maximkischin-e · 1 year
seriously how the fuck are forgemasters supposed to work in that show
EDIT: ok i lied i will spoil under readmore
they have a devil forging machine that they got from hell or something? like an actual machine that they put people in. and then they try to send it back to hell and they get distracted so it doesn't work. i don't understand
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silenthill2ps2 · 1 year
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there's so many things wrong with this fucking image
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beevean · 2 months
We live in a world where Guts can lose a hotness contest to N!Alucard
Kill me
You know what? Fine.
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I will never understand why people slobber all over this guy. Game Alucard, I get it, he is angelically pretty and drawn as such. But N!Alucard? Where is the prettiness? He looks like a snotty horseman with spaghetti for hair! What are those body proportions? Why does he want to be ethereal and buff at the same time? What is that face???? Everyone in S4 gained a shovel chin, but he's by far the worst!
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"ohhhh the boobas look at dem boobas aren't you so enthralled" shut up you gave him trevor's chest scar for the sole reason of making him expose his chest in the most blatant cheap manipulative fanservice way possible for a man, as if that would make me gloss over how much of an unlikeable piece of shit he is.
(I just noticed that his hair looked different in S1E4 than in the rest of the show. guess it was too hard to animate)
Anyway. If his fans think he's the most gorgeous animated man alive, I bet their eyes would explode at actual, elegant beauty:
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Am I petty? Why, yes. Let me be petty for a while after seeing one of my favorite characters of all time being passed over for an asshole with hair worse than a PS2 model >:(
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Like, bro, it's like comparing a puddle of piss to the Sistine Chapel.
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the-crow-binary · 10 months
Going on the "castlevania" tag is soulbreaking and honestly tiring, but the "akumajou dracula" tag? Guys. Guys it's so healing. It's so cool. I feel free, finally. Away from the untagged/badly tagged NFCV shit. Every game fans in here need to use this tag. It's a breath of fresh air. Y'all have no idea how great scrolling through CV content without being interrupted by a fanart of Lenore is before you try it. You'll go on the akumajou dracula tag and the most popular post of the moment will actually be smth from the game. Holy shit. Absolutely divine.
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legendarybelmont · 1 year
trevor is like. hes so. human.
hes in the role of the paragon hero, hes the legendary belmont, the first man to kill dracula, the one who recruited the Big Good of the series, hes one of the like four to five different belmonts you could call The Belmont because the criteria is so wacked up
and yet
hes so? he has flaws? hes blunt and kind of an asshole and he fights first and asks questions later, hes quick witted but its in a hindsight is 20/20 sort of way and like, he has marks? scars? proof of imperfections? you can see just where he fumbled once or twice, you see him fumble just as hard to isaac
and its like wow he certainly is some guy
but the thing is that none of this means he isnt also a hero! hes kind, charming, eager to make friends unless youre hector at first lmao sorry hector, he has a strong moral compass; despite some bitterness in regards to the belmont clans current situation, despite the fact we see the nasty sides of him where hes rough around the edges and a bit of a bitch, he tries to do the right thing, he wants to help people, and at his core despite being a PERSON he is very much a GOOD person
hes a guy. he has facets. hes not a perfect paragon hero despite the fact hes in the role of one, but he is nonetheless a hero. do you understand. he is my favourite i love him so dearly i want to parade him around like a prize winning vegetable or something
i love just a guy belmont i adore just a guy belmont. he is a man and he is doing his best no matter what ok
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monochromatictoad · 12 days
Sometimes, I want to add a LoS perspective on certain arguments when it comes to NFCV vs. Castlevania Games, but by the time I'm mostly done with the post, I feel like I'm intruding on something that doesn't involve me (even though it technically does), so I delete it.
It doesn't help that most of these posts happen when I'm at work, so most have already moved past it by the time I can even look at them.
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castlephantom · 4 months
More I look to N!Alucard and looks like a cheep version of G!Alucard (like you want to buy something from Walmart if you get the joke)
Anti-netfixvania fans says that N!Alucard looks like a horseface, but...
