#nfl’s anthem policy
yutakitagawa · 2 years
The Leadership of Roger Goodell
Roger Goodell, the Commissioner of the National Football League since 2006, is considered being an authentic leader who practices his solid value, pursues purpose with passion, and lead the NFL with the heart. However, he has not always been successful in incorporating diverse opinions in his decision-making, as he has apologized for ever being wrong in his decisions. In this section, I will introduce the decisions he made in the past and discuss his leadership traits and what he needs to become a better authentic leader based on those decisions.
            When Goodell obtained the evidence that defense players in New Orleans Saints had introduced a program which they get paid for their deliberate knockout of opposing players, he gave some of them the hardest punishment in NFL history. He suspended head coach Sean Payton for the whole season in 2012. (Roger Goodell Will Again Use Power In Battle With Deshaun Watson, OutKick) This example shows that he acted on his belief in the safety of his players and made a difficult decision, knowing that his decision would be controversial. The textbook says that “Authentic leaders have values that are shaped by their personal beliefs, and they stay true to those values even under pressure.”(Daft & Marcic, 2022, p.411) and “All leaders sometimes must make tough choices, but authentic leaders maintain a compassion for others as well as the courage to make difficult decisions.” (Daft & Marcic, 2022, p.411)
            Another example of his decision-making can be seen in the case of Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand up during the national anthem in protest of racial discrimination. As the counter measurement to his action, NFL made a policy which states that everybody must stand up during the national anthem, which turns into Goodell’s official apologies afterwards. As you can see, he could have been more ethical as a leader of a massive organization to embrace the diversity. An authentic leader try not to “take excessive or unethical risks that could harm others and the organization.” (Daft & Marcic, 2022, p.411) He at least revered the course and apologized for not supporting the protests, but since it took quite a lot of time for him to make his mind it appears that he was compelled to do so by social conditions and public opinions.
            As a conclusion of this section, Roger Goodell is an authentic leader who is confident and is passionate about his job, which are two most common traits of people considered a great organization leader. (Daft & Marcic, 2022, p.414)“ However, his confidence sometimes can be a drawbacks when he does not really listen to people’s opinions. “No single leader can have a complete set of characteristics that is appropriate for handling any problem, challenge, or opportunity that comes along” (Daft & Marcic, 2022, p.414), but he would be a better leader if he made a decision more ethically.
Work Citations
“Roger Goodell Will Again Use Power In Battle With Deshaun Watson”, OutKick, August 4, 2022, https://www.outkick.com/roger-goodell-deshaun-watson-suspension-appeal-nfl/#:~:text=In%202012%2C%20when%20Goodell%20handed,a%20full%20season%20and%20indefinitely.
“Roger Goodell: 'Wish we had listened earlier' to what Colin Kaepernick was protesting”, ESPN, August 24, 2020, https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29727180/wished-listened-earlier-colin-kaepernick-was-protesting
Goodell, Roger Stokoe, “Roger Goodell APOLOGIZES for NFL Not Listening About Racism”, YouTube, CLNS Media, June 5, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0oks86fPrE
Daft, R. L. & Marcic, D. (2022). Leading Edge Management, Understanding Management (12th Edition, p.411). Boston, MA, CENGAGE Learning.
Daft, R. L. & Marcic, D. (2022). Leading Edge Management, Understanding Management (12th Edition, p.414). Boston, MA, CENGAGE Learning.
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furryalligator · 6 years
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Source: http://twitter.com/MorinToon/status/1000387281587449861
Bow down and respect our flag of freedom – or else #morintoon #TrumpFlag #TRUMPGATE #TrumpRussia #TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpColluded pic.twitter.com/GemrFg1iSd
— Jim Morin (@MorinToon)
May 26, 2018
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justinssportscorner · 6 years
Megan Keller at The Hill: 
Actress Kate Mara, whose family co-owns the New York Giants and Pittsburgh Steelers, said Friday that she supports the NFL players’ right to decide whether to kneel or stand for the national anthem.
“I believe everybody has a constitutional right to stand, or kneel or sit during the national anthem,” Mara, known for her role in the popular Netflix show "House of Cards," told Variety in an interview. “So, I stand by the player’s decision whatever that might be.”
Mara’s statement came after her uncle and Giants co-owner John Mara worked to alter the NFL’s policy, which will fine teams if their players kneel during the national anthem.
John Mara in May expressed his own criticism of players kneeling during the anthem. “I think certainly we all hope that our players stand for the anthem this year. I think it’s the right thing to do," he said.
