls faintly that on the train Tristan told her the rules, and that there were stars on the card that line up with power or whatever. So she looks down at the card and goes “Ah! there are little stars on here!” she plays it, and she realizes that no one has ever told her that sometimes they are placed sideways. Basically Serenity playing this episode as a recently not blind woman would be like me playing cards as someone who fast forwards through all the shuffling.
It’s hard to say if it’s Serenity who caused all this or Tristan who didn’t just let Duke do his one job. Either way, Tristan will absolutely find a way to blame this on Duke until about the point Tristan dies. Between Tristan refusing to play ball with Duke Devlin who is actually a card expert and Serenity playing all of her cards the wrong direction, I’m fully ready for Tristan to die by the end of this episode. Boy had a million chances to just chill and let Duke do his thing so ya, kill him.
Anyways, here’s a desert brought to you by yellow ochre. A LOT of yellow ochre.
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Was this also a background for an 80′s space anime?
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At some point Nezbitt sat in a boat and watched Kaiba launch what appears to be nuclear missiles at a missile factory. Kaiba did say he needed to throw out the old and start over so like...do Marie Kondo the way you need to do that Marie Kondo thing, Kaiba. This clearly did not bring you joy.
Anyway, lets skip to the good stuff. That’s right this boy: dead because he couldn’t not.
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As you all know, I’ve been looking forward to Duke Devlin dying for such a long time now. I’ve been waiting here, tapping my fingers delicately together all Mr Burns-style expecting that the only way they could possibly find a use for Duke Devlin--since they refuse to give him any cards--would be to die.
But guys. I forgot about Tristan.
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(bro wants to point out that right above the dungeon dice card was the revive card that would have come in handy right about now.)
Truly unexpected, standing in between Serenity and Duke, the most killable of the Yugioh franchise, Tristan freakin died.
But most importantly, we’re getting very close to death 169 (nice). We skipped 69 proper (a shame) because *somebody* had to kill just a chunk of people at once, Kaiba. So...who’s it gonna be? Probably the Big 5 member who’s cosplaying around as a Sexy Fish? chances are good.
Anyway, if you just got here, we’re in Season 3, if you would like to start at the beginning in S1, click here to read my so many recaps of this show. I cannot believe how much Yugioh content is in this Yugioh show.
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 7 months
Second-Chance Bracket: Poll 6
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Bondageshipping(Yami Malik/Ryuji Otogi)
Propaganda: It's insanely hot
Pairing 2: Conferenceshipping(Leichter/Nezbitt)
Propaganda: They have a very interesting dynamic in canon. They argue a lot, but still remain part of the team and don't try to strike out on their own in the original. In the dub, Nezbitt tries this but Leichter remains loyal. Nezbitt is an odd combination of very machine-like yet burning with anger inside. Leichter is justice-driven and passionate. They make for an intriguing contrast in an opposites attract way.
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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yu-gi-poll · 8 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Machine King is used by Bandit Keith Howard, Soichiro Ota ("Nezbitt" in the dub), and the Big Five on a whole. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: EARTH
Level: 6
Effect (according to the anime): "This card gains 100 ATK for each Machine-Type monster on the field."
ATK / DEF: 2200 / 2000
Machine deck master.
Robotic Knight is used by Soichiro Ota ("Nezbitt" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: FIRE
Level: 4
Description (according to the anime): "The Commander of Machine-Types, he serves the Machine King. He is famous for the way he controls his troops."
ATK / DEF: 1600 / 1800
A lovely design that ties together both robot and knight. It also helps that because they were used as the form of one of the big five, we got to see it in full motion.
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016169 · 2 years
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Here is some more
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016169 · 2 years
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Because I am a Villain girl here is some Nesbitt/Nezbitt (soichiro ota) from Yugioh
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elfbean · 5 years
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Sketch/linework Commission for @lucky-ladybugs-lovelies of Leichter and Nezbitt from Yugioh. Another sketch commission of these two. I was asked to draw Leichter "dying" in order to protect Nezbitt, and I wasn't sure how to clearly portray that in just one panel, so I decided I'd make it a 3-panel sketch. I hope you like it. Thanks for commissioning me!
Please don’t alter or use my work for any purposes without written permission. Thanks for understanding.             Leichter/Lector, Nezbitt/Nesbitt and Yu-Gi-Oh! belong to Kazuki Takahashi, etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   —  Commission Me —
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elfbean · 5 years
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Sketch/linework Commission for @lucky-ladybugs-lovelies of Leichter and Nezbitt from Yugioh. This was my first time drawing any of the Big 5 so I'm happy with the way it turned out. Thanks for commissioning me!
Please don’t alter or use my work for any purposes without written permission. Thanks for understanding.             Leichter/Lector, Nezbitt/Nesbitt and Yu-Gi-Oh! belong to Kazuki Takahashi, etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   —  Commission Me —
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elfbean · 5 years
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Sketch/linework Commission for @lucky-ladybugs-lovelies of Leichter and Nezbitt from Yugioh. Another line commission of this duo. I was asked to draw them in Leichter's kitchen, and since we don't see any of the houses of the Big 5 in either the manga or the anime, I got to make it up for this one. I wanted something that looked somewhat fancy, but also classy, since they were wealthy businessmen at some point.  I had fun choosing what to include in the background and foreground too.
Thanks for commissioning me!
Please don’t alter or use my work for any purposes without written permission. Thanks for understanding.             Leichter/Lector, Nezbitt/Nesbitt and Yu-Gi-Oh! belong to Kazuki Takahashi, etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   —  Commission Me —
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