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More I look on N!Lisa, no wander why N!Alucard looks like a horseface.
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hypermascbishounen · 9 months
I honestly keep forgetting about N!Juste bc he's such a travesty, so wnv I get reminded of him I'm just as angry as day one, lol. I just mentally delete N!Juste every time I see him, like dragging a corrupted file to the recycle bin. Tbf he's easy to forget, bc he's also boring and the least of Nocturne's problems so far, but obv I'm going to dislike it a lot as fan of HoD.
What gets me most I think, is how most ideas I've seen of a post game Juste, have him in a mentor or at least respected ancestor role to Richter(if not just outright his dad, lol). Even with bad end Juste - in fact *especially* with bad end Juste - it's hard to imagine Juste being so checked out on his descendants. If anything, Juste having a controlling/overprotective streak, seems to be a possible thing with him, which you would think sudden catastrophic loss would actually make worse.
(imo a bad end Juste would react to Richter like Marlin in Finding Nemo, but forced to train him excessively instead of being able to shelter him. Especially when Richter *is so similar to Maxim, who he lost.* I think he would have every motive to try and ensure Richter has the best odds possible against anything.)
And this idea doesn't come from nowhere - A lot of elements of Juste (and Maxim) as characters, right down to gameplay, is backshadowing SoTN and Richter in particular. It's very much an implication that Richter inherits traits from the both of them, whether by blood, fate, or literally being trained by them, or relatives that already had been. Juste's connection to Richter in this way, was the only reason to even bring him into a Richter storyline in the first place.
And the Juste we know from HoD has an incredibly strong and distinctive personality. "Ooc" doesn't even really begin to describe how off N!Juste is. He's basically a reused stock archetype. He's the cookie cutter they used to make N!Trevor, thrown on the tray after they ran out of dough.
And tbh they didn't even need to do this, so it's baffling why they chose to. I can't claim to see into the genius peak minds behind nfcv, but my nearest guess is that not only do they not see No Legacy as a narrative problem for Richter, they see Legacy itself as an active threat. Bc Juste was genuinely their last Get Out of Jail Free card to give Richter a legacy and they wasted it, specifically to reinforce Belmont's as Useless. They actually could have had him just be a mentor to Richter that influenced him from a relatively safe distance in the script, while changing not a whole lot, imo.
The only other explanation is that they were just too scared have anyone as cool as game Juste or his friends anywhere near their watery product, lol. He is just full of too much prettyboy protagonist style while also being loaded to the balls full of magic power and having real Belmont swag. They could not have even a backstory version of this man that wouldn't threaten to upstage their constantly berated Richter, or their precious fanservice Alucard they just redesigned. He is too powerful.
Regardless, they felt the need to literally take away everything that makes Juste recognizable - his outfit, his powers, his friends, even his face!(that beard really is horrendous, it actually feels like it is there to hide his face istg). He can't even have his character flaws, they had to be replaced with ones that make him more suitably disaffected. All for the completely 0 pay off of another Useless Belmont.
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kachimera · 9 months
I literally left a discord group that I had been in for like, a week because that's what they called N!Alucard. Also because they wouldn't let me talk about LoS, only about NFCV.
I remember liking many of the fanart and fanfiction when it was just the first two seasons, and like a little bit with season three, but yeah, I noticed that as well in just about every fanfic I read. I tried to reread a lot of those fics and man, so many of them only focused on N!Alucard's trauma, and almost never any on Trey's, and it just got so boring after awhile.
But you're right. Celiakardo, from what I've seen of it, seems like a ship that I could get down with, but N!Trevphacard (I don't actually remember the ship name) just has a huge dynamic imbalance that overshadows what would've made the ship at least decent. And this is coming from someone who literally ships the entity within the castle of LoS with Gabriel. Honestly, N!Syphacard seems like a better ship than any with Trey in it.