The NFL announced last month that it was freezing its policy to fine teams whose players kneel.
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muddypolitics · 6 years
looks like the NFL is no longer terrified of the whining baby/GOP chief executive
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youngfuturenv · 6 years
NFL, NFLPA Announce “Standstill” On National Anthem Policy
NFL, NFLPA Announce “Standstill” On National Anthem Policy
Article written by: Kyle Rooney
“we have come to a standstill agreement on the NFLPA’s grievance and on the NFL’s anthem policy.”
Less than two months after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced the league’s new national anthem policy, which requires players to stand if they are on the field during the performance, the NFL and NFLPA have decided to change…
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Despite being a NFL fan U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison says he will be boycotting the NFL this season in the wake of the league’s new policy on kneeling during the national anthem.
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dailymarkhor · 6 years
These NFL Players Say The League's novel National Anthem Policy Won't Stop Them From Protesting by Buzzfeed
These NFL Players Say The League's novel National Anthem Policy Won't Stop Them From Protesting by Buzzfeed
These NFL Players Say The League’s novel National Anthem Policy Won’t Stop Them From Protesting
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freewithc · 6 years
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Well, I am sure you guys have heard about the NFL’s new policy for the anthem. I’m extremely annoyed and disappointed. Let me tell you why. Colin Kaepernick did the right thing whether you want to believe it or not. Before he started this peaceful protest, he sat down with a bunch of veterans and asked them what he should do. He didn’t want to stand for it but he didn’t want to come off as disrespectful either. You want to know what they told him? They told him to kneel. Therefore, if veterans aren’t offended and told him what they believe he should do then why should society be offended? I know that the flag code says that we should stand (believe me I read it to be sure that I had my facts) but I believe talking to those who have actually served our country and these people are the most patriotic to me, have more of a right to say how to protest than any other person. In no way was this protest to be considered disrespectful. In fact, we do a lot of things that are considered disrespectful to the flag on a daily basis. We sell it in stores as outfits. People who wear the flag are disrespecting it according to the flag code. Before games, the flag should never be presented horizontally (held out flag on the field). Our flag should be on a pole flying freely. During the holidays, we shouldn’t be buying disposable flag materials (i.e., plates, napkins, cups, etc.). And this is just a few there is a whole list that you can read about here (http://www.usflag.org/us.code36.html#170). THIS PROTEST IS NOT ABOUT THE FLAG. This protest is about police brutality and racial inequality. This managed to get attention which protests are supposed to do but it didn’t get the correct attention. Protests are supposed to evoke conversation. They are supposed to break the silence for those who are being/have been silenced by those who have “power”. The more we keep talking about it and the more we keep protesting in peaceful manners, the more we can create change. I’m annoyed and disappointed that people keep turning a blind eye to this and care more about appearances than those who are struggling within this country.
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odinsblog · 3 years
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Title 42 is a racist policy created during the Trump administration, and Biden is suing to keep using it.
A reminder that:
The Biden administration is mass deporting pregnant women, and young children under the age of three.
Haiti is still reeling from another devastating earthquake, a presidential assassination that has caused political turmoil, and yes, some coronavirus outbreaks (because Western nations are hoarding the vaccines, and Haiti just suffered a massive earthquake and political turmoil).
Many of these asylum seekers and refugees are not being given a chance to have asylum hearings—they are being rounded up and summarily deported.
Two or three times a week during the NFL football season, we are quite literally having sold out football games at packed stadiums that hold more than 60 thousand, unmasked, untested football fans, a great many of whom get super angry if anyone takes a knee during the national anthem. If we are allowing them to congregate without any concerns about spreading COVID, then nobody should be concern trolling refugees who are desperate to escape disaster in hope of a better life. If that was the true concern—it isn’t—then we could simply screen refugees for signs of COVID, which is far more than we’re doing to every American antivaxxer hellbent on internationally spreading disease.
During his campaign, Biden once said that all ICE needed was to be trained a little better.
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Sorry, but there is no “reforming” an agency that uses whips to beat fleeing Black people. There is no “retraining” an agency that has forcibly sterilized asylum seekers, either without their consent or against their will. ICE and the Border Patrol need to be abolished.
This policy is deeply racist, no matter how many nice white liberals or smiling Black Democratic politicians try to convince you otherwise. So if you were angered by mass deportations under Trump, then you should still be mad. Biden is literally using the exact same racist policy and reasoning that Trump used. It doesn’t magically stop being racist just because a Democrat™ is doing it now.
ICE and the Border Patrol are institutionally racist, misogynistic and corrupt. They are beyond “fixing.”