(I ship N!Trevor with happiness and emotional stability)
Lmao noooo💀. But srsly,if a group or server is gonna focus exclusively on nfcv then they should've added that as a disclaimer, otherwise its just rude of them to not let you talk (and yes ik that the fandom in general has a hostile past w LoS too).
And yea, the fandom flanderized both n!Alu and Trey into the pwoor sad sexyman who has fat tiddies n cries, and into funny stinky drunky trauma-y man who is dumb and has sex w the sexyman respectively.
And the thing is that, you can have an unhealthy ship w a power imbalance! But you just gotta be aware that there is an imbalance there and were all that happening irl it would be a problem (even my beloved maleon ship is has its unhealthy elements. Leon bestie ilu but that mans is trouble). If there is no awareness of those elements it can come off as if they're being brushed under the rug or as if there's no actual unhealthy situation to begin with, which is hmmm :/. Ofc im not saying all ships must have a problematique disclaimer nor that all trephacard shippers are onboard w insulting your partner's murdered family, just that if there's no awareness of all that i find it uncomfortable.
And its funny you mention syphacard bc precusely one of the fics i vaguely remember was uhh, Sypha n Alu getting together while Trey anguished over it (iirc it was partially bc he hit or yelled at Sypha while drunk. Idk i do like that it addresses that alcoholism is not all funni silly jokes and it has devastating consequences both for the person and their loved ones but it also felt a bit mean to dump all the wrongdoings caused by Trey's poorly healed traum in front of him while n!Alu is the nice bf here despite his Behaviour. Im going here by memory tho so) and like Trey. Treyey. My buddy pal. Ik most bitches in a 10 mile radius want to lynch you but srsly dont simp like that you're better on your own
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ask-hector-and-isaac · 2 months
(Post-CoD) Hector, what will you do if a vampire asks you for help?
A vampire asking a human for help? Hmph.
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Unless they are very, very young and lost, I would find it hard to trust their intentions.
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maximkischin-e · 1 year
(netflix fans i'm sincerely sorry if this shows up in your tags; please feel free to ignore, this is for my followers mainly)
overall, as an "original" tv show? pretty good! as a castlevania tv show... well they have that REALLY good mix of divine bloodlines, and that's all they have. we all know it at this point, but definitely do not go in expecting anything even remotely castlevania
did not like juste. he's my favourite belmont so i'm obviously biased, but i think even if i'd never played a castlevania game i'd have hated him. i think my favouritism towards juste is what stops me from just outright hating him lol
^ probably the only thing i outright disliked, thankfully
animation was REALLY cool. some really awesome-looking designs(just drolta in particular lol) and the animation is definitely worth watching on its own
NOT the richter belmont show, actually. not yet anyway, i'm imagining they'll get to it later
^ not exactly a bad thing. i liked annette and edouard, + maria was pretty alright too. olrox also starts to get interesting(but he's kind of in and out)
^ that said i also didn't really care for richter even though he's the poster boy. but i couldn't outright hate him either because he was barely there lol
^ most egregious dialogue was undoubtedly from richter though. not sure if it was the writing or the voice actor(sorry man), or both.
plot is completely unrelated to anything castlevania but was intriguing enough on its own
again the divine bloodlines mix is really good. i was just listening to that on repeat when the trailer released lol. there's other music in the show that's good too, edouard's singer in particular is great
lore is ALSO completely, totally unrelated to castlevania. i was very out of my depth. certain things i thought i knew about belmonts, witches, vampires and even forgemasters were absolutely useless here
^ gods?? there are gods in this one? i could NOT tell you how a forgemaster is supposed to work in this one
^ the lore difference is most jarring thing honestly i am still dazed
lack of robbie belgrade surprisingly jarring which is my own fault lol
no toilet humour which is a plus for me. all of the humour (if any, there really wasn't much) was pretty inoffensive
i have never watched the first 4 seasons. will watch nocturne s2 with my friend
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glorfys-glorioushair · 3 months
With how much I loathe Netflixvania, I am on my knees begging that they stop after Nocturne with Castlevania adaptations because I don't want to see them massacre any more of my precious, already well-designed children. It's akin to a predator destroying the whole bloody food chain just because it thinks it's better than everyone else.