I’m seeing far too many liberals using precisely the same anti-immigration arguments that Republicans used when Trump was in office. It’s a bit more subtle, but they’re the same racist arguments, polished up and retreaded for liberals. Please don’t be a, “I’m only mad about racism when Republicans do it,” faux progressive. Okay?? Don’t be a “back to brunch” liberal, because “orange man gone.” Bad shit is still happening to people who have a right to seek asylum. This isn’t about political parties. It’s supposed to be about helping our fellow human beings who desperately need our compassion and our help.
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early-morning-rain · 7 years
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24hnewshd-blog · 7 years
NFL Says ‘No Change’ to National Anthem Policy Following Calls for Veter...
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theconcealedweapon · 4 years
Conservatives are treating Donald Trump and Ashli Babbitt as victims. But the only thing they're victims of is their own beliefs.
For a long time, conservatives have been defending bakeries for refusing to serve same sex couples and the NFL for requiring players to stand for the national anthem. Their reason is that businesses should be allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason, and that it's only a violation of their rights if the government does it. They support these policies when they think LGBT people who want to get married and black people who want to not be killed by police will be the only victims. Then, when the same belief is used against them (in this case, Donald Trump being banned from social media websites), they finally decide to selectively care.
For a long time, conservatives have been defending police officers who kill people. They insist that anyone who breaks any law deserves whatever comes to them. They insist that any property damage should be punishable by death on the spot. They insist that the victim must be a perfect angel with no record whatsoever in order for their life to even matter. They insist that police have the right to kill anytime they feel threatened, even if the threat turns out to be false. They insist that any violence that exists at any protest should label the entire movement as a terrorist group and should be used to justify any violence from police against anyone present. They insist that simply demanding accountability for police is rude and should be punishable by police refusing to protect them from criminals. They support these policies when they think black people will be the only victims. But when the same beliefs are used against them (in this case, Ashli Babbitt being killed by police), they finally decide to selectively care.
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furryalligator · 6 years
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Source: http://twitter.com/joelpett1/status/999767580960284672
— joel pett (@joelpett1)
May 24, 2018
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justinssportscorner · 6 years
AP, via TPM: 
NEW YORK (AP) — The NFL Players Association filed a grievance with the league challenging its national anthem policy.
The union says that the new policy, which the league imposed without consultation with the NFLPA, is inconsistent with the collective bargaining agreement and infringes on players’ rights.
In May, the NFL approved its national anthem policy at its owners meetings in Atlanta. The policy allows players to protest during the national anthem by staying in the locker room, but forbids them from sitting or taking a knee if they’re on the field or the sidelines.
When the league announced the policy, Commissioner Roger Goodell called it a compromise aimed at putting the focus back on football after a tumultuous year in which television ratings dipped nearly 10 percent; some blamed the protests for such a drop. The union said at that time that it would file a grievance against any change in the collective bargaining agreement.
The union said Tuesday it has proposed having its executive committee talking to the NFL instead of proceeding with litigation. The union said the NFL has agreed to those discussions.
The NFL did not immediately comment about the union’s action.
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godlymvmi · 4 years
Donald Trumps racism through the years
Since there's always Trump supporters arguing on my post, I thought I’d make a nice post they'd be able to understand :)
1973: The US department of Justice sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing act. Evidence was found that Trump had lied to black tenants about available apartments and refused to rent to black tenants.
1980s: According to a former employee, Trump would have all the black people in the casino ordered off the floor when Ivana and himself came to visit.These black employees would be moved to the back. In 1992 a $200,000 fine was issued towards the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino for moving black men and women off tables. This was to accommodate a gamblers views and prejudices.
1989: During the infamous Central Park Five case, Trump ran an ad in a local paper stating they needed to “bring the death penalty back.” Even after the release of all five males, a settlement of $41 million paid by the city and DNA evidence proving they could not be guilty of this crime, Trump still believed they were guilty as late as October 2016. Oh, did I mention? Four of these teenagers were black and the fifth was latino. 
1991: A former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, John O’Donnell, quoted Trumps comments on a black accountant. “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Later on, Trump claimed “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true,” while doing an interview for Playboy in 1977. 
1993: In a confessional testimony, Trump stated he didn't think some Native American reservations should be allowed to operate casinos as “they don't look like Indians to me.” In 2000, Trump secretly ran a series of ads after the St. Regis Mohawk tribe proposed a casino that he deemed to be a direct financial threat to his own establishments in Atlantic City. In these ads, Trump suggested the tribe had a “record of criminal activity (that) is well documented.” 
2005: After season two of Apprentice where Trump famously fired Kevin Allen, a black man, for seemingly being too educated, Trump publicly pitched the idea for what was essentially The Apprentice: White people vs black people.
2010: “Ground Zero Mosque” caused a lot of controversy during the year of 2010. This was a plan to build a Muslim community centre in Lower Manhattan, this being near the area of the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Trump offered to buy out one of the investors, claiming that this plan was insensitive and publicly opposed to the project. Later, on The Late Show with David Letterman, Trump argued his point further and said, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.”
2011: Trump, among others, played a huge role in pushing the false rumours that Obama, the first black president, was not born in the United States and still reportedly continues to push and believe this theory in private despite Obama releasing his birth certificate. In the same year, Trump also argued that Obama wasn't a good enough student for Columbia or Harvard Law school to accept him. “I heard he was a terrible student. Terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?”
2015: When Trump started his campaign in 2015, it was largely focused around his desire and promise to build a wall to keep Mexican immigrants out of the United States and he called Mexican immigrants “rapists” and that they were “bringing drugs” and “bringing crime” to the United States. 
Also in 2015: During his time as a candidate 2015, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the US. Eventually, his administration did implement a watered down version of this policy. 
2016: Judge Gonzalo Curiel was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit in 2016 when Trump argued he should step down from the case. This was due to his Mexican heritage and his membership in a Latino lawyers association. 
Also in 2016: “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?” Trump said as he tried to get black voters on his side. 
During this year, he also tweeted a picture of Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and a Jewish Star of David that said “Most corrupt candidate ever!” Despite the obviously anti-semitic imagery, Trump insisted the star was a sheriffs badge and maintained his campaign should not have deleted it.
He has repeatedly referred to Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas;” using her controversial and then walked back claims that she had Native American heritage as a punchline. 
2017: Trump attacked NFL players who chose to take the knee during the national anthem numerous times.
Also in 2017: Following the white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump claimed “both sides” were to blame for the violence and chaos that occurred. This suggests that the counter protestors protesting against racism and white supremacy were morally equivalent to the white supremacist protestors. He also claimed there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists. White nationalist, Richard Spencer praised Trump for defending the truth.
Also in 2017: Trump reportedly claimed everyone who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS” and that people who came from Nigeria to the US “would never go back to their huts.” The following year (2018), Trump reportedly asked “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He has since denied these comments but some senators attending the same meeting did claim this happened. 
2019: Trump mocked Elizabeth Warren and her presidential campaign, calling her Pocahontas again in a 2019 tweet before adding “See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!” The capitalisation of “Trail” is seemingly a reference to the Trail of Tears. This was a horrific ethnic cleansing of the Native Americans where they were forcibly relocated. This caused thousands of deaths.
Also in 2019: Trump took to twitter to tweet that several black and brown members of Congress: Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), are from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to said countries. Three of the four members of Congress targeted by Trump were, in fact, born in the US. 
2020: Trump has referred to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu.” This is highly offensive and large numbers of Asian Americans have reported hateful incidents targeting them due to the virus.
Also in 2020: Trump suggested that Kamala Harris, a black and south asian woman, “doesn't meet the requirements” to be Vice President. 
Trump has always been slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him and during his 2016 campaign he retweeted multiple tweets from Neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
This is not even the full list and the article itself states its not a comprehensive list. But it does speak to his pattern of racism and bigotry. The article this list is from is linked below, I’d recommend everyone to read it and educate yourself using other resources as well. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg. I will also be making a post of his inappropriate, problematic and vile behaviour towards women. 
The article: https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history
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The US Women’s National Team is demanding their employer, US Soccer, end a policy requiring players to stand during the national anthem.
“The Federation should immediately repeal the ‘Anthem Policy,’ publish a statement acknowledging the policy was wrong when it was adopted, and issue an apology to our Black players and supporters,” the national team players said in a statement to BuzzFeed News.
Players called for US Soccer to “lay out its plans on how it will now support the message and movement that it tried to silence four years ago.”
US Soccer will hold a special board meeting Tuesday to discuss its anthem policy, which goes beyond even the National Football League’s rules in its attempts to limit players’ ability to protest. It requires players to “stand respectfully” during the anthem at national team games. When it passed in 2017, no board members voted against it.
The policy was created to target a single player: superstar Megan Rapinoe, who in 2016 became the first white major athlete to kneel during the anthem in solidarity with the NFL’s Colin Kaepernick.
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