Can you imagine if they messed around with Shanoa and Albus? Or even worse, Charlotte and Jonathan? My soul shudders at the thought.
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beevean · 26 days
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Inspired by the tags of this post lol
They are a package blorbos. Do not separate. It's okay if they're trying to kill each other, it's enrichment for them ❤️
Anyway they deserve more love and I'm happy to spread my forgeganda :3
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the-crow-binary · 5 days
A while ago, I sent the most polite ask to an NFCV fan who tagged one of their NFCV post with "akumajou dracula", asking them not to do that and explaining why (basically that it's a game only tag, the show never using that name, and that game fans use it to actively avoid NFCV content because the castlevania tag is flooded with it). Threw a compliment in there to be extra clear about my good intentions.
The response: "don't like it? block me or the netflixvania tag" (way to miss the entire point. Also i already had every netflixvania tag blocked.)
Today, yet another NFCV fan tagged a NFCV post (hating on a game to elevate their show) with akumajou dracula and was very kindly asked not to do that and explained why.
Only to get, basically, a "no, y'all are racists anyway, get over it" as a response. Way to deflect.
It's funny because they said "If people have an issue with [their "critic"] because they can not deal with someone being even midly critical of their beloved game, then I am sorry. They should not use social media." But when I told them to "oh fuck off racism affects both sides don't group us all with the racists and use it as an excuse to be an ass", they blocked me. ❤️ It was my one and only interaction with them, btw. Apparently being a little rude to them after they have been extremely rude to everyone is enough to hurt their poow wittle fweelings. 🥺
Anyway, this behavior baffles me. And if this is as far as their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills go... No wonder they're NFCV fans lmao. Or maybe their ego is just too big. I mean, seriously, is it that hard to NOT use the akumajou dracula tag?? When you were explained why and told it was annoying everyone using said tag?? What do you hope to accomplish by doing so? Do you WANT people to be angry at you, to get more attention from people who will hate your content? It just takes you NOT adding a tag to keep the peace. It's really not that hard. It's nothing worth calling people racist over lmao
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legendarybelmont · 3 months
okay i need to bitch unreasonably im sorry for any nfcv fans following me here's your fair warning but every time i catch sight of nfcv alucard i Cannot.
what the fuck did they do to him why is his anatomy like that thats NOT his physique why is his face so long what the hell is up with his hair it looks greasy and dead also even just the colour scheme of his design is ugly like the shade they chose for how pale he is clashes horribly with the hair not to mention the scar?? and he's SHIRTLESS like WHAT. excuse me. WHY. why would you do that? why are you putting the gothic ethereal dhampir prince in a shitty, plain, low-necked white shirt or failing that not even a shirt at all like WHAT. excuse me. he's just such an eyesore on his own i think if i actually watched the show and heard the absolute mockery of alucards character coming up from that mans mouth i would simply keel over and die. what. What. Why did they fucking do this he's so ugly he's a travesty he's SO UGLY WHAT WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT. WHY THE FUCK ARE HIS PECS ALWAYS SHADOWED OVER THEY LOOK SAGGY IDK WHAT THE HELL THEY WERE GOING FOR WITH THAT. ITS JUST UGLY HELP
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ariaofsorrows · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how bad N!Castlevania is wasting their potential. They are bringing so many ideas to the table that many haven't considered. We have vampires coming from different countries and cultures. The designs and animation are so good sometimes.
The amount of joy that I have seen from people of colour seeing people who look like them in a genre that often doesn't include them. It warms my heart seeing people point at Annette and call her gorgeous, defending her, posting pictures of themselves because she looks just like them. The fact that the show is bringing forward a Native American vampire when that has previously been unheard of is amazing to me.
At the end, though, it's all soured because of all the enslavement storylines and the antisemitism. I can't even be mad anymore, just disappointed.
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